Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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It Wna the Cansc of Much Earnest Diecusaion
Among tbo Oonncilmcn.
Itecommrnilnllona Miul - l > y Hi" Committed
llntlnfcHiich Mutter * In flinrRO l.lttlo
Inrltlrnt * U'lilcli .Mnko the Council
Meeting * Very Intcrcntlnc-
A commuiitcatlon from City Attorney Cou
ncil opened the bull nt last night's session of
the council and discussion ilc\v thick mid
fast for n low minutes. The attorney stated
that ho had prepared a contract for the city
printing , awarded ono week ago tJ Klopp.
Uartlett & Co. , and it was ready for signa
ture If approved by the council.
Mr. Munro said that the charge had been
made that the contract had not been
awarded to the lowest bidder. Ho thought
that an Investigation would bo the proper
caper. Once ui > on a tlino n certain lum
ber contract was the subject of
much talk and n great error had
been made. The talK in regard to the pres
ent printing contract Is very similar in char
acter , and the matter should bo looked into.
Mr.Munro moved to reconsider the vote taken
at tfio last meeting , whereby the printing
eentraet was awarded to the linn that se
cured it.
\Vliern the City Snvod Money.
Mr. Saundcrs of the printing committee
defended tbo action of the committee and
said the contract had been awarded to the
lowest bidder. A complete tabulation was
made of the bids of the 11 vn competitors and
in that manner it was determined which was
the lowest bidder. Some of the bids were
very high upon articles used most and very
low upon those seldom used by the city. The
i-lty had been saved fcl.V ) Fiy the contract
being awarded to KIopp , Uartlett & Co.
Mr. IClsasscr , another member of the
printing committee , said that the criticism
mine from the losing bidders. This Is the
llrst time that the city has had any show in
the printing bids. The other fellows had
the contract for a long tlmo and their ox-
perlenco hud taught them how to bid to
make money. Mr. Klsasser believed that
the city had been beaten out of thousands of
dollars'by the existence of former contracts.
The contract hid been awarded to the low
est bidder , and the gentleman from the Second
end thought that the committee should be
Ktood by in Its action.
Mr. Steel bad investigated , and found that
the contract had been properly awarded.
Hell call upon the vote for reconsideration
was ordered , and each member voting took
occasion to explain his vote. Mr. limner
wanted no scandal and voted forrceonsidera-
tion. Mr. ICdwarlls believed In standing by
the committee , and voted no. Mr. Ilowell
thought that an investigation would do no
barm , and was in favor of it. So did Mr.
Munro. The motion to reconsider was lost by
11 vote of 0 to 1) ) .
Tbo recommendation of the Hoard of Pub
lic Works relative to streets to bo paved
during the present year was read. It did
not meet with favor and a motion to lay
upon the table prevailed. At a recent meet
ing the council adopted u resolution that
each councilman hand In bis recommenda
tion not later than the llrst Tuesday in Feb
ruary of the streets in bis ward that should
bo paved during the present year. Later
Mr. llascall moved to reconsider and take
the recommendation of the board from the
table. The motion carried , and the matter
was referred to committee of tbo whole.
Friday evening the council will meet in com-
inttteo of the whulo and consider the paving
The bill for gas furnished tbo city during
January was presented. It looked as if the
gas company was a llttlo previous , and was
rushing its bill in altogether too soon. On
motion of Mr. Ilowell the comptroller was
instructed to return the bill to the gas com
pany witli u notification not to present it
until the month's supply hud been furnished
and the bill was due.
Tlio'HUperinteiident of the city hull asked
that tbo salary of the Janitor bo increased
from $45 to | RU per month. Hoferred.
A resolution was adopted calling for the
appointment of u comtnltteo to confer with
the county commissioners relative to paving
during the present year principal thorough
fares in the city , and that there may bo co
operation between the city and county in
this matter. Parker , Ilowell and MeLeario
nro the committee.
The crossings upon the streets in the busi
ness portion ot the city were ordered cleaned ,
and tbo street commissioner was instructed
to have tbo work performed.
I'llltl for tVnrk Not IVrforine.d.
Three appraisers have drawn pay for work
upon Seward street , from Twenty-sixth to
Twenty-eighth streets , which they did not
' perform. The names of the appraisers will
bo secured and when they have claims
ngalnst tbo city in the future the amounts
they secured will bo deducted.
The committee on grades and grading
exonerated Councilman Steel from the
charge that ho had arbitrarily' stopped the
laying of a sidewalk upon Tnlrtloth street.
