MONDAY , JANUARY 2 , 1893. ALONG JIM HILL'S HIGHWAY Glimpses of tbo Country Traversed by the Fifth Transcontinental Road. TACTS ABOUT THE GREAT NORTHERN Jtmv tlio Hindi Illlln < ! tir mill I'rHicrcil | IliirliiC ! > ? l.nrlil ltc | nrls rn I'll- I'roiu tln < Han .Iiian iwn ofllin h 1 ho llf th tr.inscontlnental iind Is rnpldl } Appro n bin ? the shores of l'iiiot sound. The 1 ullder hnvo crossed the Columbia 20J miles west of Spokane nnd arc at wotkon ) both sides of the C.iseado range , Thp oxteiiston of the Great Northern from to thol'.u.lllc Is mi cntcipilsoof fliivh magnltndo us would npplll most men To pcnutr.ito nn unsettled rounlry \ \ Uhout loeal or troveimnc'iital aid recinlred business ability of the Hist order as well us conll- tlcnio of capitalists. These requisites w civ possessed by .lames Hill of.St I'aul , n man with fortune of voluptuous pro iiottlons nnil n genius for lallro.ul build ing possessed by few Tlio oiiglnul Matiitolu was bis olTsptlng. It was built as : i business cntuu1 There was lit- tlc , If nnv.Htock waturlmr. nor was thcioa stu pins of bonds Issued for the ica ou that tlio tinllle would not pa\ interest on the In \cstiuent It penutiated tenitofi tiibutaii to tliu Northern I'aclflo and foiroil a radical rc'dui'tlim of i.itos Uvcii with tbo i eduction and without a tidewater ronneetlon , the load ) > lid Us way Hwaslho boast of the company juslllled by lesults that , owing to tliocionomvof consti in lion , the road could thilvoon i.ilcsthat would wreck the North ern I'aeitlo This fact served to loosen pin - > o strings when the mnnnirci > decided to build to the co-lit The work has been i-airlcd on uninterruptedly for over two ji-ars , nnd the spi ing * da j s of 'SKI will nee the road com- jilctiil and lu operation from St. Paul to beattlo on I'ugot sound Appronrlitnj ; tlio Itorktrn , The eoaat extension blanches out ftotn the old line cast of Glcat Tails , Mont , and passes " 111 rough the countiv about foity miles south OE tlio noitberji lioundniy of the United States Kiom the Junction west 150 miles nothing betokens tliu approach to the ltocc.v ) moimtanssi\otbosllglit ! Inellnoof the i grade , v.biih Is 4. per cent , or about twenty .leot to the mile No such view or the moun tains Is obtained as on the Union Pacific j when appio idling Denver The approach to the mountains , sijs a correspondent of thoNewYoiU Times , is baircn , almost de- \old of tices , ou'ii upon tbo high hillsides Tlio ascent to the summit of the divide is begun .it Outbank river It Is appropriate ! } mimed , for thoHtieam has cut its wa.\ sev eral bundled feet below the plateau land Across this elinsm the ti.iek is suspended on tiestle 1 'Jill feet long and 1IM feet high This mij'ht bo consldcicd a icnmikablo bridge but for tbo fact that a few mites fllithor on , at Two Medicine il\er , the tiestle is'JIO Rot high and l.OM ) feet long Thogiadoon which the Koithcrn climbs to thodhiiio is less than that of the otliei tian < : ioiitinciitnl railioads , It being 1 percent , or Ilftvtwo fc'ot to the mile. 'J'lio Hummit is readied at an elo\ation of "i.tiOU foot. This is Mai las pass , the lowest point of the guit divide , on the Koeky miuntain range. Along the last ten miles leading up to the summit the mountain sides arc broken by deep coulees , or goigcs , into which one may look down 1,000 to lf > OU lect. Upon reaching the summit there is a inaikcd change. ' 1 hick pine foiesls cover the west- cm slope of the main range and tbo moun tains l > e.\oiid. From this point on to the Pacific co ist It is n forest lugioir , the trees Slowing larger and taller until the famous timber of Puget sound Is 10 idled The guulo now descends for font teen miles , the steepest incline on any pait of llio line 1 " 3 7 > Br cent , or I'.l feet to the mile Modci ate giades of ilvo-tcnths to 1 percent wo maintained for n bundled miles through the canons and valleys and along the banks of stie.ims In Its descent of thowestein slope the soon cncoimU'is thoiush- imj slio.nn of the Flatbeud The dcnsel.v- wooded hillsides bend ubuiptl ) to the toi rent's edge , and the guide Is caned out of the steep side of the gull h and built out into tint stieam. After a picturesque display of eataiaets the cicelc unices a turn and in the woods , whence It Miortlj icappeais , as if eh mged by magic. It is a luo.ul iher , deep gieen , icllecting the him of the foicsts , flowing In a deep rock channel The rail road spans it by n trestle hOO feet long and nlnctj-four feet high From this height the Huddeniew of tlio tiaiibfonned stieam is fitaitling The rhoi sweeps westwaul to- v'anl ' the open valley which bears Its name Thu rilithciul Vulloj. lUght bcioln thoFlathead valley , in the most i emote part of the foicst legion , com- plctcly isolated from the outside world , the traveler is given an oppoi timitv to see a western emiosity , a booming i.iilroad town. * 1 ho tiain inns out of tbo canons , hills and foiests into an open plain wheiotho tor- icnts IUIMJIdened Into deep i Ivors and ex panded Into lakes There In tlio center of the valley whoie livcis meet and wateis be come mnigablois Kulispcll. It is a town jnado to order , laid out and developed by s i- paclous minds. It is just a and a half old and It has ! i,000 inhabitanls 13ut it has the bustle on tlicrmaiu streets of a town llvo ! > sl/o. IJusiness houses and resi dences met Mmr on ovcry hand The noibo of hiimmeib and the hum of saw and plan ing mills lire ev idonces of prospei Ity The business streets aio lined with laneh- men's teams and freighteis' wagons loaded with supplies for the settlements up and down the \alloy and the mining camps umong tlio hills. For all louls , or , moio mopeily speaking , all tr.tils lead to Kalispell. Hithei to supplies for a distant point , tlftv jniU-a or more , ha'i o hail to bo "packed" on liorso or mule b ick along tlio old Indian \Vtigunioailsniustillnnovclty Tlio 2,000 , InhabitanlH came bc-io befoio the lail- roads and had a