Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered liy rnirlur to any , pftrt of the city
TPt . . FPiinvvq . iHiulnMHOfllrc I NlRlll Kdltor N3
N , Y , Plumhlni ? Co.
Council Bluffs I.timnor Co. Coal.
A slclphlntf party will leave the Or.imi
liotcl this afternoon at 1:80 : o'clock for
Omnhn ,
Her. Dr. Stone of Omnhn will preach nt ( lie
Congregational church Sunday morning and
Mr. and Mrs. FInloy Hurfco will cntortnln
tlielr friends next \Vrdncsduy and Thursday
nt their homo on Oakland uvcmie.
Ixnvls D. Ciilwcll and Miss Satllu K.
J-cvIck , both of this city , wcro married last
Tuesday I'veiilni ? nt the residence of the
bride's brother , Her , \V. C. Lovlulr.
The funeral of Mrs. Kllwi Soar will talte
jilacoutU ; . ' ! < ) o'clock this afternoon from the
Broadway Methodist rhuivh , the remains
beliip Interred In FnlrvU'w cemetery.
Special session of Harmony chapter Xo. sr > .
Order of Kiistern Stars nt Masonic temple
this evening for the purpose of installation.
Alt Masons cordially Invited. Uy order of
Worthy Matron.
The ease of F. M. Kills ngalnst Dan Car-
rifrg , which has been on trial In the superior
court for several days past , was completed
yesterday afternoon , argued , and taken un
der advisement by the court.
.A number of members of llio local ledge of
Ancient Order of United Workmen went to
Olcnwood Thursday night to witness the
Installation exercises of n new lodge. A
special car was engaged for the occasion.
Manager Clark of the Ornnd hotel has
made special preparations for the entertiiln-
nient of his guests ntn Now Years'ove din
ner this evening , followed by n musical pro
gram to bo presented 111 the hotel parlors.
The old settlers will meet at the Union
Christian mission nt ! i.)8 ) Broadway , with
baskets , next Monday , to take part in the
New Year's dinner. Mr. Deloiifr extends n
cordial invitation to all the old settlers to
bo present.
Invitations are out for n lai-Ro party to be
plvcu at the Grand Hotel on Thursday even
ing. January 1 ! . ' , by T. C. D.iwson. C ! . S.
Wright , C3. H. Mayne , T. D. Metcalf , and
II. A. Woodbnr.v. Dancing will bo the
order of the evening after 10 o'clock-
George Hitchcock , the traveling man who
died at the Grand hotel on the ! Mth of
December , will bo buried from Estop's
undertaking rooms tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock. Ho was 7(1 ( years of ago. The exer
cises will be under the auspices of the local
council of the Commercial Pilgrims of
Mr. and Mrs. .T. I * Stewart entertained ; i
largo party at the Grand hotel last evening
in honor of Master Dick and Miss Eleanor ,
who are homo from school for the holiday
vacation. The dining room was converted
Into a dancing hall and was handsomely dec
orated for the occasion. Nearly ' . ' 00 guests
were present.
A Ki-ycar-old son of Ynrdmaster Casey of
the Wnbash was badly injured Thursday
while coasting down the hill on Third street.
He ran into a passing wiifrou and his head
collided with the wheels and the hoiscs'
hoofs. Ho sustained several severe scalp
wounds , but is not thought to bo in a dan
gerous condition.
Niels Olson died yesterday morning at 5
o'clock after an illness of two weeks , aged OL
years , at his homo , 711 South _ First street/ /
lie was a member of the Danish Lutheran
church. The funeral will take place Sunday
afternoon at S o'clock from the church build
ing , corner of Ninth street and Avenue A ,
Kov. Li. Mathison ofllciating.
The police of Omaha were in the city Into
Thursday night looking for the negro Wil-
liainsi who poisoned the Ewing family in
Omaha. They made n round up of all the
colored dives near the Northwestern depot ,
but failed to ibid any trace of him , although
they are satislied that ho has been here
since his disappearance.
The Commercial Pilgrims of America will
give the Now Years' uvo reception and social
at Hughes' hall on Upper Broadway , instead
of the Scottish Kilo cathedral , as before
advertised. It will occur this evening fiom
8 p. in. to 12 n. in. All Commercial Pilgrims
with their fiutfllcs and friends are cordially
Invited to come anil spend the evening and
nilnglo with the fraternity.
The Grand Army will give an entertain
ment this evening in Its hall on Pearl street
for the benellt of the children of the order.
It will commence at 70 : ! ! p. in. with n pro-
of speeches , interspersed with music ,
fram [ George Cnrson will olliciato as master
of ceremonies , and speeches will bo made by
Judgo..T. H. Heed , Judge Walter I. Smith and
C. M. Hurl. Presents will be distributed to
the children of old soldienS-
J. M. Bowdcn , the telegraph operator who
raised a row at Neola a Tow days ago , was
before Justice Hammer yesterday for a pre
liminary examination on the charges of mali
cious destruction of property and assault
with intent to do great bodily in
jury. The prosecution witnesses were
present , but they were not needed.
1'or Bowdcn waived examination , and
in extenuation only pleaded the fact that ho
had been drunk when it happened. He
nskcd the court to make bis ball bond ns
small as possible in outer that ho might not
have to llo in Jail while awaiting his trial.
The decision of the court will be rendered
this morning.
Dry , sparkling and delicious , Cook's Im
perial Champagne. Keep it in your ice
chest for your friends ; they will appreciate
it *
For KrvnliiKHi
It la no long-in1 a , mystery to the Indies
of Council BlulTs anil vicinity where tn
got , luid wlmt is the correct thing in
plovea for evening , us n visit to the
Boston Store will "convince you that
their stock is composed of nil the lend
ing shndus in MuBquitairo and uhouldci *
length , in the most desirable tint * sult-
uhlo for evening wear.
Seine ono may eny , I can only bo suited 1
in the Foster or Alexandria , and others
may Buy I prefer the Trofousso , nil ol
which Is to bo had at our glove depart
ment , as well as every quality in staple
place poods in blade and colored. All
irloves warranted and titled to the hand ,
Uofiton Store ,
Council HlulTs.
