1'J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAJV JANUARY 8 , 1893-S1XTEEN PAGES. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. ivTKnTiREMr.NTH KOH TIIKS COUSINS will he t n until 17.Mp. tn. for Iho Tenlnu and until t iflr. m for tn morning or Sunday cdl- No ndTortl ( 3 ! nt Ifjkon for IMS than 2 $ etnU for tL ( first Inmllnn. . . . . All fHlTeittieincnH In ttione rolnmnt Iticnnlin word for the first Imivtlo ; : mul I cent.- * word for eatJi tubtcnucnl Iniertlon , cr Jl-'O per line per ttionlh. 'lerm * . cnuli In mlvaneo. Initials , lldircs , jmlioli , etc. tach count n a word. Advertise , jicnlt must run ron ettitl cly. Advertiser * , by to- < qnniln numtered cheek. CAn have the Idlers diliotHilto n numbered Idler In rare of TUB IICK. Ansners ni nddrn . frt will bo delivered on the prttcbintlon of Hie chpck. SITUATIONS WANTED. - , SITUATION 11V VOtlSO OIllL Just from Hwedcn tn On secon * work or ircnoral housework In n mnall family' olijoct n itood liomo more than Ktige . Address box l7. South Omaha. 9M 8 * I MAN AND WIFE. WITH ! l YKAH OLD ( Jill Ml. Jnnnt position on fsrm Addrois , with snlary , tlf , ti. Clh M. . Council llluffs. M3H 8 * A YtlUNO r.MJLISHWOMAN WITH A baby wants place where she can work for board \f' Apply to llev. C. W. PavldRO , cor. I.eavcnworth and \ > tatli avenue. ? ' ' H-AllTIKS III'SIIIINH ANYONE WAICHKD. Addretn W U. lleo ollice. Mi 'J t , - DIU.'H ( M.KI1K WANTS POSITION. AllE 51. Pi'von yrnrstown and country cxporletico. llec- litcrrd. Al references. Address. J. W. Mnnn , Chadron , Neb. .MIQ.I 9 * - LADY "oVlEANIST Tv 1:1.11 : LIKC TO PLAY for ( hnrcliervlce. . Address W 1(1 ( lice , lia.li * WANTKI WoftTr IIY COLLKliB IIOV , evenings mul yntmdaji ; coed tefcrences ; no fnncy unlnry. Aililrcua , W l . life. 111 ! b * -WANTED. SITUATION IIY YOIIM ) MAN , cipcilenccd ntpnoKiaphernnd typewriter. Ait- dlons L. i' . H. , : W > N. Y. Llfo HldK. .MI2I-I1 V/ANTED MALE HELP. T > -SALAHYOIl CO.MMIHSION TO AflKNT TO JJliandlo the Patent Chi-inlcnl Ink Kranlng Pencil. The mo > t useful nnd novellnxentlnn of thn ago. Kraii'slnkthnroughly In two second * . Works like mn lc , 710 to fill per cent profit. Agents making tSOperwi'ck. We al o want a general agent to take charge of territory ami apr | < lnti > ub agents. A rnro chance to make money. Write for toimsnnd n sam ple of I'mslng. Munioe Hinting Mfg. Co. . Y 8H. La t'fossi' . WIs. TO1 _ 1AOI3NT.S WANTI5I ) , PIIUDIINTI.M. TlKI ! iilns. l'n , , good pay. Apply room SO. Fronier block , oppo P.O. MJTO JIO' 1WI3 PAY SAI.AHY WIIKKLV TO OOOI ) J'ngents. Hxporlonco unnecessary. Apply SHIL-T ollice. M5I2.IVO 1 > WANTKII , A FKW HIILIAIILH ffOLlClTOHS JJIn Nebraska for Iho Union Central 1.1 To Insur ance company of lnclmmlt. tlood territory and liberal contracts to the rljiht men. Address .1. M. I'dndston , State Atfnt , rooms 43 , 4ti nnd 47 llurr blk. Lincoln , Neb , -M.'it'J ' J.TO 11-LUMHKIl "riALKSMAV WASTKIt TO SKliIi J 'red cedar fhltiKlrv on the sldo. ( iood conimls- tlon paid per car. Must bu a well posted man on the road that has n good trido. : Addre n A. II. , rare of the Puce ) Sound Lumberman , Tnconm , M7I'JM ' * Wash. _ R-aOOMM.N KOH AHKANSA9 , TKNNKSSMK AND J'Louisiana , on govemmnit work. Krnmur A O'llcarn Labor Ag.incy. il'ji : bouth Ilth st , M3U1 i > ' lAtU.M'S WA.VI'KI ) KYI'.HYWHKHB KOH Jl'Romethlng entirely now. A fortune to each who futpllca In time. Denna Supply company , Lacrosse , WIs. SI8.1S6 * " 1J-WANTI5I ) , HIX OH KIG11T K1HST CI.ASB JDliarnessmakers ; steady \vork , good wages. Men with families preferred. J , H , llanoy A. Co . , Hast ings. Neb. U3i : 12 - . COMPKTKNT SOI.1CITOH WITH Bi rofercncoa. Omahn Tribune , 410 South ISth.Ml Ml 8 33 WANTI3II. A HOHSnallOKH OH CHNHHAL blacksmith. J. NURchy , Ncoln , la. 'Jut ! 12 * B-WANTI3I ) . SAl.KSMKN ON TIIK HOAD TO sell advertising cards nuJ caleiidarii on commis sion. dlroct from thu manufacturer. Can nmko fW.UO per week. Advertising Specialty Co. . lluf- fain , N. Y. MU40 8 * B-WANTl'.l ) . HAIiKSMKN KOH NKW YKAIt. Address with Htamp , giving prasnnt and former occupation , Sumatra Cigar to. , Chicago , 111. JJWANT1'II. . K1I1PT CLASS K.XPKHIP.NCK.D JJ slioosalp iiiaii , nitiiil have undoublod Al refer- CCH. Apply Huston btoro. ( 'iiialia. 9 i VI * -W4NTUI1KU ) ( } CLI-IHK. SI.NCiLK , ACTIVK young man. Wages to start SW. Address W lice. 95U 8 * _ -"IIHKIHT KYE8 , " A CHANCK TO MAKE money fast and easy. Wo want nn nci'nt In nvcry county In Nobrnskn , loiva , South Dakota , Wyoiiitng. C olorndo nnd Knmns to tntiodiico our wonderf nl medical tllscovory , "Ilrlgh t Ky * s" In the most remnrkahlo discovery of the ngc nnd Is pos * lively Kiinrnnteed torellotoiind euro all complalntn of the eye. It ronn vcs Inllamatlon , strengthens wcakojca , cures sore onci nnd adds brightness and beauty to healthy ones. Liberal terniH to agents. No money or deposltH requited In advance. Write for territory ut once , "llrlght K > e " HomedyCo. , No. 222 north Cnpltnl St. . Washington , II. C. m''S'i.H ' B WANTKI ) , PHINTKH KOH COUNTHYNKWS paper. Must bu rapid and hnvo no bad habits. Married man cprofurred. Addrosti "Hcporter , " Neola , la. 9i > 8 * -WANTKD , 11 OH a ) KXPHHIKNCKD CLOTHIng - Ing salosmun. Call Monday morning , Ibll'J Kar- cam strcot. 974 8 , -WANTKI ) , 15 OH 20 KXPKH1UNCKD KUH- JJnlBhliiK goods snlesmon. Call -Mommy morning. 1309 Farnam troet. 974 8 TJ-WANT1SD , K1VM ( ICOIlHAHNI'.aS MAKKHS J > ln my factory. 'I has , A. .Munalleld , wholesale manufacturer , DCS Molneii , la. VM S * -CUTTKH WANTKD WHO WILL WO1IK AH tailor , ( I' . ! ) 00 per month , steady work , K. .Mar tine , Webtboio , Mo. MIDI-IS- TJ WANTKK-KNKIICJKTlt ! VOUNII JIAN KOH -Donicu manager ; salary I10J per month ; refer * cnci'K ami K > tJO ctixh capital required. Addren * > . llox No. 632 , Kansnn Llty , Mo. IUI 8 * TJ5 TO f'5 ' PP.H DAY AT 1IOMB SKLLINCJ -Di.llihtnlng Plater and plating Jewelry , watches , tablowuro.ute Plntoa thu llnost Jewelry good aa now. on nil kinds of metal with gold , nllvor and nickel. No experlenco. No capital. Bvery house has goods needing plullng. H. K. Dulno .V ( o. , ColMinhiiK , Ohio. VUS8 * TJ-WANTKD-IIAUNKSS MAKKIIB Tu THY J > ollcto of Iron , beet In market. Agentx wanted. Addrets , with sunup , American Muniifiictiirlng company , Omaha , Neb. Jllir. ! 15 * --AJI5NTS-SALAHY AND COMMISSION. llKsT fraternal order. Assets (300.UCO. lloth llfo and cndownient clasHi't * . Ollt-edged In every respect. Bomo district agontn wanted. A rare cLnnco. Ad dress King A Co. , A Union Square. Now York. 9C4 8 * _ -WANTKD. HALKHMKN VISITINC ! PAINT dcalern to sell palnterii' bupplles on commission. Hofcrcncos nnd tvrrltory. llammar Paint Co. , ft. I.ouK nil 8 * _ 1WA.STKD liXPKHIH.XCHI ) AIIVKKTItilNIl Usollcllorn on thootilchil piihllcatlun of thu "World's Columbian imposition. " Only tlrst-cluss ruon of good address need apply. Addrcta W , 11 , Conkoy Co. , L. L. Miaw Adv'B. Mgr. , 84I-M1 Dearborn - born street. ( hlcngo. _ t _ iliii'j 10 * Tl-WANTL'l ) , KIltS'l ULAS-S ICXPHHINCIII ) PAT- JJont right saleemiin lo cell tenltory. Address by mull , room t'B ' , Murray hotel , Omaha. _ lu ; > 8 * BWANTKl" > , KOUH OH K1YK UKKMAKH WHO iinilcrntnnd growing small fruit and vcgeta- blc , to buy thu choice ten and twenty ncra tracts I nin . otforlng for salu on mich uasy torini juat outsldu thoclty limit ) , ( ico. N , lllcka , roe m SOJXew York Life building. Ml''i 8 WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-YOUNH LADIES CAN SOOV ACQUIHI5 A worklnu knowleduo ot ( liorthnnd and type- wrltluuat Van Hunts' ill ! N , Y. Life. .MVOI - WANTKILADIEH OK YOI1NH MEN 'HI take Unlit , plernaiit work at their own homes ; 11.10 to ; i.rj ( per dny can bo quietly mnde ; work lent by mill : no canvntmlnir. Kor partlcnhirii ad- dresslilnbii Mfg. Co. , lOi-W3I ) , llostou. Mints , Ks- C-WA.NTKD , ( illlL KOIt liKNKIIAL HOU.