Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 TTTTS OMAHA DAILY BKEt jjjfrtiDNESDAY , JANUARY ' 1 , 1893.
Wheat Started in the Now Year with Quito
a Boom.
Higher Cnlilr * nnd n Ilocrcnin In tlin Oiinn.
illy of WlirntniKt riour on Ocrnn
l'iin < iigo Iro\o Shorts
tii Cover.
CniCAfiO , 111. . Jnn. n.-Wheat started Iho
new year with a boom of over le. Oilier grnini
followed. They tamed down nflcr the llrst
hour , nnd although closing higher than on
Friday , Ilio gain U of modest proportion.
Wheat U upward > .c to ' { C ! corn 1 1-1 oc. and
' for . . . bid In tlio
Friday's closing price | t oat.s win
Inntliour , I'rovlslonsshow advances tivuriiK-
Ing from2&e tn 30c. , . . ,
Higher cables nnd a deeica o In the quantity
of wheat and Hour on ocean passage matin the
short Intcri'Ms disposed to rover. Mycrpixil
wan quoted from ! td to Id higher , and London ,
cargoes were firm. The ntmntlty on ocean
p.issagc decreased 4r > 0,000 bit. amftho lOnirllsh
supply II was estimatedlinilduviutisvd 1,070-
OOO ( in. during tin ! past week. , ,
Tlic receiptIn the. northucst , which repre
sent nn aggiegato of font- days , were not Inrgo
us compared with preceding days , being only
1,373 cam. n ml tliNhad some etlcet upon the
nmrkm. The decline which followed Intel' In
ihu ( lay was dm ; to rather fieo selling , oiler-
Ings being larger , and some icall/atlnns weio
re-ported. The opening wan ajf hinder than the
rinsing figures of 1'rlilay nnil advanced > . c :
the mat licl declined lie , rallied uo and closed
" ' '
ili'co'rn Initial trades wein flc ndvance over
the flniilllRiiresotl'rlday , the action of wheat
being responsible In a mensilio for this
stlonger tone. Oirerlngssonn became lariier ,
Ihu weather and lecelpts being too much for
thn long * and on selling by receivers the
prices went on" "iC , ( he Increase In thn visible
not tending lo sustain prices any. The mar
ket then hecaiix ! Hteady ami closed a shade
better than I'rlday. ,
OutH weio iiiletand | stendy with only a mod-
cralo voliinm of trading. Trices hnil u Uc
Tlio'provision maikol was strong and active
nt the opening. It letalned Its strength but
t-oon lost the activity. There was sCnnc reac
tion on icallzatIon , but closing prices weio near
the top.
Kst limited lecelptM for tomorrow : wheat ,
200 ears ! corn , 050 cars : oats , 240 CHIN ; hogs ,
05.000 head.
The leading futures ranged ai follows :
December. . . 721S
Jnnnnry : s'5 '
Mny. . . . . . . . 77 U : T ) 77H
COIIN .S'o. 2 "
December. . . 407 nii ? 40M
.lininnry t\H \ 43
Mny 40 it ;
OATH No. 1
Dceembcr. . . roj <
Jnnunry 1)1 U .li'l , 3lii 8HI
Jnnunry ] 10 Hi 20 tr , if , in 2R
Mny . . . 1CW ICbJH Hi 65 ll > 75
Jnnimry . 1070 10 ; : > 10 Kf 107S *
1000 1) ) U o
BlIOllT 111113-
.Innuory. . . . B ; : < S W )
Mny 8 'JO ; i lo H W U 0)
Onsli quotations were as follows :
Fi.otm ririner. hut. no lurpo sales recorded.
WIIUAT No. UsprliiK , 7'J4t" ! No. Q sprlliB , 01
a03c ; No. 2 red , 72i. i !
DUoit.N-HleadyNo. ; 2,40SeNo. ; 3 eash. 3GHO !
yellow , steady at 37'ifl38o. '
OATS-NO. 2. aOi-j No. 2 white , f. o. 1) . ,
B44'i" No. 3 white , f. o. I ) . 31JJC.
UvnNo. . 2. 02o.
HAHI.RV No. 2. G5i < ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 32QG3c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , no-ar.oi' .
I'l.AxSr.r.o-No. l ,
TIMOTHV : > I'rlnie. ? 2.03.
route Mess , per lilil. , S15.5O ; lard , per 100
Uis. . J10.70S MiorL rllH , sides ( loose ) ,
E.8.0O ; dry salted shoulders Ihovil ) , J8.50
GR.02'4J short , Hear sides ( hoNed ) . ? 8.0 MIO.OO.
WHISKY Distillers' liiilshed goods , per gal. ,
BUOAH llneliaiiKed : cut loaf. rJifiOJ'ac ! ;
granulated , On ; standaid "A , " 4i .
The following \\iiro the receipts and slilp-
mcnts today :
On the Produce exehango li > div : thu butler
market was firm : creamery , 20iii30e ! $ : dairy ,
18tt27c. Eggs. Una ; strictly fresh , 274J280.
Now York
Nr.w YOUK , Jan 3. I LOKII Kecelpts , 32- ,
900 pkgs. ; exports , 7,000 bids. , 23.000 sacks ;
moderate demand , ( Irmer ; sales , 1-1,100 bills.
_ CetiN Mf.AlDtill , steady ; yellow western ,
WIIKAT Receipts , 10,000 bu. ; exports , -4i > . -
500 1m. ; wiles , 2,025,000 bu. futures ; -10.000
bu. spot. Spots llrnier , with options dull ;
No. 2 red , 703(0 ( In store and elevator , 8IHc
atloat , 70J < ( ! J81c f. o. b. ; No. 1 northern. H3He ;
No. 1 hard , 8ao > ; No. 2 northern , HOUOHO'ic ' ;
No. 3 spring , 734 < & 74i ; . Options were fairly
active , e.\eited and Irregular , on the de
crease In the English visible supply
also on tltU'Anieilcan passage , stronger rallies ,
foreigners and Wall stieet buying , together
with light deliveries on contract , declined 7,62) )
IHc on a corieetlon in Ilio Kngllsh visible
supply , making It only 1,070,000 bu. Instead
of 2,000,000 bu. , as Hrst reported , Increased
visible supply and weak west , reacted 'ilfi.yc
and closed linn ; No. 2 red , .Innimry , 78' < ! i70c ,
closing at-7H'ie ; March , bOy&Hl-'jv ' , closliii :
at 80'ic : May , H'J'tCiu ; ! ' , , closing at K2'je.
KYI : Dull , nominal ; western , OSiiJliOi' .
