Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK OMAHA IAlTAr BI31 * Ff&AY , JANUARY 27 , 1803.
NO. 12 113AUL
'y cnrrlcr ( o nny pirt of the city
I Hil 'm * Oniro JJ"2 '
M i iuinv - '
.l IMIONP1MXit } , iMitor No. 23
.M . .V3W.V. .
N Y Plumliinir Co.
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. Coil
A nmrrl.ige license was issued to Joseph
V Illiichnmnnf Omaha and Candleo tor-
Biiln of Fulls C Ity , Nob.
Juitleo Fox states that ho expects to
stick to his decision In the contempt case
against the two nttornovi.Voolcy and
Dwjcr , whom ho lined Wednesday after
Special communioatlon of Blurt City ledge
No 71 , Ancient Frco und Accented Masons ,
this evening for work In the third degree.
All Master Masons In good standing are
cordially Invited
Tlio memlx'rs nnd friends of tbo Germania
society will meet on Sunday , January ! & . at
! i o'clock p m In tbo Trou Hutid hall , In
South Main street. Good Speakers will no
present and a largo attendance is expected.
John Williams , a colored man. who was
collated of being a piofisslonul Jail bird , is
being kept In tbo tltv Jail on a fouttccii
days sentence on n biead nnd water diet.
Marshal Templctou decided to make tlio
bill of f.-uo bread for tlio ilrst seven days ,
und water for the lust sincn. It Is thought
tlmt by tbls tiH'.tns bo will bo Induced to
give the < it\ l.ill of Council muffs a wide
berth In tbo future.
Tbo banquet and ball given by St
Andrew s so < If tv did not close until yestor
d.iy morning at ri o'clock. In spite of the
latent SB of tbo hour , however , tbo enjoy
ment of llio sturdy Scotchmen and the
Usltois did nut dimmish , and when at last
tbo p.irtj biokeup , evcrv ono was nppir-
ently as fresh as if they bad put in tbo
whole nlirbt < deephifr. Instead of dancing the
highland lllng und other national '
Miisrmlr liullilliii ; AsrfiicUll
Tlio First National Mas.mio
and Luaii ir-siiciatlon of Chicago is tlio
onlj imtlontil building and loan associa
tion In oxNti nc'c which is managed and
controlled by Musons. It has just estab
lished a branch at Council IllulTt ) , with
the follow-in. , ' uoll known eiti/.ciiH IIH olll-
e > rn and tliifclors : Victor Jennings ,
president : I'eorgo W. Lipo.scerotury
and treasurer : 'I' . C. Uuwson. nttornoy.
and W O. "Wirt. W. .1. . .Tameon. > . Dr. T.
1 ! JV.iein. Dr. F. H. Thomas , J' . II. Wind
mid C. T .loslin as directors. Tliu ] ) lau
if the association has been examined by
careful business men hero aiidolhowhoro
and pronounced the most equitable of
am in the Hold. Over $10,000 of. btook
has been nohl in this city within a week
and a number of our clti/ens are arrang
ing to borrow from the association for
building or improving property. Any
i can become a member.
Now that diphtheria Is prevalent in
Council Hlufls and Omaha every family
Miotild bo provided with Dr. Ji-llcris" infallible -
fallible diplitheria preventive and euro.
It can bn liad of Council HlulTn drug-
or at 2101 Cimiing street , Omaha.
James McCabe Is in DCS Molncs.
DW A Miiurer has gone east on a business
trip , and expects to bo absent several weeks
A meeting of the Kplscopal diocese was
held in this city last Wednesday , at which
the following ministers were present : Kov.
Dr. Iloyt. archdeacon of the southern dean
ery ; Kov Hralnerd , ClenwoodKov. ; Whitteii
of Charlton , Kov.illlain Whlto of
Vail , Kov F 1C. Howard of Cicstou ,
Kov. , T K , Kusscll of Cbaritou nnd Kov. K. .1
Habcock of this city. It was decided to hold
the next convention at Charlton.
J. W. McCoy , who was formerly connected
w ith-tho IC < | uitihlu Life Assurance society in
this city , is visiting his Council UlutTs
friends after a'\car's absence in Floiid.i.
where ho has started an orange prove.
Several months ago a telegram was published
in the Chicago papers and reprinted by some
of the local papcia here , to the effect that a
man healing his nuno : and answering his de
scription almost perfectly bad blown out the
gas in a Peorla hotel and hud thus been
htartcd on his career heavenward. Mr.
McCoy bus como buck to show his fricndu
that he is still on earth.
The AVlteh party , to bo given at Mrs.
Karris' tonight , promibo.s to bo quite an
event. The Ilrst of its kind ever given
hi Council Hinds. A largo crowd is ex-
pee ted.
Hlaek hpirits and white ,
lcd ? HpIritH and gray ;
Mingle , mingle , mingle ,
You Unit mlnglo may.
The snow nud oohl weather docs not
dlmlninh the demand for acreage in the
Klein tract , 2 mile.s of llio post-
olllce ; . ' 100 acres yet for wile in from one
to ten acre tracts , suitable for fruit and
, partlcn. Day & Hess , agents , III ) Pearl
ratlirr CrtH tlin f'lillil.
