Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Auditor of Passenger Accounts Wing of the
Union Pacific Resigns.
Two or Three l'rrnnn < i Montlmieil In Con-
iHTtlciii with the rnftlllou Itiillroml
rm Still i u i Slrllio
M. < I. ( Irrcvy I'rninotcil.
Moro limn six weeks npo Tun Hr.n an
nounced Unit Mr. W. K. Wlnj ? , auditor of
nconunts , lind tendered his rcslg
nation to Mr. ICrustus Yountf , to take effect
December I. Tills nnnounecni'ciil was strenu
ously lU'tilcd by tbe beads of cleparttncnts In
tbo Union Pnelllc , ono Kcntlrman remarklnjj
to tbo reiwrtcr that snob news bad u
tendency to demoralize- service , every em
ploye boliif ? affected , front tbe trackwalker
up to thuoiilofs of departments , because of
the uncertainty It developed.
On Saturday Mr. Wlnir took leave of bis
associates In tbo auditor's ofllco anil quietly
Btepcd ] down and out to fjlvu bis whole at
tention to bis private business which has
grown very considerably in tbo past
six months. Whether ho tendered his resig
nation or simply quit Is not known , but it Is
known that he Is out and Unit bis duties are
bcliif ; performed as in bis absence by Cblef
Clerk Southard.
Since it bus become known that Mr. Wine
has severed bis connection with
tbo Union Pacific , the employes can find no
more Interesting subject of discussion than
wbo will succeed to tbo vacant place. Ono
interesting rumor beard was to the effect
that. Mr. A. S , Van Knran.nt present freight
auditor , would bo appointed auditor of trafllc
receipts , a now title to bo created , which
would embrace both passenger and freight
business. Mr. Van Kuran is thoroughly ex
perienced in tbo branch of liust-
nuss ho ivould bo called upon
to perform and as be is a very affable , agree
able gentleman would undoubtedly succeed
admirably with the conductors with whom
he would have to come in contact.
But a more conservative opinion seems to
bo that Comptroller Oliver W. Mink ofUos -
ton will make ibis appointment and probably
Bomo eastern man will be sent out to take Mr.
AVing's place. _
rrlcKraphrrti Still Holding Out.
Tbe striking Hock Island telegraph opera
tors claim to bo still in the ring and not at
aU disfigured. Though they have been very
rqulct of late , they assort that their prospects
of success are improving every day. Indeed ,
things are coming their way in a manner
they had not expected and tbe operators who
were preparing for a long struggle now look
forward to an early termination of tbo strike.
That some satisfactory agreement will bo
mndo tbo.v are conlldent.
Monday night the ope.rators in Omaha and
Council 1 Huffs received u dispatch from the
chief coinniiHconmn in Chicago , stating
that W. I. < Mlci | , assistant general manager
of the Koch Island , bail been given until.
January 1 by the stockholders of the road to
defeat or com promise the strike Mr. Allen
received tbo notice before Christmas and has
since been working like a Trojan to crush out
tbo strike , but though his time of grace
has passed bo has done nothing. The action
of the stockholders is attributed to tbo
damaging effect to the passenger trafilo of
the road of tlio recent collision at Troy ,
Kan. The coroner's jury returned a verdict
declaring tbo cause of the accident to have
been an imperfectly written train order ,
which misled the conductor and engineer
of the freight train which ran
into the passenger train. The
striking operators took pains to let it become
pcnorally known that tbo operator writing
the order was a "scab" filling a post loft
vacant on account of the strike. This liail
'swell u.bul ! ; effect pn tbo traveling public
. Unit tbo stockholders" decided something
* should' bo done to put an ei\d \ to the damag
ing reports. _ . _
HHp All Ariiiiiul.
* The absorption of tbo Kansas City- Wyandotte -
dotto & Northern by the Missouri Pacillc
mid the nppolhtment of Mr. Gcorgo
C. Smith as general manager , with
headquarters at St. 1-ouis , will bo
of Incalculable service to Beatrice pco-
pie , giving them through service' ' to all
points now reached by the Missouri Pacillc.
IJut tlio bonellt will not stop hero. Mr. J. O.
Fhilllppl , assistant general freight agent ,
with headqnarteis in Omaha , will have
about ! ill ) miles of new territory
to look after , necessitating an increase in his
ofllco force. Mr. HaUiUnrn , superintendent
of tbo Nebraska division of tbo .Missouri Pa
cillc , will have Jurisdiction over the recently
acquired road , tlio Missouri Pacillc com
mencing its operation yesterday.
