r HE OMAHA DAILYWEDNESDAY , JANUARY 25 , 1893. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIMH'UJ/TS. OI-'FK'K : NO. 13 VKM11 * STIIKKT. Jlclhrml liy carrier to nny pnrt of the city II W. Tl I/TON , - MANAOr.lt. IlluilncviOnicc . Ni . ' ] TI - m'iio.Nr.8 NO. 22 ; 31 1 Mill MKSTlOtl. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Council niuffH Lumber Co Coal Itovlvnl services uro being hold each even big at Trinity Methodist church. All un welcome. The Young Men's Institute will glvo r nuadrlllo party this evening at the lall 01 Main street. Wllllnm H. Orr of Mtanurl Viillcy am Lllllo Wnld ron of Uutlcrvlllo , Ind. , wen married by Justice Vion yesterday. W. 0 Estcp Is expected homo this morn Ing from Carbotidale , Kan. , where ho wen last Sunday evening with the remains of Ur Ucusley , who died hero. Married -At the Klol hotel , Tuesday at ! u , in. , Jniiunry ' 'I. Mr. Clarence (1. flrucn well and Miss Mary I * . Orcenwell , botli o Columbus , Mo . Kov. H. H. liarton , enl elating Tin ) regular meollng of the Woman * Christian Tcmpcranco union will ho heli this afternoon lit ! I o'clock in the \ouri | Men's Christian association room. leftover. incntbor bo present. Visitors welcomn. Regular assembly of encampment No. f Ladles Auxiliary No. 17 , Union \etera ; Ieglon , this evening at Union Vctcrai T -plon hall at ! X ) o'clock sharp. All com rades uro requested to bo In attendance. Maud , the ( i months old daughter of AV A , Dutrow died at ! l o'clock yesterda. morning of lung trouble. The funeral wll take place today at 1 o'clock from the fumll , residence at ( . resi-cnt , and tbo remains \\ll bo interred in tlio ccmetorj at Heels. John Connor , the fltemnn who was Inlurci In u wreck on iheUiirllngton road at Villlsc about a week ago , was brought , to the cit and taken to Kt Hot nard'H hospital yestci day His right leg Is biokcn above the kuci U'lio physicians hope to save bis limb. Mrs Anni > Kceline died yesterday mornln nt (1 ( o'clock at St Francis' academy , aged ( ' years. She was on her way to her son' homo at llroken How. Neb. , and steppe hero to rest a few da\s and visit lit daughlcr , Sister M. Aurella.at Ihoaeadeno Her illness became serious and death llnall released her from her suffering. The new Madison street school house wi bo completed , if tbo contractors carry ov their original Intentions , about April 1 This will ( jive a total seating caiucitv o tKH , ) in all the vaiious school building ! which the board does not consider extrav.i Kant , In view of the fact that tlicro are 7,00 persons of school ago in the city. The house of a man named Kidelberg , r 207 Logan street , burned last evening aboi 8 o'clock. The ( lames started in tbo froi hallway , and tbo indications were that the were of incendiary origin. The lire dcpar munt was called and the ilro was soon e : tlngulshed , the principal itamago being I the furniture by tlie smokoand water. The following oftlccrs were chosen yeste day by the medical board of St. Ikrnan liospital President , . I F White ; v ce pre Idont. John Green ; secretary , D. Macrae , Jr advisory board , Drs. Plnney , Seybert an Maerau , sr ; consulting surgeons , Drs. Mi crae , sr and Plnney ; consulting physician Drs. White anil Green. The annual celebration of the birthday i "Hobble ' Hums will take place this ovenln lit the lloyal Arcanum parlors , and 11 Scotchmen of the city will put In the nigl in their usual way on occasions of this kini A banquet will be given , which will bo fc lowed l > i dancing. The Hums annlversarli are always brilliant social events , and th will probably bo no exception to the rule. At tbo annual meeting of the AVoinan Christian association tbo following wi adopted as a standing rule : Hills again the association shall bo sent to the superii tendcnt of the Woman's Christian assocl tlon hospital , corner Sixth avenue and Nlnl hlrcot. It shall bo the duty of tbo auditli committee to examine all such bills month ] and report to tbo association without deln the se\cnil amounts for payment. .Mi's. Anne Hollcrman. wife of Willla Hbllcrman , died yestcrdav morning , aged ! years. The funeral will take place tome row afternoon nt " o'clock from the res ( lenco , 15'JS Third street , and the remab will bo Interred In Walnut Hill cemetery. particularly sad feature of the case Is th : the deceased was married last Now Year day and was taken with her last illnc within two weeks afterward. An information was Hied In Justice Fo court yesterday , charging William Peacoe u painter llvini : at Henderson , In. , with u nault. The complainant was Mtnnto K burg , who lives in Keg Creek township. Tl offense was alleged to have been commltti November ! W ) . Another Information wasflli charging Peacock with thc.larceny . of n ruvi ver from the house of Kmest Kyburg , also Keg Creek township. Peacock gave bond In the sum of JftUO for his appearance on tl IUth ) , when ho will have an bearing. Tl impression seems to bo that it Is a case spite work , as he has already had two pi liminary examinations In other courts ai was discharged on both occasions. Dr. Herbert L. Flint entertained anoth largo audtcnco at Dohany's last night mich a thoroughly satisfactory imrmier th if no Interest was felt In the wonderful hv nolle iulluenco of the operator crowil houses would bo attracted by the pure fi that Is ever u startllngly original featui Tills element brings up the performance the level of the very best comedy or mhisti show , and the deep Interest that tbo cd ruled person feels in the subject of hypiu Ism makes It a pleasant evening's entortnl incut for all. Dr. Flint had a stage full subjects last night , and ho made them t tcrtaln the audience In first class shape. O of the features tonight will bo the break ! of a 500-pound stone on the chest of a h.vpt tlzed child with u twelve-pound sledge ha inor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The snow and cold wouthor docs n diminish the demand for acreage in t' Kloln truut , 2J miles east of the pci nllico ; ! ! 