Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1893, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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New Features of .Importance Not Very
Plenty in Jobbing Circles ,
Nnney Not Clreul.itliifr nil Trrrly In the
Country Mrrehnntft Commencing to A k
for Intrusion * Tin ) U'rok la tlio
Trodiicc MnrkctH.
Tlio wcrlt Just closed lias not been very
productive of new featuicsn-j regards the
wholesale trade of Omaha. The volume of
business continues very satisfactory and
fully up touhut HIM untlclpatcd for this
month ,
A j car ngo nt this tlmo the Jobbers were
lminjf a very heavy trade and for that rea
son the incicaso over last year Is not so very
Krcat , At the sumo tlmo the general condi
tion of trade Is hotter than It was a jcar
a < o
As noted a week ngo money does not
nppoar to bo ns plentj In the country as It
\\us earlier In the u Inter. Sono retail
( k'.ih'is ate comintncliiK to complain that the
farmers do not have nnj too much money
nml tire not paying their bills ns piomptly as
they \vcio. This pi events the country
merchants from being us prompt as ut one
time , and some of the local Jobbers : ire not
ing that they tuo locehlng moro ap
plications for nn extension of time
Just why the fnrm.pts nhuuld bo short ,
of money ut this tirno Is no very easy mutter
to suy They had u huge crop last \car und
according to all accounts there Is still ucry
largo amount of last year's wop remaining
inthocounto unsold. Almostcver.\ thing that
the farmer hns to sell Is bringing high prices
C'Jin brings u fair price vvhilo hogs aic
enotmouslj high. 1'oultryi eggs , butter and
In fart about everything in the \\s\y of f-win
pioduco Is bringing moro money tlrin usual
If It Is true , us cl.iimrd , that the farmers arc
Btlll holding u peed deal of their produce It ,
would seem that there should
.tightness In monc in the country.
Comincu Inl Conditions ( lood.
There Is ono thing to bo taken Into consid
eration , hovv over ul'ilcesof Into htiM3 Dccn
advancing nml It Is \vellkno\n fact that
tlio fin mcis do not sell vv hen the market is
on the upgrade. Ihey usually wait until
the tophus been i cached nml the downhill
com so commenced , then they rush cveiy-
thlng to market. Homo nsscrt that the
fnuners nro doing that very thing nt the
pie.scnt time , und that that is the reason for
money not being any moro plenty In the
country. A ictuil deulcr , who was In the
other day , iwnnrkcd that some of the
fanners In his section \veio sa\ing that they
would hold their hogs until the market
touched ? 8 In the meantime they .no forced
to 'stand off" tlio mciclmnts
Fiom this it must not bo Inferred that
conditions In the countij nto not f.ilrl.v good ,
for they ate More than that the indica
tionsould scorn to point to u continuance of
n toinpaiathely good trade in all lines for
some time to come. If it is trtto thnt the
fin met s mo making money u llttlo clo&o Just
ut Piesent hj holding h.ii k their crops thej
will have Just that much more when the do
sell their produce.
Iheio Is not much to offer on the subject
of the retail trade In Omaha Merchants
Renciully uro reporting u fair trade for the
season and antklpato u icasonubl good
trudo for the coming spt ing A good many
mo pi diluting an cuily opening of the build
ing operations in the spring and plenty of
work for l.iboreis. If their predictions nio
lealized the retuil trade of the city must bo
good. The fetulleis generally uio expiess-
ing the hope that public works will bo
commenced us soon ns tUo weather will
permit and not bo 'lelujed ns last season.
In the I'roiliun World.
The produce murket during the past week
hns not been Ithout interest , although the
conditions dining the llrst few du.vs were
practically only n continuance of what wns
already In existence before the close of the
vrcuk bofoie. Tlio most tiotlccablo lentuies
during the curly part of the week were light
receipts , high prices , a moderate demand and
a consequent slow movement of stocks. The
receipts nud demand were so evenly bal
anced thut thcrj was no surplus and the
arrivals of each any w ere cleaned up before
the closo. In this respect the market may
ho said to hn\.o been In n satisfactory condi
tion , but the pi lies were so high on most
kinds of produce thut the consumption wns
limited to tha least amount possible , thus
milking y dull mm kct , which Is no\er satis
factory to the dealer. As the high prices
were consequent Ux | > n continued cold
weather und light icccipts It wns antici
pated that a warm spell would break the
market. The long looked for warm spell put
Itj nn uppcarnnco on Friday and the egg
mm kct went to pieces hi short order.
The condition of the egg mm kct during
the past week or two , forms an Interesting
chuptor in the produce market uhd ono that
him been commented on very largely In nil
parts of the country. The advance hns not
been con lined to any locality , but has been
general nil o\er the whole country , oust ns
well ns west. Such un advance has not been
known for jeursnnd prices have not only
touched an unusually high point , but they
hu\o lomnlneil nt thnt point for some time
bofoio breaking.
In other lines of produce not much
to bo said. Poultry lias been rather scarce ,
and the prices very satisfactory. In fact
prices have been most too high to stimulate
consumption. Tneto has been no game on
the market to speak of. The w e.uher has
evidently been too cold for the huntoia to
ventuio out In quest of It.
Mutter which Is , as n rulo.cry plenty In
this market hns been following the.example
ot other lines of produce , and lias been grow
ing moro scurco of lute. Prices have uccord-
ingly advanced somewhat.
The so\cro ( .old wenthcr hns naturally
> acted as a banicr to the shipment of fruits
or vegetables to any great extent. In some
mutkctstho losses from freezing hn\o been
quito severe , though Omaha has been moro
fortunate In thnj icspcct.
Oinuliu Hunk Clearings.
Again the clcnrings of the banks of this
city show u largo gain over last j enr , w hich .
can not help but bo gratifying to every well-
wisher of Omnhn. There is also n heivy
puln ns computed w ith previous weeks. The
largest clearings for any ono week In Decem
ber wns for the week ending on the 17th ,
when the total was $7OTllX ! > l 111. As this
was the week that included n largo projKir-
tlon of the Christmas trading , It wus only
natural to expect thnt It would provo to bo
tlio highest point of the cleat Ings record for
some tlmo to come , but It docs not prtno to
luuo been such. The llrst week In thu new
j ear distanced that record , nml each sul-so-
quent week hits made a still better showing.
As Diluted out a week ago commercial
operations cnn not bo credited with all the
puln , Huslncbs hns been \cr > sntlsfauton ,
but It hus not been suDlcluntly luigo In
Milumo to uciount for such a remarkably
largo Incicaso It was also stntcd thut bank
ers were nscrlblng the gain In clearings to
the Increased aethlty In real estate. This
proves to bo the correct \erslon of the mat
ter. Ono bank reK | > rts that it handled J500-
000 resulting fromrcnlestntc transfers. The
greater part of this amount Is duo to the
operations of the Kust Oninhn I-ind com
pany und the people working with them.
The following will show the clo.irlngs for
each dnj of thu past w eek us compared w Ith
totals for pre\ious weeks : I
Monday. . Jl.505,117.38
TucMlny. 1,103,475.40
Wednesday. . l.'J5llHH.OG )
Thursday 1.234.G44.67
1 rlday 1.3no,0oao ?
batuuhiy 1,705,317,0'
Total . 8,285,14007
Wool * i'mllnit January 14 . . 7.080,032.G3
v\eok ending January 7 . . . . , 7,2.14,427.01
JVeek ending Decembei 31. . . 6.810 , ( > 5Glt
Week cmllnc December 24 . . 0,7bO,174.23
: i : , IT ,
J/nt Week S.ttlafiirtory to Jobbers In
Ollu-r I.him.
W. II. Hoberson , manager of the Ouiaha
ofllco of K. O Dun A. Co , speaking of local
trade , si\s ; , :
"Tho week has been quite satisfactory to
local Jobbers , nearly all of whom say that
ealcs arc ahead of ono jear ago. However ,
except in staples , not n great dent Is expected
of the month Several Important lines nro not
soliciting trade j ctns ills between seasons
w Ith them Nothing has occurred , however ,
to make dealers less hopeful On the con-
tntr.v.atl the Incidents of the week and
month iwlnt to n verj active season.
"At the banks generally n fair demand
only for money Is reported. Two of the
larger Institutions say that llttlo Is dolmr
and two others report their funds well
lonned out. One of tno oldest bankers sajs
ho would bo glad to pick up ? 100,000 In good
loans. In most cases dciwslts are about the
same as last week. In OHO an Increase Is
noted and In another a considerable reduc
tion Is mentioned ,
"Thero has been moro talk than usual
about n new wholesale dry goods house but
unfortunately the talk Is about the only
thing encouraging connected with the mat
ter. It Is iwsalblo where there Is so much
smoke some tire must have been kindled , but
candor compels the statement at this Junc
ture that no option has been taken by any
wholesale dry goods linn upon any Inrgo
building In Omnha and no definite steps have
been taken by nny lai go linn looking to nn
early locution hero.
