Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    rs' muTATTA T\ATr.V TT rnOnAV .TAWnATW 10 10(10
It Unanimously Recommends the Passage of
tha Totroy Bankruptcy Bill.
M'my Ittcoiniiioiiclutloiii Mnilo lijtlio Hoard *
of Trucln from Viirloun Cltlsi-Amend-
mtntft to the Iiitrrntntn Commerce/
l.n\r HiiKKrstod Othrr
WASHISOTOX , D. C. , Jan. 18. The National
Hoard of Trade nt Its session today took up
the question of reorganization. It was agreed
to abolish the executive committee and to
only elect vice presidents at present. This
body us nn executive council may api > olnt a
small committee to carry out Its duties ,
A resolution recommending the passage by
congress of tlio Torruy bankruptcy bill was
unanimously passed.
The Now York Boards of Trade and Trans-
portotlon offered n resolution recommending
the passage of the tonnage bill , or Rome
similar measure , having for Its object the
fostering of the merchant marine.
Mr. Uaymond of Detroit opx ] > scd the reso
lution on the ground that Great Britain docs
not pay bounties to sailing steamers nor to
any steamers others 'than these built on
plans approved by the admiralty , so as to bo
available for government use In of neces
sity. As a result of the recent election , ho
said , the necessity for a tonnage bill would
dftapi ! > car.
Captain Ambrose Snow replied that unless
the democratic party had changed Its prin
ciples on this matter It would do nothing.
Mr. Bacon of Milwaukee < ipi oscd the reso
lution on the ground that the business of the
country should not bo burdened for the bene
fit of tinv special Interest. The resolution
was finally adopted , with all reference to the
tonnage bill stricken out , and reading : "He-
solved , That every legitimate means to fos
ter our merchant marine engaged in foreign
commerce should bo adopted by congress. "
At the afternoon session the folio wing rcso
lutlons were adopted :
HoioU-cd , That tlm National Hoard of Trmln
liciuhy luciiiiiiiicwls ( huMrlet eiiforcmnimt of
tliu limnlxi-utlon law , and fiirtliurieooinmemls
that tlio-.o laws bo to amended us to iciiulru
from eveiy emigrant < lfslrlns ( ocninu to tlio
United Hliites a certificate from tlm nutlmrl-
tlmof tlio lowiiordUtrlct wliero hoorslru rn-
nldcs that lienrslio Is u per on of ( iood moral
character , luis never been convicted of crlinu ,
has never I.CPU a pulillu cliar o and U ot In-
diiHtrloushublls rind capable of laUngcaru of
himself or herself , such certificates luhncnnri-
torslRiifd by the I'nltod Stales consul. Said
consul xhnll ulMibo required to tiMiurtiiln and
to fortify us to tlio Iternney of tlm Immi
grant , and tlio pin peso of tlio Individual xcuk-
iriK residence In this country la bcconio a good
nnd loyal rltlren.
Unsolved , That Ibis board recommends the
establishment by law of national quarantine
The following resolution proposed by the
Ixmisvlllo Board of Trade gave rlso to a
spirited and , at times , acrimonious discus
sion , lasting nearly .all the afternoon :
Resolved , That the forced withdrawal from
bond by payment of tax or exportation of dis
tilled MplrltH Is dotrlinuntal to tlm commer
cial , financial and manufacturing Interns Us In
this country.
A motion to lay on the table was carried.
Tlio ayes nnd nays were called and , under
the delegate system , the vote resulted :
Ayes , CO ; nays , 51. But before the vote was
announced unanimous consent was given for
the Louisville delegation to withdraw the
proposition. [
The following , proposed by the New York
Board of Trade , was jiostpoiicd because of its
Vagueness :
KcKolved , That congress tin mcmorlallrod to
provldn for commercial relations with the
nolchborlng countries upon tlm broad and
comprolieiislvo principles of reciprocity.
During the discussion on the resolution re
lating to the whisky tax the board listened
to a statement from Internal Kovenue Col
lector Mason as to the practical workings of
the tax and the reasons why ho had advo
cated an unlimited bbndod period.
Seven amendments to the interstate com4
morco law were reported , but the board
mnde their consideration the first order of
business In the morning and adjourned.
J3x-rresld > nt ITnyea' Drath the Suljcct of
IVrlliiK llomnrliH lu tlio House.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 18. On motion of
Mr. English. , democrat , a bill was passed to
punish trcsspasscrs on the lands of the civ
ilized Indian tribes.
On motion of Mr. Coombs the report of the
committee investigating the Heading coal
comblno was ordered printed In the record.
In connection with this order Mr. Coorabgl
Bald the matter would bo called up for con
. Bldoratlon tomorrow.
Mr. Henderson , from the commlttco on
postofllcos and postroads , reported back a
resolution calling on the postmaster general
for information as to all orders from the
president slnco March 4 , 1887 , extending tno
provisions of the civil service law to cm-
ploycs of the postbfllco department ,
Trio bill establishing n court of appeals in
the District of Columbia wns passed.
Mr. Ilolmnu , democrat , frointhocommlttco
on appropriations , reported the sundry civil
appropriation bill , nnd it wns placed on the
Mr. Ilayncs , democrat , who represents the
town and district In which ex-President
Hayes lived , and which ho once represented
In the house , announced In feeling language
the Intelligence of the death of the ex-presi
dent and eulogized him ns n soldier , citizen
und statesman.