00 acres yet for t-alo in from o to ten aero tracts , miitahlo for fruit ai garden. Day & Hegn , agents , 30 Pou btreot. _ For warming truest chambers , 1m rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are ju what you want. Look at them. Clen convenient , cheap. C. U. Gas mid Kk trie Light Co. _ Do you smoke ? IIuvo you tried T. Khij } & CO.'H Partagtis ? It's a eharmi Oust light one. I'ully An nrr < < il , Dr. .T. II. Cleaver , U C. Huff and C. Butler , ofllcors of the Fidelity Protect ! union , are out In [ a two-column afttdavit i plaining fully and elaborately all the tioti : of the transfer of the business of the unite to the National Fraternal association. T nnidavlt fully and completely answers t complaints made by Mr , Hletlerman In I open ISller a few days ago and effectua contradicts any impression that the let might have given by Implication that t gentlemen had not acted for the best hit ebt of the company when they agreed to I transfer A careful leading of the aflldavit also c reels the Impression that the rending Hlederman'8 letter seems to have given homo quarters , ami which even crept Ii Tim HUB , that the olllcers of the Natioi Fraternal association were unfavorably c neet ed with the transaction. This , of com1 was ridiculously incorrect , Mini arose from unfortunate transiosltlon ] of the names the two companies. The transfer simply Hoves the old officers from burtlenso duties which they could not afford to ti ; the time to discharge , and strengthens t Kidelttj's aftairs by placing the mam. nicnt in able and experienced hands. CVul and wood ; best and cheap * Missouri hard wood. in the citv ; proii delivery. H.A. Cox , No. 4faln. . _ Wanted Cash oiler for ton shin Citizen' * Stale bank stock. Must Addrcbs E. A. Sheafe. Horn-loins Hilda out that Stntsiu Street Is all right for the piano bubluu just look ttt hlti uuw aigua. M.WS MOM COINCIL BLLr.S Contractor 0. Boson's ' Hard Luok for the Past Year or So. IARD WORK HAS AVAILED HIM NAUGHT ( I.our * n l.nrR Amount of Miuiry liy n 1'lrn In it llulldliiKVhlch HoV i KriTtluc Illn Crnlltor * lu * til n ell tit lie l.cnlcnt. Contractor C. Hosen of this city has cxc euled a mortgage and n chattel mortg.ig ( U | > oii his planing mill on North Main street and the machinery It contains , for $ ' 2.500 , In favor of P. Wind , a rival contractor. Mr Hosen has been In rather hard ilnancla straits of late , by reason of some unfortunaU 'Ircuinstances over which he could have lit ontrol , but his friends thought he would mil through In time , and ns ho had always wrne an excellent reputation for honest ; tnd business ability his creditors showei ilni conslduruftlo leniency In making col ectlons. Last Friday thecllmax to his trouble camr when a large college building which he hai iieen erecting at Albany , Mo. , * for the Mctli oiilst church south , was destroyed by lire. Hi liad put In JISMJOO in labor and materials , uni it was almost a lotal loss , excepting for Iho.v | i.irls of the building that were composed o iininllammable materials. He had Itcoverei liy insurance to tlio aiuounfot gl ( ) , ! > 00 , bu li.id turned o\er tne polliles to the churcl denomination , so that they will reap wli.it ever benellt there is from Ihc Insurance Over nnd above Ihe loss by lire , Mr. Uosei Is thought to be Indebted to different partle to the uinuir.t of about $ -1.000 or J.'i.OtX ) . II liopes to bo able to iniilcu satisfactory in rangeineiitsttli his creditors , by which h may ho enabled to resume business shortly and thinks that If a little mure favor 1 shown him he will bo able to meet all hi obligations , so that nut a creditor shall los a cent. HUSTON STOIti : . ( irt'iit Mill" Inter C'lnirliiRS lie. Saturday , January 121 , wo inaugurate ! one of theV catest clearing sales of win ter goods over witness-oil in Councl BlnlTs , la. This sale will only last for days , which commenced Saturday , Jan miry 21 , and will end Monday evening January 'JO. Tlio reputation of the Hi ) : ton Store is known throughout th length and breadth of the land for the ! honorable and upright dealings' , the ! word being as good as government bond.- Ilolow we quote only a few of the thou sands of bargains that wo will oiler dm ing this sale. Hundreds of others wii be laid on our counters from day to da during this great sale. COATS. $5.00 and $0.00 reefers , plain and fu trimmed , during sale , $11.50. $ ! ) .00 and 810.00 coats in black , tan and greys , plain and fur trimmed , no' ' Jl.S'J. $10.00 and $12.00 coats , 31-inch reefer.- now $5.i)5. ) $12.00 and 815.00 coats , fur trimmei choice of racoon , opossum and capo ser trimming , now $7.50. $1.1.00 coats in black cheviots or woi bteds , now $8.7 , " ) . NOVELTY GARMENTS in rare and rich goods , all in at ha price during sale. ' See our line of capes , marked ha price. PLUSH SACQUES. 