Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Ruled Strong and Olwcd at a Bub-
staiitial Advance.
Tint Trade * In Corn Were HIlRhtlr Under
the rlnnl ( Jitntntlonn for Monday ,
lint I.nti-r n Dlitlnct Itnlly
CIIICAOO , III. . Jnn. 24-Wllh much todopress
prices mid nothing In * lpit ! to encourage buyIng -
Ing , thu whcnt market ruled strong nnd closed
lit an mlvnnra of ! < c after u wenk opening.
Corn nnd oats were dull but firmer and gained
about Ue In corn und Uc In oats. Provisions
wi-ro fulrly steady nnd generally allttlo lower.
The sUcngth In whotit was duo to specula-
tlvo buying by a Rood many shorts , who had n
satisfactory profit , whllo there was a pretty
fair Investment demand also. A good deal of
this buying was attributed to Now Vork opcr-
nlots , who arc supposed to bo already long. A
ilown-tnrn In prices at thoMartwasattrilmtcd
to the fact ( lint cables came easier nnd the
local receipts weio In excess of the estimates.
The receipts In thu northwest wcro small
twenty-six cars at Diiluth and 185 ut Mimic-
npolls. This was accounted for by Ihu ln'
storms , Ono notablu feature has been thu
gradual narrowing of the difference botwuen
July ami May , nnd today they cnmu together.
July IM expected by some to rcaen a premium
of from 2 to 3c per bu. The opening was about
the mint ) asiycsteiday's closing to a sliiido
lower , cased oil another fraction and the In-
hhlo point was fiom ! ii' to ° ic lower than yes
terday's closing , then became Mrongor and
prices went advanced 1 ' . ( c , ruled firm and the
closing was fiom uc to ' / c higher than yesler-
In corn , flrsl trades woio slightly under the
final iiiolalloiis | f .r yesloiday , and upon sellIng -
Ing by a piomlneiit local trailer holding bear
ish views , declined .c moie , but rallied later ,
n good ( leiiiiind springing up at the ilecllno ,
iiumeions buying orders coming to Imiul , a
good shaic of which were from the southwest
- St. l.onlsand Kansas City. The innrkut was
mlvnnerd from 'tc to ? ie and was fairly well
maintained for a while , eased oil' a trifle , ruled
llrm and closed with fiom V' to He gain.
Oats weienot tory actives some early weak
ness was due so Increased oll'erlngs , but after
they had become absorbed Hie market becamii
Btrongorand advanced from U < ; to ? .c. Ke-
celpts overran the estimates.
'I ho hog receipt" , as reported from the yards ,
were 21,1)00 head , as bail been estimated , and
the mm lid was quoted llrm at first , and lalcr
aster,111 yesterday's prices. That was about
the day's record In piovlslons also. I'liiclua-
tlons were less violent Ilinn yesterday , l.ard
Marled with a gain of 2io ! , and ribs with a IDS *
of that amount.
Kstlmalcd leceltits for tomorrow : \\lieat ,
230 cars : corn , 1)55 ) cars ; outs , 210 cars ; hogs ,
20,001) head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
"AllTICI.Ks7OIVtN. | " lUOirLOW. CuTs ! ! . VKST'V
Wheat NO 2
January . 78ia'U 73 73H
78ia ' 78 78 H
July 77JtS7b 77HS7S 78"H 'SH 77J4
Corn No. 3- 77J4mi
Jniniary . 12 ? ' mi
February. 043 l'lH
May 47H t'JH
Onti No. J.
January. 30 80 now
303B '
February. 3B < 80K 91 31'
May K 3IH335 SIH
January. . IS M IS 05 1H 70 13 110 j
May IU 35 11)35 ) 1'J ' 05 IU 21
January. . 10 K 11 12 ! < 10 M 11 12U 11 05
May 11 05 11 124 10 DO II 12H II U7M
January. . 1000 1005 1000 10 OS 10 05
May IU 10 10 12V III DTI , 10 (174 (
Cash quotations were as follows :
I'l.oi'iiQuiet ; cltyhrade not Inclined to fn-
Creasn lines at presunt prices ; winter jiatents ,
t3.lil4.OO ) ; wlnterslrnlghts$3.4VIf.3.5 ( ( ) ; spring
n-itents. M.7M44.10i spring straights , J2.7D-
8.00 ; bakers , tl.70Q2.20.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 73ic ; No. 3 spring ,
C2OG4C ; No. 2 rod , 73 'Si : .
COIIN- Higher ; No. a , 43c ; No. 3 , cash , 40c ;
No. 3 yi'llow,40 > ifft41e. ? ;
OATSNo. . 2. UiHi31e ; No. 2 white , f. o.
b. , 34G3ri'ie ' ; No. 3 white , 3233J.
KYI ! No. 2. 52'ic.
IlAlll.KY No. 2 , G4Ci No. 3 , f. O. b. , 4370c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 37&4HC.
l'l.AXHiKi-No. : l.fl.15.
TIMOTHY HKRU rrltnu , * 1.98 < ft2.00.
l > oilK--Messi > er bill. , J17.87'iitl7.UO ( ; lard ,
orlOOlbs. , $ U.12'4 ' ; short ribs .sides ( loose ) ,
flO.OMtlO.Kl ; dry salted Kbonldur.s ( boxedl ,
9.87 tQlO.OOj short clear sides ( boxed ) , . J10.40
" WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
1 tUUi
KUIIAIIS Unchanged.
Tha following wuru the receipts and ship
ments fur todnv :
N'mv York .tlarkots.
New YOIIK , Jan. 34. PI.OUII Kecolnts , 32-
ni7 pkgs. ; exports , ( i.HHO bbls. , 20,500 sacks :
Kales , 0,1)00 pkgs. ; market dull and easy ami
lower losull ; winter wheat , low grades , J2.10
C(2.uu ; winter wheat , fair to fancrt2.D5$2.7G ;
winter wheat , patents , J3.HD1M.'J5 ; illnnesolii
I'lear , $2.riOUa.IJ ( ) ; Minnesota straights , $2.CU-
( TC4.00i Minnesota patuntiJt.'J&iJri.OU
patunti- , & . ; rye
nilxluresl'J.OKHi.'JO. :
t'oiiN MEAL Dull , but steady ; yellow , J2.75
ilAiu'.KV--Hull , llrm j wcslorn , C080c ; No.
2 Toronto , HOe.
llAiu.KV MAI.T Dull ; western , 70382c ; clly
made , $ l,0Kitl.)5. ( ( )
WIIKAT Itecelpts , 31,87G bu , ; experts , 8,015
1)11.i ) sales , 1,280,000 bu. futures , 180,000 Int.
spot. SSpol market firm , moderalelyactlve ; No.
Jred , In stoi'oand elevator , bOc ; afloat , KOU'ii '
H01e ; f.o. b. , mwiBl-Jic ; ungraded , red. No. 1 ,
H44iI1 < c ! No. 1 haril,8Ulit.H ) Jic ! ; No.2nortli-
cni,82ie8214c ( ; No. a springH7l'ji87Jic. ! Options
were moderately active , Irregular ; opwied
M eady and unchanged to ' , c advance , with
foreign houses moderate buyers , declined Uu
on weak cubk s and an In the amount
on passant ! , advanced UIS'iu with the west
uml shorts covering , reacted 'ic , and closed
Meady at ' ® Uc. over yesterday ; No. 2 red ,
Kobruary. 70 ! . < i70ic ! ? , closing at 7'JUe ; March ,
HlTttiOa ( ) > c , closing nt Bd'Vc ; May , bdJittBtMic ,
cliislns at BU'jc ; July , 83Sii8yic ; ( , closing at
B3 Vc.
CoilNItecelpts , 12,800 bu. ; experts , 57,008
1)U. ) ; sales , 73(1,000 ( bu. fulutes , GUO : )
riiuits llrm. dull ; scarce ; No , 2 , 5-lc asked In
olnvntnr , 05c asked nlloat ; ungraded mixed ,
63o ; sti-amer ml.xed , Q3c , No 2. while , ii-Hi-
05 c. Onllons declined , ? , c on Increased
receipts west , rallied " . © 'Sc with whuiit'
nnd closeif llrm at uncliaiiged prices to 'sc
ndvanco ; lebruary , 53'ii453 ' ( 4C , closing at
Jj.T.c ; May , 62' . < a&3 e , closing at53Kc. July.
t > 3 , 63ic ! ; closing nt53ic.
sales. HO.OOO bit. , futures , 70,0'UO
11'jo ; ml.xed western , aHiiii-lU'ic ; white
western. 41 < a7c. .
