Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1893, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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OnwLa Joubora Doing a Good Deal of Busi
ness and Very Little Oonnlaliilug.
J'rcnullliig Condition * In tlic Coiiiitrr
HritUfitrtiiry tb Illinium * MmCollection !
flniiil for Dili Hi-mum ofllio \ ur
i Kiinlt ( J
Ilcgardlfss of January thaws and Arctic'
bli/7-ards tlio Jobbing trade of Omalm goes
Bte.idlly on as If It hud got such a good start
tlmt It could not stop. A j car ago jobbers
were congratulating themselves on the ex
cellent character of the tr.ulo that vvas com
ing to Omaha and vvcro telling gte-at stories
of the pain In the ) volume of business as com-
p.nod with the ptovlotis season , stories so
largo that It vvaa hard to bcllevo them ,
although there vvas plenty of evidence of
their tiuthfulncss This year business Is
not only holding up to the high standaul of
business activity established last ncason ,
but In nuiny cases Is exceeding It by u very
handsome gain
In splto of the almost continuous cold
weather , which tends to keep people Indoors
nnd to some extent hinder trade , the volume
of hiislncss has shown no diminution duiing
the past week Thciolsn steady demand
for almost everything that Is seasonable and
just nt present , at least , It is hardly possible
to discover any signs of aery speedly lot-tip
In business It would appeal tlmt Indica
tions promise u fairly active tiudo for some
tlmo to come
Conditions In the country are eiiiitc satis
factory and ( ollec-tlons are holding up well
for the season of the i oar 'I ho best counti j
Undo Is almost without exception meeting
obligations piomptlj According to the re
ports of counti.y iiieiehants who ha\o been
In the city duiing the past week theio Is a
good ictail business being done In thoeoun-
trj. When tbo weather is such th.1t the
faimeiH can como into town thoto Is no
eViso for complaint about the country iu-
tall trade I'liceson most kinds of counti v
produce have been so high that those
funnels who had anjthlng to sell , and could
gut tomaikot with It , have been quite
"Hush" as the sav Ing is
'Iho local ietall trade Is geneially repoited
ns fair and about as good as i ould bo ex
pected under the pie-sent conditions , and at
this tlmo of the jear I veijthing would
.seem to Indicate that building and other cn-
terpiises will open up early In tlio spring ,
uml thus make plenty of work for laboilng
men With the diffeicut manufactuilng In-
dusttii.s of the citj' piospering and steadily
lucieasing their woiklng forces , Omaha
ought to bo u good jioliit for labor This will
tend to keep trade moving in a ictall way in
the city
Ono by ono those business iifenvvho have
been talking a little dlscouragingly during
the past two jears as lo the outlook for
Omaha ch.ingo their opinions and oxptess
gi eater conlldenco In the citj' than over
Ili-v Irvv Ing Country Produce.
So much has been ald duiing tlio inst
vcck legal ding the condition of the maiket
on county produce that veiy little can bo
added. As has been noted fiom daj to day ,
the most Interesting fcatuto in the markut
1ms been the tapld changes in the piico for
t'prgs. The high juices and the warm spell
hi ought In eggs too fast nnd the maikct
bioko badly Then came the present cold
simp with the attendant falling off In the
iccelpts nnd the downwind tendency of
the maikot was stopped nnd prices
sent in the opposite dltcotton. The iceovci-j'
> has not been as lapld as the decline At the
c-loso of the previous week the maikct
was quotcel at .Tic. but they dropped rapidly
until 18o w as touched. Other lines of pio-
duce have not shovinsuch Important changes
nndvvhllo thcro luivo been fluctuations the
range has been narrow. Chickens have
weakened duiing the week and are not sell
ing \cry freelj' . The general market has
not been very net ho and still there bus been
no surplus of icceipts. About everything
lecelved has been cleaned upon the clay of
aulvnl. Wanner weather would ptobably
lend to liven up the maikot ns it would start
fruits and'vegetables to moving more fieelj1
and tend to put more lifo into the produce
Oiniilin Hunk Clearings.
Ow ing to the fact that thcro has been a
lot up In the teal cstato transfers connected
with the Kast Omaha en tot prises the clear
ings of Omaha's hanks do not make qulto
such n laigo showing as they did during the
two weeks previous At the same time the
decicaso has not been heavy , amounting , as
ill bo noted below , to only about a half mil
lion ono wcokiind a quaiterof a million foi
the other week.
The present very satisfactory showing
ma do bv the dealings of this citj'jnust bo
usciibed us being duo almost cntiioly to the
prosperity of business A jear ago business
in u Jobbing way at least vvas verj- good , bill
other local business enteipilses wcio not
qulttiso prospeious. At the pit-sent tlmo
business men , almost without exception , are
it-porting a gain in the xolumo of trade over
the same tlmo u .year ago. The clearings
which show an increase as compared with n
, x ear ago of en cr 50 per cent , w ould scorn to
bear out their claim.
The following will show the cleaihies foi
each day of the week under i ox low and the
total as compaied with previous weeks :
Monday Jl,500,443 S
TuuMlaj 1,278,51387
\\e-diicseluy 1 273,050 13
Tlilil-diiy. , 1,2'10,7752 _
I'llduy , . . 1,209,30534
Hatmduy , 1,004,377.38
Total . J7.742.531.G :
\Vi ok ending .Iiinuary 21 . * 8,285,14 < I07
V\iol\ ndlng January 14 . . . 7,1189,03203
\ \ i-ek ending .Innniiiy 7 7,234,427 01
\\ec-k ending Ditimbei .11 nHiunr > 04
ceU endliiu Dcermbc-i . . 0,780,174.23
AS DUN : ir.
Tnulnery Good anil Outlook I-romUliif ;
in"ii : t of the rnllurr.
W. H. Hoberson , manager of the Omalu
oftlcoof H. O , Dun & * Co , in his weekly le
view of local trade , sijs :
"January Isdiawlngtoa close with Omaha
Jobbers all pleased with the ic-sults of the
new jtar thus far , and with the prospect
Wth scarcely an exception they haxo hai
Votter trade than a joar ago , and u jear ago
they xvero well pleased
"Uctall trade Is bolter than mcicliantshai
nny icason toantlcliiato , though not specially
lushing. The craze of people for cheap
goods Is keeping up special rates of ono sou
und another , and forced tiado is voij good
"In leal estate circles there is some Inter
est , though sales are few and far between
Imiultlcs for gilt-edged u-sidcne-o propertj
me frequent , and the man who wants to
tuko in a tract that .somcbodi else Is forved
to sell is often seen among the agents. Two
or three good deals huvo been stalled duiing
the week , but nothing iuiK | > rtant was closed
"At Lincoln thr gioat event of the week
was the tollapso of the Capital National
bank. The failure Is very unpromising at
this time , though speculators seem willing to
buy In claims at u discount. U Is to
the credit of the Capital City and shows
n \ cry healthy condition of alTalrs that no
mercantile tlrms have gone down with the
ruin of the largo Ihmneial institution. The
falhuoof the Htato bank at Wahoo caused
> orylittle surprise and following so soon
uixm the Lincoln disaster made scarcely u
rlpplo of excitement outside of Wnhoo.
"Among Omaha banks business continues
quiet. Ihei heavy demand for money usual
ntthls timoof the jear Is not experienced
iiiul most of the banks would cheerfully ac
cept good loans ut'\or.\ moderate rates.
"Thoextremely cold weather has had a
stimulating effect upon business in general ,
but It bus its draw kicks as well. Ono Job-
Ulng house represented in this cltv bad a
car load of pickles , estimated worth about
1,000 , frozen on the railroad retently.
"About the most sensational occurrence In
business circles this w eek has been the dls-
co\eryof t'f > 00 worth of goods in the base-
incut of u business house , supposed to have
boon placed ! hero by u Him which fulled in
Jjecember for n largo amount and reported
very meager assets. The discwery
Jills again rmlu-d tbo sentiment among
Jobbers In fa\orof testing the elMc-acy of a
criminal prosecution as n pro\enti\o for dis
honest failures. In this connection a local
\\nolcsalo \ ilrw states that there la sufUclent
i \l Irnco nwlii't a certain retail grocer wlm
ulled within two i earn In a most tmi-on
clnntthlo ntjlo to send him straltrht to the
teiiitontlars and there1 Is some talk of fore
nit this HulUldual to take n little
Hjiial medli-lne The iliniculty nlwajs
ncoiintered lit bringing dishonest mer-
hants to Justice Is the dls | > osltlon
sufTeiers manifest to t-oinpromlso their ac-
ounts for a small percentage rather than
ncur any oxpcnso for rrlmlnal prosecution
n \ low of this it Is suggested that a common
'und should uo raised and placed in the
muds of n rcpresentatUo board of wholesale
lealers with instructions to make It warm
Tor unv IndUidual or linn clcaily
guilty of fraud A small contribution
i initially from each of the Jobulng
loiists of the city would provide a
sufllclent sum to prosecute thle\os attempt-
ng to steal under form of law In a great
n my Instances , and-ft ould make some men
lesltate to Put their noses Into the halter
who now fall to paj their debts as u matter
Of business.
