(1 ( THE OMAHA DAILY NEE : SUNDAY , JAJsVAKY 1 , 1893HSIXTEEX PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. nVKinHKMKNIS rOH T1IHB.rOI.IMNS will he trikpn until 17 1 it m for the opening p. in for the niornlnir or Sunday oill j tavtn for k f trmnSlronU for 'AM ' artTcrll'em'n1 * In thpno colnmnn U < rcnl" a word for the nmt intfrllon * nl I rent n wotil for men iitucqiicnt Innrrtlon. or II M PIT line prr month rermicn'h In dlv-mre Initial * fleiirc * tymtiols Me onch count as n word All ndverti'p- monUiiiust run ronsfciittvely Advertiser * by rp queuing a mimbertd rlii-cli. can hare the Inter * addrcsfPrtto nrnnibcred letter In c ro or I III HU Aniwcrs o addressed will bo delivered on the lircscntatlon of the rhcck. SITUATIONS WANTED" "LADY sTnsoditAtMiKii , uyv\ HAIIS.IC.N A pfrlence desires n position Hcfcrcncc from present employer Address T.ii lice n7l A IIV HIISI tl.AS D K IIOOKKKKI'KH AM ) -/Vttoroirphly competent mute initn of long ex prrlcnte. l'cit of reference Address 1'41. llep -SITUATION VVA.NTKIJIV ) COM1' KT K NT Menoitraplicr nml bookkeeper Six tenrs ex jn-Mmicp , ( food ulttenllon llc't ol rpferenpoii Menogrni her.2423 r ranklln street M..4 * -1IV HM'.Sfl MAN. IN DI-HCBIOOI ) 1'KS nmn nntl quick ntllifiircs Ilcslof refnreniion. Addrcsft , 'I It Hoc MS ( , ! WANTED MALE HEJLP _ _ IT ATAUV'OU ( OMMISS'IOV TO AOK.STM J 'handle the I'atcnt ( hemlcal Ink I rnslnu 1'enoll Hipniod H'cfulaml no\H Invention of tlio nno KrniK-r Ink thoronithly In two ctond Works Ilkr rnoitlf 3M ) toMXIpcr cent prollt AKont maklni ! I'fl pur week Wo nl'O want a uenoral a ont to take rhnrnool territory mul apnoint nb nticnts \ rare rhnncn to nuiki- money \ \ rile for ti rnn nnd n snm pic of ir Hi | { Monroe 1-rastr Mfx Co \ 3 < > I. " I rcne , VU" ) > > _ IJ-ACIKNI-S WAVI III ) I'ltliDlSNl I \li l.UK l > lns Co ( food p r Apiily room SO I renter block , oppo ! O MJ.O JIU' > wr. A ' . .u.Aiiv wr.i'Ki \ 10 door I Winls xporlonco iinnccess iry Apply faumei oirtcc _ IJ-WA.SThl ) , A H-W III MAHI.KSOI.H 11011s ! IJn | J obraiiki for the t nlon I i-ntril I. If. , ItiMir nnce compnny of ' Inrlnnntl l.tnd ti rrllory nnd liberal ronlrnrts lo the rljiht limn Addles * I M KdmlMnn Muni Kt'Mt rooms 4 > , 40 nml li Hun blk. Lincoln Seb .VI MO 1.0 _ _ T > WJOMIN : IOH A it K ASSAM IIVSM 'KIC AM t'loulslann on uovcrnui"nt work Krnmir A O'llrnrn 30J onlh llth street MUSI 1 * iV-WAvTmT ( IOOI ) COAI IIVIAN AM ) HAM ) J'nb'Mit linrn , clvn rcferinrn nnil Unit" cpr rlencu nml wlicii' Inn iniploc < l Aililri i 'I 41 lice ulllcc } ' 2- _ _ _ _ - > -\\ANIIM > IMUs'l L..A'-S | | , „ I > ijoiilli lltli ntriLt. Mlsl 1 * i > < : KMMMIN : : IIAVISO A I'onim.s 01 J'lliclr tlmunt tliclr illi > pn < Al rim nilil Inrt-t ly ti their Income by mlilrtuslnif tin \\i'tirn llrniul Ofllcp of thu It irtford I Ifonml Annull ) Insuinnii Co , rrxini 417 I tin Hookers < likirn III 1'xrellcnt piKltlonsuru open In nlinixt e\ery clt ] nndcounty for mm of pusli pluik iniilcrll fj-I.11MI1KH riAI.KSM \\ANPKI ) TO iKIil I'rcilccilnr phlnuks on tlin Hlilc dooil lotiiinlH nloii pull ) per cnr Miml lie a well po toil ninn 01 tlio ronil that linn n uooil triile Ail lri.su A II ininof t.io PiiM'l bound l.umbcruiun , 'Incouin Un-li MiHi 11 * E-HAl lsMA . oii.NCic sini : I.I.NF , \TKS- i - Ivol ) iipcd ; fnlr loiuiuNolon Deiiu ) htc\en Co , II. Mi Second etrtat , Mlnneni oils , Minn 1 > WAV1KI ) , Ai.lSMKN ON 'IlIIIItOAD I JJi > ell BdTcrtl lnK cnrdH nnjfcnli.iiilurB en couinil' ' Kliin illrcct fronitho ninnufiicturcr Inn iniiko fiC I per wick. AdMrtlnlnt ; 3pii.lnlt } Co , llulfiilo , .N 1 "LI ! t B IOUII SAliK > * MKN IS Tlll-i I HU1I11OU . $7 per month mid expetiMiH 1 ncloce etnmp Ken wood llnklnu 1'owdir Co , WIT Miullson it , ( .hlciiKi 111 77U1 * _ fWAN 1 KD-TIIA VHLl.Ntl A.N'I ) LOCAL b U.h' J-mcn to liniidlo n special ! } , well Introdiireil trailo Hlrendy estubll heil diiod men ninkiiiK ti U. toKHu AUilroBi Mnnufncturtra Co , o i > l ) HIIM.I Htrcct , I'hlludelphln 1'n 767 I * -AC1'.MS bALAUV AM > COMM1S10V HIS IJfrnlernnl order Auoti ( IdOOUU lloth llfetnn nmlMirmcnl clnisas dlltedneil In eveij rcepn foiiin dlKtrlct iinents wnnled A nire ihiince A ( tlrees KlnuiCo ,8 billoniiunre , Now \ork , _ 773 ! B WA > TKI ) . Ar.r.MJ.JJOU 'lOflOOfl I'KK 1)A coIkctiiiK "innll plcturiN for un to copy nnd ci Inrve. hntlafnctlon uuiirnntet < t nnd n f 4 ( XI outl frc.c. A. Duuno&Co , Cd Kinilo Btrett , New \vr 771 1 * irii.No(5UAriiiu-oM ; : ! AMIO HA& SOM cxpcrlcncu In liookkceplnu preferred , itnte Hi' ' nry nnnteil Addrc n I1 41 Hie onico M 778 S * -UIDKLINE-l 1IAVI ! A ( , OOi ) hlli : LIN forconnlrj IruiUi buidnnre , trrottrlts or In plcmenta Aildrcus , A.I Kluuk , ibiucpnlkii. Ill 770 1 * _ _ BWAVI 110MI3a TO CAHHY A\LK ( .HKAh for ldo line Hem known bills lu ever j ton Address , It , llocklord , 111 7"7 ! T > WN.STLl ) , HALUS il.V AiJI ) DIIALKIIS ' 1 -1'scll wliltn ennnel 1 ( t cr for window lnn , all MKIIB ummekMl on Iron Ulu protltH l-iiul lor ! luf'tinttd price 1IH V X ( hlcni.0 I nninul C > < ( . Clurk Btrtet , ChltnKO 7o'J 1 * B VVANTKI ) , HAItNUsS MAKiit , bl'KAI ) work C. KBtcrKiinrd , 1 llsworlh , In 7811 * n-PALKbMAN VVANTI'I ) ' 1 O Shl.h I.UIIIUCA J'lnu oils lo Hie coiiKUi ilnK trade In the sliile < Nobraskn l-rcvlous experltnto In oil not esst tlnl , but evhltnco of uood selllm : ability roqulrt rcrmnnent poi-ltlon nt hood pity for Iho rluht HIM Opportunity for Interview will bo Klven dtblrub nppllcnnts ubout Jnuuniy ! Utli AddrOKi klvl ate- , previous experience ) nnd references , Ynciiu Oil Co , Ilothmlcr. N V M7t2 I WANTED FEMALE HELP. C -YOUMJ LADIKS CAN SOOV A ( UU1HP worklnit knowlid o ot ehorlhnnd nnd ) ltlnK utMII i-inyi r.1,1 N \ I Ifu 51 - > u ; C WAM'KI' , IiADII-9 OH VOUM. VIIJN ] tnko Unlit , ( ilcnsnnt work at their own homo tl CO to ( lull lur dn ) can bo < | iili'tl > made wo bentljyniBll.no tamnsslnlor partlcul irs n dicss t.lobo Vlfn ( .o , llox 63J1 llotton , Vlnss 1 tnbllshed IbSO M4'H , JI'J J-1-WAM'KI ) AT ON'CIJ l.ADY ' 1O VIASAl VVbrnnch olllco and do wrltlni ; for us nt homo , canvaHtlnc , good WIKGS , reply with addressed n etiimpcd envelope Cryelul Cream Jollet C boutli llenil , ind. uu i' ' -WAN'I HI ) , ( illil , hOK lil-NKHAI , 11UJ work , izood took , washer und Iroiitr , 21J < Cn | tel nveniio MM C-WANTBii , ( , niL ion CINIHAL : : work In small fnmlly. l"57 North IWlh el. V74 -ailtLWAN'HCD , fAMH.YJ 511 PVHK AVHa : a i -WANJKI ) , OUNiICIIIL lO/ssldr IN ( in crnl boiiDCHork. riifcrtnct's required Sirs I ) McKwnn , 1114 bouth'i.tb clue I M7o7 J -WAN'IKD ' 1 WO HHM CLASS WAIhl1 'IHI mim Inimcdlntcly Must lilvo i.nod itferonc 31. Llebmnnn , Dcndwood Ho llnkotn. bOJ C I-WAM'KI ) , 01HL AT ONCI' I OK OKNKli IKIUK work , .II.'B Chicago street 81b C-WAMKII-Iilllli I OH IIKNKUAL MOD- work , nt 'lISHouth llth street M OI I C WANTri-lHL ! mil UCNKHAL l7dU > nork In fnmlly of ito Apply tomoir nfturnoon between \ nd4nt Jill 1 nrnnm t t.MbU.11 FOR RENT HOUSES. D F-l Oil IlKNT , NO. 2413 CAPI'IOL A YUM modern ' 1 ho O 1' . Davis Co , 1M'5 ' I nrnnm m mIt D-IOHIIKN1' , MODKIIN 10 HOOM HOUHT , A convtnlentcs , tlvo minutes' walk pobtolll street cnrs pnis the door. Nathan bbelton or L hi Inner. IbU 1 urnum at K -VOH IIKNI' . IIOUSKS IN ALL I'AHIS elly. 