R THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S&ITRDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1893. TWO MAJORS VOTED FOR IT Barber Asphalt Company's Bill for Repairs in 1892 Ordered Paid. ' WHERE MAJOR BALCOMDE WILL STAND He Outline * IIIn runt , Pri-nrnl uml future Connie ttllh llelrttlon I" Ilin Trhililml I.nkn .Monopoly City Attor ney Council' * Opinion. The Hoard of Public Works yesterday allow cd tbo claims of the Harbor Asphalt I'uvliitf company , ntnoutitliijf to f 1(1,511.71 ( , for repairs mndo In pavements during 1MU. Major Ulrkbnusor and Major Hnlcombo voted to allow tbo claims , while Major furay opposed them nt every Jump in tbo road. Major Ualcombo tniilntalned n silence upon tbo < | tipstlim until tlio meeting of yesterday afternoon He then unburdened himself and explained Just bow be stood , bad stood in thu past and bow bo proposes to stand in the future. Major Ualcombo thought that ho bad been unduly criticised in regard to tbo contract the city has with the Harbor. IIo bad been .accused of being interested In securing the contract for tbo company , and tbo accusation ho said was false. The major read eight or ten pages of typewritten history of how the contract was .secure. ! , and told who was re sponsible for it being awarded. When the question of allowing the claims came up the chairman read the following opinion from Attorney Connell : In rvMionsii to your ruccnl communication with lofi'rc'iicu to thu llailier Asphalt I'nil tig company for tnnUriK repairs on psiM-il stieetn , ] would say that If thn noik of repairs done Ijy said company ilutliiK Ilio year IHO'J was fil ( ; ( ) , ( ( ' liriioolijcclliin lonllnw- JliK what Is pioper anil rcimotmblu for hitch voile. If tliu irpalrssere actually done , anil worn madi' ns iciiilied | by tlio lloaid of Puhllo Works , and under Its supervision I can see no leason wliv llui rllv would not be legally liable for the bill of Niiiil company for repairs to ( be e\teni and at the time llial the MIIIIU were autborl/eil under the conliact. I do not consider that thu allonam'O and pay ment of such bill for thii year IH'J'J ' would pie- Juillco the cltv In milking defense iimilnst the claim of the llarlier Asphalt company for re pairs of pavements forothi r yearn when such woik was not done as dlieclqd by thu lloaid of 1'iibllcorks and was not done In accordance with lliu conlinct. Tin * iillnnuniH * of the bill for 1BOUMiulil not prejudice pending litiga tion. Major nirklmnsrr thought that in view of tbo attorney's opinion the claims should be allowed. IIo said the repairs had been made in accordance with- the instructions from the hoard and the city should pay the bill. Major Fumy considered that tlio contract was an illegal ono and ho would not vote to allow 1 cent of the claims. If the claims were allowed it might impair the city's chances ot inning the case now pending in tlio federal court , in which it is hoped to have the contract annulled. Major Halcombe moved that the claims bo allowed and Major Hlrkhauscr seconded It. They voted yea and Major Fumy voted nay , and the claims were allowed. Hut one bid was received forgrading Ham ilton street , from Forty-llfth street to the west citj limits. It was submitted by Sam uel Katii , and was for 111 ! ) - ! ( ) cents. This was considered too high , and action was de ferred pending an investigation by tlio board us to the exact nature of the work to be per formed. Forgrading Pacific street , from Twenty- fifth to Twenty-seventh streets , tlirco bids we.ro received , as follows : John Condon , 13" " J cents : Samuel Kutz. \ y cents , and I imorcaux Uros. , ISJ cents. Tbo contract was awarded to John Condon. A complaint was entered that the slde- wnllc at Tw entieth and Douglas streets was torn up. Tbo president of the Omaha club will bo notified to put down a temporary walk wbllo the building is in course of con struction. All companies opening up streets or alleys of the tity will in the future bo required , to furnish n bond In tbo sum of $10,000 to pro tect tbo interests of tlio city ami afford re course in case of : i