Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Bomctbing Abcmt tlio Now Oolcbratod Fair
mount Park Litigation ,
ret * < I ilmi'd In Connection with ( tin Ci\t <
Jtt-lli-Kid tn Itn Itntlirr I.nrije
Will Not Itnir the
Proper Test ,
"There Is an exhibition ot g.vll for you , '
said Attorney Jacob Sims In hU ofllueyeatci' '
ilny to a Br.u reporter.
"What do you inwinl" slid ihn reporter.
" \Vliy , " said Mr. ShiH. "tint bill now be
fore the city council for feca In tlio now cole
brntcd Fall-mount park litigation. "
"What's the matter with HV
"Olt , nothing much ; etri'pt tint nba'i '
nlno-tctUlmof It , to say tlio least , Is pun
Jlctlon. putting it mildly. Why , do yoi
know that In the ease that wont to the supreme
promo court , and thcro U whnro thu rs.i
light has bijftn , the wor't for the oily wai
pr.icllally nil dime by Mi" . 11 > luiisi , the oltj
itttornry i\t that timef 1 U'luw 1 av
talking about. Tlio city coir.ii-il ought nr >
to allow that bill. Mr. 1'usfl.v was com polio
to brln ; ; suit for the. amount of bin liili , an
ho hnd done 11101-0 than any of the others , ci
e.-ept Mr , Holmes , in the matter. If this ii
meritorious bill lot it bo tested In the court !
then I tblnlc them will bo itiuslc.1
"You wen1 not piccessfiil ; , were1 yon , In t ! )
Milts you bad against the i Ity for part <
Fall-mount p\ritf : , said the reporter , tryln
not to scorn sarcastic.
"No , I was not successful In those east !
but you we- Unit , you don't lov any inoi
sleep ever I hem than 1 do mid you will b
all right. That dcclshm of tbo siiprcni
court in the Arnold i'iiai > Is gener.iliy ecu
coded by all croud lawyers , who know an ;
thing about It , to bo an arbitary decisio
based on several false assumptions of fact :
well as law. That court will hardly atnn
lire again on the questions as they ca
now bo presented ; anil it may have an 01
poi'tninty before a great while to wrlto at
other opinion. That's all. "
Ilt > l > ll from ( li-ui-i * .
Kev ,1. A. Flo'wcrs , a clergyman wl
claims to ball from Peorla , 111. , had a vei
rocky experience while in Council Bluffs
few days ago , and it has Just lo-ikcd out tin
his presence on o.irtirl.s mainly duo "to 111
fact that ho had not the required ncrvo I
swallow a dose of Bomolhim ; tint ne had i
bis pocket. Ho registered at Ino Gran
hotel Monday night under his right nam
but pave his place of residence an Shenai
iloali , la. Hi > : tlitm bunted up % t > voral men
bers of tbo local lodge of Knights of Pythi ;
to whom ho conllded tlic fact that ho was
mlnislnr of the gospel , but that he was in
giving much attention to his calling just i
present. In fact , ho had been out west tr ,
ing to Hnd out the ways of the wicked worl
and had so far succeeded that ho found hh
self in Council Bluffs without a cent in h
pocket , almost on the verge of delirium tr
mtms , and nothing in the way of uiTccts e
ceptlng a valise containing his clothing.
Ills brother ItniuhtH dove clown into the
pockets and brought up enough cash to p.
Ills hotel bill over night and to pay his w.
to the southern part of this county , who
he claimed to have sonic relatives. I
started on his way , ami nothing morewi
beard from him or about him until a coup
ot days later , when a man hailing frn
Pcorlti rushed into the police station with
telegram in his hand and ashed the man wl
was in charge of the ofllco ifho knuw an
thing about a man named .1. A. Flowe
being f round dead on the Hock Island tra
between this rlly and DCS Mohits. Thetcl
egram bore the signature of "J.j. . Mahon
and had been directed to the son-in-law
Flower at Peoria. It contained the n
notm cmcnt of tbo lluding of Flowers' hoi
on the train. 'L'ho son-in-law immeillatc
started for Council / ascertain t
truth of the telegram. .
On his arrival hero ho found that the tci
gram was in all probability sent by Flowe
himself , as no one by the name of Mali *
was known here and an lnvcstigatl <
showed that the telegram had been sent
Pnoria on Sunday , before Flowers had Ic
Council muffs and while be still bad all t
earmarks of a very mispiritual being. /
tbo indications were that. Flowers had i
tempted to take bis own life , and hnd se
tbo telegram in tbo hope that tlio medici
which he took for the purpose would end 1
career. Hoslrowc'.l abottluot morphine
his Pythian friends here , saying ho h
thought of committing suicide , but ho afli
wards throw the bottle and its coutei
away untouched. When the true state
affairs was learned the son-in-law left
his homo after giving the police Instrnctio
to give his father-in-law sixty days on t
stone pile if ho over turned up again in 1
former condition.
Klnvntur Wilt Ili-iipon.
Arrangements are b'jing ' made for tbo
opening of the Union elevator plant , whi
has been closed for the last six months
the result of a writ of Injunction which \ \
issued from the district court upon a pc
tlon filed by the Uoek Island , Milwaukee a
Burlington railways , making the Unl
Pacillo and Northwestern companies <
fendants , It was expected that the heari
of the case would como up at t
last term of court , and all sorts
sensational things were announced as be !
on the program , but a continuance v
granted until next term , and now the h
torn has peacefully dropped out of theea
Thu attorneys have como Jo an agreeme
tbo terms of which are not known exact
but the effect of which will bo to put a s !
to all further litigation. It is now stal
that nothing stands in tbo way of tbo
opening of the elevator , ami it is likely tl
this will bo done in the near future. , ic
M. Lane , the local agent of the Milwank
Is authority for the statement that the hi
ofilclals ot the company aro.already negntl
lug with prospective lessees of the pla
and that as soon as an agreement can
reached the elevator will ho opened ag
for work as If nothing had happened.
Kiting Clio City.