'IboO , 1' . Davis company , 1WJ 1 nrnnm ' D-FLVIH , DWr.LLINC.S. KIllAliKS IN A parts of i-lly , Kllkunn ) X Co , 'Ai. Karbacb I 1 IIOl'&K ' OP II HOOMS , ALL .MODHIIN C J-'vcnlcnoH. pleasantly locutcii near bu lno 5 i ler. Apply IUUO Cblcnito > l , of L 8 Sklunur. ) arnnra 71 - toil HKNT. E HOOM ( OIINKH I LAT hlC < l Hour , rnnifu .V utu'reon\tntciices ) tlouttr 701 a Itlh it , , fill , llliiitwall Ilroi HurLiT bit JJt J D - HKSIliuKrv. MODKItN' . U\l \ SOU lUh : mrtot. C. B , Kliiutter , WI lluo bulldlim.Ml Ml D-NKW7-1IOOVI COrrAtlKS. MODBHN , Btnnford elrclo ( onvtnlent for bu liie > i i of Omaha nuel boulli Uiiiahu , U , a , I gutter , Uco bulldliitf , M4 T\-FOll HKNT. AT VOT FMIS'AM BPHKl' . ' ! J-'nlni ! room modtrn house , All con\t-nlen At itUhnrnaui \ sUtcl , a hrltk sloro ' 'inil fuel ply to VV Illlnm U. Donne , 61S .S Y l.lfo bhlK i'"J -I-OH IlKM , AN KI.Kd ANT HOUdE , MOUK location btst. It. C. 1'uttorson. I , - ) HKN1\-TWO NOinit IIOIIdKR OKI D-KIl id interior block on ( ieorklu . avtnuo Ai Itooiiis JW nd Ileo I ulldlut ; J , M blmeral lolvtr. IF i LlSi-l'AUI. , IWJitAliNAM MltH .M1.40J : . ( Oil HKNT 8MA1.I , llOUHi : . H lll.OI K I 1 D. cutilo lluo , IT l r niODtu , Inijulio 1510 84th t. MM TV-NOW 18 OUH OIIANK TO bKC'UHK \J bltablo liousmcheaiiVolinenlnrK" lit lioiuet rentlnc from fj per mouth and up , ( > e I'aul.looilnmuimt. W ' iVrou iI \ 'rHOOM IOTTAQUI c \J water ! tlonu town ; cheap. U. S , Hun IturomiHU. AI liv IN 1'AMIl IKt > . UT AND hi D11KH3MAKINU , ! ! . lit FOR RENT HOUSES. n. 40 KWAIU MT MODKIIN AXII HAUN.tlSOO. IS1I I'lmce M I2fioo 41st nnd fccttnr with l.nrn , 19 00. nil Inrnain , moio-n IW no l. < n I ocnM with burn II2UJ , H7IJ.NO 31 H HOT fl'4So 2111 st , modern , HI 00 And rtiany other' ' * In nil pnrli > of city , KI > Vve dlUV nouKUm nuenttiUO owners t * I vvii.i. nn.vi vTvTitirsi'.itNisiiKc , 10 responsible pnrly for 0 nonllis or jear. 2108 Dotuilns ftroet M8I7 7 _ D-toit nivr : sKVKitAii M.KIIANT MODKHN built elslit room hon e . near llnnncom I'nrk. All coiucnli nct Moderatp rent" Apply lo fieoruo N IIIX5 , . .S V Life lliilldlni ! M7SJ 7 -ONK HOVt HAT , ONh D room , rtenni licit , reference rcqiilrcd 818 South JSmlsltoet > S8 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 1.1-MIONT IIOOV14 WK1.I. HKMKD , TUIt Il/nlthcd , can boor I 62) North ll'lh street streetMSOO MSOO 3 * 1 ? 1 Oil IlKNT-nKSIUAIII.KHMtMillKO HOOM. fiirnnco heat , hot and cold water Apply 1721 Capital nvi'iiue. opposlleTrinity cilhedrnl 7-Ml'l'I.V ITHM ! ir.l ) OH t VI11UMSIIKI ) -I Jrooms , all modern convenience nt lit N Mlh street "SJ-S" I/-Kill HlSSr , A .N'ICI'.I.V HIIIMSHKI ) HOOM. 1 Jail cotnenlence iiullnhlo for one or two iten tlcinrn V30I lloilk'la' st ' ' < ' > 1 * 1/-H it.s'idur.i ) HOOVIS , ins DunnE SIHRKT I/- 5 Ml'i : H It.S'lslIKl ) HOOMS VV11II III'AT J JCall nt im M 17th st Price ( I M nnd $3 per > MeV 7,1 1 * _ FURNISHED ROOMS 'ANP'gOARix l.i-TIlK DOI.A.S SJJAMI2II N ISTlt SI' 1 * 414 _ Sl'lll - > 11t HI. I S8 _ l -Mtl'I.Y H 1IM-HKI ) ' OIJIlinAM' I'llONl L room with nltove nnd lay window All modern conveniences lie ml pilvntu Inmllj. 122 Eolith lUh tltct .V174I ! ! ? -HO < iM AM ) 110AHI ) roll MMJl.K (1ICM I.It innn fVlVJ rer wttk , tnodtin conveniences 5,1 il'ril street' Moil ) I * 1.1-1.AHI.1C SOU 1 ir 1 HOST HOOM VVIUI -I lonrd , references.Illiunnm. . M71'87 ' * fT ToTT ifnsi , i.Aiim : sot 111 HOOVI , utit I nWicd with board fur Iwoprlxnto famllv I'l.'G ' otilh M Btieet 7WI I * li-HAM ) = O\lKLV HHMslll'll HIOM IM'OM 1 for two kentliM inn or Idillcs nntl llrst clnss bonrillnpmntufinill ) . ' ? OJ Doiiclns MS12 i > 1.1 1'L'cVs \ N r n i o N r 11 ooi wnn noAtti ) 1 t0 South i tli streat. Convuiknt locntlon M6I8 S' 3 HOOMS A'l 1 W CAl.ll OMA far , / 1 t UNHjllSlsill.l ) HOOMS IS I LI'II I.LOCK , VJcor It th mul .Inc kson t tt > nin heit , fzns , tuttli , refc'rctue required InuultoOU ? Iftli at , top lloor . ' .74 a * BOARDING. ItA 1-r.WMOllK 1A1ILE IlOAHDKItS UA.S l ! nccoinmodnteil nt520 N PJlb 671 li1 FORRENT STORES1 AND OFFICES 1 Klt HUM''Jlli : 4SOHY ! IIIIICK IIUIUHSU , J'U ' ( r-nrnam fcl I he building h-is n llrep-'oof ce ment hasenienl , complete ; stcnmhcnllnit fixtures ; wntu on all the-llcorb itns etc. Apply nt tlu olllco ol'llin llee 'J13 _ I -1 ( Ml HKNT , A V 1 IIV DI.SIItAlll.K lU'H.DINO , I rnltnble for n warehouse , with stnhlo In cont-t- lion. IrutltiKC tronl anil re ir Address K A Carmlihntl cnre of VHCord llrady A , Co * 215 I-OH-II'KS VVIlllMn.I. 1IUC , CU.STHAl , AM ) J. cheap b 2 JJ7 * I - SIO1UMSIO ) ( ) ( JI.ASS1 . . . Inlso otllce liushman block , f 12.00 It th nnd Dou lnu i i-ouubiom IIHICK in ILIIISO i KKT Jnl HU7 llnrnty tr < ut 6T4 I 'IWOS'lOIll ! ItOUMb Ml ! IIOIICLAS AM)101 IN Ibtli cor lull nnd lloilj.1bee Jnmcs Novlllo ordeu J I ox , 1JI3 llnrney. MUSU7 i nut HUM. sioiti'a < o.NOH 1 11 ii.i it AND wis ii lileiiKO } 5UtO bteniu bentid ( room Hut , nil tonvLiilcncLB 111 new dowry block Hobcrts. 1018 Uikilfo ttrcct AGENTS WANTED. I AIJK.NrS WAMKI ) I-Oil UIIK VV1/AIU ) OP " VVull St. nnd Ills \Vealth or Ilia I Ifa nnd Deeds of lay duiilil bells nt sltht Ontllt2 > c C A llcl iluu , geneinl ntent , 411 Knib itk block , Ouiahn , .Neb I-0001) A'JUNTS WAN I Kl ) TO bAVIPj.K AMI ) 'si 11 our Cntltienm ( lood pn > I rant Williams 415 Kaunas avenue , Topekn Kun , J17453 * WANTED TO RENT. K WAM'I'.D'IO H1JS 1' , AS IVll-HOVlII ) h'AHVI ntnrOmnhn. Addiths1 4. , Ilee , stntlnu terms K WAM'KI ) , K ) Ul .N I A HHS1 CIMSS IIOUSK of 8 or' ) rooms nt n rensonnble lent , In n good ntliihborhood AdJitss U lojce , IbO Douu'lns street SU 1 * STORAGE M broiiAoi : ciiuvi' , CLUAN , WELLS , tnrnam street 1if -SlOHAfilC-l HAVK IICIIT , AIKY. l.HOU.M ) if tllloor slorauo rooms , liuitKleii etortd for 71 * per lonth : ( ieo W. llolbrook lei UU , , Idil 1-utleraon blotk 472 M DON P SrOHK UOIIblMIOI.I ) HOODS W1I1I. out tet-lni ; our storn.o di p iilintnt It Is the btsl Omnhn Move 111 pair VV orUs , l.07 DoiiKln * WANTED TO BUY. AT VV A Nlr ! j ) 'l"o TllJV OM7Tb T > rt 11 CKM' . ' llrst niortnaucB UtcdAbelby , 131 llonnl Iride 737 K' MUST MOHIdAOFH ON ( IOOI ) HHAL ES lute II A Ar.iold Ul ) Ilee InilliHne M74J FOR SALE FURNITURE. O -tuiisiruitn OK jbri\M iiiAri < i > H.A'I ? . , ill rooms rented ownara It avliu tlty , will sell oneorboth , cheap 114 boiilli 11 th Blr ot MOM J' 0 bKi'OM ) HAM ) r-Ol AHI I'lASO IN OOOl repair , for sale chenp 'WI Lorb ) Htrcct. MbU 0O O ioiisu IMONDAALLTHhhuTrNU : t'lti' tONuittc , nt . ' 5M D.nc'nport st , onncr lenvlni city 7b7 1' FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC 1 > - m y\LrA NTA u/Y 1 spilnK i press wniton bone hnrnes * nnd I also a nearly now net of ereuunr > tooU , ( onslsllni NO - ofbulttr worker , rliurn , llowi ) scilo trncK , ele O nil will bu sold utnKrc _ sicrltlo i Addrosi O II 'linliucL , Hoe oltlej or tall utJI.'I .Mlamn struct wbcrokoodN can bo seen es 1OSi : HA\ . I about UH ) eleitnnt drl\er. mutl bo sold nt onee Hooui 4 Wllbuull lllk , Hdellt ) 1 onn & , Uunrunle- - t- " tiJi * I SALEMISCElLLANEOUS. . G1i"Jfi/uiiT7IilA7' ; ! ' A T'a Tfoiibic i irowKi automatic un emi nlsti ouo ! . " borJO power up iiKiiiunKlnu. both In itood repair Inqulru of host tier I'rlutlni ! I o , UJ7 Howard street , Omnha , .Net ) 783 Q SKONI ( ) HANI ) HAM ) 1'OWKIl Kl.UVA'l Ol forsnle 12W ( Hownrd 111 2 JI'J- ll" f'IIII ! < < rANIAHI > CATII.K TO 1IAS toV Wstnnlly on hund baled hay , for sale on trnck n Anit-3 Ne-b VIOl ) U. oo , Q JUST HIKSII , HANDSOMi : IIALh1 JISHSU H. ; tow , cheap ! > OS south IJth , bolwuca Marey nn D Muion M07I OK I HANK CUbTOMKIl HICMOYINC HIO' Q OKL. til ) who will not only sell nt sacrlllto bU ron L. entule , but lurnlturu , piano , horse and buirKy. "afi etc AUo bn\o hhow taKOs lounter nnd Hliolvlm i.i. Mui-l bo nolil K D Wend , It lh and DoJifluu Ami ilk MO i \\mir a 7541 ilkT ) T Q -i OH HALK i INI : 'iiioiiouciiniii : ! ) si ; irlo nnd double combed hron n lekhorn cockerel en hit nlsu u few I'l ) mouth llotk cockerels , 1UI7 S IIS . S - t-Ai.r TIM : KMH.ihii hKi'inn rui Q-ioit IheinioiilliBOld , u bargain 1017 ti alht M J- " ' " * it m itL , ' ' 15 / \-rOlt SA1 K. I HrK.NOl.lIAI'il fillOlllllAN Wiiinthlno , 1 nill's void vnUh , nvni hulf ro price Addles * , T4S , llooollica M7W ) 1- MISCELLANEOUS. IN lien TiTll TlHN ' ! OIlTocTrniK 2UI 1' . LAlltlh HAI , I lnctUuL or lettuies Apply at ' 4UJ Dodno 873 J n iiAYicoirn OLD CAiti'r.r WOVK.N IM [ OS IVbenutllul runs Address Oiiinhu Carpel und 111 Ap- factory. 