damage suit coming up. This \ \ ill affect tbo water and gas companies and the street railway and telephone com panies , A Chilli injnyn : The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth ing clTcct of Syrup of Figs , when in need of n , laxative , and it tlio father or mother bo costive or bilious , tbo most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should Imvo a bottle. A inculinir of the Shcoly Property Owners club will bo held Suturdiiy even ing. Jan. 28 , at their hull ut 28th street und Ed Croitfhton uvomio. A full ut- tendunc.0 is requested. A selfish man died last week , cstitto IH encumbered. Now 20 years of accumulations will bo wasted. Only eolflsh men fail to Insure their lives wliilo In good health. Address O. H. Jeffries , 200 Ueo building , for fates. I.onk Out for Cold \Vcatlirr. But rldo Inside of the oleetrio lighted nnd steam heated vestibuled nimrtmont trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul railway and you will bo its' warm , comfortable and cheerful us in your own library or boudoir. To travel between 'Chicago ' und Omaha in the.so luxuriously appointed trains is a supreme satisfac tion : and , as the somewhat ancient ad vertisement used to rend , "for further particulars see small bills. " Small bills nnd largo ones , too ) will bo accepted for passage and sleeping cur tickets ut 1501 Farnuiu street. i'Thii r lln of Nliignra" Is the title of n now book , beautifully printed and elegantly bound , containing Koine thirty dillerent views of Niagara Falls reproduced from the llnest instan taneous photographs , und accompanied by descriptive text from the pens of dis- tinguishc.il writers , extending from Father Ilennepin down to Charles Dud ley Warner and Sir Edwin Arnold Tills sumptuous llttlo volume will bo sent to uuy address on receipt of the publishers' price of 50 cents. A similar volume , containing twenty large plates with de scriptive text , forming an admirable practical guide to the Kails , under the appropriate title of "How to See Niag ara. " will be sent for the sumo price. Address , enclosing money order or postal note , Brentuno's , 201 Wubash avenue , Chicago , 111. The lli-Ht Train for ClilraKo Is the Burlington's No. 2 , leaving Omaha at1:45 : p. m. . daily. Magnificent Bleeping curs ; comfortable chair curs ; perfect dining ears. The Burlington also offers uricquuled double daily s-orvico to Denver , St. Louis and Kansas Cltv. Ticket ollle.0- l ! : i Kurimm street. IAS T ou SOUTH Via llio U'ulmsh Itnutr. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only ; 17 hours to Hot Springs. Only 37 hours to Now Orleans. Only H J hours to Atlanta. Only 02 Hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fust time to al points cast nnd south. Hound trip tiekt ts to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Gulvuaton , Sun Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles. Sun Fran cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tumpa , Ha vana nnd nil the winter resorts of the douth and west. Heellning chulr cars free to St. Louts , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman buffet bleeping ears on all trains. Baggage cheeked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , sleopingeuraccommodations and further information cull at Wubush ticket ottlce , 1501 ! Furnum street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Ouiuhii. W. It. tinNNKTT CO. Ppcclnl Driven for Nntiinlny unit Momlny Or as long as the goods last in our furni ture , crockery , drug , stationery , candy , dry goods , notions , in fact all our de partments. Come early and t-ecuro some of the drives. FURNITURE DEPT. Annex bno- ment. Comforts < ic. ! ) former price We. Others ut 75e , USe nnd upwards. All at cut prices. Blankets ( white ) 75c pnlr , former price 08o. Blankets ( white ) OSo pair , former prit'o$1.25. Blankets ( white ) $1.25 pair , former price $1.