8 THIS OMAHA DAILY BEEP MONDAY , JANUARY 2 , 1893. AQUEDUCTS AND THEIR USES Brief Dissertation on Some Kcmarkablo In stances of Oannl Construction , WHAT THE PLATTE RIVER CANAL MAY DO It * tnlnr to Onmlm Kutliiintril by Snino Noliililn Kxninplrs of Am lent IInllil- IliE mill Sprvlrc OutllncMirii Orrnt l.tilcrirl | r. In the jcnr 1ST" Mr S. t Wlns mana ger of the Onmlm Wntcr Works cominny , vv an examining tlio n\iillnl > le vvalrr supply for the city niul foilnil Hint n , phenomenal licatl of nliontax ) foot existed between tlio vvator ; of tbo I'lnlto river , south of Pie- tnont , and tlio oltj nf Onulin After limiting one eun cj ho concluuYd to Rot an act tliroiifc'li the U'RlsltiUno to farllit.vto the consttiK'lion of n canal , and with the help of Itcnrv St lUjnor , In th western pmt of the state , an net was passcil porniiUliiK the water of livns to ho ttivi'ited anil utllbcd for pur poses of h i Ipnlion anil water power. Then Mr Wiley Instituted u caicful invcs- tlpatlon anil snrvov of the Vliittc ihcr , with the lilca of dovclopinpn IniRO water power for , anil within nshoildistniiicof , thoiltj of Omnha With this end In Mow Mr Wiley pcrsotmlli ipont over 51,000 on the snrvejs Last full liuioinploled them f.ir enough to find that there was a Inrso water power nvttllnblu , vvliiih could ho developed to a much Rrc.iter extent than had been supposed , and vvbkli , If developed would bo the laigcst water power In the United States oiltslilo of that obt.ilned fiom NiK \ ira falls. It Is pio- posed to illvuit but one-half of the Pl.itto liver , nt low water , but this would bo to Onmlm what the St. Anthony falls mo to the city of Minneapolis. Tin oe corps of engineers arc In the Held be tween Arlington and Oni.iha , pushing the Dnal location as fast as possible. The point of development of power cannot bobiought ne.ncr than fioni live and one- linlf to sit miles of the center of Omaha Iho valley of the I'apllllon Intel poses n well nigh Insurmountable obstacle to its coming nc.iicr , as It would icitilio | an aqueduct olio mlle long and fiom Kioto IW ) feet high to cairv the water acioss the v.illi\v , which prohibits comim ; ncaier The tiansmisskm of power bs clectilcltj has made possible the tiansniisslon of the power into the titv of Omaha ton cential station , fioin which point the eleitiitity would bodistiibnted to all points In the city. Sonic Nntiilila Can il . The distiibutlon of this i heap power would poaloiiL'wav towaid solving the inannfac- tuilng pioblem of this i ity In fact , the ilistiibution of this power to small ni.inn- fnctuies gives them the same ihanio that laigo ones have , and does awav with tbo monopolv of cheap power l > i the laiger mannfai tiucis Ahead.v thoiitj of Keainev brines water ntMrlv half the dlstam o of the proposed canal fiom ricmont to Omaha , and theio is no louson vvlij metiopollt.ni Omaha should bo kept behind in the taco b.v the smaller eitles in the state ' 1 beie mo jnanj notable examples of water canals in the wcstein states , the dimensions of u few of w till h mn.v not ionic amiss for tboso who tal.onn iuleust in such nmttcis , show in } ; as thoj do , that sue IK anals ean bu successfully built and opeiated In higher and dilcr altitudes than that ot Omaha , vvhcio the evaporation Is exiessivo and Whcio the eaith abhoibs water like1 a spouse Noithem Colorado hiigation canal , 01 the High I-ino canal , i.c.ir Denver , isII ) feet w ido on bottom , 8 feet deep and S > miles long , and has u in.idii of I 70 feet per mile , cap icily 1.1W cubic feet per second , or moie than two- thhds of the pioposcd Platte t ana ) T aiimor and \Vcld canal , lioin Pint Col lins to H iton , Cole , ; ! ( ) feet vide on bottom , S feet water depth , W ) miles long and giado 2)7 ! ) feet per mile ; capacitj "i'M cubic feet per second Del Noite canal , San Luis valley , Colo. , f0 ! feet bottom width , 0'- ' ' feet water dentil , 05 miles long and giade'iiicgului , capacitj 2,100 cubic1 feet per second , or onc-thitit 111010 cap.uitj. than the piojccted wateiway to Omaha. Aii/ona canal , near Phoenix , Anz , BO feet bottom width , 7 > , feet water depth.11 miles long mid gi.ulo'J feet per mile side slopes \y to 1 : capacitv 1.000 cubic feet per second. iJeavUivor canal , Utah , W ) feet bottom width , 7 feet watei depth side slopes 1 to 1. prado 1 foot per mlle ; capuity , 1,000 cubic feet per becond. New Yoik canal , Idaho , -10 feet bottom width , 10 feet water depth , side slopes ] ' to lr giadol ! feet per mile ; ( apacilv , Sf > is ! > cubic feet i er second , or nciily twice the cap.u ity of the pioposed Platlo tana ! Still moiciiiutablo canals of the vvoild aio on leconl , and if the ancients , with their limited knowlidgo of lijdi.iuliis , could do Buc.li wondeis , Onmha ought not to be ap palled by un casi and simple pioblem in cngineciing Wli.it tint Antlt'iits A < riiniplMii d. Tbciois le.isonto bcllovo that Chili and PCI u\eio once the best wateied bj canals for litigation and power of an.v nation on earth. All of tbo ini.is of Pent weio\eiy Ingenious in making aqueducts , and wcics not appalled by phjslial illllicultics , tunneling mountains mid uossing vxide valleys with high aqneduos The seventh 'HIM built a wmal fortv feet wide that muled twelve fcotof water and was I''O leagues , or ! IGU miles long , and wateied n tiact ol land eigh teen leagues , or lift-four miles wide. 'I lien was another canal , though now in inlns , in Peru , In the piovim o of Cimtlsuque , over IW leagues orJftl ) miles long. When wo coil' fiiderthoy had no foiged lion or steel , but only one atone to bieak another , wo ma.v Ivonder at such stupendous winks of Intelnal Improvement , but woil.s which made one ol the i Ichest nations on e.utli and excited Hit cupidity of the Span ! mis. Among canal buildeis of the ancient woilil the Uonians would easily tnko Hist place This was duo to u gieat extent Intimation tlon paid bvtho lioinans to health and clean linens , which led them toe oust met sonu very stupendous works for an .ibundant sup ply of water. Plinj SI.VH "If mij pcisoi : shall vciy attentively consider the abund unco of water ( onve.\ed to the public1 foi baths , llHh-tmndH , pilvato housto , fountains gat ilens and Milan , ( nndiictcd overaiches o considerable extent , through mountains pel forated for the tmiposo , nnd oven valient lllled up , hu will bo disposed to acknowledge timt notlilngwab over moio wondeiful In tin voiid , " The flint tlmo water was ronvejed U Homo from u dlstanco vuis In the \cir H C - " . ' , when a conduit was loiistiucted hv Ap plus Claudius , the Censor , from whom It do lived its iiiinio of Appla. Clauilla. Pi lor t ( this the Inhabitants of Homo weiosuppllei from the Tiber , or the wells or spilngs in tin vicinity. 'J hu Appla Claudia had itb bouici In the distill t ol Tusenliim , whunco nfto making a i livuitous course of bOO paces , 1 ] irocceded thiough u deep subtciianeou channel , moio than tin miles In length , am cnteud the ( Ity by ho Applan Way , deliver ing its water In the Campus Maitius. .Mini ) MiiKiillliriit VVorlis. As the Uomnns found this mode of tonvoj ing water advantageous , they sooncansoi the number of conduits to bo augmented Pliny , In his Natural History , mentions tin Aqua Mrmiu , the water which ho eulogize thus : "Among tlio bUhMngs confciied 01 the city b.v the bountv of the gods Is tli vatcr of tlio Mai tla , the ileaiest of all tin tvutcts In the world , distinguished for cool ness and balubilty , " Over the Mai clan aqueduct weio convoked the vv.itoi of the Maivl i , Julia and Supula Sn distinct channelb mm alo\u thoothet which together weio t.uppoi ted by a slnal tier of arc lies. Occasionally theiociot \ \ or moiti licit , of arches in one aqueduct , am this form of cojibtiuctlou has given ilso t ' much BHvulatton ] us to its objects , Som huvo HUjioscd | that the two or moiotlui weio for bcparato conduits nt dllfeivn levels , ot licit. , again , Imvo infuiied the In tcntlou of the Homan uixhltectx was to prc Mdo roulwa.\.s ncioss the Mtlloys , thus m.ili Ing the slntctui o son o tw o purposes Proi Homo of thojcmalns. It H oviiient that a least occasionally the lower arches weio ii trojlnccd blmply for the jmi | H > SO of btiuctuu stability , us no menus aio pmvlded eithe fern inad orvvatciway at the level of th lower tier ; moicover , there nio boveral li etnuccs in which two uud even tlm-o chai fitlt are cuu-lcd on the sumo aqueduct wit 5 only ono tier of nrehes , ns in thoensoof Aqim Marcln The Arjtm Mnrcla conduit was built about 100 years after the Appli Claudia , and it oilglnated with Qulntiis Martlus Its course commenced at a spilng thlrty-thrco miles from Home * , nnd proceeding along the .surface of the around for three miles thiough nwinding channel , It entcted a tunnel sixteen feet In diameter , whence it continued forthlrtj- eight tulles. At Intervals along the line of the conduit cesses werefonncd for the In terruption of solid matter e-arrlcd along by the stream ; theio