"It Is n well authenticated fact , however ,
that a largo eastern house hns begun negoti
ations fora four-story building on Douglas
street for a largo wholcsile and retail con
cern and It will probably be settled this
week whetheror not the building will bo
"In retail circles trade has been Inactive ,
onlj the forced sales attract attention The
extent of lastjear's trade , howe\er , Is not
fulli appreciated. One of the retail clothing
houses report sales of 000,000 and It is
known that other establishments Tune done
fully ns much.
"Speaking of mail eiders a letail mer-
chnnt surptised mo tliu other day with the
Infounntion that ho sold $100 000 worth of
goods outside of Omaha In this way duting
"Heal estate Is quiet , but Inquhles for
i psideiico properties are reported bi several
actlvo ngents
"Tho Manufacturers and Consumers asso
ciation should be encouraged in its efloits
for another exhibit of Nebrnskn factory pio-
ducts The exhibit of last jearvns u very
valuiblo niUeit'.seincnt of Nebraska und
helped the home industry movement
gieutly. "
VV'Iml tlio brlliTH of Oiniiliii Dirt Are Doing
und ' 1 Milling About.
The transactions of the teal estate men
aic swelling the dealings of Omaha very
Council Bluffs Is coinim ? in for some of the
honuilts derived from the operations of the
Hast Omaha Laud company Hovcial trans
fers of real estate in Kast Omaha were filed
over there dm ing tlio past week.
About $1,000,000 worth of real estate has
changed hands ns a result of the bridgo-
building operations and other improvements
In Knst Omaha.
"Thcionio tnoio talkers than biijers" is
the wuj u icul estate mun sums up the local
Theio Is no denying the fact that there Is
u much hotter fooling in real estate
circles. 'Confidence in the future values
of Omaha property is becominR sti Oliver
and there is a growing desire among
people \vlth idle capital to invest their
money in property At piesent the demand
Is largely In tlio diiection of peed houses ami
lots or good lots for icsidcnccs it appears
to bo the better class of propel ty that Is
wanted It is also said that theio is quito a
little stir hi business property. As jet not
mm h has i OHIO of It moie than talk , but it
isiumored that there at o some fairly Rood
deals on hand that may bo consummated be
fore muni moro weeks roll around.
It is n noticeable fact that people who
have propertv nndnic in a jiositioii to hold
it are not willing to take much less tli'in tlio
actual value of the property for the meio
sake of making a sale In other words
there is no scramble to sell , but Instead , un
inclination to hold lor further advances.
Occasionally a pai ty is found who for some
ica son is foi ceil to sell , and then It is possl-
blu to put something a little be.ovvthc actual
tual value. This goes to show- the strength
of tlio market and the confidence that
ovvtiers have In the futuic of the city.
"Tho opening up of spring will show
moro buildings commenced than for
several j cars , " said a prominent
couti actor. A good many plans
uro | Hing druw n and some have already been
completed. Both private residences and
business blocks ai eon the list. The stnto-
nicnt of the Pnxton & Vicrling hon works they bavo more contracts on hnnd ut
present than at any tlmo since Ibb'J shows
the temlenej In this matter. Annrcbltcct is
authority for the statement that a client of Ills
In the cast Is considering the advisability of
putting up a line building near Twentieth
nud Painum streets calculated for n hotel to
bo run on the Kuropcnn plan.
Rents arc said to bo a little firmer In
Omaha than a year ago. While there uro a
few vacant houses in the city there would
not appear to bo any moro than usual In
cities of the sUe of Omahn.
To the nverage beholder but little chnngo
in the retail business during the past icar
hns been noticed , but to the close observer
the usual trend of business westwnid during
iMli iscrv m.iiko I. Hetull houses aio mov
ing toward the lesldenco section in Omaha
ns in all western cities. Since January 1 ,
181)2. ) the following hnvo relocated fiom east
of Fifteenth stiect to west of Sixteenth
street' The American Savings bank , the
Hemington ' .typewriter company , the
Van Cott Jewelry company , J.
Ij. Welshuns Jc Co , the Los
Angeles Wlno company , , R. McClelland
& Co. , the Mutual Uescno Life association ,
S A. Crowe , A. 11. Wjlle , suteen secret so
cieties Into the Patterson block , seven sccict
societies into TUB Bii : building bull , besides
ninny ofllco tenants who have moved Into the
Now Yoik Life , Bnu building and Patterson
block The following ha\o located west of
their former loc.ition : The B. & M ticket
oftlcu , tliG Postal Telegraph company , the
Smith Piumlcr Typewriter company , the Fi
delity Trust company , the Columbus Buggy
company , the Nebraska sllht factory , the
city libiary and ait gallery.
The following mo coming soon : The
Omaha club , the Dewey & Stone company
nml Shlverlek fi Co. , nml many others thut
cannot be mentioned now , as they haio not
yet secured locations. But Just think of It ,
forty changes w cst In ono j ear , not counting
ofllco tenants and the large cloak house of O.
1C. Scollcl I and the largo restaurant of Ward
it Hopkins ! This is quito i record , and
that , too , in view of the ( act that owners of
ground west of Sixteenth stteet refuse to
build for tenants who projwso to remove
Irom lower Farnnm where such owners have
"A great effort should bo made by Omaha
people to get the eastern visitors to the
World's fair to takua run out heie , " said n
business man "Of the millions of eastern
vlsltois to Chicago wo should bo able to got
many thousands to comu out to Nebraska to
see the gteat American desert. Tilts can
best bo accomplished by judicious advertis
ing and low railroad rates Now is our op-
IHtrtuuity to show our country to the eastern
manVo can stund inspection fiom every
touilst who guts uwuy fiom the depot In
speaking of do ) > ots , tvould it not bo u peed
li ea to have our union dcx | > t painted before
next season's rush begins I I suggest black
as an appropriate color. "
Notes Concerning thu .Men Who .Italic the
Wheels ( in 'Hound.
The 1'oicko Candy company will move
from their present location to Howard street
between Fifteenth ami Sixteenth streets.
Tliu object Is to secure additional room made
necessary by tlio growth of the business
The stockholders of the Paxton ft Vlerllng
Iron works met last week and elected the
follow lug ofllcers for the ensuing : Pres
ident , \V. A. Paxton ; vice president , Uobert
Vlerllug ; secretary and treasurer , Louis
Vlorllng ; mannger , A. J. Vlerllug. The ill-
i-ectors are the same as the ofllcers with the
nddltionofW , A. Paxton , Jr. The annual
rc | > orts showed an Incicaso in the business
amounting to 14 percent over the previous
jear. Thu contracts on hand amount to
115,000 , thu largest nny tlmo since lb sy. The
directors will meet again at an early date to
examine Into plans looking toward substan
tial Improvements.
The ndvancu In the tallow market Is mak
ing things Interesting for the soap men.
They will have to make some lively motions
If they keep the soap market up with tal
Omaha hus as good n shirt factory ns any
city in thu countu , and still there nro some
business men who do not think enough of
the eltj's prosperity to patronize U. They
send out of town for shirts thnt nro made ,
many times , In smaller factories than thoj
ono In Omaha , and factories that nro not
capnbloof tutnlngout as good work ns can
be done here Some of these same business
men would make n great crj If any ono
should send out of the city for something In
their line.
The manufacturers must turn over n new
leaf and attend the meetings of their assocl-
alien hetlcr. They cannot expect the people
to take any Interest In the home patronage
movement , nor can they expect any news
paper to give up Its space to advocate homo
patronage , If the manufacturers themselves
do not take enough interest In the work to <
spend an hour once or twice In a month at
tending n meeting. The general excuse for
nonattendance of the meetings Is "too busy. "
That may he n good excuse , hut the pcoplo
may excuse their not patronising homo In
dustry on the same ground that they are
too busy to call for Nebraska made goods
The Orand Island Cigar company , which
vvas admitted to the Manufacturers associa
tion at the last meeting is said to bu the
Isrgcst factory in the state. They employ
forty-two pcoplo and sell goods not only in
Orand Island , but all over the west. They
take a great interest in tlio culture of to
bacco In Nebraska and believe that It will
become a greater thin ; ? for tlio state than
the beet sugar industry Tney have sam
ples of Ihua wrapper , raised nt Schujlcr.
that is pronounced superior in color and
quality , ft Is very line veined and burns
well , with a good flavor
Uccutur & Boogie. Grand Island mcr-
chanls , s ly that Oinaliu has become tlio best
shoo market In tlio west Besides having a
largo f.ictorj she lias n number of w holesalo
houses that carry very largo stocks and to-
pother present the best variety to bo found
In any market.