Mrs , f.It. . Ifendrix , who was thrown fr
a sleigh on December 11 on North ICIgl
street , Hied her petition In thu district co
yesterday claiming $ ; i,000 from the city
damages. She alleges that the accident A
owing to the carelessness of tlio city autl
Itlcs. She was driving with her bush.
when the runners of the cutter caught
the rails of the patch of street railv
which tbo Intcrstato Hallway company 1
loft sticking out at tbo "corner of Kig ]
street and Avenue 1) , The cutter was o\
turned and she and her husband w
thrown violently to the ground , injur
thtnn both severely ,
Thu HIIOW and c-olcl wctithor docs
diminish tlio domain ! for neronjjo in i
Klein tract , 'J inilo.-t oust of tlio IK
olllco ; ItOO UITOH yet for Halo In from c
to tt > ii nero trautH , mil I able for fruit i
Kimlun. Day & HC.SH , ajjontH , III ) I'o
Harry (1. Mcfico and Miss Margaret Gr
were married last evening nt the reside
of the brldo father , -Or. John Cireen , onFi
avenue. It was a qulot affair , there hi
none present excepting the relatives ai
few Intimate friends , The vcremony i
iicrformed by Dr. Phelp.s of the Fh-st P
byterlan church , after which a siimptu
eupM.'r | was served , The young couple
ut once begin housekeeping In Mornings
lloth brldo and groom are well known
Council 1 ! luffs and their large circle )
friends and acquaintances will ext
hearty congratulations.
Crown and other pianos ,
C'rown and olliur organs ,
At liourk'iiiH1 , 11(1 ( Stutsmim btreot.
Do yon tJinokoV Uuvo run tried T ,
Klnjr fi I'o.'s 1'artugiis ? lt' i u churn
Just light cine.
Kutlirrii Short Honeymoon ,
L Hello Downs filed a petition In the dlst
court yesterday asking for a diyorco f
her husband , Charles Downs , Hoth the ]
ttea live In Downsvllle , n small station m
ot Couucil Bluffs oa Ute Northwestaru i
' way. atid wove married nl Tgan on the l.Mli
' of last Sept mbcr All went well for thf
i short spare ot three weeks , w hen Rhcnl
ICKCS that the d. ftudant commenced a heroic
OOUMU of treatment , pinching nndbeathif
lii-r nml applying opprobrious epithets t <
her. On December 'Jl ho threatened to kll
her and Ilnally ended up by driving her fron
home. She now wants a decree of divorce
4\ Time lor lit or > thing.
Now Is the llino during the colt
.wcftlhoi * to keep warm by bnylnjj ROOC
furs at a low pi'lco ut the Boston Store
Council UlnlTs , Tu. Our entire fur stool
nt almost littlf price , and in some ease ;
even Ion ,
Don't let llu * prices surprise yon. fo
wo have certainly got them and just u
mlvcrthud , us Imi ulways boon our eita
TiOc hluok half inulTa , 10c each.
Sl.i'i 1)1 nek eonoy nntlTs. 7o ! each.
S1.75 I'Yoneh eoiuiy inulTs , lSc ) each.
S-.7"i capo soul ninlTs , $1. 13 enuh.
'J'hre.o dollar and IHty cent bluck opo-
mttn and Uiiltic seal mnlTs , $1.US.
Ai-traclnin muffs from $1.50 to $0.00 5 :
one lot , choice- for 411.111 ouch.
? : : ; i.00nilnk cape , now $ l2. ! . iO.
Si.i ! ! ! > 0 kriniinor cape , now $1-1.50.
SI'lOO olocti'io seal cape , now $0.75.
S 111.50 sistrauhtiti i'ape , now $11. " > 0 ,
$ : i.l.OO electric * cal inUHtiry eajies , , ' !
inches long , nuw . } " 7.00.
lloston Store.
Council BlulTs.
Ciivl Bilrhorn , Miceessmto K. Tlui
horn , has the only new jewelry ntoek 1
city. Many holidity novelties.
Iliirhrliii'H- ' .
A ple.tsaut party was given last evening t
the Grand hotel by Messrs. ( J. II. Maync. (
H. Wright , T. C. Dawsoti. Thomas Metca
and H. A. Woodbury , live of the leadhi
society yuunr men of the city. The gucsi
weroi-cccUcd in the parlors until about '
nYlo.'k , when Ihu.y wen ; ushered to tl
dining room on the upper floor , where tl
dam-In ? was commenced to the strains of : i
excellent orchestra. Hcfvcshmeuts wci
served in the ladles' ordinary from 11 oVloc
until midnight , and frown punch and clan
punch were served on the hide all during tl
evening. The guests numbered about "o
and included most of tbo uocicty people i
the city. . _
Smite of tin. heaviest , c : . > ; il consume )
in town uiv nsiii Koul-n | > ar to fjond tic
vanlnffo. Hvory ociiiinmical faniil
it. . & ' ' T
should use . .fansten Gi'cg'jfi >
I 'carl btreot. _
First Xalionnl L"un olllcc : No.1C
Jii-nadwny. J irjjo stock of forfultc
yopd.s for Mile. Money to loan c
watches , etc. _
Mrs. Wade Carev is visiting her father
St. Joseph. JIo.
Mr. and Mrs. f ? . F. Monro left yesterdi
afternoon for a visit of a week or two wl
friends in Fomlniac , AVis. , and Chicago.
tj. IJ. Goi-nam of Salt Lake , the live slot
agent of the Hock Jsland , is in the city wil
his wife and child visiting his brother ai
friends. They expect to leave Sunday eve
ing for Michigan to visit relatives there , at
will stop hero agai.i on their return trip.
The western manager of the Adams K
press company , together with a niimben
the prominent cilllerils of the company.
expected to arrive in the city this inoi-nh
over the Burlington road on a tour of inspt
tlon of their now territory , which now i
eludes the ; c-ntiro Burlington system.
For warming1 guest ehumboi-.s , bal
rooms , etc ; . , ou'as \ lu-atcvri are ju
what you want. Look at them. Clea
eonvenionl. eheap. C. C. Gi3 and Ele
trie Lljjht Co.
Wanted Cu-h offer for ten bhar
Citi/on'ri State bank stock. Must 1
Hold. Address K. A. Shoafe.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapc hard wood in the eity ; jroin
delivery. II. A. fox. No. 4 Main.
.IliMoi.Hontion. .
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs IjinnocrCo. Coal
Mrs. L. Ulcdcrman will entertain a par
of friends at high live this evening at li
residence on Avcuuo t\
G. F. Higgins and Miss Hilla M. Mott
Weston were married WciinesClay at t
residence of W. II. McClelland in Ilanl
township , Rev. G. b. Spring-er olUciating.
The Truelnmd .society of this city so
several dele-gates to Mimlon last Sunday
institute a lodge ot the order at that phu
The new lodge has a membership of twem
B , two.
. . The fire department was called out at 10
last night on a lire which afterwards prov
S to bo the street car barns in Kast Omal
The hoses carls did not gu any farther th
the river.