10 Inches long , $17. . " > 0 coats , $1:1.51 : $25.00 coats. $15.00 ; $35.00 coats , $25.01 CltlLDUEN'S COATS. ALT. IN FOUK LOTS. $ T > .00 to $0.50 coats in all sizes , $3.50. $7.00 and $8.00 coats , now $1.50. $0.00 coats , now $5.75. $12.00 coats , now $7.50. All infants' coats at cost price. Capo ncwmarkots all at cost price. UNDElttVEAU MUST GO. dents' $1.25 scarlet underwear durin sale , 7c. ! ) Gents' 50e white merino nnderwci ! during sale , 33e. Gents' 50o gray merino undcrwcr during sale , 3fc. ) Gents' $1.00 natural wool underwcf during halo. 75c. Gents' ' $2.00 natural wool underwei during sale , $1.37 } . Ladicb' 33e ecru vest and pants to < . at 25o. Ladies' 50o ecru vest nnd pantu to f. Ladies'$1.00 natural wool underwea Ladles' $1.25 natural wool underwea JSc. JSc.Ladies' $1.50 natural wool ribbed u dor-wear , $1.25. See bargains in tights , union suit children's and infants' underwear. DRESS GOODS. 30-inch plaid suitings , regular 2 goods , to go at JOc a yard. Don't mi seeing them. 30-inch heavy suiting , dark color actual IDo stuff , for 12o } a yard. AH wool , yard wide cheviots , sold f ( 33c , Jl'Jo ' , and 50c , in one lot for sale ; 25o. 25o.Fanov Fanov weaves in Bedford cord" , coul uni , sold for 8Sc and $1.00 , choice G'Jc yard. India serges and Arnold's fine hcnrlc tas , sold for l)5e ) and $1.17 , during sa 77e a yard. Fancy dress patterns and Paris robe exclusive styles , sold for $7.00 , $10. and $15.00 , all at one-half the regal price. Ulack goods. Endless variety of bu gains in all grades. Don't misa beoii them. POTUKKIXailAMVlHTKk.VW & CO. IJoston Store , Council Bluffs , In. N. 1J. Remember , this sale mturti Saturday , January 2Ist r. ; . lasts f eight days R , AY. & CO. Finest Aristo cabinet photos $2.00 p dozen. Ashton's studio , 18 Nortli Ma street. of C'ourt. The January term of district court open yesterday morning , with Judge Thornell i tlio bench. Most of the day was occupl with the reading of the docket an J , innkli of an assignment for the tri il of cases 1 the next two or three weeks. The gr.n Iiiry was empanelled and sut to work , consists of tlio following men : JohnChiUbi .1. K. M.iolMoV. . C. VanPelt. Hobert .N Klr.ith , J. H. Shi-Ids , I irs Jensen , H. Williams , Henry Staples. The trial of eas will ho begun this morning , tlio Ilrst case the assignment being that of the Lacot Savings b.ink ag.iinsc 1C Johnson. A motion for a change of venue was 111 in the case of Laura Kessler against Saim Kensler , In which the plalnit'T wants ilivoive. The defendant wants a change vcniio from tills count } to the district coi of Outhrie county on Uio ground that ho t lived there since last June. He asks t court further to compel his wife to pay h for the ex-penso to whHi his wife has i him by commencing this suit against hi Among the Hums of expense for which wauls to bo reimbursed ho menllons $0 his transportation from Guthrie county In nnd return , fcJ.M ) for iho two days' time a $ i'i for his attorney fee. Now that iliiibthorlti is prevalent Council HlulTrt and Oiniiha every fain r-honld bo iirovlilcd with Dr. JelTerl * ' fallible diphtheria preventive unit cu : It can l > o had of Council UlutTs dri r at 2101 1'umlntf btrcot , Omul XoNi'nn from MrCurily. McCunly , who skipixxl the town Suiul nlK-ht rather thnn submit to a trial in pol court , has not been heard from yet. He thought to have Kononwnylth the Int. tion of ituylng , and If thU U so the citlzt will bo rather pleased thnn otherwise If hi returns , However , not onto will the penalties of the Inw bo visited upon him to the fullest extent , but he innj consider hlmnelf ex tretnely lucky if ho escapes with n neck un stretched. I'nul A.vlcsworth. the young attorney wh < secured his release , claims to have been done nn Inltntlco In the accounts of the papers regarding his connection with the ciso. Hi denies ImvliiK' had nny knowledge of tin crime with which his client was charged and claims not to Imvo expected that Judge Mcftco would release McCurdy on his owi recognizance. He even had a bond in hi : iwckct ready for .linlgo AlrCce's approval Hut when he found thnt Judge McOeo wai In n hurry to get to Omaha and was wllllnt to release his client without a Iwnd , ho wii ! perfc 'tly willing to let It go that way. Hi denies having had any Intention to decclvi the Judge. _ roller r John Morgan , the man who ran ofl with : M bill 'which had been given him to ge changed , was given thirty days In tin county Jail yesterday morning in the pollci court. John Williams , n colored man , was givci fourteen days in tlio iiimy for maklnt ? n ills gutting exhibition of himself on lower Mali .treet. . The Impression seemed to prcval vlth the court that Williams , had commlttet he offense for the imrpo.so of getting Inti nil lo relieve himself of the resiionslhilit ; f making a living for himself , ho havlni icon released only a day or two hefore h < , vn arrested the second time. Judge Me ! eo accordingly ordered that his bill o Tare consist of brrad and water , with th ivater considerably In the najoiit.v. so tha 10 might l > o less reluctant to change his jonrding place next time. ' Dutch' ' lio.Iiigton , Ihe hack driver , wh 'hilnicd ' lo have been assaulted hy Pan L'ai Igg , and was himself charged with ills urhlng the peace , was dismissed with ecturc. H. J. Stump was lined 0.bO for heating ward bill. The hearing of K. Hough on the charge n teallng an overcoat and n shirt will tak ilaee tills murnlng. I > . Carrigg. who repri'sented the other hal if the Bo.vlugton fraeas , was lined fl an . osls. Another catastrophe was narrow I n\ cried at Uio close of the trial , when Cai Igg wanted to thrash Kmll Hehur/ , the a ; orni'.v for the prosecution , and was only d ( erred by fear of further expense. Use Konl-Spur ! A 25c package save _ 5 per cent of your coal bill , beside other comforts , and is sullicient to tren one ton. For sale by Junsseii * & Greg j \o. 37J Pearl street. 