Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Part One, Page 3, Image 12

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Mandate of that Tribunal Oau Not Bo
Served on Olcrk Van Damp ,
Jinn It In ( Jiirntlrin Whrtlirr Mr Ha-tOonr
to llfijil Count } or South lnkot.i
8 < ! iiK'illoiuil IVnturri of
tlio Cuirt
Niontuiu , Neb. , Dec. ill.-Special [ Tele
gram to TUB IJrr ] About ti o'clock last
evening Count } Clerk Van Camp lilted
team and sleigh with the irm.irlc tlmt ho
would retmn in nbout lulf an hour , nnd 10
quested Unit the Hvciman say nothing Ho
nnd cx-hcnntor Bonestpel had been in con
fmltallon late in the aftn nonn , uiid l.itrr in
the evening ipnmks woic in.iilo by some In
dependents nnd Mr Honestcel to tin' effect
tlmt it vouhl be n Joke If Van Camp would
skip out and not Issue Mi Notion his coitlll-
eat" of riot lion In tlio event the supreme
court deciding the contest Not ton's way
A ball was in ptogioss dining tlie evening
nnd : ts ho Is a tegular attendant at such
gatherings his nhsonco was notireable The
} onng ltd } who looks after his office
\voik stld that ho had gone homo near
Ctclghton and \\ould ictnrn Kund.i } .
A visit ofTin : BFI ; couospotidont In com-
panjllh Halliff Not den of the suptcino
court tonluht icvealod the fact that ho had
not bee n there and his father , who is an
honest fanner , Know nothing about the af
Itulllrr Nordon and Tnu Bur conespondent
nt Ycidlgic uio now about to tnako another
ttlp tonight , vvhllo Iho Niobium elti/cns ate
tit vvoik on thatoml , of the. line
Tltetu lii\ing'hecn ! no pioviousvarnlng ,
tiie count1 , etetk's actions \\ero not watched
Thcioato vat ions thcoties as to his wheic
ahouts Ho has probablj gone Into Ho.ul
count } or over tlio line into South Dakota.
It is helluvod , liowo\er , th it lie in ij not bo
far ftoin Voidigie , and ratchets ate on the
lookout In the suuoiinding towns
A United States marshal is watching In
South DTikota. *
UKi'ii irioitiM > iiixm.vrs. : : House Mnil > rm Itrfmo tci lln
Whipped Into Mm *
LINCOLN , Nub , Dec 1)1 ) [ Spechi Tele
gram to Tim Urn ] The man who under
takes to uni .n el tlio complexities of the situ
ation in Lincoln tonight soon finds himself
Houndeiiug in a sea of hopeless uncci taint }
Uhero is no sltuitlon It Is simpl } chaos.
The Llndell hotel is tlio only sec-no of activ
ity , and the independent ! ) ate tlio enl } ones
All d.t } long the } have met in llttlo f-'roups
orgathetcd in the moio pietentlous caucus ,
nml the sole topicof conversation is Iho
organ/ ! Ion of Hie legislatino 'I lie four
teen Independent senatois hi'ld a eoufeienee
this fotenoon and another this afleinoon-
Scemingl } lliey h ive come piott } iiettlv to
nn understanding Tin1 } nsseiton all steles
und with lontldcnjo that all fourteen h.uo
agieed to abide b } the teims of an .utrce-
meat to coinbiiio with thdonioctats in Iho
oigani/itltm of tlie senate alwavs providing
that the toims aio sitisfaclory to them
Thcmembeis ot the house held a pio-
longodconfeic neo tliK evening not bieaUIng
up till 11 o'clock , and then an adjoin n-
mcnt was taken until 10 o'clock Monclaj
inoinlng. 'Iheir whole efloit h is been in
| j , \ . tlio cliiection of whipping mlo line two or
thico icfiactoi } mcnibeis and at 11 o'clock
they hud not succeeded.
Fcatuin of tlio livening.
The fcattltoof the evening was the appeal-
nnco of Uio clcmouatic sleeting conmiitloe
appointed at the icceiit niLOtingof the demo
cratic state ccnlriil committee. 'Iho mem
bers present weie Saw } er of Lincoln , Cook
of Bcatilee , Clegg of Kills Cit.v , Cio'cer ' of
Keamc > j. and O'Neill of Bioken Bow They
appealed e.ul } in Iho evening and soon after
engaged in a consultation with the execu
tive membeis of the independent state ecu- comntlltce , consist ing of Bishop of Lin
coln Deaver of Omaha , Pioemanof ncatiicc ,
Bariy of Grcelc. } , Small of Yoik and Nelson
of Sc huylcr.
