Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    VTMl'O I'TAAlt PAIttTftl 111 t'tM'P 1
Mrs , Elizabeth Beiillor 1'otintl Hanging in
Her llusbantVs Lanndry.
Trnglr Dentil of Her llnilfs'ilrr Iti-llrrnl In
Il \c pctliroiicil Her ltini n DrtulU
of the llori-lblc Aimlr I.ucal
Noun Nolr * .
Mrs Kllzabcth HclJlcr , wife of Vf.V. .
Heidler , the Xortli Mnlu street laumlryman ,
coiiunltled suicldo by liati liiK nt an early
hour jcstcrday momltiR , with a rope taken
from her littles boy's sled. Tlio family oc-
rupj rooms upstairs over the laundry build-
Iiitf During the night she occupied u room
with her daughter as usual , while her hus
band , IM Knyder. who works at the laundry ,
niiil a couple of children occupied another
room. Sometime during the night she arose ,
dressed nnd left the room. She was not
misrcd until between half past 5 and 0
o'clock , Mr. Heidler arose about that time
nnd went down stairs to look after the fires.
When bo went back his little son who bad
occupied the room with ids mother , told him
that she was pone. Ho went all through
the house looking In every room where
he thought she could possibly bo but
falling to llnd any trace of her. At last ho
went out to tlio rear of the building , and
then1 , to bis horror , he found the body of
Ills wife banging tonnontslde stairway , a
ropoaround her neck , dtsad. Ho called for
assistance and the Iwdy was cut down , but
not until after the coroner bad boon sent for
ami had examined the remains. They were
takrn to Kstcp's undertaking rooms , wlu'ro
nn Inquest will be held today.
.An c.Miminallnn showed that the neck had
not been broken by tin1 full , and Unit death
bad consequently resulted from strangnla-
latlon. Alt the appearances Indicated that
Mrs Hoidlcr had acted with the greatest
deliberation. Kho had passed down the
walk which runs from the back door of the
second story , over the roof of the one-story
addition , to the stairway leading to tlio
ground. She had adjusted the rope around
her neck wbllo sitting upon the edge of thereof
roof , fastened one end of the rope to ono of
the Umbers of the. stairway and had then
swung herself off. Tlio drop had not been
mote than three feet. It is thought , that she
had been hanging for about two hours when
she was discovered , as the body was still
warm in the vicinity of the heart , in spite of
the bitter cold of thonljjht. The hands and
chin were frozen stiff.
The family to which the deceased belonged
has been a most unfortunate one. For sev
eral years Mrs. Hcidlcr had been sick , and
frequently , especially of late , she had acted
so strangely as to lead her friends to believe
that Mie was not quite right in tier mind. As
long as a year ago she exhibited signs of
chronic melancholy , and her physician told
her husband at that time that he must keep
ft constant watch for fear that she should
make away with herself. Kho was fre
quently found with a knife in her possession
which she evidently Inlendedloniako deadly
use of when the occasion presented itself.
While reading a nowspiipor the other day ,
she suddenly stopped , threw the paper down
and said , ' -Well , 1 shan't read it very
much longer. " Her friends bellevo that
she. had her daughter's tragic death in
mind at the time. It was only a little over
a year ago that her daughter , Nettie , shot
Captain Uatltu Smith of the Salvation army
in Omaha and then committed suicide. This
terrible affair weighed heavily on the mind
v of the mother , and no doubt had anything
but a good effect on her mental condition. A
- few months ago the laundry burned out , and
BO one trouble after another came upon the
family. This crowning misfortune has made
Mr. Heidler almost beside himself with grief.
The deceased was -ir > years of ugc. Tlio
funeral services will take place on Sunday ,
nnd the remains will bo taken to Dunlap for
For livening * .
It 1 * no longur n mystery to the lad ies
of Council Bin Its and vicinity where to
. { jot , and what is the correct thiiiR in
plovos for evening. , ns a visit to the
Boston Store will convince you that
their stock is composed of nil the lead
ing shades in Musquitairu and uliouldur
length , in the most desirable tints suit-
ublo for evening1 wear.
Some ono may suy , I can only bo suited
in the Foster or Alexandria , and others
may nny I prefer the Trofoussc , till of
wliicb is to bo had. ut our glove depart
ment , ns well as every quality in staple
place poods in bind : and colored. All
plovos warranted nnd flttud to the bund.
Boston Store ,
Council 1 Muffs.
Cases In Court.
.Tarry Hayes commenced a suit yesterday
ngainst the First National bank to recover
H,2fl ! which bo claims to have on deposit
there and which ho says he cannot get bold
of. According to the petition , which was
filed in the district court , ho deposited
Klf.ri ( more than llvo years ago , with tlio
understanding Unit it was to bo loft for ono
year. At the end of that time the deposit
was renewed several times. His ccrtiflcato
was stolen and bo was given a new ono by
tu ) cashier. Tlio old certificate was never
endorsed by him , he claima , but sonio ono
clso cndoised It and got the money. Ho
tried to get the money a year ago last
August , but the bank officials refused to
honor the certificate , lie now sues for the
wlinlu amount , which , with Interest , foots
up tolii ! > l.
Victor Lawson commenced an action
against R 11. Nugent and .1. C. Dehnvun to
recover the price of a largo number of copies
of the Chicago Dally News , of which paper
tlio plaintiff Is proprietor. Nugent was
formerly circulator and agent for the News
at this point , but when he gave up the job
lie forgot to pay what was duo. Ho had
previously Induced .1. C. Dchaven of this
city to guarantee any bill Unit he might rim
for papers , and now ho Is made a defendant
to tlio suit for.tM.7ll.
The case of Mrs. J.V. . Johnson against
Wily Jones , which was tried before Justice
Cones last March , has been appealed to the
district court. The defendant Is a pretty
| : ir ) who was at one tlmo engaged to a young
man named Johnson , who , during the period
of the engagement , presented his sweetheart
with a watch , chain and diamond ring , the
value of which amounted to ulioiit fiXI. A
cloud came over their sweet contentment
and then Johnson remembered that ho had
not presented the girl the jewelry , but had
merely loaned It to her. Moreover , his was a
minor , and his mother decided to bring suit
for him. After a trial , in which a great
many spicy things were brought out with
reference to the engagement , tlio court de
cided the case in favor of the girl , who has
been wearing the finery ever Mncu. Now
the boy's mother appeals the case , and llio
dlftlenlty will Do again aired.
A suit was commenced by the county at
torney against a saloonkeeper In Garner
township named Charles , K Durham , In
order to enjoin him from the sale of intoxi
cating liquors at his bouse. Tim suit was
commenced upon a complaint made by a
woman of that township , to tlio effect Unit
her husband was in the habit of accumulat
ing Jags at the saloon to the neglect of his
Suits were also commenced by the Slating-
ton Slate company against I ) . Orahl .V Son ,
nnd by JCSF.O Miller against C. II. lyorV. .