.Mr Uoserof Hoscrit Co , Grand Island ,
has just returned from ntilp to Michigan
and sujsthat In most of the small towns
that ho visited there were factories of some
kind Tlio omplojcs of these factories make
business good for the retail dealers and It
was u surprise to him to see the huge stocks
of goo Is that tlio meichants carried
( Juito n number of different inauufac-
turerb have icported that they have sold
bills of goods ns a result of the work 'of ' the
secietaryot the Munufacluiers association
out In the stuto. Kctail dealers generally
lecognUo the advantages to bo deilved fiom
patronising Nebraska munufuctmers and
when their attention Is called to the subject
thej seldom refuse to do what they can to
help develop the mauufac tut ing imlust lies of
the state
Secretary Holmes of the Munufactuicrs
association visited Bradshaw , Aurora and
Grand Island duilug the past week and dis
cussed homo patronage with the retail
eis Ho found them generally fiicndly to
the movement advocated by the association
In spite of the fact that home pationa
hns been talked for a jear and a half In
Omaha , there aio still a few meichants who
refuse to bo Inllueneed by It onljus compelled -
) polled by their customers People w ho are
trading icgularlj w Ith a dealer vv ho refuses
to earn home made goods in stock and onlj'
sends , out and fjuts enough to fill special or-
deis ought to change their patronage to
some other merchant
Omaha has only ono Homing mill , and still
there ate tetail moicliunts In this city who
do not cure enough about the prospeiitj-
their own city to carry this Hour In stock.
If 0110 of their customeis cannot be Induced
to buj' Minnesota Hour they will send out
and order ono sack for that paitieulur cus
tomer The beet WMJ to biing such mer
chants to time is to not onljgo somewhere
else for the Hour but for overj tiling else
The Buatrico Paving and Building Bilck
company furnished TU.OOO hollow tilu or lire-
proofing biick lor the now Krug biowcrj in
Dr. Mercer says tint it is time that Omaha
had an exposition building that she would
not bo ashamed of.
J. A. Gainer of the Indlanola Paint and
Ocher A\Iunufactuiing company was in the
city duung the past week He repot ts that
Omaha is a good customer of his company
They have at Indlanola a deposit of ochcr
tvventj'-tlueo feet In thickness , about a quar
ter of a mile hi width and two miles in length.
Tlio deposit is thirtj-live feet below the sur
face The ochcr comes from the mine in the
form of soft rock and is crushed A machine
called a pulveii/or crushes the ocher into a
line povvuer and blows the line particles into
the upper story of the building. All parti
cles that arotoocoaise to float In air aie
disc-aided When running at full blast they
furnish employment to twenty-live men.
riniim Inl Notes.
I'Anis , Jan. 21. Three per cent rentes , OCf
17'sC foi the account. '
Nhvv VOIIK , Jan. 21. dealings , $148,957-
008 ; balances , J8.577.020.
KAN\sCiTV , Mo , Jan 21. Clearings , II-
050,018 ; for thu week , $11,814,223.
I'niiAiipM'lllA , I'a. , Jan 21 Clearings$14-
418,008 ; balances' , $1,700,000. Money. Mi per
LOMIOV , Jan. 21. Amount of bullion gone
Into thu Hank of I'nglaml on balunco today ,
Mivii'iiis : , Tcnn. , Jan 21 Now York ex
change soiling at $1 50. dealings , & 33J.988 ;
balances , $111,055.
NLVV Oni.KArsS , la. , Jan. 21. Clearings , } 2-
080,482. Ntiw Vurk exchange coimnciclal ,
50c perl,000premlum , bunU , $ 1.50per $1,000
Pr. Loins , Mo. Jan. 21. Clearings , $4,211-
309 ; balances , $181,480 Money , ijulot at b7
per cint. I'\changu on Nun Yoik , 40250C
HOSTOV , Mass. , Jan. 21 Clearings , $10,487-
598 ; balances , $ -,581,304. Kale for money , 2'i
@ 3 percent. i\cliunKoon : Nu\v Yoik , par to
8c 'Ollllt. ' :
Nhw YouK.Jan. 21 [ Special Telegram to
Tun lit'i : . ] KM'lmiiKo was quoted as follows ;
Chicago , 3iSJ40c ) premium ; lloston , pur lo 80
discount ; St. I.onls , 4OIi50o premium ,
CINCINNATI , ( ) . , Jan. 21 Money , 45JO per.
cent ; New York evhamre , par to S5c pie-
mliim ( 'lunrliitts , ? Jf > 04,400 ; for the week ,
tlOG28,760 ; week I istyear. $15,078,850.
CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 21. t'le.iilnsfs $17,055-
C78 ; for the week , $108,035,085 ; against $88-
H35.710 foi tin ) coiieHpondlns week last vcar.
New Yoik c\chuiiRn30c to40o premium. Ster
ling o\chan e , steady ; sl\ty-day bills M.HG'i ;
demand , $4.88UMoney plentiful at U per
London I'limniial Koxlcvr.
[ Copurtulitcil 1SS3 liu Jnmfs Gimton llennctt. ]
LONDOV , , lnn 21 [ New York Herald C-iblo
Special to Tin : lU.n.l This has been quite n
busy day on the Stock exchange. Indian rupee
paper linproved' , per cent. 1'orelKii government
ment- securities have been moro or
less depre-jicrl. International stocks
have been Influenced by weakness on
continental bourses , more especially that of
Paris. A small di-cllim Is established In
Kjjyptlans , American , Portuguese , SpinNh
and some Turkish Issues. Theio has been con
siderable excitement In the market for Ameri
can railways , dealings having been very
active. It vuis noticed that dealings on the
part of the public weio on a larger scale than
fora IOIIK time pa-.t. In a few Instances prices
eased off slightly from their best points , clos
ing Ili-in at a general advance , including l'i
percent In Noithein I'aclllc preference , 1 per
cent In l.ako Shore , 4i pur cent
In Atlantic lht mortgage , and
> to " , per cent In otheis. ranadlan
11 lies ha\osho\v list reiict h In sympathy with
out alteration. Miscellaneous
securities have been very quiet. .Mining
shares have been \ciy llttlo dealt In , and
closed steady Money vvas again quito easy ;
short lo ins have been easily obtained at' ' per
cent. The discount market has also been
quiet. Three months'bills were quoted at 1U
to l' percent.
Xiivv York l > ry Gooilt
NIJVV VOIIK , Jan. 21 lluslness In dry goods
was very modeiuto In accord nice with the
Usual decieaso In the Nitiuduy demand ,
llleachtd goods and clothing woolens vveru thu
most actlvo fubilcs. Thu movement In the
latter gives some evidence of being prob
ably completed In the com so of another
week , but with the largest business
ever accomplished so early In the season In
fact , thu season's production will bu practi
cally sold up Cotton goods hav o hail consider
able Inquiry , but actual tiansautlons have
been modeiaeu on account of scarcity
of goods There Is some piospect thut
many articles will bu fuithor ad
vanced. Agents woiu pushing deliveries
as much as possible , und huvu been doing so
without catching upon thu ordurs In hand as
much as might ho supposed. Cotton goods
seem to bo sold up to April pretty generally ,
and home much beyond that. At the sumu
tlmu buyers dlsclosu many wants In sight.
Agents havu Hindu thu prlcu ot Simpson's In
digo blue prints 0'4C , but orders foi goods to
urrlvu aru taken " "
on thu"nutlvu" only ,
Kiiin > iin Cltj I.UK stork Mnrket.
KANSVS CITV , Mo. , Jan 21. CArn.n Un-
celots , 2,400 head : shipments , 1,600 head ;
shipping steers , * 4.U5i/,5 10 ; stockers und
Coders , < J.5tKif4 00.
lloiis U"cefpl ! < , 6hOO heads shipments ,
200 head ; market opened loftl5c hlKhur ,
closed weak , pint of gain lost. Extreme
ruiiBO. * 4.5twio75 ! ; hulk , * 7.45ft7 00.
Sllf.El1Itecelpts , 1OO head ; shipments , none ;
market dull , unchanged. .Muttons , t3.2&&t.0.