The meeting was not tin unqualified suc
cess for Small failed to i onio and Nelson
Bent a proxv In tin * pel son of Mt Medfotd
B.niy vvas occupied with other matteisnncl 1
did not attend the meeting lie stated Unit I
ho was tlioioughl } worn out and went to hi
looms on L stieet about 10 o'clock The
ilemociatic commilteo uiged 11)1011 ) their independent -
dependent eonletes a pioposlllon to oigani/t
both houses of Hit' legislaluio upon tlio basl
ofaneiual | division of the olllces If till'
. piopositlon is icjecled the committee is In
strueled bv tlio national demociatic sena
tot ial steeling committee to tome-do over }
thing to the independents fiom the spc.iKci
of the house ami picsidcnt of the senate
down to the custodian of the cnspldois , oul }
asking In ictuin that the election of a 10-
publiean United States senator bo picvciitcd
X < i I'liMirn Tot Di'inoi lilts.
And It may bo undeistood th it upon sucli
n pioposltlon enl } can a combination boaf
fected , The independents not only demand
full control of both houses but democratic
liBslstiiiico in shaping legislation 'Ihc } in
ttist upon the aid ol Ihodemocials in pass
big n ruilicud bill , a stockvaids bill and one
or two other matteis U the demociatic
mcmbeiH Hiuicndcr nmondiUomilh on the
above teims Iho combination vvllllwefleeted
otheiviso not Iho clemociatB Imvonot } c
As one of the side issues the canvass o
the .sineiil ; independent iispli.ints for tin
speaketsliip is wet tin of pissing notice
I'oitorof Meiilck stsutecl In the but In
is no longer in it ,
I.Icier U Sot In It.
niclerhtlll clings to the delusion that the
olllco is seeking him but his faith Isiidieulec
by man } independents and his chant ei
Miceicdathv Iho test of Ihein IIo is oil
of timch-wllh tlio indupemleiilR but as AC
the knowledge ol tliu fact has escaped him
( itillln , ol Satmdets count } Is 'way in tin
lead and w hen the independents aio in ,
position to dlctalu teun.s lie will bo tlio can
CUH nominee.
Tliu icpublioaiis at o quiescent Up lo lln
picscnt willing Iliu few of Diem on lln
gtoitnd ha\ocontented thenmelvctibv watch 1
ing Iho iniiiicntvuH of tlio IndepemlentH o
laughing al tbo 111-concealed ticpidniion o
the dcnicK'iats.
Chuivh Ilowo.nilved this ovenlug Seni
tor Milttcb is belt * John Sheivln of Prc1
inont nnd ,1 C , Dahlmaii of Cliadroii huv
been at iiidepeiident hcad < | iiartcrs till even
lug , and CongiCbMiieii Bran , McKelghn
and Kcm have not been tdlo ,
NS M.N : vniuiAi , rnnir.
Caiulld itcH VV lip VV III lluu l.iirKi * I'olloM
liiK In tlin Itopiililluin fiiuriis ,
TJ\.X ISQ , Mich , , Dec. ill The struggle be
fore thulcglslaluto which will meet Janiiir
1 for the United States sen.itotHhlp soon t
become vacant by the cxpitalion of Scnato
Btockbridgo'ti term Is conspicuous for the mi
known quantities that it contains The to
publicans number NS in tlio two houses
They have nn overplus of strength t
accomplish that ixvult , as but hlxt-sovei
votes aio needed to elect that iiumbei
being a majority of the two houses o :
joint ballot , 'tho usual wa } of bringliij
nbout united action is ti hold n caucus call ,
in the week in which the session begins , I
decides whom tlio choice of the patty Is fo
tbo otllco of senator , and its action is consic ]
otc'd binding upon over } nieml > erof ihupart }
It will not taxo > < lxt } seven votes in the cai y.U
CUM to settle upon i no nominee for senator Ur
foit.Vllvo votes will decide tlmt question I
the full attendance of elghty-elght lepublic
ana is present , for fotty Iho la a inajoi Ity t
the republican niembi'iship in the tw
houses ,
Senator Stockbrlclgo U making a stron
fur ra-clectiou , audexpie&scis hiuisel
ns i onlldrnt of winning Ills strongest op
iwncnt ncdovcniorC' rus W Luce , the
the fnimcm cniulldate
