- PTT17mvfATTA nATT.V HPTVTnMI7Cn A V .TAMTFAIIV Ifl 1QOQ Commemorating a Earo Brent in Roman Oatholio Annals. EARLY LIFE OF A REMARKABLE MAN JIN Itlm from tlin 1'rli-ntliooil to Tint of Hjilrltunl Knlcr of .MillionTlio Most l'ruir < i lv of .llodrrn l'oj > c 1'cmoii.il Appciiuiiico. The particular event In the llfo of I..03 XIII. celebrated by the Catholic world today Is tlio lUtlcth anniversary of his consecra tion us titular nichblshoii of D.tin.itln. Pie- vlous to that tlmo ho wnsbfohnpof 1'criiKin , nn established diocese , but in order that ho rnlKht fulfill the duties of nuncio tojlolgltim , ctliiuiHto required the higher title , In this case an honorary ono. The present he.ul of the Roman Catholic- church Is ono of the conspicuous llgurcs In this ccnturj of HI cat men. Me.isured by the extent of hh lulluenco for ( wal and the l > ovier yielded for the advancement nnd bet- tcnncnt of mankind , It mint ba conceded that ho has no equal. Of the modem jiopos ho h dccldi'dlj the most modern In ide.is , nnd this h the more surpiUIng when his great UKO is consldorcJ Ho Is rounding out ) iU 8'ld year bavins been born In Carplneto , Italy , March 'J , imo iurly ; Life. .Toachlm Percl w.is rcaicd amid surround ings dominated by the old Itoin in \ Irtues Ills father was Count Ludo\lco , n soldier under the flrst Najwleon. and his mother Countess Anna It Is an Italian saying that Joachim was born for the sovereign pontifi cate and everything In his llfo bus led up to It. His caieer , savs n distinguished writer In the lloviow of Kin lews , Is not HUe that of most men , the product of haird nnd of circumstances ; It has un folded Itaelf with the slow graduation nnd the successive and harmonious developments of a work of art or of nature In early childhood his ministerial devotion declared itself under the guidance of n pious mother , nnd fioni that moment ho has allowed that vocation to run Its course On December ill. IKj" , ho became pi lest Shortly after taking holy outers , cholera broke out In Home , and the young priest displayed his courageous nnd self sacilllclng spirit in mliilstoiing to the victims of the plugub Altlmiij.'li natuiallv a studious man , lift was not PCI milted to retlio and live with Ills books. Ills supeiiors , noting the llimncss shown during the plague , undo him civil ndinlnlstrator of the pilnclpallty of Bene- \ en to. Among tlin llrltfuml * . Bcncvento is a small domain of forty-six squillo mill s When rather I'e < ci became ad- inlnlstrator thi'icgion was n lefitgo for out laws of hiirli and low degree Utlgands nnd smugglers Infested It , and were piotcctcd by innn > of the nobilltj who doubtless sbaied in the prolltsof the business As an ad minis- tiator , J'ecci miulo short woik of the out laws Brigands wciodlsiKsed of with llttlo less expedition than were desperadoes in e.uly days In the west , except that instead of .ludgo Lynch the prisons clrtsed on them mid remained closed. Hmuggleisand minor malefaetois were hunted down and punished In less than a year the region was fieo from outlaws , and llfo and prosperity were made secure All this was accomplished by a delicate priest "who " bis young , , enemies sneerlngly said , "wrote poetry. " Honor * The honor of bishop of Perugia followed. JVt the ago of 82 ho was sent as nuncio to Belgium , n Kind of liberty , where , In the coutt of Leopold I , ho Imbibed the broad principles of modernism , which distinguish Ills later riuccr. Meanwhile the uicli- blshopilc pf Perugia becoming vacant , ho was glu'ii tlmjiosltion on his return to Italy. The position afforded Archbishop Pcccl the longed for solitude , duiiug which ho followed ns u sympathetic and lit ten the obscncr the movement of modem thought and elabor.ited the Ideas expounded later In hla rcmnikablo encyclicals Short ! Y before the death of Pius IX. Arch bishop Pecel was called to Ilomo t-j tecelvo n caidinal's hat. Ills personality impressol itself on o\ cry ono , and w 1th ono nccord ho was ] x > Intcd nt as the coming jxipc. Events Justified the popul.ir verdict. On the Ud of March , 1878. ho was chosen pope by the college - logo of cardinals. JMoilorn felon * Kxpuiuuloil. . The career of Leo XIII since that momen tous o\cnt is familiar history" 1'ho pro- prcssho drift of his mind evinced In early 'life doolopcd into acts that huvo shocked nnd , nimued monarchies and correspond ingly Htatlllod upholduts of republi can institutions Pope Leo reversed the retrogtcsslvo policy of his predecessor nnd placed the church in line w Hit human progicss , Pioof of his icpubllc.tn tenden cies w.ts exhibited c.nly in his rolgn , but powerful Influence delajcd their piomulga- tlon. When , how over , the reactionaries of the church In the United States sought to condemn the organization of Knights of lather , Leo sought the counsel of Cardinal Gibbons The result was commendation in- > staad of condemnation. The second gte.it step In the revolution of forinw papal policies was the pronuncla- mcntolu , support of the republic of Franco. In ( his ho displaced the coui.igo of his con- victjons mid evoked the plaudits of Ubcinl uon-C > itholics. Influences hith erto all-powerful wrro exerted In Vnlu The C.ithollo nobility of Franco the monarchists , Imperialists and Orloan- Ists , ( Mch w 1th aspirants for the throne , nnd iflfipportod by n largo number of the bier- urc'hy , sought n lecall or a modillc.itlon. They thro.itened nnd fumed , but the ixjpo not only itmmincd tmshnkcii in his purpose ; ho threatened to discipline tiio obsticperous clergy unless they marched to the music of democracy. Tin ) famous encyclical on Inlmr , the ap proval of tlui Farlbault school plan and the udssipn of Mgr. Satolll to the United States , nro part of the progresslv opoliey which dis tinguishes the pontlllcato of Leo XIII. IVrnoiml Ai i > i > nrmi < < > . Hov Henry W. Fischer , n Lutheran minis ter in the Oonpo country , had nn audience with the jwpo , recently , on mat tent pertain ing to the missions in Central Afiica , nnd thus describes his pelsonal appearance and mtrrpundtngs ; ' , 'TJiO face of the pontiff is of n transparent ( r/itar , with a strong nose , a large mouth , and vivid eyes. It Is earnest and full of repose , but ftniuoiitlv lit up by n smile indlratho of kindliness. Under the \ \ hlto satin skull cap sll\cry curls hnngdownnt the sides of the head Thu slight frame was clothed In n whlto woolen garment of exquisite softness of tcxturo , neither tlamlel nor serge uor Jcisey , hut u fabric peculiar to the pontllicnl robes nnd inanufanturctl exclusively for the incumbent of St. Peter's thnmo. "Around the shoulder his holiness wore a capo of tlio same cloth nnd or that n heavy ROld link chain , tieh with on.unol nnd precious stones , to which was attached n largo cross , .set with diamonds , emeralds nnd rubies Ills small hands were covered with white woolen half mittens , ami on the index ! linger of the right hand ho carried the papal ling , o , of lln Jewel pieat vntuo nnd workman ship ) I had nlwnvs heard that the "nnnulus plscatorius , " the Fisher ring , was part nnd mrcol pf the pope's costume , but , on inquiry , 1 learned that the signal bearing the likeness - ness of the itK > stles Peter nnd Paul nnd the tltIq"LeoXUl. Is In ehnrgo of the secre tary a ( state , though its use is invrstod 0In his holiness nloiio. An impression of the Fisher > hit | must bo nttaohed to brovcs In red wax and to hulls in lead to ton ( turn legality J a hempen cord Is used In nil matters of stnto nnd authority , whlto n silken band serves to sup | > ort thu scat in cases of grants unit favors conferred. The ring Is broken Into fragments by the chief cardinal after the death of the pontiff and ofn now ono furnished to the elected successor by the city of Homo. orH "With thu garments described the pope [ Heats whlto woolen stockings nnd iod velvet slippers embroidered in gold. "Alas ! that so veucr.ibla n character In „ history should have his small vices like the rest of us. I observed n jeweled snuff box peeping indiscreetly from nninsldo pocket of the airf of whlto watered silk wound orpund thu pope's waist , with ends hanglpg [ down to the Uniws. U speaks for the thor ough unnffectedncss of the pontiff that , while llitoiilng to my nurrativo , here - ucntly took n pinch of the wcoJ with ori ent relish \\cinilrrfnl Itnni-o of Infiirnmtliiti. "Aftor prcctlpR mo with mut-li courtesy , tit oiico waul to the core of the brought me ail the \mv from frim. Ho spoltc nuthorltfttlvoly , after a jOtnu\\imt commiiu Jlntf fnihlon anil in a rolco that , despite hl jears , echoed the 'orco of unlminlrod lungs \Vhilo listcnlnjf .o my preamble , eitttly made In ncconlauco .rllli . the nilvlces I htvl received In tiio ante- Ills anrill brown oiesshonoith Kl.incu , but as aoon us ho himself : oimncncod talking those eyes Let'iimo ivid ! \Uli the IIro of iiitolliicnuo nnd nrdor aring the tlmo of his dlscourso ho no- pcnrcil nlmost rojuvemtod , nnd soon jopiin dcmandiiif , ' seemingly unltn- liortnnt dotnlN , while ho fur- iihhed ontcs and Ini'idents of dlstiut sub ects nppcrtaliiliijr to the case that were at once surprising mill now to 1110. 1 ho pope's memory , his faculty to recall remote circum stances , astonished mo beyond expression I was prepued to moot n mild old man , ana instead uncouiitei od nn accomplished debater , \vho hnndlud his didactics with the s'dll and warmth of a youthful enthusiast. His famil iarity with tin1 subject under discussion was the mete noteworthy us the pope had lud no time for special prepnr.ition ; ho commanded mo to audience almost immediately upon ipeelviiiR mj petition , and none of his coun cilors present at tlio Vatican was particularly able to enlighten him on the subject "When tlio jrnpo h id interrogated mo on o\ery conceivable point , and seemingly had gntheicd nil the matciial calculated to have a bearing on his decision , ho leaned bick in his arm chair and .tskod mo to iopc.it my stori with all jiossiblodetails , taking especial reference to the subjects siisgostcd by his own interpolations , and \\liilo I followed his instructions ho sat there with hands folded In his lap , all attention , and nodding ap provingly from time to time The moment t got tluough the aged primate pronounced judgment with n precision and stability of purimso that absolutely forestalled further argument. His decision was exactly con trary to my expectations , but the feeling of disappointment never untcied my mind , see ing that the weight of the authoritative power expressed , was so overwhelming as to tender all objections useless This , at least , was the initial expression received I , the Lutheran , unconsciously submitted to the dogma of infallibility the Hint time the pope expressed tin opinion to mo. " A .VA t ) I/A < n\iixxs. \ Joseph Murphy in his dual role of Larry O'Donovan and Shaun Hhuo , will close his \ cry successful engagement at Boyd's theater tonight "Shaun Hhuo" is by the same author ns "Tlio Kerry Gow , " and is equally as good a play It is worth the price of admission to hear Mr. Murphy sing "A Handful of Ilirth. " Miss Annie Lewis , the dainty bit of hu manity starring w 1th "A Nutmeg Match , " which opens a four nights' engagement nt Iloyd's tomorrow night , is ono of tlio few * champions of the icalistio drama. In nn article recently published in tlio Chicago Mail , Miss Fxjwis sajs that if mete attention was gi\en to the Intiodtic- tion of pile drivers and buz ? saws , less atten tion might bo paid to nctiesses fiom the dhorco courts and plays from such pens as nmilCola's Seats for her engagement at o now on sale at the box ollico of