„ . ; . A1a - r r THE OMAHA DAILY BEB : SUNDAY , JANUARY 20 , 18Q8-SIXTEEN PAGES. HEARING Till ! LENTEN REST Society , in a Some diat Oomatoso Oondition ( Continues Dull nod Uneventful. FUNCTIONS THAT HAVE FILLED THE WEEK Mr * . Mnrllr. Moyrr'n llrllllant llecoptton Ditncoil lliodrriniiii-Oncn More it K n - liiRton U to Chronlclo Chut oT Onmhu I'Riiplo. Outside of the Meyer reception , Mrs. Remington and Mrs. McCormlck's ' card party nnd kcnslngton , the .Smith german and n few "small and earlies , " society has not had much to bother It during the past seven days , but Indications point to an enlivening - livening of the social llfo from now until Ash Wednesday puts n quietus upon the doings of the swells. Mrs. William A. Paxton has sent out cards for a dancing reception on Tuosd.vy evening. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn will entertain their friends In Kounlzo place with duplicate whist. Friday evening Iho largcsl.and what promises to bo the most brilliant dinner dance of the season will bo given at "Hillside , " Iho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs , H. W. " \ ales , llioso entertaining nt din ner previous to the dance being Miss Yates , Miss Ifount/c. Miss Hamilton , Mrs. Warren Rogers , Miss Brown , Mrs. Will Popploton. Kalurday Mrs. C. G. Sprague will entertain from ! 1 until 0 In honor of Mrs. Worthlngton aud Mrs. C. W. Lyman , 1701 Capital avenue , the men belni ; expected , ns nt the Woolworth - worth reception. These , with the other so- clai entertainments , of which no mention is made , furnish material for u busy week und prepare the way for Iho revelries of Shrove Tuesday. * There nro rumors hnt after Lent several cotillons will bo given by Ihu leaders of Omaha society , the "german" to bo led by several of the old leaders who want to real ize once more that they were "strictly In It. " Invlowoftho difficulty sometimes exper ienced In getting uii new and pretty figures for the german , It may not bo out of place to Bay Ihat the newest figure danced this winter In Now York was the spinning wheel. A pretty girl sat spinning at a wheel decorated with two bows , ono of pink and ono of green. Two rivals como to her , ono with a pink favor on his coat and one with a favor of green. The wheel is set In motion and as It finally stops its revolutions the color on top decides which man is lo dance with the spinner. In an other figure the maidens all sat In n row witli nptons , hats and parasols of tissue paper nt their feet. At a signal by the leader ns many men ns there are maidens , nnd ono inoro , rush forward , array themselves In the hats nnd aprons and open the parasols. The man who finishes his toilet last is left with out a partner. Another llguro at the same cotillon was a set of hurdle races. The ladies in tills figure were Jockey caps of gay colored silks and each drove three men with bright colored ribbons for reins. Each man carried in his hand a wooden spoon , In which there was a wooden ball thai he was expected to keep In its nlace when ho Jumped the hur dle. At the dinner Ihat preceded the dance the dining room was lighted by n large elec- trlc-star and rm Iho table beneath was a second great star of holly and mistletoe. Ropes of laurel , brightened by clusters of scarlet berries , were festooned on the walls and from the center of the colling to the corners of iho room. The favors for Ibis revel worosilverstars , wandsof silver , Santa Glaus spoons nnd the new Columbian souve nir colas. * The guesls at a dinner dance given re cently sat at tables lavishly decorated. The guests were at llvo tables. On ono table were llvo large nieces of mauve orchids. An other table was adorned with flvo clusters of white roses and lllics-of-tho-valloy. On a third table wcro flvo banks of long-stemmed roses and live largo silver basins idled with mignonollo and cyprepedium orchids. At another dinner thu guests wcro seated at flvo tables. On two tables wcro ten great clus ters of Aniilo Alexis roses. Five center pieces wcro arranged in a circle on a Ihird table. Dozens of mauve orchids formed the lloral adornment of a fourth table , while the flf th.tublo was decoraled in green with ferns .nnd.cypropodlum orchid. " Tlio season for weddings has been put by until after Easter. Lent coming in so early ( February Ifi ) as it does tills year gives the bride-elect almost too shorl u lime , following the Christmas holidays , to prepare for so momentous an undertaking. Another reason for the cessation is thus told by n Now York correspondent of tbo Boston Budget : "When society rci'lly settles down to Its winter work the first thing that strikes the observer is the complete suspension of weddings. You have yjur choice of every other form of en tertainment known or invented by man or woman , but the wedding is not ono of them. Of course , some Impetuous young man may como tumbling in with n happiness too great to keep , or some modest litllo miss may nave had reason lo name u day m January , but the exceptions only prove the rule that ono must not marry during the season. The days uxm us now nro too short , too occupied , too furious , for the calm deliberation of matrimony. These nro days of hurry nnd confusion. You may 'meet ' your fate n dozen limes u week , take her down to dinner , drink tea with her , waltz with her , but you do not know it , you do not recognize her. You nro impelled ur un like the rest. Ono well dressed man or woman is to you now Iho same as any other well dressed man or woman a bit of furni I ture , a convenience , n necessity of your daily being. Thus there is safety In the rush nnd turmoil. You make your bows and pretty speeches , and pass out of the way for others' bows and pretty speeches. You make ac i'o quaintances so fast that you cannot separate them In your mind. Yon are lucky , indeed I , If you over carry homo the remembrance of a look , a pose , a perfume that has attracted you. You will come to sift out these Impres i- sions by and by. Some have been too fugi I- iI tive , others will remain. Your pleasure und misery , too , uro yet to como. " Tlui M yor Itt Mi | > tli > n. Mrs. Morltz Meyer , 2104 Douglas slreot , gave ono of the most charming receptions of Iho season Wednesday , from a to U o'clock , In honor of the tenth annlversay of her marriage , Thu house , which Is ono of the plcasantesl und roomiest on Douglas street , the apartments opening into ono another , in n manner suggestive of some old southern manor house , was brilliant with Its floral decorations and myriads , fairy lamps and candelabra. The soulh parlor. In which Mrs. Meyer re ceived , was entirely decorated In American beauties nnd smilax , the mantel and niches being banked with flowers , while everywhere fairy lamps were hidden behind the foliage , giving 11 wonderfully artistic effect to the room. The second parlor was decorated in pink nnd yellow , the shades on the chande liers bolng very beautiful and a pleasing con trast to the flowers. The dining room was In yellow , nnd u handsome room it was , the table being exquisitely ornamented with a rare cloth embroidered in blue and gold , an ini | > ortalon ! from Europe , In Iho oenler of