jff v- - , - -sww THE OMAITA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY. JANUARY 10 , 1R03 8PEG1RL NOTICES. FOB TIHMB COLUMNS A1ITKRTI8BMRJJTS will l > taken unlit 17 0p.m. for thn evenln * nnd ttnlllS Qt > m for the morning or Hnndiy edl No < 1vrll eroontt * n for 1cm than 25 cent * ( or the first Insertion All advertisements In these colnmrn m contu a word for thn flrit Insertion nnd I cent ft word for fnch miMequi-nt Iniertton , or fl M per line per month Terms , c h In advance. Initials , figures , ymtmli , etc , each count a worA. Advertise- menu mnt run eon rcutlvely. Ailver\l or , br re questing a numbered check , cnn hnvo thn letters nddrosied to ft numbered letter In rare nf yilK IIKK. /nswort so kddroiied will to delivered oa the i presentation of the chock. SITUATIONS WANTED. -A VOUNO KNOL1BII WOMAN WITH A A baby wanU place where she run work lor board Apply to Her. ii W. Savlrtite. cor. Leavenworth and nth nvonuo. 9 i * A-WANTKI ) . SITUATION 11Y YOUMJ MAN , otpcrlonced Mrnonriiplicr and typonrllor. Ad- riie I..C II. , ! ! 05N , V. I.lfo RlilB. MI2I-11 WANTED-MALE HELP. U -SAI.AIIVOU COAIMIHS10N TO AOKNT-J TO J ) hnncllotho I'ntrnlChnmlcal Ink KrnMna IVncll. Tlio moil imofiil nnil novel Inirnllon of the ngo. Km * Ink thoroughly In two M > coml9. Works Ilka Tiinnlc. SCO to MU per crnt profit. Aipnti making ISO per cck. Wo alfoirnnt nccnprnl ncenltotnko i-hnrsn nf territory unit appoint nib atrontn. A rnto ilnncoto make money.Vrlto for toim ami n nni' tile of ermine. Monioo Krailng MfR. Co. , Y 31. Ia Crotie. WIs. 70 WASTED. IMIUDKNTIAI. i.ifi : 'lnn. ro. , Kood pay. Apply room 20. Krnntor block , oppo I'.O. .MZTOJ10- 1 > -WK PAY HAI.AIIY WBKKhV TO ( ! OOI > J'nKcnti. Kxport nce unncccunry. Apply 8ln or office. MM3J20 U-WANTKt ) , A KKW HKUAllt.K SOMCITOH9 J'ln Nebra ki > for the Union Central I.lfo Iniur- nc company of Hnclnnatl. ( lood territory and liberal contracla to tlio rlitht men. Aililrcn .1. M , 1'ilinlntiin. Htnto Agent , roorai IJ , 40 anil 47 llnrr Mk. Lincoln , Nob. M5IO J30 1 > - t.IIMIIKll riAMtSMAN WANTKI ) TO HKI.I J'ri-diFdar ililnRlenon the ildo. ( iood contrail Ion paid per car. .Mint ho a well poited man on the road that nai a KOOd trade. Addreia A. U. , raruof the rut l Bound Lumberman , Tacoma , Waiih. M7IB U- -I\VANTKI > , SIX Oil KIOHT KtllST CLAB8 J'hnrnci > niakiT : ntcacly wor * . good WBRCI. Men wltli families prcterred. J. II. llanoy A Co. . llait Inits , Neb 9211 13 - IVANTK1 > . A HOHSK SI1OBR Oil ( J 15N1CIIAI Jlblnckiroltli. J. Nuicliy , Ncola , la. 000 Vf B-WANTKI ) . HALKSMl'.N FOIt NHW YI5AII. Addreis wllh stamp , slvlnn present nnd former occupation , Sumatra Cigar Co. , Chic QUO , 111 , utco r. * IWANTKI ) , FIUST CLASS KXI'KIUKNCKl ) Jinhoo salesman , must have undoubted Al refer ences. Apply lloston bloro , Omalm. ! )5il V IJ--IIIIUJHT I'.YKB , " A riiA.NCi : TO MAKR JJ money fast and easy. Wo wnat an nannt In rvpry county In Ncbrnnkn , Iowa , Boulh Dakota , \Vyoniinit.LoloradoandKniunsto Introiliico our wonderful meillcnl dlncovury , "llrlRht KjcV Is the Inont remarkabladiicovcry of the IIEO and Is poi- lively Riiarnntccd torelloioaml euro nil complaints of thoeyu. It remivos Inllnmatlon , strcnutheus weak oycs. euros sore oncn and nililn brluhlnu ! 9 nnd Iienuty to healthy ones. Liberal turius tonEonts. No money or deposits required In ndvaneo. Wrlto rcirtrrrllory nt OIICP. "llrlitht Kyos" Kemcdy Co. , No. Hi north CnpltolSt. . WnshlnKtou , 1) . C. mOSI.14 -CUTTBIl WANTKI ) WlIO WILL WOIIK AH tnllor , KOOO per month , Blcady work , K. Mar tine , WcBtboro , Mo. . MI01-I3 * WANTKn-llAUNKSS MAKKItS To THY B olleto of Iron , best In market. Ac it" wanted. Addresn. with atnmp , American Msnufarturlnx compnny , Omnha , Neb. MIW 16 * 1 > WA.NTKI ) UXl'KltlUNCKD ADVIIHTl.-flNO J ollclti5r on tlio oniclnl publication of the "Wufld's Columlilan Kxpniltlon. " Only tlrst-clan mon of good addrt-as need apply. AildreiaW.il. ronkoy to. , It Ij. Minw AdT'B Msr. , 341-S.il Dear born Btrect , Clilenco. Mtfa 10 * WANTKI ) , MII.lL'lTOll TO WOUK UP NKW bimlnefls In rlty nnd luirroimdlliK country towns. Kxport cleared * tUJ til U days , no\lcoa ns lilKli nt$57 HrHt cok. ( 'lmiico for rlffht party to Ket control of u coed business. Hpuclal Induce ment tu Kvntlemnn or lady uf tulpnU htendy work throiiKliout tlio yenr. A few vncnuclcs In other cltlOH ! nliu Inrurnl dlnlrlctn. Wrlto Immediately to Must. I'ronall & Klrkpntrlck , "Department IV" Ppilngllnld , U. MI4J 10- _ - | > _ \VANTI2I ) , 8ALKSV.KN ON THK IIOAD TO I'noll ndvertlnlnir cards nnd calendars oncommls- Blon direct from the mnnufiicturcr. Cnn mnko I'M licrwcek. AUverthlnu ( Specialty Co. , llutlalo. .N. V. T > 'M MIIN I-OUTK.NNKS9K1 ! . AUKANSAB AND jj'l.oul lnna on ( lovcrnmontotk. . Kramer A 'O'llcurn , Labor Agency , SOJ South lltl | street. , T > WANTHD , tOCAI < AND TltAVnT.lNO SAI.IW- J'.nieu to soil lubricating oils. 'Apply for termite to tlio UlBtcrlchs OH Co , . CluTulund. O MI5S 10 * T > AH(1AIN ( WHI.Ij IMPUOVED FAIIM 10 MILKS Jjfrom Omnhn , (4.t per aero llutclilnaon & Wcud , 1G.1 rnrniuu street. J11W 10 -WANl'KI ) . A CLKUIC WITH SUKFIC1KNT kniwk'dteof hookkooplng nnd nlPnocrnpliy to do u KOiiornl olllco tiuslnesi. liermnn prefprrod , nntl n coed , plain penman , A. J. Durland. Norfolk , Hob. .M1&7 10 * _ WANTED FEMALE HELP C YOtlSH I.AIHKS CAN BOON ACQUIUK A worklnit knowledge of ihortlmnd and typo- nntliiK nt Van Hants' 513 NrV. Llfo. M3I7 WANTKP , LADIKS Oil YOUNG 3IISN TO take Unlit , pleasant work at their own liomoi ; f I.U ) to I i.OO nor day cun b quietly made ; work nent by mall : no canrnnslm ; . 1'or particulars ad- rircssulnbo Mfg. Co. , Uox&JJl , Iloston , Mans. Ks- labllMied 1BSO. _ M4UO lla * C-WASSK1) , OIIIL FOIt C.nNKItAIi IIOUdK- work : uood cook , wnslior nnd Ironcr , 20J ? Cnpl- tel oveniie. MiHid _ C WANTMD , ( I MIL. OKNK11AL HOU8KWOIIK , small family , KOOdwnKei ; 113 SoutlnlUt. POT -WANTKI ) . A NHAT OIHI. FOll 8KCONI1 work In small family ; wages 13 per week. 3110 Douglas. M'J88-1U _ FOII QKNEIIAL UOUSEWOIIK. asos B. ect. MM II * _ -WANTKD , A OOOD OI11L FOIt OKNIUtAI housework. SOOl Karnam itreet. M12911 WANTKD , UIIILi tOU UKNKHAL IIDUOK- nork , MM Goorxla nrenuc. 