Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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OuUlcIo Ortlors Wcro Scarce in the Wheat
Pit Yesterday ,
Initial Trade * \Vrrn nl Al > o t tlin 1'lnut
UiKitiillniiii r Tlnirxdny I
> VnA Hiippo c-d In Cover
Short Si
CHICAGO. Til. , Dec. SO. The nnnmil Jnblleo
Interfered with tiusliit-r * todiy. Outsldu or
ders were scarce In tlio wheat pit , There was
fomo talk about what tlio visible supply
tatemcnt would ho ilkcly to show and It was
expected thcro would bo an Ineronso of about
l,500,000bu. The receipts In the northwest
were smullnr , thus con firming reports that the
heavy movement In that section had ceased.
I'urniors1 dellvorlps In the northwest wuro very
light and K Isplnlnifd that loccnt accumula
tions on side trucks are about cleaned up.
I'lnrtuutlons were confined within ? ic range
nnd Iho closing wns about ! ic lower than the
closing prices of yesterday.
In corn the fcollng developed , was sieiidlor
nnd valuer ruled somewhat higher. Initial
trades were at aljmit. ilia lltmlquotatlomof
yeslurdny , ciislnr , and sold up a fraction more ,
when the demand Improved and on buying by
parlies supposed to bo acting for llio couplry ,
the price advanced ? , ' < . , rased elf slightly ,
ruled slnidy and closed ' ; o higher. The buyIng -
Ing was supiioscd to cover snort snlc-stmulo
Gome Hum buck nuiilnst crib corn , holders now
taking thi'trprollts and standing long against
the siiino. Thi'i-o was FOIIIO buying In May
and selling of .Inly at about thu name llgiiie- * .
The deiniind for oat.s wa sulllclent to absorli
the supply and cnu etui ailviincnof ? c , After
n slight reiiRtlon the market closed steady at
about , lop llgitius ,
The piovNInn market was strong and fiom
10. ; lo 25f higher for pork , 2c ! lo 5c higher for
lard and from 7Jc ( to 15o higher for I-IIM. Tim
linprovcmi'iit , was attributed lo the stillIstles
of thn hog.movemi.'nt.
I-'ttlmated loci-lpts for : ,
1 108 ! cars ! corn , 281 curs ; outs , 165ciirhogi ; ,
/ > 12,000 head. Monthly , 18,000 : nc.M week , ) .
r j lending futures ranged as follows :
WillAT ! No. 2
December. . .
Jnnunry 7JW
Coitx No. 3
Dcccinljur. . . IOU JOK
.Innimrr 401li
Jlnr 45H
DcfRuibtfr. . . 80 MJS .10now
.Innunry 80WlM SO now
M r 3 | > 1 34' ' ,
.Innunrr 16 P. " , IS H7 K , 73'j ' 15 97K
Mny llili IC4U IU IS It ! 40
.Innimrr . . . . 10 15 10 M 10 l& 10 M
Mnr t ) ! K ) 8 SO V UJ
BlIOHT ItlllH-
Jnnunry. . 860 s fiij R rn
' Mny. . . . 8 IU 8 ca S 77 > l
CaKh nuotntloim were as follows :
KI.OUK Ktcady at ivcenl quotntloni.
WIIKAT No. URprlnx , 7iyc ; N'o. 3 pi
iSO'irs No. a red. 71ic.
L C'oitN Lower ; No. 2 , 40i'c ; No. 3 cash. 30c
yellow , SC c.
OATS-NO. 2. 30c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
8-lJc ! : Nn. 3 while , f. o. b. 31'j&3"Vic.
llVK-No. 2. 01 52c.
liAiu.r.r No. 2 , liiicj No. 3 , t. o. b.I I < a58c
No.-1 , no sales.
KI.AX anr.n-No. 1 , M.10'4. '
TIMOTHY SKED 1'rlme , S2.02.
I'OIIK lioss , ) > or libl. , $14.85ai-t.B7',5i lard
per 100 llH. , JlO.Ob ; short , ribs , sides ( loo-to *
Ja.OO ; iliy salted shoulders ( hoxi'dl. fa.Ot
OH.OD : Miort clear sides ( hoxud ) . J8.0DG.O.OO.
WIIISKV UlMlllers' Ilnlshud goods , per gal.
fl.,10 ,
StinAii fiit loaf , 5VJS5JJC ! graniilalod , 5u
ttndard"A-17lic. !
The following uoro the receipts and ship
ments today :
On thu I'rotliu'o oxchangi ) today the tiulto
market wig jjulpf ; ' > rr' ' ? ry. I'-'C" " ' dalr.v
Ib327c. ligs-s , linn ; strictly frcsh , 255i20c.
N \r York 'Muricots.
Nnw YORK , Dec. 30. l''iomi ' Itpcelpts , 22 ,
140 pkisi. ; n.xporls , 7.744 lihls. , 10,040 sacks
quiet , steady ; sains , ll.lOObbls.
COIIN Jli'.AiJloro active.
WHEAT Koeclpls , 2,350 hn. ; exports , 113 ,
757 bu. ; sales , 700,000 hu. futures ; 0,00
bu. spot. Spots less active , lirmer , with oil
tloiiM No. 2 red , 78 ? . ( < 2 > 7 ! > U'ln Ktoru and elvvu
tor , 70Vi < ii704'c. alloiit , 77M7Jo ! ) f. o. b. ; Ni
3 red , 74i(870o ! ( : imgradi'd red , 75i <
77c ; No. 1 northern. 81i82c ; No.
hard , 874c ! ; No. 2 northiMti , 78 <
No. 2 spline. 78J c. Options were dill.
Huhlgln'r and llrm , the opening wai llrm nn
prices adviincrd fiom ! ( i : In ? c. on tron
cables and foreign huving , declined from ! < c t
Way. 81a'r < (82 3-lCc , cloifiiK ut SI .
llAiu.KV Quiet ; wehVern , GOiJtSOo ! No.
Toronto , 8-JHBOe.
liAiu.r.r MAI.T Quiot.
OOliN Ifecelpts. 22,400 bu. : exports , 18
70B ; hu. ; sales , 385,000 hu. fiitnro * ; 00,01
1)11. spot. H | > ots llrmwbilt quh't ; No. 2 , 40 :
4 ! ) ? „ ( : . In olovatoi" 4'J 11-ltic'alloat : uiiRi-aik
mixed , 4Uc ; No. 3 , 40'sc : stcnmi'iml.M'i
48' e. Options were ! B ( J.C ( hlghi-r and Iti-inu
tra'llngMow and ehlelly switchliiK ; .lanimi"
49a40nc , closlnct nt 40ic ? : l'idruary ) , 40Jii
50u , closing lit OOo ; May. OlH51'c ' , clo , li :
ul. fl3uc.
