Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Virulent PcKlofOeo Putriotiam Breaks Out
in Itn Mo-it Violent Form.
H. \Vnilvive-IIi HlnnT \VorU.rmr . ,
lll < llrlnv C'jinil | ! ( ulril with UoiiRroi-
nlonnl Oppinlllipu llmv Otlirr
Victim * Art' 1'nrlnp.
Thf I ; . ,1 ilciincr.-.oy Is bclr.g wsr'te.l uv >
Into a jrrcat rommollon by reason of tlio faot
that nlwut the 1st of next September thwe
will lie a ohiiitxc In postmasters In Owni-ll
Illitffs , tlm reimblti'iiH Inmimbont stepping
inn to pivi1 iilafo to uno of tlio fntthful nil-
licrciits of O. Ulevoland. Tlio problem which
now r-infrvints tlio dcmoiT.ils Is whk'li of
them stuill 1m counted us tlio most f < ilthful.
There uro four moil whoso uiiinus liavd been
irumll.miM so far ,
Hi \Vw1sworlli has licit ! the position of
clmlrm.ui of tin ; consrcssloml oommlttco for
some time Um * past , unit h\.s : held a mimbor
nCoAlwn in which tlio amount of c'ury ' fur
inl thu salary , ami Is suttlnp
IMP for something that will combine
tn both In frrai'uful proportions.Hour
his frloml.i have IPCII ( livulating a petition
lisk'tly unions tlio i-ltl/.i'iis , a'ml It Is now
t'liiimcd ' that tlio slanaltircs of IM ) > cr of
the business muii arc attachoil to It. To all
imUr.uit appearances ho won'd linvil a de
cided nilvnnitifrc over ilio other aspirants but
for ono thliijr. Hon. Tlmnms Howman ami
\Vads\vorth liavis hail sonic sort of a
nitaumlei'Miimlliiff of into , and iiUlunipli tlio
natliro of It Is not made public , It it cur
rently wht.spured that Mr , Ilowmim has de-
i tiled to use both his teeth and tocnails , if
nerd be , In compassing the defeat of
U'nilswivtli. Ills Inllncnco is conceded to
bi > sotnclliliiR of considerable imnorlanee ,
it ml It will all bo exerted on behalf of 1. P.
Itciiilricks , who lins Just left tlio ollleo of
roimtv auditor and taken u position with
the UltUcns bunk.
Trnnblr * of Olhor Asplrunt' .
ttlghlhcro is a tiling which is causing him
prime 151'lef. Mr , lleiiilricks Is a very popu
lar man amen ncmoerats and reiuiblleans
iillltc , but C. It , Illinium , the cashier of the
bank , has In BOIIIO way or other Incurred tlio
lasting displeasure of some of the loading
democrats of the city. Hendrloks had a
petition , \ vhlehvasdte ( | larpely signed , but
when It was learned that he had entered
the Citl/ens bank a number of his personal
friends ordered their names to be strieken
from his pot it ion , and much profanity was
direeted at llannan over Hcndricks' shoul
Judge ,1. K. V. jMefieo has been mentioned
as a candidate from time to time , but so far
us has been learned he has not taken any
steps toward Draining for himself the prize
which others are coveting so hard , and he is
said to bo personally in favor of AVad.worth
for the position. A hiriro portion of the
work in his behalf Is being done for him by
AV. II. M. I'nsey , who is understood to have
u .senatorial bee bii/zing soinowliero under
bis hat. and whose Inllueneo with the pow
ers at Washington is considerable.
K. S. Gilbert bns also eomu to the front
within the past .few ( lays as a candidate , and
u petition has been cirenlated In his inter
ests , Uo has never taken u very prominent
part in local politics , and there arc some
who think that his candidacy is part of a
scheme to divide Wiidsworth's forces , while
others claim that when the principal candi
dates linvo slaughtered each other he will IK
a man upon whom all tlio warring fact ions can
unite. A locni politician who has been
the contest from a standpoint where lit
could keep pretty well posted on all tin
inumrmvors , is authority for tlio conjecture
Hint if the whole tiling is not settled arnica
lily within thu next thirty days there will be
ono of the biggest and poriest lights ev i
witnessed in Pottawattamie polities. Xoni
of the contestants are in any humor for fool
Ing. each has his friends and bis encmici
, mid the light is to be to the death.
Wurit r the , \v. c. A.
A year has passed since last we gave tin
public a synopsis of our year's work , and a ;
wo review the pust year , we can say oui
work has grown in strength and magnitude
Kadi month has brought its increase o
membership and spread of work. Slowly
but surely has our every elTort been fruitful
To suffering humanity who were flnanclnll ;
able to pay , ami did pay , to the needy , dc
serving poor and to the down fallen who Inu
taken the llrst wrong step , alike to all havi
the hospital doors been thrown opei
and aliUo from all have w
learned that our work is ai
Itullspenslblo work ono in which williiij
hands and open hearts can find much to dc
for the miiny donations of money and bat
kcts of provisions , and indeed from th
greatest to the smallest donation , and fo
the good patronage to our entertainment
for all tlicso wo extend our sincere thanks
trusting the future may crown us as in th
past , and God's choice blessing rest on yol
Wo have admitted to the hospital for th
year ending December 111. IS'fcJ , thirty-tw
males and thirty-seven females. Of thi
number forty-three were Americans an
twenty-six foreigners. I3orn during thoyeai
two males and one female. Died during th
year , live males and ono female.
MHS. M , C. GAijfns
Recording Secretary . G. A.
The report of Mrs. .1. H. Atkins , the trcai
urerof the association , for the year endin
January 0 , shows the total receipts In th
"hospital fund" to Imvo been $3VJ4 ( of whle
fl..y ? consists of the regular hospital r <
ceipts , $17-1 of donations and $1,578 from ei
U'l'taimncnts. ' The ttal of expenses is $ ; ! , IVS'
of which t9Xi was paid out as expenses c
iho entertainments , J.VJ7 for employes an
tMI for improvements. The receipts in th
building fund were $82:1 : , $1(30 ( of which wu
cleared from the meals sold during the icn
ocratie convention , mid fii'.Ci ciimo in tl
form of donations. Three hundred an
thirty-six dollars of this amount was pal
out as interest on louns and $44-1 on Improv
Almiiil II Dl-wsti'r.