St. I.ouU I.UeMurk Mitrkrt.
lions-Hecelpti. 2,200 head ; shipments ,
4.20O ; market strong ; heavy , (7.'JO < i7GO ;
packing 17.0037.45 : fl ht..fO < a7.a5.
BiiEfl'-UccclptH , 1BO headshipments ; , none ;
market strong ; natives rutiuu , IJ.OO&&U ,
Wheat Traders Found a "New Sinker Tied
to That Cereal.
ProvMonn Opened I'lnU'/i'ml / Continued So
to the IIiul , ( lulnliijt' iMi Cent * In tlio
1'rlco of 1'ork1 At'ocks nml
CHICAOO , 111. , Jan. 21 , A new sinker was
tied to wheat today fear of the consequences
of making No. 1 northern tqulng a regular
dollv cry on contracts. The market was strong
at the opening und closed ut about mid-day's
range and about ? tc lower than on Iho day
Corn and outs averaged higher , but closed
without material change except that the Jan
uary deliveries In both closed at a nominal
advance , amounting to about Sfc for oats ami
! ( c for corn. Provisions opened Ilrm and con
tinued to the end , gaining lOc In thu prlco of
poik , 7'ic ' In laid , 5c lovvur in ribs.
Thoio was n llttlo show of strength at the
opening of thu unexpectedly strong cables ,
but thu feeling was followed by a selling cr.i/o ,
which quickly set prices olT. Though the ux-
ports from both coasts were considerably
laMer than u weuk ago and llradstreut's esti
mated that the amount In funnels' hands on
March 1 would not exceed 104,000.000 bu.
against 171,000,000 bu the s line time last
yeat , and estimated on thu visible supply
showing no Increuse with chances favoring a
small docieasu ; all this , taken In connection
with stiong cables , would naturally have
madu a llriu market , hut theio Is u
proposition which will uiob'ibly bu
voted on Monday , to make the guide of
No 1 northern deli voi able on contract. Many
In ( ho tiudu contend that this , which Is In
ferior to No. 2 , will foico bnyeis to taKe a
pooroi giade In settlement on contiacts than
can bu dollveied iindei thu piesent lilies ;
hencu It bud thu ulTtct of weakening prices.
In any uvent , whethi'i It Is us good us So 2 or
not , It will Inciousu thu siipplv ot contract
wheat , add to thu weUht thu bulls have to
cairy-somu say ' bu und fiiinlsh
the beats moiu ammunllloii Hencu It tended
to discouragement and was an active bear In-
Of cour c , the chunso can not nIToct the
tiades alieudy made , which h ive lobe settled
limit1 ! niesont uiles Ciidahy was said to
have sold a good do il ot wheat on the uirly
Hi unless and started Iho bieuk The opening
was about ) ( c to a c hlgliei , but pi lies de
clined with veiy few lluetimtfoiis lc , then uil-
vunced 'H' , eased olT , ami the closing was
about ' < lower than yestoidiiy for May , while
July closed about thu same as yesteiday. The
proposed change icgaidlng No 1 noithein Is
presumably In thu Inletest of thu Chicago ele
vator owneis , who uio blinking and dealing
thatgiadu. Thuoiltcomu of thu votuls doubt
In the corn crowd the absorption by P. V.
\Vhllo and others has alarmed shoits and
there HIIS good bujiiig. Tliu sharp tip-turn In
pi o visions also hxlped the maikot. 1'ilces
were somewhat governed by tlio action of
them Theiu weiu tiiimeious outside buying
orders at the opening and Initial tiades wuio
fiom ' 40 to V above thu llmil quotations of
jestcrday , and after soiling oil a fiuctlon ad
vanced fiom 4e to V , when wheat tinned
down and corn sympathised , selling ulTfiom
V to Sc , rallied fiom 'tc to ' ( c , afterwards
iuli'il easier and closed with a shadu advmice.
Theie was a modoiatu tiadu In oats and a
steady feeling picvalled , pilces foi May , In
which thu bulk of tliu tr.ulln , ' cenleied , being
confined lo Me range. Tim opening was ut ' c
advance and the close atio \ decline.
riieiocoiptsof hogs v/X'iu even smaller than
had been looked foi. Only 0,000 head weieio-
ported at the yurds today.t und for thu nuxt
week 130,000 head uio all.Jhat uio looked foi
Tiadlng'ln ptovislons vvus only modeiately
iictlv e at uiij time , und very chill foi thu most
put. > l
l.stlmated lecelpts Mr Monday : Wheat ,
J25 caiaj com , J35 earn ; oats , 180 cars , h.i ,
27,000 head.
Thu loading futures ranged as follirv-
AiiTici Is ori.v limn No.
January 73' '
May 78)1
July 78M
Corn No. 2
January IV f
Kcbru irr. ' ' 4114
May. . . . < ! < * ?
Onti.No 2-
Jnnuary SIM 81 31
l fbruary 813I ! 313IM
Mny . . . . . 35 } 3MS
January is no 19 TO la 60 13 r,7' ' 16. ' . . ' .
Mny . . . 19 W 1'J 1U 1800 13U7 18 VV4
January. . 1067H 10X ) 1U 85 10 IX ) 10 BQ
May 1U 73 1U 85 10 70 10 7J
Short Itlbs
January. . . n 67H 900 981
Mny ( MOW i ! 'I'll it " ' '
Cash ( jiiotutlons weiu as follows :
I'l.ouu Dull but dim : winter patents , J3.00
® 400 : wIntel stlaltsl.40ai.lJO } ) : ; spilngpit-
ents , * . ) .7.'n)4 ) 10 : spring stialts , $ J.75Q3.00 ;
bakers , $1.70 > S2.20.
WIIKM No. a bpilng , 73'4c ; No. 3 spring ,
C24i05'/c ' : No.2ied,73'ic.
COIIN No. i ! , 43'ic : No 3 , cash , 40' ' e.
Ovas No'J , 31c ; No. ! 2 whltu , f. o. b. , 35c ;
No. 3 white , 33'ic.
Kl CNo. . 'J , 54H)5c.
II UII.KV No. 2 , 05c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 45303c ;
No. 4 , f. o. I ) . , 30a45e.
I'l.\x bl KD No. 1 , 51.10.
TIMOTHY l'i line , II.OS.
1'niik Mess , pur bbl. , * 17.7D17.87'5 : lard ,
put 100 llw. , MO 00 ; short libs sides ( loose ) ,
if'J.9030 05 ; diy halted Mionldors ( bo\ed ) ,
if1) ) 87"SO10 00 ; shoi t clear sldus ( boxed ; , * 10.30
© 1040.
V.'IIISKY nistlllers' finished goods , per gal. ,
HiniAlis ITncbanged.
Tbd following weio the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Articles llUCOllltB
Hour , bbla 1000J 11000
Wheat , bu 101,000 14UOJ
Corn , bu 108,011) 7.MWO
0.1(6 , mi 1GJOJO 1I7.UOU
Kyc , bu iiUOJ 1000
Parley , bu rsouj ill OOl )
On thu Produce exchange toduv the butter
market vvaseasloi ; croamoiy , 2132c : daily ,
20jJ30c. 1'ggs , easier ; stilctly fiesh , llliCJ2c. (
Xevv York .Vlurkutn.
NEW Yomc , Jan. 21. ri.otm Hocclpls , 17.-
752 pkgs. ; oxiioits , 1,200 pkgs. Maikot dull
but generally steady , winter wheat , low
grudis , $ i > .lo < ft2.55 ; w Intel wheat , fair to
fancy , $2 55fi2.75 ; vvlntur wheat , patents ,
$3.85'i4.2. ' ? > , Minnesota clear , * 2 50 3.50 ; Min
nesota straights , $ _ ' .GO < < M 00 ; Minnesota n it-
en ts. $4.25(25 ( 00 ; r > o mixtures , * 2.0 ( > S3.0 ( ) .
Cmiv MEAL Dull but steady ; jullow , $2.75
G.2.b ( ) .
JlYK Nominal ; western , G2Q03c.
HAULM * Dull but Him ; wusturn , GOffiSOc ;
No. 2 Toionto , H5c.
llAHLir : JlAi.r Inactive ; wcstorn , 70382c ;
cltvmade , 81 0081.05.
\Vlll.AT Hecelpts , 4,050 bu. ; sales , 1,850-
000 bu futuies , 10,000 bu. spot , bpot
market Him , dull ; No 2 tod. In store and
elevator , 70Ua ( Oc ; alloat , BO'/fjHO'iC ' ; f o , h ,
70'itSl'c ( : ungraded led. 74HOc ; No 1
noithern , 314ftH4c ; No 1 haul , 883480c ; No.