11 AV Oulet , steady.
lloi'fl-Moderate ( lemand ; flrm ,
llinus-l'alrly actIvu : steady.
Wool.I'lnn , good ileniand ; domestic fleece ,
27 i32c ; pulled. 2K332c ( ; Texas , 174621C.
I'novistoNS Pork , dull , llrm. Cut meats. In
demand ; llrm ; pickled bellies , ll'ic ;
pickled shoulders , lc ( ) ; pickled bams. He ;
middles , nulet ; short clear , 310.US. Lard ,
quiet , stmngor ; western sleam closed at
fll,55 ; sales , 350 tierces at fll.4&Gill.D ! > .
Options sales , 250 tierces ; January , HI.00 :
Kebriinry , J11.48 bid ; Mttv,11.35 , closliiK
cl ltlH < } 111-10 ,
HUTTEIl-l'Irm ; Klgln. 34'iQ3Gc.
t'HKKSic ( lood demand ; strong.
Knot ) Liberal receipts ; lower ; receipts ,
6,034 pkgs. ; western , fresh , 2882"
HICK Active ; llrm.
MOI.ASSK.S-Now Orleans , open kettle , good
to cholco , fairly active , llrm.
HlOAll-Kaw ! , llrm , more demand ; sales , GOO
tons muscovado , HU test , at 3 l-lOo : ox-whurf
rotlneil , ijulet.
I'm 1ION--Quiet ; American , I12.75ai0.5l ) .
U-i'i'Kii Dull ; lake , $12.00.
J.KAiQuiet ; domestic. i3.71i. !
TIN Dull : Stralls (20.114 ,
Onmliu I'roiluce Mnrltrt.
The market did not piesent any such radi
cal changes as on the day hcfurv. Kggs were
weaker , and sold as low as. IHc , but did mil
inovu very freely at that price. The market
on other lines of produce did not show mucl
change , and was practically featureless. The
demand as a general thing was not very
heavy , and tli lu was a tendency toward dull
ness ,
Arri.KS Slocks arc held at * 3.50ftl,00 for
fair to choice stock.
llAXANAS-Uuoted at * 2.0 ( > a2.6 ( ) per bunch
Hi TTIMI The market Is llrmer than It was
owing lo the light receipts , deed countrj
liuttersellnat 20c and fancy at 218U2c
Htrong butteror solid packed would sell bclon
UKANSt'holconavy. . 12.01X82.25.
I'IXKHV I'or doz. , 40o.
( 'AI.IKIIM.l ) ( . 'AIIIIAUK-Owing to the Illgl
prlcrs at which fiibbago Is being held In smith-
cm L'allfornla the arrivals hero are llxbt
Drumhead , -JUo.
1'iiAMiEitiiik.s- and cherry. I8.60 ; bcl
mid bugle. (10,00 ; Jersey I'ape I'txl. t'J.60. ,
l.uus The market was still weaker anil
ale Htro ruportcd aa low us lao.though some
vrnrn t 111 holding nt 20o. Tlio demand wni
mil largo iiveii at the lowest price and tlio sales
worn small.
( JAMB ! < mill raUilts , VSoU1" " * " . 91.
II tiny No. 1 salted , 4 > ( C | No. 2 , n.'fc ! nint
EJIlAYTlio nmrkct was sternly nt JO.OOUO.GO.
HONKVC'holce to fancy white clover , 183
2i oi fair to uood , loaiHu.
.MAI.AOA UiiAt'KS Sicady , I8.50S9.00.
NiTts ljiiriio hickory , II.G& ! black wulnuts ,
iiK.MONS--4-l.OOQ4. SO.
ONIONS Homo grown , 11.00 per Imihcli
HpanMi , per enito. f 1.90B2.00.
OHANOKS-llrlslits , medium sizes , (3.25 for
single cuso lots , ntid J3.0O for lots of II vo to ton
cases : russets nro i.r > c per cine chcnpnr. A ( II-
cotint ofjiicon lliu box Is also nmdu for e.Mra
IIIIKO or siiiall. sizes. Ciilifornla nuviiU , { 4.25 ;
Mpxlcan. tll.ul ) .
UVSIKIW Reports from Ilaltlmore do not
show any Improvement In the oyster situation
nt Unit point. A report from there snyaj
Kttind.irdi ro rnrotod at f'J.OO hero , and tire
not to bo lirul even at that price. Selects urn
tinnbliilnubluat any prlco. A very marked
tlinw only will solvu thu question , mill It will
have to bo of a solid week H duration to Intro
any olivet. Utualm dealers nro still taking
cniuof tholr customers In purl , nt least.
I'otfi.TiirThu market on chickens Is
wi'ukor , anil good stock sells ntWJ'Jc ; gccsu
and diirKs.OJillo ; ttirkoys. 12'it ' ; .
I'OVATOKS Only Nninll lots moving from
Mori ) . Western Suhrnskii stock Is iiioti-d | at
uses I'tab ninl Colorado , UOcttJl.OOj cholco
native. 7iVhOo. (
HWKI.T POTATOES There area few In the
market which arc selling at 1 4. 60.
Vi.u : Tlio iluiiinnil Is pretty good and ar
rivals generally nro meeting with very ready
sale. Choice , HftlOo ; largo nndithln , liSGe.
II. I ) . Pii'phenson , u grocer nt Axtoll , has
moved to lloldtrnu.
II. I' . Siiumli'rs In tbo millinery business nt
Huliuyler has sold out.
,1. .1. Tomllnson , grocer at Ileatrlco Is adver
tising Ills -took for sale.
I ! . II. Gllroy , confectioner at Tobias , has been
snreeuilud by 0. Townsund.
HcnliiT & CrouM ) will succeed to the grocery
bti-dncii of llunht'r & ( ireen at Lincoln.
The Uinnlin Itubber c.ompnny hns filed
nini'iided articleof Incorporation Increasing
the capital stock to JlOO.O'jO. '
St. I. mils Miirknli.
ST. I.OITIS , Mo. , Jan. 24. lYou'li tlnchanged.
WIIKVTfash lower nt OHlJei options ! ( u lo
lie iibovu yasturilav ; May closed ut 74 ! {
4t"4 ic ; .1 nly ? Tri'ltoVoj.e.
COIIN I'loM'd Vi ( ! < f ! ubovo yesterday ; cash ,
38fi March , tone ; MavIIIc ; .Inl ly , 4ayc
OATS-Hamplo lots of so ld at a
May , 34 je.
KVK Slow nt OS'Jc.
HAIII.BV No sales.
lliJTTKii-IJnchangedi creamery ,
dairy , IWlZHr.
KtKis rnchanned nt 23c.
I'uo . '
VISIONS l.'iiclinnged.
KHCKIITS Klour , Ti.C'OO libls ; wheat , -40,000
bn.j corn , 4' bu. ; oats , iUOUi ! ) bu. ; rye ,
iimii'i baili-y , none.
Sini'MKMs rionr. 11,000 bbls. ; wheat , 41-
00(1 ( tin. ; corn , IG'J.OOU nil. ; oats , 10,000 bu. ;
burley , O.OUO ; rye , none.
Wool .tlnrki-t.
IIOSTON , Mass. , .Tun. 24. The dcinnnd for
wool has been good and the market 'ins been
firm throughout , selling iitDUc for XX and XX
and above. .Michigan X Is now linn at about
'J7c ; No. 1 combed at 35$3Gc ; line delalno
steady , sold nt : )2 ) < : for Olilo and nt 2Uc for
Michigan ; nnwa-hed combing wools tell nt 25
( TW7c ! and tlireo-elghths blood territory Is nc-
tlvo nnd steady on n basis of 20c , and C4u for
line medium. Tu.vns \ , California nnd Uregon
wool Is In steady ileniand. I'ullud wool meets
with ieidy : sain nt : )3it38o ) for good superior.
Australian wool Is llrm.
Kunsiis City .Murltcts.
KASHAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 24. WIITAT Very
Irm ; No. 'J bard , 03'5'iJIJGL' ! No. 'J red,70c.
I'oiis Oulet ; No. 2 mixed , : )4i5.U5c. ) !
OATS -wenk ; No. 2 ml.\ed , 'JOii2'Jzc. ' ;
HYK-Wi-ak : f > 4'iTr50c.