A man named Kissel ! who runs an exprci
wagon left his team unhitched on nort
Sixth street yesterday In spilo of the fa <
that it had become unmanageable and dl
bdino serious damage several times. Tl
horses ran wildly down Sixth street and Jin
couth of Hruadway , in front of the po :
nfllco collided with a rig driven by a boy m
two women. Some men who were standii
nt the corner rushed out and frightened tl
animals so that they swerved to ono sld
As it WUB the heavy express wagon caugl
the rear wheel of the buggy and smashed
to smithereens , knocking ono of the womi
and the boy out demolishing the buggy ai
throwing the horse to the ground. Tl
occupants of the buggy were badly bruise
The authorities should see to it that tl
ordinance with regard to standing teams
complied with to tlio letter , or that i
diimngoit resulting from their carelessne
are paid by the parties who are responsibl
Piles of oeoplu mivo piles , but DoWltl
Witch Hazel salvo will euro them.
llnjdlnrd I lie Treasurer.
The Fuller & Johnson Manufacturing coi
pany of Madison , \VIs. , commenced Injui
tlon proceeding In the district court yesti
day against County Treasurer W. H. He
to prevent the collection $ .V > . ? A taxes on t
Implement stock of the piano Miumfacturi
company , mid * .Y.i. ! > 0 on persona I property
the same company. The petition alleg
that the. stock OH which thu llrst levy w
made was simply In transit from tlio coi
iKiny'H factory in Mudlsou to Its customs
in Nebraska , and thatU was never thu i
trillion of the company to do any trading
this city , It also alleges that the nsscssmi' '
en the personal property was made wltho
nny notice to the plaintiff. On the
grounds a u inxmtry | Injunction against t !
county treasurer from making the levy w
To quickly rellero neuralgic headache
t'su Uromo-Sclicr. lOo a bottle.
.liter Two llmlirnlrrn.
The sheriff of Sioux county was In t
city yesteitlay looking for u counlo of you
men who lire wanted thereon the charge
embezzlement. Thu amount they are
lepeil to have stolen is MOO. They register
at a hotel la Sioux City day buforo ycst
ilay morning , and made- their way sou
DYvr the Sioux City Puclllu. The oftki
In traekln-lhrm toCVmull IHuffo.
They mailon thorough search of this city
mid Omaha.
If you are bi'ious ' tni < e Hceelmm's Pills.
t'lilmi Vntrrxn Im
eet of Knoimpment N'o. S ,
Union Veteran Ibn and of the Ixullcs
Anxllllnry No. 17 , Union Veteran region
will be duly liMtnlleil nt the hall over IftJ
Main street this evening- , commencing
promptly at 8'clock. *
After Iho Installation exereivs a fine lit
erary and musical program will bo pro-
Rpnted. Oencral Jnlm P. Cowen of Omnhu
AVill bo present and deliver an address.
Short addresses will bo made by other dis
tinguished soldier comrades ami Invited
frlc.i'ls. ' The exoivUes will bo luloraperced
with the best of inu-ili' . Miss i"olby ! has
eon ( -ntcd to favor the veteians and their
friends with Uro vocal selections.
Tim High . ' -Vliool ll.\va ( luartct will also
add to the enjovment of the entertainment
by contributing . coviplu of son s.
In addition there will bo p.Urlollo rrcita-
tlmis bv Miss Matlo Uakcr and Mr * . Oeorgo
Uattl" .
The L-iilles Aiixllliary ftirnNli n nieo
lunch. All ci.inir.ido5 with their wives and
frtinllle : ! are expected to ht present , toccther
wltli fjnoiiait Invited gue.tts and visiting
eomr.idca to llll the hall.
A Tlinii Inr i\rrjtlLlnp. :
Now is the Itmu during the cold
"wi'tithur to keep win-in by buying good
furs lit u low pricent tlio Ho.slon Store ,
Count.1 ! ! UliHTH , In. Our i-nttro fur stock
nt ulinost lmf ! iiriuc , mid In KOHIO cases
oven luw.
n.ii't let the ] > rmv ! you , for
wu litivo certainly ot thoiri and just ay
nclvuflihOil , us liivj ulways been our cus
oOi ! bltiek Imlr muffa , JOe cucli.
. iLSTi Mnuk I'.onoy mull's. 7V ! etii'li ,
? l.7"i l roni'li coney nuilTH , JlSc oucli.
yil.7"i capo n'ul inutTM. $1.45 oudi.
Three dolhu- and llfty cent black opossum
sum ami Hultio ceiil inull , $1.I S.
Astraohtin nntlTH from $1.50 to ftrt.OO in
ono lot , choli-o for $11.1 ! ) uut'h.
Si'llt.OOinlnk cape , now Jf .oO.
* . . " ( ) kritiunei1 ( 'ape. now * H."iO. :
$1 .00 elcetvie seal cape , now $0.7. ) .
$111.50 astraeliaii capo , now $11. 51) ) .
W..00 ! olee.trie seal mllltsiry eapc , 150
IncliiM Ion- , ' , now ! ? 27.00.
Boston Store ,
Council UlulTs.
Curl llni'h'U'n , successor to 12. 15ui'-
liorn , has the only new jewelry stock in
city. Many holiday novelties.
Taken to Ulatr.
Sheriff Ilardman of Blair left yesterday
for homo with Willis Dutihlo in charge , the
latter having agreed to go without n requi
sition. A married woman named Uussell is
the ono upon whom the young man is accused
of attempting to make tlio assault. The
young man , however , does not deny that ho
was in lihiir at the time in question , but he
Intends to plead "not guilty" to the charge
which has been profcrcd ngalnsl him ,
To Implement
The IToobior Drill Co. has ehaiifrcd
its place of transfer from IT. II. Van
Brunt to its new and commodious quar
ters , Nos. 11)01. ) lilOO. KiOSaml KllO Main
.street , with the Union Transfer Co.