As at present locntcu , the road is not of
very great importance except to tbo terri
tory through which it passes , but now that
the Missouri Pacific lias control it is qultu
safe to nssumo that in time the line
will bo extended north from Beat-
trie , its present terminus , reaching
out for unoccupied territory. North Ne
braska and South Dakota present an invit
ing Held to the railroad builder , and for the
next few months residents In tlio country
llnblo to bo tapped by the Wyiiudotto will
watch Intently every move made on the trunk
line checker boards.
Culled lllKlicr.
M. J. Orocvcy , who } ins for at least
twelve years been connected with the Union
Paciflo as H traveling passenger agent in Ne
braska , received a very pleasant Now Year's
present in the shape of an appointment
.from Tralllo .Manager Flnliiy of the ( Jreat
Northern to become a traveling iiasscngor
ngcnt of timt road with Increased salary.
Itiillwny XotrH and l'ri"tonils. ;
R. W. Johnson , live stock agent of the
Northwestern , loc'atcd in Wyoming , was In
town today.
G. F. MuMutt , who drifts Into Omaliii
"every so often" booming the "Kitty , " wa >
C. F. Itcilillngton , chief clerk to Genera
Manager Kurt of the IClUhorn , is again al
his ilesk after an Illness of several days.
S.V. . Koclcs , assistant general freight
ngcnt of the Union Paelllo with head
quarters at Salt Lake was in tlio city yes
'terday. '
.Tack Darling , traveling freight and pas
Bcnger ngent of the Denver & Hio Grande
although bomewhat outside his territory
came Into Omaha yesterday.
H. A. Smith , , late of Hopkins , Heller Jl
Smith , the stenographers , has attached him
pelf to the passenger department of tin
Union Pacific since the first of the year.
10. Ij. Txxnax has gene to Chlcaci
to uttend u ineetingof the Wcsteri
Passenger association which will bi
holil tit the Itookery building Wednesday
Mr. Vraneis will go from Kansas City to tin
meeting , Mr , Buchanan already being en
route , The subject of land grants and rate
Tor the World's fair will bo discussed ,
The merit of Hood's ' Karsaparilla is provei
by the many wonderful cures it is accom
pushing. It is just the medicine for you.
* Ylu tliu Wnlmuli Itonte.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
eat route south.
Only 37 houra , to Hot Springs.
Only U9 hours to Now Orleans.
Only U8J hours to Atlanta.
Only 62 hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fust time to al
points east nnd south. Hound trl
tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans
Luke Charles , Gulvofitoii , Sun Autonlt
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sun Frar
oleco , MobileJuckBOiivlllo , Tampa , Hu
vnnii nnd all tlio winter resorts of tl )
eoutlv nnd west Reclining chair cat
free to St. Louis , Toledo nnd Dotroli
Pullman bulTot sleeping cars on n
trains. Uaggago checked from hotel
4 nnd nrlvuto residences to dostlnutlor
For UckotB , Bleeping car accommodation
and further information call nt Wabas
ticket olllco , 1502 Farnam street , c >
write , Q. N. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Oiualia.
Uintuprctlnt ; rill/otn DraRRril In to ltcli |
Turin .Sim Try n Cn p.
There was n secno In federal court yester
day afternoon. Judge Dundy found It nee-
essnr.v to eall n. jury to try the case of Maltby
vs the Modem Woodmen , and on account of
the fact tint n part of the regular panel had
been excuse ; ! several days before , It was Im-
jMifslble to find enough jurors about the town
to flll the jury box. The Judge therefore Is
sued a venire facias for the purpose of secur
ing a full jury.
The deputies were Instructed to go Into tlio
streets and business houses of the city and
bring In anybody and everybody that they
conlti lay the hand of the law upon. In a few-
moments half a score of very much surprised
citizens were ushered Into the presence of
the judge. Mr. George Cooke , the shoo mer
chant , eamoln accompanied by a deputy , nnd
asked the judge what the row was about.
He was informed that the L'nlted States
stood in need of his services as a juror.
