TIIR'OMATIA DAILY nmtj iTnrnspAY. .UNITARY 12 , COMMERCIAL ASD FINANCIAL Talcrs on ' 0'uar.go Wcro Disturbed by a Big Hurry In Wheat. MANY COMBINATIONS CAUSED TROUBLE of Ihn Shorts anil Hnjlitc l > y H8f iiAexToci'lliPr Mill ) Iliilllsli CHMI A l nye o , 111. , .Ian. 11 A . ? n rry In with n Midden mlvnnco of neaily 3c. a bit. ' . It was dwarfed cveij-tliln clsij on'chaiiKu. what the hulls Imvo l.ccn worklnt ? forslneo Hie. winter bc an. H wasdllll-Milt to Miy whllo Iliolltttry was on whether the s.trenntli canto most f i out tlio frl htof thoshoil.s.orfrotit the ImyliiK ly ) Ills honspi , or bullish croii nows. The hopeful fouiuirs of the market for the Inills was the ( not that the advancu " * " lalned o\en after tlm a rcsslvo I'nidil.Igo and olhci.s sold heavily t then lvalue. The prleo wen baolc lo70V , but ciulokly rallied loaOt * . with I'ardildjtc still MTh'i ' > ' * 'llveipool cable was higher curly , but when the private cables came saying that the maiket wits advancing on erop damage to- HOMtfromrr-itioo the buying lieio was to- doubled n.id the pilco wont to 0'e. A I at or report put the pi l.-o naek lo 80C. ! | Now ork messages vrere full of ciVil ) dam.igf news .tnd Mime ptlvate cables limited I.IvipoolU higher. The bull feeling tetitined a th id lime nml Iho pi lee went toHOV with a si gilt ii'ac- lion to 80'ai ' * . I.-iler mos .i eseoiillriiod ; the Intlllsh fooling iibi-nait and about mld-diiy the Mny prlei-toui-lieil Hli1. with the innrKet tti'llli as strong ns at Hdi * an hour befotc. llioluiiru wiles of low grade cinh wheat at 4c over the Monday pili-e weie tenoned by i-levuloi pco- pie iind this encoiir.iged llio biill' ! . I he mm kel got -mother big lift hefoiethe chiso. The hit' * cables coiifhmed the great Micnglhal l.lvi i pool mid Parlsover the tem- ble weatheron Hicontinent. . It wns cvlient that .several huge shorts w.-te buyois. llio bull ellniif. however did not only try lo hold Iho maikot back a , heretofore , but helped Hie bulge along. , , , , The foreign buying continued here nnd al New York. Tbo northwest mad.elloits to uct lit a lot of shot I wheat. The market broadened and sttenglbened anil on the Into buying the May price jose nijlokly fioin * til' ' c to 81 Vat the high point w lib snlint 8H2e. Corn nit i in-led a fair amount of aitenlloii , though tbo maiket was not what might bo railed active at any lime , the Made ns a vvliolo being slow and Inclined to limit. The senll- inenl.dlspliv.od : wasstionger. OITerlngsat the RUtrl were light though Initial trades wore at yestoiday's llnal iiuoliitlons. The m.irkel soon afterwards gradntilly advanced ! .e , but nt 47c for May the sellers weietnoio numerous nnd pi-lees win lied hack lie , iidvanced ftoni "ic to "ic. , and closed with from "uC to yi' Haln. A local elevator concein ciedlted wlllj fieo sellIng - Ing yesterday took the same position again today and Mippllod a good proportion of the wants. O.tts attracted much nioro Interest than on yesteidny. The feeling was Mini , helped largely by Iho advance In tbo Miiioundln. ! plt.s , though the small movement nnd active cash demand cut no little llguro wllhn cer tain class of opi'ratois. The maiket opened with a good demand at a fractional advance ' ami sold aflor- over yesterday's close , up wnidsfiomV to' < < ' , leaded , losing Iho nil- vance , hut gained o and closed with fiomV to 'Se gain. , Tfieio was a reaction In the piovlslon trade from the veiy strong maiket of pievlous days , The tecelpts 'of hogs Imieasedeiy male rlally and the edge was oil4 the maiKel at tlu yanrs. The .so-called bull cll < | iio opetator : vvoro letting the market alone. Aumnii brokers weie doing lint little. Ream was : free heller of poik eaily , possibly on a bl | scalp. Hately sold a big lot of laid at tin h-amo time. When the market biokea lllth Iho slop orders biougbt out considerable pro fluct. The Impression was cinltc general tha the market linil lieen to the top , unless hogs gi higher. 1'iovlsloiis closed itbotit lOc over hot torn prices for tlm day. This was n nrcllni from yestciday of 35u in poilt , 15o In liuil und but 2'Jc In ribs. Kstlmated receipts for tomortowheal : \ 200 cars ; corn , 175 cars ; oats , 80 caisj liog- 20.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ! AUT1CI.EH. Ol'K.V. I1IUH. LOW , CLOSE. VKST \Vlicat No 2 Jniuuir/ . . . $ 75K KW 7.1 ! Mnr " . ( tjj 81-H ' 3S-7' ' . > ! July " > ! l T.H " 77,1s Corn No. 2 Jnnunrj- . . SBS 41 ! rcbmury. 42 H Cats No. 2- Jnnuary. . 30M 313J SOH SI February. 3J 31H 32 : ; i Mny 3I 33H 34 WfBB Pork Jnnunry. . 18 IE : ; ) 1870 Hay . . . . IS V5 tillW ISM 19 10 J.nrd- Jnnunry . 10 M 10 SO 10 43 10 M 10 70 Mny 10 45 10 45 10 iiU 10 six 10 52 Ibortlllbe- Jnnnnrr a .is U 37 Mny . . U 5' U 4U 9 lit Oahh quotations vvoro as follows : I''l.ouu Slow ; sales at about former ijuoti lions , though holders asking 1015c moio t standard grades. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 75Uc ; No. 3 sprlii ] COfflOiic ; No. 2 red. 75 > Jc. COIIN Higher ; No. 2 , 42l,4c ; No. 3 yelloi . UAis No. 2. nie ; No. 2 white , f. o. 1 8Co : NO. a white , a'Jiifitc. : ) . KYE-No. 'J. 57c. IlAiii.nv-No. 2 , 05c ; No. 3 , f. o. b , , 42SC2 No. 4 , f. o. h. , i'HTMOc. I-'r.AXSiiu-No. ! : l.tl.10. TiMOTlivSiKI-l'rlnie$1.0lf,1.95. : ( Vonic Mehs , per lihl. , J17.7D ; lard , per K Ibs. , JKI.OO ; hhoit ribs , sides ( loose ) . J'J.35 0.40 ; dry Milted slioiihlers ( bo.xed ) , f. o. I IO.GU'3'J.75 ; short clear bides ( bo\cd ) . J10.1C 10.2D. WnifliCY Dlstlllors' finished goods , per Ral tl.SD. StiOAii Unchanged ; cut loaf , &H'30 ' ? granulated , ( i'ic ; hlandard "A , " &c. The following were tlio tocelpts and bill ] tnentN today : On tlio I'roduco exchange toduv tlio i > uu tnnrkot was strong : creamery , 2Iii23o ( ) ; dalr aoa2'Jc. ' liggs , btrongistrlctly fresh,28'iai3l ' New York Murkuts , NEVV YOIIK , Jan 11. Ki.otm Kecelvtts , 2 : 600 pkgs. ; exports , 10.700 sacks ; markut mi ; active , llrmer ; sales , 30,500 bhls. MIAI : < Utilui , steady. WHEAT Hecelpts , UI.U'JS bii , ; exports , 0' ' 000 mi . : bales , f > .o20)0l ( ) > mi. futures ; lfi.000 spotH. Kpotsilnll , 1 W-'o hlKlier , with Iho opt IIIK advancochecklnK business ; No.2 red. H ] Ul ! ( ( * In Nioro and elevator ; H-Jtt2callo ! : No. 1 norlhein , H2c ; No. 1 hard , 'JO&UO ! ! No. 2 northetn , Hl'Je ' ; No. 3 spring , 7UV Options weio activeexcited , stroiiK and I1 2c higher on u report of ibimaKO to Kren crop by frost ; fieo hiiyhjK for northwests uccountiiH well as by foreigners. Wall stn and local hhorts , toKolher with tinner cahh . No.2 ted. 1'ehinary.HOSHlUeclosing at Ul' , May. H'J'i < i.iH4 l-lt'c ) , I'loi-liiK at 8ll' c : Ju e4j < 8r. , c , eloshiR iitUOu. IlYKNominal , IIAUI.I'.V Dull , llAut.r.r MAI.T Actlvo. C'OHNItecelpth. . 