16.'I 1 onvenworlh ulreiet Mii ) J 24' HN' , CLAIRVOYANTS. ttUK S .Tnn M."i.KoiiA"v n. I'IIOIMIK'TK . KA UK trunco clulrtoyaut and llfo roadt-r ; tolls yoi 'Ply lift ) from cradlti lo iiruve ; tan uu consultul on u , re urialrsof llfot has thu ealobrutod Kioptlaa brtu plate to unllo the separated und cause marrlai hi' . wllli one you lovu t'onui one , com * all ami he co \liueiloflierremarkahlo powen Ollloa and ro dencotlTb Ilthel.houM 9u ni to tl p. m , btrl lOM llfu chart nud photo of your future wlfuorlu N. band sent throunlj mall for 1500 , t hurt alone MI 1' All It-tier * containing I rents In etauips nroniDl answered. M.Oi ] j' ' II1C- t of C-.VUt , 1)11 l.K Oil Kill' , Till' : tti'lU.STIl 10 I.II ofV Oreniler. Mio Is n forccnsterof thu hlithost orde V reads nil amain of llfu wllhulmost truth , VMia ailvt-UUo 1 thull dn Incniulor and with an hone Intenlton of c-iillnhlnlnit and beueflttnc liumanll . iiUj which Is no ircnlly wanlid lo unko mankl hunlthy nnd happy , the Is thu possessor of t famous lleapalra umnlet llonrd U a m , toU kLK ui. Uooui an t ) uvlu tlock , comvr Kill and Hod street , JW1 : CLAIRVOYANTS. 1 Mltf NANSIKV WAHID V T AlltVOVANf Jre-llnble huslnflin tnt-rt'ithi , llltli yeir nl 113 .N I'th MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. " " * " " " fp-MATJAMir vTmT.nf Tvrr" ! . I Uoom 3 .id tloor Mnnaito , nlcohol siilnhnr mid sciMths. Vl43 C' Tl-MMl' . OAlfOV. IUI HOt"n7A * STI1I5ET ill ) floor , room 7 tmsiaio , nlcohol iiilphnr nml sea lialM p-MMB < * TOWK , MAOMriO : ' i block PERSONAL. U-WANTKI ) , ALti ( ! K.VlLiMiV : : INTHU pftcd In lonrnlna the clenco of plf defente. In rluillnnboxlnif. to bo nlZli N \ Life , Weilne il T eve ntlO ! All member * of cluna plen obe prea int .NO lonfersnilmlttiMi t'rof ( lulwlt s Instructor TUIl * - . ot ; .l MJIUHI : HIVBAHI : : ) U-pniiso.NAU nccordliiR to mlonco ot Aotrnlnitjr nltb pen pic ture of fuluro husbnnil or nlfo fcnilZO conti full ilnte * of birth nml description of eelf I'rof M llrown , box Iliri ) , fliloiKO III 70S I * MUBIO , ART AND LANGUAGES. if"l"T"u K LI , P N H K P K HA s7ftT li A I'l illlt' wT V cor 16th nml llnrnt'j HnniO ) street entrinco Ull MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ' MO.NKY It ) LOAN A I1 I.OWK'.r HA'I K3 IhoO K Davlsto 1JO > tnrnam struct. 7'JI \\r-ANTI10N \ LOAN AND I Itt'ST CO . IM N \ Life , lends nt low rntei for c'loloi neuirlty on Ncbrnskn or IOTII Inrnis or Umnhncif proiiortrTJ3 TJ3 _ \ \ r-CE.NTUAL LOAN & . UlUbT U ) llKK IlLDU TSTi \\r MOItlOAdK LOV.NS l.llbs 1IIA.N 7 1'Klt ' cint Inclnillnz nil chnrita ) tlinrkn W Itnlnor. Onmhi Nut hank bide , i\ ioNh'i ro LOAN. LAND Ti , i bouses to rent. Ueoruo W 1' Conto' Hill 1 nrimin M tj r-I.OANB ON til Y I'HOI'hltTY , li AM ) 7 I'KIl cent K t Hinder , I51'J barn-vm VI ( > V1 JJ * \ VliAll LOANS OS I ITV A.NO PAHM \Vmo Hied A. Sclby , IH llonrd of Irnle T ilONKY ' 10 LOAN O.N IVII'HOVI'I ) CITY properly , low rate A. C. 1 rod Douglas blk \\r-7 I'KU TKNT MOSKY NFT TO IIOUIIOWIIU' ' ' on Omabit rll ) propuity No i'xtrn Lhnrk'ea of nny kind Why imy hlnh ifttcs1 * Money 1 th"ni | on inn KOI lull benoHt of low rntos from dlobj I OMI nnd 1 rust to Ibth nnd Dodje 7'rJ \\r-oM A i T r 7\\ Lscis"UAMC MAKKS LOANS ' on rent cst ito nt loniel muikLt rntes 1 ouiu inntlc1 In fiunll 01 lurco sum * fur nhortor loiii time N' ) commission IK churitoil nml the loin nru not sola In the ta t , but cnn always be found nt the bank on the corner of Uth mul nunults streets VII " \\T LOANS ON IMI'HOVIII ) AND UMIMPHON Kl ) ' ' city propert ) { lOOOnnd tipu udiii to ? percent NoUelnys W. 1 urunni bmltb , C Co I o than I llnrncy. 7UU W -C 1' . UAltlllsO.N'MS N.1.1HS 799 irI'HIVATK VIO.s'ttY I .T M)2n MOHTGAOi : ' loans , low rales Alex Mooru lice bid ; (01 AW MON'Bt ' 1O LOAN I 1IAVK AHOUTflOOJ > i to lonn on Improved Omnhn property. prl\nte funds In olio or luoro lotus Address T lu , Ileo office. 6U. > r MONKY ' 10 LOAN , dUMS fiOJOO AM ) Ul' ( ieorun I'nul liOil-nrnam Vlhil ,137 * A\T \ \MKI1 AI'OSOH LOASbOS IMIMIOVICI ) * ' Omnhn proptrt ) , low ktntes lldellty 1 runt Loinpnn > 170 1 urn im st * 7UJ \V-MOSKVTO i OAN A r LOW HM iuri us os IM ' ' pro\ed \inlinpro\ed renl est itel toojCHrs 1 ldcllt > I rust ( o , ITU. : 1 nrnnm st 70.1 " \V V10.M5\ 1 I I ' Monev ' . I Money I If you wnnl to borrow mono on Improved city or farm propert > , till on or Address Georuo J I'nul , UjOi I-nrnam Blreet 7'.U 1 * \\T MOMY to LOAN ON OMUIA ASD COUN ' til Itlulti real cstntu nnd Sibrivkn nnd Io n farujH nt from Ci to 7 per tent Interest , with no nddl- tlonnl chnr os for tommUsluns or nttorncs f < is W. II Melkel 1st .Snt 1 hank bldK , Omnlin 7U MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. - CALL AT TUB ! Ot K1C1S OK : OMAHA MOHTOAGB LOAN CO : ; INCOHl'OltATKU. : IK\nu WANi"\ios'nV. \ou can borrow on BOL'SRIIOLU HJllNflUUK AND l'IAS'03 , HOHSKS , WAOOSS ASU CAUHlACIW , WAitniiou&n itrcKHus , MIHCII VKUISU on ANY oriiint bici UHIIV. \ \ o will lend you nny ninount from Sll ) 00 to ( I 000 ON'IIIK IIA1OU AbIC I OH IT , without publicity or removal of property \outnnpiythomotieybntk In nny iimounts you wish nnd nt nuy time , nnd each payment s J made will reduce the cost of the loan licmcmb r tbnt you hnve tlio use of both tli3 property nnd the money , and piy for It enl ) u loTi as you keep It. 1 hero will bo no expense or cbnrKO kept out of the nmount wnntod , but you will receive the full amount of the loau Before borrowInK cliewbere call nnd see us and you will tlnd It Kreatly to > our ndvantnie. OMAHA MOItlt.ACK LOAN LO SOiiboutb If in "trcL't , tlmt tloor above tlio street T1IKOLDFST. LAH'iKsT ANDOSLY 1NCOK- 1'OH\1KD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA OMAHAMl Ml 75 r lO YOU WANT MOSBl TUB I1DI5I.ITY LO\N OIJAHAN fKK CO , HOOM 4 W11I1NKLL 11LOOIC. 3WA 30UII1 15th COItSKIt HAItNKV 3T WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANT SUM \ LAKOE \ On \ FBOM TUN DOLLA KS OP W K MAKi : LOk.NS ON UltSIIUItn. IIOllsR ? , CAHIHAOLS , WAIIKIIOUSK HKI KIP I'd Oil PJ3H- BONALl'ltOl'liltry Ob' AN KIN > / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /TOU ULL /ON / CB FIRST / FOB. / ' OUIlTKIlMs WILL MBKl' YOUIl Al'l'ltOVAL. Youcun pay the money bio * n ( nuy tlmo an 1 ! nny nmotirt you % VIBI | , and thus rodticj t'jo ' oit ol oliiR the loan In proportion to amount > ou pay IhOU ewe a bilaucj onrnt fnrnltiiro 01 other porjonnl property of any kind wo will pay U OITfor you nnd curry It n * loiu a ? soudojlre , YOU CAN HAA'K YOUIl MOSKY IN ONK IIOUll IHOM mi ! 