Slocks of L'raln In slom iind alloat Decemlicr
81 , 1802 : Wheat , 10,02:1,221 : hit. ; corn , l)01- ! )
-312 bu. ; oats , 2,007,184 bu. ; rye. 1-18,537 bu. ;
barley , 157,004 bu. ; malt , 23.-H8 bu. ; peas ,
C32 bu.
HAIII.KV M.M.TQuiet. .
( ToiiN liecelpls. 20.HOO bn. : oxtiorts , 1,000 :
bu. ; sales , 030,000 bu. futures ; Ml. ( KM
bu. spot. Spots linn , dull ; No. 2l'JU' ! >
40'ic In elevator ; rjOljlSnoijo alloat : un-
graded ml.ved , lOf'-lOUc ; No. -lHH(40He :
steamer mixeil , 40c. Options moderately
aeUvo and opened weak , dcellnlng > i < [ tttaU on
largo deliveries , reacted la < 3 > ( < ; on covering
closing steady and unchanged to ! ( i ; down ;
January , -lO'iSTMOHc , closing at 403i ! ; ; Jlity
Dl'5 .r'2c , closing at 51 ( o ,
OATS Hecelpts , 00,000 bu. ; exports , none !
Bales , 3KO.OOO bu. futures , 74,000 bu , .spot
Biots | , dull , llrm ; options , ( inlet , strong ;
January , 3G , ( alOJIc : , closing 30Jie ; I'ebruary
37iGj,37JV , closing 374e ; March , 30Q30jc !
closing 30We ; spot , No. 1 whlte,424c ! ; inlxe (
western 30V < 338e whlto westernloalOJie
, , ; western , - - :
No. 2 Chicago ,
HAY- Quiet , steady ,
lloi'S Dull , steady.
KtKiAit Itaw nulet , firm ; fair refining , 3 < Tt
8 l-10o ; centrifugals , 03 test , 3 7-10cj reilnei :
steady , more nctlve.
Moi.ASKt'.s Now Orleans , fairly active.
HICK Kiilrly &tea < Iy.
Eons Dull , unsettled ; western best , 28c
Into gathered , 2aQ2H'/ receipts , -1,548 pkijs.
llinus Steaily , iiulet.
Wool1'U'iii , iiulut ; domestic ( leecc , 2532c
pulled , 20Ii82i ; ; Texas , iri Ulc.
POUK-KIICIIIK ; cut meats , llrm ; short elear
10.10. I.urd. quiet , stiong ; uestern stean
closed nt } 11.00 asked ; sales , ' 100 tierces a
tllr > ( ) . Options sales , 200 tierces ; January
H 1.00 ; March , $10,40 ; May , * 10.30 , closing u
llUTTiilKlrni : , onlet ; ereamery , 20Q32cV }
factory , 15 < r/i23c : Klgln , II21K1.
I'tt ) iiiON Quiet , btendy ; Ainerleaii , J12.75J
15.00 ,
C'oi'l'Kit Dull , slendy ; lake , $12.20 ,
J.UAD Klrin ; domestic. 3H7't ,
TIN nnil. iiulet ; .Stiulls , H'J.05.
Oiiiulni I'roilneu .Market.
AH Monday wan generally observed as a hoi
Iday , TnoMlay hail tlio geneial aspect of th
llrui. day of thu week , so fur as thocoiiilll'lon o
trade was concerned. Thuiccelpts In all line
of produce \VI.TO light and Ilio general nmi-Ke
wasmiim , tluiugh there was eonslderahlo du
inand from some iiinrters. | i'rlees , as will b
noted belinv. show MIIIIO changes.
Arpi.r.s- The demand appears to he n llttl
slow , and yet It Is into that really deslrabl
Mock Is Mill scarce. Apples ate held at 13.0
6i4.lM ) for fair to cholc. ' stock.
HANANAH Tills rather the off season fn
banatniH nnil the trade in them l.s limited , A
tlio saiiio llnio theto Is not it month In Hi
year Inhlcli bunnniis do not hull to u great i
< ir less eMcnil. They tire iiuoied at t2.)02.5 (
per bunch ,
llwrr Kit -Tho market Is devoid of any speed
features. (3ood fount ry goes at about Ilio nt
pound. Tlio belter gnulcs bring lH2ie. )
C'iiAMiKiiiiir.A-h | < n and bnnle are n-arco In
Ihero ba fair supply cf hell and cherry an
Jersey I'apo Coil lx > rrles. Quotations tut
Hull nnd cherry. fH.50 per hhl. ; bell an
bugle , tU.blMi Kl.tKI ; Jersey Capo Cod , JO.fil
l'ii.inv : ( iood siciclc Is iiimo too plenf
nllliougli the piMirer Mock Is much out of tl
wny , ll lsilloti'd | lit 35c.
I'.dtju 1'iesh eggs arc' scarce and sell retulll
ot24c , There \\msonui talk on the inarki
that httlctly fffbh and lirlght stuck hud hold I
fcOiuo Instances at a llllle more , wlili'h "oul
iiuUcittu that thu market s certainly btrot
GAMB Jack rabbits uro held at $1,50 $ , tin
email rabbits ill 00it/75oj biiulnolsjuie slow i
about 75c.
lHY-Tho market IK Mow tit ! 0.00 < a7.00 pi
per ton.
JloxKV- Good while clover Is quoted nil 11
wuy fitnn 17SMOv. Theto Is no very Inn
nimiiint of It on Ilio nuirkot , but thu denial
it , light tit tlio iiri'bviit prli'j's ,
I.KMONS-Tliis U irully thu the time botwei
thu si'Ukons , nn thu large arrivals of ll
November lemons do not occur until In 1'eliri
ury or Murch , Uowuver , the prusuut rcculy
ftt-clnrzonlNcw Orlrntin for tlic oenion nnil
o perlnlly so when iho di'inntid K taken Into
consideration. The iment Indlcntioni nrn
tlmt prlro * will rule low. Quotation * nro
t4.0rrrfS.OO. !
MAI.AOA \rM-8tondy nl tjor Vcu.
NrTf > l.nrgoldekory nuts , | l.05 | black wal
nuts tl.23.
Ovsrr.nsI'rlres al Omnlia n\\\\ \ \ \ \ remain nl
inasCoporr-an. At the snino time ptlceshnvo
ndvnnced nl llnlllinnro. ns was predicted n few
dnys IIRO , owing to the freeMna tip of the bays
nnd rivers. The ndvnnco nt the point of sup-
Idy wns2V ( per Rallott on i'landards. On the
mils of these pilces Ihu Omnlia dealer * nro
losing 17'tc on nil Iho oyster * Hint , they sell ,
ONIO.V - The innrket l quiet. Homo grown ,
B&o per bushel , and "iinnltli tl. 00 per crate.