2 northein , bl abCc ; No. 2 spring , 77'fi6 ' (
771ic. Options opened Ilrm and udvanced'440
a c on firmer cables with foreigners ami Wall
street buying , declined ' { © ' 'nC on local iculli-
Ing , advanced 'afi'iC on covering with late
3 15iMl54'itiosTn > > " 'at Hu'"Bc"
Cons Hecelpts , 11,200 bu ; exports , 49,041
bu ; sales , 340,000bu. futures , 20,000 bu spot.
SIKHS Hi in and scan' " ' ! No. 2,5i7Ic : In uluvator ;
543 Q55c ; No3 / | , 54&55c. Outlons
woiu moderately uctvoXhclilghur | on small
supplies and light receipts , closing dim ; 1'ub-
ruary. 5JJ4ft5lo , closing at 53'ic ; March ,
5334i ( 54o , closing at-u334Cj May , 535K 54c ,
closing ut 5i' c. '
OATS -Hecelpts , 50,70a-.bil. ; sales , 30,000 bu.
futuies , 17,000 bu. spot& pots dull but Ilrm.
Options dull and easier ; May , 30S&30 ] c ,
closing at 30 V : spot , Nirf 2 whlto , 43c ; No. 2
Chicago. 40c ; Nu 3 , 3Hc ; No 3 white , 41'i ©
41JiC ; mixed western , aO40ic ! ; whltu west-
urn , 41&4b'ic.
HAY Quiet and stciiilyi slilpplng , C5u ; good
lo choice , 75bc. ( ) , ,
Hoi's ralrdomiind ; steady ; state common
to choice. 20S2 lc ; l'a | tic coast , 20&21C.
HIDES 1 airly active Hint steady ; wet salted
New Orleans selecteif. 45 to 00 Ibs , 4i1 ! Gej
Texas selected , 50 ti > M ) Ibs. , 5@7c.
WOOL rirm and uctlvo ; domestic fleece , 27
© 32c ; pulled , 2OjJ32c ; Toxus. 17 21c.
I'OIIK Quiet ami stO'idy , old moss , J17.50a
17.76 ; new moss , J18.25iclb.75 ; extra , prlcu
nominal. Cut meats , Inuctlvu und Him ;
plcUled bellies , $11.00ail.25 ; jilckled shoul
ders , $18.00 ; pickled hams , $14.00 Middles ,
quiet und steady ; short clear , $10,50 , lml ,
quiet und stronger : western steam closed at
$11.20 hid ; sales , 250 tierces at $11.27 : options
sales , 750 tierces ; January , $12.27 ; I ebruury ,
$11 15S11.10. eltslngutll 15 ; Muy. $11.00.
ItUTTHi Moderate demand ; Ilrm ; western
dairy , 2ttfi25o ; creamery , 24a35c ; western
factory , 17 < it2Gc ; Klglu , 35u.
CiiEtsE-rirm ; fairly active ; part skims,4
Kiais Moderate demand ; firm ; receipts ,
2,125 packages ; western , fresh , 31)c. )
HICK Active , tlrmj domestic , fair to cxra ,
3'4Ji5 e : Japan , 4 < ii4 He.
.Voi.ANsp.g-rorcIgn , nominal ; Now Orleans
open kettle , good to choice , Urm , fairly autUo
at 2lxft3Gc.
bL'UU-Kawdull.flrinfalrrennlng,811.ieci ( :
centrifugals. 00 test , 3 7-HWic : retlncd
quiet ; steady ; off A,4 , © 4Sc ; mold A , 61-11
4t5'cstatulurd ; AillGia4 He ; confectioners
A , 4 7-lC ( 43tc ; cut loaf , 6 O-lCit&Kc ; crusheU
BR-lVr5lJci ( powneml , 4 lMViT5'.et ( ( Rrnnu-
lated 4 U.lGiit5oi , illH-i. 4 1 "'.i- ' ,
I'm l.iov bull , alxnit steady , American ,
I'll'l'l.ll Dull , st' < ndyilal < o , f 12,05
liKDQuiet1 domestli' , $ . ' ) H.I.
TIN -Him qulot ! Htralts , IJO.J3.
Ointlin I'Kiilnce Market.
The week closed with the egg nnrket the
. o t InterestlnB feature. Tliu mild weather
continuing on I rlday still fuitlier weakened
tliu market on eggs and did not harn u stimu
lating effect on other kinds of p-oduro us will
bo noted from the quotations given below As
n rule the market was dull and buyers ap
peared to bo following tliu policy of limiting
thelrpurchases us much as possible with the
apparent Idea that Ihu beginning of another
week would see still lower prices.
Ai'ir.Mstocks arc hold tit JJ.G02l.00 for
fair to choice stock.
11N \N t - Quoted at 12 OOIJ2.r ; > 0 per bunch.
MtHNs-ChoIco navy , | 2.00jl2 15
HUTTMl-Tliuro N u notlceablo fiilllnc off In
tliu receipts of butter In this market.Vlillo
thuro has been no great or very marked ad-
\anculntho market prices have been gradu
ally crawling up. ( lood p icklng stock Is going
at ICc and fair to good country toll at IHtift
JOo. Mrlctly fancy would bring net hups 203
'J-V , but theio Is not much of It to lie had
CU.UIY The greater poitlon of the celery
on the in irki t Is coining from Chicago , and Is
not ovetl ) choice. This Is the season of the
year , however , when fancy stock Is not ex
pected A few years ago It was unusual foi
celery to last until Match , but like everything
elsp , tliu season Is being intended and celeiy
Is now tobe bad at almost all seasons fiom
.mini . M-ctton of the country Celeiy Is quoted
on this maiUet at 40c
CAI.IMIIIMV Cuinvm' Owing to the high
pi Ices at which cabbage Is being hold In south-
cm California Iho arilvals hcio uio light.
CitvMil lililbs- Advices from eastern points
Indicate voiy light stocks und u tendency on
the part ot prices lo advance Hell and cheirj ,
iH.5Kft ! ) 00 ; boll and bugle ilOOOSlO.SO , jvt.
sov Capo Cod , JO 5O7J10 00.
KIKIS The mmKet was very quiet and what
s-iles woio made weio foi slnglocaso lotsonH.
The mild weather appealed to Increiiso the
I'onlldenceof bu > eis in lower prices und they
weto unwilling to buy only us compelled and
then inerolv to III ! thelt Immediate wantx. As
to pilces , overv commission dealer appeal ed to
have u price or his own and It Is hardly possible
tostatoJust what was the market. They all
agreed that 25c was enough to quotu the
market , and MHIIO woiu of the opinion that
oven that inIco would look high by the openIng -
Ing of next nook. J-ome aiu predicting a
speedv drop to 2Oc
( ! vvibMII ill i.ibblts , 75c ; Jacks , $1 50.
\v-Thu maiUet was unchanged "
0 50.
llmi.s-No 1 salted , 4'c ; No 2 , 31.40 ; Hint ,
Ho\rv ( lood while clover , 103200.
Mvl.uiv On U'l.s Unchanged at $000 per
NUT-S I.uigu hickory nuts , $1.05 : black wal
nuts , i 1 i5 !
PSIONS Home grown. $1 00 per bushel ;
Spanish. PIM eiato , ft 00j200. |
On .Mii.s-llrlghts medium sles , $3.25 for
single case lots , and M 00 for lots of five to ten
CUM.S ; ius ots aic 25c per case choapei. Adls-
counlof 2V on the box Isnlso made for extra
liu go 01 small sizes California navals , $4.25 ;
Ov STI.IIS ' 1 ho situ itlon remains unchanged
In theoystoi maikot. I'lIces hero i.ingo fiom
21V to4Jc pel can
I'ot'i.Tiiv-The urilvnls of chickens wore
moio and MocUs did not move oil qut.o !
so freely as they did Chickens were goneially
selling at bS'Jc ; tuiKoys , lUc ; geese and ducks ,
I'oi vrois Only small lots moving from
store. Western Nebraska stock Is quote I at
H5c ; I'tnli and Coloi.ulo , OOcSJl.OO ; choice
native , 7.V3HOC.
" wi I.T I'oi.vions There tire a few In the
market which are solllii' ; at j 1.50.
Vr\L-riio demand Is pretty good and nr-
ilvals generally are meeting with veiy leady
sale. Choice , byslOc ; largo und thin , Sjnic
] ll > IM. q IIHlhlN.