Uoid's theater ' The Stranglers of Patis" is the drama presented bv the stock company at Wonder land and Uijou theater It unquestionably is tlio strongest play jet produced at the house nnd is a great plcaser. Mr George Wessels as Jargon is grand , and Miss Ncllio Kiting ns Mathilda is perfection Hairi Bar low makes a great .too Blanchaid , and the balance of the conipiny ably sustain their roles The specialty program is excellent and a big week's business is looked for. At the Fainam Stteot theater for a week , commencing Sunday matinee , January 22 , Florence Bindley w ill present her realistic comedy-drama , "Tlio Pay Train" Miss Bindloy requires no introduction to theater goers , as her name is n household word , and her company has won distinction throughout the United States The play itself is ono calculated to please the masses , ns comedy and sentiment are equally blended , nnd tears and laughter alternate. Incidental to the piece musical specialties and Hinging and dancing of a high order will bo introduced , among which maj bo mentioned Miss Bind- ley's song and dance , entitled , "Kiss and Make Up Again , " and the great song , ' ! Never Will Do it Again. " The musical num bers willcpusist of Miss Bindloy's solos on tlio ' xj'lopholrio' , autoharp and musical glasses. In the latter she stands peerless and alone. The effects aio the great railroad scene , in which n full train of cars ctosses the stage nt full speed f then comes the wreck of the incline piano" truck , in which n coal car dashes down from the dome to the stago. This scene is a most thrilling ono and cre ates the wildest enthusiasm. o NOIITII GAI.VESTOV , Tex. , Jan. 17. With a $0,000.00 outfit , nnd Its own building , the North Galveston Journal jumps into the newspaper Held without the preliminary struggles properly supposed to belong to Journalistic ndvcntutes It has eight paces ; bright , wispy and newsy another Indica tion that the southern town is on the up grade. LOW 1CATU KXCUItSION. To IIoiiHton , Tex. , niul He turn. Tuesday , January 24th , 1803 , my sixth special party will leave Oinulm , bound for Houston , Tex. The rates for the round trip , first class , will bo cheaper than you can buy of any railroad company , nnd I will pivo you ( ifteen days to go in , fifteen daya to conio , and until Juno 1st , 180,1 , to return. Per further Information as to land , climate , cost of living and all particu lars as to purchase of your ticket , call on or address K. C. Patterson , 423 Ilainfo building , Omuha , Nob. THE IIUAI.TY MAKKIT. INSTRUMENTS placed on rocoid January 17 , WA11IHMY DKhtlS. t ! JI Hunt and wlfo to John u'lleurn , w 00 foot lots U and 10. block 120 , houlh Omaha . . . $ 1,300 Jacob Nillnur and wlfo In W K OavK lot 4 , block 3 , Jotter's 2d add to * t-outh Umalia . 600 Saniu to hump , lot 7 , block 2 , 1'rcd Dullono'sndd . II A Darner ami wlfo to O II C lot 1 , lliicliejo I'lnco ' . . . . 200 Le.i\ltt ItimiM im amiiro to Oust \VllB , lots , block 1 , Ilurnlmm Pluco. . 650 S.iiuo tollungtu Jolin&on , lot -1 , block ( i , H.iinu. . . . 000 O 1 r.iliM and wlfo toU 1 < Thomas , lot 11 , block 120 , boulh Omnlm . 1,000 M I1 Koblnson and husband to ON Sjt'plioiM , lot 3. Uio'SKiibdlv . . . , 4,000 J S Mrformlck to t ! I'orklns , w J lot 10 , block 2 , Olurtmdon . 0,000 Jay Northrnj ) and wlfo tnV K Wuku- tlnlil. lot IS , Ii UIR'S silbdlv . 3,100 W J rincli and wlfo to IK Andrews , lot 1H. block 2 , Orchard lllll 0,500 IKAimrmvH and wlfo to WJKlnch , Ko42 feot. lot" , block 74 , fcouth * ' Onmlm . . . 3,000 QUIl CLAIM DFBD3 O N Stephens ' to M 1' Kobluson. lot 3 , lire's sub-dlv , l Totul amount of transfers. . . J24.101 _ . . _ „ - - - - - ; , WA ? " _ . _ M II CarjiiCol < l , Couchi. Bor Thro t , Croup , Infla. ? n , Whooplor Couth , Dronehitlt anil Aithma. A cirttln curt for ConiumpUon la firit t S , i > a nir Till flntii ncta Ufit. U toiu . T awlU in thnxetlltntiir atkrt rUklntthi Bold by deilcri iTirrvhiri. Ltrri ' 11.00 , O1STJ © Both tlio method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tbo taste , and acts ge.ntly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and feveis and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its hind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tlio Btoinnch , prompt in its action and truly bcnoficiiil in its effects , prepared only fiom the most healthy and ngrceablo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the uiosl popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in OOo and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any eubstitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. lOUISVlUE , Kf. NEW YORK , /V.f. / IIIIB LOO K INTO IT ! Before taking your next glass Of River Water hold it up to the light. loolc FRESH from the GRANITE H9LLS. As a pure medicinal or table. water it stands alone. Still or Sparkllncr. Of All Doalors. LONDONDERRY LITIIIA SPRING WATER CO. , NASHUA , N. Y. C. B. PERKINS & Co. , BOSlOll Sfilllnf PAKTON & GALLaiunc. . . . DiHtribnting Agents for Omaha. FOR FAT FOLKS Dr. Edison's FAMOUS PILLSAND- BANDS and QBE 5ITY FRUIT SALT reduce your weight without dieting ; euros the causes of obesity , ouch as dyspepsia , rhoumat'sm , nervous nesscatarrhkldnoy troubloi ; keeps you healthy , and boautlQos the com plexion. CHICAGO HoAiin or TIIADK. I fKaln write you to say I have lost 13 pounds , inaklup ; 4'J pounds lost In 10 weeks by using 4 lottlcs of Dr. HUlson's Obesity Pllli und woarlru Ilia Oboslty II mil. Very truly yours , OIIAULFS II KINO Prof. HALF , Chlc.iRo Uulvorslty , wr tcs to tbo Chlcneo HeriUO. bcpt. 18 , 1SJJ ; Corpulent mon shutild uny sotno attention to red n (3 Intholr woUbt When n man Is troubled with rhuumntUni , dyspopsdi. Kldnoy trouble or norvousnods thu rodtiolnK of wolpht Is slower , until the Obesity 1'llls have cured