'inn : YOU MAKI : APPLIO\I' ONo \ , No publicity or removal of property to thnl you not tlio nsoof both nion y and property 1UO X IOMY1 < ) AMT-ON rilA'llhL. COLLAT ornl or other pernonnl property , nt itiiHOnablc rates , I to u months i lalms bouKht W , It Di\ls llooin.10.1. McCuit'.o bltlK SklJ.'S X-1'llllCHAIU ) , 51 DOUULAb I1LK bUii _ XMOM.Y LOANHD CHKAP Al'iOIJH OW > - lime. Nebraska Loan Co , IJ1U Douulas st 10 X-MONK\-.W , tU , M lA\b. CHKAP IIAPU ! nnd onuy payments on furniture , pianos , llvi stock , etc , without delay or publltlty , tasli 01 liiinU llultllreen , rooms llarter block B1I X WILL LOAN MO.N1CYO < J ASY KINDOPSK turlty , strictly confidential A. K , Harris , 20 Knrtmth hloik , bU5 BUSINESS CHANCES. HL'hlN'lSSS OPHNIStis. NO LllAIU.IO 'il Y buyers bond sin-up for printed list. VBII Pal ten of Omnlin Si > 7 JI4" \r-\\lLIi PAY ALL CASH I Oil gfOUKi Ol J dry Koodi , clotbliK bootinnl bhoen urocerloa No commission Alex Moore , 4J1 Ileo blil M130 --OMK. riiiso UNUhtiAL PAU.SO I > HU < ttorooirorod foi sale at n discount Wrlli ti duy YnnPutlon , Omaha 0774 * y-I SALK , NOr TltAIiHOILL : AN slo ekof groceries. Address ' ! ' bU , lieu JldSi V V A riltbl' CLASS OIMCK MAN AND Al 1 countant would Ilku to buy nn Interest In koo buslnufei tau ln\est from one to tlvo thoiiHin dollars All unawer& considered contlduntlnl Tt llto T. > 11 * 1) V-hlOCKOFCJOUllMj. 1IO/1S ( AND HIIOKi bt I bats mps ami uents' fiirnlsliliii : tioodi all I Kood nbupoand food opportunity for rU'ht inn Dlmu'reumunt of partiiurs thu reason ln\olc fl..UUU Answer box U , lekaiunli , Neb M75 * 7 * T. I'AH'l.MCH WANTHl ) ' 10 ' 1AKK 1UL1' li lertst In Mlnt-rooui , hotel , etc. 1'iiyn food A etsT.M , Ilee. 811 1 * -rl'MO HAY1NC.H toil BAKU AM ) PHOKll'AHI , Investment Ouinha cnterprlsd preferred A 'Via , Hie \H07J- Y-WAN'IKD A HKHPONHI1IL1S KNUIKil' . I'l 1)K ilruml tn ttatu agent In Nebraska for Dr lln ton's I auilly Knitrtiunty Medltlno Cheat nn llunkbooklbconsln , Mlnnosotn , f-orili ni tSoutli Dakota are already nold Addiess " lluttonCo , Capitol block , hi Pnul , Minn MIO Y . 'J11K WHsTKHN IIUsI.NKbS AKNOY , aiT L Y Llfu , tonduots u Konerul business eichiuiK Ll t of irood buslnuis housts In all purls ot II country uu application Iluklnciss potltlons s cured M76U U FOR'EXCHANGE. . K or CUAH : , t winter wheat iltitrku lu ICanini to e t for 11) ) or 'J aero tract iiuar Omaha cl ist lIuiIlD Will pur I'OJh aiuorenoo If prupertr istmi liuod , Addruit , clvlug price und location , OM , II mihe o ffltoi J ; he Z-TO 'IIIADK. CI.KAH LOT AM ) CASH It u ( rent of Mull located Dor 7-toum re ld uce. U.Cl'J K V , Uf * . IVb 1 FOH ' /-I OVVNJ"0 t-Vllt'N NKIIIU- I < V KANSAS linlf'n Win "oil cheM > , "f ox'hnnnJ fjr lii- , horses r l cMl'o AdJroii but vi-tl inl _ _ _ _ _ _ y II.KAI. ovt vilAr.At. i-srArijvim MDSIJ , ' 'nct.iiil vnliiitllon Mur.oj' ti > lonn DOT 518 Omaha r/-lt)0t ( ) . SOt'.SI ) 1UIH < . HAUNKS AVI ) /Julia-ion for coort irfnl 9 < foly , tplcnillit swept loneil tsmi * qui\rp nlnTMt for cl < nr lot or Inna 1' . O box tiO Api'ly i\tjnt * . C31 t-I.UVN AND H11ST /Jrlnsji Kooil town , iinc-hslf rs li. lul itooil clonr Innd Incnstt-rn S'cb orloirix JldUOJccn iinl'c. llrst clAX ) onphnlf cah. l l , clear Income Omnhn l > roiirrty. tti " > JU hrlrV IMilnc * Mock , KOO.I . Innn. rnslcrn .Nf l > . IncumbrHnrn $7 MO (1 ( per cent , net In- tonioM,53U , c-qully forcltnr In ml In NM > fO ntrc * npar I'rotnu , I lit .Toncrpt lipurlnn raisin Tlncynra , tine linpiotonicnlr. tiMKI ) wilt rxrhfitiKD for Omtilin linptorrd iironcrty h V llliifor Ijl'l ' Inrnain. bM < * V I.AM AND OA'slt VOttSIOK ( IN < n AT I' Oil / < \nllonsl lintih llo 4I 81 1'Mil .Spti BM.1 y-wii.i. r.\citAM > n AX \CKMKNT KI.SI / rtpnip property ncnr fnlvcr'Ur of VVoo tor , Ohio for iioort fftrmlnit I nml favnralih ultimteil In Iowa Nrliraikn or Miulli Dnltoln John W. Do Wltl IMit Summit Ave. * at I'mil , Minn MhTO 1 V-1 HAVK VAMUI1M ! IMI'HOVRI ) ANI ) U.N /-'ImproTcd farm IniuU to pxcliatiKn for South Omahn or tlnmhiv property or for Inrinn within .V ) rullcnof Unialm 1 1 nvc ono of the l'f > t of stock ami ftrnln fnrm 1,130 atici hnlf In winter wheat nnil rjp nnclSiO liondoffino ntock all clear of i-nciim hmncto cichnniit ) tor ronl p t . - ) anj niltihl t" > y ionic cn h clllorpncJ for Uoslrabla propcrtjr Do KTllmyo ir propor'r ' rirofully , prlcJ etc A'tilruM ' hot 73" OmnhM .Sol ) "UJ 5 * r/ / Jlnnil 14 OUO stock inerchnndlcc for rcrldrnrc1 SI 000 iiruiicrty I tulles out. for roMdento deed UtMdo proptil ) fur ucrc tract tSOU ni-iclmndl e- for lot Clcnr property In Mom tnlls for equity In home 1 1) . Wend K.th nnd DotiKlnt nitc-nt. 751 1 l/r-Wn " 15 AM ) I.OI ANII'l WO VACAN P I.OIS /Jlo evehunBO for ultmlo lot or aero propi-rtT 1' 1C DnnlnK llnrkt-r bloek M7'1' ' 3 * V I.VS'l ) . 1'liHHIJ 03 foi plnno or inyllilnuof viilucAdnrcsa Thl 1 _ I/-1 Oil -lAI.K lilt Tit \II15 llA DCNVKIt /JiMrt | > 1 busllieis hlock nnd 4 prlvnlo ros.ilincea on Ul\\ \ \ direct 'oiilh Omnha nt bir iln Cull rooinrtW I'axton lilock 1) Holler. M7ui i' r/ A iiAitnuAiu : b'locix 01timwoo 10 K\ /'clnntc for two thirds rrnl cMnlo nnd one-third cnsh 110 \ 8111 , Mnrllli - Mo 7M 1 * 100 1AIIVN IN SI.11UASKA , K V\SAS l .VDnkotn Will cell cue-ill or i-xdiniiKu fet iiiilse horoci X tittle1 Add hov 7t > I rnnkfort Inil r/-cii.vN : ' loc icOP < ! i MIIAI. : vrns K , WILL /-Jtiike rctiljestnteinont ) I o\ . . ' . > , 1 rnnklort Ind r/lll \UtAVl2 1 VVH 1IAVK SOVIP. I MtS'l /J clam Iiiipnucil Income ! Ix'nrlim Omahi prop crtthu owiii-i of which uuntH to no Into toid ritMtii ; and will pvhoti for n nd .Si brnka or ION c land AclcllOHnl.1 o .N Illc.ke , , : jj .N V l.lfo Illdu V.7S4 . ' FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. 17011 bAl.t1. 1)11 ) ' 1IIA IIIUOtll ) IOIS IV Vtl' I I'lon'unt .1(1(111 ( Ion wllhln I hlocin of motor line Will tnkenooil nprluht plnno or will sell equity Inlets lots vt-ry cheap Address tt outod 1 , lie. oillco 715 UKAI. llurinlns onlr My weld Is cood. VV I ! Albrlcht. 6J1 2-J New Vorlc Life 810 LES N VV I * . O , f 2 OOa Oiscrtal mllisS VV ro.WOOO 40 iitrts 7 mlle-i t-'li fi ! 4 U luUncn 7 iiillti wesl ( : \ simp ) tX > 000 1 ncro Kolvcilurc nciii 11 u.8s > > ij 40 ncrcsj mills N Hoitni o , } I 000 loj Htres in-nr Vllllnrd i Ml 0 41 J neu 3 15 mile- * from ( ni ih i $17 t 10J ftet neii pnrk MIVOI ! tii"t ! I'ast front teoi.li : Vre SllltO 50 ftct on llrlatol pi\eil nenr Konnt/c plnce $1 M ) lloclfonl plncc lotS.k'0. 