132-11 * -WANTKI ) . A OOOD OI11L FOII (1KNKKAI. hiiuioworlc , email family , tooij wages , 2017 Luiivonworlli street 133-11 rvWANTKD , "JIHAD WAITKKSS , A LADY V thorouKhty experienced and fully competent to tiiko clmrga ot u Inmo Olnmn room , Hotel Darker , flWANTKI ) , A OOOD ( illtL FOII OKN'KUAI V.J'hoiiiowoilc. Apply ISII CumliiK. M14I1 IS * 1-WANTKD. OI11L FOII CKNEUAL ItHUsIt - > work. Apply t once. 1019 Turk Ato. M14S 12 * l-WANTISD.tOHlL Kilt 11OUHK\VOU1C 1 } 'snmll family. ! HI8 Cliarlci. ill ) I U * _ /l-WANTBD. Ollllj FOH IlK KItAL IIO1ISI ! l.J ork ; small fnuilly. 3517 Plerco bt. MI4J 12 * -WANTKD , A ( IOOD MALK 8THNOI1IIAPHKI linrliiK excollcul buslnes * ublllty , I' . L. Loomli lUU'i Fnrnniu. MI41 U * / I-WANTKI ) , FIllST-CLASrt COOK AT SOUTH V 'cattcoruor iUh und Half Howard itreets. itreets.MICO MICO FOB RENT HOUSES. KOU 11KST , NO. 241.1 CAPITOL AVHNUK nodern 'Ihu 0.1' , Davli Co. , IWJi I'urimm tl. tl.7U7 . IlKNT , MOIIKUNIV-IIUOM HoUSU , Al.l - 'convxnluncns. Ilvo minutes' walk postotllco ntrut't curi puss tlio door. Nathan BholUin or U H hkliinur. Iiil4 Kunuini st. 7U8 IIISNT. IIOL'BKB IN ALL I'AllTH 01 DVOIl 'IheO. F , Davln company , 1505 Farnam si , W { _ > -riiA'IH , OWKLLIN09 , COTTAU1CS. IN Al.l r p rls of iboclty , Kilkenny A Co. , 203 Knrbacl 710 IV HOUSE OF 11 HOOMB , ALL MODEIIN CON J 'vcnlencea , ploananlly located nuar buslnusa con ter. Apply IbuOthlcngo St. , or I. b. skinner , 101 Varnmu. 711 IV-If III RENT , t 1IOOM COItNEIt FLAT.BECONI .1'Hour.rnnio A other courenleneon. Clouior bli VJ1 S. lOtb st. , 110. lllngwalt llros. , Darker l.loch y)4 ) Jli T I NKWMIOOM CO1TAOKS , MODIUtN , Ti J 'Stnnfurn circle. Convnnlunt for bu > lncss mn .fOm h nnd froutli Omaha , U. H. ElkUtter. VJ Ueo bulldlui : M4S3 D ILA HUE Lla'li-PAUU 1005 FAltNAl7hTllEE1 MC4UJ27 * DD D8llOtl.M IIOl'SK. ( IA8. I1ATII , FU11NAC1 good turn , one block from motor , Inquire \ > 1 Klciilvnd nt Duwor & Stone's , 6JJ- MODKIIN lIOUtiK. COlt. 1VD -'onJ llaion Iri'uti. Call at 6U7 llroviu bhlK. MBit ft _ _ _ _ IV I'Oll HKNT-I STKAM HKATKI ) VLATi J iooiuij Untoe block , 13th and .Mason streets ! I , com ! rrpatr. Imjulto at VI7 Iu the block. Job ' ilnmlln. HKvnt. MVW 11IOK ItKN'i1hTOIlR 11 A VINO 1IKKN OfCl Jileit | fuM joars as well paring grocery on She tnauaYn. InqulroUM ehorumu ave. MWJ II * TJ-U > H IlKNT , .NKAH IIANjCOM 1'AllK. llrlck toil" , clulit rooms , No oW ( I'ornileton are corner rb | > pliton are una Tblrtr-icoona st , , lout nnde it trout , flnlsbed In oak , vllb unuJiou juauttls , liatb , splcuUld furuavuptlck cellars , ti llrlckliouie.rliUt rooms. No. 1HO South Thlrt ] ectouil st oak lluliU , with nice bath , furnace , ell nlur , cl lurn , gn , sonerute , brick cellars , ol < ' Ul ( snl brlek bouse. No , BOOJ I'acldo st. , on * ( tha itn st HnUlieit andooileit eU'ht-roora houses I thailtr , with all modern conveniences , Incliidlr clntant porcelain bathtub , hot and cola wate UlliMitrr laundry tubs.tto. , oo Door location I tlmcltr.liiW. TUjiboTohouits ar all oo paved slrc U , co Tel at lit tuotor lines. In p rfectlj bealthr loc tlusi anil ploastnt celgubornood. Uo. N , Illck JViNvw York Lit * , FOB RENT -FURNISHED HOOMS. TJ7 NICEtiV KUKNI8I1KH IIOOM * , AM. MOPKIIN I Jcon enienocs , tcrnu rcaionable. Call nt MS North Srd. WJ " _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1L E ONK I.AHOK 8IX(1I.K IIOOMSTKAM "TlljAT reference required. 310 South 22n < l street street"M IJ'- FtinNISIIRII FIIONT IIOOMS. 6 -I' .North Hth iilrect MWt IV _ I ? -rt'HSISIIKI ) IIOOM3 , 5 ANU 110 I'Klt Ijmontli. 004 8. Ktn st fl IIOO.MBou LIOIIT J Jhousokcjplnjt , Itoforcneo fcnulred. 1521 t. Marr's arc. . N1CKI.Y KUIIMS1IKI ) FHONT -Lvtronni ! modern conTcnltneis , roaionabla rent. 123 llarner street , M120 10 FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOAKDi l.i-TlIK IOLA > , t AN1) Jll N. 1FTI1 8T. X 7U If 510 SOUTH 25TH bTUKET. I7-FUIINISIIKH , STKAM IIKATKI ) HOOM8 J- with tiotiril , i > l < o tabla bnitnlors nccommoilatcili central ! ? located. The UllhUle , N.V. . cor I9lh and DodKO , 873 10 * AND IIOAIII ) FOHTWOORNTI.r.MCK 15.00 per week each ! fizi ) North IVlh street. 1HOOM AND IIOAIIII FOII SINflLU OKSTI.K- J man , fSOO per week : modern conTenloncus. & 13 North 23d stroat. M'J7l 10' 1-HANISOMK SOUTH ItOO.MH WITH IIOAIII ) . JL1 llcforencea. 18K Chicago etreet. M977 II * 17-SICKlTv FUltNlSIIEDItOOM , WITH HOAHI ) . 1 for two Rontlemen. Now houso. all convon * loncos. llefcroncci required. Address \V 21 , Ileo. M137 11 * H-kAHUK MOUTH PHONT UOOM WITH AI , I. cove , with board. 1'XW Capitol aronuo. aronuo.Ml IV FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES. 1 toll IlKNT , THH 4-STOHV ItltlCK HUIMIl.NO , .L'JlO Karnam nt. Tlio bulldliiK has n fireproof co- mcnt basoment. complete steam heating ttiturosi water on all the Uoors , ens , eta Apply at the olUcaof The Ileo. 910 ONK KOUItarollY UHiCK UU1LU1NU2I FKKT 1 wide. 1407 llarner it. 7U T-FOIt IlKNT , A VKIIV IK51IIAI11K .Leultablo for u warehouse ? wllh Btabto In coneo- tlon , TracVaKO front and rear. Adilross K. A. Carmlchuel care of McCortl , Ilradjr A Co. f 215 I ni'FICUd WlTIlNBLti 111.K , CUNTUAI , AND cheap. C5J JT7 * 1 UUlMHNa KNOWN AS VlNKOAIl WOItKS , 3. .Lw. of II. park , wllh tubs , rcales , cnglno and boiler anil d\v . F. 1) . Wead , ICth and Douulan. ISO 10 AGENTS WANTED. 1 AOP.NTS WANT1SII , KITIIKIl 8F.X. TO SICMi < > tlio nut of "duns * , bread , eako nnd purlin : knives ; " alio"Cluuiij carver.Vo pay blc wanes. The Clauss bhcarCo. , boz3t0 ! , Kansas City. Mo. MIKiS 13 * WANTED TO BENT. K-WANTED , TWO Oil 1H11EE DNFUIINISHED rooms fairly central , llaat , gas and water. (31 N.S..30U South 16th st. 134 II * STORAGE. INI STOItARK CHEAP. CLKAN WELLS , IJH Farnaiu st cot. 715 -STOHAOK-I HAVE I.K11IT , AIltY. OHOUND floor storage rooms ; buggies stored for 75c per month. Ueo. W. Holbrook. Tel. 13A1 , leu Patterson block. 472 M DON'T 8TOHB HOUSEHOLD OOOD3 Vv'lTH- out seeing our storage department. It Is the best. Omaha btovo llopulr Works , 1207 Douglas.7M 7M WANTED TO BTTY. N WANTKI ) TO 11UY , SOMi : 8 I'HIl CUNT tlrst mortgages. Itccd A Sclhy , ill Hoard Trndo. TVT-FIUST MOHTOAGHS ON OOOD HKAL KB 1 > file. II. A. Arnold , tm Ueo building. M71J T\T WANTKD , TO IIUY A SECOND HAM ) TOP 1 > roller desk In Rood'condition. Elnto prlco and address , N. Parsons , 1831 North 29th , city. M140 10 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. -SECOND HAND SQUAltK PIANO IN OOOD 0 repair ; , for sale cheap. 