Kt X > ! It Hnlibcll Congress
men Harrows nnd O Donncll nro nlso coining
lo the frunt nn rnndldntrs , nnd the litest to
be heard fiom nro lion 1 ten ton Hnnchctt of
Higinawnnd Hon J .1 Woodtmn of Pau-
paw. No ono of the candidates can see n
sufllc lent number of votes lu the caucus to
make him a probable winner
The unusual uncertainty prevailing is or-
rnsioned by the fact so far as iwsslblc
the senatorial matter was kept out of the
tecent state election , ninl , except In isolated
cases , it wns not regarded 9 ifo for anv candi
date lo oxpiess his preference , ns it might
Impel 11 thechnuieof u republican legislature ,
consequently the number of legislators
elected without a pledge Is phenomenally
higrnnd tlipynionotswIflliideciaihiB their
Intentions now The usual spcculnlhm
upon the probability of the adherents of
candidates icfusinB lo cnler tlio mucus has
been Indulged In , but It is agreed tliat tlio
caucus will bo held , but theio Is apparently
a strong mo\onicnt on foot tb make the billet
lot nn open one. The struggle has many of
the elements of Iho celebrated Perry light
vvlicn lion Thoinns Whltmer was the suc
cessful "daik hoisc' nfler a sliugglc of
One hint of tlii > CjnirnV nniiiliiloni t Iti-
llniilcil l'i. |
Nr\v YOIIK , Doc ill A special ftcitn Wash
inglon lo lite Sun sis I have It on trust
woithy nuthoilt } , President Haiilson , the
secietai } of tlio troasur } nnd becrelar } of
alatc have pr.ulle.illv determined to make
the outgoing of theHatrison ndministia-
lieu notable b } n blow at Can iiln muc h moio
vital than Iho tecent order imposing lolls on
Canadian vessels passing thiough thcSault
Stc Maiio ship canal nl Iho enttame of
Lake Supetlor The blow will conic in the
shape of n U > ng thiiMtcnod presidential pioc
lainatlon , unit tiling 01 abolishing the ptlv
ilege now < MiJc > } c'd b } Cuindtan lalltoadsof
transpotling meichinidtse In bond thiough
the United St lies free of duty innlurn sj- > -
tern vei } advanlngcous to the foreign loads T\l
the expense of the Anieiican companies
Theio have been pioniis sof suchivtalialiou
as Ibis for several veais but there is every
Indication now that the stop MI long conlcm
plated b.\ the United Stiles govei nine-lit is
about to bo taken Tlio altoine } of the
I'anadian Pacific1 toad is hc'iein consulta
tion with leptesentallvcs of the Can.idl in
toads , and theie is cvldenc-o of genuine
al.iim among Ihu ftictids of Canadian intet-
Senatois Pr } and Cnllom aie slid lo 1m
advising Iho piesident to take some ladical
steps in Ibis dim lion to hi ing Canada to
teims .Sou itor Cnllom a otten exptcsscd
opinion that the Cau.idlin loads aie eon
stantlv evading Iho intc'istate commeicelaw
to the distdvantago of Anieiican lines In
competition with them h'ads him to Join
bauds with the piesident in an effoit lo
put a slop lo lids ilK'iiiniii it ion
The seciet.uics of the ticastir } and st tie
sav thcie is Just one wa } lo bting Canada tea
a sense of the unjust disc t imination made
bv hei against man } Aineiieaii Intetests and
th it is cutting oft llieso transput tations fav-
ois gi anted to her 10 ids b } our gov eminent
Thov stj , too , Hut Canada's lite
is latgel } centered In the benellls den veil b\
her lliiotigh her two gieat tiimk lines
out of thcbo vci } pimlegrcs , and tint
a dec tsivr move on the p.nt of the adininis
tialion will icsult , not enl } in blinking
Canada clown fiom her unjust all Undo
tow ai d Ainc't lean intct csts but will lead to
such a lo.idjiistincnt of the questions of
li.inspoitationof Auiciicjii ineuluiidiso 1 > \
Canadian loads as w ill give Amu lean n ) ids ,
injuiiouslv affected hv the picsent eompoti
tion , better chances and will aflcct the ti.ide
so latgel } monopolized b } foieign toads.
MW : JIMXIOO rii\ .
