wa& tfi\ \ . /AirtTT4 TV i TT v T > ti , ' . itpti tTi- cirr T i-XTIT . . \i - PI I T IV/1 ITP ttlOOtAVtTJT I HLLISd ITvS MISSION WLLL Bniklcrs and Traders Exchange Doing the Work it Finds at Hand. REPORT OF THE RETIRING DIRECTORS Omnlin Ilns Itprn ( liven n SI indtiiR AmniiK llultdem of the Country Some ItpdcctloiM nn thn Duty of the Guild , ' The members of the newly elected board of directors of the Builders an.l Traders ex change , met at the oxclnu o rooms In the Now York Llfo building \csterday after noon , whcro the following report of the re tiring board was presented and unanimously adopted : "The National Association of Builders Ins become an established and permanent fact. There seems lo be n denrind for Its exist ence. Its purjwses arc so laudable that it commands the respect of all thinking nnd progressive builders throughout the country. The Builders and Tr.idcis Exchange of Omaha is a branch of the n ttional body. It Is ours to make it n living and vital branch , giving tone and vigor to the body , and receiving In ictiirn unfailing bpiipflts , 01 to lapse Into indifference , forfeiting the prlro. "Omaha has already attained prominence as ono of the large and leading cities of thu west , and gives premise of still larger growth and greater intluenco In .sh.iplm ' the destinies of the great republic. Nothing be- sneaks the elrir.ictcr of tlio cltUens of any city with greater omph isis than Its public buildings and private resi dences ; therefore the greater v the Intelligence ami lldcllty of x its builders , the moro satisfactory tlio results In this respect. May wo not confidently hope , judging from the beginning already iniulu with such gratifying success , that Omaha , In the near future , may bo the proud pos sessor of a Builders and Traders Exchange second to none in the country , making its Inllucnco felt in cxery direction whcro the material and moral good of the city bo con cerned { "This can surely bo done If the builders ami tradeis of this city will but realize the importance and advantages of organi/ation , and their individual responsibility of their own. I low thn I'leld "Bishop Newman. In a recent address In Chicago , said that \\hllo surveying the mag nificent and beautiful buildings at the World's fair grounds , it occurred to him that moro wonderful than the build ings was the thought that before a stone had been laid or a nail driven In the struc ture it had stood a perfect and completed whole In the minds of the men who planned and executed it. Is there not dignity in such a calling ? Can any class of men make Just claim to greater distinction ? The build ers exchanges of this country , it moperly conducted , 'cannot fail to receive the proper recognition at the hands of the public , and in this way help to incrcaso the growing sentiment that labor is honorable. Let the day soon daw n when our young men w ill feel that tlio door to distinction and honor opens ns readily to an intelligent and honorable mechanic as to auv citizen of any class. AV have been depending too much on foreign , imported mechanics , while our own young men have been seeking genteel and "kid glove" occupations. "A short time ago an advertisement in the paper fora young man to 1111 a $ .1,00(1 ( position received , within twenty-four hours , 120 ap plications for the position. "AVo must sco to it that the boys of our country are given opportunity through trade schools and the public schools to obtain n mechanical education and thus bo lilted for a useful and honorable . calling in life , adding to the real and perma nent good of the country. AVe enlarge somewhat upon thcso matters for the pur pose of answering the question : 'Of ' what good is the Builders and Traders exchange ( and to show that every ( milderin the coun try who honors his calling should bo en rolled as a member of some exchange. rln.inrl'il anil SuliHtuiitlnl. "Your secretary and treasurer will cntoi into detail as to the financial standing am general workings of the exchange for the pastyear. The receipts and disbursements for the current year show that wo hav funds sufllcicnt to pay all our obligations and leave a small jyrplus. The shortage in the stock account arises .from loans made to general account previous to this year , largely in the lirst year of the organisation. Your board of directors recog- nl/cs this as an obligation that must bo cared for at the earliest possible moment , and has full confidence that with loturning prosperity In the building business it can be easilj ac complished. "Early in the beginning of our work for the year it seemed ad visible to make some now departures to interest the iiidividu.il members in the work of tlio organization. Accordingly monthly meetings with the re freshment fe.iluro were Inaugurated , We feel gratified by the results. "Our mcmbcjsjiip also has increased 100 per cent in the last twelve months The re lations between the employer and the em ploye during the past i ear have been .satis factory In thu main , and no