MIIAMIIIS The tnnrket Is still supplied with
Tlorldii oranges only , UrlvlilM nro quoted nt
S3.2D forslnaiernio lolsnnd f3.00 for llvj to
ten case lots , llnssots are 2Si ; cheaper.
I'OTATOKS-Thn trade Is llmlliMl lo Iho snlo
of Miinll lots from stores. Western Nehrnskit
Mxk ; Is quoted at 80c nnd Ulnli and Colorado
at noc.
1'oiri/rnY-Tho tnnrket wn t pretty well
cleaned up after the holidays and the fresh
olferlngs were llglit. Cliolro turkeys weio
iiitotednt 12c , hut with n limited demand.
Uood chickens wrtn In the best demand of any
kind ot poultry and brought 7o. ( jeesu nnd
ducks were held at. Mi.c. ! )
SWK.I-.T I'OTATOKS Thn supply h very light
and they are held at f 1,25.
Kiinftii VwiKTAin.K Local growers nro
bringing In u few vegetables of hothouse.
cronlh. New onlon 'JOWJOn per doren
bunches ; lettuce , 4Oi445c ; radishes , & 0c.
I'ltonncn I'diNTr.ns.
Klr. .cldirntin it Sonsof Oinnh.i nnd the Fre
mont llutler and Ksg company of I'remont
hnve joined forces and wlllheieafterbe known
ns the Kli'schiiraun-Ilaskell Produce com
pany , Tlio attloles of Incorpoiatlon will bn
Illeu in a d.'iv or two as soon as the papers are
nil completed. Din capital stock of the new
company In JIOO.OOO and the ollleers are as
follows : President , \i. \ ICIrsehbtaiili : vlco
pie.sldenl , ( ! , Klrschhriitin ; secretary and
llvusttic'r. Oi'oigi1 K. llaskell , formerly man
ager of the I'reinont Duller and company.
The main olllco of thu company will IKIn
Omaha "Illi branches at I'li'iininl. Lincoln ,
Itealtlce. I'alrhury and at Scandla , Kan. The
llrm will be paekcrnorimltcr nnd eggs besides
doing a genet al commission business ,
Advices ftom Florida report that the crop
this season will probably foot up lo abiint- :
200,000 boves of oi anges , over 1,200,000 bo\es
of which have already been shipped. The
future market seems very uncertain. There
Is a huge quantity of fruit still In I'lorlda , and
advices from most , points renort that both
Uiouns and "peculators have ceased shipping
for the present and show a dl-poslllon to hold
back their fi-ilt for the I'ebruary market.
MI-sC. Ncnell , In the millinery business at
Palmer , has discontinued.
Wcst'c 1'rllscher , dealers in tobacco and
cigars at Omaha , have failed.
( .eorgell , Hopkins Is closing out his stock of
clothing , etc. , nt Alllnnce and O'Nell.
K. P. James & Co. have succeeded the Chase
County Milling company at Champion.
Thosliorlir Is In thu possession of Hie. hard
ware and Implement , stock ot A. Orlmes at ,
.St. l.onls MarUi-tt.
ST. f.oiris , Mo. , Jan. 3. l < t.nim Unchanged -
changed ,
WIIKAT f'nsh higher at OO'jc ; oiittons
higher ; Januarv , 08c ; Mny. 74(1 ( 74"io.
Cons Cash lilglusr at 37Vitt ; options a c.
under Saturday ; I'ebrtiary , 37io : Jlnv , 41'jc.
OATH Very quiet ; cash , 31c bid ; May sold
Itvn No sales.
ItAlii.KV Quiet ; Iowa sold ut 445JGOC ; Min
nesota , due.
lluiTKit Slow ; creamery , 25 < 8.20c ; dairy ,
Kodrt Steady ; 22c for average.
I'OIIK-JIB.75 ; lard , J10.50.
IlKCKll'TS Klour. 7,01)0 ) bbls.t wheat , 00,000
bu. ; corn , 401,000 bu. ; oats , 64,000 bu. ; rye ,
none : barley , none.
Smi'MCjjTS I'lour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 42,000
hii. : corn , 80,000 bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu. ; rye ,
l.OOOhu. ; barley , none.
Liverpool .Miu-'icts ,
Livr.iti'ooi. , Jan. 3. Witr.tT I'lrni ; demand
fair ; holders oiVer moderately : No. 1 Califor
nia. Os JHjdfflOs 4d ier cental ; red western
sprlmr , Os'.jdrtOs 1'jd per cental ; No. 2 led
winter , 5s ! ld < 35s 10(1 ( percental. Uecelpts for
the paM three days , 227,000 centals , Including
25.000 American.
Cou.v-rirm ; demand fair ; mixed western ,
4s ? . ( d per cental , itccelpts of American corn
for the [ last three days , 29,000 centals.
I'IAS : Canadian , 5s 4d per cental.
STOCKS OF HitKADsTtiKKS Kloiir , 270,000
sacks : wheat , 340,000 centals ; corn , 000,000
HA < JOX-Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 47s
per cwt ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , 47s Od per cwt.
Oil Market.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 3. PITIIOIEII.M Was dull
nnd neglected , not a slnglo sale reported.
Pennsylvania oil , spot sales none ; Kulii'uury
options , sales none , 53'se hid , fi4c asked ; Limn
oil , sales none , 22-e ! bid , 25c asked ; total
sales , none.
C'oTTOxsKKi ) On. Steady ; crude , 4142c ;
yellow , 444flc.
TAI.I.OW Quiet , firm.
KOSIN Dull , steady.
TUIIIINTIM : : giilut , sleady at 30lja31.
Liviitro : < ) i. , Jan. ! TAU.OW l-'lno Amer
ican. 20s Od per cwt.
LlNSUEU Oll , 20s Oil per cwt.
W ol Markr * .
HOSTON. Mass. , Jnn. 3. The market Is steady
.and the demand fair for wool ; Ohio fleeces sell
at27ffi28c for .XX and above , ami 33Si34o for
No. 1. Michigan lleeces are llrm at 25H20c
for X , No. 1 roniblng wool at 3430c , Ohio line
dolalno at I'.i'f33e ( , and Michigan line delaine
at 205J30c per pound , Hnwashed combing
wool Is In good demand at 2u27c for ! 4 and ?
blood. Territory wools are. In demand on a
basis of 5 jii5Hc ( for line ; 53Q,54c for line me
dium and 47@50e for medium. Pulled wool
sells today at : )3 ) < < ? 38e forsuper and 2225c for
extra. Australian wool is llrm and foreign
carpet wool steady.
