A TRUE LOVE , , S/irtiU / ( , Daisy Mctcalf nnd I nmtlo our nppcar- nnco In this world of cnro upon the mime diiy , nnd our nmtmiWH boln old frlunda , wo becnmo from inoro cliildhood fust frlondnand coinpanlonit. In the oifrhtoun years during which , wo hnd grown from Infancy to woman hood , Paul Mctcalf , Dalnj-'a father , had niado one of these mammoth fortunes that rcMiilt from aucccsaful modern spec- illation. My dear father , on the contrary , had been treading the path that leads down ward in the race for fortune , nnd wo were poor folku compared to the Mot- calf s. Daisy , bolnp an only child and a llttlo beauty , entered nocloty as a belle and liolresa ; her costumes imported from Paris , her jewels of the most costly do- ttcription , her carriages , horbes , mir- roundlngH of over kind these that only wealth can procure. When I say that wo were poor folks 1 do not mean that wo wore reduced to milTorlng poverty , but wo lived in a very quiet way ; and while I economized in the housekeeping depart ment , Fred , my only brother , worked at clerking In a wholesale drug store and helped my overworked father in the fam ily wcni'iin's. \Vo were invited out and had our rtlmro of gnyoty , but my costumes were tlu ) work of my fingers , the same ma terial often serving for two or three dresses , and my jewel box was my inher itance from my mother and but a stock of pretty trinkets. ] don't know when 1 first midpcctcd that I-Yed wan in love with Daisy.Vo tlireo had been BO much together , Fred being only three years older than Daisy and myho'lf , that It was a matter of course for both of us to depend upon Fred as an eccort and to fulfill the duties of a brother to Daisy as well as to his own sister. I think it was the wintorwhcn we both "camo out" at a party given by Mrs. Mot- calf , to introduce , mo as well as Daisy to Hocloty , that 111 rat noticed ii chaiigo in Fred. Ho begun to nlcnd another engagement quite frequently when I was going to Motcalf's or wanted him to act as Daisy's escort as well as mine. Ho no longer hurried homo when Daisy came to dine and spend a quiet evening at our IIOUMI. The duets they had learned togethor'hty untouched for weeks upon the muslo rack , and I no longer wiw Fred's name upon Daisy's small programs for four of live dances. And as ho grew graver and some of the gay , boyish light died out of his oyca , Daisy , tw , lost HOIMO of the old , girlish brightness , and her btep no longer danced and sprang as if from more joyousness. 1 might have noticed more if my own heart bad not gone out of my own keep ing during that winter , and the manly fascinations of Harry Wllmer engrossed my own dreams. This Is not my love story , so it sulllcos hero to nay that at Raster I became Mrs. Henry \Vilmer and took possession of a handsome house and shared the large income of a wealthy husband. It had hastened my wedding n liltlo that , my father and Fred had had a most favorable olTor to go together to San Fruncthoo to open a branch business for the llrm who employed Fred. So the ' old homo was broken up , a'nd a week nftor my wedding father and Fred started for their now home. On the last evening , Fred took mo a little into his1 conlfdoncc , not frankly and fully us ho had in many less Import ant matters , but letting mo guess much of the love lllling his heart , the pride binding ' him to silence. . , By Hiioh half confidence , I felt sure that Saul Motcalf's great wealth and his own uncertain prospects kept'him from letting Daisy see the love lie cherished , almost without hope , for lie thought she only felt the sisterly alTcctlouof long in timate friendship for him. "Daisy will think you very unkind not to spare her five minutes. " 1 said. "You do not understand , " ho answered , impatiently. "I am not unkind ; I am only miserable. Thorol I don't want any pity. It is all right ; but there are some tilings a fellow cannot stand and ; not betray himself. To bid her farewell 1 for years , perhaps , calmly , quietly , as it more friend , is beyond my strength. " "Hut why not toll her yon love her ? " "Who naid I loved her ? Don't bo so romantic. I am not going to figure in Saul Motculf'a eyes as a fortune hunter. S Just toll Daisy I cannot get round , and say goodby for me. " 1 And before I could answer Fred was off. off.Tho The next morning Harry and I bade my father and brother goodby for an in L- definite tlmo , and , as it broved , my part t- Lt ing from my dear father was a final one. ) Two years later ho died , and it was nix years bofbro Fred returned homo and then only for a brief visit to mo in the winter. It was at the very height of the fever for art embroidery , and my parlors wore crowded with specimens of work gifts , many of them ; some the result of my pwn Industry , though most of my ollorts \ went to adorn the person , ot my first i bom , Harry , and my wee baby girl 1 , Nettie. I 1 challenged Fred's admiration for all [ my pretty trllles , until I led him to 11d 11a i most elaborate alTair in hand painted I satin , plush bands and chenille fringe. I ' "This , " 1 said , "is the gem of my lot I of art work. You would never guess I that was only a common wooden milking I .stool , would you ? Just such n stool as I our grandmothers used in the country ft .years ago. Did you ever sco lovelier I painting and such fine embroidery as I tburo in on the plush bands ? " I "Who gave it to you ? " Fred ahked 1 , [ trying with brotherly good nature to I acorn Interested. I " 1 bought it. " I * 'I should think you had enough with- I out imrchasing any , " my brother said , [ laughing. 