-18. Blankets ( white ) $2.75 pair , former price $3.75. Lap robes to close $1.35 , former price Lap robes to close $1.50 , former price Better gooasat greatly reduced prices. Winter horse blankets that must bo sold. $1.2. " ) ones now ! > . " > e , others at $1.25 und 41.50. All great bargains and the better grades ut cost'to close. Sami' prices will prevail at our har ness store , Nos. ll.'land 11.1 N. 15th st. A FEW of tho-'o ' "LITTLE WONDER CENTER TABLES. " only 25o : probably lust we shall have of these at this price. LAST CHANCE to get one of those pillowslmm-holdors at 15c ; as long its they last at 15c. Something now in a never tear hut and coat rack with looking glass : ask to see these. Chairs : ! . " > < each ; eiino seat chairs only 75e : high back chairs , ! )5e ) : few plush and tapestry rockers , bought for the holiday trade , going fust ut $1.05 and $ . ' 1.00. Linen window-curtains , NOT PAPER , understand ; ours are linen , at 35e , 3So .ind I So. and all kinds of trimmings. Largo line of the BEST furniture , [ ) ictures , etc. , at cut prices. CROCKERV DEPARTMENT. 100 piece porcelain decorated dinner _ > t to close at $0.113 , others to close at $10.50 and $12.50. All rare bargains. Tea i-ets , 50 pieces , luster bund , only $2. ! > S. They are elegant. Chamber sets. 0 pieces , 3 styles and 0 leeorutions. only $1.1)8. ) ID-piece set , only $2.1)8. ) 12-jiece set , only $1.05. Count the piece. * in tlio sots offered you and see if our prices are not away below other dealers. Teacups and saucers , 35c feet. 5-inch plates , -10c dozen. 7-inch plates , Co each. H-inch plates , "e each. Wash bawl and pitcher , both for 75c. All our goods in this line are the best 1 goods. RUN OF THE KILN. No thirds In ours. Largo lamp complete , 15c ; large hang ing lamp complete , very nice , $1.50 ; kitchen reflector lamp , only -12c ; fancy cuspidors , only 25c ; 3-bottlo glass cas tors , only 27e. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Large IOc bottle Vaseline , our price. 5c. Large pot metal cover vaseline , only lOe : usual price , 25e. Toilet soaps at 2jolo \ and Cc. All great bargains. Bennetts'patents nro the best ; $1.00 articles at ( ! 5e , fully guaranteed. Bennetts' bay rum , j pint glass stop per bottle , only 25e. Bennetts' Canadian fur cough balsam , without doubt the beat cough and cold euro made. Every bottle guaranteed , we make it ourselves , f > 5o and 50c per bottle. Shapdon Bells 13o cake. Most complete line of all pat ent medicines made in this country , all sold at Bennetts' cut prices. Extract of beef clam bullion , cherry cordial , all served in this department FREE. Call and get a cup. Essence of pepsin , a-great thing for H weak stomach , $1.00 size bottle with us ONLY 05e. Bulk glue at one-half price , only 15c. STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. 25 high cut envelopes only 3o. 24 sheets of paper only 3o. Bottle mucilage and brush , 3c and 5e. Bottle ink , 3c and 5c a bottle. Box paper and envelopes , a IOc box for 5c. Toilet paper. 3c and 5c package. Roll toilet paper , 5c. Roll toilet paper and fixture , 5c. CANDY DEPARTMENT. Sound , sweet Florida oranges only Ic each. Gum drops 5c. Mix candy Be. All other candles at cut prices. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. Best makes thread 200 yards , 4c spooler or 4i > e dozen. 100-yard .spool silk , 3c each. Additional shipment of those fast black wool hose just received ; will go at lle. ) regular price 25e. Bargains in suspenders , 25e pair. ' CIGARS AND WOODEN WARE. . Cigars at le , 2o. 3cIc and 5e. | Largo line of tobaccos at cut prices. ! Bargains ill spice cabinets , -IBc , former price ! )8c. ) Wash boards ( good ones ) , IOc. You never saw as good u ono as this for IOc. as long as they lust at that price. Market baskets 3e each. HARDWARE. Few kegs mixed nails at Ic per lb. , as long as they hist. Quart tin covered pail , only 5o. Quart retained dipper , only 5c. Tea and coffee pots , 10o each. Copper bottom boilers , ( We. Copper bottom tea kettles , 25c. Screw drivers le each. Good ones. Tucks le per package. Harness snaps le each. Whisk brooms 5o. Scrub brushes 3 and 5c. Sink brushes 5e. Great line of bargains In hardware de partment. JKWELRY DEPARTMENT. Our repairing department demands your attention. Hring.ln your watches , clocks and jowelrv amnetus estimate on what It will cost you to have It fixed. Skilled workmen , and Bennett's guar antee put upon evorj job. Largo line silverware , jewelry , clocks , cutlery and fancy baskets in this department. Tea Coffee and spice department. Japan tea , good value , 25c ; Oolong , English Breakfast , Gunpowder and Young Hyson , o.