II. THE OMAHA DAILY BME : SUiVD At. JANUARY 20 , 1803-SIXTEEX PAGES. TIlK Til K.I THUS. Anotlic comn > .v-/nrco Is to bo prescntcJ to us by one of Clmrles Krotunnn's nilmlr- able company of jOnycrs nt llo.vd'H Theater Tor tlircc nights , commencing this evening , 'Qloriann , " fi-uiu the jicn of Jnmcs Morti mer , This newest farclnl piny to bid for IKIP- Ulnr fuvor Is Mid to be the happy posnraaor of thst BUbtlo and finer humor which has characterized the plays of Its class * pre viously presented. Ills fust nnd furious In Its humor and Interesting In Us story , madly ninuslnu and the dlaloRUo real bright. "Glorlana" falls back on the tlicmo of mis taken Identity In Its plots and counter plots , too. The farce enjoyed the distinction of nearly 1WI nlghta run In New York and Is claimed to bo ono of the Ix-st productions vcr presented by Mr. Clmrlcs Froliman. The cast Includes ClcoivoV. . Uarnum , William Norrls. Kugcno Ktierle. John Allen , O. C. 1'hlllljis , .laqucs Martin , U. Shonvond , Charles H. warren. Misses IClcanor Merron , Helen Holland , TIlllo Harnum nnd others. "Fairies' Well" hnsa new plot , with clover pcoplo to Interpret It. 1'ho villain Is as tintiful as one rauld ImnKiuc , In apcnmnco | and conduct. Ho plans and schemes In n horrifying manlier , but does it without re sorting to any of the stock in trade of the ordi nary atngo villain. His sometime accomplice Is just such a villain , suave , shrewd. ( | Ulut , forceful , thoroughly detestable as are the score who live about you today. The col leen Is just such a lightheaded , natural Irish las ? as you would expect to llml In Ireland-not tlio hoyilcnlsh tomboy whoso only womanly characteristic Is her petti coats , as Is usually pictured on the stage. The story is told In delightful words. Vul garisms , oaths and doubtful Innuendoes are rigidly excluded. It begins In a country farmyard , winds through reception room s mountain gorges , romantic spots and wood land reaches to 'a happy ending , and all without nulling , raving or other disgustlnt' HMsglsms. The vil lain is .st'tiled In a most effectual but equally natural manner. The plot unfolds skillfully , absorbingly , yet without impossi ble or Improbable features. It is a love story from beginning to end , to which vil lainy , Intrigue and scheming are Incidental only. So much Is heard of scenery that doesn't either delight or astonish , that it is a pleasure to Dud some that merits extended notice. The btoun in the mountains Is a bit of reallsnl that compels applause. A foam ing stream llood-s\\ollcn sweeps along under a broken bridge that spans a seemingly bottomless tomless chasm. Down through its broken timbers acddently plunges ono man : after lilin goes the hero , a moment later , both are seen amid the foaming waters , saved. The fairies' well is another triumph of art. A rustic bridge spans a noisy brook : to its right amid forest trees stands a shooting l > ox. In the foreground , reached by stepping stones , Is the welt cased in by a big section of a hol low tree. This attraction will run all week , beginning withtoday's matinee matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Bright , vivacious , with her bewitching personality and sweet voice , I'aulino Hall , the foremost of comic opera stars , will be seen at Uoyd's theater Friday and Saturday nights anil Saturday matinee. The tlrst two performances will be "Krminie , " while Sat urday night "Puritanla , or the Earl nnd the f lid of Salem , " will bo givcm The presen- If..tionor "Krminio" will introduce Miss Hall in her original creation of the title role , tlio cbaracteri/.ation of which is conceded to lie beyond criticism. ' 'ICrminie" fs specially .suited to this artist and was among the earliest of her triumphs. The opera ran for nearly 1,000nights at the New York Casino , and In all that mofjt re markable achievement Miss Hall never missed a single performance , though Miss Hall has been greatly ad mired for her lino'artistic work in "Amor- Ha , " "Mine. Favorf'and "Nation , " her"Kr- iiiinlo" is said to surpass them all. Miss Eva Davenport , Mr. John Brand and Mr. Harry Maciionough were In the early presenta tion df "Erminto1' at the Casino , and they , with many other capable artists , assisted by a chorus of forty well chosen voices , will bo seen In the presentation here , together with all the special scenery and costumes made from the original designs. The presentation of "Puritania" on Saturday night will , no doubt , add renewed Interest to the engage- ment. The opera was specially written for Miss Hall , Is new and thorougnly American and has been universally .commended for. Its excellence throughout. Evans and Hoey. those king pins of mirth- jirovokcrs , assisted by that wonderful clover little lady , Miiinia French , and surrounded by nn excellent company and a bevy of beauty , eclipsing anything yet seen In "A Parlor Match , " will present "Series O'1 of this perennial favorite comedy at Boyd's New theater Sunday , February B. for four nights. The play has been greatly revised Inco Its last presentation in this city , nnd many now : features have been added , among which are "Lcs Gardes Munlelpaux , " a new march secured by Mr Evans in Paris , whdFo" it is u sensation ; u comic quadrille , and a conjurer's cabinet , from which Kuans takes more than twenty living persons at every performance. "Old Hoss" Hooy has a num ber of new songs , "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo , " Is said to bo the best1 ho has ever sung , while "Not the Only One , " Is a duplicate of the hit made last year by "They're After Me. " Prominent in the com pany are Lillie Alllston , Madge York , Lillian Mnrkham , Helen Douglas , Myra Davis , Elllo Chamberlain , Leona Amrosc , Florence Wil son , James T. Galloway , M. J. Sullivan , Frank Struvy , Hugh Mack. U. W. Guise , William Keough , Peter Uandall and the Qlpmpla .Quartette. Topics. In Franco dramatic authors get 10 percent of the gross receipts of their plays and 100 francs worth of tickets for each evening tlmy are played. Booth does not go out except for an occa sional ride. He keeps early hours , and no sacrilegious ono Is permitted to disturb him uftcr ho retires. Edward Solomon has completed n new opcrti on a subject derived from Dickens' "The Cricket on the Hearth. " The setting includes a toy symphony and a chorus for children , James Owen O'Connor's physician says that ho subject .o delusions , ono of wheh { is that lie has injured his wife and must sur render to the police. Ho has au estate worth about $10,000. Manager David Henderson of thn Ameri can Extravaganza company has signed a two years contract with Edwin Foy. Mr. Fov lias already been a member of the company for six years. Ovldo Musln and wife , who did not appear In Omaha on account of a railroad accident , resumed their concert tour nt Cleveland Wednesday evening , M. Musln's third linger on the right bund was slightly cut by broken glass. Catharine Tvcwls. once a comic opera fa vorite , Is going back to Daly's theaterwhero she has not appeared for twelve years. She 11 rat went to Daly's in 187'J , appearing in "Nowiwt , " "Wives. " "An Arabian Night" und "Tho Hoyal Middy. " When William H. Crane appears in Miss Morton's new play , ho will have to dispose of the services of a number of his actors. As they hold contracts which will not expire for some time , Mr. Crane will utilise their serv ices by sending out a company to play "Tho Senator ; " Ix'schotlzky , the famous Vienna piano teacher , who once numbered Paderowskl among his students , Is bo Indignant at the sharp criticisms on his method expressed by n musical Journal In Now York that ho has announced his determination never again to take American pupils. Flora Walsh , the deceased