-ilC- norki good cook , wnahcr and Irouur , 21'i Capitol tel avnniia. MiVXI -WANTUD , ( illtl. l-'Oll ( JKNEIIAI. lllHISi ; . C ; work , mnall fuiully. AUil Dodge ulrool. I'JJ-S * C iWANTKD i , ( HltL. HKNEltAL UOIl.SK.WOUK , email , family , uoud n Kci | lUtl oiitli.dut. UOj /l-lllltwANTKII AT ! l KUANKLIN HTUKICT. \-/Two In fninlly , MWW -WANTKD , A HOOD ( IIUL KOU CKNKUAL homework ; family of live ; good pay. II''J Bouth .I'th ' btreut. Mt'13 ' 8 * _ C-WANTKI ) , IN AN 1XSUIIANUB AND ItKAL v-Mato ullico u cuniietent | ntenotriplier { : nnd iti'n- ral clerks lady preferred. Addruta In own handwriting - writing > tatlui ! osporlenco and talary wanted W t > , Moo. M''ll ' II * _ C-LAIlliS WHO WILL DO WIUTINi ; KOIt MIJ at lliclr liomen will nmka t-'ood WIKOI. Itciilj lth. > i > lf-iuldri ed , Dtaiupedviirelopo , Ml .Mil- dCd Miller , Houlli llend , Ind. V7J 6 * -WANTKD. A SB AT (5IUL KJU HKOONli work In miiall family | MUJCS ( j per week. 'il\ \ ( Pouk-lnii. M'.fej-lu _ -IIUL KOU OKNKItAl , HOUSKWOIIK. IXMiS nth iii'ot. iixHj ii * C-LADY AH KNTB WANTKD : I.UiltT. I'LK"A8 ant work , K alary , 115 weekly , lleply nt onei with tamped addrckiicit envelope , y , A , Hues ro. Eoutu llend , Ind. V07S * . A m KH W IBI1INH TO MAKK fi week dolnu wrltluK at their onn lioiueii , nddreii enctoslu- stamp , Ml > l.ouUo Kulrlleld , South llend Ind , ] 1008' _ _ C-WANTKD-LAD1K8 WHO WILL DO WHIT Ing for me nt homo will uiako Kcod wagci lleply , with udilronid stuiupod envelope , Ml * Mary Statitou , South llend , lud. la 8 , -WANTiuAT ONCB TWO . Indlvi capaulu of nmuuiluK roipouilblllly la ou new order depurtmcnl ; uerd not bo experienced but isood reference * rvuulrrd : fU-IJO weekly. Appl after IU Monday , Suut. U. Crelghtuu blk. HU b * FOR RENT HOUSES. Di -KOU lttCr.T , No1413 CAl'ITOI. AVHNUK 'ib O. i' . l ) Tl Co. , 14U raraaui .1. .1.IU7 FOR RENT HOUSES. D-KOn ni'.NT. MODKIIN 10-ltOOM IIOUSK , ALT. contontence * . tlr < > rnlnnles' wnlk pontofTlce , street r < irs pass the dour. Nathan She Honor K S. Skinner , ICII Karnamst. 703 D - HKNT. IIOIISRS IN ALL I'AHTfl OK city. The O. K. Darts company , IW1 Karnnm tl. TA-KI.AT9 , OWKLI.INOH , COTTAOE ? . IN AT.t , J-'parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co ( 207 Knrliach 710 \-1IOUSK OF II HOOMP , AM. MODKHN CON- J-'Tenlcnccs. pleasantly located near business cen ter. Apply UWCblccgo it. , or U S. Skinner , 1014 Karnnm. "II f COHNKH FLAT. SHCONI ) D-FOH IIBNT , 6-HOOM floor , ranRQ A other conveniences , Clonsorblk , 701 S. If.th st. . tlO. Illngwall llroi. , llarker block , 3'JI J15 D-NKWT-UOOM COTVAOK ? , MODGHN , IN Stanford circle. Convenient for buslticsi men of Omaha and South Omaha , O. S. Klguttor , 2ill lice biilldlne. M4&3 D-KOIl HUNT-TWO NOHTIt HOIWItS OK THE itendrrion block on ( irorgliavenue. . Apply Ilooms SM nnd Ml lied Ilulldlntf. . ) . At. Slmoral , ro- celvor. li73 D-I.A1MIU LI3T-PAUU 1W5 IV.HNAM RTHKBT. MC40J27' D-E-HOOM HOIJPK , HAP , HATH , FtlHSAriS , good barn , one block from motor. Inqulro W. I Klctstcad nt Dcney .V itono > . to'i 9 D-TKN-IIOOM JIODKH.S' IIOUSK , CO1I. I9TH nnd ; Mason streets. Cull at-f.U7 llronnlddg. MB-4 ! K4 -HOrSI'3 < KOH HKNT. JAM-'AHY LIST JUST out. Send for ono. Ueorno Paul , 1005 Karnam. 1858 * D-KOH HUNT-l STK.AM IIKATKI1 KI.AT : n room ; Llnton block , Isth and Mason streets : In L-onil ri > tialr. Innulro nt 917 In the block. John Hnmllii. ati'iit. MWJ D-KOH HKNT-.STOHI3 I1AYINO IIKKS OCCU- plcd for II jrnrBns wHI paying imiccryoii Sher man ave. Inqulro HIM Hicrimin avc. Ml"11 ) * I ) -I'Oll HL-NT , NKAHHANSCOM PAHK. Ilrlck house , light rooms , No.naJ ) Poppleton ave. . corner Popplcton nv > > i n.l rhlrty-second M , . south ami cart trout , lliil. hed In oak. with liainlsomo mantels , bath , splendid furnace , brick collars , etc. , IJO.OU. llrlck house. elihtrooms. No. 1140 South Thlrty- second rt . oak lli.lth . , with nice hath , tiinmco , cltjr water , cistern , gas , sencrasu , brick cellars , etc. , II.VCU. lilcgant brick hnusn , No. 'lOn.'i Pncllle st. . ono of the lines ! finished nndcmlc't chtiit-room houses In the city , wllh all muilcrn convenli'iicen , Including elegant porcelain bathtub , hot and cold water , stationary laundry tub * , etc. , no liner location In the city , ? .Vi'.M. The nboic houses are nil on paved sired" , con venient to motor Hue * , In perfectly healthy loca tion and pleasant nulghboihood. ( ico. N. Hicks , : l.- , New Yoik Life. Ul 14 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. . -Y KUIl.NlSHIvllllOO.MS , ALIi MODKHN l-Jcoincnlcncfs , terms rcuvonuble. i all at 513 KuttliSlrtl. K'7-ll I-OSKI.AHK ! SlNOLioO.M : STKAM HHAT lj lufeioncu rciiulrvd , Sill Siuth S'-'ud stroet. 89 iri-HOOM AND 11OAHD , 2J01 DOUGLAS ST. I'j ! 0 8 * " 1J1-3 OH KUHNISHED ItOOMd KOH LH1IIT Ijhoiiscltceplni ; . Hefereuees reiiulred. Aihlress Wl.lleo. MWJ 8 * T-NKA'II.Y KIIHNISHKI ) KHPNT HOOM ON iJI'arnam nenrSOth st. with heat ; hoard If do- blrcd ; icloronces required. Addix aT68 , lleo. M9I8 8 * 1.1 WKLL KiilNlHlil ) KHONT KOOMP , MO lj North 19th street ' JPJ21 IS * | ? -KIHN1SHH1) ! ) HOOMS , $5 AND $10 PICK .1 Jruuntli. IB4 S. 17lh Bt. .US U * HIY KUItNlSHKI ) HOOM8 KOH LlttHT Jhousi > ke'tplng. Iteforenco required. 2524 St. Mary's uve. 'J53 ! , * "lKOll HUNT , NICliLY KUHMSIIHD KUONT J-frooinj moilern convenlenccu , rcasonablo rent. 212:1 : llarney stteet. M120 10 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. F TUB 1OLA ! > , 2JU AND 211 N. IST11 ST. 713 P-SII ) SOUTH S5TU faTHEKT. 267 Ii1 FUKNISHKIi , STEAM HKATK.I ) HOOM3 with board , also tahlo boarders accommodated ; ccntially located. The lllllhldo , N. W. cor ISth and l.'odga. b72 10 * F NICKLY KDI1N1SHRD SOUTHKAST KHONT room with alcove and bay window ; nil modern conveniences ; private family ; board ; ( ! 22 S. 29111 treet. & :68J : 9 - AND 11OAHD KOIl TWO fiKNTUSMKf F-HOOM M.OO per week each ; 620 North ll'th street. JI92) ) 12' D-KUHNLSIIHDHOOM.LAHOK HOUTH KHONT I room with alco fc , nlth board ; 11-06 Capital nvo. Iflil 8 * "I ? HOOM AND IIOAHII KOIl S1NHL1C flK.STLK- -I man , $5.00 per wek ; modern conveniences. 013 North 2Jd street. il 7l 10 * 17-HANUSOMIC SOUTH IIOO.MS WITH I1OAHD. L Hufcrenccs. 1872 Chicago street. MH7T II * UNFURNISHED ROOMS. F1HST FI.OOH OK COTTAOK ; HATH AND G 3gns. 2U2 ! Howard Bt. M910 II * fl TWO UNHUHNIKHED , OUTSIDU HOOMS TO VjTnian and wife. Heat , light and bath. ( KG Paxton - ton blk. 1128 * -.l UNKUHNISHHD HOOMH. HTKAM IIKAT , gin. bath. Huferences. 62U bouth Kith st. , Flat II. 1158 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. 1 KOH HUNT , TIIK 4-STOHY IIHICK 11U1LD1NR , 9t ! > Karnam st. The building has a llreproof ce ment basement , complete steam heating llxtnrcs ; watoronall the tlooru , gas , etc. Apply at the olllcoof The lice. 910 | - ONB KOUHSfOHY HHiCK UU1LU1NG2J FKKT Lwlde. 1407 llarney n. 714 T-KOH HUNT , A VKIIY DnSIHAIiliK. IIUILniS'fJ , J sultablo for n warehonso. with utnblo In conec- tlon. Tract ago front and rear. Address K. A. Cnrmlchuel care of McCord , llrndy &Co. 215 [ -OKK1CKS WIT11NULL Ill.K , CKNTHAI. AND I. cheap. tiJ2 i't'i' AGENTS WANTED. T WANTKII-IiAIHKS AND OF.NTLKMI'JN ' TO ( 'solicit for Illustrated Journal , Call from U to 10 a. m. , 413 N. 14th utreut. 