The Hock Island passenger train whi
should have reached Council Blurt's at 8
yesterday morning was live hours late , t
delay being caused by a bad freight wrc
near Casoy.
I DToday is the last day of servli-o for I
January term of the district court. Aim
number of now cases have already be
commenced and Ihu indications are tl
there will bo a docket of the usual size.
Thcro will bo a meeting of the Princes
the Orient tomorrow evening in the Knlgl
of Pythias hall. Thcro are several can
dates who wlllibe given several degrees aple
and the treasury Is full. ' A largo attendai
Is desired.
The sisters of St. liornnrd's hospitals
they are badly in need of cast-off clothing
supply many who apply to them for help : i
also for the poor patients In the hosplt
Any ono having any such supplies needs 1
to drop a postal card to the sisters , who v
promptly send for them.
Marriage licenses were issued to the I
lowing yesterday : Henry Smith and Got
Ilowlnn of Pnttawatlamiu county ; Hai
McGco and Margaret Ij. Green of Com
Bluffs ; It. C. Clennon of Danville , 111. ,
Clara Magetto of Sallna , Kai > . The 1
couple were married by Justice Field.
There will bo cottage prayer meetings t
afternoon at i2H : ! ) p. in. at the follow
places ; Mrs. C. M , Hall , Oakland avoir
Mrs , Grlmth , IW Pierce street ; Mrs. W.
Mayno , Park nvcniiu ; Mrs. C. Swai
F.lghth street and Washington avenue ,
connection will bo revival services at Bro
way church.
The class unions of the Temple Bapl
church will give an entertainment this ev
Ing at the Young Men's Christian nssoclal
rooms , commencing at 8 o'clock. A die
literary and musical program will be |
senU'd , ninoni ; those taking part being M
j | Baker of Kansas City , Miss Webb , M
. . . Mooroiind the Amphion quartet. lie fro
incuts will bo bin-veil.
Movements of Ori'jin Soinioi-K. | :
At London Arrived Maryland , fr
At Liverpool Arrived Anglomaln , ft
Bewton ; Baltimore , from Baltimore.
At Gibraltar Arrived Kins , from ? <
York for Genoa.
At Bremen Arrived Lahn , from J <
At Brow Head Passed Urittanie , fi
New York for Liverpool ,
. n
this \Viirini-r WlniU uiiil u UlhlciK Tinit < nit
l'ri lli'ti < il fur \C > | II\IH.U | Toclu ) ,
a Wxsiuxorox , D. C. , Jan , 1' ' , Forei
is for Friday ; For Xebrat > ka and North :
'S- ' South Dakota Fair ; warmer winds , shift
11S to southerly ,
111o. For Iowa Fair-warmcrnortherly ; ; wit
o.In becoming variable ,
Jan. 1' ' . Omaha record of temperature ;
rainfall compared with correspamllng daj
past fouryvjrs :
180S. 1H02. 1801. If
.Mnxlmumteiupc-rature , lf > = > H3 ' _ ' 7 =
Minimum leiuperainro. 19 IQS ir > 3
Averairo teniit | < i-atin-u. . H3 4 = iilos
Preclpltiitlon . , , T . .00T .i
r. Statement sUowIiitt the condition of ti
pcratureandpcecipitatlon at Omaha for
day and slncu March 1 , 189J ,
ct Normul teniiieraturu .
ctmi DoltcU-ncy for thu cluv . . . . . ,
mi IK'llrlino.vMmoMarch 1 . . : .
ir- Normul precliiltutloa . , . OJ Inc
th Duilclt'iioy fur tiin day , . . . . . . . . . . . OJ liu
UcllcteucyMucoMuiolil . 3.4-J Inc
ll- UGOIIOG K. , Local Forecast OtUcia
TltlllM AIA11T'IPl n IA * Pf'PT\
License Board Concludes to Qivo Pcrmhsi n
to Contested Claimants.
l.nnyiin , DriiRqlst Srhmlilt tun
S.ilnnnUt I'lnzrltu-liam Sqnrc/e TtirniiKh
on ISxtrrini-ly Narrow-
I'rnereillnxi lleforo thn Ilimril.
The llecnso lx > nrd continued the hearhti
In the case of Druggist Lanyon last night
Mrs. Pnucc , a sister of the applicant , tcstl
fled that she sold a mixture of" branclj
and Jamaica ginger to a man who claimed tc
be sick. No record was made of the sale , be
cause the mixture came under the head o
This closed the testimony and the casi
went to the board.
Then the case of Frcdrlokn
! HWG Hamilton street , was e-allecl. Illega
publication was the charge in the pro
test. It was decided to adinl
the testimony given in the Stub
case regarding circulation. Joe Godilan
said that he i ailed at the applicant's pine
of business on December and asked Mi
Plnzcnscham it he had received a nolle
regarding the action of the board declarlni
Tun Bir. ; the paper in which advei
lls'emcnts should bo printed. Applie-an
admitted having seen the notice
but declared that It didn't amoun
to anything. By going to tbo World-Herat
ho could save $10 and besides get a gunrante
that he would get his license ,
Gcorgo Gcllenbeck swore that he left
notice with applicant on November H ! .
Mr. Hall asked the witness if ho was nn
the man who , during the month of Octobci
had distributed bundles of Buns to sale > oi
keepers and druggists.
Mr. Gollenbeck said that he ha
left packages of papers at saloon
and lirug stores about town for sale
These papers , the witness said , wcr
a special edition printed for the especial pui
pose , and the papers thus delivered and sol
were not counted in the circulatio
of the regular edition of Tn
ICvcNiNO Br.n , Witness also said thn
while delivering these papers ho met Work
Herald people throwing around free paper
and also stated that the World-Herald bega
throwing around free papers long before 'I'll
Bin ; commenced sending small packages c
papers to druggists and saloonists who cithc
disposed of the papers for cash or gave thci
to pooel customers.
Idiomlng the I'lictciry'a Circulation.
When asked by the attorney for the dc
fcnso if ho bad ever seen a pae-kngc e
World-Heralds left at any place the wltncs
cited William llofskc's store , Fifteenth am
Williams streets , where seven World-He !
aids were left. During the conyorsatio
which followed Mr. Ilofske had said to hit
that the World-Herald carrier loft
bundle every night and that he wished h
would ejult , as be did not want the paper i
his house.
Attorney Hall had started in on a , "blln
road" on this particular point , because h
had not been informed that the people whoi
ho represented had been scattering broae
east their copies of both the noon and evei
ing editions.
