TTT17. HArATTA nATT.V HI ? ! ? IV TAATITAUV VI WHICH SIDE IS THE WINNER Pertinent Query In Connection with the Union Pacific Whole Loaf Order. COMPARISON OF THE PRINCIPALS' CHANCES Very Slim Opportunltlrfl fur tlin lltirllitfitoti , Ulillo tlm Orirliinillll Ciiln on NurdiMOBtcrn Tronic ( loiiil TliliiR fur CoiincclliiK Miles. CIIH uio. Ill , Jan. 21 Opinions differ ns to tlin iirnli.tblo outcome of tlio fltflit botwcun tlio Union Pnilflcnnd Its tratismlssourl coin- IKJtltors Ki-ports nro that tlio Huriltigtoii nnd Atchlson roads do not for n moment ad mit that they have have been worsed and they cheerfully declare that the Union Pacific Is welcome to nil the benefits It may 001 ivo from severing Us ticketIng - Ing niniMfTcmeiitsitli them nt Junctions uest of the Missouri river. Their through business In connection \\lth the Union Paclllc has amounted to very llttlo of late jears they claim , and Its loss will scarcely bo felt They all have tr.iflle rela tions with the Denver & KIo Grande , tbo Colorado Midland nnd the KIo Grantlo Wcst- rrn. anil aio indeprndent of tliclr oponents | so far nnS.111 rt.imlscnbusliu'sshconci'tned , whllo the Atililson has Its own southern louto to California On thi'othti hand , the Union J'adllc.wtth the aid of its allies , the Chl.-aKO ft North- Mcstcrn and the Che.igo ! & Alton , Is mnk- ItiK a Al oious ll ht. It has not only as- BlRnetl additional a onts to this teiritory to drum up liusltH ss , but It has shorlinul the lun between ChiLMKO and the I'aiillLtoaht by w. i of Omaha , anit intends to do the snmo bway of Knnsns City as soon as the Alton is rcMtlj tu maUo the necessary ehaiiKO In Its I line table. I'lirtheimore , it Is said to have com- jtloted arrangements whereby IM-I sons who deslio to purchase round ttlp tickets may eo to California via Now Orleans and the Kouthein Pacific nnd return via the Union Pnclllc or vlcocisn. . Hut It is on Montana nnd Oregon business that the Union Pttclllu expects to net the hotter of Its livals The latter will have practically no show at that business , and as matters now stand the Union Paelllc , In connection w Ith the Chicago ft Northwestern , will make hotter tlmo to Portland. Oio , than the Noithern P.icillc. It appeals after all that the only lines Dcn- elltcil bv the ll tit arc the Notthwcstern and the Alton on one side and the Denver & KIo Oratulo the Colorado Midland and the Kio Grande Western on the other Whether the principals will aln or lese mntorially bv con tinuing the warfare Is a question tobonn- HU ciod in thc > ftituto. Ihuuoist featureof the wliolo situation is the demoralization that IB HUc'li to ensue in the territory west of Chlo.iKO In the opinion of persons not interested In the light thlssoitof competi tion will soon lead to the paying of excessive commissions and oveutually to a slashing of rates ConilinrliiK Itutoi. The action of the Union Pacific road in closing the Missouri rhor gateways nnd de manding the long haul has occasioned a con siderable commotion in railroad circles , and the probable action of the Iowa loads In that connection Is the subject for numberless rumors It has been asserted that the Io.\a roads would absorb the local , thereby being nblo to sell tickets to Union Paclilo points almost , If not unite , on the tariff demanded by the Union Pacific. This Is probably only n rumor , however , ns the proposed policy i manifestly nbsmd on investigation. The through rate from the Missouri river via the H &M and Union Pacillc rnilwajs to WallaVulla , for example , is- First class , STO ? . * ! , second class , $ .17 i Taking Ottumwn an a baaing point , on the Dutling ton the local from Oltumn a to Denver is * ! . ! ( ) ami the local from Di > n\ur to Walla Wullals $ , VJno , u total of * T 1.1)0 ) 11 rat class Jn this ease the locals would have 'to ' bo shrunk $14 ! ) . " > in older to make the rate the eatno as the Union Pacific fiom the river On second class business It Is a llttlo moro favoiablo There being no second class rate from Ottumnn to Denver , the Hist class rate obtains It is. * 2'J 10 nnd the local from Den ver to Walla Walla second class is $ ) , mak ing a total of $ . " > 0 10 agafnst S17 2ii , the second class rate from the ilvor. That makes n dif ference of $11 ! 15 w hlch would have to bo ab sorbcd in order to make the situation fuvor- ublo to Ion a lines , Should the policy bo adopted the low ? . lines would get about $11 60 from the rhor to DCUVLT and make the haul , to say nothing nbout the commissions paid. Honbon ? IJeceham's Pills act HKo mnglo A * > A u UA cvj//.vjv . Wo are promised by tbo management of the Boyd , on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday next ono of the most attractive comedy farce bill that that house has o\cr gl\cn to the publl to onjoy. It is Mr. Chailes Pi oilman's pro ductlon of Mortimer's glorious cometlv "Gloriaua " The piece had a long and sue cossful itin In New Voik , Lotion and Pails but has never before been seen in this city It has an Intctcsting llttlo plot , of moro merit than the average of that class of plaj s Its dialogue Is blight and witty , It Is full o action and docs not depend tiixjii horse pluj for Its fun. S % rvants innsqucnido as nmstcis nnd masters as servants , and the situations nra grotcsqun and nnnisinc to the lust degree The company is an excellent one , even the most tilvial parts ate in competent hands , In eluding such artists ns Geoigo Haintim juL'cno K r.berlo , William Nouis , G. C Phillips , , T Allen , Jiicques Martin , Chnrlc" K. Wan-on. Misses Eleanor Meii-ou , Helot iiollnnd , Tllllo Itanium and others The peneral repiesentativo of "Gloriana , " Mi Marline iu , Is in the lily. The Fit main Stieot theater commencing ; week's engagement , Sunday matinee , Janu uary 'M , with "Tho Failles' Well. " Th pla > Is wholly Iilsh , and Ih founded upon i quaint Hollow o'cu superstition Tlio mau incidents connect smoothly and have beei im-anged with care nnd ingenuity 'j'ho elc mentn of love , je.ilouby