disturbance ot any magnitude has arisen. "AVo , as a local body , have adopted the recommendation of the National association , vlt : Apian of arbitration and can sec no reason why , If adhered to by both employer and employe , all questions arising between the two Interests may not be satisfactorily settled without the expensive luxury of a strike. " I.IIMN nf the Asfloelntlon. "Tho cede of practice adopted by this as sociation and subscribed to by all the archi tects in the city , wo believe to bo our bul wark and chart for guidance , which. If faithfully followed , will place our organi/a- tlon on a footing that will insure prosperity and permanence. "Tho uniform contract adopted by us should bo urged by every member to tlio end that it may become universal throughout the land , U Is the product of the combined wis dom of a committee loprcscnting Iho National Association of AiclrHeets , and the Master Hulldcrs of the United States. A committee of this organisation has recently turned over to a sub committee a building ordinance for this city , which , if completed and adopted as recommended , will bo as satisfactory and perfect un ordi nance as any in the country. "This largo and Intelligent commlltco should receive the heartfelt thanks of the citizens of Omaha for its persistent and faithful work. "A hasty visit from our national secretary , Mr. AV. II , Kayward , his w oil-timed and en couraging words , coupled wllh the pleasant social iMthcriug and entertainment , Is worthy of notice. Wo trust It will bo fre quently repeated. * "Your committee , in retiring from ofllei.il dutlc.s , thanks jou for confidence manifested nnd asks pardon for shortcomings , It trusts tlmt you will bo wisely directed In the choice of olllcers for the coming year , and that the future of the Hulldcrs and Traders exchange will grow brighter each coming i car of its history. " AV , S. Wcdgo was ro-electcd secretary and Ills salary increased hy the addition of $100 per year , H was decided to keep up the monthly meetings with the refreshment features , j\sr : OK SOUTH x Vlii lhu n'ulmuli Itoiite , J The short line to St. Louis and quick I est route south. j Only 87 hours to Hot Springs. j ) Only 39 hours to Now Orleans. I Only .H8j hours to Atlanta , 1 .Only 6'- hours to Jacksonville. I With corresponding fast time to nil j | points oust and south. Uound trip tlckotfl lo Hot Springs , Now Orleans. Lnlco Charles , GnU-o ton , San Antonio , City of .Mexico. Loa Angeles , San Fran- olsco , MobileJacksonville. , Tamp.i , Ha vana and nil tlio winter resorts of the south nnd west Ucolining chair cars Irco to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit , Pullmau , bulTot sleeping cam on all trains. Bntrguge checked /rom hotels nnd prlvrito residences to destination. ForJioUotB , bleeping car uccommodntlons uiul further information call ut Wubash ticket olllco , 3602 Fur n am street , or wrjw , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. IIAYUI.V : nnos. Miullii UndortTewr 1'rnin the Now York Auction. 10 crises of Indies'mil children's mus < In undorwonr to go on snlo Thursday nt nbout / > 0c on the dollnr. Our onttro center nlsla on 10th. street to bo used for this salo. This being our first special sale for 1893 puts us in n position to still further Impress you that wo are always leaders of bargains. To start this snlo a rolling wo wilt , between the hours ol 10 nnd 11 n. in. , put on srxlo 100 dozen ladies' night gowns , nicely trimmed and well made , foi * 29e each ; only two to each customer. FOR ALL DAY TIIUSDAY. In this s.ilo will bo found a lot ot chil dren's muslin pants , 1 toI years , at lUc } oaoh , fi to 8 years lee , worth double. 1 lot of Indies' night irowns , tucked nnd nicely trlmmort with embroidery and anino in lace , Jlc ! ) , ! Wo , / > 0c , 69u , OOc , 7oc , 8oc nnd DSc , and gu.irnnloo every garmaut to bo worth double what wo ask for thoin. 100 d o/oii ladles' skirl ? , full slzo and Lrltmnod with deep embroidery , only C'Ji ! each , regular price $1.00. flO do/.on hullua1 corset covers 22c , 29c , 3)0 , COo and Toe. The bust values wo have o\or shown in thli lluo. 103 tlo/.on ladles' fancy night gowns , milled and trlinmod with fancy edge * 81.00 nnd 81.25 each , ono-half price. This Is the nowesl thing In Mio marlcot. P. S. See show windows for our mam moth dlnplay of bargains for this sale on IIAYUEN BROS. , 10th street. Real estate. Uargulns only. My word Is good , W. G. Albright 6-J1-2.3 N. Y. Llfo bid ; . a If you will call tit our now store wo " will nresuntyoii with a copy of a beauti ful piece of music. Font & Clmrlton , 1JOS Dodge. 1'Yoscoincr nnd Interior decorating , de signs and ostlmatos furnished. Henry Lohmann , leOS Dougli'.s atroot. LICENSES AND PERMITS. AulInn 1/ed to Sell Iiy the Kvtlsc llnuril ill Yenteril.ij'H Session. At a meeting of the license board held yesterday afternoon the following applica tions were acted upon : Saloon licenses : William Knpkc , 411 Soiilh rouiteeiith street. ! Ivlti'hoil ltio > < . , 1'n.Mon hotel ; ( Jeoi'KfO. Curtis. 