Her l.cKistutiiru Asks rlut Iliu IVrilturj ISu
Ailinlllril In slatclioocl. o
DnNvru , Cole , Dec ill A spcclil from
Santa 1'c , N Both branches of
the legislalive assembly litno mi inimonsly
adopted a Joint mcmoii il to congtess on the
subject of statehood Hieviews the piom-
ises of the ticat } of Oiiadalonpe Hiclalg-o
lepoats that the as jessed valuation of
ptopctty in the tcnitoiv is 15,500,000
vvhllo Idaho and W.v timing h.ut
only Wb,01)0K)0 ) ( ) and * .il,000.000 icspecl-
ivolj , and that the population of New
Mexico is l.Vt.UOO pcisons , while i
Idaho and WvoinhiK had enl } JW.OOO , 8i OOt
and W 000 people The pioportionof foieign
bom inhabitants is enl } 7 to 1UO , less than
that of any othei icHcntl } settled state ,
whetefote , it is tesolved that Justieod
mantis the admission of the totiitoi } , and
the Pnitcd States setuto is lespcctlidlv
asked to pass the house bill now iK-ndini ; be
foi e it , with the school clause as passed bj
the house , or w 1th such modification of the
senate amendment as will give Justice to tin
Sp inish speaking c hi/ens of the teintor } .
After it night witli tlie Loj ,
Youts foi a deal head Hi onto Selt/er
AtltaiiMt * ' lcnlti'iittur > a llotbcil of Con
tiiKlou M.IHJ Cciiuh n III.
LITTI i ; UorK , Ark. Dec * . Ill One mon
death otciHicdat the penitentiuy jester
da.v , making a total of font teen The con
vict sufteted the most intense agony. Tin
eotoncr's Jui } found tliat ho died of "somi
epidemic ; disease , unknown to the Jury ' *
.Coumcr Bond filed a lepoit to the bo.uc
of piison eommissioiiots m which ho slatei
that the sanitai } condition of the ptisou wa
bad and calculated to bleed epidemic * in it
i vvoiitfoint Ho dwelt at some length 01
the lllth piled uji in clIITeient qn.ulcis of th
penitential y
Tliocomnilsslonois , conslstln * ; of the see
total } of state , attoiney geneial , and I'll
vatobeciotarv I'tles , icpiesoiitlng Ooveino
lltgle , iminedlitel } cHovoout to the piisoi
and iiiado u inspection
Tint a contagious disease in Its wets
foi m has taken hold of the Inmates now acl
mils of no dispute , ' The poibon tlicot.v is fas
fading awav The man who died todav wa
not lu Iho Helen i crowd , and has not beet
outside Iho walls foi several davs Ho wa |
in peifeot health vestetdav .it dinner Tin
phsicians of Little Hock laugh at the pol
son theoiy.
People aio becoming shaky and cholci
is being taiked of Tliu victim of vostoida ,
aipeaied ] well up in an hour bofotehisdeatii
. The Arkans is Medic al liislituto student
uio scaled and icfusu to handle dead bodic
sent fiom tliu penitential1 , The penitential ,
Is mslclu Iliu lit } limits
.1 Constlptlioii cinuil DJ UoWitt'b Jlii I ;
'J'H | , ltlu llfk.r
0 The tioliiicliuis nro already gettlni
loudyto ttlvido tlio loaves und. llshes
1ir Mr. Clovolund has said nothing , but th
politicians aio busy paiccling out tii
ollices. Tliat romliuK mo of a van
Procter Kuott used to tell , says th
0 Louibvllto Ti nth
A good old dumoc.'at , who has bee
waiting Uvunty-livo .vcur- , for a posl
ollice , owns a line do. ; , wliich is hit ) con
st int companion. The other day th
dog had boon having a run in tlio sun
shine and was rusting on the porch wit
his tongue hanging out.
u Ttmt'b ' a IUHS dog , ' slid a trnvclinj
man who had been soiling tliu old man
bill of goods ,
" 'You'io ho Is'said
tight , the eli
man proudly , .
" 'What ' malcos stick
him out hi
tongue that WHV'J"
" 'Po'.lllcs.1
' "Politics ! Hovv't"
" 'Why , sir , tluil dog knows Clovolnn
is elected , and he knows I want a posl
oileo. ! and he's got his tongue out a
leudy to begin licking the stamps. ' ' '
\\Vnt Out witli
POHTSMOUTII , O , , Dec. Ul Ruin toda >
r broke the ice goigo In the Ohio river So' '
eial boats hnded with coal in tlio Sweent7i
y. coal hiubor weio nulled away.
: An Invalnuliln llvmcd ) fiirCulcU.