C. U. Allen of Ottumwn is In the city.
Miss Alma PfellTcr is visiting friends ii
Hon. Thomas Bowman left last evening
for Washington.
Miss Myrtle Hamilton of Macedona , Is the
( jucst of Mro. 1'MS. Thomas.
George 1L Ccok of Mitchell , S. D. , brothci
of II , O , Cook , Is visiting hero ,
Mva. AV. S. Cass and sou are paying a hell
day visit to friends in Uncolii , Neb.
Mrs , Jacob Noumayer is very ill , and hoi
relatives are afraid she will not recover.
Miss Klttlo Stanley of Wntsaku , 111. , is i
guest of Miss Cora Keller on Second street ,
Mrs. D. W. Keller has returned from i
visit with relatives at Beaver , Boone county
Mrs. W. S. Williams and daughter o.
Pierre , S. D. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs , L. S
Mr , and Mrs. J. D , Moore of Lincoln , for
formerly of Illinois , are visiting H. O. Cook
IUO Third avenuo.
Mrs. Brown of Minneapolis , and Mrs
Vaughn of Hurlan are guests of Mrs , A
Wheeler , bOO South Seventh street.
II , II. Osgood of Chicago and W. B. Um
lusjif Council Bluffs luivo been chosen 03
the Commercial Pilgrims of America ai
delegates to the convention of traveling mei
which is to bo held in Chicago January 1
for the purpose of forming a national com
mlttco of traveling men's organizations. A
soon as the committee is appointed it wil
commence the work of arranging the details
tails of "Traveling Men's Week" at tin
World's fair next summer.
Constipation cured oy UoWitl's JJurlj
Do you BinokoV Have you trial ' .
I ) , King & Co.'a PiirtugusV It's
charmer. Just light ono ,
XMMttM IMtAlf f AI\t/MT 111 IIIM'O !
Seine of tlio Changes to Occur Among Oounty
Officials ,
MUp < ltlon oft IKI ItrrnrtU nCllic I' Thirty
Year * AtliurtliiK tlio Attention of-
thu Olllclnl * IH-ntlt nt
KiUlior McMunnmy ,
At the court house and In the justices'
ofilccs preparations nro going on for tbo
change that occurs at the ilrst of the year ,
when the present ofllclals stop out and glvo
up their places to the men who were elected
last fall , There 's a good deal of hustle , but
very little confusion \\lll bo cau&ed by the
change , for the ofilclals-elect have been
spending tbo last week or two In the oHiccs
which they expect to occupy , getting hold of
thu ropes in order that when the entire
responsibility falls upon tlielr shoulders
they may not have to make any spasmodic
efforts to prevent their knees from caving in.
County Clerk Campbell Is the only outgo-
ngofllilal who docs not cocm to feel much
concerned on account of the change , and
the principal reason is that he succoedsjilm-
self. County Auditor Hcndricks v.'llli'om-
pleto bis labors tonight and Flop at once
into the position of assistant to the cashier
of the Citizens' State bank. John Mat
thews will take his place , wilh U. B.
Cousins , now deputy c ily marshal , as his
deputy. G. M. Wilson , Hemlrleku' deputy ,
will remain Inthootllce foi'Miinu I line yet ,
W. II. Thomas will hand over the keys of
Ihe recorder's olllce to W. M. Kliepard , and
ho and bis deputy , P. J. MileBrMo. will
assume their now duties as members of the
Pusey-Tlionias Abstract company. Shcp-
nrd's deputy will bo Freeman Uecd of Oak
These changes will bo made on Monday
after the new olllcluls have qualified before
the Board of County Supervisors. This
body will meet in the morning , and S. B.
Wadsworth mid Joseph Currio will take the
places of A. C. Graham anil August Bostcdt.
The qualification will bo the first thing on
the program of the morning session. The
now Justices will also aniline their duties
Monday niouiiug. II. H. Field , who takes
Hammer's books , has titled up neat quarters
at S North Main street. John Fox takes
Cones' books and the ofllco now occupied by
Justice Swcaringcn , and Ovido Vicn takes
Swearingen's books to his own ofllco , 415
The question of what shall be done with
the back records uppcrtaiuinir to these
offices is one that is causing a good deal of
discussion. The records extend back for
thirty years or more , and there is enough of
them in each olllco to fill a good sized dray.
The justices .reason that if they are worth
anything at all they are worth keeping with
more care than has been used in the past.
They lake up a great deal of room besides.
Mr. Field states that ho intends to ask the
supervisors for permission to store his
records in one of the unused rooms in the
basement of'tho court house.
1'liiul Summons C'omrn fur ( In * AVell Known
Rev. B. P. Mi'Menom.v , who had been
lying nt the point of death for several days ,
passed away yesterday morning at 11
o'clock. All Thursday night his bed was
surrounded by anxious watchers and the end'
was momentarily expected. For thirty-six
hours ho lay unconscious and it was evident
that the worst only could bo hoped for. The
reports of his condition , which were sent
to his friends on the outside , were any
thing but encouraging , and when nt last the
tolling of the bell of St. Xnvier's church an
nounced that the slender thread bad
snapped and the soul of the beloved priest
had gone to its last reward , the sad news
was as readily understood as if it had been
framed in words.
The arrangements have been partially
completed for the burial service. They will
be held at St. Xu vior's church on Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. Invitations have been
sent to all the Catholic priests within a
radius of many miles to UP present and
assist nt the exercises , and it is probable
that many of them will be accepted , as the
work of the deceased was so widely known
and ho himself occupied so important a
place in tho'denomination nt largo.
Father McMenomy was the first resident
priest in this city. lie came from George
town , Monroe comity , In. , in November
181)0 , and ever since that time .lie has been a
resident of Council Bluffs. Ho was born in
County Donegal , Ireland , in August , ISJiO.
Ho received his early education ut St.
