THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JANUARY 2 , 1802 , THE DAILY COUNCIMMATl-TS. NO. 12 PKAUt , STUHIiT. Dcllvrrrd liy cnrilcr to nny pnrt of tlio city II.V. . Til/PON , - MANAOKH. Tft . , I-IMUIM.N . llluMnwiOnice . No. 43 J 1.1,1.1 HOM.H JNglt , | Kditor . No. 23 MIXIIIt SIKtfTWX. N. Y. Plumbing Co. U B ir. fin > : 'Ui. Oul. Tlio city council will hold Its regular nionlhl.V Ineetlntr tills evening. The Klrst National , Citizens anil Oniccr & luso > 's banks will close today. _ _ _ _ Mlsi Ted > e will entertain the Ill-owning c-luli toniorrow evening at her residence on Third sti cot .lainrs Amli'i-son has been airpolnted ( lcUl.v | ) rlt.V marshal to tnltc the place viv- I'nlcil b.v U II CouslnH. II W. Tiltou ontcrtnincd Tin : HEI : carrier boj'HSnturdto evening at tit an oyster suii- per at his home on Fifth nvcnUo. 'I he funeral of the late H. .1. Wallace will take place tills afternoon at 'J0 : ! ! o'clock from his rtblik'nce. 310 East I'icrc-c street. James Anderson has boon appointi'il deputy I'lty marshal to talto the place of I. . H. Cousins , who taltes a position today as deputy coimtv auditor. l The tiolieo were nalitied yesterday of the desertion of H. .1. Woodward , a soldier from Tort Omaha. A description of him was fur nished with Urn request that u wiitrh bo Kept for him here' . Tim lloaiil of Supervisor. * will hold its ri'i'iilar session rotilineiieitit ; this morning. Tts attention Is railed to a hrap of snow that has blockaded travel for four weeks on the sidewalk on the northwest corner of the court house yard. Mrs. Henry Kmrlchardt filed an Informa tion Satin-Jay clmiylnt , ' Al Hey ; r of this elty with assault with intent to dojnvat bodily injury. She claimed that Huyer knocked her husband down a day or two tie ( and pounded him so that ho is now ronllneil to his bid. A warrant was issued for Hoyor's arrest. Mrs. Henry Kntrlchardt has tiled an Information mation artist Al Hoyer , a plasterer of this city , diurgiuK him with assaidt with intent to do threat bodily injury. Hlie claims that ho assaulted her husband wlillo the latter was in the city a few days ate , and without my provocation licat and pounded him , in- iictitifr injuries that still eonllno him to ills home in the. country. A New Years dinner will be served today nt the Union Christian mission for the poor of the city. Air. Oolong , the manager , will bo assisted by the old settlers and the Grand Army post , and ho is constantly re- ceivine supplies in such quantities as make it extremely improbable that the provisions will run out before tlio appetites of the quests. Dinner will be served from 1o'oloeli until 5 p. in. Draw Your Oivii Conclusion. "Mi. J. O. Davenport , manager of the Port BraK'K Hcdwood Co. , Ft. UI-IKH , Cal. , , ha ; this to say of Chumburlain's Cou li Kemedys " 1 used it , for a severe cold and cough and obtained immedlato relief , in tlio Fort llragg lied wood Co.'s store wo have sold largo iiuantitlcs of Chamberlain's modi ciues. " Kor sale oy drmjgists. ri.'KAO.V/ ''llS. II. A. Holt Is vlsltln"g fi-ieiidsln Keil Oak. Jud o Dcemer is reported to bo Improving rapidly. Harry Mann left Saturday morning for : visit to Denver. Mis.s Lucille Cannon of Chicago is UK guest of Miss Sadie D.ivis. Mis. W. F. Indenof Hapid City"S. . D , is. the guest of Mrs. ,1. , i. Stork. I' The infant son of II. K Grimm is danger ously ill with diphthcrctie croup. nMr. and Mrs. YV. S. Ament and son Calcl have returned to their homo in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Hielmrdson of Minncap oils are guests of Dr. .r. II. Cleaver and wife Ifov. T. F. Tliiekstim returned last even ing from u visit to his old homo in Pennayl vania. N. N. Field has just learned of the death of his niece , Mrs. .1. N. Field of Knoxville Tcnn. Miss Winnlci Crofts of Beatrice , Nob. , i : the guest of the Misses Spooner on Fourtl street. George B. Hewitt of Yorkshire. la. , is it the city , the guest of his sister , Mrs. J. M > Flaglor. J , ITibhinsof Kvle county , Pa. , is in tin city ibr a visit with his daughter , Mrs. J. M Scanlun. Mr. Stuart of Denvci' , who has been th guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. l-i. Stewart , lia returned homo. Miss Ida Wallace , who has been snondin ; the holidays with her parents , returns todn , to Iowa City , to icsumc her medical stndta Miss Daisy Fezler of Grand Island , wh has been spending the holidays with Alis Maud C'avfn on Park avenue , will rettir homo this evening. lrs.V. . II. Waketlcld and Miss Klttl Billiard loltSiitmihtyevening forl'icrro K. L to visit friends fora week. They will ut tend the ball given in honor of the inaugur : tion of the now governor. The report that K. W. Yosswinklo ha been taken seriously ill at tioncsco , 111 seems to have been at least an exaggeratioi He is at homo again , and says that with th exception of n blight indisposition bo ha been as well im usual. Mrs. Yosswinklo di not go east , the report of his illness bein promptly contradicted. AM Invnlimhlii Iti'iurily tor Colilq , Sheriff. Hardman of Tyler comity , Wes Virginia , was almost prostrated with a col whim ho began using Chamberlain's Cous Itcmedy. In speaking of it lie says ; "It guv , mo almost instant relief. I Ihul It to bo a invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale b druggists. Wanted Ctibli offer for ton share Cili/.on's State b.uilc stock. Must I sold. Add roes 13. U. Shenfo. Ar. or KATIIIJK M'.HKNOMV. Arrangement * Miul for the MINI llltca Ovi tlin lUiiimliix of tint l > n l 1'rlcj.t. The funeral of Hov. Father K. P. M Monomy will take place tomorrow mornii at 10 o'clock from St. Xavior's Cathol church. ArrangoinonlHhavo been completi for the event , -which wltnchsed by larger number of people than any simlh event of the kind in Council I Hull's