All inuil must bo addressed to the
Iloosicr Drill Co. , Council Bluffs. la. ,
in order to receive prompt attention.
Respectfully , L. C. HUFF. Manager.
The snow and cold weather does not
diminish the demand for msraijfe in the
Klein traet , lil miles east of the post-
ttllleo ; , ' ! 00 acres yet for wile in from one
to ten aero tracts , suitable for fruit am !
garden. Day & Iless , ajjents , 3 ! ) Pear !
I3orn , to Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Cox , a
G. E. Mayors anil wife have gons cast foi1
a short visit.
Mrs. W. A. Co ultc)1 is quite ill at her home
400 Glru avenue.
S. .1. Uoilda is confined to his homo by the
effects of a fall on the ice.
F. W. Hiimllnu of St. T > ouis , who has been
visiting .T. N. Casady , jr. , has returned home.
Mrs. W. H. AValietleld is expected home
today from a visit of ten days with friends
inl'icrrc , S. D.
Miss X.ella Nllcs left ypntcrday for Ober-
lin , O. , where shu will attend college for the
next six.rnonths.
P. 1C. Burke , connected with the Minno
sola Chief , published at Slillwater was in
the city yesterday , the guest of Phillip
Miss Helen Spooner entertained a party
of friends last evening at her homo on
Fourth street in honor of Miss Winnie
Crofts of Beatrice , Neb.
K. T. Luster of Beatrice , Neb. , was in the
city yesterday , the guest ot his sister , Miss
lilln. They loft for Kuvukn Springs in re
sponse to a telegram announcing the serious
illness of their mother.
II. B. Suing of Hartington , Xob , , is in the
city , the guest of his father-in-law , Hcnrj
Paschcl , on Willow nvenue , He Is in UK
implement business and is attending tin
state convention of the implement dealer :
in Omaha.
Among the lowans at the Grand hole
yesterday wore the following : C. II. Turnci
of Des Moincs , G. W. Culllson of Harlan
Kd Holderness of Creston , A. T. Wheeler o !
Hlverton , II. C. Hnnscn of Hastings , J. W
Morris of Elliott , J. A. A.vres. jr. , of Siou :
City , C. II. Rollins of DCS Moines. U K
Wynn of Des Moincs and Edward F. Phil
brook of Sioux City.
For warming guuttt uliamboi'H , ball
I'uoniH , etc. , out' ( iis heaters nro jus
wliut you want. Look ut thuui. Clean
convonicnt , ohuup. U. 15. ( Jas and IClec
trio Uff\\i \ Go.
Wanted Canli oll'er for ton share :
Cltix.en'B State bank stock. Must hi
sold. Address K. A. Sheafo.
Doyousmoko ? "Have you tried T. D
King & Co.'s Partagas ? It's u charmer
Just light one.
Minor Mention ,
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumuer Co.
Unity Guild will give n party on the over
Ing of the : iOth at thu homo of Mrs. Ifarri
on South First street.
A small blaze at the Christian homo Mot
day afternoon was extinguished without th
assistance of the tire department ,
The district court lisis adjourned for th
term and will not be taken up again unt
lliulMth , when thu.lanuiir.v term opens ,
A marriage license wan issued yesterda
to Kdwln S. ( Jerard of this city ami Kv
Hlldruth of Yorkshire , Ilairlson county.
Mr. ami Mrs. James Patterson ontertalne
a party of twenty-ilvo of their Jricndi laa
evening at a hi''h ' ilvo parly at their homo o
Fourth avenue.
Robert Limerick had n partial hearing I
pollco court yesterday on tha elm-go u
larceny and his cusu was then continue
! until this morning.
L1- The Jirst train on the Omaha and Counc
Bluffs bridge line that has run around tl
! loop in Omaha since thu Republican bulh
d Ing burned made n continuous trip fro
IO Council BliitTs to Omaha and return la
? evening at H o'clock ,
J , ' The public schools opened Monday , afti
'S thu usual two weeks of holiday vacatloi
18 with n good attendance throughout. The
18rs will remain in session from now inuil the u
rsu nual commencement in .lime , it having bet
uIn decided by the bo.irJ to do away with tl
spring vacation which has been custonm
it heretofore.
if Do you want to eave one-fourth of yov
10 coal bill ? If HOttso Koal-spar. Buwai
is of imitation. Got this genuine of Jansse
fi. Gregg , 1171 Pearl street.
Crown and other pianos ,
Crown and other organs.
At Butiriehiti1 , lit ! Stutsman street.
10g > Brighter than gas , cheaper than ele
3f trie light and us beautiful as a dream-
llJCl these new art lumps at Lund Bros.
Coal and wood bout and
I' ; cheapo
llrs Missouri hard wood in the city ; prom ]
rs delivery , II , A' . Cox , No. 4 Idaln.
Him i it f tti\t iMttMTIi 1\T t I 1M1P
Their State Society Meets in It3 Regular
i Annual Session.
In UN Opening Addrrti the President . \Jiil < t"t
n Number oT Vnlimblr StiBBrMlnin
\Vbnt Tbry Did Yrotcrdiiy.
Representative business men from nearly
ill the thriving cities and towns of Xe-
iraska assembled Irf th ? Chambcrof Com-
neive.'ycsteiilay nt the annual meeting of
ho State Retail Implement Dealers assoela-
Ion. More than 200 members of the assoei-
itlon were present and fully 'fifty dealers at-
ended the meeting for the purjioso of enter-
ng the organization and participating In its
Iclibcrntlons , The lloor of the Hoard of
1'r.ide was crowded. There were not enough
scats to accommodate all comers. A fair
estimate of the energy and intelligence of
the merchants throughout the state could be
obtained by a glance at the men assembled
n the hall.
President t.iilirly'x Aililrcsi.
At 10 o'clock in the morning President
August Lubely called the meeting to order.