A habeas coipus case. In which a 7-mouths
old child was the subject of controversy , was
decided by .Judge Thoriielt yesterday It was
brought up from Mills county not long ago
to bo tried bofoio Judge Smith , but tbo
latter referred It to Judge Thornell , who
was then holding court nt Kcd Ouk. The
little ono was tlio child of Willl.uu Sayles of
IMclllu Junction , the mother having died
very soon after its birth. Sajlesmado iir-
. ivmgemcnts with Charles Mugg and wife to
take care of the child , with the understand
ing that they were to have the rent of his
farm frco until ho could iti.iko other ar
rangements which might bo iporo satisfac-
torv Later on Sayles made arrangements
with a sister who lives at Corfu , N. Y. , to
take tbo child , but Mugg and his wife re
fused to give up the child , claiming that It
bud been the wish of the mother that it
dliould be left In their i are. Judge Thornell
decided \ estcrday that the child should bo
given back to the father.
For warming guest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just
what you want.m Look at them. Clean ,
convenient , cheap. O. U. Gas and Elec
tric Light Co.
UbO Koal-Spar ! A 2.1e package saves
2. per cent of your coal bill , besides
other comforts , and is Millleient to treat
ono ton For sale by Jniiascn & Gregg.
No. . ' 171 Pearl street.
llUmlsscit thrt rr
The suit of Laur.i ICessler against Samuel
Kesslerwas dismissed yesterday. It lias
been pending for some time , the defendant
having tiled a motion oulj a few days ago
asking that It bo removed to the district
court of Ciiithrlo county. The cause of the
dismiss. ) ! was a peculiar state of affairs
vthlch have Just become known Kcssler , it
Is said , was insane , and his wife was ap-
IHilutcd guardian During his Insanity he
deserted her. whorcuK | > u she commenced an
action fora dlvoixe Upon this being learned
the case was dismissed by tlio attorney of
the plaintiff , but another suit for the same
thing will bo commenced as soon as Mrs
Kcssler can bo relieved of the guardianship
Ccal and woul ; beht und cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the cltv ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Co.No. . I M'uin.
AVantcd-Cash olTor for ten blmrcs
Citizen's State bank stock. .Must be
bold. Address K. A , Slieufe.
Itujiil .Irmiiiiin Cunl I'arly.
AiTangcmeiit.s aio lx Iiig made for a card
partj by the members of Fidelity council No
150 , Koyal Arcanum , of this city. It will
occur on Wednesday evening , February 8.
Kaeh member will bo allow id to Invite three
persons on obtaining an invitation from one
of the members of the committee , which
consists of A. W Ulekniaii , W II. Kobinson.
A V WcUlngerand I M. Tn-inor
Finest Aristo cabinet photos , $2 ixr
do * . Abhton'a studio. ' J8 N. Muiu btreet
rlvUiu ) rftpvni ni ruuc ( I
lULMIL lLLlro '
Judge Tboraell Orders a Detailed Statement
in a Sensational Gaso ,
Suit ol a Upcrnt DcfcnduM ! In flrroirr Atoucy
IVlId lilt Attiirnrjii for Allfsrd Cor
ruption I'lirpn * * * l'roinl < F < Some
Judge Thornell niled yesterday morning In
the district court on a motion fora more spe
cific statement which has been under advise
ment for several dais past In the case of
William It.irker against the law firm of
Mjnster , Limit & Sweet. This case was
wilttcnup nt some length In TUB Iiin : re
cently , the plaintiff asking for a judgment
for about ? ( .IXX ) against the defendants ,
alleging that ho had paid out largo sums of
mone > for the purpose of buying Judges ,
juries , etc , In a criminal case in which ho
was defendant , but that these sums hud
been diverted from the use for which they
had been intended. The court jesterJay
ruled that.i mote specific statement should
bo made as to the purposes for which the
mono > had been paid out. nnunet Tlnley ,
who represents Harker , his already sent the
statement to Marker , who Is at Salt Lake
City , for his signature , and as soon as it re
turns It will bu lllcd In court. Ho states that
it will contain substantially the same facts
s have already been published InTiicBEK.
f so , it will make extremely Interesting
\vii.i , PL > II mi : Moroit.
riH.ide M.lrlrd by sppnriT Smith ( iiithprs
Ton u ; > i ) , } ( io lly.
Circulars have boi'ii Issue I by Hon. Spca-
'er Smith and are no-v helm ; sent out to the
iroperti owners of the city asking them to
turn over whatever claims they m iy have
against the motor compiny , In order that a
suit for their satisfaction may bo started.
This is another step hi tlio crusade which
was instituted a couple of weeks ago for the
urpose of reioveiing tlio OO.OdU bonus
whiih was \oted the company by the tax
payers at tlio time the project of building
the luldgo was started. The Hist petition
asked for a Judgment of only JU.i.OO'J , but it
was stated at tint time that it only repre
sented a portion of the property owners ,
who would bo induced to pool their Interests
s soon as possible. This step has now been
taken , and if the scheme meets with the ap-
piovalof the property ownen to whom the
proposition Is made , a supplementary peti
tion will be Hied in the lutuie.