Mr. O'Neill , republican from Pennsylvania ,
who served with Mr. Hayes lu thoThlrtj-
nlnth congress , spoke In thu highest terms
of thu ability , patriotism and fidelity of the
deceased , and mingled his tears with these
of the bereaved family.
Messrs. J. I ) . Taylor , republican from
Ohio ; Enochs , republican from Ohio anil
Outhwalte , democrat from Ohio , paid loving
tributes to the character of the late ox-presi
dent , nnd Mr. Curtis , republican from Now
York , added his meed of heartfelt sorrow.
After further remarks by Messrs. Storer ,
Owens , Donn , Holman nnd Patterson , the
the house , as a murk of respect to the mem-
- ry of the deceased , adjourned.
\Vorkoftlio Nutloiml Convention Yesterday
Wiinlilngton Noto.
WASIIINOTON- . C. , Jan. 18. At the
woman's suffrage convention today Mrs
Long spoke of the work of the association li
Illinois , and was followed by Mrs. Blinn 01
tbo worlt In California. Mrs. Fielder 01
South Dakota tysiio of the lax divorce laws ,
in her state , and said that the state sulTrugo
association had taken up the matter nm
would urge uK [ > n the state legislature i.
modification of the laws so ns to render the
obtaining of dlvoreo less easy.
Representative Fellows offered In the
house , for reference , a resolution directing
Inquiry by a congressional commlttco Intt
the statei of affairs on the isthmus o
Panama , the expenditures of money it
America to secure acquiescence In the cann
project and the propriety of General Now
ton's connection with the Panama Cnna
Private letters just received from Hayt
by Admiral Walker contain no hint of n pos
Blblo revolution there.
Secretary Foster willlnstst on reparatlot
from Huytl lu the Movs caso. His Idea Is I :
to settle the controversy in such a manner
polutr to extreme lengths If necessary , tlm
American citizens will hereafter lw ussurci
of fair treatment In Hayti.
C "M0 chanpo In Mr
condition during the just twentj
four hours.
The senate interstate commerce commit
teobynvotoof 0 to B rejected the rallroai
lioollng prtvision of the Cullora bill and wll
report the bill us thus amended.
' " tlif Inlfrvttt of ( luoil Itnmls.
WASHINGTON , D. G , Jan 18. The convcn
tlpnof the National Lcaguo for Good Head
mot again this monilug. The couunlttoo 01
resolutions rejiortctl u resolution tlianklui
ho tircss. Atid noklnir for Its continued co-op-
ration. H wns nlso resolved that , so far ns
, tHn biMlncss of road bulldlnc should
x separated from pat tlsnn action , that the
. agriculture nnd mechanic nrU In
he evf ral states should make a spcelrtlty of
hoi-otiRh Instruction , scientific nnd prac-
Ical , In the construction nnd mnlntcnancoof
peed ronils , nnd that this was n proper sub-
rot for the ntrrlcultural experiments that
i-crc supported by congressional upproprla-
The committee on legislation recommended application bo mndo to congi-es * for a
charter of the league , and that in the tnoan-
Imo anorfranlwtlon bo made under n charter
from one of the states. It aNo recommended
hut an appropriation ot $15,000 be asked of
coiiRrcss to ciublo the secretary of agri
culture to nuke a general Inquiry Into the
condition of highways In the United States.
Uoth rei > ort8 were adopted.
HUMHIY CIV1I , Al'l'ltoritlATIONS.
Kumn of tlm t'rlncl | > .il It CUM In tlio Illll ai
Ito | > ortc < l ti > the lloiim * .
WASIIIXCITOK , D. O. , .Ian. 13. The sundry
civil appropriation bill , reported to the house
da.v , carries an agijrcR.lto appropriation
f f.'W.SM.SIH. This -Includes $10,115,750 ap-
iroprlated for river and harbor Improve-
nents. The principal appropriations of In-
.crest are :
Ctiforconicntof the alien contract
labor law * . 76,000
. 'or the C'hlckniriiiuit.'i and Cliatta-
nno a tiittlrmal | nrk4 . 100.000
'IiiforcciiiiMitof tliol'lilni-so nxulu-
slon act . , GO.OOO
' .Ifo H.ivliiK service . l,3il ) , iO
[ .iKlitlioust'.lH'iicoiHaiiilfDK'ilKiinN. U' . 'JOO
icxctitlon of cpldpiiilcit-lncriMisi !
of t' nuide beuansu of tliu
fcnroffholora . . . . > . 3oO,000
Murvi-y ot pulillc lurid . lOS.oot )
Jnanillt Ino Hcrvlco . GT.OOO
tivnliuizoof "llvurcoln . liiO.OOO
I'ulillcatlon nf roconN . 170,001)
: \MHL'sor | ) United dialer courts. . . 5n 0,000
Coitliinln ] Improvements to tliu
rnlranruof ( Jalvoston liurbor . 1,000,000
innivln : ! liny lake clninnul , St.