Mr. N. P. Foil , business inamgcr of Tn
Biu. : was called and askeel what ho knc
about the distribution of Tun Bnp. durin
October. The witness saiil that during tl
mniith mentioned THE OMAHA. Br
printed a special edition at
o'clock for the purpose of olTsettin
the noon edition of the World-Herald. Thes
papers wore printed and circulated for th
especial purpose , and the number disposed c
were not counted in the circulation at all , i
they wore classed as extras an
were so charged on the bool
in the press room. When askeel apal
by Mr. Hall why this step hud been tain
Mr. Fell said it was because tbo Worli
Herald had introduced a noon edition.
"U'e did it , " said the witness , "to counte
act the World-Herald's noon edition. "
The witness was then eiuestioiied aboi
the sale of the 8 o'clock edition of TUB Eve :
E iso Bni : on the streets. He said that the :
c sales wore never counted in the regular ci
i culation of the paper , and that the cash r
ceivcd was kept in a .separate account ar
did not in any way enter Into tlio swoi
Only Itoni : 1'lclo rifrnrcs.
"When I made the aftldavit of THE Bus
circulation.1 said Mr. Fell , in answer to
eiuostion , "I made my statement for thn
months , as requested , and did not file n
statement of the October circulation until tl
World-Herald manager had insisted up <
filing his. ] heard his statement read nt
then referred to my statements and offeri
our October circulation in evidence , : ilthou ;
the license board did not ask for tills ext :
evidence. I only did this because tl
\Voi-ld-IIerald had Insisted on such
statement. Our regular evening edltii
amounts to about 11,000 , copies ; during O
toacr , including the extra edition ,
amounted to fully ii,400 : , copies.
At this stage of the game Mr. Hall wanti
to know if Mr. Fell had not requested tl
board to ask for a three months' average i
ste-ad of ono month as heretofore. Witnt
denied that ho had made any such request
the board.
Then Commissioner Hartman thought
was time to take a hand and ho did , and 1
spoke rather forcibly , too. Ho said :
ComiiilsKlomir Hurl nmn'a .Stiiti-inent.
" 1 made the motion to ask the papers for
three months average ami I stated at tl
time my reasons for so doing. :
order to make the matter clear
these who were not present I w
say what I said at the time , that I did n
think it policy to take the circulation of ai
paper for October alone. My reason I
this was that there a heated eai
paignon and I Judged that bo
papers would have a larger circulation th ;
ordinary , especially TUB BEE , because M
Uosewater was u member of the nation
committee. "
Continuing , Mr. Hartman said that lioe-o
sidered UM question of Mr. Hall a rellectli
oil him bccaubo bo had maciu the motlo
Mr. Hartman denied having had a convcrs
tion with any member of Tun l\r.K. \
Mr , Uosewater said that ho had oxamin
the circulator's books and had found tli
the December circulation was larger th ;
that of October and that the November c
dilation exceeded the December by prc
ably over 100.
Then Mr. Hall asked Mr. Uosowatcr wh
the circulation of Tun MOIIM.VO BIB : w ,
Mr. Uosowatcr promptly told him It w
noun of his business , as the circulation
Tin ; MIIIINIXO BII : ; was not In question , a
ho declined to batisfy tbo curiosity
the World-Herald people. Witness .said'lli
ho hud made the protests because ! the boa
had declared Tin ; KVENISU Br.c lo have t
largest circulation and ho was merely stan
Ing up for his rights.
w "Havo you not declined to take advert !
ments of applicants I" asKcd Mr. Hall.
Silling Ailvrrllacr * Money.
"Yes , " s-ld ! Mr. Uosownter. "Onu pai
snnt In an advertisement fora licence wh !
1 fe-lt Hiiro would bo refused if ho did pi
his case- , and I diroeti'd that the money bo
turned , as I considered that ho was wnstl ]
st money to place the advertisement , I a
id directed that another man's niohe-y bo
turni'd to him for the same reason. I c
'B ' not want to take money for advertising fr
Is these * people when 1 felt sure they could i
, get a license , "
Mr. Uosewater was called and asked wl
ho knew aUmt the distributing of pap
during October. He said :
. .I.-/ it IlciblnesH .Mutter ,
"A Vout the ili-bt part of October 1 desired
I ) . offhet Ihu attempt of the World-Hernld tl
hcinjr made by them tci expand their BCMIC
i-itvulation hp the tictitious i-ln-ulntinn
1 thelraoohedition ; nn Iclld not liio\vwhetl ;
thov would count hi this edit1
IIIU with their regular mornln : , ' and evi
IU ini ; vdltiaiis or not. As the Wor
Ucrjld solicitors iiblcod silojuUuepers
talto twenty papers and promised tn ;
vcrtUoihctr applications i-heuti. i dhect
MyKel1 - , " ' .v Business manager , to hn
this ! t o'd'V'k ex"ulnt ( ; l. - > -i'l a'so
structed him to keep this spei
cdltlou , the panu-s tolu to railway uu
shnuls nnd Ihi-1 K' vapors mil n ( the
KeHpnil nvornpe of the etmil.itlon ncurca. '
Mr Hosowatcr wai n-oss.ex.iinlnpd b.Mr .
Hall. Kcgnrdlng the frrj'-jlstribntlonof the
World-Herald at the s.imo time , witness : ild
that hts solicitors hnd i/hctftcd any number
of places where bimdlesMf \Vorld-Herald
had been left. Ho rdura' hrltii : nt least
twenty-live people bofonllthe hoard to prove
his assertion , i.Ik clic"lftnd ) always had ,
believed that the WortiVMcraW tw'1 * tlll !
method of free delivery , tq'inflate Its circa
' '
Intlon " '
Furthermore the wltiipss knew by tesll
mony given before the Ima'ru that the Neion
AVorld-Herald did not h'AVo a sltiulo sub
scribcr , and that stlosi keepers had bew
offered twenty t World-Heralds a day during
October If they would advertise with thai
"Isn't It a fact , " asked Attorney Hall
"that you only employ four boys to dcllvci
Tin : Monxixo Br.uf"
"It's a fact , " said Mr. llosemitor. "thai
wo have over thirty lx\vs employed ever.\ \
morning to deliver TUB Monxixct Bii : : tt
Omaha subscribers , and I can prove it by i
man here in the room. "
By this Unto the defense had gotten nl
the information about THE BIK : It wanted.