1WI Corby street. M8I4 0 FUIIMTUUK OF 2 bTKAM I1KATKD FLATS cheap : on nor learhiK city ; all rooms rented. 514 S. Ibth St. , Hat C. - " , 6114 11 * O-FUUNITUUE , OF MINK ROOM HOUSE FOII sale , a bargain. Ono third cash balance on tlmo. address W 15. lice. M1000-10 * FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO IV FOII 8 A LET A SlKAilLY NEW 7)6uilLE sprlngoxprOBSwagon , horse , harness and buggy ; also a nearly new set of cronmery tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , Howe scale , truck , etc. , all will bo sold at n groa sacrifice. Address ( J. U. Uiscliuck , llooolllccr. or call ntlU7 : Mlama street , whore goods can bo seen. Mt > 33 " | ) -ONK HAY MAKE. & YEAIli OLD , WEIOHT about WM. cleeant driver , must bo Bold at once- Itoom4 Wlthnull Hlk , Fidelity Loan & Guarnntoe Co. I'M FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-FOIl BALK , CI1KAP , A . . _ . automatic onRlno ; ulso ono 12 hora power up- rlKht onilno , both In n od repair. Inquire of Font ; nor rrlntlng Co. , 1JU7 Howard utrect , Umahft , Nob. Q I SKCOND-HANI ) HAND I'OWUH ELKVATOIt for sale. 1209 Howard. MI32 Jl'J' QQ Q TUB STANDARD CATTLE CO. HAS CON- Bluntly on bond baled hay , for sale on track at Ame . Nob. M5C9 Q ItANDSSOME LAltOE YELLOW HEAD PAR rot and cage , good talker , prlco. 125.00 ; Hart * mountain canary , n.UO. 121 North 16th , room T. 5i 13 * -FOR SALE. THE 1IHICK TIIAT 18 TAKEN out of tbo County hospital. Inquire of tbo foreman at the hoipltal. M910 Qli NEW PIANO FOR BALE Oil TUADE , CIIEAP. 1810 N.'lith street. M133 11 * MISCELLANEOUS. T > HAVE YOUR OLD CAUPET WOVEN INTO XXbeKutlful rugi. AddroM Omahu Carpet nnd Hug factory , 1521 LoaTonworth ntrecl. MQ04 J 21 * _ WANTED , ilAUNESSMAKlillS TO THY olelteof Iron , best In market ; send 2 cents for tirlca * lint and description. Agent wanted. Amer ican Mfg. Co. , Omnha , Neb , MSCO 10 * : 1-OR KENT. 10 AGUES NEAR SOUTH Omaha for garden. Ilio O. F. Davis Co. , 1105 Furnam st. VJ5 15 T > 11,000 FOR AN OLD COIN. BUND Z5o FOII -Lv catalogue of UOO dates wanted , C. I ) . Thonip son. 312 Karbach blk , Omaha , Nob. mllT.U CLAIRVOYANTS" C illS , NANNEwAuiE OrelUblo business medium , Hftli year at 119 N. liith , 71D S-MUS.Dlt. M.J.KUIlAVtf , PHOPHETES8. DEAU trance clairvoyant and life reader ; tolls your llfo froui cradle to grave ; can be consulted on all nffalrsof Ufa ; liu thu celebrated Egyptian breast plate to unite the laparMad and cause marriage with ona you love. Come one , coma all nnd bo con vinced of her remarkable powers. Otilca nnd rail- ilenco 117 b. llth st.i hours 9a.m. to U p. in , Strict Ufa chart and photo of your future wlfo or bus' hand sent through mall for JS 00 , chart alone tl 00. All inters containing 4 conti In stamps nrnintitlr aniwcrod , MSIMO * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. J-Uuoni if 3d door. MassaKO , alcohol suluhur anO sea baths. M'J48 U' rp-MMB. CAIIBON , 1111 DOUGLAS STltl.KT , 311 J.floor , room 7 , maiiaua , alcohol , sulphur and sea batbs. M'J13 12 * PEBSONAL. --WlBHINa TO MKKT UKNTLKMAN NO ! ovurSO , brunette , darkoyesj must havarospco roralady. Address Miss V , Miller , Boulh Omaha Ml 47 10 * 1 f.-IF ANN JOVCK , WHO IS HUHPO3KI ) TO III U In the state of Wyoming or Nebraska , will lo her brother know her 1' , O. address slio will obllxi him. Hicham Joyce , cure John Connelly , oor. Ittl and KllUon sts.rlt , I'unl.Mlnn. MI54 II * „ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . V o. v. ( II-I.IINIII-CKIIA.NJO : ; TnAciiuu , N.\V 1 cor. 15th aiul llarnaf. Harnor lUoot onlriuco tilt Y-IMUVATKDIIAUMNO r.KSSONH IN l'iNCII. crarou , pastel. Margaret Arnat , 1901 N.VItli trcet. IW1 U * MONEY TO LOAN-BEAL ESTATE " \\r-UONKV TO LOAN AT LOWKbT HATKS > > The O. F. llavU Co. . 1535 Furnant street. 7M \\r-IA3WF.ST IIATK3. FHlLlTY TUUBT COM pany , 17UV farnaiu street. til Lr-ANTIIONY UAN ANDT11UST Co , , 318 N , Y Life , lends at low ratui for choice security or Nebraska or Iowa furim or ouioLa city 7vn r _ \\r-CKNTHAL LOAN & TUUST CO. IIKK III.IXI > . - 72 } A\r-MOHTaAOK LOANS LKSS THAN 7 I'KI 'i cent. Including all charges. Charles W. Hainey Omaha Nat. bank hldv. \\r-JIO.NHY TO IXJAN , LAND TO BULK 11 houiti to rent. G o. W. 1' . Coutei. 1UI4 Varnam \\f-rANrj1 Ylcrit LOANS ON CITY AND FAItl it mortir ges. I'.eeJ ABclby.Jll uoard of Trails . TO LOAN ON IMI'llOVKI ) C1T1 property , lair ral . A , C. k'roit , Douglsi blk. MONEY TO LOAN BEAIi ESTATE. \\r -7 PKH CRNT MONKV N on Omahn cltr property No extra charxesot nny kind. Why pay high ratoO Monr Is cni-aj ) . Yon can net fnll benefit of low rates from Ulobo Loan and Trust Co. . inth and Dodfto. 7 \ \ riMAIIA 8AVINOS HANK MAKK3 LOANS ' < on real potato at lowest market rules. lxi n made In small ot large "urns for uliort or Inns time. .No commix Ion Ucharaotl and the I nans are not sold In the east , but on always t > found at the bank on the corner of llth and Douglas streets. 779 \V-1.0AK30H IMPIIOVKI1 AND tIMMIMlOVKD ' i city prooerly.HCIWanduiiwarilK.Bto 7 i > crccnU No delays. W. Farnnm Smith A Co. . lith and arnoy ir-C. F. HAHHISON. 912 N. Y. 1.1FK. > 731 -\V MONKVTO 1.0AN-I 1IAVB AllOLT 11.003 ' ' to loan Improved Omilm propirrtr , prlTxto fun. . ! ! . In ono or more lonni. Address T IU , Ileo omco. 6ui Wr-MONKYTOt.OANtlN OMAHA ANH COUN- ' ' ell Hinds real o tnla anil NrtirnOin nnd lonn fnrms nt from U to T | icr rout Intcrcit , with no niMl- tloiml clinruo ! for commlsilons or nttorncjs foes. \V , II. McUlo , 1st Nnfl bank blilK , Omulm TU3 T-MONKYTO1.0AN ATIjOWKST ItATKSONIM * proved fintl unimproved real cslnto , ! to & years. mr Trust Co. , 1TW Knrnnm it 701 ir-l'lllVATK MONKY , 1ST AND 21) MOilTHAdH i loans , low ratoj , Alex Moore , Heo bldtt. \\r-WANTBI ) ATO.NCK , IAJANS ON IMlMtOVKll ' ' Omnha prnpcrly : low ratci. .ildolltr Trust louipany. 17UJ Varmm it. 7U3 ir-MONKY TO LOAN , SUMS 1403.00 AND UI * . > Rcorgo I'aul , 1(105 ( Farnam. MOII J27' \r-LOAN3. 