Mnry'srlvpr , MlclilBiui . 500,000
'riiiiriivlni ' ; Great Kaiiuvvliu rlvur ,
West Virginia . 600,000
[ niproIng MKslsilpiil river friini
tin * nuuitli of the Ohio rlviuto thu
lundliiK mi tli west bunk buluir
MlnnoapolN , Minn . 1.G25.000
' < NtlmiliiK Ininiiivonicnts In Hi.
Mary's river nt the fulls ( Mlcht-
Kiiri ) . . 3,000,000
[ niirovlng | rliannol connecting tlio
'valor * of tin ) gri'at lakes bolweeii
Chlcauo , Diiluthund HulTulo . 1,000,000
Impiovlng can ill at tlio cascades ot
llu < ( . 'olttnililn rlvrr. Oirgon . 1,419,230
improving Ihuiilioldt harbor , Call-
forirla . . . . . 5U2.000
Improving Mississippi river from
hc.'id of tlio p'lsscs to tluiinotilh
of tliu Ohio j-lvor. Including u.x-
pcnsux of tliu Mississippi rlvur
commission . . . . . 2,005,000
Improving Missouri river fiom Its
rnoiitli to tUonCllv. . la , Includ
ing o.spenses of HID MK-rfurl ilvor
coiniiils-lori . 750,000
'oniplctlon of postolllcc , Allo-
Khuny , 1'a . 15,000
In connection with an appropriation of
flMJOO ! ) ( for salaries and commissions of
registers nnd receivers of land ofllces , it is
nado the duty of thu secretary of the in-
crier to consolidate district land ofllccsso as
.o bring their total compensation within the
Another piece of new legislation Is the re-
> eal of the act of March ! ! , lbI ! ) , which pro
vided that once every three years , instead of
every live years , maimed soldiers should bo
entitled to now artificial limbs or coinmuta-
; Ion therefor. Thcro Is , therefore , appro
priated only the usual annual amount for
this purpose , and the estimate of $038,000 ,
which would have been necessary to carry
nit the law , is not allowed. The committee ,
in Its Investigation , found that these limbs
lid not rc < iuire frequent renewing , and that
laitn agents were chiefly instrumental in
securing the passage of the law.
In the bill as reported , nothing was given
to the World's fair , for the reason that Its
appropriations have already exceeded $500-
XX ) , the limit allowed under the existing
law. nnd any now appropriations would bo
subject to a point of order from a single
Jlrrciniinrntls Tlml tlio Iiuv lie Amended.
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Jan. 18. The unani
mous report of the special commlttco of
the house which investigated the Reading
coal combine was submitted to the house
today. It recommends ns a means of pro
tecting the independent coal operators
against discrimination that the interstate
commerce law bo amended to mcot the
effect of Judge firwham's Counsflmnn de
cision , and that the long and short Imul
clauses bo made applicable to railroads
which form connecting lines. The commit
tee is not prepared to give an opinion as to
the liability of the roads Investigated to
punishment under the provision of the anti
trust law , but feels Justitled In saying that
the facts disclosed merit the full considera
tion of the law ofllcers of the government.
Perfect acl.on ami parfccc health rcaul
from the usoof De Witt's little Early Kisors
A perfect llttla pill.
Trouble Slay Arise From Awarding lit to
Klopp & Ilurtlett.
The Omaha Typographical union has in.-ulo
n vigorous protest against the awarding of
the city's printing to Klopp & Bartlctt , a
shop which Is classed as unfair by the union.
Yesterday a protest was filed against tlio
council's ' action in giving the printing to the
concern , nnd the union claims if the wrong
they feel united labor has received is not
righted , to make considerable trouble for
several of the aldermen.
The city's printing amounts to about $9,000
a year , nnd this , the union asserts , ought to
bo given to a house employing union men.
Several well known printing houses made
bids on the worlt. These were referred to
the council commlttco on printing. It recom
mending in favor of Klopp & IJartlctt as
being the lowest bidders. Whether or not
this Is the case is a question that may admit
of some discussion. In speaking of the mat
ter , Mr. Kennedy of the Typographical
union denounced the council's action and as
serted that City Comptroller Olson , to whom
the bids were referred for classification , hud
stated that the bid of the Omaha 1'rintlng
company was the lowest ,
In dofcnso of the council committee's ac
tion , Councilman Saunders last nltrht said :
"Uy awarding the contract to Klopp &
Uartlott the city saves S150. The commlttco
went over and tabulated every item ] of the
bids , taking into consideration the amount
of each article used. No favors were shown
any bidder , ns wo considered only the city's
Interests. Wo could do nothing but report
In favor of the lowest bidder. No member
of the printers' union or anybody else over
intimated to mo what class of printers are
employed In the different printing houses ,
and J did not then know , nbr do I now know ,
whether Klopp & Bartlett nro employing
nonunion men. I believe the Intel-view with
Mr. Kennedy does the committee an Injustice.
Thu committee was unanimous In Its report ,
nnd I ( hlnk the council will sustain the posl
tlon wo have taken. "
If Kirs I'UIC TIIK .
r.lst of CIiniiRc * of Iinportiinrii In the
JtcKUlitr SurvlcuVnturiI.iy. .