Columb's college , in Londonderry , entering
there at the ago of 1.1 years , and remaining
for four years , at the end of which time ho
cnmo to this country. Ho settled first in
St. Louis , where ho continued his theologi
cal studies for four years under the direc
tion of Archbishop Kondriek. In 1854
lie was ordained to the priesthood and
commenced his work in a small parish in
northern Missouri. While there he laid out
the town of Mavyvillo. In 1858 he com
menced an cijiht year pastorate in Edinn ,
Knox county , Mo. , at the conclusion of which
ho moved to Georgetown. While at the
latter place ho built llvo churches in the
towns of Melrose , Chnrlton , Wood burn ,
Leon and Georgetown. The work lip has
accomplished since coining hero , in the
erection of the magnificent church building
at the corner of Fifth avenue and Sixth
street , at a cost of $60,00 ! ) , and the upbuild
ing of the two schools which are maintained
hero under the auspices of tbo Catholic de
nomination , is too well hn&wn to need more
than passing mention. As long ns these in
stitutions continue to thrive as they are
now , Father MoMcnomy will need no other
monument save those which ho has erected
by his own efforts.
Oimrrc'l Over mi
Judge Smith heard the testimony in n
habeas corpus case yesterday hi which the
question of who should have possession of a
little piece of pink and white humanity ( i
months old was to bo decided. It is they
child of William Snylos. The mother died a
few months ago , and before she died it was
agreed that the child should bo cared for
by Mr. and Mrs , diaries Mugg , who live
at Pacific Junction , Mr. and Mrs. Miurg to
Imvo llio use of a place owned by Mr. Sayles
in return for their trouble. Tills arrange
ment , Sayles claims , was a temporary 0110 ,
and ho recently arranged wit It his slater ,
Mrs , Maria Kykert , of Corfu , N. Y. , to take
the lltjlo ono. When she presented herself
nt the Muggs mansion she was forbidden to
take the child away , as the man and his wife
claimed that it was Mrs. Sayles' wish , ex
pressed on her death bed , that they should
Itecp it. A great deal of wrangling followed ,
and finally It was brought into the court by
the filing of n petition for n writ of habeas
corpus in order that the court might decide
to whom the child belonged ,
Is your blood poor ! Take Bcecham's Pills.
An Open l.ctti-r.
COUNCIL HLUIT.s , In. , Doe. 28. 1892.
Messrs , .InnsFon it Orepg , 3"j Pearl
street : Dour Sirs Plonso send us four
do/.on Ditoltngos of Konl-stmr , IIB we
Imvo used nil the packages left with us ,
mid 11 nd llnd it makes Hiich a ilifToronco
,111 the amount of coal consumed that wo
'do not cnro to bo without it. Yours
truly , KAOI.H LAU.NDUV Co.
For wnrmlnir truest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our aaH licntors are just
what you want. Look at ilium. Clean ,
convenient cheap. U. B. Gas and Kloe-
trio Light Co.
Whitney Mocktidtro , the fnmou ;
tenor , nnil his excel out company , a' , tin
Prtsbytorlun churoh Monday overling ,
A bright klon. I 'ay up your indebted'
ness to D.vviei , the druggist , and atari
the now your out of debt.
uu witUkri-kSiivvit iitui ,
J. AV. Smith , the coiitldenco man who is
y serving n thirty days sentence tn the count )
jail for vagrancy , was evidently born undo ]
T n lucky star , for everything except retribu
tion seoiiis to come his way. This tlmo it ii
the beautiful bushy fed whiskers tha
adorned hli mug that arc re iKinslblo for his
Yesterday afternoon Frank Xnson of
N'odnwny presented himself nt the police
stntjon mid craved an Introduction to Mr.
Smith , ns h Mid ho had made the acquaint
ance of n man on the Burlington rend n
month or so before , between the transfer
ami local depot In this elty. which resulted
disastrously to his pocket bool < to the extent
Of * il ) In cash. He had n check for tl.OUO to
show forhls acquaintance. bulthatdid not fill
the bill , for ho had tried to get the check
cashed on several occasions and each time
had been given the horse laugh for hlsp.iins.
He had read In the papers about Smith's In
carceration , and thought possibly bo might
bo the man whoso acquaintance ho so much
desired to renew. Deputy Marshal Fowler
took him down to the county Jail , but when
ho arrived there n mighty transformation
had taken place. Smith had gotten hold of
a ra/.or that belonged to a friend , > nnd
the crimson Hood that concealed his
shirt front disappeared. Nnson could
not Identify him ns the confidence man ho
had known , although he thought ho was
right man. The change in his appearance
was so great that his Identity was uncer
tain. Nnson loft for homo in the evening ,
and Smith Is now meditating on the useful
ness of n set of whiskers whcti they are olT
a man's face.
Piles of people have piles , but DoWitt s
\Vltch Hazel Milve will cure them.
T < > . < . Toy .
Until January 1 nil toys will bo sold at
HAI.t' PltlCK.
See other bargains in holldnr Roods.
Folhorintrhntn , Whltola.w tt Co.
The snow and cold weather does not
diminish the demand for norougo In the
Klnin tract , " 4 miles east of the post-
olllco ; 3CO ncreo yet for sale in from ono
to ton aero tracts , suitable for trult and
garden. Day & Hess , agents , 31) ) Pearl
lll llurii" ,
The new chemical engine came to the
front again last night and showed Itself
capable of taking care of a fire tnat without
it would have done probably between $ tODO !
and SI.OOO worth of damage. A tire started
in C. Boson's planing mill on North Main
street. The alarm was turned in shovtlv
after T o'clock. The blaze started In the
drying room , in the second story , where
everything wna so dry that it burned like
tinder. A ladder was placesd against the
s.deof the building and tlio hose of the
chemical engine was stuck through the win
dow. The ilro was blazing brightly but the
instant that the stream from the chemical
struck it the iusido of the mill became as
black ns _ night , and in a few heconds the lire
was entirely extinguished.