"Hut 1 have to go to C'lileago tomorrow
evening , " protested the shoo dealer , "and
this trial may last a week. ' '
Some more deputies i-anio in with moro
astonished citizens , and Mr. Cook was ex
Mr. Simpson , the carriage builder , was the
next man placed in HIP box.
"How old are you , Mr. Simpson ! " asked
asked the Judge ,
"I am GO years old , " replied the Juror.
"You are excused , " said the judge , and
smilingly the carriage builder walked out of
the court room.
"I dent proixiso to lock any man 00 years
old up In a jury room for two or three days
and nights , " remarked the Judge by way of
Mr. ICtihn , the druggist. Mr. M. U Ander
son , Charles Drown and Major Furay were
brought In and each had some excuse to
offer. Major Furay and Mr. Drown were ex
cused but Mr. Kuhn and Mr. Anderson wore
considered good meat for the services re
quired and were given seats In the Jury box ,
completing the required dozen.
The ease Is ono in which Daniel S. Maltby
has sued the Modern Woodmen of America
for commissions to the amount of about
57,000 which he claims are duo him on solicit
ing membership work done for the order. Ho
entered into a contract In 18S4 with Mr. J.
C. Hoot , then the head consul of the order.
Dy the terms of this contract Maltby
was to receive 10 per cent of the general
fund each year for the llrst live y < Jars of the
contract and r > per cent of the general fund
each year for the second live years of the
contract In addition to the regular commis
sions. It is claimed that this inducement
was offered to Mr. Maltby at the time because -
cause the order was in its infancy and was
having a hard struggle and he was an espe
cially valuable man in the soliciting business.
In 1801 , after Mr. Koot had passed out of
the onico of head consul and had severed his
connection with the order , the contract with
Mr. Maltby was cancelled and the head ofll-
cers refused to pay him his 10 percent com
missions , as stipulated in the contract. The
defense in the ease lies in the fact that the
head oflleers of the order now claim that Mr.
Hoot had no right to make such -a contract
with Mr. Maltby and that under the laws of
rho state of Illinois , in which state the Mod
ern Woodmen organization was Incorporated , '
such a contract could not bo legally made.
The case has been tried'once or twice before
and now comes up for a now trial , which will
probably be ilnal.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you ilon't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want a headache.
Then use Do Witt's Little Early Uisers , the
famous tittle pills.
Real ostato.
Bargains only.
My word-is pood.
W. G. Albright
621-M N. Y. Life bid ? .
Ton Diiys * I'lc'usuro
For very iittlo money besides a per
sonal knowlcduo of that rjmarkablo
state Texas. A special party of busi
ness men from Omaha and vicinity to
Galvuston and other points in Texas
and return , will lonvo Omaha Sunday
evening January 15 1893.- Don't miss
this opportunity. Tieicots for the trip
can only bo obtained fioin R P. Wil
liam's , room 522 First National Bunk
Building , who will fur.iish full particu
lars upon application.
Niillrc. Notice.
Telegram received of Mr. J. Bambor-
gcr who is at present in Now York , of
the purchase of a largo stock of clothing
from a defunct linn whoso name ia for
the present withheld. The goods nro
now on tlie way and in ordur to not them
really for sale the store will bo closed
the 6th and ( ith of January. Watch for
the reopening \vhioh will bo announced
in the papcrH.
lol" and Kilt ) Douglas street.
Comity CninmlHslimcrx Think They lluvo
tint ICimil Fiinil Settled.
At last the county commissioners have
agreed to a settlement of the road fund con
troversy , and nt the same time they have
agreed upon the amount that they will turn
over to South Omaha. For a year or moro
the council of South Omaha has claimed
that the county owed the city some § 20,000
of the 18890 ! > tax that had been collected by
the county and had never been turned over.
All of this time the county has acknowledged
a part of the debt , but has claimed that the
city of South Omaha was indebted to thu
county for the board of prisoners and also
for money advanced to help out on the grad
ing of South Thirteenth street.
Yesterday when the board met , Commis
sioner Stenberg offered a resolution to the
effect that South OmahaMio paid the sum ol
fJ.WX ) , which should bo in full of all demands
and claims to date. The resolution was
adopted ami the clerk Instructed tonotifj
the South Omaha authorities of the action
of the board.
After the close of the meeting" Mr. Stcn
berg said that ho was assured that the citj
would accept the amount and balance tin
D. R Dalliss , Charles Crallo and J. II
Powers put in applications for Justice llrad
ley's job , but as that ontclal had not tend
ercd his resignation the papers went to tin
tiles.Tho commissioners will hold another meet
Ing this afternoon , at which they will close
the business and adjourn without a date.