KIIIISIIH G'lty Markets.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jnn. 3. WIIIJAT Strong
and higher ; No. 2 hard , 04sffiOOc ! ; No. 2 red ,
Con.N About steady ; No. 2 mixed , 325J < 333c.
OATS No.2 inl.Ned , 28'j2,20c.
Kvi : Firms No.2 , Olc.
Hun-mi Creamery , 2.va28e ; dairy , 17@18c.
Kis-rirm ( ] ( at 22 < & 22ic.
KKcmiTS Wheat , 12 , ( )00 ) bu. ; corn , 10,000
bu. ; oats , none.
SHU-HUNTS Wheat , 03,000 bn.j corn , 4,000
bu. ; oats , none.
CoftcK Miirket.
Nr.w YOUK. Jan. 3.-Options opened steady ,
unchanged 5 to 10 points up , closed barely
M ( Mid v. 20 to'iO points don n. Sales. 44,750 bags ,
Including January , $10I510.30 ( : I'ebruarv.
910.05JC10.20 ; March , J15.H5f t 10.20 ; Anrfl ,
if 10.OoaiO.10 ; May , J15.70fr.10.00.lime ; , 115.05 ;
July , $15.70 ; September,115.702.15.00 ; Octo
ber , J15.50 Spot Hlo , easier , qnlot ; No. 7 ,
if 17.00 , _ _ _ _ ! 1
-\Ill\viiiilii-e ( iraln .tliu-Iiet.
Mti.wAUKr.n.'ls. . . Jan. 3. WHEAT Quiet ;
May , 70e. ( ; No. 2 sprlnOlic. .
C.'OIIN Dull ; No. 3 , 30'ic. '
OAW-Stoadyj No , 2 white , 33'iQ345ci ! No.
3 , 3Ui32'ic.
Cotton Mar < ! .
Nr.w OHI.KANH , I.a. . Jan. : i.-Sleady ; inhl-
dlliig , 9ic ! ; low middling , 0 ? c ; good ordinary ,
H'ic ; net receipts , 0,845 hales ; gross , 10,145
bales ; exports to the contiiient , 3,000 bales ;
coastwise , 1-IHH bales ; sales , fl.OOO hales ; spin
ners , 1,0'JO hales ; otook , 352,702 bales.
Vlidhlo .Supply of Criiln ,
Nr.w YOIIK. Jan. 3. VUlbln supply of grain :
Wheat , 81,204,0(10 ( bu. ; coin , 11,420,000 bu , ;
oats , 0,341,000 Int. ; rye , 1,100,000 bu. ; barley ,
TrndeiV Talk.
CHICAGO , I ] ) , , Jan. 3. Counselman & Day
to Cockrcll llros. Commission company :
The grain maikels shoucd u < leclih'd Improve
ment today , based on and f < ireign
orders , The lowest grades of wheat were ( Ji1
higher , gooil milling grades 162o hlghur anil
futures > io higher in the face of thocloslnu
out of n couple of lines for prominent local
longs. The market N dallv creeping up anil
hhortssoo losses growing. U'o doubt uhelhci
they feel as sum of their piolltsasdo thu long *
below Mic. Hamiilo lots of corn and oatx wen
In active demand at higher prices , Fiitinv !
opened hlglier but closed with tlin iidviuirt
lost. Provisions weio actlvo and higher al ,
round. Seven cent hogs luivo revived tin
speculative Interext In the product. Tin
C'lidahy faction which still leads thu market
weiu liberal buyers of pork , moderate buyen
of laid and fairly free sellers of ilbs today.
CiiKUno , 111 , , Jan , it. KVnnalt , Hopklm
fc Co , lo S. A. McAVhorUu1 : The curly cables
showed decided and unexpected strength
Liverpool noticed an advam-n of Hid to'J'ii '
per 100. and London Od to Od per inmrter. Tin
Murk Iune Kvprcss iiiot | < ; d an advance ti
homo prices , and Htnted that If the presen
cold weather In Kngland continued u weel
longer It must necessarily result In in
ndvanco of n shilling or more. Thcsi
hull InlliienceH started our marUet hlghe
with good buying by most of tlio com
mission hoiiscK having oiilhldu trade
Local trades seemed Inclined tp nccep
prolltN , uud their early lenll/.ing ifniiltedii
wiine reaction from lliu early binge , in ,
his ed later by the estimated of 551
curh for tomorrow , and bv thu Incrcaso In tin
v.slhliihiipiily of 1.4OO.OOO lmt.hels. The gen
eril situation Is Impioveil bomewna't today b
thu fact that outhldo-markets have advnncei
more than Chicago , Trade has not been larg <
today , but the undertone of the iinirliet U bet
tor ( nail last week. Some further reaction
however , would not be surprising. Tliu lucu
contingent of tlio bulls htivu taKen hut llttl
part In today'h inarket.
Com and oats opened hi rung , hut weukenei
Interim local belling caused by tlio cstlinui
of B&O cars of corn for tomorrow and in bym
pathy with the decllnu In wheat. 1'rovlblon
have been decidedly strong In bpltu of fre
liu roulltlng by local bulls. Ab wo predicted lus
u- wuek It looUHUH If outbldrs might tuko hoi
iU of tlio market uud vtuU it hlfiicr uftur loci
longi had sold out The hog , nmt-ket loday
reached the lilRhPtl point of the nensotii lop
grade * sellingn * ( high n. * * 7 16.
CmCAno , in. , Jan. 3. F U 1/ozn.n ti Co , lo
Duncan llolllnger ft Co. ! I'hc wheat tmirket
opened firm. In - < ympntjiy with strong cable
advice * and Iho cold weather In the south
west , where the growing crrtii Is without pro
tection of unow. There was no special feature
tt ) tlin market. The local sontlinenl Is do-
cldcdlv bttllMi , but torstabllsli tntich ndvanco
wo will rciiulro to have eropdnmngo and a
better o.vport demand. For the near future
we hellovo purchases nil.ile from about 774e
to "so will pay. Ynlut's In the distant fnturo
depend on t lie character of the weather and
the condition of Iho growing crop. The In
crease of 1,400,000 Imxhels win a general dis
appoint mcnti This was the main cause of thu
decllno front 70c lo 78'ir. Them Is absolutely
no feature US corn. Ttndeltilt li ni dull as
can he. Wo have been In hopr.i that prices
would go lower , asvn feel very friendly to
corn on all breaks. In onts there was little
doing. Hog product , at Hie opening of the ses
sion was active and llrm. Receipts were llcht ,
which added to tliu strength. The future val
ues depend on receipts ot hogs.
Thorn Was n I'nlr Drgrro of Artl lty on tlio
Stork ICtrlmiige Ynttcrdny.