OATS UccelnlH. 00,700 Ini. ; exports , 872 bn
culu.s , 05,000 Im. fntuniH , 4'J , ( bo bu. spu
Kiiots , dull , firm : options , lirmcr , ijnlci
May mo-it active : May , 38'ie , closed at 38'ji
pot t , No. 2 white , 42i ; : mixed wuhtcrn. 3Gii !
B8e : white western , 4040e ; No. 2 Uhluii
87 > k.
HAY Quiet , steady ; bhlpplni ; , GOc ; good
choice , 75'iJOOc.
HuilAii Haw , firm , moro nctlvo ; fair roll ;
Ing , 3(23 ( 1-OOc ; hiik-H , 7,000 hags centrifugal
00 test , at ! iji'i rollned , firm.
Moi.ARsrjs Now Orleans , fairly active.
Itiois- Fairly autlvii ; domestic , fair to uxtr
84 ! < a.51c { : .Japan , 4'ia,47ic.
Kuos l''lrmiiilut ' | ; western best , 28Jc ! ; r
celpt.s. 4,080 pkgs.
Wooi/-Onli't , llrm ; domest I fleece , 20S32c
pnltud , 20iji32o ; Texas , 15
OnnraK MoilcTatu demand , lirmer.
I'm IIION Qulnl.hteady ; Ainurlcun , $12.0C
Coi'1'Kii-null , ( steady ; lake. 812.2B.
IjKAD-Qlllct ; donusstic. J3.85.
TIN Firmer ! Straits , Jt'J.GO.
Oiuiiliu ri-oiluru .Murlti-t.
Thcro was a llttlo morn llfo to the murk
owing to the fact that the wruk Is drawing
u eleMi and huyers wuro laying In tliulr MI
plies for the Hattnday's trade. Thu market
trotting pretty well cluam-d up attain after tl
Christmas glut and oujzht to ho In good slui
for noxt-weuk. The cold went her was ugrr
thing for .tho hhlppom of jiroduco 114 It e
abled poultry to hu huld until tUoio was
market , for H without very mucllloss. Ann
commission dealer observes that there do
not appear to bu MI much of a demand t
poultry and olbur produce ! for ftmr Vcai
day as them WHS a few years up
Either thu proplo do not set. as mm
Moio upon the holiday u.s formerly
they do not eat as much as they did. rrlc
mo Millionon mo-it till kinds of produc
With Iho clo > o of thu old year Iho RIIIIIII hcasi
COON out. Af lor that rabbits will hu about n
that will bu left for the lovurof wild meat , Goon apples aru quoted ut 3,5C
4.0U ; choice to fancy , f lOOii,4.'J5.
KANAKASQiiotatlons are ; I'alr to go
hipping block , J2.HXB,2.r)0 ( per bunch.
pltU'iTliH--Thu market does not show any m
torliil chaniio and has not for Mime time , Ti
majority of I huwilua of fair to good count
but tor a ru Hindu nt about IGc. The chol
country ROM to Iho retail trmln at about U
CllAMiniuilKS OuotillloiiH are : Hull in
cherry. per hhl , ; hull and buxlu , iO.C
late CapuC'od. (10,00. Thu arrivals on t
inarkuturo light.
CII.IUY : : - 1'iincy coh'ry is dlllleiilt to Hu
Quotations iniiKuall thuiiy from 20c to 41
Koiw Market hteudy ; bulk of thu bales
bright Block , 22ft24e.
U AUKThu season for prnlrlo chlckon , voi
hon , etc. . clost'Hon thu HIM of thu year. Him
i-ubhlis 75c ; jnuk rabbits
HAY The dciimml Is ll ht anil the RUPII
> Nvci .Nal.G.OOao.25iiiulNo 2.85.75.
IIONKYTliu murkut Is lli-ni , good wh |
clover honey bohiK hcnrco at 17c.
I.KUO.NBOholco. . * 4.50i fiinoy. * 5BO.
M AI.AHA ( illAI'Ka 1'ur kt'it , if'J.OO.
OYSTiats rnclIaiiKed ut 13ii35o per can.
ONIONS- Homegrown , U0tr.8&c ! ; HuanUh , $1 ,
per cruto.
OliANHES- Florida , t3.264t3.50 ,
I'DTATOitf Quotuuons urn : Homcgrov
CMi7&ci C'oloiado and Utah , USu.
litUi.T V C'hlckens. choice , Gcs ducks u
gri'fcu 830c ! turkey a lOc.
KWKKT POTATO ta Oholco Muscatlno a
llllnol.1 block. * 3.7&ai.tlO ] ior bbl.
VKAI/- Quotations ; urn : timul | und tut , 0 !
7ci large , uml hvavy , aSOo.
Cotton Murkot.
Nc\Y Ollt.KANB ,
Iocl < , nfi7,770 , hnlo . Wrokly < NVl receipt * ,
Ti,7IO ! cxporti tiidtrnl lirltnln. rj.02ftbiilc ;
o the continent , 20,031) ) coastwise , 12,193 ;
ftle , U7,700. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oil Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Deo. no , - VnTitni.r.ttMSrulpptcil
hroiifthouti not u HlmtloA.tlo roporlnlt I'onn
oil , spot MiloH none ; opt ( OIK , sales
loiiu. 52i hlil , oiforod at Wfr. l.ftnn oil , sales
nonp , lHchld,20iiisked ; lolni stiles , nono.
rirritfil.itM-Qulot : , fli > tul.V ! tinltcd , .
OlITTIlNAKKII Olt/-QlllCt , WO.lkj CrildO , 42J ! ®
43r ; ; yellow. 4G * asln-d.
TAI.MJW MOID active , tinner ; cltyi2.00 for
pkff . ) . fijic.
Hosi.N-Dnll , stpndy ,
TCKi'iiSTiMi ! Qnlri , steady nt 30'V3,3t.
I.ONDO.V , Hue. 30. IlnriNui ) I'KTIIOMIOM
4 is 2d.
Tiiiii'rNTtNnrntiM Q2i4d pnrcwt.
l/tvitni-oot. , Doe. 30.--hiNSKHi ) Oir19J per
St. I.nuls
ST..nut ? , Mo. , Dec. 30. t'l.oun Un-
Witr.AT- "itfch''ovo yesterday scnsli , 07 jfe.
Units-Opi'tipil u fraction above yesterday !
cash , 30e : Mny,41Uf 41fr.
OATS mulier ; cash , 32c ; May , 3 ! ( .
HvK-Qitret ; 40c.
ll.uu.r.v Nothing dono.
I'oitK JI5.50J lii-d : , nominal.
llBCKllTrt-l'loilr bhl . | , 29,000
bu. ; corn , 100,000 bn , ; oats , 38,000 bu. ! rye ,
3,000 bu. ; barley , 1,00.1 bu.
Siiii'MiiM--Hour , 0,000 bbl . : wheat , 11,000
bu. : 1:01-11 : , 101,000 bu. ; o.iti , ll.OOil bit. ! rye ,
0,0001)11. ! batley,4ooi ) bu.