were also apertures In the upper part for the escape of air. Sonic TrltimpM of Asrlppa. Agrlppa , who held the oftlco of curator of the public works in the lelpn of ArtRiistus , constructed , among other works , the Aqua Virginia , a winding uhnnncl abimt twelve miles In length , in the touiso of which a tunnel of MX ) paces was driven. Pliny states that the conduits at this pcilod were lendeied eminently subservient to the embellishment of Home , and that Agilppi , In the eoui'oof onojear , actually foimcd sevent.v pools , 10.1 fountains and 10 ! ! irscrvolrs , besides adoinlng all these woiks with mm bio statutes and columns Kextus Ptontinus. who was entrusted by the Umperor Neio with the1 siipeiintcndcncd of the conduits , has left hi hind omoA cry valuable Infoimatioii on this subject in a tieatlso "Conceinlng the Aqueducts of the t'ltj of Home , " wheieln ho states that Home was supplied bj nine Inrgo conduits , const ! ucted pi cv ions to his appoint ment as cm ator Thi'i weroof an aggiegato length of U."i miles , and supplied 1 1,018 ( iiiln- ai la of water per dav , which quantity is equivalent to i.7,7-4 l.loo cubic feet , but after the construction of othcis , the supply piob- nblj amounted to Wl.OOJ.OOO cubic feet As the population of Homo at that time con sisted of about 1,000,0H ( > persons , this gives an average of llft.\ cubic feet for each Inhab itant per day bo abundant was the supply that Stiabo sijs "Wholo ilvcis ( lowed thiough the sheets of Home " In addition to the conduits ahcady men tioned weio the Old and Now Anio. con structed In the lelgn of the nmpoior Nero ml dei iv ing their names fiom being the iieansof convcMng the water of the Anio to { nine. The foimer was ueailj foit.v-tluco idles In length 'I ho latter was constructed n a higher level with its couise along the in f aio for 7f > l ) paces when it cntcicd a unnelof the length of r > l'G7 ! paces Along he line of the conduit weio moio than 000 iches , some of which exceeded 100 feet In Siiipusst-H VI odor ii Ai lllccinrnts. . T he Aqua Claud ! i , another magnificent ondnit , was begun In the leign of Caligula ind ilnlshcd dining the iclcn of Claudius t VMS built with how n stone , and com- nenced nt a dlstanco ot thiitv-elght miles 'roin Home' , at an elevation which enabled it 0 supplj the highest hills of the cltj. It lad a subteiiaiiean channel of thlity six and ne-foiuth miles , thence it lan along the sur- ace of the ground for ten and thiee-fom ths niles , passed thtough a vaulted tunnel of , bent thieo miles , nnd continued for seven idles on aicadei , soini ) of them veiy lofty. Piof. Leshi ! obseivcs that "Tiajan bowed puticul.it * solicitude in impioving ho aqueducts These w oiks weio executed n the boldest manner. Nothing could icsist .he skill andenteipiiso of the Homans ; the.v ihaiind whole lakes , dtove mines thiough mountains , and i.iised the level of vallc.vsby ii cumulated in cades The water was kept . eel by cov ei mg it w ith v aults , vv hleli w ei e ) ftcn so spacious accoidlng to Piocoplus , A ho wrote in the time of Ui'lisuius , that a nan on hoisoback could ride thiough them. " Ullili'l-stoiul Itjiliost.illcs. Hefoiilng to the scicntlllo knowledge and ineihanical skill of the ancient Homans , Piof Lralicsijs. "It is a pievailing opin ion that the Homans , amulst all their mag- dtlccnce , weio ignoiant of the simplest ele- nents of hjdiostatics , and theiefoie totally iinacqnainted v\ith the method of conduct ing and laising water bj a train of pipes. Nothing could bo woise th in this notion. Pliny , the natuial histoiian lavs down the main piimiplo that ivater will invaii ibly 1 iso to the hcightr of its souicc 'Subit alti- tudinem exortus sui * Ho adds that leaden [ dpcs must be employed to cariy water up to in eminence Palladius , in bis ticatise , 'De Ho Hustica , ' siieaKmg of how to hurt springs , dneets that the water bo conducted to the farm or Mlla cither by n channel consti ucted of masomor , by means of pipes of lead or wood or even of earthenware He allows ono foot in fiom sixtj to a bundled , for a uni- fonn descent ; hut if thegronnd should after- waid Use , bo si.vs the conduits must be sup- poitcd on piles or aiches. ortho water must bo enclosed in leaden pipes , when it will mount Just to the level of its head. But Palladius testllles his incision to the use of lead as apt tqjiccomo coveicd with ceiuse , and theiebj fcndeied unwholesome or even poisonous ' 1 his consideiation had , no doubt served to icstiain the