0. O. WALLACK , 812 1111OWN ULK > 807 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. r-CALL ATTHK OFF1CK OF ! OMAHA MOIITU AOIC LOAN CO. i IF YOU WANT MONKY. You can borrow on IIOUSKtIOMI KDUNlTUItlC nNl ) PIANOS , HOllSKS.WAOO.NSANUCAUUIAOHS. WAHKHOUaH ! HISOEIl'TH. MKUCIIANU13B OH ANl-OTHKH 8KCUUITY. Wo will IHIU ! you any nmount from JliJUO to fl.ouu ON TUB DAY YOU ASK KOH IT , without publicity or remoTHl of property. You can pay tha money back In any amount ! you with , nnd nt nuy time , and cnch pnymcntso mailo will roiluro the co t of the loan. llemcmber that you Imvo the moot both tha property and the money , nnd pay for It only at lunuas you keep It. There will bo no uxpensj or chnruo kept out of the amount wanted , but you will rccolvo tbo fullnmomit of the loan , Before borronlnK cliowhoro eall nml ice ui and you will llml It erontly to your advantage. OMAHA .MOItTOADK LOAN CO , ; SOUTH lO'lll HTKKITT , first tloor obovo the street. THE OI.DKST. IjAUOIISr AND ONLY 1NCOH- 1'OHATEI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 7.13 x-1 YOU WANT MONKY ? " "Till ! FIDELITY LOAN OUAUANTKE CO. , KOUM4. W1TI1NKLI. 1IIXJCK. 819H SOUTH liTH. COItNKIl HAIINBV ST. WILL \ IXAN \ YOU \ AHT BUM \ LAHQH \ OB \ SMALb\ \ FBOM \ TEN \IOLLAB3\ \ \ UP- WK MAKK LOANS ( ) N FUltNlTUllK. 11OKSKS , UA11UIAOK8 , WAIllSHOUSK UKUKIPl'U OK PlSlt- aONALPKOPKUTY OF ANY KIND. / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /TOO IALLOH Im MUST / roa / OUH TlIlt.MS WILL MI3BT YOUIt APPROVAL. You can pay the money bnclc ut any tlmo nnd In nny nmunnt yon wish , nnd thnn reduce the cost of currying the loan In proportion to amount you pay. IK YOU owe n balance ou your furnlturo or other pcnonal property of nny kind , wo will pay It off for you and carry It ns long us you desire. YOY OAN HAVK YOUIt MONKY IN ONK HOUR KHOUTIIKTIMK YOUM'AKU APPLICATION. No publicity or remoral of property , so that you Eel tbo USB of both money nnd property. 731 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OP 8K- curlty ; strictly confidential A. K. Harris , Vli Karback block. 703 X-MONEY SO. CO. 90 DAYS. CU15AP KATIC8 nnd easy payment * , on furniture , pianos. Ilvo stock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cash on hund , Dutt Crccn , room 8 , llnrbcr block. 73it X-MONP.YLOANID-ON : OIIATTKL. COLL'AT- ornl or other personal proportr , at rcasonablo rates , I to 0 months. Claims bought. W. It. Darls , lloom 'M'J. ' AlcCagua bldg. 5l-,122 : ) -PIllTCHAHD , 51 DOUGLAS BLIC. 1 & DODttU 737. BUSINESS CHANGES. Y IIUiilMibS OPKN1NOS. NO CIIAIIO13 TO buyers. Send stamn'for printed list. Vim 1'nt- len of Omaha. 8U7 J14 * WANTKI1-A JlKSPONStllLK KNEHGKTfO druggist as state agent In Nebraska for Dr. Hut- ton's Family Kmergoncy Medicine Chest and llnnkbook. Wlsconalu , Mlnnoaotn , .North nnd South Dakota nro already sold. Call on Dr. liutton , Pnxton Hotel. 1178.110 * \T-ynaWKbTKIlN llUSINKsS AftCNRY , 3111 N. iY. Llfo , conducts n. gcncrnl builness oxchnngo. List of Rood business chances In all parts of lua country on application , lluslncin positions so cured. " M7M31 -FOII BALK. TWKNTY-FIVK IIUNDIIKD dollar stock hardware , best town In Iowa. Ad dress W. K. Crnuso. Panama , Iowa. MOII 12 * V DUNDKB PLACE DAlllY FOII SALE. K J. first class milk cows , with cans nnd tank ; 5 miles from postoilice , on or near Dodge t. 937 9 * \r-FOH 8ALK , IIKTAIL MKAT MAHKKT ; i lint-class location : caih sales 125-por day. Ad- dreis W 7 , lico. M040 \rcoOO-8TOCK OF QKNEIIAL MEKCHAN- JLdlse In Ilvo county scat town , sales last year M5.000.00 , reason for selling , hare not capital enough to take care of'the itoadlly Increasing bus iness. Will sell for cash only , and 100 cants on the dollar This Is a rare business opportunity. Ad dress W 0 Ileo. 939-I3 * SPLENDID CIIANCIC. COLD STOllAOK , butter and egg bimlncsi nt a most desirable point In Nebraska. See Western Uuilncss Agency , New York Life. 1)57 ) U Y-MKAT MAIIKKT. ONK OFTI1K I1EST OUT- flts , with ostnbllshcd paying business In Council lllutTs. Moderate ciipltnl required. Closest Inves tigation solicited. Western llnslncis Agency , 318 Now York Llfa , Omaha. 1157 9 Y-FOUBALK AT A HAUUAIN.SM M.I , UOLLKIt itearn llourlng mill , In Dallui Center , Dallas county , Iowa. Address Lock lluxClU , DCS .Molnoa , la. .M9il ) ID r WANTED , PAHTNKH POIl A SALOON AND wlno room. Pays cood. Address , W 2U , Heo. 51128II * Y-FOIt SALE , W IIOLKAAIjK FIIUIT , PHODUCH , confectionery nnd eonimlsslDn business , ocly ono In city , Small capital ri-qulrud , Tlmo will bo given with approved Becurltv. licit of reasons for nulling. Hox7'J7 , Fremont , Nob. MI ! 1U * Y'-FOIt 8AL15 , OKNEUALHTOCKOFMEHCHAN- dlno. fctoro building , corn crib , salt shed and nice residence chonpt doln a big business ; nlao postoltlco In connection. Ijood chauco for demo * crnt. Other business needlutf my attention. Henry llarkson , Davuy , Nab. J'.IS'J 10 Y WANTED. YOU.VO MAN TO INVEST riOO 00 or more , llox 4IU , Vllllsoa , Iowa. MICH 10 * FOB EXCHANGE. L AKlY io est winter wheat districts In Kansas to ex change for IU or * ) ncro tract near Oiualm city limits. Will pay cash dllferenco lit property Is good. Address , giving prlco and location , u ' 'U , lloo olllco. 2JS ry-CLKAK OMAHA UKAL K8TATK FOII MD3K. , /iactual valuation. Money to loan. Iloxfiiaoinaha. 7J'J Z-I HAVE VALUA1ILR IMPUOVED AND UN- Imprpvod farm lamls to exchaiuo for South Omaha or Omaha property or for farms within W miles of Omaba. Have ono of the best of stock and liraln farrnr , 1,300 acies , halt In winter wheat and rye , audZ O head of line itock , all clear of oncum- hrnnce , to oxohango for real ustaiq and might pay souiu cash dllTurunco fordeilrabla property. De scribe your property carefully , pries , otc. Addrasi TOI. llea 7u ; 12 * 7-1 OWN 10U FAHMS IN NEIIIIAHKA , KAN8AH * -l * Dakota- Will sell cheap , or exchange for mdie , hones & cattlo. Add. uox7i ) , Fruukfort. Ind. 771 rCLKA.V BTOCICOFliKNUHAL M'D'H'Ki W1LI , /-ituku real citato & uiotiey , llox 7J5 , Frankfort Ind. 775 y-FOll SALK , IMPLEMENT STOCK AT 1MO- t-lfouo. Address T , J , Honors , Imuvono , la. 874 P3 * Z-LOT ON PAVED BTIltibT , LIUUT KNCUM- boranoe and cash , to trade for other property : will assume. Zlttle , llrown blk. J19J7 V-FOll BALE Oil K.XCIIANQK FOII CITY PUOP AJerty or landi , tboroaithbred trotting and run nlng horses , all prime. Urst-cUn strains. Far par- tlculart addruis Poll Kana , CJ lwoln. la. MD78 IU Z-BTOCK OF CLOTIIIMJ TO K.XCHANOE FOII modern liouia luOmaUs. Alex Moore , 101 lle < bldg , MI07 U _ Z -HANDSOME