1 ' 'Yes ; but this was to help an old friend. I bought it of Daisy Metealf. You remember Daisy ? " I continued , not noticing the sudden pallor in Fred's face. "She does this sort of work for a store in Now York , but they do not half pay her , and her old friends order pretty tilings tyey do not actually want to help her. " ' What do you mean ? " Fred cried , ills voice sharp with pain. "You know Saul Metealf was dead , did you not ? " "No. Yon must have written that in some of the letters that wore lost while I was in Japan , " "It was just about that time , " I said. " [ surely wrote it to you. Mr. Motcalf's fortune , thtit was supposed to amount teas millions , did not cover his debts when the estate was nettled. Everything was sold , oven Daisy's jewels and grand " piano. "Why is she not here ? " Fred jsald , walking up and down the long rooms to the infinite peril of my spinello-legged tables nnd fragile bric-a-brac. "You professed to love her. Why do you not give her a homo ? " "Hecauso she won't take It ! You i d , not look at me as if I was a ir , , Fred ! I tried every way to make Daisy I como hero. I even offered her u salary to come as nurt-ory governess for Henry and Nottio and made her laugh out us L merrily ns she did in our girlish days I when who had not a cure. iJut she is as I 'iruud as as some other folks 1 know , nnd would not take charity oven from mo. " "Whore In t hc ? " "She Is bonrdlngat 427 L ntrcot. " "And Daisy lives there. Daisy , whenever never ' know u want in her whole potted llfo ! " "Poor little Dalsyl" ho said presently. "Think of her wasting her eyesight upon Biieh work as this , while I " "Yes , " I said , after waiting some tlmo for Hie conclusion of the sentence 'you ? " "I am not a millionaire , as Saul Mot calf was supposed to bo , " Fred said , "but I am on the road to wealth , and I am nlrcmly u rleli inun. What tlmo Is it ? Nearly 111 Too Into to call anywhere now. " "I sSiould KRV so , " I said. "Tomorrow Unlay tllnos hero , " I Paid. "Slio comes to dinner every Tuesday nnd Hurry escorts her homo in the evening. TIe mifht , however , ho persuaded to re sign that duty for onto tomorrow. " Wo chatted n few minutes longer and then Fred went to Ids room , currying Daisy's milking stool with him. Wnothcr ho silt up all night contem plating thnt work of art t am nimble to sny , but I do know that the next after noon when n pale little Daisy , In deep mourning , enino into my sitting room , expecting to llhd mo nlone , she had no reason to complain of Fred's coolness. "Tho course of true love" run very smoothly for the next month , the time of Fred's visit to me : nnd when ho re turned to San Francisco it was not alone. Daisy lint her pride aside and lot mo provide nor troiibsenu and the wedding , at my house , culled together all her old friends. There was n very handsome show of wedding presents , but mine was most carefully packed by Fred's own hands and was presented at his request. Hurry gave the silver service I had "elected as my gift , for Fred begged that I would glvo them Daisy's tnilklng- stool , The Joints nnd muscles are so lubricated by Hood's Sarsaparilla that nil rheumatism and stillness soon disappear. Try it. , Foretold In n Dream. Now York Sun : Captain Evans of the Neptune line steamship Dolnno , which broke her propeller during a terrible storm on a voyage from Kottordam and was assisted to Halifax by tlio steamer Ohio , says that the coming of the Ohio to his assistance was foretold to him in n dream. The Dolnno was repaired at Halifax nnd then proceeded to Baltimore. The captain says that he thought the steamer would founder soon after the propeller broke In the hurricane on Christmas eve , but after twenty-four hours the winds wont down. Worn out with long watching and loss of rest , the captain Miys ho fell asleep on the night of December -7 nnd dreamed that n sister fihip , the Ohip , hove in sight and took his disabled ves sel in tow. Ho awoke to Hnd the dream not yet realized und all of that tiny nnd far into the next night his vesel drifted. To the first man who.should sight n sail a reward was offered nnd everyone on board the apparently doomed craft was alert. On the afternoon of December 28 sev eral of the crew sighted n vcsell in the distance. "It's the Ohio , " was shouted jvor the floundering ship , and sure enough soon the red marks of her funnel proclaimed the coining craft to bo n sister - tor ship , the Ohio. The captain's dream foretold that the rescuing ship would come about on the starboard side , and she did. NOIITH GAI.VESTON , Tex. , Jan. 21. In east ern Texas , mid only a few miles from North Gnlveston , one of the greatest timber tracts on this continent exists. It comprises 40,300,000 acres , nnd this includes every va riety of high crailo , hard anil soft lumber. Furniture and other wood-work Industries are rapidly becoming interested in this great Held of raw material , and the jirosiwcts for now markets , by reason of rapid develop ment , in thosouthcrn , commercial Held. From I'rlvnto tn I'rcntilc'nt. A bit of history connected with the life of Emil Frey , who was recently elected vice president of the Swiss republic , will interest Americans. When the civil war began in the United States young Frey was at a uni- vorsity in Switzerland , and being moved with patriotic impulse to aid a strug- gling sister republic ho camA to this country , went directly to tlio Swiss eol- ony in Illinois und enlisted us a private In the Twenty-eighth Illinois volunteers. The Army and Navy Journal says that ho served with his regiment until ho ro- signed us second lieutenant on Juno 17 , 18(12 ( , to raise a company for the Eighty- second Illinois , In which ho served us captain until mustered out with it , Juno , 1805 , having served about four years und constantly in the Hold. Ho was taken prisoner with part of the Eleventh corns at Gettysburg on July 1 , 1803 , and for a long time was hold as hostage under sentence of death and after his release was breveted a major for gallant and meritorious ( services. At