Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    -.i *
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i TT i ft i TT xr i rTi. T -vtrr -nxr inno
Wlillo Tascott Said to Bo Unjustly Accused
of the Charge ,
WltcrrahntitA of tlir I'd mo in Criminal
Knnun to the unicorn of the I.fur
He Him llrcu Srrnnnil Talked
with Often.
CHICAOO , 111. , .Tun. 2. "Whether William
M. Tnscott is In Alaska or not , ho tliil not
murder Millionaire A. .T. Sncll. The man who
muKlcrcd Sncll lives In Chlc.-xffO and is well
known , Ho ilocs not want lo have Tascott
caught , anil ho li furnishing him money all
the time to keep mvay from Chicago. "
So says Detective John A. Dior after being
shown the dispatch from Spokane , Wash. ,
to the effect that .lull's Ueauvols , u miner
recently returned from Alasltn , declared that
InSltkn , Jimoiiu and other places he saw and
conversed with Tn.scott. Detective Dior
perhaps knows more about the famous Sncll
tragedy than any other man In Chicago outside -
side the participants In the bloody deed. Ho
passed moro than two years making investi
gations of the mysterious robbery and nssns-
Blnatlon and in searching for the murderer.
Ho is confident that Tascott was not the
ft ) slayer of Millionaire Sncll , and Is equally
fti positive Unit the deed was committed by a
man still living in this city.
lie U Not Wanted Now.
"If Tascott Is In Alaska , " said Detective
Dicr , "ho went there after March last , for at date he was in a certain town in Mani
toba. Hut there or elsewhere there is llttlo
danger of his apprehension mid return to
Chicago. As a matter of fnct , tlio offer of a
reward Is no longer in force , mid If any one
should arrest and bring Tascott to Chicago
he would have his trouble for nothing.
" .ItilcaHcauvols knew Tascott in Chicago ,
and should therefore bo able to rccognl/c
him in Alaska , although Tascott is much
thinner-faced than ho was when the murder
was committed. "
"You have seen him , then , since the mur
der of Sncll ? "
"I did not did J ? "
say so , laughingly re
plied Mr. Dicr. "I ha"vo kept pretty close
track of him , though , and ho could have
been arrested a dozen times within the last
two years If an.vbody.liad wanted him very
badly. But as 1 was saying about Bcnuvois ,
ho know Tascott In Chicago. Beiiuvois was
n bartender by profession and an all-round
sport in practice. Ho used to hang around
Hannah kt Hogg's places n good deal , but
lias been missing from Chicago for a couple
of years. 1 have no further interest in the
Kucll-Tascott case than a desire to see the
right man brought to Justice for that
murder. I worked two years on the case and
spent $1GOO of my own money in following
up the matter. As a result I aip enabled to
declare that Tascott never murdered Sncll.
The man wliffdid the killing lives in Chicago
and has spent a fortune- keeping Tascott out
of the way and In covering up his own
TiiKcutt Did Not Fire thu Fatal Shot.
"Tliero were four men implicated in the
robbery and murder the mai > who did the
killing , two other men and Tascott. Tascott
was taken Into the schema under the pretense -
tense that robbery alone was contemplated.
IIo was placed on watch ontheoutsido of the
house and the other three men entered.
After rilling the safe of valuable papers
they made a noise , which brought Mr. Snell
into the room and this man. to whom 1 have
alluded , killed him. At the sound of tlio shots ,
Tascott , according to his own story and from
other evidence I have secured , ran away.
Tascott remained in town a day or two , and
thoii' Went to St. Paul , where ho remained
three weeks , during which time ho received
by express 11 big package of money from
Chicago , with instructions to leave the
country. 10a
"Tho innnwho , did the killing went to a
drug store on West Madison street shortly
after the killing and had a wound in his leg
dressed. The drug clerk who was on duty
that night was a green boy who had been In
the store only a few weeks and knew com
paratively nothing about the business. nio
had no means and was working for a pit
tance. Three or four weeks after the mur
der and while the police and detectives were
searching heaven and earth for clews , this
drug clerk went to a watering place up north ;
of Chicago and opened n drug store with a
$10,000 stock of goods. "
"Where has Tast'ott been all these years ? "
AVhrra tlio Accused Man Hat Itccli.
"Oh ! at various places ; I can tellyou some
things. He spent a good deal of the time in
Manitoba. In March 18 ! > 0 ho was living In
London ' , Canada , under the name of Dennis
Mug'uire. I have known his whereabouts
nearly all the time , and so have those who
arc intrusted in heaping him under cover.
At one time 1 was prepared to bring him
Chicago to turn state's evidence against the
real murdcryr , hut the plan was frustrated
by people living in Chicago ,
' Tascott was in Chicago several days in
December , IS'.U a little moro than a year
ago and while hei'o received a considerable
mint of money. During his stay in the city
lie was disguised as a bent old man , with
white hair and beard. Ho returned to the ;
north and remained there until ho went to
Alaska. Quo thing is certain , lie is not ho
slayer of A. J. Snell , but has consented to bo
the scapegoat for a certain sum of money
and n guaranty of safety.
"It is perhaps not generally known that
early in the evening of the night of the
murder Millionaire Snell and the man who
killed him had a light in Sncll's barn over
business matters. The man loft vowing
vengeance and securing' the aid of Tascott
and two men returned in the night for the
ostensible purposa of robbery , but it was
this man's intention tilt the time to kill
Sncll and ho fulllllcd his throat. "
Our l.lttht Agents.
We would like to Invite the attention of
these who have in vlow a change of climate ,
or a dcsiro to maku money , whether in thu
capacity of small farmers , or as investors , teed
our handsomely Illustrated pamphlet entitled :
"Nature's Choice ; " also a clever llttlo booklet -
lot rolatlng to tlio advantages offered by the
North Galvcston association , entitled "A
Penny's Worth. "
Tlicso little pamphlets will give a variety-
of Information us to the opportunities offered
for Judicious investment , whether in city
property or small fruit farms. Tlio . th
Galveston association is represented in
Omaha by Franklin F. Williams who will bo1
happy to furnish any additional information
desired. The address of the general odlco its
box I'M ' , Mlimcai > olis , Minn.
ot Northern Mexico Growing
Weary ot tlm Kul of ( it'jiurul llln/ .
Mo.VTKiii'.v , Mox. , Jan. IS , The Mexican
government , through the efforts of General
Bernardo Hoyes , governor of the state nilOf
Ntiovo Leon , has secured positive evidence
implicating ( ) prominent Mexicans in the
estate of TamauilDas and thu Texas frontier
in tha present revolutionary movement.
I This ovldencu Is in thu mituru of ret
revolutionary prontmclumu'iito ted
among those belloved to bo in sympathy with
thu cause.
Tills document Is signed with the names of
SO ) men. It outlines the plan of revolution
and the ] x > lc-y ! of the proposed now govern-
nu'iit. Thu following is a complete transla
tion of the pronunclanicnto :
Dfrhtnitlonv of the llvvnliitluiiliti.