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C.Jnn , 18. [ Special Tele
pram to THE BEK. ] The following army or
ders were issued today :
The leave of absence granted Second Lieu
tenant George McK. Williamson , Sixth cav
alry , December .M , Department of the Platte ,
Is extended ono month. Leave of absence
for two months is granted First Lloutcnant
John A. Johnston , Eighth cavalrv. The
court of Inquiry convened In this city De
cember 27 will , upon the completion of the
introduction of testimony and the arguments
of counsel , repair to Now York City and
there romploto its proceedings. Leave of
absence for four months Is granted First
Lieutenant Beverly W. Dunn , ordnance do
lurtmcnt. _
World' * Tiilr CommUsloiipM Ariel ,
Nebraska's World's Fair commissioners
held a , meeting yesterday at the oflleo o :
General Garnuau. Several rcK | > rts fron :
commissioners In charge of various depart
monts were read and submitted. U was
stated that the agricultural exhibit would bo
ready to ship to Chicago tomorrow.
There Is grave apprehension that the ? ot ) ,
000 appropriated would fall to meet the re
qulremcnts of the exhibit , and uu effort wu
luado to have Governor Boyd suggest an In
creased amount. If the appropriation falls
to pass the legislature the commission wll
bo entirely at sea.
Indigestion , dUiiiicss. Take Bceeham's
Nebraska Board of Agriculture Bequests As
sistance of tbo Legislature.
l > ncult > lred on the ITiilrcrnUy C.tmpiu for
the Kroctlun of n Convention Unit
lot Via of All Htnto Or-
initiation * .
Ijtxcoi.x , Nob. , .Ian. 19. [ Special to TUB
Inn. ] The report of tlio committee on
credentials was the ilrst in order for bust-
icss this morning at the meeting of the
State Doura of Agriculture. The special
committee on n convention hall to bo built
n Lincoln for the use of nil state societies
rc | > orted In favor of asking the legislature
for an appropriation of $ ' 30,003 to crdct a
suitable building on the university campus ,
t was decided to leave the matter In the
lands of the committee with Instructions to
iso its best endeavors to have the bill
U. II. Henry Introduced a resolution ,
vhlch was adopted by a unanimous vote ,
presenting the name of Hon. J. Sterling
Morton , to President Cleveland as a proper
> erson for secretary of agriculture.
J. M. Leo canio to the front with a rcsolu-
Ion asking Governor Crounso to appoint K.
I. Orcerof Kcarnov as commissioner gen
eral of Nebraska's World's fair exhibit , In
case a vacancy was created , was also
adopted , as were onus by Mr. Dlnsmoro and
jovcrnor Purnas advocating a puru food
illl being passed by congress anil express-
rig condolence over the death of Orange
Nominations for the fifteen vacancies In
ho board of managers were called for , and
.ho . twenty-six men named therefor will bo
considered by n special committee composed
of Ulnsmorc , Morrison , Uceeher , Vuneo and
The greater part of the afternoon session
and a portion of the morning were devoted
o the hearing of reports from the oxperl-
ncnlstatlon , geologists , botanist , meteorolo-
flat and other scientists connected with the
> oard.
A resolution was adopted that hereafter
he premium on collectlvo county exhibits bo
divided Into live awards.
Following Is a summary of Treasurer Mc-
ntjTo's statement :
inluncn from 1801 . $15,23t BO
\niplilthcalur . 2,701 50
tooth privileges . 3,1)5750 )
iunrter stretch . 51200
jlonoral admission tleKoth . 11,002 50
lurlltigton coupons . 8,127 25
Missouri I'acllli : coupons . 1,85025
ills-.ouil coupons . 1,108 50
Clkhoni coupons . 1,13800
ioclf Island coupons . 051 00
Jinaha coupons . 2850
Speed moiiuy . 5,14295
Unit money . 1,12350
Itiito appropriation * . 2,000 00
' . mid miscellaneous Items. . . . lG8l 55
Total receipts . $57,003 80
Ity 1,000 warrants 1802 , and four
warrants 1801 . 143.0P3 37
Balance on hand . f 13,070 43
The board elected the following officers :
President , U. H. Henry , Columbus ; vlco
( residents , P. H. Harry , Grcoley , and C. H.
-olton , David City ; treasurer , Ed Mcln-
tyre. Seward ; secretary , K. W. Furnas ;
ward of managers , J. Jensen , chairman ;
M. Dunham. Milton Doollttlo , E. A. Barnes
and II. W Parker.
In the Federal Court.
Judge Dundy and a Jury are engaged today
in trying the case of Mary E. Gandy against
Joseph Huottor nnd Peter Mueller. Mrs.
Gandy is the wife of the famous litigant , Dr.
Gandy , formerly of Humboldt , but now of
Missouri. The defendants reside in Pawnee
county , near Humboldt. The suit Is brought
on a promissory note for Sl.SlTi.TG' , purporting
to have been executed by John Kuetter for
money loaned him by the plaintiff. The
names of the defendants mentioned appear
on the note as sureties. John Kuotter disap
peared some years ago , and the sureties
claim that their-names were forged thereto.
The note itself is not Introduced in evidence ,
the plaintiff claiming that it has been lost.
But ono indictment has so far been found
by the grand Jury. It is that against George
Chambers of Falrbury , charged with send
ing an obscene letter through the malls. The
case of the Emerald "ostofllce robbers Is now
being Investigated.
An Implement 1'lrin Fnlls.