the close of the war ho returned to Switzerland whore ho obtained the rank next to the cotnmnndor-ln-ehiof and was elected to the Swiss federal council nnd served In the cabinet. Ho revisited this country as the flrst envoy extraordinary nnd minister plenipotentiary from Switzerland to the United States , berving through the ad ministrations of Presidents Garllold , Arthur and Cleveland. The next stop of this ox-soldier of the federal army of the United States Is , according to the custom of Switzerland , from that of vice president to president of a European republic. Piles of people nave jmes , but DoWltt s Witch Hazel salvo will cui'o them. A Century' * Kccnrd. One of the blacksmith shops in Wil- liamsport , Peiin. , has just celebrated its centennial. It is estimated that eight shoes , on an average , have been nailed upon horses' feet every work day during the century , making a total of about 2JO.OOO shoes. If Your Cistern Is Out of Order or Soft Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment go right ahead and use hard water with WHBTE RUSSIAN and you'll never know the difference. The clothes wiil be just as white , clean and sweet-smelling , because tfif "White Russian" is specially adapted for use in hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soai > . 'JsssA * 0 > LIFE SECRETS. Don't worry. Don't hurry. "Two swift arrives a * tardy as tOOHlOW , " "Simplify ! " "Slrao'lfyl" "Simplify ! " Don't overeat. Don't ntnrvo. "Lot your mixloritlon ba known to all man. " Court tlio frwti nir day nnd night "On , It you knew what was In tlio air. " Sloop nnd rest abundantly. Sleep Is nature's benediction. _ Spend less ncrvom energy each day than you ( inako. Jloclicorfnl. "Allcnt heart lives lonR. " Think only hoalthf ull thoughts. "As a man thlnkcth In hln honrt , so Is ho.1' Avoid pnsMon and excitement , A moment's anger may bo fatal. Assocmtn with healthy people. Health Is contagious ns well as disease. "Don't onrry the whole world on .vourshoul- er * , Inr lus the universe. Trust the Etornal. " Watch the ( lr.it signs of a routing cold. Nino- tenth of nil dlsauscs start with n cold. If , at any tlmo. you fool chilly , If yon sneeze If you Imvacold imnds or feet. If your heiul seems heavy or nches. take at on'ti the best and purest stimulant you can "oouro. Thura are many thnt nroolulmcd to bo Rood stimu lants. but there Is only oup that Is strictly ro- llab'e. anil possesses the best tiuulttlcs , nnd that Is DulTy's 1'uro Malt Whiskey. This wlil.skuy has miiilo moro frfunds by rea son of what It has done for ueuplu. thnn any other preparation of the present day. Do not let your drucplst or croccr argue with you upon this subject , but Insist upon having the purest , nnd best , which will aid you to solve , 'Jjlfe'B Secrets. " IDIII OK INTO IT ! Before taking your next glass Of River Water hold it up to the light. look at FRESH from the GRflNITE HILLS. As a pure medicinal or table water it stands alone. Still or Sparkling. OflAII Doalors. LOXDOXDhllKYLITIIIA SPRING WATEI1 CO. , NASHUA , N. Y. c. B. PERKINS & Co. , Bosioii selling figenis PHXTGN & GALLAGHER. DlatrlbutiiiK Agouts for Omaha. THE NEW YEAR In full ofbrlRlit promise to those In tlio full cnjormnnt of health , strength and niiinlr Titer , but filled with despair lor those who have permitted 'lioiimolroa to beonniu anil remain the hupoleisuiul luiliiloss victim of Nervous , Chronic Or Private Diseases. What can the future hold In ttorn for you if you are sulTorlne the ueniiles of n illionso hloh IH fust eatlncrmvity your vital forces , your oner/jy / and your life ? Nothing but the horrible hliicknecs ol despair ana woo , unless jount once hocln a couro ot sclcntlllu trent- inent by sltillfiill , competent anil experl- encnil speclullsts. Are you it victim of any of the inynuil kindred ills that onteeltlo and onnlavo ? If no , eome to us at once fora free consultation , or wrlto u fully , unclosing utaiup for reply , and rou will receive mlvlco thnt will In all probnblllty save your life. DnlayH are il nierius and there Is no tlmo so good us now. * Send 4 cents and receive a copy of our Il lustrated upw book of 131) puces , full of valu able Information , Call upon , or address with stamp. 119 South 14th St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA. NEB. STRENGTH , VITALITY , IV1ANHOOD . H. VAIf KKIt , M.D..No. 4 lliilflncli et. , TOX , Mxaa. , ctitrS coniulilnv phyilctan of the rKAHOl > YMiniCAr.INSTlTUTK.towhom : was uwardi-U the GOLD MEDAI. hy the NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION for the rill ZK KSBAY on Ethautttil Vitality , . < tny > Sy , AVrrout nnd I'/iytlcal Jtbilttjand nil lHita , t and } r < akntn of Man , niinrO " ' ° V ° "nff' " 1 ° mUJlt-ageil and old. lillKrX ' "onsultatlon In iwrnon or by letter. UU1IUU rrospcfliii. with testimonials , FREE. Largo book , S01KNCK OF I..TFK , OU HICI.F- PUKSlJltVATIOK , SOO pp. . 125 Invaluable pro scriptions , full Kilt , only tl.uU by mall , soaleil RIPANS TABULES regulntog tLo stomach , llvrr and uuweli. imrl- tr the blood ? iV < rr.Afe fcndVffrMuJil'j ? uio belt mrdlHnvkcmturnrtUloup-i tiBiliwtlou. djfrrpU. foulj hetaicbe. Lurtlmm , lets of ! > , ItfiiUl dujOTMloq , painful rtiKTtlon. pliniCej , enllow nininif s . , . lonand Terrflli * Mrv ultlaKfromc 2 linpuro Mood , or ft f Allure by tco ftumfuh , llrer or In-1 n * to perform their pn > i > er f tinrtloiu. " , . J eir Yori t ' llL.ll Y UlPUAna . all th train of KVILS , WKAKNK8SIH. DKI1ILITV , KTC , , that no NKN'TLY ' them - In men QUICKLY and 1'KltMA. I-UHKH. mirtiritKNOTii and too * Slvt-n to every part of tUa body , I will send ( - cnrely pic oJI HtKKloany sufferer tno praicrln. tlon that cured m of those troubloi. Ad.lr.ui . " " ' i. 4.1HIADLISV llATTH : CUIKk. MICU. j 8PEOIRL.NOTICES / . , A DTKUTISBMKNTH Kull THKSK COl.fMNS VV