> 'p.w Ynnic , Jan. 3. There wns n fair do-
Breeof activity on thu Stork evchango today.
The temper of speculation was decidedly
bullish on the early tradlti ! ? and prices ml-
vnii'-cd HGIU percent In the general list. The
upwind movement , was checked liy n decline
In Keadlng from r,2 , to r > ( Pi. but still Inter
Amerlcnn snuiiraiid Manhnttaii forged to the
front with thu former selling ntiTy to17'ii. !
The whole market Improved In sym
pathy but tfiivo way ngaln near
the clo-o xv ben Ken ding under a
fresh onslinmlit , dropped to Til ) . The dealings
In this stock leached over 123,000 slum's. Its
weakness was due to reports that the Lehlgh
& Wllkesbarie had severed Its lelations with
the Keadlng and the company was a largo bor
rower of money In order to pay the interest on
its preference Income bonds , When Keadlm ;
Mumped Manlinttiin fell oIV to 155 and Sugar
lo 111' ' , . Delaware & Hudson declined 2'4 ' ,
nnd Jersey Cent ml and Lackawanna about 1
percent. Tit"general list declined ' < lo 1 nd
left oir at a fractional rally , llouklng Valley
nnd Tennessee Coal were stromt. the latter
i-lslim 3l < percent. The market left elf dull
and barelv steady.
The Poit's llniini'lal writer says : The course
of Keadlng In the stock market today \vould
seem to rolled the feeling that the recent an
nouncement thai all agreement with the
Pennsylvania In the matter ot Joint rales
should not be Interpreted ns a victory for the
Heading as wasnt llrsl asserted. 'I hero was
some show of rejoicing by the friends of that ,
system , The concession was mil so much on
tliepart of the Pennsylvania as on tlio Kcadlng.
It Is also asserted that the former road
could not lie forced to capllnlato to the terms
of the combination for the simple reason that
It could get coal fiom outsldu producers jilst
ns It asserted II could do. This being t rue , an
determent was eminently desired by Keadlng
and th Is on limit be rogaidedas a signal victory
for that system. All this , however , is quite
apart from the question of prollls accruing
from the combine. It Is expected that a read
justment ot Interests of those on the Inside of
thu combination will bo rendered necessary if
the somewhat alluring scheme projected
is carried to a successful conclusion.
The following are the closlntx quotations of
the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
Atchbon HJM K \ > v. fn. .
Ailinu.i IM North AuiL'rlcnni.o.
Alton. T. 11 33 Northern I'nclllc. . .
do | irofcrreil . IM Northern I'nclllc pfil
American hxrrpii. . 117 II. I' . Dun. A ( iulf. . . . ,
llaltliuoro A ; Ohio. . N'orthMcjlcrn 1113s
t'nnnit I'ncltlc . ilo prufnrreil HIM
Cnnntln oatlicrn. . . .N" . Y. Central 10SJJ
LViilrnl I'aHtlc . N. Y. AN. 1 ! 45
Cliun. It Ohio . Untnrlo .t Western. , 18
Chicago Alton . no Oregon lni |
e. n. .VQ . noDTK O. S. I , . Id U. N
. . 83 ' < I'nclllc .Mull
Consulldntuil Cns. . . 12 IM I'lttxbnrK
c. e. o A st. i. . 6 ! ) 1'uluco Illii
folo. Conl & Iron. . . W (
Cotton ( ill I'crt . 4'IH Itlchtnoiiil Terminal
Del. lluilson . Ulchinonil Tor. pfd.
i ) . I , . , VW . I'.lnarnmla W
1) . & U. U. | ifil . M > 4 | ilo nroforroit
! > . * ( ! . K. Co . fiiV. Itock Ishmil
KnstTonn . : i > rSt. L.AS. K.lstpfil. .
Krle . S.1)S ) St. I-niil
ilo prelerrat . r.l ilo ( irclerroil i"-t !
Fort \Vayno . 153 St. I'niil .V Omaha. . . ! ! <
( it. .Northern pftl. . . iil : ilo pfil. Kv. illv. . . . 1ICU
C..t K. I.pril . P3 Southern t'aclllo. . . . 3li !
Huckbn ; Yallcr . S'J Simar Itullncry 1ISW
Illinois Centrnl. . . . UU Tcnn. Cent .V Iron. : il4 !
St. I'niilft Dnlntli. . 41 Tcxnn I'ncltlc VH
Knu. JtTux. ptil . . ' 5)jiTol. | A O. Cent. | ifil. . 60
i.nko Krlo.tVust. . . r'HlUnion lacltiu. . . . . . . " > "
< lo iiroferreil . ' . . i > < II. S. Uxpress ! < U
LnkoShoro . I27K. W. St. 1 , . A I * 11
I.t'iul Trust . ( . ' > } ( I ilo Drefcrrcil 21
I.onls. < t Nush . - ISxii HI
l.onls. & Now Alb'y. V.1J4 Western Union. . . .
.Manhattan ( Jon. . . . Whcollnir & K K. . . ,
Mcmppls & U. . . . . . . . ilo profurreit
MIchlKiin Centrnl. . Mint ) . A St. I. . .
Missouri Pnclllo. . . . MX II O
Mobile .t Old * . X > V ( Icnernl Klcctrlo. . . . 11311
Niihlivlllo Clmtt . . . SI Nntlotml Lliirteod. . . 40
National Coriliixo. . 13S ! ( C. Fuel & Iron CO
do proforroil . ll-'Ki do preferred 110b
N.J , Centrnl . . . . 125 lions. A Tex. Con. . . b
-The total sales of stocks today were 37H.800
shares. Including Atchlson , 0,000 ; Chicago ,
Hnrllngton , t ijiilnc.y , 3,700jM hlcago ( < ns ,
10,300 ; Distilling , 12,000 ; Louisville A Nash
ville. 5,200 ; Manhattan , 17,100 ; Missouri
Paclllo , 4bOO ; Now Kngland , 7,200 ; Northern
I'nclllc preferred , & .700 ; Heading , MD.IUO ;
St. Paul. 0,600 ; Sugar , 43,000 ; Union Paclilc ,
20,000 ; Western Union , H.700.
London Financial Itevlcw.