wife of Charles II. Hoyt , was born in San Francisco , Cal. , twenty-two years ago. When n child of la she made her professional debut as Josephine in "Pinafore. " Mr. Hoyt first met her on a visit to the Pacllle coast , where she was flll- Ingnn engagement In a variety theater. They were married on July la , 1887 , nt Charlestown , N. H. , Mr , Hoyt's home. Miss Walsh Ilrst came before the public as ono of the "Walsh sisters " clover , n song and dance team. Alice was n much larger woman than ITJuitt , nnd n great deal of their best work was curried out on the lines of their great difference In sUiv Allco looked quite ns young ns Flora , and it was u great surprise when , upon tlu hitter's wedding , it was learned that they were mother nnd daughter instead of sisters - tors , Mrs. Walsh loft the stage after her daughter's marriage nnd has since lived in Boston. Mrs , Hoyt took n small part in Mr , Hoyt's first piny , "A Bunch of Keys. " She made nn immediate hit , and soon after cre ated the part of the lunch counter girl in "A Hole In the Ground. " in which she was equally successful. She iippeuml In all the Hoyt plays except "A Trip to Chinatown. " 8PEGIRL NOT10B8. _ i I > TKHTISK\IKNTH Will THK9H 0 LUMNS A will bo la n unlit 12:30 : i > lu. for thn ovanlng iintl until tM : v. ni for Iho morning or Sunday edl- UODI. No advertisement Isken for less than 55 ccnti for the flmt Insertion. All adverllnemcnls In tlicio columni m cents n word for tlio nrit Insertion nnd 1 rent n word for each 8utnoT.uc.nt Iniortlon , or II.U ) per line par month. Tcrmi , cn h In advance. Initials , figures , symbols , clc , each count ns n word. Advertise- rnentii must run consecutively. Advertisers , by re questing n numbered check , eau have I ho letters addressed lo n numbered letter In care of TIIF. HIM. Answers no addressed nil ) ba dellrered on tlio presoulallon qt the check. " " SITUATIONS "i YOl.'NO LADl' ATTKNDINO CO.MMK11CIAI , 2 Ycollcirn would like to do light work morning and ovcnnu for room and board with prlvnto family. Adrttess X Hi , lco. ! MUI9-29' A WANTKD. POSITION nv PHINTKHsix . /Yiearsexperlmic" , on lint clssi country weekly or In Job department. F.J. Fisher , Hebron. Neb CIG-S1- t -WAN-rHII. DIlKSil'.S MADE AT IIOMK FOlt /\j. Clilldren'i clothing. Mrs. Oakley , 'Mi N. 24th , an I -WANTKO. POSITION MY A YOU.NU I.AI1Y I \hookkccpcr And slcnographer of oiporlcnco , furnishing excellent city references. Addren X 21 , Uee. OT 30' _ i -STKNOGUAPUKUOFTBN YKAIIS K.XPKIH- VVenco , Tnplil , accurate , trlth KOOd rfdllcrUton , wishes position of responsibility in Inn- , railroader or merenntlljoftlce. Cnn handle correspondence without dictation or comptle briefs If denlrod. Aildrofli. Xl : \ , lieu. C45-S9' _ * WANTKH A POSITION IN WHOLES ALB Oil jVjobblng ulllcp , by boy I7llvlng nt home. Ad dress. " .X-10" lieu. 65M * _ 4 POSITION AH HTKNOGHAPIIKH AND AC- , /Y t'oiintnnt. Hrtvu lind six years' experience UH such. llest uf rclcrcncos given. Addrc's X 41 , llco. 719-29' 'OSlTION HV LAl STKNOOHPHKH VYwIlh l o years cxporlcncn ( one vonr In bank. iindcrttandi general olllco work. Address X .18 Hoc. MTIO-IO' -WANTED 11V A MIDDLE-AGED LADY A W position ns housekeeper In u family whoru other help Is kept. Address Her. U. II. Ingram. lluntrlce , Ndli. Man 30' t -WANTKD , POSITION HY HKOISTKUEI ) * V pharmacist la Uninhu or Lincoln. City find country experience. Good roferouce. Address X 2.1 , llee. UJOJ WANTED MALE HELP. ALAllV01l COM M ISSION TO AUBIjIM TO handle the Patent Chemical Ink Erasing I'nncll. Tbo most useful nnd novel Invention of tlio age. Krasca Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Works Ilko iiiaijle. 200 lo SOU per cent prollt. Agents making (00 ( per tveek.Vo also wnnt n generul agent to lake charge of territory nnd spplutsub agents. A rani chance to mnko money , Wrltofor toimsand a speci men of erasing. Monroe Kraslatf Mfp , Co. , V J'i. ' Ia Cruise. WIs. ? 0is 1 > WANTBI ) , A FEW HKI.IA1IM ! SUI.1CITOI18 1' ln Nebrnskit for the Union Central I.lfo Insur ance. company of Cincinnati. Uood territory and liberal contract * to the rlifht mun. Address . ) . M. Kdmlstun , State Agent , rooms 4 > , 41 ! and 47 llurr blk , Lincoln , Nob. MSIU J3U " " - \ . .NTFI ! ) . TUAVKUNO SALK3MKN TO SKI.L ba'ilnic ponder.Vo put oilr KOOds In Klass rollliiKplns. t& > month salary nnd oxpeuias , or 'lo per cent commission , ( lood side line. If you want Job , write , tieiiil sta-iip for reply. Chicago 1'owJerCo. , 7U7 Van Hurcustrcut , Chicago..M493 .M493 n--LAIIOIlKltSANIIlOCKMKN ON TIIK II. k M. extension In South Dakota. Steady work ; free puss. Kramer A O'Hcurn , labor uitcncy , 301 H. llth st. da- ! ! ) ' { -WANT GOOD HAIINKSSMAICEII AT ONCE > A. I' . Grebe , 1'lymoulli. Neb. 680il ; IW A N T KO7 A GOOD HAKKH AT ONCE ? IJ lerdy | b nnd need wnees. Address H. Kock- outlet , Hebron , Neb. H-\VANTKD , HKL1A1ILK AND KNUIIUIiTlK business tiiun to tuko Hie mnnaseinent of an of- llco business In this city. Mnmll uraount of cnpllal required. Address Western Uuslucss Atrcncy Ullj N Y I Ife building , Omaha. MS89 1 ) -WANTKI ) . A FIH8T CLASS HLACKSM1TH. > AUdros G. W. Dow , Hcd Cloud. Neb. 009-29' B WANTICI ) . A HLACKSM1TH HKLPKll AND llnlsher nt IIO'J Dgdgo st. G22 29 B WANTKD. LAllOHCUS FOH THE HLACK Hills. Call at i'rnndlnavlnn Employment Oltlce today , No. WO South 10th St. , north end of viaduct. ( ijiF28 : * B-THAYFLIXCI BALKBMKN TO BULL 1IAKINU powder. $75 month salary and expense * or20o commission. Steady vinployment , expcilcnco un necessary. If yon want n position hero Is a chance. U. S. Chemical Works , 840 to 8(0 Van Huron , Chicago. MB37 F2J' B KIUGMAN WHO HAS HAD EXPICIUKNCU IN run Hint ; engine. The E. M , llulso Co. , 1307 Nicholas street , MtillTJ H-WANTED , HliiCITOHS ; IN KK11UA81CA FOU Union Mutual Llfo Insurance company of Port land. Maine , ( iood pay nnd territory to energetic iniMiddrcss , staling rofcroncrs , T. M , Norrls , Manager , room 413 Knrbuch block , Omalia , Nob. 031 a ) ' B-WANTED , A FIUSTIC'LASS NEWSPAPEll advertising solicitor wllh refeicnces. Address X 4 ? , Heo. 7I 29' B WANTED. A 1I1UOIIT YOUNG MAN FHOM III lo IS yearn old to learn the fnrnlshbiK goods . Nebraska Shirt Co. , 1515 Farnam. 711-29 * -WAVrKD , COOK AND MANACBH , MALE OH J > fuuinlo , or man and wlfo. Musi bo capable of cooking for nnd managing a roslaura nt that servo as high as ono hundred pcrsnns at dinner , thirty for supper and ten for breakfast. Uood wages If services satisfactory. Address \29 , Uee. 788-29 B-A SNAP FOH THAVKLINU MEN. SALUS- men who visit ninny towns and villages can mnko Ihttlr dally expenses In ) U or 16 minutes while walling for trains appointing fluents ; no salt's lo make ; no snmploi to carry. For particu lars address Howlns , lock box SIB , Chicago. CM 28' B-WB WANT 8ALis : KN AND WOMEN IN every county In Iho United Slates where terri tory Is not nlreudy tatxn to sell our Aluminum silver solid metal kntvca , forks and spoons to con sumers. No plato to wear off goods , ( itiarantced to wear 60 years. AgcnlB average $2.'i to 140 per week , and meet with ready sale so great Is the demand - mand for thin class of ware , Sample case free. Wrllo ut oncu with stamp , Wcslern Ilrnss and Melul Works , Marlon , Ind. US J'J' B-K TO 115 PEll DAY AT IIOMK , KELL1NC } Lightning Plater nnd plntlne jewelry , watches , tableware , etc. Plates the tlnrst jewelry good us new , on nil kinds of mrtil with gold , silver and nickel. No etperlencu. No capital. F.very house has KOOils necillng plating. U. K. Uelno A. Co. , Columbus , Ohio. Mti--J' B AOUNT8 , SALAHY AND COMMISSION. 