FUBH1I HALF J HUSKY COtV ( ial. per day : \VouldtakOKrocerlcs 01 dry goods In exchange , (08 boutb 4Ulh itrcot , be tvroou Uarcy and Mason. ill Wil * Z-WILLTHAI ) CLKAIl 'l.Ots A Cole , , for clear Nebraska land or uood equltlns Addreti B. J. lllchurds , Uox 1908 , Denvtr , Colo. MtW n > * _ FOB SALE BEALi ESTATE _ _ ' FOII BALE-W-iToOM HOTKL.'HOUTU OUAIIA near U. * M. track , lldjxxii BlxISUfeet In Flrsl ward , Omaha , nuar U. A U. track , I'icellcnt ware bouio or tenement property , 118,000 ; 87 acres Ii Douglat county , aloDfllltlu Papllllon , 3K mile from Ottiuba , 1310 per acre. U. U , llaT n,87 Ilarko block or South Omaba. UVU 1U * TOR fVinffriiirt ) , von SALK on TitAiiK. iimiti IIOTS IN MT t I'leatant addition within 3tiqr | > of motor lino. Will take Rood upright piano lit will sell equity Inlets lots very cheap. Address at on MS I , Itca office. VOIl 8AI.K-OVK11 1.030 FINftfjOWA AND NhT 1 bra ka farmn , many eicMlt-ril bargains , land raplnly advancing , (10 W to fiVtW tier acrn now. Call for paitlculars. Uoggs A Hlll.'ltuJ ' tarnam st. ' i 898 Ft 1 . j ! IJKALKftTATP. , " 'I < J-V Hnrgaln only. My word Is good. ' " " " " W. ( I. Albrkht , i > f 52I-2-.1 New York Life. 7O 1JOH PALE. HAHDEN LAND , TEN ACIIKS OK L tha finest In Donglas county7 ; > inl1es from P. O. , easy drive : will sell cheap. W II Heo olllco.MW3 MW3 10 * 1JOII SALK 100 ACIIIM C1.OSH TO OMAHA 1. Just outiMo city limits. Tlio llnc-t tract of land around tbo city , right In the way of tlio future growth of Omnhn and S-oiith Omaha , 1 tin bin Improvement * being tusdo hy the F.nst Omalm llrlilcoand llallroad Co. , ami the location Of thp Plnttn lltvcr Canal Co > great water ponor west nf the city , will tend to make this tract ol land very valuable. Can offer at fiuO per acre , and lake part purchase price In Chicago residence or apartment hotiso property , or Rood Nehra Vrt wild land. Address Henrce. N. Illcks , lle.il pstate and Invest mcnt Agent , room Suj Now York 1.1 to building , Omaha , Neb. MI5I 15 LOST. T OST A A PAW OF SPKCTACLK3. PLKA9H J lcavo nt Ileo counting room. 5H Ct2500 ItF.WAHD WILL 1IK PA1DTOANYONK < 5)who ) cnn provo who stolooow from Thos. ( lilies pie. South Omnhn. 113 lb DRESSMAKING. fJUDniNOTON AOADKMY : OPKN3 MONDAY. .1 'Jan. fl ! where Indies arn taught the art of drcis- making , basting and finishing. Ladles can work on their own droisoi whlla learning. HoomMI. Drown blk. , corner Douglas and luh. MUW K' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OMAHA COI.l.KOK OK SHORTHAND AND TYPE writing. A , C. Ong , A , M. , prln , Herd's theater. M120fl * SM DEN ORE TYPEWRITERS The Best in the World. MAQEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Fnrimm St. , - Omnha , Neb "Improvement the Order of the Age. " A Trial of the Smith Premier Wil Cost You Nothing but will doMonstrnto nil wfi 'clnlm. Wo wllL plnco tbo Smith Premier licSldo nny wrltlni ; iniiohlno on the murkot ; It ( vlll ajiuak for It self. " Itsdurnblllty cnn no lonior.oo quoitlonod Write or cull on us for cutntbguo , tortus , otc , Cor , Mil and Farnam Si ( Omaha , Neb * iX Tplnplinno E. IF. MAY11KW , J NESS CURED BendlO cents for 1OO pnKO "Eloctro.Modl- leal Theory and Practice. ' ' o v B. B. BLISS , lown Falla , lovvn. RR1LWRY TIME ORRD Loaves I CHICAGO UIJIlLINdTO.V A U Arrives Omaha I Depot IQtli nnd Mason 8t , Ouiaha Leaves IliUllLlNuro.S , t .MD. iUVtSit , Omaha Depot 10th aid Minon Sti. Omaha doing CHICAGO. U. I. & PACIFIC From East. Union Depot IQtli A Mfucy Sta. East. roillOAliO , II. I7JC PACIFIO. . Ironi West. I Union Depot 10th nnd Marcy Sta. I West. 1.20pm | Denver Limited j 4 .W p iu 8.M o ml..Kansas City ( Except Sunday ) . . | 7.U.'i p m leaves UNIO.iTl'AOd'rc. f Arrives Omahit I Union Dupnt 10th and Marcy 8ts. | Omaha. 1J > ' > n m .Ileatrlca Express. tail p m V.0 a m , . .Denver Expruis , . 4 05 p m 2.15 p in . .Overland Flyer. 7.0J pm 4.15 p 111 lllua sn't-'s & ntrmsbi Exox ( Sun ) 12..IO pm . p 111 Paclllo Kxpro.18 II(0 ) mil CSI ) pm Douvor Fatt Mai I. . . . . . 4.20 p in Laavul [ CJTiOAOO , .MIL. .V ST. PUL. . lArrlvi ) ( Jmahn U. P. ilopot and Mnrcy Ma. | Omaha 7.0.1 pinl . Chicago Express | ' .i.U n m I. I'D mn | . Chicago Exprms | 55'J ' p m Leaves I HluUX U1TV A PACIF10 lArrlvoi Omahal Depot , 10th and Marcy tits. \ Omaha 't.ttl ami . Sioux city Passenger . 110.20 p m 635 pm | . at , Paul Express . 110,00 a m l < cavcn I S1O1J.XC1TY&-PACIFIO. { Arrives Omahal Dopot. 15th ana Webster tits. Omaha T5.45 p ml at. I'nul Llmlled I tf.'jj a m Leaves" ! OMAHAFhT. LOUIrt. ( Arrives OinahuU. | 1' . Depot , 10th and Marcy Bts.l Urnaha TK ( ) p ml Mt. Louis Cannon Hall | I'J : ) pin lave I OMAHA A STM.dDlh. lArrlvoi Transterl Union Depot. Council lllugg. iTranstor 4.4j pm | M. Louis I'anbll ' 'tmll ' . . . . * * < ! - Leavui CHICAGO , It. 1. A. I'AUIFIU. Arrives Transfer Union Depot , Council llliig . Transfer C.U p m T Nliht Kxprt < s > B.yit a m 102U in AtluotlaKiprvsi 5.55 | i m 156 p ui 11 0 pm Lcv s K. C. . 8T. JOK A U. II. Arrlrdi Transfer Union Ilopot. Council lllulT * . Tranifa fO ( X ) a m , , .KansaiCllx liar Kxpress. , 5.25 pm 10.15 p m , . Kansas Clljr Nlcht ICxpruss , . , 0.20 a m 10.15 p m Q.20 a ui IL'IIIOAUO , IIUHI.'N & gUINUV.l Arrlvvi Union llupol.Couni.il llluHi. ( Transfer 1005 am Cblruiio Express , I 5.40 p m 1U.I5 p m , ChlcaKO Kzpresi. . . I ! I25 u in 7.05 p m Crestun Local 110(0 a ai Leavei I 8IOUXC1TY i 1'ACIFIC. lArrlrus Transfer ! Union l ) put. Council Illulls. ITrauifur 7.45 u m | . .blour Cltr Accommodation.110 Ou piu IW Bt 1'aul Kiprt'ss I D.IO a m leaves ICHICAUO A. NOUTH WKSTKIIN Arrives yrttnsferl Union depot. Council IlluHt Trajsfei . . , . , . . .Chicago Kxpres * , . 