1111 Irniii u .Motor. J. L. Moore , engineer at the electric ligl ; rawer house , met with an accident Mondu veiling on the motor bridge. He attcmptc o board a train near the smelting works , hi nissed his hold and fell between the mote nd the trailer. Ho was dragged quite listancc and when Ilnally picked up w.i almost insensible. He was carried lo hi ionic on lower Hroadway. where H wii ? ound that ho had been badly bruised abov lie hips , but his injuries were not serious. Stnrlrn with Moral * * . Chauncey M. Depew , in an address be 'ore a Philadelphia business college th ither day , said : "I recall now two me vhom I have mot and I won't local them in the Now York Cential , beeatis inybody I should mention in tlie No1 York Central would bo known but tw nen came to mo twenty years ago for IK vice. They were getting the same sa iry. They had very much the sam dnd of positions and tlio same oppoi .unities in life. I said 'to both i .hem : 'The time has come who ( on should begin to save. Yo mvo families. You may die at any mi nent and your families would bo lo : without a dollar. That is a calamit whoso horrors no tongue can describe especially a young and helpless familj You will grow old , and when you gro' ' old the bervice wants you no longer an you are laid aside as useless. ' The said : 'How can wo saveV I said : 'B making a rule that you will , no matte nt what baerillce. cut down your e : [ lenses BO that within a certain time yo will bring mo $1,000. ' Ono < them followed it. And today the ii como from his investments is the sam as his salary nnd he can live o it. The other one , as his salary increase ! . . ' fftscd his methods of living , wet Into a more fashionable neighborhooi went moro frequently to tbo theater , hti ii craving for society , began to givcpretl little dinners with champagne andwha not , sported a carriage , and today on as I have stated , looks serenely upon ol ago which is upon him because ho hi enough to carry him comfortab ! through without care and without an.x cty , with enough to leave his loved oni in comfort , while the other is in dcspa for fear the ax may fall on account ago and incompotency , and he will be i the mercy of a heartless world. "A young lawyer , a fricjul of mine , wl was milking $1,200 a year , found himsc suddenly elected to an olllco where 1 got a salary of $7,000. I said to him 01 ( lav : 'You are living nt $7,000 ? ' 'Yes 'When you get through with that ollii you may not got re-elected or rea pointed. You will lind that you are 01 of your profession , and that it will tal you two or three years to get in torn with how to earn a dollar agai You should save. ' lie said : 'IIov My wife says so , but si don't know how. ' I pai 'Establish a "tisbut box , ' " and hesai 'What is that1 'Put a box in the di ing room , and whenever you are movi to spend anything from 25 cents to $ : stop u moment and sav : 'It is but cents , ' 'it is but $1 and I don't need i and drop it in tbo'tisbut box. ' " Ins months ho brought mo $1,000 and bought a bond for him , and when ho r tired fromoflteo ho had $15,000 , and th $15,000 kept him going and gave him position until he got a very good pra tico , which ho has today. " I'nrly Calls. A western member of congress , wl isn't much on society , but whose wife i came homo one afternoon in Wnshln ton and found her just returning from round of visits , alleges the Detroit Fr Press. "Well , my dear , " ho inquired , "who have you been today ? " "Out making party calls , " she replli with very apparent satisfaction. "Party calisV" he repeated , in puzzli interrogation. "Yes , colonel , party calls. " lie studied over it for a minute , "Now , look here , Maria , " ho sa earnestly , "lot up on that. You attei to society and leave the party to n : You don t know nnythlng about politit oven if you are in Washington with in and if you go to doing any party wo you'll make a tangle of ft , sure , " ai then Maria gave the colonel a laui thnt made him wonder what ho w there for. Nun * Captnrm Su Indlcr. In St. Augu tine , Flu. , the other d two Ciitholie nuns who had been sw : died by a contidonco man the day befu recognized him at St. Joseph's acadei as about to play the same gai on the mother superior. He tried to i capo , but the pair seized and hold h until an olllcer came amlarrooled him , There was a liorce struggle for neai ten minutes , but the nuns came oil v torious and none the worse for their t counter. The swindler had been ' "working" t churches and religious schools ; all up a down the Atlantic cuast , calling hims General W. E. Mosley and using sovei aliases. His plan has l > een to arran for placing his daughter at school a offering to pay for her tuition and boa in advance. Ho would present a worl less check or draft for $10 or $25 in i cess of the necessary amount and i. change back lu good money. TO CLOSE TIIETABIE SLOT Hentlemcn's Roadster lfl ) b Anxious l < Protect the Interest ! of the Public. WHEELS OF VEHICLES-OFTEN DAMAGE ! C'omirllmiMi 1'rtltloncd t < ilnvc tlic 1-rmn'ni'il un .Much ' 'in tin1 ( 'lri'inu- stnnrrn AVI11 I'n'inlt Ann'.nil An important meeting of the Gentlemen' ! Itoadster club was held last night at tin Merchants hotel. When President Hichan Smith called the meeting to order aboui llft.V members ere present. After rejiort ! from Treasurer George U'cldon and Secre ttiry H. C. Terry were road the annual elec tlon of oftlcers took place. The nominations for president were E. M Hartlett and G. C. Metcalf. Mr. Hartleti received n majority of the ballots nnd on sug Rcstkm of Mr. Metcalf his election was de clarcd unanimous. 