1IKST fralernnl order ; tisxets ( .100,000 ; both llfo nnd endowment chtsses. cut-edged In every rcipcct. Homo district agents wanted. A rare chanco. AU- drcts King Si Co , , 8 Union square , New York , 051 29' H-WANTED , WITH A LAUC.E COUPOllATION , a I accountant ; must have a practical knowl edge of operating accounts and capable of assum ing charge of a largo clerical force ; glvn present connection , also stale former petitions , If nny. Addroos X 3i , llco Ullce. 70J-1.1I' 1J-WITH A LAliaECOHPOHATION , MAN WHO Jl > has had a long , pracllcal olllco experience ; must bo quick and accurate ut figures , and come well lecommonded ; good salury to competent clerk Address A 34 , Uee lattice. 702-29' -WANTEI > , MAN TO TIIAVKL FOIl PUI1- l > llshlng house ; salary $ * ti per monthi small capl- tnl require I , Address XII3 llee oftlcc. 700-2U * B-WANTKD-HKL1AI1LE. PKHMANKNT MAN. Stump and references. X 29 , euro Hits paper. Moderato salary to starl. C.iJ 2U * -WANTED , TUTOH FOIl DOY Of 10 ; ONE familiar with public school course preferred. Itecoiumendatlons required. Call 1031 ti. iHitu ave. B7fi 23' - WANTKIEVEUYI1ODY TO'QUIT USING 1'Iobacco by taking 1 r , Matchette's Infnlllblo cunt , guarnntucd. A large numplu box by mall postpaid fortl.OO. Salesmen nri- actually gctllng rich. Write for particulars. Cocley & McDonald , PImouth , Ind. 076 59 I > WANTKII , A COMPKTK.NT SALESMAN l > nell versed In handllui ; teas , for Omaha and vicinity. Fstabllshed trade preferred. Address nlth references X 14 , lice. G73 29 * B WANTEDSALKSMKNX'ISiriNG PAINT dealers lo Mill palmers' supplies on commis sion ! references and territory. Hammer Paint Co. , bt , l.ouls. _ MR ) 29' l WANTin : - THAVELLINO AND LOCAL salesmen to handle n specially , well lulro- duced ; trade already established , ( iood men mak ing fS.UUU to | : .6UO. Address Manufacturers' Hook Co. . WJO HlberlMt. Philadelphia , Pa. 071 VJ- -AOKNTS-HO TO I75PEH WKKK MADE IlY live azenl canvassing for hair watch chains , etc. Particulars , write ut once , Cruvrr & Hammond mend , I and 3 North ( .lark street , Chicago , 111 , 4' "O-WANTKD STKNtGUAPlIKH. MUST HEAD .1'undwrllu Grrman , Apply with reference to Hesperian Nurseries , P. O. iiox K , Yanklon , S. D. MtlM 1 > - WANTED. AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN AT -I'jnce , mint ba honcsl and capable , with city mference. Good position lo right party. Call at SIS Karbcch block. - .679-29 H -WANT Kp , FlKSl'-CLABB. KXPIc'lTlKNCKli linen salesman. None but A 1 men need ap ply. L'ostou htorc. omaha. 7 < y-2u ! T > WANTKD. AN KM'KIIIEN'OUn SUU-CH1P- . I 'lion book man to conduct branch house la Ne braska. I. N , Heed , 416 Dearborn bt. Chicago. . 734 2V ; . , ' I10YTO IJJAHN tliejoweli-ry'lrade. Applr to O. 8. Hayraond , . . Jeweler. 737 j.j WANTED FEMALE HELP. n YOllNO LAOIKS CAN SOON ACqUlllB A V worktng knowledge of shorthand and type- V * < \\an \ \ t Van Hani. ' 6U N , Y.l.ltu. MW7 n-WA.MBIf LAUYTOTHAVKL AND APPOINT lV. ' .fer : iriUaBtf "P"- 'Jdrefs , with . . stamp , x u , oeo Ode * . WANTED-FEMALE HELP. CuMdlltltd. f 1-JKNSKN'3 DANISH AND HWKDISH HMI'LOY- V/menl oinop , corner 10th and Douglas , npitslrii II kinds of help alwuys on hand ) 60 iood girls for general housework. IUJ FIO * ACA u < MV OPKN. MOSDA r , -'Jan. V | ladles are taught Iho art of dressmaking , bailing and finishing ) can work on their owndrciscs while learning , U 601 , Urowa blk , , cor Douglas A tr.th M9W FO _ ri-unii/FoH ( JENKiiAL itoiismvoiiK. Mi'Tr Vxto competent , lt'09 Sherman nvonue. MMIU UlllL. AIIOUT 16 OH 17 YEAHH. TO * > hclp lake care of baby. 211(1 ( Chlcnzo. 29 ri-tiltL FOH UOUdKWOHIC nLMKDIATELY , V miFtanklln st. l 30 _ ( " \ -WNNTED , OIUI , FOH HOUSKWOUK , 2l'fld \J Davenport street. Mrs. Stallard M7IB-30 * n WANTK rT\YOlVlllOIIT , ACTP'K , INTELLI Vent Udlesnot under 20 , to take poslllcltis ns saleslady ; n hours dally. Must ho wllllngand quick to learn. Fair par lo start , Call after V:30 : Man- dny to Superintendent's room , 12 Crclghton block , upstairs. 714 29' ( 1 WANIKD. ( IHTi7 l-Olt GKNKIIAL IlOUbK- V. 'work. ' 1.117 N. mill slrcol. 701 2 * WHO DO WHITING FOU MBAT V'liomo make tIK.OU weekly. Hcply wllh soli-ad dressed envelope , Jumlla A. Avery , box A , South llend , Ind. 0(3 ( ai * fl LADY AOK.NTM WANTKD LIGHT , PLICAS \J ant work ; salary 113.00 weekly , llcply at once with stamped , addressed envelope. S. A. HIISS Co. South llend. Ind. 055 211' _ I LADIKS WISHING TOMAKK 25.00 n WEEK V ' hy writing nt lliclr own homes. Address , en closing stamp , Kilmer A Co. , South Ilond , Ind. , U. S. A. tlKI 29' ri-WANTKI ) IMMEDIATELY , ( HIIL FOH GEN- V/ornl IwusHWork. Must bo n good cook , no washing , family of three , grown. 2020 Webster street 25 29' / 1-WANTKD. A FIH3T-CI.AS3 8IIIIIT IIIONEU V and Inumlryman ; steady position to right n-nn. Address H. J./oiler , lloldrego Cash Steam Lnun- dry , lloldrego , Neb. 7:15-29' : FOB BENT HOUSES. D-FOH HBNT , No. 2413 CAPITOL AVENUE , modern. The. O. F Davis Co. , 1.VJ3 Fnrnam st. 707 _ HBNT. IIOLMItS IN ALL PAIlTd OF I clly. ThoO. F. Uavls company , \'M \ Fnrnam pt. 71W D -FLATP , OWKM.ISOd , COTTAGE * . IN ALL parts of Iho city. Kilkenny A Co. , tM Karbach II ) D-NEW 7-KOOM COTTAOKS , MODKHN. IN Stnnfonl circle. Convenient for business men of Omaha and bontu Omaha , C. S. Kluutte' , 2UI Dee bulldlni ; . " M4S8 D -TEN-HOOM MODKIIN HOUSK , COIl. 1'JTH and Mason slreels. Cullnt-Vj ; llro b bldu. M884 F4 D - FOlt KENT , TWO 5-ltOOM COTl'AOKS ON motor. Call at southwest cor. ! < th nnd Douglas. lit D- FINK 8-tlOOM COIlNKIl FLA'I ; UANGK AND all other conveniences , wllh n KOnllomnn roomer If desired ; MM ( ioorgo Clouser , store 701 B. lUth , at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. MMW D I-F.I EVEN IIOOM IIOUHC , PAHTLY KITH nlshed. , Inquire atW1 \ Dodge M. MW7 Vu J > -FOH HUNT. FKU'Y 1 , COTTAUB29IB LEAVEN- worth. Inquire next door west. C21 31 * -FOU UK NT. KLEGANTLY FUUNISHED house , (50. Apply room 20 , Douglas block. ' C4829 D-IIKST YE r , STEAM IIKAT , ALL MODEIt.V 7J room house ; also corner Hat IKlrd and Daven port. 051 30 * DfOHOUSKS VAHIOUS SIX.KS AND PAIITSOF clly ; , F. I ) . Wead , llllli and HouKlni. W.-'Oj f-J-FOIl IIKNT..NKW TWO STOIIY SIX UOO.M * J house ; modern rouvcnlencns ; luriro lawns con venient to car Hue : JiO n month. U7U1 North IStli. 7I7-SH- D-4 UOO.M COTTAOB WKLL AND L18TKHN city water In yard , 2tlJ9 Uccatur street. Inqnlru llobt. Hunlur , Iloo olllco. -M70I 0--FO11 HUNT , HT1SAM IIBATKI ) FLAT OF li rooms , Llnlon block , corner of Mason nnd 13th streets ; Inquire nt ill ? In block , John Hamlln , nt'i'nt. 11WJ D-HANDaOMKLY FUIINI8HKI ) 14-llOOM IIKSI- denco lo rent durliiK World's fair period Chl- caKO. These In Omaha Intending to visit the expo sition can form a club of friends nnd rccure my resldeuroNwhlch will certainly cost you no inoro. and you are assured of handsome quarters pri vately duilnx your stay. For particulars address 4517 Kills avo. , ChlcaKO. 074 2tf FOB BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. E-LAIIGB. SOUTH FllONT IIOOM WITH alcove , wllh board. IMHI Capllol aro. 63230' E NICE PLKA8ANT I1OOMH , W1TU Oil WITHout - out board. 2303 Douglas. &C3 ! E-N1CKLY KUUNISHKD HOOMS. FUUNACE , gas rnd.bath , 1917 Jackson. 11W1-1 * E-FUUNISHKD UOOMS , 15 AND 110 PCIl month , out S. I7tll. MCU ! U- E-FOll UF.NT TWO LAHO15 UOOMS. NICKLY furnished , modern conveniences. 1924 Farnum slreet. M7I3 31' -STKAM-HKATKiJ fcOUTHKAST FllONT rooms furnished tit for housekeeping. 1714 icholas street. M708.11t 17-NICELY FUHNISHED HCOMS , WITH OH J without board. 620 North 19th. MCUO-3' IJi-NKWLY FUHNISHKI ) WITH FUHNACB VihcaU210 North 19th street. MG78 4 * | 7 FUKNI8IIKU IIOOM FOIl ONK OH TWO -l-JKcntlemcn wllh rufcronco at 1811 Capitalave. 723 J'J E NICK WAHil HOOMS , ALL MODKH.N CON' venlenccs. llont reasonaolc. 2030 Uarney. 31 * FTJBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. - J SOUTH UOOMS WITH HOARD. i ll ; efercnces. 