Tlio plan of revolution conceived for the
purKsu | of overcoming the tyranny and
deajwlisin of president Diaz and returning
thu country to Its constitutional order :
Wo , the undersigned Mexican citizens. In
full oxerdtio of our rights and making use of
the national lawn conceded to us to govern
ourselves , and in search of the means 1 for
Procuring happiness , consider ;
First , That thu people at all times have
the right 'to rovoku the power of their
sovereign when thu executive converts It
into tyranny and uses it to his pci-sonal ml-
vantngo :
Second , that President Diaz and his cabi
net exercise un arbitrary nowcr ( w their
prlvato bcnpllt , Inking tor law tholr own vol
untary canrices.ln order to unitary their own
Illcglllmalo ambitions nnd norsotml
vengeance , exceeding In cruelty tlio most
terrible beasts. They oxcrclso nvnrlco nnd
other Inordinate passions.
Third , In order lo arrive nt this state of
tilings they hnvo demoralized the nation
with their system of terrorism , assassinat
ing some nnd prostituting others , making
them n company with themselves to rob ami
obstruct the national funds , placing the com
mon people unrtcr the most terrible yoke ,
taking nwny their principle rights , that Is ,
the right of personal security , the right of
Individual liberty nnd the right of property.
I'mill * of President IH. < * .
Fourth , Tlmt General Uinz , In his ambi
tion to accumulate riches hns compromised
the future of tlio nation by robberies , such
ns tlio recognition of the Knifllah nnd Spanish
debt , the arrangement of the domestic debt ,
the contracting of the government German
loan nnd others which ho is now arranging ;
Fifth , That the Integrity of the nation Is
In such Imminent danger that our neighbor
ing country has a deputy appointed by the
American congress , with suniclnnl funds for
the purpose of inn-chasing I/we r California.
The same would ninUe a proposition to buy a
savage island of the ocean , adducing ns a
support of ills proposition that in the con
ception of the United States , Mexico Is
looked upon as being In the hand of another
Santa Anna ;
Sixth , Tlmt such a sliamehss situation
has all the probabilities of prolonging'tho
, llfo of this autocrat , who calls himself presi
dent. His audacity and cynicism liavo been
carried to such nn extreme ns to bring about
his Indefinite re-election. At ono time ho
was a pronounced
antl-ro-clqctlonlst ;
Seventh , That civil obedience has Its
limits , because the people , after giving over ,
In part , their will and power , are not obliged
to completely sacrifice their rights ; that Is
to say , not absolutely abdicate their will nnd
power , only In so far as the good may re
quire it nnd to secure thu prosperity of their
I'liui of ( Involution ,
For -nil of the above reasons wo have
hereby agreed to sustain the following plan
of revolution lo overthrow the power of Gen
eral Diaz and to re-establish the constitution
of 1857 In the country :
Article 1.Vo disown General Diaz ns
president of the United States of Mexico ,
nnd wo pronounce him n traitor to ills coun
try and the constitution he swore to guard
and the plan of thoTuxtopok that elevated
Art. 2. _ Equally wo denounce the secretar
ies of stiito mul governors , who will bo tried
and punished nccording to the charges which
may ho placed against them.
Art. a , Tliomllitarycliiolsiiiul civil author
ities of whatever class that take up arms
against our plans will bo considered as
traitors to their country and punished ac
Art. 4. From the publication or circulation
of this plan the Mexican nation is declared
In a state of siege , and for tlio proper execu
tion of tills sicgo the Mexican people are
called to arms
Art. 5. And for the same end the co-opera
tion of the entire Independent press is so
Art. 0. Tills army Is to bo called tlio Con
stitutional army and its motto shall bo :
' The Constitution of Ig.'iT and National In
tegrity. "
Gnrza Will IIo Chief.
Art. 7. Catarina Garis to bo known as
supreme chief , but for th'e reason of untiring
persecutions of the government ho will not
appear at the head of the vanguard of the
revolution for some time.
Art. 8. At tlio
taking possession of the
capital of the republic , tlio supreme chief
and director of the war , Catarina Gurzii ii
will call a general election of the country for
a constitutional convention to meet In the
City of Mexico after the end of four months
after the capture of the capital.
Art. U. This
convention will proceed to revise -
vise the constitution of 1JM7 , making such oe
forms and amendments as they may consider ,
proper , always keeping in mind the liberal
system of a federal democracy.
Art. 10. In the revision of tho.constltution
the following constitutional principles will
be enacted in the country : Ample liberty to
all political parties and the suppression of
the odious political assignation known by the
name of "Ley Ftiga ; " to remove all tram
mels to commerce and industry ; to give true
sovereignty to the states and independence
to the municipalities ; to buso all addition
and reforms on democr.itic principles.
Art. 11.Tho revolution being triumphant
and the government established , the wild
lands shall bo surveyed and given to Mexi
cans who may agree to cultivate them.
Art. 12. The governors and other authori
ties who will immediately recognize this i
plan will bo retained in their position -
, pro :
vided they have been honorable sup
porters of the Tuxtepec plan , the consti
tution of 18.VT and national integrity , free
suffrage and no re-election.
On the banks of the Hio Grande , in the
state of Taumalipas , this'JStli day of Decem
ber. IS'Ji. '
Tlio document is signed by Prudcncio Gon-
zulcs , Sovcriauo Xano ? , Julian Floras , ISus-
torigo Kumoit , .loso I'ena , and l'J. > others.
Jgnoranco of the merits ot DoWitt's Lit tlo
Early Risers is a misfortune. These little
pills reiriilato thu liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious
Homo or I.list Yrar's ArhlevomiMiti ut the
I'lilnn I'lii'lllc Oimiha I'hiiit ,
It is said by sorao one who makes a subject
of computing such intricate things that UOO
men will build a locomotive in a day , the
Baldwin locomotive works building in the
neighborhood of 1,000 locomotives a year and
employing quite Ii.000 skilled mechanics to
accomplish the work. And it was from com >
putations made at tlio Baldwin Locomotive
works the conclusion was reached that UOO
men could build an cngino in a day.
While tlio work done in the Union Pacific
shops during 1SIK3 was very much smaller
than that dona in the Baldwin shops still ,
taking out Sundays and holidays , the records
show that ono cnginu has been turned out
per day from the local shops , a very gratify -
ing record to Mr. J. II , McConnell , superin
tendent of motive power and machinery.
Fifteen new locomotives were built during
the year , 171 were treated to general repairs ,
and ninety-six : with light rop.iirs , Of Hit
iirtccn now engines now In active service
built at thu Omaha shops , twelve belong to
the eight-wheel class , two are ten-whcolors ,
and ono consolidation.
It may ho somewhat surprising , but It . isn
fact nevertheless , that moro engines were
built in this city duringl.S'.W than iuthocight
years previous on the entire system , which
shows that the Omaha built eiiginu is meeting -
ing tlio requirements of the different roads
composing the system , and the design of Mr.