The guaranteed cure for all headaches is
Dromo-SelUer lUe. a bottle
Froscoincr and inturlor decorating , Uo
algiiit and estimates furnished. Honn
Luhniann , 150H DougUva street.
o If you will call nt our now atoro we
s will nrcBuntyou wlth-a copy of a boautl
ful plcco of music. Ford & Clmrlton
160S Uodgo ,
Speclnl Sale oC.Mindlu I'ndrrwiMir ' on Tliiirn
< lny.
SCO dozen of ladles' and children's flm
muslin underwear from Now York auc
lion to bo put on Mile Thursday at abou
50o oil the dollar. Particulars tomorrow
lOtli street.
Woodmen's Wives , Sisters and Sweethearts
Will Meet in Omaha.
Nntloiml Convention f DnnMi llrothcrliooil
of America Will Alnn 111) Held Hero
Agricultural Implement Denier * '
Association to AMCtnulo ,
The head camp of the Hoyal Neighbors
for the northwest will assemble In this city
this morning at 10 : ! )0 ) o'clock In the Patter
son block. This organization is the women's
auxiliary to the Modern Woodmen of
America , and is so recognized by the consti
tution of that order. The Jurisdiction em
braces the states of Illinois , Iowa , Missouri ,
Nebraska , Kansas , North and South Dakota ,
Wisconsin and Michigan. ICaeh local camp
is entitled to representation , and fully
seventy-live delegates will bo In attendance
from the different states , They will repre
sent a membership of lf > UO.
Arrangements have been made for
the entertainment of the visitors by Ivy
and Pansy camps of this city and the camps
at Council Hind's and South Omaha. To
night a reception and banquet will bo given
in the Patterson block , after tlie installation
of ofllcers by camp No. ISO , Modern Wood
men of America , and the ofllcers to bo chosen
today by the head camp of the Hoyal
The session will last two or three days and
many subjects will bo up for discussion and
action. The insurance feature will attract
the attention of the delegates and it will
probably bo adopted. Other additions to
jho laws of the camp will ho made and the
session promises to boa very Interesting ono.
Nutloiml Convention of the Hrolhrrliood to
aic-i't In AVi'dl.
Wednesday. January 11 , the national con
vention of the Danish llrothcrhood of
America will meet in this city at Washington
hall and remain In session at least one week.
Headquarters will bo established at the
Windsor hotel , hero at least seventy-live
delegates and as many more visitors will be
The delegates will eomo from all the prin
cipal cities in the union and the gathering
will represent 4,000 members of the brother
hood scattered throughout the country.
This organization'is a fraternal society
and its membership is made tip of Danish
citizens. It is similar to other secret
fraternal sociotcs with the insurance plan ,
and is in a very prosperous condition.
AVhen the convention assembles in Omaha
next week a complete program will bo ar
ranged and carried out. Omaha lodge No. 1
will have the care and entertainment of the
delegates and visitors. Thursday evening.
January 12 , the convention will go to Council
Bluffs , where the members in that city
will afford entertainment. Saturday evening
the members of Omaha lodge will banquet
the visitors at Washington hall. The ban
quet will bo followed by a grand ball. On
that day the lodge will celebrate its Twcnty-
llrst anniversary , and proposes to make the
occasion a memorable one.
The program for the work of the conven
tion and the entertainment of the visitors is
now being prepared by the local committee ,
and will be in readiness in due time.
Implement DealerH Coming.
The annual convention of the lictall Im
plement Dealers association of Nebraska
will assemble in Omaha Tuesday , January
10. The membership of tbe association is
made up of the retail dealers of implements
in the state , and has for its object the better
acquaintance of tbo implement men , and the
discussion of subjects interesting to tbe
member. It is expected that the attendance
at the convention will bo very large , and the
session will bo an interesting one.
Onmlm ( iuttt Itru iiltloii from One of tlio
ITomlnent ImliiHtrlc.s of I lie Country.