'lOUlK ) 38lh A\o a ul Davenport $1 000 KM fret on I nrnnm near iiul MOOOO f.ood lot haundei and II mid , 7450 liocul lot , Oulrnid Hill } ( M l.ood lot , \li j lies udiV.IUU SKI UCXJ house .iml two lot- < lie ir pnrk Ih 000 h room liou'O a.ul lot nttr park f , , ( > JO l > room cottnKi , nnmti'l ctt I mile1' < ) , J..IOO. . ' > room < otlHKO Uthaiul lone" ! l,4-"i b. I ) \\tuil , 11 , 111 nnd iJoiikhi" , WU o\\ncrs Abri.hNDII ) ClIVMU : 10 OIH.V1N A MCI t\\o \ or tenrcreIrictcloie lo Dm ihn 1 cnn oiler for ijillck eulu ilnilin , ' the comlni wtek M\cucres West Omnha , clt-cnnttrHct only$260U I l\c ncrtt , just oulbldu ctl > llmlls , wllb coltQKe $ J200 'I on ncres near new fnlr grounds , vv'ebt Onuiba nlth sniull cottiito enl > $ > W 'Iwi-nty ncrcs Bplcndldly rdiipttil for small f i nit only $ 7j per ane- 1-orty lures first clash Inrestmcnt , only five mile from postottlco $1K > per ntn- I hlH Innil Is all splendidly located to receive Ihi bcnctlt of OmuhiiR fuluro rioulh It Is out ; twcntt tUc inlnnltd drive from iho postotlltt nnd llfteen iiilnute-s ilrt\u fiom tenth Omaha 1 Uo or ten acres nlll ulvc you n nice home , sup port your famllv , mil If properly trken cure of , li fruit \tirufkbl ! mrdenlnn will pa > eich > cn monthnn the kalii } ot the best puUl nifcliiinlc h Omnhi Von tan work In Omnhn ami furnish > on children pic a ant and protltuhle cmplo ) mcnt i lull it home nnd whlln you n&dolni ; thu the tlty 1 l/rowliifr * 4te tillly. nn < l the tlrt-t thlni : j on knox you acres will divide Into loin that will brliiK ? > ( "l li UOOinch An > one wnntlnz H I'rst i hies plnco fo small fruit nndi nctnt'lo Kiirdonlnf or n protltnbl Invttlmcnt will do ell to cull mid nco me nt once C.C'0 N IllCkp , MIOln OrN. . V. l.Uf bu tluK "bt 'J " ff YOU WAM'A 1IOV1K , J If you wniu to lie sa\eil the nnno niico , respor slblllty auil the thoii and anil onuuxnllona nocci surj In hnlhllnK ; If you wnnt to t-ttp right Into n jterfcctly bull and splendidly finished house ( ill nnd &eu III hamUamo touuirts 1 luivo juit tomnlcted ntn Ilnnstom 1'urk ' 1 hcj are the best built nnd finest flnlshtd IIOUKC for unlo In Omtihb I.ocntlon nol hborhood convcnlnce , uurroudlng are nil thai cnn bo deMrod Dlnonli-r to enttt n quick snlc , I will oiler the" lioiiM.'t for n short tlmo ut Hk-ure-i 11 will pny j on t tim-i-llK'Uc- ' ( , KI .V Illcka Dealer In tholco residence nnd hunlni sx proiiert ] Mi S V hlft-hulldlnc V1784J 1/011 SA1.I. OIITIIADH MChlOl' IN Vlll.fOltl -L 1Nth , two blocks Irom dtpot Milnicl it f IK ) bnrwnln 1017 b lint Et M7'I7 J * ( 400 1-EH ACItK , OMilllllil ) OAbllV II , > phu > U ncres north pnrt of illy , ilon t nili-n till hiiifaln ( , jou wont net It njjiiln In Omnhn , 1.011 lor 10 dn > s from date Call or address 16Jr > Shei man avenue 711-11 - /"lOUM-'ll , 4IM'ANI ) JACKSON , JI.100 , 4 CASI v/'liari.nlii ' , ind line lot In llils r K. Dnrflne Hu ker block .VI70J I ( & 40J 00HI. . IIUV . ' .MCHIOI'S .SHAH AVI1 ! ' ( Pnveuuo motor. $1000) c iMi. halnnto nionthl ' 1 his li nbout hull Ihelr v nine \Vlllliuns .1 Mltt-ti VltCnKiiohulldlni ; , opnoulte postolllee MWJ1 2 l.'Oll hAl.L , UKfelDfM h I'ltOI'KlflV IV COL'J ' 1 til lilulTs , (4 OUO Incunibrnnco leni , ' d foi fl jeni at fXIO. 1'rlci-J.i.OOU , If bold Imincdlalcly b : Ilee VISl'i 7 I.-OK SM.K-A.N ni.l'CA.NT DOIMU.K iTu -1 dcncc nenr llanscomb pirk , onoof Hie fine : plnces In the clt ) : prlcu 117,010 ; enn null nntl tal part of the pnrthutto prlco In 1,001 ! farm land I .Nnbnisk i anil Ion a , anyone wuntlnu a nlio rti denco will llnil this worth InvcstlKallni : ( ieo J IllekH. JOS N \ I Uu lll.lt . ; 7813 LOST. " 1 OST-A A TAIIt OF SI'I.Ul'ACl.Kd , I'l.KAS -iJlonve nt lluu tountlnii room ' , x I OVl'M.W IlltOWN KID IL'H KIlfiKU 1,1-1' ' Jjhnnd tlovu llewnrd If returned to M5 Nc \ork l.lfo 71741 I IOST. l.AIIIKrf lll.VCIC AI.l.UiATOIt 1'OCKK Jbook , now. containing H 7i In slUer. l.tnvo llto ofhto and uct reunrd 7M l < T O T-iNIlhlI : llUIl" IKIlltlKIt HIT ! I J-icoloi pure white CKIH undipped , him been KOI nbout 2 wcuk * , A llbtr l reward for her return ouih nth st. - ni'i'Kj , 'itir.sDAV KVKVIN - betwiin Hlth and , Kurnum nnd Dili n\cnn Unilur Mill pltiiKo return to 1033 South jjth uvcn and rtctlvo reward 7bj t < DRESSBIAKING I modiste Work by day or week 111 North in street _ Vluj i' ' _ _ HORSE'S WINTERED ; HOUSI'S HC ! ) AND CAItKl ) 11)11,51 MOM'II U U Ci ( inns , I' O biln I JO50 mil Omaha FOUND. * * 1.MLM ) r\\0 bJIClv I'IKS. Al'l'H , J510 I'A -i nam street. 7H > , THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAl K is via the Chicago , Milwauke r & St. Paul Railway , as repn sented on this map , Electric Lighted , Stejim I lea ed Vestibuled Trains lea\ Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.a , : riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. r City Ticket Office , 1501 Fa nam St. , Omaha. F. A NASH Gen'l . , , Agent. COMIC OPERA CONSTRUCTION Methods of Writers mul Composers in Oollalj- oratingi , FEMALE MUSICIANS AT THE WORLD'S ' FAIR Plum fur ( lie ( Niiniirtlltxn Aiienritiii | P ( it \\ntnciiN Mu lril ; Cliilx Otinrnt lint- tip of t.iife I'enpln mul I'tiiyn CoinliiK Attnulliiim. Of tlio multitudes lit ) po to tlio thcatcis a ( front majniltj take no finthor thouirht of tlio iil.o tluin to bo amused bj It , or not , ns 1 lie iMio may bo ' 1'hcto .no. IIOWOMT , a few \ \ ho consider the matt or a llltlo nioio rtcoplj , anil spcoulato as to tlio motliods of author ship Inquiry Ins boon undo .is tti the viue- tiooof ooll.tboi.\tiou \ which the author and composer puisne in the o.iso of joint \\otk lu coinli * npor.ts The oop.il tnoiMilp seems illf- forcnt fiom th.ttof two \\iltois of u play or no\ol Kofiln.ild Do Ko\cn , ooinposoi of "Kobiti Hood" .uul "Tlio rencing Master , " as nskoil ' Do jou I'omposo jour inuslo Hist , or do , \ou sot , i libiotto wlikh has Ihst bton wiUtcn" ' "The Ihst s\stcm of woilt pmsued b\ H.uri 1) ) Smith ana nn self inij bou'K.iulod us Kotiuiuo tolliboiation , " \\\s the ioph " \Voha\ofonnd that this onlja > \\o I'.in pioduto a stioco sfnl opeia Is to bo totothoi lonsl.intlj , not kin } ; on a piece until It is do- llxotodto the mamiRor 1 i-ainiot say tint cither imtsie \\oidlnntaUos ptonikMuo tlcfoioti won ) or a note \\iltton Mr Smith and I discuss the subject most laicfully , and thoohoUois by no moans eastnsriuiotis toniptinpoliaraotois and localities biitrntst theinscUcs Whoii e ha\o seloclod an idea > \likh lends itself to no\ol iiiusic.il oiloct and : t plituiosinio in \iionmciit Mr Smith outlines a plot , and this is imitimllj discussed As urn Itnou , anj muskian possessed of inu m ition is likol.s toh.ueii lonsldei.tblo st.uk of melo dies on hand thoiesultut impio\lsition and casual Ideas ; so that \\oh.uoio.icliod this st.ifre in the doxelopmenl of the liluotto 1 phn to Mr bniithanmolodj lit it 1 think mijrht lie adapted to the opei i In hand ' 1 hose \\hiih ue .ifrieo upon as ollei ti\e and appiopuato ate selected to lit cei tain situ.i lions , and il the numbi-i ins p.uticular ele ments of popul.nitj u situation is made for it. Mi bniilli nnd 1oik 1 p.n ticulailell , togethot , for the leison that 1 taKe a haiul in the makiiif ; of the book , while 1 umsidei hint an excellent jud o of popular music. For es imple , the UiiKeis thotns in 'Kobin Hood' is a tombin ition of two tunes which ] plajcdto Mr Smith Ho suggested Uikiii ) , ' the Ihst part of one and the setonil iiaitof the othei. The lesult is onoof the most popular melodies 111 it 1 h.uo wiillen But I pteferto sola Ijiic whiihhas alie.uh been wiitten Good woiKs almost iin.uiabh SUK ( jest a need molod.Poi . the monelendeis choiusinrhe IViicini ; M.istei' 1 composed no fewer than tluee tunes , so teadilj did the wouls lend themsehes to music 1 in ij s itlio slino of the lu.uots choiiis in th" binnoopeia Aftei the pieluninan details h.uo been .uranged Mi Smith begins woik Maj depend upon the ay jo i treat i he warn ings which nature gives. A few bottles of S S. S. taken at the proper time maj insure good health fora > earortwo. Ihereforeactatonceiorit / /IMPORTANT that mture be assistedat the right time I r.evtr fails to rcl eve the system of mi purities , and is an excellent to"ic also. He Wants to Add His Name. ' Permit me to add my name to > our many other certificitesin commendition of the preit curative properties contained in Swift's Specific ( h S. fe. ) It is certainly one of the best tomes 1 ever used "JOHN W. DANIUL , Anderson , > . C. " Treatise on blootl and skin diseases mailed ree , SWlFrSPECJFlCCO. 