will ho taken until 11 ; iu p. m. for thu ercnlnic ami until 1W : t > . m. for tbfl morning or Sunday edl- tlons. Till } ' No advertisement t ken. f a * loss than 2J cents for the tlrsl Insertion. J ul All advertisements In tlieso columns 1 ,4 rent i a word for the flrst Interthni nnd I ccntn word for each subsequent Insertion , or 11.10 per line per month. Terms , cnih In aiRlnre. Initials , figures , symbols , elo , each count as n word. Advertise ments must run consecutively. Advertisers , by re- a numbered check , ran liaro the letter ] addressed to a numbered Ipttyr In care of THK II KB. Anitrori to addressed Will 'bo dollrercd 03 the presentation of the clieck < in | , SITUATION ! [ WANTED. -SITTATIONWANTKl ) llT1'UACTlCAh bookkeeper of long oxporlonco. Host or refer- cnco. Address .X 6 , Ueo. M517 J4 * A I-WANTKl ) , 1'OSITION IIV LADYHThN- ogrnphor with ! ! yours oxperlcnco ( ono yesr li bnnki : understands general clerical work. Address A'5 , lice. M.M02.1 * WANTED-MAiE HELP. B-SAI.AllV Oil COMMISSION TO AC1KNIM TO lininllo the Patent Chemical Ink Kraslng Pencil. Ilia moit useful and nnvol Invention of tlio nue. Kratcslnk thoroughly In two second * . Works Ilka niBKlc , aOloW > Jpcr cent prulll. Ancnls maklnx IM per nuek , Wo aUo want n eencral nk'cnt to tnko cbnrcoof territory and npplntiub neonts. A rnro clianco to innko money. Wrltofor terms and n > ppe | . men of ornnUjtf. Monroe Kratlnit Mfp. Co. , V 3' ! . I.a Crosse. Wl.i. -7UO 1J-WANTKI ) , A FK\V UKUAHIjK HOMCITOlta J Jin Nebraska for the Union Central l.tfo Iniur- nnco compuny of Cincinnati. ( lo d torrltorr and llticrnl contract * to tliorliilit men. Addrei J. M. Kdmltton. State Agunt , roomi 41 , 40 and 47 Purr blk. . Lincoln , Neb. M5II ) JW , -WAN'm ) , I.AUOIIKI13 KOH II. A M. KXTKN- > Iou to Sponrnili , S Dak. , call nt GOD S. lOlli st. 3A72J * TA UkniSTKIIKI ) I'HAKMACIST WANTED Dtotoke clmritonf utoro ; nlso a Rood physicians would like a physician who Is nlso n rOKlstercd pharmacist ; mnrrled men preferred ; send rofur * ciices. nlso nniount of salary expected , Address WCj , llea onico. M47R 2i -I.AlIOItKHS ON TUB 0. k N. W. llAIUVAY In Iowa. Steady work I'ruo pass. Kramer A O'Hcarn Labor Aguncy , 3J3 Houtti lull street. M511 S3' T > --WANTKI ) A anon COOK FOK KIIIST ciiAsa -IJIiotpl ! must have flrst-elass reference : Rood WKKCS to tliu right man. Address S. U. Ilaroni , Concordln , Knll. M 49V 24 B-WANTKlXTllAYELlNO8AlKSMKNTOSKUj having powder. Wo put our goods In glass rolling plnn. ftU month salary nnd oxpcnsos , or 23 per cent commission. Good sldo Uno. If you want njob , wrlto. Send sta-jip for rrply. Chicago linking 1'owdor Co. , 707 Van llurcn street , Chicago..M403 .M403 FJI B-WANTKU. FKIIKUAHV1 , A UOODKIIIST AND second cook , white preferred : good rrngcs ; must bo sober. Address N. C. lildcnour , Clarlndn , la , M41 34 * -WANTKD , (10O1) AOKNT.S KVKKYWUKHK I'for latest olllco specialty. Sells Itself. Dig pay. Write now. Am. Lock-Crank Co. , Milwaukee. WIs. 399-21 * > -HAINKS3 MAKEUS WANTKl ) . C. I > . JWoodworthA Co. , 13)0 ) Fnrnain street. 41721 WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-YOUNG LAOIKS CAN BOON ACQU1IU ! A working knowledge of shorthand and type writing at Van Sauls' 513 N , V. Life. M2U7 p-JKNBKN'3 DANISH AND8W15DI8H BMl'LOV- wment olllco , corner 10th and Douglas , upstairs ; nil kinds of help always on band ; U ) good girls for general housework. 13J KID * a . IIUIIDINHTOX ACADKMV Ol'HN MON'DAvT 'Jan. ' U : Indie.i are taught Jlio art of dressmaking , basting nnd Mulshing ; can irpfk on tholr own drotsei while learning. U 001 , Urowri blk.cor Douglas A H.th _ _ Y ' M1I31I Fll -WANTKl ) , OIHL , 1U7 KA11K AVKNUK.M3C3 > M3C3 23 C -WAN1KD , A COOD COOK AND LAUNDltKSS wlthclty reference at 3111 Furnam street. lio- M431 23 C-WANTKl ) , GIltL hylt , GK.SKHAL 1IOUSB- work ; small family ; good wages. 1CU5 Sherman avenue. M480 24 -WAN1KD , FIH8T-CLAi H COOK ; MUST UK good laundress , no othitr need apply. .Mrs. J M , Thurstou , northwest corner''all und Fnrnain. i ) M459 C-WANTKD. LADlKSIiTO DO WIUTINO AT homo-will ; pay J1S.UU to 120.00 per week. Send stamped enrclopo for reply. Address Madame Wright , -Ulshawaka , Ind. ' 425 21 * 0-WANTKD. A GOOir GIKIi FOIt SECOND work. 221.1) ) Dodge st. 39521 G i-WASTKD , COMl'KTUNT SALKSWOMBN FOH gents'fiimlshtngs iUirinX-ournro sale ; only ex- porlonecd persons need apply. 610 Karbach block , Continental clothing house. JIi'iO-23 FOB BENT HOUSES. D-KOIl IIBNT , NO3413 CAPITOL AVKNUB , modern. The O. F. Davis Co. , I5U2 Farnam at. 707 D - HKNT. 1IOU8K8 IN ALL I'AKTS OF city. ; TbaO. V. Davis company , 150J Farnam st. D-FLATS. DW1SLLINGS , COTPAOKS , IN ALt parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co. , 202 Karbach 710 D-NKW7-UOOM COTTAOBS , MOOKHS , IN Stanford circle. Convenient for business men of Omaha nnd South Omaha , C. S. Klgutter. 201 Ueo building. M1S3 D - - MODR11N HOU8K , COH. I9TU and Masou street * . Call at (07 Hrown bldg. M884 F4 D - LIST I'AUU 1005 FAUNAM hTKKKT. MU40J27 * \-FOIl IlKNT , TWO 6-nOOJI COTTAniCS ON /motor. Call at southwest cor. Vtu and Douglas. 171 D -FOHUKNT , IO-HOOM HOUdK , 18TH AND Dodge , Inquire 1318 Farnam. M51224 D TWO 7-HOOM COTTAGKS , OKNTUALLV LO catcd , all modern Improvements , only $25. Sloro building on North 24th st ; oxoellent location for meat market. 115 per mo. Fidelity Trust Co , . 1702 Farnara. 372-27 D-a-ItODM HHICK HOUSE , ( ! 24 8. 20TII 8TKKKT. HonttU.UO ; alrocottago of 9 rooms , IS2S H. 20th street , with modern lmprovementsrent ; (15.00. Apply to 2019 St. Mary's avo. 39325 * \-57UOUSK9.WKKEIlENT8IZKS AND I'AIlTd /P. I ) . Wcad. 16th and Douglas. 41 } 14 D-F1NK 9-HOOM COHNUHFLAT ; ItANGK AND all other conveniences , with a gentleman roomer If desired ; (35. George Clousor , store 701 8. 