peneial adoption of leaden pipes among the Homans. You need not be afiaid of the twinge of ilicumatism when jou have Salvation Oil. LOW HATH J\CUKSIOX To IIuiiHtun , 'Ifv. , nnd Itvtiirn. Tuesday , Janimrj 3 , 1893 , ray third bncclal party will leave Otnaliti , bound for Houston , Tex. Ilixvinfj for Hiilo several thousand nci os of the richest land in Harris and LJra- /onia counties , Texas , lying between the cities of Houston and Galveston , and on the thrco prinulal ] ) trunk line railroads , I will oiler as an induceinout for invest ors , or these doaii lug only to look at the land , ancoiallv low laics fiom Omaha to Houston anil return , goad until Juno 1 , 1S')3 , vyith a limit of Illleen days in cacrh direction , nnd good for stop ever at pleasure within limit. Thcso landu that I olTor for sale aio of aiioh , b'aek loam , or.sily cultivated , being rich enough to yn-oduco the most excellent icsults without feitili/ution. Evori thing that can bo grown any- vvhoio in the United States grows sp'o- clullv well lioro. 'J'ho giound pays well fiom the first yeur. The pi ice of land ranges from $2.50 to $20.110 per aero on the mobt favorable terms of payment. All these lands lie contiguous to and within live miles of the above men tioned railroads , with an abundance of water and timber. The cllmato the year tin ouch is excellent rtomomber the time wo go : Tuesday , Januari 3 , 1S9J. Leave Omaha atOMG p in. For further Information lelativo to lands , c.imato , neil and cobt of living , and ptrtlculaiB as to the puioluiBo ol ticket ? , chuapor than jou can buy ol any railroad compani , call cm or ad- drees H C PATTIMISON , 425 Ramgo building , Omalia , Nob. Attfiitiou A. O. II. Tlio members of the Ancient Orcloi of Hibernians in Omaha and Soutl : Otnalia are urpontly requested to ineel In St I'liilomuna's hall Monday , Jaiuuiri 2 , at 8 p. in. The object of the mooting will bo to make nriangomonts for at tending tlio funeral of Hov. Father Me Monoiny , by request of ul visions No. ] and 2 of Council Uluffs. Hy oidur of M. 1J , MC-KKKNA , C. D. im.t m. Xiithtt nf flfr llnu nrlmunl'i thlt h : id , Jt/tji cent * ; tack mlillUunfil Una tat cent * OADV Kthel , daughter of .Mi , and .Mi 8V. . 1' I'ady , Janimry 1 , Iti'J.I , ago 3 ii-.us , 1'iineiu at u p. m. today in llm ic'hiileiicu of tin li ucnlHO'Jl hi , MaijS uvcnnu. Pi lends Alodi'in Woodiucn und Hojal .NclL-lilioi.i lu vlteil. CONCORD OF SWEET SOUNDS Musical Events of tlio Past Week Which Have Entertained Omaha's People. SOME PLEASING SOCIAL FUNCTIONS t'crforincru Who Atldrd to the Attraction * of 1'ord & Clinrlton'M Opcnliiff Miulo In the Clnirclipi U'hiit tlio I'll tare Hun In Store. From a musical point of view' the past week was singularly birren of events of local Importance. The bustle nnil excite' incut Incident to holiday activities absorbed * ! 0 much of popular Interest nnd attention as to eclipse for the tinio nil other matter * * . Iho cntci talnmeat ( Iven by the I'linccton college clubs Thuisday night was made to appear moio as a sohl function thin as an event of nnislc.il nlgtiitlcance Those who wcie foiUmnto enough to attend the opening of Toid & Charlton's music stoic Tiiday ovrning vvcio onteitallied with a .cry inter esting sjinposiuin of soloa , < | uaitets and instrumental selections by well known local people. Tor the opening number Mr.j B Copeland - land sang a ballad called "September , " which Mr Cailtoa had composed e\picssly for the occasion The song vvns v.-cll rcn- deicd and was so well lecolvcd that the author will ha\o It published at an caily date. Miss Neola Ogtlcn of Council Bluffs s-uig "In the Chimney Coiner , " by Cow en , and Miss Clnra Claikson londcicd 'Toibod- ings , " a very pleasing soprano solo by Campion. Mr Marshall and Mr. Kelly pla.vcd "Dames ile Scvlllo" duct and as a piano Mr. Wlnllulil lUakc bang "Hjbilas , the Cietan , " and icsponded to an cncoio. Mr. Chillies Hlgplns plujcd tw o A iolin solos in his usual good i taste , with an accompaniment by his sister , Miss Daisy Ilipglns. Mr. 