The reluctance of the motor company to
settle for the paving has been the subject of
many questions lately , the citi/ens gener
ally being unable to undeistand what motive
there could bo for putting off a payment
which will undoubtedly ha\c to bo made
ooner or later. The answer to the problem ,
as given ba gentleman who has had con
siderable insight into tno matter , is that the
attorneys for the motor company arc waiting
patiently for llio time to roll by when all
these i laims th it have not been put in Judg
ment w 111 be outlawed. Tlio time is close at
hand now , and unless actions are commenced
soon llio pioporty owneis who have claims
will Had that the\ are barred hi the statute
of limitations 'There are claims against the
companj now to the amount of about fiUOO ,
it is estimated , and less than half of the
amount has , \et boon sued for , so that If the
property owners who have been sleeping on
their rights can bo made to continue their
nap a little longer the company will \ rove
to l ) considerably the gainer by its dilatory
country well know when the Boston
Store advertises anything that they are
re to ilnd it just so , awl if wo might
y "oven a little better. " Below are
just a few of the many bargains that wo
are ottering at this tale. If yon do not
find anything in this ad. that you uro in
need of , visit the store and without a
doubt yon will bo Hiiro to Ilnd just what
you want und without a doubt at the
right price.
Sale ends Monday evening1 , Januarv
See our line marked $3.05 , 9-1.50 , $5.00 ,
$5.75 , $0.50 , $7.50 , $8.00 , $10.CO , $12.00
and $15.00. All at a clear saving of from
25 to 50 per cent.
$2.5 six quarter covers , now 31.05.
$5.50 eight quarter covers , tinsel em
broidered , chenille fringe , now $11.00.
fiOc chenille rugs in n vast variety ok
colorings , during sale 25o each.
05o and $1.1 ! ) wrappers , 8'Jc ' each.
$1.09 and $1.75 wrappers , now $1.39
$2.50 lleeco lined , now $1.75 each.
Three lines of a 75o eoi > ct , for this
Palo at 50c.
llo ) silkeline , for this sale at 12o } a
Lumps , chinawarc , plush goods , antique -
tiquo oak , oto.
25 per cent olT our former low prices.
All tin , iron , wooden toys and bisqno
and bron/.u ligures at exactly half price-
for this salo.
Doro's illustrated books , including
Doro's Bible Gallery , D.mto's Inferno ,
Purgatory and Paradise and Milton's
Paradise Lost , publisher's price $0.00 ,
our price for this sale
75o EACH.
Only two to a customer.
Egypt , Germany , England , Palestine
and Africa illustrated , publisher's price
$5.00 , our price
A hundsomo oak 2 drawer sowing ma
chine , nalo price $11.25.
1 drawer , $10.50.
0 drawer , $10.75.
All machines-are guaranteed for live
years. Now is the time to buy a sowing
machine. Call and examine them.
Council Bluffs , la.
wn.i. I'.vv rou > CAia"i.
llnuili'y OMVri u Siimll I'rlze Cur
Cii.ll TlilmrH ,
Bradlcj's coalman ! , on upper Broadway ,
Is llucly to become an unpopular stamping
ground for coal thieves , if Stf checks are any
temptation to the public , or any considerable
portion of it , to begin perforating the anat
omy of the sociable midnight marauder
who has been matting regular hauls
of late. Mr
Bradley has tried a
Rood many different devices to prevent
thieves from getting In their work on his
coal bins , but m spite of everything his stock
of black diamonds keeps steadily diminish
ing without any apparent ; ; cause. At last. In
sheer desperation , Mr. Bradley has decided
to offer a reward for the corpse of the gen
tleman who is so struck with the healing
qualities of that particular coal , and an.\ ono
who wants to earn Wi cannot do It easier
than by brlnsing him the head of the right
party some of these flno mornings before
Oftlcer Kemp tried his hand at seeing
what a gun would do about 9 o'clock i cster
day morning lie happened to bo walking
bis beat when ho noticed n man leave the
yard and cuter the house of Henry Johnson ,
on Pifivo street , with a largo lump of some
thing in his hand. A few minutes later
Johnson's door oin-ned and the same man
made his way back to the yard for another
lump After ho bad got It and was hurrying
back toward the house with It Kemp sent a
largo chunk of lead in the direction of the
hurryInj ; ilguro. There was a jell , a sound
of fnblng coal and n glimpse of n suddenly
disappearing blat k strrak but whether or
not the oftlcer's bullet took effect Is ns yet
IJourlHtis finds out that Stntsman
Street Is all right for the piano busliioH ,
just look nt his now signs.
Do you smoke ? Have you tried T. D.
King it Co.'s Parttigas ? U'u a charmer.
Just light one.
Mrs. Wlr n ltri-nnip s Violent llor Art-rat
Mrs. John WIese , icsldlng with her hus
band and three small children nt Albright ,
was conveyed to the city jail iesterday
morning by Oftlcers Krocgu r and Ta.igeman
Mrs. Wlese Is the woman who was men
tioned In Tun few dajs ago ns being
insane. She has grown steadily worse , be
coming violent and making it necessary to
take her into custody. Sheriff Bennett was
summoned ami took the afllietcd lady in
charge for the purpose of placing her case
before ' the board of insanity.