substantial town of 51)0 ) buildings and 1'JOU people hi tbo time tbo ilist locomotive steamed into town , January 1 of this jear. On that occasion the leading weekly paper ( of which theio ma four ) ulteieil tlio sentiments of its constituents , as follows. "After eight months of waiting nnd anxiety the most de vout and CM i nest w ish of the people of Kali- spell is consummated. The Iron hot so has at last snot ted in the Gat don of Uden of Mon tana. " Another of thopapois described the situ ation thus : "Although the city of Kali- npull dates Us Inception several mouths hack It makes Us debut today In the commercial woild , Hithei to Its citizens have mndestU left-allied fiom sounding the piaises of theii city , but tliu time has auhed to lay claim to prominence and to proclaim to tlio woild the proud position occupied. " A DoumliiK Town , It was n motley ciowd that swgod to the now tow n us soon as Mr. Hill proclaimed I the railroad tity. 'ihoro wvio old Indlai traders vv ho had never befoio owned moio than a shack or cabin to hold their shabby stock of goods , now eager to sccnro "business propct ty" and build a block. Storekeepers from tlie sin rounding settlements Hocked li to get "good locations1' in tlm new trade center , Theio vveuuncn from the 10 mote puts of the state and new comets fron the cast with n few hundicds of thousands to invest on speculation , and theio wcio ad \ontincisof all kinds nnd thanictcrs win had caught the fever and had como up to "seo the fun" and contribute their part to It During ttio month of May , 1 > > UI. fUXOOi ) north of lots vvoi-o sold and 150 hulldlnus erected. Still the railroad was 100 miles away , on the summit of the divide , mid jus beginning to build tow aril tlio valley. Thu inhabitants aio sanguine of tlio futuie of their "city. " They iKihit to the valley with Its length of thh ty-llvo miles and wldtl of ten to fifteen miles , abundantly w.iteiud Brass-covered and as smooth and productive as the Hixl \alloyofNoithUakota Its fcrcal-grovving nualittes are aheadi proved , thei s iy , us tlioy exhibit llile sped meiiB of native pnxlucts. One. hcais ac < founts on the stteets of thu Tobacco plains to the noith , where the tobacco plant grows nnd If the stranger is akc'iitlcal on thl \ > oliit ho Is tibheied into the tuv.n si to company's ottlie and shown a sample o this jours crop. Ho exclaims"Thi must bo the banana belt of Mon tana , of which I've heard strange stoi les but neve-r imieetcd to llnd. " Tlio truth Is this tob.UTO Is so bitter that it Is good onlj for tha Indians , for which puiposn the ok Hudson bay settlera raised uud used it. To bacco plain * Is a nllld , nrnss-covprcd region , Ix-ttcr ndnptoil to stoek raising than to to- b icco or banana eulturo. llrnntlDit nnil fruitful Vnllrj-n. Smaller vallojs , llko the Pleasant and Swan lake , situated nrar by , become naturally trlbutnrv to the Flnthcail % alloy , nnd me all compilsod under the term Plat head country This rich valley Innil Is en- tlrol.v taken up already by settlers ami hotnestendcis Cultivation has hardly be gun \\lth such examples ns tbo Gal- latin nnil Ulttrr Hoot valleys of Montani , which at present proiluc-o nooOUU bushels of w boat annu.ill.v , It seems fair to expect that this sictlon , witti Its moio favorable natural conditions , may become richly productive In cereals Hut one Is not allowed to escape from Kalispell with the idea that U is an dlstilct only. A phial of crude petroleum 1 held up to the easterner's rare Then a lump of coal is proudly exhibited , Gold , silver ami copper ere sped- nii'iis are pioduced These nio brought In from tin ; surrounding mountains by tho. prospeetois All Is of such i count discovery th it nothing dellnlto Is known of these 10- SOUlVl'S West of Ifalispcll the road nsrfnds the r.ibinol range and from this altitude the full .sweep of the riithcad river , lake ami vnlloy , with its snow-lovorod mountains , is seen , llio impression is mido that this Is at leist n beautiful and unliuo | put of the far north west The grade i lacs to Unskull pnson an Incline of in per cent , or clght.v-lhieo feet to the mile At an elevation of 4,14(1 ( feet the1 i.iilroid pisses through a tunnel 1 : > 00 feet lon . "nil descends the vvcslein slope on a 1 percent or fifty-two foot gr.ulo to Pleas int valloj Kiom n point on the grade tlio full ten-mile stretch of the valley ionics Into view fiom an clcv.Uinn of f > OD fiet. Continuing the descent for thirty miles over thieklj-wooded hills , the mail comes to the Ko.Hciril river at Jennings At tills point u steamboit makes headqnar- tijis and caiiies supplies to the mininc ramps up the river This long , winding trlbutaiy of the Columbia liver elves llio n line to this mining legion that Is just beginning to ntlravt attention in the outside woild The most typical mining camp of thodlstilct Is at Kibhv eieek several miles below , on tlm railroad It is a cluster of cabins and rough wonden buildings , ovoillovvlng with a busy male population uf fiOO In Iiluliunnil Uiiihlngtoti. The railroad follows the liver closely for llttj miles west of Ltbby. Then ) is no broad and feitllu valley Hanking the Kootemu liver , as Is found on tliu Flnthead hike most mining i egions , It is without bcautj , sa\o of thonlistcio kind made b } low moun tains with wooded sides sloping unifoimly down to the river tiomeither sldo The scene Is ilivcisllledat length bj the river taking foity-foot plunge Into n gorge below , \hoio it Is lost to view until tbo canon pens out some miles below and the i.iilio id egaitis the water's level. The wilderness f forest and liver becomes monotonous bo Idaho state line is p issed at the station f I.ooni Soon Homier s Ton j is i cached , lie 01 initial tow n last j oar consisted of the sunl westein tlio a stoio , a hotel and a Uoon When the tailroad came along the own \ciy accommodatingly moved iicioss ho in or , sot itself upon the now town site , ml assumed alls of inipoitaiico It now lumbers