tbo dlscisG tbnt ciiusod obesity , The pills BoTtoii nnd beautify the skin of the face. I am : it llhorty to oltu a cnt > o In point. Under my ml vice Mr Armour used tin Kdlson Oboslty Ilitnd nnd .1 bottles of 1'llls and lost LM pounds In U weeks. Other patients have boeu equally tuccssfucL raotisuro at Nos. 1 , 2 , 3. Price 82.50 to ltd inuhos , and 10 cents extra for onuli additional Inch. - I'illn $1.60 a bottle , or three bottles for - $4.00 , enough for onotrciitmont. Obesity Fruit Salt Sl.OO per bottle. You can buy the ljilh , Bands nnd Salt direct fiom our atoroB , or by mull or ox- iHrCoiTOSpondonco and goods forwar ded in plain , scaled package. NOTICE.Dr. . IMlson's rilootrlo Bolts nnd Finger Rings are sold at our stores. Send for our spocml Electric Bolt Cirou- lar , sealed. I Electric Bolts $1.00 nnd up. Insoles 50 cents per pair. _ For Sale btj Druggists. Wholesale druggists of Now York City who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. Crittonton & Co. , McKesson & Rabbins , W. H. SohlolTolln & Co. And other loading houses. LORING & CO. , Proprietors nnd Gon'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd St. , Now York City 10 ( F Hamilton Plnco , Boston , Mass o 34 P East Washington St , Chiogo III Cut this out nnd keep It , nnd send for our full ( eight column ) article on Obesity. A Special Agent in Omaha Wo Joslro to onpugu special local njuroson- tatlvo to linmllu our roods In Oinaliu. nnd to any | dy or gentleman with ability wo etui of I for ' n plnnsant. porniunont and prollublo bus liitfBu. Wo will mu a 10 Inch adn. In this ua per frco of cliarco to the ajfont and Inner , tnolr uariieand nadrosiut the bottom , Will nlso furnish all tbo printed . ' mutler nooilod | T free of cliurao. I'or particulars addrn . * civ- at. InBojrnerlenee.oto. , uhlouiju , III. , to Lorlng & Co. , 115 State I i 8PE01HL NDT1GE8. ; , . \ DTKIITI8KMKNTH l-MJt T1IKSK COUJJINB . /Vwlllbo taken until 12 Mp. m for the orenlnu Anil until 8.30 D. m.for Ihcinutntni or Sunday eOl- tlom No advertisement t ken fqyicn than 23 cent ) for th flr t InnFrlloa f All drortl omcnti tn theio coliimnt m cents a wont for lh lint Insonlpn nnrt I cent ft word for pncli subsequent Insertion ) or II to pr Una per niontb , Icrras.cash In artvnnco. Initial * . figures , symbols , etc , each counf.a n word. Advertise- uientii must run consrctilff air Advertisers , br re- qucitlnv n numbered chert , can linrn the letters ndilrost cd to n numbered liillrr In euro of 'I IIP ItrR. An ncr > no nddmsed nil ] , to dcllrcrod on tbo presentation of tbo check. SITUATIONS TVANTED. -WANTItll. . YOUNO SUN , POSlllOS AS yVbookkropcror ecncral onico work Itoit of ret- orcncox llox 770. rilr. MJW 2U ' SMTIJATIO.VVANTKII IIV YOU.M1 MAN W je rs 6f nee. ntraMKOr In clt/i linra Bonia ex- pcrlenrom rnleiman ( clotliloit profiTrocll , salnrjr no object to begin with Addrcsi II U , 1W M 17th 8t M130 -SITUATION IV A WI1OI.K3ALK HOUSIl IN any lino. Addresi W O , lleo Jt &A ! 0 WANTED MALE HELP. T > -SAI.AHYOIl OUMMIHilON TO AllKNT-l II ) J'bonillo the Patent Chemical Ink Kraslnit Pencil. The most useful and novel Invention of tbonno Kraica Ink thoroiiRlilr In two seconds Works Ilka magic nfl to M > per cent profit. ARCnts maklliK IWpcrneek Wo also want n Reneral intent to tnku charno of torrltorj end aptiplutiub axcnts A rare chance to make raoner Write for terms and n sam pie of erasing Monroe KrasliiK Mfc Co , Y 3'l I. a . WIs. 706 I > - \VK I'AY HALA11Y WKI'KI.Y TO OOOI ) J ' agents l.iporlonco unnccessarr Apply Slneer Olllco 13 WAJSTKI ) , A KKWHEIjlAtlMl SOLICITOUS ' 'In .Snliranka for ilia Union Ccntr.it 1,1 fo Insar once company of ' Inclmi.itl ( lood tcrrllory and liberal contract * lo tlio right men Address I M Fdmlstnn , blatoKent , rooms 43 , Hi and 47 Uurr Mk. Lincoln , .Neb MMJ JW -WANTKD. A COOI ) H UlNUSSMAUUll AT J > llender on. la. T II Currr 180 J * -lAKKR WA.STKD. I MIST-CI.AS . ON l bread and cikcs. Carl Ilolb , lloldroge , Neb B-WAMKD. 1IVNKU toil l.NSIlli : AND OUT- sldenork ; must also understand plumbing ; fteadyy ] oo ; rofcrunco reijulrod , Ii 1 * . olmstod A Jo. , Wayne .Neb Illt7-l3 T > -\OU.NO .MAN AS KlliNOOIlAl'IlKH , ONB IJwho can use tyiicwrlter. Mate age and expert cnco Address W 4 > . Dee M18 \ * -WAN1 El ) , IjAltOltKllS FOIl II A Jl. KXTICN iJslon to SpearUsb , a Dat.call at BUGS 10th st 3J72J- - , SU ! VIO Til ' ' B AVEr * J50 TO J'OO 1'KK month btone & Wellington , Madison. Wts { -WANTUD , A MAN TO AT FUND 1O HIK 'nnco and work around house , must have city references ; applySlO Douplas. 3)1 WANTED FEMALE HELP. C ( -YOUNO I.A01K3 CAN SOOV ACQUI11R A working knowledge of shorthand and lypo- wrltlng atati Sants'513 N Y Ufa M.W7 CWANTKLIADIIS : on otJ G SIKN10 tnko Ilxlit , plcnssnt work nt their oirti liomos. f I CO to 13 ( H nor ilny can bo qiilotlr mndoi work eoiit bf null no canvmnlnz tor particulars nd- drcs9 < ilot > Mtg Co , lloiMJI , Boston , MRI Ks- labllslicd IbSO M41H ) 119 * * / " -JKNSKN'3 DANISH AND SWKDI8II ISMJ'I.OY- vymcnt ollico corner Ibth nnd DoiiRlus , upstnln ; nil kinds of help nlwnvs An hand , M good tflrls for Rcneral lioiucmork 182 HO' C-A 1111)1)1.U Alil'U \ \ OMAN TO KKKP HOUSE for n fanillr of four Herman preferred Ad drcis , 1 * O box2l8 , Illnlr. Nub 210 18 * C-lIUDDINfiTON ACAIJKMY Ol'KN MONDAY. Jan 9 , ladles are taiixlit the art ot dressmaking , bastlnu and finishing can work on tholr own droisus irblle loarnlnK H Mi , IlrolfK blk , cor Douglas A Ir.th .MUG ) Hi C WANTKIl , LMJNDltl'.SS. NONK HUT KX pc.rH need apply WaijCs tS per wccU Iloom S02 , IleobulldltiR 33HT C-\VANrii : ) . unit , roll E.NIUAI. HOUSE work 1810 IcnvcnwortliHt .M3,1 Hi' P \VA.