The complaint was made by Jean Schous.
Mr. Huseall rejKirted upon the question of
now quartets for the city Jail. The report
recommended that several desirable sites
can bo secured at moderate prices If bids bo
advertised for ono week. Tbo sites men
tioned by tbo committee are Eleventh and
Dodge streets , IKixlSU feet In size , upon which
now stands the Elkborn hotel , a substantial
brick building ; the Third ward school site ;
two lots at the northwest corner of Four
teenth and Jones streets , a full lot on Jones
street , west of the last mentioned site , llids
will beuulvcrtiscd for and submitted at the
uoxt meeting of the council
Chairman Kdwards reported that ho was
unable to llnd the ordinance granting n fran
ch I so to the Thomson-Houston ICleetric
Lib-lit company to put In subways , which
had been Introduced March 2 , IbW , and re
ferred tc the committee on gas and electric
Mr. Uruucr was chairman of the old com-
mlttco and arose to explain that ho did not
know of tbo whereabouts of the ordinance ,
had failed to Ibid it among his papers , and
had supposed it was on llle.
Mr. Klsasser Imiulrod of Mr. Brunei *
whether ho had asked his private secretary
in regard to the ordinance. Hoforo tbo
Klghth warder could reply the president
brought down lib gavel and put a stop to the
by play.
The clerk was instructed to furnish the
Thomson-Houston company with a copy of
the report.
Mure 1'n.vliiR Mutt em.
The estimates for paving In district -154 ,
done by Wcklwm liros. , were allowed by the
Hoard of Public Works and approved by tbo
council at the last meeting. .A question arose
as to the legality of tbo allowance of the es
timates and the action of the former meeting
was ordered held in ubeyauco pending Inves
Tlio complaint of R U Hobertson , F. II.
Davis , \ \ ' . J. Council and others , protesting
against the acceptance of the brick paving
put down on I.eavenworth street by Hugh
Murphy , was reported upon by the paving
committee. The commlttco recommended
that as the paving had been accepted the
protest , bo liled.
An ordinance , was passed amending section
1 of ordinance. No. ! ti , Increasing the salary of
the llremen in the city hall from JtX ) to ITU.
Locust street from Twentieth to Twenty
fourth , was ordered opened.
I'oor I.lltlo llnliy.
The llttlo--months-old child of Mrs. Gus
Carr , who is at present a patient at St. Jo
seph's hospital , is now In charge of Pollco
Matron Cummlngs. The mother is destitute ,
and ns tlio hospital people could not care for
the child it was sent to the police station.
Mrs. C'ummlngs took up a collection among
the oftlccrs nt the Jail to pay for the child's
immediate wants and will endeavor to llnd n
homo for the waif. An effort was made to
have some of the locnlchnritableinstitutions
take charge of the infant , but without effect.
Coming Out of the Kluki.
The affairs of the Omalui Hunlwuro com
pany arc rapidly gctUnp out of the tuinds of
the receiver nnd the emUtors are coin luff
out In better slm-io than was anticipated.
Yesterday Hocclrcr Charjcs ! ' Tngifiirt np-
.lenreil bcforo Jud | ; Kc.vsor to lllo his report
niul to state that claims iiKgiv utlnK
had bo u UlcU und allowed. On
thc o rlnlms tlio receiver wns Instructed to
| my IK ) per cent out of the salvage In his
XlsWH foil THK AUMV.
I.lilt of ( 'lintigm oT Iinportnncn In tlio
I-rgntnr Hcr lro Yritcnltr *
WASIIISOIOX , D. C. . Jan. 2-4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun DBG.- ] The followInK
army orders wcro Issued today :
Second Lieutenant James II. Frier , Seven
teenth Infantry , Is detailed ap professor of
military science and tactics at Delaware
coliepe , Newark , Del. , vice Second lieuten
ant ICdward C. Brooks , Eighth cavalry , who
Is detailed as professor of military science
and tactics at Qlrard college , Philadelphia.'Utenat Krlcr will report In person nt once
for duty at Delaware college , relieving
Lieutenant IJrooks , who will , being relieved ,
report In person for duty at Olrant college.
I/envu of absence for llvo days , to take
effect on or about January 23 , Is granted First
Lieutenant Alexis H. I'axton , Fifteenth In
fantry , recruiting officer.