The firm of Wallingford & Shamp , Imple
ment dealers at 10U North Ninth street , gave
a bill of sale on nil the goods In their store
rooms to D.ivid Bradley & Co. of Council
Bluffs for $7,500. The assets of the llrm are
unknown , but the con morclal agencies say
that the liabilities will foot up In the neigh
borhood of ? 17,000. The linn has been in
hard lines for some time. The Junior part
ner Is Jerorno Shamp , who tniulo a pictur
esque campaign for congress in the First
district last fall.
HuiiR Up Furfto ,
The board of directors of the Nebraska
Trotting and Pacing Horse Breeders asso
ciation announce the following purses to bo
contended for August 8 , 9 , 10 and 11 , ut some
place to bo decided on later :
rnisT DAY.
Trotting race , foals of ' 02 , 2 In 3 t 500
3:00 : class pace nee
2:29 : class trot 600
U:00class : trot 500
Two-year-old trot $ 500
Two-year-old paeu 500
2:40 : class stallion trot 500
I'rec-for-ull tiot or pace , 3 In 0 , V mile. . 200
xiiinn UAY.
One-year-old pace , 2 In 3 $ 500
2:22 : class , pacing 500
Kioo-for-all trot 500
2:21 : class trot 000
rouimi IUY.
Futurity stakes for ' 91 , ' . . . .11,000
Three-year-old tiol 500
l < 'li > c-for-ull pace 500
.2:35class : trot 000
1'ollco Court Xevm.
Thomas Ballon , a painter , who was accused
of having forged a check and passed it on a
restaurant man , was discharged for lack of
evidence , the complainant failing to identify
him , and Ballon proving an alibi. The
restaurant man has signed a paper acknow
ledging himself mistaken. t
Al Monroe nnd his putative wife , Sophia
Dean , were arrested for disturbing the peace
today. Sophia had fil.OTt which Al wanted ,
but us she refused to even give him the
nickel , ho whaled her. The court divided
the money between them and discharged the
Sudio Ciirr was found curled up in the par
lor of the Lincoln hotel last ovenlng. It de
veloped today that the Omaha authorities
had sent her to Llncoin to cot rid of her , nt
she was n charge rfn Vho city The police
promptly returned hrp prepaid this morning.
City In micf.
Mayor Weir last cvehlrig returned the gar
bage crematory ordiptnco to the council
with his veto. Ho didn't bollovo It was a
satisfactory ono , that'tlli ' ) charges were too
high , and expressed HU belief that the city
ought to own the crematory.
Between and BOO birds are displayed In '
the big room In the Blllhutslov block , where '
the annual chicken show'of the State Pout
try association is being hold. The doors
were thrown open to the1 public last evening ,
and the attendance hns been fair. The en
tries are larger and finer than over , and the
worlcof judging was begun today. A little
row occurred when Colonel Emery , who I
halls from Missouri , was appointed as ono of
the Judges. The Omaha exhibitors refused 1
to compete If ho was allowed to act. The 5
managers refused to recall his appointment ,
and the birds from Omaha were withdrawn
front competition.
K. Anderson nr the excise board to re
move Officers Me Williams and McClollnn as
! ncom | > ctent men. Some two months ago ,
Anderson relates , ho was accompanying the
Janitor of the Academy of Music on his
rounds , and while passing the alloy In the
rear of the budding the ofllccrs stopped out
of the ccllarw.iy and shot him.
L. M. Conn , late proprietor of the late
Leader dry goods store , again refused to an
swer questions put to him concerning the
failure by attorneys of his creditors before a
notary public , who claimed to want his J
deposition , and was ordered confined for con
tempt of court. Ho was released soon after
on a writ of habeas corpus , which will be
heard Friday. This Is the second tlmo Colin L
has been arrested and his appeal on the
question of whether the notary can commit
him when he Is a resident of the city and
not about to leave It Is pending In the su
preme court.
Dick Ashtnun , proprietor of a billiard hall ,
and E. Schuler. a diugglst at Havclock ,
were lined 8100 and costs in Judge Fox-
worthy's court for soiling liquor without a
license. Nitus Erban , charged with the
same offense , was discharged , us ho was
simply n clerk.
A plat of the now Itock Island town of
Hokeby , located nine miles south of the city ,
was filed with the register of deeds today.
The Uock Island recently contracted for the
erection of suitable depot buildings at nil the
new stations on its line south from this city.
Florence A. Winsorasks the district court
for a divorce from Carleton A. Winsor.whom
she married in Hastings February 8 , 1SSG.
Desertion and nonsupport are alleged.
The Falls City bank asks judgment in dis
trict court against the Individual stockhold
ers of the Lawrence Implement company ,
comprising E. S. Hawley , F. P. Lawrence ,
C. A. Atkinson , J. L. Doty , E. T. Huff. D.
W. Haydock and H. G. Olds for fMS'.STi.
duo on n promissory noto. The plaintiff
claims that the company never complied
with the state law regarding publication of
Incorporation , indebtedness , etc. , which lit
tle omission plaintiff claims makes them In
dividually liable for the indebtedness.