for year The following priests will bo the oflli'ers ( the mass ! Celebrant , Very Hov. Fa tin Xieglerof St. Louis ; deacon , Very Uov , IJ. I Lenclmn of lloouu ; sub-deacon , Uov. Shi : macher of Neola ; master of ceremonies , Ho James llcnilmn of Council UlulTsi orate Hov. J , .1 , O'llrlon of Dimlap ; pall-bearer Father McCarthy of Omaha. Father Flav of DCS Molnes , Father O'Fiirrell of lov pity , Fallier Moran of lied Oak , Fath ItrommciiM'hcnklo of Westphalia , Path' ' J.onginua of Council Uluffs , Knthcr Foley Stewart , Tlio funeral procession , upon leaving tl fhuivli for tlio Calhollo cemetery , will for in the following order : Altar Iloj-K , ( llrlsof St. Kiancls Academy. Hoys of HI. Joseph's Academy , VouiiK l.ndliT. ' Hodallty. Hand. Ancient Older of Illhornlaiis. VOIIIIK Men's Institute. Cutlinllo .Mutual Henotlt Association , DthiT oclutlcs. l.iulli's of the Con GuntU-nicii of tbo Coi 1'rli'sts In rarr 1'a 11 lleaiers. I'rlvato Tlie body lies In state in priestly robes St. Fr.mcls Xnvicr's church with a guaid honor , and can bo viewed at any time. Al opportunity to view the body will bo glv lifter mans on IHicsilay. 8nmi > tliii | | ; ( limit. I have sold and used In my family for HC oral years Chamberlain's , Colic , Chuler and IHarrhuta remedy , and have found une of the most useful and satisfactory rei i-illcs I ever bundled. C. II. Lewis , druifgls Suit Lake City , Utah. _ Brighter than tras , ctienpor than olc trio ll 'tit and as bouutilul us n urouiu those now art lamps at Lund Lira * , viMifo vnmi rni'von m itrrc * NWS JROJI IflLSlIL BLDrrS Brotben Ellsworth Make Things Very Lively Each for the Other. WILLIAM BITES OFF GEORGt'S ' NOSt Qitiirrrlril Alinnt lulling n Short Cut.\rross n I'leld Tlio Injured .Unn IsSiiliif ; for Heavy Ditnmurs nnd I'rnse- cutliii ; Crliiiliuilly. The January moon that shines on Wash ington township does so with a gory hue , allen on account of a quarrel between two brothers , fleet-go E , Ellsworth and his brother William. The former Is minus a larger portion of his nose by reason of his brother having sworn off on the doctrines of vegetarianism. According to the story ho tells , ho had been In the habit of going through a Held owned by William in order to avoid the snow which almost blockaded the road leading to his home. 1/ist Friday when ho passed through the Held as usual , he claims tliat U'illluin and his son jumped upon him and knocked him down , whereupon William bit a large , juicy mouth ful from his brother's noso. George has now commenced an action against his brother for i,000 damages , and last , Saturday attached $ 'JUOU worm of his property on the ground tha t William was about to put ills property out of hla hand * In order to keep him Irom getting anything. HnaUo swore out a war rant , for William's arrest oy the charge of mayhem. Your grocer keeps Cuilahy's KOK Brand Extract of Beef , for ho can't afford to keep first class sugar and second class food pro ducts. .Monday us New Veut-'s Day. The Boston Store will be closed all day Monday. FOTIIUIIINGHAU , WlllTKI.VW & CO. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. LAST WliKK IN hOCIIvI'V. event ! Itrlltliint A Hit Irs In tilt ; Soehil I.lno 4ilvcn b.v Well Kniixtn Itlullltes. Last week was n vcrj busy one in social ' irclcs. Every evening witnessed' one or lore events which Justly deserve the name , ml the gay butterflies have been so long on ho wing that it is to be very much doubted Sunday was not enjoyed more thoroughly than ny Sunday for months past. Beginning vith the boat club party , the procession vent on both by day and bj night , turning ho holiday sersou into a genuine gala week. Miss Georgia Bennett entertained a parly if her friends Wednesday evening at her mine , corner of Willow avenue and Bluff trott. It was in honor of Miss May Watts if Neola. who was spending the week with ler. Dancing and cards served to pass the evening most onjoynbly , prizes being warded to Mrs. A. W. Croady , Mr.Mr - nueblen and Mr. Lougce. The following guests were present : The Misses Xurmueh- en , Oliver , Mary Oliver , Farnswortli. Cora ? arnsworth , Key , Brown , Wallace. Patter- on , Sherman , Bowman , Nellie Bowman , Shepherd , Luta. Keller , Ue Vol. Billiard , foaling , Wickham. Gleasmi , Gertie Gleason , Joss , Watts , Harkness , Bessie Harkness. Messrs. Atwood , Driscoll , Allen , E. B. and I. X. Bowman , Casady , J. Casady , Sliep- icrd , Ogdcn , II. Ogden , Xunnuehlen , Wright , Hollelman , Metcalf , Hess , Patter son. Messrs. and Mebdames Casady and L-ougee. Heeeiitlon lit the IMtsey. On Thursday and Friday afternoons two n-illiant receptions were given at the Pusey . -osidenee , corner of Willow avenue and 'earl street. The llrst was given by Mrs. W. II. M. Pusey and Mrs. C. II. Pinne.v , and .ho second by Airs. J . K. F. McGce and Mrs. IMnnoy. The house was magnificently deco rated for the occasion. The parlor was a irofuslon of palms and smihix , garnished ivith hyacinths and narcissus , and from a : > ewer of palms built In the hall came the strajns of an orchestra which furnished nusie all the afternoon. Dainty refresh ments were served in ihodiiiingrooiii , which was ornamented with ferns , smiliix , violets : ind cream roses , while candelabra with .jrocn shades gave a beautiful effect to the scene. The dresses worn by the ladies were beautiful , and altogether the enter- Uiinmeat of eacli day was made one long to uc remcmberi-d by tlio two hundred and more who were present. The ladies who gave the receptions were assisted in entertaining by Miss Fannie Heynolds , Miss Lucille Finny , Mrs. F. S. Pusey , Mrs. C. E. II. Campbell ; Mrs. S. Saunders , Miss Officer , Miss Nellie Xurmuelilen , Miss Jennie Baldwin and Airs. W. S. Cooper. Marriage bells chimed ut Danville , 111. , lasl Wednesday