If Shot Iff Ilardtnaii of Tler county , Wea
cv'lrglnhi , was almost prostrated with a col
w hen ho begun using Cliambct Iain's Coug
lO Hcmedy. In speaking of It ho saa : "It gav \
mo almost instant relief. I find it to bo a
iuvuluublu remedy for colds. " Pur sale t
Now York Well Praparod to Meet nnd Fight
the Pingue.
Senator * rinnclli r mill llurrl * Tnlk of tlir
Dnnqcr Iriun Cliiilrnv nnd Ollirr ( 'cm-
H tiirnrlliivr 1 lirj
Would rrcvrnt rliou.
WASIIIXOTON. I ) C. , Dec HI Senator
Chandler , ehnlrmm of the the commltleo on
iinmigrntion has returned fiom New York In
coinptny w itli Senator Harris , the i bah man
of the committee on epidemic diseases , Sur
geon ( icneral W } man nnd Dr. Hamilton , who
established Camp I/3W last full by direction
of the Treasur } department , They have
been making a most c'atoful examination of
the piecautions v\hch ! have been made in
Now Yoik and vlclnit } to lepell the scouigo
Kenalor Ch.indlei slid
"With what is to bo done In the next
monthor two It appc-us tliat nothing will
teiniln to be accomplished in the way of
pro pa lit I ton to keep out or treat eholeta
Hut I want to say , noveltheless , that with
cholera now existing in Fiance and Ham
buig , I shall uige the immediate piomulga-
lion b } the Ticisury department of sini-
tai } icguhitions and warn all si lie and ill }
authoiiUes to get icadv for the cholera 1
bellevo that safet } can bo found only In the
suspension of Immigration and tlie stoppage
of stceiago transpoitation When all nossl-
blc prepnuitionsolhciwlse binc been made
the } should be supplemented b } the passage
of a suspension act The two 0,11.11 .inline
bills now pending in the senate and house
will undoubted ! } be pushed the Hist week in
Januaiy , with the suspension bill alonirside ,
and I shall vvoil * for the pi sagoof the latter
until the tth of March if necessiry '
' -en itor Ilitri Ii' \ IPH * .
Senator Hauls did not care to cxpicss
himself on tlie lesults of his visit to New
"There ate no icsults , " ho slid , ' we went
to New Yoik and my imiuesslons of wlial i
saw theio will be Inc'oipoialed in my icpoit
( which 1 inn now prep.ulug ) on my bill pto
\ldlng for national cuaiantiuo | in conjunc
tion with state ciu.u.iiitltio I inn not in
favoi of Senator Chaiulloi's blllr absolutely
suspending iminigiation for ono } eur And
1 shall vote' against it and lake gieat pleas
lire in voting against it This question of Im-
migialion isa tiememlous onoand thoqucs
tioa of a s inltation is oul } one of a thous uul
eoiisldetatlons afTeettng It. It should not bo
e'onsidpiccl with icfciencoto sanlUtlonalone ,
as the piovlsioiis of Senatoi Chandler's iion
clad piohibttion bill seems to show that he
so teg uds it. If my bill becomes a law , then
Sen itor Chandlei's bill cannot bo enacted , foi
my mejbuio also pioviUeb for suspension of
iminigiation , b } the piesidcnt's ptoclimn
tlon , in tlio event of gtcat clanger to this
couiiti } fiom epidemic diseases What in }
views on the cpiestioti of immbri.ition aio 1
do not catcl lo say , but when the lime comes
for consideilng tins gieat question w ith tcf-
oienco toils Ihoub.tmls of consicloiatlo'is , I
will be glad to meet Sen itor Chandler and
olhcis inlciestrcl and debate on the in liter
with a view to legisl ition on it fiom cvei }
standpoint which it cmbtaces "
l'i Ulli'Ki" * of C.imull in Itnlhoiuls.
The ptcsidcnt for the past tlnee weeks
hab been collecting infoimution fiom the
executive dcpntmeiilb as tc > the benellls 10-
ccivcd by thcCanadiut Pacific reid fiom
the consular seal Astern IIo will submit
the tcsultof his labois to congiess In a shoi t
time , accompanied b } nmesbigo cxptcsbing
his views on the subject While no nuthoii-
talivo statement can bo mule m regatcl to
the piesidenl's ftn ther course in the matter ,
it is gcnerall } utidcr&too 1 tint the piesident
w ill taUo no ricUenl steps to lemedy existing
evils in the absence of specific authoiity
fiom congicsb
Vlolite ; < l Hie Intprntiito Coinnirrco A < t.