His opening address was brief but pointed.
After reviewing the advancement made by
the association , bo outlined the work of the
convention , and pointed out various mutters
which tlio orgunl74ition should consider and
act upon for the good of Its members.
Among otherthlngs , hobeliovcd a better law
concerning collections should bo passed by
thu legislature , and suggested that a com
mittee bo appointed to go to Lincoln aivt en
deavor to persuade the lawmakers there to
strengthen the law , us it is now almost
impossible to collect from slow or unwilling
Ho also believed thu association should
have a regularly appointed and permanent
committee ) to represent the members In com
municating with manufacturers. Individual
complaints and objections , he thought ,
might fall , where the wishes of n powerful
organization would receive prompt atten
tion. He thought the dealers should work
together in protecting their business inter
ests and take steps to prevent competition
that cannot be met and ruinous reductions in
prices by Irresponsible persons acting as
agents for manufacturing concerns.
A committee was then appointed to con
sider and report upon the president's ad
dress. It was composed of Messrs. August
Draft , chairman , J. M. UurksW. S. Grafton ,
W. S. Deisher and Gus Uabson. Other com
mittees announced were as follows : Audit
ing A , llower , Newell South and C. O.
Shumway. By-laws and constitution . B.
Hughes , C. II. Metz , II. P. Shumway , Fred
Melcher and C. D. Ayers , Contracts with
jobbers J , M. Burks , Ed Bird , S. P. Yoho
and B. Conway. Resolutious and legislation
W. S. Deisher , E. D. Streator , A. Pease ,
J. M. Burks and II. P , Shumway. Resolu
tions A. Bower , Ed Bird , II , P. Shumway ,
J. B. McLuughlin and'G. E. Hayilen. The
meeting then adjourned until 2 o'clock.
At'lurnooii Session.
In the afternoon many matters of interest
to the dealers were discussed. .1. M. Burks
of Lincoln llrst addressed the meeting. Ho
presented the necessity of strengthening tlio
organization with great force. Acting in
concert , ho was of the opinion that the deal
ers could improve tlio condition of business
and do away with some of the existing evils ,
which destroy prices and make the imple
ment trade ha/nrdous and often unprofit
able. First of all , ho thought the dealers
should strengthen their organization , taking
in every reputable man engaged in the busi
ness in the state. Then , being in a position
to make their influence fell , ho thought
they should proceed to take steps to
prevent manufacturers from selling plows ,
vehicles and farm implements to individuals
at wholesale rates , thus killing the retail
trade , or from having as agents persons \vho
cut prices unfairly , going lengths to which
reputable merchants cannot follow them.
He thought the dealers should 'refuse to buyer
or handle implements made by manufactur
ers who act contrary to the interests of the
retail tride.
R. F. Hodgin , secretary of the State Busi
ness Men's association , then spoke in re
sponse to a request. He thought it in the
power of the association not only to improve
the condition of the implement trade , butte
to assist in causing legislation by which
all classes of business men will prolit. Mr.
Hodgin urged that the association add its
nfluenco to that of the Business Men's club
o induce the legislature to pass the new col-
cetlon law , by which a judgment will hold
? oed for ten Instead of six years , book
iceounts six instead of four years and
creditors will bo able to attach fit ) per cent
) f a man's income for necessities , implc-
ncnts coming under the head of necessities.
J. U. Vanboskirk of Alliance then
old of the ruinous elffrct of
manufacturers entering into eompoti-
lon with retail dealers and employing
ndividuals as agents who arc willing to
sacrllico their commissions to make sales.
Many men have been driven out of business ,
10 said , by tlio indifference of manufac
turers to the welfare of the retail trade.
Mr. Burks offered a resolution by which
.ho dealers pledged themselves to discon
tinue purchasing from manufacturers who
enter Into competition with retailers.
Tor tliu rrutoftlnn of Retail l > filer ; .
The committee on contracts with Jobbers
made n report favoring Uio incorporation in
nil contracts a provision by which merchants
will bo protected from bcinir undersold
ifter purchasing stocks of implements. The
idea was to prevent manufacturers from
sending their implements into the countr.v
lo Individuals and so-called agents and sell.
Ing them at prices which cannot bo met b.v
the retailor. This matter is the most Im-
iiortiint problem to bo settled at this meet
ing. It is probable that some decisive action
will be tak 'ti ,
P. A. Clark of Madison made a vigorous
address on tlio subject of contracts , whlcl :
caused a lengthy discussion.
Other addresses were made by Mr
McCool of Salem and E. Skadun of Madison
Oftieers will bo elected today. It is thought
tlmMho meeting will close this evening.
The wholesale merchants of the city arc
making it very pleasant for the visitors.
Among tlio members reported present bj
the secretary are the following :
IT tf.lS .t NT.lMl'KDK.
Authentic ItcporU from tint Hun .111:111 : ( ioli
DKSVKII , Colo. , Jan , 10. W. J. Myers , win
was sent by the Durango Board of Trade ti
investigate the gold llelds in the San .Inan
lias returned , and says that the boom Is wither
or Soft Water is seartf ,
don't worry yourself for a moment-
go right ahead and use hard water witt
and you'll never know the difference
The clothes will be just as white
clean and sweet-smelling , because th
"White Russian" is specially adapte
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap. " * " "itssJl" "
out nny foundation. ll < < nrimlts that there
In gold there but says thirt ( t Is not plentiful
enough to brnrotit thoji'Ktravnpant rejiorts
circulated nbout It. Unsays that thousands
of miners are tnliia : lopobMiit of the llelds ,
but Imvo nothing to tratcbrin. The Influx Is
stopping , and tlio ro.uUi nro thronged with
prospectors striving tlcrrnch civilization.
Air. Myers says hesaw'lhany ' men without
sufficient food to llvo on .And nothing to pro-
euro It with , Ho advises people to keep
away from the diggings. '
i.ianr.wxa nun 'S '
llnw n NoliKMhn I'linm-'fAi'rt'ptcd n I'rr fnt
Itli u HUliIto U.