< , ' < iMipl.ihiti of Tour
Patrons of the Sherman avcnuo and South
Omaha street car line are complaining
bitterly of the service given. Not that the
schedule time is not sufllclent for their ac
commodation , but because the ears are
not run on time. It Is of daily occurrence
that passengers are obliged to stand on
street | corners for twenty to thirty min
utes waiting for a car , and then two , or even
three trains , will come along together. Very
often a belated would-be passenger Is waved
aside by the motorman or conductor , while
the train whir/os by , to await the next one ,
because his train is behind time. The com
pany would confer a greit favor on the pat
rons of the best paying line in the citj if it
would see to it that trains are run with some
degree of regularity.
The Knights of Pythias hall , on N street ,
has been secured In which to hold the regu
lar services of the Methodist Episcopal
church ami meetings of "auxiliary societies
until sueh time as a church can bo built. It
is not positively known at this time whether
or not services will bo held there next Sab
bath. If not , they will bo held at tlio Pres
byterian church , through the courtesy of
Kov. Robert L. Wheeler , pastor.
.Miiuli' City Gossip.
C C Stanley came homo from Lincoln last
night and rotumuil jesterday morning.
'I'ho O. 11 Hammond Packing company are
about to begin the election of a llve-stoi'i
brick smoke house.
A program is being prepared for an enter
tainment to bo given hi the Eastern Star
next Saturday night.
F .1. Conery , mailing clerk for the Droveis
Journal , was married yesterday at Afton , la ,
to Miss May E Handall.
George Cllnkenbeard had n bearing in
police court at T o'clock ami was lined * 'J.50
and costs , fj in all , for disturbing the peace
and making , a gun play on a neighbor.
City Attorney Yan Dousen went to Lin
coln Monday and returned yesterday. UN
visit there was in the interests of this city
regarding amendments to the charter.
Mrs McMilleii , wife of Hon. John MeMit-
len , w ho has been suffering with cancer of
the breast for four i oars is reported vorj
low and liable to pass away at any time.
Prof John lo.uolds { , the hypnotist , of
Ithaca , N Y . was in the city i csterday in
company with A C Davenport , looking up
Attorney Uli II Doud , Frank A. Broadwell
and other Cornell students , with whom ho
was formerly acquainted.
Charles F Symons died at 8'IS yesterday
morning of pneumonia at his homo in Al-
biisjht The deceased was a member of
Soutli Omaha lodge , No. GO , Ancient Order
of United Workmen , and will piobably bo
Buried by that order. Ho leaves a wife and
children , one of which is the boy who had
bis skull crushed by a horse's hoof and un
derwent the operation of trephining three
dltlcrcnt times.
Iliilldlnp : n Cabinet.
LAKCWOOD , N. J. , Jan. 'JO. President-elect
Cleveland returned from New York at 0
o'clock this evening accompanied by Mr. Don
M Dickinson , Mr. Cleveland's former post
master general. Mr. Dickinson was closeted
with Mr. Cleveland in his private study for
several horns.
It is now said that Mr. Cleveland is again
Insisting upon Mr Dickinson's accepting the
state portfolio , which was offered him after
Mr. Whitney had refused.
Mr. Cleveland has scut for several demo
cratic leaders and an Important conference
will take place Monday orTuesdav , at which
Mr. Bayard , Mr. Carlisle , Mr. Whitney and
Mr Harrlty will bo present.
Whisky IriiHt and I'tumiim Citnal.
WASIII.SOION , D. C. . Jan. 'JO. Tlio lipuso
rules committee is divided as to the resolu
tions offered by Messrs. Burrows and Fel
lows , providing for investigations of the
whisky trust and the Panama canal scandal ,
respectively. 'The committee today mot , but
adjouuied without acting. The democrats
are dlsjujscd to refer all the papers and tlio
resolution of Mr Burrows about the whisky
trust to the Judiciary committee. Sir. Bur
row s is opposed to this and insists that the
committee on rules shall act on the resolu
. \KSasslnutrcl thu Tumi
Dvcusuuiia , Tcnn , Jan. 'M Ex-Marshal
Nichols was asmtbsinated last night by Oso
Butler , who escaped. A largo reward is
offered for the assassin.
Butler , who was under the influcnco of
liquor , entered Nichols' place. Nichols
ordered him out , and Butler refused to go.
Nichols slapped him. Butler loft , but re
turned In a short time Some words passed
between them and Nichols told Butler that
if ho had a gun lie had better use it quick.
Butler did so , putting throe shots in Nichols'
body. Butler has been arrested.
Another Illir Combine.
Ciiictco , III. , Jan M. A big new combina
tion of manufacturers of house boating
boilers , it Is announced this evening , has Just
been organized in this city under the name
of the American Holler company , with a
capital of fl.noo.OOO. Tbo company has pur
chased the business of tbo IMerco , Hutlcr &
I'lerce company of Syracuse , N. Y. ; Klchard-
son & Hoynton company of Now York and
Chicago and the National Hot Water Healer
company of this city. W K 1'lerco is presi
dent of the now company.