and revenge arc plciitlfulli interspcised with hciiiism niu the lighter features of song and humorou romance Thoio Is n co\ oily devised tescuc from drowning In a mountain torrent ; gladsome holiday gntheilng , enlivened the tiadltional icel and bicakdowna ; duel istle lombit with swords and sundry soil tary midnight ilsits to tlio f.tlttos4'well a ! icKiiltlnp in happiness to the good and th brntonml the o\ertlu-ow ofIllalny. . Matl necs Weilnesdaj and Saturday. To quleklj rcllovo neuralgic hcadacho Use lli-omo-Selzer. Ttial bottle lOo. "Iloln In tlio ( Jromiil" nt tlio llojil. Hoyt's vaiicty entertainment entitled ' ; Hole in the Ground" was given at the HOJI last night to a crowded house , wherein per fcctjcnjojment was imcqul\ocally cxpicssctl , Criticism Is dumb befoi-o such a work , though Pistol's iihraso "base , common and jxipular , " scoma c-specially amille.iblo. How- o\or , the hoi iKilol like It and call for moio The couiiuny mesenting it is entirely mpablo , Imtcoil , It must bo said that the singing and dancing of Miss Vlr- Rliua l irl , us the lunch girl. nro particularly pleasing , wlUIo Mr. Charles Ciawlcs displays some tolerable comedy - edy of the liroul strlpo as The Stranger. Mr l rank I ' iwton's whistling solos , too , nro thoroughly enjoyable , and last evening Mr I itwton received ono of the most vociferous gtectlngs over given an "artist , " The others in the play , if it may bo MJ called , uio almost equally successful , and "A Hole In the Ground" goes with n snap nnd a bang that keep the spectator from thinking too much of the vulgarity of the c-aricaturo" StrpoU of X r Yiirk" ut tlio lHJou. "Tho Streets , of Now York. " ft sensational drama from the pen of the late Dion Houcl- rault , was revived at the Wonderland and Dijou theater on Monday by the nijou stoek company. Considering the short time for ro- henrsing this dinicult play , the first perform- micq i was as smooth as could bo oxnwted. AlUofixts ' nro now remedied , howo\er , and last night's show wns given w Ithout a hitch , % . , > er..m the dl' lojuo or nction. Gcorgo \\cssclls as nadger plcasctl the lai-go audl- rnoo with acting and dry humor. Mlas Ncllla I KInRa ) AIIdaIHoodprK ; > < laKaln demonstrated icr vi'inatllltj Tlio balance of ttm char- etcri nro excellently cost among the oilier lembers of tin * comiiatij In tlio flfth net ladder's homo In Vl\o i'ntnts hns been net n Ilro by nn Incendiary , who i-mlcnvois thin o destroy n ( liiiiiiiKliiK receipt In Unrigcr' * ) MMtMisston Ihf1 alarm Is given nnd the old volunteer Jlro department and thru * appa- atut Is callitl to the rescue The scene mis by Hadper's heroic entry Into tlin burn- UK building and stvurtnu : the v.i'u.ibto ' taper. This sccno has made the pl.iy n i > op- ilar niHMvltli tlio mns < io4 nnd will do HO at Vonderl.ind. The s | > ot laity proKram Is ex- cecdlngli atroiiR and introduces a host of le\er performers You should keep Salvation Oil on hand , It vlll euro all aches nnd julns. Price i" > cts , 2Omnlin to OnUiMtou nnd Iloturn WJS. The special Toxin oxcurslon to Icavo Jinnhn Pritluv ovcnlnir , l-'cbniary H , Is tlio opportunity of u lifetime. Tickets ire good to return until Juno 1. Through sleeping car to Oalvcston viu Houston. Appliciitions for tickets must bo made by tlio Illbt January. Kor pitrticulurs nnd tickets nmily to F. F. Willlums , room ! " , ' > ' First National bank building , Oiimlia , Nob. AIKI / ; ; t.uujir r.i 'roponltlon from thu Ulilr.iRn liar to 1'ro- \Ido Ilx-l'ri'Hldciits. . Cuic-too. 111. , Jan 21. At nn infonnal con- 'erenc-o of Chicago lawyers today nt which the question of filling the supreme court vacancy caused by the death of Justice Lamar was discussed Alev Sulllum made a suggestion that commended Itself as nn pqullnblo mode of providing for ex-presidents In a definite way when thoj possess the re- lulicd legal attainments. It was that at east n majority of these signatures petition [ 'resident Harrison to resign and that Vlco 1'iesldcnt Morton , who the country knows would make a dlgnllled , sifo and patriotic inesldcnt , nominate General Haulson to the suptcmo bench Han ison's rccognl/ed position ns n lawyer would make the aj > i > olntmcnt tit , stilctly on Its merits , while It would furnish the presi dent with hard work , the best solace in his domestic grief , and make It unnecessary for him to return to his desolate Indiana home. Tlio suggestion was received with favor , because It would provide a becoming position without the obnoxious feature of being a sinecure for nn ex-prcsldent , and at the sanio time gl\o to the country a superbli equipped supreme couit judge OvKt.ANn , Cal , .Ian 21 The superior court sitting today granted n motion for a nonsuit in the cnso of the Waterfront com- patii against the City of Oakland , thus throwing the Waterfront company out of court The decision is based on the recent ruling of the United States supreme court In the Chicago lake front case. The Water front company claimed title to land In Oak land , fronting on the bay , worth se\cral mil- lion tloll.irs Piles of pooplu imvo piles , but DoU'itt s Witch Hazel s.ilvolll euro them. No Koul Itltal Vet. World famous Eli Perkins fe.tys : "Af ter ] ) coplo have gene over nil the route1) ) to California once , they settle down to the old U. P. This road will always he the great tiunscontincntal lino. It has the best truck , the best equipment , tlio best eating houses , and it teaches the tuuclor moro history and geography than any other line. It shows you his toric Salt Lake and the Mormons , takes you through the great Larnmio plains , the Ilumboltlt basin nnd the Grand canyon , over the \ ory stngo route tlint Horace Grccloy and Artemus Ward rode. Once on the Union Pacific it goes ovoryuheie. It runs to Portland nnd Pueblo , Helena nnd the Yobcmitc , Ta- conm and Seattle , Los Angeles and San Diego , and is the only route into San Fr.tncisco. It has no rivals yet. " Send for our California Sights and Scenes. E. L. Lomax , G. P. ft T. A. , or II. P. Deuel , city ticket ngont Union Pacific Sybtcni , 1302 Farnain street , Omaha. Wnnilerfiil Oio HciN. Hico , Cole , Jim 31 Ono of the most won derful beds of ere over discovered In the est has just been found here by the Atlan tic C.ible Consolidated company , which Is prospecting the camp with a 1,000-foot drill. Quo of the llnds is n body of p.ilcua and cop per , twenty feet thick ; ( mother of galena , ton feet thlolc , and a bed of puio specular hou , twontv feet through While the llmo- stone for IbO feat is minernlfrcd , It appeals that this \.ist bed of mineral covers many acics , and iu some places is 100 feet thlck- A second drill hole is now being nude into this viondcrful discovery. H you have plloi UjWltt'a Witch Haze salvo \ \ ill surely euro you. Mr. flgcri fK tn riillndrlpliln. The many friends of "Hilly" Gyger , the present purchasing agent for the Dewey ft Stone company , will congratulate him on the fuct that his siucossful business career In Omaha is to bo followed by further advance ment On Folnuiuy 1 Mr. GKOIwill leave for Philadelphia , wheio ho will assume a responsible - sponsiblo and lucratlvo position with John Wnnamaker. Ho will haio charge of the furniture department in Wanamuiter's estab lishment with 150 clerks. Mr W. I. Kieistead will succeed him as sect etnryuiul general manager for Dowcy& Stone. . o Constipation cut oil uj DoWltt's i'arly Hlsci-3 Mr , ImUYiintsItrptlrg. . John F. Davis thinks ho has been dam aged to the extent of10,000 $ by tlio reports published In Tun Bur. at the time that the notorious St Cl.ilr lodging house was being in\estiiMteil by the authoiities Ho has tiled a suit for damages for that amount. Tutor * Siimliy CluAhif ; . The congregation of the Fhst Methodist church want the World's fair closed on Sun- dav , and have adopted a set of resolutions setting forth their opinions The icsolutions will bo forwarded to the Nebraska repre sentatives in congress. Women Will Vote as usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day m the week in favor of WHETE ! RUSSIAN because they know it lias no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dnsky Diamond Tar M'VnV&8.k8'tL1ofl ' ! THE REMINGTOl TYPEWRITER I AND FULL LINE OK SUPPLIES. Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict PHONE 1751 1J FAKNAM. Both the method and results -wlicn Sjrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio taste , and acts Enily yet promptly on the Kidneys , vcr and Dowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fovcrs and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the fltomnch , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for ealo in COo and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IOUISVIUS , KY. N W YORK , N.V. FOR FAT FOLKS Dr. EdiBOn's FAMOUS PILLSAND- BANDS and OBB3ITY FRUIT SALT reduce your weight without dieting ; euros the causes of oboslty , suoh as dyspepsia , rheumatism , nervous ness , catarrhkidney troubles ; keeps you healthy , and boautlflos the com plexion. CniCAao IioAitn I i en In write you to s.iy I Imvo lost 13 potinus. making 42 pounds loit In 10 wcoks by uslns 4 lottlt-s of Dr. Edison's Obesity Tills \\oirlti7hlsUboslty Itnnil. Very truly yours , C'IIAULW II , Ivisa. Prof. llAtx , Cblc.ico University , wr tos to tlio Chicago HonilU. kept. 18 , 1SJ. ; Corpulent rnon shuura u.ay Homo attention to rciluoliitliulr weight Whun n nriu Is troubled with rheumatism , dyspepsia. Itldnoy trouble or nervousness the reducing of weight isslowor , until the Obesity 1'llls Imvo cured tlio dlsoiso that caused obesity. I'ho pills Hofton mid bnatitlfy the akin of the face. 1 am nt liberty to olto a OHSO In point ITiidor my advice Mr Armour used nn liaison Obosltv Hand nnd 11 bottles uf Pills and lost 29 pounds In U wcaks. Other patients have boou equally ruccssfucL Band measure at Nos. 1 , 2 , 3. Price $2,50 to 30 inches , nnd 10 cents extra for onch additional Inch. Pills Sl.CO a hottlo , or throe bottles for $ -.00 , enough for ono treatment. Obesity Fruit Salt 91.00 per hottlo. You can buy the Pills , Hands nnd Salt direct ftom our stores , or by mail or ex press. tKyCorrespondonco nnd goods forwnr- dcd in plain , sealed package. NOTICK. Dr. Edison's Electric Bolts mid Flngor Rings are sold nt our storos. Send for our special Electric Bolt Circu lar , scaled. Electric Bolts $1.00 and up. Insoles oO cents per pair. For Sale by Druggists. Wholesale druggists ol Now York City who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. Crittonton & Co. , McKesson & Rohbins. W. U. SchlolTolin & Co. And other loading houses. LORING & CO. , Proprietors nnd Gen'l Agents , 42 P West 22nd St , Now York City. 10 P Hamilton Place , Boston , Mass. 34 P East Washiupton St. , Cliicjjo III. Cut this out and keep it , nnd send for our full ( eight column ) article on Obesity. WANTED- A Special Agent in Oinati Wo desire to ougazo a special local represen tative to handle our uooils In Uinalin. and to any Indy or gentleman with nhlllty wo can of fer a ploisant. permanent nnd proflublo bus iness Wo will run n 10 Inch advt In this p-i- Dor free of elinrpo to the agent and liioorl tnolr iiKinu nnd undress nt the bottom. Wll also fiirnlHli all the printed nmllor ncoiloi. free of chiirca l < 'or partloul.irs nililrcsa. R\ . Ini : experience , etc. , to Lorln. ? A. Co. , ll" St.ito St. , Uhlcaco , III. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies Oil Other OUemicals are uicil In the prp/nratlou of w. BAKER Ss co.'s BreakfastCoeoa which if abioltilely l > ure anil soluble. Itb&smorethantlirceUmca thoitrcnyth of Cocoa inlxeti i with Btarcb , Arrowroot or Sugar , atul la far moro eco nomical , costlny less than one cent a cup. It li delicious , nourishing , and EASILY MUUSTHl ) . Sold bvOrorers CTcrjnhere. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mais. ARE TROUBLING YOU ( Wcll.rorao and have thorn oiamlnol by our optician rveof charge , iind.lf noront rnttoJ with a pair of our-l'KltrhCllON" hl'ECl'AlM.KSor ? KYK ( ilAa * bE the best In Iho uotKl. If you do not nee.1 glanet we will tell you so and a Ivlsa you what to do. ( Ul.ll M'KCTACLIW or KYK ( H.AssKS HlOlt i I ) ui" flaln , smoke , blue or wnlto glasses , for protootlnx m j eyes , jromo a pair up , Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. rnrnani nnd FlftoontStreet NERVOUS IllbaliV JW AND LOST VITALITY wouknt'M , etc. , permanently cutua In men , I will lend ( sealed ) MILK the receipt that cured me when everything clso failed Address with stamp. Wm. HUTLUIt , Uox 117 , .Mamlml , SIlcli. SPEGIRL NOTICES , . IITKHTISRUKNTS KOH THK1li COl.t'MNB /Vwlll lie tnlien nnttl 11 * ) fv m. for tlio evenlnn and until i 30 u. m for tbu morning or 8unU r edi tions No advertisement taken for less than 21 conti for the first Insertion All ( l orll < pnient In thcso columns mcont i\ wont for tbo flrit In.c.-ilon anil 1 cent n word for each ub equent InteriUin. or II.M ) tier line | > cr nionlli Terms , cash In ndvanco. Initials figures , symbols , etc. each count ns a won ) . Advertise ment * niugt run consecutively. Advertisers , by re questing n numbered check , can linvo the letter * Bddroxcd to n numbered letter In cnro of 'I in : llrr. Answers no addressed will bo delivered OP the presentation of the check SITUATIONS WANTED. . . -VOU.MI LADV ATTKNDINH COMMKHCIAI. < Vcollcgo wculd Ilka to do light work morning nnd evening for room and board with private family , Addrcus X 10 , lice. -SITUATION WANTKD 1IY HWKDimi ( HHIi -iVto ill ) general lionscwork In small family ! wugcntl. lill.l llarnoy " WANTED MALE HELP. ) -SALAUY OH COMMISSION TO AOUNIM TO 'hnndlu the Patent Chemical Ink Krailng Pencil. Iho most iiKoful and novel Invention of the ngo rrnspa Ink thoroughly In two seconds Works Ilka manic AO to Mil per cent profit Agents tnnktng 150 per week Wo also want n general ngcnttotaku charge of territory and appoint ub agents. A rare chance to make \\rltufortpnnsand aspect men of erasing. Monroe Kraslng Mfg Co. , Y IK La Crossc. WIs 700 B WANTIII ) . A KiWUii.lAllIi : SOLICITOUS In Nebraska for the Union Ccntrnl l.lfo Insur nnco compiny of ilnclunatl Oood territory nd llbcrnl contracts to the rl Ut men Addrv > * j M 1 dmlstnn. Stnlo Agent , rooms i ) , t'i ' and 47 llurr tilk. Lincoln , .Neb. M.ilU J30 ) - \ lll'.CISrKltlll ) I'HAUMACIST WANTHI1 to tnko chnr io of store , nl o n oed phr lclnnt would Ilknn jdiyilclnn who Is also n roulslered phnrmncltt , mnrrlcd men preferred , send rafer inrcs , nlso Amount of sitlury cxtieotod , Address l > 3 , lli'O ollku MCI. 2J 15-WANTKD , TIIAVKI.INU HAL1CSMKN TO SELL J'lm < ( lng powder Vto put our goods In glass rolling pins f'V ) month salary nnd expanses , or 23 per cent cimimMlon ( lood sideline If yon want a Job , write. Hond ta'np for reply. Chicago llaklng 1'owder Co , 7I > 7 Van Huron street , Chicago.MI93 .MI93 nt * ) -WANTKD , (10OD ( IICNIIIIAI. ULAOK8M1TH 'and helper I'lunnlr Foundry Co MS.IJ SO * -IjAnOllKll8 AND IIOCKMBN ON TUB U. & M. "extension In Houth Dakota Steady work. free , pass Ship Ihnrsdny raornlnK Kramer & O'Hearn , labor nuoncy , JU1 S llth St. Mil ? 2(1 ( * B-WANTKD. ACOMrKTKNTSALKSJIAN.WnLL versed In handling teas , for Omaha and vicinity. Kstnbllshrd trndo preferred. Address vrlth refer- cuccs X 14. Ilio. JI5IJ 2o' B -WANTHI ) , HUN' 1 ( ) TUAVICU 50 TO I'OO 1'Kll month Mono A Wellington \liullBon.\\H 1 > WANTKD , bTKNudllAl'llHIl 1O Ol'nilATI ! -DllemliiKton tjpcwrltor , to have somoknowlcdiro of bookkeeping , good penman State ago nnd snl * ary expected Address MB Dec. MJ7Hb'l | WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-VOUSO LAOIKS CAN 80OV ACQUIHB A working knowlcdgo of shorthand and type writing at Van fcnnU' 6U N \ Life MJUT C-JKNSKN S DANISH ANDSWLDIS1I WMl'LOY- mcnt olllco , corner Kith nnd Douglas , upstairs , nil kinds of help always on hund , U ) good girls for general housework IIKIO ) * /"l-llUDDIMnO.V ACADKMY Ol'UN MOSDAY v Jan U , ladles nro taught the art of dressmaking , basting nnd Mulshing , can work on their ownJroiscs whllo learning U ( Ul , Urown blk , cor Douglas A It th .M'UJ tli p-WAN'IKD , 1'Il.ST CLASS COOK ; MUST 111 ! v good Inundrcns , no other need apply .Mrs J SI. Ihurston , iiorlhwist corner 21th and 1-armim ' ' SU59 C-UIIIli Oil WOMAN TO TAKB CIIAHdi : OV house , work light ; { J ; references la.'l Uonglas S3J-21 * CWNTKI ) , LAlIi : > , AND OIULs , WK I'AY you from $1.00 to JlOOOicr week to work for ns at ; your own home : no painting or canvnsslng , send self addressed envelope ( itorgo F Eniinoiu .V Co , corner Ilattcrymarcli nndnter streets , lioston. Mass M545 2h < ( JIHIi tOH UnUiKWOKK AT 2COO V nnvcnporlstrcut. Mrs. If.V. . Utallnrd. .Mill 55' C 1KTOUIIKAI.LV WANT TO MAKK MOM5Y call on Illxonbnuah .V Co , 21 Wnro block , nnd see "Lolnmbuti nnd Columbia" by IJlalno , V I'.lil path Btcpp'a photos. MSM 'io' C ( ! IUI. KOIl OKNKHAIi HOUSKWOHK. MUST bo competent. IOTJ Shonunn ayonuo. M 9 - enAD1KS WHO WANT HKSl'ECTAlir.U WO11K to en ll nt 1710-5 Jackson vt. M511-24 * worWANl'KO , AO1HL roil UKNKUAIi HOU3K- wor k In small family , U2I .North IBtu street fl WANTEIJ filltlj-'JO COOK , WASH AND Voiron , second girl kept , bent of wanes , family of tree , apply 3 Wortblngton plnco .opposite lirownell ball. ft. ' > V-n 1-WAN1K1) , YOUNG O1IIL TO At&IbT IN UKN- Jcr&liousowork. . 815 S. mil st 6U ) 2(1' ( G-I.AD1KS WHO DO Wlinl.SO FOIl MB AT loino nmko JI3 00 wocUly. Itcply vrlth self ad- druiscd Btampcd envelope , Camlla A. ATory , Her A , South llend , Ind M&oD 2i' FOB BENT HOUSES. D * OU UENT , No 2413 CAI'ITOI. AVENUE , modern. The O , K , Davis Co , 15J5 Farnam tl. tl.7U7 7U7 D - HKNT. HOU3H8 IV AM. 1'AllTri OB1 city. ; Tlio O. K. IJavIs company , 1503 1'arnam t. 70J \-FLATS , DWIU.LINCS , COTrAQHS , IV ALL /parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co , 20.1 Karlmch 710 D-NEW7-HOOM COrrAQKS , MODtCUV , IN Stanford circle Convenient for buslncM men of Omaha nnd South Omaba , U. a ICIgutter. 