14,300 bu.t cxportu , I 000 Int. ; sales , 135,000 bu. fittuies ; li5.c : 1m. spot. Spots higher and actlvo ; JSo. 2 , Oi 4i51c In elevator ; ( JKu-r/Jo nlloat ; miKiail mixed , 4HaiO'.e ' ; No. a , 4t)5iMo. ) ) htean options woio fairly active , llrmer and Vn up , as following wheat and llm west ; Janu : DOiSlSlaiecloslim ! at Ol'lc ; March Kii < Wl\ \ closing at 02' ( ( ; May n2 > , ( fJ5Uc , closln ; ; at G OATH Hecelpts. 3HOO ! bu.j oxpoitn , 1 , ; bu , ; saleb.CO.tloobu.of futurcx , 10.000 hn.bi miaivi ii. i xu.tii HAY sti'miyi uoitosc : uood choice , 75au ( i : . Hoi's ytilot and steady , MlHlAtt Uavv , firm ; rellned , iiilet. | Moi.APSiis Now Orleans , hteady. HICK Kitlrly acttvr , steady ; domestic , oct Japan.4'a4'c. ( Eons I.lKlit it-eolplH , llrmet-j vvestetn b ( 83 j ; receipts , 1,305 pl KS. Hiwus-hteady ; wet wilted Now Orlo ; fcolected , 4Q to f > 0 Ihj , , &ii7c : Texas buk'CI &o to uo ibs. , ny.7c. I'IIOVIHIO.NS I'ork , weak ; old IIIOM ) , $17.E 17.76 ; now met. * , IH.5OijilH.7fi ; pickled IM-II JOliSiHl'iO ; pickled hams , I'J CiiUl'tCi nildd vasyi hhorl clear , lo4U. Laid , iptlel , low western bteam closed at tl,9C ( ) > ; sales , tlorcesnt 10.07lj : option hales , 000 Here I'obruary , * 10.0.r. ! Mutoh , 10,7u , llirniii I'ulr demand , ttini ; westetii da 170S'Jto vvebtDtn creamery. 2J@23tsc ; r.lj . C'IIIKSI : ( j.Hd domnml , I'm inoNSteady , ijului ; American , (12.1 16.0. Coi'l-EIt Quiet ; lake. $12.05. JjKAU HoilU'iitU * . * 3.lO. TIN I'll mi tili-ullH , t'J.70. Nt. l.onli MurK l . BT. I.OUIR , Mo. , Jan. 11. l-i < ouit V'lriu i beld hlKher , but no advaiici < enliibllahed , WiiUAi- Active and higher ; cash , (1 ( January , 70o ; Fobiuary , 71cj May , 1 July. 7uii' ) . Co'N Was carried up by wheat , but thu vnnco wfts not npntly so Eterit nnd 1h ntovr- tnent wm very Klo\f ( cuih , 38ci I'ebrmry , SflJici .Mny , 4'ic. : ! OATS -I'nsh. llrntnt 3,1- for ntnplo lots ; > Ii\y , lilcher , closlnit ut 34J i' . flfrri-.it nmhfingcO ; orcamrry , 27O30CI ilnlry , lWJ.27c. ( KuiMrnclitiiupil ; 2Stt2fi'Sc. I'OIIKKapler , hut not loweri f IB.2' > for old ) JlO.Ufi fornow , I.atd Qnlot at tlO.CO. IdccKii'TA-l-'Irnr , 3.000 bbK : wheat , 22,000 bu. : corn , 127.OOO bu.i oftts. 18,01)0 bu. HiitrviBNTSI'lour , 7.000 hhl . ; wheat , 04,000 l ii.i corn , 137.000 bil.l oats , 17,000 bu. Onittni 1'roiluco Mnrkt't. The firoilnoc mnrUet ipinalns iirnctlcnlly tin- ehanyed. Hecelpts very Unlit utrl llmtfomjrnl inarketitilet. | l'i ' Ices were about steady , A t'l'l.KSStocks are hold at. J3.50a4.00 for fair to choice stock , HA.VVNVQuoted at I2.0cv3.2.rj0 per bunch. IIL-TTIII : The arrivals are more liberal than Is I he c't o with ntnc other lines of pioduce , but still they aio not heavy. The demand Is fair and slocks are not : icciiiiiilutltmf. : Uood conn- tty roll sells veiy latKely at lOlilTelnsttalcht lots and as hl h .is IH'ii20i5 ! forstnall selert lots. Cli.v.NiiKiiiiis : Quotations are : Hell and cherry , 1H.50 per bill , : bell and bugle , t'J.&Ott llt.lHl ! Jei < ey C.ipe Cod , i'J.fM. t Ki.Kiir1'er ilo/ . hunches , 3. < : . KoiH-Aiilvalsaro verylluhl nnd I ho maiket on fresh sio.'kitroiirf. . fales of fresh eRis ate laruoly ut'tic * . riin.sn YMIKTAIII.IW - lK > ral growers nro btlnjtlliK in a tow fresh \etfetahles of hot hiitlse urovvth. N.nv onlon , 20jV-5i ! per do.-on buncheii ; letluce , lOUl-Vi riullthes , fi'lo. ' , ll.VMi : Hahhlts uiealuiut all that call 1)0 had on the nnirkot the present lime. Juks nro < | tloted at ft. 51) and cotton tails at 75c. A few Miulrrols are i-ouilnu' , but they do not appeal to hull veiy well. IIims-Nn : 1 uiceu sallcidl Kc ; No 2 , 3' , ! ' ; Hint Co. lloM-.v-Oood white clover Is quoted ( ill the way from 17ifl2V. I.KMOJ.S Quotations arc $1.00 0.00. M.VI..VIU UllAl'CS-UncliutiH'Ml at S9.00 jfi . NilsfitxrKe hickory nuts , fl.C3 ; black \val- nut < - . fl.25. n-.ns-l'rli-e.s at Omaha still remain at IT Q3.rn * pel can. DMO.MTin1 market Isnuh-t. Homo grown 8jf | ie r httshel , nml Spanish tl.flO per crate. Oltv.vicsThe itiurkut Is still vnpplluil will I'lni Ida manges only. Hilulils are quoted al 13. J5 for ' -Itule ease lots and J3.00 for HVH li ten case lols. Hu jcls are ' . ' 5c cheaper. I'or.vioh.s The triide Is limited tothusaleoi Kinull lols from .stores. Weslein NebtasUti stuck Is quoted al SOc and t'tah and t.'oloiaih al Olii1. I'OL'lruvHecelpts are lljjhl and Iho iiinr1.ni nun. Chickens , ll'iiUlj ; pee-se and ducks , tl'v lOc : ItirKeys , 12 U2Uc. SWIIT : : PorvTor.s The supply la very llfilr and Ihcj nro held at tl.25. Vi.vir-Veal : calve. " , chotie7c : Itirpu am thin , HU.V. A laiiro and thin veal calf I' nhoiil the hai dest thing on the mniKet to dls < post of. nutur * . The I'laltn ( 'ounty bank has been succecdci by the l'inneis : ami Meiclmnts bank. M. Stoneslft r. .1 crocer at Columbus , hi : beeti clo.ed bj thesheillV on nil e.Mn-utlon. K. T. Maw bray , In the lively business a I'liykln , IMS been succeeded by I" . IMiller. . A u < li > ! ! i-am to Dun & Co. announces the fall me of I ; . A. Klser A : Co. , In the general ston business at Ksbon , Kan. Knimns CU > tli-aln .Alnrkol. KANSAS CITY , Mo. . Jan. 11.WHEAT Irrecu lar ; No. 2 hard , C.GQGGlic ; No. 2 led , 70ft7 ( ) 5c COIINIllKhci ; No. 2 mixed , 34a3-l > jc ; No. . white , 3r > > 5o. OA-is-'KIrm ; No. 2 mixed , 292.20 ! > c ; No. ! white. aO'tiaalc. I'dos Active , fit in : 2flo. HKCr.tiTHWheat , 00,000 bu. ; corn , 5,00 ( hn. ; oats , none. Hlui'MKNT.s Wheat , 70,000 bit. ; corn , 0,001 liu. ; oats , none. 1)11 Mnrliet. Nr.vv YOIIK , Jan. 11. I'crtioi.r.UM Steady united , 54c for l\bi-iiii-y. CoTTOXSKr.D on. Moderate demand ; crude TAI.I.OW Htrons : city ( J'J.OO for pkss ) C asked. Ti'ittM'.NtiNt : Sciiice ; flitnerat 33lJQ34c. LONDON , Jan. 11. C.u-curT.v liNsiBt41 : perqiuiiter. ] , i.NSii.iOiif--10s : ) percwt. TL-ni'l.NTlNt : bi-iitiTS 23s per cvvt. C'olloo . ' Nr.vv Yaitic. Jan. 11. Options oncnod fin 515.20 points htehcr..i-losecl Meady IS points n ] Sales 20.258 bans InclndbiK Jiiiiuary , ? 