\tra values , 3So. Broken Java , only 18e ; good Rio. 22o and 25e ; best Mocha and Java , 3'iL3 ; pounds , $1.00. All our cotTees are fresh roasted dully ; all our splees are pure and guaranteed. Boston crystal table jolly , all flavors , Is really elegant ; it IOc package will make one quart of the most delicious jolly ynu over tasted. BUTTER AND ECJG DEPARTMENT. We still lead In butter and eggs. But- tor , 12c , lie , l o , lo ! ) , 22c ; eggs , 2-Ie do/on. All eggs carefully can died nnd butter assorted. Meat department doing wonders. Prices are advancing , but ours are still low. / GROCERY DEPT. Laundry soups are going up in price , our prices remain the same. Bennetts' Bargain , 35 bars , $1.00. Bennetts' soap , 8 bars 25e. Bennetts' Fern soap , 7 burs , 25c. Church's soda , 5c Pkg. Olives , 25c quart , imported. Pumpkin , three 3 pound cans 25c. Laundry starch -le. ( Jornstarch 5c. Axlegrcuso in boxes , 3Jc each. Souplne , 3c iikg. Lye , 5c B. Elegant comb honey , full pound sections , it is really line , only 20e each. Cauliflower in English pint bottles , it is line , former price 25c , to close , ut 15c. FLOUR. This article is also advancing. Our prices are lower than ever. We begin at ( ! 5e. 75c and OOo und the best Hour made in the world at $1.15 per suck. W. R. BENNETT CO. HAVDHN HltOS. TilUlup Stoclc. All winter underwear to bo closed out at less than cost. Gents' camel's hair shirts und drawers only 50o each , worth S)5e. ) 1 case of gents' jer.soy knit ovcrshirts 35c each , reduced from ! )8e. ) Gents' camel's hair box only 15c per pair. 50 dn7.cn ladies' black jersey ribbed tights only iSe ) , reduced from $1.75. 1 case of ladies' cashmere hose only 15c per pair , reduced from 2"e. . SPECIAL HANDKERCHIEF SALE. On Saturday wo will offer at special Rule a full line of linen , silk and chiffon handkerchiefs ut half priuo , viz. : Children's fancy bordered handker chiefs , ( i for 5c. Children's line bordered handker chiefs. 2c. Children's hemstitched'and bordered handkerchiefs , I'c. ' Children's very fancy bordered hand kerchiefs . Ladies' white hemstitched handker chiefs , very line , -He. Ladies' fancy embroidered handker chiefs ( ! c. Ladies' flue hand-embroidered and corded bund kerchiefs DC. Ladies' line hand-embroidered with drawn work J7c. Very line hand-embroidered handker chiefs 28e. Very line hand-embroidered handker chiefs , shell pattern , -12c. Job lot fancy silk handkerchiefs 18c. Very fancy lot silk handkerchiefs 30c ; fancy chitlon handkerchiefs , hem stitched , DC : fancy chitTon handkerchiefs , embroidered , i'.le ; fancy chiffon hand kerchiefs , embroidered , 2lc. Very finest chiffon hdkfs , embroidered , 32e. 100 dozen silk Windsor ties , plain col ors , all go at 13c each. A SALE OF CLOAKS. It is not a question of cost or profit. Tlio goods must bo sold. Note the prices and examine the goods , $7.00 cloaks at $3.00 and $0.00 cloaks at $4.00. The finest $10.00 , $12.00 , $15.00 , $17.00 , $19.00 and $25.00 cloaks at $5.00 , at $ (1.00 ( , at $7.00 , at $8.00 , at $9.00 , at $10.00. Such sacrifices never known before. The Mime reductions made during thfs sale in children's cloaks und Indies' winter shuwls. It will surely pay to get our prices. HAYDENS' BUTTER DEPARTMENT CUTTING PRICES. . Country butter , J5c , 17c , KJo and 21c , fresh every day from our Nebraska farmers. Creamery , 23c , 25o and 27c. Remember when yon got butter hero you are buying the pure products of Ne braska dairies and creameries. We uro the leaders in cheese ; full cream , 8e , lOe and 12jo ; Jersey cream cheese , 14c and Kic ; brick cheese , 12jc , He und IGc ; Nenfchatel 7jc per pkg.sup bitgo , 8c per pkg.roque- fort , 50c per pound , limbergor cheese 12Je nnd 15c ; apple butter , 