319.17 8 * T-JAY (10ULD ( LIKK. > 'OW IIKADY. HALK9 < > enormous , prctltH large ; send 2fc for outllt , C. A. Ilelden , 413 Karhacli block , .malm. 994 8 < I-AfJKNTS WANTUD , KITH Kit SK.V. TO SULL i'Iho set ofClansa , bread , eako and paring knives ; " nUo "Claims carver.1 We pay big wages. Thu Clausi ) Shear Co. , box u'X , K 11113:15 City , Mo. M'.Ko 13 * WANTED-TO RENT. K WANTKD-5 OH U HOOM IIOUSK WITH barn , largo yam or aero uf ground , near city , will lt'u u for year. Hafercnco given , \\'i. lleo o III CO. M972 8' "I/ " LADY WANTHHOOM AND IIOAHII ON IV farm within six miles of Omahn postotllcc. AddroBS W 19 , I1EB. 118.8 * STORAGE. M -BTOIIAIIK C1IKA1' , CLUA.N , WIJLLi1 , 1111 Knrnum Btreet. 713 M--STOHAOK-I HAVB I.K1IIT , AlllY. (1IIOUNI ) lloor Btorauu rniinii ; auk'li utorod for 73o per month , ( ieo , W. llolbrook , Tol. I3'-'J , lil.'l l'attcr < on block. 473 M-DON'T 8TOIIK IIDUS-ICIIOI.II ( iIOIS W1TI1- uul leclniruur etorafo dt-partmunt. It In the bent , Omaha btovo llepalr Workk , l-'ur Douk'la * . 7PO WANTED TO BUY. N-WANTUII TO I1UY , SOMK 8 I'Ull CKNT tlm mottBauea. lloud & fulby , 'Jll Hoard Trade. - 71U VT-KWSr MOItTliAHK.S OX HOOD HKAI. K8 .Ntnlo. H , A. Arnold , HOJ lloj hulldlni , ' . M713 XT-l'OOL TAIILH , WANTKD , Hl'.COXII HANI ) i > pool tuble. Addruti , wllh particular * , W' ' , llvo ollice. M'.i-M b * \T-WAXTKII , TO IIUY A HI'.T OF TINNUH'.S litooln ; lend ileicrlpllon , how loiu In u < o and prlcoto J , O. Hoiilio , Alntworth , Vob. M'.MO b * V' WANTED TO IIUY KOH CASH , HOOD upI - -I rt ttht piano. Iteiponilblo party ivould like to rent a KOUI ! upilnlit pluno uf rtandurd nmko during wlulu months , Addrvii , W l . leo ! , Vii 6 FOB SALE FURNITURE. -SEfOND HAND PQUA11K I'UXO IN HOOD repair , for ale clmap. 1SU | Curliyalruet. M8U -KUIINITUIIKOK Z PTKAM HL'ATKD KLATS cheap ; owner leaving city ; all louma rented. 5U B. liith t. , Hat C. 6'JI 11 * 0-KUIINITUUK OK NIXK UOOM IIOUHK KOIl eale , n bargain. One third catti balunco on time , addrctt W 16 , lice. MIUUU-lu * FOR S ALE HOR9E9 , WAOONflETO TjJ-KOU BALK. A NKAlfLY NKVV IOUI1L"B 1 ptluKciproi wniiou , bor > o , barnest and buiinyj alio u nearly new tvl of oreniucry tooli , contUtliiK of butter worker , churn , HOWJ ncale , truck , etc. , nil Hill boiold atnuroanacrllLa'i. . Addruit H. U. 'Jicchuck , llooolticj. or call ut'lW Mliiui itroot , wburvgoodicau be neon , JICJ1 T5-ONKIIAYMAIIB. S YBAIli OLD. WKIOHT i about DM. lecaui driver , tauit be lOld at once- Itoorni Wlthavlllllk , Mdollty Louu i Uu t.uloi Co. tw FOR SALE MiaOELTJANEOUB. -KOIl aALH , ClEAi % automatic cncluc ; ftlu onelZhorto poirprnn- rlnht rnrlno. both In noort ropnlr. Inquire ot Kc t ; ncr Printing Co. , 1307 Howard meet , Ornnun , Nob. 717 . -SKCOND-I1AND HAND I'OWKll nLF.VATOIl * Q for iftle. IKS Howard. MIS ] JI9 * QQ - TIIK STANI1AUO CATTLK CO. IIA3 CON- QTIIK slant ! r on hand baled hay , for lo on track at Ames , Nob. _ MM9 ' Q-fnoribtJoiinnBii sr , IIBIINAIID..MALI : pup , 8 months old , marks perfect , AddruMTnV , Hee. MSU7 8 * " KOH SAM ? . TiiououaiintiKii JKUSKY cow , fresh , nno milker , 175. W. M , Hoifcm , 1 51 KOI hum street , MtS'i Q -rosA SB ruii , IILOODHD ST. Iternard , pedigree , wcl&lit 110 , ono year old ; one Uordon setter , black , .1 yrv old ) ono ( iordou setter , bronn , 10 mos. , both well trained. Address 1313 Jones street , llenrr llurmlster. MS.'l S * IANI1SSOMK IiAtlllK YKIU\r ) 1IRAI ) PAH rot and capp. aood talker , prlco. (2.I.UO ; Harts mountain canary , t.UO. 121 North liith , room 7. VM IS * - - SAI.V3 , THIS llHtCK THAT IS TAKI3.N Q-l-JIl out of tbo County hospital. Inquire of the foreman at the hospital. MIM ) H,000 KOIl AN OLD COIN , SKNII J.'iC KOU cstaloiiue of IXW dates wanted , U. I ) . Ihonip- ton.au Karbach blkOmaha , Neb. mll7.ll MTSCELIj ANEOUS. 1IAVRYOUII ! OIJICAUI'KT WOVUN INTO .1 1 IjonntUnl riiits Address omahn Carpet and Hug factory. 1171 l.civonworth struct. MM J at' lIAUNKS9MAKi-ls To THY l\olellu of Iron , host In market : sand 2 cents for prlco list and description. Agent wantud. Amcr lean MfVCo. . , Omaha , Nob. "IBOH 10 " .KOIl IlK.VlT 10 ACltnS NlIA * ! ? "soHTIt Omaha for garden. Tha O. K. Davis Co. , IMtt Vurnam st. I'M 15 CLAIRVOYANTS. iiy. NANNII : v. WA'UIIKN. CLAIU\OVANT , reliable bnslntss nivdUnn.llfth year at 119 N. h'th. - MltS. DH..M. l.lclAYK , PHOPHKl' Ki , DL'AI ) trancu clairvoyant and llfo render ; tells your life from cradle to Rravo ; can bo cunMilto.l on all nffalrsof life : Ims tln > culebr.itod Egyptian breast pinto to unite the separated nnd cause marrlago with ono you love. Come UUP , cnmo nil and bo ton- vlnccdofher loinarknhla powers. DltloJ nnd roM- denco 117 b. Ilth st. , hours Ha. in. to 9 p. m , Strict life chart and plmlo of your future wife or hus band sent llirough mall for fl.lW , chart alnuo JJ.OJ. All letters contalnliu 4 cants In stampi nroniDtly ans ered. M8II-1U * _ . LIKli IIKADINU HY PltOl7. ' ( iray. ( iatlsfactlon guaranteed. Ilooms 1I2S North 17th bt Mii3 ) b MASSAGE" BATIIS , ETO . , s34 CAIMTOI , Itoom : ) , : id Hour. Mussnao , alcohol viliilmr nnd sea bath' . MUIS 13' 'p-Mv.KAsoN.ini nontJLAS SIMIBKT , t i-tloor , room 7. masj.i u , alcohol , sulphur nnd soi bulbs _ M'jil : I8' _ _ 'PMMH STOWH , MAliNliTIO 11KALKI1 , JL Pouglnt block , mSiO-0 * PERSfJNALi T -PHHHONAL--YOUH KUTUHB HI5\'KA1KD according to i-clence of astrology , with pen pic ture of fiitnru husband or wlte ; rend 2il cents , lull dates of birth nnd description of self. Prof. M. llrown. box 1070 , Chicane. HI. 971) 8 _ WIDOWKH , 45. AMKIUCAN , HAS UUSINKSS extinrlonce no wealth , wants a wife that can furnish vmploymont to moral man of good family. Uuferunces given , Address W 10 tbls ottlco. 7 < ! B' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. KnJ > cor. loth and Hurnoy. Harner street entrance. fit AT PIIIVATK DIIAW1NU LKSrtONS IN PKNCIL , crayon , pnstul. Margaret Arnut , 19JI N. 37th treet. JIUbl 14 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONKY Tl ) LOAN AT I.OWKST HATKA W-r , O , R Davis Co. , 1.VJ5 Karnnm street. 72J If-LOWEST HATKS. KIDIUTV TKU3T COM- T pnny , 17W Kiirnain street. 721 \\T ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST Co. , ,118 N. Y , ' Llfo. lends allow ratej for eholco security on Nebraska or lown farms or Omaha city property.7W 7W VU CKNTHA1. LOAN i THUST CO. "lIKE 11LIIK. > 723 \V MOHTHAHK l.OAXH I.KSS THAN 7 PKH ' cent , Including all chnrKCs. OinrlCB W. llntnoy OmnhaNnt. bank bldir. 724 IT" MONEY TO LOAN , LAND Til B13L1C , i houses tu rent. lco. W. P. Coates. lull Farnam. 72. ) < IT" 1 AND 2 YEAH LOANS ON CITY AM ) KAH.M * moi ImagedIteod ASulliy , 3U llourd of Trade. 72tl r MONEY TO LOAN ON IMl'HOVBD CITY property , low rntc. A , C , Krost , Donjlas blk. 7-7 \\f-7 I'KH CKNT MONKY NKTTO IIOHIIOWKUS v ? on Omahn city property. No extra ehurjres of any kind. Why pay lilKh rates ? Money Is cheap. Yun can KCt full bunclllof low rales trom Ulobu Loan and Trust Co. . lIHh nnd Dodirc. 728 \\T OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS < > on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In Kinnll or larce tmna for shurt or loin ; time. No commlsiIon Is chnried and thcloiins am not hold In the east , but can nlwu > H bo found fit Ihc bank ou the corner of lUtli and lionclaa streets , 71MJ \V I.OANSON IMPItOVKD AND UN1.MPUOVKD i' city property , fa.COa nnd upwards , lito 7 percent. No delays. W. Karnum Siiilth & Co. . lith nnd llarney v\r-c. HAitnisox , 1112 N. Y. LIKK. > > 731 \V-.MONKVTO LOAN i IIAVK AIIOUT ti.ooo 'I to loan on Improved Oniah.i property , prlvnto funds , In one or moro loans. Address T 10 , lleo oftleo. 