McL'oiinell , superintendent of machinery , to
build as many engines as possible
hero , indicates tlio class of locomotives
being turned out. Engine ! ! built for thu mar
ket are by no means as acceptable OH these
erected under the scrutiny of the railroad
for which they are designed , Every part of
the engine except the bell and smokestack
is made hero , and nothing but thu best ma
terial enters into thu construction of the
iron horso.
Q U'lilio the work in the machine shops indi
cates a broad policy on the part of these who
direct the fortunes of the Union Pacific tlio
achievements In the car shops uru just as
notable in their wayfis in tlio ungino rooms. )
Two hundred mid lifty cais have under
gone i general repairs , been painted and
vainished and designed for thu passenger
service , coaches , mall and baggage cars , Of
thlvnumbur , uigthteon old tourist slcopers
which had outlined their usefulness In haul ,
ing emigrants across tlio plains wern con
verted into first class coaches equipped with
the Scarritt seat , the interiors finished I in
mahagony with oak headings making them
equal to any Unit class coach in the country ,
But this is not all , fAlll freight cars were \
repaired in the repair shops
and to attempt to tell the num
ber of feet of lumber which were
used in the shops would bo almost an im-
iKjssibillty as all the lumber for tho'systcin
is purchased through the purchasing dop.Trt-
munt horo.
In the foundry 15,000,000 jwunds of Iron
castings liavo been madean average'
15,000 iHUinda every working day , which have
been distributed over the entire system.
It has taken liST ! > men tu accomplish this
work ; at least , that number was employed
during thu month of December ,
against Iil8 : a year ago. The
wages paid during thu year to the employes
of thu shops alonu was $1,1177 , 0 , an avcragu
per month of nearly ? 115.000. And this
money him all boon spoilt In Omaha.
Mr. MtCoiiutill , without uuy llourlsh of
trumpets , has gene along qul Uly doing as
much hero as Is done by any of the transcon
tinental systems and whcrovor possible Is
Introducing Inlwr-snving tools and ma
chinery , the use of cotnprps ed air being
a fe.Uuro In both machine and car
shops. It Is really wonderful what
can bo done with compressed air. Small en
gines driven by this force are used for drill
ing holes , boring out cylinders , facing seats ,
screwing staples and cleaning car cushions ,
ono of the latest of railtaul Inventions. And
the satna force Is used as a lift to convoy
heavy machinery about the shops , nn ele
vated railroad oclng erected for that pur
The Introduction of Plntseh gas and the
Baker combination motor have been siiokcn of
many times by THE BnEasshowIngtho trend
of thought in thorallroad world , and Mr. Me-
Council , who Is ono of the ablest superin
tendents In llio country , shows throughout
the system over which ho has control , a dc
sire to bo abreast of the most advanced condi
tions which will elevate the standing of his
men ami Improve the physical condition of
the road.
Try Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cliam-
pagno. The is no foreign wlno tlmt lias Its
oquet or nny that Is as pure.
I'nst Oinalni I'ropln Will llnvc n Line to
Month Omuhn.
Not satisllcd with a crossing over the Mis
souri river and largo terminal facilities in
East Omahu , the Omaha Bridge nml Term
inal company means to bo something moro
than originally Intended , the latest project
being to build a line to South Omaha and
tap the Magic City along ono of the streets In
the west part of Omaha. Of course the routn
Is not made known by the company , whether
tHe line will be along Fortieth street , or
west of tliat street , but it is the Intention of
the men nt the head of the enterprise to
demonstrate that there is absolute practica
bility back of tlm scheme which will win out
within a very few years.
Occupying a very advantageous position In
Council Bluffs , touching nearly nil the rail
roads centering there , the Omaha Hrldgc and
Terminal company's briihio across the Mis
souri and its reccn purchase of ISO
acres of l.uui between Locust street on
the north and Nicholas street on the south ,
for terminal purposes , gives this company
easy access to South Omaha.
As laid olV on a btuo print recently prepared
for tlio company's use , the route of the rail
road from Nicholas street is south to Hurt
street , thciico west along Burl street to a
street which Is not indicated on the map , for
purposes app.ircnt to ovcuyboily who has any
land to sell in that portion of the city.
There are a number of persons in the
, employ of tlio Omaha Bridge and Terminal
* company engaged in securing options along
the proposed route and It Is said by these
who ought to know that they are meeting
with pronounced success , but , until the land
needed is all purchased , the course of the
road will not bo made known.
Incidental to this determination of the
Omaha Bridge and Terminal company to build
to South Omaha , the Council Bluffs & Ne
braska Ferry company made ono of the
largest transfers of property of the
year Saturday to Omaha and Detroit
parties , Mr. .lolin H. _ Webster engineering
the deal , for purely speculative purposes.
The land comprises ISO acres and Is situated
between East Omaha and the Winspcar
tract , which has now become historic be
cause of the Joint claims made to it by the
city of Omaha and the Union Pacific. On
the west it is bounded by the Nebraska
meander of 1H. H > . on tlio north it is bounded
by tlio cast and west quarter-section line in
tlio south' one-half of sections 20-il. ! The
east boundary .lino is the north and south
quarter-section line in the west half of sec-
tuinsai-US , whilt the soutli boundary is the
Missouri river.
Tills is tlio only land available in that portion
tion of the city that could bo purchased in a
lump and fci'Jrr > 00 was paid for it in cash ,
Mr. John K. Webster taking one-tenth , Mr.
Samuel T. Potter two-tenths , while Mr.
David Whitney , jr. , of Detroit , representa
tive of several Detroit people , liplds the re
maining seven-tenths.
But tlio transfers did not stop hero , for
quite $010,000 will be paid within the week
to tlio Byron Heed estate , Charles H. Brown ,
,1. J. O'Connor , John A. Horbach , Cunning
ham & Allison , who own ISO acres of land in
the north part of the city and which will bo
used as the Omaha Bridge and Terminal
company's yards. The land in question is
bounded on the north by Locust street , ex
tending to Thirteenth street , and extends
south lo the alley north of Nicholas and the" *
east boundary is the alloy west of Eleventh
street. This property , for which the greater
portion of the money has already been paid ,
will bo recorded in tlio uaino of Anthony J.
Drexel of Philadelphia to bo transferred to
the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company.
.Thus the year begins with nearly a $1,000-
000 on the part of one company.
What threatened to be a serious problem
for tlio Omaha Bridge and Ter
minal company has been pleasantly
terminated , tlio Omaha & Council
Bluffs Hallway and Bridge company agreeing
to permit the Terminal company to put in
tlio crossing at avenue A and Tenth
street , Council UlulTs. The agreement bo-
tweeu tlio two companies is virtually the
same as presented by Mr. Gcorgo J. Paul ,
who rcpre.soiited the Union Land and Im
provement company , but was refused by the
motor people on the ground that it was un
Mr. Paul seeing that it was im
possible to effect n crossing trans
ferred tlio interest lie had in
the crossing to the Omaha Bridge and Ter
minal company and they attempted to put
In the crossing with somewhat disastrous
results. However , on Christmas eve an
agreement was readied and yesterday morn
ing the Omaha Bridge and Terminal com
pany put in the crossing which has excited
so much bitter controversy.