A hasty examination made by the light of
a lantern showed that considerable damage
had been done , but not nearly so much ns
there would have been had the apparatus
been less complete. Mr. Boson states that
ho thinks $ oOO will not replace the mill in as
good condition as before. How the fire or
iginated is a mystery. The only beat there
was in the drying room was what came from
a set of steam pipes running along the north
side of the room , while most of the damage
was on the south side.
1'romri > tTr.
C. F.Mooro it Co. , prominent druggists of
Newberg , Ore. , say : "Since our customers
have become acquainted with the Rood qual
ities of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy wo
soil but little of any other kind. Chamber
lain's medicines nil give good satisfaction. "
For sale by druggists.
Bought organ stock of C. B. Musi
Co. Will sell thorn cheap. Mar. Bour-
icius , 110 , 114 Stulsinaii street.
Carl Qurhorn. successoi1 to K. Bur-
horn , has the only new jewelry stock in
city. Mnny holiday novel ! ies.
\Vantcd Ctish offer for ton shares
Citizen's State banlc stock. Must bo-
sold. Address K. II. Sheaf c.
TMi'tliodUt Watch M.ctlnis.
There will be a watch meeting this even
ing from 8X : ! ) o'clock to 12 at the Broadway
Methodist church. Evangelist Stone of DCS
Moines will preach the opening sermon. All
are cordially invited. II. I' . Dudley , pastor.
Watch meetings will also be held at the
Fifth avenue Methodist church. All are in
cited. ( J. W. Brewer , pastor.
' If you have piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel
salvo will surely cure you.
1 OJ-H. TOJ-H.
Until January 1 all toys will bo sold at
See other bargains in holiday goods.
Fothoringhnin , Whitclaw & Co.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. H. A. .Cox. No. 4 Main.
At trillion , Commercial pilgrims.
You are earnestly requested to meet at
grand secretary's seems , Shugart block ,
Sunday morning , January 1 , 18'Jll , at IQi.'iO
o'clock sharp , to attend the funeral of George
A. Hickox , our brother traveler , who died'at
the Grand hotel.
An invitation is extended to all traveling
men in the city to join us In this last tribute
of respect. BY Onmsu OP COMMITTCC.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you Uou't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want n headache.
Then use Do Witt's Little Early Hisers , the
famous little pills ,
Brighter than gas , cheaper than oloc-
trio light and as beautiful ns a dream
thofe tjow art lamps at Lund Bros.
MePhail pianos aud Crown organs ,
cash or installments. Mar. Bourlcius ,
llOStutsmnn street.
Cupliiln Trail DcnlcH tlio Kill mill Ilia GIIIIR
til' rtniti'H.
Pa. , Dee. 14. To the Editor of THE Bun :
You need to send n more truthful reporter
after further facts in regard to Kid , the
Apache , about whom you glvo such romantic
details in your paper of the 2d lust , Neither
Kid nor any of his gang were over in Carlisle
school or any other school.jiitlier on or oft
the reservation. Kid and his party were
doing their ugly work years before wo had
any Apaches in tills school from Arizona.
None Imvo over graduated. This is not n !
university , not oven u high school. It la
very difficult to hold our pupils long enough .
to graduate them from our course , which
ends with the irrammar grade of the public
schools- this state. Wo can account foi
every Apache who has left the school ami
all Imvo done ami are dolnn cither well or
fairly well , except ono who is in Jail fet
buing n party to a forgery , but this crime is
not peculiar to the Apaches.
The attempt of the article , therefore , tc
disparneo Carlisle and Indian education is
to say the least , malicious , and 1 ask that
you glvo this statement the benefit of youi
columns , so that It may have as nearlv the
same circulation as the article to which It
refers , H. II. PKATT ,
Captain Tenth Cavalry U. S , A. , Superin
Hv.i7'//iif j'o/t/
SnutliVImls U'lll Illtnv nud It Will ISi
\Viii-inor In N < 'lirii lii : Tiul.iy ,
WAMIIXUTON , 15. U , , Deo. UO. Forecast foi >
Saturday : For Nuhrasku unil Iowa Gener
ally fair ; southwest winds.
For the Ualcotas Ocnor.illy fah'j south to
west winds ; wanner ,
I. i-iil lu-coril.
Pec. : ) , Oniiihu record of tomporaiuro aijil
rainfall noinpareil with correspoiuliiig day ol
pabt four yuars ;
IBO'J , 1801. 180(1. ( 188(1 (
Maximum tciiiptM-alniT. M'.ilio ; - ic,3JH ;
.Minimum . ' ' = > =
tompfraiuro. 'Mi'ju 31 ID :
Avorueo H'lnixratuio. . 'Jio DH3 : ib 10 =
I'lCClplUlUoilr T .00 .00 .110
Statement showing the oomtllbu of tenr
pcnituround pivdpltatiou at Oniah.t for the
day und since March 1 , Ih'JJ ,
Normal tumiHinituro. . . , rjjc
lU'tlek'iicy fur tint iluv , H :
Dclli'lrm-y hliu-o March 1 , : inic
Normal prcc-lpltat Ion , 03 Im-hi-
l-\cos : for llio ( lav 03 liuio : )
UvHolcooy hlucu March 1 3ia Incla-
Ocoiiuu 1C. HU.ST , Ix > cal Forecast Ofllciul ,
i > i
Ghartsr Amendments Discussed nt Length )
Bat Nothing Det Hnined Upon ,
Irnrrnlly Acrrdl That 'tlic ' Jtnyoi-'n 1'ny
sliDiilil Up SnmrlrntW Soi-ur i Itcltrr
Tnli'iitVllI C'omldcr tlin
Matter 'Apnln.
A Joint meeting of citizens aud Hoard oC
Trade members was held last night at the
otiucll Chamber , for the puriKisc of hearing
eports of committees appointed nt n pro-
: loti8 meeting. D.ivid Anderson called
o the rhalr. '
City Attorney Van Dusen.chairman . of the
oiuinlttec on charter , read a lengthy report
embodying changes proposed by the commit-
ee. .The most Important changes suggested
ivere amendments lo sections one and two of
; he present charter , relating to population as
respects tlic class of cities , and section 17 re
lating to salaries of city ofllcers.