evening , when Wesley Uncoil1 Fleming , a well known traveling man of thir dly , led to the allar Miss JcimU Brandon , ono of the society belles o ! that place. The wedding took placi at the home of tliejiride's parents and was a very elaborate affair , a largo number o ! guests being present. Miss Hozella Fleming of this city acted as bridesmaid , while Mr Alaris Fleming , also of Council Bluffs , olll elated in tlio capacity of best man. Tin wedding march was played by an orchestra and the house was ilncly decorated will palms and smilax in honor of the liapiv l event. The bride and groom are now visit ing their relatives * ! ) ! Danville , and will re main until next Thursday , when they leavi for Chicago. There they will be tendered i reception on Friday , nnd on Saturday the ; will start for Council Bluffs , where they wil make their home. Farewell llamiuet , A number of young ladies gave J. L. Pax ton a farewell uliiincr at the Grand Xov Year's eve. Covers were laid for tweut ; and an elaborate dinner of eleven course was served. The table decorations am guests' cards were all In white and pink. A beautiful embroidered center piece , plnl roses , garlands and silver candelabra , pro duced a charming effect. The Kpanlsl students with mandolin , harp and guilai furnished music during the entire dinner , Those at the table worn the Misses Cori of Denver ; Catch , of DCS Moines ; Dodge Hockwoll , Osborne , Key , Davenport , Hicc Mrs. Fcrson , and Miss Fnrnsworth , Alcssn Paxtou , Dawson , Mayne , II. A. Woodburj Terry Everett , Edward Everett , Baxtei McCague , Smith , Carter of Omaha. Following is tlio menu : lllue 1'olnts , I'rali-lut'lilckcn llroth with U > nen. Loliiinr Uutluis a la Newbcrg. Vi'iiUun Lin ( led. SJauco I'orluiiupso , llionned Hui.'ol 1'otatoe : llimbt Quail , Triilllo Saticp , Trench I'cns. rimiiinaene Punch l-'i-o/cn. Ill-east of Turkey In ( 'iises , u lu Klue. ( joriiiaii Asparagus. lMiicaili | ) ) ( Sn'hul. Velvet Icii Cream. I'tnlt. Kdam Ciii'i'se. Salted Crackers. C.oll'1'e. Miss Cory wore a Felix gown of Dale yo low crepe with ostrich feather garniture an an elaborate turquoise girdle. Miss Gutch was attired in pearl gray chl fen over gray silk. Miss Dodge , palo gray silk with dar green velvet tiiminiiigs , Miss Hockwoll , cream white crepe du chit ; embroidered in oriental colors witli garni velvet bodice. Miss Osborno , empire gown of lavcndc silk embroidered in white. Miss Key , Paris gown of silver gray fallli Jeweled corsage draped with Duchesselaci Miss Davenport , black faille , dccollut Imdicu with embroidered chiffon and girdl of jot , Miss Hlce , black-striped gtuuo with en broidcrcd yellow chiffon. Miss Farnswortli , palo Jilao and pea stfined silk with trimmings of dulilla cu ored velvet and liluo crcpo. Mrs. Ferson. serpent-green ghico silk wit black lace , cut Jet corsage and girdle , Immediately after dinner the guests wci invited to tlio homo of Airs , Fcrsun on Fin avenue where the new year was ushered I with gay festivities and an exchange i hearty good wishes , Mr. mid Aim. Sttnuirt ICntvrtulii. Mr. and Airs , Joel Stewart entertained largo number of their friends Suturdt evculug ut the Graudtiolel. They were u Msted In cntortalnlnp b > Miss I-Jcapor nnd Master Dick , and by their niece Mis * Tory , formerly of this city , but now of IVnvcr , who has been visiting them. The parly part of the evening was spent in the parlors of the hotel , the orchestra stationed in nn ad joining room , furnishing exquisite the meantime. Shortly after 10 o'clock the company went to the upper floor. The dining room had been transformed into n dancing hall , by the la.vlng of canvns over the tiled lloor , .while the doors and mantels were Iwnkcd with smilax nnd evergreen. Ono of the pleasantost features of the affair .was the fact thai the guests were of all age ? , and that old and young seemed to enjoy themselves equally well , the host and hostess sparing no pains to make It a social success in every sense ot the words. At midnight refreshments wore served in the ladles' or dinary by Manager Clark of the hotel. The dining table was neatly decorated with pink ribbons and had n beautiful centerpiece of roses nnd ferns , while the pink-shaded candelabras - delabras shed u bewitching light on the scene. * Soelnl Not ps. Airs. George T. Phelps entertained some friends of the family Tuesday evening to meet Mr. II. Al. Hosick , sou Hnrrv and daughter Lou of Clhcago , and Mrs W. S. Ament and son Ci'leb ' of Dtnvor. There were present J. N. Baldwin , wife and daughter ; L. C. Baldwin , wife , son and daughter ; Allsscs Laura and Janle Baldwin. Thomas B. Baldwin of Denver , W. O. Wirt. wife and daughter : Charles T. Officer and wife , Allss Julia Olliccr , W. P. Onicer , Dr. Plnney , wife , son and daughter ; J. E. F. Alt-Gee and wife. H. P. Aludge. wife and daughter ; J. II. Wheeler of Chicago. Ned Wlrt entertained quite a number of friends on his tenth birthday Thursday afternoon. The following were present : Aiisses Alarian Tyler , Marian Hcntun , Evelyn Thomas , Janlo Jameson , Vesta .lame- son , Polly ICrb , Adah Sargent. Grace Ferson , Clara Belle Chambers. Edith Sherraildcn , Maude Beasloy , Alaudo Alucllcr , * Htittlu Mueller , Helen Hoblnson , Bessie Day , Ada Daitcy , Alamle Hansconi. Masters Tom Laccy , Clarence Empkie , John Lut ? , Sidney Bunker. Hey Doval , Fred Fcst , Ogle Butts , Ernest Heikman , Dell Cook. Hubert Hicks , Harry Van Brunt , George Van Brunt , Alack Hanchett , Alf Hanchett , Walter Bell , John Aletcalf , James Metcalf , George Dalley , Chester Dailey , Allen Elwell , Aaron Lyman , Wendell Wright , Isolds tlan.scom. Aliss Ella Luring gave a party last Thurs day evening at her home on Sixth street. Aitislc , games , refreshments and a good social time formed the program of I he