Witli the crossing in operation the East
Omaha people can reach the bridge site with
out going over to Chicago to get around
the obstructions placed in their way by the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Hallway and
Bridge company.
For rite-mutism and neuralgia you cannot
got a better remedy than Salvation Oil.
This morning at 9 o'clock tlio sale of seats
for the engagement of Julia Marlowo , the
wonderful young actress who inndo such 1Ca
favorable impression hero two months ago : ,
' will commence. It was the great success of
the previous engagement that Induced the
management to apply for a return date , and
on next Wednesday evening she comes to
Boyd's theater , for ono night only , and will
present Knowlcs' great piny , "Tho Hunch
back. " The character of Julia in tills piece
is ono of Miss Marlowe's most fortunate con
ceptions , and ono in which thu publio de
light to honor her most. Her support will
bb identically the saino as it was hero In No
vember last.
The success of the Farnam Street theater
ns an amusement institution hns been most
marked. It is certainly in the lead for
popularity , and the excellent list of at
tractions and llio general careful attention
to the comfort of the tlicalor-golng public
has done a deal to establish this condition ,
Decidedly ono of tlio very host molodra-
nr.itlu and spectacular productions now raon
tlio road is tliu gri'ut drama , "After Dark , "
now In Its fourth successful season , under ,
the management of William A. Brady. This
will bo the attraction all next week , com
mencing with Sunday matinee , January m8 ,
with usual matinees Wednesday and Satur
day. _ _ _ _ _
Two of Sarah Bcrnhardt'a greatest roles ,
"Frou ' and "Camllln"
Frou'.1 will bo iior-
trayed at Boyd's theater on Friday and Sat
urday next by the now emotional star , Mad
eline Morll , assisted by a good company ,
On Sunday nnd Monday next James T.
Powers is coming , to Boyd's theater in his
now play , "A Mad Bargain. " IIo will bo as
sisted by n line company , including Mr. Polo
Daloy , who is known as a llnishcd comedian
from ono end of the country to the other.
James O'Neill will close his successful
engagement at Boyd's thontcr tonight by
giving tlio fourth performance of his now
romantic drama "Fontenullo. " ThcKipiiiion of
thu publio seems to bo that In "Fontencllo"
Mr , O'Neill bus found a worthy successor to
.Mon to C'rlsto ,
" 'Brown's Bronchial Troches' are excellent
for the relief of hoarseness or sore throat.
They are exceedingly effective. " Christian
World , Londuu ,
Ligi ocoipUnrfalHglier Prices Charac
terized the Year's Opening.
llrcrlptfl of All Kludtyif Stock Sliovr n Suli-
ntnnllnlnnd IlrnithjInrrriuioOvrr
the CorrcAprfnillngTwclto
Month ; of ' 1)1.
OMAHA > , .Inn. 2. TJo ( piwnlngdny of Iho week ,
month and year wa 6no of light receipts nnd
active I , stronger markets. The record for 181)2 )
has been m.ido nnd has passed Into history. It ,
was a remarkably satisfactory year from the
fact tlmt receipts of all kinds of stock shown
substantial nnd healthy Increase over tin ) cor
responding twelve months of 1H01 , this bulng
the ' only market In thu country that can boast
of such , , n showing. Ofllclal figures areas fol
lows :
Cnttlo. Hoes. Pheep.
Iteeolpts ! for Hoc. OO.HO t 1.1,5-11) )
Receipts \ \ for Nov. 80'J83 122,247 23OS-
Kcoelpls ' : for Dec.
1BOI 60,021 220.330 10,400
Total receipts ,
1HU2 756,050 1,013,384 , 188,588
Total receipts ,
1801 001,002 liG37,387 109,805
Increase 154,057 75.007 18,723
The supply of cuttle , wlillo not very heavy
for n Mommy , was nearly diwhU ) the tneuvji'i'
offerings on Milo last .Monday ( Christinas ) . lie-
nulpts Included no strictly prime hooves , hut.
there was a very respectnhln proportion of
very peed fat stt-crs. Chicago wns stronger
mid with soinn liuiulry from speeulutlvo ship
pers the trade was In a fairly satisfactory con
dition from the sellers' standpoint. Trices
ruled anynliero from stroiiR to lee higher than
Saturday and trndlntvns brisk at tlm ad
vance. Hood to cholco 1,200 to 1,400-lb.
steers sold at from J4.05 up to J4.75 , fair to
good 1,000 to 1,300-lb. steers from ! 3.50 to
13.DO , with very common light stun on the
feeder order nt. from $3.15 to 3.25. Ahont
everything nthll useful chatiRcd hands during
the forenoon anil after dinner the yards were
prnetleally desert ed.
About tvio-llfths of the fresh receipts worn
rows and mixed stock. The demand was good
fiotn all sources and the movement free at
substantially stronger prices than those pre
vailing the latter part of the week. Desirable
cows and heifers sold largely at frnmJ2.40
ajid up to J'J.KIl , Medium and canning grades
sold from $1.60 to $2.30. Them were scarcely
any.veal calves on sale , hut tlwdumand'was
good , and they would have sold readily at
strong prices. Hulls , oxen and stags were
freely olVered and as freely ( alien at from
$1.25 to $3.10. A good and early clearance of
everything In this line was alfeoted before
Huslness was rather quiet In the stoekcr and
feeder lino. There were not over 600 cattle of
this description In the yards counting both
fresh receipts and holdovers. The few fresh
cattjo wore taken readily by the yard specu
lators at good strong prices , mostly from $2.H5
to $3,25 , with odds and ends down to } 'J.30 , but
there was not much Inrjulry from the country ,
and the movement In that direction very llir.-
Ited. Representative sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
26. , . . 045 3 15 30. . , .1108 3 90
25. . . . . 012 3 25 20. . . .11)31 3 90
' ' ' . .1100 3 50 18. . , .1863 3 90
l' . . . .1270 3 50 18. . .1172 4 05
21. . . . .1124 3 50 50. . , . 1255 4 25
17. . . . .1237 3 50 10. . . 127 ! ) 4 35
01. . . . ,1002 3 85 48. . . . 1277 4 40
17. . , . .1104 340 17. . 1244 3 70
20. . . .1051 3 40
No. Av. Vr. , No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . 740 1 60 10. . .1042 2 40
0. . . . . 003 1 75 10. . . 875 2 45
11. . . . 878 2 1)0 ) 23 . . 020 2 45
1. . . .1280 2 00 , ' 70. .1040 2 65
1. . . . .1000 2 00 " 1. . .1100 2 65
1. . . . 070 2 00 . 20. .1025 2 C5
23. . . . 881 2 10 ( S 0. . 038 2 05
1. . . . 970 2 in 10. . 801 2 70
1. . . .1120 1 ! 25 1H. .1138 2 75
0. . . . 874 2 30 21. .1050 2 80
, " cAiivus.
. . 110 4 00 ' , <
' * nr/u.s.
1. . . .1010 1 25 , 1. . .1540 2 40
1. . . . 720 1 00 2. . .1770 2 50
1. . . .13GO 1 70 1. . .1400 2 7fi
. .1100 1 75 - . .