4'lsata.Gj. REM ING TON For Ssilc , Kent or J3J3STin the 'World. N1ECEATH STATIONERY CO. , //i I'll/i in Sdoot , Oinii/Ki , A'of ) . ® gss \ A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing but will doiionstritn nil wo claim. Wo will pliieotho brnlth I'roin cr hoslJe nny rltln iiiaolilno on tlio mar liot , It will sijo.ili for It self. Itsilurnblllty cm no lonurr oo ( juostloncil , WiUuoi cull onus foi iitulo iio , torins , utu , Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sis. , Omaha , Nch , 1 < luplK.M.l 1 ' 84. K. H. MAYIUW. MimiBor Still IcholllUt V Aldflt IllBT. Tlio Oniuhannil Itopiiblloin Viilloy Kullwaj conipiny. Notice IH licioljy Klvon Hint tin annual imMitln , ' of the htouKholtlurs of tin Oinaliiinnil Kotmbllo in Vallny Itilhvay Coup pniiy. for tlio uleutlon of bO\mi Ulroctors nut such otlior Inislneca .is may uroporly tiomi before tlio mectlnir , will lie bold at tno oflk'i of John M. Thinston. I'nlon 1'aclllo ItiillilliiK In tlu city of Uniulm. ul ) , on U mini sd i\ the 4th il.iv of Jaiiiinry , 18'H , lit in o'clock n n > ' 1 bo stiK'k booKs will tin closed fur Unit pur pose ton iluyh brfor < tlio inoistliit ; AliMILLIIH : Hcoretnry. Hoiton , Jlus3 Dec. iO , IfclB ( UbtlM toiikliolilnrN * Mcrtlni ; Union Klovato Ciiiiipini ) ol Oinnhit , Nolleo Hbcroby xhcutli it tluiiimiuil meet limol iliu htoc'Idioldi'rs ( if thci Union HIOMilo COIIIIIIDY. ( < 'i tlio | iurpo4uof ulootliu sovci ( llioclors and sutli ollior biiblne s ns in.i : properly coniu liofoio tbu iiicotln ; ! , will bo h li nt tbu ollleoof Joliu M , rinirstoii. Union I'a clflo bullilln , ' , Uninlia , Neb . upon Monday , til i'ntl ilav of January. Ib'K ' bnt.vaun tbo boiim > W o'clock u in , nd LI ) cloi-k p in AI'H.N MII LAH , Sociotary , HoHtoii , Dccombtr 1U , Ib'J. ' . Mm kliDlitiua' .Mwolliic Uiilim IHint Con piinj. Notlco U horohy eh on that tlio iiniiini ineotliu ot thohtiiukhotdoisof tlm Union hull foinimiiy , for tlio uluitluu ot llvo directors an sui-h nllicr lUMiii-h < i us may nrouoi y coinu lie rK foriitlin inuulliu will lie Jiolil lit tlio olllto f lU John M Thiirsloii , I'nlon I'lio1 He liullfllni ; . I tl.ueiltyof . tJiiiiihii , Nub. upon .Monday , th R lith ( lay of Jdnnnr ) . JS'il. ' nt HI " 'oloc-k u , in. AI.KX MIIJ.AH , fcoerotiiry llo.slon. Mnas. Dueuiulicr 15 , Ibiii. lUJilJIt TliiMiiiniiiiliiic-oUnKof Hn > hlooUholdi rs t tint Mlillutiil ( Juaianliu .1 Tin-t < 'o foi Hi i-lu-tliiiiof 11 liouilof illiu-lots .mil fin Mil- ntliui liiislni's-i us miiy i oinu In fore Ihu nn 11 hiK , will In > In III ill the coiiiii.uiy's onlc101 ; ruriiiini htiee t , Oiniilin , .Niili , on I inlliy. . Ih loth ilav of Jiimmii. JHUlj ut H /cl'V1.,11 ' ; , , " , ' , THU MllhAMUl'AlANTriX ) ! : TIM'M'U t- Hy ( Ji.oiiui. I ( .11.111 in , Atti'it. A rile llh , VJcol'ii'sliliiit _ htotkliolili'ri. ' MuntliiK. / Tlinnnnunl mootliiK of Hie stockholder" i Tbo lieu Iliilldlni : Co will bo bu d In thootlU n. of TliBtJni.ibulluii , Onittlm. Neb , ut 1 o'cloc n.r li. m , on Tuesday , January 1" . 18J.I , for tl r- ulccllon of u beard of director * ( or tim I'nsnli , \oirand tbo tr.nisactlun nf Hiicli otlai bus in sb us m.iy come boforu tbo ineotln , ' . llyorOorof the I'roliiunt. N , I' . riiU : fcecrotary Omaha , Neb. , Doceiubor SJ , lt > l > i I on the lvilcs nnd furnlihc * tnp with word * for tlio ROIIBS , in that I cnn bopiu on tlio I music , tvlillo lie continues with hi * imit \\onsuall.v vvoiU tocttlu-r thieo or four houis a AnH looms to nio tli.U thlt Is the oul.v wn.v to luwluco offoctlvo fo ult1 * " Cluirle * Alfred Ui no i oncolv ctl the Ido.i of "Tho Iiloof Chnin | > ino | ' fnmi sooiiiR n innn iliinU offa Rlassof witter nnd o\iliilm how delicious it vv.is i-onnuivd to the i h.ini- IMCIIO ho had hoen Itnhlhlntr for u week "If this , " n.ild lie , "eoit $ .1 iiO n nuait , nnd chain- c-ost nothing , ovoivbodj would go o wiitt'iThenio tlipitotms stinted Mr H.xinotiUo . out n S\HOHI | | , mill , wliMt lie hull soon Thos ( J SenbrotiVo Klvo surli n jfood di unkc'ii scene' , lie lilt * lied on tint tonic-dIan as the mini for the lull of the KliiT. ( Mr IHiuc1 told Ixmls Hiuil on of Ills sehenio for the new opera Mr Hniil oii ns a eoll.ihotateur.isngufd on As Ihine intend nfter net lie tinned It o\er to llanlson.lio Itijeeteil his niiteit.il At t hat time Hun ken \ \ as timoliiij. in'Ihe j Pe.ul of 1'eldn" eoiuiuny Hootild sn.uc'h time lnU\eon the pelforniiuut-s to uiltehlsiut tot the libretto , mul then send it hack to ll.unu , v llo would po o\er It iiirniu , until , step by step , e.uh seiitenee uns ul.ihoi.ited to its pioperoitli Willl nn Furst u.is not u initner in the enteiptNe Mr ll.Miio had oiiuinnll.N c'liifiigetl him , ou-n befine Iliiuison went Into the scheme , to mite the music for so much monoj He urets urinalu even 100 niiliK ho o\er , besides the 01 Ipm.il pi ice on the 11010 lUineuml H.uiitoii si\ that the\ lit e.uh othei so well in theh methods of woik , and e.uh Is so well pleased with the other , th.it thej .lie iihc.ith lollabouitiiK on two operas. Venus'and " 1'tineess Nicotine'1 'lhe\ ate also woiUiiift upon an idea fora new opera foi Keabrooke , but that will not be needed until ao.n and a half from no\\ 'l'liehne also adapted and written in pail oilgluilli "The Uindof Gold " # Tlio llmeau of Musicof the Wet Id's Colum bian exposition and the lie ml of l d.\ maim ageisof the Woild s Columbian commission in o dcsii oils of m tkinu a i emplele exhibit ion of the woik of the Women's Am item- Musi cal t lubs of Ameiiea Six loineulioiis ol Womoti's Am iteur Musleiil clubs h.ue theie foie been appointed to be held dining the fair In the Woman's building , .molding to the follou Inir pi in Hieh loinention will last four da\s nnd the houis foi its sessions will be so .iri.inutd that those who attend will ha\e ample time Itee in which to see the fair and hear the fjieatilioi.il and onhisti.il itmceits gi\cu unilei the auspices of the Uuitauof Music Delegates fiom all the best musical illibs In Ameiiea aio expected to attend these conventions , and eii h ilub is invited to send its piesldent ami as 1 u o u number ol its at the menthols as possible The piestdent ol each ilnb will be ex- pettc-1 to 10 ul a ten inlnato p ipei sUctclting the chaiai lev , objeots , and methods of woik of bur i lub , after \\hith tbiilj minutes will be allowed in which the best executants uf the ilub- either votal or instiimienl.il , or both -w ill bo expected to pet foi m a short piogiam. In all , foit\ minutes will be al lotted to each club In which to niaUo its ex hibit befoio the other clubs of tlio conven tion. tion.A A diploma of honor will be awauled to those tlnbt , whose woik eomes up to