10th , at 10 a. m. and 3 pvm. M503 FOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. E-FUUNI8I1KD ItOOMS , 1413 UOUGK STHUKT. M5I7 28' E-NICK HOOMS , STEAM 1IKAT , 1723 DAVKN- port street , M2S32S * E NICE 1'LBASANT HOOM3 , WITH OH W1TH- ouv board. 2308 Douglas. M333 23 * Ei" 3 Oil 4 ItOOMS FUItNldllBD FOIt HOUSB keeping. 2308 Douglas. M33I 23 * E TWO FUONT ItOOMS , 1513 LBAVENWOHTH. * 355-23 E-TWO FHONT SOUTH ItOOMS FOH 4 GKN- tlemon ; furnace heat and batb ; (4.50 per week. Also two rooms for gent anil wife , .5.00 per week. 2510 Tierce street , between 24th and 25th. M505 :6'a E-FUHNISHKU HOOMS , (5.00 AND (10.00 I'KU month , Oil 8. 17th st. M453 24 * FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. 17 THK DOLAN , 209 AND 211 N. 1PTH BT. ± 713 iu . _ F-YOUNG WOMK.VS imMH UNDKR CAHK OF Woman's CHrlstan asaSclatlon , HI So. 17th st. ' 210 F-HANDSOMK SOUTIllltOOMS WITH DOAHD. Ileferences. ISnCblcabo street. M495 24 * BOOMS 15AVK 391 G-l-3 ItuOMS CIIKA115)8 ) N. I3TI1 ST. ' ' ' 4 FISI FOB BENT STOBE8 AND OFFICES. T FOll IIBNT , THH 4-8T&UY 1IHICK 1IUILD1NG , L'J'.O ' Farnam st. The building has a nreproof cement - ment basement , completebtraui heating fixtures ; water on all the floors , gas , eta Apply at the onlcuof The Ilou. ( lift fljo "l-FOIl HKNT , A VKIIY DHPIHAIILK UUILDING -liultnhlo foraw reliou ifiltll stable In couoc- tlon. Trackage front aujjeir. Address K. A. Carmlcliael curu of McCyrjl..llfaJy A Co. 215 I KOH HKNT-.STOIlK"lliioTfTO. 14 } UI'I'Kll Ilroadway ; new : Mia 2xlOOfect , with shelving andcountorsi desirable location for dry goods and general merchandise. Day A Hess , fluents Council UlutTs. la. M 307 31 -ONK FOUIl srOKV UltlCK UUILDING 21 FKK.T -Lwldc. I40711urnoyst. 714 I-OFKICK8 WITHNELL "IlLK. CKNTKAL AND cheap. 53 jn AGENTS WA NTED. J WANTKD A LIVK MAN OH WOMAN IN every county where we have not already sa- cured a reprcs ntatUo to sell our "Nevada Silver" Solid Metal Knives , Forks and Spoons to consum ers ; a solid metal as white as silver ; no plate to wear oa ; goods guaranteed to wear a lite tlmo : cost about one-tenth that Of silver ; the chance of a lifetime ; agents average from 150 to (100 per week and meet with ready sales everywhere , so great Is ibo demand for our Solid Metal Goods , over ( l.ouo.uxj worth of goodi In dally u o. Case of samples free. Standard Silverware Company , Hoi ton , Mas * . MZU FU' AGENTS WANTED. Continual. IWANTKD. . IN KVKItT I'lTY ANOTOWNIN ' the state of Nebraska , acilro nion to represent nn pastern llfo company , "plan easy ID work. ' and .o energetic men good pay guaranteed. AddroM I. F'ollll , special ngont , room Id lleo building , Omaha. M4UI _ " "r AOKNTH WANTKD. KlTHKll 8B.V , TO CAN- I vans for Iho set or Clnuss llreail , Oako an1 ! Par- n KnlTcii nlso claim Cnrver ; 1M per cent pronti outfit free. I'lnuts Shear Co. , box SOUK. Knnini : ity. Mo. MMI- * WANTED TO BENT" WANTKD , IIV TWO HI Nil Iii : OKNTLKMKN , a lar e noutli or east front room with board , conlrnlljr located ! mutt bo on or nenr car lines references exchanged. II. M. Cbamberlln. I'nrlUo Kxpicss Co. , UJI Hamey at. HI 31' K -WANTKl ) . 2 OH 3 FUIINISHK I HOOMS ITOlt Unlit housekeeping no children muft b > - In KOUI ] locntlun , bent of Omntm references. Address until Wednesday , January 25 , W57 Deoonico. ' -WINTED.7O118-HOOM HOU3K AND I.AHOIC barn near VUth and Farnam , bjr rospon ilblo mrly. Address X 3 , Ueo. M4IJJ 24 * _ J < WAJiTKD. FUHNI9HKD HOOM IN I'lllVATH family , by gentleman ; state price. Address "X S , " HOB. JI5IH 23- STORAGE. M -STOIIAUK C1IKAT. CLKANV131,1.8 , III ) Farnam street. 715 M-DON'T 8TOIIK UOUSKHOLD (1OODS WITH- out seeing our sturnire department. It Is the best. Omaha Mora llepalr Works , 13JT Douglas. WANTED TO BUY. N-WASTHD TO 1IUV. SO.MK 8 PKH CKNT llrst mortgages. Hood A Solby , 3JI DoruJ Trada. 711 ! T-KIIIST MOUTUACK * ON (1OOI ) IUCAI. KS t Into. H. A. Arnold , Ml 1103 building. M7IJ J'-600,000 U3ED STAMPS. 1IOX 031 , CITY. M2W K13 \r WANTKD , A SKCOND-HAND KLKVATOH , 1 > largo cnoiish to raise u fnrm vratton. N. II. Frlcton , Jonsrn , Neb. XI 23 FOR SALE FUBNITUBE. 0-I-OU 8ALB , AT LKS8 THAN HAI.F ITS vnlue. the furniture of an B-room house : orery thing In goo < l order ; house for rent , gas , furnace hent and bath. At 11124 Form in street. SU3-31 * 0-KOll SALK , KUUNlTUllKOKD-ltOO.M I1OUSK , In good order , less than half ralue. House for rent ; furnaces ; modem conrcnlcnces : good largo barn , Inquire 241U > . 25th St. , second house tnortb of Maple street. M4UJ 21 * FOBSALE HOBSES , WAGONS.ETO p-KOll SALK. A NKAIlf/V NKW I'OUIILH L spring express wagon , horsa , harness and buggy ; nlso n nearly now set of oronmory tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , Howe scale , truck , eta. , all will bo sold ntncronsacrlflcj. . Address ( } . II. Tischuck , Ilooonico. or call at .1M7 Mlama street , where goods can bo seen. MOM P-FOIl SALK , 3 KLKOANT DIUV1NG 11OHSK9. Jluit be sold at once. Fidelity I.onn Guarantee Co. , room \Vlthnoll blk. S'.U FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q FOIt BALK , CI1KAI1 , . A iU-IIOUSIC 1'OWICIl automatic engine : also onel honio povrer up right engine , both In good repair. Inquire of Kost ; ncr I'rlntlng Co. , 1307 Howard street , Omaha , Nob. 717 Q THK 9TANDAHI ) CATTI.K CO. HAS CONstantly - stantly on band baled liar , fur sale on track at Ames. Neb. M.WJ / \-KvIl SALK. THK HIlinK THAT IS TAKEN W out of the County hospital. Inquire of the foreman at the hospital. Q -KOH SALK , TVI'KWHITKH , HKVINOTON No. 2 , for (50.00. J. U. Haynes , lice unico. .M0 Q .10 JKUHKV COWS AND HKIFKllS , OONANrt , best family In America , pretty cnouizti for rich man's lawn ; good enough for milkman's dairy : all ages colors and grades ; price , Ml.1 * ) to (75.UO. John Q. Fisher , Klkhorn. Nob. iU04 Sl MISCELLANEOUS. T IlAVB YOUil OLD CAlll'KT WOVKN INTO JX beautlful rugs. Address Omaha Carpet nnd Hue factory , 1531 LoHvenworth street. Mti04 J 24' - | > -WANTKl ) . TO UOItllOW li.mtt TO 15,000 ON JAbrlck building , good security. Address WM , lleo olllco. 