O II Mcltrldo has sold out his lustaurant at
J. A. * Siiow , mllllneiy and notions at Multi-
son , Is selling out
The Hastings Wall 1'apor and I'alnt com
pany have Hied aitlcles of Incoipoiatlon.
Saundi'is.l Mclveo , giocers at feidney , have
dissolved. Mr McKeu will contlnuu thu busi
H. H. Uonohiie , general merchandl-o at
Hendley , has been binned out ; insiunncu
Dmney A. H.MiJ.uiiln have succeeded H/ra
tuiilamln In thu meat market business ut
St. I. ociln Markets.
ST. Lotus. Mo. , Jan. 21. I'LOUH Easier.
Willvi 'fo under yesterday for options ;
cash , higher , GOc ; May , 70'e ; July , 75'8c.
COUN Same us jostorduy ; cash , 37c ; May ,
iij.c ; July , 44'c.
OAIS llettoi ; cash , 32ic ; May , 35c.
KYI : He'-1 "lOOc. but no sales.
H MILKY Quiet ; Minnesota , 51&58e.
HunKii Unchanged ; cieamery , 2531c ;
luliy , 18 < < i28c.
KOdS Unchanged ; lower at G7'Jc.
I'ltovisiiiNS 1'ork , old , $18.50 ; now , $18.50.
, .
Itl CEii'is I'lour , 5,000 sacks ; wheat , 5,000
in , ; corn , 112,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu. ; rye ,
none : bailey , none.
SiurviKNT ! ) riour , 0,000 sacks : wheat , 184-
000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 23,000 bu. ; ije ,
5,000 ; biuloy , none.
Oil .Market.
NEW YORK , Jan. 21. TAI.I.OW Qulot ;
lomlnal ; city , ( t2 oofor pkgs. ) , due bid.
COTTON hn.ii On < btendy ; crude , 42Jc ! ;
yellow , 47c.
i Dull , steady ; crude In bbls.
( I'arkois ) . $5,35 ; crudii In bulk ( I'arkers ) . $2.85 ;
refined New York , $5.30 ; I'hlliidelphia and
llaltlmorc. 5 35 ; Philadelphia and ll.iltlmoiu
In bulk , $ J.75Q2.tiO ; United , no sales.
KOSIN Quiet , Him ; stialncd , common to
; oed , J1.35Jil.37'5. (
Tuui'i MINK Quiet , steady ; 33'ia34c.
Gd IHII ( iiiaiter.
f.l.NSI.I.I ) Ollr10s pel CWt.
TUUI'I.NTINI : : rti-iiitis 'J3s 1'Sil ' per cwt.
T\ILOW 1'etuisburg yellow candle , 4Gs per
KiinsiiN City Mnrkt-ts.
KAhs\ < CiTY , Mo , Jan. 21. WilFtT Cash ,
flrm , 'to higher ; No. 2 bard , GCc ; No. 2 led ,
CORN Itathor slow ; practically unchanged ;
No. 2 mixed , 34'u.35c. ( .
OvrH Weak : gunuially ! io lowei ; No. 2
mixed , 20"sia30c.
JtYE-riun : No. 2 , 55c.
Higher ; creamery , 28320c ; dairy ,
17i20c. ( !
Kocs-l'alr demand ; stilctly fresh , 2G 27c.
HtCKli-TS-Wheat , 4 J.bOO bu. ; corn , 11,300
bu ; O.UN , 1,700 bu.
bliii'viK.Ms Wheat , 38,000 bu. ; corn , 15,000
bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Cotton .Market.
NEW OIILTVNS , La. , Jan. 21. Quiet and
steady ; middles , OV ; low middling , Ocj'good
oidlmiiy , bljc ; not and gross receipts , 5,751
bales ; oxpoi Is to Grout Itrltuln. 3,000 bales ;
to rriincc , 0,171 bales ; to thu continent , 015
bales ; coastwise , 1,000 bales ; sales , 3,000
bales ; stock , 341.278 hales.
NKVV OUI.IUNS , I.a.Jan. 21. I'uturos steady ;
sales , 41,400 bales ; January , J'J.'Jb ' ; lYhrii-
ni V , $0.23 ; Maich , ifO : ilS0.32 ( ; Apill , $037 ©
03HMay$0.4JS.044.luno. ; ; $0,40 0.51 ; July ,
$9.5530.57 ; August , $ (
Mlhvnnkeo drain Mirl ] < el .
MiLvvAtTKKr. WIs , Jan. 21. WIIKAT Steady ;
May , 71J c ; No 2sprlng , liHc.
CDHN Quiet ; No. 3 , 4141'Jc.
OATS Qulut ; No , U white , 35'J330c ; No.
ItAltLBi G4' C.
Liverpool Miirkctfl.
. . . Jan. 21 WHEAT Plriii demand ,
fair ; holdeis oirer moderately , red western
spilng , Gs 2dGs 3d per cental.
Cons riim , demand fair.
llACON Long deal , 450 Ibs. 51s Gd pel cwt.
IIU > I'l Imn westoi n , 64s Gd per cw t.
I'KAS Cunudlan , 5s4'Js pei cental.
t'olleo .Murket.
NFW VOIIK , Jan 21. Options opened firm at
10 to 21) ) points up , closing steady at 10 to 20
points aliovo yestoiday. hales , 30,750 bags , In
cluding January , $10 7O ; Marcii. $1 ( > .45 ; May ,
* ll)3V'ibl035 ( ; July , $10.305410.35 : September.
* 10.255ilG .10 ; December. $10 'JOijjlG.JS. bpot
Uio dull but Him ; No. 7 , $17.37'i.
nxtraiirdlimry Artlvlty .viirkoil the Deal-
liiB * In Socurltles Ycaterdny.
NKVV YOUK , Jan. 21. nxtraoidlnary activity
foi a half holiday uguln attended thu dealings
In stocks toJay , whllu coiislderablo Iriogular-
lty of movumcnt and somu vvldo dilutes rn
both sides resulted. A favorahlu binkstuto-
mcnt was expected , but the overwhelming na-
turu ot thu gains In cash deposits and surplus
weio not anticipated and hud a marked ctfect
upon thu market. I'ortllled by a statement t ,
t hu bulls weiu not disposed to backtrack , und
In t ho fucu of the heavy gold exports supported
their favorites with vigor On the other hand
reulUlng vvas still uxtiomoly heavy and In the
early dealings and townid thu close material
concessions vveru madu In many parts of thu
list , but It Is a mutter of comment ( hat thu Im
portant losses weiu confined entliely to thu nn
dustrial stocks. nly
Thu ptussuro upon those shares was specially
licuvy at the opening and Dlstllleis wus
forced dc wn from 50 to Biy ! , rallying only usS
per cent and closed with u loss ofU pur cent
for thu di > Y. Cordugoand Ieid : each lost 1 ! |
nml bugur ' . nil closing at their lowest Hu
ll res. Uallro.vd shines , liovvuvor , worn strong ,
almost throughout , although thu onsets In lin
early trading forced Manhattan off 1 net cent
and others goneiully small fractions. London ,
howuvor , had buying odds In Us specialties
unit thu bullish sentiment remained un
changed , whllu thu events of thu jxiol In IIil ]
I'uul KUVO thu hulls great encouragement and (
tliu course ) of prices wan soon reversed Iho
publication ot tlio bank ututc-ment cuusid tliu
cUxInu out of inaiiT short accounts and the
upward movement for some time was pro-
noiitu'cd ,
The I'ostanys ! The fooling In Wall Micct
continues decidedly bullish with the excep
tion of curtnln houses and operntoifl
who huvu been auspicious of the advance
fiom the Hist. Them cnn bo no ques
tion , however , of the real rhaiiKi ) In
sentiment on thu p'irt of thu public , hn o
buying has made this week the best market
WD liaviKeen for along time. Many eonscrva-
tide observers of thiMiiarkul legard Ihu pres
ent ndv uncu as too rapid , basing their opinion
on the ground that essential conditions have
not changed enough to justify It , but thu Ron-
eral opinion la not now regarding eonservu-
tl m.
The following are tlio clinlni quotations of
the leading stocks on the Nuw Yoik took ox-
Chiingu today :
Atchlsun Mirihoni r.icine
Ailnnu KxiiroM . . do preft-rrod , .
Allen , T il . . ill U. I * Don A ( lull I7H
ilo tircfi-rroil IW .Norlh C'li'ru. . . . 115
American KxprcM IIS ilo prorcrrutl . . " '
llaltltuoro.t Ohio ui , X V Ccntml "f'i
Canada Pacific . . 87 ? > \ K "f'i"tl
( Hindu Southern. Ontario .V WeMiTii. "tl
Cotilrnl 1'adilc zi 'Orecun ' liuii .