'Ihomas J. Pcnncll s'liiga "Khhioand Wino Song , " by rrantz Hecs , and Mr. John lliovvn did a cello number , consistlni ; of the "Tiati- meilo"and a fantasle. The program was enjoyed by a select andl- encp , conipiising about ! IOO of well known musical and society people fiom Omaha and Council Ulurts Dining the intomission light rcfieshnicnts weio scived Mc < .sis Fold and Chailton intend to icpc.it thc'se in formal musicales fiom time to time , at which the best of local talent will assist in the en- teitaiamcnt. # The choir of the Calvary Baptist chnuh will given concert at Iho chinch at Twcntv- sixth and Scw.ird streets on Tnday evening of this week , in which they will bo assisted hi other locil talent. The following inter esting pie iam will bo icndeied : i\ni i. T.ovo'i Yonmr Droam. . . . II ilfo Miss Wood , Miss It isniitsirn , Mi. Van Kmin , Mr. ll.iitou. GiiindTiemnlo Etude. . Gotts h ilk Ml- , Edith Jj. WJKOIIOI. Queen or the Eulli I'lnsnll Mi. Ju 1' . It ii ton. Logciulc' . . n. WIenlavvsUI Mi.Cli.uh-s lIlpRliif. M.ugarlta lolu Mi. A. J. Van Kiiiaii. 1-VIlT 11. /.Igeuncr-Wc-lbcn-Gjp'.y I ) nice Sai.is-Uo Mi. Ill clns. Tim "now Lies While Sullivan "Mr. Van Kuran. Ha ) Nocturne- . . . . . . H iff | lb ) Dance of OiKinu-s . Hans becllng MUsagonui. . OutontheUei'i ) Loin Mr. Hilton. Onod Nlirht , llulovcd . I'lnsntl Miss \\ood , Miss It.isniiisson , Mr. Van Kuiun , Mi. Ilniton. An interesting evciif is scheduled for Til- daj evenlngat the Young Men's Christian As sociation lull , vheaVhItney Mockbndge , the celclnated toaor , will appear with bib company in a choice piogiam of opeiatic and ballad selections. M r. Mockbridgo is well known in Omaha both musliMllj and soc-ially and his comp my comes highly endorsed by other cities wheie the-i have appeared dur ing the piesont season. The advance silo of scats will open at Chase & Eddj'b Wednes day moinlng , * * The Inteiest in the Apollo club is veiy flatteiing. Nu\v applications for membei- Miip me constantly being leeched and theio .110 over twcntj to bo considered at the ne\t meeting. All who wish to Join the club should appli at once as no now voices will be leeched after the piesent week. 4f * tt The usual Chiistmas services were held at St Ceeilias ehuich last Snndiy. A special featuioof the sen ices w as the tlrst leadi- tion of the new mass composed bs Mr. Joseph Hitter 'I he composition proved to bo a hlghlj cieditable piece of vvoik , for which Mr Hitter icceived much piaiso. The mass Iswiittcn foi sopiano , alto and basso , and will theiefoio boei.v accept.iLilo to manj clions which mo weak in the tenor pait The choir was under the diiection of Miss I'anlino DoWitt , and both Mr. and Mis Hitter kindly lent their sci vices at both masses. # " # The attendance at the icgdl.ir meeting of the Omaha Choial society last week was somewhat limited on account of the enter tainment at the opera house by the I'linccton college people. Thonsualmuslc.il piogiam was icndeicd in connection with the seivices at Timity cathedial Sunday. At the nioining service the choir sing "Ilaik , the Hciald , " by Whitney , and the otlcitory consisted of a coatialto solo and choius fiom Gadc's can tata , "Chiistmas l > e , " Whitney's sanutnsin Omul " ( Jloiia in iZxeelsIs. " An old chant was also lemlcicd at the inoinlng scivlce The evening service consisted of a scimon hi Dean Gmdnor , addicsscd to the Omaha Guards , and the choir sang the "Magnill- c.ito" and the "Nuno Dimittis" in 1' , by Toms. Tliooncitoii was "O , Holy Night , " by Adam. You don't want a toipul liver ; you don't want a bid complexion , jou don't want a bad bie.itliou ; don't vsant n hcadaclio Then nso Do Witt's Uttlo Caily Hlsers , the famous little pills Ciilirornlii I KMirHliin , The next Phillips Roolc Island poison- ally conducted California exclusion with through tourist sleeping cars to S.vn FiancHeo and Los Angeles will leave Omaha at 1:20 : p. m. January 0. This will be the grandest pirty ot the season and passengers desiring accom- rnndntloiiB should nuke their icsor.va- tions nt onco. Tor lull particulars call on any Rock Island acront or address Charles Kennedy , general northwest pissongor agent , 1002 Farnam btroot , Omaha. Real estate. Bargains only , Mv word Is gooJ. W. G. Albright 61l-i.-3 ! N. Y. Ltfo bid ? , If you will call at our now store we will nresontyou with a copy of a bounti ful piece of music. Ford & Charlton , 1008 Dodgo. Tioscolng and intoriordecorAiing ; do filtrnhand osliinatcs furnished. Henry Lclinuuin , 1508 Douglas street. n t Bakm i- iil ire ii - Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. i- ih 00ed ill Millbns of Homes 40Years the Standard * KAHP OR SOUTH li nnnte. The Bhort lin to St. Louis nnd quick est route south. Only 37 hourstlo Hot Springs. Only ! M ) hours'to ' Now Orleans. Only 38 } hour = to Atlanth. Only C2 hours. . to Jacksonville. With corresponding fast tlmo to nil points east andi south. Round trip tickets to Hot Spring * ? , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Galveston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Ilos Angolcs , Sun Fran cisco , MoblloJauksouvlllo , Tntnpa , Ha vana and nil the winter resorts of the Eouth and wost. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Uotrolu Pullman bullet sleeping cara on nil trains , Batyjngo chocked from hotels and private residences to destination. Fortlckots , sleeping car accommodations and fntthcr information call nt Wabash ticket oflico , 1502 Farimm stioot , or wrlto , G. N. CLAYIO.V , Agent , Omaha. On tlio AVuy to l.liiroln. A party of Ncbiaska legislators and promi nent politicians from the counties la the noithcast pnit of the state vvcio in the city Saturdaj afternoon en route to Lincoln. In the party w ere lion Fremont Hvcictt , the scnitor from Hurt and Cumlng counties , Hon U F McDonald of. Pendcr , senator from the Eighth dlstilct , nnd lion 12 i : Ellis of Allen , reprcscntatlvo from Div county. Aicompan\lng the putv was ex- Senator Shumway of Wakclleld and C H Llttlo of. Hlootnllcld , who Is a candidate for snpci inwtiulcnt of the ins me asj lum at Nor folk. The gentlemen went to Lincoln In the ev ening. _ _ A Cnio for ( /'rou p. If your children are subject to croup alwa.vs keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdy at hand. It Is a prompt and ccitaln cuie. If given as soon as the cioupy cimgh appears it will prevent the attack. ! jrsalo bi diugglsts. Smnslicil Sntoitn V\liidn . A drunken man hioko all of the windows in tho'front of the saloon at 1U18 lxav en- worth sticet yesterday noon and then es caped bcfoio the police ailived. Pei feet action and pcifeot health result fiom the useol DoWitt'sLlttlo Uarly Hisuis A pei feet little pill. Sco the celebrated Sohmei * piano at Foul As Charlton Music Co. , 1608 Dodge. Both the method and results \vhcn Syrup of Figs ia taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and ncta genily yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nud cuies habitual constipation : Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac ceptable to the stomach , piompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only fiom the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. An/ reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. HEW YORK , N.K KENNEDY'S CAUTION. KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA BITTERS Are NltVEIt Sold IN IIIII.K , ONLY IN BOTTLES VV n H TRADE MAHKUBELS "BjY STATE" GUITARS. u > MANDOLINS. BANJOS , ZITHERS , AND DRUMS. We nuie a Mirlrly from ti niyju ( STlo tin ; VIUBT r nil roHTiY Inktrunifiiti iv Ty Innliiimviit fully Wnrriinird. OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJD , Endorsed by the BEST Players , fteml for Calalai/ne anil mention the Jiulnimtnts you thiiil. of jntichatlnij. t > JOHN C , HAYNES & CD. u.u STO.V , when Jan. are buying glovca , for driving ) or street vvenr , rcincin- bev that Hutchlnson's are tbo bcstfonwcar. Tbo reputation no 1ms palncil in the past bO years for niaklug cloves TEiai Never Rip and that are fityllsh nnil fcr\Ice- able , IsiBucb ns la enjojcil by nn other manufacturer. Solootoil Hklna only iiru upul. If youvvixnt to knoir moio about glovca that nnd your dcalcrcnnnot supply you withUutcliliiEon'aOloves writeto'i ' Lira tor liia illualrntcdbook about , Cloves. HwlUinteiestjou. Kstab- JOHN C. IIUTCHINSON , . Johnstown. IJ. Y. ? ARE TROUBLING YOU ! VViJI.rnmoiiniUmotlicii oxiiunol l > r ir opll li- riauriliuriru nnJ.Uiia oMir/.llilol Hlili uulrul our"l'l'UH.rilO.Nx hl'rfl'IAl'I.Kior fcbtli beit In tlieuorM If > ouUiinol i wo will till you uun.lil/l j yu i what toilo. j Ojl ; nl-nn Atl.KS or ht K I.I.ASsKb KICOM * l I III' I'lnln , > iiuiku.1 > lau or nlillaylitK1 * , for pr Max Meyer & Bro. Cc Jewelers and Opticians. I'aruiuu auU FJttfont Struct The Countess of Aberdeen Is regarded in England as the woman who , with a retinue of eighty servants in her house hold , has come closest to the solution of the servant-girl problem. During 1893 , Lady Aberdeen will , in an article entitled to be printed in THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL , tell of her methods of treating and retaining her domestic help. The Journal an Entire Year for One Dollar Ten Cents on all News-stands The Curtis Pnblishinc Company , Philadelphia Compel your Shoe Dealer to supply you with lee LUMBERMAN OVERS AXD Thefilew Jersey Rubber Shae MAKES NO i\TKA CHAltGK FOR ROIiILEaJ EDGES. Sec the New Jersey SPHCIALTIHS , hey arc line. Notice name ON SO US. Dealers can get Price Lists and Dis counts on application. I carry a big stock and am Western Aj cnt for the New Jersey Co. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , For Thirty Davs o.ilv W3 will ollor our entire stosk of D'umonls and Christmas Jowohy and Silverw.vro at Ioj3 tin i mvnufAUturer'd cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Strasts- Will move Jnn. 1. to N. W. Cor 16tli and Kiirnim SATHS TOR SAI/E. you tasted America's finest Whisky' ' Richest Quality , Absolutely Pure , Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-clou. Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and Best 1 Very Best ! Drug Stores. o DALLEMAND A co. . CHICAGO. PERMANENTLY CTTK.EB or NOPA.Y Wn REFER YOU TO 2,500 PAi'lENIS. Financial Reference : Nafl Hank of Commerce , Omaha. No DK'iKN'iiOK from business. No Oporation. InvLstUiiio our Mothnd , Wrlttun Rimr.iuton lo n'lso- lululv Ciironll kliuls uf ICT'lTIJHKof l > i > llifuxos. liti- nnt tlio use ot uulfo or syrlnpu , no n altur ol how IOIIK ttandlug. ttandlug.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-308 H , Y , LIFE DLDD , , OMAHA , MED , for Circular. I81G UouQlas Street , Oninhn , Nob. Tlio eminent tprrlallit In nervous chronic private ulocul rl > ln anil nrlnnrr dlxmie * A regular nnil rouliteiccl ir.niUitiin In nieilh Inu mill pluniti nnil ccrlliliatei Bliovr it mill tro itliu wlih tha gruatett nap ro cntnrrli lout manhooil njinliiil cukuui nlulit [ anat unit nil form ) of jirlv itailli'i 01 No iiurou ry u toil Viw UiMinii'nt fur loss of vital i > o or I'urtloi uiulilo to v U ino miy li tro it j I nt lion ) liy < um > 9i > unilciiru Mullilno or Inilriiuiants tent b/mill or otproii njnurol ) inciil in nurxi I j In ( Uiti contentor n'lidor iiiiupurionallnlnrTlaw prefurrtiJ rantultttluu fru > Corrnipjulu lojutrlciiy prlr ilu Hook ( Jl7Btirlo of l.lfo ' uiilfroo ( Jill.oliour ( 'Ja in lo'Jpni riunila/alOa m toU'm .uauittiut > forrjpl/ n ivout i For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & MuConuoll , 1C 16 Dodge Street. \VOODIN SIDI\V : VLK HICSOLUTIOW fONTUUCTION. C'uunoll Ctinniljor. Omiili i , Not ) . 1S1 Itr It rtMiUuil liy tliot-ilv counoll of tlio city nt Oiiinhu. Iho innyurconi'iirrlni * Tint wooilcn shlcnsiill.s bu coiistrnctoil la the i-lty o ( Oniiih i us ilpsl.n tleii liolou , \\ltbjn Hvudajs after the pulilleiillon of tills resolu- t on , or the iiersTmil m-rvloo tliuiuof , ns by or- ( llii.inco is unilinrlml ind rciiulrod ; such bii.ou ilks lo ho laid to the Liiidu on the sncotsHpoclllcil huii'ln , nnd lo bo cniiilriiotoA ( f nluo p .mil of such \\iiUh nnd lliiokuoss nnd 1 o I ild mum Jolsn of Mich iliiiKMiiloiH and lot such inniincr as Is pn'icrlbod by the spocincn * t Ions on II. . D In tlwt ollkoof thoboird of publlo voiUs nnd itndor Us supnrvNIun. lo-vvlt : Pihihldo of J.'nil stient , t ix It .11. from south Him of I'.iu ! htieut to south line of N ild tax lot In suc-l.'i-l1)- ! ) , prusunt cr ido 0 foot \ \ di > Kistsldoot J.'IKI slrcol It ! ) bIK IbTi'i ' city } ' prosi'til jr idi > . I ! foot \\ldu. I stsuloof.Oth slrcDl. it 8 Ink . * i Swccsy's addition , nruiout grille , bfu-ot wlili \\isl sliloufblli si rout. Its 18 lo-'O Inoluslvo. 'Jnd addlilon , prosonl r.ulo U foot fsorlh sldo of Vnllov sirvoi. Us 7-M-11 Oua lioin i , nioaoiit Ki.ulo t feet ulilc Ninth shlo of V illusiroct oistlOl foot It T Ol , ihotnn , nrosunt unilo , /cm v\l In. VVc-ithldo nf J.Uh sticot , o\ti'iidniK to curt > It 1 blk T Kurd's Ut addition , pormiuienb Ki ulo , ( I fool \\ldo ISo-tli si lo of bhlrlov strcot. Its 1 : uulVIurr ; : ( O ill , pi ost-nt BI ndo. (1 fei't \ \ idi- . i-iiiitli sldo of Wobsiorstiuot , Us 1-2-1 nnd U b k2 l.v nil's subdiv I'.irUI'lucc. . piesont ijrado d font do foiilh sldo of Webster street , o ist 11 ft of It IMil'CHMiU ' IMiico. prLsentT.ilo. . 0 foot wido. ' oiith slflo of U'ubstt'r street , oibtn'i foot of R'Uhilv J t'nrli t'luec , present rudu , Gfeab wide. I'liBtshleof 21st street. Us 41 11 -2i-3l ! ! blk * ( 'mii | > t > . 'H's uaultlon , perm inont irule , 0 feet wide. 1 in side of 3M street. In 2J-o ! S-I(1-14 ( bile * Catnpbo 1's addition , periniinciit Kiudo , 0 fcot uldo I iihtsldoof 'Jlst stioot. Us U-ll ) and 0 blk 4 rninpbeU'b .iddltlon , permanent ti ulo , 6 foot "i : tst Rl loot Slat strool. It II lillc 10 Wlloox'a ' 'nd nddlllon. poiiu inont ur.ule , 4 fuot wldo. Ninth sldoor K < l CrelKlHon atioul. Its 2 to ft Ini'liisUe , Cl irk I'luee , jirusoiit ci.idu , 4 foot wide. Wist sldo of 20tli stu'ot , Us 40 ml 41 Uur * Onlt. present ur ulc. 4 foot wldo Wist sldo of .Olli hlruet.onth ' j H ,11 Gl.irk 1'l.ice. prosciil crulo. 