Kini < ns City .
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . le . -WitSAT-nnll
and lower ; No. 2 hard , G3@Glc ; No. 2 red , 08'S
Cou.vPtoady : No. 2 mixed.
OAirtVeaki No. 2 mixed , 'M
UYi-l'lrm : ; Nn.2,50c.
llurrKit Uiii'linnguil , qtllut ; creamery , 25tt
2Hcilull.v ; . , 10WI8C.
Kl 13Qlllot ill 22S24iie. *
Itix'HiprsWheat , 48uyo bu. ; corn , 4,000
bu , ; oats , noun ,
Milip.Mp.vrs Wheat , 00,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000
bu. ; oats , none.
NIMV York Dry OuoiU .llurket.
NKW YOIIK , Otv. 30. Hmlni- ! In dry goods
wasitltnost unlltoly rostrlcled tothncomplo-
lion of former .sales by ilullvory of thn oods.
Aiti'iils comiilalped ( hut they could not Ket
tluitu fasli.'iioititli to int'ot thu demand ot cus
tomers who wui-u wunllii ! ! llietu aliL-ail of llio
ronlrac.l ttmii. Itotwern nifcnts and clothiers
thmii was n relatively uutlvu liuslnuss In now
goods. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l.lvi'rpool .itiirkrts.
Ij iv F.I i root. , Ui ; IIO. 'U'iir.AT rirmi rte-
maud fair ; holders nll'er siiarlngly : n-d
wostoi-n .spring , 15 * parucntiil ; No. 2 ri'd , Os
! Jd. Iteci'liHwheat p-mt. I hreo days , 307,000
contain , liifliidlii 103,000 American.
t'oit.v t'lrni ! demand fair : ml\cil western ,
ts'Jil per cental. llvci'Ints American corn 43-
000 cental ! ) past Ihreu days.
MII.WAUKRK. Wl < s. . Hen. 30. WIIKAT Steady ;
May , 70' Jc ; No. 2sjirlu , GOc.
COIIN Dull ; No. 3 , 3G5iG5ic. ( :
OAT Active ; No. 2 whltu. 32 < 5'334c ' ; No. 3 ,
C'olU'o Murkut.
Nnw Yoaic , Doc. 30. Options opened steady ,
tmcliniiKcil to 0 points up ; clnshiK steady , 20
Traders' Talk.
OiiiCAno. 111. . Hoc. 30. Uounsolinnn fc Day
to Cock roll llros. Commission company :
The year 1802 clones with the markets show
ing a llrm tnno and Indications point to a
largo und prosperous business for Chicago In
1803. Trading on 'change was considerably
Interrupted by horseplay and after 12o'clock
commission merchants found It tedious and
often Impossible to o.\ecuto orders.
Wheat closed llrm at , ! o decline ,
corn was strong , nuts > $ < , higher , pork excited
at 22'c advance. Itird llrm iCmlqiilet nnd 50
lOe. higher and libs active and 15o over the
latrsl prices yestorduy. The markets are
growing broader with increased public con-
ftdcuco and Interest and the professional
trade Is becoming less consplfluiisi In the In-
creiised volumuof Imsim'si.
OlIlCAdiKlll. , Dec. 30. ICennett , Hopkins &
Co. toS , A. MoWhortor : Today's wheat market
has been decidedly of a holiday character.
Trading was small and mostly local. Chicago
seems to bo playing a lone hand in wheat and
to depend but llttlu on the outsldo world foi
news. Cables weio higher , hut the advance
was slmplv a locovery about equal to yester
day's decline , Keceipts at Minneapolis anil
Duluth showed a decrease , bulngonly 300 cars ,
and Duluth was mnrli tinner than Chicago ,
s ! nvlngnn advance of a half .coi'l . ' * il . .luie.
Itis reported that , thr ! ' . . "iiu 10 buying bj
Chicago bull" . Uno fcituio : Is the lessening elli
* li tllsjoiintof July wheat under May hemp
educed l * e a bu. The contract grades ol
vliout In Duluth and Minneapolis have hcciial
in iinduo discount , : iS compared with Chicago ,
'his fact Is causing largo shipments of wheat
o Chicago from points naturally tributary tu
llnneapollsiind Duluth. Not more than G (
icr-ccnt ot this wheat , \ \ 111 grade Chicago con
flict , but the balance Is being received bj
lartlv.s having cleansing houses and by i
lltlo manipulation wo aru able to ralso.thc
grade , und wo may expect a material addltloi
o our stock of contract wheat from thai
ourco. Corn and oats have been llrm bin
mluctlvo and there Is but llttlu news. Pro
Islons have been strong without , apparcn
ideiinutc cause. It Is evident that promluon
ocul bulls have been willing to accept the !
n-ollts , but It now looks as If with thu presen
ihh prlco for hogs the outside world will taki
told of the jirlces anil forru them Ktlll higher
CrilOAflo , 111. , Dec. 30. ! ' . (3. Logan & Co. ti
Jiincan , llolllngei-Ai Co. : The wheat inarke
at the opening was fairly active with a moderate
orate outside business dnlng. The promlneni
mylng washy houses having connect Ions li
Now York. 1-orelgu advices are steady will
nore disposition to buy for forward delivery
The. tone of the market here Is bullish and wil
lo better If weather conditions favor It , Tin
corn market has been narrow and at time
vorv dull. Wo feel very friendly to corn 01
ill declines. Oats fluctuated with corn nil !
, 'ory llttlo doing. Thu provision market I
I'ory strong. The continued light receipts o
ings and small stocks Is making the specula
ivu buying much better. L'nless hog receipt
Increase prices will go higher.
London l-'iiiiim-ml ICovlcw.
[ C ? > I > l/rf/7iJciI ( lS32b < i Jama n miinisnrieff.l
LONDON , Dec. 30. [ Now York Herald Cnhlo-
Speclal to Tin : Itiu.l : Tlu > settlementchlell
engaged the attention of the Stock tsxeliiing
today , and In this connection no dllllciillli
liavo been reported. Ilustiiess for the nu
iiccount has been restricted. Consols relapse
Jiil on loallKiilloiiR , hut Indian rupee pa pi
maintained a rise of ! < d. Foreign goveriiiiien
securities losu their Irregular appearanci
Moro steadiness was reported on the Purl
bourse. I'orelgn railways were more or lei-
firm all day and close lliulr best , Hull llnni !