Ili'TTEii Dull ; erenmery , 255J29o ; dairy ,
i I'nsnttled and weak ; 20c.
: ii'w-Wheat , 03.0UO bu. ; corn , 10,000
bu. ; oats , l.OOO bu.
Sill I'M INTS : Wheat , 70,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
outs , 1,000 bu.
Coll'eo Market.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 24. Options opened steady
it 5 to Ifi points lower , closed steady on
u-ar and barely slea < ly at 10 to 30 points
lown. Sales , 27,500 bag" , Including January ,
' 11.005,11.05 ; I'obruary. HO.OOSlO.liri ; Mari'Ti ,
MO.4IKftlG.DOApriltirj.3Gftiin.40 ; : May.$10.15
® 1C.25 ; June , $10.20 ; July , ; Sop-
ember. MO.lOQHi.ld ; October , tHi.lXi7 > I0.15 ;
November , J10.00@10.10 ; l > ; 'comber , iHO.OO ©
10.H ) . Spot Itlo easier , quiet , at J17.37i ! ®
Oil Market.
NEW YORK , Jan. 24. TAI.I.OW Quiet but
strong ; city , ( $2.00 for pkgs. ) , 01'c bid.
COTTON Suiu : Oiir I'Irmj crude , 44c bid ;
yellow , 40o.
PITUOIIUM : : Steady ; united , no sales.
Itosi.v Dull , llrm ; strained , common to good ,
1.35 < < J1.37S. !
' Tuni'E.vriNE Qnlotbnt steady at 33 > ® 344C.
ANTWIIII : > , Jan. 24. I'CTIIOI.IIUM 12'if paid
and sellers.
Liverpool Markets.
T.ivciti-ooi , , Jr.n. 24 WIIDAT Steady , de
mand , fair ; holders offer moderately. Ite-
celpts for th9 last three days Mveru 273-
00(1 ( centals , Including 107,000 American. -
CoitN Firm , demand fair. Kecolpts of
AHUM lean corn for thu past three day wcro
20,00(1 ( centals.
HACOJf I.ongclear , 45 Ibs , 53s Cd per cwt ;
long and .short clear , 55 tb.s , 51s.
l.Aitn 1'rlino western , 55s Od per cwt.
Cotton Market.
NEW OIII.RANS , I.a. , Jan , 24. Weak ;
middling , O'jc ; low middling , Oc ; good
ordinary , Hljci net receipts , 7,338 ; gross re
ceipts , 7,784 ; sales , 2,250 ; stock , 353,747 bales.
Ni\v Oiu.KANS , La. , Jan. ill. Futures quiet ;
February , $0.23 ; March , $0.330.34 ; April ,
$0.30C.0.40 ; Mny.$0.44ii0.45.Iuno$0.50fflO ( ; 52 ;
July. $0.50(80.58 ( ; August. $ H.02&8.04.
Alllwiiiikeo ( iniln .Markets.
MII.WAIIKII : : , WIs. , Jan. 24. WHEAT Firmer ;
May , 7l" iNo. : . 2sprlng , OOc.
I'OHN-Qulet ; No. 3 , 3040c.
OATS--Julet ( ; No. 2 white , 34 < 335c ; No.
3 , 33 34c.
ltvi-02(3G2ic. : ( }
rhlbidulptibk Gnilii .Market.
iiA , PH. . Jan. 21. WIIKAT Dull ,
steady ; No , 2 red and January , 77-i5477tC. !
Conx Options llrm , local car lots lower ; No.
2 mixed , January , 52'.ti&53e.
, OATS-Cur lots quiet , steady ; No. 2 white ,
January , 41 ! > ® > -c.
Minneapolis U'bent .Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Mlnn.Jin. ! 24 . WnnAT Hears
weio very active , but prices fairly maintained.
Itecelpts , 180 cars. Close : January , 07Jic ;
Mav. 71'.je. ; July , 73'ie. On track : No. 1
hiu'd , 7IKNo : , 1 northern , 0 Uc ; No. 2 north
ern ,
ItuUlmoro drain Mnrkrl.
HAI.TIMOIIK , Mil. , Jan. 24. WHEAT Firm ,
quiet ; No. 2 , red spot 78.
COIIN Firm ; mixed spot , 53'c.
OATS No. 2 ublto western ,
London Itcvlcir.
\ropyrtoMeillS9JliuJamtn \ Gordon Uctiiictt. ]
LONDON , Jan. 24.-Now [ York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : HKK.1 The stock markets to
day have presented a moro or less unfavorable -
blo appearance , new business having been
checked , whllo realizations have been
numerous In view of the settlement which
commences tomorrow. Funds are unchanged.
After opening 1 1-10 to l' per cent lower
Indian rupee paper has given way u per cent ,
owing to u slight reduction In the price of
silver. American railways have experienced
almost a general relapse owing to thu number
of realizations ; at the same tlmo the lone. Is
bail as a whole. Northern I'aclllc preference
has given way l'i per cent , Atchlson
Income bonds , Norfolk . \\estern preferunco
? i percent , IK'iiver preference ' , percent and
others ' 6 to \ per cent. Canadian lines have
been dull and neglected all day. Canadian
I'aclllc and (1 rand Trunk preferences leave elf
! i lo < per cent lower , Miscellaneous securi
ties have been vorymilct. Mining shares have
again been neglected and prices are Inclined to
droop In conseiiuence. There has been a
slightly better demand for money. Short loans
conllnuo to bo offered at. ! J to t , per cent. In
the discount market bills have been scarce ,
those at two or tureo months wuroquoted at
l ! ( lo 1 ? . percent.
Securities Were. Less Actlvo niul .Showed
SlKiiaof Fulling on * .
Niw : YoitK , Jan. 24.--Tho stock market was
less active today and showed signs of growing
narrower , being feverish and Irregular
tliroughout the day , rullectlngtho uncertainly
of thti situation and the hesitation of opera
tors , The buying sentiment seems .to have
iH-cn dampened and the transactions of the
Stuck exchange havu again gone back to their
late professional character. The bulls In
different siu'clatllcs woru still active , their
efforts today In Heading and Union I'aclllc at
tracted some attention , though resulting jrj
only u partial success.
The Industrial stocks again became the spo-
clal feature of the market , though as a result
tin ) financial changes were reduced to frac
tional amounts. Consolidated fins sustained
a loss of 3 > j per cent after a rally of l' ( per
cent from Its lowest price , being the only
marked exception. Distillers continued to bo
the foaturoof the market and In the early
ti-adlng It showed u loss of something over 1
percent on continued pressure to realize. In
the Into trading there was u rally from 49 > { to
G2 , but realizations ou this rlso sent it buck
to 50 % , at which point It showed a gain for
tUo Uuy of 5 % porccuu HUM York and North-
ern preferred opened up at 1'J ' per cent nnd
Manhattan at I j , but both declined mater
ially , Manhattan nearly 3 per rent and a par *
tlal rally at the close was stifllclont only to
bring them up to last night's prices ,
Uallroad Hocks were again comparatively
neglected , but rumors In regard to the Inten
tions of the Heading management as to their
policy In Nuw England caused a generous rlso
In Nuw Dituland slock , but thu Improvement
was not held , and > t per rent marked the final
gain In that stock. 1 ho Susanehanna & West
ern stocks a large portion of their Into
gains , but no real weakness was .seen , and the
llnal changes are Irregular and for fractional
amounts other than those mentioned , tbu mar
ket closing fairly active and steady after the
lain rally.
Thu Post says ; Thn volunio of trading shows
a material falling oir and the Inlliienco of thu
professional trader was again the dominant
fuclor In the market which was almost wholly
In their hands. London bought and sold with
out Inlltlencu upon pi Ices.
The following a re tlio closing quotations of
thu leading stocks on thu Now York Stock cx-
clningo today :
Atchlion . 3'iJJ'i Northern I'aclHc. . . . IJT ?
Ailanm KiproM . 15 } : do preferred . I'J
Alton , T. II ill ( I , I' . Den. Allulf. . . 17M
Oo preferred . 150 Northire < tern . . . 1HH
American Kxprusi . 119 I do preferred . ll' >
llaltlmoro . * Ohio. . V7UN. , V. Control . I10' (
Canada I'acino . HiUi.Y V. A N. K . 47K
Canada Southern. . . toU'Ontarl" ' A Western. ll'H '
Central 1'acltlo . 2SU Orcuon Imp . 18
t'hei. A Ohio . MH.OretiOn Nar . 62
Chlcaito Alton . 141 lOro. H. U A U. .N. . . . 321i
C. H. JcQ . I0 'acino Mnll
Chicago lia . IMJi'l'eorla. ' Dec. A K. . . .