15.8 < y 15.85 ; rehrnarv , 515.bvai5.85 ( ; .March , Jlfi.C C415.GO ; May.tlb.4C ; Juno , $15.45 : July , if 15.41 September , $15.40 ; October , $15.40 ; Decembe J15.40. Spot HIo , No. 710.02'S. ' Cotton M arkot. Nr.vv Oin.r.ANS , I.a. , .Tint. 11. Quiet ; mlc dlhiK , 00-Hii ; ; lovvuilclillliis , Oa-IBc ; KOOI ! o ; cllnary , 8 Il-H > c ; not recolpts , 4,200 hale ) Hioss , 4,800 bale ; . ; exports to ( Jtent Itrltal n , 685 bales ; coastwise , 010 bales ; sales , 3,2i Liak'.s ; block , 351,011 bales. Liverpool .Markets. Livniirnoii , Jan. 11. WIICAT Steady ; tli nuind pool ; holders nn"cr spat Itiply. COIIN l-'lrtn ; demand fair ; mixed wcstcn 4s 33'd ( per cental. I'rlmo western , 54s 3d. Trailers' Till It. CIIICAOO , 111. , .lun. 11. Counselman & 15 ; to Cock ! oil llios. Commission coniuan Wheat developed Into u big , strong mark' today , the Hist advance belnu duo to forcli buy Ing orders. The Intermedia ! . ! llrmnesswi due to purchases by the general speculatl' pulillc , who rccognl/.e wheat ns the cheapo food piodiictand the closing bulge wascaiisi by precipitated covering by shorts. Corn ai oats advanced chlelly In sympatl with wheat on purchases by tl professional element led by tbo Now Vo eiowd. The markets for all cereals are like to develop great sttength any time and si much higher. Hog products have certain lost their best friends , and the work of the who try to hull them hereafter Is likely provo tedious and prollllcss. UIIICAUO , 111. . .Ian. 11. Ki-nnell , Hopkins To. to f. A. MeVyiiortor : The wheat mark , todiiy has shown In what slioni ; hands tl large stocks ate held. It wasgenerally anth pated that llradstieels's would showad cieaso In the av iilluhloMoi'ks Instead of vvhli It showed an lneiea.se of 000,000 bu. Kur cables weio ( inlet , but buyers hero found \e light oll'erlngs , uii'l though the early maik was lame the undertone was llrni. Tbo uort west became a fiee buyer to cover shorts , an under the Impulse of their piiichasos togeth with some good local buying , our market a vanced shin-lily , nnd the advance has be well held. Tbo late cables fiom Llv.rp < came In very stiong. The most dlscouragl fealuto In the inuiket Is the fact that , .Minn npolls and New Voile fait to follow o advance , the former market being Oc nnd us and the latter only 3'ic ' over us. Hut as predicted , It will be Chicago that will lead t present upturn.Vemay have some little si back , but the market should go hlglior. Co and oats h.-Xvo been linn , hut dull. Wo n < tbo beginning of some nervousness on the p : of sboils In coin , and If wheat holds linn would not suiprlso us to see corn start i wards. With better lecclptsof bogs the pi vision market was lower , and the tall ends one or two lines of prov Islona weio tluo over. The market at times looked weak , a as If the main .support came fiom shorts a rank outsiders , whowein , taking the long s ! at the eleventh hour. Much depends , IK ; over , upon the iccelpt-i of hogs of the IK futuio. CMiCAfio , 111. , Jun , 11. V. n. Logaiut Co. Duncan , llolllnger & Co. ; Wo hn ve had a it away nmrket In wheat todny. May opened 7U'c ( amlclosednt81"jc. The Munition 1st changed , The buyers fiom 84c down to 7 ( ° > are still in the ring and likely to stay , 'I Inducements to do so are that Iho price Is I and the season of the year In favor ot Idgl prices. Should any ilamage to the plain i cmllio piosent. holders will astonish M Milloisus I'ardrldge. With l-'ranco buying the United Kingdom It Is Impossible to gu what the near future will he , r1. ) far wo In advised buying , and unless conditions dim wo think It Is Ibo piopi'r conrso to folh Corn closes at 47c for May. Wo hellevo higher pilces. Oats will follow com. 'I tealUlng In hog pioduct has lu-en fiee , w bimio llulo selling on strong spots by packi STOCKS AND IIONUS. DcullngM In tlio * Hm-urlty MurltrtY 3Ioiliu-.itIvt-ly Aelivu IVstentity. Nr.vv YOIIK , Jan , 11. The block mar today was modoiatoly actlvo all the v through , while showing conshleinblo btien in the forenoon , icaeted hharply later In day and vthllo linpoitant looses were conlli to Iho few acttvo speculative epeclaltles e whole lUt with few exceptions , closed at lo o llgutes. There was a mnrUcd bullish feel cat-tied over fiom last night In consequent- the Hank of 1'ranco withdrawing Itspinct picinlunioii gold und higher prices tesiil all along the line. It gave way , however , vv the hope of cessatlonof gold exports was d uwuy with by an advance in exchange uile : the part of almost all thu lending diavvets , of whom exptcased the opinion that an oul ot gold on Saturday was not to bo a vole This put u dumper upon the buying iiioveni of Blocks Immediately , and nhllu natuially bpcculatlvonhates sliMVred nuM hOverely thu decllno which followed , only a few e-cu the > nect of tint nnttetlal realizations Indin In thu rally tradings llio coal stoiknverti foatttii-s , and on the nioro honeful view of situation laltcn by the blreet l < acUawauna i Jersey Central weio each advanced ube pur cent , while the usual pressure- upon lie ing fulled to have any material ellect. 