Mill Not Admit tint .HUtlniinrlrfl.
M.umin , Jan. 20 The Spanish govern
ment is understood not to bo disposed to
grant the request of the United States" that
missionaries bo rc-admittcd to the Caroline
Hummed < I < ild III tlio United Stiitrn ,
VICX.VKJan ' , ' ( ! ThoKotnschlldsynulcato
has boirowctl $10,000,000 in gold in the United
States for the use of Austria in her aid for
currency reform.
Do not go tru-ellng without a bottle of
Salvation Oil. It cures a bruise at once.
! XC.
Mil' Did.
Detroit Free Press : A cloud hail
overcast their sky and a tear fell hero
and there as the gray shut out llio blue.
She was piqued at some little dere
liction of his and had taken her smile
away from him as a petulant mother
takes a rote from a child.
Ho hail remonstrated and pleaded , but
nho was obdurate.
She spoke unkindly , oven angrily , but
ho showed no resentment.
Ho hud erred ; ho sought forgiveness.
"Yon are constantly foolish,1' she
said , us if in defense of her Hsveritv.
"Yes , dear , " ho begged , "bat think
how foolishlyonstan t I am. "
Ili-rt-'H Vuur I'cinerTr.ilm
The Burlington's 4MO p. m. express ;
for Denver reaches that citv at 7 next :
morning ; carries sleeping , dining and ,
chair cars ; makes connection witli all
transcontinental trains via tlio scenic
lines to the coast.
The Burlington also offers imequalcu
tloublo dally scrvlco to Chicago , St.
Louis and Kansas City ,
Ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam street.
Condition of Affairs in tip" Black Republic
Not Re\wuiing.
nt Anntlirr llcmiliitlon tonn How
tin- United St.itr * CniltilYlutiiKn the
Trend of AlTnlr'n -llnjtl
/ .Ncnli 1'tmcc.
NKW YOHK. Jan. 2(5. ( The correspond
ent of the Herald at Port mi Prince
says : Thu republic of Haytl , Ijlng at
the doorway of what may "presently bo
the key of our commercial naval route
between the Atlantic anil Puelllo via the
Nicaragua canal , is today at the mercy
of a clique of foreign merchants. At
this mi incut Haytl is threatened with
another revolution.
ICx-Presitk'nt Log time Is in Jamaica
with a group of follow exiles waiting for
a ( favorable moment to land in Ilayti and
overthrow the government of Ilippolyte.
Any tluy the signal for bloodshed may
bo given. It is a time of unrest. The
elections for deputies have just ended
and Franco and the United States are
pressing the government for indemnity
settlements with their gunboats on hand
to add to the general feeling ot inso
President Ilippolyte cannot leave the
plneo without a guard of soldiers , lie
cannot leave the capitol without the escort
cert of a largo army. His palace is
guarded liken fortiess with artillery
and hundreds of troops. Conim m people
are In almost daily dread of the merci
less sort of war that is peculiar to Ilayti.
In Danger r Another Itctdliitlon.
All that is needed to start a terrible
revolt is the money of France , anil
Frenchmen are lenders who furnish
gold to the government at something
like 110 per cent n year.
An extraordinary thing ttbiiit Ilayti
is the successful revolutionists when
they have come into power invariably
pay all the debts of tbo government they
have destroyed , as well as the entire
cost of the revolution. Tlio bonds issued
to pay the cxpenso-t of the government's
army and the bonds issued to pay the ex-
polices of the revolutionary troops are
both honored with the y.eal of Ilaytien
revolutions. It is simply a question
today whether the French and German
money lenders have more confidence in
Mnnigat than Ilippolvto. Tlio moment
they decide in favor of tlio revolutionists
they cut the go\orniueiital financial aid.
BO far as they can control tlio situation.
Wlint tliu United Stuff * Could Do.
A single step on the part of the United
States would change tfi whole tiend of
affairs. Tlio money lenders and their
schemes should bo crushed in the in
terest of American commerce. Tlio
presence of thrco American cruisers in
llio Ilaytien ports in tunes of danger
would bo siilllcient to secure the goem
inent. No revolutionist would attempt
to carry out his plan when it was known
that the United States would oppose ,
and if necessary , crush any struggle
carried on by foreign capitalists against
the constitutional government of Ilayti.
AVoro it once made plain that the United
States had a substantial interest in the
tranquillity of Ilayti , and would insist
upon protecting that intoiest by force ,
if necessary , there would bo a
change. Your correspondent interviewed
Hippolyto and suggested to him that the
iirobablo control of the Nicaragua canal
by the United States might compel that
government to nso Its utmost influence
to secure commercial control of Ilayti ,
and in some scnso guarantee the peace
of the country. The president nodded
his head slow ly.
ICniiilutlong IinpcMcrlshlni : lllijtl.
"Tho constant revolutions swallow up
so much money that there Ls very little
left for commercial nso und the United
States sulTors und a few foreign mer
chants drain the country of its wealth , "
was the correspondent's reply.
