Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Buddon Disappearance of Phillip Kaiser ,
Proprietor of the Lindell Hotel.
Tlirnrlm Ailvnnrnl nil to Whnt l CIUI | IIB
III * Prolonged AliHrnra I.riul to the
llellr-r Tlmt Ito Il llcen
1'oiilly Dealt With.
"Where is Kaiser ? "
The clerk at the Llndcll hotel , on Ninth
Aild Furnnm streets , lias been asked that
question many times over , but Is not able to
answer It. Phil Kaiser , proprietor of the
h6stelry , has vanished , and what has be
come of him remains a perplexing mystery.
His friends and the employes at the Lindell
entertain the gravest apprehension as to
what has befallen him. It was Itnown that
ho hncl a largo sum of money alxnit his per
son , and It Is feared that he has been robbed
ami possibly treated with violence.
Mrs Klla Nowlatid , a well dressed and
attraetlvoyoung woman , appeared at the
police headquarters yesterday afternoon and
reported to the sergeant In charge that
Kaiser had been missing from the hotel
nlnco last Thursday evening. Slnee then
nothing has been learned of him. The faet
that he had a large sum of money with him
made the affair look all the more serious.
I'ollrn Ari < I'117/.lnl.
Immediately upon hearing Mrs. Ncwland's
statement , an Investigation was commenced
by the police. It was at Jlrst supposed that
Kaiser might have fallen among friends , in
stead of thieves and cutthroats , but when
the detectives visited the various popular
downtown resorts , and oven extended their
search to remote parts of the eity , they lea rued
nothing of the missing hotel keeper.Search
proving unavailing , the police commenced to
consider the possibility of a crime. 1 lie case
will be sifted to the bottom.
Nothing that Kaiser . ver said to any of
his acquaintances furnishes a clew to the
cause of his strange disappearance. With
out saying a word or doing a single act
which might be considered explanatory , he
has vanished as completely as though swept
off the face of the globe. Thursday ho at
tended to various business matters , and
early in the evening chatted witli some of
.tho boarders. Toward 10 o'clock ho put on
his overcoat and walked out. That was the
last seen of him.
Later , when ho did not return , It was sup
posed that he was out enjoying himself and
nothing was thought of the matter. In llio
morning ho still remained away , and as the
boarders came down stairs to breakfast they
Joked with the clerk about tlio prolonged ab
sence of Kaiser. Toward afternoon , how
ever , the friends of tlio missing proprietor
bccamo alarmed , and after some discussion
It was deuided to notifv the police in order
that an Investigation should be made.
So far the investigation has resulted in
Had Money on Ills IVrson.
Kaiser was a man of quiet habits , which
makes his disappearance all the more inex
plicable. About a month ago ho purchased
the Lindell hotel from Fair Ai Uarr. At that
time he had a large amount of ready money
.which ho carried about his person. Ho had
sold Bomo property in order to buy the hotel ,
and after paying the purchase price had a
considerable amount loft. JCarly Thursday
evening Kaiser visited a lady acquaintance
living some distance from the hotel. When the
police called to si'o her , she could furnish no
information leading to the solving of the
mystery. She said that Kaiser was not
drunk and seemed to bo in a choeVful mood.
"Did ho have any money with him ? " was
"Yes , " she replied , "ho had $80 or ? 90 that
I know of and how much more ho might have
had In his ixckot I do not know. "
t'Tlicro is little doubt that Kaiser had
quite u largo sum with him , and now tlio
police want to know what has become , of him
and his money ,
IlaifXo riniinflal Troubles.
It Is believed that the faet of Kaiser's
carrying a great deal of money around him
became known and that he has been
watched by thieves , waiting for an oppor
tunity to rob him. The opportunity arrived
Thursday night. Kaiser left the hotel alone
at an hour at night when the lower part of
the city is practically deserted. A theory
that footpads followed him and , seizing the
first chance , knocked him down and robbed
him of his money , is not among the improba-
billtic.s. If it had been only a plain case of
robbery , Kulser would have returned to the
hotel or hurried to the police station to re
port the affair.