Mr. Simcral stated that ho had no arguiiicn
to make In the e-ase. and Mr. Hall remarkec
that ho had nothing to s'iy ' beyoni
callimr the attention of tbo board to the fac
that the protest had been made against F
Plnzcnscimin Instead of against Mrs. Fred
rleka Pinzcnsclialii , the applicant.
Tlio case of Joseph H. Schmidt , druggisi
at''ior Cnmlng street , was then called am
the protest charging illegal publication wa
Money No Object tei Him.
Mr. Schmidt testified that ho bellcvci
the World-Herald to have the Inrges
circulation. He is a World-Herali
agent and arrived at this conclnsio :
by reading that paper. As far a
the difference in Iho prieo of udvertli
ing was e-imcorned. It did not cut an ,
llgnre , he said. He hnd received a notice o
the resolution of the board , but used his ow :
Judgment in the matter of advertlsine.
In executive session the board decided th
three cases.
They gave Druggist Lanyon his He-ens
because they thought he had acted in geioi
.faith and was not guilty of violating the la\
by selling liquor for other than medicinn
purposes em Sunday.
Schmidt was given a license because th
board.clalmcd he had acted in good faith.
Frcdrioka Pliuenschani was also gruiitei
n llecnso. In this e-asc the board clahnei
that there was no protest against the appli
Saturday night at TH : ! ) the followhi ;
cases will bo taken up in their order
Matt Keulaml , HOJ Lcavonwoi-th street
Michael Wnlenz , 1820 Pierce street ; M
Wnlcnz , 1318 Le.avonworth stiect ; James 1
Connelly , ' .MOG Cuinlng street ; Chlirlcs 1-
Morin , 1SJ4 North Sixteenth street ; Ilcnr ,
Uohlff , -'O.-itJ Popple ton avenue.
In passing judgment on the case of Fred
cricka Pinzcnschan , the board's ruling dre\
it line-haired distinction which would hardl
served as a precedent in a com
of law. It was upon Mr. Pinzcnsehan tha
the notices had been served , and the commii
sion coulel not detect anything in the test
mony offered on behalf of Tun BKK to coi
neet the defendant , Mrs. Pinzcnschan , wit
Mr. Pinzenclian , whom it wns cluirgeel ha
violated the law.
irrt.LItK.l tiTlWXlIFS'.lllt. .
MVntcrn 1'aBSPHBor Aksiiciiitlou K\iii > i-t t
Adopt u New A rt-i-inent.
CIIICAOO , 111. , Jan , I'.1. If the Wester
Passenger association adopts the agree
incut reported by the committee on revlsio
it will be the strongest organization of th
kind in the country. Furthermore , it is be
lleved that the revenues of the member
will bo better prnteetcii than ever before.
The agreement provides for the oi-fjaniz :
tion of local railroad agents associations ! i
St. Louis , Chicago. Kansas City , Omaha , S
Paul and Minneapolis. The associations ar
to represent the lines in the Wester
Passenger association and as many moro ir
tercstcd roads as can be induced t
join them. It Is > provided that a
tickets , passes or other forms of transport ;
tlon found in the Imndsjof brokers , or otlu
persons not authorized to sell them , shall I
redeemed at full tariff rates by tbo conipan
responsible for them regardless ot th
manner in which they may have found thci
way on the market , and no street con
missions are to be paid except authority 1 :
given by the chairman as a means of rclie
from the irregular competition of an outsitl
llevlsioii Committee ,
The committee having charge of tbo revi
ion of the agreement consists of .hum
Charlton of the Chicago & Alton , John HI
bastian of the Hock Island , P. S. Eustis e
the Burlington. George II. Ilcafford of tli
St. Paul , W. P. White of the Atchison an
Chairman Caldwell. It bad almost con
plcted its work and turned the matter ovc
to the printers. Another meeting will I
held next week for the purpose of rumple
ing the report , after which the chalrma
will call a general meeting to hear and pas
upon the recommendations of the conunitlci
Although the Jacksonville Southeastern h :
not yet signillcd its intention of becoming
member of the association it is believed thii
the new agreement will bo put into effect i
early as February 1.
General Pnssenger Agent Sebastian of tl
Hock Island road has'called ' a meeting !
western lines to consider the question c
commissions on emigrant traillc. The dal
lixed for the conference is January 0 an
invitations will bo sent to representatives i
the Northern PacIHc , the Great Xorthen
the Canadian Pacific and the See line to 1
At the meeting of the freight eommitie
of the Central Tra Illo association , whk
closed its session today , a resolution w :
adoptcel reccoininciuling that the prcsci
commodity classification on rags and pap <
stock in bales bo abrogated , and that tl
regular classification of fifth class in an
quantity be applied on such shipments to a
points in association territorv. A lart
amount of business of u i-outine characti
was disposed of.
Dick llni'tro , falling to gel a match with Jiu
JlcAiillllV , will , It , Is reported , return
Kn land In u few days.
Ilanan and I < yens , lightweights , liiivo hot
mulched in Unlit befoio the Ctmuy Islai
Athletic club on February 0.
Henatorljiiay of 1'c.nnsylvanla says ho w
nso Ids utmost endciivor to iniivt'iil tlm opu
In ; ; of the gates ot ihu World's fulron ijin
John C , Honnessy , a former now.srmpiM-
and now u member o * Iho Nuw VorU h'nlsl
lure , bus Introduced a hill to aniund thu lib
liiw of tluit-Btato.
The Nnrmannla SkalliiK club of Mlnncapo ]
has challt'iiKc-d , on In-half of Nat.svni ; , , li
DonuKliuo of New York to hkato tluco races
ono mile , Iliruo nilk-s anil live miles.
HunerlntendPiil Iiyriics of Ihu Nu\v Vo
police force , will , itIs said , brlns i-hnri ;
npalnst him > ral < if thiM'olIco ' captaln.s of ill
city for neKleetuf dutydn thu mattur of hit
prt's.slng Bumbling. . - ;
At a iin-i'ihiKoC tlmFacrcd Heart Koclcdy
St. I'atrlck'hcalhedra ow York Clty.u pih
\\howus pifsc > nt denounced thu mnvspapi
fur Ibo siiind they Jnivii tuki'ii In ihu piese
controversy lic-lwcc-n Archblshup I'nrrlg ;
anil Msr. Satoll | , Did 'jiupal ' ablc' ate , a
advl-cd his hcarofHi 'lint to i end tliitpupn
hccatiMi what thi.-y imblUboU was.huhald
lUslll ) Of fllUl'llOtltfh. y.