I. ' James sued out a landloru's writ of at-
tnclinicat on the. stock and tlxturcs ofV. . J
White's saloon to collect back vent to the
amount of $ Sitt , at the rate of $7r > per month ,
Constipation cured uy JoUTtl'a Early
For warmlnL' Client chinnbors , bath
rooms , etc. , our tfns hcntuiu tire juat
what you want. Look ut them , Clean ,
convenient cheap , C. 13. Gas und Elec
tric Iipht Co. -j
McPlmil plunoa tvud Crown organs ,
cash or iiiBtallmonts , Mar. Houriclua ,
HUSlutsinnn street
Itimnl i > rSiitcrvl | < > rii.
At tlio meeting of the Hoard of Super
visors yeMerday a resolution was adopted hi
etruetlnt ; the treasurer to push the work o !
collecting > lho taxes on personal property
which have been accumulating for a number
ofcnr.i He Is autliorbed to appoint a
< tH'lal | dcput.\ . whose business It shall bo to
take nny steps that may bo necessary to
bring In the missing funds , which now
amount to something like $ IO.XX ( > .
S. 11. Wadsworth was Instructed to act
with the city council with reference to the
survey of the lown lands on Cut-off island.
The bids for the work of building county
bridges for the year commencing April 1
were opened. There were but two , ono
from C. 1C. II. Campbell an I the other from
L ) . S. McCannon. On examination it was de
cided that Campbell's bid was tlio , lower ,
and the contract was awarded to him.
J. Ij. Kormnn reported that ho had paid
out to the | wor fj.HUtf since the last meeting
and the auditor was Instructed to piy htm
fcX ) for his needs between now and the next
Sick headaches promptly cured by
Kromo-Seltzcr lOo n bottle.
Tlio snow and cold weather docs not
diminish the demand for ncronpo in tlio
Kloln tract , U { miles east of the post-
ofllco ; 300 acres yet for sale in from ono
to ion acre tracts , suitable ( or Iruit and
garden. Day & Hess , tiponts , 39 Pearl
Wanted Cash olTor for ton shares
Citizen's State banlc sloclf. Must be
sold. Address K. II. Shonfe.
llurhn Itorrptlm' .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Flnley Hurkc entertained
their friends last evening and Wednesday
evening at their home on Oakland avenue.
It was the first social event that lias been
given in this mansion since Its completion ,
and that fact lent an added charm to the
u If air. The house , ono of the most beautiful
in Council llluffs , which Is noted for Its fine
homes , was flu ely decorated with imlms
roses and smllax. Mr. and Mrs. Ilurke were
assisted in receiving by Mrs. Hrodbeck. Mrs.
A. W. Casady and Mrs. V. Porter. Mrs.
llohrcr and Mrs. J. N. Casady looked after
the affairs in the dining room. Mrs.V. . C.
Kstcp poured the coffee and Miss liretn Jeff
ries superintended the punch bowl up stalls ,
while Mrs. O. 11. Lucas. Mrs. Lucius Wells
and Messrs. M. F. Hohrer and W. C. Kstep
acted as a reception committee. In
a bower of foliage at the bead of
the stairs was stationed the orchestra dur
ing the early part of the evening , to dis
course music while the guests were arriving.
Later the musicians were transferred to the
third floor , where dancing was Indulged in
by tboso who saw fit. This department was
under the care of A.V. . Casady , and was
very popular , especially among the younger
people. The costumes of the ladies were
extraordinarily line , and the whole scene
was a charming one. The guests numbered
several hundred.
Sudden changes of weather cause throat
diseases. There is no more effectual remedy
for coughs , colds , etc. , than Hrown's llron-
chlnl Troches. Sold only in boxes. Price
S.ri fits.
"Concert the Grand , " together
with u splendid dinner , Sunduy ovon-
iup , January S. A pleasant social
feature for the public , with only the
usual price for dinner.
"Koal-Spar" consumes all vitality
tboro is in coal ; saves quarter of your
coal bill ; prevents binoke ; destroys
deadly coal gas ; prevents soot and cin
der. Jensbcn < Ss Grepg , 371 Pearl street.
ilotnt Installation.
Members of the Grand Army of the Re
public ana the Woman's Helief Corps and
their invUed'gncsts will bo admitted to
the Joint installation on Saturday evening.
J. H. Diur.sitAcn ,
L. B. Coi'MXs ,
B. S. DAW.-OX ,
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has always been
kept up to the standard. It is the same it
was forty years ago , tlio best sold.
Brighter than gas , cheaper than elec
tric light and us beautiful as a dream
those new art lamps at Lund Bros.
Carl Burhorn. successor to E. Bur-
horn , has the only now jewelry stock in
city. Many holiday novelties.
J. M. Thomas ot C.istana , la. , Is the guest
of his cousin , James Anderson.
Samuel Etnyrc leaves next Wednesday for
Illinois to attend the golden wedding of Ills
Tlio marriage of Miss Margaret Green to
Mr. II. K. McCcc Is announced to talte place
next Thursday evening1.
Charles Strode of Chicago , formerly of
this city , leaves Chicago next Sunday on a
business trip to Australia.
Marion Frie/.o died yesterday afternoon at
4 o'clock at St. Ilernard's hospital of dropsy.
The remains will bo held at Lunkley's
undertaking roonfs until her friends are
heard from.
Mrs. Susan Smith , one of the- aged Inmates
of the Christian home , died at1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon , aped 74 years. The
funeral will afternoon ' . '
occur Saturday at'J'iO :
o'clock , interment at Walnut Hills.
Prof. II. W. Sawyer returned yesterday
from Maryville , Mo. , where bo went to at
tend the annual meeting of the Missouri
Teachers' association. While there ho de
livered an address which is spoken of by tlio
press of that city in words of the warmest
commendation. Ho also visited friends in
Trenton and St. Joseph.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you ilon't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't , want a head'icho. '
Then use Du Witt's Little Karly Klsors , the
famous little pills.
Coal and wood ; boat , ami cheapest
Missouri hard-wood In the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox. No. ! Main.
Do you smokoV Have yo u tried T
U. King it Co. 's Pnrtngjs ? It's
charmer. Just light ono.
Minor :
N. Y , Plumbing O.
Council muffs Lumber Co. Coal.
Mrs. Mur.v UlaUely died of eanecr yester
day nt thu St. Iterimrd's hospital.
Unity Ciulul will meet in regular session
with Mrs. Harris , First street , this afternoon
at ! ) . ( ) .