ley and North Ilrltlsh deferred advanced
percent , North British preferred' ? * per iei :
and neai-ly all othura from u to ! i per cen
Thn tendency of Americans was di
cldedly bettor In response lo the Improve1
tone in New York. In a few Instunei
prices relapsed slightly fiom their bei
points but a general ad vnnco wasestabllshe
Including 1 percent In I/.iko Shore , li percei
In New York Central , Northern I'acltlc prefei
unco , Ohio 't Mississippi , and ! j lo ii percei
In nil other. ) . Canadian Pacific was ? 4' percei
higher and llrand Trunk preference was ! I
) l. The feat nro among foielgn railways Is tl
ndvnnco in Ill's ! prefurenco 1 } ( pi
cent , also "In Mexleiin second preferenc
There was a good demand for monoy. Him
loans werocharxo 1J ! to 2 per real. The ill
count market was quiet , two and thn
months bills were quoted at , litoli ! per cen
Upward SInvamniit Tunipornrlly Chuclceil li
Additional Cold K\mrlH. |
NKW Yonif , Dec. 30. The stock market ill
played considerable strength again today , i
the opening of business .Manhattan and l.acl
, iiwiinna advanced ' , ' , | > or cent , whllo the gci
' crul list Improved to the extent of' ' ( to 1 pi
cent. The upward movement received a ten
porary check when it became known th :
7500,000 gold had boun engaged for hhlpmei
to Kuropo by the steamship Norimuulie , th
having served as an excuse for an advance fi
the rate for call loans from G to 10 per cen
Manhattan declined 3 > { per cent and I.acki
wanna 14 per cent , hut the general list w :
not materially alfected , as it soon transpire
the gold shipment was on a special order nt
that banks uml trust companies were willli
JendoMof money , the rate for which decline
to 3 to 5 percent ,
The extreme dec-lino outsldo of the stoc
named was lj ! per cunt In Heading , which so
down to f52. The subsidence of the fea
about a serious Hurry in money over tl
annuul settlement imido the niurkot decided
strong. Manhattan was thn spoclnl card ni
Mild lip from 14H { lo J52l9kl52U , leildll
u hanking houses having been thu nrlnclp
buyers on Iho Knowledge that thu failure
the underground rapid transit scheme w
enable the backers of Iho Manhattan Klevuti
to secure thu fiu-llllles for thu extensli
of their system , which they have been seokli
to obtain for u long time. American sng
wusuUo prominent , selling up fiom 1083 , ;
n , 111) ) ? un enormous trutisuutlons. Ono fit
along took over 13 ( HK1 shares. Chlcugo Ui
Northern I'uellio preferred , Missouri 1'ucl
uml Western Union ranked next In Important
but as u matter ot fact thu wholu murk
clo > ed strong with an advancing tendency.
It H thought ( hut very llttlo business will
transacted ut the f.xrluingo tomorrow , T
member * have subscribed liberally to t
fund to carry out ( ho usual Now Yen
festivities. They have secured u Chrlstni
tree twenty-llvu to thirty tout hleh-und lad
It with presents that uru considered uppi
prlatu ( or thu h-udlng membern of thu i
chuu.e. A brawi buua htu been
HIP tiroccediiv i nnd HIP fun l O.T-
la boftlu n' nbo'i' u qiuiMcr pa-.t in.
TliP INxt MI.V : TinniirniPiilliff | | ! liolldnsrs
ftml the lliHi-ltlliK itTPi-tct the clmpof Ifio
ypardoniln.iJpil denlif In lluxtiwk mnrKcl
todny. Whllo lh opi-niujt wns MIOIIX , them
followdl alternate peiloiM ot Mroligth und
wwtknpM f > ntiioinnrkoi wn vnnVil.
The followttiK lire tlie Ploslnp , onotatlcns of
the londlna stocks on Iho Now Yoik Stock e.i-
change today :
4r.i i ! Chicago' tins , IH.iiOO ; Iiic1 < : i\vamit : ,
n.uuoj Dlsillllir , ' , 1-t.UOO ; .Manhattan , Ul.dOOi
MNiluuvl I'lielllc. 15,400 ; Now Ktizlaml. H.J100 ;
Noi'thcrn I'liclilcprcfoiTrMl , 15,000 ; Itr-adln ,
50.000 ; SI. I'anl. 0,1001 KiiKitr , 40.20U | Union
I'aclllc , 3,300 ; Western Union , 4,400.
Now Vork .Mtincy Sturltot.
NKW YOHK , PJO. 30. Mo.vr.v ON OAI.II
Was falrlv ncllve , I'lniKln from 35T.10 per
Rent ; last loan , 0 per cunt ; closed offered at
0 iiei'cvnt.
I'ltiMK .Mr.ncASTii.r.l'.M'iat ftftOper cent.
Hi'iiii.tMi KXCIIANMK Hlcaily , with actual
husliii > siUt ! > 4.H&ii < ful.r ) & ? . [ for h\ty | day hanlc-
ci-s1 lilll-t and SI.HT'.i'an.b ? fordcmand ,
The I'loiln ; iiuotatlons on
Ilostiin Stock ( Jnitiitlons.
BOSTON , JIass. . Doc .10. The following nro
the closing stock quotations :
bid. lex dlv.
S.v.i I'r.tni'ltoo Mining Storks.
FAX 1'iiAxc'HOo , Cat. , lic. ) ! 30. The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follow.- , :
AH'l ' . ' .I Mu.xlcan IW )
Dultvcr l"i Mono 15
llnlcher llU Ophlr UK )
llrKt Alielchnr iii : 1'otosl PJJ
IteillB Consolidated 2.i SnriiKO Ill )
Chnllar ( U .Stern' ; . v- i _ . *
Con. Cnl. . .1Vn . . . " " Ua'un lonsolld-ited 110
-c'.wi. iv ; mL ij ; Utah . - . 5
liuuld A Curry Kb Vullow Jacket f > 5
llulo A NorcroiH. . . . 10J Xev. CJui.c'i ) 5
Now York .Mlnhij ; OnotiitloiiH.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 30. The following aro" the
closing milling quotations :
Cionn t'ulnt ft ) IMyinoitth 'i5
Con. Cnl. nnd Va. . . . HO Sierra Nevada 125
Deadwoud 12j Standard 140
Clonlil A Currjr 70 Union Con ID'J
HaloA Norcros ] . . . . 70 Vellow Jacket 40
Ilomujtnka iUO : ! ron tillror 4U
Mexican 110 Quick silver 3MI
Ontario I.1JU do prcr'd.)6UO
Uplilr ! Kj niilwcr 15
l-'lnituclal Moles.
KANSAS OITY , JIo. , Dec. 30. Clearings , $1-
1'Aitis , Dec. 30. Thrco per cent rentes , 951
75c for the account.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 30. Clearings , $110,018-
904 ; balances , 5G7373.
Xr.w Yonu , Dec. 30. Government bond'
flrin. State bonds neglected.
I'Hii.Aiir.U'itiA , 1'a. , Dec.-30. ' Clearings
$12,001,003 ; balances , $1,017-I45.
HAVANA , Dec. 30. Spanish gold , $2.D5Q
2fj&JX ; exchange quiet ; sugar steady.
H.U.TIMOia : , 5Id. , Dec. 30. Clearing- ' , $1,835 ,
415 : balances f'JlJJ.ii'Jd. .Money , G pcrccnt.n
MllMi'llIS , Tenn. , Dec. 30. Clearings , $399 ,
755 : balances , $131Uj'J. Now York e.Ncliangi
selling at par.