The unexecuted portion of the sentence
published September 18 , IS'Jl. In the case of
Colonel Charles B. Compton , Sixth cavalry ,
Is remitted. Colonel Compton will Join his
First Lieutenant lieubcn H. Turner , Sixth
Infantry , ujKin the arrival of battery II ,
Third artillery , and the appointment of a
post quartermaster nt Key West barracks ,
Fla. , will bo relieved from duty assigned
him at tliat post November HI , IS ! ) ' , ' , and
will transfer his work and his superintend
ent of public construction to the post quarter
master at Key West barracks.
The extension of leave of absence on sur
geon's certificate of disability granted First
Lieutenant James K. Huncie , First artillery ,
December U7 , Is further extended six months
on account of sickness.
Captain Charles Shalcr , ordnance depart
ment , will proceed to the Watcrvllet arsenal ,
West Troy , N. Y. , on ofllcial business , per
taining to the manufacture of guns , and on
the completion of that duty will return to
his station in this city.
The president has accepted the resigna
tion of First Lieutenant Charles A. L. Tot-
ten , Fourth artillery , to take effect August
1 , and he has been granted leave of absence
until that date. Lieutenant Tottcn said ho
desired to leave the service in order to devote -
vote bis whole tlmo to the study and elucida
tion of the bible.
; itts o.v. 11,1 T i tn.
Eiffel appears to have been a pretty able
sort of allnancial engineer , too.
Isaac P. CJray's chances as a cabinet officer
are just sulliclentlj good to keep him from
heart failure.
It Is rather singular that tno cabinet
rumor so frequently misses the name of
lion. Horace Holes.
Mr. Gladstone has not yet answered the
long and welcome letter he reecniTy received
from Call Hamilton.
It is stated that the badge of the lord
mayor of London contains diamonds which
are valued at JU1'JO,000. ,
About the only thing not affected by the
cold weather was John L. Sullivan's Jag. It
is skating about at the old stand.
It was Fanny Kcmblo who , in her "Jour
nal of a Residence in America , " said : "Next
to a bug , I most dislike an editor. "
The prince of Wales will miss a good deal
of fun by not coming to the World's fair
since James J. Corbott has been engaged to
Wo read that "scandalous charges have
been made against William C'ott of Spring-
Hold , Mo. , " and if they are proven he should
ehango his name to Teufcl.
It is te be said of Colonel Lament as prob
able secretary of war that ho can assume
the duties of olllco entirely unembarrassed
by any ( previous knowledge/ military
Jules Verne Is said to bo the author most
read by tbo French ofllcials in prison. It
will bo remembered that Mr. Verne is ono of
the most artistic operators in the mendacity
line that the world lias produced.
Hunting it Homo for tlio Orplmnx.
Some months ago John IJaugh was a cap
tain on tlio Denver police force , and
was killed while attempting to arrest
a burglar. His wife started for Phila
delphia to plneo their two children
in an orphanage , but on her arrival
learned that only children born in the state
were'eligible for entrance. They are now
in this city seeking assistance to enable
them to reach their homo in Denver.
Murdered und Itohhcd.
II.\2i5i.iox , Pa. , Jan 21. The report of an
atrocious crime committed on the mountain
near here by highwaymen has just reached
here. Two citizens of this place wore held
up and robbed. Both men were to bo put to
death to cover the crime. Ono of the men
escaped , but the body of his companion was
found riddled with bullets. The names of
the men who were robbed have not yet been
Clovvliiiul'H Cnhlnot.
LAKEWOOD , N. J. , Jan. 21. President-elect
Cleveland and ox-Sccrotary of State Bayard
were up and about early this morning. Ex-
Secretary of the Navy Whitney and Senator
Carlisle are expected this evening , when the
quartet will go Into : i conference on the
makeup of Cleveland's cabinet. It is now
considered certain that Bayard will again bo
secretary of state.
DiMlli of u Well Known 1'rlntor.
Arthur J. Worloy , who was for over three
years a compositor on Tun BEE , died at Dubuque -
buque , la. , yesterday morning. Ilo was suf
fering from Brlght's dieaso and left Omaha
about three months ago for a ehango of air.
Ho leaves a wife and three children. It has
not been decided whether the remains will
bt ! interred at Dubuque or brought to Omaha ,
for Divorces.
Belle Lena Barrett wants a divorce from
lier husband , Jacob Barrett , and alleges non-
Bupport as the reason for the required sep
aration. James Strlbling thinks ho ought
to bo released from marital responsibilities
because his wife , Sarah , has deserted his
be'd and board , leaving the three Juvenile
Stribllugs to care for themselves.