1. . .1700 2 75
iii ! . .1457 1 80 . 1. . .1710 2 70
i. . OGO 2 10 , 1. .1580 2 80
2 1080 2 22 1 1800 3 10
1 1400 225
; , , OXEN.
7 1407 2QO , ,
1 680 2 30 12 518 2 85
2 COO 2 00 ' 4 . - 037 2 00
0 738 2 70 33 770 2 00
4 1217 2 75 10 531 3 00
2 l'J30 2 80 18 007 3 25
lloas The market wns 5c to lOc higher than
Saturday on the comparatively few hogs
here. Only 19 loads In all were received , less
than a third as many as were here Saturday
but morn than Hvo times the number received
one. ' weak ago. The general quality of the
oll'crlngs was pretty good on an average.
Chicago was reported higher and with only
n few hogs on sale here sellers all started out
asking higher prices. Tlieie were notcnoiigh
hogs to go around. Only one packer , Oniahn ,
bought , but thu fresh meat houses. Swift and
Hammond , took hold freely anil soon cleaned |
ii ] ) the receipts , paying from Do to lOc moro
than Saturday for the hogs. Heavy and
butcher weight hogs hold at from 60.00 to
! G,70 and common lo choice light weights sold
at the untlro rnntru from (0,05 lo JO.70. Kalr
to jroi l bogs of all wolghts Mld ) largely at. from
Hi.Wlo $0.05 against JO.OO to ffl.iio Saturday
and iO.35 loiu.-lO ono week ago. Uepresuntn-
tlvohiili' ! . :
No. Av. till. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
3. . .340 $0 40 0. .202 } 0 00
5. . .300 0 50 9. . .365 0 CO
80. . .210 40- 655 74. . .2215 HO 0 02"
04. . .210 80 0 55 75. . .259 320 0 55
70. . .221 120 000 70. . .231 100 0 GS
. .250 200 000 85. , .232 40 0 05
73. . .220 80 GOO 9. , .253 0 05
68. . .299 210 060 08. , .272 Too 6 05
15. . .1HH 000 67. , .297 280 0 05
67. . .207 200 000 65. . .243 200 0 05
07. . 259 100 000 64..282 : 120 0 70
GO. . .235 100 GOO 71..221 0 70
O4.23o 120 ooo
Sltciuv There were no fresh 'receipts of
hhccp and nothing hero to make a market.
The demand continues good for both muttons
and feeders of the right kind and prices are
nominally unchanged. Quotations as follows :
Fair to good natives , $3.50J4.75 : fair to good
westerns , $3.254.60 ; common and slock sheep ,
$2.25S3.60 ; good to cholco 40 to lOOtt ) Iamb.1 ,
1'acliorn" I'urtiliiiHi-H I < : mt Week.
I'urrliimt'H fur December.
Oninlin I' , Co. 341 B
llnmmond , . . . 4.U78 S42
HnKt 31TO in
Cuclalij 31,7M 1.V47
Otliori IIOH 2U3
73,139 137.537 mr
Itrcclptv nnil Disposition of Sturk ,
Hect'lptH nt the Union Stock Yards , South
Omaha , Nub. , for forty-ulght hours ending
at 0 o'clock ji , m , January 2 , 1803 :
' 'UKCrU'TS.
iiousts : , v MI.S
Can. I ilund.
Ointtlui I'ccldnK Cou n.i ,
'l'liei. II. Huuiuiund Cu : ,
wUA | Co Xi/.tt. 407
'InoCuilnuy rucking Col. 631
A , lluus , . , , , . ) .
llcntiin i U .1 ,
l.uu Hutholillilii , M , i.
U , Herktr.lL 1) i , , . . .
llniiillton , H , i. . , 4
Pulppcr * nnd Fceilcrt , , . . .
Total. . 1,017 1.V7I
New Vorlr'T.lfo ' Htork Murkot ,
an.S. . IlKr.VKS Hecolptsfor two
For rcnnvatlnc tl-o entlro system i.
ellmlnatliiK all I'olsons from the
, lllood , whether of scrofiiluus or
origin , tuis iireiantion ] has no
"For eighteen months I had an
I eating tore on my tongue. I was
- , r treated by best local physicians ,
but obtained no relief : the Bore gradually crew
worse. I finally took 8. H. 8. , and was entirely ,
cured after using a few bottles. "
C. 11 ? McJ.EMOUK , Henderson , Tex.
Treatise on lllood and Bkln Dis
eases mailed free.
ruis SWIFT Sreoino Co. ;
AU-cta , Ga.
' 4flRB nt ! cn
nm'rket dull nnd UV per lito llw lowVri hnilvv
O'Tni un per KM ) UK. t inilN nml oo ,
. ln > Mril iH-cf i dull nt san'H' jior lit.
OAi.VMHocolpH , for two days. 3,2'JJ hradj
innrkot dull nnd a Minilo rn ler ; venK xtondvt
crassors , W.fiOttn.iH ) | wusti rn onlvi'i , I3.1US ®
PIIHRP ANII I.Asins Hocolnt , for two dny ,
B.B5H iionili innrkot very dull , Mi'iulyi shcup ,
l3.IKVil5.iX ) per lOOllw. ! lamln. t6.iM > 7H. 2 t.
lloosItocclpts , for two day.- * , 0,0'Ji ! head ,
IncliidltiR two rurloncN for sale ; market
higher , at (0.4it7.0U ( ) per HK > Ilii.
Oinnlm I'roiltiro .Mnrkct.
Thrro wni iirnctlcnlly no innrkt'l , the day
beiiiR Ri'iiPi-ally ob orvi'd as a holiday , I'rlrc *
were nominally tliesniue as nt thoclixoof the
Ai'M.KS Good npploa nro quoted nt $3.6031
4.00 ! cholco to fancy ,
11 ANANAS Ouotat Ions nro : I'alr to good
hipping stock , { 'J.OH ( ? . ' .I'i ( per hunch.
lliiTTim Tlio innrkot does not show nny ma
terial chainrn unit lumiot for some tlmn. The
majority of the salt's of fair to good country
butter mo tniido al about IGc. The choice
country KOCS.IO the vctnll trndit ut. about. 1HC.
CiiAMir.ttuir.A Ouotntlonn arc : Hell and
cherry. tH.GO per bill. ; bell and lniKlc , ( O.&O ;
Into t'apuL'od , tlO.OO. Tlio arrivals on the
market arolltflit.
Cii.iitvI'lincy : celery Is dllllcult to ( Ind.
Quotations inmrcnll llioMIV from'Juo toI0o. .
ICdilH Miuket steady ; hulk of the bales of
bright , stock. tid'it'Jtc.
( I.VMiTlu : > M'non for prnlrlo chlekun , vcnl-
son , rlc. , closes on tlm llrsl of the yonr. Small
rabbits 75. ! ! Jiiok rabbits $1.00.
IlAV Tlio demand Is ll hl and the supply
largo. No I. fO.oiKlil.UO and No ' - ' . * : > .7f ) .