eve ning. Those present were. Misses May Caldwell , Ellen Woods. Dora Lyons , Alay Mulholltnid , Julia Tulleys. Mlttte Pile , Blanche Brown , Eva Coy , Alay Miller and Carrie Aten. Friday evening there was a pleasant event at the home of W. E. Ells , -101 Fourth ave nue , in the shape of a surprise party given in honor of Air. Ells' birthday. Friends were present from Omaha , Hurhm , New Jersey and Council Bluffs. A pleasant sleighing party was given last evening by the Misses Geimviovo Baldwin , Elsie and Carrie Schocntgen. A number of their young friends were invited. After a delightful ride over the snow out in the country , the whole party went to the homo of Mrs , J. N. Baldwin , where they had an oyster supper. Airs. S. Farnswortli entertained 100 young people at her residence on South Eighth street last Monday evening , in honor of Aliss Sadie and Muster Tom. Dancing was lu- .ulgcd in in the ball room on the third lloor , ho music being furnished byAIessrs. Bistolli ind Alontanclllg. Aliss Cussie Honii gave a. pleasant party ast Wednesday afternoon tit which quite a lumber of her friends were present. The iftcrnoou was spent in dancing , games and ithor amusements , and refrcshmcuts were , erved. . 'Mini < : iiiuniliiK " Novelist. Headers who remember the train robbery of ISSO , in which Fred Wittrock , alias Jim uimnings , entered an express car , bound ho messenger and extracted $30,000 ; then a'.bscqucntl.v wrote letters over the signti- -ure - , "Jim Cuiumings , " exonerating the mes senger of all complicity in the crime , will be surprised to hear ho lias written a novel , vhoso title is "A Lucky Alishup , " and which s pronounced an interesting storyj well written , and deserving a wide circulation. l-'or Kvt'itlu N. It is no longer n mystery to the ladles of Council Bluffs turn vicinity where to _ ot , and what is the correct tiling in rloves for evening , as a visit to Iho 3oston Store will convince you that , heir stock ia composed of ulftholand- 'njj shnUus in Musquitairo anil shoulder ength , in tlio most desirable tints suit- iblo for evening wear. Some ono may say , I cnn only bo suited n the Foster or Aloxaiidrbi. tind others may say I prefer the TrcTnusse , nil of which is to be had at our glove dopart- nent , ns well us ovary quality in staple glace poods in black nnd colored. All gloves warranted and fitted to the hand. FOTHERINGH AM , WIIITELA W & CO Boston Store , Council HlulTs. Carl Burhorn. successor to E. Bur- horn , lias the only new jewelry stock in city. Many holiday novoliios. Do you emoko ? Iltvvo you tried T L ) . King & Co.'s PtirttigasV It's charmer. Just light one. Christ inns Tor the Children. One of the most pleasing customs of the Grand Army of the Republic of this city is that of distributing gifts to the children ol soldiers each year. The annual distribution took place Saturday evening at tlio hull ol the post , and was preceded by a program ol addresses and musical selections , which , al though short , was far too ions , ' for the little folks who were anxiously awaiting tlio luttei part of the entertainment. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity with the old sol dlers and their families , and tlio happiness of the children would have done tlio heart 01 General G. Al. Dodge good had ho been tiblc to see it , for it is owing to the generosity o General Dodge that this custom can bo kepi up from year to year. C. F. Alooro & Co. , prominent druggists ol Nowborg , Ore. , say : "Since our customer ; have become acquainted with the good qual itics of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy w < sell but little of any other kind. Chamber Iain's medicines all give good satisfaction. ' For sale by druggists , The snow and cold weather does no diminish the demand for ticrongu in tlu Klnin tract , 2i miles east of the post otllcoj liOO acres yet for sale in from oni to ton aero tracts , suitable for iruit am garden. Day & Hess , agents , ! )9 ) Pear street. _ _ _ _ For warmlnir guest chambers , ball rooms , etc. , our gas heaters tire jus what yon want. Look at them. Clean convenient cheap. U. B. Gas nnd Klou trio Light Co. 1'unrriil of ( i , A. Illckox. The funeral of O. A. Illckox , the travelin ; man from Brooklyn , N. Y. , took place yestci day morning from Estop's undertaking room under the auspices of the Commercial Pi prims of America , Hov. Henry Deiong ofllc ating. The pilgrims turned out enmnss and accompanied tlio remains to their las resting place. They have engaged the vaul where the remains wcro placed for a montl and in the meantime will try to secur transportation east in order that they ma bo taken tf > the homo of the deceased will out expense to bis relatives , Ignorance of the merits o ( DoWitt's Llttl Early Risers Is a misfortune. Those llttl pills rcfrnlato tbo liver , cure h&adachc , clyi popsia , bad breath , constipation and bllloui Whitney Mockrldiro , the fumou tenor , nnd his excellent company , iu th Presbyterian church Monday evening Coal and wood ; best and chcapos Missouri hard wood in the city ; nromii delivery , II. A. Cox. Ku. 4 Main. MuPhall ntano3 uud Crown organs cash or installments. Mar. Bouriclu ; 1103 tutsman street , Koal spar IB a nhomlcul proparatlo easily spread on hard or Fpft coal tin Btivos 25 PQI- cent fuel. Call at 37J 1'eai street ( or sumplo packugo. VASTS TO JIAMV A NEGRO Strange Infatutition of I lr3 , Crowe of Fort Dodge , Town. HER RELATIVES VIGOROUSLY OBJECT They Tltrpalrn to lUll lUr Olijprl f Hrr AfTpclfniK Tlin Wliofo Town lln-atly iicllrd : Oicr itlu < AHlilr Tliiiuijlil to He IiiinMI- . FORT 1)oi > an , Ta. , .Ian. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tnr. Unr . ] A small-sired r.ico war was precltiltated here by tin attempt on the part of John Henry , a negro , to wed Mrs. Caroline Crowe , a while woman. Mrs. Crouo is a widow , aped about r > 0 years , who has always been considered eminently re spectable. On Friday last Henry returned from Sioux Cily with a document which ho claihied was a hiarrtago HCOIMC and bo.isted among his friends that on Saturday he would start on his wedding trip with the widow as his bride. Mrs. Crowe is the mother of four grown children , all of whom are thoroughly respectable , and who keenly felt the disgrace of this proposed alll.ince. On Friday evening HIP sons , with a party of about a dozen friends , undertook to drive the African wooer out of town and provide 'dm with a warm winter Mill of tar and 'eathers. The party approached the Crowe tome In a body , where they knew the negro o be. and demanded entrance. They found ocked doors. Hoth Henry and his prospee- Ivo bride appeared at the window and swore hey would shoot tlio llrst man that nt- empled to enter. The party withdrew with- iiit accomplishing its purpose. On Saturday the burly negro appeared on , ho streets with n loaded Winchester and hrcatened boldly to shoot his enemies on icht. Ho carried the gun all dav. In the veiling lie was arrested at the instance of Mrs. Crowe's relatives , charged with threat ening to commit murder. Ho will be given a Hearing on Monday. This prevented his out his weddim : trip designs. It Is suggested that Mrs. Crowe is Insane , is tlto only explanation of her infatuation ; md she may oo examined by the insane 'ommissloiicr. The Othello In tlio case figured conspicuously in the Haddock murder ; it Sioux City several years ago. MOUNT /JON STIIUII : > ur. iVrthur Coloninn Vv'linVis : to Have Horn a In \Wililin ; ; Disappears. OTTUMWA , la. , .Ian. 1. ( Special Telegram to Tim UEI : . ] Mount Xlon social circles are stirred up over the disappearance of Arthur ileman. He had successfully pressed his suit with Miss Myrtle Agcr , daughter of Mount Xlon's postmaster and a pretty and charming school teacher. The wedding had been arranged for Wednesday evening. The briilo and guests were ready ami a bounteous supper-was awaiting them , but tlio groom ilid not show up. The midnight train did not bring him and no word has been received since. Miss Agcr Is prostrated with griel and her father proposes to teach Colcmfui a lesson ho will remember if he can be located. ISnii Intii tin Open Suiti-li , Siocx CITV , la. , .Ian. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tni : Uii : : . ] The Cliioago express on the Illinois Central road ran through an open switch at Manson , la. , last night while rim ing thirty-live miles an bom- . The train was piled up in the ditch itnd trafllc on the road is blocked. The train crew and all the pas- semrors escaped injury further than a shak ing up and a few cuts , l > c < IIrituiltlii : ; > Hatlis. CCUAK K.triDS , la. , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; Br.i : . [ The new Young Men's Christian association l&iVhs , put in at a cost of $8,000 , the finest in the west , were dedi cated this afternoon. ' ' The baths are the gift of Charles B. Kouthcrs , in memory of his son , who was killed by tlio electric ears some months ago. Klin Over uiul Killcil. Sioux Cur , la. , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE ] While attempting to hoard a moving freight train here Charles Milke fell under the wheels today and was crushed to death. 1'alliMl for u l.ui'KO Amount. CEIIAU HAI-IDS , la. , Jan. 1. Tlie branch house in this city of KirUwooil , Miller & Co. , implement dealers , has been closed on at tachments aggregating $17,000. .lumes O'Neill In " FouU'licllc. " James O'Neill's reputation as an actor has been fully earned by years of excellent service in the histrionic presentation of ro mantic character , and the numerous audi ence that greeted him , after an absence from Omaha of four years , at tbo Boyd last evening must feel that that reputation has been added to by his interpretation of the latest character ho has assumed. "Fonto- nellc" is a great play , and that it lias been written by Americans makes it doubly acceptable. Minnie Maddcrn Fiskc , so much admired as a comedienne , and her husband , Harri son Cray Fisko , wrote the book , which has meiits that should earn for it the place of a classic in the future history of the Ameri can stage. The scene of the story is laid in Franco in the time of T-ouis XV. , and the main incident of the action turns on the los ing and llnding of a diamond designed by the circumspect min ister of that royal profligate to assuage tlio ennui of their precious master , Tlio story is well told , the dialogue is crisp and dramatic to a degree , with not n supcrlluous sentence. Time and place give opportunity for much magnificence of scenery and cos tume , and it is fully improved. The Pompa dour he. self is a leading character in the play. The drama is built nn the lines of the melo-drama of a generation ape , yet elevated and dignified to a degree. The action opens in a hostelry , on tlio Breton coast , owned by one Boseard.a notorious brigand and outlaw , and no one act of any drama on tlio stage to day can bo recalled that has such quick action and all-compelling power to interest tbo spectator. As presented at the Boyd this scene is realistically Indeed - deed , it may bo said hero that Omaha theater-goers have never before at homo been treated to a liner series of stage pictures than frame the action of "Foiitenollo , " The exterior of tlio royal palace of Versailles , the apartments of The Pompadour , the scene on tlio Seine , with Paris pictured by night , the twin towers of Notre Dame glooming starward amid tbo imue of'lights all call for the highest praise. Then'the ' costumes are his torically accurate , ami .so brilliant In the ex treme. Evidently no expense has been spared to gain a fitting"frame for what must be styled a great play. Mr. O'Neill in tho'title ' part is handsomely heroic , an of yore , and. each member of his company is a highly1 capable actor. Mr O'NciH'B method iHtyidiiiirably restrained , while lacking nothing of intensity. In "situations" lie Is always In full control ol himself and his ciwaxes ) never bet no a falsetto note. .J-nst uvenim.