which was .1 beautiful cut-glass bowl resting on u yellow silk drape and filled with yellow roses. Broad yellow satin ribbons - bens wcro festooned from the chandelier to the comers of the table , whllo gold candela bra with gold cat dies and shades occupied the corners. Throughout the rooms there were an endless number of falrlo lamps , making the place look like u real section of fairy land. Throughout the afternoon tno Mandolin club played u line program of chamber music from their position under tbo stairway in the hall. Refreshments wcro served In iho dinIng - Ing room. Mrs. Meyer was assisted In receiving by Mis. R. Sliberstoln. Mrs. M. V. Sheridan , Mrs. H. Hehfeld , Mrs. Louis Bradford , Mrs. Adolph Meyer. Mrs. Martin Calm , Miss I'olack. Miss Newman and Miss Ilattio Oberfelder. Mrs. Meyei ; was beautifully gowned In pink brocade trimmed with quantities of uucncsso lace , Mrs , Silbersteln wore yellow brocade ti limned with plain yellow. Mrs , Sheridan graced a particularly hand- sQino gown of tan colored crepe with chiffon. Mrs. Rohfeld were u pretty black striped grenadine embroidered in rose buds nnd trimmed In green und black. Mrs. Bradford appeared In a costume of brown and green velvet , highly ornamented with feather trimming. Mrs. Adolph Meyer were u lovely go'ru of white silk and duehease luce. Mrs. Martin Cahu , juat recovered from , a ovoro IIIno.M , vroro a pretty struct gown of a noutml tint. Miss Polack were a btnrlc ullk skirt with black velvet bodice Miss Newman was lit pale btuo slllc trimmed In velvet. Miss Hnttto Oberfoldcr wore a bean tl fill cinplro gown of pink which became tbo young lady well. Mrs. Mayer Is n charming hostess nnd throughout the hours of the reception the rooms were crowded by the repre sentative society people of the city. The following guests wore Invited : MoftunintM W. F. Allan , 1C. Batch , R Adlcr , R D. Burkulow , John Hnrkcr , Guy C , Barton - ton , It. Becker , S , Bergman , George II. Boggs , H. Boltn , L. Bradford. A. D. Bran- dels , J. L. Brandcls , M. Frcldmun , W. J. Broaleh , Ociier.il Urookr , II. O. Hurt , O. K. nurmclslcr , Anron Calm , Martin Cnhn , Cicm Chase , George N. Clayton , II. Cohen , U. Kolin , I. D. Congdon , K. S. Curtis , It. C. dishing , J. N. Cornish , W. .1. Conncll , S. Dogati , J. C. Dunlflc. Charles Deuul , H. P. Douel , C. S. Elguller. N. P. Fell , It. It. Grotie , M. Goldsmith , .1. Goldsmith , A. Haas , C. Hurtmnn , A. Heller , \ , . Heller. M. Hellmaii , II. Ileyn , O. S. Hoffman , J. 1C. House , A. Jacobson. R 11. Johnson , Dr. Jonas. Gcorpo N. Hicks , S. ICnU , Thomas L. Klmball , Allen Koch , George IJ. Lake , J. Lobinan , A. Harris , 1C. I * Lomax , J. II. Me- Cotinell , J. II. Melntosh. K. C. McShiuio , S. A. MuWhortor , J. IJ. Kitchen , W. H. Seavoy , Wllll.uu R Bcchcl. C. A. Gardner , ICdwnrd Dickinson , O. M. Carter , Charles Wise , C. A. Wordcn , J. J. Ilekoy ) , Charles Offutt , II. Roscnstoek , S. Goutz , J. It. Loh- iwr , Fred Jwo , It. Hothchild. M. Ixfvy. George Patterson. C. Kirseh- braun. L. Klrschbraun , 1C. A. Cudaby , ICuclld Martin , "t Dr. Mercer , A. Mandclbcrg , L. Lehman , J. H. Meredith , L. Mendelssohn , .1. M. Motcalf , Charles Metx , Fred Met/ , Fred MetJr. . , A. Mvors. Alfred Mlllard , John J. Moncll. S. P. Mnrso , W. V. Morse , R IJ. Mulr. K. W. Nash. Ike New , IJ. New man , M. Oberfclder. L. B. Williams , Den 13. Wood , 1C. Sellgsohn.tO. Oberfelder , C. A. Harvey , Edward Hosowater , Andreiv Rosewater - water , Alvin Woodworth , Howard B. Smith , F. Kennard. Frank Ramge , C. 1C. Squires. Gcorrro Squires , H. M. Stone , W. S. Strawn , Thomas Swobe , J. M. Thurston , G. C. Towlo , .1. A. Wukelleld , W. Wallace. J. 'J' . WortC. . 1C. Yost , J. N. II. Patrick , M T. Patrick , H. D. Uurdctt , W. A. Paxton , 1C. Poycko. A. Polack , It. Purvis , 1' . L. Perinc , ICrncst Klnll , M. L. Kocdcr , C. II. Muslin , L. G. Savage , S. Sehlesinger , W. A. Sharp , C. .1. Barber , A. P. Hopkins , II. Hil- lor , A. 1' . Wood , Misses Hartman. Butter- lleld , Ixjbinan , Schlcsingor , Williams , Soiino- hill. Hallor. Hnwloy , Hollman , Ogdcn , Itoedcr , Becker. Haas , Collier , Frank , Roths- child , Goldsmith. Kosenstock. Tlio Tourist \VhiTlinrii Dunce. On last Wednesday evening the now Me tropolitan hall , located on Hartley streol.was the scene of one of the most brilliant social events which has transpired during the past week. The occasion was the first annual lull of tbo Tourist Wheelmen , an organiza tion of cyclists which has lately sprung into great popularity. The elegantly appointed parlors and reception rooms of the beautiful Metropolitan club nouso were early thronged witn the merry wheelman nnd their fair friends. Dancing commenced promptly as the clock tolled off the hour of 0 and the long program of twenty-two dunces was tripped through during the remainder of the even ing. There was congregated In the hall a select crowd of Omaha's young folks who en joyed the reception and ball as only young folks can , and only when the woo sum' hours were struck did the gaity cease nnd the assembly dis perse. Many of the ladies present , out of hofior to their hosts , wore the club's colors intertwined with the rarest flowers the llorist could furnish. The club members each wore n knot of the colors in their but tonholes. One of the features of the hall decorations was a sort of barricade made of wheels , neatly trimmed with cherry , white and black ribbon , placed In front and almost hiding the orchestra from view. The gram ! march was lead by the club's president nnd one of the lady guests , sixty-eight couples taking part , and was onoof the best features of tbo ball. The programs of dances were simply yet artistically gotten up and were quite characteristio'of the ball. Eacnono of the eighteen dances on the program were in compliment to the club's frieijds , olticers and favorite runs. The program itself was headed "Called Runs , " of which the follow ing is n list : Grand march and waltz , Our Guests ; quadrille , Our Cycling Friends schottische , Our Secretary-Treasurer : landers. Our Logan Kim : York , Our First Lieutenant ; waltz-quadrille , Our Banquet ; fascination , Our Scorchers ; ripple. Our Second Lieutenant : la comas , Our Repre sentative ; schottische , Our Missouri Valley Runs ; reel. Our Bugler ; mnnltou. Our social Sessions : Homo Sweet JJomo ; Till Wo Mcot Again , Light refreshments were served during the evening. Great credit is duo the entertainment committee for the excellent manner in which the ball was conducted , nnd for the grand success socially and finan cially which followed. This committee Is composed of Messrs. Barnuni , Culley , Potter , Sancha nnd Whttohouso. Among the many present who took part in the festivities were noticed : Misses Rugg , Agard , Wheeler , Perrlno , Peterson , Kellogg , Leader , Kclley , Hannon. Mosley , Donaldson , Cobb , Rosotir green , Harris , Colcmun , Borglum , Rasmus- sen , Squires , Haulon , Walton , Potter , Por- rlgo. Holland , Dodson , Stannish , Biggar , Wulker , Reidcr , Pegan , Uosenbcrry , Hyde , Cnlloy , Sudine , Parker , Peters , Bean , Kellogg , Frazier. Pur vis , Jones , James and Winters. Mesdumes Dodsoti , Bouck , Johnson Daily , Tell , Holton , Potter , Daxon , Withorspoon ami Wclblo. ! Messrs. Whorritt , Palmer , Walton , Huff , Schneider , Burwell , Morse , Wigmaii , Moody , E' ' .ll ? . . ? ? . " 0 * . Adnm Bo fmr , ; Berger , Kellogg , Conner , Osborn , SavldgL. Coombs , Squires , Burnum , Cully , Banks , Daxon , Connoran , Blackwell , Green , Dunn , Ixjomis , Hall , Bruncr , Fitzpatrick - patrick , McConnell , Pitts and Swanton. The Tello orchestra furnished the music , which was entrancing. The ball was such a grand success that there-is tall : of giving another before the winter season is over. Captured the Choi'k Cliulct. It was Friday evening and the sensitive mercury sought the bottom of the bulb when the allied forces foregathered at the Paxton , one battalion coming from the Bluffs. A South Omaha car was moved on from the Hank , captured nnd infested. It was released at the junction of II and Twenty-fourth in the Magio City nnd the attacking party moved east want In extended order to Twenty- , second. Turning southward it marched without halt on the homo of Mr. W. B. Cheek , which is designated 018 North Twenty-second street , South Omaha. A frUnd hail gone before , gained thoeonlldcnce of the owners and been left in charge. At a signal , the main door was opened and in trooped the invaders. They stacked their arms in the reception hall and scattered their munitions where they could , for It was a considerate enemy , that merely took possession of the house and designed not to levy on the larder. Lights were turned on all over the place and possession was com plete and for n tinio unchallenged. Mr. Cheek , his spouse and offspring , re turning homo , wondered what had taken the houso. The popular president of South Omaha's school board was certain only one lljjht had been loft burning when they loft it an hour before. Mrs. C. Jumped in dread to the conclusion th.it that mayoralty dele- gallon had surely come , whllo the little ones got excited on general principles , They worn not denied admission to tlwjr home , but they were given to understand that the house had been captured and would bo hold for the rest of the day. They surrendered and the surprise party of merry marauders entered on an evening of the jolllcst kind. It was a sort of house wanning , The Cheek lares and penates had Just been newly located at Now Years , nnd cosily comforta ble Indeed are their now quarters. The house Is the model nf n veritable Alpine chalet , and Friday night It was fittingly framed In the eager air bounded by snow- covered roads nnd icy-twinkling stars. The tiorch Is admirably ample and the door OJHHIS in on u roomy reception hall whoso principal feature to the left In u generous stnircaso. To the right it opens on a finely planned dining room , drawing room and library en suite. These won ) the scene of Friday ovenliig's merrymaking. High llvo was fol lowed by dainty cukes , inoro substantial sandwiches , fruit and coffee , and a little impromptu dance put n period to the revel nnd the day There wcro right tables nf card players nnd the high pat honors fell to Mrs. J. W. Johnston of Omaha nnd Mr W S. Cass of Council Bluffs. The party was organized nnd carried to Us successful Is-nm by Mrs. James Bonnerof Omaha , Mr. Check's mother , nnd was one of congratulation nnd good wishes to tlio young coup'o ' on entering the now year and their new homo so auspiciously. Among Ihose participating wcro Mr. and Mrs. James Bonner , Mr , und Mrs. W. F , Bonner. Mrs. L. Furtiess , Mr , nnd Mrs. F. RI1T , Mrs. J. L. Woodward , Mr. and Mrs. R. H and Miss Sybil. lenness.Mr , und Mrs. F. Ourvln. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Johnston , Mrs. A B. Schilling Mr. and Mrs. F. Atkin son , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Berry. Mr. C. S. Byers , Mr. C. Wilson nnd Dr. J. W. Gar- vln , all from Omnlin ; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cass , Muster Cuss and Alls * Lydln Mont gomery , from Council Bluffs ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoyt , from Chicago ; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Lett , Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Taylor und Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reynolds of Soulh Omaha. Card I'urty and Kensington. The nflernoon card parlies which were a fcaturoof the social life of Iho city a year or two ago , but which lately have "paled their Ineffectual flros , " were pleasantly revived Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Reining- to n and Mrs. Harry . .T. MeCormlek enler- lutncd n largo number of guests tit their res idence , Eighteenth nnd Capitol avenue. Outside of the pink shaded lights there was little attempt nt decoration , the beauty of thn MeCormlek residence being in Itself suf ficient for all purposes. Thirteen tables wcro occupied , partners being selected by conundrums Scores were kept with pink nnd whlto carnations , a very pretty nnd novel Idea , ns all the ladies liad lovely bunches of llowcrs when the afternoon was over. Airs. Cowin won the first prize , two vol umes of "Our Old Homo , " by Hawthorne , Mrs. DuBols won the second , n royal Dres den candlestick. Mrs. Remington and Mrs. McCormiek were assisted by Miss Slllowuy nnd the Misses Balch. Among tboso present were Mesdames Cowin , Colpotzer , DuBols , Balch. Fonda , Arthur Acheson , Ambrose , J. C. Ayres , Samuel Burns , J. J. Brown , Clinton Briggs , W. J. Broatch , Joseph Barker , James Boyd , John Brady , George Barker , Buchanan , John Barnard , Lev ! Carter , Charles Catlin , J. N. Cornish. S. S. Curlls. Cook. Caldwell , Cudahy , Coutant , Miss Cudahy , Mrs. Dletx , Mrs. Estubrook , Mrs. Ful- mer , Mrs. Wheeler , Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Wilbur , Mrs. Wood , Mrs. Worth , Mrs. Sheri dan , Mrs. Squires , Mrs. Swccsoy , Mrs. Frank Swocsey , Mrs. O. B. Williams , Mrs. Williams , Mrs. Green , Mrs. Gardner , Mrs. Hartman , Mrs. Hormunco , Mrs. Kitchen , Mrs. Kelley , Mrs. Aletealf. Mrs. Laccy , Mrs. Lehmcr , Mrs. McConnell , Mrs. McShane , Mrs. Marsh , Mrs. Mlckel , Mrs. R.inkin , Mrs. Paxton , Miss Pouns- ford , Mrs. Prltchctt , Mrs. Raymond , Mrs. Ramgo , Mrs. Rlall , Mrs. Swobc. On Friday Mrs. Remington aud Mrs. AIc- Cormlck gave ono of the largest konsingtons of the season for their unmarried friends , and never have the girls had such u Jolly good time. Those who desired sowed , whllo others played cards , a pleasing musical pro gram being given by Miss Mary Poppleton , Miss Anna Bishop and Miss Clara Clarkson , who sang delightfully. Miss Matheson re cited In her own inimitable manner , while Miss Himebuugh and Miss Silloway played the Spanish dances arranged for a piano duet. Dainty and delicious refreshments served at small tables in the dining room terminated a charming afternoon. Among those present were Misses Ogden , Amy Baker , Anna Bishop , Margaret Boyd , Balbach , Mary Brown , Mai Burns , Lozicr , Balch , Thedo Balch. Mabel Balcotnbe. Bar nard , Van Patten , Clara Clarkson , Bertha Clarkson. Chandler , Margaret Cook. Dundy , Down Curlott-i Down , Detwieller. Hartman Himobaugh. Hibbard , May Hlbbard. Hamil ton , Hooker , Isaacs , Johnson , Lcmist. Mc Clelland , Anna Mlllard , Moore , Nellie Moore , Parrotte , Alary Poppleton , Preston , Reese , Silloway , Sherwood , Mrs. Richard Carrier , Mrs. Charles Smith , Mrs. Jesslo Withers , Mrs. D. H. Wheeler. Jr. , Mrs. Robert Mills , Mrs. John Wilbur , Mrs. W. V. Wood , Miss Helen Smith , Miss Sharp , Miss Ida Sharp , Miss Georgia Sharp , Miss Wakelcy , Miss Emily Wakeley , Alias Woolworth , Aliss Bessie Yates , Airs. Louis Bradford , Airs. Ellis Bicrbowen Airs. Charles Douel , Airs. Gilford , Airs. Hnssoy , Airs. Charles Hull , Airs. H. Kuhn , Airs. James Lunt , Airs. Alatheson. Airs. H. B. Alulford , Airs. W. R. Alorrls , Airs. W. A. Redick , Aliss Ho well , Airs. Griswold. Komciiihrrod l > y Their Frloml * . Thursday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Everett Buckingham , 422 North Thirty-first street , anticipated spending the twelfth anniversary of their marriage by attending the regular weekly meeting of the Piety Hill High Five club , but instead their friends took posses sion of the residence , giving the host nnd hostess a cotnnloto surprise. Mr. L. M. Rhcem , on tlio part of the guests , presented Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham with a beautiful cut glass berry dish nnd also miscellaneous table linen. Mr. Rhcem in his address said : Sir. and MM. llucklneham As t ntn tlio only minister unemployed In tlin city tonight , I have been IIRUL'HU ut an enormous o tpenso to perform what Is to mo a very pleasant task. I understand that this is the twelfth anni versary of your weddliiK day. It Is too often Iho ease that occasions of this kind arc made occasions of congratulation and condo lence ; of congratulation for the gentleman on his having drawn Mich a magnificent nrlzo from the matrimonial lottery , of comloluiic for the lady on her having drawn u blanlc. I am proud to say , however , that the pro.si'nt occasion Is one of congratulation only , The whcol of fortune has huen nxiio-dlngly kind to both of you , mid the prizes you have drawn urn equalled by few and uxcvlleil by none. Your many friends who are assembled hero In rumumhratico of thu happy occasion have delegated mo lo present to yon a slight testimonial menial of their esteem. You may have heard that phrnsu In connection with the presenta tion of watches nnd canes to rallioail superln- teniltMit.s , but 1 do not borrow It from there ; It Is entirely original with me. I take pleasure In presenting toyou this glass dlsn. | cannot hay with propriety that It Is heautlfnl , us I am In thu play myself. Also thi'so snowy nap kins , table cloth and doylies. F hope you will use thcso articles as they should bn used , thlnU kindly and often of the givers , and whim \vo como again have more In the dish than t limit Is now. „ After the presentation high flvo was played , the prizes bolng won by Air. Smith and Mrs. Salisbury. The following wcro the guests , present : Air. und Airs. L. H. Korty. Air. and Mrs. L. Al. Rhecm. Air. and Airs. H. F. Cady , Air , and Airs. W. B. Wllkins. Air. nnd Airs. H. H. Salisbury , Air. and Airs. Charles Smith , Air. and Airs. W. L. Solby , Air. and Airs. A. B. Smith , Air. and Airs. D. Lincoln , AU- . and Alra. John Guild , Air. and Airs. T. C. Brunner , Air. and Airs. F. W. Richards , Air. nnd Airs. C. K. Robertson , Air. nnd Airs. ' E. Dinklnson , Air. nnd Mrs. J. D. Foster , Air. and Alre. P. A. Mnman , Air. and Airs. A. E. Klmball. Air. and Airs. C. A. Clallin , Airs. Blood , Chicago. Aliss Dunster. Tlio 1'ntrrnou ( 'aril Party. One of the most enjoyable card parties of tlio season was given hy Mr. nnd Mrs. George Paterson Frid'iy evening , on the occasion of taking possession of their now homo. High llvo was played , n score of tables being occu pied.The The invited guests were : Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Johnson , Judge and Mrs. Ivcs , Mr. and Mrs. Kcllnr , Mr. and Mrs. Lander , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehmer , Mr. and Mrs.W. Millard , Mr. and Mrs. Monroe , Mr. nnd Mrs. McCord , Mr. and Mrs. Morris , Mr.nnd Mrs.Moikle , Mr. nivl Mrs. Mulr , Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Peek , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers , Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Rogers , Mr. and Mrs. Will Redick , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lort-ls Reed , Mr. ana Mrs. Remington , Mr. F. Robinson , Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Squires , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Squires , Mr nnd Mrs. John Wilbur , Mr. and Mrs. William Wilbur , Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wukeloy , General and Mrs. Brooke , Mr , and Mrs. Bradford , Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barton , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bierbowor , Mr. and Mrs. Her- innneo , Mr. and Mrs. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Congdon , Mr. and Mrs. Carrier , Mr. und Mrs. Council , Mr. and Mrs. Colpotzcr , Mr. and Mrs. Connor , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dickey , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douol , Mr. and Airs. Dundy , jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Estnbrook , Mr. und Mrs. Ford , Dr. nnd Mrs Gilford , Mr. and Mrs. Green , Mr. nnd Mrs. Gaylord , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grifnth , Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton , Mr. and Mrs , Franklin Husscy , Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock , Judge und Mrs. Irvine , Thi-lr Silver Aiiiilvrrimry. Monday evening Mr. und Mrs. William Pierce , 2421 Sowurd struct , celebrated their silver anniversary , a largo number of friends participating in the pleasurable occasion. The house was very prettily decorated with smllax and American beauties , a string band being stationed Tn Iho reception room , where Mr and Mrs IlflrVo received their friend * , Many nnd belitlful were thn presents ra- cclvoit , among tlir-tn bolng Mr Max Glad stone , silver d liner castor ; Mr. and Mrs , ( leorgo Plorcei Now York , silver spoon- holder ; Mr. nnJr'Mrs , B. Pierce , Now York , silver pitcher ! Mr. nnd Mrs , Houck , silver cake basket ; Air. nnd Mrs. . B. A. Carr. silver sot fruit knivesI'lilr. and Mrs , C. W. Moore , silver napkin rings and salt shells ; Mr. and Mrs. O. Cornelljtnd sister , gold sugar spoon ; Mr. nnd Mrs , A ; 'IJ. Carr. silver salt and pepper set ; Mr. and Mrs , W. Plerco nnd son , stiver pickle castjirf Mr. and Mrs. F. Pierce , silver butter dish and soup ladle ; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. FlynjL nilvcr ; nut set ; Mrs. J. S. Deck and Katie iwwurds , silver syrup cup ; Misses Susie and Knllo Conloy , silver cream pitcher ; Miss M. > S. Bluett , silver bread plate ; Mr. Thomas Mcldrtim , silver butter dish ; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Rvnry , berry spoon ; Mr. und iMrs. W. M. Erlckson , toothpick holder ; Mr. B. nnd M. H. Cornish nnu wife , Mr. C. Harmon , Mr. nnd Mrs. 1C. L. Harmon nnd Mrs. Hunter , beautiful tea set ; Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Henry , china dinner set. At 10 : 0 the baud played the wcddlnif march and the guests