Tbo continued growth of the Hemington
typewriter business hns been such that the
necessity arises for improving the facilities
for taking care of the large interests of
Wyckoff , Scamans & Benedict , proprietors
of the Hemington typewriter , etc. , at Omaha
and contiguous territory equal to what is
provided by this enterprising concern at
other important points , and as the contract
existing between the house and their Ne
braska and southwestern Iowa dealers ex
pired December III , they have decided to
look after the business themselves in the
future , and therefore will , on tbo 1st of Jan
uary , open a store at Omaha , with a com
plete stock of Hemington typewriters , rental
machines , cabinet furniture and paragon
ribbons ; in fact , a full line of all stenographic ,
typewriter and mimeograph supplies , with
a force of trained assistants.
The house appreciates the liberal patron
age received from tbo 'public In this Hold in
the past , and believes in the future of
Omaha , and will iby this move put them
selves in touch with the business interests
and earn the appreciation of the publio by
the pursuance of this policy.
Special Suit ) of Minllii Underwear on Thurs
500 dozen oflnilics' and children's fine
muslin underwear from Now York uuc-
lion to bo put on ealo Thursday at about
50c on the dollar. Particulars tomorrow.
10th streot.
Ministerial Union Meeting.
A special mooting of the Ministerial Unioi
was held yesterday afternoon at UK
Young Men's Christian association
hall. The committee composed of Hcv. Mr
Dotwilcr , Hey. Mr. Foster ami Key. Mr. Sav
idge , recently appointed to investigate t (
what extent gambling is carried on and t <
report upon tbo violations of the Slocuml
law by the saloon keepers , and also to lool
into other existing evils , submitted its re
port. Action was deferred until the nex
regular meeting of tbo union , Monday morn
ing , January Hi , at 11 : ! H ) o'clock , when tin
association of ushers will bo requested to hi
present and participate.
SpecialHsiti of Miullu IJndrrivear on Thurs
GOO dozen of ladios' and children's fln <
muslin underwear from Now York nuc
tlon to bo put on sale Thursday at iibou
iJOoon the dollar , PuYtiouliirs tomorrow
lUth struct.
See the celebrated Sohincr piano n
Ford & Clmrlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge
The next Phillips Roolc Islam ! person
ally conducted California oxcurslot
with through toliriBt sleeping cars t (
San Francisco and Los Angeles wll
lonvo Omaha at 1:20 : p. in. January U
This will ho the grandest party of tin
BoaHoa and passengers desiring nccom
inodatlons should ranko their resurvu
tions nt once. For full particulars cal
on any Rock Island agent or uddros
Charles Kennedy , gonqrul northwes
passenger agent , 1002 Itanium street
r The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
0ed in Milli-as of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard.
If Youn Cistern
Is Outiif Order
or Sqft Water is scarce ,
don't worry yourself for a moment
go right aheadiaad use hard water with
and , you'll never know the difference
The clothes will be just as white
clean and sweet-smelling , because tin
"White Russian" is specially adaptec
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Diamond Tar "cet " '
Diisky Soap."cet
Says DR. WIKST of Denver. "He
has a perfect right to be one. He
is a miserable being much of the
time. He-can never call himself
entirely free from pain or dis
tress in some form.
"Rheumatism ever stands ready
to grasp him in its clutches.
When his mental faculties arc
clear , and he feels that he is him
self again , and can do some men
tal work , then he finds himself as
sailed at every joint and muscle
by his arch enemy , rheumatism.
No treatment "of unc acid is
complete without a faithful use
of Londonderry Lithia. It often
does unaided what nothing else
would do without it. Ask your
physician about it , or write for
pamphlets. OK ALL DEALERS.
Londonderry Utlia [ Spring Water Go , ,
Clms. 11. Perkins S < HtlruAvM.ltonrm Muss.
Ag1 ents.
Woatomi ,
Catarrh or
Rheumatism ,
Chronic ,
" " Nervous or
Dr. Searles & Searles
R . F L. SEARLES , Consultln : I'liysl-
cluu , Gr.iduatci uf Kusli Medical College.
Consultation Free.
For the Treatment at
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases
I'lLUP. FISTULA , nSSUHK. iicrumneutly curoil
without thu UBO uf Lnlfu , llKuluru or cnustlc.
All maladies of n private ur dollcato nature , of
either eex , positively cured.
f nil on or address , with stamp for Circulars , Free
Uoolt anil llec/lpee / ,
fir InnrlflQ 7 CnnrlDo 11S South istu street
Ul. oUUIiuo a ouilllco , u < jui7iii. .vu
Nnxt Door to I'ostoltlca.
