IHK OMAHA DAILY ME : SV STOAT. JASVAHY 8 , 18P8-S1XTKKN PAOES , v Don't miss this great This is no advertising scheme. Sale Monday , We are going to quit , Stock No fake sale. will be sold in any shape T Positively going out of busi in order to close it out quick ness. Fixtures for sale. for cash , One Quarter Million Dollars worth of Dry Goods , Carpets , Curtains , Cloaks and House Furnishings , to be closed out within 6O days , at 'cost , half cost , any price to sell the stuff quick. This will be the greatest sale of fine goods ever known in the west. Absolutely every dollar's worth of goods must be sold at once , as we are positively going out of business in Omaha , BE ON HAND EARLY MONDAY AND SECURE SOME OF THE BARGAINS. All new this season , will be closed out at cost , some at half In black and colors , cost. Now is the time to buy a fine garment at less than you usually pay for trash. 'It is a well known fact that we carry the largest and finest cloak stock in the west , and 1 Cent a Spool. it will certainly pay you to buy your cloak now and lay it COATS' SPOOL COTTON , carefully away until next season. All of our fine beaver 4 Cents a Spool. shawls go same as the cloaks. We do not want them and must get them into money soon as possible. Remember these are bargains you strike only once in a life time. 100 pieces of fine SILK VELVETS In colors , at Just half price. YASfcD. 300 yards ONL BROCADE SILKS 15e In evening shades. YARD. Choice of our entire stock of fio-yred CHINA4"SILKS . YARD. Colored gros grain SILKS , Formerly sold at $1.00 and $1.25 , now , And every yard warranted. YARD , IJDTLTED SATINS All nice new shades , At half price YARD. CHOICE' : 50 pieces . SURAH of SILKS yd.35c Formerly sold for 50c to 69c yd. , WOOL ASTRACHANS NOW In colors , only , 75C Worth $1.50 a yard. " YARD. MARSEILLES BED oo SPREADS , fil 1 Cnso of fliio . Marseilles Boil Spreads . extra largo size worth 8S2.OU--at just half price. 20 pieces of LACE SCRIM , OgC Only . A YARD. 200 Children's WINTER SKIRTS 150 dozen Dr , Warner's celebrated Coraline Corsets , ' inwhite and drab , E LTI ( < c < 5J5 aF > pair ; retails everywhere atl. 100 dozen fine French Wovfen Corsets , 0 in white and drab only , pair ; not half cost. Madam Foy's ' Well Known Corsets , OHKG9 E99T Only - K cOCJ pair ; worth $1.50. Our entire stock of fine imported Corsets of every description goes at COST AJYD MALJ ? COST. 150 DOZEN Silk flpron Silk5c 5c /JOyfli'.V. Ginghams 400 DOZEN Siik Arraseie 8c 100 DOZEN Silk ZEPHYR SCOTCH 15c LARGE LOT ROPE I -ANll- SKEIN EMBROIDERY WASH SILKS , AU GO AT . A SKIiltf. 1000 pairs of G Kid Gloves GPAIR. slightly soiled , PAIR. 15 dozen Gents' G Cloves PAIR Lonsdale and SO Fruit of the Loom MUSLIN 4 YARD Fancy Stripe Sateen G Bed Ticking , YARD French Opera Flannels All wool scarlet , . All Wool Check Any Man's Collar in the Store , . A HOI I AR. Worth $ t.oo. YACH. . . . Including our ! ply Lii'on Collars aud Cuffs nt lOo a EVERYTHHING IN NOTIONS ' SPOOL Choice of Any Man's Sox in the Store BROOKS' 1c EVERYTHING IN LACES . . At lOc. 15c and 20c , a pa.ir A COTTON Bed Comforts and Blankets - . EVERYTHING IN FANCY GOODS. . A SPOOL. Knliro atouk at cost and half cost. They must go with tlio real EVERYTHING IN HOSIERY Remember 60 Out of town patrons will only days EVERYTHING IN UNDERWEAR and bargains every day. make money by attending Everything in Gloves - Everything in Yarns Borrow money from your this sale. Lots of friends if and buy snaps EVERYTHING - IN - SILKS - AND - DRESS - GOODS necessary \ \ COST. goods for future use. Perhaps . here for country mer- haps never again will you chants. ENNISON , see such bargains