W)0 ) inhabitants , all of whom are in- ciestcd In the mines. Ihe railroad urns southwest over low pine- oveied hills , acioss the Washington state me. and soon comet ) out upon the open plain if the Spokane liver At tlio falls , 01 eas- Mile , the city of Spokane is situated. Hero he tlitough tiain service of the Gieat S'oithein at present ends North cential Washington , a , country newer and ciuder ' .htm that passed through , Is befoio the ourist bound for the Pacific coast , 'llio Histories ot thu upper Columbia , Lake Jhelim and Wanatcheo valley and the Cascade - cado mountains in o jot to bo explored. A 'ew months and the hist spike on the Gieat S'orthein will bo ihiven. Then the long- jept seeicts of un unknown region will be re vealed to tbo outer world of progress uud de velopment. TIII : isi. vine IIIM.S. V Kecurd nT 1'roKperlty and General le- vuliipiiiput. Siou\r\M9 , S D , Dec. 31. [ Special to I'IIL BUG ] \Vhilo oveiy section of Soutli Dakota has cnjoved lemaikablo piospctity this j car , the Black Hills have grasped their till share Kiilio.ul , mining and manufac- tuting inipiovemcnts htuo exceeded these of HIJ previous seison , and the outlook for lb'J.1 s pti ticularlj buglit Some very valuable discovoiies have been nade during the jear A gieat lode of gold oie yK ( ) feet wulo is ono of the most conspicu ous It was found in the southern hills , and vvillassaj $70 per ton Another dlscovcij of i civ laige value and of mteiest to eveij ono n tlio country , is the linding of a nickel do- .losit near Harnej Citj- . These deposits and ; bo tin veins iiun paiallcl between D ittlo crock and Iron creek Onlj' assessment wotk has been done , but theio is enough to .lemonstiate that tlio dcpesit Is rah and [ iiactlcally inexhaustable. The ere giadcs ill the waj from 813 to fllO to tlio ton , and ns nickel Is worth 75 cents per ton at wholesale , the value of the Ibid may bo Imagined This is the only niiltel inliH ! in the United States A very important iinpiovcineut has also been made in opening up the coil Holds along Hay cii'ck. The vein is from flvo to six feet iu width and has been worked for 1,000 feet. The coil Is equal to the best In the mailed and is far supei ior to niij other in USD in the Hills The inilroids aio e\aiiiining tlio llelds carcfullj and will no doubt extend to it cailj in tlio spilng Many other mineral dlbcoverics ot moio or less value have been made and the Prospectors association of Deadvvood proposes to push milters The , most wonderful discoverj' from the spectacular iHimtot view is the great Wind cave at Hot Spimgs This is composed of a sciies ot chambers of eveij' vailoty of shape and sl/e , and w ailed with the most funtabtic and beautiful stalactites Alieady explora tion has extended for moio th in loity miles and the end hat. not jot been found 'J his places tlio cave far hovonil any other in the woiluinsizc and It is beyond eoinpirison In tlio boautj and vatietj of its foim itiun. Ahmit 'Ilu .MI1N. The event of the j car has been the startIng - Ing ot the tin plant of the Hainoy 1'eak Tin Mining company. Tlio immense , l eduction works situated at Hill City cost , with their buildings , bins , rallioid Hacks and other details , moio than J , ' > 00,000 They have a capacity of U30 tons of 01 a daily , and are at ranged to double the capacity if neecssaiy. Tliollainoy Pealr has aheady put ? -00,000 ! into mlnouil lands , fi50,000 into dovi'lopment , making a total outlay to date of about $1,000,000. It now contiols ! ) , ( X)0 ) mining claims , and has put into the bins home 10,000 tons of nio , averaging 4 per cent ciissiterlto. ThodciKsitsuio found WO feat bolovv tlio surface. 'J lie J. H. mills , with a small foreo of men , mo bunging ills propiiotois from fTi.OOO to WKK ( ) , with a monthlv expenditure of about ? IIKK ) , leaving fiom j-1,000 to $ T,000 net'pio - crcds overv month Tlm Kejbtono Mining company is erecting n laigo stamp mill , which will bo in operation January 1 , when it is boliou'd the Kejstono will bo ono of tlio best producing inlue-a in the lihick Hills The Burlington railroad has this joar built 200 miles of tiack in tlio Hills , p u t bolng in South Dakota and paitin Wjoming. The Klkhoin line Is being extended to Spearllsb. Theio h the best of icasonfor unticipitlii ! ? the completion of the 1U > I'leuu , Hiiplil City line , The lontiact is lot for the Aberdeen. IMomitl Black Hilts roul And Senator Pettigiovv's gieat Midland I'.iclllo toad hnb IH.UMI icoivaniA-d on a permanent biHisiind theio Is litthi doubt that It will join Sioux Palls and Minnesota bofoio the end of Ib'JJ , I'riMpi'roiiHCItloi , The ritlcs of the Hills have boon lomaik- nbly pii speivus this jear Dcadwood is no longer buomlng but U enjoj ing a lai-go and growing tiado , A company with $100,00 ! ) capital h is been foimcd to elect the lineal hotel west of the Mississippi liver , work be ing pushed on thu Htrnoturo now. Tlio popu lation has now reached 5,000 and is growing steadily. Stuigls is cnjojing a lively movement which resembles an old tlmo boom During the .v ear she has put In a water works sjstem on tire latest plan nt a cost of * 75,000 , They mo now biilldlnga handsome Masonic temple outing $15,000. A Hist-class Catholic-nead- c-my has been established Speiullsh is probably the most on i ted cits in tlio state. For sov oral j cars she has been hoping for a boom. One has irovr begun During the past Hlxty dujs u chlorinatlon worics to cost # 100.000 has been definitely euied , Tlio foundations hav < Tuh aily been put iu and work U i > roiieasing us rupidlj us winter will permit The plant will be , com pletoil bcforo next summer and Us operation will bring Spearflsh Into the first ranks of the Hills cities The Burlington has pledged itself to extend Immediately and to have trains running Into the city bcforo the works start. The Ulkhoni road w 111 cuter the town next j ear. Hnglowood Is the terminus of the Burling ton & Missouri nnd Is Just now ono of