"That is only too true , " said the pres
ident gravely. . But Ilayti has to beware -
ware of America. Wo have to bo sus
picious. Our independence must bo
guarded above all things. Wo are very
close to the coast of the United
States nnd our past experience
has taugnt ns wo must guard
ourselves. It is useless to think of ter
ritorial conquests for Haytl will not
yield an Inch of her soil to any foreign
government. " N
"But , Mr. President , there is no move
ment of that kind in the United States. "
"Wo have hud our own experience. I
refer to tlio claim of the United , States
that Ilayti had agreed to lease the Mole
St. Nicholas as an American naval sta
tion. No such agreement was made. "
The president said that Ilayti wu-
anxious to secure peace , but she wanted
no peace that would in any way in
fringe upon her independence , lie was
very earnest in expressing this idea.
There is hardly a spot of soil that is not
bursting with riches. With peace Ilayti
can borrow money at less than 110 nor
cent. Let ns once begin a policy that
will insure peace hero without threaten
ing the independence of the republic and
the old , deep-rooted antipathy for
Americans will disappear.
Ono of the most important evidences
that the United States do not have a
strong enough hold on her is the fact
that the bank of Ilayti , an institution
incorporated and owned in France col
lects all the import and export duties ,
and is also the National treasury. Thi' '
gives Franco a voice in Ilaytien ulTnin
that no European govornmert should
have if thospirit of tlio Monroe doctrine
is to prevail. The Haytiens do not seoin
to bo jealous of Franco as of the Unitei'
States , although they had to lighl
against Franco to secure their independ
Aimc lit ) Ailpu I'oiaotl.
Although the Apuqhcs have had little
or no nso for their poisoned weapons fet
years , still they , because of a tribal in
stinct , each summer1 season go through
an annual preparation of their arrow
tips as carefully ami methodically in i'
an old-time war wore near at hand
This work on the arrows , us describes
by the Pomona Progress , is ono piece o
Jly doctor nays It acts gfnlly nn Hie tomarh ,
liver and kl.Inevs.and b ple anl lujnthe. lids
drink U irmdo from lierM. HOC ! \ prepared for use
as easily as tea. It It called
: . : : : _ : _ ; MEDICINE
A11 dniKrlMi ll It at ato. and II a pack age. 1 f you
rannot get It. end vouraJdren forafrra urnplu ,
l.nne'v I'umllr Mnllrlnn inuvra | | , n btmrl *
rarhdur , In order In be healthy this Is nereasary.
' " i oiiATcm i' . WOOD \VAlai. J.B uo v , w. v.
abor tlmt the Indian hra\c will not
ra\o to the squaws. Ho patlurs n
lo/.en or more rattlesnake heads , and
nits them in u spherical ves-cl. With
lieso ho pitte half a pint of a species of
argo red ant that is found in many
mrts of Arizona. The hlto of this ant
s more poisonous than that of a bee.
Upon these ho pours some wnlerund
hen teals up with moist earth the lid of
his vessel. He then digs a hole two
eet deep into the ground , in which ho
nillds a roaring lire and puts in some
stones. When the interior of the hole
ind the stones are red hot he makes a
ilaco In the bottom for the earthen vos-
el and puts it In. About it and upon it
10 puts the coals and hot stones , and
ipon the top ho builds a llerco lire and
feeps It up for twenty-four hours.
L'hon ho digs out his vessel , and ,
standing olT with a long pole , he
llsengagcs the top and lets Hit'
"nines escape. The Indian insists
lint if the fumes should cnmo in
ils face they would kill him. The
miss left ut the bottom of the vessel is a
lark brown paste. To test the eHlcacy
jfli Is concoction a recent traveler saw
in Indian with his hunting knife make a
cut in his hare leg just below the knee
mil let the blood run down to his ankle.
It immediately begun to si//le. as if it
.ore cooking the blood , and the poi-mn
'ollowed the blood right up the leg. six.-
' .ling its way until the Indian MTU pod
he blood away with his knife. The sav-
igo a'-siired the paleface that had he al-
"owed the poison to reach the mouth of
.he wound ho would have been dead in
ten minutes.
SIZK of tbo or
dinary pill.
Think of nil tbo
trouble and dis
turbance that It
causes you.
Wouldn't y o u
w ulcoino some
thing easier to
take , and easier
In its wnya , if
nt the same time
It did you more
peed ? That Is the case with Dr. I'icrco's
Pleasant Pellets Tboy'ro tlio smallest in
tizo , tbo mildest In action , but tlio most
thorough and far-reaching in tesiilK They
follow nature's methods , nnd they give help
tlmt lasts. Constipation , Indigestion , liiliom
Attacks , Sick nnd Ilillous Headaches , and nil
durangeincnts of the liver , stomach nnd bow els
are promptly relieved nnd permanently cured.
" If wo can't euro your Catarrh , no matter
how bad your ease or of how Ion ? standing ,
we'll pay von fWX ) in cash. " Tint is what
Is promised by the proprletois of Dr Rago's
Cntarrli Remedy. Doosn't It prove , better
than nny words could , that this is a remedy
that cures Cuturih ? Costs only 50 ' .cuts.
hnotlnsour en
tlio tlni * anil
or.ile' . to thu
ciueful study ol
patients Intur-
asls nnd wt'l-
fun1 , wo are en
abled to pur-
foini llio nolilo
In the most olTectlvo innnni'r.