1822 Chicago slreot. MtlH 29' 17-THE DOLAM , 209 AND 211 N. IfTU ST. < L . 713 I7-YOUNO WOMEN'S IIOMK UNDKU CAUK OF L Woman's Chrltlnn association , 111 bo. ! 7Ih si , 210 I7-FOH HBNT , FUIIN1SIIKD IIOOMS WITH i1IUAUD , slcam heal , Ulopla , 1719-1721 Davenport street. Ofi-l' 17-AN F.LKUAM'LAHOK KAST FllONT IIOOM J. wllh tirst-class accommodations of private family , i''O N 23rd. W-FOll HKNT , FUHNISIIBI ) HOOMS WITH J board In private family. Modern house. Kef IT cnco exchniik'ed. V537 bt. Mary'fc avenue. 72429' FOB BENT-UNFUBNISHED BOOMS Q-l-3 HuOMS ClIh'AP , bOa N. 13TH ST. 410 FIO' G-FOIl HUNT-FOUR UNFUKN1SMBI ) U03MS In llrst-claes nelKhboThood , flO per month. Ad dress X 37 llee. 712-59' FOB BENT-STOBES AND OFFICES. 1 ONK FOUllSrOHV lIlllCIC UUILD1NQ2 ] F15KT wide , 1407 Unrncy si. 714 1-KH HKNT , TIIK 4-STOIlY.HIHCK I1UILD1NO , LUIS Farnam st. The bultdlnif his a fireproof ce ment basement , complete steam hcatlnir. fixtures } viator on all the lloors , ens , etc. Apply at tlio offlcaof Th Uee. CIO 'I-KOH ItKNT , A VKHY DKSIHAIILF. IIUILDING suitable fora warehouse , with stable In conuc lion. Trackage front and roar. Address B. A. Carmlchnel oaro of McCord , llrady A Co. 215 1-FOH IlKNT bTOHK IIOOM NO. 143 UPPKH 1 Hroadway ; now ; slta 22x103 feet , with shelving and countars : deslrablo location for dry coeds and Konoral merchandise. Day A Hess , agenU Council Illiiffs. In. M 3IJ7 31 li-FOHLRASK , ' . ' 84 FT. TIIACKACK , NHAH IITH Land Nicholas , F. D. Wcad , Ivth and Dougln. 0533 1-FOH HENT , NUUHASKA V1NKCAU WOHKS J-complote. F. D. Wead , llith and Douglas. (62-29 AGENTS WANTED. l-WANTKD A LIVK MAN OH WOMAN IN * " every counly where wo have not already so * cured ropresontalUo lo sell our "Nevada frllvcr" Solid Metal Knives. Forks and Spoons to consum ers ; a solid metal as while as silver : noplalolo wear off : goods eu.iranteed ti wear n Ufa time ; cost about one-tenth that of sliver ; the chance of n lifetimes axonts avernua from I&O to f 100 per week and meet with ready sales everywhere , so Kreat Is the demand for our Hulld MetaWdoods. Over tl.OUO.UUO worth of good ! In dally uso. Case of samples freo. Standard Silverware Comnany , llos ton. Mass. M244-FI3' -STATU AOBNT FOIl NKIIUASKA TO 11ANDLB ' Columbian Memorial Chart ; exclusive control : largo prodts ; small capital , lleruemann A Co. , Uroad St. , N w York. MilO-29 1 AOKNTS WANTKD TO 8KLL TUB DANDY 'sink cleaner. Samples IScebts. John W. Sudlow , 080 Ilalscy street , llrooklyn , N Y , 68.1-30 f WANTKIl , LADIKS AND OBSTL1SMEN TO t' pla | slapla article everybody must have. . A lifetime s business lo Iho rUlit one , Call or address with stamp lor sample , 1U14 Cblcavo street. Omaha , Neb , MC20 5 * T-WANTKD , AOENTS FOH TUB "LIFB ot ' James (1 , Illalne , " by James P. lloyd and Hon. J. Hussell Younit , the Ufo-lon * friend of Mr. Illalne. This Is thuouly entirely new work ; 7Wpages ( and32 full'panupiiitravlnKi. Hells for II.W. . llest terms , A Bold mine lor aurnts. _ ( lct In at once 15 pro * mlura freo. Outnt free for 10 cents to pay poitaui U , U. Mitchell & Co. . Cedar Ilaplds , la. 1IMJ 30 T ACTIVE WOHKBIIS KVjniYWHKHB Foil I tint "Life of James O. Illalne. " Written by Willis Fletcher Johnson , the New York editor. nd Intimate friend of Mr. Illalne- Memorial edition embracing HID history of his life from cradle lo grave , 012 extra lame paves. Magnificently Illus tratod. HetMll but (1.60. Bolllnr Immensely. Uln money for workers. 0UOO menu wanted. A bonania. Ilrst torms. Act'quick. Hook on U days time. Freight paid. Outut with full Instruc tluns mailed free upon appllratlon. Ulobe 1Mb la 1'ub. Co-.nj Chestnut street , I'blUdelpbla. I'a. , or KM Dearborn street , Cblcago , lit WWJ CV \ rXO WILI , NKl > li WKKKLY. HOWF.'H IN ' falllbln bandlcapplfiU ysloni on eastern races. Second successful ytir. , llrfpronrcs to subscribe snfe , conservative , 'iiestllckl. For terns nnd iirospcctns , IMQ , addniuiA. ' . D. Itowp , P. o , llox If , ilrooklyn. N. V. , mt 2ii * l | ( | | _ I-.A \VA\TKUKVKIIYWIIKIIK TO 8F.LL " 'Crawford's Llfo of Jllalne , " wrlllen by Sir. Illnlno's mosl lutlmatu llU'rnry ns nclato and conll- lenllal frleml. The ( niloniclM edition. OverlMJ octavo panes. Price , J3.00. Act quick. Send at mice SO cents for outnt nnil'sccuro the territory. Ilcst : erms Address J. M.J jfrench Pub. Co. , Omaha , Neb. _ r-WANTKD-AOKSlit. IN CODXTHY TO 8BLL " 1 10.10 lots. Men or women , good salary , lharles 1' llenjamln , 105(1 ( DodUflmrect , Omaha. Cil4 8U * _ -WANTKD. . AOKNT * FOH OUH IIUKAT "lilFH ' of J.O. lllalnp , " by the famous historian , Dr. J. C , Illdpath. Authentic , memorial volume. Masslro anarto , IS.OO book , elegantly Illustrated , for H.W. ( let Into Iho Held tlrst wllh this Incomparable book and coin money , ( l.oo outfit free. Send 25 els. fur poslngp. J , K , Hastings 47 Cornhlll , Ilostor , Mass. Mera-1 * _ _ I AOKNT9 WANTKD IN KVKHY CITY AND ' town In the United States to take orders for thn "AntobloKraphy of General llenjnmln F. llullor. " Kvcry word wrlllen hy himself and complete to dnte. Our now book , "Tho Hlory of Our Postomco , " written by Marshall CuMilnit , the prlvatn secretary of Poslnmslcr ( ioneral.Wanamakcr , Is also ready , The people want these rouinrkr.blo works. Liberal lornns oulllls. 11.00. Wrlle quick. A. M. Thaycr & Co. . lljslon , Mass. CUT 29 * I AfJBNTS IN KVKHY COUNTY TO WOHK IN ' 'homo dlslrlcli can make fiOO to 110.00 per dane / ; no experience required ; steady employment , llox 6IG , Princeton , III. | 1 y.\ \ ' 1 --WANTKD , AOKNTS ItTTvYBHY7 T(7wN 75 ' Nebraska for Iho faslcsl selling household aril- clo niadu. Sample for 23c. Ucntrlco Nov. Co. , Healrlcp , Neb. 73J-2' ! ' I WANTED , SALF.SMEN AND DBALKIIS aT " sell whllu enamel letters for window signs , I ( Inns vimmalcil on Iroui blir profits i send for Illu trnted price list. .New York nnd I hlcago Kim m company , 4C Clark street , ( hlcaeo. UO SU * WANTED--BO ABD. K WANTKD , 2 FUIINISIIBD UOOMS FOIl Ilk-lit lioiuckcepInK by man nnd wife , near as possible lo P. O. Address X 27 , lice. M03i 2'J ' * K-WANTKIl HY GKNTLF..MAN. IIOOM AM ) hoarding In a llrsl-class hoarding house , liefer- cnces Klvcn and required. Address X 40 , Hen olllce. 720 2J K WANTKD. FUUX1H1IEI ) IIOOM IlY YOUNi genllvman ; price no object ; would like nice room In private family. Ilcst of reference \ 31 , Hee. 083 29' -ANY ONE WANTINO A HKAL KhTATK man lo xhnrc ottlco wllh him InN. Y. Life or lee ! bulldlni ; address X 2ii , llco. tj2 ! 21) ) ' K WANTKD. NIXK TjH TKN-IIOOM HOUSK wltliln five iiilnulej walk of postolllco ; must be modern and In good neighborhood. Cnll on or ad dress Manager , the Smith Premier Typewriter < o. , corner 17 1 and Farnam. Hi'il 30 BENTAL AGENCY. L-ENTIUK PEHSONAL ATTBNTIO.N ( HVKN TO rcnlnl properly. Chargci reasonable , 4 years' ox- pcrlenco. ( J. F. Hulls , J20 S. I7lh slreet. 6U2-F2J STOBAGE. M -STOIIAOH tHKAP. CLEAN , WELLS , 1111 Farnam street. 71J M DON'T STOIIB HOUSEHOLD GOODS W1TII- outseelnKonr storano department. It Is thd best. Omaha Stove Itepalr Works , U07 Douielas. WANTED TO BUY. \T-FiiiaT MoimiAtiKs ON oooo HKAL KS 1 > talc. H. A. ArnoldGJj , lie } bulldlnz. MTU \J -MX,000 USED STAMPS. BOX C'J , CITY. i > MJ.W FI3 * TVJ WANTED TO HUY. MKD1U.M ttlXK SAFK ; 1 > must bo cheap. OborgoV. . Holbrook. IH2J Fnrnum street M72I ill * FOB SALE HORSES. WAGONS.ETC IJ-FOIl SALE , 3 KIitHjANT DlllVINO HOItSICS. I Must bu sold nt once. Fidelity Loan Uuarantco Co. , room 4 , Wlthncll blk , il'JI FOR. . SALE MISCELLANEOUS. rTIIK 8TANDAUD CATTLE CO. HAS CON- Vxstnntly on hand baled hay , for saloon track at Ames Nob. MM'J Q-FJH 8ALK. THE IIItICK THAT IS TAKEN out of the County'hospital. Inquire of the foreman at tha hospital. FOB SALE , TYPKWUITEH. HE.MINGTON Q No. 2 , for fSO.oaJ. . . II. Uaynes , Heo olllce. JI430 Q-FOIl 8ALK THE'IlLACKCOCIfEH SPANIEL Ditch Coonle , No. 1121. n. beauty ahd perfect pet , also two flno puppiesi will bo sold cheap. K. U. Hust , Chirks , Neb. C8I-31 * Q-A FINK ENGLISH MASTIFF , 14 MONTHS old , perfect pet , -also ono liver color pointer pup , U months old und two palls high clats Jacobins nnd wlilto fans ( shakers ) pigeons ; al < o pair of MalteoB cals. No , 12M S. 14lh Bt. , city. Telephone 1013. K84 29 * MISCELLANEOUS. 