"Was It a robbery and an assassination ? "
That is a question the poll cannot an
swer. If Kaiser has fallen among thieves ,
what they have done witli him or his body Is
a matter of the greatest solicitude.
Kaiser's friends at the hotel believe that
ho is safe and that'ho will eventually turnup
sound and well. Nevertheless , they are tin-
able to account for his unexplained absence.
The missing hotel proprietor Is well known
throughout Nebraska , owning two valuable
farms in the western portion. Ho was un
married and of economical habits , a fact to
/which is duo thu possession of a good share
of worldly goods. No reason can bo assigned
for his sudden disappearance , as ho was not
in financial strrtlts of any kind , and all his
hills wo-o met promptly.
lower Farnam street , where ho was last
seen , Is not calculated to inspirp one with
any great degree of personal safety after
nightfall. It is but a stone's throw from
some of the most notorious dens in the city
and the rendezvous of the tough element.
"I have been occasionally troubled with
coughs , and in each case have used lirown's
bronchial troches , which have never failed ,
and I must say they are second to none In the
world. " Felix II. May , Cashier St. Paul ,
No Ural Illvul Vet.
World turnout ) Ell Perkins says : "Af
ter people luivo gone ever all the routes
to California oneo , they settle down to
the old II. 1' . This road \vill always bo
the threat transcontinental lino. It has
tjio best track , the bust equipment , the
best eating houses , and it teaches the
traveler inoro history and geography
than any other lino. It shows you his
toric Salt Lake and the Mormons , takes
you through the great Laramlo plains ,
the Ilumboldt basin and the Grand
canyon , ever the very stage route that. .
Iloraeo Greoloy and Arlomus Ward
„ rode.
Oneo on the Union Paeiilo it goes
everywhere. It runs to Portland and
Pueblo , Helena and the Yo omito , Ta
eonla and Seattle , Los Angeles and San
Diego , and is the only route into Sun
Franclfeo. It has no rivals yet. "
Send for our California Sights and
13. L. Lonmx , G. P. & T. A. , or II. P.
Douel , city ticket agent Union Puellle
Systeiii-it02 ; Farnain street , Omaha.
Omulm'n N'c\v I'lio Appanilns 1'rnmlnps ti
( llvuSntUrnrtlon.
Yesterday tbo Halo water tower , pur
chased for the Omaha fire department , was
taken from the cars at the Webster street
ilcrot. After an overhauling at thu hands
of No. ! l's llremen the tower was given a
test during the afternoon. Although barely
eighty pounds water pressure was obtain
able , the experimental stream was highly
satisfactory to the members of the Hoard uf
Fire and Police Commissioners who were
presentDr. . Ciisoy of Kansas City , who
represents the manufacturers , and Chief
Galllguu conducted the test.
Although extremely effective. In operation ,
the Halo water tower Is vorj simple In it :
construction. On a strong frame , supported
by four bravy wheels , is a steel tube in twi
sections , the ono telescoping the other
This steel tuba Is swung over the from
nxte of the truck , and Is attached to
segment geared Into a pinion driven by a
8iuu.ll chemical engine. This renders the
operation of elevating tbo tube from a hori
zontal to a iwrjicndlcular position easy and
apld. The upper section of tbo tube Is
raised by a windlass which two men operate
usldn the tube Is n strong hose pine , do-
achahle , through which water Is conducted
rom permanent connections on the side of
.ho frame. These connections will receive
MX ordinary hose lines , Hy means of a con-
icction outside the tube the nozzle of the top
s easily manipulated from the base , and the
tremendous stream of water can be turned In
my direction , With the Omaha apparatus
ire three nozzles , one and live-eighths , two
ind two and one-quarter Inches In diameter.
An honest plh 13 the noolcst work of the
ipothccary. UoWltfn Little Early Risers
cure constipation , biliousness and sick head
Frescoing and interior decorating de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lelunami , 1.103 Douglas street.
Heal estate.
Hargains only.
My word is good.
V > ' . ( ! . Albright.
51M-1MJ X. V. Life bldg.
I.OAV n.vri : KX
To lliuiKton , TPX. , mill Hrtiirii.