'There Is good ic.ison to believe that the
scnatoilal contest will end the present week ,
nid the leglslatuio can then drop | > olltlcs
and attend to business. It is hoped that
some essential amundmcntR to our collection
laws will bo enacted during the session
Candor compels tho- admission , however ,
that present prospects for a reform in this
direi tlon are not especially encouraging
'Consldciablo ' criticism is beam among
business men of tlio methods of Insurance
adjusters who bavo made ) settlement of
somu m iit losses It is not thought to be
any p.ut of the duty of an Insurance ad
juster to circulate damaging reports con-
coining the business Intcgritj and
tlnaneial standing of merchants who
ha\o the misfortune to suffer fiom
lite Nc\cithclcss , In two llrcs which
liavo occmred In Uiiiuh i information has
been gl\cn out hi Insurance people w hlch
appeals on its face to bo malicious Ad-
Justeis who aio peimlttcd by reason of
their position to examine into the books and
prh.lie affairs of business Hi ins should con
sider the Information thus obtained as abso
lutely confidential and should not drop c\en
a hint or an Insinuation which could reflect
upon the standing of 11 business man. unless
theie Is suniclent icason to suspect them to
wait ant insurance companies in standing
suit befoie pailng losses. "
Null's Coiiif-rnliiK tin ) Vlen U ho Make tlin
\ \ In 1 1 * ( iu 'Itoiiiul.
The Pc-ickoCandv compnnj Is closing out
its stock piep.iratoo tomcning to Chicago
The Lincoln Packing aid PioUsion com-
panj pioposcs to increase the capacity ot it.s
plant the coming so ison
Kendall & Smith of Lincoln are inci easing
the sl/o of their Hour mill at Woodlawn and
will gl\o it a capacitj ofSOObairels per dai
ThoW A I'ago Soap company has been
n ward oil thocontuiet of furnishing the soap
for Douglas counti duiing the lire-sent iear
A good many Lincoln manufacturers aio
Joining the state association and home pat-
tonago appears to be gainingcoiucitsin that
The advance in tallow has aducd $1 txi per
box to the cost of producing a box of soap.
while the market on soap has been advanced
onli about 35 cents per box on an average It
is piobiblc that soap will go highei befoie
many dais
Meicer , Whitmoio X Co bavothiiti eight
people at woik In their Omaha factory , and
as tho.v aieonH niceli stalled they expect
to employ as mfuii moio when the > get to
luiyiing full foiee , which they calcuiate will
bo Hi the couiso of the next tliuti dais
Ihol'tnitv Uitiact compaiii of Lincoln
has amended its rticlesof incoipoiatlon and
Incieased the tapitnl stock in oidei to be in
a position to take caio of a constantli glow
ing business It has added to Us line of
specialities a high giado of cream of tartar
biking powder , tooth powder , etc
Dr Whitmoio sa.\s that the most effective
wai of le.ichitig ,1 merchant is to i each him
thiough his customers In other words , the
manufaetui eis must cieato a demand for
their goods among consumeis and then the
ictail dcalois will all he anxious to carri the
goods that aie made In their ow n state.
Last .vear when the manufacturers were
aiianging for their exposition the chief dilll-
cultv was to find enough munufactmcrs who
would make exhibits that would 1111 the buildIng -
Ing This jear they are likely to have
trouble In llndlng a building tlmt will bo
largo enough to hold the exhibits of those
who w IU want to take part ih the exposition
Eveiy ono wants moio space this jear so as
to bo able to make a liner showing of his
goods and it is a question just bow thcj can
all bo accommodated.
Air. Gedney of the Gedney Pickle company
s.ijs that they must have more pickle ma-
tc-ilal or move to some place whcio they can
get it. Ho wants the faimeis to raise
cucumbers , tomatoes , beans , caullfloweis ,
etc , and promises to buy all that they will
raise nt prices that will make tlio glowers
more money than they can get out of nny
other crop Iho farmers have been so accus
tomed to raise certain staple farm crops that
It Is bard vvoik to got them to change over to
ani other although there may be more money
in it. Last i ear Air. Ucdnei was forced to
Import cauliflower , small onions and other
vegetables for pickling from Holland in
Older to keep the factory- running Yester
day bo met a number of fauncis out at
Teutonia paik to show them the advantages
of lalsing pickles.
'I he Lincoln manufactmcis are thinking
of holding a winter carnival next month foi
the ptnposo of arousing interest in homo in
dustries among the people of Lincoln. Tlieio
Is an association of ladies theie , having a
very huge membership , und that has been
very successful In holding entertainments ol
diffcicnt kinds , and they will probably take
the lead In the matter. Air. Stewart.
vice picsidcnt of the Manufacture-is and
Consumers Associitlon of Noluaska , i'
very much interested in the move , and ir.
company with the secictaiy of the associ
ation , called upon a number of tbo manufac-
tutcib last week regarding the proposed car
nival The scheme .appears to bo generally
favoiedbytho Lincoln manufacturers , and
if it is ilnally decided to cauy it out Air
Holmes w ill spend considerable time in Lin
coln helping It along.
1'lllMllllOlll I.
Atnotimoin the history of the eounti.v
has pneumonia been so prevalent as duiing
the winter months of the last two.vears. li
times past a common cold was not considered
at all sciious , but of late jeats the gieat ten
dencyof colds to lesult in pneumonia ba <
nuulo people apprehensive The trouble is
that colds aio not ulwajs propoily treated
No preparation containing opium , wilt'
cheiry or chloroform should bo used , as tho\
have a tendenci to dry up a cold , whereas it
should be loosened and the lungs iclieved
It has been observed that when Chamber
Iain's Cough Hemedv is used the cold never
ic-sultsln pneumonia The reason Is that
this icmc-dy stimulates the mucous mem
bi-ane which lines the throat und lungs to n
healthy action , causes a fieo oxpcctoiatlon
throwing off the poisonous matter , andcoun-
teiacts any tendenc-i toward pneumonia
Tor sale by druggists.
TIII : KIITM.vmcir. : .
LVsTltlTMEXTh placed on reaor I January 28.
NIc-ls I'olur-on mid nlfo to Swan
. s ' 1 no 15-1(1-0 ( f2,500
1'ollutt und ifu to J Kusncr
et al , lot U , blocU ( fc ( Jruimi i-icy
pmlc l.COi )
Mill block } SHIIIOIIII 1 , vn.i.ji..i to J .1 Trillions , | ut 29. * '
K M SIorMiian to I' A Morsmiin , lots 1
und 2. MorMii n park . . 10,00 (
I' II Franklin und husband to S I ,
Kurr , n 'i lot 3 , block 3 , Patrick's
ndd 3.000
Jens Andersi n lo Lena Quick , 10100
idiures In Mono Quarry Hesei vo uml
10-100 hlmrus In Hptlng 1'ltico Uc-
srrvo. . i
Mildred K lve s und hiisbtnd c-t al to
\ \ t' Htoe-pel , so nw and nw nw 20-
J 1' Cole- and vvifu to frank llattl'e-s ,
lot 4 , block 2. Ukuhomn park
John MrArdli ) and wife to Niblna
Mltr , Iots4 and 6 , block 3 , Thorn-
Imrg I'larei . 3 500
SH II Chirk , trustee , tel ) j , Tbomut- ,
lot 20. block 2 , \ \ tstldo BOO
I'll II Mil and husband to H I'snuer.
28 ft lot. 10 and u 10 ft lot 11 , bloolc
1 , Maj no I'luci' , . , JO.tXH
guiT ci. uu
Kllu A H Powurd to 1'ivd Drexel , lot
Itiunduv , lot 16 , block 10. Walnut
VII KlcbanlsontoMlldnd ; K'lvi-s'Vt
al , nw nw and so nw 20-15-13 . . . .
0 A llennett ( shut Iff ) to I ) I , Thoimis.a
trae't Iu nw cor nu 1-14-12 l,00t
Total amount of transfer * (132,10 :
Wheat Went Up Two Oenti Yesterday Aralil
Qrctvt Excitement ,
Clique llrokrrn Developed n lYndoney lo
Tuho All tlin drain OITerrd mid Sell-
CMV < rn Iininrniatfl ) Per-
Kimdcil to lleilil TliclrSiipplj.
Cute ino , III. , .Ian. 28. "Is It uMmkc out or
sell out ? " was thu iiiiestlon on tbo lloird of
Trade today. The wheat market ut the start
was e\cltlnjr mid wild on rumors that the blfr
'uibiby faction was about to dump Its big
loldhiKs. 'Phis iiimoi bad Its origin In the
fdory that r'udiiliy'H brokers hud bought from
7,000,000 to 8000,000 puts ( III till ) curb
ast nlRht and the conclusion was Jumped ut
bat the clique's wheat would be for sulo to-
lay and that the puts were to limit thu losses
lverylKdy seemed to liavo wheat for sain at
[ ho tap of Ibu boll I.OIIKS made hustn tB lin-
oid und thu bottom went out and sboit
sellers were frantic tOut ( out-Omit lines be
fore the frtrut brcuk was on
In thu exclleinunt the iimtkot went olTSc
from the close lust nlKlU , wlic-n liquidation
liuvliifc been veiy tboroiiKh , thuie wAs a halt
and thu inntlnj ; trade-is stopped to take
breath , und thu sellers were congratulating
; > no unothei on b i\lng gotten out of their way.