\T D , oiitr , loii'riousBWoiiK IMMKUI Watclr , SlWIrnnklln st ZM 1'j * p-WANTKO , A Olltr , VOIl TAKINO CAnl ! OK Vy'rooms and other aouseMotk , can sleep at home. 724 South loth , t 3W 17' C -WANT1U ; ) , ONB PERSON ( PEWIIITEIl ) rocolva Inntrucllons , keep books , wholesale house J 11 Snillh , 517 Sheelr block M3bi 15 * C-WAN1ED , aillL , Uf ! IUUK AVKNUEM30325 - FOB BENI HOUSES. - - UE.ST No 3111 D--KOU , CAPITOL AVENUE , modern. Tbo O. F. Davis Co , IS05 Fnrnam st 7U7 D l KENT. 1IOUSKS IN AIL PAHT3 OV city. The O. K. Davis company , 1503 iarnam st. 7WJ r > -FJ.ATS. DWELLINO3 , COTJ'AGES. IN ALL parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co , 203 Karbacb. 710 D-NKW7-HOOM COTTAOKS , MODEUV , IN Stanford circle Convenient for business men of Omaha and bouth Omaha , U. S. IClcutter. 2UI Ueo bulldlnR. > ! 188 D-TBN IIOO1I MODEUN HOUSE. CO1I. I9TH and Mason streets CnllatUI7 Urown bldtr M881 K4 D-KOIl IlENT-1 STKAM IIKATKD PLAT. 6 rooms ; Union block , Uth and Mason streets ; In eood repair. Inquire at U17 In tbo block Jo m Hanilln. agent. M91U D-LAIiaE LIsT 1-ADU 1005 KAKNAM STUEET. Mb40J27 * \-FOIt HUNT , TWO 6 11OOSI COTTAOK9 ON 'motor. Call at loutlmwt cor DtU nnd DoiiKlnu. 171 5 UOOM9 IN UU1C1C FLAT ; 1C09 LKAVBN- 'lrorth street. 2U 17 * PV-FOH UKNT , A TK.v-noojt IIOUSB. ALL -LSnenljr painted and papered , with moilorn fur nace , bath room and wnter closet. Lot and cold waicr , sltualrd luona of Iho finest resident neigh borhoods ID the clly half block north of Karnam street on UHh street. Inquire of Uomo Investment Co , third llojr , 1'axton bull diner yu 19 * D-roil UKNT , SKVKRAL MCK 8 ANO9-UOOM bonsoi , irlth all modern convtmlencei , near Ilanicom park. Inqulro of ( loo. N. lllcki. nut. 105 N. V. Life bldg. MSi52i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. E-NEATLY KUHNIS11KD FKONT HOOM ON Farnam near 2jd nt.nlth heat ; board It do itred , references required. Address T M , lire 2UI I0c _ E-NICE UOOMS , BflCAJl HEAT , 1723 DAVKN- port street. M28j'3' - -HJUMSIIKI ) IIOOM8 , 1413 OIGK hTIUSKT. HI9CI 1 * E -WKLL VUIINISHBD tilONT UOOMS , 6JO North 18th street 31333 18' -CIIKAT FHONT 110OM , FUIIMSHKI ) . OBN- tloman and wife or two ladles 2433 Ilnrnoy street M346 IS * - NICE ' I'LBASANl' IIOOMB , WITH OH W1TU- Uouv board. yXS Douglns M3J3 JJ Ii ; J Oil < IIOOMB mitMSUKI ) iOUIIOUHlC 2J08 Uouglas 11331 13' E TWO KIIONT ItOOilS , 1513 MJAVKNWOIITH 3J5J3- FTIKNISHED BOOMS AND BOARD. -n-HAMJSOMK fcOUTII IIOOM8 WITH I1OAHD -I Itoforonces 18K Chicago street. JUJI 51'a DOLAM , 2JJ AND 111 N. 18TU HT. 713 TT'-YOU.NO ' WOMBN'a O fE UNDEIt CAKE OF JLMromau'sChrlstanasscAlittlon , 111 So 17th st 210 If KHONT IIOOM FOIl TWO. ALSO SINOLK " south rooms , 2209 Varnam street. JI8I4 21 * FHONT STEAM IIKATBD ItOOM ith board Table boarders also accommo dated Tbo lllllilda , northwest corner 18th and Pod go. M/TB 21' _ ? ' IIOOM ANI ) IIO A III ) toil TWO tlBNTLEMENJ JL' li.00 per week each , 8jJ' . iorlb IUtb streel. _ _ _ _ _ _ M3J3 18' KtlltMSHEI ) UOOMS iwiTH FIH8T CLASS board , 1724 Dodge street , cor 18th and Uodxo , M30020 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS G-3 UOOMb'llU. t llOOJIS ia , 2-2 FWl RENT - 1-KOll ' IlKNl' , TIIK 4STOIIY IllUCIC 1IU1IIIN ) ( ) , L'jlo l-arimnut. The building has n fireproof co- tneut basoniunt , coniplolo itnam neatlni ; tlxtiireii ; water on nil thu floors , gas , eta Apuly at the J ' nice of'1 ho ll o mu 1-O.MC KJUItHlOllV lilliCK IIL'ILUI.NG 2 ] VKKT wide IIU7 Hartley st. 7H I-TOlt JIKNT , A VEIIY DK-JIll VHI.K IIUILDIVQ sultsbloforn warehuuso , with stabto tn conoc- tlon , irnctnEo front , and reir Addrast 12 A. Carmlchiiel care ot McCord UralyACo 21i T-foit"KKNT WAithiiousii WITH TUAUC lauo , will build to suit tenant. Trackage lots lllh aud liard lo lease ti a. Curtis , 203 a. litli st K3\T \ -OFFICES WITHNELL 1ILK , CE.STKAL A\D \ - cheap. 052 J77' AGENTS WANTED. _ . -WANTED , AOBNTSFOIl A NEW FAST SELL- Ing money making article , over ylfuu a day being sold ; sample and terms free. Address F K Wo- bosky , rrovldeuc * . It. 1. U2li 20 * AGENTS WANTED. r WANTKD A l.tVB MAN Oil WOMAN IN , ' , every county wlicro wo have not alrtady o > urotl a reprvsontMIAo tn soil our Nevada Mlver" ollil Mrlal Knlvr * Forks unit Ppoons tocnn nm rsi a solid metal an whlloas Mlvori no plain lo rnr off ) goods gunranlod t ? wear n lifetime ! est about ono tenth that of rllvrri the chanre of lifetime. ; agjnn morn so from SM toflouper week and meet with ready sales everywhere. KO real Is the demand for our Solid Metnl ( leeds ver tl.twoow worth of xoodi In dally use Ca oof amples free Standard Silverware Company , lloi an. Mans M2II H3 WANTED TO RENT. r-WA.NTED8OllU-ltOOM.MOIKUN HOUSR HH Vtwr-en ' Dodge and Howard , and 'Aith and S-ith pspiHulblo patties llent reasonable. Address V 4U lloo TW fi' K-HKSI'FCTAHLRYOUNOMAN WANTS IIOOM nnd board In prlvato family Address , with par- Icnlars. W Hi. Uic. M ! STORAGE. 3\r \ -S10HAOK Farnam street CIIIJAP CliMA.V. WKI.LS TI5 lilt M DON'T sroitK mumitoMi T.OOIH wirii- out soelnitoiir storano depnrtmant It It tbo best. Oinaba Moro lloptlr Works , UJf Douglas.T8J T8J WANTED TO BUY. V WAXTKll TO 1IUV. SOMH 8 1'Kll CKNT 1 > tlrst mortgages ltoi > I A betbr , Jll Hoard Tridc. * N'-HHSr JIOHTIIAIJKS OX Into II. A Arnold , tUIUoJbnlldlnx * -WAMii TO IIUY. STOCK OK GtlOl'lCHIKS. 1 > llox 1015 , Des Molnes la 218 ID * _ - . N wbIWO UiUD oTAMl'S 11OKH. . ( 11 Y M1M H3' tf WAN rKI > . A HHLOND HAND ICLKVAIOIl , > lnrio onoueh to rnlso a farm wagon N 11. rlcten , Janecn , Neb Kt 23 AT-WANrii : ) noiisi : AND LOT IN KOUNTZK 1 > place ( ice I'liul , IbOJ larnam sU 851 Id' \T-WANTKH1O1ILYA SA 1'U t'HKAI' A 1CD- 1 > helm , jeweler , Ibth arid Dodee M30I 19 * FOB SALE -FURNITUKE. 