Tuesday , January iMlh , 18l ! ) ! , my sixth
special party will leave Oinaba , bound
for Houston , Tex.
The rates for the round trip , first
claws , will bo cheaper than you ean buy
of uny railroad company , and I will give
yon fifteen days to go in , fifteen days to
come , and until Juno 1st , l.wll ) ! , to roturn.
For further information as to land ,
climate , cost of living and all particu
lars as to mirclmso of your ticket , call
on or address 11. C. 1'attursoii , 42.0
Hamgo building , Omaha , Nob.
Sen the celebrated Solnner piano at
Ford & Charlton Music Co. , J" > 08 Dodge.
If you will call at our new store wo
will present you with a copy of a beauti
ful piece of music. Ford & Charlton ,
luOS Dodgu.
llnilrn Unix.
Cut prices on shoes tomorrow.
. : O
I.ooll Out for Cold U'l'iltlior.
But ride inside of the electric lighted
and hteam heated vestibuled apartment
trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway and you will bo as warm ,
comfortable and cheerful as in your own
library or boudoir. To travel between
Chicago and Omaha in tbcso luxuriously
appointed trains is a supreme satisfac
tion ; and , as the somewhat uifcicnt ad
vertisement used to read , "for further
particulars sec small bills. " Small bills
and largo ones , too ) will bo accepted
for passage and sleeping ear tickets at
1501 Farimm street.
lluydcn Urns ,
Cut prices on shoes tomorrow.
tf "i Onmhn to ( iiilvvKtou unit Krtiirn Wff >
Tlie special Texas excursion to leave
Omaha Tuesday evening , February 't , Is
the opportunity of a lifetime. Tickets
are good to rctuVn until Juno 1. Through
sleeping car to Galveston via Houston.
Applications for tickets must bo made by
the Jtlst January.
For particulars and tickets apply to
F. l < \ - Williams , room u'2'2. First National
bank building , Omaha , ] Srcb.
. ,
llayilt'ii Ilr < > ,
Cut prices on shoes tomorrow.
Sufo anil Hunk ruturen ,
I will hell at public outcry , at tbo
Fanners and Drovers Bank building
in Battle Creek , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
January 25 , 18911 , at 11:30 : o'clock p. in. ,
the burglar proof safe with time lock
and the bank fixtures , Including railings ,
counters , desks , Stove's , etc. Terms of
sale , cash. Attention is called to tbo
fact that tbo said bank building will bo
sold at'sheriff's sale" in Madison , Neb. ,
Tuesday , January 24 , 1803 , at 1 o'clock
p. m. F. O. EDGECOMHE , Receiver ,
Battle Creek , Neb.
Iltiyilon liroii.
Cut prices on shoes tomorrow.
'Here's Your Ilcnvrr Train ,
The Burlington's 4:50 : p. in. express
for Denver reaches that city at boven
next morning ; carries sleeping , dining
and chair ears ; makes connection with
all transcontinental trains via the
scenic lines to the coast.
The Burlington also offers unequaled
double daily service to Chicago , St.
Louis and Kansas Citv.
Ticket ollico 1223 Farnam street.
llnyilon limn.
Cut prices on Hhoes tomorrow.
The lli-Ht Train for Chit-ago
IH the Burlington's No. 2 , leaving
Omaha at 4:45 : p. in. , daily. Magnificent
sleeping curs ; comfortable chair cars ;
perfect dining cars.
The Burlington also offers nncqualed
double daily service to Denver , St.
Louis and Kansas Citv.
Ticket ollico 122iJ-\inmm : street.
lliiyilvu I Iron.
Cut prices on shoes tomorrow.
llrnil the PrlrriTlmt Iliiydrnx Onotr.