Consolidated Qai. . . lil ; ; IIMttannrit . 154
O.C.O. Abt 1 , . Mil" ' Pullman 1'alace . 103
CotlnrtOII Cert . 4fiVft KeaJliiK . MX
Del. llmlion . UWKIchmond Tormlnal 'JS
I ) . I , . A W . 151 do preferred . 35
1) . A II. (7. pfd . MU Illo tlrando . 29
H. A C. F. Co . Ws ( , doproforrocl . VI
KantTcnn . 1 ( illurk Island . 8 ?
Krle . ' . ' ! ! St. I , . A 8. F. 1st pfd 75
doprererroil . MM St. I'anl . 82) ) (
. FortWBjno . Ul iluprefcrreil . US
lit. Northern pfit Hi ) iat. I'niil AOinaha. . 6IK
I' . A K. I pfd 101 I do preferred . ill *
HorklnK Valloy. . . . H : ' * ; I Southern I'ncltlc. . . S.i ) {
Illinois Central. . . UIHnerr . 15
Ht. 1'aiil A Diilutb. . 4ii ! < i'r nn Coal .V Irjn. .
Kan. \ Ton pfil . . . Texas I'acllle .
LnkolCrlaA West. , Tol. Jc O. Cent. J.fd. 7S' (
do nroturreil 81 ( Union I'aclllc 4i |
t'u'4 ; V H. Xxuri'ss i5 ;
I.uart Trnit W 'W ' bt 1. . A 1' 1IM
i.ouls. AMaiJli 72 ! $ i do preferred . . . . S7M
I.otiln. * .Now Alb'y. Wi Wulls Karuo I5xp. . . 140
Manhattan ( 'on 111 'Western ' Union ! ) ? (
Mcmplilii A C 50 IWIicollnit & I. Ka
Michigan Central. . . IDil do prufcred
Missouri 1'nrltlc. . . . a9l < Minn .1 St. I
HotillB A Ohio 31 I ) A It. 0 175 :
NiuhvllloChatt 81 iflimrrnl Electric , . . . ll n
National CordaKo. . . 140H National I.ttneod. . . ; M <
do prorerroil . . . . lli' , | C. h'mil A Iron IW
N. J. Central I.'IOU do pro erred IU5
Norfolk A W pfd. . TJ > < lions. A ' "ox. Con. . . 0
North American I'o im
The total sales of stocks today weio 345,000
shares , Including : Chicago ( las , O.'JUO ; Dela
ware. Laekawanna.t Western , 3,200 ; Distill
ing , 112,700 ; Krli5,900 ; I.onlsvllla .V Niish-
vllle , 0,300 ; Manhattan , 3.200 ; Missouri I'a
clllc , 4,300 ; National Lead , 12,500 ; Now Kng-
land , 14Gih ( ) Northern 1'aclllc , 4,800 ; Head
ing. 47,500 ! Kock Island , 4IOO ! ; St I'alll ,
14,100 ; Sugar , 20,400 ; Union I'aclllc , 10,700 ;
Western Union , 4,500.
Nnw York .Money .Miirhct.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 24. MO.NKY ON CAM. Kas-y
at 2 < K2'i percent ; last loan,2 per cent ; closed
offeied at 2 percent.
I'ltlMK MnnuANTii.K I'At'Kii PiOO percent.
STKIIMMI K.XCIIANIIK Steady , but quiet , with
actual business at $4.80 for sixty day bankers'
bills and { 4.H7'i for demand.
( jiiVKKN.MU.vr BONDS Dull and steady. State
bonds neglected.
The closing quotations on bonds :
1) ) S. IB roit Northern I'ac. IniU Ilil
U. H. l coup 11. < 4 N. W. Consols . 137 > f
U. S. t < 4i rex 1UJ N. W. Ieb.5s 104
I'acltloDs or ' 115. . . . ItIS S. U A I. M. Cell. 59 SDH
l.oulslnim tl'pt'd 48 i)7 ) S. 1. . Is S.F. Ocn. .M. 1UT
Tcnn. new net ( is . . 101 t. l'n\il Consols. . . li : } (
Tcnn. now net Ss. . . 101 St. I' . 0. A I' . Ists. . . 117
Tcnn. non got lla . . I' . P. | j. ( ) . Tr. lifts. WV {
t.'anaia ! So. 2n > ls. . . T. P. It. II. Tr. ltd * . ! is5j
Ccn. I'.iclnclfltB . . . lOb Union I'acltlc Ists. . 1U. " > %
I ) . A II. ( i. Ists ll-'t'West ' Shorn
I ) . A It. ( 87 lit. U. W. Ists 77
ISrlo Znds 10.IU Atch. 4s
M. K. A T. Ccn. ( ! s. . 81 Atch. 2hH , class A.
M. K. AT. ( ! en.6s. . f,0i ( O. 11. A S. A. ( St. . . . 101
Mutual Union Us. . . (1. ( 11. &y. A. M55. . . lifl
N. J. O. Int. Cert. . . 11. AT. C. Cs 107
Northern I'ac Ists. II. AT. C ( ' ! ) fis.
IIiiHlon Stock Oncitutloil" .
HOUTON Mass. . Jan. ' . ' '
, . 'J4.-C'nll loans , n&S'J per
cent ; tlmo papar , 4R5'i per ee.nt. The follow
ing are the closing slock quotations :
AlcHts o ii".iTv"iTu k . "SiHTKriTak iltf .77. . . .
llotitoii I , V Altmny. . . JUV IKeurDnpo . 12 ? {
lloston 1 Jfc Maluo. . . . KUHiOacooln . 37 . 1IMM Qulncy . 137
Kaslcrn u. II. Cn . . . lltlhlsnnta t'o Copper. . . 4
KltchbnrK II. U O1. Tamarack . 150
l.Htlo Hock A KS.79 ill Uunliton I.aml Co. . 2' . '
Mass. Central UOU lloiton Land Co
N. V. & S. Krulnnd. 4 West Knd Land Co. . W (
llullnnd common , . . IlollTclciiliono. . . . ' 'ID
Itutlanilcom , pfd. . . l.nmsOn btoro y Is
WIs. Central com. . . Water I'owor , . . . . . VM
Alloucr. M. Co. ( new ) f. .M " 8
Atlantic II. A II. Copper llki
UOBtuti A Mont ( Jon. Kl 11ZU
Calumet A Ilecla. . . 31:1 : N. K. T. A T 8
San I'nmrUiMi .Mlnlnc Stocks.
PAN I'liAKCisco , t'al , . .Tan. 24. The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
wuru as follows :
Altn IS Mixlcan 1.11)
llulwor 15 Mono * . . . . . 15
llelclicr 35 Navnjo ! ft
Heat A llolcher 120 Ophlr in )
lloillo Consolidated 2) ) I'otosl 145
Cliollar . M Savaue 105
Con. Cal. A Va . . . 2JU Slerrn Nevada 115
Can. Pan in Union Con DJ
CouMACurry 75 U.ah 15.
Halo A Not-cross. . . . 75 Yellow Jacket W )
New York Mining Oildtlltloim.
Nr.w YOIIK , .Inn. 24. The following are thu
closing mining quotations :
Crown I'olnt & 5 I'lymoutn (41 (
Con. Cat. and Va. . . . 510 Ulrrrn Nevada 120
Duadwooil 13J Standard Kit )
Could and Curry. . . . 71) Union ( Jon W
Halo and .Sorcross. 75 Yellow .Inckcl 1C
llomestako lira Iron Silver M
Motlciin 125 Quick Mlvor 35U
Ontario tUO : do preferred 1750
Uplilr. 175
St. T.ouU .Mining Ouohitloim.
ST. 1.0019 , Mo. , .Tun. 24. The following
were thu quotations on the Mining exchange
today :
Blocks. lilil. Asked. blocks. 111.I. A kcd ,
A < lnm * I .55 t. . . Am. Nut..t .20 '
( irunltoM. . 4.60 SO ) Hope 4.00 i''M
KlUaboth. . .11'i .45 Murphy U5 .Oil
Ulraetallle Ull t.oo
rinaneliil Notes.
. Mo. , Jan. 24. Clearings , $1-
I'Aitm , Jan. 24. Thr o per cent rentes , OOf
05u for the account.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 24. Clearings , $177,923-
703 ; balances , $0,007,822.