13. T. Mount was eleeted Ilrst vice presl dent , G. C. Metcalf second vice pieslden and W. A. Paxton , jr. , third vice president H. C. Terry was re-elec'ed secretary and H H. Martin was made treasurer. The bean of dlrectois chosen was composed of Messrs H. K Hurket. William Snjder. C. H. Col llns and U. H. Fowler. The members casting votes In Ihe eleclioi of onicers were Messrs. 1C. M. Hartlelt George Walker , James 13. Van Gilder , C. H Fowler , \V. M. Hojiers , Charles A. Coe. L W. Hill , M. L. Hoedcr. Louis Littlelleld William Pritchard , .1. U. Getty. George W Ames. Charles Unitt , F. E. Alexander , W H. Mtllard , A. P. Johnson , J. G. Forrest , T J. Fleming. U. J. Collins , II. L. Uamacciotli P. C. Heafcy , James Egger. Hal Me Cord , Frank Carmlehael , A. Clarl lU-diek. Fred Terry. H. B. Hooves H. 1C. Kurkot , George H. Wakelleld , H. A Homan , George A. Weldon , ( ! . 1) . Edwards W. J. Hughes , H. C. Terry , W. W. Mace , W II Heekman , Walter I'holps. G. C. Metcall K .Smith. Kobert Wells , C. F. Hood. W. K Hlildell. H. N. Jcwett. J. C. Sharn. Samur Ilamillon , Tlioinas Swobe , Chat Hedick , H H. Martin , C. L. ChalTee. W. A. Watson , W A. P.ixton. Jr. , C. E. Mori-ill , F. J. Johnson 1' . S. Claikson. M. A. Hebert. C. G "spraguc , T. K. Saunders , C. H. Guiou , D. T Mount. William Sn.\der , A. W. Nason , H. I ! Irey. II. 13. Moore , E. W. Lee , Y. II. Con'mai mil Harry Ixjwrle. Good liumored speeches were made by th etiring president , Mr. Smith , and Sccretnr , Terry. Took Charge Immeillutrly. Immediately after the election , the no\ oftlcers assumed their ollidal duties and I : ho absence of President Bartlett , Firs Yiee President Mount relieved Mr. Smith ii the chair. Mr. Melealf then offered the followlni iTsolulion : Whereas , It Is un almost dully occiirrunc 'or bnjjuy wheels tit lie cunxht In the slot o i > lml WHS foinmrly the cable car line on liar ley stiect , and Wlu'icus , Not only M'Jil les uio damage * : ' int lives ati > endangered tlu'teby , and Whereas This .lot npiii-ah. to he of no foi'iie It or use to the stiect car company , therefor ) ( It HcsoUi'd , That It Is tlie sense of this elu tfnit the city council of Omaha should taU some action tending to < thu abatement of th evil , and further Itt' ol\iMl , That tlio secretary be Instriiole to forward a copy of thlsrccoliitlon to Hie clt , 'ounell ' before Its next mauling , The resolution was amended so as to appl , to all cable lines , and passtfd. The resolutio ' 11 also ask that cable slots be made nai rower. Hobert Wells then offered a resolutio ; iulhori/ing the expenditure of K > 0 annual ! Tor n silver cup , to bo ( riven to the mcmhc whoso horses make the best showing cael year. He thought competition for tlio cu would awaken Interest among the member ; which would bo a good'thing for tlio clul Tlie resolution was adopted. The report of Messrs. II. C. Terry , W. II Becitmun , H. A. Homan and * D. T. Mount o the now by-laws was then read. The rcpor was adopted after a lively debate over rul 3'J , relative to racing rules. Olt.VNU CIKCUIT TKOTTINO. I'InnH Arrnugril lor tlio Your , Nnw C Itil Ailinltt il nnil lats rixcd. KE\V YOHK , Jan. 24. The board of stev nnls representing the various tracks on tli Grand circuit held a meeting today , an settled all their differences. The meetbi was a secret one. At Its conclusion Seen tary Archer announced that overytbin bad been satisfactorily disposed o and indications were for an unusual ] successful trotting season this summer an fall. The most important matters that can : up before the board were the demands ( Buffalo fora two weeks meeting , which we allowed thorn , and tlio admission of u Ne York driving club to membership In the ci cult with a date following the Ilartfot meeting. All the associations in the circuit wcrerc ! resented at the meeting today. Presidei Edwards presided and Mr. Collins acted r secretary. The first matter to con : up before the committee was tl question of admitting the New York Drivr ! club and the Detroit club , of which Dani Campan Is the moving spirit , to the circui That was agreed , and then came the que tion of the arrangement of dates for tl : season , which , as finally agreed upon , are f follows : Ptttsburg , July 11 to H ; Detroi July 17 to 21 ; Cleveland. July ! > 4 to 23 ; Bu falo , August I to 12 ; Rochester , August li ! I 18 ; Sprbigllold , August 22 to 25 ; Hartfon August _ 'J to September 1 ; Now York Dri ing club , September 5 to 8 ; Philadelphii September 12 to 15. All the dates are ii elusive. This assignment of dates was agreed unanimously with the understanding tbati changes of dates should bo made without majority vote of the association In tlio ci cult. The agreement under which this a slgnment of