7jc per pound ; mince meat , 74o per pound. Don't forget our meat department ; cooked corned beef , 7jc per pound , 2 pound cans for 15c ; boneless rump corned beef , 5c per pound ; breakfast bacon , Kic ; Frankforts , 8jc ; bologna head cheese and liver sausage , 5o per pound ; all other meats at lowest prices. Call at onr fish department for all kinds ' of fish. HAYDEN BROS. , Promoters of home industry. * Frescoing and interior decorating de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lehmunn , 1508 Douglas street. Now pianos for rent. Rent applied if purchased within ono year. Ford & Churlton Co. , 1508 Dodge. See the celebrated Sohmer piano at Ford & Charlton Musio Co. , 1508 Dodge. i.o\v itATi : i\cuitsiox. To HniiHton , TOT , , mill Iti'lurn. Mondav. January 30 , 1803 , my Seventh Special Party will leave Omaha , bound for Houston , Texas. The rate for the round trip , first class , will bo $25 , , and I will give you fifteen days to go in , fifteen days to come , with stop-over privileges within the limit , and until Juno 1 , 1893 , to return. For further information as to land , climate , co.stof living and all particulars us to purchase of ticket , call on or address - dross R. C. PATTERSON , 425 Rumgo building , Omuhu , Nob. No Kent HUul Vet. World famous Eli Perkins says : "Af ter people have gone over all the routes to California , once , they settle down to the old U. P. This road will always be the great transcontinental lino. It bus the best truck , the best equipment , the best eating houses , and it teaches the traveler more history and geography than any other lino. It shows yon his toric Suit Lake and the Mormons , takes you through the great Laramie plains , the Ilumboldt basin and the Grand canyon , over the very stage route that Horace Greoley und Artemus Ward rode. Once on the Union Pacific it goes everywhere. It runs to Portland und Puoulo , Helena and tlio Yosemite , Ta- eomu and Seattle , Los Angeles and Sun Diego , und is the only route into San Frtincltco. It bus no rivals yet. " Send for our California Sights und Scenes , E. L. Lomux , G. P. fe T. A. , or II. 1 Dcuel , city ticket agent Union Pacific System , 1302 Furnum street , Omaha. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum Used in Milli-au of Homes 40 Years tile Standard , Auction rirtfUirprtu nnil Walt for Orcliard's lire pulo at Nata- torittm buildlng Iffinward and 13th sts. , next Monday at ltk. m. Auctioneer. Ronl estate. Bargains only. My word Is good W. G. Albright ) 621-2-3 N. Y. Life. bldg. If you will cull 1 at our now store wo will present you with a copy of a beauti ful piece of music. . Ford & Charlton , 1508 Dodge. . Irol Ire ! We are now prepared , and will be dur ing the summer , to furnish ice In car load lots at lowest market price. Spe cial prices while cutting. Ice cut from largo fresh water lake and Is pure and clean. Write for prices. Tin : GOTHIJXIIUKO W. P. & I. Co. , Gothenburg , Neb. Turntylhi' Dollurn To North Galveston and return , via Houston and Galveston. Stopovers al lowed and tickets good to return until Juno J. First class accommodatio . Special party leaves Omaha Friday evening , February 3. Apply at once to F. F. Williams , room 522 First National ; bank building. Omaha , for tickets and sleeping car reservations. Two Stepping Stones to consumption arc ailments we often deem trivial a cold and acottgli. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed " Con sumption from neglect. " not only stops a cold but it is re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated. Scott's Emulsion is the richest of fat-foods yet the easiest fat-food to take. It arrests waste and builds up healthy flesh. Prepared by Boolt A rtownc , N. Y. All < ! nipKirt . Is the "fastest , " a ? well ns the most pro- gresblvo iisriod lu the whole -vs-orld's his tory. Among the evils that fo lowlii the train of dissipation and excesses , are these : Which are so distressing , so dangerous and sodifucult to cure by any exoapt the gifted and able apecialist , whose skill is acqu-red through yairs of valnibla ex perience. This is 