640 pru 4.5Q u m Ycstlbulo Uuilted 9.00 am 7.30 p m Kastorn Flyer 1JU p u 7.50 m ( Ux Bun ) Atlautlo Mall ( Kx Mon ) 8.15 nm 7.45 a u ( x Suu ) Carroll I'm * . ( * * Sue 'J.'M pm BOSTON FIREMAN SAVED Rescued on th&Shadowy Shore of Spirit Land , His Frlonds Summoned to Hlo Dy ing Boclsldo All Mope Abnn * cloned The Doctors Said Ho Could not Possibly Llvo Then Klcknpoo Indian Sngwn Cured Croatoot Triumph on Rooord. ( From tlic Boston niobc. ) The Btrong nnd posltlvo nsrrtlotu ot tha grent curntlvo vMtio ot Klckapoo Indian Sngwa nro easily susccptlbl pf uroof. Wonderful euros right hero In Ncvr llMKlam-which ! .hava boon wrought by tills fniuoun medlclnn ot the Hcit SIcn Sngwn nttcst to Its value. The following testimonial lg tlio nn ollc- lied Indorse- in o n t nnd grtitcftd trib ute ot an olA ions c. iiAnnixafoy , Boston nro. man , Mr. John C. Harrington , nowllvtntc In Brockton , Mass. Under tltito of Oct. 27,1892 , ho writes : "A year ngo last Christmas Iras tnkcn ilck with the grip. A complication of troub. les followed vrblch developed Dropsy In Its worst form , nml for months 1 was obllKcd to Itlu a ctnilr , Any ami night , never once lying down In bod. During that loiui period I had the best medical skill obtainable , and iovcn doctors attended mo i\t different times hut they could do nothing for mo. 1.wai . tappttt ttiirttcn tmti ami they took/famine in all renfl/ / eight gallant aftcater. Thophyslclnno told my wlfo that mlnowas ahopolosscaoo. andtold my family to prepare for the worst. My frlonds nnd relatives wore noti fied of my condition , that they might take a lastfnrowoll. Amoni ? my frlcmls was ono who urprcd mate to try KrchnnooliiiHnuSiiijwn. 1 did so and noon niter I bcitnn taking It tbi-ro was a matked change tar the better ; the blont cotn- incncud tolenve my boweli nnd tlio swrlUna ot my limbs decreased qulto rapidly , nnd in less tliiinn month 1 was bnclc to my normal sire. 1 have been gaining health nnd strength over since. TODAYIANIAWELLMANTHANKS TO KICKAPOO INDIAN 8ACWA. I think It Is the best medicine In cilst once , nnd nil ot my trlenda think my euro nothing less tlian n miracle. . , , . I will Bladly answer anybody ( .coklnpc In for- matlon about this great mcdlclBO. J. C. lUn- lSOTOS , K Court av. , llrookton , Slasi. " Klcknpoo Indian Bagwa Is the urandest remedy of the universe. The simplicity of It * grandeur is the strong est tie that binds it to tbo coufldonco ot tha people. It is nature's remedy ! Katuro provides n euro for every dlsoaso ot every living creature. Man in his -wisdom cnn best understand those remedies , nnd tbo Indians who have been obliged to depend upon nature alont for their curative helps , best understand nature's remedies. Tlint is-why Klckapoo Indian Sngwa is the sttfest , tbo leit and tlio turett Liver , Stomach nnd Hlood Renovator the best remedy for all seasons tlio world has over linown. Klckapoo Indian Sogwamadeiy tin Jiidiaroniroo jtari5 aiiefiierti < V their own cathcringand curiny , UobtainaMecSanyilruitglii done dollar per bottle ; fix lottlei for Jive dollart. - No. . , 'Failures No Mistakes Are made by those suirerlnu and houelesi vlc-tlnis of Nfervous. Chronic or Private Diseases , Who place themselves under the able , cXDOrl- ( need. Hclontlflc iintl skillful truiitni < ; nt ol lunerlen'a most Kitted und succcusful hi > o- lists , Neither are there nny failures or mistake' In the npuruvoil modern nuithods ot tltosc nuistursof nieUlcIne. They sttunl tinuiiuulcil In tliolr ohosoii ciililii'nnil their bucccssosnrc ninongtlio marvelous phenornonu nf tliu nee They huvo roachcd the highest plnimolo ol fume In the treatment , nnd euro of all dUoascsol a prlviito , dulicato nr soxuul nutiiro , thuy stand unrlvulcd , iind-'Tyoat-Jof tinlnturrnptcd succusa places thorn fivr nbovo nil olliursoven these vrho uro striving for the top round In the ladder of fame us nblu und successful specialists. If .you are aflllclod It Isyoiirdiuj toseo tlioso slflod piysloluns wltliout delay Send i cent * to pnr postage , nnd receive free a copy ot tholr valuublo now boolc of 120 p&gea. CONSULTATION Gall upon , or addre > 3 with stamp. 119 South 141b St. Cor. . , . Douglas SI : , OMAHA. NEI3. PATENT BUREAU. SUES & . CO..Solicitors , Boo Building , Omaha , Nol 4yoars ICxamlncrs U. S. I'at Office. Advice ( re PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! DR.R.W , BA1LE1 Teeth Filled With out Pain by tha Latust Invert * tlon. Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Full Set of Teeth oo llulilier for $5.03. $ Perfect fit ( tuarantccul. Teelli ertractml lo th mornlnic. Ncir uuo Insarted la ttia uroulaj of > iai Oar. Oar.bee bee spaolineu * of Ilpmoralila llrlus tee specimens of Flexible Blastlu I'l.itJ. All work warranted n > royretonte'l. Office Third FloorPaxton Blook , Telephone 19ii , I61U and r'arnun St * . Take elCTalor or l lrn 7 ( roia llitU dl. eautaoi. VITALIZING iATENF WEALTH Trans forming Idaho's Arid Acres Into Fertile - tile Fields by Moans of Irrigation. A MAMMOTH DITCH SCHEME IS REVIVED l.mnlon ( ! n.rn < on Monlnnn ( Icini Another Tin Hlrlko In thn lllnck lltlM-IUii- oiitu In tlio Snltou Desert- i < m. The mnmmoth New York Irrigating ditch lirojccteil In the vicinity ot Holso City , Idaho , will , when completed , bo the most oxtcnslvo slnglo system in the United States. The mala ditch will bo suvonty miles IOHR , with uumcri > u.s laterals , and will irrigate 800,000 acres oflaud. Already f-V > na)0 ) has boon p.xiomlcd | upita It , and the total cost Is expected to reach $1,100,000. The ditch was commcucod two years npo , LWO men being employed. After a milo or two of the ditch hud been excavated Uarvc'y , the Kiiglish capitalist , who was at the head of the company , was hilled In a railroad ac cident and the affairs of the concern were thrown Into chto : * . The company has now been ro organized and the completion of the ditch Is assured. At certain seasons of the year the Holso river will bo Inaufllclout to 1111 it and tremendous storage reservoirs will have to bo constructed. Resumption of the work menus lively times In liolso and south- era Idaho. Montana ( lain * In London. The Saturday Review of London reports that Mr. Kdwln Stroetcr Is now showing in the world's metropolis "a collection of sap phires from the Montana mines. These stones , which have attracted a good deal of attention lately , are to bo seen In all tholr stages , from the rough pcbblo to the tin- ished Jewel , In various sl/cs and In mixny beautiful colors palo straw , blue , green , violet nnd the red variety , moro commonly known as the ruby. The place where they are found U said to bo an ancient river bed ; and not only are stones of considerable slzo found there , but the entire soil Is a line dust composed of tiny gems , which of course are only lit to bo ground up for cutting and polishing purposes. A curious point about the sapphires from this district