Aim Til I' VICTIM 01- ' ANY NTKV-
lli\o tlin 'Hincllt ' of our abil
ity. oxpuiionco , null sl.lll If
you will only lot us
lly oltlior personal or written
application , that you wish to
consult with
eases of the Nose , Throat ,
Chest , Stomach , Bowels and
Blood , Skin nnd Kidney Disease * ,
Female Weaknesses , Lost Manhood
I'lliKS , FISTULA , riSSUUB , permanentcuroil !
without thu use of kulfu , ll/nturo at caustic.
All maladies of a prlvato or dullcato nature , of
elthei eux , posltlvuly ourod
lull on or nddruBs , with elnuip for Circulars , Froa
Uook aud ItiUpes ,
118 S. 15th St. . Omaha , Nob.
? text Door to I'oitolUcu.
Jas. Boss
arc all gold as far as jou can sec. They look
like solid cases , wear like solid cases , and
are solid cases for all practical purposes yel
only cost about half as much as an out-
and-out solid gold case. Warranted to
wear for 20 years ; many in constant use
for thirty years. Better than ever since they
are now tilted , at no extra cost , wiih the great
bow ( ring ) uhich cannot bt fulled or twisted
off the case the
Can only b : had on the cases
stamped with this trade mark.
11 others have the old-stjlc pull out how ,
which is only held to the C.TC \ > y friaion ,
and can be twisted off with the fingers.
Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to
Bee pamphlet , or send for one to the makers ,
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
Plate Boll ami Flank Boil 4c
Shoulder Clol f o
Shou der Steak He
faorno 1 Beef , nlate an I flinlc . ' 4o
Corned CloJsanJRunpi 6c
KtbRoast eef 10
SlrlotnStoak 12' , i
RoundSioakSlbfor 25o 1O
Port ihous8 bteak 12'to
All kinds blow * . , veil , mutton & beef. do
VenlKo st lie
Veal Steak 12'o
Veal Chops 10
Mutton Chop ? 12'o
Mutton Legs. lOo
Now Comon the High Pork. _
Pork Chops loc
Porn Butts for roast
Oallforn'a Hams
tparoKiba . . . . lOo
Pork Ten Jerlom . . 20o
S.iltPork . ,12iO
Pork Sauiage
Wholosnlo and Retail
333 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs.
A. H. DYER ,
Kl t tom , \rurcliiiiurii , luutiiry litilldliii- * ,
anil nil trnrk rnuirmc | thurniieli und
prHotlval l < iiii\vliHlu-o ul ciiiintriiutlnii unit
truugtli uf muterliiln , a | iccnilly.
! . U. Uux 3'Jt , freiuout , > ub ,
"Aljsolulolyliio Best Made. "
"A Delicious Medicated Cou-
footloii" for the relief of Coughs. 5
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nutl J3
for clearing the voice. 1'or sale hy
all Druggists nntl Confoctioners. * "
Tacked in full two ounce packages , ft- .
Price 5 Cents. If yen are unable to EJ
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets CD
from your dealer tend us 8 cents in H
stamps and icccive a box by mail.
Alude by tlie manufacturers of the
celebrated Pomona V r n i I Ji i c c
Council BliifTB , In.
ImprovaJ Safal/ /
OMAIIV t'l i it r i it mil 1,1 \s srur
Cot Oihsf uuil 11 \ \ ( ( otiin II HIiilT'
All Klnilh nt nyi-liip and ( "o-ui ir ' dear In
In * * i\i | > of the nrt I u.le I .1111
t ilru'il fitbrics in i'lo ' to look ut 400 ! .tsnoiv.
\\uik promptly ilo 10 nut tlumoiul In all
pails of thu iouiitry. bcml fur priuo list.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
Htcailunv. near Northwestern Do ot ,
Anheusor , Hudwcisor , Faust and Palo
KEUS , can leave orders at No. 12111 Main
Street , Council BlulTs , Iowa , or Telephone -
phone 13-3.
Goods delivered promptly.
I ) Dlldf
( HUM )
0 ! SI. IOJIS , M ) .
Nebraska Made.Flour
Is theBest.
Association Label
ON the SACK.
tlQ3 In tno st.uo nd
federal courts. Itoonis WJ-T-b-'J , Slmjtart
block , Counull uiulVa. la ,
_ AMI I. ) hT VITAl.Il'V
wenknin. etc , . iicrmanciuly euicd In
men I nlllivnil ( rcalcit ) Htl.i' the n-colpt tlmt
rurod niu when etcrythlni ; eleo lulled Aihlress
with Btainn
wm. iiii'i.iit ; , iiox i n , .tiiu > iiii'Mii'ii. !
Elastic Stocking
Trusses ,
Crutohos ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplioa
ii4 siatm ,
Next to Postofllcs
Got Catarrh ?