the liveliest towns In the state. New settlers are nrrlv Ing continually and now stores and enterprises are being Inaugurated. Ilapid City and Ixjail have made great pro gress during the jear. The former has greatly extended nnd Improved her water works si stem. Both have erected manv new buildInus.and their population has shown n gratlfi Ing growth. The entire Hills country Is Just now on- joi Ing n prosperity w Ithout precedence. Mining operations are carried on with far moie precision and care than formeily. All the mines are working to their full capacity and now ones are being loc itcd and opened up continually The stoek interest has been more successful than over before nnd many hundred cars ha\o been shipped to the cast- un miikets With the entrance of the pro jected rallro ids , tlio Hills expect the liveliest times in their history SA.V.IUAN COtlXTUY. Ol > cr\atlom anil llrtmrts of Hi-turned rrniprctiir. Denver papers report the ictnrn to that city of C. i : Pursell , who claims to have made a thorough examination of the gold diggings along the San Juan river In southern Utah Puiscll Is a veteran prospector , bis experience running from the argonaut days of California to Alder gulch , Montana , and the later developments in Coloiado During tbo past two ycais ho prospected In the vicinity of Diudy Crossing on tbo Colorado liver , a locality but a shoit distance fiom the San Juan Mr Pursell reports that gold lu richly > av Ing quantities has been dlscovcicd along .ho San Juan for a distance of fifty miles. \ gold nugget weighing llvo ounces was akcn out of a bar near the junction of the san Juan and Colorado livers by two mlncis tvho wcio vvoiklng tbo claim. The same nuncis had sovcial moro nuggets vaijing in i o fiom a kernel of wheat to pieces weigh ng nn ounce or a little over All the gold found along the river Is exceedingly coarse and theio is no dllllcultj In s iving It. When Pursoll and his companions i cached the diggings four weeks ago they found many advcntuicis theio before them. Ne.uly all of them had gotten down to business and wcio doing well they el limed As an evidence of the truth of their statements they exhibited bags of dust. Mlneis wcro found scattcied all along the river as far as Mr. Puiscll and his partv ascended about tvvcntj-iHo or thlrtj miles. It w as judged that there w ere some 210 men all told engaged In washing Some of these claimed positively to be mak ing no less than $10 a day , and none vvero seen who did not claim to bo making better than wages. These prospectois had been | working from two to four weeks There were moio coming In ovciy day from all parts of the country , but not in such aimies as had been stated by tbo dispatches At the time Mr Pin sell's paity started on their return tup , however , the excitement was increasing rapidly and hundicds were Hock ing in Tlio San Juan river runs through n box canon. At places the banks aie not moio thin 100 feet high , but in othcis they rise 1,500 to tf,000 , foot above the bed of the stieam. At many points along the i Ivor the canon widens out into what are known locally as "rincons" that is , a soil of amphitheatri- cally-sbaped basin. Wlieie these "rijig ooncs" aic found the bais are alwajs heav lei' and the gravel i icher. Up to this time no attempt has been made to sluice the gra\el , all the gold that has been t ikon out being the result of panning- . Theio Is no reason why sluicing would not bo immenscl.v profitable , only that no lumber can bo obtained to build sluice boxes with. For this reason all of the operations h.uo been coniined to washing the gravel close to the edge of the liver. None of the bai s found along the mesas nbov o the river hive been prospected , and in none of the cl ilins visited bv Mr Puiscll was the bed rock disclosed. There was no way of de termining , cither , how deep the bedrock was buried. As far as the party ascended the stieam tbeio was no vacant ground along Its banks , all having been appropriated by the pios- poctois wholud gotten in ahead of them. Whether or not the second line of claims would prove to bo fertile no opinion was vouchsifed. The San Jinn liver drains a vast area of country The liver is foimed by sovoial stieams rising in the Caui/o mountains and How ing northwest. This area has been mainly occupied by tbo Navajo Iiidiins , who claimed exclusive ownoiship of it , although very little of it is included w ithin their reser vation. Iilulio iCi'ins. The latest repoi ts from Idaho's diamond diggings is not vciy flattering' . Thowholo diamond icglon Is staked off and 150 men are standing guard over their claims , with tbo mcrcuiy c.nortinfi at the zero point and plenty of snow on the ground. A man who has lived in the country a scoio of jcaisis credited with the assertion that if any diamonds mends w 010 taken out they vv ere ilrst brought In. Those interested in the diggings nio en thusiastic and sing the praises of the legion In a high pitch. It they succeed In keeping up the excitement , the holdcis of claims ex pect to reap a harvest ns soon as snow melts in the spring. Among conscrv.Ulvo people there is a disposition to denounce tlio vvholo affair ns a fiaud gotten up by ad\untuieis. U. TJ Chancy has purchased a half Inter est In the Stell i Joiunal. H F Seaman , n lumber dealer of fierman- tovv n , county , h is ass ilgncd for the benelit of his cicditors. Tlio town boys of Valparaiso nnd their country cousins had a hunting match and the tovviiics weio ungloiiously defeated by the lads from the farm. G W. Macklln , who had been for three months n resident of Foster , Pierce county , dropped dead In the load from heart disease. Ho came to Nebraska from Poitland , Ind. Stiles Putnam of Pone.a went homo drunk nnd boat his wrfo Her screams caused passeisby to interfcio and Stiles was ar rested. But when the case came to trial tlio prisoner was only convicted of disturb ing the peace and ho paid a line and was f i eo. eo.Mike Mike Qulnn. a teamster