repaired to the dining room , where : i feastof good things was served , followed later by dancing , rounding out a very delightful evening , iliilnt , Iiliitr. ) : The Crystal League Literary society chal lenged the Omaha View Debating society to n joint debate , to tnko place at the Hill side Congregational church , January 20 , upon the question , "Resolved , That the United States senator should bo elected by a direct vote of the people. " The Crystal League took the negative side of the question. The Judges , Messrs. Tymlull , Moshcr and others , returned a verdict of 83 per cent In favor of the nfllrinntlvo nnd 1)7 ) per cent In favor of the negative , giving the ucbatt , to the Crys tal League. In addition to the debate a nice program was rendered. A solo was sung by Tom Brcnncnman and n comic recitation by L. T. Hoffman. Orations wcro delivered by Charles Battelie and LeRoy Patch. After tno program members of both societies and ladles went below and had a jolly time par taking of refreshments. Members n..d ladles present were : Messrs. George Street , L. T. Hoffman , Charlie Fritscher , Charlie Battcllo , Frank Bliss , Herb Whlpplo , Ernest Fcrrell. George Sherwood , Andrew Boots , John Ncwlean , Oliver Chambers , Tom IJrciiiicinnan , John Price. Roy Moore , Henu Wallace , SIko Wal | lace ' , Hansch Evans , Jacob OJlsh , Roy P.Uch , Earl Wcrt , Ora Wertz , And Truth ; Misses Josie Cole , Alllo Folard , Nellie Stlcknoy , Eva Seaman , Fnnnlo Goff , Miss Shill , Ola Sheldon , Etta Smith , Besslo Conies , Inez Merriam , Cora Battelie. Nannie Johnson , Nellie Lundeen , Maud Johnson , Maud Ben- ncll. Danced tlio Uninnii. Though limited as to numbers the german given Friday evening for -Miss White of Boston by Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Smith at their resideneo on Park avenue was ono of the swell events of the week and season. The house was gorgeous in Us lloral garni ture , roses , orchids , carnations nnd lilies predominating , many of them coming from her father's hot houses in Brooklino. Mass. , the old homo of Mrs. Smith , to add to the beauty of the occasion. The german was dnnced in the dinin'g room , refreshments bolng served in the. music room and library. Mr. John Patrick led , five direct nnd three indirect figures , being danced , none of the figures being partlonlarly now to warrant extended mention. The favors vcro very pretty , being handkerchief cases , apple pin cushions , paper knives , dictionaries , ( lowers nnd work boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Smith received , assisted by Miss White , the guests bolng Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Poppleton , Miss Hamilton , Miss Chandler , Miss Mary Popploton , Miss Nash , Miss Woolworth. Miss Johnson , Miss Sher wood , Miss Kount/o , Miss Leimst. The men wcro : Mr. Patrick" , Mr. Frank Hamilton , Mr. Hall , Mr. Reed , Mr. Jordan. Mr. Gan nett , Mr. Walter1 Smith , Mr. Davis , Mr. Charles Kountze JIr. Learned. Surprised oil HIT lilrtInlay. Mr. and Mrs. Keltic , SJ01D Cilming street , were treated to n genuine surprise party Sunday evening , the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Klino. Unex pectedly and unceremoniously qullo a gathering of her friends assembled and pro ceeded to have a Joyous time , members of the household entering heartily into the festivities. Mrs. Kline was the recipient of quite an array of presents , useful nnd orna mental , ns a reminder of the event that had tended to the Improvised party. There was vocal and instrumental music , the Misses Bertha and Itosa Moneack , Miss Goldsteino and others taking part. Refreshments were served and congratulations spoken the visitors an evening of thorough pleasure. The following were present : Mr. and Mrs , M. A. Ximan , Mr. nnd Mrs. William Preisman , Mr. auO Mrs. W. Shane , Mr. nnd Mrs. Summer , Mr. and Mrs. A. Preisman. Mr. and Mrs. S. Preisman , Mr. and Mr. H. Marks , Mr , and Mrs. S. M. Lessor , Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lesser , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Uinglo , Mr. and Mrs. S. Rabluswriz. Misses B. Goldstein , S. Fishman , Mrs. Feller , S. Kline , S. Kline , B. Moneack , R. Monenck , Messrs. E. Moneack , Fishman , M. Fogel , AVIlIiam Feller , D. Proisman. JJ , Prcismnn , William nnd Max Klein , J. Kimnn , J. Lesser , C. Ginsboiy , L. Harding , D. Harding. 1-li.y.Ml High rivo. A most enjoyable card party was given by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams , IffiO Sherman avenue , on Monday evening , Their always pleasant homo was made unusually attrac tive by floral decorations of palms , roses and hyacinths , the mnntlo being beautifully orna mented with smllax and flowers. High llvo was the feature of entertainment , no prizes being awarded , a custon which 'tis hoped may become more prevalent. Elaborate refreshments wore served , after which tlio guests departed with the keen sense of having spent a most delightful evening. Those invited were : Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Babor , Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Birkhousor , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Coon , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Corel ! , Dr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Gibbs , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hol- broke , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kuhn , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Lunt , Mr. and Mrs. B. MacAllis- ter , Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Miller , Mr. and Mrs. R. II , Olmstead , Mr. and Mrs. Pcrclval , Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Powell , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis , Mr. nnd Mrs , Frank Ransom , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rlsdon , Mr. and Mrs. Euward J. Roe , Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slater , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Vancourt , Mr. Euill Grossman , Cleveland , O. , Miss Ella Walrod and Major H. Will- lams. [ 'Ivo/iiiiKountzo I'lurr , On Thursday craning Air. and Airs. E. D. Van Court entertained ut cards at their homo in Kountzo Placo. lie rooms wcro beauti fully decorated \n\tfi \ flowers. Airs. L. D. Fowler and Airs. C. S. Raymond can-led olT the first and second ladies' prizes , and Air. Brad Slaughter and Air. II. C. Akin the gentlemen's prizes , "Tho following WTTO the invited guests : Messrs , and AlcsdUhics H. C. Akin , E. A. Blum , W. E. Burliiigim , J. B. Bluncharil , C. Brown , Dr. Crummer , L. D. Fowler , G. Fisher , D. H. Gci6drieh. G. A. Joslyn , A. F. Jonas , J. L. Kennedy , H. Lawrle , F. B. Lowe , E. V. Lewis , A. Aldyer , B. A. AlcCallaster.S. Otis , A. C. Powell , W. N. Nason , C. S. Raymond mend , G. S. Rogers. AI. J. Kennard , A. F. Reclor. C. Smith , li. laughter. J. P. Wil liams , C. F. WellcH.W- - , W. B. Taylor , J. Al. Thurston , G. H. Boggs , H. S. Jnyncs.W. Fuller. J. H. Collins , A. At. Pinto , H. P. Jensen , Mrs. Cole , Aliss Crummer , Airs. Humblin , Airs. C. Hartman , Almo. Powell , Aliss Shattook , Alias Hartman , Air. H. R. Gould , Judge and Mrs. Bowman. I'.ntcrtnlnoil