The executive committee of the County
Judges association of Nebraska was In ses
sion In this city last ovenlng and today
formulating legislation to make probate prac
tice uniform and to secure favorable action
on what they want. A legislative commit
tee was appointed to draw up a bill and push
The seventh annual meeting of the Draft
and Coach Horse Breeders association of
Nebraska was held at the Hotel Lincoln
this afternoon and ovenlng. The attend
ance was good and a v/ory / Interesting meet
ing hold , papers being read by Dr. Balllns
and William Burgess of Crete. The
mutter of an exhibit at the World's
fair was dieusscdt and they decided
to encourage tho" making of a
complete showing of draft and coach horses.
The bill prepared by the-Llvo Stock associa
tion , which provides for , ho establishment of
a patho-biologlcal laboratory , was submitted ,
and ' as it is a nuostibn'bt great importance to
this association , waft , i unanimously com
mended. Officers wcro elected ns follows :
President , William Burgess , Crete ; vlco
presidents , A Grecnjmyor and George J.
Woods , Lincoln ; seeijptury , A.L.Sullivan ,
Lincoln ; treasurer , A. Burg , Hastings.
These , together with Hl'S ' Reed of Lincoln
and Joseph Watson i df > . * Beatrice , constitute
the board of directors. .
Table Itock Knlpflitu ot Pythlns.
.c Uocic , Neb , , Jan. 18. Special toTnn
BEE. ] The Knights * of Pythias held a cub-
lie installation of officers Monday night as
follows ; S. H. Dopp , chancellor cammauder ;
C. U. Judklns , vice chancellor ; C. H. Bar
nard , private ; William White , keeper of
records and seal ; W. H. Wilson , master ot
exchequer ; C. I. Norrls , master of finance ;
G. II. Martin , master guide ; J. C. Beck , In-
sldo guard ; B. F. Norris , outside guard.
At the conclusion of the Impressive cere
monies Dr. Wilson spoke. An invitation tea
a banquet prepared by Mrs. Dr. Wilson was
accepted and a delightful time was passed.
? MBM- > -w
Alleged Gamblers Arrvntcd.
DAKOTA Crrr , Nob. , Jan. 18. [ Speclal'to
THE BEE. ] Bob Thompson , John Emily and
Grant Caster were last night lodged in jail ,
and the sheriff is now searching for Matt
Cassman , all of whom are charged with
stealing ( by playingstud poker ) $1 In cash
and a team of horses valued at $100 from
Hugh Neely of Thurston county on the 8th
inst , at Covington. Neely , while in an in
toxicated condition , was enticed into the
game , drugged and fleeced of all ho hud , the
crime being committed in George Cassell's
bagnio. Their cases are sot for Saturday be
fore 'Squiro NuiTziger.
Fremont Now * Notes.
FUEMO.VT , Neb. . Jan. 18. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] C. H. Plambcck , democrat , was
elected county Judge of Dodge county by
about .TOO plurality yesterday , to succeed AV.
H. Hunter , deceased. The election pas-scd
off very quietly , only a very small vote being -
ing polled.
The renams of the late George E.
Herman , who shot himself at Nickcrson ,
were brought to this city today for burial by
the Odd Fallows of this city , of which order
ho was a member.
To Interest the Public.
TKCUMSCII , Neb. , Jan. 18. [ Special to TUB
BEE.John. ] . M. Thayer camp , No. 83 , Sons
of Veterans , at this place , have Introduced a
new feature in their meetings to awaken in
terest. The ilrst and third meetings In'oach
month will bo devoted
to debating on ocur-
rent topics by two principals , each of whom
shall appoint two assistants , and the entire
evening given up to this discussion. The
venture promises to fully accomplish its ob
Heavy Shipment of Shuop.
McCooi , JUNCTION , Nob. , Jan. 18. [ Special
to TUB BKE. ] W. U. Vunderveer of this
city today shipped to Omaha and Chicago ;
3,000 sheep , Mr. Vandervoor has a largo ;
sheep ranch near herp.'r ' , Last fall ho pur
chased and shipped frouj Now Mexico to this
p'aco 5,000 , sheep. fl
m MkM m. A m 9 9A m * * B _ jF *
Ijold Kjmj Qlet e erry.'old soul ,
Had lived 17tt/is / reatapeojolirs ,
HeWould Recalled jorBULL DURHAM
To srrpKe 17 lis ? pipe , .
And been n errier Under itt powers ,
Thousands of Smokers
The Millionaire in his palace ,
The Laborer in his cottage ,
The Swell on the street ,
The Sailor on his ship ,
Comfort-lovers everywhere ,
Prefer Bull Durham *
Blackwcll's Durham Tobacco Co. , .
Is superior to all olhur preparations
claiming to bo blood-purifiers. First
of nil , because the principal Ingredi
ent used in It is the extract of gen
uine Honduras sarsaparilla root , the
variety richest In medicinal proper-
Cures Catarrh ± 0A '
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresh and
of the very best kind. AVith equal
discrimination and care , each of the
other ingredients are selected and
compounded. It Is
because it is always the sumo in ap.
pearance , flavor , and effect , ami , be
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses arc needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical lilood-purifler
- In cxistt "cc- * '
makes food nonr-
lsIlillK > wo'ik Pleas.
UIt , , siccp refreshing -
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the system and
expels them harmlessly by the natti-
ral channels. AYEH'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and infirm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aver S ; Co. , Lowell , Man.