4 foot l < lu Foilth sldo of Mnrth i slroor , Us V toSl In- clushn Clnrk 1'lnee , prcsunt . ndo. I foutvrld ' onth sine of Iliipont struct. Its I to 11 Innlu- filvo 1)11. 4 Diiiionl I1 1 ae , present Rr.ido , 4 foek 111 c. Noi Hi side of Dnpniit strejl , Us 1 toll ID- eliisho bile J Uiipont 1'luc.e. nubcntrado ( , A fint wide. North s'do of Duponl strei't. Us 1 to 0 Inclu sive b It 2 Uuuoul i'liicu , present ( .ruile , 1 foot wide. Noi th sldo of Oummt stroet. Us " to r > Inolu- shu h U 1 Unpont t'Uoe , present KI llo , I toot wide. South s'do of Dnpont street , Us 2 to 9 Inelu- $ | \H hi kr > Diiuout I'lacu , piescut * ; r.ido , 4 leot wide , f-oulli sldoof rnslollftr street. Its 1 to II In- elnsjvi ) hlk V Dupoiu I'lncc , present yrudo , 4 feet nldo .Noi III sldo of OiistolUr street. Us 12 to221n oliiblvo bllv 4 Dnpont I'luio. uiodorit grade , t feet wide I'ast sldoof 20t'.i H ! root , north 'i ' more or Ioa of ltd bil : 2 Duponl 1'luLO , prcsont ru4o. tfeet wldo I. list side of 20th street , south ' ,0 foot moroot } loss of It ID llurr UaK , prtsunt ridn , 4 fooj v\ido. Kasts'doof 21)tli ) street. It J ) llurr Ouk. proa * tut Kr > dc. 4 feet ttldo. \\mtsIdoofJ7th ivcnuo. Us I and 20 blk 4 DraUu's addlilon. present iSrado , (1 ( feet wldo. \\fstsldo of X'Tth uvenup , Its i nndi'O blic 3 Di ilio's audition , uioscnl gradp , ( ! feet wlilo. Hnstsldn of 4 1st avenue , Its II nnd l-'blki Cielnril Hill present KI a lu. foil wldo. Cm ! blilooHlst nvumui. It I'J blk yorobard II III , present Bride , 0 font n Ido i ; ht Hldu of 41st iiM'niio. Its I7 I mid 8 blk 3 Donni'tt srtiilj Orchard Hill , pr a ut urado , 0 fiol wide. West sldo nf 8tb street. It u bik I 1'oroit Hill. pri sent iri\de , 0 teul wldo \\cstsldooffilh streiil. IIH I an I 23Kountzo'a 2nd addlilon. present urudi * . U ftet wldo. And. bu It further lese vn i : ' 1 h it tlio boiird of iiublli ; VMIIKH bo , anil la limuliy nutliori/ed nnd dlriMttd to eniiso n lopvof this leso'uilnii to ho pulillshod In the nlllrlnl pupurof tboelty for unn woe It , or bo fervod on Iho ownirs of said ioh. and thu unlif-s sucli owners shall within live duya tiflur Iho publication or scivhu of huub uopjr eoiintriiLtsiiLh slden.ilLh IIH lii'iein iociilrou | hut tlio ho ml of piinllo wurnH cause the sum ) lo bo done , thoiostof eiiiHliuutliii said blduw ilksrc.peetlvoly to ho issssod agalns * tim mill estutu , lot or purt of ot lu front or nnd abuttliiK sui b Hldotv ilks Pasted Nov 2Jih , DoOilunul nth 1S9J. I'rusliiciicof Hio Council , A O IJiWAHnS. Aellnc President of the L'onaolU Attrst : Ji H.N dltovi' . OltyOlnrk aio. : i' . HI\IIH. : Mnyor. o lor. TO CONSIKUIUHIDHWALKS. . To tbo owners of the lots , pins of lots ana roil rstalo doserlbod In the above rusolu < Vnu'iiul oieb of > ou nro boroby notified to ( onbtliii't wooden sidewalks "s rtqiilru < l by n rnnl'illoiiof the city uounell uiidinnyora ( lliuultvof Uniuhii of which thoabovalii ncoyr. Ohalrinan Ho in ! of 1'ubUoorka. . Onuilm Nib , iJLuoiulJorV7i.li. IS'ii fn 10 Till : OWNI HHOrALM.OrSOH I'AHTS of lots on ' 11" street fiom Uth htuuut to 17ta hlreat ton nro lieroby nottflol tji it tbo uniler- sL'ned. three disinterested frenho dors of the c ly of Oinuliii , hnvo lieun duly nppolntod hy thi ) mayor , with the uppnnul of tlio city million of ild ollv. lo assisi Iho iliunuRo to Ihu owuurx rospaullvely of thu pronerly uf- fi fltd by the KT idlni of u" bln > et fro n UtU Htirpt to Kill hlreet. ilctlnroil noeessiry \ > r or ilu mio No .IIS . p IHSUI ! Dei < inliei Uth , 16U3 , apiiroiinl licii-iiil cr I'Jlh ' in' . ' < iou nro further notilio I tint lii\liu > vo- copied wild HpDoiiilniont. nn I ilu vuuullllod iihrciiulrfd hy law we nil I , on Hie I'thduyof Jiiiiniirv. A 1) IH'H , t the hour of .lo'eloolf In Hie afternoon , al the ollli-o of ( io J , I'aul , lili'i r.inmiu htnul. nllli n tbo cor- lior ilu limit * ur svUeltv. meet foi the pur- pobo of fonvldorliu niul mikni' tlio nsioii- inmitof ( Uiuuiru to tlmo uior * resm llvoly at siM property nlU-ctoJ by sild Kiiidu , tukliis nio c'lins dirittlon a | > el il benvllts. II uny > Von .iro notified lo bo present ut Din ttini , nnil plaee aforesaid nil I in.iKo aiiv objoctloiu - to or ( .moments con urn u KI ! < | nuessinent. - of dainu.'cs usyou in.iv loniililur | iruiior , ( il.O. J. I'AI'lA W. U. BII1CIVKR , JAtf. faTOOKDAIjR. , Neb , Uotf. i7tU. IB92. arj-