In the employ of C. C , White of Crete , was .severely and pci- baps fatally Injured by being tin own from a lend of bian He struck heavily on his head and was picked up insensible. The doetois say that no bones are broken , but sci ions i csults ai o fe u cd Some of the final proofs of settlers In Bo\d county have been i ejected by the O'Neill land onic-o , wheio ottered , on the giouml that the fouiteen months commutation clause granted scttleis on the Sioux leserva- tlou apf1led | onl.v to South Dikot.i. The settlers - tlers think this is a giavo Injustice and Sen ators Paddock and Mundrrson have been petitioned to have cong\rs9 remedy It IInpprnliigft | .tliA AVrst. The mines of Credo , Pqlo , j Iclded $3,500 , 000 durln- ? the past jear. An association of buMuess mon was organ ized In Salt Lake last w-cUk. Mr. M. A Ijiinnof Lincoln , Neb , Is talking to Ijaramleltes about abeet sugar factory. Portland , Ore , Is overrun with burglars. On Christmas nljrht foilr houses were robbed nnd two men held up , ' ' Henry Bless was burlrll out of sight In a snow-slide near HalUw Ida. Ho was nn engineer b.v trade nnd 20 j e.ars of age. California orancro grdwers expect to smash the shipping record 'this ' season. Seven thousand canoads is the limit , against 'J.bOO last season , William Hush of Ashton , S D. expedited the family lire with gasoline. Mr Rush's ' lonmlns were found In the "smoking lulns" of the building. The Helena Independent urges a better enforcement of the game laws In Montana Steps must be taVcon to prevent the exter mination of game In the state. Tlio first of the conspiracy cases tried In the Coeur do Alcno country lesultcd In the acquittal of the accused. The decision \lrtuallyendstlio cases growing out of the miners' strike. D.ilfota Indians located In the Bad Klver valley complain of the poor qnillty and in- snnicicnev of government latlons 1 hey are not piiticular about pic , but tlioi demand three squaics The bounce of Dr Histman , the Sioux- pill man , from the Pine Kldgo agcncv , Is said to have been causoJ by his wife Mrs Hlalno Goodale Castman dabbles In poetry Duiing one of her Pogasuslan moods she Inn led a fcvvshnfts at Undo Sam Ills minions came to tlio icscue , invited Hlaino and her Sioux : bravo to the captain's oflleo to got their wages and leave Uncle ts n patient old duller , but draws the line at squaw poetry D NEW POSTAGE STAMPS. Tlioj Aio TliliiRnnf Itnillt } mill Will do on billo ? so\t Wrok. People who puichaso postage stamps on and after next Monday at the Omaha post- oflicowiHbo pleasantly reminded that this gieat nation has undci taken to produce bc fore the entire civilized world that Inteicst- ing nnd successful diama entitled "Tho WoiId's Columbian Imposition , " or "How the Man from Genoa Caught On , " and that wo aio now In the midst of the second act. All this will be accomplished hi the simple fact that the Omaha posloftU-'e leeched to day and will place on silo next Monday about 4-20,000 worth of the handsomest post age stamps that this or nnj other country ever Issued. They aio known as the ' Colum bian sci les of postage stamps" as provided for by congiess The stamps aic luiger than those now in use and aio roil woiksof ait They each repicscnt a scene iu the eventful caicor of tlio Immoital Columbus. They nio executed from line engiavings on steel , the gcneial design of the upper portion of nil of them being substantially the same The de- lominations aio 1,2 , a , 1 , fi. 0 , 10 , 1. ) , 30 and 50 cuts , and 1 , 'J , ! 1 , 4 and 5 dollais The Omaha onlco was furnished with all but the dollar stamps. The design pn , the 1 i cut stamp s "Columbus in sijjlit of liml , " color , Antwerp blue. The 2 cent design is "Landing of Colum' bus. " color , jiui pie maroon. The 8 cent ts tlio "Flagship of Columbus , " color , medium shade of Riecn The 4 cent is deeoi-atod with an riigiavlng of "Tho Fleet of Columbus , " color , ultru- maiino blue. Five ecut"Colimibus Soliciting Aid of Isa bella , " color , chocolate brown Six. cent , "Columbu Welcomed at Bar celona , " color , purple. Ten cent ' ' " , Columbus'Picscnting Natives , color. Vandyke brown , t Fifteen cent , "Coluuibiis Announcing His Discovery , " color dark gieen. ThiitV cents , " La Rablda , " color , Siena brown , n Fiftj cent , "Uecall of Columbus , " color , caibon blue Ono dollar , "Is ibclla Pledging Her Jew els , " color , r ese salmon. n Two dollar , "Columbus iu Chains , " color , tone of mineral red Three dollar , "Columbus Dcscubing Third Voi age , " color , light jcllowgieen Four dollai , portraits of Isabella and Col umbus , scpuatcd bj oinato device , color , car mine Five dollar , profile of head of Columbus after a cast provided by thoTicasuiydepart- incut for the , r > 0 cent souvenir piece authoi- l/oJ bj ait of congress , color , black. All these designs arep it toined after paint ings bj some of the most skillful and eminent artists of the woild. Stamped envelopes fuinished with tbo Columbian stamps will also be placed on sale next Monday. Tlio late for icgisteird letteis will bo re duced from 10 cents to b ccuts on the first of the i ear. Scrofulai whether hereditary or acquit ed is thoroughly expelled from the blood by Hood's Saisaparrlki , the great blood purifier ShuUotllorMniicj. A. B. Johnson of Lawrence , Neb , wasur- rested at the depot yesterday as ho alighted from a tiain upon outers from the marshal ofCieston , la. , and chaiged with being a fugitive from Justice. Later on Mis. B.C. Mitchell of Cieston , showed up at the Jail and said that Johnson owed her money ami she was afraid ho was going to sell his ding stoic at Lawrence and leave the country. The woni in claimed Johnson owed her $150 boi rowed money. Johnson is a business man in Lawrence and denied having any In tention of selling out , instead he had \\iied Mrs Mitchell to meet him in Omaha and ho would settle with lier. It seemed that she Im.iL'ined ho was fooling her and icqusteii hlsaiiest The mitter