Sold bynlmruggleu ; 1'rlccSl , elz tolllc , f5.
Cures others , will cure you
Great Blanket Sale
We propose to close out our
stock of Rlankcts and have
made a deep cut to close them
out quickly. Note these prices.
At $1.25 a pair
100 pairs of solid gray 5 pound
blankets reduced from $2.
At $1.50 a pair
One lot of scarlet wool blankets
reduced from $2.75.
At $1.95 a Pair
One lot of 10-4 all wool blank-
cts reduced from $3.50.
At $2.95 a pair
One lot of 11-4 all wool blank
ets reduced from $1.50.
At $3.75 a pair
One lot California blankets re
duced from $0.00.
At $5.00 a pair
One lot of all wool blankets ,
slightly soiled , reduced
from $7.00 , $8.00 and 0.00.
These prices are made in order -
der to convert stock into money
before inventory.
The Morse
Dry Goods Co.
flattop al
Capital $100,000
Surplus . M . . . . . . . . $05,000
Offlccri ana Directors llenrr\V.V to ) , proililsnt
H. C. CuililnK. vlco prejIUani ; O. H. Mn'irloa , W. V
ilorio.John S. Colltni J. K. U. IMtrlo * ! L'twli d
Iteed , caiblor.
We will tend you the tnirrtloui
French Preparation CALTHOO
Tree , and a legal guarantee tbtl
OALTI108 will Itvklorn soar
Slvultli , Ntr.ucllt nud Vigor.
Uie it and fa Y ifiatisftd ,
Addrnoi VON MOHL CO. .
Bait iBtrilu AfftBU , CUclButll , OU .
ll Ball B U USJAnil alt tlio train of
KVII.3. WKAK.VBSiKJ. IlKIHUrV. KT. . , Ihit an
comiiinr Ibeui In men QUICKLY ant PlilOIA.
NR.NTljY CLUKU. full UTUBMOT1I an4 ton.
BlTcn toerorr partof tba boJr. 1 Hill iai l ( is-
cnrelr piekeii ) fit lit ( unnf lullorer tUj proiorlp.
rlon that cured moot thoio troublai. AilJrdts , U
v UATILK ciutcu , Mien.
and it does iud
wtyaf tye clainisfor i ' it. iW
YOUR Grocerforit ,
arjd INSIST on Ijavipg1 it.
At thirty-live cents thtit is good shirts is a little out ot the ordi
nary but that's exactly what we're doing today. We're retailing
unhtundricd white shirts , made of good heavy muslin with
fine pi" liiicn b jmi mjjjijuiJ' < --tully reinforced front and
back with patent extension facings in the back and sleeves just
such shirts as yon have been paying a half dollar for at
We've two more kinds of unlanndried shirts a seventy cent one
at fifty cents and a dollar one at seventy cents. The fifty cent
one is open behind only , and the seventy cent one open "behind
or before , " as yon like. In
We show four grades of our special make "The Nebraska" each
one well made and getting finer and better as the prices grow
At 65c.
A laundried shirt of heavy muslin with pure linen bosom-
reinforced front patent facings open behind.
At 85c.
A laundried shirt of Wamstitta muslin fine linen bosom and"
bands reinforced front and back open behind.
At $1.00.
A laundried shirt of New York Mills muslin linen bosom and
bands reinforced front and shirred back open front.
At $1.1O.
A laundried shirt of New York Mills muslin finest linen bo
som and bands reinforced front felled scams haiid'made
button holes open behind.
A hundred dozen night shirts long and roomy good ( \ r *
heavy muslin with fancy trimmings the 'fifty cent \ | f *
kind-at J f v >
You can buy one or six the price is just the same.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 Kooms nt IJ.W per d r-
Ji nooms at 11.09 par d r.
CO Keomi with Until at fJ.OO per tlir.
to Itoomi with Until at t3.aO to 11.63 per rtijr.
Modern In Kvnrj lloapcct.
Newly furnlnliod Thrnngliout.
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Metropolitan Hotel ,
Broadway , corner Prince St. ,
Roflttod and renovated under nuvr immnzo-
nicnt , on Kuropnnn plan. Koum rates II u duy
and upwards. Hostaurunt equal to tlio best
In the city at moderate ratua. Htroat curs
from nil K. H. stHtnms nnd steamboat and
ferrv landings oass tlio door.
HII/DKETH & ALLEN , Proprietors.
Elastic Stocking-
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.16&SI , ,
Next to Postofllee
W.H.I'AIIKKIl , Mn.tfn..lIInlflnciEt. ,
BOSTON , UA'ia. , tMrf tontnliini ptiyilctau of the
wa * awardvd the aou > xtiui. by tlio NATIONAL
MEDICAL AaiociATinN for the ril/.iiSRAY : on
Kjhauittd Yltnllty , Atrophy , A'trroui and I'fiyitcal
tbltUytnnd all Jtlnaitt and KVuindi ot Man ,
niinrO lho V > u g , Ilia > nt < IJle.agtJ nnd old ,
lillfipX Consultation in penon or by loiter ,
UUIIUU I'ronpocliu , with teitlmonlali FliKR.