[ CopjrJo/ifI ; / ( ISXIliu Jamts ( Jnriliiii nennttt. ]
LONDON , Jan. 3. [ New York Herald Cable-
Special to Tun llKB.1 The stock market
was thinly attended today. Tboso members
who were present did little or nothing. Prices
were marked up or down on the most trilling
transactions. The best market was that for
Kngllsh funds , which advanced on e.xtremo
easy money. Homo railways were also llrnier ,
but dealings In Americans IKLVO been very
limited. Tlio tendency at the close was less
favorable than nt the opening , still an ad
vance of l' per cent was mnrked In Union
Paellle , 1 per cent in Now York Central and
! 4 to' per cent In u few others , but Northern
Paclilc preferred declined ? a per cent and
Northwestern preferred ' , ( nor cent ; Canadi
ans , after being llrm , closed dull. Mexicans de
clined > i per cent. Discount rates show In
creased weakness. Three months bills were
quoted at 1) ) ( percent. Call money was hardly
loadable even at 1 per cent.
New York .Money .Market.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 3. MONEY ox CAM ,
Kalrly active at-t's percent ; last loan , -IIS per
cent , closed oll'ered at1'i per cent.
I'llIMB MlimUNTII.E I'AI'BU fiQU per COIlt.
fcjTKUMNO IvxoiiANdr. .Steady , with actual
business iitM.SD'iai.Hni , ' for sixty day bank
ers' hills nnd $ l.87'iG-l.B7 i for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
t770RC.13 , Imiaij $2,821,414 Money , C
PAWS , Jan 3 o per cfnt rcnlc , OOf
3tc for the iiccoi ;
NrwN otm Jnn. L $12.1,402,230'
balances. } 1 J43.09
Niw : YOUK. JJ Oovrrnmcnt
sleady i state l > om | itleotcd
llAl.TtMOItf. , T" " . . . Clrhrlngi , ! 2,700-
87 ! balances. M'JMOlH. Money , 0 per cent.
MK.Mt'iilfi. Tenn.S in. 3 , Clearing * , J600-
OOOi balances J07.I Nu\v Vork cxclmngo
selling nt par.
LONDON' , Jan. 3. " .Vmount of liulllon withdrawn -
today ,
} 3,308.5RO. New York exchange , commercial ,
nooper Jl.OOOdlscount : bank. fl.OD premium.
PT. I.OIMJI , Mo. , Jan. 3. Clearing' . J0.037.-
220 ; balances , f 600,770. Money iiulet at Ott7
percent ; u.\chango on Now York, ? premium.
Nr.w YOUK. Jan. 3.-Special [ Telegram to
Tin : Ilnt.1--l\chniiRo : ; was ituoted as follows :
Chicago. 70i ; premium ; Hoston , lOSlBc dis
count ; St. Louis , 75c preiuluin.
The exports ( exclmlvo of specie ) from the
port of New York for the week ended today
were $0.122,035 against M.724,300 fur the corresponding -
responding period In 1802 , and SO.IW8.4-17 In *
Itosxo.v , Mass. . Jan. 3. Call loans , Oft7 per
cent ; time loans , 047 ! percent. Clearings ,
J31.827.427 : balain'cs. ? 2,007,770. Money. 0
percent ; o.xchangeon Nuw York , I0315o ills-
CilirAno. 111. , Jan 3. Clearings , $20,0fll.-
1HO. New York exchange old al 7tlc premium ,
Sterling exchange as heavv at $4.H5'4 for
slviyday hills , and $1.87' for sight drafts.
Money In good demand at 0 to 7 pur cent.
provumt'lit on yesterday and lastT.ueminy , bn
. Total iMum of CITIES ,
Coriripondenc * ( ollcltcd.
163-109 Dearborn Streat , CHICAGO.
10 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 Stata 9 < > i BO8TCN.
not liy any monni a heavy one Tlio
nunllty nt the offering * was v y fair ( 'on
dltlnns wore all In favor of the seller * nnd
prices advanced fully lOo nnd In Mimr cars
more especially toward HIP clove , shipper" ,
" .peculators , packer * and fresh meat men all
took n hand nnd the meager olTcrlnffsrhniized
hands m short order. Common light toeliolce
heavy boss sold nt from $0 05 to ? . & . the
Ills bulk of the fair to gsod hogs of all \vluhls
sellliiff al tfi.70 to 10.75 , ns again * ! JO.OO to
IO.U5 Monday and J0.40 to $0.45 onenveek niro
Today' * advance places prices cxm-lly $3.1)0 )
perrwt.hiither than a year ago ulieu on this
mnrkel 12.200 hogs void at from $3.05 to J3.85 ,
the bulk al from $3.70 to J3.75. Hepresent-
atlvo sni | < si
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
1. .180 - $0 fit ) 74..230 80 10 72'S '
3. . .223 40 0 OO 57. . . . 105 400 0 72' t
" ' 0 00 73..210 120 0 75
in. . IH3 0 00 74. . .271 440 0 75
7. . 0 00 20. . , .201 40 0 75
01. . ! 22H 120 o on 80. . , .220 120 0 75
4. . 0 05 00. . . .270 280 7B
or. . . . J07 0 05 3H. . . .200 120 0 75
6. . 0 05 40. . . .240 120 (1 ( 75
78. . 0 70 04. . . .205 200 0 75
45. . .207 0 70 40. . . .310 440C.O 75
05. . 200 0 70 04. . . .243 0 75
71. . i'JfiO 200 0 70 70. . .230 210 0
65. . .20H 40 0 70 71. . .227 40 C. 75
83. . .237 100 0 7O 07. . .257 80 0 75
02. . .253 250 0 70 5H. . .271 100 0 75
70. . 200 0 70 77. . .211 HO 0 75
03. . ! 'J30 100 0 70 04. . .208 HO ( i 75
75. . ' 0 70 0. . .287 0 75
70. . .254 80 0 TO 07. . .253 0 75
87. . .107 40 0 70 00. . .285 80 0 75
73. . .230 400 0 7O 47. . .270 120 0 75
87. . .224 280 0 7O 70. .251 400 0 75
80. . .237 481) 0 70 70. . 212 200 0 75
" , .2H2 80 0 70 00. . .23H 210 0 75
7fl" , .200 HO 0 70 81. . .210 120 0 75
0. . , .180 0 70 70. . .220 \2 \ ( ) 0 75
71. . 00 , > 100 0 70 08. . .285 4HO 0 75
200 0 70 00. . .203 280 0 75
70..217 280 0 70 01. . .238 120 0 77'i
1O1..200 480 0 70 05. . .271 100 0 77 3i
5..210 0 70 50. . .280 100 0 77'i
45..230 210 0 70 02. . .203 Hill 0 HO
GO. 80 0 7O 70. . .240 120 0 HO
04. . 231 120 0 70 50. . .270 hi ) 0 hi )
244 280 0 70 40. . .300 200 0 85
05..233 100 0 70 57. . .320 ( i 85
00. . . . 104 40 0 72'i
rms AND notion.