1J FOP. HENT. LAND IS THACT8 TO SUIT , JV near Florence lake , 200 acres Ib all. Hoggs ft Hill. 1401 Fariiam street. M5I8S f | J FOH SALE , TWO HUNDHED TELEPHONE -Ivioll paper memorandum shelves at a bargain ; will exchange for diamonds. Address or call even ings , Ilrnwn. 1722 Dodge St. 720 29' CLAIBVOYANTS. 3-MHS. NANNIK V. WAHIIKN. CLA1H\OYANT , reliable business mediumflfth year at 119 N , llith. 718 S-MRS. DH.M.LKOHAVE , t'KOPHKTESS. DEAD trance clairvoyant and llfo reader ; tells your life from cradle to grave ; can bo consulted on all affairs of life ; lifts the Cdlohratod Egypllaa breast plalo lo unllo Iho separated and cause marrlago with one you live. Come ono , coma all nnd bo con vinced of her nrnarkable powers. OHICD and resi dence 417 S. llth St. , hours Va. m. to 9 p. m , Strict llfo chart and photo of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for tl.UO , chart alone I2.0J. All letters containing t cents n stampi promptly answered. B41-F2' S-KNOWLUUOIS IS POWEH. CONSULT Prof , and Mine. Arnold , business clair voyants , palmists and astrologers , have world wide- reputation for their mar velous and wonderful power In reading the past , unveiling tno-future , give Indlspcnsabln ad vice , bringing success and happiness to thousands ; tells the busluo s you shonld follow for greatest success ; If your lover Is iruo anJ Intends mar riage : restores lost love ; removes family troubles and through their wondrous magic mirror show picture , tell name of the ono yon marry. Satis faction given. Consultation , H to H ; full reading by mall , (1 : send date of birth. Ottlce 213 15th ntreet , near Farnam , 2d floor , room 4. Hours Ida. m. to 8 p. m. M387F18 . rp-MME. CAIIS'JN , 1121 DOUGLAS BTHEnT , 3D J-floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea Laths. U25-2 ri'-MASSAGK THEATMENT , ELECTHO-TH Bit -Lmnl baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlcur audohlropodlst. Mrs. Post 3l9 > jH lith\VltlmellLle. 444 k rp-MADAMK SMITH , 1324 CAPITOL AVENUE , J room 3 , 3d floor. Massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. 644 3 * PEBSONALS. U PKHSONAL-A NICK-LOOKING , HEhPKCTA- ble KPnlleman , a stranger In Omaha nnd the west , deslrwi to form the acquaintance of a wealthy young widow or wealthy young lady who would nppredalb the kindnesses of a good husband. Am tall , dark complexlonod. blue eyes , neither drink , smoke nor chew , no bad habits , no chums , and am manager of ono of tic best firms In Omnlm at n salary of t.'OO per month. 1 doslro to ma-iy a wealthy widow lady or wealthy young lady who would appreciate a < / < lfl husband who li a thor ough business man nrul p husband whom tdio would not bo ashamed of Wonld prefer a widow or young lady who rein n homo of her own. Yon can wilte , mo in the strictest confidence , as 1 h3io no companions , but keep my own secrets. ' 1 know of some of the best and happiest marrlagtft.In . iho United Stntee con tracted through n newspaper personal , Wrlto me In full In your tlrst I'lU'r , and 1 will manngo to get ucqualnted with you In n manner perfeclly re spectable. If you art ) , not wealthy you need not answer tlfls , for 1 uhr hscil to u good home among good people. You nlU find mo n gentleman In every sense of the word , with the bolt of refer- I'ncci. Vou can address me In tbo strictest confi dence , Charles E , N , , | ook box 094 , Omaha , Neb. _ , t ; 728 29' U-YOUNO LADY WANTS ( PUPILS TO TEACH on the piano. 15llLpav nworth. 35i ( 30' -MAKUIAOB PAPKIt DBSCIUHING LADIES and gents who wish to marry , many pretty and rich , sent for lOc silver , llox 430 , Chicago , III. 67-2 ' -WILL PAHTY WHO CALLKD IN CAHHIAGE- on Tuesday last atH518 Farnnm street and In quired concerulus , Ui little brown dog. please bring Information or the dog to 1408. S5th street and receive reward. ; oi 2V -OMAHA KISDKHOAUTKN , 2./XI PA YEN- port utrei-t. New term commences Monday , JanuauyJO. Mrs. E , Griffiths Mallard , dlrectoress. M0774' MU8IO , ABT AND LANGUAGES. V-or vrGELLItNIIKCK.UANJOTKAClIBIl , N.W. i cor. 15th and llarney. Uarnay street entrance. UI4 V -OKHMAN AND FHENTI1 CLASSES , SKI ; Douglas. M 348 30' MONEY TO LOAN -REAL ESTATE. TV-SoNEY Til LOANAT'LOWEST ' HATK- . i The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Farnam street 72J Yir-LOANHON IMPUOVKD AND UN1MPHOYKD ' clly properly , W-OOJ and upwards , to 7 per cent No delays. W. Furnam Smith & Co. . lith and Haruey A\r-c7F. HAHH1SON , Oil N. Y. LIFE. 731 \\T MOUTOAOK IXANH LKSa THAN 1 1'Kll cent. locludlDK all charges. Cliarles W. Itame/ Omaha Nat. bank bldg. Rl MONEY TO LOAN-BEAL - ESTATE. Oitlllntifil. \\r-MONKYTO LOAN-I IIAVK AHOtT (4.00J M to loan unimproved Omaha property , prlvato funds , In ono or tuoro loans. Audreys T 10 , Hen dlTico , _ _ _ _ . _ _ " * ' " ' \V MONEY TrTi.O AN OS OMAHA AND T'OUN ' ell Hlnrfs real citala and Nebraska and town farms nl from II lo 7 per rout Intoroil , with no add ) * llonal charges fo/commission * or attorneys foes. W. 11. Melkle , 1st Nat'l bantbldg , Omalm * tU ArLOANS. . 0. 0. WALLACE , JtJTllilOWS I1LK ' ' 8li7 \\r-7 PEH CENT MONEY S 'I on Omaha elly property. No cxlr.i'charges of any kind. Why pay high rates ? Monay Is cheap. Yon can get lull benefit of 'ow rates from Glebe Loan and Trust Co. , llith and Dodge 723 \\r-OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS > ' on real cstnlo nt lowest market rales. Loans made In small or largosums for sTiort or long time. No commlsi Ion Is charged nnd that onus are not sold In the cast , but can nlwajs be found at the bank on the corner of 13th nnd Douglas streets \\7-WANTED-ATO.NCK , LOANS ON IMPHOVKD ' Omaha properly ; low rales. Fidelity Trust company. ITU. Farnam si. 703 \\r-KIKSTJkSKCONH MOUTtlAUK LOANS ON ' i Omaha property ft nn farms In adjacent coun ties. Send fulldcscrlptlon. Alex.Mooro.lOl llcobldir. * \\r-MONEY TO LOAN ON I.MPIIOVKD CITY < > properly , low rale. A , C. Frosl , Douglas blk. 7J7 TIT I AND 2 YEAH LOANS ON CITY M ) FA KM i * mortgagesItcod \Sclby , 311 Uoard of Trade. Tft ) \\f-WANTKD , LOANS , HOUSES TO HKNT AND Insiirnnco soljcllor. Geo. W. P. Coatcs , ir . > : i Fnrnam. MilSO \ VMONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ONIM ' proved and unimproved real estate.I loSyears. Hclellly Trust Co. , I7U2 Knrnani 701 \\r-ANTIIONYLOAN AND THU-IT Co. , 318 N. V. ' ' I.lfo. lends at low rates for cliolco security on Nebraska or IOWA farms or Omaha clly propurl/ . ly-CKNTHAL LOAN A THUST CO. \\n-LOWEST HATES. FIDIliU'TIIUB11 COMpany - ' ' pany , 1702 Furnam street. 