Largo book. 80IKNCH OF JII'U. OH filXF-
IMtKHKIlVATION. 800 pp. . 126 Invaluable tire
criptloiH. full Kilt , only 4lx > 0 by mall , * oal i
To J. H. lliMitolIo. Jllko Votora , Oatharlna
Loch II n , M. Suvorrn Soronsim. A. I * . Uhrlsto-
phorr.oii. Ulura 1'ord. O. H. Kllsworth. John
Mohr , UeorKii II. Tzscuch , . lames O. Nolsou.
1'oter Uohl , wnltur L. Hclliy , James G. Alton :
You are luirohy no tilled Unit thu undor-
slKiiiMl , thrco disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
thu mayor , with the approval of thu city coun
cil of bald city , to thu duimiKu to tlm
owners respectively of the property declared
by ordlnancu necessary to bo appropriated for
the USD of Hiild clly , for tlio uurposu of opening
nnd extending .Sixteenth Ntrcut from Vlntoii
struct to the .south city limits.
Von are further iiotillcd , that having ac
cepted nalcl appointment , mid duly iiuullflnil
ns required by l..w , wo will , on thu tioth day ot
January , A. 1) . 189U , at tlm hour of 11 o'clock
In the forenoon , at the olllco of T. II , McUul- b-JU , NowVorlc I.lfo hiilldliiK , within
the corporate limits of mild city , meet for thu
purposoof considering and making the assess
ment of damage tothu ownurs respectively , of
said property , by reason of such tuklne and
appropriation I hereof , taking Into oonsldura-
tlon special bcnullts. If any ,
Tliu property belonging to you , nropnsod to
bo appropriated us aforesaid , and which Inn
been declared necessary by the council , by
ordinance. , Inappropriate to thunsuof thoclty ,
tiolriK Hltuvtcd In said city of Omaha , In tlm
countv of Douglas , and state of Nebraska , (1 (
described us follows , to-wlt :
S 20 foot of w 00 fi-ot of lot 40 , B. K. KoKOrH1
plat , Ukahoma ; w 10 foal of lota 10 and 11 ,
Mottor'H HUhdlvlslon of lot -4H , H. K. Rogers' '
plat , OUuhoinii ; w 00 fee t of Hiililot 1 , tax lot
SO ; wtttfentof lot ID , Oak Illll No.2H7fout ;
of w24 feet of lot 10 , Oak Hill No. 2 ; w 10 foot
of lots 0-7-H , Mottor'H subdivision of lot-lH , H.
K. HoKurM * plal , Okuhoriiu ; n 2IK ) feet w GO
ft-otof lot-lu , S. 13. Hoiur.V plat , Okalioina ; w
Ofeut lot 1.1 , .Moltor' * Hiibdlvlslon of lot , 48 , S ,
1. HoKiirs' plat. Okalioina : w ! ) ( > feet , of Hiiblot
K tax lot 20 ; w 10 foot lot 0 , Mottor'H Hiibdlvl
slon of lot 48 , H. K. Uoxcrs' plat , Okuhonui :
23 foot , ovropt .s 7 foul , of lot 1(1. ( Oak Illll No.
U ; lot 14. Mottor'H .subdivision 243 feet of lot
26 , Klseles subdivision.
You aru notllled to bo prnsunt at the tlrno
and plucu aforesaid , and inaku any objections
to or Ntatuinuiits cnncurnliig Hiild proposed up-
proprlatlnn , or assussineiil of dunnigus , aj
you may consider pronur.
' '
Omnlm. January 5. H'JJ. _ Jll-d20t
I'roput tu tat .1 niinil iiry nurvejiinilJI on
Qunural Land Ollico , >
WAHIIIVOTOX. l . o. . Dgcern borSl. 'I'i ' |
Seal oil propolis will bo rooolvednt tlioKiin-
ural ' land otllco. Wannliuton , 1) . a , until U
o'clock p. m. on H.iturday. the 24th day of
January. 18'M. ' for the survov nnd mnrlilnK by
hiiltible inoiiuiiioiits , of portion ot the
boundary line liutwaon the state of Nubruska
and the Btato of Houth D.iliota wliloh lion west
of tliu Missouri river , us authorized bv the uot
of construe , aoprovul Au.-uit \ IHX' . ' in lUIni ;
itppioprlntlon for nurvnylni : tlm pulillo lands
ramphlot Statutes at hirgu , IM.HK. ) | . p. 37ii |
also for the furnishing lit ntono inoiutmenta tu
IM > place I nt hiilf-inllo Intnrvali on said boun
dary. The bias for ilio nurvey and for tlio
monument * ruun be nopnrute. wl h tlio prlvl-
IBKU to tlio hlddur that If ho M nut awarded
thu contract for both ho will bu bound to con-
truot for nuithur. Coilcs | of thuspocllluulloai
iniiy be hnd upon iipiilloatlon to this ollloo.
r.acli bid mmt l > accompanied by u rurtllloil
ehock forJVj ) . Thu rluht to rojoot nny or all
bids U ruservo'J. '
I'rupoanhi limit bo inolosu I
In ouvulopai soalo I and marked "Ilri > po nl
for surrey of lionndiiry hutwuun NubraHka
nnd South Dakota , " Una "I'ropoinli for bemnT
ilury monnmontf. " and addruned to the Oon-
mlMlonorof thoQuuuriil L'tud Olllce. Wash- .
I ) . U.