5i)5 ) _ t\r MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA AND COUN- ' ell lllunsreal estiitu and Nebraska and Iowa farms at from 0 to 7 per cent Interest , with no addi tional charges for commlt'Blons or altoriieis fees W. II. Mclklc , 1st Nufl bank bldK , Omnhn 70 : ( \V ilONKY TO LOAN AT I.'J WKST HATI'.S ' ' proved anil unimproved real estate , 1 toSye.irs. KhlelltyTruet Co. , 1702 Km mini el 70. ) V-PHIVATK MOXUY , IST AND211 MOHTCAOB > loans , low rates , Alex .Muoru , lleo bldj ; . 733 \V WANTED AT OXPK. LOANS OX l.MI'UOVHl ) II ( linalm propi'ity ; low riitui. Khlollty Trust company. 17U3 Kurilon it. TUil Vir-llOXKY TO LOAN , SUMS fWJ.OO AND UT. 11 GeorgoPaul , HJJJ Karniim. MUllJVi * T17--I'OANS. 0 , G. WALLACE. 313 1IIIUW.N Ill.K. ' b 7 Air WANTKIl AT O.SCK , AI'1'I.ll'ATIO.Vrt 1 Ol i l rno or Biimll loan * , r-jmcltil iitti'iitlon U loans on Ininlnuss propurty. LutiiiHinnilu from f.VH. ninl up. ( JoorKe J. I'nul , liJ. ( ' > I'limnm. tbi-b * MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS. . X CALL AT TIIK OKHUK OK : OMAHA -MOUTOAdK LOAN CO. i INCOItroltATKI ) , \V YOU WANT MONKV. You can kurruw on IIOIIHKIIOMI KIIIIXlTllUBtNIJ PIANOS , llOHSICS.WAliONSA.NDCAHItlAllK.-i , WAKBIKIUrlK IlKtIKlI'Tf. MHIMMIA.NUIdE Oil ANi' OTI1NII UKCUIUTV. Wo wilt loinl run nny nmonnt fruin flU.UO to SI.UiM ON TIIK DAY YOU ASK KOIl IT , wltlinn tpuIllicit ycrremuvnl of pro port y. Yon can pay tilt- money buck In any itmounU you wish , iinil at any tlint1 , nnduucli puyinonteo uuiilo will ruilni't' thu I'oit uf thu loan. lliMiitmiber that yon have llio nan of hoth llio property unit lliti money. Hiul poy furltoulyn * lone us you kco | ! It. Thorn will lu no cixpcnn ) or i-lmr.'C kupt out of tluiummmt wniitcil , but you w.ll riTiilvd tlio full ntnuiint of tlio luan , Ik'foro burruwliiK ul uwhcro cull and KOO us anil yon will Mini Itureatly to yunr nilviiniAio. OMAHA .MOltTCAIiH LOAN CO , MMt'OIJTII IBTIl KTIIKKT , llrtt llonr ubovo tlio elrrpt. TlliOLlIJST : , L A IK ) US I'AN I ) ONLY MNCOII- roilATKIM.OAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. V-UO YOU WANT MONKYI TUB KIDKHTY LOAN GUAHANTUK CO. , ItOuM 4. WITIINKLL III.IICK. 31'J ! < SOUTH IM'll. COItNlilt I1AI1.NK' . KT , WILL \ LOAN \ TOU \ ANY BUM \ LAIIQE \ Ou \ 8MAtK\ \ FBOM \ TEN \DOULAns\ \ \ UP. WK SIAKK LOANS ON FUIINITUKK , IIOIIHU > CAUUlAdlCS , WAIlKllOIJdIC UKIIUHTS Oil 1'KII auXAU'liUl-KlUY OK ANY Klflll. / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /TOTJ ALL /ON /DB rmisT / rou. / OUH TlMt.Ms WILL MKKT YOUIl Al'l'HOYAI You can p y llio money hark a' nny llmu nml I ny amount you wlih , ana tlnm rcducu the eoit u carrying tbo loan In proportion to muinint you PI. ) ! ! ' YOU owe nbulunco un your fiirnlltirtiiirothc licnonal property of any kind , KO Mill pay It oil fo you nud curry It a > long u you iluilru. YOY ( JAN IIAVK YilUII MONKY IN ONI ! IIOUI FUOMTUKTIMK YOU MAUK AlTLICATION , No publicity or rr-uiovaluf properly , * u tliut jo Rol llio u e ot both money unil property , 731 -WILL LOAN MONKY ( IN ANY KINO OK SH curlly ; utrlctly conUilentlal A , K. Harris , ' . " . harback block. ,06 -MOXKY-50. M. W IIAYS. rilKAI > 1IATK ami msy patuiontn. un furniture , plauoi. llv lock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cmh o baud , Duff lireeu , room , UorLur block. ! 3i ) MONEY TO LOAN OHATTELS. \ MONEY I.OANrfTSoN OHATYKU COI.LAT- jV * > M or oilier pctilolUl property , ai reasonable tales , I to ( linontha.'MJlMtns ' bought. W. II. PntU , looni ! a . V - - - - Y-i'mrciiAHD , si DgtuiAH ; IILK. ic A DOIKIB L. _ _ . BUSINESS CHANGES ? .jZil V Hi'siNKS oi'n.siNtts. so CUAUOI ; TO 1 buyers , fend t sip for I'tlnloJ list. Van Paten - en of Onialin. ' 3T.7 Jit * AT"- STOCK OK CJ.OTI11NO , DOOT3 AXD 1. liala , c y > stii KOnTa' fiirnlshliis Roods , nil tn : oed Minruiin. ! Hood opportunity for rlxht man. ilwroemonl of pimnort the ron on. Invotco , CU ! > . Answer box 12 , Tetunisch. Nob. M 3 > ' * VVANT ? : D-A HKSi'oxstnLK KNKIUIK.TIC J-dniktlitni tnla nsont In Nubfs lti\ for Dr. Hilt on's I'nmlly Kmcriiency Medlelno Cha.it nnJ Innkbuok , Wisconsin , Minnesota , North nnct "niith Dakotn are already told. Call on 'Dr. lutton , t'mlon Hotel. MUSS 10 _ V--TH Rv K ST K i IN it its t N K9" ii IK NO Y , si ( FiT IV. 1.1 To , conducti a general business pxch.ink'o. .1st of Rood business chances In nil parts of the oiintry on application. Dullness positions so ured. Mi Stl Ml V ' Oil"8AI.M. . TWTTSTY-KIVIS IIUNDHKD l dollar stock hardware , b < l town In Intr * . . Ad- rc n W. K. Croiuc. I'anjmi. low.i. Mill 12 * \r-KOH8ALK , HHOCKIlYINDIISIIl.UtLKLOOA- Ltlon. Small capital rfqulrcJ. Correspondence ollclted. Address T S3 , lloo. MiMT S * PLACIJ IIAIUY I'OH SAI.M. ? 5 llrst class milk cows , with cans and tank ; fi miles rom postolllco , on or near Dodge st. l > 27 U * Vr-l'OH SALK , HKTAIL MEAT "uAHK Rrl I first class location : cash safes I2S per day. Ad- reis W 7 , lice. M'jw OK ( IKNitlAI : < SIHIICHAN- dl o In live county crnl town. KniPi last jour f.t.YUOO.U ) , rcniin for si'lllnK. hnvo not capital mulish to take euro of tlic Meadlly Incrensliiic tins- nc * . \VIII sell fur tain only , and IUO cents nn the lullar This Is n roru business opportunlly. Ad- JrcssV 0 lec. ! Wli-13' V-fPLKNDID CIIANCK. COLD S' . , .1 butter and CKK business nt n most dcstr.ttdo lolnt In .Vcbrnsk-i. See Western llnslncss Aiieney , Iti New Yurk Ltfu , wrii \ -MEAT MAKKKT. ONlt OKTIIK llKST o"uT . Jl Ills , with c tnhllshed paying binlnc s In Council ! llnlt . Moderate cnpltnl required , floscst Inves- ; lnutlon solicited. Western llnslness Agency , Slfl Sen Yolk Life , Omaha , M'I 9 -WANTKI ) , MAN TO TAKK Till * MANAIiK- 1 mcnt of pcnnanrnt branch fiirestabllHlied Chi- auo holism will pay nil expi'n ( H nnd ShU.OJ per : nonth salary ; nlro Kood pci contaiio on nil husl- > es .Iniiu : tnu-t lnvi-BtMcuu.il ) In stork of nomls to > carried ami must ul o entire intention to biul- H < K . ClicMor Iliirton , IX * Homo Insurnuco build- IU , tlili-nKO. W''J . ' b AT A HAltOAlV.SM Vl.l. ItnM.KIl I Ptenin tlnnrlnK mill. In Dallns Center , liallns county , Itiwn. Addiess Lock llox Olli , I.'m .Molnos , In. .M'.bU IU " \r--ONK OP TI1H MUST I'AYISC NKWSt'A- L porn In southern Nebraska , located In a peed Ive ttiwn. L'uiiuty seat : only democratic paper In ! lu cunnty ; establlshnd Ion Tcnrs ; oed i > ntron- nee : ? i..MX ) ; jriunl lorni' , or will uunslder KOIU ! clear lund. I'or imtllcnlnrs address Henry C. Siiillli. Kails rrty. Nub. 1IWI 9 - WKUj KNOWN MliUCA.VriMOANI ) COLlection - lection Aceney , Incorporatod. will cstabllfh n branch agency here If H inltublc man for ninnnRer ran be found who can command ? 3 , < KX ) nnd nrst cln < roluicuc-es. torliom n pormiincnt uud lucrn- : lvc position nlll be Klvcn. 1'iesldunt , lluom ti : , Hotel Mercer. Ill 8' V I OK SAl.IC MY BTOOK OKMKN'a' KUUNISH- I Inus and storu tlxlures at a great bargain. Call at once. Davis , ; 0 North IKtli street. H9.S * V 'V COMl'MiTB BKT OK KINK SALOON L UMnrrs for sulo or trade. Apply to Hi N. lUlli street. l & FOB , EXCHANGE. ' / 4SO Al'HEiJ OK ( .LEAH LAND IN ONE OK /Jtho boat winter wheat districts In Kansas tu u.\- channo for It ) ur W aerii truct near C'mahii ' city limits. Will pay ca&ti dlrferenco IK property l Kood. Address , giving prlco and location , Vii , llee ulllci gjj r/-CLBAH OMAHA UWAL KHTAT15 KOH MDSK , , /jnctnal valuation. Money tu loan. ItoxAlS.Omaha. 73'.l r/-l HAVB VAIiUAIlJ.n IMPHOVKIl AND UN- 'Jlmproved farm lauds to oxclaiiKO | for South Omaha or OtiiAlm prtfptirty or for farms within M miles of Oiualia. Unvconuof the bast ofitock anil grain farm ? . 