LONDON , Dec. 30. Amount of bullion with
drawn from tlio Haul ; of England on bahinci
today , iJ'JO.OOO.
CINCINNATI. O. , Dec. 30. Money , 430 pc
cent. Now York e.-iohange , 50c premium
Clearings , $2,311.600.
PT. LOITIS , Mo. , Dec. 30.--Clearings , $3,339.
818 ; balances , 'JH0.770. Money qnlot , OTU
percent. K.schansjo on Xew York , 75c piem
HOSTON , Mass. , Dec. 30. Clearings , ? 15 ,
703,040 ; balances , ? 1,5'J1,373 , Money , U1 ® '
per cent. Kxchango on Now York , lOc dlb
count to par.
nilCAOO , 111. , Dec. 30. Clonrlngs , $17,700 ,
203. Now York o.vchange , SOu prcmliin
Sterling exchange , stronger ; H.85Ufor slxl
day bills , and M.MS for bight drafts. Mono ,
strong , 0 percent.
Nr.w YOHK , Dec. 30. In addition to th
$500,000 gold reported ongatred for exiioi
to Huropo. $200,000 has been'taken for ship
niL'iit to Canada , inalclng the total bent ucroi
the border this week ,1850,000 ,
Cattle Murket Oiilrt-llogi Sell
* " Sheep .Marliut Finn.
OMAHA , Dec. 30 , The receipts of cuttlo wet
l.GOO , us against 2.G30 yesturday , making
total for the llvo days ot 11,241 licud. I'rlci
on anything salable weio steadier today , n
though the trudu wus pretty dull throiighou
Thoru wus a very light shipping demand , mil
us locul houses woiu piutty well loaded u
buyers were not Incllnud to Impiovo prlcus o
anything. A fair clearance was , however , ol
fected , pi-Ices ruling ulxmt hteady.
Cows und heifers sold about Ihu sumo use
yesterday , thu supply being made up of con
mon and medium weight stulV. Local boust
bought qnlto fully and by noon thu pens hu
been prulty well cleared of ull holdings.
Thu stocker and feeilur markut wus rathe
quiet ns is usually tlio case on Friday. Huh
made fallow immaterial change in prlco fro
those prevailing thu pust fuw days. Uepn
bcntutlvu sales :
3 G5
3 70
3 70
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 80
3 85
3 85
3 00
4 U )
4 30
4 40
3 40
3 5G
3 Gil
4 0 ( ]
4 3EJ
2 2C
2 2C
2 2C
2 2J
u a :
2 2
o or
2 2
J 21
2 2f
2 2J
2 2 !
a ai
2 3 (
a 31
a si
2 3 !
a si
2 41
a 4 <
1 1070 2 00
2. . . . . . OCO 200 3 1030 275
1 COO 200 1 71O 273
i nio : 200 o OOB a o
3 433 225 7 700 280
2 11115 225 7 877 285
IU 805 230 53 883 200
2 410 230 20 800 200
1 HIM ) 235 3 880 200
7 407 240 3 810 205
8 722 250 3 820 205
2 510 253 2 830 300
3 073 2 53 1 740 3 00
2 400 2 110 1 750 3 00
1 430 200 2 1220 300
7 lOlit ) 205 7 871 300
2 575 203 15 838 300
17 014 2 70 1 1000 3 IO
0 703 275 1 080 325
63 feeders. 000 S2 00
lions Itecclpts cuntlntio very llijlit , only
4,01)0 ) iccolvuil. showing n bis decrease ns com
puted with sumo day a week ngo. lluyi'i-s
opened llio innrkut by bidding prices itcncrully
5c nml on some 5o to lOc lowur , mill lliu mornIng -
Ing passrd with but few IIOJJH Koln over the
scales. Later In the day tlio feel Ins became ,
stronger mid prices tit the uloso wore not over
u nickel lower tliiin yesterday' : ) general trudu.
Tlio iiuallly of thu offering ! * were nothing
isxtrn , but few choice buleliurorhoavy weight *
on sale , the grunt bulk connl.itIiijj of light and
inlxt'd hots. Prices ranged from &G.35 on light
ml.xcil to ili.524 ! on shipping grades , the great
bulk of the fair to Rood Hi nil' soiling at 40.45
with u fair sprinkling ut iG.OOuiid u number
of moro common hogs lit 50.40 , The elosu WHS
active mill .stronger with I ho pens well cleared
before midday , , Koprusuntutlvo sales :
i0..118 60 5 00 40..189 40 G 10
03..108 40 5 70
Siir.Gi1 The receipts consisted of three loads
f mixed native killers and two loads of stock
ambs. Prices are ijuotfd llrm. l-'alrto good
mtlves , $ U.OOI 4.76 ; fair to good westerns ,
; ) . 'J.ii4.50 ; common and slock sheep , $2.25
U.3.GO ; good tochoico40to 100-lb lambs , $4.00
Itc-oclpts and Dlsiiiisltlim oTStot-U.
Receipts at the Union Stniik Yards , South
Omaha , Neb. , for twenty-four hours ending
it 5 o'clock p. in. December 30 , 1892 :
Clilcngo T.lvo Stock Murllel.
OIIIOAOO , 111. , Doc. 30. ISpo Ial Ti'legram ( c
Tun Ilii.l : : The innrkot for steers was not a
whit Improved. It was as dull us yesterday
mil only u llttlo less weak. The greater par !
if the supply wus weighed at from S2.0O ti
KJ.50 for i-.ows , hclfer.s und bulls and ut. fron
[ 3,40 to 4. 75 for steers. The calf market was
llrm at from i'J.OO to .irj.75.
At yesterday's decline lucre was compara
tively n steady hog maikot. There wore slgn >
of a further weakening uround the op.-nlng o !
[ mslnuss , but. prices worked firmer us tin
morning advanced and finally closed strung
The extreme topof the inurkut was fO.OO. Twi
or lliro.o lots changed ownorsut that llguru bin
thoorfurlngs did not Include many hogs ol
itlmn quality und by i-ufurimcn to Ihu pub-
.Ished sales It will bn seen most of Iho stull
was weighed below $0.80. Heavy weights soli
rincipally at from ttJ.riO to $0.80 and fron
G.50 taJG.GO took Iho greater part of the llghi
weights. Poor lots of light und mixed welu'hl-
worn closed out us low us from 80.00 to J0.2 !
und there weio sales of culls at from $4.00 u
I'rlces for both sheep und lambs uro hlghci
than they weru a week ago , not so much on an
count of any special activity In HID demand
us of a si'uiity supply. Thu wants of the truth
worn rather below thn average. In fact , bu
with receipts of only about , 3,000 head price
were worked up to from $3.50 to $5.00 for pee
to choice hhoep und to from 4.25 to $ G.40 fo
poor to choice lambs. Although the quality o
thu oU'crlnzs averages much heller than It dli
a few weeks ago , wus llttlo stock tlm
could properly bn classed as choice , and sale
were largely at from M. 25 to f 5.00 for sheo ]
and at from (5.5" io fi.20 for Iambs. Fee
west ei n sheep sold IM high as $5.15 uml som
choice fnd Muvlcaiis fulehed $5.30.