I'Uti'tK" '
Italy conteiiiiilalcB'fhrtlior ' additions In 1
niivy. mid will ask for1' largu appiuprlatiii
for that purpose , '
< ( ii'iu-riil Dodds ti'li'trraphs from Dahoin
that tliuhiihjnxatliniDr Unit country Is co
ploto and DID 1' ' lentil | u pcnceahh , contiol ,
' '
It Is reported lhat'Al. Haibi'llt- , French a
bassndor to llc-illn , will in-cibably resign
consc-qiic-iicn of tbu ii'tliciiienl of JiU frlui
M. do I'reyclnct.
A Hi-rllncorrchnonilt'iit > > ays Unit Ihu I'n
aii liiKlifet N oxpcctt'd tci show u diitldri
of 3,000,000 inurkit duo to the decieasuof I
inciinn's from railroads ,
The Canadian government Is mnvjni ; In i
matter of ustabll lilns lull-graphic comniu
itcin bt < n\ccn KnulUli po .i slons in i
I'aclllc and thut country ,
The Austiinn government has hl nuil t
A School Tcuclirr'N Now llrs K ,
"My newdress was the light dntb cnshim
1 had when I llrst came to Omaha , " said
popular school teacher , "It faded so bac
that I was ashamed to wear it , mid with
package of dlamoinl dyes I changed It ti
handbomc ! brown , After wearing it a scaa
that way. another diamond dye , this time
, ollvo green , made it the rich shade it Is no
I think all druggists sell these dyes and tli
are a frcat help to mo ,
nci-ctmonf wllli the KothvhthU yndlittP for
the cnnvprslon -JKn.OWi.otH ) RiildPti paper
tentr and Gu.liuii.onogulden 5 per ctnt gold
rente1' .
Tlio pop ; > hni Riven att nndloin-c to Arch
bishop Yini.qlmii ofVo tinlnter , mid to Aivh-
bl lioi | 1,03110 of At-mach. lliti iwci prelates who
nre , It lisnld , shortly to bu proniolrcl to the
( illti-i-of rnnlliinh.
While n niinibor of men were ciiR.icod In
rlennlni : tlin donblo bottom of tlio prul < i-r
Mnilea nt Cliiithnin , Dnu-laiul. four of thorn
were ovorcomii by foul air. Two dlod before
medical n iUlniicr ) could reach them.
Trusted n Trump.
Trnoxn. la. , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegr.uu
to Tun Hnn. ] Two weeks ago a tr.imp
named Hlloy nppltcd to John Judd , a fai-mrr ,
for work. Yesterday ho borrowed..Tudd's
shotgun , ostensibly to go Uuittinjr. When
Judd returned homo In tlio evening he. found
missing S'.OO , which ho had hidden tn his
trunk , Kiey has not been seen.
I'Klt.SOXI f. /.I tt.Hllt.i I'llS.
R A. ICussoll. of Oiil Is nt the Dclono.
Mr. A. J. Gusten of Kearney , was in the
city yesterday.
At the Mercer J. W. Buchanan , A. O
Mayer.C. H. Williamson. Chicago ; S. F
King , Minneapolis ; II. M. Wllcox , Kansas
City ; George I ) . Kdwards , Hcnrv C. Stuart.
Denver ; M. Bosworth. Topeka. Klin. ; War
ren Price , Itapld City ; John F. Xewcomb ,
Sprlngtield , Mn. ; 1. K. Sedgwlck , York ,
Neb. ; A. 11 , Pattern. Miclilleld , Neb. :
W. W. Wheeler. Panama ; Willhtm Crandall.
P.iimma : George Cr.indnll. Panama ; C. K.
Woodruff , Gibbon ; T. M. Heed , l.ouji Cltv.
Newell South , Humphrey ; W. M. lloltry.
North Platte ; ICdV. . Nelflng , Kincolii ;
Thomas Andrews , Cambridge ; i ! . Babsou
and wife. Seward ; G. A. Hanson. T. O.
Olson , A. B. Olson and C.'G. Pllander of
Huldrege ; Harry SeluickadanU , St. Paul ;
II. B. Sune and wife , Hartlngton ; Peter
ICrlcson , Lindsay ; C. W. Baker , Ponder ;
Jeihn B. Hughes , Co id ; A. II. Wherry ,
CIIH-AIIO , 111. , Jan. IS. [ SpecialTelegram tc
Tin : BBK. 1 Nebraska arrivals : ISre-voorl-
W. , I. Allen , Blair ; .1. A. Odbcrt , Lincoln.
Grand Pncille-K. M. Gibson , Chirks ; F. W.
Brown , Lincoln. Great Northern . S.
Knox and wife , Omaha. Palmer W.
Bccbe , W. lUmyan , Council Bluffs.
A troublesome skin disease caused
me to scnUch for ten months , and was
cured by a few days' use of f § SJ ? tj
Uppzr Marlboro , Md.
I was cured tomoyoaranennfVlilto Swelling
In my lee by using BMM2SSB nml llal ° lin' ' ' " °
fcymptoms of re KKiKJi turn of tlio ills-
case. Many prominent | > livslcluns ntlciuled
uio nml failed , but B. B. S. ( lid thu work.
PAUL. W. KIRKI'ATRICK , Johnson City. Tenn.
Treatise on Blood anil SVIn ulseacc tnaUeil free.
Atlanta , Ca.
Before tikiag your next glass
River Water hold it up to the light.
look fit
FRESH from the
As a pure medicinal or lablt
water it stands alone.
Still or Sparkling. Of All Dealers
G. B. PERKINS & Co. , B08lOnS8llOllgefll !
Distributing Aleuts for Oiunlin
it is easy to steal or ring watches from tlic
pocket. The thief gets the watch in one
hand , the chain in tlio other and gives n
r-liort , quick jerk the ring slips elF the
walch stem , and nway goes the watch , leav
ing the victim only the chain.
This idea stopped
that little game :
The bow has a groove
Ji ) each end A collar
runs down Inside the
pendant ( stem ) and
nta into the croov
Rrmly locking t. . _
bow to the pendant ,
no that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Sold by all watch dealers , without
cost , on Jas. Doss Filled and other
cases containing this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
Anhoueor , Buclwoltor , Fiuist linn Pal
KHOS , cnn louvo orders at No , 21t ! Mill
Street , Council UlulTs , Iowa , or Tel (
phone u l.
GotMJB delivered promptly.
01 SI. LOUIS , HO.
Or f Jio//nimr/ffifi/f J'nftlllvolv Ciii-o
UyAifniliilnlorln / > / - . //II//IDS'
( loltlfin .S/ cJO/l'/t- .