HAI.TIMOIU : , Mil. , Jan. 24. Clearings$2,580-
203 ; balances , $401,040. Kate , 0 per cent.
1'iiii.Aiir.i.i'iiiA , I'a. , Jan.24. Clearings$15 ,
200,150 ; balances , 2,1G3,05U. Money. 4'/a per
McMl'lllS , Tenn. , Jan. 24. C'learlngs , $479-
502 ; balances , $158,237. Now York e.\chango
selling at par.
llosTo.v. Ma s. , Jan. 24. Clearings , f 19,391-
270 ; balances , $1,527,333. Kvchango on Now
York , par. .Money , 3 ® I per cent.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 24. Clearings , $4,331-
788 ; balances. $390,757. Money , quiet at till"
per cent. Kxclimigu on Now York , 20
NKW OHI.EANS , La. , Jan. 24.-Clearings , $3-
055,887. Now York exchange , commercial ,
50c per Jl.OOOpremlum ; $1,000
Nuw YOIIK , Jan. 24. [ Special' Telegram to
Tin : HUB. ] Exchange was quoted as follows ;
Chicago , par to 25u premium ; lloslon.par to Gc
discount ; St. Louis , 25c premium ,
ClllCAno , 111. , Jan. 24. Clearings , ? 10,497-
335. Now York o.vehango sold from par to
25c premium. Sterling exchange , dull ; sixty-
day bills J .80 > i ; domain ) , $4.88. .Money In
fair demand at 0 per cent.
1.1VK STOtilt .MAIUilCTH.
Itecelpts of All Klnils U'rro Quito Llheral
lor u TiieHday.
OMAHA , Jan. 24 , ltecelpts of all kinds were
liberal even for a Tuesday. The two days'
supply foots up 0,180 cattle , 9,071 hogs and
l.H'Jrt ' sheep , as against ti,581 cattle , H.O42 ho s
and 1,011 sheep Monday and Tuesday of last
There was a moderate amount of activity In
the cattle trade. Although receipts were com
paratively largo they wore rather llghler than
anticipated , and aseastern markets were re
ported in good shape there was a very re-
siiectUblo shipping and speculative Inquiry for
the more deslrablo grades. These sold at
strong prices , good lo cholco 1.2OD to 1,400 Ib.
steers selling at from $4.05 lo $5.25 , The general
run of steers , however , were not very brisk
sale , whllo prices were barely steady around
$4.OO and 4.25. I'alr to poor grades were
rather neglected and lower at from $3.85 or
down. Aside from the best , cattle business
was a trltlo slow and whllo buyers did not suc
ceed In obtaining any very liberal concessions
the feeling was rather \yuak throughout , al
though a tolerable clearance as effected.
The cow market was very uneven , Iluyers
called Itsliongoron everything uhllo sellers
generally icported a dull t ratio on the medlun
grades with the prices Inclined to droop. I'oor
to very good cows and heifers sold at fron
$1.75 io3uO with the bulk of the f.itr to goo <
stuff at from $2.35 to $2.85. Hulls , o.xen am.
stags werocenerally unchanged at from $2.00
to (3,50. Common largo lo cholco veal calves
sold at from f'-.oo to $5.30 or not quotably itlf
fere i it from yeslerday. *
There wa- not the usual amount of activity
to the stockcr and feeder trade and regulai
dealers reported an easier feeling on all but
the best grades. The volume of trading was
as usual , rather restricted , but price. * shovtci
up very little. If any , lower than Monday , tlu
bulk of the fair to good stuff selling at fron
$3.00 to $3.50 , Itepresentatlvo suits ;
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
20 770 930 40 1183 409
. 707 R as 18 .1080 4 10
1050 n no 19 .1140 4 1(1
i . .iioo n Dp ( .1100 4 10
1i . OM ) 3 00. , , , , 23 .1125 4 10
1a ooo 3 00 23H. . . .107G 4 10
a 1117 5. . .1270 4 10
! S 072 n 70 20. . .1157 4 10
8 . 800 3 75 .1000 4 15
8 1MB 3 75 'I ' ? : : 1155 4 20
8 020 0 75' ' 17 . .1208 4 20
7J 007 3 7G t .1124 4' 25
J 1005 .1 75 , .1100 4 25
0 1205 3 H5. ' in .1111 4 25
10 110'J 3 H5 . ' d .1177 4 35
! 0 1145 a 85 * 23. . .1141) 4 30
1 1047 8 H5n 21. . .1235 4 00
8 1001 3 90 . 32. . .1343 4 70
3 083 3 9(1 ( 30. . .1231 4 70
(1 ( 1005 H < ) ( ) _ 20. . .1324 4 85
0HI 102H 4 00 M , 25. . .1321) ) 4 00
HI 1178 4 00 ' 20. . .1449 0 00
0 4 05
0 . .llfll fl 70 0 1300 4 80
18 . .1208 4 05 20 1372 0 25
8 . .1313 4 7G
20 047 3 40MIXGII.
. BOO 1 76 1200 260
. 755 1 75 i : : . OGG 2 00
870 1 05 18. . . 840 2 05
. 805 2 00 la. . .1002 2 55
. H35 2 ( K ) 24. . . 805 2 00
. 850 2 ( H ) 7. . . 028 2 00
. 803 2 OO 18. . . 882 2 05
. 700 2 00 14. . . 1003 i. 00
. 020 2 00 9. . 1030 V. 05
. 047 2 00 H. . . 802 _ 00
. 020 2 00 18. . .1051 70
. 070 2 ( H ) 21. . . 812 70
. 823 2 10 14. . . 000 J. 70
. 000 2 1(1 ( 14. . .1U12 2 70
.1008 2 15 1. . . 030 2 70
. 742 2 20 17. . . 705 J 70
.1(1:11) ( : ) 2 25 11. . .1037 J 75
. 1)5(1 ) ( 2 25 1. . .1110 J 75
.1100 2 25 10. . . 800 J 75
.100O 2 25 3. . .1133 J 75
. 805 2 25 .1040 J 75
.1050 2 25 2 75
. OHO 2 25 1. . . 810 2 75
. 738 2 25 17. . .1010 2 75
. 041 2 25 20. . . 043 2 75
. 840 , Oft 18. . . 842 J 75
. 700 2 25 21. . . 014 2 70
.1230 2 25 15. , . 1107 2 70
. 815 2 25 10. . . 805 2 75
. 881 2 30 02. . . 005 2 80
i.4. . . 820 2 30 42. . . 020 2 8(1 (
-4. . 830 2 30 o .1120 J 85
.1000 2 35 ooi ! .1054 2 85
. 800 2 35 11. , .1018 2 80
.1080 2 35 20. . 054 2 80
7. . 780 2 35 10. , . 007 2 80
.1270 2 40 2.1. , . 885 _ ' 85
20 ! . Oil ) 2 40 20. , .1013 2 85
. 807 2 40 24. . 000 2 00
. 700 2 40 12. .1014 2 00
0. .1108 2 4(1 ( 20. . 083 2 00
1. .1020 2 40 1. .13011 2 00
1. . 870 2 40 ° 2 . 087 2 00
8 . 005 2 40 .1085 1 00
13. . OOli 2 45 1100 T 00
1. .1050 2 45 8. .1212 T 00
25. . 037 2 45 18. . 008 I 00
13. . 850 2 45 .1020 1 00
15. .1028 2 45 12 ! . 073 T 00
. 800 2 45 i. .1250 I 00
.1100 2 50 4. .1127 T 00
.1140 2 50 4. .1035 T 00
20. . 5)81 ) 2 50 47. . 000 T 05
3. .1070 2 50 4. .1110 ! ) 10
1 . 810 2 50 8. .1012 3 10
1. .1080 2 50 13. . . 050 3 15
1. .1100 2 50 0. .1272 3 25
JO. . 818 2 50 20. .1103 8 25
J4. . 834 2 50 1. .1200 3 25
4. . 807 2 50 1C. , . 012 3 30
1. .1030 2 50 00 .1007 3 30
1. .1140 2 00
5. 382 240 30. OD4 3 00
28. 7(18 200 14. 701 3 25
000 2 80 1G. 002 3 35
MII.Kr.US AM ) Sl'llI.MlIMtS.