A marrluL'o license was issued yesterday
to tiny Warner of Wnrnervlllo , Xeb , , and
Florence Asltby of Denver , 111.
A ease ot scarlet fever was reported
yesterday at ( ) . " > Lincoln avenue- , Mary
Iiiglesby , aged ilyears , being the vletim.
The lust of a series of meetings will beheld
hold aniiu Congregational church this even
ing by the Young People's Society of Chris
tian ICndeavnr.
M. P. Kills' drug store , which was taken
possession of a few days ago by John Peter
under a chattel mortgage , lias been closed
up by the city marshal upon Peter's applica
tion ,
Mizpah temple , Pythian Sisters , had nn
installation of ottleers Wednesday evening ,
after which refreshments were served. A
number of gentlemen friends of the members
were present ,
Saul , tho-1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Smith , tiled of scarlet fever yester
day. The funeral will ttikci place this
morning at i ) o'clock from thu family resi
dence in Hazel Dell township.
Mrs. Joseph Lyman will entertain a num
ber of friemls next Wednesday afternoon
from 4 o'clock until 7 at a tea party at her
homo on Willow nvctmo In honor of her
friend , Miss Kobcrtu of , New York.
All members of the People's Pa.-t.v club
and all Interested in the principles und plat
form of the people's party tire requested to
meet at the Woodmen's hall , corner Broad
way and Main street , this evening.
Attention Relief Corps Defora installa
tion Saturday evening there will bo n special
meeting to transact business of Imixirtnneo.
All members having the white satin badges
are requested to wear them , together with
the regulation badge. Uy order of presi
( lolilon Hod on nip No. 7 , Royal Neighbors
of America , will hold its regular meeting
this evening In Knights of Pythias hull on
Main street at 8 o'clock , it Is earnestly
desired that all of the members bo present ,
us business of importuneu will bo brought
before the camp.
The best is none too good. Cudiihy's He *
brand extract of beef anil fluid beef are the
best preuaratlous ou the market.
On Their Wedding Night a Wymore Couple
is Asphyxiated !
of I lie Victim * Nut Dlsrntrrrd for
Some Time After Drntli Occiirrrcl
Hoiv tlio A < ' < Iclcnt l < SitniMurd
to Iliivo Occurrril.
WrMonn , Neb. , Jan. r . [ Special to Tun
Hen. ] The discovery of the remains of
Charles W. Dripps and wife last night In
their house led to the reiwrt that a double
murder had boon committed. Mrs. Ueynolds ,
n neighbor , liccnino uneasy about the house
last evening and sent her little girl
after n iwllcenmn , The officer came
down shortly after 0 o'clock and
forced an entrance into the
house , and In the bedroom found the bodies
lying in a semi-nude condition , the woman
lying nest to the wall , face upwaVd , the man
on his face with ono arm thrown about her
head. They were last seen on December : i.
when they returned from their wedding at
Washington , Kan. , and it Is thought that
their death occurred that night , as there-
mains are badly decomposed.
Sheriff Nyd , acting as coroner , arrived
about U o'clock , empanealed a Jury and held
an inquest , which was concluded shortly
after midnight. The Jury returned a ver
dict to the effect that death was caused by
asphyxiation. This decision was readied
mainly from the fact that the upper damper
of their stove , a hard coal burner , was
found tightly closed and a small door , where
the soot is taken out at the botUim
and luck of the stove , was
open , and no marks of violence were found
on their persons.
Dripps was a switchman who has been
working here for some time and was well
lilted among the boys. He secured a divorce
from his former wife Novcmnor ; ; 0 and was
married to Mrs. Ella Huhlbor as above
stated. Relatives of tlio deceased arrived
here this afternoon.
Qillrtt Work of Olllrrr- . .
SciiL'Yi.r.a , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.n. ) Yesterday morning word
was received by Chief of Police Burke that
the store of John Blake at Hichland had
been raided by burglars. Today ho met a
young fellow who appeared at Rosenberg's
store and bought $15.CO worth of goods , pay
ing for the same with a check of Rclseh
Bros. , Rlehland for $25. Later he was seen
by Burke and arrested on suspicion. There
was found upon his person checks amounting
to $ ! : signed by Reisch Bros. , George Wittc-
more and Orrin Poolo. He was turned over'
to the sheriff , had a hearing before Judge
Sullivan this afternoon , and sentenced to
t vo years in the pen , where ho will bo taken
His name is John C. Burke. lie came from
New York by way of . .St. Joseph to Oinnha.
Had been in the state since November. He
is boyish in appcar.incc , aged 'JO , and evi
dently green at burglary. Ho wandered to
the rear of the store out of curiosity , found
the doors unbolted , and on the impulse of the
moment went in.
Hunk or.lohiiHtnwii.
JOIIXSTOWX , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The Bank of Johnstown is one of the
solid institutions of northern. Nebraska. It
has no connection with the State Bank of
Johnson , referred to in Tun Hue's news col
umns the other day in a Lincoln dispatch re
gard Injj a case in the supreme court. The
Bank of Johnstown is another institution al
together. It lias a paid up capital of $3,000
and undivided profits of * : ; ,400 , and is sound.
It has had no connection with the bank re
ferred to in the instance above cited , nor 1ms
it discounted its paper or hypothecated it in
any other bank. The people of this city re
gret that the names of the two banks should
have been confounded.
Will U. > 1'lncril In u Convent.
Nr.mtAsKA Crrr , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] .John Roddy , who
died about six years ago , left $ "iOO to two
granddaughters , children of Owen Dohcrty ,
living near Delta. The money was to be
used for their education. One of the chil
dren Is now attending the convent in this
city , but the other was sent to Sydney , Neb. ,
by the father soon after the bequest. The
sister who is attending school visited Syd
ney and found her sister , but could not get
her to return. She told her story in county
court today , and tomorrow Constable Hail
will go after the child and place her in the
convent with her sister.
IH-tcilBircl eoininiTi'liil Affairs.
NEIIUASKA CITY , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] At the annual meeting of the
Board of Trade , held last evening , the fol
lowing officers were elected : President. D.
P. Rolfc ; secretary , II. M. Bo.\dston : first
vice president , D.ivid Brown ; second vice
president , C. M. Hubner ; trustees , F. Bey-
selling , F. W. Rodcnbrock , M. Bauer , J. W.
Steinbart. A resolution was introduced
asking the legislature to pass an act reduc
ing the number of polling place. * and days of
registration. This resolution will bo given
to Otoo county's representatives upon their
return to the city Saturday.
Nebraska U'cilillng ItuIIn.