Butter is very scarce and hard to get ,
but you will find lots of it hero at tho"
lowest possible prices. Country butter ,
lee , 17c , 19o and 21o per pound ; cream
ery , 2'Ie , 2. > c and 27c. Remember our
butter is always fresh , as it Is shipped
every day. We carryall kinds of ehcos-o
at lowest prices. Full cream Wisconsin
cheese , 8c , 10c and 12jc ; eastern process
full cream , 14c and Hie ; sab sago cheese ,
Sc per iiuckugo : noufchutel cheese , 7jc
per package. Come hero for apple but
ter , 7k' per pound ; mincu meat , 7c per
pound ; Hamburger eels , 25e per can ;
Russia ) , caviar , 2c ! ) per can. Meats uru
very high now , but when you
want the llncht cured meats come
here. Fine > t sugar cured bacon ,
12Jo and 15c ; dried beef , lOe ;
boneless ham , 12e } ; compressed corned
beef , 74c per pound ; corned beef , 5o per
pound ; pig's feet , 5c ; trlpo , . " > o ; Frank-
forts , 8Jc ; bologna head ehceso and
liver sausage , 5o per pound. Wo will
i.ill you llrth cheaper than any housein
the city. Finest Columbian river salmon ,
12jc pet * pound ; two largo inuckorul for
ITn" Norway bloater , a line mackerel ,
12Je per pound ; the finest French mack-
oral. 15c per pound ; Iceland herrings ,
six for 2.U ! ; Newfoundland herring , eight
for 2. " > c ; chicken halibut , l."io per pound ;
Myers' extra fancy sturgeon , 17ic per
iHHuul ; smoked coin , 20o per pound ;
imported Norway anchovies , 10c per
pound ; new Bay City white fish , lOe and
12k1. Premium George's bank cod fish
In 2-pound bricks for 15e ; Now York cut
XXX Grand bank cod fish , 12je ; this is
the best cod fish there Is. Wo uro the
leaders in everything.
Promoters of homo industry
Oall Issued Yesterday Under the Direction of
the National Federation ,
Meet In Om.ilm on the lOtli of Next
.Month Troulilo llrtwuon Klnpp A llurt-
Ictt anil the Typographical
Concerted action Is to bo taken by the
trades unions of the state to tauo tlnm by
tbo forelock and prevent , if possible , strikes
during tbo year and the settlement of all
differences that may arise by arbitration.
Yesterday a call was issued for a state con
vention to bo held in Omaha February Hi.
In Nebraska orpanl/ed labor Is a potent fac
tor , over 400 organizations forming the vast
concourse of aniliated worklnijmon.
The convention has been called under au
thority of the Federation of I 'ibor , thus in
cluding Knights of Labor. Sluco its organ
ization tbo federation has been tbo most
powerful body of worklngmen ever seen In th Is
country , Its membership reaching at one
time something like 000,000 , and , as a rule ,
its inlluenco has been for good. Tbo call
coming at this time Indicates a desire on the
part of the organized labor associations to
bring closer together tbo various branches
of the building and trades unions and
the action of the delegates will do much to
harmonize any dllTcrences that may at pres
ent exist and make a way to settle any that
may arise in a contingency.
Kach local union in Nebraska Is entitled
under the call to one delegate and every
central labor union to three. This with a
fair estimate will bring the attendance to
fully : r > 0 delegates. Arbitration , binding
upon all the trades unions represented , will
bo one of the most important matters to bo
considered. Hy its adoption it is hoped that
any troubles between employer and em
ploye will be amicably adjusted without re
course to a strike. The committee having
the convention in charge believe that it will
have the effect of insuring quiet and con
tented times during the busy building sea
Typographical I'lilon Trouble.
lx > cal labor unions are having some trouble ,
that of tlio Typographical havitnr developed
into a light that promises something Inter
esting it not sensational. Yesterday Frank
Kennedy , representing the union printers
organization , called upon Klopp t IJartlett
with a view to arranging for the
admission of the nonunion men
employed by tbo firm into the
union. The proprietors were willing , but on
Investigation it developed that several of the
printers employed were members of the
Printers Protective Fraternity , an organ
ization of nonunion men which had itsorigin
in Kansas Citv a number of yeai's ' ago.
These men would not bo allowed membership
into the Typographical union under any cir
cumstances , and Mr. Klopp was asked to dis
charge them. This demand was refused and
the negotiations suddenly ceased.
The tyiwgrnpblcal representative insisted
and threatened to call out the union men
employed , to which reply was made to go
ahead and call them out.