220 South ronrteenth stieet : II. llehler , 101 SouthThliteentlistreet ; HtMgiN : Johnson , 421 North Slxteeiilh stioet ; Henry Mies 1024 South Thirteenth street ; 1'ied Dines , 412 South Thlilounth stieet ; II. Itothory. 323J South Hou'tith stieel ; James llaiold , 2102 Ijoavenworth slreet. I'rotestod cases of Charles B. Morin , 1824 North SKtccnth street , and James I' Con nelly , U'lOD Cuming street , were set for bear ing Friday evening. The following druggists' permits were ap proved , but are not to bo issued until the semi-annual report of the draggists has been niado to the board : Klcliaidson Drug company , ! )0t ) Jones sticet ; to ItluKf , Hi uro & Co. . 401 South Tenth streel ; to It. Kohlnson , 1102 South Thliteenth street ; Anton I'ajorl , 001 Pierce stieet : llayden Itros. , 104 South Sixteenth .street : M. I'nrr , 423 South Tenth stieet ; P. L. Mates , 122H South Kour- teeiith stieel ; Swanson & Hoist. 2053 Ciimliic stieetV. ; . I' . Heny,2504 NoitliTwetity-foiutli .stieet ; Ooodinali Oriigconip'iny , 1110 I'ainam stieet ; II. M. Caiian , 523 Smith Thllteenlh street ; I.owo & lowls , 1023 I'arnam stieel ; JosephTucheek,2013 SouthTlili teeiithstieet ; M. SaiuHtcdt , 30J North Sixteenth street ; ICuhii & Co. , 124 South 1'iftcciith Htieet : August Hehafcr , 1923 Sherman ; iM > mio0.11 ; WlithlrJ2t North Fortieth street ; W. U. llcn- net Co. , 1502 Capitol avenue ; P. W FOKJT , 124 NuithTwulftli slteet : S. II. Smith , 1025 South Tenth sti eel ; J.M.I'i ls-ey,2112 North Twenty- foiulhstii'et : . ! . A. Puller .t Co. , 1402 Douglas w stivetO. ; IHIIIIK , 2421 CuinliiL' stieet ; U. li. llan , 1204 llaiiillton sticet ; ( J.V. . liapli , 13.V2 XoilhTuentleth stieet ; Chas. II. K-haefer. 1124 Ninth SUteenth htieet ; J. II. Owen. 213 Ninth Twenty-fifth htieet ; J. W. Clarlc. 1301 South Tuenty-tilnth avenue ; Chas. .1. Kilce , 122t DiniKlas stieet.1.1' ; , lilpiiey , 1101 South Tueiily-iitnth \ eiiiiellWiipMlriis.,10)2 ; ( ) South Thlileenlli stieet ; .1. P. VlM.eis , 1923 I.owo avenue ; I' . Stiaiisbaiinh , 1H22 Vliiton stieet ; John II. Conte , 1828 South SIMcenth stieel ; John 11. Conle , 1024 South Tenth stieet ; 0. U. of SattuiHeld , 720 South Sixteenth stieet. I'llUllllllllll.l. At no time in the history of the country has pneumonia boon so prevalent as during the winter months of the last two years. In times past a common cold was not consid ered at all serious , but of late years the great tendency of colds to result in pneumo nia has made pcoplo apprehensive , The trouble is that eolds are not always properly treated. No preparation containing opium , wild cherry or chloroform should ho used , as tho.s have a tendency to dry up a cold , where as it should ho looseucJ and the lungs ro- In lioved. It has been observed that when Chamberlain's Cough Heinedy used the cold never results in pneumonia. The reason is that this remedy stimulates the mucous memhrano whic-h lines the tluoat and lungs to a healthy action , causes a free expectora tion , throwing off the poisonous matter , and I counteracts ally tendency towan1 pneumonia. For sale by druggists. DISTKICT COURT DOINGS. rin.il Adjournment of the September Turin Next Saturday. The work of the September term of the district court has been about completed and In the Judges have agreed upon next Saturday lib the date for the llual adjournment. Yesterday morning Judges O.ivisand Irvine were upon the bench to listen to the argu ments in the case of Don no and Keller against tlio comity of Douglas. The gentle'j men bought lots In the poor farm addition anil are now triing to have the county take ' back the pioperty and return the purchase money. The plaintiffs seek to get behind an of irregularity in the sale and the piocccdiugs that were hud prior to the time when the land was put on the market. Jiidgo Keysor p.issod upon the case of Units tigtiliibt Lawyer Vim Ktten and do- la clded that , the gentleman's legal wings Is should not ho clipped. In the case of the Poo.1 Clare convent against the city , Judge ICoysor held that the appeal from the award of the city appraisers could bo taken and that the case was a proper .subject for Iho consideration of the hy courts. In opening a street In the vicinity of the convent , thu city mndo an award , from which an appeal was taken , mil it was not It Hied until ono day after the time provided by fur by the ordinances of the city. City At torney Council demurred on the ground that the appeal was not taken in timu and also on the ground that the court bad-no jurisdic tion. The demurrer was overruled. Au honest pill is the noblest work of the apoth.'cary , OoWItt's Uttlo Karly Ilisera euro constipation , biliousness mid tick head- In ucho. Mlirilit | ; License * . 'Iho following marriage licenses were issued by County Judge Kllei' yesterday : h and address. AKI > , llemy Iveir , lleatrlce , Nub , . 24 KiiiiiiaSchnellback , Uniaha , 20 Plank Hurry , Oniiiha 22 MiiKHln llitny , llniilah , Cole 18 Chils , Jensen , South Oiimlm 25 Anna 1) . Nelson , 1'alrweli , Nub. . . 