204 [ leo building. .V4S3 D TKN-HOOM MODE11N 1IOU813 , COll. 19TU and Muson streets. Call at WJ Uronn bldg -MS81 F4 _ D -LAIlGE LIST I'AUIj , 1C05 PA1INAM hTItRKT. _ .M64UJ87' D I-I'OIt HKNT , TWO B-nOOM COTTAOK9 ON motor. Call at southirust cor. Ptli and Douiclss. 171 _ D-TWO T-IIOOM COTTAGES , CKNTIIAM.Y I.O catcd , nil modern Improvements , only { 25. Store building on North 34th et ; excellent location for moat market 115 per mo. Fidelity Trust Co , . 1702 tnrnam 87i-J7 -9 UO3M UHICK HOUSE , I2I ! S 20TH STUKI.T. llontf I50U , nlfoeottagoof 9 rooms , i.3 s :0th rtrcot , nlth modern lmprovomentsrcnt ; M&.UO. Apply to 2019 St. liary'B avo. 3W - FINK 8-HOO.M COUNUIl FLAT ; HANCK AND all other convonloncoti , with n gentleman roomer If desired , fJi Uoorgo Clousor , store 7U1 S. lUMi , at 10 n m. and 3 p. m fV -KIEVHN IIOO.M 1IOUH5 , 1'AItTI.Y J- ' nljlioJ. Inquire ut 1919 Dodge at M.VP.4 -HANDSOMKIA FUHMSIIEI ) 14 HOOM ItES- Idonro to rent during World's fair period , Chi cago. These In Omnlm Intending to vlilt the expo eltlon can form aclubof friends and secure my residence , nlilch will certainly cost you no moro nnd you am nsBimtJof handsome quarters pri vately during your may lor particular * address 4517 Kills avenue , Chicago _ Mo7l 2io FOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. 17-FUIl.VISHEO J 1100MS , 1413 UQUQK hTI'.EKI' . MSI ? 28' _ E-N1CU HOOilS , STKAM UEAT , 1723 DAVEN- port itroot. 112832S- E-LAIIOE , SOUTH KIlONT KOOM1Tll alcove , vrlth board. 1006 Capitol vo 6.1230 * P-NICKI.Y KUit.visunn IIOOMS , WITH on I Jwltliout board 60 North 19th la 25 - OOMS Kill UBNT DUIIINCl ' E-U WOHI.D'S KA1II. Nov building , convenient to cable and elevated roads , 15 mlnutearldo ' to mounds 1'rlco II no 1 ( lay Address The Kensington , 74 and 70,26th street , Chicago. Ill .MMj 5' E-VOIl HUNT A FUIINISHEI ) HOOM SUIT- able for a gentleman only. 'J17 llarnoy St MU5 27" E-NICKI'liKASANTHOOMS , WITH Oil WITH- out board 230 * Douglas 6C3 1 * FUBNISHED BOOHS AND BOABD. I7-THK IJOLA.M , 209 AND 511 .V. lril HT. -L - 711 l -YOUNO WOMRN'd IKIK U.VOKIl CA11K OK Woman's Chrlstau aisgcluilon , 111 Ho nth st. * 210 I -HANDSOMK SOUTH 11OOMS WITH 11OAUD Itcfercnccii 18J3 Chicago street. M491 26' Ij1 TWO i uo.vr sount IIOOMS roit 4 OKN- tlemon ; furnaca heat and bath , fl U ) per week Alto two rooms for gent nnd wife Ji.00 per week 2jlu I'lerco street , between ! lth nnd 25tli M50515- FOB BENT-UNFUBNISHED BOOMS 3i ' ' i- V * worth street- ' - iWl tl' -1 S Itvj'oMS CHBAI' , Wi N I3TII ST 41 ! > KIJ FOB BENT-STOBE3 AND OFFICES. -toil IlKNT , TUB VSTOIIY 1IUICK nUH.iNa7 | LVK Karuam st The building has n fireproof ca- mcnt basement , complotu steam heating flxturos ; water on all the tloors , g s , eta Apply at the offlCB of The Doe. 810 I- roll HE.ST , A VISIIY UKSIIIAIII. * ! UUII.D1VO Jiultible for narvbouso. with stable In COQJC lion. Tract ago front and re r Addro K A tcrmlctiael care of McCorJ , Urady A Co. 115 FOB BENT-FTTBNISHED BOOMS. ClIMfllllK'd. T-JOll IlKNT-STOltK IKX.M .NO 111 UI'I'KIl 1 llrnadwnyi nowi Kite ISilOJfect , with hrl lnK nnd conntars desirable loentlon for dry goods nnd general nierchandtso. Hay Jt Hess , nupnts touncil UluBs , la. M 307 II -O.SK KOUItSroilY IlltlCK UUH.1)1.NJ21 VKKT -wldo. Ilin llarnoy > U 7JI -Ol.r IOK3 WnHNKUL , 1ILK , CIINTUAI. AVU - cheap. UM in * r-K.Vlltin I'KHSOVAI. ATTKNTIO.N ( IIVK.V TO Jrnntnl property Charge * rc-n < onnbp | 4 yosrs' ri' pcrleucp ( ) K lluttf , m * * 17th street MH-m AQENIS W ANTED. 1-WA.NTKD-A 1.1VK MAN Oil WOMAN IN ' -vory county where wo have not nlr ailv m cured n repreft-nlntUo to soil our ' Nevada silver" Solid Metal Knlve I ork anil Spoons to con nun crsi n solid inetnl o > white us silver no pinto to wear oflj k'ooiH gunrnntovil U weir n life time ; cost nbout ono tentli that of Oliver , tlin clianca of n lifetime ; HKJDH nverago from fW tn 1100 per week nnd meet with ready < nle everywhere. o grent Is the tleiiiaiul for our Sulld Melnl ( toodn Ovcrll two 000 worth of good In dally use Ca oof sampled free Standard silverware Company , llos- ton , Moss .M.'U MS * I-WANTIID. IN KVKIti 1'ITV AMI TOWN IN Mhc ftntoof Nebriska. nctlrn mrn lo represent nn onstern Mfo company "plan pnsy to work ' and toonergt'tlo men good pa > giiarnntuud AiMrim J S 1'ottlt , epeilnl ngcnt , room IH lice bulMlng. Omahn. MtJI 2tl T AonsTs WANTED , KITIIKII six : , 'io CAN ' vnM for the sot of I lins < llrond Cnk > nnd 1'iir- IngKnlrps , also Clau"Cnrver , I.VJ percent protlt , outfit free Clnuns Shear Co. , box tJulK Knnsas tlty. Mo ' ' ' M' > 'l i , Atill.NTS TO BKI I. THIS tl.s vcrsiil milling niuchlno Nothing Ilko It Wrlto for terms , I'litmnn Cramer Jll Mctngiu bliU MB.W 2u Hm.NKllllAi.RA 10 II ' ' Columbian Memorial Ihirt oxchuUu control largo prollts mnnll capital lierKcmann & ( .o 2d llroadStow \ork MSIO 29 * WANTED TO BENT. K-WANTKI ) , 1IY TWO 8IM1I.1 : NTI.HMKN , n Inruu rontli or past front room with board , centrally located must bo on or nnnr eir line ; references cxchungcd Addre A 12 llco 41721 * STOBAOE. r-STOIlAfK tllKAI * . CL13AN , W1M.I.S , 1111 LFnrnam street 715 M-DON'T STOIIB (1OODS W1TII- outscclnKOiir storngo department It Is this best. Omaha fclovo llepnlr Works , 1J07 Douglas. 783 WANTED TO BUY. N WANTED TO 11DY. bOMK 8 I'KK OKNT llrst mortRages Heed X Solby , J3I lloird Trido. 