Mr. Charles Klopp , in speaking of the
trouble , said yesterday. "Wo make no dis
crimination against union men , nor are wo
lighting organized labor. On Thursday tbo
committee called on us and said It was its
wish to malco tbo shop a union one. To this
wo assented , and In a Httlo while the com
mittee returned and reported three men who
were not members of the union for whom
they had made out applications. I-replied
that was satisfactory , -when I was
told that tbo only trouble in
the way of their Joining was a
lack of funds. This I agreed to pay , and
gave the committee a check for t\i \ , that
being the initiation fees. This morning tbo
committee returned 1110 the check , and de
manded that I discharge the men. This I
positively refused-to do , as they have been
In my employ a long time , and are good ,
faithful employes. Of the forty-live men
working hero forty-two are members of tbo
union , and we have always employed union
labor , whenever it presented itself and we
wanted help. As for the other assertions
concerning our bid. it is false In every par
ticular , and especially with reference to our
having seen the other bids before presenting
ours. What further action may be taken 1
don't know. Wo have always paid union
prices and because wo refuse to discharge
these three men who have families we are
assailed. "
Thi'lr Itcrorils AgaliiHt Them.
It developed that the committee's action in
demanding the discharge of the three men
referred to was in compliance with Instruc
tions from tboTypographical union. A meet
ing waS held Thursday night and the records
of the men looked into and it was found that
tbo men bad deliberately "ratted" on several
occasions. Under the circumstances the
union refused them admission.
A-satisfactory settlement maybe made ,
however , and tlie trouble ended , at least so
Tar as Messrs. Klopp & Ilarttait and tbo
Typographical union are concerned. There is
still talk , however , on the part of the
Omaha 1'rinting company people of taking
legal action to have the contract between
tbo city and the successful bidders annulled ,
it being alleged that Klopp < & Bartlett were
not the lowest bidders. A protest has been
Hied with the mayor.
[ jTlio stonecutters' union has a grievance
against the subletting of a portion of the
contract work on the Franklin school to a
contractor named linker. A vigorous pro
test has been sent to the Board of Educa
tion relative to the matter and it may bo
looked into when tbo building committee of
the board gets together.
The No. 0 Wheeler & Wilson with its ro
tai-y movement , is the lightest running
machine in the market , and is unequalled
for speed , durability and quality of work.
Sold by w. Lancaster A : Co. , OH South Six-
tenth street.
New Suits In Court.
Carrie L. KrieUson has brought suit
against , the Mutual Keservo Fund Life asso-
elation in an action to recover the sum of
STi.OOO. During tbo year 181)1 ) , Chris L. Krick-
son , the husband of tbo plaintiff , insured his
life with the defendant , and on August of
last year ho died. The company now re
fuses to pay tbo face of the life policy , or
any part thereof.
In an action brought In the district court ,
Henry Webber seeks to recover the sum of
ft-00 from John D. Thomas. The suit is for
the rents and profits of a tract of land in
Washington county.
A. J. Nelmoyr has sued the Burlington
road and would recover the value of seven
teen cars of lumlH'r , which ho places at
fc.f > 00. The plaintiff avers that In January
of last year ho consigned the lumber to the
railroad company for transportation , but that
it was never delivered.
Ignorance of the merits of Do Witt's Little
Early Kisers is a misfortune. These little
pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious-
Tor I'aId Up I'ollclea.
An important addition was made to the
rules of the Woodmen of the World by their
executive committee at Its session yesterday.
The ehanifo covers the paid up policy plan of
Insurance companies and entitles all mem
bers joining the order between the ages of lit
and IU and who continue in good standing after
thirty years membership to life membership
certificates exempting them from further
The only Pure Creatn of Tartar Powder. No Aiiitr.onlaj No Alum.
tfaed in Milli-jns of Homes 40 .Years the Standard.
payment of dues-T Those joining Irctween
the ngcs of < M aniUI'J and continue twenty-
five years and ttlnin coming between tbo
ages of111 and filmnd continuing twenty
years are given 1IM benefits.
K. A. Palkcnburg ) of Denver was elected
sovereign ad visorad Head Consul J. B.