Lhos A OHIO . . II Oregon Nuv S3
Chicago Alton 114 OriS I. A tl > .
r u * cj 101 ll'nclflo Mail . , .
Chicago linn . till'il'corlit , Dec A K.
ConsolldatvilUn HI'dlMUiliiirii ltd
0. C C * St U KIH Pullman I'alnoo lf } < 4
Cotton 1)11 Cert. . . . lrnlng
Dal Iliulion lllchmuiul 'terminal
I. A VV . IMS , ilo ( irararreil . . .
1) A It tl pM . . Illo'lrnnilo VV . . .
I ) A I ' F Co ilu prefer ) tut . . . .
Knot 1 cum illork | Islmnl . .
irlo : . 5.M < SI L AM K Ut lifU
ilo proforreil S7 81 raul . . .
Forl Wnyno . . IV , doiirefern-cl
Ul. Northern uM ID SI Paul Aii-unlm 61H
( A K I iifil 1014 ilo prelorrcil
Hoiking Vulloy. . . Jl'tl uuihcrti I'minc
Illinois Central I03X Sucur Illllnery . .
hi I'nill X luilulh 4M4 lonn Coal A lr.m
Kan A lot pfil S'X Tcxin I'aclllc
l.ako Krla.tVvat H < 4 I ol A O font Hd
ilo profarro 1. . . . BOH Lnlou I'aeltlu . . IIH
l.ako here IIIU I' ' " K i > rcsj . . . .
SOU Wt ! I , A 1' . . .
l.oul A .Ntuli J7HI ilo nn'fi'troil sst
Ii0ul A New Alb y vvi | InrKO Hip 115
Manhattnn tun vvoilcru Union . 10J > i
VlrinpMs \ C , . ftj VVIi-ellim \ U K . Jl
VltcliUati I'entrnl ftjn do prefcri'il Jlt ( > 4
MI-Koiirl I'aclllc Minn A .st I. . .
llohllo A. Ohio . . . , : n I ) , V II (1
.NnMirlllu Chnlt 8J ( lenernl l.lectilc
Nnttonnl C'onlnKe HI1) 'Natloniil ' I Inu'eil
do profcrreil lilt | C huelX Iron
N J Ci ntral nii i ilu prn erred 105
Norfolk A VV pfd , w < llous \ "ci I'en
Norih American l o II HI
Thu totals-lies of stocks tod.iy VM ro : uiitio :
hhaies , Including : AlchNon , u/JOO , Chicago ,
Hill Huston . Uiilncv , H.100 ; I'lilcngo ( las , 15-
55(1. ( Cotton Oil , 4,8110 ; Delaware , l.nckiitvamiii
. \\estein , S , 1(1(1 ( ( ; Dlslllllng , 47HH ( ) ! Kansas
. \ Texas , .1,700 ; I.iiMlsv Ille .1 Xiuhvllie , 11,300 ;
MlssomI I'aclllc , O.HOO ; New England. D.llOO ,
Not thorn I'aclllc prefrired , 15HH ( ) ; lieudlii ! : ,
1,000 ; Itlch id Teimlnal Kl.diKI ; ItocU
Island , 4.01)0 ) ; hi 1'aul , HU.OiNI ; hujat , 8,000 ;
Union I'aclllc , a,700estein Union , Ubl)0 )
Xrivork Mime ) Mnrlccl.
N'r.vv YOKK , J in 21 AlosiiV ON CvU. Hasy
at 2 to 3 percent , last loan 2'i , closed offered
at 2'j pei ccnt.
PitiMB'ANTlt.K 1'Ai'Kii4' + flf percent.
Srrni.i.Mi HSCIINUKQuiet but steady with
actual business In bankers' bills at } 4 bU for bt )
da v s and $ I H73 for demand
Oovi IINVIP.ST HO.NDS Dull and steady. Btato
bonds , ( inlet , Him.
Thu closing qiiolallons on bonds ;
U s. 40 riy ! . " rinvrn rait ntis Hi "
IT H 4 * coup . . . . Ill's VV Cdnsulu , . . 1JJH
U. 8 4Vi roit UW W. Dull in 108
I'ncllloii or ' 95 1115 ! < U ,11 M ( ic-n 6
I.oulMann t pod t 117 K S 1 , A. H H ( ic'ii M
lean new set bs 101 r-t I'uul ConKula .
Icnn new net CD 101 -t. I1 , t A 1' Ililll
'Icnn IIOIT sot i ) . r ! L (1.'lr. Itcts
Canada So Jnils . P I' 11 ( i 'Ir Ilcl9
( .en 1'uclnolHta 101 Union I'nclllclBln. lo iM
1) A It (1 ! t3 1171 , \Vesl ' liore 1U2
1) Alt ( ) 49 . . . M U (1 VV lei
ICrlu 2nds 101 Atcli 4
Jl K AT.Con ( s Ateh 2' § , rlasi A 7
M K .VT ( Jen is. . ( , II A. A fB 10-1
Mutual Union < > s . HIM , C 11 .VS A went 6j
.N .1 C Int Cert . 111 It . - . I C fs . . . . 108
Nortlinrn I'nc l ts llfiK II AT < ' Oil" l
C.lttloTrndu Unnirnly Ai-tlvc HORII riurtu-
nti1 , lint C'loso itroiifr.
OVIAIIA , Jan 21.There has not only been no
falling off In icccipts comp.ucd with last week ,
but both cat tie and sheep show a veiy substan
tial Increase , and thu samu Is tine when thu
comparison Is madu w 1th last year. Hogs con
tlnuu to show a considerable falling off com-
paicd with ono 3 ear ago , for while the Incieaso
[ n receipts of cattle and sheep for thu past
three weeks compired with the llist tlnee
weeks of Januiiir. 1892. has been 10,503 and
7,107 respectively , there has been a decicase
of 55,081 hogs or ov or 38 per cunt. Thuolllcla }
flguiusaioas follows :
< vni l nous
Last vreok 50078 fI71
I'rovIouD rcck. . 80.603 4aUu
Same nook IS'Ji IU.WI 3,475
Tlirco weeks 1633 67,415
Ihrco neets 18W , 14IOW 6,417
Increni * . 1C.69J 7,101
Dccrcse. . & 3I.S1
The maiketshavp all been uneven and tho.
tendency of pilceslowei except on sheep. Cat
tle values wuiosliong during thu early part of
the week , but later declined Hlc to 25c on both
beef steers and cows. Hog prlcessteadlly du-
cllned up to Trlday. On Priday and Saturday
a good shaiu of this decllnu was regained.
Good sheep , being In rather limited supply ,
continue to sell readily at stiong prices.
The cattlu market today was only moder
ately active and theio vvuiua variety of opin
ions among de ilurs as to the condition of thn
trade , lluyois all quoted higher prices , and
while most sellers conceded this to bo tine of
the more desli able offerings , holders of any
thing not fat sutd It took haul work to niovo
them even at shaded pilces. Milp-
pors took quito a few and thuro
was thu usual good local demand.
'Ihugeneial quality of the offeiings vvas noth
ing extra. There weio no stilctly choice
beeves h iu , but fair to Rood 1,050 to 1,300-11) ) .
steers sold very largely at fiom $ .1.75 to $4.25.
In general , there was llttlo quotahlu clmngo In
pilces from Krlduy , but Uietu has bten an
average doi'llno slncu Tuesday of 15c to 25c
on all but thu very best grades.
Ituslness was not veiy lively In the butchers'
stock and canner line and puces niled easier
on all but thu good to choice grades. Those
sold at f torn $2.00 up to J.i HO. Tali to good
stuff sold largely at fiom K5.30 to J2 M ) and
common and cunning gi.ulus aiound $1.75 to
$2.25. Theio wasno p.utlcularchange In thu
niaikut for rough stuff and common to choice
fat bulls , oxen und stags sold at fiom $2.25 to
} .i.37'4. ' Common to cholcu veal cubes sold
fiom 1J. 10 105.50. About everything In this
linn found a purchaser befoiu thu close ,
Theio was considerable activity In the
stocker and feeder llnu and prices ruled
strong , lOc to 20 < : hlghei than a weuk ago.