Heculpts Cuttlo , 12,000 houdj hogs , 21,000
sheup , tl.OOO. - / .
Thu Kvciilig.ToiiriU ) ! reports :
.K Heculpls" , 12,000 head : shipment !
3,5t)0 ) : market dulli'ciioleo to prime native.
J3X ( > a4.50 ; stooKoiji ! J3.00a.3,25j cuilliort
? 1.00fi2.25 ( : COWS , $2.Bua,16. : )
linns Itecelitsi'Jt,000 | ! head ; Khipmont'
0,000 head ; markut.i ucllvu , steady ; roug
and common , fU.l&ytaj ( ) mixed und puckcri
fG,5 ( G.G5 ; iirlmut'henvy ' uud butcher. '
weights , } G.70 < aG.OO ; .light , 0.35ati.G2'/ ' .
SIIKI ; ! ' Hecolpts , 4,000 head ; market steady
imtlvi's.ftl.Tfy&G.UOt w'csterns. ! .80a5,05 ; fe
TCXIIIH , 14,75 ; lumb3,75aG.25. , (
.Vow York f/.Iye Stork Alurkot.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec ) .10. llr.KVKS Hocolpt !
2,210 head , Including- cars for sale ; mat
ket opened firm ; clnied dull at lOo IKT 100 Ib
lower ; ntttlvu steers , * 3,355J5.GO per 10O Ibs
Tuxnns and Culnrudos , } 3UO ; 4,15 ; hulls an
cows , $1.75sa3,75j Urossod beef steady ut 8 {
Uile. iierlb , Hhlpments tomorrow , 343 beuvc
und 0,570 qimrtors of beef
OAI.VES Keei'lpts , 10H head ; market stead )
veula , iO.OOii'J.OO per 100 Ibs ; grabbers , 2.50
2.75 ,
HilKKi' AND LAMIIS Mecolnts , 2,550 hcai
murkut dull but sleady : sheup , J3,501/,1.1
per 100 Ibs , ; lambs. * 5.5 < > ftG.50.
Houa Kecolpts , 8,311 head , consigned d
reel : markut nominally steady at 50 , 40110. t
porlOOlb-i , _
St. T.ouU l.lvo Stock Murknt.
HST. Louis , JIo. . Doc. 30. OATTI.U Hocolpl
1,300 head ; slilpmonts , 300 bead : murk' '
steady ! fair to good nutlvo hirers , I3.10tt4,0 :
choice , M,75icO.OO : ningobtecrs , J2.1033li
rungo cows , { 1,25 2.25.
liotisltuculpts4,000 head ; shipment
300 headi niurkot fct'uady ; heavy , fG.40UO.7l
packing , SiV.IOiW.U5 ; light , tU.45 GGO.
HllKKl' Receipts. 4.400 head : sblnment
none ; murkut steady ; fair to good , I3.00Q.5.4
choice to extra mutton * , (4.75&5.50 ,
Thousands sink into an early grave f
want of a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syru
This great remedy would have saved tuei
Oloso of One of the Most Prosperous Years
in the Oouutr/s History.
Arc StiirtlliiR In Tlirlr Drnonil-
Triulo CnndltlniK ( loud mid
( IronIn ) ; lloltrr Kcpiirli of I'rot.
from All .Serllom.
N'r.w Vonic , Icit0. ! . K. 0. Dun & Co. 'a
weekly review of tnuloi Tlio most prosper
ous year over known In Imstnosft closes today
with stiwigly fnvorublo indications for tlio
future. Worn iioarly nil ixiltits mines tlio
ronort that the holiday Undo has been the
largest ever known , uml , whllo the whole
sale tvado Is not ustially netlvc nt this sea
son of stocic inking , It Is now remark
ably large. SeUloments through clearing
houses otitslilo of Now York in December
weroapiwrently the lai'Kcst over made in
any month , exceeding last year's by move
than 10 per cent. For the jTar the volume
is also about 10 per eent larger than last
year , and thu largest over Icmwn. U-iltroail
earnings in December show an Increase of
about : ) per cent over last , and for Iho
year an Increase of i about 5.5 per eent. Kor-
CRII ! trade has been smaller than last
yisur in volume of exports at Now York b.v
$ i > 00,000 In value for the past four weeks
and at eotton ports about SM.UDO.OW ) less , but
Imports at Now York Imvo been $3.UOO.OOU
larger and tlio month still shows a emit ex-
enss of exports , for the year the excess of
merchandise exports has been not far from
§ 70,000,000 , with Uio largest imports and the
largest total of exports and Imports ever
known in any year.
IIUTIMMCA In All I.lncs of Truth1.
The year closes with nil woolen , eotton
and silk machinery fully employed and un
sold stocks of goods much lighter than
usual , while the demand for the coming sen-
son already exceeds tlio capacity of
many mills. The orders in dry goods
afo extraordinary. Kales of wool
at : the chief markets have been
300,000,000 Tpouiuls against 210.000,000 last
year and foreign imports have oreii the larg
est over known , with a domestic supply but
slightly behind the largest. Shipments ol
boots and shoes from the cast have been
percent laigcr than last year and nearly J !
per cent larger than in any previous yoai
while tlio increase in dry goods has been
over 40 per cent.
Uusincssat Chicago is peed in all lines.
especially in heavy dry goods. A decrease
appears in sales of securities and real estate ,
and , for the week , receipts of hogs and lard ,
wool and Hour , seeds and dressed beef show
considerable decrease from lust year , but liv
crease appears in cattle , corn and hides , ami
receipts of barley , oats , cheese , butter uml
wheat arc moro than double.
Holiday trade was very good at Milwaukee ,
Uusincss at St. Paul exceeds last year's
and is largo at Minneapolis.
Business at Omaha and at Kansas City is
satisfa 'lory.
In tliu Croat Industrie * .
The iron trade is weaker. The demand
for finished products being at present
light. Hut steel rails have beei :
reduced to $20 per ton , and sales ol
78,000 tons have followed. This preal
industry has been much affected by the mar
ket for securities , which has been doprossci
for some months by foreign selling ani
monetary uncertainties , so that companies
have been restricted in changes of rates am
supplies. But for the past week stocks have
been stronger , gaining about S'3 per share ii
average price. Speculation in products has
been comparatively inactive , though whcal
has been advanced by the western pee
nearly ii cents. Corn has been strung will
diminished receipts.