Frost of Atlanta , OA. , was eltetcd to the
board of directors. . CTho per capita tax was
made the same OHP that of last year and
action was taken tooling to the Incorpora
tion of the order In Canada , The session
will close today.
Today two performances of "A Nutmeg
Match" will bo givmi at Boyd's theater a
matinee at 2U : : ) thrs1 afternoon and tbo regu
lar evening performance at S. The thrilling
pile-driving scene , which forms a tremendous
deus climax to the third act.wlll be produced
In exactly the same manner that caused It to
be heralded fai' and wide as the greatest
sensation in recent theatrical history. Miss
Annie Lewis , the charming soubrette , who
is seen at her best in the part of Cinders in
"A Nutmeg Match. " is a great favorite of
the ladles and children wherever she ap
pears. The engagement closes tomorrow
( Sunday ) evening.
The following Is a list of some of the niusl
cat selections that will bo rendered during
tbo engagement of Hoyt's farce comedy , "A
Hole In the Ground , " at Boyd'rt theater on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings : "Tho
Drummer's Song , " "The Irish Ball , " "Tho
Uailrond Song , " "Thy Lands , My Lands , "
"I'll Fix It " " . " "I
, "Pretty Daisey. am a
Kuben. " "Lantern Song" and "Ta-K'i-Boom-
de-Ayc. " Tlie present company Is one of the
best singing companies on the road in farce
comedy. The sale of seals will open on Mon
day morning.
For one week , commencing with a matinee
Sunday. January'-'J , Manager Burgess prom
ises bis patrons one of the very best attrac
tions of the season , being an elaborate pro
ductlon of tbo great dramatic , mechanical
and scenic piece , "The Pay Train. " The
company is comprised of actors every one a
star in Ids or her line of business , and is
headed by the cleverest of all actresses ,
Miss Florence Bindley. This little lady is
an artist in her profession , placing emo
tional , sensational , melo-dramatic and com
edy roles alike and perfection In all , and a
thorough musician. Inekjcntul to the play
she will introduce her s'ongs , dances and
solos on the xylaphone , autoharp and glass
goblets. Tbo plot of the piece is one that
rivets the attention of the audience from
lirst to last , the mechanical effects are real
ism Itself and can hardly bo described. The
two most prominent are the railroad xand
wreck of the incline piano truck. Thn first
is thus described : A full and complete
train of ears rushes across the Htago at full
speed , being drawn by a practical locomo
tive and is uncoupled in full view of the
audience. The pay car Is at oneo lit up by
electricity and action shown in the car. The
wreck of the incline piano truck is a marvel
ous construction and must bo seen to bo
thoroughly appreciated. Miss Maggie Field
ing and the eminent comedian , \V. J. bully ,
will also introduce their famous singing and
dancing specialties. This entire perform
ance can be summed up as a performance
perfect in every detail.
Nothing to Be
Every Flavor made by Dr.
Price has the peculiar taste
characteristic of the fruit from
which it is obtained , and im
parts to cakes , puddings ,
sauces or ; creams sucli a
dclicious.tand grateful flavor
thatJIftlieir use ; renllyf.leaves
nothing to be desired. We
have yet ? to see die housewife
who Jias used < Dr. Price's
Delicious Flavoring Extracts
of Lemon , Orange , Nectarine
or Vanilla , who was not de
lighted with them. THE PURITY
dorsed by the leading chem
ists and heads of the" great
universities of this continent.
Is full ol bright promise to t lie/no In tlie full
rn.loymimt ol liraltli , stroncth and manly
vicor , but lllliMl trltliilriniilr tor thomi who
have pormlttt-il HioniHolvna to liooomo and
remain thu hopeless ami liolplcs * victim of
Nervous , Chronic
Or Private Diseases.