Nob. , Jan. 5. [ Special to Tun
Rev. Clinton Riddle officiated at the
marriage of Miss Alice Wcstbrook of Dunbar
to Mr. Sam E. Thompson of Champion , Neb. ,
Wednesday. A crowd of Invited guests to
the number of fifty assembled at the hour
appointed to witness the ceremony , The
bride , ono of the city's most popular young
ladies , was robed in purest white. The
guests sat down to a sumptuous supper and
sprnt a most delightful evening. The happy
couple received a number of handsome and
beautiful presents. Champion will be their
future homo.
Norfolk Asylum Cliilli ( ; < > s.
Noaroi.K , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bin : . ] Dr. H. S. Summers , superin
tendent of tho-Norfolk Insane asylum , today
received tlio commission of C. G. Miller of
this place as steward of the assylum , vice T
II. Egbert , resigned. Ho also received the
commission for Mrs. H. S. Summers as
matron , vice Mrs. Kate Wirts , resigned.
The latter appointment is merely temporary.
Everything Is harmonious and in good con
dition ut the asylum. Dr. Summers has
given excellent satisfaction during his term
of office , and 1ms made many vrnvm friends
In Norfolk.
Settling thnConti-ati.
CI.AY CENTUII , Nob. , Jan. n. [ Special to
TUB Bii' . ] The canvass of tlio ballots in
the Chirk-Epperson contest case was com
pleted yesterday without making any ma-
leilul change in the result and Mr. Epperson
will got ptiticcablo possession of the office.
The claim of County Attorney Clark for
service rendered by Mr. MuLhiey in lbS7 and
1H.SS was rejected by tnu Board of Super
visors yesterday. It is understood he will
appeal to the district court.
ir < iiiilatlon | of lliMilrlrc.
Br.ATitici : , Nob. , Jan , B. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Itisi : . ] Judge Babcock this
afternoon granted a promptory writ of man
damus In the case of A. L. Green against
Oregon II. Phillips , mayor of Beatrice ,
ordering the defendant to certify within
llvu days to the governor of Urn state that
Beatrice had n population of over 10,000.
Turn In PUTT * .
BLUE HIM. , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tm : Hnu. ] A , C , Weeks commenced
running the engine in I he Blue Hill mill yets-
tcrday at 4 o'clock. Today ho was caught in
tlio belt and fly whcol and torn to nieces.
Ho was unmarried , about - , " > yo.irs old , has
an uncle in Swunton , Nub , , and two brothers
in California.
I'VIl Tlirousli u
NKIHUSKA CITY , Neb. , Jan. n. [ Special to
TUB BEI : , J. AV. Gilbert , a well known mer
chant of this city , fell through the skylight
of his building yesterday to the hall below , u
distance of about fifteen feet , He was budly
bruised and internal injuries are feared ,
HiinUlu County 1'nmprvtg.
Gimiox , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special to THE
BEE.I The great demand for more feed for
the various ranches of this place baa caused
another Inrpo cor 1 to bo ere- ted
When the shoi > p lu th s lurt of Buff do
county nreglvin u feed It vtlll require
about liOO bushels of pivuml corn per day
Struck liy n ttSo Irr.
AMII.ASH , Neb. , Jnn. iinSpcclal ( Telegram
to Tun Ilnr. ] E. Itojn , a workman cm
ployed at Swift's Ice house , was Injured per
haps fatally by being slfSck with a cake of
Ire today. Ho wns fralng down the chute
Into on ? of the rooms when his caught
and before he could oxlrK-Mo it the cake of
Ice struck him , kno , > Viiv him off of the
chute and breakimr bis Iblph and injuring
him Internally. This is ( ho third accident of
the kind this week. - " '
NIMV Hunk ill lliMitrlce ,
BKATIIRT , Neb. , Jan. < i. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Br.r.,1 Tlio Farmers and Merchants
State Bank of Beatrice began operations in
this city yesterday. The officers of the bank
are : W. P. Noreross , president ; Mlle Baker ,
vice president ; Eiiccuu Wbcclock , cashier ;
directors , W. P. Noivross , AV. S. Waxlmiu.
Mlle Baker. Peter Jansen and Eugene
AVheclock. The bank starts out under the
most favorable auspices.
While Sent riling for Work ,
Ai.t.iAScn , Neb. . Jan. . " . [ Special Tele
gram to THE Uii : : . ] 10. M. Bailey , a tele-
pr.iph operator from Crook , Colo. , coming to
this place In search of work , dropped dead
tills inomlmr while riding In a wagon within
about four miles of town. Heart disease is
supposed to have been the cause.
Xi'liraMtu'fi Drillh Hull ,
Itr.nnox. Neb. . Jan. " > . [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hen. ] Mrs M. I'ltzpatrlclt died
today after an Illness of six months , of cancer
of the stomach. She was at her parents'
home , Mr. James of Cige ! ; , In Jefferson
county , at the time of her death.
Killed \Vlil11- Coupling Cnr
BE\TIIICI : , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Br.E. ] F. II. Manns , a Burllnu'ton
brakcmun , was Instantly killed at Adams ,
fifteen miles northeast of this city this after
noon , while coupling cars at that place.
; . .i tts-roxii .utit.i ntxKit.
( lull Iliimlltnii Aililri-Hscs u Curt Note to tin1
( inimi Old .Mnn.
BOSTOX. Mass. , Jan. fi. "In the name of
God , 1 arraign you , the bead of the British
government , for tlio murder of Florence
EllMihcth Maybrlck , now dying In the con
vict prison at Woklng. "
So writes Miss Abigail Dodge , the author
ess , known to the literary world as Cail !
Hamilton , to Ut. Hon. William E. Gladstone ,
prime minister of Great Britain , known the
world over as the "Grand Old Man , ' ' on ac
count of his philanthropic ideas and actions.
By way of beginning she apologizes for
contributing to tlio harmony of bis birthday
congratulations a note of discord. "But , "
shcsays , "humanity is a more sacred thing
than harmony. "
After arraigning the prime miniser , Miss
Dodge says :
Tlio home secretary of tlio late government
bo began llmtortiirt ! , the Into prlmu inlnls-
vr who sustained him In It , the
resent homo secretary who continues
t -those are all as pidlty as you , but
do not know whether ( buy nt'llcveln a ( ! od.
iou * bullcvo In Cod. ! It fmliorcforu because
on bcllove In Oed tluitl Invoke the witness
f Almighty find , white , t charge you with Iho
nitrderof nn Innocent woman who Is iierlnlilni ;
n Woklng prison. We liavo liei-a asking Jns-
lee In the naiiiu ot morcy. I nsk II no mote ,
ask for Justice , and for I list leu only , and 1
si ; It In bur own stern anil sacred mime.