0119 of the reasons why the fimous flrm of Drs. Betts & Betts Are so wonderfully a-.id uniformly sucosss- ful in curing all dlsas3sof a They have thoroj hly familiarized them selves with these obstinate maladies in all their various forms , phases and de grees or intensity , and have compljtely fortified themselves agtiust the possibil ity of failure or mistti to , by n long and tucoossful hospital , military an.1 private practice , a id when thu/ accept a case for treatment , the patient may rely upon a certain , speedyaidpalnelss oure. Hun dreds of the most convlnicngtestimonials from leading c t zonsall over the Unite ! Statin , prova tha estimation In which these specialists are held. Send 4 cents for a copy of their illustrated nowbookof 120 pagea. Consultation fr e. Call upon or address with stamp. 119 South 14th St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA. NUM. CAN HE CUBED. If Ir Scltenck * tra tmcnt nn \ euro of Con sumption worn something nuw und nntrluil , people might cloiibc : but wlmt has proved It self through ti ruconl us old as onr prunilfiitn- ci6 , mo. ins Just whiult Is A Specifio fbr Consumption anil for nil diseased of tlie LiuiwaNo treut- inont In tlio worldtonn place ki > nmiiy uurmu- ncnt cures of Cmmunutloii to Its credit us Dr. b'ohcnuU's. Notlilnx In Niiiuro acta hodlrcotlv and eirectlvcly oa the lung iiiomtir.uie * anil tissues , and koqulelcly rtUpoios of tuhorclus , conireit on , Inllumniiaion , onlds , coughs und all tlio seeds of Consumption as Dr. Schencklfc Pulmonic Syrup Whun nil cli > o futlmtcoinui to tlio rescue. Not until It fulls , and only lifter faithful trial. Would any ono ileinoml. U has brought the hopolcsH to llfu mid -health. U IIUH turned the despair of tun thuiiinml homos Into Joy. It IB doing It now. II will continue to do It throughout tne uees. Ur. .S'/i'nrfc's / I'nicUcal Trta'itciini'oiisuintittnn , lleir > inlaUinach Ult- . Dr. J. II. < t.Sou , I'll Inil IpMa , l\i. HIRSGHBEBG' The Celc. bratcd Din- inoiul a n d Non changeffjrip. able Spcctti' * < clesaiul IJye Glasses for sale In On , . EYEBlASSESl aha by vxtunujiiY2n.'U : Mas Meyer & Bro. , Co. Solo Ageut * ( or Owans. Women Will Vote as usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day In the week in favor of WHBTE RUSSBAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The " White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure tiie hands is perfectly - fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap. namo0h. Architects , Surveyors , Contractors Wu have a full supply of jVlathe- ! fnntlcal y-pGtpupne'ptSj Oyav' ' | Ipg 'papcfOj rpfaclyig Glotlij ' TraT > 8its , Rods , CTialpSj UcvI I elSj apcsj Squares Illns- ] t rat oil Catalogue free. South 15th Stre3t , Next to 73OHtoiTico. Got Catarrh ? IT RUINS HEALTH. JlaKos Hail Blood , IIo idiirlio. Mlsory. Spocllli Oxygen oolroyo tin Catarrh Corms ! MiUo : * tlieblool brightiu.il nurd GI\CB7cstto the vlt.a furcos uppotltc , visor. An Honest , Ronl Cure ' Catarrh. Hroneliltls , Uuiijhs. ColiU. llouilacho , Novoui I'ro tr.i- tlou. "Oxygen Book" anil 4 Trys Free. SPEGIF18 OXYOEH G9 , , Snito TilU Sbcoly Bldii , Ouuiliii STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD W. II. f.USKKIS , AT. I ) . , No. 4 Itlllllnch Ft. , HOSTON , MASS. , chief roniultlng phytlclttn of the PKAUODYAIKUICAI * INs TlTUTI5.lo li"-J was awarded tha COLD JIKIUI. by the NATIONAL MKIHCJU. .ASSOCIATION for Iho I'llI/.K iSHAVon : Ethautteil Vitality , Mroj'y/A'irroui nud I'/njiical Debitity , mid all Jliiea * * and Wtuhttut of Man , " 10 t"n" > "UJ miildle-agdl nnd old. ConnuUnllon in pcrmn or by letter. i ro pertu , with testimonial * , FKKH. Lnrgo book , SCIKNCK OF 1.1 IT , Oil SKLF- l'HiSiuVATION ; , 00 pp. . 1L'5 Imnlunlilp prc- * crlptlou8. full gilt , only SI.00 by m.iM , eualrd Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND H3WAH3 ill. ry CO 10 llooms at f-.M per itiy. soUc 101 corns at H 00 per d.ijr- tOHooms with Until at $1.03 per itar. CO Huouis with Hath at t3. 