- , however over , the crltlo 'wds forced to note a fault , more ' -prominent. perhaps because ot the general excellence of tin actor's art. The weariness of travel inaj have been the cause , but once or twice notably in the love t > ccno of the second act Mr. O'Neill fell to reciting his lines , betray ing a seeming indifference that was not ill all plcnMint to contctnplato In such an artist In the third mid fourth scenes of the his speech and netlon wcrondmlrablj beyond praise. A ihar.irter n * dtftlcult of adequate expres sion ns that of Foiitenollo Is that of the brigand. Boscard. it is a great part for an actor , nnd Mr. Howard ( iould fully and sat isfactorily fills It. Mr , Mould's work ill the opening scene Is unusually fine , nnd through out he Is eiitlrelv admirable , fairly dividing the artistic honors with Mr , O'Neill. Mr , W. 11 , Pascoe's luis XV is a broad and thoroughly effective study of that most de praved of monarchs , and the other male parts are well presented. Miss Kmma Forsyth makes much of The Pompadour , though last vvcnlng she was Just a little bit thetnrical In her scene In the third net. Miss Florence Brandon looks Helene , and succeeds fairly well In presenting the somewhatsketchv and commonplace character : the authors did not spend very much tlmeou Heleno. Miss Marie Floyd's Hulottc Is one of the three artistic gems of the performance ; as a bit of charac ter study , thoroughly conceived and fully expressed , it is ( lawless. Fontenello" Is u valuable addition to the American stage , and should bo seen by all who care for good plays and the progress of the American drama. "Muster mill Mm" : lit tlio rnrmini , Manager Burgess made a ton strike in securing - curing "Master and M-in" for the New- Year's bill at the Farnam. H is the work of two of the cleverest playwrights working for the Hngllsh speahimr stage. CJeorgo H. Sims and Henry Pettit. Its story is not new , but it is eternally Interesting The ac tion moves with a swift directness that hav ing caught the attention of the .spectators retains It. The situations are stirrlin ; , and in short "Master and Man" is a moltel melo- dr.imn. The story Is of the over-Interesting struggle of virtue against vill liny , the out * conic in perfect consonance with the Illness of things theatrical , mirroring the wlmt- ought-to-be rather than the whnt-ls of the stage of life. The scene is laid in an Kiiglish mnnulacturiiig town. The wealthy owner of tlio Carl ton Iron works Iris seized the patrimony of his brother's child and his plans ami plots to retain the station be has usurped form the main incidents of the play. With the help of his tool , the loremaii of tlio works , 1 lumpy I < o < ian , he 1ms the rightful heir's husband sent to a penitentiary for manslaughter ; he steals her child and has all but accomplished his wicked purposes when eternal stage Justice takes her cue , villiany is vanquished and suffering virtue is revived to her and sunshine succeeds storm. The minor incidents to the main plot are cheerful , and there is no lack of clear , enloyahlo comedy to lighten the the darkness of the principal picture-scheme. "Master and Man" is . Certainly a play to sec. The companyicharged with its presentation at tlio Farnam is clever and successful. Mr. M. M. Murray is sufilciently soulless as the villain , Carlton , and as Jack Walton , the hero , Mr. James A. Mnhonoy is manly and impressive. The Humpy Logan of Mr. Palmer Collins is a character study of much merit , satisfying in ensemble and displaying a line appreciation of the value of detail ; it is a trying part to play throughout , but. it is played admirably , Mr. Collins' work in the forgo scene and in the last act being almost beyond criticism. Mr. Hud 13. Hnrrou is considerably amusing as Crispin St. Jones , n city dude ; the part is a mere sketch , but it is fairly well presented. Mr. Kd. Plnnd as Tom Brady , the good genius of the play , is satisfactory. The drama has two characters that , in the hands of intelli gent actors would shine two roadside ( Jypsy showmen but Messrs. Martin and Kddy , who assume their presentation , do not seem to have the faintest idea of their possibili ties and spoil the scene they should domi nate ; whether from indifference or igno rance , their work could not possibly bo worse. The sweetest part in the play Hester's little boy is charmingly interpreted by Master Willie Beach ; his seriously boyish air , his precocious speech and his pretty face take the hearts of the audience and keep them throughout the action. The ladies are all capable in their respective parts , Miss Charlotte Hay as Hester , the heroine , and Miss Florence Marion as Lotty shining par ticularly. The scenery of ' "Master and Man" Is a most important accessory of the action and is all that could bo desired. The forge scene hi the fourth act is fairly realistic , showing the tlaming furnace and all the apparatus of the ironsniith's craft to the life. Scene and action in this act are capitally conjoined to produce the most stirring effect , and the cur tain falls on one of the best situations in latter day melo-drama. Incident to the lighter scenes of the play several songs give cheer. In one of these , however , there was a distinctly offensive personality introduced yesterday. Hofer- enees to local happenings that are good texts for laughter are always permissible and often verv enjoyable , but allusions to the lives of reputable citizens , held in honor by their fellows , are unpardonable and come dians should avoid them if they would keep in the good graces of their audience. . Piles of people nave piles , but DeWitt s Witch Hazel salvo will euro them. . 