was settled John- sou was released. Not from a. riiumU il Standpoint. "I do not recommend Chainbci Iain's Cough Remedy from a financial standpoint , for wo have others In stock on whlc-lc wo miiko a huger profit , " sajs Al M.igglnl. a p.iomlnont druggist of Braddock , Pa. , "but because many of our customers have spoken of it In the highest piaisc. Wo sell moro of it than any similar preparation wo luivo in the stoio. " For s ilo by druggists. round Dcnil lu Urn ) . Yesterday moinlng Fred Caruni , a inusl clan boarding at tlUNoith Fifteenth street was found dead in his bod. Pneumonia was the cause. The deccaso-i had been under the care of a physician for some time. Ho sat up with ft lends until 1 a in and then lotired. Not comlncr .ifown to bicikfnst the landludj went to tlia room nnd found the niftii dead. Coroner Maul took charge of the bod\ . The funeral w ill bo held on Tuesday under the auspices of the Musical union. No Inquest will bo held , An honest pill is the nohlcst woik of the DoWltt's Llttlo Kuly Risers cure constipation , biliousness and sick head ache. She is afraid to use Pearline. Shy admits thai- it will do just what is claimed for it , that it will save her time' , take away the drudgery , and do the work bet ter ; but she argues that , if it does all this , it must ruin the clothes. It's a poor argument. Because the dirt is loosened and separated and brought out , why needeharm come to the fabric that holds "v/X it ? It's a delicate matter to j \ arrange but Pearline . . . . . . - / does it. All its imitators would like to know how. Hundreds of millions of packages of Pearline have been used by millions of women. If it had been dangerous to anything it would have died long ago. t * " " ' ' " " \s FALSB-Pearlme is . if rS never jxxldled. Sfou an imitation , be ietiJ il tad. SB JAMES your grocer , New sends Vwt Cures Others Will euro You , Is itrno statement of tlio action of AVER'S Sarsnparllla , when tnkon for diseases originating In Impure blood ; but , while this assertion is true ot AYRll'S Sarsaparilla , ns thousands can attest , it cannot bo truthfully applied to other preparations , which unprincipled dealers \ \ 111 recommend , and try to lm > pose upon .von , as "just ns good .as Aj or' * . " Tnko A > cr's Siirsnnirllln and Ayor's only , If j on need n blood-purlllor and \\oiilil bo benefited permanently. This iticdlrlne , for ncnrly fifty . \cnrs , has cnjojcil n rcpiUutlon , and uuulo n record for cmcs , that 1ms timer been equaled by othci prcpaintlons. AYIHI'S Snrsap.irilla rnullratcs the taint of he reditary scrofula nnd other blood dis eases from the sj stem , nnd It has , deser vedly , the coufldcuco of the people. "I cannot forbear to ( "cprois my joy at the relief I have obtained from tlio nso of AYEH'SSarsaparilla I v\ns nllllcted with kidney troubles for about six months , suffering greatly with pains In tlio small of my back , In addition to this , my body was co\oied with pimply eruptions. The remedies pic-scribed failed to help mo. I tbtn hi' to take AYEH'S Sarsaparilla , and , In a short time , the pains ceased nnd tbo pimples disappeared. I advise ev crj j oung man or woman , in case of Hlckness result ing from Impure blood , no iti.Utei how long standing tliu ciso in.i } be , to take AVER'S Samparllla. " II.L.J.irunuin , 33 William st. , No\v YorK City. Prepared by Dr. J.G. A > cr &Co , Lontll , Hajg. of aoure , whou vou are alllictod with any of tlio numerous forms , uhiisosorelosreos of GtiRONIO OR DISELASE1S Is ory poor economy. It Is more to the point to count the eost of yours of sulTorlnj , of despair , of Incapacity for tlio enjoyment of life , for these nro the things that cost , uithout tbo possibility of a corresponding prollt. The man who tries to save n dollnr by neglecting or refusing to take proper tro ument for nny of ttioso distressing ixnd danserous soxuul inaludlc's. nflllctlons .and weaknesses to which so mnr.y nro snbjejt. Is aavlnj ? ono hundred cents and wasting thousands ot dollars , bo- sldes Bhurtonhte bis und adding to his rnlsory vvnllo ho remains upon ourth. More than that ho cut ills upon bis descendants a life of dlioiSiO , and loaves bis children only a heritage ol woe. If you are n victim of any of theao cllsonsos , tboro Is no tlmo BO sooJ as non In which to begin to seek tlio moans of n cure. Wo cun ouroyou. Send 4 cents for a copy of our Illustrated now book of l-'O puges. CONSULTATION FREE. Call upon , or address with stamp. 119 South t till St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA. NI-3B. A new nnd coinploto treatment , conulsting of Sup- posltorlos , Ointment in Cupsuloi , ulso In bux and 1'IIU A pojltlvu euro for KxtcrnM , Internal , Illlnd or Bloodline , Itcldnif. Chronic. Itvoont or llorurtltnry IMloi TIiln remedy has no\or boon known to fail 1 pur box , U for f Sr "out by mill , Why HUller from tlila lurrlhlo dliesto nliun a wrllton liutrantoa \ positively fclvon vrltli o bnxa < or rofunil tlio mono/ f nolcurt'iK fcadntnmp for fra ? simulj lluar- ntoclsauoJ b ICnlia Jt c'u , ilriiK Uti , mila njonli , rner lilli il ) ii n str it < Dm t' ' > i No'i ' BH. K C.WIWTS NKUyK AND IIHAIN 1IIKAT. luont , A gpooino for Ilyitorln , Dlzulnwis Ht , Neu ralgia , Ilnu jHthu , .Nurrnns I'roitrutlon cimmllj ; liquor or toico3 ! wjkofubiuni , Moutul Duprojslun , boftnoituf the llriln cnutlnu tni.uiltr inlserr , Uv cayilualbl'rt > mntJroOld Ago , .SorvoiunosK I , on of I'ower In olthtrnur , Irnpotuucjr , lioiioorrhca and all r.irnnlo Wonknoinus , Inroluntnry I.OISOM bpt'rmn- torrhuncauaLd bjr ovur-oxortlon of tlio brain A inonth'ii forfj , by nmll Wu iniur- nnliod bo u to curu 1'ncli order fur tt l > oxo with ? > will send written Kiuirnntoo in rufunil If nntcurol limrnnloo Issued only by 'I lieoiloro f I.mrls , limit klit , soloazonl , loutliuuit corner lull and I arunm Mrotts. URialia _ - Til Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. The unly per f i ft viiitlnal and rtilal byrlugu la tun world