The year Ib'Jii was remarkable for fowei
failures than over occurcd in any Oilier yoai
since 1SSO , the number reported being 104- : !
or 1,020 less t linn hi 1891. Thu indebtedness o :
Unns failing was but $114,00(1,000 ( in 1S ! > :
against $18' ' ,000,000 in I'JOI.aml about the sami
in 1KUO. The average liabilities of firms fall
ing in 1S'J2 has been only $11,000 , the lowest
average reported since ISIS. In IS'.U ' enl ;
ono in every UH trades failed , against one ii
every 03 in 18'Jl , and one in every 10 : ) it
Oiniilm Makus Another liouil Showing lie
liortHlroni Oilier Cltlos ,
NEW Youtc , Doc. HO. The following table
compiled by Bradstreet , gives the elearin ;
house returns for the week ending December
comber 29 , 189'2 , and the pei\'ontage of in
crease or decrease , as compared with tin
corresponding week last year :
Continued Holiday DulliiPHN lias C'uuseil
Kllglit DpprpHHlun.
NKW YOIIK , Dee , HO. Hrudstreet's tonic
row will say : The features of tlio gcncr
trade situation tills week are found in tl
continued holiday dullness , stimulus us
the coul trade duo to the cold snap , and tl
announueincnt that the pig Iran stocks u
oversold , competition by makers for orde
for manufactured 'iron and the cut of $1
tlio steel rail combination , lower pric
for soft steel nt St. Ixiuls , for rice at Ni
Orleans , cotton ut Uoston , and corn and on
with small advances on wheat , hogs and s !
Roods , uud steady quotations for wool , ci
ton. sugar und cuttle.
The close of the year finds the spcculati
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning
tin Fnrnniu St.
JMSAN0 ! ! _ NIS. _ J BI3YCUS.
Bemis Omaba H , 0 , Daxon ,
Importers And minufrs. lllcrclos sold on monttdf
Hour sntki , burlnpj ,
twine. pnyiuonU ISJN.Uth.
Morse-Coo Shos
- Company ,
Vnrtory corner llth nnd IKnitftA Street * .
WP nrr maHltia cloo prlc-i to osuli Innorv an I nro nohm ( if if.xull nhlclili VIT'JT SAlosblo
and investment share market dull and
apathetic. Leading eastern rolling mills are
stocked with raw materials sulllciont to last
a month and manufacturers are not buying
at the moment. Total stocks of wool in the
country are estimated at 1,0K ( ) { > ,000 pounds ,
or 0,000,000 pounds less than one ycarujio.
Southern merchants report wholesale
trade seasonably quiet , while the prospect
for distribution in IS'JH is regarded favorably
in Now Orleans , HirnihiKlmm , Cialrestoii ,
Memphis and Richmond. Atlanta dealers
say retailers have small stocks. Some ex
citement exists nmoiur Charleston dealers
owing to the new liquor law. The total vol
ume of trade at the south is believed
to bo in excess of that oC IS'.ll. ' Southern
iron furnace stocks are tlio lowest for thir
teen months and arc regarded as normal ,
there huinsr but two weeks' supply.
Seasonable quiet is noticeable at western
centers , while without exceptio.n a good
trade is anticipated early in 1S'J3. '
The I'acilio coast is very dull. The wheat
promise in California has been helped bv
rains this wee ! : .
The unexpected decrease of 1,0.11.000
bushels of available wheat east of the
Hocky mountains stimulated prices and
trade simultaneously , bccnnso it was unex
pected and to some people inexplicable. The
missing wheat had been shipped from north
western elevators and no doubt will in part
reappear again. Snow storms and Christ
inas celebration caused part of the appar
ently heavy decline. But it is about time
for regular weekly decreases of available
wheat to show themselves. Exports from
both coasts this week ( flour included ) equal
2,017,000 bushels , against l/Mr.OOO last week ,
alOti.000 bushels ono year ago , 1,031,000
bushels in the week two years ago and lb'J3-
000 three years ago.
There has been no striking changes in
Dominion trade circles.
Speculation DlstlliKnMK'd liy ItH Dullness
nnd tlio Ahsonvu of Murki'tl features.
New YOIIK , Dec. I0. ! Hradstrccfs Weekly
Wall Street Hoview says : The speculative !
movement has been distinguished only by its
dullness and the absence of any general fea
tures. The approach of .laiiiiary 1 with its
changes and settlements has a restraining in-
lluenco upon bullish feeling , which was rein
forced b.v the remembrance of the
recent squeoso in the money mar
ket. On the other hand the decline
of exchange Crates seemed to dimin
ish the sense of apprehension in regard to
the financial situation , which overhangs the
"street , " an even the engagement on Friday
of $ T > 00,000 gold for export failed to create an
impression , it being regarded as the outcome
of past business exchange anil not of the
actual conditions which govern depart
ment , because exchange may in f.tcl bo
ascribed to the exceedingly slack inquiry
for remittances , though it is understood that
offerings of commercial bills have increased
and that the bankers are less apprehensive
in regard to the continuance of it high level
of exchange accompanying their drafts aftci
January 1. Tlio money market was favorably
ably- affected by thes's- ' considerations as
well as by the more pjsitivo indications of a
very largo ( low into the treasury.
AVool .S
HOSTON , Mass. , Deo. 'M. The Commercial
Bulletin will print tomorrow in its annual
statement , with its review of the wool trade
of the United Slates , tlio following interest
ing comparisons with 1801 : Tlio numbei
of sheep in the country increased froii
4i-KW00 : ! ! to -iiiiuo. : ) ! . The Unltci
States clip increased from 11)7,175 ) , 1711 t (
: : ) , ( ) mr > or > pounds. The total stock in tin
country is but ( i3ir , ! > l,00 < ) pounds domestic
and -18,388,875 pounds foreign , against 78 ,
.HH,4K1 ( pounds domestic and 'JUIYl.bWi pound :
foreign on December ill , Ih'Jl. The con
sumption of all grades of wool by Amcricai
Inills show an incruuso of M.000,000 pound :
_ _
Nmv IniliiHtrh-s In thu South ,
CIIATTANOOOA , Tenn. , Deo. HO , The Trades
man has compiled reports of new Industrie :
established during the year 1 1602 in thostate ;
of Alabama , Arkansas , Florida , Georgia
Kentucky , Umlsinna , Mississippi , Nortl
Carolina , South Carolina. Tennessee , Texas
Virginia and West Virginia. The total i
! 2-IIO ; ! ) ! less than for Ib'Jl ; r > 03 less than fo
i.fa'JO and 141 less than for Ibb'J.
iuunnil I'rollt.
The dfslro for residing In a climate possess
ing qualities alike adapted to the benefits o
people of weak lungs , catarrh , dcllcat
throats , oto. , is growing stronger from yea
to year. The moro accumulation of mono ,
at the expense of health Is not regarded 1
the satno favor as formerly , The combiui :
lion of pleasure and profit is now n'garde
as most dcsirablo. In no place in Amcric
ia there a point where this combination c >
ists to n greater degrco than Clalvcsto
county , Texas , The wonderful growth c
North Gnlveslon and the handsome prollt
that are being steadily inndo thcro , both b
capitalists and men of small mcaim , lias bee
attracting the attention of investors from it
parts of the United States , The lltcratnr
of the North Ualveston association givin
fully detailed information on thu subject ca
bo obtained from Franklin F , William !