1A A U HXVKMKX TS. Boyd's theater will be the scene of beauty and intelligence next Wednesday evening , when gifted Julia Marlowe will make her re-cntro foi > only one night and appearing in Sheridan ICnowles famous play , "Tlio Hunch back. " The play was selected for the en gagement upon the special request of many admirers of Miss Marlowe and patrons oi Boyd's , and the performance- bo tin ex ceedingly charming one , since Julia is a part that the young actress greatly loves and in which she is very happy. A capable com pany of players will give Miss Marlowe ample support , Mr. Taber , Mr. Weaver , Miss .Liiidemami and the balance of the cast beiiif ! aptly placed in their respective roles , Tlie advance sale of scats commences tomorrow morning. The attraction at Boyd's theater for Fri day and Saturday of this week will bo Madeline elino Mcrli , the new star , in the following repertory : Friday evening and Saturday matinee "Frou Frou " . , ; Saturday evening. "Camlllo. " The advance sale of seats for Frank K Hoberson's illustrated lecture on "India am the East Indian" will open at the Yount Men's Christian association ofllco and Chas ( A. Eddy's , Monday , January 'J. The whoh bouse has been reserved. Seats f > 0 cent ! each. This promises to bo tlio treat of tin Omaha lectures so far as booked this season Every man , woman and child who ha : once tried that specific , Dr. Bull's Cougl Syrup , cannot say enough in its praise. j > i a\K.tsK \ unntiKKX susxicn. Typlm * IVvcr I0il | < le.inlo In .Muny of II : rrllielpal Cities. G.M.VKSTOK , Tex. , Jan. 1. A special fron Eagle Pass , Tex. , to tlio News says : Willian Dovine , a leading hide buyer who arrlvci today from tlio interior of Mexico , and win has recently visited all the principal cltic ; of Mexico , reports that the accounts o tlio ravages of typhus have not been exaggei ateil. The disease is epidemic in Augu Calointes , Ciiiaimjualo and Ziicatcrab and there are a number of case in San Luis Pntosi. in Xacntccas ani Guanajuato tliovepidemic Is at its worn ! more than f > OU cases being reported at prcscn at tlio former place. The mortality from th disease is estimated at 15 to " 5 per cent n those stricken. The wealthy classes do no appear to have any immunity from the < H ; ease , suffering equally with the poor. * great many people have died , including number of physicians. Mr , Dovino states that , with tlio exceptio of Coahulla and Nouvo Loon , the corn cro Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. n it 1 Is n failure In northern Mexico nnd thfse states will not harvest sufficient to supplv home dcmnnda , Nervous headaches promptly cured by Bromo-Seltrer a bottle. Sow Cn e of Tj-plui * Totcr In New York , NEW YOIIK , .Ian 1. Twejity easosof typhus fever developed today , thn majority of them coming from n cheap lodlng house , SV'l Bay nnl street , from which three cases were re moved Thursday. All persons affected wore ivmoved to thft Hlversldo hospital and n quarantine has been established ut all the places where cases were discovered. The typhus cases reported to the health authorities within the past six days row number forty. Every precaution is being taken to prevent the spread of the disease. If you have piles DoWltl's Witch lias-el salve will surely cure you. Srvnn A It is a wonderful soap Jhat takes hold quick and does no harm. Mo harm ! It leaves the skin soft like a baby's ; no alkali in it , nothing but soap. The harm is done by al kali. Still more harm is done by not washing. So , bad soap is better than none. WJiat is bad soap ? Imper fectly made ; the fat and al kali not well balanced or not combined. What is good soap ? Pears' . All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Woui.ds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. pecially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei PARTIES WANTING Anhcuser , Bndwcisor. Faust and Pr.lo 13KI3RK , KITIIKR 13OTTL1CD OR IN K1CGS , can leave orders at No. 21U Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , or Telephone. ; ) L'y. Goods delivered promptly. SOLE AGENCY for Anlieuscr-Buscli Brewing Ass'n , of St , Louis. Ko. W. C. ESTEP Funeral Director , Embalmer , 114 Main Street , Council BlulTs. TO THK OWNKHS OK A1I < I.OTB OK 1'AUTS of lots on i-owarU slreot , from "Otli Hticut , to 'JStli jlruoli Von aru hereby notlflu : ! that the tindur- sisjiioil. thruo ( lUlutorcUuil ftnolinlilors uf me L'lty of Oiiuth.i , hiivu beoii duly appointed by the mayor , with the jpuioval nf thoolty uoun- ell of nn Id oily , to assess the cluiiiiKO ; to flio ownnr.i respectively of tlio urnpurly all'outuil by the cr.iiHirof ijutvanl stivot from 'JlHIi all net to ' , ' 8tli htrcot , declared noceHKiiry l.y ordinance No. IKIS. ' , passed Ducumbor lath , IS'J. ' , approved Dojoinbcr I'Jtli. IS'J. ' . ' . You aio further iiullliml that h.ivln nc- uopled ; aUl iiiipn.ntinuiit , anil duly qualified UK requliod by law. wo will , tin the I'-'th day of January , A. I ) , , ib'.U ' , : it iho hour ol 4 o'clock In the afternoon , at the ollluo ot < ! oo. ,1 , Paul. Hii. ) I'aniiipi street , within the cu'-pornto limits nf said ulty , M cct for the pur- poio of consldorm,1 mil muUliii the -issosi- mmit of damajjo to Iho ownor.s rospcctivoly nf s.ild property , alfoutiid b/ said urudo. tali- inu Into fcmsfdpratloM special bcnelltH. If any. Von : ire notlller. to ho present at the lime and place aforesaid , uud make nny objections to or stiitoiiioiitH coiiudnilru Raid assessment of duimiues as you m iv consider prnuor. ono .1. I'Auu JOHN R KLAl'K. .IOIIX W. KOIl 111 N H. Omiihn , Nob. , Due. ' 'Till , MK. D'ud let ' 'Absolutely ' the Best Made , " "A Delicious uHotltentoa Con- foot Ion" for the relief of Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and , for clearing the voice. Vet sale by till Druggists and Confectioner 9. Packed in full two ounce packages , , I'rice5 Cents. If you are unable to UiO procure the 1'oiuona Cough Tablets O > from your dealer tend us 8 cents in stamps and icccive n box hy mail. Made hy the manufacturers" the celebrated Pomona I'rttit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council Bluffs , In. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS , All kinds of Oyeln ; nnd CleiuihiK done In KIII highest style of the art. 1'utlud mid , tilncd : fabrics made to lee ! : us ROD 1 us new. WorK promptly done mil de.lvero.l In till parts uf the country. Send for prlco Hat. C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. Hrcadwav.noKrXorlhwo.slorn Do ot , Cntiiif'Ifun's ' , /ii. ' tlej lu tno state nml federal courts. Itonins .MU-7-S-0 , Shugart block , Council Ml tills. la. Scaled proposals will lie received hy tha Plate lloaid or I'rlntlni : at theolllco of the M.HI- retary of state , at any time hefnio Thursday , January l'2lh , 1HIKI , at - o'clock p. m , , for printing and binding In cloth 6,000 copies re port or Mute Hoard of llortlcnltuto for the year 181)3 ) , of 300 piic : each , the same to bo primed In IOIIR primer type. The sb.o of papo , weight and nu iiill v of paper , .stylo and iitmllty le or letterlni ; on cover and 111 all respects the work to ho the sumo us thri I llottlcultnral Itcpnit of IH'J'J. Hamploof work may he seen at thoolllce of the secretary of state. Work to be completed within sixty days frnm tlio awarding of the contract. ltlfht reserved to rejecl. any and all bids by the State I'rlnlbik' lloaid. Dated December i8th ! , 180'J. JOIINO. ALLKN , l)30d lot Secretary ot State. Proposals tor l.l litlii the Suburbs of tlio City ut Oluiiha. According to information from the chair man of thu special committee on casolhio ll litliiK , tint Instructions ro advertUc for bids for lighting thn subiirln of thn city worn no dellnlle eniumli , and at. his leiinost the adver tisement Is changed to read as follows : Scaled bids will bo lecelvedat thoolllco of the city comptroller up lo 5 p. m. .sharp , JaniH nry 10 , IH'.KI , for l.welvo (1'J ( ) candle power Kasollmi lamp * , or electric lights , for HnbUtiK tin suhiirhs of the city , for a period of two years. Illds may slate prlco per lump , moon- llKht M-bedule of twenty ulfrbts per numth , or from suit down to stinrlso. No certain number of lamps guaranteed , but. the statement la made that. In the last hill from the last con tractor HID city was charged with 1,014 lamps. A certllled check In the sum of { 200 will bo remilivd from each bidder as ajiimnin- leo of BOOII faith. The rlyht Is rcburvod to re ject any or all bids. T1IKO. OLSEN , 1'omptroller. Omiihil , December HO , 1892 , DllldOt Special COUNCIL BLUFFS. \\rANTKIl-Glllfj TO 1)1) imilSKWOIIK. $4.00 * * ) > or ttt'ek paid. Apply to Mrs. Horiico Kvurutt. \\TA.NTKI ) A KOOI ! trial lawyer nfjo yoars' aollvo ' prni'tlca mid u Kood library wimtH to form a nnrtuprHlilp with a reputable attorney In Council IllulTs who has some prncillcj nail irood ncquuln * tnnce In Iho lllulTa. Addreis "l.anynr , " lloo Onlco , Council IHnlls , la. Itlj w.inteil for uuueriil hoiHuwork. Bmoll G ! uiully. .Mrs. W. A. Coulter , I'M ( ilou uvonuo.- HOir3KS AND LANDS. Ahf * t'UACTN nmt loiiiin. Fa unl city property bouulit and solJ. I'usey 'I'lioiins , Couacll iilulti ) . 7AHM ml city loans. Money lunnuil on stock nml Krnlii. llunluatnlo for sulu. Dwulllntuad h u'ntaln. Monuy loinoil : ( or Inventors , . * < 'lowlc ' , J 3 1'cnrl blroot. _ 6\t \ AC11KS upper llronitw.iy ; Bplunillil ploca for plAllhiK ; clioaii for eisli : , or wilt oxuliirK'j for Improved rcjulileni'O prouurty In Council llliltlj. Cieciihlilelili. Nicliolaun & Co. pAUDH.V AN'I ) KIl'JIT land : rlchoit nn I most VJtienutlful trnct In I'oltairnttiinilo county : naa Knterprlso Pine. ! ; tlvo or ton nuro lotM. uruou * Bhlulcls , MclioUon & Co. , K'lllroiulivuy. \ . WII WANT ten ucrci of land vrltlilu llvu inlUn ot city. Don't earn how roiuh It Ij. Uroun- pldulds , Nicholson X Co. JTIS'TKUI'IUSH I'lnca , for frulti or Knrdonj utibiirbiin lioaius , line iicrn lots , twenty mluutu4 from motor llui . Uruen liluldi , NlclioUon .t Co. I/ltlJlTFAUM-lmprovud , n mlle nnd a hnlf ( rout thu iioilolllco , : i i nnroi ; . 'i room IIOIHJ , ntulilo , ete. Will o\oiiiUKi ! for rusldonco lu Couiull tllil.Ta , ( Ireu'iilitulila , MnlioUou & Co. 1'J4 ACKI-s : , t mlliM from city ; will neil ut cut 1C tnki'ii llili ireuk. ( irvonihliildi , NIclujNim & Co. , 0-CHOICi : lotM In Mnyiid iiildlllon near o.iHt end Jnf tbo now Inturjtnto brhluu. Will sitll In btinclie * nrshiKly. ( Jeorua Mutoilf , Coiiuull Illulfc * I&VACHK farm In Neb. , fi-room iHiutto , stublu and chi-ils , 7U ncrcs In cultlviitlnn. I'rlcu ( U.UQ per ncru , Tvriuseavy. JoliiiAlon .V Vim 1'utlon. la It , A. inrlorn , chlldrji , 4 p. ni.t MONDAYS ; p. iu. Soi.'l.iU suaii.iil ant fourtlt MiiHlofurnlnliiid parties tuil clubi. Addrem II. A. I'ArlornCouncil HluiI , orlOJI Kuruaiu tt. . Oiualm. W. I- ! , t lia'nbora. biitruitor. : MISOBLLAWKOUS. romoved. conpools , vuulli and "fhlmniy clojaul. M I ) , llurku , cltjp bl I { . 'IIN1S1IKI ) HOOMti ruil HUNT ! l 'A'uK AVM ' miu > ! = 22SSECft-35rX - - - r.kTW'ft e Works * C. A , SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Dyeing , Cleaning and J efinishing OF GOOU3 OP EVERY DKSOKIPTION. Onmliit olllco , 1621 Farnnm St. , Telephone 1521. Council HluITu ollloo nudtvorki cor , Ave , A and i0th ! Si.Tolophono < )10. ) Send fur circulars und price list.