25 Thomas II. Ilcleiin , DoWltl , liv 21 Jolianna Kodoilck , South Umaliu 20 William 11. JlcCieary , Omuha 24 Cutherhio Robinson , Omaha 22 Tr.iimeniitliientiil Hutu Meeting , What promises to bo the most Important rate meeting that , has over been held by the transcontinental lines , not excepting the meeting hold lust year , when the association was dissolved , will take place in St. i'aul January U. All the transcontinental lines have , expressed a willingness tcj send dele gates , and a now association "with vaster jtowcrs limn had the old , may bo the out come of this attempt to gut together. Of coureo World's fair rates will bo among the tuples discussed. Constipation cured uy i > a\VUt's \ Early UL > w . Police Unearth the Most Prosperous "Fence" Found in a Long Time , HOW BARBER M'GUIRE MANAGED TO LIVE IIo llnd I About Kvcrylliliif" Mornhln In the IJi North inil : of Town Stowed A way III 111 * Hlinp Downfall at n Society 'Mini. Yesterday the police discovered the biggest gcst "fence , " that has been unearthed for some time. The "plant" was In a barber shop at ! ! 2dJ Ames avenue , and was run by Charles , alias "Cad" MeGulrc. Kccctit burglaries In the north end of the city have caused considerable uneasiness , and a i eloso watch has been Icept by proprie tors of stores on their goods , l ust Satur day night the butcher shop Of James MeFadden , Forty-third and Brighton streets . , was broken Into and a couple of hundred ( dollars' worth of plunder stolen. McFaddcn suspected the McGulro outlit and swore out a search Mai rant for the placi Early yesterday morning the ofllcers served the warrant and the result was moro than surprising. Ono of the largest "plants'1 of stolen property ever discovered In Omaha waste found , Everything from a clgarctto up to a ton of coal was found , and three wagon- load of stuff w ere carted down to the Jail and turned over to the property clerk. McOuiro was arrested and locked up on a warrant charging him with grand larceny and . with concealing stolen property. A young man who gave his name as Harry Holt was also locked up with McOuiro on the same charge. Jlcdulre U an Ota Timer. The police say that McGulro learned to bo barber whllo at the Lincoln penitentiary. ( Ho Is a brother of the well known thief. "Dug" MeGuire , who has Just been released after serving a sovon-year term. Holt is n hard up iouug man who lives In the neigh borhood and who thinks ho is too strong to work. The McGulres weremembersofthoModern | Woodmen camp that met over the shop , and bo Mrs. McGuire w.is quite prominent In tlio camp. The people in the neighborhood were , much surprised when they saw the f.imtlv Hdo away in the patrol wanon , and about thattimo Mrs. Petty , of whom McGuire rented the shop , came around to collect her rent. She was just in time to see the pris oners taken away , and is slill waiting for her rent. rent.McGuIro's McGuIro's story as related after his arrest shows him to ho nobody's fool. IIo ac ) counted for the presence of the goods in his . hoiibo by saying that ho had been trading all the fall with every one. who had anything to trade. He had obtained a number of horses from * > .50 to $15 apiece and had got rid of most of them at fi good profit. Ho declared that all tlio groceries and other stuff found on Ins promises wore staple articles , and no one could swear that they were the same articles the that had been stolen unless they had a private mark. From this ho argued that it was an impossibility for the police to con his vict him of anything moro than receiving stolen pioperty , and they couid not even make that stick unless some one was willing swear that some of the articles belonged them. Tliu prisoner emphatically denied that ho had ever served time and said that ho had ne\erbeen ariested before except once as a deserter from the United States army. The police recovered in all about $1,000 . worth of goods , and some of the property was identified by the owners yesterday afternoon. Ono complaint has been tiled charging f McGuire with grand larceny , and as fast as a people conic In and identify their stuff they will be asked to file additional complaints. In consequence of the raid the police arc Stu happy , as they believe that they have now broken up the gang of sneaks and burglars ho have been operating in the north end for the last thrco months. of SUl'HKJIli CO V It I' Ol'JXlOXS. Sjllablof Decisions - . Kiu-cntly II.uuIcil i ii by the Judges. ' LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 4. [ Special to TUB Will Br.n. ] Following will bs fouiiil tlio syllabi decisions announced today : Davis vs Sullivan. Appeal from Eouglas ills county. Aninned. Opinion by Mr. Chief Ash Justice Maxwell. lot In the city of Omnha , ulilchshu puiclmsod In the spring of 1H73 and tool ; possession of the samu In Iho ailn full of tlmt year. The lot was enclosed. The loj defendant purchased Iho lot ndjolnlng the has plalntllls lot OH tlio south In 1872 mill took > possession thereof , and the dhKlon fencn hu- he ttti-un the two lots was iecoKnl/ed as tliu trno ace line for smeiitcen . ' joari. In an action 10 en join the di-feiiflant from permitting suifaco the water to llo\v on the plaliitinv , lot , held , that crh tliciouusa. fiillnro of proof to ctititlu the con plalntlll to iccovcr , and theio was no equity clei tlio I petition , .ho . Upton vs ICennedy. Error from Douglas IlICi county. Kovcrsed and remanded. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. pro 1. 1 WhiMii Iho to answer a petition Is a Ken- HI1S eia ! denial , and It up pears fiom the pleadings Me1 iheinsolMjs that It Is false , itmay bo stricken fiom'tho ' tiles as sham. 'J. ' Wlii'iu u general denial Is suniclent In form and 1 huiu Is nothing on I IIP fiico of the pleadings lo show that It Is false the court will , iiotenti'i Into an \amlnallonuf the merits of notu the defense upon allld.ivlts. wit Maorsi ] Kdw.irds et al. Error from I Douglas countv. Afllrmed. Oi > Inlon by Mr. jus (1 ( Chief Justice Maxwell. An affidavit for > survlco by publication was 1mln the i following form : "Isaac Dlwaids , beliis duly swoin.dcposoth and salth that hols tliu iitloimty for .said plalntlll ; that said John l.dwauls Isnot In thoMato of Nebraska , and till' that said Mary Majois la iion-rosldunt of said npi state of Noliaslm , and Is now uhsont fiom suld nm stalu ; thai sei \ lee of hiiniiiionseaiiiiol bo niailu nmo " illdntliostatoofNehiaslvii on the said defend to"s ant , ' ' lo ho seneil . hy piilillcatlim , ami that Iho I la , ' " ease Is one of thosit I'lieut'lon'ed'iirtiio sou'nVy"c sin until section of thn cede iif eh II pioceediiro 10 smonty- and ' fiiilher Milth not. " Held. Tliat as thn objectof lhu action wiisspeellled liihi'ctlon 77 dli'i the cede that tliuin was not an until o Emission lost a to lhu niiituilal faclstdionlni : u of"l ilKhl to make sen-lei ) by publication and of fmeclosiiKi thuiofoio It lendorud wan not M > ld , and Ihata deeieoof ] tya ! upon coiihtiuetho hor- vleo based on Mieh atlldiivlt would bo cm ned. A inMiikoln ( ho tltlo of an iillldavlt sus- wil Immaleilal after judgment. JIO State rcl net ex State Journal company vs Dili Hoyd. Mandamus. Writ dented. Opinion hill by the court , Issi Iscsled with a dlseietlon In lar the use. of tlui contingent fund ulll appiopilatod tlioleKislatiiro. Ho may In his discretion jU ) ! u-,0 ha til fund for fhu piiichaso of statlonaiv needed hy thu state , hut will not lie icqnlic'd bymundamusto appiovo u wariant aialiist on account of booUs and stationary ordeiod him. to nurlingim vs Cooper , et al. Error from foru Douglas county. Afllrmed , Opinion bv Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. of 1. An action Is IMIUIIII In this hlato by mine a pellllon lit I ID dlstilet couit , upon nhR-h MimmoiiH Is lulled which Ib boned ot on the defendant. J. A nicclianlc'H lien continues In force foi tnoyouiN after thn ( lulu of tUlnK tie | lien and sale casu an act on Is brought to foiecl > so ilio is MIIIIU until JudKinent U iccpvored uiul batls- - flcd. IfasiniiiiionsHlssiied hufuiiitlioiiMilin i tloiioftlio two yeais fiom thn lillngo/ / tin has iloii.ll may bo M > MI-I | afli'rwaids wjihin atuloiy tlnif , but If not issiii'd until after tin It the ovnfiatloniif two ienrs an action lo it fliico tnu lien un- will Im hut mil , 3. lluld. That the pipof fallod and to | hOw | a now pionilsiiof tliu pincliiiburof the topuy thodobt. Iho Costello vs Chamberlain. Error from Hall county. Anirmcd. Opinion by Mr. Jus ' tlco 1'obt. A debtor In falling cliciimstancob niayhiw > fully ] prefer onmnr tnntc of Ids creditors nnd mitro Mirh crvilltiMK by mortgnRO or convey nncr atnolilte nni 4ilcil the trnn'nctlon In In K < xid fatth nnd nn nmdu with Intent to dc- f rnud ether rwlHiw * . U. An Instrunientitii flip form of a morlftftRO or ( ill ) of snlo win ftol lie hold to br an nislnn- men for tlio iKMirntof creditors miles * It cre ales trust In fnrwof some pcr on or persons other than the tuortRnror orrmlor. . 3. II. a incrclinnt InfallliiftulrcumslnnceK with Intent tn pmTer certain creditors , exe cute tn U a bill of tailo of Ms entlro sluck of pooiK tlio Intter ipnylnc the pteforied claims In full out of thoocnnsldcratlon named In the bill of sale. In nn net Ion of ti'pleUn by U against ( no slu-fllT who hud seized the goods on an order of atlnrlinieiit In favor of an un- noctirvil creditor. lllplil.Tli.it Inasmuch as ( ' Is the only ( person bowlloliilly Inleiested In the tiainfer , Itrinnot : be held to be un assignment fort the bcnellt of creditors and that tt Is liinmi- tuih whether the hill of sale was Intended as an absolute sale or as it moittnze only , 4. K\ldeiicnuxanilnrd and lit-ld sutllrlcnl to sustain tliucidlut and Judgmi'iit of the trial com . Bloomer vs Xolan , Appeal from York county. Hevorswl and nction dismissed. Oplnioh | by Mr. Justice Post. One who seeks to disaffirm a contract on HIP gioiind that li was an Infant at ItuMlmoof Its execution Is icqnlicd to lutilin so much of the consideration < rccchcd by him as lenialns In his possession at tliu time of Mli'h election , but Is not leqiiliod to ictuin an equivalent for such part thereof us may have been dNliosi-d ot by : him during his mlmn iiy. 