The big bulk of thu desirable 700 to 000-1 b.
feeders sold aiound t2.00and $ .1.50 Thu sup
ply falls away short of thu demand. Itupiu-
sentatlvo sales ;
iwu sr
No.l . Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
l . 710 $3 25 20 .1023 13 HO
3 . .1100 3 ! 15 13 . .1103 3 85
0 . .1031 3 50 7 . . .1151 3 00
0 . OH3 8 55 10 .100(1 ( 3 05
12 . H87 3 55 44 . .1030 4 00
2H . .1208 U 55 14 . . .1175 4 OO
a . ( ,2G 3 55 0 .1077 4 01) )
20 . .1050 3 55 21 . .1121 10
2. . . hf. ( ) 3 lid 17 1282 4 10
3. . .1100 3 GO 13 .1071 4 10
1 . .UbO 3 GO 1 . .1300 4 15
13 . ' . 072 3 < > ( ) 8 12.10 4 15
H . . 075 3 lid 10 . 10HO 4 15
11 . . 005 a 05 (18 ( . .1007 4 15
7 .1005 3 70 15 1100 4 15
8 . .loos 3 70 8 .1080 4 15
13 . 1038 3 75 10 . 1157 4 20
31 .1048 3 75 13 1230 4 25
25 .1040 3 80 20 1140 4 25
RllirPIMl AND bXl'OHT.
14 . .1035 3 70 17 .1032 4 00
1 . .1000 3 75 21 .1217 4 35
44 10G5 3 80 7 1137 4 40
21. . .1085 3 00 .1405 5 00
0 . 010 2 55 13 .1213 4 15
27 . . 077 4 15
. 700 1 50 14 .1012 2 45
K ) ! . 718 1 85 0 . 000 2 45
. 850 2 ( H ) 17 . 017 2 45
. 050 2 00 2 . 050 2 50
.1120 2 OO 1 . 870 2 5O
. 870 2 00 1 .1280 2 50
1 . . 800 2 ( M ) 7 .1007 2 50
1 . 870 2 00 Id 1003 2 50
0 . 581 2 00 1 040 2 50
17 . . 707 2 ( K ) 4 . . 040 2 50
1 . 050 2 00 .1140 2 50
10 . . 821 2 00 41 . 00 J 2 50
(1 . 040 2 OO 14 . HlHll 2 50
12 : . OJ4 2 10 10 . 'IUH 2 50
7 . . 008 2 10 15 . 032 2 50
4 . 077 2 10 8 . OH5 2 50
5 . .1010 2 15 2 50
5 . .1004 2 15 14 005 2 55
2i ( . l'53 ' U 15 7 085 2 tiO
5 . 007 2 15 31 100O 2 < > ( )
21 . . 8i ( ( ) 2 15 00 003 2 00
> . 715 2 15 23 1000 2 lj ( )
12 ! , 042 2 20 23I I ) . 705 2 00
5 . .1122 2 20 18 855 2 Ii5
18 . . 877 2 20 21 . . 014 2 05
.1000 2 25 15 OJ7 2 05
1 .1051) ) 2 25 4 .1005 2 05
1 . 0,10 2 25 24 . . 800 2 05
2 . . 000 2 25 24 . OHO
1 . ! MO 2 25 8 . 807
3 . , . 050 2 25 24 . 01)7 2 05
.1070 2 25 20 . OO2 2 70
, . 010 2 25 h 1052 2 75
, . 010 2 25 1G 1010 2 75
, . 800 U 25 17 . 875 2 75
, . 700 2 25 14 .1012 2 75
, .1031 2 25 20 1027 2 76
, . 703 2 'J5 . 705 2 75
2 25 8 1072 2 HO
020 2 25 1H 1030 2 HO
7UO J 20 1. 2 bO
lines H has been neatly two months since
the hog market took such a down turn ns It
did the early p irt of this week. Up to 1'rldny
thcichud been a decline of 2CM to 25c , and as
there was no apparent lot up In receipts thu
outlook was lathnr dlscourugliiR The
cai block'ide. or rather the scarcity of
stock cars east of .
C.hlciiKO conli United In no
small decicu to tlm briak. as It picvcnltd
iMsti'in shippers and Incidental ! } speculators
fiom buvlng. Wllli decu-ased lecelpts and
Impioved eastern markets a qood share of
this ihcllno was leualned I'lldny and Satur
day and prices today avetiigi'd not-over 5c to
lOc lower than last featunhij , which was the
lilL-li day.
Thu week closed with a fair run , the general
quality of tint offerings belli- ) very fair , al-
thousli the best ho s weic not so good us l"rl-
dny'stops. I.ustein miiKols weie hlpliui and
theio was some outIde Inquiry for shipping
account. Local buyers all had good eiders
and thoearly maiket was actlvoaml all of a
dime hlRhcr than 1'ild.iy. ( Jood to choice
butcher weight and heavy ho s sold fiom
t7.55 lo J7 70. with fall to good light and
mixed In.idD at fiom $7 15 to $7 55. Some very
pool light stuff sold as low as $7 30 and $7 40.
Cn bearish u-poits from the ClilciiKo hoi ; and
produce matkuts the niaikut bioko badly , tliu
early advance was completely wiped out
and the late ho s sold mound $7.45 and $7.55 ,
The pens vveru llnally cleaiod , the bulk of
IHVS koIlhiK lit $7.50 and $7.55 , against fiom
$7.45to 7.50 Priday , nml fiom $7.55 to$7.05
on last Saturday. Itcuicscntallvo sales ;
rius AND notion.
4 115 .500 15 153 . 720
Sin r.l' ltccolpts were moderate as to quan
tity tuul rather inlsci-llaiic'ims as to quality.
Them was thu usual good demand for du-
slrable muttons and on such prices ruled
stioiu , somn choice 12J-1 | > western vvuthoru
blinking $500 Common and Inferior grades
wont a trllluslon. Kali to good natives. $3 76
® 5 00 ; fair to good wcsterns$3 50B5 00com ;
mon and stock sheep , $2 25ft3 50 ; good to
cholcu 10 to 100-lb. Iambs , $1 OOU5.51K
Hepiescntntlusalos ;
No. Av. Pr.
100 western wethers 122 5 00
50 mixed natives 80 4 25
104stockers. 100 405
ItcrolptH nud Disposition of Stuck.
Oniclnl receipts and disposition of flock ns
shown by tlm books of the UnlonStoek Yiuds
company for the twenty-fours , ending at 0
o'clock p. m. Januiuy 21 , 189. ) :
Chicago l.lvii Storl < Market.
CinrAfio , III. , Jan 21 [ Special Telegram to
TUB HfcK The cattle market was hrictlvo and
pilces without Important variation today.
Thuro was a little demand fiom the local and
oiitshlu tiadc , and thu pluvious day's nrlcew
were sustutiK'd Quotations raiigu from if 5010
11.75 for Inferior cows to from J5.80 to 6.00
for extra steers.
During thn morning hogs sold about as well
as any tlmu I'rlilay , nut as soon as Khlppura
quit thu market cased off a nickel , packers re
fusing to pay thu om-nlng prices Tlio range of
prices wax from f500 to * 5 75 for culls and
ptgN going at from KJ.OO to $7.00. and u fuw
loads of choIcK heavy and medium weights
fetching from $7.80 to 47.85. At the closu quo
tations stood at from 17 15 to (7.00 fur light
and ( it from (7.30 lot ? HO for heavy und mu-
1'ilconof sheep were exactly on thu basis of
the prov Ions day's trudliu. A string of fancy
Hl-lh western lambs went ut { ODD , and In-
ferlm to fair mixed stock was cleared at from
(3 00 to 4.45. Somu mixed nattvu muttons
Mildnt fiom * 1.0io4 ( ) HO.
Uecelptsi Cattle. 1.500 lioud ) hon's , 0,000
Ill-ad. Mieop , 2,000 head.
Tlu > Kvunlng Journal reports :
t ATTI.K Itecelpts , 1,500 head ; shlpmentK ,
1 OOO head ; market qulut and unchanged :
prime steer * , 8.1 ( .O't5 85 , fair to good , J5.004J
t 50. otherH. f 1 50 < l 00 , common , J3.75 ® 1.25 ;
cows , (3l/r(3.75 ) ( )
lines Hecelpts , 000 head ; HhlpmontH.
4MK ( ) head ; nmiket same as yostnrduy ; mixed
und packets , * 7,40Jc7 05 ; prlinu heavy and
butchers' weights , t7,7Oi(7.05 ; prlinu light ,
J7 35U7 40 ; plgK. JO.OIK47 25.
MUM-i > UcculplN , 2,00(1 ( head ; shipments ,
0,000 head , market steady ; all sold ; nut I von.
14 ( HHt5. [ > Oj fed Toxuns. ll.CUj westerns , 15,11)
< t 5.D ! , lamia , t3.UlX2S/rO.