WfHrlodof I.lfo.
CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 2-1. William Mcliroy , a
builder from Now York , alwut Io ! years old ,
shot and instantly killed himself today on
the eighth lloor of the oflico part of the Aud
itorium nulldlng. Ho had $1,700 In his
pockets. The act Is attributed to sudden in
sanity. He came to Chicago for the purpose
of engaging in business.
Trt'KMiro I'onnd In n Tree Top.
' 'Old. Man Jones , " as ho Is called by
hi.s neighbors , found two nests contain
ing 1H ! ) golden cation while trimming
.somo street trees in Sun Bernardino ,
Cal. ; in other wordtt , ho found two tin cans
hid in the tree containing $1,900 in gold
coin. Jones hud trimmed the trees over
u week before and returned on Saturday
to give some linishiiiK touches. In the
liivt tree tluitho climbed , hldnwny from
sight behind the titump of u largo limb
that ho had lopped olt the week before , ho
dlccoveri-rt the llrst can containing
nearly ijl , 000 in gold. Ho could not bo-
He vo his oyesniul was not long in getting
to the ground to handle and count the
money. Ho continued hltj M > arch and
found in the crotch of another tree
nearly $1,000 moro of gold coin hid away
the sumo as the lirst lot.
As soon as the overwhelming surprise
of the discovery had passed away the
old man was at a loss to know what to
do with his mine of gold. Ho was faoroly
tempted to hldo it away , pay nothing
about it. and llvo without work and in
comfort for u few years. Hut this Jones
is tin honest man ho would have naught
that did not belong to him ; so ho made
publio the discovery and deposited the
money in bank to await the appearance
of tlio rightful owner.
tfoUttt tifflve Knr * or Ita under 1'iln hcmlfljtu
centt ; tacit utldltluncil line ten ctntt.
ADAMS Annlo R , aged 1 year , 0 inonthi anil
ir > days , Infant daughter of J nines anil Klloi
Adaiiix , at ii'tHleiHV , 30'J3 ChlcuKn itivet.
I'liuiTiil today ut'Jl)0 ) p. in. , from residence
Interment Holy tjepulchro canu'tcry ,
11KAI.V - Agnatloiu , lined 3 yearn and 11
months , from pneumonia , at tliu home of her
mrcuta , IB'JJ L'larU struct.
low Shall the Garbage of Omaha Bo Ren
dered Ootnpletely Innocuous ?
Tout of n rnrnnco There Ilocpiitly Onvo
1'crfi'ct Nttl riictlon How It U Oper
ated Dr. Homer * < ) | > | ioiod to
Polluting Strolling.
At the present tlmo there is not a more
perplexing question before the people of
Omaha than that of how the city's garbage
shall bo cared for. The present system of
lumping into the river is unsatisfactory and
not successful. The Jones street dump Is a
nuisance of the rankest character , and from
the garbage carted there , arises an odor foul
ticyond comparison. How to improve the
present method is a question that has to be
settled soon and for all time to come. Dr.
Somers , commissioner of health , has fit-
inently called attention to the dump and
favors Its abnlishniPiit or an Improved man
ner of getting the giirb.igo into the channel
of the river.
\ Boston paper tells of an experiment
made In that city in which garbage was suc
cessfully cremated. Thoexperimcnt was wit
nessed by a number of city oftlclals , and It
was the first attempt of the kind over under
taken In Boston. It was purely experimental
and was done by a company manufacturing
the furnace. They were given permission , to
build a furnace at the city dump on Albany
street and to show what It could accomplish.
The Boston paper tells of the experiment as
follows :
Ilniv tliu Work U Done.
"They were met at the Albany street
yards by Treasurer Michael MeBarron of the
company , and the foreman , Mr. Gromcr
Jones , who had the furnace In full blast at
2,000 = , which ho stated could bo raised to
: ir,00 = , which is the point at which his
smelting furnace at Newark , N. J. , Is now
being run. and another at the United States
mint , Philadelphia. This heat Is obtained
from crude petroleum , steam and hot air.
The furnace was at white heat , and the
frozen garbage , as it was shoveled in through
openings at the top , instantly melted away ,
and was consumed to ashes In a few minutes.