230.,107 100 550 1..300 80 0 30
38. . . . 121 0 05
Hiiini"SI : \ loads were received , one of them
billed dlrart to a local killer. Trade was fairly
active aim tliu market strong on desirable of-
fcrinns. I'nlr to good natives , $3.50U)4.76 ) : fall-
to gooil westerns , $3,20'it4.60 ; common and
stock sheep , $2.20n3.60 ; ; good to choice 40 to
lOOttj lainbx , $4.00140.00. Kepresentatlve sales :
No. Av. I'r.
1 buck 140 $2 60
7 owes 07 350
05 natlvo wethers Ill ' 405
117 natlvo mixed 114 4 75
ltpfelitsnnil | DlipiKlllun oTStonk.
Kccolpts at , thn Union Stock Yard ) , South
Omaha , Neh. , for twenty-four IIOIIM ending
at 0 o'clock p. m. January 3 , 1803 :
CATTI.K. noiisis : , v
Cars. Ilpnil . ! Cnri. Hcnit
UK 3.OT.IC.I i 4 .it'll r , 1,0,17
Onmlm 1'ncklne Co r r MW
Thn (1. II. Hnintnonil Co. 894 I.4SS 2(4
Swift A. Co 1.4BT 1.122
Tliu Cinlnhy I'-ickhuCo. 710 S-'l
John I'.Biiulrea , V Co U4II
A. Hans
H. Becker A I )
I * . 1) . Armour
Shipper * unit Kccilera. . . .
Totnl 4.B.VJ 1.007
ChleiiRo I.lvii Stock Market.
ClttCAdO , 111. , .Inn n. [ Special Telesram to
Tun llii.i : : Sales of cattle today show an ad
vance on last week's closing prices of from
lOe. to IDc and In not a feweascs need hipping
and dressed beef steers sold at a still more
marked advance. There were not. nearly
enough cattle to go round , and should tomor
row's receipts prove moderate , a further ad
vance may l > o looked for. Heforo the week is
oiUt however , supplies are likely to ho pretty
lllieral and country shippers should move
cantlimslv. Trading wason a basis of from
$3.10 lo Si.00 for very common to extra steers ,
$1.25 to3.GO for poor to extra- cows , heifers
and hulls and ftom $2.00 to $3.05 for stockers
and feeders.
Trading In hogs began at an early hour and
was lively while held out. H did
not take long to exhaust it , for only about.
19,000 head arrived. The opening prlco was
from lOu to 15c higher than at the close of last
week nnd sellers had thu satisfaction of see
ing tliatndvance sustained to the end , though
the late market liad less of excitement It.
The best heavy sorts sold up to from $7.10 It
47.15 , and as high as $0.90 was paid for as
sorted. The range at which buyers secured
the bulk of the suit , however , was from $0.85
to $7.1)0 for Mnv mill from J0.7O to $0.85 for
light , dills sold anywhere from $4.00 to $0.15.
The quality averaged better than for somu
days past.
The week opened with sheep receipts mod
erate and a very brUk market at prices strong
to lOc higher. Itest lambs are saleable around
$0.75 and fair to good gradesat from $4.75 to
$5.75. Prime nattvo and fed western muttons
sell at from $5.00 to $5.30 , nnd Inferior to fair
grade mixed stock is quotable at from $3.00 to
Uecelpts : Cattle. 0,000 head ; hogs , 10,000.
head ; sheep , 0,000 head.
The Kvenlng Journal reports :
( UTTi.i : Hecelpts , 0,000 hea
3,000 liead ; jnai-Ket active , shiicip higher ; best
steers , $4.95Ji.40 ! ; others , $3.254.bO ; Mock
ers , $3.00i13.5' ) ; cows. $2.80(5,3.25. (
line * Keceipts , 20,000 head ; shipments
8,000 head ; market brisk , 5c to Uh : higher
rough and common , $ O.OOJiG.80 ; good ml.M-'i
and packers , $0.8500.00 ; prime heavy am
butchers' weights , $0.95K7.1D ; prlmo light
$0.55 ; other lights , S0.5rt0.55. ( )
SIIKKP Itceelpts , 0,000 head ; shipments ,
2.000 head ; markelactive : prices strong ; na
tives , t3.5030.10 ; westoins,54.8035.15 ; | uinl > ,
Kansas City Livestock .Mnrkrt.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Jan. 3. OATTM : Re
ceipts , 0,300 head ; shipments , 700 head ; mar
ket opened generally stcudy , closed weak am
lOJSloc lower ; feeders steady ; shipping steers ,
tQ.f > OQ2.00 ; stockersaml feeders , $1.HO3.75.
I lou.s Kecelpts , 11,700 head ; shipments ,
000 head ; good hogs active , strong lo fit
higher ; common sleady , closing weak to
lower ; all grades , $5.0OSC.80 ; bulk , $0.00 ®
SilKnt * Itccolpts , 1,500 head ; shipments
none ; good muttons and Iiimbs were wanted
active and strong to IIUs higher : common , did
but steady ; muttons , $4.0lit4.00 ) : lambs , 50.05
Xmv Vork I.lvii Stock Marlce't.
Nr.w Yoitic , Jnn. 3 , Univis : : Itecolpts , 5,450
head , all direct to slaughterers ; no trade ;
feeling weak. Dressed beef sleady at 8Q.OHC
peril ) . .Shipments tomoriow , 1,0JO quarters
of beef ,
OAI.VKS Receipts , 205 head ; market steady ;
veals , $ -.50JtO.OO per 101) ) Ibs.
8111:1:1 : * AND IjAMiis-lteceiDts , 7075 head ;
market very dull. Sheep , $3.0034.75 per
lOOlbs , ; lambs , t0.11 ! .
lions Itecolpts , 1,740 head. Market Una ;
$4.GOSG.OO per lOOlbs.
St. l.onls Live Stuck Market.
ST. I.ouiR , Mo. , Jan. 3. OATTI.K Hocelpts ,
5,200 head ; " shipments , 700 head ; mai-Ket
slow ; natlvo hteer.s , $3,00'J5.00 ( ; range steers ,
$2.1 ( > a4. ( > 0.
Moos Hecelpts , 7,700 head ; shipments ,
3,300 head ; market higher ; heavy0.505i0.aO ;
packing , $0.30IiOHO ; fiitht. tU.OWifl.HO ,
Siii'.iU' HeculptK , 1,100 litiad ; shipments ,
300 head ; maruet llrm ; good natives , t3.00io
the offer that's
made hy tlio pro
prietors of Jr.