The amendment proposed to section * one
ind two simply provided for changing the
lauso which reads " 10,000 nnd less than
. ' : > , ( XX ) iuhahltanls" to 8,000 ami less than
# inou , nnd moro clearly defining the lines
iiclerininlng to what class a city belongs.
The proposition seemed to meet with gen
eral approval , though no action was talten.
The amendments to sect iun 17 , ns per the
report of the committee , provoked a lively
discussion. The amentlments provide for
raising the salary of the mayor fi-om > 00 to
: ? 4JOO per year , the salarv of the cll.v clerk
fromrr > 0 to $1,00 ! ) , aud that of the city at
torney from ftiiM ) to Jl.'JOO per year.
Almost everyone present expressed an
opinion and it wassafo tosuy no two agreed
upon the advisability of attempting to ha Venn
amendment adopted providing for a ra'lso of
salary of ofllcers. With regard to salary of
the mayor It was pretty generally ngrecd
that nothing short'of a ralsu which would bo
sufficient to justify a good business man to
devote his entire tituo to the business of the
ofllce , would have the .desired result , that of
soeuring bettor talent und closer attention
to city affairs.
Then came the question as to how it would
ho received in the legislature by representa
tives from other cities of the same class.
The same was substantially true of other
proposed amendments relating to salaries.
Some suggestions wcro made regarding
the right of eminent domain in the matter
of opening or vacating streets and providing
for levying a special tax to raise n fund for
paying damages awarded ; also to provide
for the erection of viaducts by man
damus If necessary. In the case of
South Omaha it would bo desirable
to increase the levy for the general fund
from 10 mills ns at present to 1 or 15 mills.
It was conceded by all that such an amend
ment would have a rocky road to travel
when it run up against member of the legis
lature from other cities of the same class
who do not fly half so hipb as South Omaha.
As the attendance was small and so much
difference of opinion prevailed it was de
cided not to vote ouitiuy of the proposed
amendments until the nex.t meeting.
A committee of three was appointed by
the chair , consisting of Fred Smith , J. C.
Carroll and .ludgo Hedges , to ask the city
council to defray the expense of preparing
copier of the bill , not to.exceed $ > . " > lor IUO
copies. To the original charter committee of
seven were added Judge Brecn , Hon. John
McMillan , Attorney U. C. Lane und ex-City
Attorney Adams. They will meet next Mon
day night.
No Imiucrtl 'Necessary.
Coroner Maul , after investigating the cir
cumstances surrounding tlio suicide of John
T. Writer , the tram ] ) -who shulllcd off by
hanging himself in the police station Thurs
day night , has decided an inquest unneces
sary. Papers found onjiis peraon showed
that lie had at one time j Cn employed us
teamster by Kilpatriek & Collins , railroad
contractors at St. Louis. " * IIc was buried in
the potter's Held.
Chief of Police Brcnnan wired to II. P.
Thicle & Co. , St. Louis , yesterday morning
for information concerning Welter and re
ceived the following reply :
"Welter was shipped from here November
13. His home not known to us. "
Thielo . .t Co. , are conducting a labor
Ilcymim J'li-iiileil Successfully.
In response to a telegram from the police
of Kansas City , Mr. S. M. Press a few days
ago visited that city and identified a man
under arrest there , II. Heymau , as the ono
who induced him to indorse a worthless New-
York draft for $50 several days ago. The
prisoner was identified and as a result of his
pleading Mr. Press decided not to prosecute
Heyinan. as the latter claimed to have a wife
and family. The amount fraudcntly secured
was given Mr. Press together with i430 for
expenses aud tlio ease was dropped.
It WIIH Mu ic'H Fault.
Two disreputable females were arrested
Thursday night for raising a disturbance on
a South Omaha motor car and were allowed
to go by Justice Fowler yesterday morning.
They gave their names as Maggie Murphy
and Jcrniip Lester , and while the former
pleaded guilty the second denied the charge
and said she was a respectable married
woman and had been attempting to quiet her
companion , who was drunk.
r.a\vycf ICojjrrH1 Cilso Dlslillsucd.
J. W. Rogers , the Omaha attorney who
was arrested Thursday , was given a hearing
yesterday morning , and the case dismissed.
Judge Doano appeared in the interest of Mr.
Rogers , and succeeded in securing the liberty
of his man. The prisoner expressed consid
erable indignation at being locked in a cell
over night without a hearing or chance to
give bail ,
.Iiilin Williams' Condition.
John Williams , the unfortunate who froze
his feet while beating his way from Grand
Island in an attempt to reach his homo in
Alt. Pleasant , Pa. , is resting easy at the
county hospital. Williams wanted to got
homo to see his aged mother , and crawled
into tlio police station in u pitible condition
Thursday night. It may bo necessary to
amputate his feet.
Muxll ! City ( illSBlll.
E. P. Swift , the beef man of the Swift
company , was in the city yesterday.
D. G , May , olllco manager at Swift's , returned -
turned from a business trip to Chicago yester
W. A. Schrei , stenographer at Hammond's ,
was married lust Wednesday to a young lady
at Burlington , la. 116' "arrived in this city
wilh Ills bride Thursday 6venng. !
Tlio revival services' the Methodist
Episcopal church , which 'wore discontinued
on account of the MillS , meetings , will bo resumed -
sumed next Sunday evening and continued
indefinitely. „
Fred Grnnlham , bookkeeper for the Coff
man & Smiley commission firm , and Mis ;
Rebecca IIouseman , " lso of South Omaha
wore married Wednesday. They will make
their homo in South Omaha ,
The next regular mooting of the schoo
board will bo held next Tuesday night. It I )
quite likely that decisive ant ion will b (
taken in the matter ( it securing more snit
able quarters for thoi school at Twenty
o fourth and II streets. 'Tho ' teacher at tha
or school has been under a physician's liaiuli
r for some time and many parents declun
the ) * will not allow their children to attorn
school in the building nny more , it beini
claimed the place Is In an unsanitary condl
o '
A7/K ir.i.vaw Horn's UST.ITU.