"This experimental furnace is about ten
feet wide and twenty-three feet deep , with
a clear space above the ash pit bars of about
four feet. It is calculated to dispose of four
tons of garbage an hour. The city gathers
about 230 tons daily of which 100 tons are
carted to this dump , and sold to farmers ,
eighty tons in tlio forenoon and eighty tons
in the afternoon. The revenue derived is
about $2,000 a month. The balance of the
garbage not sold is carried to the outer har
bor and there dumped. About one-third
less swill is being sold this year than was
sold last yea * . No olTal Is brought to the
Albany street yard except that which is sold
to farmers of adjoining towns. The way it
is disposed of is , the farmers purchase a
ticket of the offal clerk for thoquantity they
want. This is taken to the clerk in charge
of the dump , and ho measures out the quan
tity the tickets call for. These tickets are
punched and returned at night to the clerk ,
who makes out his daily account from the
tickets sold.
"Tho city ofllcials consider the experiments
of yesterday to bo successful and showing
how easily garbage can bo disposed of by
cremation ; but the Albany street dump"is
not looked upon with favor as a proper loca
tion , especially in the summer. Yesterday
ho disagreeable odor was noticeable , and
nothing but steam passed into the air
through the draught stack. From all ap
pearances this furnace is easily handled ,
which was remarked upon by the committee ,
nnd in case of accident , the cutting off of the
gas which furnishes the flro. was instantan
eous , which could n'ol bo done if the blast
were supplied with coal. Ouo.of.tke guys
that held the draught stack parted and the
tall funnel fell to the ground , and this af
forded an excellent opportunity for a veri
fication of the claim. By a frequent opening
of doors at intervals along the sides of the
furnace the garbage was seen from the time
it was dumped in through the entire process
of incineration. "
Cnriiifr fur tliii Dump.
The citizens of Omaha are not the only
persons to whom the present garbage sys
tem Is a prolific source of annoyance.
Health Commissioner Somers says that the
dumps on the river Dank are a disgrace to
the civilization of the nineteenth century
and that it is hi < 'h time that the
national government prohibited by law the
pollution of any inland waters by depositing
therein the sewage of the cities.
Ho attributes tlio present unwholesome
condition of the dumps to the fact "that since
the closing of the river by the cold weather
about the middle of December all the refuse
has accumulated on the ice in front of the
dumps. Then again the health department
has been forcing the removal of garbage dur
ing tlio entire winter , instead of allowing it
to accumulate in the back yards and alloys
until spring as has often been the case here
Dr. Somers thinks , however , that the ac
cumulated refuse will do no great damage
during the present frigid weather , and that
as soon as the Ice melts it will carry the
garbage along with It. The warm weather
of the past few days has brought an unusual
number of citizens to the health oflteo with
petitions for the removal of garbage , and the
commissioner argues from this that the
people have become awakened to the neces
sity for keeping clean , and less trouble will
bo experienced next season than hitherto.
Dyspepsia's victims llnd prompt and per
manent relief in Hood's .Sarsaparilla , which
tones the stomach and creates an appetite.
Ic-cl led
Wo are now proimrcd , and will bo dur
ing the bummer , to furnlHh ice in car
load lots at lowest market price. Spe
cial prices while cutting. Ice cut from
largo fresh water lake and is pure and
clean. Write for prices.
Gothenburg , Nob.
ll.illdlnt , " IVrmllN.
The following permits to build were issued
yesterday :
Arctlo Ice company , Ice .storage
house , 1'oiirth and Jones streets $ fjQO
Two minor permits for repairs 100
Three permits , ngKrcgatliiR t 000
NOHTII Q.U.YESTON , Tex. , Jan. 21. The cul
tivation of vegetables and garden truck gen
erally linds hero a profitable Held , The long
seasons enable the farmer to distribute his
work over the entire year. No hall , frosts
nor bad seasons. Truly , the farmer engaged
in this class of agriculture ) may take life com
paratively easy , us from two to llvo crops a
year are raised , including all the domestic
Dnred Nut Meet ills Creditor * .
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 24. Joseph A.
Mack , formerly bookkeeper In the American
National bank , and under indictment in the
federal court for the embezzlement of 10,000
of the bank's funds , has disappeared. Since
his release from Jail on 1,000 bonds ho lias
been running a book store on Walnut street.
Two weeks ago ho turned his stock over to
his heaviest creditor , and prcsum ibly lelt
town , nt least ho mtimot been seen since that
time. Ho owes uimtcurcd creditors $3,000.
If ho does not put IIIIBII appearance when his
cnso Is called his taint will bo forfeited , inul
detectives will bo put out to run him down.