IIONKV Tlio tnuvkot l.s tlrm , good whlto
clover honey being scarce nt 17c.
IIMONSChoice : , 4.50 : fancy. Ki.SO.
MA i.MI A HiiAi'ts--lVr : keg , f'J.OO.
OvsTjits Unchanged nt li'it35o : per can.
ONION-Homegrown , S0385c : Spanish , tl.OO
ner crate.
. . . .
I'OTATIIKS Qtiotalions nnil Homegrown ,
C55l76i ! ! Colorado and Utah , 85c.
1'oui.Tiir riilckcnx , cholco , Go ! ducks nml
geoM ) H'iJOc ! ttirlicys lOi : .
Swr.iiT 1'OTATOKfiCboico Miiwcnllno anil
Illinois stock , M.7&tt-l.UO per lilil.
. VKAI , Qimlutloiisnvo : Hniull unil fat , GiQ ! ( >
7cj largo and heavy , ajlOc.
l'lninclil : ; Motes.
HAVANA , .Inn. 2. Spanish gold , J2.utW
U.HD ; o.Nchangu ( inlet ; Miigar qulut.
HOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 2. Clearings , $20-
144,210 ! balances , W'J07i8 ( 1. Money , 0 per
cunt. K.xchango on Now York , par ,
LONDON , Jan. 2. Money , l'i per cent. Unto
or discount In thoopiMi market for both shot t
and three months lillls , PiQl's pel' cent.
llrltlsh ( irnlii rrailii itevlew.
LONDON , .Inn. 2 , The Mark l.uiie K\pro ,
In Its weekly review of tlio British grain trade.
say.s ; Owing to the small di'llvcrles Kngllsh
wheats Increased In demand and prices nro lid
bolter. Another weeks fro-,1 runt-oil values to
Increase ( id , The trade shon n fall diitlin ; n
week of 7d nor iiiiiirter. Korrtgn wheat Is Ud
lower and line wnllu foreign ild dearer.
I.iindiiii I'limnchil Itrvlcu' ,
LONDON , Jan. 2- The slock cxcliniuto closed
ns usual on the Mrs ) working liny of the year.
In thu money market call loans were In fair
demand al I'i5&lji per cent. Quotations for
thrco months' drafts were not better than I1-
percent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liverpool I'rovNIon Stoek.
I.ivr.Hi'ooi. , Jan. 2. Stocks of provisions :
lleof , 3,100 tierces ; pork , 2,000 bbls. ; bacon ,
7'JOO boxes ; hums , 1,300 boxes ; shoulders , 400
boxes ; lard , 0,000 tlorces ; cheese , 1U.400
boxes ; butter , 0,400 pkgs.
At no time in the history of tlio country
hns pneumonia been so prevalent us during
tlio winter months of tlio last two years , In
times past ; i common cold wns not consid
ered at all serious , but of Into years tlio
great tendency of colds to result in pneumo
nia hns made people apprehensive. The
Croublo is that colds are not always propcrli
treated. No preparation containing opium ,
wild cherry or chloroform should bo used , as
they have a tendency to dry up n void , where
as it should be loosened and the lungs re
lioved. It has been observed Hint when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used tlio
cold never results in pneumonia. The rcasoi
is that this remedy stimulates the mucous
membrane which lines tlio throat and lungs
to a healthy action , causes a frco cxpeetora
tion , throwing off the poisonous matter , and
counteracts any tendency townrii pneumonia
For sale by druggists.
aiuTtignc Is All llf-lil.
OMAHA , Jan. 2. To the Editor of Tun BKK
Through a clerical error , and much to mj
regret , the name of J. H. McTugua appears
in tlio list of linns reported 'as having failed
during the year 1SU3 , nnd published In you
issuoof , yesterday. Yours truly ,
\ \ . II. Kouunsox , Manager.
How to Save Doctor Hills.
Chlcauo Duffy Ciftii/ic ( .
Many a doctor's bill has been saved by the
use of Chamberlain's Cough Keincdy. The
name is a household word in many parts o
the country. Chamberlain's medicines have
an extensive sale in tlio World's Fair Citj
and many people testify to tlio merits o
their different remedies. '
IW 3v 3"S ? I k ! * ? ? < J l ?
- v ymi > '
It Cures Coldt , Coughs. Sort Throat , Croup , Influ
enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis ondAathmn.
A certain euro for Coniumptlon In flrat staCD ,
and a aure relief In advanced itsgei. Vie at once ,
You will aee the excellent effect after ta-lnff tha
Crit rtose , Sold by dealers everywhere. Largo
bottles SO cents and $1.00.
tlmt propln will Imovt- your lialrls ly 'd it
you use tlmt jin-fcct Imitation ot nature ,
\tlmniirtHiiRlimsyrnlnr nn < 1 freslillfw to the
Wr. J'rli'o , ail. Oilier , ill ) I'urh 1'laec , If. V.
Notion is hereby given thntlbo iiiiiiiuil meet
ing of thu stockholders of thn Omaha Union
Dupoti'ompaiiy will bo held at Hi" olllco or llio
Union Depot company , at tlm headquarters
or llio Union I'aolllc ; Hallway company , In the
city of Omaha , on thu Oih day or .January ,
1803 , at 3 o'clock p , in. , lor the election of ill-
rectors and transacl Ion of any othur business
that may legally conm before I hu meeting.
T. l < . Ki.MiiAl.l , , President
Omnlm , neccmbor 20 , IH'JU. IWld'JOt
of lota on Howard street , from ' 'Gth utreut to
23th street ;
Yon are hereby notldo'l that the unjer-
slsneil. thrco disinterested frutiliolduri of mo
city of Omalri , have bonn duly appointed by
the mayor , with the puroval nf thoelty coun
cil or said olty , to assess the danniKo to the
owners respectively ot the property ntfojtud
by the ur.idlni ; of Suward stivut from iflth
Btroot to ' . ' 8th street , duelared necessary l.y
ordlniinco N'o. tflH. . P HSOI | December lUlh , 18'J. ' ' ,
npiirovcd leember lillli , 1SJJ.
Vou are ftirtlior notllloil that having no-
coptcd laid iuiontment. | an I duly iiiuiilllo.l
us rcqiilrod bv IHW. we will , on tin ; I'-'tli day of
January , A. Ikn I \ tit the hour ot 4 o'clock
In the afternoon , ut the ollloo of ( ieo. J ,
Paul , 1HJ3 Kiiriuun htroot , within the
ca'poratollmlfj of said city , root for the imr-
posoofuonsldcrin : and innldnt the ustuis-
m tint of diimiiKu to I bo owner * riHpootlvoly of
said property. ulTeotud by sijid urado. tak
ing Into consideration Hpuuial bunullts. ) f uny.
Vou uro notlfleu to uo present at the time
nnd place aforuiatd , 'ind inako any objections
toorstntomeuts concarnlni ; said assusiiacnt
of dttinuaos us you m lyconsldur proper ,
JOHN w. lion IUNS.
Omalm. Nob. , Doo. 27th , 1BC. Di'J-dlO t
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Opialna.