1 tlllerti was llui weaUc.st point of IbulUt , after touching 03 * , , It ictlrcd to 5'j < tl closed only u per cent belter lhan thu low \ \Utltalossot.\perccnlfoi- day. Su iiutnited tliohaiinicuuise oxaclly , but lib 1 u > s was only ' percent , . Hallroad siooks were moved overmirro limits from tlio Industrial- , and Iho only iHJtlunt lo sbitslalned was In Hlg I'our , wl lost l > i percent on comparutlvely light d ings , Thu Urangem , uoulds and Yum Lllu wen ot no vruiuluuuuu lu tUu market In common with Iho ? ffonrral lt t wore Kept within nnrriiw limit * There were a few tie- chlediy MroiiK | ) olnl , however , chief among which win ill 1111 11 It I I 41 Hi which responded slmrply to n new inMdo htiyltiR movement , rising from 157' | to 102 nwl closlneonly ' 4 nor rout lower-tlinntlifi tie lwllh n lift Rain of 4' < | icr rent SiippIcniPiitaty to till * movement one In Now York & Ts'ortlicrn preferred , which Miows an adv-nncoof 2 percent al onetime time , nail of which was afterwards lost. Con nected with Ibeso movements was the decided strength of Now Knglntul. which wasboii ht heavily for ItoMnn account , clo lng the day with acaluof 1 > ( tierc.ent , The selling wns so genernl that no tally was made ot Itntiottntice , although covering operations In the last bout- checked the dccllnrj in mostof the list. No Improvement In tlm situation Is to bo noted and tlm close was fairly iiotlvo and heavy at or near the lowest flguies. The Post says : The. iepott of the American Sugar Ucllnlng company imiilo public this afternoon wn received wlthOlllldent Interpre tation * , ai'cordlti1 } to tin ; anticipation to which II had been waited , Thee who bud pinned their fallh to tumors of extra dividends and unusual earnings wenno doubt disappointed. The market certainly rellected a moderate disappointment since the stock fell olT a frac tion. This was.i factor In deptessliitf the reit of the market. Manhattan , wiilch had ad vanced fiom ir > 7'4 ' to 102'i ' , also slutted In the decline , lluslitess was more largely distribu ted than ii-unl , and Ihero was a continued dc * miiinl fur stock invcstnicntoider- < . The following mo llio closlnn. iiuolatlons of the loading stocks on Iho New York Mick : * , - change today ; Atchlion 8I' .Nonh Amorlcnr. > j Ailnm * Kiprati. . . IM Not them t'aolllc. . . t"H ) Mto-i.T U S.I Northern I'aclllcpM I * ilo preferred . . . IM I ) I' . Don. A ( lulf. . . IMt AinerlkMii KxpriMv. II ? * llnltlmoru X Ohio . ' ilo profeirert Ill Canada I'nollln N V. Central 1WK . . S'.Jfti.N. V. I N. K 47U Urnirnl IMt-lflu . . 23' ( Ontario A Western . I11 ! l hen.uldi ) . . . . 3tb Oregon Imp Wi Chli-rigo Alton . . 14J Ori-juti Nnv 77 i1. n * y US''Die. ' f . I , . .V U. S. . . JV < ( . 'lilt.-n.no ( Ins . . fs > ( Pacific Mall 2i. ! < Consolidated tlm I2.'i1 ( I'corln , loi\ i : . . . . IflH C. ( ' . L , v bt. I. Ml I'ltttlmrg IM Cole Conl.v Iron. Vi i I'ulliii-m I'ltlncc . . . . IfW Cotton oil Cerl. llfllil'llg. ' Del. H'JiHon I ) . I..V W . , - Illr-lononil 'for pf.l. I ) . & It ( ) . iifit MH'llio ' Grande W VI V. Co r > 0 I ilo nrbforrcit . . . . KnttTcnn Il 'llock ' Isltnil J. iSt l > A . K IstpM. . 76 M't St I'nnl .7- Kort WartiD IMMi do ptefnrruil . . . , 122' ' ( i ( . .Northern pfd . iu : 1st. 1'nul ( tOnnilia. . . < si 0. A K. I pM W'4 , ilo iifil 118 llocklna Vnlioy. . . IlO't Southern faclfic. . . . 31 Illinois Cuatrnl. . . W Hiinr ) Htllnorj . . . . lir > Ht. I'nul Diilmh . 42 ronn Coal , t Iron. . M IC n. A Tet. pfd. . . . Si.'d'luxn 'At l.ivtu irlo : xVoit . Vi'C'lol. A O. Cont. pM. f ) Ho profcnod . . . 77 ! ( llaliin 1'nclllc . t ) . s. Kxpri > . l.oiul Trust tiJ4'\V. ' St. I. . A , 1' . II I-ouli & Nnsh . 73 I do DroferroJ . 3.4V l.ouls. A .Now Alb'y. 2t ! ( Wolli-Firito UMI . " ' Mnnliallnn Ooa. . . . lilt 'Wnitcrn ' Union . . I'.IV ' Muinps\ | | ft ) Wlicollni ! .t I. . E. . . . ailV | Ml.hliiati Ontral. 1UI' < I do prcterroj . tuji Missouri I'nrltlc . .17' ! .Minn. A "t. I , . 17) ) Moblln , V Olilo . . . . ; i5 > t . II. A K l ) . Kli Nnshvlllo Clmtt. . . . 81 Ocneriil Xleulrlo. . . . 11.1'j Nnttonal ConlnKB. . lanu.Nntlonal I.lniocd. . . do preforrud . HahiC , Fuel A Iron . sii N. J. rpntrnl . . . . 12i ! < l . "do profurroa.i'.i" . 10U Norfolk .V W. .rid .iTVf Ileus. , VTcx. Con. . . 'J Tbo total sales of stocks today were HH5.00I shares. Including Atcblson , 7"fiOO ; Chicago Iturllngton & ( jtilnry. 4,300 ; Chicago Ons 9,700 ; Delnvviite , I.iickawnnna & Western 5,000 ; Distilling , 87,500 : Manhattan , 17,300 New l.ngland , 24,300 , ; Northern I'ai-lllc pie ferted , 4,400 ; Heiidlng , 0,400 ; Hock Island 4.500 ; Ht , | > juil. 12'JOO : Sugar. 58,800 ; Unloi I'ticillc , 0,200 ; Western Pulon , fi.lOO. Nnir York Money .Market. NEW YOUK. Jan. 11. MONEY ON OAI.I- I-.asy at 35J4 ] ) er cent , last loan 3 , closei offered at 3 pet-cent. I'utMK MEIICANTII.I : I'Arr.n-ri'ipercent. ' STKUUMI KXCIUNOI : Quiet but Him will actual business at $4.S5:1i : for 00 day banker blllsand $4.87a4 for ilemaml. The closing iiuotatlons on bonds ; 11.1S11 Northern Put- , ' 'mis II.'I II. 8. 4i coup HiPf'S. ' VV. Consul ? . . . . 1J7 ! ; .S4M.ra _ ? . . . . . . . 10) ) N. VV. Dob. Sj 103 of ir > . . IIM IM. I , . A I. M. lien Si 7(1' ( Bt puil It. .1714St. , li. A"nn ! ' ( J. M. Ill Tenn. nt-17 eel fa. 101 ht. I'nnl Consols. . . . 127 Tenn. new set "is. ! U | ht. I' . U .V I' . Its. . . 114 Tonn. now notii : < . II I I' . 1' . U O. Tr. Hcli. TH1 Cnn.ula Ho , ' 'nils. T. I' . It. < } . Tr. Hols. Sill Cen. 1'iielllc Ists. Union l' c. Uts . . . to ; > ' I ) . A It. ( i. Isli. . . 117 West shore 1013 I ) . \ II. M. 4n 117M 1C. ( J.V. . Ut 70 Krlo'lids 102 Atcli. I" 8. * VI. If. AT. ( jen. lis. 7'J AtCll.SK 511 ; M. K. ST Ucn.is. . 4' ) H. & 8. A. 6s U7 Mutual Union ( Is. . . 113 II AS A.I ) Us. . . . 104 N. J.C. lot. Curt . . . ID ) II .tT.CJ.6B 14 Northern 1'ne. lets. , llti H AT. U. Com. | > . . 