0SEI'OND HAND SgUAIll ! PIANO IN GOOD repair , for sale chuip 1501 I'orbr street MSU HAVK BKKN MAK1.NOA * 1'IIAMIK IN vyour ollico armnitomcnti and hn\o eonslderablo umber and partition for sale cheap Call or ad ruBS , CIrcnt Western Typo foundry , fill Howard street M ra I'J FOB SALE HOUSES , WAGONSETC | > -KOU BALK. A NICAHLY NKW DOUIILB sprlngcxprcss wagon , horso. harness and buggy ; also n nearly new sot of cronmery tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , Uowo scale , truok , oto , all will be sold at agree * sacrlflos Addreji a II. 'Jitchuck , llco ollico or call at UJJ Mlama street , where goods can be neon Mt > 33 1 > - OH 8AMC , TWO HNB MATCIIHI ) SOIIHKI , . driving hordes , ulao one bar mare and ono hlnck liore All olcxant driven Must bo nold nt once I Idclltjr Loan and Uunrantoo Co.ltoomi. W itlmcll bldK FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q -Hilt ; SAI.K , CllKAI' , A 35HOIWK I'OWKK iiutunmtlo ciiKlno , alto onaUhorjo power upright - right cnclnc , both In good repair. Inqulro of 1 out ; nor Printing Co , IJU7 Howard street , Uuiaba , Neb. 717 Q aUCOSD-HANl ) I1ANO 1'OWEU RI.KVAIOIt for silo 12W ( llowiinl SHS2 JI9 * QTUB bTANDAHI ) CATfl.K CO HAS CON- _ tantljr onlmnd baled liar , for sslo on track at AlufB , Nfb Mlf'J Q -K > .lt SAI.K THK IIHHK THAT IS TAKKN . out of tha County hospital. Inijulra of the foreman at the hospital MftiO Q -IK YOU WANT TO IIUY rilKAl * IHJTATOFS Rt whok'salo or retail , call at JJl South lenth itreet , Oiualin J M Coots 3I.-J5 18 * Q HIISALH AJUIKIMUMT KOIl { I Oil 75 AND coils against \\llllnm\V Miumall and \\llllnra L. Conloy ( Munsell , V Co ) obtained In the Kent , Mich , rlrcult court (1131 ( I' ) collected tlieruon ) Also n small farm , cheap Albert Uaxtor , Mu ko gen , Mich NVJl W Q -KOIl BALE CHKAP , IVOI , TAIII.K. UALLS cues elc , good order. 1032 South lutli street AI344 10 * MISCELLANEOUS. "JJ IlAVK YOUIl OLD CAIH'HT WOVBN 1W1O J iboantlful rugs Address Omahu Carpet and Hug factory , 1531 Leavumvorth street MtlOl J 21 * CLAIRVOYANTS. Q mts. NANNIE v WAUUBN , CLAIUVOYANT , Orcllablo business mediumfifth year at 119 N. loth. 718 S MIIS DH. M. LEO HAVE , I'HOPHETKSS. DEAD Ol trauca clairvoyant and llfo reader ; tolls your llfo from cradle to grave ; cin ba consulted on all arTalrsol llfo ; his tlio cslubrated Egyptian breastplate plato to unite the separated and causa marrlag3 nlth ona you love Come ono , como all and be con vinced of her rjniarkablo powers Olllca and resi dence 417 3 llthst , hours 9a.m. to 9 p ru. Strict llfo chart and pnnto of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for $1.00 , chart alone 1200. Al letters containing i rants In stamps promptly an . 841 KI * 3 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rnliu MADAMB ; SMITH , U2 ( CAPITOL AVKNUIt , liu 3 , Jd lloor. Massage , alcohol suluhur nnd sea baths. JI25J 20' rp-MMK CAK3JN , 1121 DOUOI.AS 8TUEET , 3D JL Moor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and tea baths. 233-19 * ( PERSONALS. YOUJsO LADY WAN1H 1't/I'lLS-1O TEACH on the piano , 1511Lcuvcnworth 350 30 * MTJSIO , ART AND LANGUAGES. 7 O V. OKLT.KNDKCIC.IIANJOTISACHBIl , N.W. i cor. lith aua Harnor. Hsrnor street onlranoe. 'JH r ' GKIIMAN AND I'llKNCU CLASSES , KOI DOUKlaa. M3 USO * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. TO LOAN AT LOWK8T Tha O F. Davis Co , 1501 * arnam street TIT- LOANS ON IMl'nOVKU AND UMMl'HOVKD 'I clly property , (3 000 and upwards , b to 7 per cent. No delays. W , larnam Smith & Co .IMh and Ilarnoy 7 JO r-C. F. HAIHIISON , 'J12N. Y. LIFJt. 731 \\r-ANTIIONY LOAN ANI ) TltUiT Co , SIB N. V , M Life , lends at low rates for caolco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property.ta / ta \ \ , -SIONKVTO LOAN I 1IAVK AIIOU1' f I 000 . , M to loan on Improved Omaha property , prlvato funds , In ono or moro loans Address r 10 , He a ontco. 6uo \V-MONKYTOLOANON OMAHA ANI ) COUN- ' ell llluffs real estatu and Nebraska and Iowa farms at from Ii to 7 per nont Interest , with no addi tional charges for commissions or attorneys fees W U Mclklo , IstNat'l bank bide , Omaha 7 ( > J \\r-JIONKV TO LOAN. SUMS IM300 AND UP. > GeorgoPaul , lUUtarnam Mtitl J27'y. \\r-LOANS 0. Q WALLACE , 312 IlllOWNflLK. SbT \\f-7 I'EH CKNT MONKY NET TO IIOllllOWBIH i on Omaha city property No urtra charges of any kind Why pay hlgli rates1 Money Is cheap You can get full benefit of. low rates from Uloua Loan and Trust Co . lull and Dodge 723 111 \\7--MOIlTOAnK LOANS L1SS3 THAN 7 I'KU - 'I cenl Incliidlnu all ch rffi > i Charles W llamoy Omaha Not. hank bldg 721 -1-J \\T- \ AND J VUAIl I JANS ON CITY AM ) PAllll 'I uiorlicages- Heed .t Bolby , 311 Hoard of Trade. \ \ -ilO.SKYTOUAN Af I/JWK81' UA'l KHONIM proved and unimproved real oslalo , ! Io6years Hdellly'lrustCo , im Kurnam st 70J $ "VV WANTED AT O.NCK , LOAN8 t N IMIMIOVKD . . Omaha property ; low rntot Udollty Trust company.I7W turuitni st 7U3 \y-LOWEST iiArBs. ' iritirrFTiru8Trco"ir 80 ' l pany , I'M Karn ra street 741 \y-OMAHA 8AVIN03 HANK MAKKS LOANS ii on real estate at lowest market rates. lx > aiis made In small or largo Hums for short or long time. .So cuinmlnlon Is charged and tha loans are not sold In the east , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas street ! 71 r I'llIYATK MONEY. 