AlliKi.lVlfn i , fOlyniiilii's .Murdered Killto
Will I'ut In u Cl.iim.
SHATTI.H , Wash. , Dec. ! ) . A letter ha
been received from Hon , .1. Schuyler Colfu :
of New York saying that Thomas II , Boyd
editor of the Olympla Tribune , killed her
December 'J by his mistress , Ursula Unfau
left a wife In New York City. She intend !
to provo her marriage and claim n share o
the estate , which Is valued at fciO.OOO ,
i ; nillt III , SlliiH.lldi- .
BOIJB CJTV , Idaho , Deo. ; ) . In Ixmi
county a week ago a number of freight team
bound from Salmon City to Kettle Creel
were cnURlit In a snowsllde Albert Blrtfer
and K. Stein were killed. Dave Ken1 and
Elmer Black cnupht on n tree top add saved
themselves. Two horses were killed and
much freight was destroyed.
Woman Murdered i\ml Two Men llnck Until
Oilier to I'lecr * .
GAiinxniisviu.i ! , Ky. , Dee. IK ) . John
Banies and his brolher-ln-law , James Kcrr ,
went to the Ohio river Monday for supplies ,
and returned homo Tuesday night very
drunk. Nothing more was seen of them 'till
last night , when a neighbor who called
found Mrs. Barnes lying on the bed dead
with her head crushed , while Barnes and
Kcrr were lying in a corner , also dead ,
literally cut to ploces with knlvoi , which
cnch still grasped in their hands. The stir *
rouiidings showed n terrible struggle. H is
thought Barnes struck his wlfo and that
her brother took up the quarrel with the
fatal results noted.
Two Xow Omnlm llullt l.iirntnnthr * Will
Ti kn tlin Itiinil on .Mciudiiy.
It Isn't so very long ago that the locomo
tive with the largest wheel was supposed to
bo the simplest , engine made. This was par
ticularly true of the English locomotive -
motive mid for a time their adop
tion In America was looked upon
ns solving many difficulties so far ns grade
mid capacity were concerned. But these en
gines nro fast disappearing ; in fact , many of
the mountain rands are boring out cylinders
and turning down wheels to give their loco
motives more strength.
Seine six years ago the Denver it Rio
Graudo adopted this iwSlcy , their thirty-five
Baldwin engines beinir bored from fifteen to
sixteen inches. The wheels in this case wcro
not reduced , however , as they were only
thirty-six inches. The result was highly
satisfactory , and locomotives that hud
been pulling live loads on n 'J17-foot
grndo handled with the stxteen-lnch cylinder
six loads very nicely. In short tlio bored-out
engine's capacity was Increased one-sixth.
The Union Pacific company since Mr. Me-
Council came to the superlntcndcncy
of motive power and machinery
seeing the work done by the Denver & Rio
Grande engines have also adopted the policy
of turning down the wheels and boring out
the cylinders. The wheels are being turned
down from TM toIt inches , and the
cylinders which wcro 111 are bored out
to IS)1. ) ; . A test was made last week
with ono of these remodeled engines be
tween Trinidad and Denver with most satis
factory results. Seventeen loads , which
wcro considered n fair train for the engine
as originally turned out , were increased
to 'twenty-two loads and handled
with ease at an average speed of U5 miles per
Two new locomotives will be turned out of
the Union Pacific shops on Saturday , 1701
and 812. Outside of enlarged cylinders and
fire box , 1701 is pratlcally the same ns
1100 which is now engaged in pulling
the fast train over the hogback from
Larnmlo to Sherman , a distance of a little
over twenty-six miles , which it accomplishes
in an hour and twenty minutes , on n ninety
foot pi-ado to the mile. The she of the 1701's
cylinders is ! 20xtM , and the fire box
lllx)2-lX : ) inches. These dimensions , it is
thought , will increase the capacity of the
locomotive ono load and make it just that
much more available than the 1700 , which ,
all reports to the contrary , has been doing
exceptionally satisfactory work on ono
of the hardest pieces of road in
America. Since it left the shops 1700 has
been making its two trips a day and shows
little usage except where it has como m
contact with the blizzards that howl over
the mountains about half the year.
No. SIS belongs to tbo same class
as the SOO engines , eleven of which having
beet : turned out this year. This ensiuo will
bo first tried on the run between Omaha and
Denver and later will be put in service on
one of the western divisions. Both engines
are beauties and among the best ever turned
out from the Omaha shops.
Engine 1701 is a monster , and standing by
Its side man fools his dwarfed con
dition ns lie looks up at the almost
sentient being which will soon bo climbing
the hill between Cheyenne and Laramie.
The cupine weighs seventy tons and carries
112,000 pounds on its drive wheels. Every
thing about it is finished except an ad
ditional coat of paint , which it will receive
today. Sunday it will have a
day of meditation in the paint
shop drying out , and on Monday
it will start on its trip overland to Cheyenne
where it will po into service to pull the fast
passenger train over the Hogback , taking
} Ve'rt ant all nlijht
Till bi'uail daylight ,
Hut we drink
In the morning.
'When yon wnlic up In the morning with
a dry throat aud offensive breath , nothing
affords such prompt relief ns n refreshing
appetizing drink of Stn.riio-SALiKE a
mild pnllne aperient and diuretic. It IB
bottled only hy the Excelsior Sprfnya
Company at
Excelsior Springs
Kicliardson Drug Co. , Agents , Omaha , Neb
w' '
Anhetiser , Budwoisor. Fitust nnd PiUo
KEGS , enn leave orders nt No. 121 ! !
Main Struct , Council Bluffs , loiva , or
Telephone : ? 23.
Geode delivered pi-omptly ,
Anheuser-Busch Ass'n
- Brewing ,
of St , Louis. Slo.