1149 Mutton Stoi-k Ouotittloni , MOPTON , Mass. . Jan. 11. The following nt the closing stmk quotations : Call loans ft fa time loans fiQCJic. Lid. Kevf York Mining ( . { notations. NEW YOIIK. Jan. 11. The following arc tli closing mining quotations : .St. I.onU . Mining n.intutloni. ST. Lotus , Mo. , Jan. 11.Tlnna v\is : a po , demand for Kllniielhothenvlso the mark was very ijnlel. Qiiii'ntloii" : Stouin. Illil. Ankeil.j titocka. ma. Rllr'b'th .4P4 J . & > H. Hopci ' ' " .u , Urnnlte. 4..0 6.51 Murpliy. Vo't' .Ot lllir.ot .M ) Hope. . . 4.0Q Am. Net .M London I'lmuiclul Hcvlow. { Cnpurlulttca I'm ' by Jami fSonlnn Hitiir ( ( . ] LONDON , Jan. ll. INo-v York Herald Cablt PuecIaltoTiiK IlEK.l The soil lement chiel oiiKUKC'd attention on the Mock OM-IIIIIIRO t day , M ) that new eiiKa eiiienls have hei entered into homovUint spmlngly. The a count , however , proved to he a comparative small allalr. Consols , after Imploring 1 1-lii close unrhan ed. Indian tupeo paper h ilsen ' ( d , owing ton llrineitendemj' silver. 1'orelgiiKoveiiimenls seem Hies show sonio vveaUne-s dining the hitter pat t of t afternoon following a llttlo dullness oft I'atls honr-e , hut more .steadiness piovalls thoelose. With one or two exceptions hoi inlhtityn close tolerably gootl. The lone Amci leans while not llnNiIng up iiiltu ] their best , has heen nioro or less llrni all ( hi The changes established are all favoralilo a Include an advance of ' < j > er cent In Norfolk Wostcin pruferenee , 34 per cent In C'hlcaco Milwaukee and U to 'i percent In most olhc Canadian lines eloso btrong In .sympatl Canadian I'aetllc leaving oil' S percent Iil l and ( iiand Trunk preference \ ; lo U l cent. Mexicans were cntnpatutlvoly stem hut an Important i ecu very has taken phi In seveiat Aigentlno lines , Ineludl a percent In lluenos Ayres k ( lieat Boutin ; and I'i per cent Inl'enttal Atrentlne. Tin vvns a model ate demand for money , Shi loanschaiued 1 percent , ItanKern' advatu to the Stock e\chunio ran seel fiom - ! { to a ] cent. The dKconnt maiKet was quiet ; 1 and three months' hills woio quoted at Hi ] cent. _ I'lnunelal .Nulrn. OMAHA , Jan. 11. Clearings 11,500,335. IVANSAK L'tTV , .Mo , , Jan. 11. C'learln Nivv ; YOIIK. .Tan. ll.- lmlnnce , it7,0'Jlh)7. ( ) I'AHIH , Jan. 11. Tlueo per cent icnles , i 37 > iC for Iho iicconnt. Nr.vv YOIIK , Jan. 11. fiovermnent boi dull hut steady ; state bonds nesli-cteil , llAi/n.MoiiK , Mil. , Jan 11. flea rings , ? 2,7i 70'Jj hahinces , HU'J.017. 11-ity , ( i percent. I'lm.UM'i.i'm.v , I'.u , Jan. 11. Clearlr J13,7.5,2ia ( ; balances , tl.Uia.'JO-j. Money per < -ent. LONDON , Jan. -Amount of bullion p Into the Hank of KiiKlunil on ualnncu ted JUIIMI.UUU , Mr.MriHK , Tenn. . Jan. II.I'lcnilnus , J3 ! Kit : balances , * llfi,7 ( > 'J. Now York c elm bellingat par. CINCINNATI. O. , Jan. ll.--Money , 4Qf > cent. New York exchange , uOo prcmli IIOxTON , Mass. , Jnn 11. Oleailnss , . Clil ; haliinct'x. lU.lOH.Dll. Moni-y-l puree e.M-haiiKeoii New York bTM2o dr-cinint. Ntw : OIII.KANS , I.a. , Jan , 11 , Clearli I'J.bns.-tnil. New York exchange , coinmere r > iv pertl.uoo ; hankfl.iHJperliKiiipM'mli CIIICAIIO , 111. . Jan ll.-Clcnrlm- 17,3 ; OlKli New York e\chiuiKe. 7 ( > 'ii70i ! premli Htci tlin ; vxoliiunji * , uiilet ; hl.xty-day bills , * t , demand , t-t.HUM. Monuy .stonily 0 per cent. 1.1 Vi : STOCK M.I UK UTS. Cuttlu Trnd StriniK anil Aelho Hoj ; > ' TrllluYink nml l.ourr. OMAHA , Jan. 11.SofarthlN vvcekcompa with thollrht half of last vveek , iccelplshl anlncieaso of & , & ( ) il cattle , over 0,000 hi uiul about a.CillO nheep. It hulked for awhlloas If Ihoeiittiu mar would bo lower , The receipts w'eio hea\ \ than for nearly thrt-o montliH , and follow Tuesday' * hlK inn the prospect * , forxtei pliers weie not by any means hi Ixht. l.c lionsi's all wanted thucatlle , but very nut ally , wanted to buy them lots lower , T slutted In bidding &u to lOu lower thuii yes day , but sellers , encouraged by the bul louuto eaktviu tidvlcoi , livid uu ktubbori ntul very few iAff ? ohniiBeil Imiuls milII the- shippers ooimm i , , < . < ! buying This had the i-ffccl of Mlniumlng HIP m'nrket fen lder nhly , irntlp was brt lc and pilot's for deslrablo olforlnes nt IcaM niled fully ns strong nnd not Infrequently stronaiir HIHII Tuexiny tlood to Plmlco 1,20(1 to l.uiiMh steers sold at from M.25 to JO.OO ! fair to peed t.tKIO to 1,200-lb iteer' from 13.05 ( of I Ifi.mid poor to full * Muff from J.I.60 down. ' The feeling was weak throughout on tlm luf-dlum to Infetlor glades , but with n irood pcnVtal ilemitud Hie pens wcro emnlled before life tilosp , There wcro about'i-lghty loads of rows ntul timed stock on sale * Emiy trading was slow nnd at oomcwhnt shaded prices , hut the gen eral trade was Mon.ly , and the close decidedly Mining on good to choice stock. The forenoon Hading pinctlcailj" exhausted the supply poortovi-ry good'V-cfws ' and heifers soiling nl from 11.7ft to J3.25I Hh the bulk ofjbe fair U : good stuff at fiomJ.50 loS'J.UO. Hulls , oxen nnd stags wen * In fair demand at .steady t.i strong pilces fiom Sl.'JO lo * 3.0. ( loot to i-liolOLMeal calves commanded strong pilces , selling largely at from 14.00 to $5.00. There Is little In tiny about thu Mocker and feeder trade. Offerings were not extensive , and with a good demand both from country buyers and tegalnr dealers trade was brisk and prices firm , largely front 2.80 to { 3.30 Hcpii'H'iiUitlvo sales : . Av. 124 feeders 1008 28 Hods HecelplH weio tbo heaviest hlni'o I cembur 20 , when Hf > 53 head weiorecelv Other markets weiu lower and the feeling hi was veiy weak at thu opening , lloslon v again a good buyer of heavy and butcl weight hogs , and on the.su prices ruled abou nlcKol lower than A'ostoiday , with sales fiom } 7.40 to $7.50. With no ontsldu lniii ) for light and inlxeil bogs the giealest decl was experienced on these grades. 1'rlces wi as a iuiu 5. ; lo lOc otf and hales weioi largely at. fiom J7.UO to $7.40 , with qulti bpilnl.llngof very common stiill'at J7.25. 