the highest blandml. After each bCbsitm , the Amateur Musical club of Chicago w ill enter tain the visiting clubs , leliesbments v\ill be solved , and caio will uo taken to intiodtuo visitingilubs to each other and give oppoi- tunitj for socl il conveib.ition ' 1 lu > 1 brattTH. Tour jeais ago , when .lames O'Neill stepped onto the stage of the old thoatu as Kdmund Dantes in the plav of "Monte Ciisto , ' Om ih i theater goeis welcomed him with a lound of appl uisohieh shook the liindcliets Thei hid seen the tihnted oinautit actor befoie and leincmbeicil his ashing eve , cameo likeptoille and exiiuisito i.iee This vcai Mr O N'-ill appeals at the on I3o\d theater m his latest sutxess rontenelle , " which is spoken of beiitKs to "Monto Ciisto " s a noitbi successor The plot deals with the advciituies of n ounpf nobleman of tbo lemn of I.oms XV of " "lame , and both that nioniieh and his uodigai inibticia , Mine do Pompadour , take ) .itt m the action of the plaj "rontcntlle" s histoiK.il m much the simo mainiei as Alonte Ciisto , " "The ! Thieo (5u udsinc'ii. " Coisican Hiothois , " and other lomantic ram is and diamatie power is novel sitn- ieed to tiistoiK.il atctnae.v , jet eaiofully li aw u iictuies of life in the g.iv Fiomh apit.il ale given with over.v i eg ml to nnnuto lotail in costuming and scuneii Mr O'Neill s suppoitcd by a eompiny of woll-Knovn u lists , and the pciJoim ineo will be peifect ncviiv detail. A spce'iil mitineoillbo iveu Mondaj aftoinoon. Made-lino Meill v\ill bo seen for the Ihst imc in Out ilia at Uovd's new thoatio on . " "ild.ii andSituiday , Jaiiuatj 0 and 7 , in Jeinh.udt's gieit plaj , "l-'iou Pioti " Alcih s of Hall in dcsv-ent , but her English iSKOod Shu is said to possess a wondoiful amount of nagnotisin , and has a gieit lo\o for acting ivhero the man ) moods and emotions to vhleh u nitinesueh as she possesses tin bid vent She is also a thorough musician mil line paintci She is an advocate of n.it- ui il in ting , caies nothing for st.igo ciaft , or uii thing at title ! il in ait Hen siippoitmg ompinv is Jhst-class in oveij icspoct ; in 'act , a poor com ] ) inj could not act a plaj "A Mad IJ again , " the now faico comedy , DJ John. I MoNallv and Julian Mitchell , will le presented at IJoid's ' theater on bund.i.s nut Mend u next hi James T Povvejs nntl .in excellent companj , including I'cto Dalj Miss .lull i M n low o tomes to lio.uVs thea- Ler Wednesdis eveninit , Januaij I , in James Shend in ICnoiilos fiimous pla.v'LhoHunch- back , " in wlueh she v\ill bo seen in ono of liei favoiite i haiacteis , that of Julia At the he ul of hci in ; n conip inj Miss Mai low o Is fast icathlng tlio highest tound on lha tliespl in 1 idder and she is all e.nly know n and liked heio bi her artistio woik upon foimor visits , when she couited and vvon publlo favor by her splendid histiionit ! ahllitj. in her beautiful fea tines and giaceful ilgmo she bus been espeeiallj adoined byniluio for the poi- tia\ilotllio hui olne's in tlio classic iltam.t. . and vvhatovoi the h.is pl.ived Aliss Miulowt has bypiofound ciitks been ( ledited wltli being a woithj successor to M.ui Andeison , and hi some with being moio niagnetit1 and , eoiiscijuentlj , bound to beiomo moie of n pojiulir favoiito Tbo lompimj engaged tr stipixjit the mil' st.u is ono of pionomieetl ability and includes Mr liobeit Taber , Ilemy Weavei , sr , and Miss Kuircnl.i Lindotinan and some slxtet-n otheii , " 'J IK : Hunt hback"u ill bo piodmid vvith elaboiatt sttnic nccobsoiicsaml with an attention t ( detail that cannot or lather Is not oftei see'ii on tlio local stage HcnlUm on the stage is getting to bo on < of tlio most important factois in suttissfu diaiiuttic pioductions ol the day , and 1 would seem the limit had been i out bed fo : noviltj m that line The 1 itest bit of ical jslle pioduttion , and ono which Is even mon sens itiomil and sttiklng than any vet seen I tlio intioductionin .Sims and Pottitt's gii-a nii'lodiaina , entitU'd "Master and Man , ' o the Intiiiot of an lion vunks 'I ho pin ; deals with topks toniirt ted \\lth tlio imltib tiiil tlasses anil the seeno is laid in hin cashiie , at tbuC.uUon lion Woiku , ono o the laigcst iion mlllH in thuwoild A leal istle Bcunto lopicsintation is givtnoftln vast fin nates , the utago being dmkenei and tlio ulfec.1 is weiidli pli tuu > Miu | * Finn the tall ehiinneis volumes of dinso smok pour lei tli with a ioir , and when the bl | doois of thofuiimcts aio opcmd the Ih'i ; mime's shoot out with diu/llng biillianev hugo sheets of bluish , gaseous lite , whp I lights up the faces of tlio an iy woikmei and foi ins a lluilling and lealistlc ensemble Thin attiaetlou opens an engagement of sovi i nights and four mutlmcs commencing will toilai's matinee Now YIMIH. Janiiaiy 1 , a the rainun Stieet theater Matinees bun dav , Mondaj , \ \ in djv.iina balm day. Tin-all It al I | iiiK. Miss I oio Fuller , the oiiginatoi of th sc-ipeiitiuoduneo , ) m made a gicat senb.i tlou in Pails Li ) > Wolf Hopper will soon put in uhcarh.i thonuw eomii' opeia by Cheovur Cjoodwii and Woolson Moise. The Into Patiick S Gilmoio left lei estatoof the viilui ) of , oao and peiBom propoilj woith t-r > 'WW Thoshaicholdois In Imro ICIialfi's shov U of Vt'iilco in lxiidon locelvcd the modes dividend of HXJ pei cent Augustus 1'ltou will pioblbly sen Channcoj Olcott thiougli II eland next BUII mer witli "Mavouintcn " Sir Arthur .Sullivan is again in ill hcalt and bv ndvlt-o of hu phvsltlaus hnn Iffl LiiRlantl fet n sojourn in thosouth of 1'inncn , Mnvm Kelsoof the "Olt > Dlreitorv ' iom iianv und her two ilsteis him rath been leftM < XKHn an old fi lend of their father , vv lie died recenllj Miiienpnl expects to ha\o his now- opera wllh Heine's trmrotU "William Kittllffe , " ns the text , completed , ready for peiforui ; nniecaily in tlie new , venr. In "A Pool Helntion"MisVainer nmwir ! the wltlia ' cblld and upon staso 'J-.vear-old s.ns. " 1 have not soon mv husband for flvo .veils" This pissed unnotlicd ( lining tha ( ntiro run of the plav ASeattlo ciltlc-IUst noticed it. 'I'ho lines In the plaj hnvo been ehanged. Some excitement was enuiod nt the t'uiot Squaio theater , New YotU. h.n . man who stood up and tried to make 11 speech bctweet the nets Ho exhoited tlio nudloiii'o tc patience dining the long wait , and advised people to enjo.v the music of tlio on hostra and admit o tno pitntings of the cm tain. ltvvnssatdtli.it lie vuis a ileh Ikxton man v\ho hud become toinpotailly deranged The Chi litmus number ot the t'liieaeo Dramatic Journal Is full of timelv special ai tides and attlstlc Illustiatltais , nnil t\po- giaphleallj It Is n dalsThe.louuul Is the onldiamatle paper now pi luted in Chicago. It has llouiished for ten veaiM duiinghleli maiiv would-be ilvals hive spuing upaml tiled In the hands of Kugrne Hunt the Join mil seems to be more prosperous lliuu ever with u promise of a long and vigorous life Madame Heinhanlt has been iiiilntfl'i Hii sla under the management of Abbc.v and assoiiitcs , but Mr ( .Itan looks aflei the on- teipiises on the othet stdc llinrv Irving and Kllen IVitj come to thlsconntrv next SJMSOII under Abbes , management opening November 0 lu "ilonrv VI11 A new the.itoi boiling his name U to be en tied on llroadwnv lot thtir opening Coqiu Im and Jane Hading will follow