Hut their self-compl ilsaneu not u sudden
shock when nearly a do/un well known brok
ers of the clique jumped Into ( he pit und bi gan
to take all the ) whcit that was ottered Thu
revulsion In sentiment was Instantaneous
Men looked uteich othei Iu bew lldei ment and
slioiitlnir , "tricked ugiln , " lushed tobuybick
w hut they hud so recklessly sold nut a few
mlniiles fu-fore Thun-was iiiiothur scene of
wild confusion and tally of 1 > { C
1 ho tumult continued thtoiixhuut the dity ,
sentiment llnctu ttliu vUth riiinois.und at the
close the crowd was still In doubt wbelber It
h id brrn the v Ictlm of a "se'll out" or u "shake
out. " Some docl no that It was a scurv v lilck
on the putt of thu clique I o ere ate a pmlc and
enable It to buy unotliei big line of wheat , as
It bad sold out the largui p ut of Its holdings
on yesteiday's biilKe. ,
A fanciful slory was cuiient purpoitliiR to
explain thu vvholu seciet , Cudalij cot b ick
( mm t'lmlnitl yeslerday ullh le very bid
cohl , aci oidbiK' lo this tale Ilo was feuiful of
pneiiinoiilu and hivlm : a large amount of
wheat , bo plodded It by imts 'loelay hefedt
better und his bull Instructs uiu now uppi i-
most In cthu last hoiireif tiudlnt ; I'aidrldKO
took the- lead andolleied whc-iit In siichi'iioiiu-
ous qualities thut the spirit of tbo ciowd was
again broken I'hu markut lule-d fuveilsh and
liH'/ulai lowaul thu close l.e.u Ing oil uc
from thu bottom 01 1J4C undc-i tbe jnlcu
chisi d ut iostt-iday.
Corn and oats uvciagi-d strons , but iiule-t ,
wllhlnu nairow lanu'uand wound up ' c under
tliult n'spec'tlve cle > sliii | valurs on I'rld ij' .
I'rov lalous , aftei an e.uly decline , stinted up
and closed strong May pork icuuliliif ! the scn-
sallonal pilco uf fJOu buiel ' 1 bat May pork
would loin h the ) recorel bic-ukliift $20 figure
was not expected ut tliuvloso > tstenlaj Hut
tbo geneial trailo got tbrown oiF thu track by
an c i"lui m.uket this moridnsr Although thu
bogs , < l the } arils fell shoitof 10,000 , pi lets
for SOUK-re isons we-ro not maikcd up at thu
yards This started a great many longs to
taking piofits An equal amooiu of selling
wa.i done by HIOMI who weiu willing to go shot t
for a reaction About an hour before the'Closu
thu ecieus weiu put on ag iln ' 1 hu shorts
were quickly foiced to CONUI May poik ad
vanced straight toiJO
' 1 be bogs icee-lpts for Iho we-e-lc wen ) but
11,000 ( ugo 219,000 last week. I'lio close ,
which was at thu lop llgini s , showed a gain
shuo 1 ist night of 2r > c foi pnikund 7'c for
laid and ribs S A. Dunham for Mivcrul ( I iis
) , thu he-.ivlest bujei of poik und oplu-
on was divided as to whether hl > piiielia-cs
wuie for Armour A. Co 01 for N II lieitin
IMIniuted re-celpts foi Jlondrtyheut , 230
eais , coin , 31G curs ; oils , 2uJ cars : Jiogs ,
25 000 head.
'I he leading futures iiingecl us follows :
Ol'fcV low. nest vi si
VV. ht'At No 1
January 73
Mnr . J8
July 77 70H
Com .So.2
January < ! ' <
February. 44 M < * M
.Mnr. . . 44W I7M8M ; H
Oat < .NO 2 -
January W SI3IW 80 30J {
frebruary. 3IW 31 V SIM
Ma7 . . . . 85 3514
ilcss I'ork '
" ' ' 10 CO II ) 15 10 CO IS M'
May ! . 1'J 75 W OU U ( i U 7H
January. 11 m II C.'i It IS II CA II 10
May . . . u w ) 11 ( i7n } 11 12)4 ) II C5 II ( Uh
bliort Klbs
Jnnunry. 10 no 10 Jjc , 10 n 10,10
.May 103lh 10:1. : . 10 IIM 10 3.4 10 t'j
Cach tiuotatlons vreru as follows :
rioun Somuvvhut unsuttlud and dull ; win
ter patents , } 3t > 0@40 ( ) ; winter straights ,
J3.2Xa3 50 ; spring pitt-iits , $3 7&a4.10 ; spilng
straights , JJ SB" } 00 ; bakers , J1.7Oa2 90.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 72'sc ; > o 3 spring ,
GlSG7c ( ; No. Ure-d , 7J'ic.
C'OIIN No. 2 , 44 , c.
OATSNo. . 2 , 303i(831c ( ; No. 2 white , 35e ! ;
No 3 whltu , 8Jc.
HVK-No. 2 , 55c.
llAiu.KV No 2 , 04c ; No. 3. f. o b , 42C5c ;
No. 4 , f. o. bf40 < S45c.
TIMOTIIVHEHI rrlmc , J4.45
1'oilK Jless , per bbl , $18 37'4@18 50 ; lard ,
iie-i 100 Ibs , ill.85 ; shott ribs sides ( loose ) ,
* 1030ll)40 ) ; dry iulted hhouldeis ( boxt-dl ,
IJH7'1000 ; shottclcMi sides ( bo\cdjlO 00
WIIIMIY Dlstlllcib' finished good" , pur gal ,
tl 35.
Unchiiugc'd ; cut loaf , 5'j.5atc ;
gi. ululated , 5ic ; standaid "A , " 5o
' 1 Iu follovvlni ! were the ic-celpts und ship
ments for today.
On the Ptoduco exchange todavtho butler
murkut W.IH quiet ; creamery , 22 < B11e ; dulry ,
2HJ,28c. KRBS , e-asle-r , Milctly fresh , 28a2'Jc.
Omuiin I'rodiui ) Market.
The week clo-ed with moduiiito it-celpls of
nil Kinds of modncii. Thu general mtirkut vvas
not vury active , but with thu light offerings
about everything was cli lined up before the
close. As lo pili-es , tbori ) vvus not very much
change , und thu general situ ttlon Is about the
sumo us ptovlnusly noted. Kggs continue to
utttuct a good deal of attention , und the mai-
Kct Is rather lumer than It wus on thu day be
fore . ,
A I'l-irs Slocks uru held ut 83 50S4.00 foi
fair to choice ) stock.
1H.N vn vs Quoted ut JJ OOS2.50 per bunch
llFANs Clioh'o iiuvy , if J OOfc.2 25.
llurrm 'I he market was steady al lG < 222c
( 'i 1 1 uPer do4c. ( ) .
CUIIOIINIA I'vniiAdr Owing to thu high
pi Ire's at vv bli-h ciibhiigo Is being lie-Id In south
ern California the unlvuls heru uio H0-ht
Driiinheud , 23te
c'liAMihiinii-rt Hell and che-riy. t8 10 ; bell
and bugle , tlO 00. .Ic-rscj I'upo Cod , $9 50.
Kiis ( Thtie- not very much to say ubout
Hut murkut , us tbo situation remains practi
cally iinuhungcd If anything , trnt m irlcet
was u llttlu llime'r , but theio continues to bu
qultu a vv hie range In prices \ \ bile some bales
ivc-ru Hindi ) ut 24c , thu more ) general prlcu wus
25r. Sorni ) dealers w ' ho expect lo sen prices go
still hlghoi uiu holdi'ng their eggs ut 2Gr , but
It Is needless to udd thut the sales ut thu top
prices asked aio not very liitxe Deiilt-rs who
vvuru prc-dlctlngu 15c e-g murKct in close ) ut
hind , u few da } sago uiu nou abkluir vvliun the
I'dvanco iv III stop
( UMf Small rabbits , 75r , Jacks , Jl 50.
tin- range i ontlmilng at { 0 IHKQO 50
II vThe ) iriclpts have kept up so largo
that the ovpeeU d reaetlon In thu nmikot bus
not materialised 'Ibu supply N laigo and
lirlecs ri-muln nt pruvlohs qiiotittlons , that Is
oioao ) 511
llin s-No 1 salti'd , 4'r ; No 2 , 3i < eflint ;
IIONfV Cliolco to fancy vhltuclovei. 16 ®
20c ; fair to good , 1018c.
MLHA ( TllAl-l-S Me-udj , Jfl.50900
NUTS Large blekoiy , 11.05 ; black walnuts ,
f 1 ( Rritl 25
I.KViONS-Cbolci ) to fuiicy , < 3 754 25.
( \MlKS-The market Is null supplied iwlth
Dot Id. i oranges , llrlghls , | J.75 < S3 Ol ) ; riissuts
J 50tj,2 75 , tangerines , JJ 00 , put up In half
O\8THis Them ) Is no change ) In thu oyster
situation ut llalllmore , excepting that thu
weather bus been mlldi r , und It U predicted
that should It continue another week thu barer -
) > or will admit of bo its arriving and leaving
1'rlees , remaln about slc-udj he-rq nt 20 420
pt-r e-un.
OMONS- Homo grown , tl.OO pei bushel ;
cpnnlih ii.rcriite1.90ii200 '
I'OUI.TIU liui maiket wus unchiinaMd.
( 'bole oyouni ; chickens would inob.ibly hrlng
Uc , but Ntiick of that kind 1s very scarce- . The
git'at bulk of thu arrivals U iiuidu up of Inrgu
fowls , many of them rinuh , and the ton on
tlii-so Is Ho , liooste-js se-ll still loner. Thu
trade does not want largo fowls , but either
chickens or small fat fonlt Turkeys uru
about htoudy at 12c ; gi-esc und ducksbdfrlOc. .