1'rupoHiilH lor l.lKlitliiK thu Suliiirhi nf the
City ol Onmliii.
to Information from thu chair
man ot tlin t-pt'olul committed on .
llKhtln , tliu Instructions toadvcrtlno for inn'
for llalitlin ? thoMilmrlH of tlio city worn not
ilclliiltu cnoiigli , ami at ilia rt > ( | tliu advcr-
ihoiniiit | IscliaiiKcd to road 111 follows ;
Scaled bids will hu ri'colyud at tlioofllco o ;
the city comptiolliT up to 0 | > , tu. > liun > , .liiiui-
iiry 10 , 1 . 03 , foitwi'lvo il'J . cundlii pouoi
( 'iisollno liiinps , or uloulrlu llKlit" , for IlKlitlii ) .
thu sulinrlis ( if tliu clly , for a iiorlod of tuc
yi'iii'ii , lllils iniy ; Ntutti prlcu pt-i- lamp , moon
IL'lit si'lii'dnlo o ( twenty nlphls iiur iiionlli , 01
from him down to Hiinrlsi. ' . No curtain niiniboi
of lamps KuarantiM'd , hut thu htatiMiiunt \ >
inailu that In the last 1)111 ) from thu liihi. tion-
Iraclor tliu city was cliar iHl with l.OM
. A CL'rtlllcd chuck In the Mini of J'JOl
will ho irqnln'd finni each hlddur usaKHaran
ten of KOOI | faith. The right In utscrvcd to ro <
jcut any or all bid- , .
Til F.O. OI.SIJN ,
ComiJl roller.
Onialia , Dfcotulwr 30 , 1602. J)31d ) t
Notice Is hortiliy clM'ii ( hat ( ho animal rncot
btouUlinldt'i-M of tlio Omaha IJnloi
Hrpot I'omiiaiiy will l > huld at thn olllco of tin
Dnlon ( input i-oiiiiiany , at llio
tif thu Union I'aclllc Itulhvay coiiipuny , In tin.
city of Omaha , on thu Uth day of Januury
1HU3 , at ! ) o'clock p. in , , lor the election of ill
irctoi-H and transiictlon of any other liuslnos ;
that may legally como huforu thu nuiutltii ; .
T. 1 , Ktuiui.L , riiisldiint
Omaha , Ueccuibcr'JO , IbOa. D'-Jlil'-JOt
the plnco ot the t wo engines which hnvo been
rtPoossnry to perform tlio work
Th < i Introduction of the 1700 nnd the UOt
on this portion of the western dl\t Ion menus (
n prent deal lo the operating department ,
for tlio 1500 nlono has shown n suvlna of
$ T > 00 per month , which Mr. Mcfonnell
hopes will bo exceeded hy the 1701. This
saving In accomplished by loss coal being
tVnsumcd nnd the decrease lu tbo pay of en
gineer nud fireman. As soon us possible loco-
mollvoliOJ will bo turned out to take Us
turn on hauling passenger trains over the
divide so that in case ono endue must go Infer
for repairs tlio other will bo nblo to do tlio
work , thus forever shutting off the doubleheader -
header , which until now has held the fort.
A now tlmo card shortly to go Into effect
on the Cheyenne division will increapo the
running tlmo llvo or ton minutes between
Cheyenne nnd Sherman , aud with this
change made , 1700 aud 1701 will always be on
time , no matter what tbo condition of the
weather , which nl times is something awful
upon tha high altitude about Tie Siding.
My doctor snvj It r.ct.i ictitly on llin aloiu.irh ,
llvernnd kMnevrnml Un | ilon nnt Inxnllro. This
OrlnV 1 < innclD from lioitu , nnd Is prepared for USD
ns _ r-ully 03 tin. It Ii r.illol
nndJlnpnc'rffiKC , Ifyou
cannot set U , send your nililrcra for a free Mtnplp ,
l.une'n Knnillr MrillPlnc IIMIVI'M Hir ImnclN
rnrh ilnj. In order In tic hcallliy this Is nw-csr.iirv.
Address OUA'l'Oll WOODWAHl ) , l.illov.N.V. ;
THE nxcni.stuit HOMK IIAICKH
( Mono genuine without lirnss Ilttlntss ) . our Hleat
Improvuil style , c * n ttoSId ronK , lins deep MUHKO
ntroiiK but hlKli Krntp , nnd coio ! purfcctly llulm
snvt's OS per cent nutritions uk'nicnln. Full Oc-
scrlptlvo circuliir on luipllcntlon. At.KNTS AVANT-
KI > In orcrjr i-onnty In tliol'.S. Addrt'ss.l'llAHI.HS
y. VJ N. Mnln fit. . Council lllulti , In.
"Absolutely tna Best Made. "
"A Delicious Medicated Con
fection" for the relief of Coughs , 5
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nud
for clearing the voice , l-'or sale by
all Druq ists nud Confectioners. " *
Packed in full two ounce packages , r + .
PriccS Cents. If yen arc unable to - >
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets CT >
from your dealer fend us 8 cents in H
stamps niul receive n box by mail.
.Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated 1'omoiia Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
Improved Safe/ ! / Elevators ,
Cor. 9IM St. and 11 Ave , , Council Itluirs.
Special Sale at Reduced Prices
During December ,
Pplces. CaHln'-5- , Oolor , Uoclcora. Now Style
lllooliH , I'unmcua und Ciinldrons , Mini Racx ! ,
Scales nnd tiprhij ? llalunccs , ItutchorV Uo4ti ,
Frocks , C'njjs , etc.
D. H. M aneld & Co.
920-822 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la.
Funeral Director , Embalnier ,
114 Main Street ,
Council I3luirn.
More Bold than nil othora cotnliinoil .
tliosp claiming to huvo uluiost 119 good ii
CORN SHBLLBB nnd bo protected bj y
urors. You cuu tihvnyB depend upon 01
doulora Apply for outngoncy. . Bond
PnoHrrtv AD
T.itinuncn , Honilncli > , Toothncbf ,
Sara Throat , Sn-clllngs , I'rost-blten ,
Slir.ilnn , Uriilncii , Unrin , Scnldn.
THE CHARLES A."VOOELEJTCO. , Daltlmor * . Mtf ,
K. f . PANSLE , H. D.
Tlio M SsoariUn. SO furs' Eiptrlcnto.