FAIIIMONT , Neb. , ,1nn'.rlA. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Hen. ] It developed today that
Henry B. Plock , n well to do German farmer
living n short distance from town , had re
cently been made a victim of lightning rods
simtlcrs. . A smooth-tongued young man
called on Mr. Plock and persuaded him to
have a rod put on his house , giving him
eighty-seven feet of rod for nothlm ; , but Mr.
Plock was to pay for till necessary points
and braces , which would amount , us Iho
agent said , to about $7.t' > 0. The rods were
put up the next d.'iy by different men and
when the settlement 1x11110 the amount was
SIM ) . Mr. Plock protested , but was Hnally
frightened into slgnin ? a note for that
amount. Ho says be will not pay the note ,
us It was obtained by fr.uid , and warns all
parties against it ,
Iti'Milt of u Oiunentle Itow.
F.uiiMoxr , iN'eb. , .Ian. -Special [ Tele-
pram to THE Bin. : ] A warrant sworn
out today by a brother of Mrs. Volkwlne
against her husband charginjj him with as
sault and battery in their recent family ipiar-
rcl. It is claimed that ho struck , her across
tlio back with a chair and slieshits not been
able to be out of bed since. Volkwino came
bade to town Sunday morning and desired to
see his wife , but her brother was there and
would not consent lo anything of the kind.
Today Constable Thompson went to Exeter
for his man , who was brought before Justice
McFadden for a hearing but took a change
of venue to Exeter , as ho thought he could
not get Justice at this place. When bo found
ho would have to pay the costs before he
could receive the papers ho decided to be
tried here. That did not work , however.
after what ho had sworn to , so he concluded
ho did not have nny money , but was finally
relieved of that idea and produced a large
roll. Mrs. Volkwinc's brother will remain
here until Satin day and see the matter
My doctor says It iicla 'gently on the itoiiiRCh ,
liver nnd kldnevs.atici Un.plcaM\lit l.ixallvp. This
drink Is made from herln , pud Is prepared Jbr use
as easl ly an tea. UN cnllnl
L' . If you
rnniiut ( 'Pt It , send your nil'H063 ' fornfrcu eample.
I.nne'n I'uiiill ) iticillelnu itiovos tlr IiotreU
cnrh iluy. I n orler to be hpalthy this la nceessnry.
Address QHATOH ! ' . WCXWXVAUI ) . I.r. UoN.y
it is easy to stcnl or ring watches from tlic
pocket. The thief gels the watch in one
hand , the chain in the other anil gives n
short , quick jerk the ring slips off the
walch stem , and away goes the watch , leav
ing the victim only the chain.
TMs Idea stopped
that litile game :
The bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down inside the
pendant ( stem ) and
fits Into the grooves ,
firmly locking the
bow to tlie pendant ,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Sold by all watch dealers , without
cost , on Jas. lioss Tilled and oilier
cases containing this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
A nowan 1 complete treatment , con < Hlln of Sup.
poiltorl99 , Ulntniont in L'upjiiloi. aliu In box nnd
1'IIK A po > ltlvu cur3 for Kit rnal , Intcrnil , Illln i
nr lllocdlni : , Itclilii'j , Chriinlo , llicont or lleroillt'irr
riloi. ThU rouio ly lias novur bojn known to fall.
1 pe.lior. . li for tir aont by ni'ill. Why suler frcm
thli tcrrlhlo ilUas > o vrlioil 11 wrltton nuiranto3 li
ponUlvoly with ( ! Inxii nr rafnnl tli3 nil rjf
f not euro I. ' Monil ttani | ) fof fr3J siaioti. ( jinr-
ntoelsiail br | { u : > n .V .lo. , dr i < jU'.i , s 113 nzanti.
rner IH.i < > mriin Diu'u. Nob.
1)11. K. C.WK3T3 .NlinVK AND 11IUI.N TIIK U1.
went , a bpuclllc fur llyitjrln , Dlr/.liuus , Flu , .N'ju-
raltfla , lleaUacho , Nurvuin 1'runlr.illon uauj il by
Ilijuor or to'jiusD , wukefulnosi , Monnl Doprcsilini ,
Soflnuin of til. ) llraln , causlui ; uuiuilty , in Ho r 7 , ilj-
cny.ilentb.l'ruiuafaruUlil < \ a , .S'ervousiioss. lun of
I'mrvrlii oltlicriov , Impjtancy , lijucorrlioa unil all
KonmloVuaknu3BH. . Invuluntnrjr Ixuitu ; , Spcrmn-
lurrlioicaU3iMl : IIJT nver-oxei tlon of tliu liraln , A
inontn'a tro.Ttniont fl ; u forf.'i : by mall. Wo Rtiar-
unlcecl hoxoi to euro. Kucli onlor forM lio.ioa with
> 5 will send nrltloniruarauleo 10 rafuml If not curort ,
( juarfliiico U uoil ou y hy Thcoilurn K. l , < mu , ilru/ *
Bl ' . . olu u/ont , cornur Mth unil Knriu.u
itrceli. Uiuilia
Unlike tlie Oiiioli Process
No tAlkalies *
Other. Chemicals
W& $ $ a 'arfl uscil.,1 < 5e
Tw2 * 1 preparation of
| 1& W. DAKER & CO.'S
ii' tilth { a ali
pure anil soluble.
ttiottrni'jtlt of Cocoa mixed
with tftnrch , Arrowroot or
Is far wore eco-
noailC'.O , coilln'j I'-si fjiim one cent a cup.
It Is delicious , iiimriihlng , aud EAULY
DIOK3TEI ) . ,
Sold l > f ( j'rof r 'everywhere.
W. 3 AKEE & COTDoirche ster ,
tlilelie.tpr' . KnglUW lllnwond V.n-3 * .