MaUcs Unit lllood , lloniliu'lip. Misery ,
Spcoiflj Oxv uti uotlroyoi tlio / > . alKSf
Cntnrrh Corms ! MiU u ( ( . & * [ * : $ & }
tlio blool bright nul niiro
( ilxesrt'stto tlio furcai
nuiii'tlti ? , vigor.
An Hotiost , Ronl Cure
IlroiH'hltK Doit tlii C'nlili
Ho ul.ioho. NUVDUS l'ro tn-
Oxygen Book" and 4 Trys Tree.
Suite OlOJSbooly Ulil , OnmUa
AV.IM'AHKr.ltM.l > . , Xo. I lUilllnclmt. ,
IIOTOV , MA'O. , f/ilrf roniuiiina jihvticlan of Iht
van nuinlcil tlio 001 D MIIMI , liy the NATIONAL
Mi mrAt , \ iociATli'N for thu I'KI/.i : I'.SSAVoii
nnnro i t/a i , ' if < Mv0 mill olil ,
liilm * i ' on nlt.itlon in perron i or t > y I'ltff.
UUIIUU I'ttupocluiwllh | "trHtlmonlnlB , Kill.IX
hook. Kfl K1SC13 OK 1,1 KH , OK SKI.I'-
rKKSintVATIONt KOO Ji | ) . . 1U3 lii\nlnalil pro-
r i . .n . full Rllt , only 41 l l > > mill. MMI |
In iiMFHrpninoil la tlio
tr ntinent of nil
nnd nil Weakneuiiri ]
unit Disorders of mtll
18 j oars Mporionca.
Write for circulars
nuil qiic.-tlou list free.
Mth nnd Farnam fct . ,
Uinnlm , No' )
Clabll C'nr.-
( OU ! < ! UI : > H. ! % pur
\inl all tlio train of
cninpnnr I hem In mini gl K liinnj 1'ICHMA-
-NH.NTI.V ItltKI ) lull sritlCN'dTII anil tons
XlMiu tuovcTjr parlor tliu liuilr I will loml ( no-
< nroly fiPiOil ) KltKK to mir nuloror tlio iiroiurlu-
tlon tlutt euro I ino 01 the o tro ihloi AtlJrjss , I. .
Slonoy I.o.inucl on Diuiuotuls , Wutohos , oto. '
II.K bargains In unrciluoinod plodzos.
ni rnnu unit cllr
houtfbt and sold. 1'iisur & 'lliuni-\i , Co u neil
IOK SAlK-Mr livery liiilno In Hill cltjr or irll )
J trnilu Block for Kooil clfar prouortjr. John Uo *
linny , Council Illulli
OOO ACUICS m miles from Onklanil , good stntoof
Acnltlvntlon , aovon loom IIOIDU , orchard , cora
( rlbi nn-l urnnarlon ; Till 3ll for JIO an ncro.
( Jrccnshlolds. Nicholson A. ( 0 , Kit Illonilwur.
'IMlllfcK room lioujoon Soutli Kloronth street ,
J plearof Inciimlirniiri ! . to uiclianxn for uptown
ri'i-lilciicc. Will imjr illtruruncu In caih Ureon-
tlilehla , Mcliolioii A Co
HOUHK wnntoil In uichun a for lot botireon
llroRilwnf unJ new brittle. Ureonshlelds , NUh *
oleon A to.
"l\TATHI ) . comiietent Klrl for Kcncral home.
I work. COJK. 1'lprte atreoL
" \\rANTKIi Hood Klrl for Kcnoral lioiiBewurk.
Mrs A T. fllcklnnor. Hit 4th nvouuo.
JOlt KXCIIANUH , ( ! room liouio , modern conven
iences , bent looMlon In Coiina /llulTs 1 / ; clear ot
( ncumbrancu ; will vtclianuo for bu9lna > a homo In
some Htnnller town In vrvntcrn Iowa or eastern No-
brnikn. ( Iruonililulil9 , Nicholson & Co. , Coiint.ll
l Oll lti.NT-bO ; nrrcji 'it line hay land near th
JL nsylnni for HOnaon of HU at ) j | inr acre. Applf
tel voiiiiril Krcrolt Council IllurU , la.
\\7ANTlJli-Hooil Klrl for kllohon work. u-ooU
iviiiicg pilit. Mrs licorgu Kuullne , II3J I ! OB I
1'lcico street.
( XM VVlMi buy n Rood homo and lot on
„ the motor llnut flOJ down , balanoo inonlhly ,
( iood IIOIIBU. barn und lot. near tbo
Tor Imrinilii ! In an > kind uf property , call on John *
slon , V \ nn I'atten.
\ \ ' A.STKDrir t clusi Kurdcnor nnd llorliti
< ' Btcady job ; uoud pay Address U SO , Ueo olllce.
520 PEARL ST. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Telephone 200.
Special Terms
Works ,
G. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
f , CJcnninff find Jt
OF cooDd OK Kviaty DisriuijTioN.
Omaha oftico , Io21 Fnrnuin St. , Telephone 1521. Council Ulutfa ofllco and worki
cor. Ave , A and 20th St. Telephone 310. Send ( or Irculars and price list.