Their Friend * Air. and Airs. John P. Claroy and Air. nnd Airs. A. Salem gave u very pleasant party ut Ihelr home , 2111 Soulh Twentieth street , Tuesday night. Their beautifully lighted and very spacious parlors resounded with merriment and music till quite late , much to the enjoyment of all. A goodly amount of very appetizing refreshments wcro served The hosts and hostess are delightful enter tainers and certainly made the evening one of pleasant enjoyment. These present were : Air. and Airs , Fred Chlltenden , Air. und Airs. James Foley , Air. and Airs. J. Horn , Air. nnd Airs. " Jack Alon- roe. Air. nnd Airs. 1'arkhurst , Air. and Airs. AfcCreary , Air. nnd .Mrs , Sweeney , Air. nnd Airs. Shields , Airs , L. C. Richards , Aliases Deem , South Omnhn ; Julia Etherton , Lin coln , Mu-u Etherton , Lincoln ) Evn Folov , Etta Thompson , Mabel Richards. Messrs. Spoils , D.u-ld City ; Charles Chlttondcn , Hugh Hitchcock , T. L. Combs , H. B. R.iley , W. O. Cnrr. I'lrmnnt H nilcnlc. A very pleasant tnuslcnle program was rendered Friday evening nt the homo of Miss Edna nnd Mr. Lcroy Patch nt 2027 North . Twenty-eighth strcol. About forty ' Invited guests listened attentively to the l > lenslni ; selecllons nnd showed their ap preciation by hearty encores. The program was as follows : I'AUTI. Waves of the ( Venn duet Itlako Misses Kdiia I'ntch and Jesslo Wort. Hint's of 1'uradlso , Op. 78 StrebboR JllssAIIno I'ntch. Why-Vocal solo Mlllard Ml s Olive Sheldon. The Last Hope Uottschalk Miss Kdna Patch. Annlo I.aurlo Vocal .Mr. I.eroy V. Patch and MissUllvoSheldon a. 1'rlero Hu Martin Htrebboa b. I'olkn Christie Miss Olive Sheldon. Light refreshments were then served. TAUT it. Duet Selected Mlsse.s I-Mnii nnd Allno Patch. Ijovo s Oolden Dream Vocal solo..Lennox Kiss Maud Duncan. * root and Peasant Urgun solo Schubert Miss Jesslo Wert. All Hevolr-Trio IJchner Misses Leo and Ullvo Sheldon , Jesdo Wert. Martha , Op.3U Horn Miss Kdna Patch. I'urowoll Vocal Selected Misses l.oo and Olive Sheldon. At the conclusion of the program Anson Evans and Leroy Patch were called up 311 , the former giving an organ solo , the latter giving a declamation with much credit to themselves , 1'alntiMl u 1'letui' i for Holy family. Miss Margaret Cotter , who studied art for a number of years at the convent In Davenport , la. , and who graduated from that Catholic school of lo.wilng with high honors , has Just finished a pleasing bit of oil which is to be rhanced off for the benefit of Holy"FamIly school , Eighteenth nnd Izard streets , February S. The picture , a bust of a young girl drinking from a brightly colored bowl of satsumi ware , Is w.irm In color , nnd painted with excellent fidelity to the subject In hand. Whllo n copy of it shows evidences of careful art training and it is creditable to the artist col ony of which the young lady Is a rising mem ber. The picture Is on exhibition at Hnydcn Brothers and ought to bring the cause to which it is donated quite a sum of money. Miss Cotter has been very successful as n teacher since she left her alma mater and has ono of the largest If not the largest art class in the city. She has made an arrange ment to take her class , which numbers about sixty , on a sketching tour of Montana next summer , an outing which cannot fail lo bo thoroughlj enjoyed by the members of the Party. I'oxvnrn nnd I'cMvrll. Onoof the prettiest wedding * of the sea son took place Wednesday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Powell , 1019 Park avenue. At 4 o'clock on that afternoon Miss Jennie 1C. Powell , youngest daughter , was united in marriage to Mr. James 1C. Powers , a popular young attorney of this city , Rev. Dr. Gordon of Westminister Presbyterian church officiating. The cozy parlors were thrown cnsulto and tastefully decorated In pink and blue , the same harmony of colors being carried to the refreshments , and throngs of intimate friends and relatives wcro present to place the seal of their sanction on the happy affair. After n repast as delicious as it was dainty tno couple took the 0 : . ' ! ( ) o'clock train for Denver and the west , overwhelmed with hearty congratulations and almost smothered by n heavy fusilado of rice. The pretty and petite bride has a host of friends and admirers in this city and state , and the groom , by his manly attributes and business integrity , has won for himself an enviable reputation among his associates. CnlohnitRd llor H vuiitoi < iith Ulrtlulny. Miss Maggie Sullivan entertained n num ber of friends Thursday evening nt her homo , 1343 Sherman avenue , in honor of her seven teenth birthday. D.mcing , games and cards wcro the amusements of the evening. Miss Sullivan was the recipient of many presents from her numerous friends. Those present were : Misses Jones , Sex ton , Butler , Kelley , Brady , Marlinu , Flvnn , Wilinsky , Gnllvnn , D. Flynn. Leach , Faul- Itener. Hill of Council Bluffs , Madden of Council Bluffs , Swanson. Black ; Messrs. Hoyden , Miller. Catlin , Black , Ncwcombo , Tyson , Ford , Burke , Fisher , J. Ford , T. Burke , Sexton , Ruffncr , Kastnor of Council Bluffs. ' I'liiycd Curds. Miss Etta Thompson entertained a small company of invited guests at high flvo Mon day night nt her homo , 20.1(1 ( South Twentieth street. Delicious refreshments were served and delightful vocal ana Instrumental muslo with the attention of the very entertaining hostess , added to the interest of tlio games and the decided enjoyment of the evening. Those present wore : Misses Julia Ether- ton , Lincoln ; Musa Etherton , Lincoln ; Etta Thompson , Eva Foley , Mabel Richards , Bcllo McPhall. Messrs. Charles Cluttcndeii , H. Hitchcock. II. B. Haley , Frank Hardy , W. O. Carr , R M. Bradley. Exhibition ol riflurcs by Tlionms Mornn , Mr. Thomas Moran , N. A. , has arranged to give an exhibition of his pictures in tlio Now York Life building , opening about the 10th of February. The collection will contain , 'Tho Grand Canon of the Yellowstone" and "Tho Specters of the North , " which ho has painted for the World's fair ; also his famous picture , "Tho Lotus Eaters , " and many of his well known Venetian s.-encs. There will also bo thirty-Ilvoof his etchings and a largo number of water color sketches aud studies in black and white. dial of Omiilui IVoplo. Mr. II. W. Yntcs is in Now York. Mr. Stuart returned to Danver on Sunday. Miss Dundy has returned from Ft. Le.iven- worlh. Mrs. N. II. Tunnlcllff has returned from the east. Miss Yates gave a luncheon yesterday for Miss White. The Paladins will glvo a dancing party Monday evening. Miss Wallace entertained Informally at luncheon yesterday. Miss Harriet Hershey of Nebraska City is the guest of Mrs. S. W. Niies. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jester have gone to Cincinnati on a fortnight's visit. Mrs. W. W. Carr arrived on Thursday from Dubuque , to. vUlt her son , Mr. James Carr. Mrs. J. T. Duryca entertained n number of friends at a 5 o'clock tea yesterday after noon. noon.Miss Miss Amy Barker will bo at homo to her friends Thursday evening this week , Instead of Friday. Mi-s. John Barker , who has been seriously ill for the past four or llvo days , Is slowly Improving. Miss Marion Shcrson of Chicago arrived on Tuesday to bo the guest of Miss Warrack at the Madison. Miss Balcombo returned from Buffalo , N. Y. , Saturday , where she has been the guest of Mrs. Truitt. Miss Clara Cudahy left on Wednesday for California. Her sister , Miss Cudahy , has returned lo Chicago. The young ladles of AH Saints church will give u dance at the Armory Wednesday evening , February 1. Mr. Baron Riluy has gone to Denver to engage in ( business them , Mrs. Rlley joins her husband this week. Mrs. Emma Homan Thayer , who has been the guest of Mrs. E. S. Dundy , left for her homo In Sallda , Coin. , yesterday , Mr. Rudolph Herlng , the eminent sanitary engineer of New York City , is the guest of Mr. und Mr.fr Andrew Rosowatcr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Offut returned from their wedding journey Monday and for the present uro with Mr. and Mrs. Yost. News was received In Omaha Friday of the death of Mrs. Brown , mother of Mrs. George P. Bemls , at Owego , N. Y. Hon. and Mrs. Gcorgo W. Llninger nnd Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Council Bluffs loft yesterday for Sutherland , Fla. , to spend the remainder of the winter. Mr. und Mrs , Charles Deuel entertained the Whist club on Tuesday evening , thulr guests being Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler , .Mr. and Mrs. Will Redick , Mr. und Mrs. Hull , Mr. nnd i BOSS. Greatest and Grandest Millinery Sale Ever Held in Omaha. $ iSooo worth of select millinery must be reduced ONE- HALF , as S. P. Morse will occupy part of my building with a new line of dry goods about March ist , We arc forced to reduce our stock by that date. In order to do so we have marked all goods One-Half Cost Price to close them out in a few days. This is the best opportunity for ladies of Omaha and surrounding country to buy a beauti ful pattern , evening- reception and opera hats' at ONKHIA ! COST Price. We have no shop-worn goods , all of the htcst designs.We We have nice trimmed hats , 5oc , 750 , $ r , $2 and upward , worth five times the amount. Untrimmcd felt hats , 2c. The second floor is filled with plumes , tips , fancy feathers and new spring ( lowers that will be sold at one-half importers' and manufacturers'prices. . Do not fail to see them. Look in our east window ; it is filled with pretty hats and bonnets ; some of them are worth $15.00. Your choice $4-98. Ladies , you can't afford to miss this great sale of millinery. Sale begins tomorrow. 1S1O Douglas St. Mrs. Chase , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford , Mr. and Mrs. Ringwalt , Miss Didlake , Miss Dundy , Mr. Warren Rogers , Mr. Victor Cald well. well.Born Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Modjcska at ChicagoonSundayJanuary UJ , a daughter , to whom has been given the pleasing name of Marylka Stuart Modjcska. In honor of Rov. nnd Mrs. S. D. Butler , Mrs. Ralph Gaylord gave a dinner on Thurs day evening , the guests being : Rov. and Mrs. S. Dwight Butler , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wynian , Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Burns , Mr. and Mrs. Stigcr. Miss Lcmlst gave an exceedingly pretty dinner for Miss White of Boston on Wednes day. The guests were Mrs. Arthur Smith , Miss White , Miss VnnPatton , Miss Kountzo , Miss Mary Poppleton , Miss Woolworth , MUs Hamilton. A beautiful dinner was given by Mrs. KI1- Patrick on Wednesday nvening. The flowers used wcro la Franco roses and covers laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker , General and Mrs. Cowin , General and Mrs. Brooke. Miss Nash g.ive a dinner on Wednesday for Miss Cudahy. These who dined were Miss Cudahy , Miss ICountze , Miss Sherwood , Miss Mabel Balcombe. Mr. Robert Patrick , Mr. Charles ICountze , Mr. Frank H.imllton , Mr- George Mercer , Mr. John Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Nash. Mrs. O. M. Carter loft on Monday for North Platto. After a visit with her daugh ter , Mrs. Newton Harknloir , hn expects to go with her to Denver and front there will go to Houston to Join her husb.iud. Miss Leila Carter joins the party at Denver. Miss Horteiise Smith having resigned her position with Union Pacific headquarters loft Monday evening for St. Joe. Mo. After a short visit with her sister , Mr. Lewis of that city , she loaves for nn extended tour through the southern states. She will bo absent six months. Her many friends hope she may return much improved in health. In honor of Edward Busch of the Anheuser- Busch Brewing company of St. Louis , Mr. Charles Mctz gave a dinner at the Omaha cl ub on Thursday evening. The guests wcro Mr. Busch , Mr. Arthur Smith , Mr. Fred Metz , Mr. Arthur Motz , Mr. William Oyger. Mr. Busch Is on his way to Europe and only stopped In town a few days. Mra. O. Wilson pleasantly entertained a few lady friends nt a birthday party Satur day afternoon nt her homo , No. 8lt ! South Twenty-second. Delicate refreshments were served , cards being the order of the after noon. Among those present were Mrs , Walter Emmons , Mrs. Miller. Mrs.Hobccker , Miss Mamio Wyle , Mrs. Smith , Mrs. Ostran- der , Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cook were pleasantly surprised at the homo of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts , 2 < WO Caldwell street , last Saturday night by a party of Good Templars from Lifo Boat lodge No. 150 , of which Mr. and Mrs. Cook are mem bers. The evening was very cnjo.vably spent with games , muslo and interesting discus sions. Refreshments wcro served , to which all responded most gracefully. Mrs. Napoleon Rousseau of 4100 Cuming street gave a beautiful luncheon Tuesday at B o'clock. Violets were the chosen llotvcr and the modest beauties graced the snowy table and scented the air. An elabor ate collation of twelve courses was served. These present were : Mesdur.ics Havens , Bostwlck , Rofrlgier , Crosby , Zlmmor , Mont gomery. Boyer , Finloy , Cook , Coulter and D.iveroll , all Immediate neighbors of Mrs. Rousseau. A very dolighlful and decided surprise was given Mrs. S. L. Forhy nt her homo , 140t ! Douglas slreot , last night by a party of Good Templars , among whom Mrs. Forby Is , nnd has been for years , a favorite , and louring Iho title nf "Grandma. " The surprise was given in honor of her 09th birthday , and was an enjoyable success in every way. Mrs. Forby's many Good Templar friends and co- members hold her in very high respect and appreciation , and spared nothing to convince her of theircstcem. Tuesday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry L. Axlaler of the Omaha Upholstering com- puny celebrated their tenth wedding anni versary at their pretty homo in Druid Hill. About twenty-live guests were present to Join In nil manner of well wishes for the future , numerous and beautiful presents testifying to the esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. Axtalcr nro held. Progressive high llvo was played during the evening and delicious refreshments served. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion. The fourth weekly mooting of the Colum bia High Flvo club was held Friday evening at the house of Mr. uiut Mrs Uuorgo See , Seventeenth and Chloago. After the usual series of six games were played splendid re freshments were served. The members of the club nro Mr. and Mrs. George Heo , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Voight , Mr. and Mrs. Huntley , Mr. and Mrs. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. D.ivo O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jacobs. The next regular meeting will IMS held Thursday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Voight , Esmond hotel. Mr. J. H. Millar and Miss Lulu Clarke , who wcro married at All Saints church Monday , January U , by Rov. ' ! ' . J. Mackay , wcro royally welcomed to their homo in Pocatollo. Idaho , January 15 , a largo delegation of friends meeting Mr. nnd Mrs. Millar at the tr.iln and going with them lo Iholr new home , 1J ! Center street. Mr. Millar has been general manager In the Pocatello yards for two years and Is well known to many railroad men in Omaha Miss Clarke is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mn. Tliomas Clarke ot [ jmgdon , Mo. The K. W. B. Whist club met at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Balliutt , where they were royally enterlalnod. Friday ovcnlng. Refroshtnonls were served after the usual number of games were playod. Prizes were won by Mrs. Arthur English , pcroonlaito .S3 , and Mr. J. B. Blanohard with a nurcentago The playera were ui follows : Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Llvinijston. Mr. and Mrs J A. Hake , Mr. and Mrs. T. C Shelly , Mr and Mrs. J. B. Btanchanl , Mr. and Airs. Julius Kcssler , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English Mr nnd Mrs. Charles C. Bclden , Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. McCune. Mr. nnd Mrs. Noel Abbott gave a high llvo party a week ago Friday night nt their rest denco , IfiOO Nortn Twenty-second street The lady's prize was won by Mrs. lavender and the gentleman's prize by Mr. Buchanan Mr.and Mrs. Strain carried oT ! both bo.ibj . prizes. After the cards refreshments were served Thosj present were Mr an 1 Mrs F Strain , Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Khrlnur , Mr anil Mrs. C. M. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs L. .1 Nedd , Mr. and Mrs. L. Lavender , Mr and Mrs. J. F. Ryan , Messrs. W. S. Seavey and A. G. Buchanan. Mrs. George I. Gilbert entertained Informally mally ut tea for her guest , Mrs. Thorndyke , Friday evening. Tlio guests were seated at little tables to partake of her excellent re freshments , and the remainder of the evening ing was spent at cards. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Knight , Mr. and Mrs. Slob biiis , Mr. and Mrs. Morris , Mr. and Mrs Turner , Mr. and Mrs. Balcomhe , Mr and Mrs. Kennedy , Mr and Mrs. Catlin , Mrs Thormlyko , Mrs. Cleveland , Mr. Lyman Rlchardion , Mrs. Allen , Miss Fees , Miss Knight , Miss Richardson , Miss Allen , Mis * Kennedy. Tuesday evening the marriage of Mr A .1 Meals , a member of the metropolitan police , and Miss Alice Do Wees was solemnized ut the residence of the groom , b'M North Twen ty-fourth street , Rov. A. J. Turkic olllciatlng. Mr. Fred Knickerbocker officiated as best man , Miss Alllo Gage as bridesmaid. Mr nnd Mrs. Meals wcro the recipients of a number of.handsomo presents. The follow ing guests were present : Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. dimmer , Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Borthwlck. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Knickerbocker , Mr mm Mrs. J. K. Coulter , Mr. and Mrs. George C Thompson , Mr , and Mrs. Grunt W. Lllllo , Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hodgin , Mr. uhd Mrs. Samuel M. Crosby , Mr. and Mrs. William T Abbott , Mr. and Mrs. A. Gage , Misses Roonoy , Crosby , Gage , Mesdames Blsscll , O'Neill , Cook , Messrs. Fred Knickerbocker , Ad oKnickcrbocker , Leon Coulter , Franc A. Coulter , George Krug , Barber. Miss Mason's School for Dressmaking , 203) Burt stcet , opens an afternoon class in a few days. Morning classes occupy my euliro tlmo till the last of February. BOUGHT IN "B. & M. " ' PARK. Poor T.nrk nt nn ICiisti'rn Vrlppln In Srurch of n IJcrilraMn Investment. Notwithstanding tlio fact that times without number tlio newspapers Invo ex posed the B. & M. park swindle , Iho usual crop of suckers are pul on the hook and landed almost every day In the year. The latest Individual lo swallow the bait , hook , bob , sinker and all , is a young man by Iho name of Merry weather , a recent arrival from the east. The young fellow Is a crip ple , which fact makes the whole affair seem more pathetic. Ho left his parents down In the New England homo and came oul lo Omaha to make n fortune and cut his eye tuotli. So far the art of money making has been u lamentable failure , but the teeth which ho wanted to cut are coming along ut n rate ihat is really surprising. Yesterday this verdant youth struck a man who had u suburban lot that ho would sell for a mere song. It was represented that the lot was just one and one-half niilc.-t from the postonice , ns the crow flics , and was u snap. Mr. Merrywoathor was looking for snaps and this ono hit him just right. Ho did not nor does ho now know who the man was , though ho was willing to take the word of the stranger , who told him Ihat the property was worth u cooll,0X ! ) and would not bo sold for a cent loss were it not for the fact that money was needed to save some other property from a sacrifice , This pretty story was swallowed by young Mr. Mcrrywoalher , nnd right then and theru ho plunked down 500 great big dollars for a lot in the B. & M. park. The deed was executed cutod by Virginia Snouffor. This morning Mr. Merry weather , aided by hia crutches , climbed Iho stone steps ut the court house und proudly presented hU deed for record. Ho was somewhat surprised when ho was Informed that the land was in Sarpy county and that the lots would not 1) ) worth more than 10 cents if they were tind up in bunches of a dozen lots to the hum'h It is known by every man , woman and child and by all of the suckers who have bit the hook that the B. & M. park Is at least six miles south of thocily ; that H Is n sand baron the river bottoms , covered with wll lows and rushes , and that It overllows every spring. Will Clomi Ku < t Omaha Joint * . County Attorney Kaloy has had his alien- lion called to the facl lhal Iho Slocutn law was being violated by ono or more parties in and about East Omaha. Road houses ami saloons have flourished on the Island and In the vicinity of Cut-off lake for several years past , und last year when the grand jury got after sotno of the people out that way they came up und paid $ WX ) . Two of the saloonlsts who have complied witli the law have made n kick on Wllllim Madden , who runs a restaurant nt the upper lco house for the benefit of the Ice cutters. The complainants allege that Madden has a. little back room where ho dispenses alcohol , whisky und beer to the men working on the Ico. Ico.Early this week Mr. ICaloy will Invcsllgalo the ro ( > ori8 und If ho find ; ) they are Iruu ho will cuuso Madden'a arrost. Perfect acl.jn an 1 parfiuc health ronl from the usoof DjWitt' Little Early RUon / perfect llttlu pill