* > rc , ! ,
UrujfM for fkl'kntiri
mtnJ Urwt lu III J anl UclJ uitulilcV
, tfiloa wliti Hut rib Wo. TuLe
) 1 " ' " " " -
ru ilinori < iii4c.
lu turapi lor ( i2rllcul ri , IrikluioDltlt ftad
" Itrllef for l.udlifc" In l Htr. t , , r lnra
Mull I IXMMI T H < u l ! i. Ktrni
A. H ,
Kkivulor , ivurnliouiiei , luctory
anil ttll uurk rciiulrliiK " tliuruueli uni
Iirttvtlml linowledee "r cnnttriivlluu uni
struiictli of uinlurUlt. ipecUlty.
1 * . O. Hoi 3U1 , rrumont , Neb.
Both tlio method and results vrlicn
Syrnp of Figs ia taken ; it io pleasant
aud refreshing to Iho taste , nnd acts
fcntly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
aver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , hciul-
aches and fevers nud cures habitual
constipation. Svrtip of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy ana ogrccablo substances , its
many excellent qtmlitica commend it
to all and have made it the moat
popular remedy known.
feyrup of Figo is for sale in GOo
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist vrho
may not have il on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
linr rt the mrst d-llclouo Ufto and i.ost
alinniCAT , GEN. ; HAVI EH ,
TI.KMAN at Mad.
rnp. to his brother K1H1I ,
May. 18C1. HOT ACOI.D
LEA & PEHniNS' Ml ! ATS ,
tint their eauco IB
Mchly cstperctcl to
Intlia , cnilitlnciy
npinlon , the moo * . WKI.SH-
fislstahlc , na vroll
as tha mont nhole- RAKEIHTS ,
norno tnuco that 11
Bade. " Arc.
Beware of Imitations :
see that you get Lea &
Flqtinturo on every boUIoof Orlttin : ' , & Oc
Omaha's Newest Hotel
( C Ilooms at t..M per day. '
60 Itooms al $1.00 per day.
SO Ilooms with llnth atS-VU per diy ,
CO Ituoms with llnth to ( I.DO per < liy.
Modern In Kvrry ICooiirct.
Newly ( ' urnUlicil TliroiiKliont.
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Teeth Filled Without -
out Pain by tlio
Latest Inven
tion ,
Tooth Extracted Without Pain or
A Full Sel of Teclli on IlaWw for $3.11 $
I'crfoct tit cunrantui" ! . Tuetli oxtriCtJil la th3
inornliiB. Now ones liiserteU III th'J evunliu or am )
day.fc'eo tpeclmeni or Komovablo llrlilu.
k'ce ipcclmcns of Kloxlblo Klastls I'll'.i.
Allnork warranted ni lepresentoil.
Office Third FloorPaxton BlooX ,
Ttlepliono 10S5 , liitli unil F.irna'n Sl > .
Takeclivaloror stairway fromiuth St. ontrimi.
% V. II. VAltKKIS , jr. I.No. 4
BOSTON , MAS9. , chlff lonsnltlixl pliyitrlnii of the
wiw awnrilnl tlio uoui > IKI > AI. liy tlio NATIONAL
JlKDicAi. ASSOCIATION for lliu Vltl'/.K KfiSAYon
J.'fhniuted Vitality , Atrophy. AVrrouinnd I'lujtltal
- " " ' , nml nil JHitate * and Wrtiknm of itan ,
tlio yonntt , tlio mtildlr.iiiitd nnd old.
, . Conpiillntlon In pcraon or by letter.
* * * 1'ro'pcclin , with tcttlmoiilnls , FUEK.
Large boob. 801 HNCI3 OF l.IVU , Oil PKI.l'1- '
IMUJSHKVATION , COO pp. . VJ5 Invaliiabl" pro-
crlpllonp , full tilt , only ! Sl.ui ) by null , ncaliil
Elastic Stocking-
i Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.t5fll , ,
Next to Postofflo3
AliHTHACTr ) ami lonni. Farm nml city propjrlr
LouuUt unU tulJ. IMs'jf & TUoiun , Cuunsll
llllllTl ,
. 'tOCIIOK.'i : lulu lii Mnynti a-llilon | nour Hint nl
' Jo f I lie new liiU'rituto brlU3. Will Bell In biuichei
orsbuly. ( iujr.-j McUilf , Umiacll Illutti ,
] & 5.M'ltK farm In .Nch. . & .rooin house , utablnani ]
Blifile , Tu ucri's In cultlf atlon , 1'rlcu tV.UU pel
ucro. 'IVrmicajy , Jo'.iinlon A Van I'ullcii.
icniovoJ , ccupoou. vaults mil
GAItllACJH . . r' . I ) , llurko , city bit/ .
\\TA NTKIJFoSl' KT B N T ( J 1111 , IN' 1'AMILV Ol
'I Itvo. InijiilruVViMjulli H v nlli Urccl.
'I'D | KST l'urnl lifil rounii , % rlili all luoilon
lence . ir.'O llidAYO-
\\rANTKD-ilrl lo iloKonervl liouienork. Ciooi
\tnuv to c-oiiipviuni. t'lrl. Mre. Helkumn , II :
Bouth 7lli itrwet ,
JO6T lirown puri H vrllli Btci'l clavp , contalnlni
JJ5 bill , bjlworii llutlfnli ur > oliu'ennit rcnn
Un meat ninrkul. IK turn lo IIKiC ulllco uiutob
lain ruwnnl of ime-linlf ronlcnts.
? . | : ) IIOii.MH for rent at I''I licveiill
'meet , Uood board next ( lour ,
ANTKU-ATapabie elrl for Kcnemt uoutoworl
lu fitoilljr of tin * * . W , A , fuultur , 'JJ Uluo UTU
dbt sroarrjard tkV/mjvip folks ,
ag * istfls loitfas I Kin dir ih/ur'crn
Wont Dtsftr me about Oittin d
o , All pfrjpufcMrs k
riyulktn ' , p
rj.lf youdooU KIR 'sftdta ;
Stock full paid ; nou-upsoss.iblo. Have the bust investment to olTor for the
money In the cnini ) . Own ton claims , seven on Oolil ami Glebe Hill , ami worhlntf
three elaims. Will soil 120,000 shares Treasury Slock lo yct ; ready for shipping afl
follows :
81 "i buys ami jwya In full for 100 ihtiros , par viihio S100.