\iois-0nly smull lot * moving from
Ktoro. UesK'rn .Nebraska sliK-U N iiuoted at
85c : Utah nnd Colorado , 90c < aiIlJO ; choice )
native. 75ft8o.
hvvfcET I'OTATOts-Thero ur u few In thu
murkut which are > selling at { 4 50.
vi-ul cnlvc-s , maun ; largu and
There was some home-grown cuullHower on
the market Hint < old nt { I ODijier do/en
Fvcry little while a nlifliiMKnt of honey nr-
HVM on ( ho market In SUM ) Und uliupc us lo bo
almost n total Ions Many , Mniei this Is tlio
fault of the nhlppc'r , who UIH i not take proper
canIn packing ft. .
It Isial'l that the ) leinoiji'i-rop of Airily will
bo txxir A rt-ci'iit stria s lirm guvo tbo frlilt u
cevitliiR of Ice vtlih'h cliHlel ) It so badly us to
ffri'utly detertornto Us ki-pTiiK ( quiilltU-s. The
leinoiM are liable todecuf filim the outside- .
Advices from C'nllforilK Indicate thai the
onion supply ha * been cxtmutti-d there. What
few are to be bad Ibid r , uy | Milo to local cou-
sumrrs at nlxiut 80c | n-r lu\Hbt \ > | . it Is evident
that the east can not look ( < i the 1'aclllc co.vst
for Ihe'-lr onion supply
ThU country Imported' yeurover35-
000,000 llw. of prune-M 2.340 ( KM ) Ibs , of llgs.
43,000,000 HH. of rulsHiV-l ,50lH)0 ) ( ) Ibi. nf
pri-M-rvi'd fruits , Jelllus.iMcw 32,000,000 guls
of nllvo * oil , 7 . ( MIO.IMN ) boxes of lemon * , limes
und oranges nnd 1,500,000 limit ulmomN.
A piMd ninny oysters from the (5ulf of Mox-
Irti huve he-en sold Iu De-nver and u fun have
been trle'd here. They uiu said to hive glvc-n
excellent satisfaction , nnd If thu blockade
continues much longer at lliltlmoro they uru
likely to como Into still more general use.
12 II. Ilranch nyn that ho does not very
readily bo 1 1 mo nil thi'slorlesiif diiiiiugu to tbi-
1 lorldu otange crop that Is going thu rounds
of thu press. In Ids opinion u great de-ill of
that Mrt ) of talk originates with thu California
orange men uho are usliip ; It to bolster up
price-son their fruit.
Onne-rs of California nr.ingo gloves who had
not disposed of thulr crop for dullverj lute-i In
the sc-uson nro now holding out foi higher
prices. 'I hu fart that stocks of sound I'loi Ida
friilt In thu leadlnir centeis uiu light and that
futiiru I'lorldu shipments will bu of fro/en
Ntock Is the excuse for thu advance.
A good ninny drillers aru saying that
Omaha's eg- market bioko more than was Justifiable
tifiable- , which Is undoubtedly title Ilonuvur ,
when eggs are- selling ut 30c It Is only natural
th it wiirm weather and heavy u-cc-lpts should
produce u p'nilc among spilois1 and force prices
lowei than might be leally necessarj.
The I'lilon I'uclllr Is tunning thiro refilgrr-
utoi cms for the accommodation of tbe ship
pers of ft nils und other perishable ) goods.
These- cats leave about 1 o'clock In the mornIng -
Ing on Mondavsidnisdajs and Fridays
Owing to thu e-uily hour of leaving , gdodsbave
to be dellveml the day befoie , not latin than
A ( | iilel speculation In California or nige-s
bus been going on foi suvt'iul dajs and prices
uir elerldedly hlishei , iicconllng lo thu ( lilt igo
He-laid. > pe-cul itois and merchants In gen
eral me beginning logiusp the Idea that all
the good oiangcs I hlsj ear will come fiom Cal
ifornia , astheie Is littleI'lorldu fiult In sight
that Is flee fiom frost
According to thu teporl of Commissioner
Tnppui of town HID total shipment of biittui
billed out of Iho stuto foi thejeur ended --un-
te-mbei JO wus 71.502 O12 llw The bc-st
authorities estlmale the ) hoinu toiiMiiiiptliiii of
bultei lobe 501bspcreaplaoi ( I00.l,0 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ibs
This would bilng the total ) iri ) iurt of the
sluleuplo 100llJyjl Ib , l.stlmatln , ' It ut
20c pei Ib the value of lovvu's pioduct foi thu
juar would bo $ j.J'J,380. )
' \\e have onlj had emu kirk on tbo new rules
governing thecbinges for ciittnge , mapping
with "r > iper , ntc , "sild uhuavy fruit shipper
"Hie Hade gene-i illy rerognl/c-s tint VVD aru
rhinged fir cailugo at Iho points where wo
buy and tnat wu have got loget that mom y
Illicit In MIIIIU feu m 01 othei tt Is only a ques
tion vv bethel It Is bellei lo usk enough
more- for out fiult to m ike It up or whethei
we shall put It In u vcp n ate charge , \\o\\cro
of opinion unit thu luttci method would tU
moir s itlsfactory to all concetiied , bc'iico wo
adopted It "
It Is amusing lo note tlie dllTrieiit vv ijs that
countiy shlppnis h ivu of putting up produro
formal liet It has bc-i-n lemurkcd th it they
udoptulinosti-vuiy mutliod but thu light one
A good many commission men haveat dllle-i-
ciit times prlutc'd Instructions foi tbo
jrulcliinco of shippers , but It does not
appeal to hive much elfrct. Thuiu
arc- for uxantplu , shlppeis who will Insist on
sending In thickens with the heads and fcut
on , doubtless with tbo Idua thai they will get
pay for Jiislso miieb menu weight TJiey do
not know th it the beads idid ft et have to be
cut oil before thej i an he sold on thu m u ket
and that thei huvopild fiolght on something
that Is thiown away A shipment of ducks
was ic ci l\i d the othui day that not only had
the beads on but thefc atho s h id been left on
ubout half way dowi ) the- necks of thu fowls
1 hen thesblppei had goiicto the trouble of
vriapptng thu held of eacli blid In paper that
gave the ducks the appearance of having on
nlghli ups It would luivo been much less
trouble to have cut oil the he.ul * and saved
paying Height on them and at the same tlmo
in ulc thu ducks nioicpu'stntablo on thu mar
_ _ _ _
N w York Murltets.
NhW VOIIK , .lull. 28. KIOIH ( Kecelpls , 20-
519 pkgs. ; u\iHrts , 7,2011 11 , l,3Jo Hacks ;
sales , o)0b ) jikgs. ; mm kut about steady ; win
ter wheat , low guides. tJ HKii'J 55 ; vv Intel
wheat , full to fuiicv , * J 55QiiJ.75j winter vvhunt ,
patent. ? J 7531.2u ; 'Jllimc-sota i luar , $260 ®
3 50 ; Minnesota stialchts- 0J4.00j ( Mlnue-
sotu putPiits , $4.25'iW.90 '
COIIN .MtAi < Dull : yullowr vrcstern , $2.75 ©
H\c Nominal ; vve-stcrn , O.lcQtl 01.
H\m IY Dull , Him ; western , CO380r.
II uil.l- MALT Quiet , ste.ulj vve'sturn , 70 ®
82c. ell J iniKlu , Cumifla , $1 OtXrfli.OS.
WIIBAT HccelptH , 15.500 bu. ; exports , 02,810
bu ; snles , 1,190,000 bu. futuies , 8,000 1m.
spot. Spot murkut dull und lower , closing
steady ; No 2 red In store and uluvator , 79iS
79Uc ; afloat. 79'4 < aHOr ; f. o b. 79'81'ic ' ;
No. 1 northern , 8J G84u ; No 1 hard , 84uQ >
88150 ; No. 2 noithein , til'&H'c ; No 3 spring ,
77Vi > ! 78r. Options opened heavy and d- !
cllnc-d IfflfiC with the west and on local re il-
Izlng. advanced ) < fiiSio on covering , closing
steady at 1iQ.'t e undei ye-steiduy and a fairly
artlvo traelo ; No a ird , .March , 79VS80C.
closing ut 79 - : May , 81a ( lJ82c. closing ut
81'.c.ruly ; , 82V4183C. closint ? ut 82 Bc.
L'OIIN Iftcelpth , 40,800 bu. ; uxpoits ,
bu. ; aulrs,480i)00bu.futilies ) , 115,
SuotN til 111 ; No. 2 , 55'- Iu uluvntor , 50 > 4e
afloat ; ungraded mlved , 60e. Options declined
' < ri'ic with wheat and the west , milled 3 T"jC (
on covering and closed sliong and vvas tin-
clianged to 'ic up , with trading light ; March ,
544f.55 < c , closing at 54 { uMuy. : 53 , J54 5-inc ,
rloslng ut 54' < c ; July , 53J4lt5518C , closing ut
5 PIC- . ,
OATS Receipts , 123,000 bn ; exports 2,405
bu ; snlris , 10,000 bu. futuies , 53,000 bu spot.