'J. Plio pioieityof | an Infant Is not subject to a meeliiinli.'s lien foi mateilal puichased by him dm Inij his Infaiii'r not will he bo held to him latllled the conlr.ict so as to entitle the mateilal man to a lien thereon by leliilnlng the piopoity aflur ho atlalns Ids majority. : ) . Evidence uMimlned and held not sulllolrnt to siHlaln lhu decree of the dlstilcl court al- loulng n inochanlc's Hen In favor of the plaln- tur. tllT.Wycth Hardware and Manufacturing company . pany , vs Shearer. Error from Kurnas county. Afllrmi'd. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. The testimony bolnncontUcfliii : and the \er- diet not belnit nitalnst the clear weight of the uvldoncu the judgment Is alliinied. Hichards \sStato. Error from York county. Hoversed ami remanded. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. In n charge of lapo where no complaint was mud for about seven months after the com mission of the alleged offense and not until COIK calmont by icasnnof pregnancy was no longer possible. Held. That the vtatiimunts of thopiosecutrl\ not admlssable In evi dem , but Independent facts , such as the con dition of her clothing at tlio tluio me itdndbsa- hie. ble.a. a. Proof of deformity of piosecutrK as by the want of a hand Is piopei as tending to show diminished power of MMlstancu. 3. A chaiKo of lape madu months after the alleged commission of the same whuto ( hero wen no tiniiks of violence on the poison or ulothliiii ' ] of thepioseciitiK , in evidence of e\- cltomont , or change In her deineniioi , cannot sustained unless thuio Isery stiong coi- rolioi.itlng pioot of the commission of Iho of- foils I. Where the accused toitltles In his own behalf - half and admits tlio soMlnl Intel com se , but denies the Use of foice , It Is for HID jmy to do- teimliio the facts from Iho testimony. n. Instillations taken togutlu'i , hold toslato the law ! uoituct I v > 0. A jtiior will nnt bo permitted to state to Ids fellow jinors whllo they 1110 conshlorlng tlioirveidlct , facts In the case within his own poisonal kiiowlodgo. IIo should make tliu same UIIIUMI dining the tilal and testify as witness ; In the case. The Anheuser-Busch Brewing association vs The assigned estate of the Farmers and Merchants bank of Humboldt. Appeal from Hichardson county. Afllrmed. Opin ion by Air. Justice Norval. Whole - a 1) ) . ink collects money for another It holds I lie same as 1 rustec of the ow tier , and on the making : of an UHnl nmont by the bank for benollt I of its crvdltois , the 1 1 list chaiacter still adhcics to the fund in the hands of the assignee ) , and the owner Is entitled to haxe claim allowed by thu county coin t as. a pie- foired claim. J. In such wheio the case owner filed his claim with thu county jjulgu In the leguliir way , which is allowed HUu Ihat of an ordlnaiy creditor , no preferciiou bolni ; ghen , fiom vlilch nllonanco no appeal Is taken , and ho iftiTttUids accepts from Iho usslcneo two llvldonds declared , ho wahes bis light to iflerwaids Insist upon thu payment of his claim in full. 3. It Is the duty of the county judge at the same I line ho audits and allows a claim igalnst an assigned estate to dutoiinlne rliuthuror not It Is entitled to piofeienco , and flu llndsthat It Is , tool dor the same paid as piofurrcd claim. His decision Is In ulTuut a iidgmont which Is conclusive unless appealed ron . Stuart : va Hervy , ct al. Apjical from Douglas county. Afllrmed. Opinion by . Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. 1.he Held that thu pioof falls to shown de- [ hery of thu deed or any cijultablu tluht to : charge the defendant Hays with the payment the notes in nucbtlon. 'J. Whom by tlio terms of a deed a grantee issiimcs a debt secured by a mortgage on the Illll' and the Kianteu denies the debt and thu lelhory of the deed , to bind such grantee the 'noof must , show an actual delivery fiom ithlch , if ho retains the deed an acceptance of may bo picsiimed. Veiy clear proof will bo leiiuliud wheiu the pioperty convoyed Is of so much less value than thu Ineiinibruiico which Is alleged the granteu nssiiinod. ford vs The State. Error from Douglas county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion jj- Mr. Justice Norval. th In a cilmlnal piosceutlon the confession or admission of thu accused Is not alonu siilllclont justify a conviction ; that the crlniu charged been committed , must bo established by Hlior testimony. A voluntaiy confession may bopiovcn | , for the puriiosc of connecting the accused with the offense. cu 'J. On a trial foi burglary under section 48 of criminal cede , an essential element of the orlmo Is that the breaking and enteilnj ? weru committed In the night soaso-i , and unless this clement Is pi oven beyond a doubt tlio accused no should bo acquitted. 