Jlot Cattle Uo and Suvcn market la the well.
Y/ood / Brothers.
EouthOiimhn Telephone IIM.
JOHN 1) . IMIHSS1AM , I , . . . . . . . , . .
„ „
W I/I'tili 1 . WOOD , f1"-1- "
Jlarkct Itepurti by mull and nlmclieerfullr tur
nltugd ujiou ui > | illcatlou
The Man in the Moon Fragrant
would b : happier If he could have a supply of and Soothing
BiackwelFs Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco
For over twenty-five years the standard smoking lob.icco of the world.
To-day More Popular than Ever.
To have a good smoke anytime and cverytime K is only necessary t *
get Bull Durham. It is all good and always ifbod.
Dr. SYDNEY RINGER , Professor of Medicine at
University Colloto , London ,
Author of the Standard Handbook of Therapeutics , " < irtii < it/f/ / writes as follows
Troui the careful nnnlyes of 1'rof. ATTrir.i.n ami others , 1 am Fiitl.sllod Hint :
IsIn , nn way Injurious to lienllh , and tlmt Hidecidedly mow nutritious
ether Oicoas. Itisi eoitalnlv " ' " ,
nnd liluhly dig"rlibliTln > ciuolntloiis In
e r-
tnliindyurtlsomonts ( from Trade rivals ) from my book m Tlieraiiuiillcsuroqiilio
nilslcadlnK. nnd cannot possibly apply to VAX HouTn.N'MOocoi. "
TliRfaliit reflection tin YAK IlntiTK.N'H ( ' 0101 istliusFffftnallurrpellril ,
authority etleu to ittfurf it , it lhrrcliprompted \ to aim it n vert/ handsome tfptitnoiital. anil the very n
Omaha Tent-Awning
CO Ml1 A XV.
111.1 varnatn St.
Bemls Omaha Bag M , 0. Daxon ,
Importer * am ] mviufrj. ItlcyclcH sohl on monthly
Hour tack ] , burlaps ,
Iwlna. pnynl'inU. l20N.lfilli.
Morse-Coe Shoe Company ,
Howard Stroll.
Factory corner lltli anil Uotulns StreoU.
\Vonro insklnircloio prlc's lo cub huyor . i\n 1 nro
sclllcit ncliisj ofnoodi which li very salcablo
with nicrchant ! * .
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMl'ANV. Wholo'ftlo SIIOK CO. , bouU.slloil
rafra. uionti lloitnn nml riibliprKooda \ -
llubbnr sliuo Co. . I1O- ! IJIU Ilitniey St.
1IUI-111W Unrnor St.
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
MM 13 CO. . hurj amiofl Mfri. f.ilv.mlio , ! Iron
coal , 8 K cor. Ilith nml cornlcit , wlmlotr caps ,
Douglas Sti. metallic skylights , etc.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrlck-Koch Dry
noons co. ,
Dry Roods , notions , f ur- .Votlom. KenU' furnlih-
nlililnc Koods , corner IngKOOils.cor. lltli nnd
llth nml HouorJ Sts. Ilarnar Sta.
Omaha Upholstering Beebee & Runyan
CO. , upholstered fnrnl- rUUNITUHK CO. , Or.ico
turu. i I1J2 1101 Nicholas
St. ! Wholesale only. nnd l.tth SH.
l/i M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
I20Mo : > Jones St. , 10th a nil Hixmey Sts. ,
Om.iln. O in nil a.
Elastic Stocking-
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
d Water Bottles , -
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
H4-8,151131 , ,
Next-to Postofflee.
Anordlnancudoclnrlnz the ner.'osslty or rnd-
lnn C'amcron ntrunt from V4lh street lo the
40-ncro line or center of71 li btieut prndiieod
and appointing three disinterested apprais
ers lo amuss and deturmino the iliuniigOH , If
any , to thu properly owners , whlcli inny IJD
caused bvsueh .raillnu .
Whereas , a nutltlon hns been prcsentKd to
tin' mayor nnit city t'ounrll to liavo mild part
or Cameron street cnided to tlio prosunt
established irrade , oiui-linir the cost of said
eruilliiK to bo paid by tbu city : thororore ,
lie Itordiilned by thu city council of thu city
of Omaha :
B'jetlon , 1. That It Is proper and nocosi-iry
and Itlshureb ) declared proper nnd necessary
to trndo : C'ainuron etieut to Its prosunl us-
tabllsbud Kriule. liu'luilinn neeesnary ap-
nroaches tlieroto , from ill h .st rent to the ID-acre
no or thu cenlorof 7th .sirout prodneed.
Kuetlon ± 'j'liat the mayor , with the approv
al of the olty coiinuil , appoint thruo dlslntor-
cstcd uppralseri , nsiefij and iliilur-
mlnu tliu ( laiiuiKO lo iiroperly ownurs which
may bo caused by Niicli Kridfir , taldnrf Into
vonsldorallniiln miililn such appr.ihement ,
thospeulal bonelltH , If nny , to wiicli pwpurty
by reason of such ur.inln ; : .
Hectlon II. That thii ordliniu'o Hlmll tiilco
uHect nnd bo m rorco from ami uflur Its puss-
I'assod December Kllh. ISO ? .
JOHN uuovKS ,
C'lty Olerk.
K. I' . DAVIS.
I'rcsldcntUlty Council.
To the owners of all lots or purls or lotHon
allev In lllley'K anil ItoKors' hiibdlvjslnii , lio-
tweeu Yllilon hlieet and thu norlh llnu of lot
H , Uoxor * ' Mil ) , and 17th and IHlh htrenis.
You are liuruhy nolllk' < l that llio mider-
NlKiieil , thli'o ( llHlnleiehli'il freeliolilersof llio
( lily of ( Jiniilia. have been duly appointed liy
the t mayor , with the appioval of the city coun
cil of t > nld t'lty , lo assess the dniniiKO to tin )
owners ii'hpi'tillviily of tlio property all'ciMcd
by I tbourndliiKor said alley , declared neces-
Miry by ordlnaiifo : itu ; < , passed Dccemht.'r 20 ,
IH'J'J , approved Dei-cinber'J4 , IH'J'J.
Vou aiu further not Hied , that Imvliij : ac
cepted .said appointment , and duly nnallfled
as reiiiitred by law , wn will , on tlio t wefill day
of January , A. I ) . IH')3 ' ) , tit thu hour or two
o'clock In llioolllcn of lieorK"
J. Paul , 1005 I'Mimuii street , within Ihuror-
jioralo limits of hiild city , niei-t for Iho purpose -
pose of eonslilerliik' and nuiklnj ; tlm IISM S-
nient of danniKO Id Ihu owners respecllvely , of
hiilil jiroperly , atl'eotcd by wilil Krade , taldiiK
IntofoiihldemlIon hjieclal bi'imllls , If any.
You are notified to bo present at Urn limit
nnd jiluce ufurt'sald and nmlco any objectIOIIH
to or fctiitcnu-'iiih ronceniliiK said assitssment
of iluimiKCb , u you may consider proper.