Omaha , Neb. , local agent of the associutioi
Tlio address of the general oDIco being til
North Galveston association , box DM , Alii
neapolls , Minn.
I''or tlu > .Iiirkmiiiluii llunijiii'l.
The annual dinner of thu Jucksimlun clii
will bo given Saturday evening , January '
ut the I'nxlon hotel. The affair will boui > o
a very elaborate scale , and ono of tliu 11101
memorable of the annual banquets of tli
club.A meeting was held last evening and tl
Rector A Willielmy LobeckA Linn ,
coMi'.v.vr ,
Dealer * In hurdnnto n4
LorncrlOth findJtokson mechanic * ' toots ,
tftfJJU. 1101 IMnalnt SI ,
Y/.A.LGibuon&Co. /
untrnpi ,
BlovoK. inlllom , ,3ih
nnd llnrnpjr ? ls.
John A , Wakefleld , Charles R. Lee ,
Importod.Anu'rloiinl'ort. llnrdnoo.l lumber , woi
tnml ponu'iit , .Mllw.iu- carpet * an I par < | nol
Veaoomt'nl nnJijulnor llootlntt ,
whllo IliL-o. Dili and
uQuojs. j MiuiHinif , _
Co. , IJas. A. Clark # Co. ,
I'rodnco , fruits of all f Itiittor , chni'e ,
ponltrv and cami
kinds , oysters. ' 1117 S. iith : M.
Q jEr OJ\IA.TIA. .
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ofnalia.
Ic ) t Cnlllo Ilo nnd Sliucp market In tlio west.
Wood Brothers.
South Omalift Telephone 1157. Chicago.
JOHN l > . MAOISM AN , I . . . . „ „ , , ors .
WAi.TUK 15. WOOD , rMnllBl >
Market Hcpom by mall and ulro clieorfiilty tur
nlslioil upon application
members of the club arranged for the com
ing event. It was decided to issue 3SO invi
tations , niul it is expected that plates will
bo laid for ' . ' 00 guests at $ . " > per plate.
Invitations have been forwarded to Hon.
, John C. Ulack of Illinois , ex-commissioner ot
i pensions ; Representative MuKcnzio of ICen-
tvaky , flovernor Uoios of Iowa , Governor
Koyd , Hon. W. .T. Bryan and J. Sterling
Morton. The invitation committee- hope-
I fid that each of these distinguished disciples
] of democracy will accept the invitations and
bo present at the dinner.
The committee on program was unpointed
and will bo early at work arranging for the
speakers , and will announce later what they
have agreed upon.
The "No. 0" Wheeler & Wilson will not
break the thread nor impair the stitching If
rim in the wrong direction. Sold by Gco. W.
Lancaster & Co. , 514 S. Kith street.
AtiXt ) UXUllMKX'l S.
Mile , Ubea will oloso her limited engage
ment at Doyd's theater with two perform
ances , u matinco at 20 : ! ! this afternoon ,
when she will repeat "Josephine , Kinprcss
of the French , " and tonight at S , when slid
will be seen ns Beatrice in Shakespeare's bril
liant comedy , ' 'Much Ado About Nothing. "
Mile. Hhca's perfornrinco takes on very
much the appearance of society events , nml
she is always greeted by audiences composed
of haul ton of upper tendom.
Sunday evening at Hoyd's theater that
lopular romantic act'or , Mr. James O'Neill
will make his first Omaha appearance in
"our years , and with n now play. "Fon-
tonello , " the drama in question , has met
with mi bounded SUCCOSH wherever presented ,
mil according to report is oven stronger
.ban the well known actor's famous ' -Monto
Cristo. " Mr. O'Neill is supported by an un-
isually largo company , and the scenery ia
j-oin designs and was painted by lluid and
Fox of the Fifth avenue , theater , Now
York , and the correct historical costumes
ire by Mine. Thompson nnd M. Hermann of
.lni motropjlis. Sale of scats commences
this morning.
flto Workingman's quartet and the Twin
City trio in the powerful moloilrama , "Mas
ter and Man , " bring the usual encores that
accompany good vocal music.
Messrs. Slimns and Pottit certainly scored
i dramatic success when they placed "Mus-t
tcr mid Man" before tin English and Amor-
lean audience. The play deals with labor
and capital on an arbitrary basis and is in
teresting and instructive throughout. At
thu Farnam Street theater ono week , comi
mencing with Now Year's matinee ( Sunday )
January 1 , Monday , Wednesday and Satur *
day matinees.
No use to dimy the fact , that Salvation Oil
is fast taking Urn place of all other linlmeiiU.
Miirrlni ; Mi'i'iisr * .
The following marriage licenses were
Issued by the county Judge yesterday :
Nnmo and address , ARC.
I Anton K. Illlsi'k , Weston , Null . 20
1 llarbara Dlbi'lka , Onmlin . 10
i William Hoott , a rut mi , Neb . 25
1 iliinna t'llflon , Uiiitnii . , . 17
I Itcrudl Urolson , Mliidcn , Noh . 46
1 ChrlMlno I'llls , Uinnha . ' . 95
j Henry U , llacon. Chapman , Nub . 20
1 Xelllu S. Btova , .Mauriiitl.O . , . 20
i'tiust , N. I'lurMin.Houlh Omaha . 20
I llunna Olson , South Onmlin. . . . , . 2U
i.lumes K , .Mek'iiHle , Houtli Omaha . 20
I May Uniy , Houth limaha . . . . . 17
KIIIISIIH Oily l.lvn Kloi-k .M
eel pi 4 , 2.000 head ; hhlpnicnlH , 1,001) lioudi
niori ) active , hteady to hlfDiii ; KL-nunilly ; Hhlu-
pln ' sleern , U.'J&Itu.OU ] htockorti and fuudurs.
' .00)7f : ) ) .
lions ItecolptH , 8,000 liund ; HhlpmunU.
1,2011 head ; good , Mrong ; common , dull
\M > nk ; ull K'-udes ' , & .OOUO,7ij ; bulk ,
, ,
Kuiii'.i' locolits,70huail ( | | bhlnmiinlN , nonot
KOOI ! miiltons Htronuj otliurH noKli-clod , wuuk |
nuittoiiN , $ t,2u.
Wo Offer row a Itamedy
trAe/t ( Ininrct Safety to
Zlfe of Mother and CMlit.
Kola Confinement of its (
1'aln , Jlorror andlllilt ,
AflrrnilnganotMtlleof " Motber'n Friend" t
WL-uUnm afterward inual tu cuch catu
AMXIK Oiaic , Laiuir.Mo. , Jan. UtU , U91.
010) DY