IVOMUN. rnorjtiirrou or TUB
AVOI .I > ' 8 It Kill ) AL IHSr
f treat ike following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd tungs : Dte.
cr-acnofthe Kycniul ICur , Fltsn-itl Apoplexy , Itonrt
nisonsc , I.tver Comjitftliit , Klilnuy Complnlnt ,
Worvous Debility , Moritnl Doproo-
Blon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnal
Wonknoss , Dlabctos.ltrighfs lhcnsoBt.Vllu '
flnnco , "euAotlsm , ttiralysls.Yhito Swellln ? ,
scrofuin , rover sores , Cnncors , Tumora
nnd Fistula In nno removed without
the knlfo or dm wine n drop of
blood. Woman with her tlcllcalo OIKUTM w
Btorcd to health. Droray cutxvlvlihout tnitplug.
Special Attention given to private
and Vonorcal Dlsonoon of all kinds.
8QO toSJHOO forfeit for nny Venereal Dls
onso I cannot euro without moroury.
Tnpo Worms removed tn two or thrco hours , or no
pay. Heraorrbolds or Plica cured.
Wllliavo llfo and hundroda of dollars by calling
on or using
The only riiyslolan wbo cnn toll ivhnt alll
a pornouTlthout asklii ) ; a quuittnn
Alt corrcspoudcucc strictly confidential. McuioUU
Edit by exprc63. Address all letters to
885 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
All I ; I nil s of Dyeing nnd Cloaulnz done In
film lililicst style of the nrt. Kndod und
talncil fabrics inudu to loot : us Rood as now.
Work promptly iluno iiirl dellvuro ; ! In all
purls of the country. Send for prlco Hat.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
Ilrcadwiiv.ncarNorthwcstorn Oa ot ,
Coii o/f JUiirt'H. In.
Special IX/olices. /
ii-oiui * TO no IIOUHKWOHIC. j .oo
T ' rer week paid. Apply to Mrs. Iloracu Kvcrett ,
AV"AN'i'HI > A KOoiJ trlnl lawyer of K years" ncllva
* > prnclfcu nud n good lllirnry wnnlB to form a
Dnrtnurshlp wltli n repulntilo Attorney In Council
Jllml who lnis Homo pr.iclloj nud t-ood ncqunln-
tancc In tlio liliiltH. Addrcaa "I.mvjcr , " lao UUlco ,
Council llluirn , In.
J7OU HXCIIANOH A ulcii homo on 8. 7tli street
. nenrdlli avoniio , clciir oCciiaumbranoo , for Iiom9
In Onmlin. llnnscom I'laoi or Kounuj I'laoo pre
ferred. Will put lnJ,5'JJdlltoriuoo. CJrujnjhlolj ,
IJ'onil.VCIIANdK Ooodi-room lioiuo on SoutU
Stli street for land , ( iroanshlcihlj , Nlcnolion&Cu
AllSl'ItAOTSniidlouna. ' Farm nnd city property
liaiiKlit uud sold. I'mof Jc Thorna * . Council
IpAUM unit city lonni. Money loanoil on stoo't
nnd zrnln. ostnto for Hale. Dirullln * an !
tniMncrarontMu Monuy loanrl for local Investors
I.OUKCU .VTowlo. 2j3 1'uarl utrout.
( > l * ACHI53 upper Ilro.-iilwuyj npluidlil ploco for
" JplattliiR ; clioti [ fur c.iaii , or wilt exulmnga for
Improved rosldoneu pronarty lu Council liluaj.
. Nicholson , t Co ,
GAUDK.VANI ) l < 'UUrr liiml : rlclioit nnd most
bcnutllul tract lu i'otttt.-utuimli ) county : BOO
Kuti > rprlsu I'laco ; llvo or tun acra loti. Uroo.v
ehlcliU , ilcliulim k Co. , f > 2l ( ( roadway ,
K WANT ten acr i of lan.l within llvo mllei ot
city. Don't earo how rouiih U IB. ( Jroon-
Blilt'liH , Nlcliolaon ! i Co.
E NTKKl'HIHi ; I'laco. for fruits
siiliurlmn lioinoa , Una aero lol' , tvrcipiulnutu | , >
from motor line , ( iroaualilaldj , Mcliuboi ! , t Co. * fj
1KUITKAU1I Improved , it inllo nndu half front
JL tlianoitotllcn , % 'i nami ii room 1101193 , ittnkto.
cto. Will oxclianKo for rc.iidunc ? In Council UluEtt ,
B , .Nlchiilso.i , V Co.
12H ACIIK3 , AH milt's from city ; will salt nt cut It
taken tills wook. ( IrL-muhloldi , Nlubobon
HO CI1OICH lotHln Mnyno addition near oustona
'Jot tuu now liiteritatii bridge. Will Bull In liuncbei
ornliiKly. Ouortto Matoalf , Council Illurta ,
"IMCIIK farm In Net ) . , t-rooin housu , etnlilli and
JnhcU , TO ucruB In cultivation , I'rlco f'J.uo per
ncro. Terms easy , Johlinton Si Van I'uttt'li ,
MONDAYS In U. A. pirlors , children , i p. m.i
adults , 7JJ p. in , Houlali igcond iin.l four 111
MoiHUyn.Up. m. .MnslufurnUliod pa rllei und clutn.
AildrcBi It , A. I'urlorj.Cuunell Illufli.orliUJ K
I it. . Omaha. W. K , Cluruuur * . Inntructor ,
GAIIKAOM removed , cojjpoiili , vault * aud
chimneys cloinul , Ii. I ) , lliirku , city bld ,
iniitNisuiiinooM8 ! ron HUNT-201 I-AUK.AVK
. X nuo
Do not bo docolvcd hy Imltitors or
nmchlno. Buy only the SANDWICH
direct uuuruntoo from rollablo munufiio-
ur rcpuii'8 being luiut In stock by nil local
for ctituloguo ? und prlcos. SANDWICH
Blulls , Iowa.