living to tin new house when the distinguished laigllshman gins on the load lasie heshe I ile , who will bo icmembcred as almost the piomoi ot ihild at ticsses in "l.tttlo Loul r.iuntloio.N , " "iMliihisUur- ghu" and "The Pi into and the Pauper has let ii oil tempoiaiih from the stage to puisno bet studies I'oi ihoptst ve.u liei diamatiu education lias boon guided bv tlu sugges tions of Iintel rrohtnan hoi inaiugot , and now at bis suggestion she is to be lalien to Palis , vvheio she is to studv the l-'ieneh language and tbeait ol acting Llsk ts now about Ifi veals old Cinlottn I'atti v\as as gieat a singer as Adcllna. and had il not been foi hci phvsi cal inlliinit.voulil have madcaspronnuiiicd a sticciss , sivs tlio St Louis Ulobi Dtino- uat Hei voice was ol singular sweetness and wondeiful eompiss loaihlng to ( ! slmip in altlssnno , and she bad all the flexibility and faulltv of execution tb.it have bun so much admiied in Adelina Hut unfoitu- natelv foi bei smtcss she was lame ami her stage pn scm o was so b id Hint she could not appeal in opi'ia , and MI never tiled save ono or two paits whole no walking was iciiulied. Hut in contui t she was giand , ami a lit mate for her phenomenal sister Selena Pcttoi tells n fnniiv stoi v of her Hist iippeaiam e among all liei lelations ami fi lends in Louisville in that blank veise hor- 101 'Isabolle , 01 'I ho Fatal Man tape ' It was also the Hist appc.itancc on anj stage of M uj LilvMiss IVtloi s old loloietl m imiuv ind it came about in this wav The pli\ bustles with dnueis and the joung ; act i ess undo her exit leav ing on a toui h in full v low of the audienio a dagger tint was all impoitant to a blood cutdHug setm- that \\.is to follow When she diseoveitd what bad boon done she cxpiessod the most fi an tic dcsml to icgun the nctissaij ' piop. " Matj Lilv tot.ilh uniccustomed to h tve her inislicss iltsito anv thing thai it was possi ble to get , at ilked solomnU on the slage , got thcdaggoi and amid a howl of laughter fiom tno audleme to most of whom she was a familial ligme , handed it to the astonished debutant with all the air of having dune the possible and thoioughlv pioper tiling. It took Is.ihello sovei.il moments to iccovor ficii ) Maij Lilv's hit I'ooi Hcnitu'b his died it Neuill.v sur- Maine , Piaiue Ho was Hcinhudl s lover , riftecn JIMIS.IKO tbo per fellow vv.ii.anin- dustiions I'oveinment ileik One evening ho went to tlio Tbea er Pianeais and saw Uoinhault in "Jleinim " lielett the houbo mnlli In lo\o with the KK.it utitss U'ho next moining ho wioto her , ode ling her his hand and lieu t S.iiah took no notice of the letter , but the next daj she i etched .t second , then a thud , and so on , oveij moin- ing s mail bunging her another four page lovelettei Heeommg tiled , Sirah.it last wiote lo Ben ities' supenois The chief of tlio blue in wont into his nfllio and found him in tlio let ot wilting his foit\ third lovolcttci , coinmemnj \ , 'Mulemoisello hv giandoaitisto " He was sioldedc'voiPly and told tint ho w is making blmsoll lidlcn- 1 jus , that bo u as a poor outhvvoiin in love with.istu. Tins was too much for his alieidv woikcnedmindand soon.iftcnvaicls it bcc.nno ne'e ess n j' to send him to a lunatic asvlnm , wheioheh id to siieiid the last llf- tc'-n veais , still wilting ilaih lovelottcis to Snail , who ho believed would be OMO dav touihetl by his devotion , nnd v\ hoi o be died the other daj without having lost cilhci hi * love 01 his hope Tlio Home Building and Sivings associa tion will begin business In ( Jiand Island Tuesdtij. 'Iho olllccis aie John \V West , piesidont. Lewis S Mooie , vlee piosidont ; 12 C Hoeivcnboigci , tit.ismct ; L M H\ian , scciotaiv ; Oeoigo II Cahluoll , Ailhur J ) . Sens , JJ C MtC.iHbl.ind , II A. H.n tling and 11 12 Clifloid.dnci toia. 'Jho anniiil icpoitof the supeiintendont of b inks of Now Voik stat" on buildiag and loan associations shows a tot il ofMl asso ciations in tlio stite , with assets agi'icgat- lut ? W&.lM'.l.T.iCi . 'I he icicipts for the fiscal von vveio upwind of fl\iniM)0 ( ) ) The super- intPiident decides tint the ] ) avnient of dividends fiom othoi thin H'liplus i.iin- ings , the exeiiiso of bulking powiii , the use of the w Old "b ink" in the association's title , an 1 the issue of "p lid-up sloe k , ' to bo unauthoii/ed , and aio piohlbiU'd , andsajs tint in most cases of failmo orembuiass- nient to associationscoming tobisknowledgo tlio tioublo would bnvo boon avoided If tlio trustees and oflkeis bad pci foi mid their duties with lldolltv and i.mi Hesi\Htlmb the leioipts fiom memheis .lie in the natuio ot tiust funds , and Kbonld bo usi d and in vested with tint oxtin c-aiP tb it Is leiiuited of ti uslcos of estates by the com ts Within tlio last six months the State H inking boaid did aland olllio business in the building association line Koiclgi1 asso ciations to the numbc-i of twontv llvo wcio iianted te-itiliiates authoii/lng them to do business In the state If the bond made anv examination of tin lawsof thestatc-Hin which the associations nio IIKOIpointed and of their constitutions and bj-laws , as 10- lulled b.\ the laws of Nebiaskii , It is cei turn the plain piovisioas of our law weielgnoteil whonsoino of tbo coitilliatos wen isBiiod. In ono paitlculai InsUneo a loreign associa tion intoipoialod nndei laws lonllli ting in vital piovisions with the statute of Nebias- ka wasgianted a coiline.ito bs tlio bo.ml. 'this Is not an isolated case Many homo associations Imvo b.eu anthoil/ed to do businehs , notwithstanding tlio fat t their umstitutionsand bl.iws contain piovlsions contiaiv lolaw Hail the olllclals iliaiKL'il with enfiiiilug the "law shown leasonablo dillgenie'lcgitlmatohom < iahso ( i itlons vjonia havepiuspc'iidiind multiplied Mho Indlf- ftiuui ) nl the authoiiliesietaids the ad- vam u of a IK m-lh cut economic muvc muiit In Nc-lnaska and pi-units spucul.itlvo loneonia to pic-j upon peonloby moms of false anil iiilsleddlng jnonuses The lollapso of building assoi latimiH In England swipt awav tnWMi ( , ( , the savings of vvoi kmgpcojilii It hhould bo lomunbouil that thfso societies 1110 not build ing Boiiollei as wo undid stand them Tho.v weio not mutual Uhoj icscmblo banks ot tiust com panies moio than ( ) | " ' soclutics. Publioionfldentoin them was invited and fostered bv their sponsois and olmc'is , who weio In thoiasoof the Llbcialoi , at least , which has been the woibt failmo of the lot uninontlj lespectablo middle class mer- ili.ints and conti.ulois , most of them high in mini onfoi mist fellow ship , w lib i eputatloiis fin piobitj and pieti The capital , In- iludlii ! , ' tlio deposits , of these loiapanlea , was invested in buildings und In loana on real istato , and spot illation , f aud anil poor invtslmcmtH havoiaused then downfall , bnmllcr lompanies weio lloatid with the monoi of the IniRc-r ones , and hidpi-d to ills- sipito the cash T.ivoied borioweia , In most , eases otncusof the nn potations , 10- i olved enoinious sums in loins on InBUlllcIcnt onicerof the L > or wotlhli'bs Kcc-uiitj Ono tl.itor lu olved over ' . . ( MXJ.IKXl on piactii ally no HOC-HI itj at all Of c our o , the cud of this BOitol thing vvasauash. and u ciash that left haidli any fragments , either or money or of tbo icputatlons of the manugeia , enough to pick up and savo.