721 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X -UO YOU WANT MONKY ? T11K FIDKMTY LOAN ( UJAItANTKK CO. , IIOUM 4. WITI1NKM , Itl.OriC. SOUTH i.M'iiconsult iiAit.NHV YOU \ AMT OB \ 8MAL\ \ DOLLAHS\ \ UP- t \ * WE MAKE LOANS ON FUHN1TUHK , HOHSKS. CAII1II.M1KS , WAHEHOUSK HKCEIPl'S OH PE11- SONALPllOPKHTV OF ANY KIND. / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /YOD IAUOH /UB HHST / TOIL I OL'll TKIl.MS WILL MKKT YOUIl Al'l'llOVA I , . You ecu | my tlio money bsolc nt nny time nnd In any amount you wish , nnd thus reduce the cost of cnrrylntrttio loan In proportion to amount you pay. IK VOUowo balance on your furniture or olher personal property of nny kind , rro "III pay It off for you and carry U as lent ! as you desire. VOV CAN HAVK YOUIl MONKY IS ONB HOUR FHOMTUKT1MB YOU MAKI3 Al'1'LICATION. No publicity or removal of property , so that you gel the use of both money and property. You will also find ns In from 7 to Up. m. 7.11 V CALL AT TliK OFF1CK OF : OMAHA MOIITOAOE LOAN CO. : : LNCOIIPOIIATKI ) , : You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FIJUNITUIIB .iNI ) PIANOS , 1IOI13KH , WACONS AND CAHIUAOKS. WAllKHOUtilS HKUKll'Trl. MKIICII ANIJISH Oil ANi-OTHKIl SKCUIUTY. Wo will lend you any amount from flow to 11.000 ON TUB DAY YOU AHK KOK IT , without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amounts you nrlsh , nnd at any time , and each payment so mndc will reduce thn coot of the loan. llenieniber that you have the use of both ( ho property and tlio nionuy. nnd pay forltoulyas IOIIK as you keep It. There will bo no oxpons ] or chnrno kept out of the amount tvantod , but you will recolvj the full amount of the loan. lleforoborrowlnu elsewhere rail and see m and you will II nil It ureatly to your advanta o. OMAHA MOUTUAUK LOAN CO , MM SOUTH 1GTI1 ST11KKT , first Uoor above tbo street. TIIKOLDKST , LAItOKST ANU ONLY INCOIl- POIIATEI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. "V-SPECIAJLLY LOW HATKfl ON FUIINITUHH - < Vhor8cs or any seed security , 30 , IW or 1)0 ) days K < | iillr Chattel company , room V07 Omnlm Matlonn bank. M < 28 Fa _ X-MONKY-M. CO. 90 DAYS. CHEAP HATK8 and eaiy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvo slock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cash on hand. Duff Urcen , room 8 , liarbcr block , 73d , r.-PHITCUAHD 51 DOUGLAS BLK. 1(1 ( & DODGE 7J7 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF BE- curlty ; slrlclly coutldenllal A. E. Harris. 20J Karbuck block. , 705 BUSINESS CHANCES. --THS WKSTEUN UU.SINE8S AGENCY , 31 N. Y. Life , conducts a general business exchange. List of good business chances In nil parts of the country on application. Uuslncss positions so cured. M78d.11 V-FOU PALE. HETA1L MEAT MAHKKT ; X tirst-class location ; cash sales 125 per day. Ad dress W 7 , Iloo. M940 AT"-GENTS' FIJIINISHINGS , HOOTS , SHOES , - 1clc. . A good slock'all new and In good loca- Hon. Good reasons for solllnc. Address X 13. llee. MJ38 \r-DUUJ STOCK FOU HALE. BEST LOCATION - iIn Nebraska , for cash. Van Patten of Omaha , M612 29' V-CUEAMEHY AND CHEESE FACTOHY ; MUSI' I cell In next ton days ; onu of the best In Neb. ; everything complete , steam heat , etc. ; prlco about half cost of building ulono. Western Uuslness Agency , N. Y. Life , Omalm , 1105 31 V FOU SALE OH EXCHANGE , A III ! AND NEW L stock of dry goods , notions , shorn and groceries ; Invoice about $3,000 ; will lake eastern Nebraska or Iowa Improved farm for part pay ; nloct In run ning order nnd dolcg good business. Address Lock lloxv : ! , Oelweln. la. MH15 29 \-FOHSALE. ONE-HALF Oil ALL OF HAIID ware stock. Good locatloit. good trade. Ad dress lock box 10JO , Lincoln , Neb. Iil2 0 \T TIIIIEK 8TOHKS Foil SALE-TWO GKN- Jl eral merchandise stores for eulo In Clay county , Nebraska , In two of the beet towns In Hie county. AIi-o ono In Thaycr county , Nebraska. All doing a large , vtrlctly caslwbuslness , New stockH only run two years , 'Iho proprietor wishes to engage In the wholcsala tiuMnoss , reason for soiling. This IB a golden opportunity for any one wishing to engage In the general merchandise business , as they can step Into n largo paying cash trade , Sales books , Lank books und good references to prove these are rare opportunities. No groceries In either store. For further particulars address C , L'oxOS. Harvard , Nob. 031-29 * V\VANTED , PAHTNKH IN WKLI. ESTAI1- I Untied business clearing (250 to (100 per month. Must bo capable of handling cash , and not over 45 years of age. bmall capital and peed opportunity to right party. Address or call lireenshlelds Nicholson , 021 Hroadway , Council llluffs. la. M732-3I' Y-BTOCK OF HOOKS AND STATIONKHV , J known ns Crowell's book slore In llcalrlce. Neb will bo sold under n chaltcl mortgagoat a bargain. This Is a good chance for someone to make some money. Address John A. Forbes , Agt. , caru Amort- can bank. 73129 Y- roil BALK , DUIG : STOUK IN CHICAGO. Prominent family pharmacy under largo hotel , facing Lincoln park , very.prettily located , hand- Homely titled up and thoroughly well appointed and stocked. Kent ( SIX ) n year , with a sovjn ycir lease. ' (15.003 business done , H.OOO prescriptions .tilled per annum. Prlco f I'.OOU which cun be cleared n three years. Only reason for sale , other busi ness , Correspondence sollclled from serious self buyers only , having the monty. No agents. Ad dress W3 , I.ordX'I homas , Chicago , HI. V7029' V-WO.IU ( WILL NET (15.00 W K EKLY. HOWE'S I Infallible handicapping syntom on esslern races. Second successful year ; references tntsuhtcrlberii. bate , conservative , practical ! for terms und prospectus - pectus 1893. Address C. D. Howe , P. O. box 127 , llrooklyn , N. Y. ftW 29' V-WANTKD. MAN TO TAKE THE MANAtJF- - 1ment of permanent brunch for etlabllshed Chicago cage house. Will pay all expenses and (160 00 per month salary ; also good porcentsgii on all busi ness done. Must Invest (3,00000 In MOCK of goods to bo carried , and must give entire attention to business. Chester llurton , 005 Home Insurance building , Chicago. i 29' FOB EXCHANGE. ry cT.EAH OMAHA IUSAL KSTA I'K FO'l MDSB. , /Iactual valuation. Money to loan. lloiSli Omaha. > /-IOWN ino FAIIMS IN NEIIIIASKA , KANSAS /-l A Dakola- Will sell cheap , or exchange for mdse. horns Jt catllo. Add , box 7D , Frankfort. Ind. 775 V-CLKAN 81XJCKOF GKNKIIAL M'n'd'rS ; WILL /Jlako real ett ( oi money , llox 2V5 , Frankfort Ind. 775 Z FOIl BALK , IMPLEMENT STOCK AT 1MO geuo. Address T. J. llogurs , Imo ene , la. _ 674 I13' y-WILLTUADK OLKAIl LOM AT MANITOU. u Colo. , for clear Nebraska land or itnoJ eijullliis. Address d. J , lllchards , llox I'JJJ. Denver , Colo. y-4bO AI'IIKU OK CLEAIt LASD IN ONE OF ' - > thebest winter wbeatdlslrlcls In Kanias to ex change for 10 or ' * ) acre tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay cash dlfferenoo \ properly Is good. Address , giving price and location , O H Hoa ortlce U6 y-CUBTOMKH WANTS CLEAN BTOCK IIAHD- S-Jware(16,000) ( ) for good resldenct , OmahaG , Wallace , Urowu biota 664 f > FOB EXCHANGE. /-IO.OOO ACHE * OF < * i iUH1l. iA.Nt Fo fTALK7)N ) / eair Inrnn or will < chanitp , i > . merchandise ami slock , InqulrooIJ.il Suttun , Illooinlleld , Neb. _ 7r niisT MOUTH AG K i'N7M ' PHOVEP"LOTH oTi ' /farm lands to < < chnngs for lot nnd homo wllh conveniences. Lcnldas , 1618 Wobiter street. /-MU ACHES t li ) f"\"ND. CLICA1I , VAI.LKY /-'county , to exchange for clear Omaha properly Improved. Addros F. M. Hammond , P O. hot Til , Omnlm. 707 2y" / - W I LL TIIADK t'WO I.MPHOVKD PUOPKUTT ' > eqully (41W , for Improved farm. Address o , II J , , Omalia. Mob. MW ? 4' /-i.ooo ; Kyri Y "IN nJi u iMiopTrHTY To /Jlrndo for long time lensu of hnuso or collage. AddresiX3'i , llee. 1,72 29' FOB SALE BEXL " ESTATE "VOW IS THE TIME TO I < ,1'AVI { vv HAHOAINtj IN HKAL KSTATK. NKW modern built house near lUtmcom inuk , i splendidly llnlshed ILroughoul. all eorivpnlr-nccs. I Auyons wanting nhandnimo homo will nnd this a I big bargain If tukun nt once. ELEUANT residence Just complelod. corror 31st and Pacllle streets , colonial design , modern con vcnlenecs , Including furnnciv laundry , baths , hot and cold water , gas , sowi < r.wo , etc. A beautiful home. Vuil bo Mold quick. NKW nine room house. all modern Improvement * , Jnsl tlnlshcd , on ono of the nicest residence slreels In Omnlm. Spnclous grounds , nltli an abiindancK of shade Ireo * . fruit , etc. A most desirable resi dence for nny one wishing niiiplo grounds and faclllllCB for keeping u team. Owner wishes to clu.10 out ru once , and 1 cnn offer this propetty at n low Hguri ! . BI.KGANT iloublo residence with 75tl50 fectcn , t front , on ono of iho .nle : ' l resldenco slroels In llilsclly. \\lll rent for { 1,100 per iinnum. Can soil and lake u good share of | > urchao prlco In farm land. land.MCE MCE five-room cottage nnd tot. four blocki west ( if High school. 