1.3J3 uciea , half In winter wheat ami rye , ami 2'0 hoadofllua stock , all clear of encum brance , to oxeuanica for real estai-j an.l might pay Bomo cash dltT runco fordcslrablo property. Describe - scribe your property o-vrutully , urluj , etc. Addrun T lil lieu. t02 IS- / I OWN 103 KAIIMS IN NHIIUASKA , KANSAS * - * A DakotivVIII bell cheap , or exchange for incise , horses & catllo. ' Add. box Tu , 1'raiikfort. Ind. rCLKAN STOC1COK ( JKNKUAL M'D'S'K : WILL ' 'take real rttnlu & money. llox 'fi'j , Frankfort Ind. y-l'AYINO LUMHKHYAHI ) FOU SALK , ItKAL /-d estate , J700. Address L. T. Urooklng , Kunk. Nnb. Z-KOIl SALK , IMPLEMENT H1OCR AT 1MO- HOuo. Addrebs T , J , Itogors , Imoguno , la. 67 * K3 * V-LOT ON I'AVKI ) STUKfcT , LIOHT IINCUM- /-Jbar.incu nnd cash , to trade for other propurty ; will assume. X.lttlo , llrowu blk. M9I7 y-srocu OK noons , INVOICB AIIOUT J2.w)3. ' -'Will take K'fl acres of Nebraska land at flU pc- nere , balancn to be arraiiKQd In paper or cash. Co operative Land .V Lot CO..2J3 N. ICth street. UJl 8 y-KOUSAfKOlti\CHANOH : KOIl CITY 1'ltOI' f-Jcrty or lands , tlioruiwhbreil trotting and run ning hoi-sen , all prime , Hrst-claKu strains. For par ticulars address I'hll Kane , Oclwuln , la. JI''TB ' 1(1 ( y-lM CLEAHLANI ) ANDCAi-H KOK A IIOUHK / and lot In touthnest part city. Wnnt IIOUKB and lot N. W. part city lor clear 1IK ) larin. Clear lot nnd cash for house and lot In Hanscon Place. llnslni'fH corner down tonn for clear lots out. Cash for east front lot In llnnrcom Plnco or Windsor ser Place. Complete brick manufacturing outllt In operation ami cash for good 1IJO nrro farm. I'or n quick ciclitiugo see Lyman Waterman , 305 N , Y. i.lte. U33 8 y IIHAL KSTATB AND KO-VJ1 CASH TO THADK ' -'forcleun stock of groceries or general morchnn disc. Mint bo a w ill established buslnebe. Or will rent More loom In good town. Addiess L. 1L , Muntlialltowii , la. .M1W9' y-flUtK ) 1'QLIIY IN OCALLALA KAUM KOK / > honse anil lot In Nebraska or Iowa town , or merchandise or llvo nock. w. IT , Hoc , 1118 * y-Koiin.xoHANOiJ-iwo MKUCHANDJSB vou ' > ilot. . A clear lot for u her c , i.VH ) cnnh Housu nnd lot for a homn Uthln walking dlstaiico. llutchlfcon , t Wcade , ICi : I'liriiaui , 1U3 8 y A VALUAI1L1C HOUSK AND 11LOCIC OK ' - ground In Murysvllle , Mo. , lor iineucumbcrcd lands In Nebraska or Kansas , or good retldcnct ) proiierty III Omaha , Apply to GIG N , Y. Llfo build ing. 1U4 b- y STOCK OK IKNKHAI ; < MniiciiANOiai ; OK /JJ,0U to oxhuir ' for homo In Omnliu anil fiJ cash. Store Isrunulni ' , . Alex .Mocro , ul lleo bldg. MIUTU y STOCK OKCLOTHINC. TO I..XCIIANRI3 KOIl /Jmuilcrn houeo In Omaha. Alex .Moore. J01 lleo blJg. MIU7 U y HOTHL PHOPKIHY IN COU.NTIIY TOWN : /Jllno business opportunity. What have you tu oiler for HV Alex Moore , Ui lieu hhU. MIU7 V FOR SALE REATj ESTATE. . 'Ihcru In n wcll-DUIlt nml nub > timtlnl twn-Btory fraino bii lnC'H9 block with two ntoro loonn , mid twu nlcu live room Hats ubovv , all In splendlil con- dlllon. 'Ihl properly Is Ju t outslrto tlio city llrulu and In it hplundld point for , nloon pnrponun. ltl alsu denlrnbly lociitod for/it Krocory , meat market or druu ituro , ' If properly ri'iili'd tia present luilliUn - will pny IU per cent unCJ.OUUnpd thvro la room for lour moiii bturi'u on the Ui feoi f Jontaco on Lumlnt , ' urcut. 'j 'I lil property must bo nolil nt nncii , anil In order to nitiko u ijnlck null' , 1'cun ollur It at n tluuru tliut niiikcn It une uf the ka Dittos t biiri < nln > In Omalm. If you want tlio bUkuytt kind of n hart'iiln. cither for your o n line/or for Invcatniiint , cull fur prlct nnd IITUIB. ( ico. N. Jllcks , AKoiit , Ji N. Y. Llto lliilldlni ; . _ / _ I'M a 17011 SALK Oil TIl'All'K. 2 (1OOII LOTH IN MT 1 rii'iuant adillllon'Wilu 'i blocks uf motor lluo , Will take Rood upright I'lano ' or will null nqiilty | u Ion" very clicup. Addrcst nt unco A I , llou uillco. I/Oil HALK-OVKIt Wn KINK IOWA AND .VK 1 hrutkii farms , muir cicillcnt turt-aliii , lam iiiplnly ndvnnclni ; , * IO,1 J Hi f-ttoxi per ncra now. Cal for | iarllculu , UOKIJ'\ } Hill , UUi Karnam it. o YOU WANT A iioMKt- I ) Ho you want to tonavod the annoyunco.ro npoilJllillll ) Hlid thu IliounauU uud ono Tumitlous iiucvuorr In biilldlncf Do you nant to Htcp rlvlil Into u perfectly Lull nml kpU-iiUlilly tluMu'd huuml If ion du , I vliuil In' plcaioil to show jounomo - ' 1 hate Juet ' ! > i of tinliniidcoiiie i-ottin.'cn i'unipvlt iif.tr llanM'om I'ark. Blhceuiiiuthoboit built anil Uncut nnlbhed liouee lor mlo In Omalm ' , Locution , uflL'hborhooU. conriinlrnco uud nur riiundlin. * uri- all that can biilenlrcd. . In order to Miwt B quick mile , I will olfi'r tin-no lioutekforn ihort tlmo at flvurvn Itwlll pay you to lin ( . " ! Unto , Call and too me. r.KO. N. HICKH. Healer In pholro reildenoe anil binluojn property aus .New York Lliu Luildlng. _ ' tel l > KAliKhTATP. J i llnri ; lu only. My nurd Ii uooJ. \V , < 1. AlUrlfhl. MI--i : New York Life. > Ki X'OW IS Till * TIHK TO K'JY ' A NH'K 'J'KN Ol lilncntr acru tract nd > tart Irult and TCKetablo Kurdeini. if you Uiion how loKirden It 1 can nel lull ten ur twenty aero cloio to Ouiahn untucl c y lerninandloiiatl'iiu ' that you can't atford to uiuutlieclmncooriocurliMf nlc Iriici. l.eo. . H . raoiu S05 Now York Ufa building , 11W1 9 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. B Aoffer offer for fnlo lots onn U ) nnd two Hi Vlntnn 'Ifirr , romlstlni * ol llio outhnc t corner of lUtli 'Inton and Sprlni ! ttrerti. This propcrtr H , | ! * ! I7 feet nd facn the Inter cctlon of three otrrrti. H It onoof llm tiet lnTe tnifntii on the mnrkft odny nndf \ n iplcndld point for n l > ii lne * < i Mock. The cnrnor dlrcctlr oppo-lto was fold over n year ncotn tin ? ,1o. cpli yclillli Ilrewlnz Co , uf Mllwnii- ice for I.1.1VJ cn h. Thcyuxpccl to inilld on II n area family liotol , 'I his propel tj I ollor miKt 1m nuld nt unco , nnd In order to etlocl a qulik ; nle 1 can otter II nt n tlpvto lint nnkos Ifune of tlio blk'iiett bartinlns Un the Ity. I " 111 be r > .i ? d to Imvo Ton Mil uud too me fn irlco nnd liTiii ! ' . ( Icorno N , Ulikn , Itcal Ktlnto nnd nv.ttncnt Apcnt. ) SS. . V. Llfo llulldlng. 121 S oT , 17,00 I lionno nnd lot , itttli aood lurn , fl.TOJi honoeii In outliwett part city , from S..WJup ; lot In linn * com Pine c , f to-ii M.noo up ; Ion Jud off Sllh street. louthDniiha.srm ) . 7M , Isiw , MVI. | i , Small cn h ml incut , balnnco easy , l.ymiiu Wnterman , 305 i. Y. Llfo. jiSi 9 _ JlSO'AOUKS IN NKIIItARKA , 153 MILT.S V ) ' K9T OK O t tnnhn : clear of enciimbornncc * ; tooil < ioll : Et - and wnteri (10 per ncrai some Improvement * : wilt oil. lento or crchnhKO. Henry 0. Smith. KnIU City. Neb , MWl l < \1\a \ \ ILMlilAtNS IN ACIlt ! I'ltyl'KltTY l > Klvoncres , with mnall cottaKO , clo o to city. only 1 1,1X10. Ten acre * , wllli cottAKi- . Just we t of city limits : plendlil plaro for gardening and small fruit. If old quick only fi.viW. Twentr-tlToncre- rollos west of postofllce , nil In culllratlon. only } JW | > cr ncrp. JO.i.Vl. forty acres , finest tract nround city. This prop erty I ? close lo new wntcr power locntlon. Will ilat IntddlJ lieautlful lt-t . 'llieru Is n fortunn In his for Mine into. I'an oner this land at tl. ' > 0 per ncti * . Cull and see me. ( icorco N. Hlck ,30JXow Tork J.lfe bulldlnir. 