Sixitsdull but flrme-i. Options linn and qulut ;
rcbruaiy , 38c ; MUJ8''iu ) ; spot No 2 white ,
42icNo ; 2CblrHgo,39'icNo. ; 3 , 37"c ; No. J
white , 40c ; mixed westein , 38'140c ; white
vvostorn. 4v3451e. (
UAV Qulut ; bhljiplng , 05c ; good to choice ,
Uoi'S ModorUtcly iii'llvo. Him ; state , eom-
moii to choice , 21&25C ! Pacific co ist , 21@24c.
HIDLS 1'nlrly active , Rte-.uly ; wet salted
NHW Orleans selected. 45 lo 00 Ibs , 4'i < 8Gti ;
Texas scle-rted , 50 to 00 Ibs , 5&7c.
CUT MUTS Dull ; pickled bellies , llijc ;
pickled shoulders , ID'ic ; jilrkhd hams , 14 ®
14'ic ' ; middles , quiet , easy ; shoi t clear. tlO 80 ;
laid , dull , c-.ish.-i ; western steam closed ifll.8t ) ;
siles , 250 tlurce-suti'11.80 ' ; oiillons.salesiiono ;
Januaiy$11.75 , nominal ; Muy.$11 75 , nomi
nal ; pork , steady ; old muss , $19.00 19.50 , ex-
ti a prime , nominal.
Ill'iTf it Quiet , easy ; westein dairySCVttSDo ;
western riuimeiy , 24ft33e ; westein fautoiy ,
23 < a24c ; Klglus , UJ"
C'linsK rulily uctlve , Him ; pint skims , 4'i
< 310c.
Dins Steady ; receipts , 537 pkgs ; vvcstein ,
flesh , 345i31c.
liter.-Active , llrm ; domestic , full to extru ,
S't'iiS'.r ' ; Japan , 4Vfa4'gc.
MOI.AHSI.S 1'oii-lgn noml il ; New Orleans ,
ope-n kettle , good to choice , fall ly active and
Him atbr ! < c3-lc.
bt'iun Haw. Him. dtillifalrrrHnlng. 3 1-lGc ;
centrifugals , 90 I6st , Tc ; refined , llrm und
falily active ; uir A. 4 , c ; mold A , 4 5-10
( tiQ'iO.Htiiiidiird ll-ltx 47 cronfi'rtlone-rs'
A , 1 9-10' 44ecilt : ; louf , 55-10i 5icrriished ; ,
5 5-105l51ir , imwnc-re-d , 4 5-10'(7,1'lc ; xranu-
late-d , 4 ll-lG < ( t5c ; cubes , 4 15-lGil5ic.
I'll ) liios Quit I , AmerIcmiM27515.50
OJIIKIIDull , steady , lake , J12.00.
I.KAD rirm , domestic fT 90.
TIN I'll m , quiet , Mr.ilt.s , t _ > 0 15.
St. I.onln JlnrhrM.
higher ut 3'l'je. Muicli. 41ii ; Muy , 4.e. )
OAih-Unehuiucd , cusll"a2i1c iiskud ; May
sold at 35i8r '
UihHlKliur ; G4 < a544tM
llAlll.H Nil Mill S. t-j , r
lltiTThii I.owe-i ; cieamisiy , 25 < S30o : dulry ,
18l < t20i : . '
Kims rirm , 25c ' '
I'liovisiONs-Poik , llrlns $1000 for olds
lard , higher , ill 05 < i
ItEC-eil'TS 1'lour , 7.00O hblsj wheat , 63,000
bu , corn , IH..OUObu ; path , 10.000 bu ; rye
none , barley , none *
Siiii'viFNTS-l'lour , 11,01)0 ) bbls.i vvhrut , 27-
000 bu , corn. 00,000 'lid ' . o Us , 6OO ) bu !
rj e , 3,000 bu . hirloy , 2K)01ni. ( )
Oil Marmot.
Ni.vVOIIK , Jan. 28.T l.'t.Tiioi.EUV
rates weiu u llttlu moro iictlvo tixlay , ami
5,000 bbls chunked bunds ut tliu Consolidated
board at from 5t'e toS-J'tc , closing ut the lat
ter pi lee bid At DID Mock exchange 4U < M )
bills were hold at 52fc Dullness and Nte-udl
ness mil ) murk lradln .
TAI.IOVV rirms city (12.00 ( forpkKH. ) , 7c bid
COTTON Sn.nii-earco ) and higher ; c-rudu ,
uOr bldi yellow , 570.
Hosis.Dull but llrmer , strained , common
liii'Dod. tl.35l 4(1.
TlililTNTlNb-Dull but hteudy ut : ! 3'JJ.34e. '
LONDON , Jan -C'.UCUTTV LI s .f.l-ll'J
poriiiiurteir. .
A.STVVHIIJan 28 I'miOM UM 12 f paid
and sc-Ile-rs.
Mllwuukco ( .rain Murkitt.
Mli.WAi'KriAls , Jim 28. WHEAT Kusy
May , "Ours .No.- > hprlns , ' Obc.
COIIN Ouluti No. 3 , 4JC.
OATrt-riims .No. 2 vihlte , 34'c. No 3 white
II till. fV 64c' .
KHiKim Cltvl.lte Sloe k .
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Jnn 28. I'ATTI B Itn
celpts , 4,000 hfudt bhlpiiiPiitN , 1 50Ohi > ad
good steers opened active ) uml steady to stron
closed dull , lO'iilsc lower ; others
rown nnd frVdi'M stnidv ship _ , ,
! ( ) < / > .b ( ) | Mocker * and feeders M n ( >
it.n no
lloos Itecelpl. , 4.nObeadj ( ) shlnmotiM , 900
ii'itdi KiH > d hojs active lor hfgheri all gindiis ,
.1 [ X > il7UO | hulls t7.0 v 7 70
HMFI.Illeeelptn. . 1 ( MHl he'ud ! lilpmeiil , lot )
lead | market uncb inged t mill Ions , f I.WJM.-U ) .
( II.Mierket * .
KASH t'ltr , Mo , .Ian 2HVnrT Hard
was alHiut stendy ami soft ' 11- lower ; No. 2
hard , GOiiSloov ; MO u m | . C.'J'ti ' '
CN | 4c hlglirr ; No. 2 mlxi-d , 3
OATs-Wcuk ; No. 'J mixed , 298'J
H\t. \\e-nk ut54'ic.
Hi'TTEii IilKht demand and dull ; creamery ,
25 20cdiilO | , 17ffl20r.
I-oils-Active and Him ut 22 < fl23e.
llK'Hi'TM Uhrat , 84,000 bu.i corn , 17,000
Im.i oils , none.
Siiii'Mi.NTs' Wheat , 107,0001m scorn , 13,000
ftu , : outs , 2,000 bu.
Cotton Market.
Nrvv OIIIKANS , I.i. . . Jan. 28. Quirt ;
mlcldlliig , O'c-i low middling , 8V : good oull *
liarv , HVinol ircelpts , 4,800 bale-s ! gross
receipts , 5,401 , bales ; exports to ( In-lit llrlt-
llln , 4.803 biles ; coistvvlsu , 1.2JO bale" !
stork , 310,4(10 ( bales.
Nivv Olil.fvi , Ii , . Jim 28. futures quirt
und steady ; sales 15.000 ! Jnmviry , 1920 bid ;
rubiiiaiy , JU08WJ 10 ; March , iJO.2WO.28 !
April , $6.325(03.1 ! May , $038 ; June , JO 433
0.45 } July , tO.40ao.51.
Ht I.null l.lvo Sloi k VI irlicl.
-T. Louis , Mo , Jan 28. CVTII t-Hecelpts ,
1.2OO , shipments , 000 , market sle-ady natives ,
! I ! KXiR4 III ) , fed Texas steers , $ J 2034.10 ,
gr is Texas slreiH , t2 5IV3.3.25.
Hods Uerelpls , 2,100. Shipments , 2,300 ,
murkel lllr higher , heavy , * 7 50ffl7 00 , puek-
Ilift , ? 7 JVf67 ( 80 , light , * 7 40 7 03.
SHU-P Hoci'lpts , 200 : shipments , none ,
fair togood natives would bring $3503475 ,
cholcu muttons , $5 OtKJtQ 25
Liverpool .Markets.
I.ivi niooiJan 28 Will VI bleiuly , de
mand fair ; hofdeis offer moderulelj ! led
westerii , spring , ( ! s 3dTfl ( > s Id per cental ! No 2
lid , winter , 5s KMQDs lid
Cons rirm : dem mil fair ; mixed vu-ste-in
Is 8e | pi'reentul for old
llvc-ON Ioi x utid shml cleiii , 52s per cvvl
1 , vn I'llmewestein , 50s 3d pei cwt.
Colli-i ) Murkut.
Nrvv VoilK. Jim 28 Option * opened Irreg-
ulurat r > iolnts down to 10 polnls up rins
ing steidy at 5 to 15 points ill ) , sties. .17,500
I ) iits , Incliidliig Junuurv , $17 21W.17 4.1. March ,
81075541085 , April , iflOOOJllO 70 ; Maj.flO 45
( itlO 55 ; Jnnr. $1045- September , Mil 25fa
IO..I5 ; December. 1021@1030 SMiot Itlo ,
III mer , dull , No 7 , $17 87'
ecurltlcs Were leather Slow Ycstcmlii ) nnd
Sales Oulle Small.