401 tit CLAIRVOYANTS. S - . NA.NNIK V. WAllltBN , CLA1HVOVANT , reliable ; business mediumfifth year at 113 K. loth , 718 S-MllS.DH.M.LKOItAVE , PHOI'HSTKSS , DKAD trance clalrroyant and life roadur ; tolls your llfo from cradle to grave ; can Do consulted on alt ntTalrsof llfo : has the celebrated Kgyptlan breast plate to unite tbe separated and cause marrlagj wjtb ono you lore. Come one , o ma all nnd bo con vinced of her rtmarkabla powers. Olllco and resi dence 417 8. llth St. , hours 9a.m. to U p. m , Strict llfo chart and pboto of your future wife or hus band tent Ihrougb mall for 15.00 , chart alone $7.01 All letters containing 4 cunts In stamps promptly answered. E41-F2 * S-KNOWLKDOB 13 POWKU. CONSULT Prof , and Mme. Arnold , business clair voyants , palmlsti and astrologers , bare world wide reputation for tholr mar velous and wonderful power In reading the past , unveiling the future , give Indispensable ad vice , bringing success and happiness to thousands ; tolls the business you should follow for greatest success ; If your lover Is true nnJ Intends mar riage ; restores lost love ; removes family troubles and through their wondrous magic mirror show picture , tell name of the one you marry. Batls- faction glrcn. Consultation , II to (2 : full reading by mall , li ; send date of birth. Olllao 213 15th street , nenr Farnam , 2d lloor , room 4 , Hours 10 . m. to 8 p. ra. M387 27r ETC. rp MMK. CAtlSON , 1121 DOUGLAS BTllBRT , 3D -L tloor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. fp-MAIIAMB SMITH , 1324 CAPITOL AVKNUB , -Lroom 3 , 3d floor. Massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. 41527 * M'-MASSAOK THKATMKNT , KLKCTKO-THKK. -Lmal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlcur and chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost 3I5HB I5tbWlthnellblo' 414 k PEBSONALS. U P YOUNG LADV WANTS I'UI'ILS TO TKACU on the piano , IMSLoavenworth. 350 30 * U TWBLVECAUINKTI'HOTOS , SATIN FINISH , gilt edge cards , taken In any style (1.50 , formerly (4.0'J. for a short time only at Cowan's photo studio , 2123 Cumlng ; lull length , (1.00 ; open Sundays. M436 23' ' MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. V G. V. GKLLBN11KCK.DANJO TKACHKH , N.W. cor. 15th and Harney , Harnoy street entrance. 1)14 ) r-GKHMAN AND FllKNCU CLASSICS , 2MI Douglas. M34330 > MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. W P MONKV TO LOAN AT LOWKST HATKi The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Farnam street 72J \V LOANS ON IMl'HOVKD AND UNIMI'HOVBD < ' city property , I3.COO and upwards , G to 7 percent. No relays. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. . lith und Harney 7 JO r-C. V. UAllllISON , 813 N. V. LIKB. 731 \\r-MONEVTO LOAN-I HAVK AI10UT (4,000 ' ' to loan on Improved Omaha property , private funds. In ono or moro loans. Address T 10 , llea olllco. tui \V-MONBVTOLOANON OMAHA AND COUN ' ell Illuffs real estate and Nebraska and Iowa farms at from C to 7 per cent Interest , with no addi tional charges for commissions cr attorneys fees. W. U. Molklo , 1st Nat'l bank bldg , Omaha 70J irIONKV TO LOAN , SUM3 I50J.OO AND III * . > Geurgo I'aul. 1C05 Karnam. 11011 .127- \ TLOANS. . Q. O. WALLACB. 31 ] UIIOWN Jll.lf > 8U7 W-7 I'BH CKNT MONKV NET TO UOHItOWEIlS on Omaha city property. No extra charges ol any kind. Why pay lilgh rales' Money Is cheap. You can get fnll bonuiltof low rates from Globe Loan and Trust Co. , lUtu and Dodge. 7 \\r-MOHTGAGB LOANS LBSS THAN 7 I'Ell i cent. Including all charges. Charles W. llainey Omaha Nat. bank bldg. 721 W -1 AND3 YKAlt LOANS OX CITY AND FARM ; mortgages' Heed ASelby , 311 Hoard of Trada. 72J W MONKYTO LOAN AT IXiWKST HATKriONIM proved and unimproved real estate , ! to5years FldolltyTruit Co. , 17 Farnam st 70) " ' " l CA"lTl'LA'cK Lo"AlTa AT 1XIWKBT HATKH on business or other choice property In Omaha Loans of (2,500 to (50.UOO wanted for foreign parties. J. H , Wheeler , 417 Karbach block. M 32t ) ir-IAWEST 11ATKS. KIDIi.ITY T1IU8T COM. I pany , 170 ? Karnum strcut. 721 \r-JIONKY TO LOAN ON IMIMIOVKI ) CITY I property , low rate. A , C. frost , Doujlan blk. \\r-WANTKD AT ONCK , I/JANS ON IMIMIOVKI' 'i Omaha property ; low rates. Fidelity Truit company. 1704 Farnam st. 7U1 \\r-OM All A HA"vrNia "HANlT MAKES LOANS ' ' on real estate at lowest market rates. Loan made In small or lurgu sums for short or long tlmo , No commission IH charged and theloans an not sold In the east , but cm alirays be found a tbe bank on the corner of I3tli-und Douglas streets \\r-ANTIIONY IAAN ) ANDTIIUST Co. . : , I8 N , V l > Life , lends allow rales for cliolco snourlty on Nebraska or IOWA farms or Omaha city properly. \\r T'ltIVATK IONKV. 1ST AND Jl > MOIlTUAa'l < > loans , low ratos. AloxMooru , lieu bid/ , 73J \ \ -CKNTHAL LOAN i THUST CO. UKB 11LDG AV-WANTKD. I/AN8 , HOUSKd TO HKNT ANI Insurance solicitor. G o. W. I' . Coates , 161 Farnam , MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. r DO YOU WANT MU.NRVI TUB FIDKI.ITV LOAN OtTAHANrKU CO , IUMIM I. WITIINKLI. 1IUCK. JI8S SOUTH 15TII. IXm.NKIl IIAIINRYRT. WILL \ LOAN . . „ , „ , , SUM \ LAnan I-BOM \ TBN VH MAKK UANS UN rilllNITUIIK , IIOIISKS , ! AU1UAIK8 WAItlClIOlMK ' ' , UKCKIIM'H Oil 1'Kll' O.NAl.t'HOPKHTY OK ANY KIND. f TOO / WILL / DO WBLL / TO / CALL /ON /ua rnisi / rou. / OUH TKIIMH WILL MKKT YUUIt AI'I'KOVAIt oilcan pujr the money back nt tuiy time and In ny amoHnt you wlih , and thus reduce Iho coitut arrrlnit tlio loan In proportion to amount juu par. IK YoUotrn abalanco on your furnlturnor other emonal property of nny kind , wo will pay It off for on and carry It as lontf its you doilro. YOV OAN I1AVK YOUll MO.NKY IN ONK 110UII 110MT1IKT1MK YOU MAKK Al'l'HCATIO.V. Ko publicity or rumovnl of property , so that you et the i o or both raonoy and property. You will also find us In from 7 to V p. m. 731 X -CALL AT TUB OFF1CK Of : OMAHA MOllTdAUK LOAN CO. : : INCOIU'OKATICI ) , : IP YO if 'W A NT M li.N It v ! Von can borrow on HOUSEHOLD Kim.MTIJUB nNI ) PIANOS , IIOU.