3. In such acasu the Intent with which the bicaklng and untetlng wcru done must bo proved as laid In the Information. 4. Kvldcnco in the case held Insufficient to sustain thuveidlctand judgment. Metropolitan Building and Loan association vs Van Pelt ot al. Appeal from Douglas countv. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. 1. Held , that the proof falls to show that thu In suit was executed by thu coipur.it lee without authority. ! . The testimony upon the material ques tions ) | of fact Is conflicting , and thu court Is not justified : In reversing thu casu. ImhofT vs House. Error trom Douglas county. Hoversed and remanded. Opinion by Mr. Justice Norval. 1. A party Is not allowed to allege In his pe tition one eiiiibo of action and piovu another upon : thu tifal. The allcgato. and prou.tta , Tlio evidence In the case hold lusufllclunt support tlio veidlct. Hawkanson vs Brodko. Error from Douglas county. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Norval. Thu icfusal of thn trial court to direct a vei- ' In the casu for thu defendant , held pioper. J. llold that theiols noeiioi In the chargu thu court , and that the veidlct la 'sustained lhu uvldenco. i , 1'olluwlng Iho repeated decisions of this court It was held that whi'io a hhei 111 hull's a wiltof attachment upon pioperty found in thu possession of onu not a party to thu suit In an action of Mipluvln theiufor by Mich person , thu ollicur , to Justify the tuUhirf , Is requited to hhow that the iitlachmeut wilt was icKtilaily Issued. In other words , that the writ Is icgii- laron Its fiicu , and was Issued upon a sntllcent allldavll by a courfilaavlng JiitUdlctlon of thu lien and thu subject matter of the action , Mow It lleeainu I'opulur. When people llnd an artlcio mueh superior anything of the kind they have over bo- used , they aro'ulmost sure to toll their friends about it , and especially if they know seine frlomls needing such an article. Dealer also soon learn the true value of their goods , and -When they have an article unusual merit they will almost invariably mention thu fact to their customeis. This accounts in a gr t mcaxmu for the largo on Chambei Iain's Cough KeimxJy. Hero an Instance : W.'L. Ncedham , a iiromlncnt ItUen and business man of Orrsburg , Mo. , been sellinjr Chamberlain's Couglt Ifemedy for several years and recommendb to his customerbj hecaubo In his experience has proven to bo the best for colds , croup whooping cough. Ho sajs It is the most popular medicine tlmt he handles , and gives best s itlsfaction. 5U cent bottles for l > y druggists. See tliu celebrated Sohtnor piano at Ford & Olwrltcm Mualo Co. , 1503 DiJg-L . d Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard * A New Waltz by Strauss Will inaugurate , early in 1893 , tne notable series of original musical compositions , by the most eminent com posers of Europe , in connec tion with .prize compositions by American composers , which THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL will , during the year , undertake in addition to its literary features. There will also be in the series A New A song by Gounod , and the JOURNAL'S $1000 prize compositions recently offered to resident ! American composers Christmas Journal on News-stands Send One Dollar for One Year to Ten Cents The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia Ofl euro , when vou are nalicted with any of the niirnciouu forms , uliasos or degrees of GHRONIO OR \ DIBRASEXS ) very poor economy. It Is moro to the yolnt o count the cost ot yoarg of siiltotlnof Icspu'r. ' of Incnpnclty for the enjoyment of llfi . for those are the thluKs that cost , without the possibility of a corresponding jnofit. The mini who tries to save a dollar by noslcctlns orrofuslii i ; to take proper tro.itmont for any ofmil 111030 distressing and diinzuroui soxuttl nuiladlcs , atlllctloiis and woikncsscsto which o many tire subject. Is saving ono hundred cents and wasting thousands of dollars , be sides shortening Ms l.fo nnd adding to his misery wlillu ho remains upon cuitli. Moro than : that ho entails upon his descendants n llfo < of disc ifco , and loaves his children only u licrltago of woo. If I ; you arc a victim of unvof tlioso tharo Is no tlmo so RooJ ns now In which to ; ln to scolc the moans of a cure.Vo caiT cuio you. Send 4 cents for a copy of our Illustrated now UooU of 120 pages. CONSIU/TATION TREK. Call upon , or address with stamp. 119 South 14th St. Cor. . , . DonglasSt : , OMAHA. NE13. Valued Indorseoienf of Scott's ' | Emulsion is contain ed in let ters from the medi cal profes sion speaking of its gratify , ing results in their practice. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hype- phosphites can be adminis tered when plain oil is out of the question. It is almost as palatable as milk easier lo digest than milk. Prepatrd by Rcott & Bonne. N , Y , All druceUla. YOU NEED WOT FEAlc tlmt juTipli ! will know jour luilrl * il.