$50 buys nnil pays in full for 3" > t ) shares , par value &r > 0.
$100 buys ami pays in full for SOO shares , pur viihio $800.
JDOO buys ami pays in full for ! , ! ! ( ) ( ) shares , ir.iv value 31,200.
Careful timl intelligent iniuitircinuiil. { Write for particulars.
Address nt Oonnrul HUilTa , Iowa ,
or R. P. OFFICER ,
1316 Omaha Neb.
Doughs Street , , .
The oinlnont > peelnll > t In iiervcv.ii. clironlo. private , liloo.l , nkln unit iirtimtjr dlsmscn. A rounlar ami
registered Brailiiiuo In iiijillcino. in ill plom u nii.l . cerllttentoi show , Is Jilll IrdfUln ; ? with tin grmtuit nuc-
rms cntnrrh. Insininnliuoil usinlnal wmknois. nUbt hmoi an I nil form ! of iirlTrtta ills-null , No morou-
rjr utoil. Now trcatinont lorlo s ofvlHI puwcr. I'nrlloi miiibla to visit ma mu bi tro.itiil .it homo by
uirreipomlonco. Medicine or InitriimantB sent by null nr otprmi i33tirsly pao'tJl , na muki ti Ij.lloiti
contontjorspnclor. Oiii > | icrianallnt rvlaw prcrcrroJiimiltatlon rrai , l'orroip > .i lo lajatilo'.lr prlf.itj
floolcMy ( terlc or l.lfo'ient troa. OillenlioiinDn.iii. toHp.m , Utvu i forraplr
"Korvo iloeclo , "
f. the wonderful rcmndy
' ° U Bum with n irrlt
& lieu erunrntitrr to ruro rill nervous iMsca s , iiurh na Weak Alouiory ,
Loss of Hialu 1'owrr , ll .tdHchi * . Wakofultivfli. iMti MAiihuoa. Nlftlnlr Kuile *
& 3iou3.Ntirvoiniic.'i > ."lttniu , all drains and Ions of potter of IboUcnerntlro
< Orcnns In citliorHO.Tcnuiieil liyovprr.x rtlon , youtliful rrro' nxreimr
* * & / JV11 " * otf totmcco. opium or stimulants ulilchvonn Ifad lo Inilrmlty. Coneump-
t-KStK. 'MiflSi'Wirftloii . nnQlnsntilty. I'ut iipconvpnloruio carry In vent pocket , fil porpace-
ri c zwAfecna.'nijUly niailiCfo-iri. With ovoryMnrdcrwi' mrenicrtlten ( iiirniitft fucnrj
HAIID irrtnvnvn itr rjv tHhtTnoncv. Circular frte. Adilrn/n JV'own i- , i c'o. . UHlcnirtii III.
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McCoimoll , 1515 Dodge Stroot.
nr ° i > uttil < B
IntcndtiiK soon to consult a.
wiiv i'ii is
Chronic , Private , Nervous anil
Surgical Diseases CURED. Lost
Manhood , Fouialo "Woalmossos ,
Etc. , CURED.
Treatment by Mall. Address with
statin ) for nartlcnlars , wnlcli will be
eont In u pliiln onvclnpo.
IloomiS , 8' ' } , 0. 915 ,
110-118 st.'itli Htruot. Omilia. :
L'S. . DJSI'OSintKY , OM.\IJA , Xlill.
.npilal $ ' / 00,000
Surplus ' . $ (15,000 (
Cfllccrd nnd Directors lli'iiry W. Vales , proildan t
II. O. Cunhlnu , vlco proaUlo/Ui / 0. H. Mnurlo } , W. V
.Morro.Jnhn H. Collliu J. N. U. l' < ttrlci 1'jiTlJ S
llucd , eauhler.
Von don't nccil to sucrlllco the llvos of your
Invcil ones when
Dcplillicria and Jlcmbranous Croup
( vlllcnilnnzcrtlin neighborhood of your homes
Ttiuro Is u Hiiro Niniulllu nijillolnu TO I'lllO-
VKNTcontiiRloiiof thnni , anil tliera U tilsu u
biirutpoclllo nicillulno for
The Cure of Them
\vlmn tlioy haru not run liuyonl liiinrin roioh :
Wrlto tci
tciR.C , S1CEL , In Crete , Neb , ,
If In noetl of nny trentniont. anil you wlllllini
thut Ills troutinont b.ibctl on many yours' ux-
pcrlnionts anil utiidy-liiissconrod him u sue-
will nnttllsamioint you.
for. Oth Kt. and 11 A vc. , Council Illtiira ,
Anhousor , BiuhvclBQi' , Faust iind Palo
KlCCiS , can leave or dura at No. 121 !
Main Street , Counull HlulTri , lowu , ui
Tolopliono ! ! .
Goods doll vorotl pi-omplly.
Aulieuscr-Buscli Brewing Ass'n ,
of St , Louis. Mo ,
ladies' ' Perfect
Iho only pcrffct vuslnul
ami rcclul tyilnso lath *
It IK the only Syrlnso OT
or Invcntciltj \ which vngt-
ncl Injt > ctloii9 can bo nt
mlnlttloreil without Icnkv
JminiiU solllni : ilin cloth'
IHK or nccusnltnttiiE the
ueu of n vessel , anil nltlot )
cull UHO | bo licet ! for rectal
InjcclloiiB or Irrigation.
SOKT HUlllll : ! ' . BULB
bllK.1,1 , .
Pr'cc ' $3.00.
Mull orders solicited.
TheAloo&PenfoldCo. ,
Street ,
I'liyi-lclnns' prescription *
accurately prupnroU at
low urlcoi.