Niv * Yollic , Jan 28 - 1 ho stork market
could on the whole scuicely be rilled active
toil ly , although Hie tel it ti ills irtlons were
nr.nly 310,000 sh ires Of this amount nt-nly
-00,000 shares tteio monopolized by the three
luadlngliidiistilals. h a vim ; only 08,000 for tbo
entlru railroad list and the test of the
Imliistilals Thu expoils of gold todaj
and the assurance of fuitber lingo ship
ments next week had u decided le-stiatiilng In-
lluenee upon the grnuial list. Manhattan
showed a drooping tendency which resulted
In generally lower prices which , howe-vc-r
were only slightly changed from those of 1 ist
evening. Thu genoial expiesslon was that
t bet o would be no move nicnliiM the shorts In
sii/.n today nnd dm lug Ibu ( list hour of busi
ness that stork vrus quiet with small Murtiiu-
tlons Later , however. It becamu the only
stork and moved up from 1281 to 132V vvhllu
Mr.hllu vvas ullei Ing to loin It ut ' ( pi cent
pri d ly In thu lust few minute- wus sup-
plhd Illie Lilly and fell uw ly to 1J8U , 0'0 pel
cent lowei th in It wus but evening Dlstll-
* s'was Inrlliied lo move Insjmpath } vvllh
StiKiii , but It was not nearly so active and Its
e\tr < mo laiipt ) wus onlj 1 U percent closing
ut 47 , vv lib a loss of l , pel cent foi thu day
I'll gie it fe-utuio of the d ly vvas the Midden
urtlvliyln Ametlcm Tohiero , though like
Dlstllleis It fulled to llm tiiiilo ovei a wldri
i.uuo th in 'i pei e enl , though It c losed at Its
highest ll/iire A 1 npo pool was foimcd list
week In tbe common stork and It wus pub
lished th it the earnings for the p ist few
months huvu been ut tbu uite of 2O put rent
pei annum and Indlcatu an liu-ieised output ,
of about 30 pur cent on tbu foimitlon of the
com ] ) my It Is also said that negotiations aie
lu-urlv concluded which will Klvo thu company
piaetleul control of tbo tobiccotiadu of the
countrv. Ihu activity , however , wusieully
not so lurgu as Indluilc-d by thu sales , which
leached nearly 120,000 sbuios , as the pir
v aluo of thu stock Is only $10
Kallioad hbares vvcioalmost without fcutiiio
uxccjit foi the le.ill/.atlou In the Couluis , In-
cluce-d by thu high prlcus , but substantial re
coveries vveru mucio fiom the lowest figures
and the final changes nro Insignificant. Man
hattan sold lowui und closud oil ! ( put cent.
The bank statement did not make .so Rood u
showing us expectedand Ibocoiitlnuedexpan
sions of U > un.s und deposits hbous ( but the How
of monuy to that center bus been uiilnter-
Thu Bituminous Coil association of Ohio has
now been in session fort wo d lys , but thu I lock
ing Vulluy load slates that they bavo not su-
cnie-el control of their operations , nnd tbe-ie Is
no bopo of accomplishing thu plan of ugrt omen t
us to inlway | fuul. I IIDIU Is consldurublo dls-
satlsfuctloii iimiim ; thootbui roads us to tbo
action of tbo Hocking Valley und Its opciu-
tors. 'Ibu list closed with u firm
undertonu ut iCRiilar chanties toduy.
Thu I'ost buys ; Tno wildest speculation In
Industrials dominated tbo cntiiu mnkut and
most of tbu day's trading was ubsoibc-d by the
movcsmunts In suinr , Tob itco und Distillers'
certlficatus. Thu trading In both Sugar and
Distillers was again conllned chlelly to thu
muiilpiiluHons of thu bull cliques , but theio
wus somu selling of bu-tur by outsldu holders ,
who took advantage of thu movement to ic-ul-
izo prollts
Thu following are tbo closing quotations of
the leudlii , : stocks on the Nuw i orU block ex
change ! today :
Atuhlson . . . . J4JI , MJrmern IMCIIIL
Adams ICipronfl . . . 1U > do pruferred
Alton. T 11 . II U. I' Don A. ( Julf
do preferred . 153 NortliVTBitorn . . . . Hi1 *
American Kxiri > 9 > 118 itu preferred
Usltlmoro , t ClUlo U7 N. V Central . .
Cnuadn I'nclflc . . SJfc , N V A N. K 47k ,
t anada Southern 67U Ontario A Western
Central raclno . . . i.SJ ( OrcKOa Imp 18
ChtB .t Ohio Vd'l ' Nar 81
Cldcngo Alton 143 Ore H KA V N
C II .t L } I'nclno Mall
Lldcaco lias . . lll jreorla. lco A B IH <
ConBolktate-d QAP . 1'JjM ( ' I'ltUbnrir. . . in ?
V C" . C Abt U MJl I'ullinan I'nlnce . 1'JJ
( ottonOII Cart 4J ) , llendlni ; . . . . K < (
Del Huction . 1I7K Illolimoncl Uorinlnnl
I ) . J , A VV . . . IKH do proferroil
1) A II I , iifd . . . 6676 Illotlinnde VV. . 2 }
I ) & C P ( .0 . . . . do profen cd HI
Krlo . . . . . J.'i'i bt I , A S F let pfd
doprofi-rreil . HjV < st I'nul . .
tort Wa > no . . . . 135 dopreferred
( -Northern prd I u SI I'nul AUmalm
C. A. K I pfd 10W do preferred ,
Ilocklnc Valley. . . J0 > i southern I'acldc 31k ,
Illlnola Central 10.1 siuar lllllnory . . .
St. 1'aul.i Dulutb Hi't ' tcnn Coal A Irjn
Kan A lux pfd . . 2tr7 ( Icias 1'aclHo .
Lake Krlo , V Went JIVj' ' lol A O Cent ltd
do profarroJ . . . tU-4 ! Union I'ncllic .
lukoShorB . 131 U H Stpre&i . . .
head 'Irilsl 40 VV hi I , A I'
I oills A.Nnsh do preferred
I.oul A New Alb y vVolli 1 aru'O Lxp
Manhattan Con . . . VVcitorn Uuloa .
Memphis fc 0 . . 50 Wheeling A IE . .
Mlcldxin Central lOU do preforcd MM
MUsourl I'Qclllc MM Vllnn A St I ,
UoblloA Ohio . . . . Jl I ) A It U
Nftihvlllo tlintt 87 General ICIcrtilo
National Cordage 141 Nnllonnl I Insecd
do preferred IIS C. I uol A Iron
N J Central 1.11u do pro erred . 105
Norfolk A VV pfd : u Iloui A Tex Cen
North American ( o
The total sulcsof stocks todiy vcro 338.000
shares , Including American Tobacco , 114-
61)0 , Atehlson , 4.HOO ; Delaware , I , lekawann.i
V , Western , a OO ; Distilling , 1.4 , ' . ' ( ) ( ) ; Nutlonul
Lend. 4,200 ; Hlcbinond Tel mlnal , 7,1UO , hilgar ,
8.1,400 ! St I'liul , ii.UOO
Vc York Vlooej Vlarliet.
NMT VoiiK.Jnn -Movuv ON C'MI , Hasy
ut 1'j per cent ; lust loin , 2 per cunt ;
closed oirerid at 2 percent
I'nivir Mi IIOAVTILE I'M'isn I'lflG ] ) cr cent
Siiiu.iMi KvcnvMih Quiet but sti ad v with1
uctu il business In bankers'hills at)8G foi
hl\ty dajsand 14 H7' foi demand
OiivtHNvii'Nr HOND-S Dull und hteadj , stuto
bonds neglected
The closing ijuotatlons on bonds :
II H 4 re. ' . ' IUH Northern I'an nd
U S 49 coup HITi1 N VV COMBOlk
U H 441 re * 10J do dehen 6s . IDU'i
I'liclnota of 'OS 11)5 ) K A I VI lien fig 'JO
IxiuUlana at ped la H li A a V den M ium
Tenn netr tut bi SI I'HUl CODBOlB U7H
Tonn rew net Si 101T -t I1 C A I' lit * nm
'lenn neir T > I 1 * U II 1 r Itcta BUM
t auaila bo Cndtt 10JV , T 1' It I. Tr Uctu V7H
I en I'acltlo IttK 101 Union I'acltlclita ItUM
II A U < ! UU . 118 UuitSMioro 1U3HS
I ) A II ( I l . 67 K It G VV lata . . .
Uric2nd 10.1k Muii 4a . .
11 K A T Gen f.n . SI' , Vtch 2lta elms A
VI K AT ( Ion 6 . 4 G II A B A C 1UI
Mutual Union ci . IU do Atii . , . * >
N , J C Int. Cert lll't II AT. C 6a . . . 107'
Northern 1'ac lull II AT I' Ccna In
llostnn Smile ( Jiiolalloni.
IlosTOs.Muss , .lun i8Cull ! loans , 2''MW ' .
lime jiupe-r , 4P5 The following aie the clos
ing stock ( | iiotatlons
Atchlion ATrpvka I'Calumsi A Tied *
lloalon A Albany IJ
Uoiton A Maine 173 11) ,
C'.H AQ . 102 I'uwablo ( now ) . 3o' ' ,
Kaitent U II i' 119V 'l nmraik no
HtchburK II U . . 91' , Vnnliton Land Co 25
U II A H S7i . 'Jl llostou Land Co
Mma Central 21 Went Kncl Land Co.
Mex. Lun com 21UJ Hull Telephone
N V t N ICulanil lmsoii ftoro t > .