181' ANI ) 20 MUUTUAciu' loans , low rules , Alex Moore , lloa bldg ra WP- MONKY TO I/JAN ON IMt'llOVKU CITY property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. blk.Til Til Ai r-CE.VrilAL LOAN A TllUbT CO IlBrfllLDO I Mr-1 CAN 1'LACB 1 ANS AT I.OWK8F HATI.3 on business or other tholco property In Omaha Loam of IJWUto fVHUU wanted for foreign parties * II Wheeler 417 Karbsoh block M 320 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OMAHA CULLKOUOFHHUHIUAM ) ANU'UI'K wrlllnz A C. Ong , A M prln , Uoyd's thpater M12 f7 ' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. tie V WILL IXJAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF SB- Vcurlty , slrlclly conlldenllal A E. Harris , 291 Karbnck block 705 In \r-MO.NE-SO. 0) W DAYS cTlBAl1 HATES v and cany pa > moats , on furniture , pianos , live lui stock , etc , without delay or publicity , cash ou hand Dun ( ireon , room , Harbor block 734 at X-MONEYLOANED-O.N CHATTEL. COI.LAT- oral or other personal property , at reasonable rates I too months. Claims bougnt. W H. Hurls , M Iloom ajJ McCag- bid/ 6M J --l'IUrCUAltI > , 61 UOUOLAB 11LE. It & DODOB scu TO LOAN-CHATTELS. Condimat. X-c , , AT TUB OCK1UK Uf . Oil All A M01ITO AUB I4)AH CO. : INCOHIXJItATRI ) , ' IK YOU WANT MONHV You can borrow on IIOtlBKIIOUl MtUNIIIMIK V | ) PIANOS. IIOIMIM.WUON1 AND ! AHHIHK \ WAHKIIOl/riK SKCUIIITr Vi'o will loud jrou nnr amount from flUOO to fl UU ONTIIK \OUAMKKOUIT , wltlioutpubllcltrorrcmoralofpropurtr Yon can pay ibumoiiorhac'i In anainnunti yomrlKh , and nl nnr time , and men parmontso muilii vtlll reduce Ihn cost of the loan IttMuciuhcrthit yon Imvo the uio of both tha p roperty mid tlin money , nnd pnr forltanlras l onitasrou keep It 'Iliero will honoopen4) or clMrito kepi out of the amount wanted , but you will rceclvj the full amount of the loan UrftiruliorruwliiK tlsewhcro rail and oo us end roll will llnd It unatlr to your HMvnnln.'o OMAHA MlMIMAtlK MAN ) I ( J. HJU SOUTH 101 1 > HTltr.KT , tlrst tloor abcvo the street. TIIROLIIKST. I.AIKJK-U' ANI > OM.V l.VCOIt- rOUATKHI.OA.N COMPANY IN OMAHA xIO \OU WANT MO.NKY' THK FiniCI.ITV LOIN OtMllANTttn CO , UOIIM4 WITIINKLL IILOCK , 3I'JH SOUTH 151'H , COUMilt HAIINKV HT. WILL \ LOAN BUM \ LAUOB ITUOM \ TUN WK MAKi : IAA.SS 0V HJUNIIUIIhi , IUllt > KX. CAHIIIAUrS. WAItKIIUUtK HKCI.ll'lS OH 1'Klt- SO.NAl.I'ltOl'Kltl VOKANV KIM ) XTOU / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / JALLON /OB riltST / TOVL. / OLlt 1KIIMS WILL J1KKT YOUIl AI'l'HOVAIj \oucnn pnr the money b-xclc a * , nnr tlmo and In any amount roil wish , nnd thus reduce thu cost of cnrr > ln the loan In proportion to amount vuu pjr \OUowoabalanciion your rnrnllu.ruor other personal property of an ) kind , wo ulll par It off for you nndcarrr It a * long as ) on < lu ! ru \0\ CAN HAVi : YdUK MONKY IN ONIC HOUIl 1 ItOMTUK'UMK YOU MAKK AI'I'I.ICATIOV No publicity or removal of property so that you get the use of both mono ? anil prnporty TJI BUSINESS CHANCES. Y'-THK WKSTKIIV HUMNKVl AOK.NCY , 310 N Y l.lfc , conducts n Kunernl tiuslnoss oichaiiKU l.lnt of uood busluuss chances In all parti of tbo country on application business positions no cured MJSM11 V-l-'OIt SAI.K. ItKTAIL MKAT JIAIIKICT , J-first class location , cash sales IJi per day Ad dress \V 7 , llco 11910 YSALOONsi lUdINnsSiS. I'AUTNICIISIIIP. farms , mining stocks' lots. Address Pioneer llnslncss AKincy , bhcrldan , Wyo 211 IS * Y -FOIl HAMC TlHJ CHANriTlO MAKKVONKY * f 10110 00 dniK stock In live lunn dolntr cish busi ness of $ iMJW ( UU n year Heason for petltntf hare other business that m'cds in ) attention lerms. cash , or part cash , and secured paper 'this will bear InTcatlKatlon Addrcn Lock box .No ,18J , Ashland , Neb 210 2U Y-WANTED , A I.AIIV TO TAKI3 A Tllllll ) OK half Intercut In a lullllnery bnslncm In a Ilva lonn In .Ncbraskn Addiess i.'Jd larnam street Onuhii , Neb M41J19 > V-K\riciiKNTiooATU > N i on nccToit con 1 respond with SI T Hill Mollf , Nob. M113 32 \r-H > H SAl.n Oil TIIAIIK , STOCK IIUY 1 Kiiods nnd nillllnrrr Involco $ : UK ) or $1 700 Address llox lid , lltmodlct , Neb Mil ) 2I " \r-.Oll | SALK , A K.WUO bTOCK OK MKIl- I clininllfo In need toirn In southern Nebraska , coed cnMi trndoeHlablUhvd prosnnt owner rnnnnt Rive the business personal intention A splendid opportunity to nturl In buslni-ss with an cstab llnhed trade No trades considered and stock Is mil for snlu lit 11 cncrlllco V II 'Jrlmulc , IlnatliiKS , Ntb M 117 Jl y' I'AUT.NKIl WITH IIOW WANl'iCI ) cngo In the mnnufucliiro of n staple nrtlilo by a now process Hlg profits \\estern lluslnuss money , 118 N Y Llfo M3 < 7 19 Y-hOll bAl-l' , AN 01t ) TAI1IISHUI > IUO eery store , stock about $ < , MO , doing n splendid liuslnuss , located In ono of the best towns of No braskH , II & M. construction and repair nhopn there , reasons for soiling , Imvo moro Important Interest In another town. Addrc W 43 , lleo. M35J 34' V-lOIl SAI.B , HAHNEbS S1OCIC AND TOOLS. i about 11,500 , dwelling and lot , fl.R-0 , southeast Nebraska ; good town anil good country , splendid Undo , tieorgo W. JJ Mont , Crah Orchard , Neb SI > 1 > I 20' ' FOB EXCHANGE. r/-CTKAIl OMAHA ItBAIliHTATK KO't MDSE , /factual valuation. Money to loan lloxSI3 Omaha. 7JJ Z IOWN I'M I'AIIUS IN NEnitASIvA , KANSAS tc Dakota- Will Bull cheap , or erchnngo for uidse , liorscs & cattle Add box7U , Trankfort. Ind. 775 Z rLKAN STOCKOK CiKNKItAL SIM ) 8'K : WILL take real estate & money , llox 'Jj , frank fort Ind. 774 z ; KOIt SALK. IMPLEMENT STOCK AT 1MO gone Address T. J , Honors , Imogune , la874K3 874K3 y WILL Tit \IH OLKAIt LOT3 At1 MANI'lOU , -J Colo. , for cluar Nebraska land or ftooj oqulilns. Address 8 J lltchards , Uox VJJi , Denver , Cole SI 153 Ki ) Z-480 ACHES OK CLUAIl hAriD IN ONE OK the best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ox- clningo for lu or JO aero tract near t > inahn olty llniltn. Will pay cash dllTerenoag \ properIs jooit Address , ulvlut ! price nnd location , u I'J.'lloo olMco. 2J3 7-CALIFOIINIA IIA1SIN VINKYAItDKOllSALK t-l oroxchango for good Income properly , elghly acres , highly Improved. In full bearing , great va rlety of frulls. good bulldlngsi all kinds of tools and machinery , nmplo water right locitod ole u to largo city and good market , In fluent crapa growing district In the stalo. ITor particular ! ) addruss \ \ 27 , llcoonico onico 211 ai ' / WAIHTKJI , ' 10 KXCHANCH LAND 1 O restock of aKrlcullural Implement ! or ilock tunurul murchundlm. Atlitross 'Ihoa Kryger. N Igh , ob ittu 20 -WANTED TO TllAUK. A CLKAU LOT I'O 11 A . Address W 7 , Ueo , M3I1 1S FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO you WANT A NICK HOUSR Kll ) WHAT you are now paying rent , and still not llvoln the suburbs. U M. Nattlnxer , Cliauiour of Com merce , in ) MO FOIl SALK-OVKlt I.ODQ KIVK IOWA AM ) NU- hraxka farms , many eioslloiit bartculns , land rapidly lulranclni ! , (10UU to J'lJW ' per aero now. tail for particular * Uogga A lllll , HW Kariiain st /1IIOICK IIAIHJALSH IN SOUTH OMAHA IlKAI , wcstalo Tbo Midway Investment Co , 717 N. Y. l.lfohldg. &II70 UU > KAL K8TATU , llarxalns only. My word Is W O AlbrUht. 