It la tlioonljr byrlnio cr lneuti l b/ whi nal Injvctlona inn bu lid mlnlstcrid HLiuut leak liitfand lolllni ; llio cloth hid or lu'cei.HnUiu the UBO of a Totiel , nnd which raa albu bu uiod for rectal lujvctluni or Irrluatlon t-OKI' Itlllllll.l' 11111,11 AM ) HAUL ) Ulillllini JU3.OO. Mall orilor > tollcltud TheAloe&PenfoIdCo. , Jfif/i Street , , NIC * ' ! ' TO 1'UarOKI ICK riiynlclani' prescription * aocuralulr prepared nt low prlcvj No til e , Notice I > hereby L-U en that Iho annual meet- In of the MOI khohlei.s of HID Omnliu I iilon Depot ( umpaii ) "III bu In Id al thuottlu' of tint I'lilon Depot lomiuny , ut tbo ho.tilijuiirti if uf llio I iilon I'uc'lllu Hallway companv , In llio rllyof Omaha , on the Dili day ( if January , 1BUJ , at a o'clock p in , tor the election of dl- leotois and umiHuetliin nf uny other biislnoij tbut may legally romu befuro the meeting. T.I , KrMiiiu.1l'ri'ildc'iit Oinuhu , December iiU , Ib'J . DJld llt ODDEST SALE YET. Do you know what odds and ends mean when applied to a clothing store ? When a concern has done as much business as we have in the past few months there must necessarily be a lot of pants for which there is no coat or vest , and coats when the pants are gone. Then again there is probably only one suit of a size in a certain kind of a suit or overcoat. Now , these make upwhat we call Odd Pants , Odd Coats , - . Odd Suits , Odd Overcoats , " AT ODD PRICES. We invoice next week and we want to get rid of as much of the "odds" as possible before that time. We qote no prices here , but at the store the prices are cut low enough. You'll say so when you see the goods we offer at this HELD AT THE Cor , 13th and Farnam. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOWARD ST5. 10 Itooms at $ . ' W per iHy tOlloonis atJ90 p3r clijr to Heonu with Unlit nt f I U } per ilnr 10 I'.oonn with Until at Mil to SlMpor cUr OPElMEU A.UCJUST IsL Modern In Ki.'H Itiiipi ct. > < ml > i mulshed Tlironxliout. C. S. ERB. Prop. I IU1 * 9 'ncra ' cuiiutlpntion. dyaiHpMn , foul A brootb , litktioUif , heartburn , lov * of 4 - - - , vc < litcftlnn.ilmol ( , Milluw fVunn.ex e ALi jon cmipTeryulfi aiwrcsulthii'from * Oimrura blood , or n frJhiro by tbe rtoniftch llTfrorin 0 tHBilnes toixrforra tlirtr proper functlAim Icrrou * * clTcn toovrrpattiCbrM > cnontelb ; toklnpononftfr * fuArlimenl 1'rtrcbr innll , 1 ffrtrw IJtwimjloltc J 2 Ull'ANS OIH.MIGAL CO , lOfrpnicebt .Mnrlork J TO oroiton WAKKKN &MITH. WIIJUA.M M. lunldns. Holla I ) ivU , Uatliorlnn l\ llobbs Nelson H Swolt7.ur..lolin C. r. Lull mann Mary tS ninderd , Iti7aV. \ \ . McUhn l < uy , Dom'nluk ' HooK. Anna VandonburK UoorRe II tiloolf.Kllcry I. lloue'k.Oicar llnrt- min. Mlehluiiii Mutual Mfo InHiirineo COIL- jiany , Ooorpo M Nlc-oly , William O Whlto- hciiU , I'llnlilKO Iiinloi ' -"oloy Y. Alison , David M. t'ro. A.O. Lulphtor Klbrldco l < inv- ton , Ladoc A 1'owell Miilllcla Uo Urolsullc , non-rcbldonts : You are lioruhv nottllnd that the nnilor- slRiiod , three ( lislnteroslort froulioldora ot tbo olty of Uniabu. lia\o boon duly iipiiointod bv tlio in 11 yoi. with tbo apinovit of the cltv councilor said city , to assess tlio dum viro to llio owners ruspoutlvelv of the uroporty dnclared by ordln inco iioso < s > iniy to bo nppio- urlulert for llio nso of s ild city for the pur pose of opening nnd o\tendliiK Now ton street Ironi ll.uonporl's snbdlvUlon to llth slioot V on urofiirilior noli llud , t hut luivliiinocutol ] ) said appointment , and duly qii illlloii as ro ll ill rod l > y law , wo will , on tlio i'lthday of Junuiry. A. I ) 13UJ , at tlio hour of ,1 o'eloclc In the afternoon , .it the olllco of Uuo .1 , I'.uil , 10) ' , I'aniHin gtroot , within the corpor.ato lim its of siild cltv. mout for tlm inirposo ofeon- sldorlnx and m iKIng tlm iisses > imciit of dani- HBO to the owners rcspoctlvoly of biilil pio- pcrty. bv 1014011 of anoh talclnc and npnro- pilnllon ihoioof taUIn Into consldoratloa hiinnlIlK , Ifiiuy 'llio prnpurty belonirlnz to you , propasod to to ; apiiroprlatuil i\s nfoiesild , and which bus boon ( leelnred noc'O Jiry by tbo cuiuioll , by ordlnfinco , to appioprlati ) to tbo nso of llio city , bolnibltii no lu s ild ultvof Onialui. In tbn county of Douxlus , and stnlc ot Nehr.isl ( , Is described nn follows , to nit : lieo. Wnrren fcmllh 'llio sinitli LT.hj foot of lotK 1(1. ( Iir.H Il ! > , 4H. 4I. 4J. Il and 41. .William .M. JcnUns The south a8" fcot lot Dnlla Divls and Cuthoiine T , llobbs Tno south W.RI foot lot 41 ! Nelson II .Swlt/e-r Thnnorthsanfoot lotM , John C , I * . Kchmnnii Nortli U13 fost of onat SS.8,1 foot lot f , ! ) MuiyB baundors North 20.15 foot o.mtG5 8J cot lot l > i. I < l7flo W MnCluskny North SO lr fi-otlotOJ. Uoniliilck llnol. North HI II feet lot Ki Oscar lliitiniiii North 2C 15 fcot lolV ( ) MIohlean iSlut. f < lfo lux Co. Noith 'M n foot v\ust ' 3 lot Oii. lloo Jl. Nicoloy North'11" > foetof middle M lot wi William O. Whltuho id North 1311 foot east M loin1) ) . l.lbrldzo f.awlon North SO II fi-nt lot (17. ( hciiloy M Mason und llwlcl Jl , Uro North VQ.15 fcot lotus. A.U. i.oUiitoii-Nortnsa n foot lot no. nibrldxoLawton .Norlli'Jil n Inl7l. I. idoo A. Uniwiill North Vd.n feul lot 71 Ucor/o II ' lutlc North'.O li fuot Weil 41 fcot of north 11.'foot ot lot VI Kllery \ , , Uuiick bontht7Bi ! fcot south 'iof cast 't ' of JotM. Anna Vandonbiiry South2fS" > foot of north it of south 't of lot 47. All In Ulao'J uddllhm In said city , county and -it ill i ) . You uro notlflud to l > o present at llio tlmo und place uform.ilU , and miil.o any objections In oratntc-monttiioiiuiirnliu s Od propo ud ui > - proiirlntlon orus'iosimonl of damage * , us you niayconsldor proper properl.KO J PAUI- . It W OIIIbON W.M i ) Biiuivnrt. Omaha , DeceinborIT , ISO ; D.'KI.'Ot . I In I nun It ( nn bo given Ina cup uf cotleeurloa or In food nllliuut tliu knowludKuuf tlm pntlunl ItlinUtu lulelr liarmloi anil will lilluct u yermohont uiiU ipuvUr euro , nliethcr tliu patient l < n uioUeritii