'I inui-Kut rather wunlfened UK thu morning i vanced and the clu-u was fully a illinu lot than yustoitluy on nil grades. Theru wer few loads still In tlm hands at tbo close , Si ; weio mostly nt frrtln $7.35 to t7.40 as agal J7.40 lo * 7.4.VTiui.tll11y and J0.70 to td.bO i week ago. liopn-btjfitutlvu hales : No. Av , Mi. l'r. _ Slll'.f.i1 OlTi'ilngs were llboral pitiniRli , but mostly rather common , llooil m'tttons wen- In fnlr demand and steady , hut common Mil IT of all kinds was slow. KalrtOKood natl\es , J3.50514.50 ; fair to pooil westerns , J3.2.Vlf4.50 ; common and stock sheep , 12.25113.50 : ( too. ) to choice 40 to 100-ft lambs , i4.UOUK.ao. Kcpro- scntatlvu sales : No. Av , I'r. 125 native wcthprs Ui ! f4 05 t'hlcnpo l.lve Stork Market. t'lUOAno. 111. . .Ian ll.-lSpeolal TulnRram to TUP. llKK.l Tfieiowasno abatement , of the acthlty it'ocitllv noted on the cattle maiket. Supplies , Humph cot ill M forwaid mete fircly than for the previous two or three weeks , uIK lesH than Iho trtuln had looked for and WPIC. aNo much less than for the eorto.spondlnu ; tlnto lust year ami thu-jcar before. That fact , together with thooAlstonco of a good demand ftoni the several source's , In duced a llrni feelliiR amonjr nil chisse" of oper ators , and whllo no one was Inclined to pay higher pilccs , the > weto iciiulu'd to do so In a ma'.oilty of Instances , the t-'cm'iiil mavKet belns iitllu | Mtutiii ; . Ilutcher.s' and canneVs'stock continue to sell , well-better , relatively , than the choicer grades of steers. The chances ale they will not eomuchhtuher , but the tendency In good to choice Mtors U unmistak ably upward. Most of tint day's work Viiis done within a ranen of fioin $2.35 to $5.00 , or at ftom ? J.35 to * 3,25 for common to uood , fat cows , helfets and bulls , and at fiom J.1.00 to $5 00 for common to good sieer-i. Tlio doniund for good feeders was as active as he- fott * . and prices wcro .sltoni ; . Comnion IlKht stdi-Uers , ire neglected. Uulxcs weie quoted at fioinJ.2& totU.25. The .starch was all out of the lioji mai-ket. Tlm weakness chainuteil/lm ; II towaid Iho close of yesteiday's tiadiug was Intensl- lled today , prices declining fioin u > : to lOo as compared with Tues day's lowest ptlces and loc from thai dav'.s 011111)117. ) As a result of the cheap enlngot the animals an actIve demand spiant ; up and before the elo-o lirmncss aualn bad possession. I'rom JG.50 for calls theio was trading all Iho way tin to t7.no for choice heavyweights , but not much of the stuir went belHW * 7.)5 : ) , and still less at bolter than $7.70. Closing quotations woie trom $7.35 lo $7,75 for common I. ) best heavy and medium , and from * 7.10 lo J7.50 for light Tlm decllno was the most noticeable In light weights and common to fair ml\ed , I'rlme heavy and medium weights ate within lOc of the highest prlce.s of Tuesday. 1'ilcos on sheep continue strong tr.\de. Native muttons ate salable at from 1.00 to $5.50. fell westeins at from $1.05 lo jo.IlD , and culls and thin feedeis and Intel lor mixed .stock at ft urn $ 'J.OO to i 1.25. Hccolpts-Cattle , 14,000 head ; hogs , 35,000 head ; .sheep , 11,000 head. The KvonlugJournal reports : CATTi.r. Hecelpts , 15,000 head ; shipments , 4,100 head ; besthliong : others closed lower ; good to extra steers , J4.40iM.BO ; medium , J3.80 4.25 ; common , J3.00U3.75 ; stockers , f2.2att2.4li ; cows , J'2.00513.50. Iloos Hecelpts , 34,000 head : shipments , 12,000 head ; market opened 15c. lower , closed Him ; rough and common , i7.00'ii7.25 ; pncklnu and mixed. $7.357.D5 ; nrlino heavy and butchers' , J7.5Da7.80 ; sortcci light , $7.40 47.50 ; lilgs and other lights , $0.25a7.i5. : SiiKKt'-Itecoliits , 10,000 head ; shipments , 2,200 head ; market closed 010e. lower ; natives , J3.7535.40 : westerns , J5.OOit5.IO ; Toxaus and Mexicans , $4.03515.00 ; lambs , , J4.00 © 5.15. WISTIIN : I ACKINU IXTIIISTS. High ri-lco of UORH Largely Itc-duceil the Niiniher Handled. CINCINNATIO..Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram to Tin : IIKK.1 Toniorion1'ilce ( . 'urient will say : The total nacklin ; In tlm west llm past week was 21)0,000 ) hogs , against 5bO,000 last year. Total from November 1 , 3OSOOOO , against 5,210,000 a year ago. Kstimatos for the lemalnder of the .season to Maich 1 sug gest about 5,000,000 hogs as a total of the winter packing , against 7,701,000 last winter. Coiiipailsons to date at piomlnent places ; New York Ilve Stock Market. NKVVYoiiK , Jan. 11. Ilr.EVKS Kocelnls , 1,030 head , Includlii ) ; 35 cars fot-sale ; markotnctlvo and lOc per 100 Ibs. hlt.'her ; native steers , J1.30rj.30 per 100 Ihs. ; hulls and cows , , J-J.OO ® 3.H5j ilrcsscd beef hteady at biiiOc ] ) or Hi. Shipments today , 720 ciuartors of beef ; ship ments tomorrow , 3,1200 hooves. CALVES Hecelpts , 3,500 head ; market firm ; vcnlr. , 15.00(2,0.00 ( per 100 Ibs. ; western calves , SHEBP AND LAMIIS Recoints , 2 , 87 head ; market steady ; sheep , J3.05E5.50 pel100 His. ; hiinhsat * 5.85i7.0.85. ( v Hoes ltecoliits,7 , 325 head , consigned dltect ; nominally steady at IT.OOOT.tiO pur 100 Ihs Kiinsiin City I. Ivo htoek Market. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , .Ian. 11. C'ATTii-no- cells1,300 | head ; shtpmonts , 'J.IOO head ; inarKet active , slion lo lc ( ) higher ; sleets , } : ) .0.'iV.r'.00 ; cows and helfi'm J' .OOfe3.HO ; stocker-j and feeder.1- , $ 'i.70ft > 3.55. Iloos-Kecelits | a,700 head ; shipments. fiOO head ; inarUet fairly active , 6 < 3l5e higher ; extieino ratiRU , J5.DO 7.00 ; hnlU , $7.i : ( > Q7.0. | SiiKKi' Koc-elpts , 1,300 head ; shipments , 300 head : iniirkut dull , SOtt-lOc lower than last \\ecek. _ St. I.ouls I. Ivo Stoek Market. ST. I.oins , Mo. , .Ian. 11. OATTI.E Uocelpts , 2.000 head ; .shipments , l.HOO head ; maiUet Him ; native steels , 3.11X25.00 ; tango covv.s , ? 