Following this Miss Dodge declares that
.here Is no evidence of the Imprisoned
.voman's . fudlt and shames the great govern-
nen for biadinirtlic fettle bands of a woman
in a living tomb and demanding more ovi-
leaco of her innocence. The writer then
: ontinues :
The ItrltNh government not only murders
Jior , but slanders bur. The late prime minister
and thu late home tecivtury joined hands to
hilng her bt-foru America as an adulteress.
She was never convicted of adultery ,
rled for adultery , charged with tuliilt-
sry. Hut .she is ' tin" enslaved woman
nnd thu great nowi'r 'iif' KtiKland souls
her to utcrmil sllonou .bnforo IJ. slanders her.
The home offleo'of your own government
ioems to lie following In the iitiniu Ignoblu
.rack. Humors uru ilfu of evidence suppressed
nt her trial , but. reialned In the homo office
iignlnsUier. Tills Is Infamy. It is violation of
hu .Ma na Charta , of common luw , that op
portunity to hear accusations to confront her
iceusurs to answer evidence In open court.
After reproaching the British government
and the Homo ofllce in particular for their
has jirovan nn Infallible
speclfto for all dcranpo-
mcnta peculiar to the
female sex.siichnschronlo
womb and ovarian dis
eases. If taken in time It
regulates and promotes
healthy action of all func
tions of the gcncrattvo
organs. Young laillcs at
the ago of puhcrry , and
olilcr ones at the tiietio-
pauso.-wfUfindinltalicallnp ; . EoothliiBtonlc.
The lilRlicfit recoinmendations from promi
nent physicians and those who have tried it.
Jrlto for book "To Women , " mailed free. Sold
byalldnipgists , HUAni'iELDllcauLATOuCo. ,
proiirietors , Atlanta , Ga. -x
affords an excellent opportunity for the
piclt-pocltet to get your-watch. If you
\vould be proof against his sltlll , be sure
that the bow ( or ring ) is a
Tills wonderful bow is now fitted to the
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases ,
which are made of two plates of gold
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as solid gold cases ,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark.
None genuine wjtJIPut It.
Sold only through watch dealers.
Ask any jcwelenfor pamphlet or send
to the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
Tooth Filled Without -
out Pain by the
Latest Inven
Tooth Extracted Without Pain or
A Full Scl or Teel'i ' , , : .n llubbtr for § 5.0) ) .
Perfect nt < ie < l ; TooKi extract ! I In tlia
morning , ttcir unua ln > ui | | | la Uu urunlnj o ( muuj
lay.t'eo i < oclmeni of llomb nblu llrl I-1 ? ,
Kco tpoi'huoni of l-'loilblo KLtiMj PI it )
All work wurrnntoil u > rispruionl'Jl.
Office Third FloorPaxton QlooX ,
Trlcpliuna lOli , | uth nnil I'arn m Sti.
Tcko elevator or tulrivav Iruiu ICl'i Ht. uiurino ) .
IT. S. , ( > MAII.\ , V/J .
Uipitnl $100,000
Surplus $05,000
( nicors and Ulrcclorii llunry W. Vntej. proilclont
II. C. Cuililnit , rlfu prolUJnii C. t > . Muurlo.V. . V
lor o.Joliii ti. Colllni J. .S. U. Patrick : l.olJ H
lived , canblcr.
Imrbivrons n > tl"i > Mi Dmltto itci'lnithry
rc gutU.v of ilclllitratp iiumur
do on your rrwl wny tur.itisr you run | ron-
i-lud < - < Uic wrltor ) Slit-1 idoiu ntut pimr mill
wonk ntid a fiitcuncr "he i.nilusi you no
votes hi Kiiahiiiil. for -.ho lias mi rrlfii'N. nn
family. Miiki- the Niicrllloo eon > pleti > . Hut If
thrrc bo n Ural who iirnrk * nnd iintrt the > wny *
of ( tils world , whti honi-4 the voice of Innocent
lili < il rtyltiR until Mini fioiu the eiiiund. II l
licltiTto lie the youim lfi > tind mother ppf-
Milni : In prison tlmn the plnu : > minister of Ihe
( roveiiiinent which \\oiks her toiliiie. und her
Pile * of rieoitlu tuivo piles , but DaWltt s
Witch llart'l v.uvo will euro thorn.
.MIIU .M l < e n Vrr.v l.tKlit Itiin
Tnr I lie \Vepl < .
? , Minn. . 'Jan. fi. The North-
\vcsteniMlllcrsii.vs : A aliurtnpo ofater
1'ower nnil Iho susiicnslon of work
for Now Year's dny. with the de
pression In the Hour market , has
t he off eel of malting the flour output last week
Iho smallest hi ovor'two years. The totnl
production was oul v ! Ut ) 00 barrels. The output
will bo considerable lamer the present week.
Ditrlnp the past llvo or six days there has
been considerable Improvement in the Hour
market. Exporters inquire more for bakers.
patents tind low tirades. Their bids have
been materially higher.
The Increased demand from abroad has
had a hraeinji erfeet on the domestic market
and the call for Hour from that source has
also been much bettor. Prices have been
marked up 10 to ! f > cents per barrel.
If you have piles DeAVitfs Witch H.uel
salvo will surel } cure you.
It Cures Cold * , Coughs , Bore Throat , Croup , Influ
enza , Whooping Couch , Uronchitll and Asthma.
A certain cure for Consumption in first stages ,
and a turo relief in advanced Ktnges. Use at once.
You will see the excellent f fact after takinir the
first Aote. Sold by dealers everywhere. Largo
bottles EO coots and 81.00.
tncnt , n Bioclllo | for Hyst rln. IHtzlncM , Kits , Noii-
rn11:1.1 , llo'iUnuhc , N'ITVOIM Prostrntlon cinolbr
liquor or tolnei'o , waksfntncsi , MiMital Doproitlon ,
Soflnui' or thu llrahi , ciiifn : ) tnvunlty , int ory , ilo-
rny.Uuntlil'riiiinfjraUI < l AKU. Ncrvousnpxr I.on of
I'OMur In cltlier ecv , Impotincy. l."iH'Orrlito n.til nil
Koinnlo WoakiiOf sH , Involnntnry l.osp , Spj'rim-
torrboii caused by ovcr-ot"ittou of tlio lirnln , A
liiuntli'stro'Uniciit SI ; li furSJ ; liy innll. Wo Kimr-
nnluoti boxej to euro. IJneh ontcr forii lioxos nlth
fft will send wrlttriiuiiarantoo to rofiinil If notctircd.
t.u.irantoo la uetl on'y by Tlieoilore K. Lewis , itriia-
1st , fulu ntunl , toutlin 3t corner lilth anil Kirnam
trccts. Oiualin.
Elastic Stocking1
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
tl Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
HIDE 6 mm ,
114 S.tBlil ! , ,
Next to Postofflee.