1 cow and cnlf , 2000 i
1 cow and calf ' , . : . ; 28 no i
1 milker iVj 20 00 i
" . 100 2 00 . . 230 6 00
Id" . 304 2 35 . . 110 6 00
O " . 275 2 40 , ' ' . . 130 0 0(1 (
14" . 315 2 50 . . 1'JO 5 00
. 00 2 50. . . 153 5 00
. 380 2 50 ' . . 240 0 00
. 235 2 75 , " . . 147 5 00
20. . . 307 2 7f ' , . . 170 5 00
0. . . 370 2 75 , , . . 150 6 25
1. . . 100 3 00 . . 205 0 20
1. . . 100 4 OO l . . 200 0 25
1. . . 340 4 00 > ' 1 . . 200 6 25
. 120 4 10 * 1 . . 130 5 50
. 135 4 25 1 . . 230 0 00
. 130 4 5ir , 1 . . 120 0 50
. 105 4 75 , ' , I . . 105 0 50
.1100 2 20 1. . . .1280 2 80
.1530 2 25 1. . . .1140 2 85
.1400 2 25 18. . . .1417 2 80
.1300 2 25 ' ' . . 885 2 85
.1500 2 25 . ,1520 2 80
1340 2 25 , , . .1185 2 85
. COS 2 30 . .1550 2 00
.1344 2 30 . .1000 2 00
.1573 2 40 . .1440 3 00
.1140 2 40 20. ' ; 757 3 10
.1470 2 40 1. . . .1500 3 10
.1123 2 50 1. . . .1000 3 10
. 030 2 00 i. : , .1040 3 25
.1280 2 00 n " . .1000 3 25
. 800 2 DO l" . .1440 3 25
.1200 2 00 1. . . .1470 3 25
.1430 2 00 1. . . .1590 3 25
.1480 2 70 1. . . .1500 3 25
.1340 2 70 1. . . 1500 ' 3 30
.1300 2 70 1. . . .1420 3 40
.1020 2 70 1. . . .1810 3 00
.1180 2 70 1. . . .1070 3 50
.1400 2 76 1. . . .1540 3 50
.1070 2 70 2. . . .1335 U 50
040 4 00STAGS.
25 699 2 15 1. . . 700 3 20
4 355 2 00 4. . . 800 3 25
1 820 2 00 3. . . 840 3 30
0 551 2 76 7. . . 020 3 35
2 510 C 75 12. . . 844 3 35
1 300 2 80 15. . . 001 3 40
505 2 05 40. . . 818 3 40
404 3 00 3. . . 800 3 00
1 . 570 3 00 18. . . 800 3 00
1 . 530 3 00 2. . . 070 3 00
G . 472 3 00 3. . . 870 a oo
4 . 075 3 00 3. . . 003 3 70
23 . 030 3 15 0. . 804 3 70
20 . 741 3 15 5. . . 040 3 8O
3 . 910 3 25 800 3 80
lloos Iteeelpts wore fully up to the average
Tuesday run anil the general runof the hogs
was rather better and heavier than on Mon
day. The average weight of hogs so far this
month hns been 242 Ibs. , or about 30 Ibs.
lighter than a year ago.
Tlio market opened out favorably for
sellers. Under the Inlliienco of bullish eastern
advices all buyers started In early after the
liogs nnd prices ruled'iibout ' Oc hlghur on the
good medium ami heavy bogs. This advance
was boon lost , however , nnd the hulk of the
trading was on the basis of .Monday's price * .
Good to cholco butcher and heavy hogs sold nt
from 47.00 up to S7.70 and fair to good light
and mixed stutV at , from & 7.fiO to $7.00 , with
Mime underweight stuff us low as $7.40. The
eloso was very weak , although about every
thing sold , the bulk at from * 7.05 to J7.GO , as
against $7.60 to $7.00 Monday and $7.00 to
$7.00 a week ago. Uepresciitutlvu sales :
241) )
07 ! ' ,
Chicago I.helStock Murkrt.
CnirAOO , 111. . Jan. 24. .Special ( Telegram to
THE IlEK.l ( Jood cattle were sc-arco and sold
strong. That was Ihe case not only as regards
shipping and dressed beef steers , but equally
so its to fat cows , heifers and bulls. The mar
ket for old canning cows was dull and rather
lower , the demand for that sort being less
than heretofore. All Muds of cnttlo wuru
In light supply and the run for lomoirow
promises to he moden > tit , but theru
are signs of heavy receipts on Thursday. Kan
sas City , Omaha and SI. Louis being credited
with a total of 14.000 for today , thu bulk of
which It Is supposed will bo hcto Thursday.
Tin ) general market closed Hrm nt fromtl.OO
to $3,75 for Inferior to cholcu cows and hulls ,
ut from 12.25 to J4.1O for stockurn and feeder *
and at from J3.25 u > W-J" ' ' ' ' [ ' ' l)0ef " ' " '
shipping steers. From t2.26 to J3.35 took most
of the cows and bulls and from 13.70 to i 2
thu greater part of the steurs.
There was an uctlvo UOK market at from
17.25 to$7 76 for poor to primp light nnd nt
from 17.60 to I8.0O for medium and heavy
weights. The quality was better thnn for
many days past , which pnrtly accounts for the
higher avt-rngo of prices , though iiio market
was really tronper. Only a small partofthu
su pply sold below 17,00 , Indeed Iho prpvalllni }
prices were nt from J7.tiO to 17.70 for light and
nt from $7.70 to (7.05 for medium and heavy.
Shippers secured the greater part of the good
liogs , though packers seemed eager to get ns
many of the porkers as they could without
paying nn advance on Monday's prices. . There
was some trading In pigs and culls nt from
M.60 to $7,10 and ninny sales were effected at
Sheep sold fully 10&15c lower thnn
yesterdny. The eniieo of the weakness
wnstho unexpectedly heavy arrivals which
were estimated Jill the way from 12.00O to 16-
000. quotations dropped to from $3.255.25
for poor to choice qualities , Most of Ihe sales
wore within a range of from $3.76f5.16.
I.amhs were not much lower Ihun before.bulng
quoted nt from I4.25W0.25.
. Hecclpts-Cnttle. 0,00. ) head ; hogs , 17,000
head ; sheep , 12.00(1 ( head.
Thu K\enlng Journal reports :
I'ATTi.K Receipts , 0,001) ) heads shipments ,
4,000 bend ; market steady to n 'hade nlghcr ;
choice to extra steers , t6.05iiO.00 ; fnir to
medium , $5.0035.60 : others , f3.7534.00 ; din
ners , $2.6OB2.76 : cows , 3.20a.3.70.
lions Itecelpts. 21,000 head ; shipments
7,000 bend , market brisk , higher ; mixed and
puckers , $7.60(17.70 ; prlmo heavy nnd butch
ers' weights , J7.707lH.tMi : prlmo light , t7.60ii
7.00 ; other lights , $7.1013.7.30.
SiiEr.r-Ilecelnts , 13,000 bead : shipments ,
2OO ( ) hcndmarkct ; opened nctlve.strong.closed
steady to lower ; natives $4.MW,0.05 ( ; fed Te.x-
nns , $4.05 4.85 ; westerns , $5.20115.35 ; Inmbs ,
$4.6G.20 ( ,
Itrcelptft mill Dlnpiisltlon ( if Stork.
Olllclnl receipts nnd disposition of stock ns
shown by Iho books of the UnlonHtock Vnrds
company for the t went v-f our hom-d , ending ivt 0
o'clock p. in. Jnnuary.-4 , 1803 :
Cnn. Cars. I Ion .I Cnra. jllcnil Cars. lien , ! .
K4 iol fi.7.W 111 1.700
II I'Y KIIS. s 111:1 : : i > .
( iiiintm Tacking Ci 1,491
Thu ( i. H. Ilnmmuml Co. . 1.108
SwIftA. Co 1.3UU 872
'Ilio Cniliiliy I'ucklnt' Co . 1,010 2,113
Iiilin r. Squires A Co . . . 181
UflllH sun
Shippers nnil Kouilorii. . . . .ID
Total. . 4.370 fi.MVi
Kansas City l.lvu Stock Mnrkct.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 24.--CATri.n-Hp-
celpts , 8,400 head ; shipments , 1,400 bead ;
choice nnd heavy steers sternly nnd common
OHlOe lower ; feeders , stondy , liepiesentntlvo
sales : Shipping steers $3.86ffl0.35 : stockers
and feeders , $3.0533.80.