'lhl property Is In good f.h po nnd wlililn cnsy nalkiui. dlstnnee of business por- Honor clly. Price. tl.VU. MODKllN ( Ight-room coltng } . near llanscom park , sph'iidldl.v tliilshod , u perfect tern of u houno. Call nnd get prleo TKN ACKI-IS InVest Onnih.i. splendidly ndnpled fur rinnll Irult mill iiarly vegetables. 'I his prop erty Is located iluht In the way of the future Kronth ol both Omnlm mid South Omalm. Cnn be subdivided within the next lew > eira : Into 52 choice lots. If sold nt oiii'e , only fl.VJU. IIUSINKSS C01IMil.2Uth. : Vlnlon nnd Spring , In cluding Interjection of three s'.rccls : vplendld bun- Inesi block , stores nnd Mats. A big bi'rgaln If t.iki'n soon. FOIITY AOHK9 lontliHi t ofxcltv. elegant tract. only live an. ) ouc-liulfmllus from till court house ; can offer nt M75 per aero HlJHI.NHS. PIIOPKIITY , miner Cutuliiir mid Vlftu streets. 121 feet IronUKi1 on Cumliig. with sut > stin : tlnl two-'loiy hiiitlnc ! . * block. Will rent for Iijj ; ! per annum ; loom for two uioi'o bnlldlnis. A big einipat (8'iOO. VACANT TIIACKAGK and wholesale lot near 13th and JncbKOn. This Is Iho mosl convenfcnl und finest wholesah Vroprrty In the city. Cun o If IT at a low llguroln ordei to close out nn estate. Call for price and terms. ONK HIMIIEI ! ) > AND TWENTY ACHE:1 : , I'loso to Now Klmwooil park. In West Omaha : llneht In vestment property In the west : can olfer for a few days at MiUO per acre , mid tuko ojliilf thu pur chase price in Improved liuomo btrln ; properly. or good Nebraska land. C01lNKll21lhand "C" slreet , South Omiilia , SOx 150 feet , room for two cottages on roar with SOxhO feet. Hiiltnblo for business on Iho corner. Must be sold at once at $ 1,2110. LOTUOxl6U feot.i-nst front on 2llh ncnr " 11. ' If sold at once only JI.8JII. F1HST CLASS investment , ISIItlM feet south and east front , corner "E" nnd 2sth siruel , South Oninhn , will makothrco nice south front Iotsf > 0xl20 , worlh from ( I.UOO to (1,200 each. Can oiler tlio en tire piece of property for u few ilnys for (2.VOJ. Fill. LLI/r , 00x160 loot , near ttilh und 11 meets , South Omaha , only tS50. CHEAP I.OTWxl50 feet , near 87th and C , South Omaha. If sold ctulck , only * ? 7"i. SU.MMKH fiAIIDEN PIIOPKHTY. coiiBlstlnp of 14 Hits , covered with beautiful Khadu frees ; right nt Hell line station. oppoMto lltiser's hotel and Schut /on park. In Wesl Omnlm. .New boulevard mid entrance - trance to fair grouuds are rlghlat thin point. One of the llncst places In Omaha fnmummi r gulden pur poses. There Is big money ! n this. Prlci ) , S,50U. Gco. N. Hicks , KQ5.N. V. Llfo building. 7.17 am _ MAIIA. POPULATION I'i0,003 , TIIK DEBT CITY In the L'nlti'd StnteKln which to IIIUKII real estate InvchtmenlH ; W.IW.OW to bo Inverted In Just llvo of her enterprise1 ! , vl * : Tno rallroiid bridges aiTiim Iho Missouri river , union depot , now government fortnnd a2j-mlloranal , besides newpaeklng IIOIMCS for South Omaha , hololn for Omaha and ono hun dred olher enterprises , which will make In this UK gregiitc ovorl2UUO"UO. Inmselllng lots Ijlng between Omaha nnd the new Fort Omuhu lor oxnctly ten dollar * each , n limited number lo each person. Nn morm.igo on this property. Enclose Mump for pint nnd lull In formation. Charles P. llenjnmln , sole agent , 1MW Dodge street. 091 IW IX HurgHlns only. My word Is good. W. G. Albright , 621-2-3 New York Llfo. 740 V ° U WILL NOT ALWAYS HAVE A CHANCE J-to buy n nice building lot nnynhero around Omaha for ten dollars , No farmer will sell you n square foot ant of the worrtslouuh on Ids farm for HO.OO. while 1 glvo you n 25x125 ft building lot for exactly 110.0J ; warranty deed nnd abstract with each lot sold. No mortgrco on this property. Enclose postage for pint and more Information. Chns , P. Jl.jnjdiiilu. , milo agent , I.'K ; Dod.ec st. 089-29' \\TK OFFEH THE FOLLOWING DKSClTlIlED ' < properly on monthly payments of (10 each. It Is nil desirable , and the prices are dirt cheap ut an all-cash figure : Good corner , 35th and Sprnsup , SIM. Corner , 10th and Dominion , walks , etc. . ? JM. Flno corner , llnUer Place , on car HIIL' . SIUJ. Soulh front lot , orchard 111)1,1700. ) Valuable Walnut Hill lot. il.UOO. Elegant corner , I'lovordalo , two lots. Jl , 200. Fl'io 4-r cottage , barn , etc. , Howard street , f 1,500. No trouble or expense lo show Ihls properly. llemomber that In our elegant now addition of Avondale Park you can secure a beautiful tuodorn homo wltliln the mile limit for f.l.ouo to $1,00.1. o tWeHty Trust company , 1TOJ Farniim. M405FI9 ( &IO-A MOHTGAGED HOME IS NO HOMK AT 'ipall. I want every rich or poor man who hat no homo to Invi'stlgoto the Join I am soiling nt (10 each , lying between Omaha and the new fort. No moitgage on this property , und ilO Is payment In full for a lot up to n certain number. WHIu for Plato nnd full Information lo C. P. llenjnmln. IWH Dodge slreot. ( SO 29' O YOU WANT A NICE HOUSE FOH WHAT you are now paying rcnl. and still not llvo In the suburbs. O. JL Mattlngcr , Chamber of Corn- meres. 179-FIO O500.00 HUYS A GOOD LOT IN OUH MOUNT 'ipl'lensunt add , nnd remember you can no this on monthly puymunU of flO.UOcach. Omaha Heal Kstnle and'Irunt Co. , lloom 4. llee hldg. MftH31 LEG ANT HKSIDKNCK. COBNKII , 13i FT. h ( > . IIS.OOO ; handsome rceldenco. t'J ft. lot. flS.OUU ; line farm 12 miles out , tti.UUO. F. K. Darling , HurLcr block. 1.01-31 riinr. iiKsr CHANCE YOU EVKH HAD TO GIT : 1 n good home. A nix-room house ono block from motor In bnundcrs & lllmcbau hs add to Walnut Hill (1,800 , (100.00 cash , balance (16.UO a month. Oinulm Itcal Kstnto nnd Trust Co. , Hooni 4 , Heo hldg. MM 31 IOU SAMC-OVKIl l.OJO FIVE IOWA AND NU- J. braska fur s , many oxcetlcnt bargains , hind rapidly advancing , (10 00 to $ ii5.oo per acre now. Call for particulars Hoggs li 11111 , HIM Farnam st.8'.i3 8'.i3 F4 WE HEPHESKNT OVEH W DIFFKHENT owners In Iho sale of Omnlm properly , so nl ways have bargains. F. D. Wcad , lOlh anil Doughip. 15)3 ( fiiii DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY ? IP SO Ipgct your cash Into real cstulo. Own bntncllilng. become a property holder at tlrst opportunity. I am selling a limited number of lots belwcen < mahu and Iho new fort tor (10each. No mortgage on this property nnd flO pays for everything. Wrlto for plat and more Information to Charles I * . Uunjumln , noluncent , 15'Jii Dodge street. Mi 29 * 4 IIIO SNAP. A FINK LOT IN OHCIIAIIP HILL -/Vadd. at agreatimcrlllcu. Address A. D. Kihol- man , Seattle , Wash. A50 31 * f 1HOICB HATlGAINS , SOUTH OMAHA HEALTY V MIdwny luveslment Co. , 717 N. Y.I.lfu bldir. MI7 FIO Nil OF THM HEST FAIIMS T\ DOUGLAS county. ! I75 acres , for sulo In part or whole.V. . C. Alnsworlh. Klk Lily , Neb. MUIU 29' 1)EHHONAL-A TOWN LOT FOU (20 , ( ) N PAY- I menu. If lols remaining unsold January 1 next because ilOJ cnnnol bu obtained for It , wo will re fund your money nnd (5 additional , Sweet < -nler Building Co. , Dayton , O. 059 2il' rPBN 1)01.1Alts INVESTED IN A LOT LYING I between Omaha and the now fort might niiiko you hundreds within the next twelve months. No mortgage on tills property , und ( tills full parment for lot , nbslrnct and deed. Write fur plat and In formation. Chas. P. llenjnmln , solo agent , 150 > i Dodge street. 