1.35'S2.'jn. 1I(19 ) ( Hecolpts , 7,100head ; shipments , 5noohead ; marltet 5T4KU ; lower ; heavy , J7.3IJ fc7.70 ; | mi'kliiK.7.1Oil7.0Uj ! llshl , $7.3O7.50 , Stiui1 : Kecelpts , 500 head ; shipments , none ; marUot hteady ; fair to good natives , JS.OOfi 1.05 ; cholco.to oxlra nmltons , S 1. 75&0.25. XJSWt > l''Oll TllK .tJCMl' . 1. 1st of ChaiiKes nT Importance lu the Iti > Ritlnr Hervlco yesterday. WAsniNfiTON- . C..Ian. -SpeelalTclc [ gram to Tun HBI : . ] The following army or ders were issued today : Second Lieutenant Peyton C. March Third artillery , is detailed ns recorder of tin army retiring board at Washington barracks vice First Lieutenant William 13. Hlrkhimer Third artillery , relieved. The followiiif transfers in the Sixteenth infantry an ordered : Captain Henry C. Ward , fron company K to company K ; Captain Willian C Maoism-land , from company 1C to com irony 12. Lieutenant Colonel Charles H Greenleaf , deputy Burgeon general , is dc tailed as a delegate to Iho eleventh Interim tional medical congress to convene at itomc Italy , September IM , Ib'JIJ , and will at tin proper time proceed to the place designated Wliilo abroad in pursuance of tills order hi will visit such points in Great Uritaiii Fr.inee , Uermnny , Kiiisia , Austria , Italy am elsewhere as may bo deemed necessary b ; the surgeon general of the army , on olnein business under such special instructions a he may receive from the surgeon general and on the completion of the duty conteni plated will return to his station in this city Tlio superintendent of the recruiting bin vice will cause forty recruits at David' island , Now York harbor , to bo assigned t the Thirteenth infantry and forwarded t the Uep.irtment of tlio Missouri. Th boards of army oniccrs convened ut th places and by the ordcru from this ofllc iierclmifter specilied for tlio examination u olllcers to determine their Illness for mi motion H ro dissolved , vU : Kort Slicing Minn. , convened October' , I BUI ; FortKher dan , ill. . March 0 , Ib'.i'J ' ; Whipplo Harraclt ! Ark. , November 10 , lb' ; Kort Kcno , Old November Hi , IBIW. The leave of absence on surgeon's certlll pate of disability granted Captain .lames ii Uichards , jr. , Kourth cavalry , is extende three months on account of sickness. Specii ordera December 'Jl directing Captain Hour. . J. Novvlaii , Seventh cavalry , to report t Colonel John 1C , Mizner , Tenth cavalry , pros Went of the Kort Myer board ofexannnatioi us to fitness for promotion , la revoked. Leav of absence for fifteen days is granted Kirs Lieutenant William liluck , Tvveuty-fourt Infantry , The leave of absence for bove days heretofore granted Captain Douglas \ Scott , commlss.iry of subsistence , ibextendo twentv-threo day * . . Major Kdwlii H , Atwooi iiuartenmister , will in addition to othe duties perform those of purchubhtg an depot commissary of subsistence ut during theubsunce of Captain Scott. Hook ' tcnanVcVarlcsUV'SaUerico/riilrd artlUer ; OMAHA Manufacturers9 and AWHINGSAHD TENTS Omaha Tent-Awning COMPANY. 11OHSK COV15K3 , 111 I Pnrnnni M. BAGS AND TWINtS- BICYCLES. Bemis Omaha Bag M. 0. Daxon , COMPANY. Importer ! niul niinufra. Illeycloi sold oa inonthlr ll.nir nrvck ) , burl.tpj , twlno. i. I7J N.tith. BOOTS * ND SHOES. Morse-CoB Slioa - Company , Howard Stro3t. Factory corner lltli nml Uoiu-InsStroo' ) . Wo are miklnttclos3 prlo * to cash buyers , an I are Boiling it clam of u.iodi whluli I , very with merchants. Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed COMPANY. Wholcmlo S11OKCO. , > > i > otJ,9ho-i mfrn. iixonti Boston nml rubtiL'ruooils , l.UJ- Itllbbor Slioa Co , IID1- UIU llarnoy tit. UUI-llOillarnoy St. COAL , C0f . CORNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke Eagle Cornice Works CO , hard and soft Mfri. Ktilvnnliul Irnn conl , K i : cor. lull uiul cornlci ) , window eipi * , inofilllc nkvlluhts , olo. IliU-HI ! DodKJSt. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. , KilpatricK-Koc'a ' Dry IiO UIJS CD. Dry KOOdj , notions , fur- N'otlom. RentV furnlih- nlshlnn uodils , cirnur hiKi.'omKcor. lltli and lltli and Howard 8ts. Ilnrnor tits. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Baetoa & Riinyau CO. . upholitnroil furni rUHNITUUIS CO , Grace ture , I1J3110I Nicholas fit. VVholoaloonly. nnd 13th St-i. is relieved from further duty pertaining to Iho militia of the state of Georgia and is as signed to duty with battery II , Third artil lery. The leave of absence prantcd Second Lieutenant Edgar Kussell , Third artillery , Department of Missouri , is extended ten days. Leave of absence for four months to take effest on or about February 1 and with the approval of the secretary of war permission to go beyond the sea is granted First Lieu- ant James D. Nickerson , Seventeenth in fantry. The following transfers in the Fiftil cavalry are made : Second Lieutenant Andrew C. Quay , from troop D to troop M ; Second Lieutenant Joseph E. Cu&ick , from troop M to troop L ) . . Indigestion 1 Miserable 1 Take Hecchams' Pills. NEBRASKA'S TREE3. Proposed Showing of the Ktato's I'oiestry at tlio Wurlil'M I'air. B. T. Hartley , who 1ms charge of the forestry division of tlio work under the Nebraska Columbian commission , sends out the following circular : LINCOLN , Neb. , .Ian. 10V To tlio Growers and Tree Lovers of Nebraska : The world's fair is the great opportunity of our lives to show to the world that our prairlo state is capable of becoming and is becoming n land of homos embowered in trees witlt land scapes dotted over witn groves. Space lias been secured in tlio forestry building on tlio World's fair grounds for the Nebraska for estry exhibit. Having been placed in spe cial charge , I am seem-in ; ; a collection of Nebraska-grown timber tlmt will bo a stir- prlsoto Nebraskans. Overy sixty species are now on hand and I wish to correspond with persons who can inform mo where the best specimens of the following can bo ob tained , giving Iho diamotcni as nearly as possible , statins whether the tree is Bland- ing or down mid the distance from the rail road st-ttion : Natural Growth Timber