HodS-Iiccelpts , 11,000 head ) shluments ,
1,000 head ; opened active tostuing , elo-ed 10c
lower ; all grades , $5.0oa7.70j bulk , $7,40
SIIKIP Itecelpts , 700 head ; shipments , 1.400
bend ; dull , unchanged. Representative sales :
.Mutton , $4.00ao.OO ; lambs , tO.35.
Now York I.lvo Muck .Market.
NKW YOIIK , Jan.24. HHHVES Hecelpls 1,440
head , all for exporters and slaughterers ; no
trade ; feeling vronkor ; drusseil beef lower at
80'je per pound. Shipments today , 700
beeves and 1,400 quarters of beef.
CAi.vr.s Kocelpts , 110 head ; market steady ;
veals , fO.OOao.Ol ) pur 100 pounds ; western
calves. $5.35.
SIIKKP AND LAMUS Hecelpts , 1,382 head ;
market dull ; sheep , i3.25Q5.60 ; lambs $0.25.
llOdS Itecelpts , 6,200 head , consigned
direct ; nominally steady at $7.4038.00.
St l.oiilvUvo Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 24. CATTI.I : Kecelpls ,
3,400 : shipments , 000. Steady ; nnllvo Mt'crs ,
t3.1&94.7r > ; cholco shipping , J5.00a5.25 ; fed
TeXHlls , J3.00ffl4.40.
lions Receipts , 5,800 ; shipments , 1,800.
Strong ; heavy , $7.4va7.75 ( ; packing , $7.10 ®
7.05 ; light , $7.2037.00.
SIIKKP Iteeelpts. 1,400 : shipments , none.
Steadv : natives , $3.00 4.75 ; cholco muttons ,
It was a case of phenomenal interest.
Two young follows of good birth , com
panions sineo childhood , had set them
selves to earn fame and fortune , or the
latter at least , in their native place :
Albert Musgravo as an artist , and Her
bert Cadson as a. doctor.
Their layo.- for each other was
brotherly ; yet love proved the gulf
which separated them. Both had been
fascinated with the charms of a suiiny-
hn.ired , bright-eyed , laughing picture of
One morning people were horrified
with the report of murder. Musgravo
had been shot in his studio.
A revolver was found on the table a
few inches from the dead body. The
bullet , which after passing through his
head had lodged in the wall opposite ,
exactly fitted the chamber , and was pre
cisely similar to the others which the
revolver contained.
Both revolver and cartridges wore
proved to have been .bought bv Cadson
within twenty-four hours of the crime.
Ho was known to have been at the house
nt the time of the murder , as nearly as
The general evidence against him was
so overwhelming there could bo no doubt
of the issue. The prisoner hud con
demned himself by his own admissions ,
yet ho emphatically asserted his inno
The eventful day of the t.-ial came.
The breathless hush of suspense was op
pressive. Presently a door opened
Twelve men solemnly took their beats.
"Guilty or not guilty ; " '
"Guilty ! "
A piercing shriek , awful from its bur
den of agony , rang through the court.
Edna's unconbcious form was borne out.
For the first time the prisoner quailed.
Throughout the trial ho had behaved
with almost callous coolness.
The sentence of death was passed , the
judge being fccarcely audible amidst
women's sobs.
One person alone seemed unaffected.
With the quiet demeanor of a hero
Herbert folded his arms to receive his
doom without a quiver.
Air. Carter , Herbert's solicitor , was
disturbed in his olllcc by a young lady
whom ho at lirst failed to recognize as
Her large eyes looked larger from
their shrunken sockets. The licrce ,
determined expression of her face
made tin ) old lawyer betray his sur
prise in spite of himself. Was this the
airy , smiling creature of a few days ngoV
bho had aged years.
Ho invited her to a scat , then inquired
the object of her visit.
"To free Herbert Cadson. Ho is inno
cent and I have discovered the cul
prit. "
The lawyer looked at her , but would
not speak.
"Perhaps you think mo mad. Well , I
have been not far from it. While you
men have iiltied nnd wondered , I , a wenk
woman , Have worked. "
' Have you any evidence of your statement
" '
ment ;
"Ample. The murderer has a foot two
inches longer than Herbert's. Ho wore a
'pair of old goloshes with a cut across
the left sole. Herbert never possessed
such things. On that night ho wore a
light suit ; the other fellow wore a dark
tweed suit , with a red thread , rather a
peculiar kind of material , lighter in
weight and cheaper. "
"How in the name of all that is ra
tional did you learn all this ? "
"Thereby hangs a talo. T believed
Herbert to bo innocent. Common sense
told mo crime always leaves a traeo for
those wlio have eyes to see.
"No one ever sought. They were sat
isfied with Huporllelal appearances.
Knowing the Inndlord , I obtained per
mission to see the houfco. I searched for
hours without success. I was yielding
to despair and wandered into the back
"Suddenly Fldo capered about mo
with something In his mouth , it was a
handkerchief. I took it. A glance
made my hear htop blood Mains. I
examined that handkorehief as a forlorn
digger would gold dust.
"It was a woman's. It was marked
P. H. , No. . ' I rccugni-/.ed it and
kiicw the owner. I smelt it. What a
peculiar scent ! I ronowcd my search
with vigor.
"It was evident that the criminal It ml
escaped by the back wav. Hovlvlng
hope fired me. Inch by Inch t scrutin
ized floors , walls , windows , anything and
everything , large and small. For thrco
days I hunted unceasingly.
"My total discoveries were some
threads of doth torn olT whllo squco/.lng
through a small window , bloodstains on
tlio pash , arising from u cut with a rusty
nail In the wood , footprints on the
ground beneath the window.
"Tho ground was soft enough to re
ceive an impression. Very close exam
ination revealed a peculiar imprint with
a cut across. An Inspiration dawned on
mo goloshes !
"From these links how could I form a
chain1 First , the handkerchief. I
wont to Layeock's , the chemist. llo
ransacked his shop. Imt could not find
me a scent like it. I hot an arrow at a
' "You sold some to Miss Harvey , I
think ? '
" 'Oh. yes , I know now ; I got that
especially for hor. I am sorry I have
none left. '
"I reeled out of the shop. T was on
the track' 'I' . H. ' were Prlscilla Har
vey's initials ; this was her handkerchief.
" 1 went straight to her house. Dur
ing my stay t feigned having my
handkei-clili'f. She lout me tin.- exact
counterpart of the one I had found save
that it was marked 'No. 7. '
"I twitted her tluu t know she was In
the habit of lending her handkerchiefs
to gentlemen. She laughed and blushed.
1 bantered her Into confession. She had
never lent but one.
"She told me to whom. I involun
tarily jumped from my chair , but had
enough bolf-coiitrol to recover myself ,
pretending 1 had asMimcd astonishment.
"Now I had fairly run down my game.
How should I get into his house'Provi
dence aided me. I knew Ills landlady
well , a garrulous old dame.
"By dint of coaxing and presents 1 in
duced the old tlamo to lot me do as I
pleased. I talked to her of Herbert till
her head was turned. Then 1 made her
my confidant.
"I wanted to make her lodger a pair
of slippers without his knowledge. She
offered mo a pair to measure. No. I
know he had a pair of goloshes some
"Buried in the corner of the wardrobe
I found a pair. I turned them up. There
was a cut across the sole of the left foot.
I trembled so violently I nearly let them
"I took them to Musgravo's house ;
they fitted the prints exactly. J have had
the scrapings of the sole of the footprint
analyzed by the chemist , who Miys they
are identical.
"I have traced the suit of clothes and
ean prove the purchaser and dale of pur
chase. But one thing remains undone.
"I swore I saw Herbert three minutes
after the murder close to the back of the
house. As Herbert is dark and the cul
prit light , he must have disguised him
self , which proves design.
A local hairdresser says ho lent the
same man some wigs , wliiskers , etc. , for
private theatricals. Certainly no pri
vate theatricals have taken place , while
he had them before and returned them
after the date of the murder , so that
they were in his possession then. "
"You astound me , a girl like you , witli
such astuteness. It pusses my compre
hension. "
"Don't you think I have good grounds
for his arrest ? "
"Certainly. Who is he ? "
"Mr. Satloy , the curate. "
Mr. Carter fairly leaped from his chai
with an irreverent expression of sur-
.Total | MU of CITIES ,
Correspondence solicited.
103-103 DoorDorn Street , CHICAGO *
IS Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7O Stotofjt. . BOQTON.
Omaha Tent-Awning
nousr. COVKRS ,
lll. { Fnrnaui St.