dates Is made is to cover a pe led of 11 vo years. In this connection It was decided tin hereafter no other track would bo a milted to the circuit except by a two-thin vote of all the members. It was further n ranged that hereafter the president will wi a meeting of the board of stewards early December of each year. Ex-Governor Hulklcy fought a rcsolutU through providing that each association the circuit snould offer a series of stakes f 2,11 and 4-year-olds , the condition governb tbo events to bo decided upon later , but tl purs > es offered to uggregqto at least $7. > , ( K Just before tbo meeting closed Secrota : Archer had a resolution pas.sed which a parcnlly nullified the ' fiiregoing by givb each association the right to change Its pr gram and stakes as It t W lit. ( olng at ( liitteiiburff. NEW YOHK , Jan. ' _ ! ' The Guttcnburge were loday favored w0i | flno weather and good track. 1'list race , live-eighths.of * a mile : Out Slulit ( .1 to It won , ltuppili | < r(11 to & ) heion Miss Olhor (3 ( to Ittblrd , .Time . : 1:0 : , ' ) , Second race. sand.ft | half furlongs : Inn \athm (1 ( to 1 > won , WoonrhopperCl to lst ) > oiid , llliu'klmrn (0 ( to 10 ; third. Time : 1'M : Tlilnl nice , half mlloi llyinen(4 ( to ( i ) w < Marllla (7 ( to 1) second , l.lltu (0 ( to 12) ) tlili Time : 3UU. rourtb race , onn mile : f'.inwny (2 to & ) llr Mohaninied(4 ( to lxectinil ) , Cihunalor , (4 ( to third. Time ; 1:44 : . " I'lfth lace , llve-elKhtlivilf a mllu : Humor < l'i to 1) ) uoii , IVrlny IJoAiird ill to 51 secoi t'nrurtalnty (4 ( to f ) tldriU Tlmu : t :0'Jt : | , SlMli race , stircn-oluhths of a mile : Klgl uway t'J to 1) ) tlrst. Freedom ( 'JO to ls ) > ecoi AnnloMOto 1) third. Tlmu : 1:3' ' , o.ililnml. OAKLAND , Jan. 24 Results : Tin i' fin loin- , 2-year-olds : lli'i'mhi Do ; \MIII. Monlevalc bccond , Calm third. Tin 30' , . Six fiirhintfh : . Ire Walter won , Viimll Mfond , Mr. I'rltchnid tlilnl. Time : 1:10. Threo-rourthsof a mile : liandaloup Alficil II second , IIiiKiiunot third. Tin 1:10 : . .Mile and one-iniarter : Statfnon , Haln Di bceond , Tolly llilul. Time : l:45't. : ItHclni ; nt New nrlriinx. Nr.Ont.KASs , La. , Jan 21 The weath today \\as fair and pleasant.Attcndar good ; track almost fast. I'lrst race , live furlongs : Hobby lleach (3 ( 1) ) uon , Ui'nniKHli to 1 > second , I'roKrostlon i to 11 third. Tlmu : 1:04. : Second race , seven and one-half furloni Mmljcsljuti to 2) ) won , John .1 1 < U to U si oml , Hoodoo (4 ( to 1) ) third. Tlnii ) : l:10'i. ' Third race , bulling , tl.x furlong ; Ton ( Ing Stoli won. Carr.v IVarsall (3 ( to H sec- nicl , 1'lcoim H toil third Time I IMI I'ourni rnre velllm ; . three furUiuns Kr- iriiiulo iltofii vrnn , Aiiacri'i * iHtott Mvoml , TlieJiiilKO ilOln Ii tblld Tln < I.l7'k I'lflli race , n'lllntr iu\en fitrlotiK'tnrplol 6 to _ won , Vtaulumtn (4 ( tof i socimd , r.xcel- lor (30 ( to Ii third. Tlmo : li-t. Srhnrfcr mid Slii son .Miilchrd. NKW YOHK , Jan. 21. Articles of arreo- nonl wore slgneil today for two matches of illllanli bot.veen Geoi-gc Slosson and Jncou ichnefer. Richard Roche slirnwl for Sclmefer. The matches are for $1,000 a side , ach match , and the net receipts over and ibovo all expenses. Tlio first match s to be nt the fourteen Inch lallt line game , n three nights play of MM Kiints and to be plaved in Now S'ork City on the evenings of April 2 , " > , 2rt and 27. lh'J.1. The second match Is to IK ? at cushion caroms , one light's play. 400 iKilnts up and to bo played n Chicago on the evening of .May 18 , I&'JJ. AViin liy tlio Atistnilliin. SAN FKANTIJCO , Cnl. , Jan. 21. Welter iVelglit Jim Harron of Australia and Paddy Purtell fought at the California Athletic club tonight. Barren won In the seventh round. A Sioux City .Miln In It. "I remember going over to Wnsliinfj- on on the sumo train with Hen Uutlur , " wild I'nptnln Gore , mi old Mississippi Ivor pilot to a New York Herald mini. 'We were standing in the Jersey ( . 'itv station when a couple of Now York letectives came up to us and said : 'Your Viond there ( indicating my companion ] letter douse the lim. There's a mighty lard fraiig about here. Like cnougli hoy'll be followiiifr you over to Wash- ngton. D i you know .General Hntlcr , \ mild I did , but very nlighly. 1 had seen : ho general go forward and into tht nearest ear. 'Then tell him when you * o aboard to look out for a long-haired crank who has been overheard milking threats against him. And all of you mind your diamonds' . ' "Now , my friend who was with ine wa limb Lawrence , who owned a line ol mats plying between Sioux C'ity and For I " Uenton "called the LawreiicoMlne. Hi iV s a very rich and eccentric man. He lever went with less than $1)0,000 ) to $ ! ( ) , 000 worth of diamonds on his person ii ilain sight. On this particular occasioi : iio hud a brace of immense shirt studs , liamoml eulT buttons , a lovely collar but ton and a diamond-studded watch , ami everybody who knew him knew that hi carried loose diamonds in a bag ii Ills pocket , lie was scared hal : to death at tbo words of tin Selective. When we got in the car hi began to strip his diamonds otT. Hi wanted mo to take care of thorn for him. . liit ) I told him I would bo just as apt U IOMJ them as he would and refubcd ti take the responsibility. "While this was going on I went dowi the aisle to warn General Butler. Mine yon , this was in 187L' , and there was inoro hot blood and lawlessness