Ignorance of the merits of DoWltt's Llttlo
Early Ulsers Is a misfortune. Those llttlo
pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , bad breath , .constipation . and bilious
See the celebrated Sohmer piano nt
Ford & Clmrlton Music Co. , If-OS Dodge.
Frescoing and interior decorating de
signs and cstimntds furnished. Henry
Lchmann , 1508 Douglas street.
If you will call nt our now store wo
will present you with a cony of a beauti
ful piece of music. I'ord & C'harlton ,
1508 Dodge.
Real estate.
HargaliiH only.
My word in good
W. G. Albright.
5 1U N. i' . Life bldg.
Auction Fire Curpd * mill Knits.
Walt for Orchard's lire sale at Ntitn-
torlum building , Howard and 1'Mi sts. ,
next Monday nt 10 a.'in.
U. WKM.S , Auctioneer.
Via tlin AVatmsli Itoutr.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
est route south.
Only II" hours to Hot Springs.
Only . ' 17 hours to Now Orleans.
Only . ' 1SJ hours to Atlanta.
Only fil ! hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fast timeto nl
points cast and south. Round trip
tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans ,
Lake Charles , Galveston , San Antonio ,
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran
cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha
vana and all the winter resorts of the
south and west. Reclining chair cars
free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit.
Pullman bulTet sleeping cars on all
trains. Baggage checked from hotels
and private residences to destination.
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations
and further information call nt Wnbush
ticket olllco , 1502 Faruain street , or
write , G. N. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
Old-Time Cnttlftiirii ( icttlns nck to Tholr
Herds anil C'orruN.
'A good many of the old-time cattlemen
of Colorado are drifting back into the busi
ness , " said Mr. E. P. Black of Denver to a
Bnu reporter nt the I'axton yesterday.
"Sinco mining has become rather dull the
men who formerly made nlonoy in the cattle
business are looking the Held over and they
ibid that there are lots of small ranches that
can bo purchased and run without any
danger ot tlio rustler disturbance that
created a great deal of trouble , especially
in Wyoming , during tlio last two
years. These former owners of large
ranches will become the owners of
numerous smaller and more highly im
proved ranches. Tbo cattle business
in the west Is not a thing of the past , as
some people would try to make it appear.
The business will simply bo carried on in a
different a way that will bring more
certain returns , although tbo ranches will bo
small. The largo ranch business is practi
cally a thing of the past , and it is a good
thing that it Is so , for the cattle were never
properly cared for on the largo ranges where
they had to hunt for a living through the
winter. The successful ranch men are all
feeding tneir stock a little now through the
winter , and they are bringing them through
in much better shape than they used to
when thtfanimals were obliged to rustic for
themselves. "
< t-
You don't want4 a tovpm nver ; you don't
want a bad complexion you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want a headache.
Then use Do Witt's Little Early Uisors , the
famous little pjlls.
Jen.iioHt8 of I'nhllu Imprest Received by
1'oitnuiKtcr CliirliHon.
Mr. Li. W. Ilawes of East South Perks ,
Minn. , is evidently a victim of the matrimonial
menial bureau shark and tbo indications nro
that ho has not yet fully ascertained the
fact. Ho writes the following suggestive
letter to Postmaster Clarkson :
"Mr. Post Master , Omaha , Now Braskoy ,
Sir , could you tel mo if their is a widoh in
your town about 83 years old 5 feet and 5
inches high with brown hare and hazlo eyes
and owns land ? If you no of such u wluoh
you will comoidato mo by sending her adress
on return male. "
Mr. Isaac Palmer of Pickering , Ont.writes
a businesslike letter to tbo postmaster ask
ing for the whereabouts of his brother , Syl
vester Palmer , whoso father has died and
left n legacy to his posterity. If Sylvester
wants his share of the estate ho had better
bo making tracks for bis former homo in
Canada. Ho was a farmer when ho resided
In the Dominion and his brother thinks that
it is possible that ho may bo engaged in the
same occupation in Nebraska. Ho heard
from Sylvester last about two years ago and
the now missing man was then in Omaha. ,
Why throw away your money for every
now cough syrup when you can buy that
standard remedy , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup }
To IiiKimmco AgentR Both 1'lro , I.lfo nnd
Juno 10th next lias been designated by
the managers of the World's fair as
"Insurance Day , " upon which day In
surance men from all parts of the world
will bo in attendance ; speeches will bo
made by some of the most thorough and
representative insurance men in the
world , and it is the desire to have n
largo representation of Nebraska insur
ance men at the fair on this day. A
special train will leave Omaha on the
afternoon of Juno 18. It will bo known
as the "Nebraska insuran-o train. " A
special invitation Is hereby extended to
all insurance men in Nebraska , and all
who expect to go are invited to correspond
spend with .tlio undersigned in order
that ample arrangements may be made
for their accommodations.