Yellow or bull nine , red cedar , white oak , black oak , red oak , bur oak , canoe birch , black birch , white walnut , shell-bark hickory , bitter hickory , big hickory nut , pig nut , white maple , moim- tain maple , diamond willow , balsam poplar , white elm , red elm , slippery elm , buckeye , box elder , hawthorn , quaking asp , white cottonwood - tonwood , black cottonvvood , wild cr.tb , black willow , white ash , sycamore , basswood , ser vice berry , green ash , liaekberry , honey Jo- Every kind of tree , whether mimed in the foregoing lister not. th.it 1ms been planted has made rapid growth and reached good sUo. The older and larger the specimen the Vines and Shrubs-Green brier , bitter sweet , bladder nut , buckthorn , Virginia creeper , elder , dwarf wild cherry , small ser vice berry , false indigo , juniper , wauhoo. hazel nut , wild grape , bullalo berry , sum ! eliorrv , button bush. Miscellaneous Curious forest growths nml products , potrliled wood , specimens of wood taken up from considerable depths , such as havohometlmes been found in digging wcl H , trenches and making railroad cuts in the prairie , showing lormer conditions , ulbo noteworthy lichens , mosses , see. . ! * , seed podii , it is desirable , of course , to bend only the best specimens obtainable to the World s fair. After learning what mere Is to choose from , the bclectlon will 1m made , instructions will bo sent out to the person furnlshint , ' the information , and provision made for Iho A r.cmuily lur fuiliid Clot hex. Don't say good-byo to that rusty and faded govyu yet awhllo. With u package of diamond mend < lyes , you can easily make it look like new. Tljebfl dyes are especially for homo use , mid their simple dlrectionu are so easy to follow that oven n child can use them , Diamond mend dyes color cloaks , dresses , men's clothing - ing , ribbons , carpets , everything , at tlu rate of about two iwunds for tcu cents. HARDW&1E. Rector A Wiltielmy Loijsck&Lini , d COMPANY. , . . , . lcnlpM In hnnlnnru rvn Corner 10th nnd .Incksoa mi'clmnles tnolt. IIUI DOIIKI.U St. HATS , Era. YJ. A. L. Gibbon < SCo , Wholesale lint * , cap * . "Iraw ffood * . KliiTon. mltlom , 2th nnd llnrncr Sti. LUMBER. John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Lee , Imported , Aiiicrlciinrnrt IInr.1 wood lumbT , woej Iruul csnumt. .Mlltrnu- cnrpctiun I par iuiu koi ) uc'tnunt au-JQulnoy llnnrliiK , wlillc lliiiu. 0th un LIQUORS. MILLINERY. Prick & Hjrtjrt , &Co M anl Jo'j b Wholcailo liquor donloM of mlllliiD ry. nut lo -Mull onljn pro i iit. 1001 Farnatn St. AB-'US. tltlt st. PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , t'nriy n ( nil tock of printing , wriiipliiu | : ui.l llollnnJ unit lul.rlcnting vvrllhu pnpt-r.4 , curd unpcr , otc. ell < , ; ulo prenae , etc. PRODUCE COMMISSm , Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. , Produce , frulta of all llutter , cho3 i , poultry IIIKI k'nn kinds , nystcr * . 317 8. Cllli * t STOVE REPAIRS. S\SI. ! 010R3 , Omalia Stove Repilr I M. A. Dlsta & Co. W ) HKa , steve lo.nlri Minufin'-irorj o ( nfli and \r ttorntt-ijlim } iti .1 o r 1 , h 11 n 11 nn for nay kind of sign m i il.lln ; H brinslt ot m ulc. l'-'J7 Djuxl'ii it tluj , tii'i > nil U.int b necessary expenses , It Is to ho hoped that every Ncln-askan scoin this request and having at heart the reputation of his state mil knowing of a sln lo twod specimen or nioro. will promptly vviito to me , dirootinu to 4-11 North Tenth stieot , Lincoln. Noh. I'I' . II vini.KV , In oliarso of Nebraska F -stry Kxliihit. For a clear head nnd steady nerves Use Hromo Soitxer UK.n bottle. Optlniinn Itiiptlst Clp.treh 1'repprty. An option lias been secured h.Rev. . . Charles W. SavidRO and the trustees of tha People's church on the First Haptist church building and property , located at the corner of Fifteenth and D.ivunjiurt streets. Tlio price asked Is S-15,000 for cverj thins includ ing the church furnishings , and tlio option runs until February .1. A .satisfactory show UK will extend the option until April 1. Hov. Savitlgc feels hojiui'id th.it the transfer will bo olTueted and ono wealthy re-iident said yesterday he would gi\e W.riil ( toward tlio pun-huso price. Tlm First Haptist congregation will huild a line , now dim-oil somewhere on higher ground and farther from the heart ol tlio city as soon as Uiu building they now own is disposed of. A Chllil KnJoyM The pleasant favor , gentle action and snoth ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and if the father or inoiher bo costive or bilious , tlio most gr.itif v hn , results follow its use ; so tlmt it is tlio best family remedy known and every family hhould 1mvu a bottle. _ Allrgnl ICvprrhf DUclhiilll.llliill. The Merchants Kxpress compani pcoplo are protesting against what they claim is the unjust discrimination made by one of the license statutes. Two ordinances presented to the council several yours ago contem plated making the liverymen and the express companies pay license on their teams , the llrst , rufeiTliig to the liverymen , falling to pass , while the second went through Now the express comnany wants the line drawn and claims that the ordinance makes llsli ot ono and flesh of the other A protest agaiiibt tlio law has been filed witlt the cit > clerk. I0f MOTHERS FRIEND9 * ! mm GHILD BIRTH easy. ColvIn.La. , Doc. 3,1880. My v/lfo used MOTIIEll'a PHIBHO before her third confinement , and oaya aha would not ba without U ( or hundreds of dollars. COOK UII/L13. , Sent by exntecs on receipt of price , 1.60 jmr bok He. IJooIc"To Mothers" mailed Jrue. BRKOflELO nCQULKTOn CO. , s o urrn Union Stock Yards Company , South Opriaha. licit Culllo Ho BttdWieep murkot , In the well. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers , I , Ivo Stock CommU.slon Mcrchuuta. SoulliUtiialia Telei'l'onu ' II5T , Llalcngo. JOHN I ) DAD1HJI AN , I , , . . . „ , . . n K WAI.TKH K.VOOI ) , ( Market Iteport ) br mall nuil wlru cUgjtfullr tat