710 kT-KlllST MOKTOAOnS ON < JOOI ) HKAL US tate II A. Arnold , ( KM UoJ bulldltu MTI ) ' -SOU.OOUUSKD STAMPS J1O.X COit , ( ITY NT WANTED , TO 1IUY 11OU1K AND LOT IN i > north part of city , not over Si 000 to (7.600 on monthly payments housoSor u rooms ; must bo cheap. Address \ 10 , llee 52US' 'M ' WANTED. A ( iOOl ) SKCOM ) HAND 1'IANO , i ' Address lock box tl. 1'apllllon , Neb 1 > KOU SALE. A NKAIILY NKW DOU1ILG - sprlngexpress wn on. horse harnosi and bu gy. nlso n nearly now set of cronmory tools consisting of butter worker , churn , Huwo scale truck , etc , ulljvlll be fold nt agree sicrlDco Ad Irass ( ) II 'Jischuck , llcoofllco or call at UU Mlama street , vrboro goods can bo seen MU1 1)KOIl SALK , 3 Kl.KUANT DHIVlNll IIOIISKS I lust bo told at once Hilullty Loan Guarantea Co. , room 4 , \ \ Hhnoll blk 3'JI FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-'IIIK 8TANDAUI ) CATTL13 CO HAS CON- stnntly on hand baled har , for saloon truck nt Amis Neb. MAC'J Q-K ll SALK. TIIH IlltlCIC 111 AT IS TAICKN out of the County hospital Inquire of the foreman at the hospital MPJO Q -VOIt SA1.K. TYI'EWUlTUIt , HKM.VGTON No. 3 , for t JO 00. J 1) . llaynes , llco olllco MltO Q-MJKHSKVCOW3 AND llBIKKKt > , OONANc ) , best family In Aincrlot , pretty onouffh for rich man's latvn ; KOOd cnoufib for milkman's dairy ; A II BKCscolornnnd Krades , prlte. { J3')0 ) to } 7iW- John U Hshcr , Klkhorn. Neti .MiOl 21- MIS CELL ANE OTIS. E HAVK YOUH OI.I ) CAItl'KT WOVBN INTO beautiful rugs Address Omaha Carpet and Hug factory , 15211.oavenwoith streotMW ( J 2 < * -WANTKD. . TO BOHIIOW fl.00l ) I'O li.OOU OH JVbrlck building , good security. Address W&t ! , Ieo otllcc. 401 218 llnFOli IlKNT , 1.ANI ) IN TUACT8 TO SUIT , /near Horenco lake , 200 acres Ih all. Hongs & Hill , K03 Karnam atrcot M5ia 1 -hOllSALK , O.S'K OhOOT SHOW CASK , AS .good as nt'TT. Inquire 912 South llth street J1570 25 * OLAIBVOYANTS. C-MIIS. NANN1KV WAIIHKN , CI.AIIIV OYANT , Orellablo business mediumllfth year at 119 N. Ibtli , 718 5IUS DK.M I.EOHAV15 ' ' S , I'HOl'HKTESS. UKAIJ trance clairvoyant and Ufa ratidor ; lulls your life from cradle to grave ; can ba consulted on all nITalrsof life , h&i the celebrated Egyptian broait pinto to unlto the separated nnd ciusa marrlago with ono you love Conio ono. coma all nnd bo con- Tlncod of her r marksblo powers Otlloo and resl dcnco47S ! llth st , hours 'J a. m to 9 p m , Strict life chart nnd photo of TOUT future nlfo or hus band sent through mall for fJ 00 , chart alone tl 00. All letters containing 4 cents n stamps promptly answered. fell F2 ° S 1-KNOWI.KOOK 13 POWKIt CONSULT I'rof nnd Mmo. Arnold , business clair voyants , palmlsu and nitrologers , have world wldo reputation for their mar velous nnd wonderful power In roidlng the past , unveiling tbo future , give IndlspoitH-xblo ad vice , bringing success nnd liapplnes * to thousands ; telU Iho busliicss yon should follow for greatest success , If your lover Is trim nnl Intend * mar riage , restores lost love ; removes family troubles mid through their wondrous mntilo mirror rtintr picture , tell name of the ono you marry Sails- fnctlon given Consultation , Jl to f ; . full reading by mall , II ; send date of birth Olllco US 15th Btreot , near Knrnam , Sd floor , room 4. Uouri 10a m to 8 p. in. M337 27 * MASSAQ-E , BATHS , J2TC. Ml MMrfoAUS ) NTl2l DOIIOI.A's 81'UKET , 3D -L floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and tea baths 4JO-M8 rp-MADAMK SMITH. 1324 CAl'ITOI , AVKS'UB , -1-room .1. Jd floor , Massa.-e , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths 415 27 * fl'-MAPSAOn TllKATMI3N"T. ELKCriTo TlflJU Xmal bitbs. scalp nnd hair treatment nianlcur andoulropodlet Mrs 1'oet 319 } b IMh.Wllhiiellble 414 k. PEBSONALS. U VOUNO I.ADY WANTS I'LI'II.S TO TKACII on the piano , 15111.cavoimorlli 350 so * MUSIC , ABT AND LANOH7AOrES. T7-0 V , OEULEVllECK.IIANJOTEAClIKIt , N W. > cor 15tu and Harney. Harnoy street entrance. 914 vs ClIiHMAN AND FHKNCH CLASSIC , 2 : Douglas. M 349 30' MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. W MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWIChT IIATK- " . The O K Davis Co. IW1 Karnam etroet 7iJ \V-LOANS IMIMIOYKD AND UMMIMIOVKD ' city properly , M COO nnd upwards Hto 7 perceut. No delays W. Inrnnm Smith i Co litli onu llarnoy 7JO rcl' HAIIUISON , UI2N. V. Ut'K. 731 \\r-XIOSBVTO l.OAN-I HAVK ABOUT JI.OOO i' lo loan on Improved Oraabt proportf , private ) funds , In one or uioru loans. Addron T 10 , Dee olllco. toi \\r-MONKYlOLOANllN OMAHA AVD COUN- ' ' ell llluffa real estnto and rfebraika nnd Iowa farms at from 0 to 7 per rent Interest , with no addi tional charges for commissions or attorneys fees W II llelklo , 1st Nafl bank blJ < , Omnba 'M \v- MONEY TO IOAN , SUMJ IJOOOJ AND Ul' , M Uoorgo 1'aul. 1U)5 ) Farnain 51'ill ' J2T \\r-IXJAN3. O. p. WALLACE , JU UHOWN I1LK , b 7 \\r-7 I'EH CUNT MONEY NET TO IIOIUIOWKIH ' on Omaha city property No oxlrt charges of any kind Why pay high rattts ? Money Is cheap ou can get f nil benefit of 'ow rates from lilobo Loan and 'I rust Co . Itfth and DoiUu 71 \\T MOHTC.AOE LOANS LKSS THAN 7 1'Kll i' cent , Including nil charge * Charles W Itainey Or.nlm.Snt bankbldg 721 ir 1 AND YBAIt LOANS OX C11 Y AMI PAItM ' mortgaireiIleed&iiolby , 3I < Hoard of Trade. \ -MONEYTOLOANATIXJWKsrUAlKSOMM ' ' proved and unimproved real estate , ! to5yera , I IdelTty ' 1 rust Co. , IWi Karnam at \\T-1 CAN I'LACE ixJANS Al' IXJWEST HATB3 ' > on business or other choice property In Omaha , Loans of I3.50U to tW 000 wanted for foreign partita. J. II. Wheeler. 417 hsrbach block Al 334 \ VJA ) W K8Tl M'Ks vltul I Y T UttTC01t i pany , 17W Karnam atreet 731 WprMONKY TO LOAN ON IMIMIOVKD CITY property , low rate. A , C. frost , Douglaa blk \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS IMNK MAKK3 LOANS ii on real estate al lowest market rates. Loans made la small or large auma for short or long time , No commission la charged and tbeloana are not sold In the east , but ean always bo found at the bank on ttie corner ( it Uth and Douglas stmets' MONEY T > LOAN BEAL ESTATE. AY fWNTRI > AT ONOK , I AVH ON IMIMIOVRO Omaha propertyi low rales luiolliy Trust company I71M rarnvntt 7UJ lir-ANTIIONY UAH AND TIHMT Co . 