To .1. If. llcnlello , Mll.-o Votnrn , Calliiirlnu
l.ochlln. M. Si'ven'ii Snrciisen. A. P. Chrlsto-
phcr.ini. Clnra I'onl , Cl. It. KIKworlh , John
Mcihr , ( ieoirc H. 'r/-ciich , .liinirs ( ' . Nulson ,
IVtor Dohl , Walter I. . Hi-lliy , .lanit-s ( ! . Allun :
Vou aru hereby notllli'd that the undci--
uncd , lliroo ( INIntorested freehohh'rs of Ihu
city of Uniaha. have hccndiilv appolnlcd by
tin : mayor , with the approval of tliu city coun
cil of Mild city , lo ! i--.uss the duniiiKe In thu
owners le.spectlvuly uf thu prnpei'ly declared
by ordinance necessary to bu iippiopilated for
theiiM- of said city , fcii'lln * purpose of opening
and e.xlendlnt ; SlMcenth streul from Vlnton
street to Iho Miiilh city limits.
Von arcs further notified , that having ac
cepted said appointment , and duly iinnilflci !
as resulted by Inw , wo will , on the 'lOlli ' day of
January , A. O. IHUil , at the hour of 11 o'clock
In thu forenoon , at the ollli'o of T. II , Mct'nl-
loch , room H-I'J , NIMV York l.lfc biillillm ; , within
thu corpuratu limits of Mild clly , ineul for thu
pnrpo-o of considering and innUhiK the ns ess-
inunl of duinase lo lht > owncrn respeellvi'ly , of
said pioperly , hy reason of such talilnj ; and
npliropiiatton thtireof. tailing InUi conshlcra
thin special benefits , If any.
The piopt'ily bulon liiK lo yon , proposed fo
bo appropriated as afoiesald , anil which has
been declared necessaryby Iho council , by
ordinance , loapproprlutu to I house of I he city ,
nulM situated In said clly of Omaha , In tin :
county of Donjjliis , and Male of Nebraska , is
described as follows , lo-wll :
fj'JOfeet iif wUOfeul of lot -40 , H. K. Holers' '
plat , Okiihoinu ; w Hi feet of lot10 and 11 ,
Mottor's sitbdlvMon of lot -1H , S. K.
plat , DUahoinii ; w Cl ( fuel of siiblol , t , lav lot
Sit ) ; w Ul fuul of lot 15 , Dali 11111 No. U : s 7 feul
of w-lM feel of lot 10 , Oak Hill No. 1 ! : w 111 feet
of loth li-7-b , .Manor's subdivision of lot -1H , h.
1C. Kou'ers' plat , Okaliomai n 'JM ( ) fcul w CM
feut of lot 40 , S. K. Hotels' plat , Ol.ahonm ;
10 feet lot 1M , Mol tor's siihdlvlslon of lot -4H , K.
K. Holers' plat. Okiihoma ; w : H'i feet of snhlot
4. ta\ lot 20 ; w HI feet lot U. Moltoi's sulnllvl-
hlon of lot -18 , H. 1C. Hnueis' plat , OUnlioina : w
' -'it feel , evcepl s 7 feel , of lot 10. Oak lilll No.
J : lot 1-1 , Mottor'HstihdlvMoir.ii U-ttl fuutoflot
'JD , Klselcn .subdivision.
Vou are notified to bo present t I he tlmo
and placu aforosalu , nnd make any objections
luor stalcnienlsctinci'niliin said propused ap-
proprlatlon , or assessment , of damiiKes , as
you may consider piopcr.
T. it. Mrrru.oru.
JOHN r. Ki.\i'i ;
. \\IKri nTOL'KliAI < K.
Omaha , . lannary B. IHUI. : Jii-d'JOt
OF KA It I'll.
Sealed piopo ali. will I in received by I bo nn-
dersl'iieil ) until IjIKI o'clock p. m. January
Jiith , Ih'.KI. for uradlni , ' andsloiliudoun | banlcH
of em I has have bcendeclaicdn nuisance us per
oidinancch Noi. HUil- and 'M'lO , and described
as follows :
I'lonl parlHof suli lols ! ' _ ' . II ! and 1 1 of lot 0.
Capitol addition , and lots IH and 1U , ICey.V
siibillvNIon of lol fi. Capitol aihllllon , nnd
haul , of cart li on south half of lot in. KOIIMUH'H
-'ml addition , so us lo piovcnl Ihu uusllnn ,
fallliiL'or wuhhlnu of caifh theiefroin upon
Ihu adjacent sidewalks.
Such sloplim and uradln to b < > done In ac
cordance with ( he Instiuctloiih of thu city en-
( . Inccrand lloaid o ( Pilblli : Works.
Illds will bit nnide on printed blanks fur
nished hv Iliu houtd , and to be. iiccoiiipanled
by a certified check In Hie. sum of JWHl , paya
ble lo Iho clly of Omaha as an evidence of
Kood faith ,
The board rcsencs the rlKhl to reject any
oral. . bds , , and
Chairman Hoard of Public \Vihks.
Omaha , Neb. . January Oth , 180 ! ) .
Junuury C , 7 , li ) , H ,
If Your Cistern
Is Out of Order
or Srft Water is Sfiirte ,
don't worry yourself for a moment
go right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll never know the difference.
The clothes will be just as white.
clean and sweet-smelling , because llu
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Dusky Diamond TaTSoiui. " ' " ' 1' Ul
"A Delicious Medianori ( Con-
iVollou" for the relict' < f Cttglis > ,
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore , niut
f-r : c'.carinj ; Hie voice. 1'or sale by
nil Druggists nml Confectioners.
l'aclctl in full two ounce pnckngcs ,
Price 5 Cents. If jon are unable to
procure Hie Pomona Coufh ; Tablets
from your dealer send nn 8 cents in
stamps and leceive n box by mail.
.Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , In.
Anliouscr , HndvoisoiKaust nnd Pule
RUGS , can louvo ordora at No. 1113
Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , or
Te'.ophono ! ti23.
Goods delivered prompt ! } ' .
Anlisuscr-Buscli Brewing Ass'n ,
of St , Louis. Mo.
Q Attoraoys-at-'aw. t'r v
u tloo hi tno state and
federal courts. Itooms i.'OG-T-8-Q , Sliugnrt
block , Council Hind's , In.