6212 INuwlork Llfo. 740 tllOACllliS HKCONI ) 1IKNCII LAND , WASII1NO Jlon Co , Rood buildings and Improvemonls , If per acre 0 K Harrison , 1)12 ) N V life , .UO 18 7011 SALB Oil 111 A DIC. y OOOD LOTS IN MT . 1'lea.aant addition within 2 blocks of motor Una Will take good upright plauo or will soil uigulty la lou very cheap. Addruis nt once 4 I , liea otuco 715 if.UtM IN WUM1M ) 2 MILKS H1OM ItAII. way. W acres , half timber. Irrigated , nrholoor half rionoor lluslncss Agency , bhurldaii tVyo HI lb * 12i ) ACHES 11IOIIT CI.OHK 1OOMAI1A , F1NKLY J-lmprovcd , JUS per acre. C. F. Harrison , 1)12 ) N Y Life. M 13 TOT 17. Ill OCIC 1. OllCHAHl ) HILL , fl 100 - 40 acres In city llmlla , IW3 nar Here , 10 acrei cardo n land , f 400 pi-rncre S 6. Curll * . 2tH S 15th street M 17 * 3'iUO ACIIKSO/I'I > KLAM > . \UOLN ( OUNl'Y ji < per acre , ivrllo for paiilculsrs U K. Hi > rrlioi BUN Y Life JU 18 lOTOO ' WILL IIUY TWO LOTS WOKTII $7WUU .They are on crude , near motor Terms easy owner Rolntr away \\llllama ,1c MHtnii , McCai-iio biilldlnif opposite poitnlllcn 527 18 AMK3 ! NKAIl OMAHA. I INI1 LAND , 140 I'EI atri" U. F llarrltoil.HU .N Llfo _ AH 13 W ASTED , A \NfJOOU. . 7 I'Bll CENT. Wauled , lot lOtli and Wanted , house , II.WO cash Wanted tJ , > OJ placn ( no Irade. ) Wanted , farm near Omaha. Wanted , M acres near Omaha. Wanted. IS 090 loan April I 3JO-18 ( J K. Harrison. 911 N Y Lira. 01) ) ACIU NKAIl OMAHA , HNEI.Y IMl'IIOVEF and best of soil , tt.UUU barn , Kood house. : OC bcnrlnit apple Irces , ilOOO worth of Improvements tiiperncro C. r Harrison , V12 N. Y. Llfo .K3-13 IJL'Y ACHE I'HOnl'.TY * A splendid chance to obtain a nice flvo or ten aero tract closn to Omaha 1 ( AN OFr Ell toil quick nalo during the coraln week H VE ACHES , West Omaha , cleyant tract , enl H VI ! ACHES lust outside city limits , with cot taie , f 1 2V ) ThN ACHES , near new fair Krourids , Wes Oiniiha , llh small coltiifo only ( i WJ TW1.NTY ACIIKS , uplendldly ndapled for sraal fruit , only 1271 per acre HHl'n ACIlhH splendid tract , only flvo mile from postonico , | 2o > pur acre 'I'll IS LAM ) Is splendidly located to rtcnlvo th no tit of Omaha s future growth , It Is enl twenty tl e minutes' drive from tliu pnilorucoan nftoiin mlnules drive from bouth Omaha. H VK ( lit TI'.N ACHI'H will clvejou a nlco hem support your family , and If properly taken euro of fruit or vegetable gardening , will pay each yea more than the salary of tbo butt paid mechanic I ih a. Yon can work In town and furnish you children pleasant and profitable employment rich home , and whllo yon are doing this the city I Krowlnx steadily , and the nrst ihlnx jou know you acres will dlvdle Into lots tlml will bring IJUO to 1400 esch. Any ooa wanting a HIIS1 CI.AhS I.SVKsr ENT or splendid place for KM ALL HtUIT AN ! VECETAIILH OAIlll .VIN ( ; will do well to rail an rn at ones. ( .00 N Ilkki , Hoom 303 N V. Lit * llulldlnr 34J 22 FOR 8ALE REAL ESTATE. . " 'OU IlKVTSTU11K HOOM 111 I I'l'KIt llroadway n v Klio Wxlft ) feel , irltli olipltlnit nd fiiunur iloslrihlu loontlon ( or dry cnoit * nd xruurnl nmroliMiillsa. l > y , % HPU. naitntii , otincll lllunn. la M , f at * LOST. 01VA A l'Alu"tK l'KCrACLIS. I'LWASH -Jlcavo at lloo counting ron a M OST KNOMS1I MAMI It K. A lTt T I I'MONTlTa Jo hi , tintn largo collar an I locketi rcrnlvx ro > ard J Mteole 2ilii < h iRoul MsuJtS * DEN ORE The Best in the World. MAQEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Frtninm St. , - Omnhn , Not BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Boo Building , Omnlm , Neb roars KY tun liter ) I8 i'ut Ollleo. Adxlco free "Improvement the Order of the dge , " A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing but will iloMiinstrito ntl wo claim. Wo will pluco tlio fcinlth I'rt-rnlor lie lile nny writing riiuclilnu on tlio m.irkot ; It will Hpo.ik for It- Holf. ItHiliirnlllltr can no lonirnr V.o iiioulonutl | WrltoorcnllonuH for iiinlojuu , terms , oto Cor. f7lli and Fiirniin Sis. , Omaba , Neb 'Irli-plitmn IJKI. ! U. M < \ \ IIKW Mnnacor DEFORMITY BRACES . _ , „ . Elastic Slockingf I Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies HIDE & PENFOLD , 114 8,151131 , , Next to Postofllee STRENGTH , VITALITY , WHOOD M.INo.-J llnlllnchaf. , UOSTOX , MAIIS. , chlff consulting ph < i lclan of tht I'KAIJOnVBIKHICAMNisTlTUTK.towliom T\as nwnrclcil the noui JirnAi. by the NATIONAL MEDICAL AISOCIATIOH for rhoI'KIZKKSBAV ou Ethnuited Vitality , Atrophy , AVrrowtnnd I'/iyilcal Jebllltyant\ nitrate * nnil HVnJnM * of JAim , nlinPO "lo yoiinf , the inlildle-ngetl nnd oW. SiMHrN Coniullatlon In iwrsou or by letter , UUIILU iionpoclu , . with toBtlmoiilala , FUUK. Lir o book , SOinNCi : Ol' JAVK , OH RKMT- rjCiSIHVA1 : ION , 00 pp. . 12.1 ln\alunhl pro- Berlptlonii full silt , only 31.00 hy mull. " ilml DON'T MISS IT ! You don't nocd to bacrlflco tlio lives ot your loved ones when Dcplillicria and Membranous Croup wIllondanzorthrtnolKhborbood of your homes Thnrolsii sure simcldo tnedlolno TO I'llK- VLNTcontuRlon of Ihnni , und tbcro Is also a suraspoulllo incdlalnu for The Cure of Them whan they liavo not run boyonil human roaoh Wt Ito to toR.C. . SIGEL , In Crete , Neb , , If In need of nny treatment , and yea wlllllnd tlmt his troiitmont b isod on ninny yo.irs' ox- 8