\i' < l If jou iibu tlmt jivvfucl Imitation of natmo , \tIin | > ; nlHnK ! S volor anil froKlilirii tntlio Vir. 1'ricv , If I. OMicc , I1U 1'ark 1'lutv , : . ' . V. DR.R.W , BAILEY Teeth Filled Without - out Pain by thu Latest Inven tion. Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Full Sei of Teeth CD libber for $5.0) $ ) , I'crfcct lit icunrantcoit 'IVeth o lractoit In tlia niurnln. NCIT uno < luierloJ In tiio cvaula of 7. t-co ipeclmoni of Hcmovnlilo llrlJ/0 tee ipedmoiu of Flexible Klnstla l'i t'.i All work nrarrnnteil Ofllco Third Floor Paxton Qloo' < , Telephone IW1 , ll < tb D4 Kurnain bu Tnkecltrntorur iUU K7 IrouilCtUbl atrinoj , The last jcar has been the year of largcit growth in the Sixty-five years ol \ \ Tun COMPANION'S history. It lias now over 550,000 subscribers. 'Ihis j generous support enables il to provide more lavishly than ever for 1893. Finely Illustrated. Comes Every Week. Only $ l.rs a Year. The Youth 3 Companion Ncxv DuUdlng. Features for 1893. Eleven Serial Stories. $6,500 Prize Stories , Over 700 Large Pages. too Stories of Adventure. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. Monthly Double Numbers. The Best Short Stories. Charming Children's Page. lPJa /A New Subscribers who send 51.75 at once will receive -4-f\ Y/1 M. I A i V" f * ' The Companion Frt-o to Jan I , and for all l ol 1O93 , IBB \ R A fg * Includlna Double Holiday Numbers. Mention li > er. l-Vf Cf fctil * Tlic Comfanlon ioutrnfr in lolors , Opagtt , tec to all 7io request It ithen nilsei lltng. TlIE YOUTH'S COMPANION , Boston , Mass. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , | Foi Thirty Duva only \va will olT r our oittra stock of OHinnl * mid Christmas Jewelry and Silvonv.iro at loss thii im.uuf.vcturorM oj3t. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets- | Will move Jnn. t. to N. W. Cor. IGtli and Rirtrim. SAL'ES roil SAf/i. 181G Douglas Street , Omahn , Nob. AMUSEMENTS. Friday and Saturday , Jan. G and 7. MATINKi : SATURDAY. The Society Rvontnf ' the Tho.itrloal Season. Special I'nxiisemonl of „ ( American Tour. ) The Young ninntloiiiil Aetrem In the Tollow3 Ing Kepui tolro : Friday Evo. and Saturday Matlnoo , KROU-KROU. As presented for ovorMOnlchts In the Tliou- UT 1'nmu.iUc ' , 1'arls , Saturday Evening , Snlo of seats opens ut 0 o'oloolc Thursday mornlnu at usual prices. Llkultomp , nil roads luvto \ tliohoimu ol iuri'o s , TO A Brilliant uiul NIGHT. SllCCtbS. I fcoollio Iriin Mllla In Full Illnut .Mat. Pnturiliir FARNAM ST , THEATER j | 10Dl'flU Like Homo , all Roads load to the ir.iuo ol BuccebH Uofs.nnini ; with SUNDAY /iIATINliE , JANUAUV H , WM. A. BRADY'S ALL B , NEXT fi fi WKEK ! & Hoetho Hiva-ot Hill \Vit3 Hal- nivl iy and di5 rJ/ VSf * " JAAM ) 1IIJOU TllKATIli : . AM , THIS WCKK BUHTON STAHIEIT COMEDY CO , III A puJjs/cwf / OF JAYS. I.o 1'etlt Proddlo , thn MnrrnloiiH Child. AN IIOUU Ol' ' HIT.tlAl.rins. MATiNKi'.s. pnnnhr I'rirp ' ? IVIMNOH. : : ' Only ! .U cunts. " V. "M Friday Evening , Jan. 0. MOGKRiDGEHy OPERA i vvorjreouni-io. BALLAD Iltnorriirt icon 75o nnd II , On itlg at Ctiaiu k KAitj't , Wdi > * > ilo/i < > &B. 'i V * . > . Sun. live , Jan. S and Mon. anil Tucs. bliei'lal UiiKUKDiiiontI Tlml ino t Hillllant VOIIIIK Comedian JAMES T. POWERS And tliu bent Karuloul Comedy L'omjmny Ifl Aincrlca. In A Mad Bargain. MuNnlly and Mitchell's Tliruu Aut ltdiirlna 1'ari-u , llnl' mini , alisoluto UoiiiuJy f-uc'coja of the year , tOKQthor with Leona Forrest , The most ( In fjiic , ilarlnt ; and snporhiy cleve * daiit'iiron HID American Htn u-np-'uliil bcoii * ury KUihnriUo Kllools. ' ' 1 Im salt ) will opun batiirduy inoriiniK ot If o'uiouk at tliu uauiil pi Ico.s. Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE , Tliu mil ) perfect VBEH | ) uiul riclul Myrluicu In tbf world U Is tbu only hirrlnue arc or In veil I cil Iiy hlcli voiili nnl Inji'illona inn Liu o4 nilnuti'ri'il Hllliout look * 'lit ; anil kiillliu tin ) olotlt * Inn or nrioabltntliitf ttA | li u of a vr i'l , tint wt It'll run nl > u bo u > cil for reoltl Injoclloiuor Inlitatloo. Kl"l IIUIIMCr. UtJI/Jl AM ) II A II It IIUUUUll Price $ > 3.OO4 Mull iirilom Bollclloil. TlieAIoeflPenfoklCo.j Tl ) ' pri.'Krlillon | Hrcuiutnly | irvnaruil Al low iirlcut - ss CURED Bend 1O ccntu for 1OO imi "Electro-Modi. icul Theory ami 1'ractlcu. ' "ElectroModi.O B _ B. JB Ujjig .town FgjjB. Jown. . IIICAHft " Uui- ilie.ti. li litrri.uiliHiirvh. - i/d ly Hi lil'jud. ittrtat ami ! trru | | _ * ' , > , ' . r t mull , nc kiKMUfor blllobt * IVi' * tt / i4IH.n IM P * i * n " nt'tn M w * i/iiyuv X ( Q ? > > / ' /9/UUil r ) n > llUllliui | | ) " | * < l , /BUI US'l o'UVV I" " 1 * ' t l Vli'irlliurii. low i < WSKi'tr 1'iHilv ' * . n < nul'lci > irvliiu > piilurul 9 JSSK ftfcifcUon I'llnr li'J. Mllnw ininliUK * Slriinuru Mooil.cr u follurt Iiy Un' lnnu < It Ihircr lu- U'ttltnc * toiHifona thilrpropurfunrtlLiui. J r oiui ztrirvn touTfr < allnr rut n : IlUauy UkinuoueiuUr * f r lum l. ITUL-I.T mMljlgroM.Hi iuiujTi-o. - C'llKHICAI. CO. ' KII-ANH , lOHpnicoht .h'ew York