Or. C
Oco Wo
thu fa
mous Chl-
e 1 a n of
U ma h n ,
has over
l.MX ) stute-
m u n t R
f r o in
firu to f u 1
pat tents
who have
by him.
the most suucnssfiil pnyslclnns In Omaha to
day 19 Dr. O. Oeo Wo. who for Iho past two
years has boon doini ; moru good for snlTcrlng
humanity than all otliur specialists In the
Tlio ilostor can Hiicces fnly ) t.iunt you by
mull and euro you. as ho Ins dona thoiis-inds
of otheis. w th his wondorf nl Chlnpw reme
dies. Do not delay until your cllsonso Is be
yond all hulp. but wrllo to him If you cannot
eall upon Him ut once , und ho will uivu you
his candid opinion of your cssse. i\amliiu- :
tlons free and it wl 1 cost , you nothing to con
sult him. ( Jiicsllou bl.mlditunt tiuon ap
plication. Add i PI" ,
513'i N. ICUiSt. , Omaha
Or11iciT.I < innrIlnr > ll Citroil
ff Dr.
t i
Hcan bck'tvcn In u cup of fulfil or tea or Hi food
without thu knonMfMlnuuf Iho patlunt. It li nbso-
lutcly liultnloji unit will eiriut .1 | > ormam > nl anil
ppocdy cure , wliuthur til ! ) patient In n mutor.ilo
drinker oriiu nluohollo wreck. Itliaa tu-un vlvuiiln
lliuiiKUiuto of . .uaasamil In cvvry last-nco n perfect
turu linn fullovruil II ncvor falls. Tlu nystuiu
once ImprpjjmiUul with ttiu Spucldi . II bocom'jtj tin
nlliT lMipos IMIlty for tlio Iliinor npoatlto ti > utlst
< ; < I,1 > HN SrirlFIM'l : > . , I'rupi. Cincinnati , u
< B-pni'Q took of partlJiiluri fruo. To bo hit t of
Kuhii fi Co titli un < l ) ) ; Hti. Wliolcnle ,
lll.iki' , Unto & Co. , unU Klchunlnun DriigCo ,
Unialin , Kuu
rroiotilN fur tiraillnj ; .
Foaled tiropoiiilswlll bo received by the tin-
( lerslviic-d until It.W o'clock p. in. , .lunnury
Uh. 1MB. for Ki-adlns ' 'Ith street from Uodgo
K tree. I to Class btrout :
Juokhon street fiomlMth btrcot to.'iTth street
and The alloy la block I , ICoiint/.o's4th addition ,
In the city of Om ihit. In iiccurdnnc'i ) with
plans and siioc'llk-iitloas nn Illu In the olhco of
the board of pnbllo works.
Hid * will ho iimdu on printed blanks fur
nished by the board , and to I HI auc.iinimiiled
with a cuttlllud chuck In thu sn in of $ > ( > ) , | my-
able to thu city of < > mihi : ; as un uvldonco of
good faith.
The board reserves tlio rli-ht to reject nny
Chairman of tnu Hour I of Public Works.
Onmha , Nub. , January U. IMU jtf-T-U-U
Special IN/olIccs. /
/"joo'.i jltl wnntcO for joncrnl houiewotkT" . 9.
V. < Cooper. No. lOMklnit.
A liSTIl VCTst nnd taunt. Vrm ntul oltT properly
-/VpoiiEhl Ktid sold , 1'ujfjr A The HIM , Council
Illllfl ! .
I.\\IIM nn.t rtlr taunt. Monor lonned on nlook
niKl EtMn. Uo l cMtMd for "to. DwoUlnit ant
btiiliiPBi rentals. Montr Id.inu I for tool tnvettori ,
loiuo A ' 1 oirlo. T.1A I'earl tro l.
G' ' A 'Hr- " * upper HrosrtiTun uploiitlil ptooe for
pIMtlngi ct np for r.i h , or will rxohnnio for
linpuiTiM rosliloncQ proportr In Council Ulua .
tiri-piulilclJt , Nlchobcm AOo _ ,
NNI > > ' UIT land. rlohc t nl moiT
Kul trncl In I'ottsrutlvnlo o'luntri t
Kiterir\io \ riaooi five'or ton Mire toll , tlreaa-
aliU'liK McHolion A Co. . Ml
\VK WANT ton acrci ot Ikii.l within B o nilloi of
c'.tr l on't cure liow touch It Is. Gr tn >
lilrlils , Nicholson .V Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ *
| : < NTKIlPllISK l'l c < > 71tor friiir oT mntiJnT
1 'ititmrlmn hornet , tin * nrre loin , twenty
from motor Hun. llrnrnsliloMi. Nloliolion A I'o.
il , n m'li niul h lt froa
tlmio | tonie3..H < Acrjt ; J rj'i u honso , * tabl- > .
PIC. Will pro.iniuo forrp Mume In Council lllulTj ,
1 1 < ACIIK , ,1l < mlle * from oil T ; will neil at exit It I
_ tnli i-n _ t M < jtcok. tlrcnnMi \ M < . Mcliolnon A Co.
riU CIIOH'IC lot * In Mrvjnn K'lilltlou noitr OA t cn4
' 'of th < < niMT Intcrilatn lirlilciVIII neil In tiunclioi
tloor U to\lf. t'ounc-ll lllulT * .
I M Arm ; fntin liN li , .Sroom houixi. tlnliliniut
I > lu-il 70 BITCS in culllrntlnn 1'tlcc J'.W ) per
crc. 'IVrmscixsy. Joni ! lon , V Vnn I'nltrn.
G \UIIAC.K. removoil. rpopoolt , vanltl and
rlilmiuiyi ct a al. K. II Ililrlii'.rUr btiU.
I.M UNISUKIUtboMS KOIlUK.\r--'Oil1"viiTcA V.r
-I miu
1'ST , HAY TkVpn l > . Moinl.if at Kxrhmnte tmtn ,
I J.N'orlli Soi'oml tltrct.'Kf \ liorin , Vyrnri" olit. 15
liniuls liltli. vroulil t-Uh l.tKKI It fnti "rill bo oold
nfti-r li'Kd limn If not c.itleil for. Milton llclicp.
Tothi'tmnrrs of all lots or parti of lots on
nlley In Hllcy'.s and Holers' kiibdlvltton , bo-
t\\con Vlnlon slrci't and the north Hue ot lot
H , Honors' sub. and 17th und iHth .stri'Ots.
ou mo herehy nollllcd that the undcr-
sliitu'd , thtt'o illMlntprcxti'd fn-chohlrrsof tlio
City of Oinalin , have hi'cn duly appointed by
tho'mayor , with the approval of thu city coun
cil of Mild city , to assess Iho dumnio to Iho
owners icMti'cltuMy of the piopotly tifTcctcd
by the ittaimigof said allt\v. dei-burd ni'ct's-
wirv by oidlnnnce a.ano , pa'-M-d llecembcr'JO ,
IK'J'J. ' nppi-ovcd DerciiilM-r'JI , is'j'i.