is that they are all marked on Iwth sides with a clearly detlned equilateral triauglo. Simply as a curiosity is shown what is said to bo the largest black diamond yet discovered. Ills not particularly beautiful , resembling a lump of black lead more than anything else , but its hardness is very great. To polish It a year's work has becn.sacrillced , and In re ducing it from IG'.lSj carats in tbo rough to a brilliant of 00 carats , 150 carats of hurt ( impure - pure diamond ) have been used. A sister stone of 100 carats has also just reached Mr. Strccter. " Itlrh Tin Strike- . The Harnoy Peak Tin company has opened the richest tin miiio in the world in one of its locations on Tenderfoot gulch. The company has driven a tunnel in 1,100 feet when a nine- foot vein of rich ore was struck 000 feet from the surface. On Friday last a car load of ore from this vein was sent to the mill. The ore on an average assays -10 percent metallic tin. Robert Flormaun , who was at Hill City on Friday last , stated to a repot tor of the Sin Miner that he never saw such rich ore in his life and that the question of tin existing in the Black Hills in paying quantities is for ever settled. Mu. Flormann is of the opinion that with the plscing of American tin upon the nvirkcts the dem.tnd for lilauk Hills mining property will bo great and that inonicu men once convinced of the fact , the futiiraof the country is assured. The discovery of , this rich vein of tin ore is tha best news the southern Hills 1ms had fpr many n day and is of such a character and imiRiiltudo that it at once sets at rest the question of tin being produced in paying quantities. .Mining Depression In Utull. In an interview in Chicago Mr. S.V. . Eecles , assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific , is quoted as follows re garding the depression in the lead and mining interests of Utah : "Mines have shut down which have never before failed to pay dividends. This is not caused by lack of ore , for some of the mines which ceased operations have prcatquanti ties of mineral in sight. It is duo to leg islation hostile to the welfare of lead and silver producers. A few day ago the great silver mine Ontario , which lias paid $15- OOO.OM in dividends , shut down. ' The whole trouble is duo to the depre ciated prices of silver and lead. And of course legislation brought the prices down. "We have , 1 believe , the greatest undnvoi- opcd milling region in tbo world. All wo need is capital. At thosecoml session of this congress a powerful effort will bo made to have Utah admitted as a state , and if the senate is democratic we expect to busuccess ful , for Utah is strongly democratic. " Overrun with Wolves , The region of Wyoming1 , extending from Sherman to Sybille and from Ilorso Croe.lt to I..ammiu , is overrun with big wolves. Mr , George Shaman , ii rancher nt Sybille , reports - ports that they will run down n mare welsh ing ltOSO pounds Insldo of hulf n mile , jvir , SliMiiton roped ono wolf that would weigli I BO pounds , and thaws are at least liftccn ot twenty of them within a radius of forty miles. They run in bunches of four or live and are terrorising the ranges. Four large -1-year-old marcs have been killed by these brutes near Shanton's r.inrli head of 2 and . ' - and twenty 1-year-old i-attlc have been destroyed near the head of Poll crock and the Chug. The bounty on wolves is but $2.50 and on coyotes * 1.UT a head , he that the only way to gut rid of the penis I.- for the cattlemen to get out and hunt then down. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IrrlRiitlncr the Drsrrt. The Salton desert of California was over flowed about a year ago. The water cairn from the Colorado river. When It disa'p pea red it left a covering of silt on the provl ously barren scene , where shifllugsandH hat been the rule as truly ns In the great wasti of the Sahar.v Scarcely had the water dn parted when this slime bcnimo the fotimla lion soil for what soon developed into an tin mouse mass of verdure. Literally tlio dcscr blossomed us the rose , and if the slimy de posit was so thin that It was eventual ) ; broken up and mixed with the sand , the fae Is suftlclont to Indicate that perpetual fer lilily may ho guaranteed for lands irrigate ! by the muddy waters of the Colorado , J If Your Cistern Is Out of Order or Soft Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment- go right ahead and use hard water witt WHITE RUSSIAN and you'll never know the difference The clothes will be just as white clean and sweet-smelling , because ih "White Russian" is specially adapto for use in hard water. JA5 , S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Diuky Diamond TarSoap."eti "u'rs J1 u comtwny hsw been nrR.inlroil to build an ex tenslvo Irrigation sj * > tcin IInpintlii | | ; til III"Vr t , Tlio .1 umbo coal nituo at CambriaV.vo. . , h burning Hoiwly "Patronize homo Industries" la tlio slogan lit S.tlt I iko City. A ootnp.uiy lin i been orftnnlrpil to Roiuvh Mtaotiln river. Montatm , for tirei'loiia stoiiM. While hunting for ( llnmomls ) n Idaho prospectors struck tluor < i.stUl : to bo of hlih grade. Tho. Goldsmith mlno \Vnlkprvlltp , Mont , wn < t sold to MlnncniKills tuul Mlhv.uiUeo parties for $100,000. The semi-monthly cleanup of the Homo * staUo nnil ussoolnto mines In the Blade HHla nntountoil to $200,000. Right tons of ore from tlio Horn Silver nilnu at Trout crook , U. T. , assayed IM ounces of silver ami 10 percent lead. A potrllled man was duff un In Salt tj-tUo City and tlio Under declined $ .VH ) for the prl/e. I'rctty stiff price. , Just the samii. A now strike. In the J. C. mlnn nt Hlmj- ham , U. T , assayed thlrty-llvo ounces of silver to the ton. together with O'J ivr cent lead. lead.Tho The praetloo of thawing stlrksof dynainlto and Riant iwwder on hot atones U r.tpldly thlnniiij ? the ranks of anuleur minors In tlio west. Hlack Itlllera are mistaken in clnimln ? the Only nickel mine In tlio United States. Done- las county , Oregon , Is a steady producer of nickel. A Denver syndicate Is negotiating for n largo ranch near i/ ndcrVyo. . It IR a llttlo patch of : WXX ( ) acres on which 10.0JO ho.ut ot stock gr.trus. A crcat shinjrlo district , Whnteom county , AVasniugton , lias forty-oiio shlnglo mills , which turned out last year 1,1K ! < , > . ' 00XU , ( shingles. It renulivd UO.