( Old Colony . . ! UJ I'Walar 1'ower
VVIs , Cen com pfd 4T I' i' '
Allouet M t > ( new ) 4TW | S K T A T. U )
Atlantic BU , ! ! A II II
lloiton A M o n I S.iJ ! I ) an hleo lllhi
bid tex-UlT
Sun I'riiiitlnco Mining htnrkt.
SAN Tit VNCISCO , C'al. , Jan 28. Tbe omc-lal
_ 'Injr quotations for mlnlnit Mocks today
wort ) us follow *
llulncr . , .
llclclu-r , . ,
li-st t Mi-lc-hcr
lodlc I'oniolldntoil
( hollar . ,
( on Inl A Va , , . ,
ro\rn rmnt . . .
loutd A Curry
Ilitlg A MircroM
No IT York vilnliiR ( Jnolntloin.
Nrw VOIIK , Ian 28 Tliu follovvln ; ; are the
losing mining quotations !
St , I.otlU .Mltiliif * ( Juotutloiu.
5-T. Lotus , > lo , Jan , 28. The following
were Iho limitations on tbu Mining exchaiiKu
rinaili I il Not el.
NKW OHM NLa , Jan. 28. Cle-arliiS" . H.-
> Jv"Ass\8C'iTV , Mo , .Tun 28 CluailiiRs , II-
I'vius , Inn 28-Tbrco oer cent leutes ' )0f )
2 < c for Hie- account _ _
HM.TIMOIU , Md . .luii -Ch-irlngs , JJ.011-
117 , bal IIICCH , $ J70,394 Hutu , el pei cent
LONDON , Ian 28mounl of bullion gonu
Into thu Hunk of laiglund on balance today ,
MIVII-IIN , Tcnn , , Tnn 2" - Clearings , { .M6-
40J , liulaiiCLM , J160.4S5 c'W eirk u\e h.nigu
riling at f 1 60
ST. I.ot'lS , Mo , .Tun Q8 n "iilllKs' , I.1.G71-
087 : b tinners J420 170 moiiev qiili't , 07 per
cent , e\i-h ingooii New \oik , 2Gc piomlum
Niw YOIIK , Jan 28 ( Irailugi , $115,178-
215 , bibinces f > , ! ) lloo ( 1 m the' week
dealings , $ S 19.J17.128 , bal nicrs , H7,030)31 )
Pun VDII I'HM I'a .Ian 2-1 Clruiliigstl'J- ,
4.10,146 balincrs , H,8G'OS2 ) I'or thr week
( leal lllgs t81.5S7.18J , bllullCC'S tl,450.137 ( )
HIHTON , M iss Inn 28. I'loni Ings $15,510-
589 , biliinccs 11,799 112 Monrv , 2 pel cent
i\i ; h uuu on Now Ymk , 10 lo 12'c pri'iiiluin
I'or Iln week , drillings. iHOJ 01J.2GO , bul-
UIICPS , tlO 671,3S5 Tor the sumo week lust
vear , dealings , J80,00il179 , bilaiues ill-
( 'iiir\.o ( , III , .Tan -ClPiitliUM , 110,100-
Old ! forlhu weulc , f98G31 , ( > 77. agalnsl J82-
' 120180 fm thu Miim > wiek listjrn New
Yoik exchange sold from KV discount to pu
Sterling e-vehinur. dull , foi slxty-day bills ,
f4 8o'i. drin mil , $1 88
OMAIIX i.ivu sTouit M.VIIKITS.
Cuttle Ti.ulo llr.ucn irp CiMiHldnrulilj Hogs
Ailiaiirii Mi irpt ) .
Ovi VH v , .Ian 28 Ifeci Ipts of all kinds wrro
soinrwh el lighter than last ncuk , uml \crpt
us In cattle llghtrr ago Olllclal
llgiires nre' as follows :
Tattle Hogs Micrp
lieirlpls tills vvrok 18,037 20.0S& 4,11)0 )
Hidpts ( list week 21 d.10 30,078 5,171
mill ) week last i ear 10,105 J'I79 ) 4,844
Itecelpts p ist four wrcks 78,515 113,500 10,004
Sunu fuiu weeks 189J 61,1)51 191,140 lO.llb
Increuso . 2.1,804 0,648
Decrease . 77,010
The gi'iioial cattle in nkel this week has
In rn rather "sway Inckrd. " Mom ) iv uml
I'liisduy's ti ulu was rather hi Isle and nniier.
\\idiit-sday and Tbilisi ) ij pilers wont oil
lo ( ) to 2lc on all but the vriy best giadc-- . ,
while'ildaj nnd * iturd.iy tintridu limit d
up und n good share of tin ) duellnu was re-
giilued 'I hero huvu In i n no nollci iblu
changeIn thu main fciituius of the citlle
tiadu afid thu ii-cent bioiU was only Umpoi-
uiy and duo to the surplus of Infeiloi cattle ,
bolh hi re and at other miikel c emtuis
Hiislness today was uctlvo und stronger fiom
thost.ut Hecelpts woiu conip irutlvuly light
-llghlei than dealrisgener illy vveio uiillcl-
patlng und with fuvoiablorustriii ndv Ices mid
an Improved dem mil from hpeculnttns , shlp-
pers and for thu ( list time In months u good
r sport dum mil tiade was ll\el > and all ( lei cut
grades scoieil a subst.intlul udvunce. Itenllv
loppy beuves w uio not here , but the gene-nil
quality of thu cattle weighing 1,100 Ibs and
upwards was above the avuiagu. Rood 1,200
tol,40l-l' ) ) bc-oves sold ut fiom TI 10 up to
$5 00 with full to good 1,000 lo 1,150-lb. steers
ut from J1 85 to $1.25. It was veiy common
Htuir that had to sell ut $3.75 01 undur. It was
u good hc'ilthy tradu thioiighoiit und the
foietioon's ttadlng ubout exhausted thu ollet-
C'ows sold strong to u dime higher than I'rl-
d i y. Thuio weiu only about forty loads on
sine- , und although thu demand was almost en
tirely local , It vvas good enou i to luadlly uh-
soib the iiiouRor olfoi Ings. Aburichof fancy
081-lb heifers Mild for f I 00 , hut aside from
these good cowsuud helfris sold at fiom $ .2.00
to $3 bO : fair to good stuff sold lurgoly nt from
$ J 40 to JJ 80 , nnd common undcaiiiilnggiades
at from $1.75 toJ35. There w us a good , brisk
demand for lough Ntock and tbo extreme
range of prlcus was fiom $1 90 to $4 20. Com
mon to choice vc u calves sold ut Ilimei prices
Hiislncss was rather quiet Iu the stocker and
feeder line There was no vury iiigent
country demand , but j aid speculators took
tliofiPsholTorliiRs freely al good strong pi lees.
The universal conlldenco Iu thu future fat
cattle market Is nowhere mOio app ucnt than
Iu the iinusuiilly acllvu demand for good ft rd-
Ing cattle. These are selling ut such high
pilros Unit fat cattle values will bavo to Im
prove very materially befoie lu-
allzo a profit. Hepresentatlve sales :
N'o. Av I'r. : > Av IV.
10 920 3 ( .0 33 1105 Jl 20
12 014 3 70 13 1115 4 25
21 051 3 7fi IB 1141 1 25
1 1200 n 75 29 1212 4 40
9 043 3 85 31 1204 4 4O
15 1008 3 H5 37 1244 4 45
4 1042 3 85 00 1170 4 45
20 985 .1 05 18 1203 4 00
22 1092 4 10 14 1205 4 05
21B 1097 4 15 20 1279 4 05
B 10b2 4 10
II )
5) )
( I
1 HIO 'J 40 70ft n 'Ji
720 U 4A 750 n an
2 IHO 'J 50 a H5fi n .in
5 HSII J 70 II 701 a f.o
II MV.I U 75 IIa IIn 1003 3 r.o
14 1010 J 7f > a 10.10 3 60
410 J 75 i 1'JIO n 50
U 75 877 n oo
& 48H J 80 101 UI3 3 00
J 74H'J 80 in (111 ( 3 ( t ( )
1 70O J 85 1IHH ) 3 Oil
311 a H.I ino 771 a 70
3 a so o 070 ! l 7ft
1 430 3 00 loii t.MO 3 70
( ISO a oo ii 040 a 75
1 (100 3 ( M ) 10 a 87' ' {
1 ( ISO 3 05 900 3 DO
3 10 21 008 4 00
10 74H 3 IU
HIHXDutlnn the rarly piirt of tlin v > rnk th
ti-ndi-ncy of Km hoc mnrki't was downward ,
but thu lediiced icculpts restoied conndeiu' *
and tlio market for the week closed ut th
bl lie t point yet touched ntid 15c to 20J
hlKber than a wc-ck nw 1'liero N absolutely
no cluiiitfo In tlinsltuutlon o\cepl that prlcci
for both hoxs und provisions arc upon a soiiie-
vsliiit hlKhur plann than a week ago. Kven with
a reduced shipping demand the lee ill re-
nulrcmcnts are siilllclenl to advance prices.
'I be box's at picsi < ut tire running about
thirty pounds lighter than u your ago the
uveniKu \ > lKliWo fur this iminlh bring about
212 lhi , iiKulnsT 271 Ibs for January , 1H92.