Nebraska Member of the Advisory
Council of the World's Congress Auxil
iary on Insurance Congresses.
Room 200 , Bee building , Omaha :
"For your stomach's sake , " cat tbo purest
and healthiest food. Cudahy's "Hex" Brand
Extract of Beef is delicious and strengthen
ing. _
The following marriage licenses were 'is
sued by County Judge Ellcr yesterday :
J\'amo and address. Age.
J Thomas Uelily , Harrison , Noli . 32
J Miihul J. Itolilnson , Omiilia . L'O
i Henry KunlTman , PlattMiioulli , .Nub . 20
( MaKglu Turryuerry , 1'lattsmoutli , Nub. . . i3 !
j John Honolulu , Omaha . .10
I Allco KIWII , Oinalm . 2'2
I W. J. MeaK Uniiihu . 35
( Allco DoWulls , Cluster Hill , U . ly
Perfect r.ct.jn ant parfo. * * , hoilth rojul
from the usoof DWitt's Llttlo Early Ulscr.-t
A perfect llttlo pilL
tTlie only Pure Crentn of Tartar Powder.No Ammonia ; No Aliitn.
Used in Millras of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Now in Full Blast.
Entire Clothing Stock damaged by water
and smoke must be sold at
of actual former value.
. . . .
Open from 9 a. in. to 1O p. in.
Is the "fastest , " as well as tin most pro
gressive period in th 3 whole wo rld's his
tory. Amonstho evils that fo low hi the
train of dissipation ad ; cxasies , are
these :
Which are so distressing , so dangerous and
so difficult to cure by any excjpt the
gifted and abla specialist , whoso skill is
acqu red through yaars of valuvbla ex
perience. This is one of the reasons why
the f iraous firm of
Drs. Betts & Betts
Are so wonderfully and uniformly success
ful in curing all diseases of a
They have thoroughly familiarized them
selves with these obstinate maladies in
all their various forms , phases nnd de
grees ot intensity , and have complately
fortified themselves against thepossibil-
ity of failure or mista'to , by a long and
iucoessful hospital , military and private
practice , a id when the / accept a case for
treatment , the patient may rely upon a
certain , speedy and palnolss oure. Hun-
drees of the most convinlc.ictestimonials
from leading o t zena all over the TJni-.el
States , proro ths estimation In which
these specialists are held.
Send 4 cents for a copy of their illustrated
newbookof 120 pages.
Consultation fr - e. Call upon or address with
119 South 14th St. , Cor. Douglas St : ,
We m ko a varlily from th.
curjriM' la the MI > T EU.IIAM
ami cuaruY Inuiuiiiciiti.
1'vrry Ziinlrmiivul fnlj
Cnttorstd by tht BEST Plagtri.
Kdul for Ciitnlayitf nnd
mention the Instruments ; ; jii
think of purchasing ,
pupE GOO uy-vEp oju.
Preserve the children's goaan : moments ,
tiuurd well their nruclous lives ,
Anil it vou'a have them stron.u and healthy
IlitvoVn.lion's KMUI.SION always ready ,
Be sure as you value their
health , to get the genuine WiIC
HOR'S Emulsion. Itassimilates
with the food , increases the
flesh and appetite , restores en
ergy to mind a'nd body , throws
off scrofulous humors , cures
coughs , consumption , colds ,
asthma , pneumonia , influenza ,
debility and wasting diseases.
Manufactured only by Du. A.
B. WILUOR , Chemist , 'Boston ,
all Ilia train of
KVII.8 , WKAK.NKS3KJ , UKHIMI'V. K1V. , , that no
companr them In mull ( jl'IcKI.Y uii'1 1'KUMA.