It ran bo Klvcn In a cup of coneoortoa or la fo :
without tin , knutrlodiiu of tlio ciatlont. Itliiibs
lutuljr harmlcx nnil will eirool a perinuncnt m
iiicedjr euro , liulher ttia iiatlunt U n muilnr.i
cltluker or ii alcoholic recV. It has hoon ulvoni
thonan < li of case * * inil hi uvvrjr ltmtnoa ! n p rfo
euro ha followuit It naver Iull . Thu eyite
ouco liuiirvunntoil wUh tliiSioi-lk- ( | | lisi'Oiuoii ,
uliiT luiio lblllty for Ihu liquor aiirullio to ml
( idl.DI..V Sl'JM'l I'HJ CI * . . I'ropi. t Iriflnnntl ,
4E-ineo | Look of parllculara frjo. To Iu ha I ut
Knhn & Co I it'i uiil Do-jzl.ti Hti. Wholual
IDake , liruo X Co , , uuil lllcliuriliou UruifL
Uuiulm. Net >
llCIl W UUUAnU all ttia train <
KYII.S , WHAKNKSSKj , liKIIIMl'V. IHV. , that a
couiimnr Ilium hi uiuu gi'lc.'KI.V unl 1'Kltll ,
NKNT1/V OUUKI > . full MTHKNOTll BIIC ! tot
glvea loeverr part of Ilia bod1 will tonil ( <
tutulr 1'ii' uJl t'ilKU to no/lufloror llrJ praicrli
lion tUot curej me of UIUIB troublai. AdJrj , i
My doctor saj-a It nets conllr on tl.t , stomsoh ,
IlrrrnnJ kllnrnml l < i\i > lM"nnt UMUVP. ! This
drink h intuit from hertu , onil Is urci rcsl for tuo
oscullvns Un. _ _ . Ittsrallr.l
1 ' r wvvn B * . . u n u n ' H r n fj'
AIIdnijKlKs fUltntr < V.niiiHlnjiRcltHp. If yon
rnnmit rrt It.cind ronrnitlr i fornfrrcontiiplP. .
l.tinr'n I'nmllr Alnllrlnr iiin\ci tinltu rl
rnrli tliir. in nnlcr lo tic l ' .Mtl\y tliUij ncco nry ,
Addrcw OllATUIl r. WOOUWAllli. I v : HOY.N. V !
Onnha'3 ND.V331 H > tc )
COR , 12TH AN&
(0 Hoonn nt $ ! , .V ) | > nr
tOfoom nl S1.0J t > cr tiny.
10 lieonn with Hnlli nt SVOJ | ior dir.
10 Itoonis trlth'.i n'ltl.n ? to tl i ) | ir il\r.
Modern In Kvcry Itofttu-et.
Newly I'uriilslieil ThroiiRliniil.
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Mas Mcyov & Bro. , Co.
Folo Agents for ( ) mulii : ,
W. II. PA15KEU , } tt. 1) . . No.I ttiillliivli Bt. ,
BOSTON , MA'is. , chief itmtulllnv fihvsteititi of the
was nn-nreletl tlio eioi.n MF.IIAI , ly the Kvriosu.
McmrAt , A ociATioxfirlliolMtIXI. ; KSSAYon
J > tbHUytuall \ Jttnsti ! and ll'takntit nf Man ,
Hit ) young , thu tnlthllc-tiyftt nml oM ,
( 'oiis\illallon In PPIKOII or by li-ller.
1'ioiiirctun , with tCftlmonlnlN , KltlCK.
I.nrpo ; boole , Sl'l liNCK OL' T.I ri-5 , < ) It S1MF-
I'ltUSKIlVATlON , MO pp. . 125 liivnhinlilo lire-
fcrlplloiiB , full ( jilt , only SI' ' ) by m.ill , tc.di'il
IJIPAN5 , TABULfcS ypil tp
the stotiiat'li , IttiTtiuil IKHCI ! , iillll-V
fT the Mooil. HI i * salp it nil ffTcci'inl 11
tno tK'Ft mi'iIU'htc kio\vn for Uliou ? f , vrntllpiitlon , il\riLp | la. fci.lo
atipcllte , iCin'i ] > Flou. i nli > flll e
§ f' rtiKcttlon. vluyloj , callow rninnlox e
? Impure blender n failure by t'l.o iCoinni'h , Hirre > r IK4
o twllnea to perform theirluopi-r ftnicll ns. rersouaP
Clu'n to uvn'eatlnjf ftroheneiltjdhy t klnirolii-iJtcr *
"llPANS cilKMIICAL OOM iSl'l'irucoBll''sc'w'Vorl ' ' : !
Scaled iiropoa.ili will bo rocolvivl bv Iho un-
clersliiieJ ; until 10 : : ! o'clciolc n. in. January 20lh ,
1KK1. for tlio runstriictlnn of u fiownr In sewer
district No. 1" . In the city of Onialui , us per
ordinance No. ICi'ir ' , aucordln ! ; to plans and
spjcllicatlonson Illo In the nllho nf tno l-o ircl
ot puDllo works. K-u-li propos il to bo inncloon
urlntod blJinUs.'nrnlnlioii liv tlio board , an.l to
bo at'ooinpaulod by : i ecrtlfiuil cboclc In tlio
sum of 8.TIK ) , payable to the city of Uniahu , as
un ovldeiH'O nf tnnd faltb.
Thn bnnrd t-csorvos tlio rlnhtto rcinct any or
all bids mid to walvo dufout .
I' . W.
r-tmlrmin : lliird of I'nblliWorks. .
Omaha. Nub. , Jnn. titli , l ! > 9i. : ' .ti 7 13 11
Foaled proposals will Ins roci-lvcd by Iho nn-
clor.sljtnc'd until ! : : ) ( ) o't'loi-k ] i. in. . .lannary
2lth. 1H03 , forRradliii ; nnilhliiphiKclowii haiiK-
of i'ii'lliisliaviibi'i-ndi'i-lar : : 'clu iinlstuiccaspiM
ord Ina lu-os No . 'jaii'J and 31170 , and clu eilupil
us follows :
Front parts of sub Mis 12 , 13 and M of lot , 0 ,
f'apltol nilditlon , and luts 1H and 1'J , Ki-y- , '
subdivision of lol ! ) , ( 'apllid addition , nncl
bank of oartli on . .oulli lialfof lot 111 , K'niiiil .c'
'Jnd nddltlon. ' - . Ilir
so : is to pii'-.rnl wasting
falllii'or ! waslilni ; of c'uiili lluicfioin upun
tlio iidjarenl Mih'walk' . .