3H N. V. " LUe lends at low ratei for choloi socurlly < > a Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city pruporfr ir-CKNTHAL LOAN A TllUSV CO 1IKK 111,11(1 ( > r i \\r-WANTnil. LOANS. IIOD8KM TO 1IKNT AM ) ' Insurance solicitor , ( leo W 1 * Coate. . IfiJJ rnrnam. M SJ \V-MUSTA SKCONI ) MOKTdAKR LOANS ON > Oinatm property A on farms In ndjnconl coun ties Send fulldctcrlptl AletMooru,40l ilcohldit MT MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V-DO \VANr.MONiY TI1K F.IDKL.nY.LO N OttAllANTKi : CO , IKHIM I WirllNKM. ItUH'K. 31U ( < SOUTH liTIl , COHMJIt HAllM' WILL \ LOAN BUM \ LAltan rUOM \ TKN WM MAKK IOVNS OV MmNITUIIK. IIOUMK-4 , lAUllt.Mir.S , WAIll'.HOUSK HKl l.ll'lri ( J U 1'Ult- SO.S AI.I'ltOI'KUl V OF ANY KIND _ /TOD / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / ) ALL /ON /CO riKST / FOIL / OlUt TKllMn WILL MKK1' YOLK Al'l'llOVAL. ion cnn pay Iho money back nt any time and In my amount yon wl , h , nnd thus reduce the cost of corrlni'tlu loin In proportion to amount you pny \orone-nbalancuon your furniture 01 other pcriomil property of nny kliul wo will pay It oil for yon and cirry It ns long ns you ilutlro YOY CAN HAViOUIl : MUSKY IN ONI ! IIOUIl FUOMlllK'llMi : YOU MAKi : AI'l'LICA'l IOV No pnbllclly or removal of properly , so that you get the nsu of both money and property Yon will ul > o llnd us Infrom 7 to'Jp m 731 X CALL AT THi : OF11CI5 OF j OMAHA MOllTOAOK LOAN CO. i : iNcoitroiiATKD , ir'vbu WANT'MONKY. ) on cnn borrow on nOt'SEIIOLD riJUNlTUUK .iND PIANO3 , I1O11SK' * , WAdONM ANDCAUHIAdK , WA11KHOUSK ItrCKIl'TS. MRUCIIANDISB OH ANr" OTHKIl SKCUIHTY Wo will ttind yon nny amount friini 110 00 to ( I DUO ONTIIK DAV YOU ASIC KOIl IT , wltlioutpnbllclty orremuval ofproperty You can pay the money back In nny nmounti you wish , nnd ntany tlmo nndonch paymotitso mnde will reduce the cost of the loan Hi'ineiiilior tint you hnro the moiif both th * property nnd thomonuy. and pay forltotilym lonuns yon keep It llioro will Do no tpons9 or charge kept out of the amount wnntod. but > ou will roculvt ) the full amount of tholonn Heforu borrowlnx uNcwhero call nnd see us and yon will Unit It urently to your udviintano OMAHA MOItlMAUK LOAN CO. , ( uu"oiirii tain sTKKivr , a Hrst floor nhovo the struct TiiKonTKsrLAitoicsrANO OVLY ivcou- I'OltAlKDl.OAN COMl'ANVIN OMAHA. HA1KSON hUilMl'UKK hordes or nny uood security , 'tO , u ) or W dnys Kindly Lhnttcl compnuy. room W ! Omnlm Nntlonn hunk SUM KJ \r-voMv-.TO : , no. uo DAYS CIIKAP HATES and en y payments on furniture plinos Ilro stock etc , without delny or publlelty , cmli on hund Dull Orocn , room , llnrbcr block TW r-riHlCHAltl ) 51 DOUGLAS lll.K 10 .1 DOIHiK k- 7J7 \r WII.I. UAN MONI5V ON ANT KIM ) OK 8K- veiirllj Blrlctly conllUcntlal A li UnrrU 'OJ Kurbuclc Mock TOj BUSINESS CHANCES. V -1HK WlInl'KHS IIUSINI S AOH.NCV , 31U N. i. V l.tfo , ronilucts n pcnernl business pxclmngo. I.I a I of u'OOJ bilMnosi clinnecs In nil | mrli of the couuirj on niipllcntlon. Iluilnois ijoslllona go cured \rroH SAIjK , IIKl'AIL MKAT ilAUIClIT ; I llmt clnsn location , cash sales UJ par day Ad drcis W 7 , lloe JI'JIO \r-KOIlBAIr , ROOD .NKW HOTlSIj ANI > KUHNI- L turn Cooil trndo cstnblMiod , pnrt cash nnd cnsy payments , Aildrosi , Tlio Grand , llainlolpli , lonn HI M' \r 1 OH HAI.H , HTOCIC ( Jl.NnilAI , MKHCHAN- I dl'O , peed locution nnd room ; object selling , 111 lioillli. Addresa Cm pouter & Demnra , Cnmpbell , cb Mia ! 7 \T WANTKD , I'AIIT.NIJU IN WIHJ , KSl'AH- 1 lulled buHlnena clenrlnx ttiO to (400 per month .Muit bo capable of handling cnth , and not over IJ yearn of nso Siunll cnpltnl nnd gooil opportunltr to right pnrty. Adilrcss nr mil ( ileonsli'i' Is Mcholsou , UJ1 llroadwny , Council lllulfs In M y KOIl SA1.H , A 12303 STOCK OF IIAltbWAHK nnd hnrnias ; cn U snlo , rraion for selllnK , must KCt out of burlnoss on account of poor licaltli. Address 1' . II , Mnuaon , Orla ana , Neb M'M'M * Y WANTUI ) . A I.1VK MAN WITH I.VOOO 1O EV- Knuoln mnnufactnrlnK bnnlness In Omnlm , sor- vlcei wiintoil to dtuposo of product , bis prolltn Ad dress , X 17 , IJeo. 501 2i Y-DllNllHriArHIAlllVFOIlHAMt , 23 IIHST clnss milk cows ami milk route , must bo old before Mnrcli lit , tlio dairy situated on or near IJodgo Bln-ot , 5 mlles from ' postolllco f > > 3 IT \r GKK' [ & ' KUIIMSHINCJS , IIOO1N , 6II"K8 , -L etc. A KOOd stock , all now and In KOOI ! locu tion. Good reasons for culling AddrensXH lleo , M6.18 vr-"tf < STOCK FOH HALK. itisr ISOLATION J. In hobrmkn , for cath. Van I'attim of Omulin 51472 W FOB EXCHANGE. - . OMAHA IlKAIj EHTATK VOll MUSE , actual valuation. Money to loan. UoxMS Omaha. 739 y-lOWN 100 1'AHMS IN NUllllASKA , KANSAS * J A Dakota- Will sell cheap , or exchange for mdsc , horses A. oattlo Add box 711 , Frankfort Ind 77S . Z Cl.KA.V B COCK OK MHNKKAL M'l > d'K , Wll.l , take real estate A. monoy. Ilox2 3 , Frankfort Ind. 775 Z FOIt SAI.K , IMI'I.EMEVT STOCK AT IMO gono. Address T. J. Itogers , Imogono , la 874 IT W1U.T11AUE CI.EAIl I.OT3 AT MAN11OU , /JColo. , for clear Nobrn'ki land oruoo.l oqulttus AddresiU J. Illcliards , Hot 1903 , Donrui , Cole J115J F9 * r/-ttti AUIE9 OK CLKAK LAM ) IN ONI ! OK /Jtlioliust wlntor whoatdlitrlcts In Kaniati to ax. chnngoforlO or 30 ncro tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay cash dllleronea In property H good Address , giving prlcu and location , u in , lloo otllco. 2J5 y 320 ACHKS OK LAND IN FltONTIKIl COUNTY /-JanJ 1 < X ) acres In rurnas county , Nubraskn to pxcluinga for borsos cattle , general murclinDdUo or groceries Wo li ivo for snlo on easy terms a farm or ranche 7J7 acres , four mlka east of Lnm- brtdgo nnd a tract of &XJ acres three miles vtcst of Lnmbrldgo Wrlto to John & Caio , Cnm bridge. Neb for description nnd price Slut 2 ! > * ry-fi UOOMHOUSK AM ) ' IIYtOKMJTI.OT If , /jciiinliranco. Jl.JOj duo noxt.Inno south part of ilty for aero property near Omaha. Adlrci * XII Heo i.'ji * rLSTOMKIt WANTS CUBAN STOCK HAItl ) . Awnrol5CO ( ) for good residence , Omahn ( I G. Wallace nrown blui It 65) 2il LOST. Obl1 A A I'Allt OK SI'KCrACI.ES. I'MIAHU -Jleavont lloo counting room. 524 T osr-s HUM. PUI-S , ONE III.ACIC AND WHITE , J-/LIO | other bay color Heward for return to 1' I' McCarthy , ' . 