abroat in the land then than there has beei since. Tlio old general looked up at nu and that peculiar quizzical Pinilo of hi : ilitted across his rugged face : " 'There are always some of the old guard around. I am not afraid. An you armed1 ; " "I told him t was. And then I told liim the story of the diamonds. " 'All right , ' said ho , 'wo will stand together. ' "Woll , _ nobody molested us. Wo go to Washington all right and my friend Lawredco got the bulk of his diamond ! in the hotel safe. I met i hitler the ncx day down at the capitol and snoko of tin day before. " 'Pshaw ! ' said be , 'my life is threat encd twice a day on an average. Proba bly moro people have threatened to kill mo than any man who ever lived. I'l die of old ago long after the miscreant are hanged. ' " Through llrltUli lljrs. The following interesting scraps of in formation about Americans have beoi collected by Knglish travelers and pub liabed in foreign journals : "Umbrellas in use in America an fitted witli a small oblong peop-holi glass , through which the pcde.striai views the surrounding country whili protecting himself from the storm. " "Americans sweeten their tea am eofl'eo with rock candy. " "Dark gray is the favorite color fo American table decoration. " "Ladies at the theater in Amorie ; have their hats arranged in snob a wa ; that they can take them oil to tiso ii fans. " "Boston society people , " so a correspondent spondent tells a London paper , "outer tain evening visitors with tlio singular ! , intelligent device of writing a capital 1 on a sheet of paper while standing at ; table and trying at the same time I swing the right foot in a direction ox actl.y opposite from that in which tin pen is moving. Prizes are offered fo the most successful in the exploit. " "Servants in America , excepting i : largo cilios , are admitted to all th privileges of the family , and frequent ] ; in hiring a maid-of-all-work a mistrcs has to agree to attend the street dee herself. " Hold and drier. The burglars who broke Into th house of Warden Louis D. Plllshury o Blackwcll's Island , opposite Now Yorli and .stole a big cedar chest cuntainin , $1,500 worth of silver ware and got awa , certainly knew their business. Mi Pillsbury slept in a room about ten fee from the treasure chest. In the hints are two little flights of four stops tint a man not thoroughly familiar wit ! would stumble over. On one land ! iig t > teethe the chest which was heavy enough to In the strength of two big men. The moved it out of its place , down the littl turn , down tlio staircase , in through narrow space between two tables , o which are several pieces of brass an porcelain , out through the parlor \\ii dow , on the veranda , down two llights c stone stops and northward along th river road about ( iOO feet and nobud heard or saw them. The thieves pric open the client , emptied the silver into bag or something of that kind , got hit the boat in which they had descendc on the island "and dropped oil'into th darkness , while tlio (1,000 ( paupers , insan persons and penitentiary prisonci snored peacefully. Cholera In Kiigliiiul. IlfMj , Jan. St. Nine now cases < cholera occurred between Saturday ai : Monday. Two doctors and two imrsi are among the sick. AT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT ANC NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. tly doctor morn It Rcta gently nn llifl tomacri liver and klrtnen. unrt 1 pleiiranl Iftxalh e. 'I'M' drink U niule from herb * , end la prepared for iu < M tnsl I jr a.1 tea. 1 1 Li call . . rannot KH It , lend your ajilrtu for a free tample I.une'n Kumllr Meillrlnn ( norm tlir bom-li rnrbdar. lnorrerloljiili Ulijrllil taneoeMM-y Addltw OUATOIl F , WOOJJWAlli ) , I.E Itor , N. Y B\\D1TIK\DKRS \ 1\T fl'STIW Imiil/ll Lunl/Mikj lt > tlulUI/l Hews of the Capture of Benavidos nnil Qouzalea EM Becu Confirmed. SKIRMISH WITH GARZA'S ' FOLLOWERS l.liMltrtmnt Urrklii.in llai it Snmrt 1'lKht ultti the Mcxle.iu limulrrn ( liilliint Work of StTKmnt Crump mid Tlirru I'rhutfa llrrimiido/ ' OIII.BVNS , Ii. , Jan. 21. The Times- Democrat's San Antonio special says , re garding the capture of Mexican 'bandits : Tlio following Is the ofllclal dispatch rcceh I at military headquarters hero today from Captain George F. Chase , who commands the cavalry troops , from Fort Sam Houston , and is at present at Haluartc ranch , Xapata county : "Lieutenant Ulckman , while scouting from this camp on January 22 with a detachment of troops U and K , Lieutenants Walker and Conrad , captured Francisco Hcnavidca and Prudencio Gon/ales , leaders in the San Ignacio camp. They are now prisoners In my camp. . "Dickman has returned to camp. Ho had a sharp light with a party of lundlts yesler- day afternoon. It resulted in wounding and capturing "Eeavnrrlo , captain , and one of the most desperate of the bandits. Kcavarrlo Is a deserter from the armv. lie emptied exery cartridge in his Winchester before bo was captured. "Sei-reant Cramp , with three men of troop n , captured the bandit chiefs Henavides and Con/ilcs. ! They saw the bandits Ilrst and hud for them in the brush. "The olllcers and men of the siiuadion have worked night and day. through cold and storm , conducting themselves with brav ery. patience and Judgment worthy of com mendation during the execution of plans lor the capture of the leaders. " General Wharton telegraphed Captain Chase today , expressing bis tlmnits and