\V.M.Vi.'Hllltl\vKlt ,
Oiiiulm , December 1 ! , 1U'J2 , D3UdlOt
Rector & Wilhelmy LobecM Linn ,
Donlcrs In liiuilvrnro and
Corner 10th nnit Jnckson liHTh.inli'n' t oo |
dtrjjti. St.
\Y. \ A. L. Gibbon * Co.
IlntB , cnpi , ntrntv KOOUI ,
Klovca. mlttons , .2tti
nml Hnrnoy Ma.
John A. Y/akefleld / , Charles R. Lee ,
lmiortcilAmorlcinl'ort- | Hnrilivooil lumber , wood
Innil uuniont. MlhTMi- cnrpotn .in 1 parquet
kou commit nmltjulnu/ Hoorlntr ,
wliltulliuc. 9th nml
Frlck & Herbert , I. Obarfeldsr &Co.
Importjr < nnt JobliO
Wholesale liquor dealers o ( millinery , nutlb -
Alnll orlar < p lompl n
1001 Fnrnnm St. . lltli St.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Carry a full muck of
printing , wrnpplntr nnd ItpDncil nnit In brlcnt I of
wrltlnu pupora , cnrd
Dftpor , etc. ells , axle cronic , otc.
Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. ,
Produce , fruits of all junior , rhoaie , CK ) ,
poultry unit Kamii ,
klmll , nyplcrs. : U7 8. iith : M.
Omaha Stove Repair J.I . , A. Dl C ) ,
\V illlf , ntdvo ru ulri irori of H.III !
nn t w.ilorill.i 'limaiU < l 01) r * , h 1 In i | i an
for any klnil of stovj MiiHiMlu.'i. lir.-inoli of
m nlo , I'J7 D.nlijlru . tk'j , Ijth i ml Izurd S
An ordinance ilui'liiriiiif tlio nouuisilv of Knul-
liu II sliL'Ut from Ililli siri-ut. to 17th struct ,
unit HDpoln'tliiK tliri'o illsuilKiustoil npiinils-
orHtoiiKsess mid ilutoiinlnu tliu cliiuuiiruH. 1C'
any , to llio uropurty owiuns , wlilcli may lo
caused by nucli Kradln.- .
Whuroas. uropprty OWIIUM roprc-sontliri
inoru tli an thruo-IIUliH of tlm feu I , rroiila u on
Hiilil Dart of U Hirout liavo nulllioiicil
tlio innviir ' anil cltv council to linvo hiilil
rniilliiii'dono uiidur the tliruu-liftliH cHiihiiA ?
irovliluil for In suotloii OH of tlio city rlii-rtor.
UK ! " tlio cost thereof to lie nmuu payubio lu
.onuiiilal installments ; therefore.
lolLoriliilnoil by tlio oily council of tlio olty
of Omaha :
b'ouUonl. That It Is proper : iml iioeeHsary
anil It 13 liuroliy iloclaro I prnpur ami nuecn-
r.ary , to cnulo 1) ) slrwit lo Its prc'Huiit OKtub-
Ishoil crude , including necessary approaches
tliiireto from lUlli mi-cot to ITlh slicel.
Suction - ' . That I hu mayor , with Iho approv
al of thoelly uoiini'll. appoint tlireo illMliitor-
estnd Hiitirafnur * to niipraljO. ussons ana ilotor-
inlno tliuilniiiiiKO to properly owners whlcli
jiuiy booaiisod uy Hiioli KradliU , liiKliiK into
conslilurnt'un ' In inukliiK Bilcli'Jinunt ,
the special hoiiollts , If any , tosiieli property ,
by reason of Hiieh Kradlnir.
t'eutlon II. That this ordinance shall take
direct and bo In force from and after Its pass-
( . 'liy CJIork.
I'rcsldeniruily L/oiinoll.
Mayor ,
Anorillnanuo aliiuiKlii'tlio iinrli lines ofSlnJ
Htroot fioni the alloy between Hurt nnil
Cnniliuilreuu lo tlm al oy tjutwut'ii Ouni-
iny nnd i/'iril Hlirelf. In tin ) oily "f Oiniilin ,
and repealing MI iniiehuf all ordiiiiineeH l'i
I'onllli't thuiuwllli.
. . . ,
IliiltnriliilnoU by tlio olty couiiull of the olty
hJuittloii I. Tlmt tlm curb lines of U'lst street
from thu alloy between Hurt and Uuiiilnie
htiectH to thn nlley botwi-nn Oiimlir.-iinil l/iinl
HtnniH bo and Iho.s.imonii'huroby ( ihiuiKed tea
a uldlli of : ii feet on oauh bldu of tliouunUir
line of Hiilil Hired. . ,
rJoetlon a Tlmt 80 niiioh of all nnlliiiineea In
conlHut with thn provmloiiN of thH orillimnco
le. : and thoHuino uru liitrubyrdiiunlii.l ,
ricellon . That tbH ordln uieo hhall taku
( ilfeet and be in fureu from and nflor Its pass-
city ( Jlork.
K. I' . DAVIf ,
PrexIdiintUlty Uuiinull.
Approved Deoumtur y1. ) . ' ' " ! , .
, , , , , . ! ! ,
M liy or
0 TUB OWN Kits 01' AIJi LOTS Ot | I'AUTH
or Ion on "H" air out from JUlli Htcuot to iJtli
You are hereby notlllol th it 'tliolind ir-
1 Knoll , thrco dlKlnturosled froithoiddra or tlio
oty ; ot Umalm , have been duly itiipolniod
by the mayor , with llio approval of tlm city
councilor said ultv. to amtsi tbu dumiuii lo
Iho ownorx rospoutivoly of tbci proiiorty af
fected by the grudlirjor " | l" strunt fion lltli
Blrout lo lith Hlreet.ilccliirud nuccssiry by
oriilniiiicu No. ; i8 ! . passed Diieeinbor J'Jth , UAtt ,
aiiurovod December IDth. 1C' .
Von are furiliur notiliuil tlmt Irivlny ac
cepted Kiild KpiiohiUiHint. qnJ diliy iiimlllluil
ii s rcnnlri'il bv law. wu will , on the r.'tli iluy ot
.Iiiiiiinry. A. I ) . I8U1 , at the hour of .1 iruioulc
In the afternoon , at Hut oliliru or den J. Paul ,
litjS Karnain htroot. wild n the cor-
poratolliiilwuf Niildoltv , meet for llio pur
pose or eoiMldorlnu and iiriUIn * thu iisso -
melit of iliiiua u to th'i invners re-spoullvoly of
salu property uireelod by bald Kriule. taKliia
nlo unnrde.riitlDiiiipuolal bonutlli. II : > ny.
Vou are nolllled lo bo pri'hunt at Ihii tlm
and plitcoiiforesulil uirl maku iiiiv objootloiu
to or st.itomoiitu eon-orn n ald asBun
of Uamuifos asyoit may consldor J'/ojiur. '
' ' ' '
wi'u' . ,
f. b'i'OOKUAI.B.
Omaha , Neb , Uue. iTth. lu'Ji u