You me fin ( her nolllicd. that havlnpnc-
cepH'd.aid appointment , anil duly iitiallllcd
as rciiulred liv law , wo will , nn Ihe twelfth day
of .lanuarv. A. D. lH < ji. : at Ihe hour of two
nVlocli In the aftcnioon. at Hit1 tilllco of llcorso
J. Paul , Illu. ) Piirntim .strci-t , wltliln thticor-
poralo limits of halil city , men ! fur Hit' pur-
jio-e of I'oiiMdoHnx and m'.iUlnj ; the auio.xs-
nii'iit of damage to the owners ropectlvuly. of
salil propri'ty , alTfCtod by said uriido , laulni ;
liitoconsldi'ratlon special hriiellN , It any.
You arnnotlllud to h" present ut the tlmo
anil place aforesaid and make any objections ,
to or statements eonecniln said asscsHincnt
of dainacv.s , as you may roiislilrt1 proper.
iiKO..I.l'A\.M \ ,
Omaha. Doroinber'-8. IH'J'J. liaOilIOt.
I' * lor Ituiiiiitiify p nrvi y ttntl llunu *
inunt * ,
Uenurnl l.mid Ofilce , V
WASIIIXOTON. D. O. . Uecoinhor' l. "IG. J
Scaled proponvli will bo received ut tlu > ion-
rrul land olllco. WnmihiKton. D. C. , until U
o'clock p. m. on Saturday , the SSlli day of
January , Ib'.O ' , for tbu survov and innrlilni ; by
Ktiltiblo monnmuniH , of that portion of Iho
boundary line bnlweon the stain of Nebraska
and UiCKiuloot South D.ikota which lias west
of ihu Mls-onrl river , as uutliorl/.ed by ttiu act
of conurobs , nuprovu I Aujint \ IS'maklni ' ' ;
npproprlatlon fur Hiirvoylnu thu publlo lands
I'nmiililct ' Statutes at lj'ir i , IMllS - ' , p. are ) ;
ixlso for thu furnishing of H'.OIIU iiionnniunts to
lie plrtoc I nt hulf-mllo IniorvnlH on sahl boun
dary. Thu bins for the survey and for the
monuments must , he separate , with the privi
lege to thu bidder Unit If ho 18 not awarded
iho contract for both hu will Lu bound to con
tract for nuithur. Copies of thuspuolUuallons
may bo hud upon r.pnlleutlon to this olllco.
Kach bid intist ho accompanied by u certified
chock for f.VU. The rlRbt to rujuul any or all
hldi U irsorved. Proposals miiHt lie uiolosod
In unvolopoi smiled and marlied "PropoHiila
for survey of boiindiiry liotwoun NuhrunUa
nnd South Dakota. " nnd "Proposals fur bonu-
daiy monumonts. " and addruascd to the Oon-
lulsslonor of the Oonoral Land OHlco , Waah-
liiBtou , D. O. *
tSlinod ] W. M , STONE ,
HitSIt , Cofnmlsiloncr.
To the owners of all lots and parts of lots on
I'lfth street , fioin Piorea struct to Woolworth -
worth avenue ;
You nro hereby nutlflod that tlio undor-
slsned , thrcudls'titcrustud freulioblors of the
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of thuulty coun
cil of said city , to iifises-i the damage to the
owners respectively of the property affected
by Krudlnn of said slruet. deuliircd nocesaary
by ordliiHiicn No. : i'l 7 , passed Doc. 0 , 1BU7 , au-
provud Doc. 21 , It > 92.
You are further notlflnJ. bavins ac
cepted said appointment , und duly mmllflca
as reciulrei ] bv law , wu will , on thu iTtnduv of
Jiinnarv. A. I ) . Ib'.U , nt the hour ot 10 o'clock
In thu forenoon , at the ufllcu of Shrlvur &
O'Douohoo. IHI I'arn.'i'ii strcol. within the
corporate limits of said city , incut for the purpose -
pose of considering and making thu ns9CB3-
nicntof dainnKu to thu owners respectively o (
Bald proptrty , alTeclcil by said Knullnif. taklui
Into consideration upculul benellta. It any.
You aru notified to bo present nt the tlmo
and place aforesaid and make any objection
to or statcrnunts concerning ; said iiBsulNmonc
of damages art you may eonildor piopcr.
W. ( J. KllltlVKR.
(7EO. ( . PA III/ .
Omaha , Jan. J. l a J3dlOt
1'rnposalH lor IJ htlnu tliu Mihurliit ol til
City of Omaha.
Aecordlng lo Information from the chair
man of thu special commUleu on gasollmi
lighting , the Inslructlons lo ailvortls'3 for bids
for lllitiiix thu suburbs of thu city worn not
ilellnilu cnouxh , and a I , his reipiust , thu advur-
tlseincnl lschinied : to read as follows :
Healed bids will bu received at thuolllc.c of
flie clly comptroller up to 0 p. m. sharp , Janu
ary 10 , 1HOU , for twelvu d'J ) eamllu powur
gasoline lamps , or electric lights , for lighting
the hiibnrbs of thu city , for a period of two
years. HliN may state jirlee pur lump , nioon-
llglil sclicdulu of twenty nights per mouth , or
fiomsun down lo sunrise. No eurtaln number
of lamps guaranteed , but the statement ti
madu that , in thu hint hill from the last con
tractor the city was charged with 1,014
lamps. A certified ehecU In the sum of $200
will ho required from each bidder as a guaran
tee of uood faith. Tliu right , is reserved to ro-
jcet any or all bids.
Omaha , December DO , 1801 ! . " "
Sealed proposals will bu received by the
State lloaid nt Printing at thuolllco of thu sec-
retury of slate , al any lime beforu Thursday ,
January I'Jlh , IHUIl , ut il o'clock | i. m. , for
printing and hlnilln In cloth f > , OUtl copies rn-
porl of Stale lloaid of Horticulture for thu
year IH'JII , of HUH paxes each , thu NUIIIU to bu
printed In lonx tirlmer type. Thn sl/e of pauu ,
weight and iiiallty | of paper , stylu und ijuallty
of binding ; , style of lettcrliiK nn cover ami la
till respects the work to he. thu same as Iho
Horticultural Kcporl of IHUi ! . Hampleof work
may hu been at thu olllco of thu . .secretary ot
Work lo ho completed within sixty days
from the awarding of the contract.
Ululil reserved to reject any and all bids by
the State PrlntliiK Hoard. .
Dated Dccumbur'Jdth , 1802.
1)30(1 ( lot Sucictary of ritatu.
Sfceaiji pie | Works *
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Dyeing , Clemming nnd KGflnlsslilng
Otnahu olllco , 1621 Furnum St. , Tolopliono 1521 , Council Ululla olllco a ndvorlu
cor. Avo. Aund 2UtU Su/i'olophono 310. Bond ( or circulars and jirloo Hut ,