County Fair
affords an excellent opportunity for the
pick-pocket to get your watch. If you
would be. proof against his skill , be sure
that the bow ( or ring ) is a
This wonderful bow is now fitted to the
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases ,
which are made of two plates of gold
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as solid gold cases ,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark ,
None genuine.without it.
Sold only through watch dealers.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send
to the manufacturers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co. ,
We mike variety from the
uul 4 UUTLY Inilruiiieuti.
Ktcry Iiiilriiiuent fully
Endorsed by the BEST Playen ,
Send for Cattitogtif. nnJ
mention the Initruinenti you
think of l > urchating ,
HCteTU.V ,
Uipitnl 100,00
Surplus , $ UB,00' '
Cfllccri and Dlrcctori-Honrj W.Yatei , preilila u
II. tXCu.lilug. Tlco presiusuti C. B. Muurloo. XV.
MarieJohn ti. Collla * J. N. U. 1'atrlukg I.oirli
lived , canUlor.
Wednesday Eve , , Jan , 4 ,
lloliirn Knnnnentnt tlio Wonder
ful YOIIIIR Actress ,
The ( llstlncnUlicil exponent of the Leading
1'omnlc roles of tlio stage ,
nnd n company tnclinHiu
Mil , K01IKUT TAIlKlt.
lly spec IM request Miss Murlowo vrllt npuotxr
In the clinrnctoror .HI I/I A In ShcrUlun
Knowlcs' great piny.
Snlo of sents will open nt n o'clock Ttioiilny
murmur nt the followlnc nrlecs :
rnrqiiet < I.Uj ) Mrst .1 rovrn clrrli > . II.SO ; lost 7
TOWK , clrelfl. fl.COs Kcncrsl nilmliMon , llrst lloor ,
7Acj llrst ? rowft. tmlcony , $ MO Ii t7 row , bnlrony ,
.So ; Konornt ntlmlMlon , tmlruny. .Vic : unllcrr. "Jo .
_ JV1orH.
Friday nnd Snturdny , .Inn. 6 nnd 7.
Tlio Society KVCIII of tlio TlioitrloM : Sonson.
Siioc-lat "
( American Tour. )
The Young Kinotloiml Actr'jsi In tlio lollow-
Inj ! Itupcrtnlro :
Friday Evo. nnd Saturday Mlntlnoo ,
As prosuntcil for ovorWOnlehts In the Thea
ter I'riincaUe. Paris.
Saturday Evening ,
of souls oncns at 0 o'clock Thursday
inornliu lit usual prices. _
Like Home , nil roads le.vt to the hou o of success.
TO JIA.STIJK A Brilliant
NIGHT. Success.
Seotbo Irun Mills In Kill I Ulnst.
Mnllncus Simclny , Monil.iy , Woilnoailnjr.
A puJr Gi-tf OF JA
l.o Petit I'ruddlc. the MnrvHous Child.
MATINKRS. llnnilhr I'rifPs ' KVKN'INOS.
Only ) cents. Unllill | 1 HUj0ati < l joccn.s
C. A. ,
Fi'iday Evoiiing : , Jnn. G.
OPERA 1-a Very Select ITo- BALLAD
llcscrvcil fonts T.'o and tl. On sale at Chase .V
Eddr's , Wednojdny , Jnn. 4 , U n. in.
tararts Jho moat dsJicious tBete and zeat < fi
EXTRACT sourt ; ,
rag. to hla lirntuor JfiHIl ,
tiny. 1801. HOT & COI.U
tuat tuelr enuce Is
hlulily o-itc-cmeil la GA.1IK ,
ludln , andlelnmy
ojnnion , the luoa' WKI.HIU
imlaublo , ra well
AH tbo inoet wholo. RA1CKIIITS ,
pome Kauco that li
Beware of Imitations ;
eee that you get Lea & Peirins' '
Blrn ( tiiro on every liottioof Orlu-lni ! & Qonulnc
Elastic Stocking1
6 $ Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
Next to Postofllee.
la uiunrpnaBod ia tlio
treatment of nil
ami nil Weakness iieu
and Disorders of mul
18 ycnra oxporlcnco.
\Vrlto for circulars
anil rjuufetlou list free ,
14th nnd Faruam Hte. ,
Uniulm , Neb.