-MS , WAOO.NH AND CAimiAc/t-i , WA1IKIIOUBK ItnOICII'TH. llr.UCIIA.MJIiK OH AN f OTIIKII SKCUIHTV. Wo trill lend you nny amount from III ) 00 to 11.000 ONTI1I DAY YOU ASK POU IT , TOlthnnt publicity or remurnl of property. You can pay thu money back In uny amount * yon nlsh. nnd at nny time , and each pnymoatsa made Till reduce the cost of the loan. Uoniombcr that you have the usjof both the property and the money , and pay for 1C only i lotik'asyoukeep It. There will be no oxpensi or cherie kept out of the amount wnntad , but you will rooolvJ the full amount of the loan. ncfore borrowing elsewhere nnll nnd POO us nnd yon will Hnd llureatly to your advantaii ) . OMAHA MOUTvlAIJK. LOAN CO , H-W SOUTH I8TH HTHKKT , first lloor ubovo the street , THBOLDKST. LAHOKSr AND ONLY INCOIt- 1'OHATHD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. V SI'IICIAI.LY LOW IIATKS ON -tv horses or any good seeurlty. 30 , dO or HO days quity Chattel company , room2U7 Omaha Natlnua bank. .M423 W -MONKY-SO , CO. PO DAYS. CHKAP IIATRB and eaiy payments , on furniture , pianos , II lock , etc. , ffitiiout delay or publicity , cash on mud. Duff Uroon , room 8 , Harbor bliick. 73d r-l'UlrCllAUI ) 61 DOUGLAS lll.lv. 1U Ii DOI1CH . 7J7 X-WILL LOAN MON1SY ON ANY KIND OF 8K- curllj ; strictly coulldontlal A. K. Harris , 2'JJ Ivarback block. 7ui BUSINESS CHANCES. Y' TI1 WKSTKIIN lIUStNKt'S AdKNCY. .11(1 ( N. " Y. Llfo , conducts a general buslnosi exchange. .1st of good business chiiiices In all part * of the country on application , lluslness positions so cured. M73H31 Y'-KOIl SALK , HKTAIL MKAT MAItKIST ; Hrst-class locatlou : cash sales 125 per day. Ad dress W 7 , lice. .M910 - 'OIt SALIC ( Oil THADIS , iTFoCK DUY goods and millinery. Involco fl.OOU or fl.700. Address llox liil. llcnodlct. Neb. M.1I3 : JJ- T-KOll SALK , AN OLD KVTAKLISHKD ( JKO- L eery store , stock about S.t.&UO , doing n splendid luslncas , located In cine of the best towns of No- irnsks , II. li .M. construction and repair chops .hero ; reasons for selling , have morn Important ntcrcst In nnothcr town. Address W 43 , llee. .M3.VJ 24' Y-fMO KOIl t > NK ( ) ! ' Till ! 11H3T 1'AVINC OKKICK businesses In ( malm ; owner tiitut lenvo city muiedlatoly. Addrena WS2 , lleo. JIII3I U' \r-KOU SALK , ( iOOl ) NKW IIOTKL AND K1MNI- 1 turo. Uood trndu established , part cash and nsy payments. Address , The Graud , Itandolph , owa. 4J4-2h Y'-l'Oll 8ALB , STOCK GBNKUAL MKHCHAN. disc ; good location nnd room : object selling , 111 lonlth. Address Carpenter A Dcmnrs , Cnmpboll , Neb. . M427 27 -TOI * BALIS , THK KUUNITU11K AND K1X- turcs of ono of the best paying hotels In South Omnun. A bar attached doing a largo business. In vestigate. Address C. K. Kooto , 32tl 26th et. , South Omaha. JIM ) 24 Y WANTKl ) I'UIIOHASKIIS KOIl ALL OU ANV part of f.5,000 In flrst uiortgugo loans ; nd- dress X 4 lleo. M WJI 23 > vr-FOU SALE , A.fZ.TO STOCK OK HAIUIWAHE X and harness ; cash Halo ; reason for selling , must get out of business on account of poor health. Address I * . II. Munson , Orleans , Neb. AI00720 * V WANTKl ) , I'AIITNKH IN WKLL KSTAI1- 1 llshcd business clearing (250 to I40i ) per month Must bo capable of handling cnsb , nnd not over 45 years of aue. Small cnpltal and good opportunity to right party. Address or call llroenshlelds Nicholson , Ml llrondway , Council llluffn. la. .M.W7-24 * FOB EXCHANGE. ry-CLKAU OMAHA URAL HHTATK FOK MD3K. , fjactual valiintlon. Money to loan. Uox6l3.Omaba. 7.13 V-1OWN 1UO KAHMS IN NKllltABKA , KANSAS * -l & Dakota- Will sell cboap , or exchange for mdse , horses & cattle. Add. box 70 , Frankfort. Ind. 775 Z CLKAN 8TOCKOF OKNKIIAI. M'D'S'K : WILL take real estate & money , llox 2'J3 , Frankfort Ind. 775 z Foil SALH , IMI'LIEMKNT STOCK AT l.MO f-lgoao. Address T. J. llogort , luiogono , la. 874 K.V Z W1LLTHADM OMCAH LOT ! AT MANITOU , -l Colo. , for clear Nubraska land or good equities. Address B. J. Itlcbards , liox lUUi , Oonvor , Colo. MIM t"9 Z-4SO ACHK8 OP CLKAlt LAND IN ONB Of the best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ex- Changs for 10 or 20 ncro tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay cash difference Ig property Is cood. Address , giving price and location , u 26 , Iloe onice. 2J5 y-FIUBT MOHTOAGK AND CLKAll O.MAIIA ' - property to trade for good , clear Nebraska land : also business building , clear and runted , In good Nebraska town of 1.500 population , for land. 80 acres In Wisconsin , clear , for OniHm lots or acre property. Williams & JHttan , Mcfaguo building , opposite postotllco. 4M23 V-TO KXCHANOK , STOCK OK CLOTHING AND 'Jfurnishings , only 3 years old , for an Improved farm , H land , balnnco cusb. Stock Invoices f lU.OOO , at the county seat of ono of the best counties In the blue grass region of Iowa. Address F , N. Hill , Sidney , la. M4C7 23 y HllICK PLANING MILL , 44X100 ; KNGINIi , 'Jboller nnd machinery In excellent condition. First-class opening for a good man , plenty of work In town of 12,000 nnd largo tributary country to draw on. best of railroad facilities In all directions , nuclness will pay from start , work waiting. Owner Is architect and cannot attend to It. I'rlco f7.01XJ. Mortgage (3,00 > } In Uulldlng and Loun association. Will trade equity for good lands. Write James o West , Grand Island , Nob. MIUI 'U' y 320 ACHKS OK LAND IN FHONTIKH COUNTY ' -Jand 1U > acres In Kurilao county , Nebraska , to exchange for horsus , cattle , general merchandise or groceries. Wo have for sale on easy terms a farm or ranclio , 737 acres , four miles east of Cam bridge , and a tract of 800 acres three miles weit of Cambrldgo , Wrlto to John & Lose , Cambridge Neb. , for description and price. .Mi'Jl 2S' FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. RKAT KSTATB. Iturgalns only. My word Is good. W. G , Albright. 