NK.NTI.V I'LIU'.n. Kull STHB.NUTII n < l tuna
clren to overr lurtof ( be hodjr 1 Kill > n. | do-
cnrclr pici .i ) FUKK tonnf utlerar IU9 proicrlp.
llun tbntcuraj raa of those troublui. AJJroii , u
* O'vtX * > ' Cv"J'vCv" > 'vl'yT > CK1 cvT lv J' tV4'l i . - - i.1 ' l .r
Twelfth NlRht. With 9 Illustrations ( inrliid- Recollections of George William Curtis ,
i ins I'rontisplccc ) l > y KHWIN A. AULEV. lly JOHN \V. CiiAtmicK.Vitli4 Illusir.Uiun ,
C'limincnt by AKIIKRW I.ANO Tie luon. A Story , llv MAI-RICK KINGSIKV
Whittler : Notes of his Life anil of Ills Wllhi Illustrations by rnmmiuc UI'MINOTOH.
Friendships , lly ANNIK I'ILLDS. With 7 liristul In the Time of Cabot. lly Joim II ,
Illustrations. SHIPLEY. With 17 Illustrations.
The Refugees Horace Chase
The Refugees. A Tale ot T\\o Continents , Horace Chase. A Novel. lly CONSTANCR
lly A. COSAN DOYI.B. Km II. With 3 Illus I'ltNIMOKK WOOI.SO.V. 1'ait II
trations by T. t > u TIIUL TRUP. L'Ordre de Don-Temps. Port Royal , 1606.
New Orleans , our Southern Capital. lly A Poem. lly WILLIAM MU.rMMN With a
JULIAN llALrii. With 13 Illustrations by Drawings by C' . Ki < KTTTV
W. T. SMKDI.KV. The Woman s Exchpnpc of Slmpklnsville.
Lidc. A Stoiy. fly KonnRT C. V. Mp.vKn1 ! . A Story. lly KUTII Mi I'.NFRY STUAKT With
The Red-bird. A Poem , lly MADISON CA\M IN. i Illustrations by C. 8 KrlMlAUT.
I'Jttor'i SttiJyand EJittt't Draiver , both illustrated.
HARPER & BROTHERS , " Publishers , New York City.
COO " O.K > v GtJO * s G4O v Ot > O w Ct O v 6X > v G * C ) \ * CO MT f j
500 cases STAR BRAND , dull fin
ished , W Men's Arctics and Excluders ,
all sizes , 60 and 5 per cent off the list
price , and 2 per .cent extra for cash iiij
ten days.
Look for new advertisement in a few ]
ZAOHARY T. IINDSEY , Oilialia , Neb.
Wltboutmonoy nndiTltliout urla J.
To the
You are not well , niitl havoru
money or tlmo to sue , \ ilo ior.
Cut out tliu iKimo printed naru.
Itll'ANSllK.M10.Vb OJ. .
I'fistGltonn postitl c.ird.
Write your own iiiinio"Jii thi
other si In of tlio .unl ; put It In
tlio I'oUOIllce , anil by return
mull you will K t u loiter ituU
somoma.llulno tlmt will ilo von
coo ; ) . Try It uuil toll ycur
Financial llcftrcncc : Nat'l Hank of Commerce , Omaha.
No UKTKNTIOK from business. No Operation.
1 lives' U'iuo our Method , Written cuiirantoo to aliio-
lutuiy I' urn all kinds of IU ITU UK of Imtli nuxou.wltli-
imt I no use of unlto orbyrin f , no luuttur ot how lung
307-300 H. Y. LIFE BLDO. , OMAHA , NEB ,
Bond for Ulruulnr.
1S1G Douglas Slroot , Omaha , Nob.
Ilio i-nilnont i > cclnll t In norroui. clironlo nrlrnto , ! > I30 < * , ikln anil iirlnarr dlientM. A regular anil
rcKlitered urxluatuln medicine , aidlploirm ami onrlltlratai iliow. It itlll IroMItu nltn iho ureatoit uo
( < > > catarrli. lo t manhood njmlnnl we.ikuon , nuti' loxoi auJ all ( urmi of prlrata rtluaiui No ineruu-
rr inert , Now treatment for lo of vital powur I'urUfli unjblo to n > U tut m J l Iroilol at Ij0" * J > 7
rurroiDondencR , MuJIclne or InitrnmenU iont ! > / mill or iitprau xaarelr P o J , no tanrln to InaioM *
-ontoit c > r lemlor , Onepor-ODalltuorvIn * ptctittal L'jniuluUoii fro > . i : < moipiU ao < iitrlotlr prlrat *
iiookM-it ( rlc > uf Llfe'Kul/reo. OrUceliouu9 .in , lo p.ra. Sun J 7i 10a.m. toUrn. S aditv p furMpl *