Thn lurfier proportion of llRht and mc-dlum
wc-lchts Is uNo brooming nioro mm Ited every
dij. riu-so lleht IIORS , however , nro manu
ally good , being almost c'titlrely burrows ,
whi ile * with the bravv holts thcOroverso In the
Inn sons predoinlnadne 1'roin this It
l M-rin that farmers uio IrtttiiK their old
M > VVS no nlillu koeplng the joung ones for
lire t illiiit purposes
In this eonneclloii It Is liitctcsilng tonolo
that the I'lnclnu ill Pilcei I'm rent sujs. "I'lio
Indlcatlims aio that the winter sen--on will
shon u drllch-ncy of apnrovlni Uolj 70000(1- (
1)00 ) pounds In grois vvc'lKlit of boss ri-present-
IIIK about noo.DOO.OOO pounds of product less
than lust jt-ar or a dtcreuso of ! 1H per ce-nt.
1 lie Indications uNo ale thut tb" wlnlei pack-
In In thei VM-st lll be munller than forcoire-
spemdliiK months fora peilod of slxtrrn irurs ,
and that tlitulect-usi < coiiipnied with tbe pre-
ce tlliiK je-iu will bo without precedent , In Uio
hlstorj of tlin Industry.
1 be market today was uctlvo and generally
u good nickel hliilic'r than Prliluy Id-crlplN
wcio moderuti ) , and us rixlt-in market wlu-s
icpoitid sticniKii II did not require tbo stimu
lus of u shipping dem mil to muUo local IIOIHI s
L'onflei thu boics- Hood buleber und heavy
leus Mild tit S77G and J7 60 , with a If 7.00 top.
I till to Kood Ik-lit mid mixed IIOKN
sold laigtily at f i US mid Vi 70 , with a
' 7 ! H ) bottom Owing lo thu slump In
be provision tr uh < thu iiiaikrt bioko about
bo middle of I bo foietioon. and on some of
tbo late IHI.UH ibo e ulj nioinlim's iiilMincuwus
coinpli-lrly lost Kci } tlilni. , howenrr , Iliiully
baiiKcd hinds Hie bulk ut * 7 05il7 ( 75 us
IKUIlisl $7dft770 ( ) I'lldaj. t7 OOtJ7 55 Dill )
week IIKO , JOKfltu 45onc iiumth ago , und (4.20
8 I 20 ono i t'lii a o Ui-ple'sc-nlullve sales :
No Av I'l No Av. Ph I'r.
227 2JD 7 50 117 2(13 ( 120 7 72'4
18 IHI HO 7 65 14 2J8 120 7 72'4 '
17 2.U 7 li ( > 245 100 7 72'4
24 2r > 7 41) 7 (15 ( J18 80 7 72'J '
51i 109 BO 7 (15 ( 70 UJ1) 80 5
i ) Oil 7 05 77 252 210 7 75
ifl 7 05 72 272 1 ( > 0 75
210 7 ( i5 8J 2.15 240 7 75
7.1 1HJ 7 05 58 25.1 urn 7 75
2 ' 2 80 7 ( i"i 01 300 120 7 7 *
241 280 7 05 80 n 120 7 75
' 21H , H,0 00 50 31s 200 7 75
237 280 7 07' , 1,0 250 1GO 7 75
2J4 -HO ) n.i 208 320 7 75
234 120 07" 45 nor 40 7 75
2JO HO 70 81 212 BO 75
tt.O 70 81 221 7 75
214 3JO 70 ti4 225 200 7 7.1
238 280 0 li.t 241 40 7 76
241 120 70 7' ) 285 80 7 70
2JO ItiO 7 70 no 28 r ) 240 7 75
221 80 7 70 12 351 80 7 76
238 80 7 70 02 2711 320 7 77'i '
245 200 7 70 70 ,1(10 ( 200 7 80
253 300 7 70 li'i 255 100 7 80
212 JIJO 7 70 GO IlO.'j BO 7 HO
240 7 70 31 290 120 7 80
-2H2 410 7 70 10 280 7 80
225 200 7 70 58 3J3 120 7 80
240 240 7 70 (14 2r > 0 200 7 80
JJO 100 7 70 7O 294 240 7 80
231 200 7 70 GJ 341 BO 7 00
2J9 40 7 721'
1'tllS AM ) llOt'llil.
jr , 13) 0 00
Onlj ono lo ul was received Tlmy
wi-io 13)j fiooel Moxhan lutnlis. but dealers
ccluld not amee on the pi leu and they were not
old Tlie dem ind Is itood and pi Ices are
liiot ibly stead } . 1'ulr to good nitlvc-s
M 75 0 00 ; fair to good westerns , J3 50JJ5 00 ;
common i und slock sheep , JJ 2Gft3 75 ; good to
cholco 10 to 100-lb : lambs Jl ( ) ( ltr , 6U.
Krce-lptn nnd Disposition of Stock *
Oniclul n culpts and disposition of flock us
, bown by tbe books of thu UiilonSlock Yiirdi
omp my forllintweiit.v-foiirlioinsending utfi
o'clock p m. January 28 , 18'JJ :
ciiRo I.lvi ) Sliirlt Mnrbet.
O , III , Jan. 28. ( Special Tulegram to
TIIJ. HfcBl The \uiy sinnil iiiimbor of cuttle
ulTurc'd found leudy buvoia ut strong prlci .1.
Sales wuro on u basis of from $1.50 to (0.10 for
jioor tooxtruot at from J1.50 to$1 75 for poor
lo choice cow H and bulls ; fiom $2.50 to J4UO
foi stockcrs und feeders , und at from $3,25 to
} ( j 10 for dtessed beef und shlpiilng stccrx. Ilo-
celifi , 1,000.
'Ilio hog maiket averaged Hi in In heavy
weights a slightly poor grade ) sold at the
jnev lous day's | ii Ices , but thu dlllorcneo did
not amount to an appiiclablo udvunce.
QiuitntloiiH run from * 7.'J5 to J7 80 for iioor to
prime light , and fiom $7 50 to 18.16 foi poor to
extra medium line ! heavy weights. HecelptB.
8,000. Thu lungu of ( imitations wus from M.OU
to $5.35 for poor to choice sheep , and fiom
$400 to SO OU for lambs of coin-spomllng
'Jho feeling was firm. Itecelpts ,
6.V.I1' A//Lty.S .IT UllltllKXT
All exiled German count and an Alabama
colonel met on the Held of honor the other
day The colonel is and the count is in
A Philadelphia bin-planohbed two dentists
of all their fulso teeth the other nltfht. Evi
dently ho didn't liavo teeth in pi opoi lion to
his cheok.
Chlcapo woman vvas chloroformed and
lobbed at Tort Seott thu other night , ICati-
basnlvvajs ciuieavoia to make hcrvlsitois
feel at homo.
Mexico atti acted the investor last vear
despite the war and rumors of war that woio
thick in that country Americans pla-cd
f'Jl ( XXV'J ) ( In new enteipiiscs down there ,
while Englishmen Iu\csted ubout * 11,000,000.
In a Wichita coutt the defendant ut the
Inr behaved In a manner tinscomlj , and
quite rvcaidless of tliodijjnlty hedflnjf ( the
bench The judpo doffed the ei mine , sp it Into
his calloused palm and licked the offender.
Then ho itMiinied the dealing out of a Ihst
qualitj of Justice
Now York proposes to make her now city
hall the biggest and most Important stiucturo
in town If New York wants to have somo-
thliiK absolutely unlquo in the way of a
municipal building let her proceed to build
it within the oiife'Inal appropriation. That
would make It the wonder of the country.
"Old Point Comfort" is not such n comfort
after .ill The papc-is sjy "Hundieds of
vessels uio blocked In bv the Ice In Hampton
Roads" In the meantime sajs another
notice "Thov have been plow inn for some
weeks around ( jre-at Tail * , Mont " The
north polo seems to have got 01111 bad twist.
Anson countj , Noith Caiolinu , Ins a iiicer |
lot of officials The ticasuier Is badly crip
pled , the cot oner has but ono arm , the icgls-
ter of deeds is ono-lcpi'cd , us are two com
missioners ; the keeper of tlio eountv homo Is
minus ono arm nnd the constable bears the
distinction of being the fattest man In that
position in the state
Recent hlstoii is full of cutious contrasts
in the luvvards won In thtf pieat lleld of
human endeavor Horace' Smith , who In
vented the Smith As Wesson revolving lire-
aims , died , leaving an estuto vuluod at
f.l.OOO.OOO Orange Judd , who did more per-
hups than nn > other man to teach the
Amerle an farmer how to make agriculture
protltulilu , left n pel sonal estate valued at
Once In a while the "punishment fits the
crime , " ns was the cuso with an agent for
the sain of albums convicted , sa > the Phila
delphia Ledger , of assault on a J'JUIIK mar
ried woman The agent forced himself Into
her house , und , becoming familiar , uUevni > tcd'
to kiss bur Who hu rotuined a fovv clajs
aftei wards ho IVUH thi.iHhcd by the husband ,
kicked out of doors und then urrestcd. Ho
WHS sent to Jull for twelve months Either
the Impiisonmcnt without the thrashing or
the thrashing without the Impi isonmcnt
would ha > o been Imperfect ; tlio two cpm-
blncxl uiuko about the right thing.
You dou't want u toipid nvor ; you don't
want a bad complexion , jou don't want a
bad breath jvon don't want u houdacha.
Then use Do Witt's Uttlo K-irly Itl&cni , th
umous llttlu pills.