621-2-3 New York Life. 740 FOK SALK-WK OKFElt A KULL LOT AT TTII and Arbor sts. , right for grade , for (150 ; worth twice that. Also n big bargain In South Omaha property , a (1,400 lot for Jti'X ) , 10x150. Fidelity Trust Co. , I70J Farnam. 117J-27 1 > KTTKKTHAN A HAVINGB HANK , DKI'OSIT IJa small amount each month with us and seonrt n nice home of six rooms , city water and large lot. one block from motor In founder * , v lllmo baugli's addition to Walnut Hill , for ( l.MO ; or wo can sell you a lot 53x140 In this addition from tut. . to ( l.bOO. In our Mount 1'lcasnni addition , which li on the motor line , you can got a bargain at fiUO and In Highland Park (300 buys a good lot. Com pare tlie o prices with those of surrounding prop erty and you will then see wliat bargain ) woaro offering , llemomher , small monthly payments are all that nro necessary. Omaha Iteal Kstato and Trust Co. , room 4 , lion building. M433 21 WE IIAVK ONK OH1 THK IIUST KAHMS IN Donglas county only ton miles from Omaha , a M per acre. Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Co. room 4 , Ueo building. MIS.1 21 DO VOtTwANT A * NICK HOUSK KOIl WHAT you are now paying rent , and still not live In tlio suburbs. G , M. Nuttlngor , Chamoor of t' i ruerce. IJ3-FIO l.MU ALK-OVKinTOW FlNB IOWA AND NK ' X' braska farms , many oicallent bargains , lam rapidly advancing , 110 W to 143.OU per ncru now. Col for paitlculars Hoggs & Hill , ItlH Furnam st. st.fc'.ia fc'.ia Fl \\TK OKKI3H TUB FOLIXJWING IlKSCItlllKI property on monthly payment * of f 10 each It Is all desirable , and the prices are dirt cheap a an all-cash figure ; Good corner , Uth and Sprncuo , (450. Corner , 10th and Dominion , walkt , etc. . IV/1. Uno corner , Maker I'laco , on car lino. IJW. South front lot , . rchard Hill , (700. Valuabla Walnut Hill lot. I1JXX ) , Elegant corner , c'lorcrdulo , two lots , (1,203. Kt-ie 4-r cottage , barn , etc. , Howard street , (1,500. No trouble or expense to show this properly. Iteruombcr that In our elegant now addition o Avondale 1'ark you can secure n beautiful modern home wltliln tlio mile limit for ( J.Uuo to II.WW. Udollty Trust company , 170J Fnrnam. M40S Kl _ PIIOICI ? lulldAI.NH IN BOUTII OMAHA HKAI _ vvoitate. The Midway Investment Co. . 717 N , V I.lfebldg. 11178 FIO IV UNKQUALKI ) 7 UOOM HOIIBIC , AIJjO FLAT -1 'iteam hrat , all modern Imurovenionti. Tliai block,24rd aad Uunnpuititrtiuts. 4I7-.U' L03T. LOST-A A I'AIU Of 1'I.KAHU learn at lloo rountlnc room LOST-IKJHT 1 MOUSKLOLOUKIXIIIAvlOtm Upturn to John \Mlhnell. sr.JAH hnrnmnut andree lroreitard. 411) v SnOBTHAND AND TYPEWIUTINO. MA11A COU.KdKOKiUIOHTIIANI ) ANIITVPK 0 tiling , A. C , OtiK. A. M. . ptlii , llor < r > tlicntor Mltr.tJ' COSTUMES. APlW AND HUNTS' MASQL'ICUAUK -I tunics for tent nl 1U 8. ICth , DEN SM ORE The Best in the World. MAOEATH STATIONERY CO. 304 Pftniam St. , - Omnlm , Note "IraproYemant tin Order ol tii3 A ] } . " ' A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing lint will dci umstrnto all wn claim. Wo will iilncn th Smith 1'romlor bosldo any writing machine on the murKot ; It will speak for It self. self.Us Us durability can nn longnr to qmmlnnal Wrltoor cull onus for catalogue , tornis. etuI I Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , Omaha , Neb Tnlitpliono 1UHI. K. II. MAYI1KW. Mnnncor. PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Bco Building : , Omaha , Neb lyenrsKxnmlnorsU. S. I'nt.onico. Advloo free Omaha's Newasl Hotel COR. 12TH ANO HOWA3D < 0 Rooms nt $3,50 per dnf. to Kooms nt fl.OU per day. CO Kronii null linth nt W.03 per day. CO llooms with Hath ntfJ.oO to $4.6 ] par d > y. OPENED 1st Modern In Kvnry Kospnct. . Keivly l''urul > lioit ThronclioaU C. S. ERB. Prop. AND LOST VITALITY weakness , etc. , permanently cured In men , I wlllscnd ( sealed ) FKKU the receipt that , cured nio when everything else failed. Address WWm.aJVijTLKU , llox 147 , Marshal , Mich. 1'roponnls for Iloiuuliiry Survey nnd Moilu * innnt * . DEPAIITMKNTOPTIIE INTICIUOR , ) Giinernl Lnnd Ullluo , > WASHINOTON , I ) . O. , Doccinbor i3 ! , ' 93. ) Senlod proposals will bo received at tlio gen eral land olllcu , WusliliiKlon , I ) . ( . ' . . until 3 o'clock p. ni. on Saturday , tlio 28tli day of January , 1893 , for tliu wirvoy nnd nmrliliiR by Hiillablo inonniiiontM , of that portion of thu boundary line botwcun tlio Rtato of NolinisUn nnd tlio htntu of South Dakota \rhlch lies west of thu Missouri river , as authorI/.Rd t y tliu act of conprvHi , npin-ovcd August 5 , 1H9U , i upproprlatlon forsurvoyliiR' thu ipubllc lands , I'uiniililet Otntutos nt IjitrRi ) , 1801-1002,1) ) . 370 ; nlso for the f nrnlshlni ; of Htono iimnuinuutH'to ! H ) placed nt linlf-nillu Intervals on Hald boun dary , The bids fur the survey and for the iiioiiiiiiicnt.s must lie reparuto , with tlio privi lege to Iho bidder that If hu In not awarded tlio contract for both hu will bn bound to ron- ract foriutlther. ( oplu.sof the < i > eclllcnllon.4 may bo had upon application to this olllco. Kach bid must Im accompanied by u certified check for f&OU. TJie rlKht to rujoct nny und all bids Is reserved , 1'roposals must bo unclosed In mivolopcs sculcil and marked "I'loposuls for mirvoy of Ixmiiilnry between Nebraska and South Dakota , " nnd "I'mposalH for boundary monuiucnts , " nnd addruxhucl to tliu Commis sioner of the General Laud Oillco. Washing ton. I ) . < J. W. M. STUNK , [ Signed , ] Commissioner. (1J3 lilt