121-H _ 17011 HALK-,0-HOO.M , HO I'lU. , SOliTII OMAHA L near II. A M. truck , flf.OJU ; 8txl5U fct In Klr-t inrd , Omiihn , tu'iir II. , V M. trnck. fvcoPent wnre- iouco or tenement pioperty , tls.ww. K ncreclu loiiKliK rounty , nlinm llttlo I'npllllon. " iulle rom Omaha , f21U per acre. II. II , Haven , 37 i.'nikcr block ur So u til Omahn. MUX > Id * ijoi SALK , OAuKN LAND , TUN ACIIKS OK L the tlnest In DOUK-IIIS coiintr : 7 nillunfrom 1' . U- , easy drive : will sell cheap.V ll ! llio ollice. ollice.M' M' . J 10' I I.KH A xTTtEai DKNri : rTtOl'Kll'l'Y I'oTl AL1I. lJ couslttlllL- two nindorn built homes with nni- ilo t-rouinl' , nn ono of the Hnent rrtldeneo stiects n this city , I'rlco , fK.VJU , Owner will tuko one- inlf of purchase prlceln coed farm land. Tn nny ona wnntlnu n nice home this Is a splundld oppor- linlty. Addressi ( ionruu N , Illck , real chtntu nnd nsurnnco ateut , 5U.S New Yolk Life bulldliiK. I'll 8 ifou SAI.I-HKAL : : KSTATM OK ALL KINDS. * t-peclal attentlun to bnslnes" propertle . List rour property with ( leortfo I'aul , ItiOo rurnani.ItC ItC 8 * LOST. > * TA A I'AIH UK SI'l-ICl'ACLlSS. LO lc'iiiit Hoe coiintlui ; room. I OhT , NKAII HAN-I'O.M I'AllK. .IVold watch and chain , llcward lor icltirn In 1721 DodKC. W3 8' LOST BTKBH : I.AIKii ; , ltll > . DI ! IKIIIMCI ) . ICosp him nnd write mu. I' . 1) Smith , Klorence. Neb. MWS S * 1 OST A LADY'S HHAI.SKIX MUKK ; KINDKIl J Jwlll hn suitably rewarded on lcnvln.7 snmo at ottlco of llniton Store , Omaha. HSi , SI DRESSMAKING. 1)UU ] > 1NCTON ATADHMY ; OI'K.VS MONDAY. .Djnn. ! ) ; where Indies nro tnutfht the art uf dresd- makliiK , basting and nntnhln . Lidle : can work un their own ilreises while loarnluit. Itoom Ml. llrown blk. , corner Dounlan nnd lotli. .M'.Kin I'li . lltST-CLA-Sa DIlKSSMAKIXf ; DONK MY MISS I. II. M. Cummin ! ) , cor. 2lth nnd Davenport btruott * , Jltli street cntranco uf 'I Icurd block , HM S * SHORTHA NDAND TYPEWRITING. MAllACOLLKHKOKSIIOHTIIAMI AXDTYri-i wrltlni ; . A. C. Onu , A. M. , I'rlne , lioyil'a New theater. Ml'JUfi * TAKEN UP. 'PAKHN UP , JKIISKV cow. OWXKH CAN IIAVK I aamoby pruvini ; property and puyliiK chiirccf. 420 ! llarney. 1132 b * FOUND. INI ASTIKK-CAN ( IK HAD IIKKOHB JANL'AHV 15th by paying charges. Address W. 11 , llct > . 97J b * PAWNBROKERS. TI1KNHY LAP1DUS HHMOVKD KltOM 20'.l South Thirteenth el. to 1121 Karnamst. MP44 9 * "Improvement the Order of the Age. " A Trial of the Smith PixMiiicr Will Cost You Nothing but will det.ionslrato all wo claim. Wo will pluco the Smith Premier hostile any writing iiiiuslilno on the market ; It will Hjioak forlt- Milf. Its ( luralilllty cull nn loir.'nr bo rjiieitlonod. Wj'lto or cull on us for L atiilogue , terms , me. Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sls 'Omalia , Xcb. Trleplumo 1U8I. E. H. &IAVI1KW. Maiiasor. Sliorin-H.Siilc. Under anil l > y vlrtuo of nn I'xooullon Issued liy Frank K. Mooros , clurk of thu illstrlct court wllhln mill for Douglas coiinly , Neliraskn , upon a juilRiiiL'iit ri'iidiTiMl by saul court at Its r-oiilumuL'r tonn , A. I ) . , IB'J'J. ' In favor of thu .Mi'nluiiilH : National liauk of Kansas City , Missouri , anil against the Mulroiolltau | C'ablo Kallway company of Uinaha , Nuhraska , I have luvifil upon tlio following ilcsuilhcil property as tlio inoporty of thu salil , Tim Mi'tropolllun I'ahlo Kalhvav conipany of Ointina , Nubnibkit , to-wlt : "Track ami niail- lioil , IncluilliiK rails , tlus , plates , fro s , bolts , bjillcos , wires , bWJtclius , poles , trolly wltus , rrosH wires , ulo. , utc. , and uvvrythliiK pnrtaln- liiH to salil track anil the opiM'atliiK tlicrcof as an uk'ctrlc. mnlur lliusof Mild The Jlutropol- ttiin Cabin Hallway company onlOlli Mifct and on DodKO stn > ut In HID city of Omaha , and on DodKoMruut as ( iMcndoil , Woodman avo- nut ) , I'mliTwood avrnuu and Wilson avi'iuui or stri'ut In Dundco I'laco or adjacent tlit'reto In the county ot Douglas anil hlato of Nebraska. " "Out ! car lioiiii ! ( frame building on posts or blocks ) Idi-ati'd on lot 14 , block HH , mindco Place , DiiUKlus county , Nebraska. " "Two motor piissenjjer cars numbered respec tively two CJl , and three (3) ( ) " "Jtecord book , Hlock rurllllciitit book and seal of Mild com pany , " and also "the franchise uranled to said company , which Include ! ) all urn rights and privileges secured thereby , " and 1 will on III" 17th day of January , A. I ) . , IH'JII , commencing at 10 o'clocku. in. of said day , aMhe east front door of HID county court house In the city of Omaha , hell said property at public auction to thu highest , and best bidder or bidders for cash , to satisfy said execution , thu a mount due thereon belim forty thousand , four hundred forty-six 1111(101-100 ( dollars rtlO.MO.OI ) Judg ment , and sixteen , and IIH-UH ) dollars ( Hil.ilH ) costs , with Interest on said amountK from thu 1'Jlli day of September , IH'J'J , and the accruing costs on wild Judgment and execution. ( IICOHUK A. HUN NT/IT , PherllTof Dimvlas C'ounly , NebrasKa. liAKi : , HAMILTON .V MA.XWKI.I. . Attorneys Omaha , Nubraska , January 0 , 18'jt.J : . J M iitm : Sealed proposals will ho received by tliu Blntu Hoard of Prlnlln at Iheoltlco of the sec ret a ry of siato , at any thno befori ) Tlnirsday , January 1-lb , ! ! ) : ) , at U o'clock p , m , , for printing and hlndlns In cloth O.OOU cojiles re port of Ktatu Hoard of Hoi llrnlliiio for the year 1HU3 , of UIX ) IKIKOD each , thu sainu to bu prlnled In IOIIK primer type , The si 7.11 of paxe , weight and quality of paper , Myle. and quality of binding , myloof letterlni ; on cover and In all respects the work to bo thu sum : > its the llorllcnllural Heportof IM'J'J. Bampluof worl < muy hubcen at thuolllcu of thu t > ecrutary ol t > tati < . Work to bo completed wllhln sixty dayt from thu awarding of thu contract. JCIuht lescrved to reject any and all bids by Hie Halo Printing Hoard. Dated Uuuuiiibur iiblh , 1802. J Oil NO. AMUN , 1)30(1 lOt r-ecietary of n'tate. ' OI'AItTii.MASTr.U'S : ( WVWK. Omaha , Nub. , Dec , Kith. 1HUJ. pealed pro posals wlllhu rt'culved bine until two o'clocl p. in. , January Hiili.lH'j : ) , and thenoiicned for thu coiihti-iictton of a coal slii'd at I'or Nlohrura , Nubraska. Thu right la reserved t < reject any or all bids. All Information fur nthhed on application here , or to post quarter master , Kurt Nlobiara , Nebraska. Knvelopi" K proposals to hu marked "Pioposali for 1'on.strnutlon at Fort Nlobrara , Nub. , " am addreshed to W.M. II. UUUIIKH , I.leiit. Colonu andDuputy Qimrtermuutcr Uunuial , U , H. A. Chief Quartermaster , U17d4t J 8 U ( CS A1IOXG STAGE PEOPLE ] Nat Goodwin's Olevor Sarcasm at a Profes sional Matinee , .1ANY . ACTORS ARE IMITATORS OF OTHERS Makeup or Alirnlnilii Lincoln In "Tlir Kn- " Ani'cilotos ot llourleiiiilt A 1'opiilnr SOUR OflVrril Tor llrlnk-StiiRu Nutos. Nnt Oootlwln pave a profrsslonnl matlncc u Now York , nnd a largo crowd ot plnyors saw "A Glided b'ool. " U was Interest Ins to see comedians In tlio audience laugh heartily ami applaud ovcry llttlo bit of fun on the stage. Tlio best audience In the world to ilny for is the one composed of actors. They enjoy n performance better than any class of icoplo. Mr. Goodwin was called before the iirtaln three times , and iniulo n npeecli. "Comrades , " ho began , " 1 am glad to see ou here today , for 1 believe In professional nntlnces. H gives you u chance to see h'ow Kill wo are and how milch better yon tire ind how much more you could get out of the haraeters In the play. " This satire was well received , for It is a standing Joke that 10 actor on the stage has his c < iual-lhat is , u his own estimation. \Vhrn they see a performance they invaria bly say they could do mne.li better If they mly had the chanco. After tlio performance it Avas amusing to hoar the remarks In tlio obby. A stngo manager criticised Mr. Ioodwin ) for having the same pictures in the drawing room of a banker that are seen In the llrst act in Clmuncoy Shout's ( Mr. ( loud- win ) apartments. One of the actors in Aristocracy" declared