Hare's Cntnrrh
Ilcmcily. lUsky
for I hem. For
I/OK. / If you liavo
Untnrrli , It's a
rertnlnly. You'ro
cortrvfn to bo
cured of It , cr to
bo paid $500 ,
That's what they
offer , niul In good fnllh they euro you , or
nay yon , no matter how bad your cat * ) , or of
how long Btnndhif ; .
Ilut-is it BO much of a risk ? They Imvo n
niodlclno tlmt cures Catarrh , not for n tlino ,
but for ( ill time. They've watched it for
yearn , curinii the most hopeless msc . They
know that in your cuso tliero's every chaneo
of Buct'iis , almost no clmnco of failure.
Wouldn't nny 0110 tnko such a rUk with
Mich a inodicino }
The only question is nro you willing w >
jimlto the test , it the makers Uro willing to
take Ilio risk 1 ,
If bo , the rest is easy. You pay your drug
gist llfly cents and the trial bejjuis.
Coil you ask ui'roi * *
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutb Ojnalia.
licit Cattle Ho nnd rjlicop market In tlio went.
' Wood Brothers.
foutUOiiiBUa Tiileiihouo 1157. - Chlctco.
JOHN 1) . I1AUISMAN , I i.I1HUt.r , .
WAi.Tiyt i : . WOOD , ( *
MarLet Jtcjiorls by luall ana wlrocUgorfully lur
clehtil upon uppllcatlou
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Financial Reference : M < Wank ! of Commerce , Omaha.
No DKTENTIOK from businnss. No Oporation.
Inve.stliritoonr Method , Written cuurnntco toabso'
ilutuly C'uro all kinds of Itri'TUKEof both Boxes , without - .
out thn iiso ot unlfo or syrlupe , uo tnattur of how lunff
307-308 H. Y. LIFE BL.DG. , OMAHA , HEB ,
t-nnd for Circular.
Proposals for Itonndnry Surioy mill .llnnu-
ineiits ,
Genornl Land Dllk-c , >
WASIIINOTON. H. O. , Deceinlior SI. 'VS , )
Scaled proposals will bo received at thOKuti-
cral land otllco. Waslilnstoti , 1) . 0. , until U
o'clock ik tn. on faturdnv. the S th day of
Jnnunry , IS'JU. ' for tlio survey and innrUliiahy
sultiblo nioniiiiieiitH , of that portion of the
boundary line between tlio stnto of Nebraska
and the state of South wlileh lies west
of iho Missouri river , as authorircd bv tlio act
ofconirress , aonrovo I Auimst . * , IH'Jinakinij '
iipuroprlatlon for NiirveylnK the pulillc lands
I'amphlot Statutes lit Lai'Ke , I8l-lb02 ! ) , p. 3TO ) ;
also for the fimilsbliiK of stone monuments to
bo pltuo 1 at lialf-inllo intervals on said boun
dary. The bias for tlio survey and for the
monuments must bo separate , wl h the privi
lege to the bidder Hint tr ho is not awarded
the contract , for both lie will be bound to con
tract for neither. Copies of tliospeellluatlons
may ho had npnn implication this olllee.
Eaeli bd : must bo accompanied by n certllled
cheek for J.VK Thu rljiht to lejeet any or all
bids is reserved. Proposals must bo inclose 1
In envelopes simloil and mnrkcd "Proposals
for survey of boundary between Nobr.isku
and South Dakota. " mid "I'roposnlu for boun-
daiy inoiininoiit" . " and nddrese < l to thei.'on -
inlssloiinr of the Ooaeral Land Ulllce , Wiiali-
inston. I ) . 0.
ISiined ] W. M. STONP.
jid''lt : Commissioner.
To the owners of all lots or par.t.s of lots on
alley in Kllry's and Holers' siibillvlslon , hc-
tneen Vinton street and ( lie noi'lli line of lot
H. lto eiV sub. and 17lliand IHIhMicets.
\ou 11 ro hereby nolllled that , the under
signed , three dlslnleiested fieeholders of the
Cily of Uinaha , have been duly appointed hy
the mayor , with the approval of the elly coiin-
ellof sal < l city , to assess Hie damage to the
owners respeetlvely of the properly aireiMed
by thogruiiliiKof said alley , declared neces
sary by ordinance 3,300 , passed December 20 ,
1H02 , approved December 2-1 , IftU'J.
V < iu are furllier notllled , that havlniac-
eepled said appointment , and duly oiialllled
as required by law , wo will , on the twelfth day
of January , A. I ) . 1803 , at the hour of two
o'clock In the the ofllco of ( ! eerie
J. Paul , 1005 I'arnam street , within the cor
porate limits of said city , meet fur the pur
pose of considering and maMlig the nssess-
inentof damage lo the owners respectively , of
said property , nlVected hy wild grade , lulanx
into eonsldurat Ion special benelllB , If any.
Von are notllled to be present at Ihu lime
and place aforesaid and make any object Ions
toor statements concerning said assessment
of damages , as you may consider proper.
(2KO.J. ( I'AVU
\VM.d. KllltlVni ! ,
Oniulia , Icccinbcr2H , lti'J2. D30dltt )
SUES & GO..Solicitors ,
Boo Building ; , Omnlia , Neb
Kxiunlncis r S. i'nt , Ollioo. Advice free
Bond 1O cents for 1OO imito 'Electro-Modi ,
Icul Tbocry and Practice. " f >
* B. B. BLISS , Iowa Folio , lovvo ,
Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding
'Invitations ; Reception Cards arc sent ,
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nil Jltea > et anil ll'tainm of Man ,
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KlovntoH. unri'liDiuin , luulory | MI
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It ran bo Klvcn In n cup of uoitaunr to or In food
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drinker or AII nli'OhDlla wrei-k. llhau been ulvunln
Ilioinuiiilo of vawi unit In every Inmsneu n purfuct
cnru him Inllotved ll nuvur falU , Thu ny teia
UIK-U lniiri'i [ iiuti'it with thuHpet'llli' , It beiMiiuua an
ntliir luiMB | ) llilllly fur tliu Iliiuur nii | | tlto to eilil
( iOI.DI.N SI'i'I : I'M , ' ( M ) . , I'roin . I'liieliiniitl , 0
4ti.inKoJiiOk | of imrlifiilarj truu , To Uu had of
Kulin A ( . 'n Ulli ua.l Dou/lii HU. XV.ioljalo ,
lllaku , llruo Co. , und Itluliurdiun DriJi Co ,
Onnilia , Kvu
Chronic , Private , Noi'voitu mid
Sui'cicnl DiNenNOM CUIIED. Lout
Munliooil , Fuiuiilo WeuluieskOK ,
Etc. , CURED.
UootntB , B' ' ' , , 0. B1 , } ,
K IMhHrcoU Omiili.