Bemis Omaha Bag M. 0. Daxon ,
Importorj andmau-frs. Illcycloi sold on monthly
Hour .sacks , burlapj ,
tirlno. najmonti. 123 N.lStli.
Morse-Cos Shoa Company ,
Howard Strait.
Factory corner lltti and Uoitxlaj StreeM.
\\'o are making oloso prloj * to cash uuycri. nnl nro
solllci aclasi ofuoodt which U very salsiblo
with merchants.
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMPANY. Wlioloialo SHOKCO. , IjUOtVBllO'll
rafrn. iwjntj lloilon and rubber woods , UJj-
Uubbor Hhoo Co. . IIOJ- HIO llarnoy Ut.
1101-llOiJ llarnoy St.
M. E. Smith & Co. , KilpatrlcMocli Dry
( iOODS CO ,
Dry Roods , notions , fur- Notion ) . uMitj' furnl Ii-
nMhlni : KIHHK , cornjr InKk'oodt.cor. llt ! > ii'i 1
llth and Howard HU. Humor HH.
Omaha Upholstering I B83b33 & R-jayaa -
CO. , upholitorol fiirnlKUIINITUUK CO , Oraco
lure , IIJJ11JI Nicholas
HI. Wholesale only. I and 13th Sts.
prlo. It took him some liltlo tlmo U >
subside Into his usual cnhn.
Then ho sent for the Inspector of po
lice , putting nil details into his posses
sion. Two hours fiftcr the officer re
turned to Mr. Carter's sanctum with a
Homowhnt gloomy face.
"It t * nil ever , Mr. Cnrtor. "
' Vlmt , hns ho confessed ? "
"Yes , In words ami net Ion. I wns going-
U ) ) to Mr. Satloy's house when 1 iw him
coming * Ho was In a great hurry , carry
ing u portmanteau.
' 'Well , t followed him. As I expected ,
ho wont to the railway station , t touched
him and advised him not to buy n ticket ,
its ho would waste his money , llo turned
paler than Hamlot'H ghost.
" 'Clod help mo ! 1 was mad : It wns all
for her , ' ho Bald In a quivering voice.
'I'lenso do not handcuff mo,1 ho 1m-
" 'Very well , Mr. Satley,11 replied.
"Just then the shriek of an express
whistle made mo start. Ho dropped his
bag and dashed across the platform , I
after him.
"Ho won the race : t lost a prisoner.
llo jumped clean on to tin- engine , which
hurled him olT like a foot ball , ever nnd
over. His body is lying at the mortuary
l.ncnl Ilelull 1'rlrcs.
Annies Per peek , ! ! 0 ( < t Vi' ) .
Huttor Prices nnehanpoil ; creamery .IC J
IWoj country roll , ' , ' .V.
Hroilers-Per pair , $1.00.
Hiir : : I'rli-i's on the lending cuts have ft
wldo range owlni ; to the dllTereiiee In qtial *
Ity between i-ow beef ami the b.'at ixrnfod
steer beef. Portorhoiiao steaks , irxif&'ie per
Ib. : tilrloln , l-J'v2iit' ' ; ivuiul , ll\ijlvi ! c ;
chuck. SoCHK' ; roast beef , ribs , 8 e7 ! 50
CAUi.iri.owKii California ! ! , per head ,
2.V' .
( 'iiANiicntiiRS Per ( ] t. , KiM2 ) ( p.
( 'ni.Kiiv Per do40iMV. .
CniCKBN's Per Ib. , inCitl'J'ijC. '
DfcKb Per Ib. . I'J'j&ilrto. '
IMIIISI'eriUu. . . 2iff-.V. :
( iBKbK Per Ib. , l'J'iro. ' ( ( ( '
l.iTTfcr.--Ppr hunch , IV.
OYSTKIW Per can , ' 'O iiric ; bulk ,
POTATOKSPor bu. , ! Hc1.10. )
Pome Chops , IV ; i-oast , Ific ; tenderloin ,
! Wc ; hams , whole. I8e : sliced , 2.Vlard ; , 15o.
PAHSI.KY Per hunch , f.c.
KADISUKS Per hunch. 5c.
SijfAmi Ilubbatil , each , IBcifSOo.
H\i.sirv Per hunch , 5c.
Tt-iiKKvs Per II ) . , l.V.
Horsosare a druj , ' In the Idaho market.
The other day l.tiOU peed young animals word
sold in a hunch for j-'ll u bead.
Tor cvcrv one vim has blood trouble , no matter
jnlut Miapo or how long standing , provided
none of the \llal organs ha\o been go far Im
paired as to render u euro Impossible. K , B. B ,
goes to tbo root of the disease , and reimncs tlio
rau c , by expelling tbo poison from the body , and
nt thuB.imutlmofs a tonlototliu wliolo system ,
llowiivcr bad your cuso muy lie , thuiu la hope
Cured mo of a most malignant typo
of chronic blood trouble , fur whlcti
I hail used virloua other remedies
without elfect. My weight inciea'od , and my
health Improtcd In eicry u\y. : 1 considers , S. 9.
thu best lento i ecr used.
"H. A. WIHOIIT , JIId ny , da. "
Treatise on MooJ , fkln and contagious blood
liolson mailed fico. SWIFT Sl'DC'll'IC CO. ,
Atlanta , Oft.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutli Opnaha *
nest Cnttlo llo nud Sheep mnrkct In the weit.
Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Stoolt Commission Merchants.
South OinMift Telephone 1137. * Chicago
JOHN I ) . MAOISM AN , Ulnnaiiorl'
WAI/1' Kit K. WOOD , f Mnnl"ori
Market lleiiort * by mull ft U wlro o'lajrfullr I
nlBliud upon application
Manufacturers' and
Rector & Wilhelray Lobeckfi Linn ,
Dealers In hardware anil
Corner 10th and Jackson mecliaolu ! ) ' tools
ritr oats. U'JI DotiBl.Hrft.
W. A.L , Gibbon & Co. Omaha Safe and Iron
Wholeaalo WO11KH.
Hats , caps , struir iroodi , Pi\fo .vaults. Jull work ,
gloves , mittens , 2Ui Iron sliutturs and flra 03'
nnd llurney fits. capes. Amlredii A ( lar *
It , lUh and Jackson.
John A. WaKeMd , Charles R. Lsa ,
ImportedAm jrlcin Port HardwooJ lit ntur , irjo
land comunl , Mlltruti- carpoti.iil pu-uot
kea corn ant oudtfulno/ noorltic
wnltolliue. Dthniiil lio.ndn.
in an I
Wholcsalollqaordoalari or nillllurr njll
.Mill or Ian prou )
1001 Karnatu St. Jli-llt alltb. SL
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co , ,
Carry a full "loci of
printing , wrupplnixn.l Itoflnol and lubricating
uaper , etc. elli , ailo pro.iie. oto.
Branca & Co. , Jas. A. ClarX & Co. ,
Produce , fruits of all lluttor , clim ; ,
poultry unit name ,
kinds , oyster * . ,117 H. Mill St
Omaha Stove
\VOUKJ , store roiilrs iurJM of s > iU
ami water utltih 11 mi d J r < , b M n 11 an I
for any kln3 o in > il Itnii. hr.tn3h of
mttlu , I3jr no , l.'cu.inlliird ,
& a " fiurvo SOCClG , "
E&a 'the oDd rful rerai'ilr
. .
. ,
y KHf-WB u H * > * wv * mif m m - - - - * "l sold "ItU a TFrlt *
en irnnrunt- euro all nprvom til > e ei. each Weak Mcmorr.
Jjj.Bof Ilium l-owur'H'iiUactic. Wakcfulnen. IxJ t Minhood. Nlghtlr Krai. .
.oj , lon . NtrvouineJi I < a sltndf. alldrilnt and lounMowerof ) tbaljeneratlr *
* - Onlanitn PltbariozcaDiol broreruxertloi : . ontlTfiil rrro i.or fieenlTr
2fA uleof tobiccoopium or itlmiilanu which § 0011 load to InOrmltr. Contunju-
5S 5Son ana liVian If. I'ui up omTpnleni to carrj In Teit nocket. 81 per | .acl-
* * * = | o'li. With ororrl'onlerwn ainaivritltn uyiranl < ( aruri.
jiiTOix * * KO rT v "a. or reututn motuv. Clrciil f rue. Addrcm h r ctu C. , . . Cilemjo , Ili.
For Sale in Omaha by ShormamSjjMcConnoll , 1510Dodge Strut ,