that Mr. ( iood\\ln was Jealous of Clarence Holt , and the come dian's face showed it whenever Mr. Holt made a hit. When the clever comedian said lie believed in professional matinees ho looked up in the box where .lohn OroW was silling , and some of llio audience smiled. Mr. Drew is credited with n.ing that ho would not plve a professional matinee , as there was nothing in it. * > There is an actor in "TlioKnslsjn'1 who has not a line to speak , yet helms made what is commonly called a hit. It illustrates what an important art that of maklnur up ! What over success Logan Paul , who impersonates senates Abraham Lincoln , achieves in "Tho ICnslgn'1 is won by the excellency of Ills makeup. These arc my studies , " said Mr. Paul , the other night in hisdressingi-oom , pointing to two photographs of Lincoln. "Tho ono with the beard is the one from which the bust In the white house was taken. The other is a faosmllc of the vignette on the $10 ! ) bill. Lincoln liai-n-very largo nose , and while mine is of ample proportions it is not blir enough , and I dovelopo it with putty. " Then the actor proceeded to enlarge the nasal organ by applying putty. An applica tion of rouge added a healthy color. Grease , paint and a variety of pencils wCro used in changing the nppearancoof the face. A deep line painted don u each cheek changed the expression to austerity and showed the path of time. A few more rapid touches and that kindliness which at times shone in Lincoln's homely fate became apparent. Then the cheek bones were enlarged by a few slabs of while , givingto the face a ghastly appearance under close inspection , but the footlights took away all ghastliness. The lower lip was broadened by a streak of red , and a black pencil made the eyebrows look luxu riant. The actor pulled on a pair of boots with nuadriiplo soles , which made him an inch taller , and by Iho aid of his wig , whiskers , black coal , tie and tall liat , ap peared as Iho dead president's double. When Mr. Paul lirst essayed the role ho occupied two hours in making up. Now he completes his work in twenty minutes. Alf Hampton can wafk , talk and net very much like Nat Goodwin. The resembianco of the two is striking also , anil the young actor is often taken for Mr. Goodwin. Hamp ton says ho wears glasses so people won't mistake him for Goodwin , and the latter says that ono or the oilier is a very bad actor , but he can't tell which one. Hichard Golden closely copies Deinnan Thompson in the hayseed characters. John Kellnrd fol lows Henry Miller as well as he can , and Sea brook tries to talk like Hill Nye. The grolcsiuo work of Charlie Kvans in 'A ' Parlor Match" if a mere photograph of a lever London Music hall performer who used to bo billed as the "White Caflir. " Those who remember Harry Uloodgood will quickly recogni/.e the clover minstrel's man nerisms as used by Frank Daniels. The late minstrel used to rub his chin with the back of his hand , which Daniels imilales a hun dred times in "Litllo Puck. " Then again , Daniels is Imitated by Harry Connor , Mark Sullivan and others. Jcromo Sykes never does anything that Do Wolfe Hooper has not done. Hooper's talk , expressions , style of dancing and his way of skipping about the stage are all seen in the "Fencing Master. " Actresses have even less originality than actors. Kflio Shannon tosses her head about and does her best to stride and speak like Ada Kehan. Annie Ward Tiffany is a poor pattern of Mrs , Yeamnns , and the best way to please Annie O'Keefo ' Is to tell her that you can't tell her from Lillian Russell on the stage. "My father was n man of most sympar Ihetie habits , " says young liuucicnnlt. "When ho worked ho worked hard , and when he played ho thoroughly enjoyed himself. His favorite lime for work was in Iho early morning hours. Ho would do more work in a given thno than any man I ever know. Ho wrote mostly on square sheets of white paper and in a small"ilrm handwriting. Few corrections were made at the llrst draft of a play , but when the rehearsals came the drama would undergo a complete transfer mation. My father always seemed to feel his extravagance so far as his brilliant wit was concerned , but , unlike many authors , ho never hesitated to destroy any of his work , which , to his mind , did not suit the artistic unity. For instance , in the play 'Lad Astray'ho led rehearsals for thirty ilayw before allowing Its production , and in tlioso thirty day-i almost the entire play was changed line for line. "I remember on one occasion when ho suld to a young soubrette who had for thu mo ment a lliie or two in which she was to show her Intense and tragic fury. The girl .simply squeaked ; Ihc governor whirled about , cryIng - Ing : 'Speak from your stomach , miss ; speak from your stomach. ' "Ho was very quick at repartee and al ways had a funny line for every incident. It happened once tlmt a friend came with riiufnl face to say that ho had been sued for breach of promise. 'Ah , ' said my father , 'but will you got out of iho scrape nil right f Tlio friend replied : 'I am afraid not. You -co , she has got a lot of letters from mo. ' 'My boy , ' replied father , 'never kiss a lady liirough an ink bottle. ' " * During tlio tlmo that Mars was playing a star engagement near thu earth a young man walked Into a saloon in Now York and asked for a drink. Ho said he had no money. That ended it , for one can't drink without money. " 1 tell you what I'll do , " the fellow said , "Mymimuls Jim Thornton , and I have a ne.w song In my hands hero which you can have for a drink and a few dollars. It's Hiiro to bo popular during tlio Mars excitement any way. " The offer was refused , and Thornton sold tin ) song to a publishing 11 rm for a few dollars lars , and a percentage on thu sales. U proved to bu ono of the most impular songs of the day , and you can hear "My Sweetheart's the Man In thu Moon" whistled on almost every street corner now. The air has brought in enough money to buy two or three saloons , yet a low weeks ago a drink and a few dollars would have bought it. tt There Is ono quality Jor which wo should admire Anifrlcan musical farce , because wo admire it in human buings ; namely , adapta bility to circumstances. " You'll see , " HU id Ikihert I ) . Monroe , man ager of "Aunt Bridget's llaby , " the other night , "that we have an entirely nu\v llrst act this season Wo were iliasatlsllo'l with the old nrst act , so wo throw It away , took tin ) second uet of a new piece callud 'Hour Grapes , ' changed the names of the chiir.ic- tcrs , slightly altered the incidents and put it in place of the original llrst act of 'Aunt Bridget's Haby. ' It Ills perfectly , " I.tuiKtry'it Hindi Drcm. Did you ever hear how Mra. Langtry was discovered' Some young Oxford student * were taking a vacation. Whlloon a flshlnrt excursion they were treated very hosmtably by a young woman on Jer.iev > r Ie. On returning - turning to linden oiu * . of ttirm in Rratltudo suggested to his mother that she Invite this rollned young member of n verv respcctabio family to l ondon for a visit She did so. This young lady was not only respectable , hut correspondingly poor. During her visit a reception was given b\- this lady , Khe-thls young lady-had but ono best gown , and that was very icspcetnblp too , It was too much so. It was not only black but high-necked. Not to be vulrrarly and con- splcuotisly rospoetnblo , she sacrificed tlio high neck with the scissors. It left exposed her own nock nnd shoulders , which caught the eye of the artist Mlllals. It was n ( Jreek line , that line from the top of the head to the tip of Iho shoulder , fully appreciated by the famous artist. He Inquired of the hostess who it was that owned that perfeit head , perfect neck , perfect shoulders. She told him. Ho said : "Ah. madam , you have u goddess in jour guest. " That settled It lilt wont was law. Mrs. l.atijtry's ( beauty was rocoirnlzod Immediately. Without any doubt it was that inovltnbln black gown emblem of respectability , ot poverty , of Invention - that did It Mrs. uuigtry's neck and shouldcis wore In them , selves Indisputably lovely , of course , but lovely or not they would never have caught the eye of Mlllals or any one else In n pro * inlscuous crowd If they had not been brought out in bold relief by the black dress. U may have been her ono dross. U may have becit mended nnd patched. It may have been shiny nnd shabby , but it was the black in contrast to the fair skin that accentuated and made noticeable the beauty of the god * doss. Dentil of u MluMrrt , "Hub" Slavln , the well known negro comedian , died rather suddenlv last week lu Toledo , O. Slavia was burn In llallhnnrc. He began his professional career as a variety comedian and did an act with numerous small companies until t TS , when ho made his debut in Xew York as a member of the te.un of SchaelTerand Slavin. Luke St heel * craft , who Is now with "Tho SocietyKad , " shortly afterwards got the team an engagement - ment with the Howard Athcmi-um company , then under the direction of Uieh & Stetson. Slavin did not remain long with SchaelVer , but started off on his own account , giving a. monologue entertainment. His tirst big lilt , was made nt Tony Pastor's theater in New York , and after thai engagements were numerous. Some two years ago lie again Joined the Howard AUtcmrnm compaiiA , but was dismissed after an engagement pla.vcd in Harlem. The maiiat'cmenl said that it had trouble with him. After that he went into partnership with McNish and Johnson mid started McXish , Sla\ln and Johnson's minstrels. The company collapsed during Us second season. The deceesed was a clover performer in his line , having many imitators , but was looked upon as being very erratic for some time past. TiiiTinATiits. : : : Uoyd's New theater returns to one of its best loves tonight. It again throws open Its doors to farce comedy and announces James T. Powers , the come llan , in what is said to bo a great farcical success. Powers is so well known hero that it is scarcely necessary to say aught beyond the fact that in the new production he is doing the best comedy work in his career. "A Mad Bargain" is a roaring farce pure ami simple. H is the result of a collulxira- tiou between John McNally , author of "A Straight Tip , " and Julian Mitchell. The comedy has an original idea for its founda tion. The plot is complicated enough to suit the most caplious , the story is cleverly told , while the main thread is closely adhered to from curtain risu to curtain fall. Powers does a delicate bit of panlomlnio acting for which ho is noted , and also executes a roaring biirlestpju on the Serpentine dance. Peter F. Daily , who is still in his support , and who also will bo gladly welcomed back to this city , contributes an appropriate specialty. But the most striking of thcso incidental diversions is the marvelous danc ing and extraordinary high kicking of Leoua Forrest. In addition to those already named , pretty little Delia Stacy has been retained from the cast of "A Straight Tip , " Rachel Booth , a clover actress , is the souhretto , while the other parts are well cared for by Uoso Cook , Lillian Clmntoro , Dcllo Jackson , Frank M. ICendriek , W. W. Allen , Frank Howard , Richard Carie , Frank Author , Charles P. Morrison and others. The sale of seats is large , and Boyd's will no doubt have a representative lirst night audience this evening. William A. Brady's production of Dion Boucicault's melodramatic masterpiece , "After Dark , " will bo the offering at the Farnam street , beginning with today matinee , January 8 , continuing nil week with usual Wednesday and Saturday matinees. The play is a picturesque drama of llfo in London and aims to present the character * isticsofthe metropolis as they really exist. Stories of real llfo when adequately pre sented always1 have a certain interest which is intensified whfn the production Is moro than ordinarily complete and this is what is promised for "After Dark. " Triero is an absorbing story limning through the play anil of course a hero and heroine and the conventional villain. The hero , however , is somewhat of a novel character. The usual stage hero in young nnd handsome ( alleged to lie ) and ultra melodramatic The hero in''After Dark" is an old unfortunate known as Tom , who sulVers and endures much but is successful in accomplishing many things. Ho rescues the heroine from a river of real water and saves the Juvenile man from a terrible death by railroad acci dent , and in other ways demonstrates his rights to the title of ono of nature's noblo- inen. Ono of Urn greatest scenes of the play is an exact representation of a London music hall , which is used as a vehicle for the introduction of a host of vundovlllu ar tists , which are headed bv the great sketch artists , Mclntyro and Heath , Hubert La Marline , the phenomenal child dancer , and the topical duetlstH. the Stewart sisters , who appeared for 100 nights at thu Casino Hoof garden , Now York City. "After Dark" deals largly in jvlmt may bo termed liio shady or "sporty" side of city life , introducing concert halls , boxing matches , crooks , life in the lower stratum of .society and introducing things far mom safely viewed upon tlio stage than in real life without thu accompanying protection of a policeman. Added to tin ; spicu of the realisticdi.iloguo , the sensational incidents , thu truthful repro.luctlun of city life , is a most absorbing plot carrying with It a story that increases In intensity as the action moves along , leaving the spectators Impa tient ns the act drop falls to know what will follow , when thobccnie curtain rises again. A fortune in Uuulf lias been expended in the lioaiitlfnl scenery , thegreit : railroad nll'ects and the different mechanical contrivances , while the company of artists depicting the churacteis in tlio play , who nro oxpcrlemrd professionals , have been selected for their peculiar fitness lo e.ich p.irt. In lliu CiiHt aru Mr. Alkiim Lawrence , Uusscll Dassott. llurr Carnth , Mlsn Stella Keen , late loading lady witli Wardo and James , Miss Nulllo BuciUey and sixteen others. Ono oIho greatest sn-jess in the annals of farce-comedy linn occurred In Now \urlc , whcro Hoyl's "A Trip to ijiiiiritown lias kept thu boards of Uif Madison Siuum theater for a year , untun-J upon Iho KC "jnd , and shown fair prospects of rumiiir ; thno. "ATrip loChhmtuwn" collies lo Buyd H New theater Thursday ovcning for thrci ni 'ht.4 and a matinee. Th history of Its phenom enal success in Now York is familiar to every student of thu newspaper ! . . The Hcinhi ufYoulH in "Chinatown" aru uiild to be beauti ful. Mr. Hey I lias expciide.l more inone.x in this direction than over before in iinof , his comedies. The cast incluiiox many of thu original New York company. Bert Havcrly Is now placing Wolland .Strong and the charming I Jiura Jllggnr will lie seen llio llrst tlmo heru In a lloytcomedynii Widow ( iiiye.r. Joseph Murphy , the best of all Irish actors , will open a foumi'hls ongageinentiit Bond's theater on next Si'inlu.v ' ov < 'ilng. Ho will present a repertoirj of his best Irish di-nnas. DEN t > rvi ORE Thp Best in the World. * MAOEATH STAT10NEHY CO. 1304 Farnam St. , - OracUia , Neb