An-1 all the train ol
it company Ilium In men yrii'KI.V nnd I'KIIMA.
itv . NKNT1.V L'UIIKI ) . Kull arUKNOril and loin
a lilTOii toavcry partof thubody. 1 nlll uud ( to
cnruly pic d > KUKK lowny mBBror th3 preicrlu.
lion that curoj moof those troutilui. Adjron , L.
j JL oDe
Do you know what oclds and ends mean
when applied to a clothing store ? When a
concern has done as much business as we have
in the past few months there must necessarily
be a lot oT pants for which there is no coat or
vest , and coats when the pants are gone. Then
again there is probably only one suit of a size
in a certain kind of a suit or overcoat. Nowj
these make up what we call
Odd Pants ,
Odd Coats , .
Odd Suits ,
Odd 'Overcoats ,
"We invoice next'week and we want to get
rid of as much of the "odds" as possible before
hat time. "We qote no prices here , but at the
store the prices are cut low enough. You'll
say so when , you see the 'goods we offer at this
Cor , 13th and Farnam.
! Roll !
Compel your Shoe Dealer to supply you with
Rolled Ede Arctics
The KewJersey Rubber Shoe Go.
tlio New Jersey SPECIALTIES They
are line. Notice inline ON ! O , ES.
Dealers can get Price Lists a d Dis
counts on application. 1 carry a big
stock and am Western Agent for tliA
New Jersey Co.
Co.Omaha , Neb.
Wlthoiitmonoyund with out prlex
To the
You are not well , and liavo no
money mtlinu to see a ilouor.
Out out tlio immoprliitoil huro.
Ni\V : \ YOU 1C
I'nMnlton a postal yard.
Write your own iiiiinuon tlio
othur si to of tlioefirds put It In
tlio I'ojtOillL'f. ami by return
mull you will uut lUoitor and
KIIIIU innilloliio tliHt will do you
pee I. Try It uiiU toll year
( rlenda.
for Thirty Days only \va will olToon ? entire steak of Dl.unoiuls and
Christmas Jewelry and Silvorw ire at IOH tlrvn manufacturer' * onU.
Fourteenth and Farnam Streets-
Will move Jan. I. to N , W. Cor ICtli nnd Kiirnsrn. BAKK9 t < 'OU HAI .
1816 Douglas StrOGtj Omaha , Nob.
tlio ciulnont specialist In nervous , chronic , prlrala , bland , skin and urlnnry diseases. A regular ana
rt'Klitcrud iradunui In ni'dlclno. ludl plnmii anil curllllratu * Dhow. Is .till Uuallnir with tlio greatest uol
cu cntnrrli. lost manhood natnlnal wcaknon , nlnht lo.noi uid nil fornu lit prUaluillsiaius , No morou *
ry n oJ. Now treatment fur lei of vital powor. rurllui unable to visit mo mar bi trujtoil at lioiuo br
currvtiiondcnco. .Mudlclno or liutrningnlasont by mill or oipren 03urely packed , nu marks tu Imtlont * )
fonloiiuorsundur. onoporsiinallnliirvluiv pri Turrol ilunsulttttlonfroi. Uorruipjniloiioontrlclly private
Hook ( > lymerles of l.lfusunt ) fruit. otllculiuurj'Ja.iii. tu'Jp.m. HundayslUa.iu.loUuj. tsiul stamp for roplf
"NorveSoads , "
tbo wonderful remedy
li eold ultli a writ-
ill ' .Isi-uiei. a Weak Hcinorr ,
Sell uunrnntcr toruro ncrroui ( ijcli
Lo of Ilialiil'owtr. n * dnelic. Wakefalne . JH Mnihood.NlKJitlr Ko
slon5NcrToii neJ > .lJiB Uuln. ( lldrjln andl < ( ( Jfx > < > ref tbe Ufiitrallr
Orifani In citliar ei cau u I bjr orer cierllon. yoiilbful rrron , or rzceiilr
uiu of lobncco , opium or ttluiulanti wbltb lonn Uul to Infirmity. Coiuuni io-
tlon and I IHBII U. t'ut iiinxjiiTonlentto carry , In veil pockol. 81 piirpaofc-
With -.orderwj.tfiMaicTll < jieuirunt < low.
or r'Jvnd IM
For Bale in Omaha by Sherman & McOonnoll , 1018 Dodge p treat ,