2'J' LOST. T OST. JANUAHY27 , AllOUTU P. M. . HKTWhKN JJ''lhland Inlltornlft streott and Hrst N'allonal bunk , u heavy green cloth carrlugo robe with fancy ttrtpcd lining , lletiirn 102109 California street , or room 'A'5 ' Flret National bunk bulldlBC and receive reward. < 3 10 B LACK HKIFKH , F. D. WBAD , 1521 So. WITM. IF PAHTY WHO WAS SEEN TO PICK I.'P bhT J ring on llanscum park car going north Wednes day evenlnirwill return It to H''t Howurdslruet they will oblige ( ieorge C. Carpenter. 7U9 irti * PAItTY WHO CALLKD IN CAIIIIIAGK > on'Juesday lust utSMH Farnam street and In quired concerning the lltlle brown dog. plc kc bring Ipformatlon or the dog tu 110 S. 35th stu-cl tndiecclvo reward , 701 Ml BLOOD POISONING. lll.OOD POIS > N IN ITd PHIMAHY , SECOND All 1'snd erllary stages cured In I/O to'/jd4ysot money refunded. ' 1 ho treatment thoroughly erud Icntes all poison from iho blood and douj not de tain you from your business You 0411 be treated at home or olllce , All correspondence slrlclly prl vale , For further Information call on or addreis the Continental lleuiedy Co. , room M , Harkor block , Omaha Neb. . ' SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO. " " " "MAIIA COLLEGKOFSIIOIITIIAND AND TYPE 0 wrlllng. A. U Ong , A. M. . prln , lloyd's new theater. MWtlfl' COSTUMES. T ADIES' AND GENTS' MABgUCIlADB COS- JL tumvs far rent at Hi S. Utu. ' WiWriU' TYPEWRITERS The Best in the World. MAOEATH STATIONERY CO. 1004 rixrimm St. , - Omnlm , Neb "improveniaut th3 Ordar of th9 Aga. " A Trial of the Smith Pi-omier Will 11 ( lost You Nothing lint will ( U'nntistruto n'l ' wo chilm , Wo will plucotli Siultli 1'roin'cr ' liosltlo nny wrltlni ; inni'lilno on tlio in.irUol , It will spunk for It- si-lf. > Itsdurnbltlty can no lonnr bo ( iiioUlonol Wrlto or unll on IIH for * nt'iloiuo , tormi , otj 1 Cor. (7th ( and Farnam Sis. , Omaha , Neb Trlppluiiin 1U K. II. MAYIli\V. : Mntinsor BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , JBco Btiildiug , Omalia , Neb 4years Examiners t ; . S. I'm Oniee. Advlco free THEREMINGTOHTlPEWeiTEn AN'l ) KUI.1 < I-INB Ol' SLU'I'l.IKd. Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict ' 1'IIUNK iri7J. 1712 FA UN AM. ProiionulH for School llniuN. Si-alcd bids will lie reri'lvoil by tinirensnror of tlui school district of Uiiinlin , Nolnasliii , at his otllee In ' aid clly up to la o'clock noun of the Hth ilny of IVhrniiry , IHUII , for th > pur- chnseof JlHB.OOil.Odiif the leKlsteri-d liond * of llicsnlil school district now on luiiiil. .said bonds \tv\ii" \ \ of tillvaliu - ( if f l.Ol 1(1.00 ( ilirli. No proposals for less than p.ir value of the hond.s toni'llier with accrued InU'iCNl lliurcou In l-Vliruai'V Hth , IHi ) : ) III bo consldurod. Said bonds are dated January 1st , 1HU1 ! , and paya ble -0 years after their date and boar Interest at tlio rale of 5 per cent per annum paynblo si'Mil-ammally. I'rlnclpalalul Interest jmyahlo at ICounl/.o Ili-os. , Ntnv York Hald bonds will lie sold In uiKintitlos of ono bond or more to any ono bUfderaH Ihi ! board may deem most iiihnnliiKfousfor It. The Hoard of Kdne.atlcm reserves the rlKht to reject any und all bids , Ildiids dulhcred In Omaha. Omaha.IIKNUY IIKNUY I1OM.N , ,1'J1(1151 Treasurer of Hoard of Kduuatlon. 1'ropoNiilH for riumlilnp ; . Scaled proposals will bo received by the secretary of the Hoard of I'Mitcntlon , until I o'eloolc ir. in. I'ubrmuy liili , 1MKI , for iihiinbiinc to bo placed In the .Saratoga sohoul linlldliiff. In nccordanco with pinna nnd on llloln the olllco or .lohii L.itoiiBor , Arohl- trct , room iKI'i Morchiinl.'H Nntlopul Hnnk bulldlni ; . Illds to boon blank forms furnished by Kiihl archltoot. The board reserves the rl ht to rojoot nny or all bids. . lly order of the Hoard of Education. UlIAltLKS CONOVEIfc Hoorotury. I'rrptisiilH tor 8rliiol Kile. boated proposals will bo received by Iho sco- retary of the board of education until 12 o'clock noon , Saturday , Kobrunry 25 , IHlO , for additional pronnd not less than 1-OxlJTfcut for tlio LOUR sohool site , and to bo within two blocks of the present site , 20th nnd KriuiKlIn strcolH. The bo'ird reserves the rlcht to reject any nnd nil bids. Itv order of the hoard of orlncntlon. J flOt 011AHLES CONOVKlf. Socrotary. I'roiinsnlH lor IllarUhcmrtl. Sanlod proposals will bo rocolvoilby the soo. rctiu-yot the board nf ndiicatlon until 4 o'clock p. in. , Thursday , Pourirtr/ ) . IW ) . ' ) . for natural slate or artlllolnl blaukbn.irJ for the Lothrop and Hurato/a school bulldlnzs. Plans und .spiiclllciitlons n iiy bo hnd ujiou apuUfntUm to tbosocrutary. llv orJor of the bo.irl of education. JJildlOt UIIAItl.Kri CONOYhlt , i-ocrolnry. I'rDpiifiitloii fur .lull Slto. * Scale 1 bids will bo rocol rod at the olllco of Iho oily oluik , Umnlni , Neb , , up to . " > o'clock u. m. , Tuosdny , Juniiary , 'll , INH , directed to thn mayor and council ondor-iid "Proposals for Jail Site. " fur n , lull silo for the city of Omalm. The city council reserves tlio rlsht to reject nnv or nil bids. JOHN UUOVKH , ji" > d7t Oily Olerk. RR1LWRY TIME CRRD CHICAGO UUIILINGTON A y Arrlva Omalm Depot 10th and Mason Bis. Oiimhl 4.45 p m Chicago VeiTlbulo. . . . "TTt V.lfla m 9.60 n m Chicago Kipress. . . , 9.l9a ( m 12.40 n m Chicago Express | 4.25 p m 0.60 p m . . .Chicago & Iowa Local . I ti.OJ P m Leaves 1IUHLING10N & MO. HIVKH. Arrlvs Omaha Depot loth and Muion His. 10.15 urn 7.77)onvTF Express 10.16 a m Doadirood Express 4.60 p m Denver Kxpress 4,60 p m Denver Limited 0.60 p m HastlngJ Local. H.I5 a m „ _ .Lincoln Local ( KjC'yi Leaves II. Omuha Depot IQlh nnd Mason His 9.611 a m . . . .Kama * Clly Day Kxprcsf . . . [ U.UO p m ! U5 p m K. C. Night Kip. via V. P. Train , 4140 n nl ' V.45 p m St. Louis Expruss | 0.43 a ui Going CHICAGO. II. I. A , PACIFIC I From Kasl JJrdon Depot Hllh ft Maroy Bis. I F.asL 10.00 itm r77 .Atlairtlo Kxpress. W. , . . . ] O.M p m 4.40 p ra Vosllliulo Express 1.10 p m ' p in : i ht Kxjjrois TioTiix" ' CiliiiAGO , u. I. " .V t'ACIf'K1 ] Vroui West Union Depot 13th and Marcy His , West. 1.VII pin I Denver Llmllud 4.u : p 8.60 a ml..Kansas Clly ( Exc pJ.Snriday ) _ ' . .enves I IJNIU.N i-Ai ifii' . i Arrives Omaha I Union Depot lOlh and Marcy Sis. ' Oiniliq ! _ 7.55 n m lluatrlru KMT- " ' . i 1 II.VU p l'W am llenvor Kxprju 4.0i p m 2.15 pm Overland Flyer 1 70J p m 4.15 pni . lieu trice .V 'inn Jl > r KxloxHnni I'.iuj p m d.4'J p m Paallto Kxprp 10.49 a m e.'M ji m Donvur Fant Mall 4 * ) v n IA UVOJ J , Mil * .V Si' . IMlTU iArrTvu" Omaha U. P. ilepol and Marcy Mi. 7.05 p m Kxprjsi ,9..I5 n m 11.10 am Chicago Kxproi ] , 16.51 p m Leavoi SIOUX 4JITV .t I'A rKiU Omaha Depot , 10th nn'l ' Marny Sis. 7.HJ a ml Sioux l lly Passungyr IHLWii m 6.SJ pm | St. Paul ExjiresJ LL1.10.00 m Loaves HIOII.X CITYAi PACIFII5 , Arrives Omalm I Depot , I5lhanl Webtlar Bis. Omaha 'T45'pml . leaves \ * > , m . P. . M. , V O I , . . . . . - Depot _ 15th _ and WebtlerrUs. . _ . _ _ - „ - - ; TuiTaml. SliJTix iily ; Acejmnio.lullonTt IHtt P j-jjj 1. 15 p mlWIoux City rtxprjM | l t. Sunday ! IU 4'J ' p m i.liiu | | . ttlPaul , mlt d . i .2J m 6 | j p mlllancrott Pnsjunnur ( Kx. Hunry ( ) ! D i " . /.ft MO VAI.LKY lArrlvei Depot 15th and Webster frli. I Oinahft Teadwood Kxprosi. , 5.WM > ii > ( Kx. Sat. ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Ex. Mon.l' 6.20 pm Norfolk ( Ex. Sunday ) , l'Jra St. Paul Hxprois . . . . .I 9.25 m Leave" i ( JIlTCA'tTo A'S' Omalm U. P. dopol. 10th and Marcy i ( Bx. Snn'y ) Carro'TiPaisonger i hlcano Kxpreti Vestibule Limited B.'M a m Eastern Flyer 1.16pm n'UjMn ( Bjr Bun. ) Chin , j'asi. IKx. Mon.ll IKW urn Leaves M1HHOUIII PACIFIC. Arrive * umahal Depot lull nnd Webster Bis. Omth * 1.10 p ml. . , ; . .Ht. Ixtuls Express , 7.00 a in 10.00 pml M. IxJUin Express , 6 OS u TO ! 6.10pm Nebraska Local , , 6.10 a f i 1 1V 1I' 1t 1 I'A I'B I'K ' IIn n , t : Vin n : ol tl 01 tlB B ] in 1. " di diI I th Ht < ill Ht ( in i do 81 Ca Ti } urn us < iVJ ns pit