ilrlnkvr or an ahohollorrui k Itlmi lievn nlvmiln thuiiianilt of coiei mil lu every Inataucu a perfect curu li followed It nuvur falli 'llm nteiu unco Imprritnated wllh tUolipecltlv , It becomes nn utter ItnpoislbllUr for llm II iiior uiitttllo tu mill UOI.D1.N hl'I'.OI I'lU CO , , l > rup > . Cincinnati , O ( b imgo book of pirllculart I too 'Io be had of Knlin & Co lith ftid Duuilm Hti Wlioloalc. uloku , llruo It i.u , and Itloburdiun Oruu to , Uumlm , ISvu PEUMANKNT SIDEWALK Itr.SO- LUTION. Council Clmmbor , Omnhii Nob. 1B'U Ito It resolved by thoolty council ot tlio city of Om ilia , tliu mayorconoiirrbiK ! Hint purmniiunt sidonal < s ho const rue ted In the city of Omnh i is ilo-den ito I bnln\r. wlth- lalhudavs itftui the nubllc.'itlon of thU rnso- liitlan , or the porsonnj ncrvleo tlioiuof , us by orillUiinca Is uiithorl/od and roiuilroil : suoli HtdowulUs to bo mid lo tbo poriniuient Krado us cstiiblisbod on llio pnved stiooli Blicclllcd herein and to bo con t riictml of stone , artlllcliil stone , br clc or Illin r neciiril- liu tosiioclllciitlonson fllo In the olllco of tbo boird uf nubile woiKs and undents supervis ion , ton it , outh side of l.c.iMinwoi th slroot , It I hilt 7 Konnt/o \ Kuth's addition , pcinuncnt Kride ( I fool wldu. "oiith sldo of l.oiiveinuii Hi street. It t hi Its ItoiinUu il Ruth'.H nddltlon , peurninent urade ( .foot wide Houtli siao of I.oavonworth siroot wnst UO fuet more or lots It J blk R Knuni ? * .V ( tilth's addition , poriniinont crailo. i > foot wldo. South s do ot J < o iveuwortb street It 1 and trisl 78 feet , in ere or loss of It - blk U Kounlrn .1 ICntli's addition , purnmiionl trade , U fcuc whl i ) , bomb sldo of I/oiivonworth street It 1 and n ist 7b feat moro or loss of It - blk 1U KonnUu ft Kiith's addition , iiurmiinont Krado , 0 fcot wldo youth sldo of I.oavonvvorth htroot. Its I and "t blk 1 Mllliinl t'laec , porinanont Kr.ido , U foot wldo bon'h nhlo of Loivonworth street It 1 blk a Mlllitrd IMaeo. porinnnont jrudo , ( I feet wldo. botllh sldo oT li > \ \ en worth atiootloU l-l-4-r bile 1 Marsli'y addition pernianontKrado , Ufcot wldo North Kldo of T < o ivnnworth street w' { of It 14 blk 0 Kountzu's fi Ituth's addition , porina- nont nr.ide. ( I feet wldo. North nldo of l.onvonworth street Us 7-0-10 Johnson's addition , perm inont prado , 0 foot wide North Hidr of Lotvonworlli Htroot Its J" > and IW.I t ItcilloU'i addition , iiuiniuiiQiitrnlo ( , ( J foot nlde. North side of ltW : or school It blk . " > Koiinlra A. Hnth's addition , purmununl gr.ulo , U fcoi Idc Nortb sldo nf Koivonworth street west ! { moro in loss ot It 'JJ blU r > Koiml/u fi Kiitli'a nddltlon , peimanunt Krado , n fcot wldu. Norlb Hide lo ivonwoi th street , t ix It 12 , see SJ Ti-ll poimannntvi ido , G foot wlno. Nnilbsldonf l.oavonworlli Htroot. Us II nod U , . ) ohii8on'a add , pcimunant Krado , U foot wldo iNorth bldn uf l.iiiuonworth street , Us 11-12- 11-11 , I ) h'a add , peiin inont ( 'iido : , 0 foot wldo Noith hldoof I.oavonworlhstreot. Itfi. Julm- son's mid. iiorin inont Knide. 0 foct n hie hiintli sldn tit Io ivonmmh stroot. Its I-2-U-I- 5 , 01 irk'a add nornianont iiiiln , u feet wulo. South Hldoof l.iiiiviinwortli ntrout. It ' 'I , Ma- Oandllsh I'Uuo. porinnncnt t'rudi1 , 0 foct wldo. Simtli sldoot f.u ivonwortli street , U l- -J-4-5 hi it I' , M u all's add , purinanont rado , l > feet wldo , \ Soulli sldnnf I.eavonnnrlh stroot. Us 1-2-1-4-1 bile ,1 , .MurihS add , puimaiiunl grudo , U feud wide. South sidnnf Ihirnoy stroot. lt II and 12 blk G , ( Jftpltol add. poriimiicii' Krado , 0 feut wldo. South Hldn of llarnuy street , lots U. 11 anil 14. Kollo/K'u 1'liioe , perm inunt ( 'rndo G foot wldo , North Hldoof llarnoy Htreot. IU0,7 , 8 and 0. blk It , Uupltol add , uormanoiil unide , Ofuot wide. Wast sldo 10th Htroot. Hoiith part of It 1 , blk II. olty , norinatiDiii. uradu f ! feet , wldo. JlaatHlduof .Ml Htieot , It I bllv''U7b olty.par- mnnont Kiaili > , G foot wldo North sldn of Uurd , Its C and 0 , hlklOI't ' olty. pormiiiieiit Krado , n fout wldo Woslsidoof 2)lliHtreut. ) It 1 bile II city , por- manunt gr idu , 0 fnot wide. Koiith ( ildnof ijnllfunili street , Its I , - ,1 and 4 blk 17 , olty. parinanuiitirado ; , Ufnetuldu. South sldonf Uissstioiii , Its . ' , : i und 4blk4'J ' city , poriiiaiiont urhde , 0 font wide. North hide of street , Its 7 and S blk 'Ml , city , iioiiiiiuient Kradi ) . II fi utniiio. . And liii It further nnolvodi That tlio board nf publlo uorks bo and bnre- 1)7 li iiutborl7od nnd dlrootod to caiiau a uupv of ibis resolution to hu iiublhhoj In the olll- ehil piporof the ultv for mm woulc , or bit Horvod on thoownordof stlil lots and unlosi sneh owners shall within llvo days aflor tlm publloation ornoi vltcof suoh ropy unnitritct aiild sidnwalks na heriiln roiiilril | , Hut tliu hoard of publlo woiks eansu llm hinno to bu done , ihoimt of constrnutliiK said Hlduwalks respnellvoly to bo lusosiod a/altxl the rual ealate. lot or p irt of lot In front of and abut- tlim sueh HldowalUs. 1'aaiod Nov."Jilt and Dec , Clh IS'.ri II f. OAVIH. I'resldcnt of tlm Council , A.O. ii\VAHDH : ) , AotlilK I'roildenl of the Council. Atton : JOHN uituvn * . Olty Olarlc. aio. : P. IIIMIS : , Mayor , ; TO roNsruuoT HIDIWAMCS. Tntlio uwnirs ot tliu loU , p irts of lots an I real uitjlu duscrlbod In thanbuvu ro < ulu - tlou You and ancli of you arn hereby neil Hod to construct p rm inuntnldow ilkHanruquliod by resolution of thu olty ccunoll and mayor of tl'o ' city ot Omaha , ut which the ubovo U u copy. 1' . W. WllKIIAlt tU. : f'h ilrmnn lloirl of I'nblhj .Vorltt. Oii.ahn. Nub. Dm ( iinher''Tth. 11 ! ) . ' . dJ7i7t ! DISORDERS all Ilia train or hVii.3 , WJJAKNKSSB't. i > iniiUT. in'f , iim oo couijmiir Ihom m won ( jril'KI.Y onj ILIIKI ) I'ull tJl'lll UI'll and lena Klrcu to ovi'ry part of lliuboiljr , l | | | toad ( to- tnielr i ic ej ) KUISU iiianjr suOeror tlm preicrlu. llun ttantcurad luaof tlioiu Iruublm AUJrj , I * . lurrtK CIKKU. uiou.