'tli ' and Harney 5,7 Jj' UillAir.ii. I'MOM 'IHK OWSKIt , W .1 SI Othuwson , KlghtcoDth and Mllroy streets , t-otilh Omnlin , dehorned whllo milk row wllh small red xpots Any on giving Information of HUIU tu Til 8 lit ic nt the Stockmanonicc , inli nnd .N street Houth Omaha , will ba paid for their trouble Ml ! > ' FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. " ' " REAL USTAlr * , llnrgalns only. My word Is good W O Albright. iJI-2-J.Sew York Mfo 740 17011 HALB-WK OtKKIl A r-ULL LOT AT7TH 1 and Arbor als , right for grade , for HM worth twice that. Also biz bargain Hi o Jth ( Hualia property , a tl ( JO lot for fi-0 , COxlU. 1 Idullty 'I rust Co , 17IK Kama m J'l'll O YOU WAN I' A NICK HOUSK roil WHAT you are now paying rent , and still not live In thoauburba U. M. Nattlu er , Uhnmcor of torn ruurra. 17J rlo lOIl SALK-OVUIt 1,000 KINK IOWA A.MI NK- 1. braska farms , many oic-tllont bargains land rapidly advancing 110 W lo Ifi ( W per nero now Call for particulars tlogks \ Hill , HW I arnaai st stW W Ft \\rK ori-Kii TUB roi.Lowiso nittiiitiuvii il propnrty on monthly payments of 110 each. It la all desirable , and the prices are dirt cheap at an all-cash flgurn ( looil corner , Sith and prague , flW Corner , luth and Dominion walks , tc . lilO Vine corner , llaier I'laco , on car line , I7U9 Houth front lot , l rcliard Hill 1700. Valuable Walnut HIM lot , II.UOO 1'legant corner , Lloverdale , two lota 11,203 rlno I r cottage , barn , elc , hewanl street , II 500 No trouble or cipunso to show this property Itemember that In our olcganl now addition of Avondale I'ark you can accuro a beautiful modern liomu within the mile limit for IJ.OUO tn II.CKW tldellly 'Irun corapaay , 170) Varnam MIOJ KI9 _ IIAItOAINH , SOUTH OMAHA HKA LTY Investment Co , , 717 N Y Life Udg MI70 K1U _ MAI.L HOMtS. f 10 I'KIl MONTtl No INTKK ; eel. beats paying rvut. Invcttlgale , O r. Wnl- Uce , JUUtown lir _ IM-tit. FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. CoiiCliitird 8j"ACli CH"S"KAHOMAIIA f I B" 1711 AI I5K Inj crt' Mertlck ronnty tlvvill , liuprotcil , tlf IfW.yarpy liupror it * l * > ptrnri < 4'U , ( 'a * * county , IIV llnoly Improved i40 acre' , near Herman 117 for afto. < 07nci s t'olfax county fiklporncrtf S..HX ) ncro < . Lincoln roniity , In per aero , I'M ncrei near Omnln , > .ift per acre C. K Harrison ' . ' 13 > V 1.1 fi- Ut 13 l.MH rtALHIIIHM 1101 MK , ) IT. Utr , COHUV I st near IMli. ca'y term' , ftOU Modern -.tory homo on Dn\enport , near TGIli , very cheap Homo , lull lot past front , Park nvo , bargain at I ) . U. Wallace. 3 | ] mown 111 k BLOOD POISONING. 1)1 OOD I'Ol ' .S IN 1'1 > 1 IHMAIU.SKCOMIAIlV I'and terllury alngin cured In ID tolUOays or tnoiuiy : refunded. 1 IT treatment tliorouglily orad * Icnti' * all poison friim tlio lilnod nnd OHM nut detain - tain you Irom your business. You ran ho trcntoil at home r olllco All corrt < i > | iond ntt < itrlctly prl vntp , 1'or fuillicr Informatlun mil on or nddre * * tlio | Contl nental lltuiu-dy Co , rooiuM , Darker block , Omahn .Neb. MjoStlf COSTUMES. AD1ES AND (1K.STS ( MASIjUICItIIK j tinner for rent nl lit S ICth MIJJKI'J SHOBTH AND ANDTYPE _ WBITINO. 0 M HA I-OI.I.KUIIOKSIIOIITIIAM ) * NI ) TVl'B nrltliiK A C. Onif , A .M prln , lloyd's theater .Ml.Mfi' TIII : itr.Ai.TY MAICKIT. INSTKl'MKNTS placed on tocoid Janu uy 21 , 1HUJ. w MtitANTY mini- * . I ! H lloltnos and lft > lo.lolin .lolTrles , et nl , trusti'os , lot 11 , block -I , I'ttr- tluiio . . . 1 \ \ t ) MMer and \ Ufito A i : NU-lils , lot 1. nloclv 10. riuiiMii'o 1,000 I' \\llllatns to 1' \ \ I'crhlns. lot 11 , block 'J.I , Oninhii Vlinv cMeiisloii , and lots 11 nnd I1- , block 'Jl ! , Cui- 3.000 .liu'oli Ili'iidrlrKson lo A P Iliiiiten , lot IH , blooU t > , Ih'i'i , 1,100 Uniulin Itral I'-tnio.ind Crust Compiiuy to | ) n\ls mill Itnclirl Sl.iiliiiKo ; * U\ , lots 10 mid 11. block 1 , Sunnier- H'snild \\iilnnt Hill 000 Ahln.StiiiiiliMx , triiHtiu * . to sntiio lot 1. block -I' , " lot 0 , block "IV i-tillii- ( lois ,1 ll's mill . . 800 Union Mock YatilH cimiKUiy | to Anton Ili'lubluvok , lots 1 , 2 nnil : f , block i ) , 1st mid to ' oiith Onmlm . . . . 900 O C Ci'otgo lo I' W \\orlh , lot il , block 1 ! sto\i > ns I'lnco 1,150 J C Slinrp , luliiiliilitrntiir , ul ill to I O Allen , lots 1 to & mid 7 , block .1 , Hovel . \ . Sharp's mill . J (1 Allen toSnlft A. Co , lots 1 to 11 ! , block 3 , s.imo . . . . lL IT CLUM Dl.r.llS. N II Monrc to M I"Ios ct al , nw nnd m uwUO-lO-li ! Total.1111011111 of tr'insfom $ 'J.J57 DEN S1VJ ORE The Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Farnnm St. , - Omaha , Neb "Improvement tto Order or tiu A j. " A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cobt You Nothing but will dotlotistrnto all wo clnlm. Wo will plncc tli Pinlth I'roinlur boslilo nny wrltln ? iniichluo on the market ; It will sjioilc for It- It's durability cnn no longnr ba qiioitlonoJ Write or cull on us for ( . 'iitrUo-no , terms , ota Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , Omaba , Net rlclpilinnn | ItUl. II. MAY1IEW. Mnrmsor. BUREAU. SUES & CO. .Solicitors , Boo Building ; , Oinalia , Neb 4yoirsrxaniliioraU. S. 1'at onico. Advlca fro GLSSiS ! xjavcj I I'.JI , vo i Arrives Omaha I Depot lith end WobitorJ-ts I Omolis. Hit ) am1 Mont i Ity Aiojmmo lotion l UUi pm I 15 p nilHlKUt i It ) r.iprj ' ( ICx > junday ) | 1J U p m > m | . . ril I'nul lulled . . i li a m 6.15 p miHancroft 1'assunger ( > ! Snnd yil 84) p tn l atns I K I ! \ MO VAI.LKY lArrlvaa " onmhaDeiiot ! _ litll ami Webttur BJs | Omaba ( ) . . Duailwood I- > pr si. SW pnl" I'00 a in ( Ex tfat ) Wyo Exp ( Kx Mon i Sft pro tjo pm Norfolk ( Kx nundayl . , 10 3S m 6 41 p m . St I'aul Kxpraii 9 li am Lcavrs ! CHICA.Oi. ( SOUTHWKHl'KHN ArrlvoT Oranliajll ! depot , lOtli and Marey Hta Omaha , 7 2"I ami ( Kx. Sun'y ) CnrrolTl'aaaengor. I t&O p m 10 40 a in . . . I hlcago Kipren . . . " . 'IS p m 405 pin Vvitlbnlo Llullod . 9m am 700 n tnl . Eastern Flyer , . 1 U p n b.'JU pm iKx Sun 1C hln. Iaii ( Kx Mon. ) UiOau Lottvr. | MISSdUltl lrACiHtT Arrives _ _ Oinahnl nopotjtth an d Webitcr Sts Omaba LIU plni St. l-oul T5iprun I TOO a ti 10 U ) pm I .M. Ixjuli Kiprosa 6 5 p si 610pm | Nebruk * IxtCaL , VJ > 4