\VhutcantlieruturBliolil In Htoro for you if
you arc millerlns : * no "C'lnlen of a illannso
which IH fam eatliiffntvay your vital forecg ,
yourcnurRyunil your Illo ? Xotliliif ; lint the
horrible l > liclcnes : uf ilcupalrnnil WOP , nnlti * *
j ou ut oneo bc'cln ncmiro ol Kclcntlllci treat
ment by kkilllnll , competent and experl-
encml specialist ! . Are you a victim of uny of
the inyriiiu kindred Ills Hint uiil blo and
ennlnvi ) ' . ' If no , COIIMI to us at once lorn Ireo
conniiltutloii , or urlto in fully , enclosing
Mamp for reply , iinll you will recelvu uilvlco
tlntt.\vlll In all protmhlllty Have your life.
Delay * uro daiifcrnm anil there M no time so
Send-1 cents and receive a ropy of our II-
liiBtrittcil now hooteof l OpuguH , full of valu
able Information ,
Call upon , or addrou wltli stamp.
119 South 14th St. , Cor. Douglas St.- ,
V * < * * * * * * ' * > < VWWVw * * to * * w * <
, I bttweli , urlr
the pumnch llrrr ui < i - r
, fy | h blooil. raaafa u < ) ftfrvtUAliJ
I tue Ifct mwheln * know ti fur billou * I
'nrrJ , convUhalion , dyrii'i * ! * . foul J
bre Ui. lutuaclie , tenrtlmrn , [ ou cf
m * lite , n. ttUl dfpmioo , ilnful
tlltft-rtloii , iilmiej ! , ulluw cr.wrlex
lee , fciid evcrr divue reniltl Jic from t
Impur * bleeder a failure by the tonmh , Ureror In-
1 . . _ * . _ .
.r.7. ? l
* rr ; * Kli > r.rrtn r funrtlfiTii I > nnnn
' tfw ui oT ? atlnit " 'Uneiued ' bj Uklutfoneaiur J
' eacb rowJ.Vrlc" I'MU " MI " "W" . > 0 .1
' ItlKSa ClIGMfCUL CO. . 10 Sprue * St. . New Vork , f
' '
< M
Is superior to all ollior preparations
claiming to bo blood.ptirinors. First
of all , because the principal ingrciH-
cnt used in it is tlic extract of gcn-
ulno Hnndnras sarsaparilla root , the
variety richest in medicinal proper-
tlcs Also be
furoc Patirrh > > *
Lures tatai rn
tlie .
cmisc ycl.
low dock , beiiiK raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresh and
of the very best kind. With eqiml
discrimination and care , each of the
other ingredients are selected and
compounded. It is
because it is always the same in ap
pearance , flavor , and effect , and , being -
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-purifier
in existence. It
makes food notir-
islii" . work pleas-
-mi , sice , , refreshing -
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the system and
expels them harmlessly by the natu
ral channels. AVER'S Sarsapariiia
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and inllrm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
rrepiued t > v I > r J t1 Aver Sc Co. , Lowell , Main.
Hold by all Druggists ; Price $1 , elx tiolllo * , * 5.
Cures others , will cure you
© © © ©
The first close oft rn astonishes th In
valid , Klvlnc c-lastIclty of inlnil , buoy- .
f nnry of lioily , Rood digestion , regular t
bowels and solid llcilu I'rlcr , artrts.
Toath FlUo.l Wlf.1
o .it i.i'n tif t i j
r t ivja -
Tooth Extracted Without Pain or
< \ Full Set ol' Tccl'i ' OD llifc For S.D ) .
Perfect fit Rimrantood Taolh ostrActsl la th3
niornlneKetr uno Itnertod in tlii ) unmliu 0 ( anm j
co spoclmcni of lioinov&bto nrl.123.
I co tpcdincns of Flexible ICIaitlo I'l It ) .
Allvrork wnrrnntott ai roprosuntotl.
Office Third FloorPaxton BlooV ,
Telephone 10S5. liith and Knrna-n Sti.
nko clcTator or italrway from lOtli St. entrant ) ] .
We've taken something ; like three hundred
suits of clothes and a hundred and twenty-five
fine coats , vests-scratched the original prices
off the tickets-so's to forget how much they
did sell for and piled them up in a half dozen
heaps on two tables near the elevator. The
suits are in pretty much all sorts of goods-
cheviots cassimeres worsteds and silk mix
tures ; cutaways square cut sacks round cor
ner sacks ; dark and medium colors , in all sorts
of patterns. None of them are worthless than
twelve dollars-and some of them did sell for
as much as sixteen dollars as suit. The coats
and vests are in fine fancy worsteds in black
only and if you'd pay firteen dollars for one
you'd pay just about what you'd ought to pay.