Siu-li sloping and iradlnK to be done In ac
cordance with Iho Instruct Ionof ihu rlly en-
Klncrrand lloaid ot I'nblli : Wnrlcs ,
lllds will lie nmd < ! on pi-lnluil blanks fur-
nlslicd by HID boanl , and In bi > an-oinpanloc ]
by H cert I lied chock In the hum of tOdli , paya-
bin lo tbo clly of Uniaba as nn Ideni-u ol
Rood faith.
Thu board roscrvos the rluht lo rc-Jivt anj
or all bids , ami tovuli1 di-fi'i-ts.
i' , w. initKii-\rsrit : ,
Chalnnan lloanl of Public Works.
Omaha , Neb. .January Dili. ltv)3. )
- .limitary li. 7 , 1.1 , M.
Th Gttd SimarltAn. 20 Twri'
WOUMVS ttnilllAl. l ISfU
ttrtat the following Diseases :
Calcurh of tlia Iteml , Thront , Mid I.-Jnfffl ! W *
oascsof the Kyc&tul Knr.Hltsmcl Awileiy | | , H9 rt
lUioac , Liver ComplRlnt. Kldnoy Complslnt ,
Nervous Debility , Montivl Doproo-
lon , Loss of IVlunhoocI , Seminal
WonUnoss. tl bctc. .MrlRlit" ni'cojo , St. Vitas *
Iwncor Kh miir.Uiin. l-arslyM * . Wlilto Sft'cllltiir ,
Bcrofnia , Fever Sores , Connors , Tutiioro
and Fistula In nno removed without
the knlfo or drnvvlnc n drop of
hloocl. WOUIPII with hi-r deltcato orpnui to
iitotiM to health. Brojay curvil whhout tnri > lu .
Spoclnl Attontlon B'vor ' < to P vote
niul Vonorcnl Discuses of nil Ulndu.
9BO to S30O forfeit for uny Vonoronl Dlo-
onso i cHimot euro without rnqrcury
Taio | Worms romovcil In two or tluco hours , or ue
| ixy. H nioirlioiilB or I'llos oiirccl.
WillEftvo llfonnd hundrcJa of dollnra by cnlllng
on or using ,
The only I'Siyslclon who enu toll wlint nil *
a pci-Miii wltliuut asUliiK n quest tun.
All corrospondcttco Btrtcth-cotindcntlnl. Medicine
eisiitby oxprc3s. Address nil letters to
8BE3 Broad\vay ,
Council Io\va
SafalElavahrj / ,
Cor. Otb HI. autl U Avu. , Council llhllTs.
Ponlccl iirouosaU will lu reu-'lvnl by the nn-
clursliriiuU until \M \ : o'cloulc i > . in. , Jnnuiiry
2"ih. Is'J1. forKratlln : IhunllUni struot. from
4.'ith hiruol lovost oily limits , mill Puullla
si root , from > th sf cut to : :7th : htrcot ( tlio Hiir-
plus ( itirtb to bo ilupoiltcd InTtli si root
bulil I'nclllustrout. ) |
Itltls will liu iimctcon til-luted blnn'w furiilsh-
cil by tlio board , and t > lit ; ttct-otiitmnlml Ity
\ ccrllllud uliooU la tlio sum of.u > , payubln
to the city ot Omiiha , us nn cvlclunuu ot good
Tim Iiourd reserves tlio rljlit to rujoctanyof
all lild.s nml to walvu clofucts.
I' . W. idlMCHAtlSRi : ,
Chnlrninn Hoard of I'ulilio Works.
Omaha , Nub. , Juiiuni-y l-lli , IS'.a '
- t
Special Jfo5ice3. :
IIS I'll ACTS una loirn. : Kami un.t city propsrty
lioimlit anj sold. 1M' 97 A Tliomn , council
. ro-nilOtUK loti In Mar'ia ' lilltlon no ir OAHI end
'oftan now Ititeritato b.Iitii.Vlll cull In Uimchej
i ui mii ; . i ; jr i iljl ml1. I ; IM ull Illnili.
, "I ftj-AC UK fnrm In Not ) . , fi-room house , ntnbln uud
J slicilB , TU ncrcn In uultlVHtlon. I'rluo tJ.iJO per
' ncre. .Turin ! only. Joimston A Van 1'Jtton. >
' C\XHIIAGK ro-nDVRtl , coupools. vnulls nn-i -
" " i clo.cio I. ] : . I ) , llurkj , cltr lM ( ,
two , Inijiilrc , 233 Soulli Sovontli street.
X ) UKNT rnrnlslicil roniu Kith all modern
conveniences , mo 1 Iret nvu.
A\rANTlD ! ( llrl to ilo m-ncrol liousowork , ( looij
1 Him , , ! ) to competent ulrl. Mrs. IteUinun , 113
South " 111 Mrsot. >
1/1 HNISIIICI ) I1OOMS for lout ( it I2i IjercntU
' strpot. ( Jood liaanl next door.
-Ac | iubljzUI | for Kcnvinl huiiBOtrork
In family ot thiroV. . A. Coulter , I'J ) eilcn uvo
\rANTKl > liooil Klrl for houBCKorlt.
Mrs. W. W. Wallace , HI Illiill Blreot.
, - - - .
Stook full paid ; tion-ussogsablo. Have the best I'rivostmunt to ulTpr for the
raoiiuy in the camp. Own ton clui'iis , woven on Hold mid CJloho Hill , miiT working
three ulnlmn. Will soil -0,01)0 ) sliiu-UH Trcusiu-y Stock to { jot ready for shipping n *
follows :
$15 buys and pays in full for 100 shares , par value $100. . -
$30 buys and pays in full for HoO shares , . pur value $ I ! " > 0. * '
$100 buys mid pays In full for SOU hlmrcs , pur vnlao $800.
$500 buys and pays in full for 1,200 aharod , : u- value ? -1,200. ,
Ciircful autl intollifjont inaiiiipoinont. Write for particulars. ' ,
Address at Coun < ! il 131uiTrf , Town ,
or R. P. OFFICER ,
TWlij Ci 5J Sfceaij * pie ) Works *
c. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Clcnnln < r and J o.
olllco , 1621 Furnmn St. , Telephone 1021. Council Dluffs ofllco and \vorlq
cor. Ave , Aund 20th SuTolophono 310 , Sund fur iruulars and price list.