&iO.OiX ) feet of logs. The shingles In price averaged $1.73 per 1,000. The Htllsldo Liiul ! and Cattle company on Polo creek , Wyoming , has been sold to Faster Kr.iukl.vu ot Chicago for $400,000. It Includes : UIHX ) ) acres of railroad land and lnoo acres of patented land , a line herd of pedigreed cattle and -100 head of horses. Ueports received In C'heyenuo from twenty- one largo lu'nls of eattlo show that the win ter 1ms been a f.ivorablo ono for stock hi all parts of the state. linage cattle every where ntv reported as in good condition. There are moro cattle being fed this winter than in the past mill there will bo less loss than iu former years. The Cliff mine , on Florida mountain , near Silver City , Idaho , Is turning out to boa very valuable property. Three hundred feet of tunnel 1m vo been run , and recent assays show $803 per ton In gold and silver. Tlio streak is from seven to twelve Inches In width , and several tons are now out and will soon bo milled. o HiMvIl HiTiimc Popular. When people llml an artlelo much superior to anything of the kind they have over before - fore used , they are almost sure to toll tholr friends about It , and especially if they know of some friends needing such an article. Dealers also soon'learn the trim vuluo of their goods , and when they have an artlelo of unusu.il merit they will almost Invariably mention the fact to their customers. Till * accounts in a great measure for the largo sale on Chamberlain's Cough Uemedy. Hero is an instance W. U Noedlmm , : x prominent citizen and business man of Orrsburg , Mo. , has been selling Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for several years and recommends it to his customers , because in his experience it has proven to be the best fur colds , croup and whooping cough. He says it is the most popular medicine that , ho handles , and ivcs the best , satisfaction. 50 cent bottK-s for sale by druggists. i\sr OK SOUTH Via the Wiili.i li Koiito. The short line to St. Louis ixiul quick est ronto south. Only I7 ! hours to Hot Springs. Only 119 hours to Now Orleans. Only 38j hour.to Atlanta , Only 52 hours to .Ihoksonvlllo. With corrobpomlinff fust tiino to all points onst mid south. Hound trip tickets to Flot Siiriiigs , Now Orleans , Lttko Charles , Gulvoston , Sin : Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sun Fran- ciseo , MobiloJacksonville , Tampa , Ha vana , and all the winter resorts ot the fcoulh anil west , iieelining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo tiud Detroit. Pullman bullet bleeping cars on all trains. Qatrpugro cheeked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping car iiccoinmodatlonB and further information call at Wubjtsh tiekot olllco , 1502 Korimm street , or write , G. N. Cr.AYTO.v , Agent , Omuhu. A.\\ uxvi.iiK\rx. A rare treat Is in store for thosq who can enjoy a hearty laugh , and theater goers In general next Thursday evening at Uoyd's new theatre. Charles 11. I loyt will present "A Trip to Chinatown. " The piece comes hero with many of the original cast , notably Oeorgo A. Beano , Jr. , who created the part of the lively old party. Ren ( Jay ; Harry Ollfoil , the clever whistling waiter and the fellow of many imitations ; Bert lltivorly whoso Banana Song In the "City Directory" : md other farces will no doubt bo ronium- bored , will b j scon as Welland Strong ; Miss l.uuru BIggar , one of tu'statiicMiio ! | bounties who appeared as All Baba during its Chicago cage run , will appear us Widow ( jtiyur , and 1'atrlce , a charming boubretlo , will bo seen as Flirt. Mr. J. . ! . Sbowles , advance representative of Joseph Murphy , is iu the city. Mr. Mur phy COIIIPS to Boyd's theatre for four nights commencing Sunday evening noxt. On Sim- day and Monday he will appear in the good Irish drama "Thd ICtrry < Jow"amTon ; Tues day and Wednesday evenings In the "Shaim Hhue. " "A Mad Bargain , " with Its brilliant people and laughable ( situations , will bo given if limit performance at Boyd's theater tonight. The plcco Is proving one ot the best drawing atlrai'tlons tiiat has been In the Boyd thli beacon , and Mr. Powers , and Mr. Daily are proving theuihclvoH to bo western favorites as well vs eastern ones. An honest pill is the nobloit work of the apothecary. DuWitt'a Llttlo liirly Klser-s cure constipation , biliousness mid sick head- ucho. _ Ti'ii liny * ' rlosiMirn For very little moiioy Iwsldoa a per sonal knowledge of that fjinurkablo Btate Texas. A snouiul party of busi ness man from Oimllia and violnlty to GalvuBtnn and other points in 'J'oxns and return , will leave Omaha Sunday evening January 15 18 ! ) ! ! . Don't mind this opportunity. TicuotH for the trip can only bo obtained from F. K. Wil- llama , room f2 First National flunk Huilding , who will furnish full inrs upon application. run IIK.LI.TV Mincur. . INSTUIJMUNTd pUtiiiiil on rccnril Jamiury U. WAHI1AVTV IIKBIN. U \V Clbson und ulfe lo M II Irvin , lot 'JO , lllfM'k l-l.l'llllilll'kbllblllf . ( > 00 C K llrtlt'iMiiHuvlil lli-lli-r. luu 1 unit 2. lilix'l- ! , rotltT.VCoIili'H'Jil mill In Hontli Omiilin . , 20,000 Oinulia IIi'iil I'hlulo and TiiiHl riiiu- ijaiiy ID William Auiolil , luih 111 und , an. lilitck 'J. Siinmlurs & ll'.s mill to wiiinut inn . u.ooo I' I'Snilih . mlYlfi - to Mary HIICIICIT , mill ' .lot 7 , block 7 , KhnlPii id. ! . . ( ' 1' riihsiindvlfi ! in It ] : Van Ihiwii , ii V lull , 11 und IU , block VM.foillh Oumlia . . . MOO \Vllllnm nilli > rf.KTlul | nisisli'rt lo 0 U Ilnhlmaii , lots 4 , ! > , u to 14 , liumitiK- Klll'h hill ) . . . . . . . . ' . . , . Sumo loHiiniH. loU ) , U and 3iatiu . . K II Hcolt ( Npitulul niiir.lur ) to i : K Holmes , lot II , block VM , CurtbUKu Kumu lo I'luncor Havings and I.OIIM roinuunyi lot ill , block 'i. I'uttuih < m' Bub. . . , . . . . . . 310 0 T J/lndloy { 8f | ul maslcrl lo hraxKa HiivliittB und r.vrluinci ! bunk , lolx o und 7 , block o. lot 1H. blue ) : 0. lots 3,4.14 und 16' , block H. lo | 1 , U mill 12 , block 1U. lots r > and 'JO. Llock : : ) , lou b and U , block 10 , lot 1C , block in. Omaha 1,801 Srinn ! tn Iloiii'ilnvritii'i'iit company , lots 0 and'22 , block 10 , ! < > ! * la nnd 14 , block U , lou 4iindO , block IB. RAIIIO 720 Total atuouut of trau ( cr I39,9i9