0 to { I 5J per diy. OP EN HID AUGUST IsL Alnilvrn In Kvrry ItnHpcct. Newly I'lirnUl C. S. ERB. Prop. Metropolitan Hotel , Hi-oaclway , corner Prince St. , NEW VC Rtv CITY. Itoflttod nnd renovated niulor now mnnnRO * mcnt , on Ruropoiin plnn. lioum rates ( I n day und upwards. Uestuunint eqiml to thu best in tlio city at moderate r.itus. Street cars from all U. it. stations nnd stounibo.il and ferry landings imss thu door. HILDRKTH & ALLEN , Propriotora. Wa will ttnit jnu th m rT loui Frruch Preparation CALTHO3 frrt. and a I K I Kuiranur thai ( lAl/l'llUS will It tore your OIvBUli , NlrcnKtli and Vigor. Use it and pay Itatufied. . Addrnas VON MOHL CO. . 8 > U iBirlw * ij. U , CUcUnU , UUo. Our roguor ! half year y salD of odd suit pants begins today , and continues till VVG'VS panted a couple of thousand men. The majority of the male portion of this vicinity know all about these pant sales of ours and many a man in Omiha hasn't worn a pair of pants in five years , that he didn't get at one of thesa sales. We buy no pants for them -we take no chestnut patterns from regular stock and mix in with them-they are just exactly what we say they are-odd suit pants each and every pairliaving been left from some suTFwhere only the coat and vest have been sold. The pants in this sale have been left from suits of all kinds and qualities and range in actual value from two and a half up to seven dollars lars and fifty cents. There are almost as many different patterns as we've had different patterns in suits during the past six months giving a man an assortment to se lect from that he wouldn't get in any regular pant stock on earth. There are over two thousand pairs in the ac- cumalation which will be divided into lots and sold as follows : Punts worth two fifty two seventy-five anil tliroo del lars. Pants worth four fifty -four sevonty-fivo five dollars d five dollars and fifty cents. The finest pants from onr finest suits actual value from six to so von dollars and fifty cents a pair , Such pants at such prices you never saw before. 181G DouQJns Street , Omaha , Nob. The eminent ppclixllst In norvo-n. chronic private. blDod. skin and urinary dlio " . A rouulnr nn4 lsti-red Kraitiintu In midlclnp nt dl plumtt and cortlllcatoi uliow. Is itlll tro itltu' with tha RruMuit n'io- s catarrh , lust iiianliiind njmlml woiknou. night IIMSBI nnd all formi ot prlT.itu dli itioi No nvjrou- yinod. Ntw treatment tor ! < > of vltil pnwiir. 1'iirtloi uniiulu to vlilt 1113 mvf hi troitol at ho-iu by orrospondenco. MuJIclne or limruinontssont by mill or ocprun auralr ; no < j 1 , no niir < s t.J . IndlaiU lontontsorHondor. nno prnn illattirviaw pr : t jrrj t U inultitlan fro' . cirraip > iilu loa-itrlelly prl/tti JooMJIj-sterlosorUfo > < a.urroa. OHIojhuuM'Ja i to'Jpm. wl.'m aiilslim , ) fur reply The AUTOMATIC Agents Wanted Everywhere. THE RENOWNED COAL SAVER Sa < res ono qimrtcr of your coal bill prov cuts oot nnd cinders , destroyn coal flu , produce * I'C'rtecl roiubuitlun krcim boiler tliiiM olonn. mikea ho t llro In IIvo iiilniitus , acts cijunlly neil ou hard m on soft conl Onii packitKO cuMtlnu V5 ifiita la sulllrlcit : to trcntono ton of conl Kor further Information call ou or addron with stamp , L. S. ELLSWORTH & CO. , 400 S. 13th St. , Omahn. , Nob. I Jlorpinno Habit < : nr * < i In toUbtirtvi. Hit | my 1114 curr. . I Dr. J. aU'Dhviu. LvtiinuHn. THOMAS I' . SIMPSON.Washington PATENTSS ! I No ally's fee until 1'al Is ob- ed , Wrllefor Inveulorj'JutJo ' Drinking Fountain The ONLY Perfect "Penny In-the-Slot" Drinking Mn- cnlno In the world ; ndluatod for nlckols or ponnlcailnval- unlilotoCrocers , Clftnr nnd Drug stores-Fruit Stands . _ , WnltlnR Rooms &o. A Great Iced Drink Money-Maker. For terma aud partlculara nddresa Portor.FalsTjanlc St Oo BoleTilanufactureni ZS7 Wnbaoh nv. chlci > o _ ASII I.OHT MTAI.ITY weakness , etc. . permanently cured In man. 1 nllliend ( Misled ) flll'.h the receipt th cured mo when eiciythlnu clso failed. Addrc l ox 147 , Mnrnlml , Mich. isfit Parlors Entire Clothing Stock damaged by water and smoke must be sold at 5 t of actual former value. Store Crowded. Gome Early. Bet Your Choice. REMEMBER THE PLACE : . . . , Open from 0 n. m. to 10 p. ra