heartiest congratulations on the capture of tlio bandit leaders. llcriiiinilrr Will Hi ; Shot. The Times-Democrat's City of Mexico special says ; H Is expected that n decision will be rendered tomorrow by the high mili tary court of Mexico in tlio case against Colonel NIevcs Ilernandettio Mexican army olllcer who was fouvd guilty by military court martial several months ago of treachery and neglect of dutv and sentenced to IK ; shot. The charge \ \ as con niving at the escape of Catarina Gar/a. whom he was detailed to pursue. Colonel Hernandez is "U young man of pleasant countenance and manly bearing. Tbo case on appeal before the high court was con cluded today. General Juan Memlcs , president of the tribunal , asked the accused olllcer if he had anything to allege In his own defense be yond what Imd been bromrhl out by bis counsel. He replied that ho bad not. It isgeneralb believed that thiMerdlct of the court martial will bo continued. .Friedman 400 liOAI ! : > \\\Y , COUM'II * I Money l.omel ; on Dliiiiionds , W.itonos , ale. H.K bnrgulnsln iiiiredooinail pledges. tlao In tlio sliuo mid federal courts. Uoouis VUO-7-tJ-D , Shtmurt block , Council lllulU la. Special ftfo.icea * COUNCIL BLUFFS. AliSritACTtf nndloani K.irm ixntl city propsrtr liouebl nuil sold. I'usejr it 'I'Uomn , Council llhilTs. ro.nuvoJ , ccsipooK vnalU an 1 GA1U1ACK oloiujl. K. I ) . llurko. cltr bj | . 610 ACIttC farm 10 miles from Lincoln , Noli. , tin- proTOil. 1'rico only (19 per acres If tukcn at once. Jolnmoa.fc Vunl'Hltun. Foil SAI.nMy llvory-buslnosa In this city or will trade stock fur uuoil clear prouerty. J elm Do- hany , Council Ulufla , OQO ACItKS 4Hi uillos from Oakland , teed sttto of culllvnllon. seven mom lieu < o , orcliuril. curn crlh ) ami vrnuurleuTill : it'll for till un oiru nrvciiBlilclila. NIcliolBOn & fo , ( Ml Iliunciniiy. ruotu homo on Sjutli Klcvontli street , clearof Ineumbrnnre. to oxchniiKfl for uptown slUcnca Will pay illlltruncu In cash , lirccn hhlulils , Mcholeon A. Co. noiISi : wnnluil In oxchnn/e for lot liatnecn Ilioailway ami now brlrixo. liroansblalUe , Mch- OlBOIl tV Co. " \\TAM'KO , competent clrl for KenorM boune ' work. ( M K , 1'lcrco street. \\rA.N'Tii : > Ooort Kir ] for cenoral liousatrork. ' ' Mrs A T. PllckliiKer. 821 4tli nvcune. . 17OU i\'CIlANiK : , ( l-rooin liousa , modern convcn -L ICIH-CS ; beat locitlon In Cnnncif llluRa ; clenr ol cncumbrunco , will oxalianxe for business houcr 111 somu smaller to u In western lu n or eastern No braska. tirceilshlchls , Nlcliulion "A. Co , I'oui.cll UlDlTs , IJHMl HKNT M ) acres of tlnr liay Innil ninr tic asylum for tcaeonuf 1EI3 i t tl IHT acre. Apply tol.oormnl K\erott. Coi.ncll 111 nils , la. \VANTKI ) nooil Klrl for kllchon orlt , iruuil ' < ITUKCS paid. .Mrs. Lcotfts Keullnu , IIWat \ \ 1'lcrcu street. FHOM 11 KM ) TO FOOT you feel the pooil Iliat'a done by Dr. lScrco"ii ( lolden Medical Discovery. It purlflM Ilia blood. And through the Mood , it rlonnsr * , reivilrti , find Invlgorntcs tlio Nholo sytcin. In rccovcrhiK from "IOrljipr. < . " or In convalescence from ] ) ncnnitiln , fovcra , or other wdstltiK discnscs , nothing enn cqiinl it as nn iiiitwtluiiR. rcstorntho tonic to build up needed flesh niui strciiKth. It ivuees every orpin Into nntural notion , jiromotrs nil tlio Liodily functions , and restores lionlth nnd vlcor. For every dlwvisfl thnt comes from n torpid liver or Impure blood , Dyf | > oi > sln , Indigestion , Biliousness , nnd the most stubborn Bldn , Scalp , or Scrofulous nlTections , the " Discov ery" is the only remedy so certain thnt It can bo ptmruiifcrif. If it di > csn't benollt or cure , in every cuse , yon hnve your money back. _ _ For n jicrfivt nnd ixjrmnncnt euro for Cntnrrh , tnko Dr. SHROH Catnrrh llomcdy. Ito proprietors offer | 6iK ) rowanl for nn Jncurubla ctue ot Catarrh. _ "Absolutely HID Best Made. " "A Delicious Medicated Con- foot Ion" for the relief of Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and , for clearing the voice , l-'or sale by nil Druggists nnd Confectioners. Packed in full two ounce packages , Trice 5 Cents. If yon nre unable to procure the I'omona Cough Tablets CI ft out your dealer rend us 8 cents in stamps anil icccive n box ; by mail , Made by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & GO , , Council Bluffs , In. Parties Anbeueor , nudwcisor , Fnust ann Palo 15KHHS , E1TIIKH HOTTLKI ) OH IN K1SGS , can leave orders at No. 21H Main Street , Council BlulVs , Iowa , or Tclo- phone I- ! ! ) . Goods delivered promptly. SOLEAGKNCY FOR Brewing fiss'n. 01 Si. 10'JiS , M ) . ImprovsJ SafalElsvabn / , KIMBALL BRO S. OMAHA 01TICK 10M DOUGLAS Cor. Oth St. and 11 Ave. , Council Illuffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing nnd Oloanln ? done In ishn hlcliust style or tlio nrU 1'iulod uuil tallied faliHes inudo to tout : us Roo.l ua now , \YorK \ promptly done mil dollvuroJ In ull purls ot thu country. Heml for prluo Hat. C. A. MACHAN , Proiirlotor. llrcudwnv. uour Northwesilorn Do ot , COIIIOlilllffH. . III. Evans Laundry Co. S. F. HENRY , SEC'Y AND MD'R. 520 PEARL ST. , Council Bluffs , la. Telephone 200. Special Terms to Agenia Citi ) Sieaip p e Works * C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. CtJcnninr aitcl OK GOODS OF EVLflY DKSfHIPTION. Omaha olllco , 1621 Farnuin St , Telephone 15.1. Council BlutTs olllco and work ? cor , Avo. AandOth Si , , Telephone 310. Bond for irculara and prlco llet.