While once in a while there's a larger size
among them the majority are from 34 to 38.
If there's anything to suit you among the lot-
am ! you're mighty hard to suit if there isn't-the
price now is eitherfora suit to match or a coat
and vest as the case may be
Entire Clothing Stock damaged by water
and smoke must be sold at
of actual former value.
. . . .
Open from 0 a. in. to 10 n. m.
How Many
Intending soon to consiut u
WHY 'J7/IS niih.VV
Chronic , Private , Norvoin mill
Surgical Diseases CURED. Lost
Mauhood , Female WoaUuossoa ,
Etc. , CURED.
Treatment by Mail. Address with
stamp for particulars wnloli will bo
sent In a plain onvolupc.
UounisS , fa'1.1) . 9 > i ,
11C-I1S b. ISta t-trcct , Oinulm.
IB urunrpnsBcit In tli
treatment of all
find iiUWeakneitiiril
anil Diiordeu of mCd
IB yours experienca.
Writn for cirrnlara
no j ( lUfttlcm Hit /roc.
14th anil I'urnnm Bte. ,
1816 Douglas Slroot , Omaha ,
The eminent sppclnllvt In norvonv chronic prlvnto. blood , tltlii nnd mltmr dliesim. A regular nn1
rpKlitcml Brniliulo m raeillc-lno. nidlplomii ami ucrtltlrntu * nhoir. I * "till truitlni ; with tin KroatuU DUO-
COKS cntnrrh. lojt mnnlinoil sonilnn ! wuiltuam. nluht luieoi ami nil f irim ill iirlrittn rtlvi.niM No mo run
ij mecl New treatment for li > * i of vlt-il p-iwur I'nrtloi mubiu to visit ma mir bi troitol nt lioiua tjy
curreipniidencc. Modlclne or lnitrmii nti ant by mill or mprun io > ur ii > - pic'itl. no marks to In.lloit J
: ontontaur > uudar cmo purlunul Intcrvu * pr .furruil OmnUUtlo.i frj i ori-Jip in lunodUHctljr prl it
Hook < .My tcrlf of Ufe'dunl fruu. UAIcoiuiir ! ) lolli ) m dunlkyslOu.m tuljmon Ulatupfor rjplr
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 Itoomi nt H.M per
101'no m lit f ) .OJ per dnir.
10 Itromi with Until ut fi.U ) per ilif.
10 Itooius nlth Hall ) nl J1..V ) to II 5) per ilir-
Modern In i\i-ry Itixpi-ct.
.Ni-ivly I'-nrnlulicd ThroiiKliout ,
G. S. ERB. Prop.
Metropolitan Hotel ,
Iti'oailwity , corner Prince St. ,
KontlncJ and rono\atud under now nmnuifo-
inunt , on Kuroi | .in plan , Itouin rutoitl a cluy
und upw.-irds. Kostttiirant oiiuul to thu bast
In the city at moilurato rates , Street cam
from all It. it , st.itiuim nnd btuamboui and
ftrry Innillrik'n IIBIS the door.
IIILDRETH & ALLEN , Froprloton.
.tins .Meyer &
Uro. Co , tolii
nuuiilN for Inn
i ! I o h rn toil
Dlamcind and
lil hprrttirlrH
lor O Hindu.
M h.
'lline Npc-
l a c I o H uro
Ifiiaritntf-m ! to
oorrout uny
defect In thn
eye * i : 1 1 rah I ii
by thn n o of
( ihiiiioi ,
wuakmM , He , . [ lOriuanenUjr cuiuil In
men , 1 wlluoucl i.cnk'd ) KllKi : tlio ri'Cvlpt tlit
cured mo vrbcn er rfthlng elio ftllcil. Addti-t *
W "
\Viu."ufixtiHi ox 117 , MiirtUal , MlcU.