Or ffic I.linorlltil > lt 1'onltlroly Cured
r. //ii/nos *
11 rnn 1)13 Klvcn In a cup of cofTuanr loa or In food
vllhout thu knoirlodiro of Iho pntlunl. Itlinbuo *
utelr hnrinlcM nnd will ctlect a permanent ami
nccily euro , wht'lhor iho pntlont li a matlornta
linker or an nlcohollo wreck. ItlKnlumn u-lvenln
liuiinnmli of cnscH unit In every Inslsncu n perfect
lira him followed It noror falls. Thu nyatem
nro Impri'Htmted with lho peeltlctt hucuuion an
liter linpOBilhlllty for tlm liquor niiiutltu to exist
; < > Mi\ ; .sriiii.'i : < ; < : t > , , i-rupi . cinciinuiti , u
l > ook of partlcnlarj frati. To bu hutl of
Knhn li i'o Ilith unit Douuhu Hti , Wholonlo ,
Ibku. llrnc It Co. , unit Uluhnrdion DruuUo ,
Uinnlm , Nell
TJndnr and by vlrtnnof nn nxocutIon Issued
by I'riinU 1C. Monies , dork of tlio district court
within and for Douglas county . Nebraska ,
ipun : i Jnil iiiiint rundi'ird ' by Kind court , nt ,
IH Huiitt'iiibi'r torin , A. I ) . , IHO'J , In favor of tlio
MiiirliiinlH Niilloinil haul ; of Kans as City ,
, and UKulnst , tlio Mclropolllnn C'ablu
Hallway company of Omaha , Nebraska , t
Imvo Invli'd upon the following described
properly as lliu properly of tin ) Mild , The
Metropolitan ( 'abhi ICallway company of
Umuna , NuUruskn , to-wlt : "Trade and road
bed , Including ralli , lies , plate.s , froirs , holtR ,
spllccN , wires , switches , poles , I roily wires ,
cross wires , etc. , etc . , nnd everything porlaln-
IngloMald track and thu operating thereof us
an electric motor llnuof said Thn .Metropol
itan Cable Itallway company onlOlli Htrcot
and on Dodge Htieot In llioolly of Omaha , and
on DndKn Ntruut as extended , Woodman uvu-
mii' , I'liilorwooil nvi'nno and Wilson avonnn or
Mroot In IJundiMi I'laco or adjacent tliurololn
Iho county of Doitu'lus and Main of Nebraska.-
"One car house tfrainu liulldlni ; on posts or
blocks ) located on lot M , block HH , Diinduu
1'lacc , DoiiKliis county , Nuliruska , " "Tiro
motor pashi'iiKtir cars nnnibdred ruspou-
tlvely iwoilii , and three mi" "Itirord book ,
toiik certIllcato book and houl of sild ; com-
Iiany , " and also "Iho fruniihNn Krantiid to Mild
coinpany , which Includes all thu rluhtx and
prlvili'Ki-h secured thoichy , " anil 1 will on the
17th day of January , A , I ) . , IM'JII , coniiiiiinclnif
nl. 10 o'clock a , in. of Kiilil day , at tlio oust front
dooroftho county court hoiisi ) . In thu city ot
Oinalia , M'H Mild property at public auction to
the hluni'M and liost. bidder or hlddiirs for
cahh , to satisfy said nvoiintlon , thu amount duu
thereon bulnu forty thotiianil , four liundrod
forly-hlx 1111(101-1(10 ( diillanKf 10,4-10.01) ) jinlK-
nionl.anil sixteen and HH-100 dollars ( tllUla )
co > ls , with Interest on said nnionnls from thu
1'Jth day of Knptunihur , IHIl'J , nnd thu accruing
costs on hiild jinlKini'iit and uxecullon.
Shorllfof Hoiu-liiH ( ' ( innty , NehrasUa ,
iMKi : , HAMILTON , t MAXWKI.I , , Attornuyu
Omaha , NehrasUa , January 5 , 1HI. ! ) :
.1 bill aim
rrnii3 iU for UoiuuUry Niirvvy iind.Monu-
Ounorul l/und ( Mlloo , V
WASIUMITON. | i , 0 , . | ) uoiiinlior l , 'l > 3 , }
Spalrd proponaU will Lo rutol veil ivt the gen
eral land ollleo. Washington , D. u , , until 2
o'clock p. in. on Hitlnr.Uy , the ' 'ith day of
Janniiry , IH'JI ' , for thu mirvuv and nmr.dnir by
miltib'.e inoiiuinuutij , of tlmt portion of tlio
boundary line bntwuon tbo Htiiluof Nubrovko.
unil the Miiuo of South Diiliotu wblob HUK west
of iho Mbmourl rlvur , ui autliorlzud bv Die nub
of coiunm. aunrovo I Aiuun ' ; W > ' , innklne
niilironrlatinn lor HiirvoylnK tbu pnidlu Inndu
I'amnhlut Blatuteii ut liirKO , ItOl-bU1. , p. ifiU ) ;
Also for tbo furnishing of stone nioiinmtinU to
bo pluoo i nt bulf-inllu lutumiti on Hulil boun
dary. Tbu blilB for tlip nurvey and for tbu
inonunientH must , bu Bopiinue , wl-li the prlvl-
tbo blilder tbut If bo is not uwurded
lliu contract for liulb bo will bn bound to con
tra ui , for nuilliur. Copies of thonpecllloatlon
may bo bud upon i.pplluHtlon lo tills otllvo.
I-'ai-h bid must bnuuooiniiuiilcd by a curtlflta
ubocli tor ft ) i. Tin ) rlcht to rujeut uny or alt
bid * h reserved , I'mjiosaU mint 1)0 inoloiml
In tiiivulopoa soulu-.l and nmrlioil "l'r.po uls
fortnrroy of boundury botwouu Nobruikn
iiml r'ontb Dukoia. " unil "I'ropos.iln for boun-
daiy iiiouiunonH. " and adilroihud to tbn Oon
inUilonnr of thoGunural L.iud UIHue , Wu b-
1 111 ; ton , I ) . ( J.
ISUnud ] W. M. 8TONE ,
J3U2U Coiuuilnlon * * .