, * The complaint ot Will ! im C. Kisscll of San
8 rianelbco agaiiibt the Atchison , Topcka &
Santa l""e , and twenty-nine other roids ,
c'haiging dibcttmination in rates on oil fiom
, the Standaid Oil compiny , the
featuicsof which wete coveted in a ptess
dispatch hist night from Chicago , was ic-
ccived oy the Interstate Commitco commis
sion sevcial das ago The complaint has
not } ct been lead by anj of the commission
ci s and they decline to discuss either the
complaint or the points involved in it. II is
leained , however , that the allegations in this
complaint ate not matoiiilly iliflcient ftom
otheis which Ime been Hied fiom time to
time against thcscandotheriailroads , whcto
other Intelests weie alleged to have been
the benellei 11 ies of cut inlcs. It will prob-
abl } be some months befotetho case will be
heard b } the commission.
Ai my OMIcerh IIH liitlliin Vgcnts.
The pi in lecently in tiigurated of placing
at my olltcets instead of civilians in chiigo
of Indian agencies , has ptoved s itisfaetory
to tlie Indi ins and to their guardians at
Washington , but it appeals to bo quito the } with some of the aim } ofllcets who
have been todut Indian
lltl U l'CH assigned bkS llUt410 ( 1111411111 agents
Of com so , if they mo icgularly del tiled lo dc
that dut } they must seivo or else tluovv uji
their commissions 'Hint it is legaided as
an iindcsliablo detail was shown b } the fact
that two office-is iccentl } assigned b.the .
president to such dut } ate doing all they can
to bccuio a ie\oc.ttionof the oiclcis These
.no Captain Chat les Poiter , Hlghth in-
fanli } , dclailcd as Indian agent at LaPointe ,
Wis , and Pnst Lieutenant L A ,
Loveiinger , Pouith infantry , detailed tc
Sisseton and Wahpeton agenc : } in South Da-
kola They will bath piobabl } bo success-
ful in their efloils and other ofllccis sent in
. their stead
Major Noivlllc , Tenth c.ivaliy , whojias
it been appointed Indian agent at Fort , Bel
itI knap , Mont , will aeive withoutobjeclion ,
Iit as ho h.ib oxptessed a willingness to ae-cepl
such an assignment It is nmleistood thai
the chief objection to biich a dnt } b.v in in }
9 olllcetb is th it It is otitbido Iho lineofiegti
Kir military dulics and that the } me htm
peiud in then action hi a tlUidccl icsponsi
liillty to the War and Ititenor depaitineiits
to say nothing of the minor haiiassmcnl'
fiom eontiaclois and tnoIndiansthemselves
Dr. l.'ustmtiii'H CUHC.
It is stated at the Interior depaitmenl
that theiu was no titith in the published
.statement that Dr Eastman , the agenc }
phslclan at Pine Hlclgc , and his wife h.u :
been dismissed b } Ciptnin 111 own , the
agent. It is said thcto has Iwen some ftic
lion between the captain and the phsklit
and his wife , and several complaints have
been made b } etch against the oilier Ai
inspector was some time ago sent to Pirn
Hiilgo to inako investigilion and his lejioil
is now on Its vvi } to Washington Until
that loport ni lives no action can bo taken
Commodoii ) Josuph S Slteuitt , who lius
been tc'lloved fiom dut } in fommuiict of Hit
Washington nnv } jaid , will leavu hcioto
mouow for San Francisco , where ho wil l
ralbo his Hag on the United States shit P
Mohican , as commander of the Pacific * squad
ron , witli the lank of acting
Upon the attival of the Boston nt Marc
Island , the admiral will make lhat vcsse
Ills flagship
1 lie place of holding the bil
next Mmi'li. about which there Ims bcci
bomudiscussion hi the ptst fuw week , wu
was settled today when Seciotaiy Noble
gave tlio inaiigui allot ) eoinmillee pet mis
sion lo use the pension bin can for Ilia
Mr. Ill.Uiui'g Condition ,
Mr Hlaino's condition was reported todav
as unchanged siuco .vesterdny The plusl
clans made their usual call tills mottling
It was mobablj tliu fact that the } st.icd HI
unusually long time in the house that gavi
the minor emrc-iiey on the sttccls that Mr
lilaino had had an alarmiug and wai
vet } much woise This could not be ion
Hitned at tliu house , fet when the icpoiter
called thoto , they weio given the iinswe
y that Mr Hlnino was lust about the stnie
Otheis weio told that ho was a lltllo better
vol but the geneial hnpiobsion piuvailed till :
ol afteinoon that lie vvtis not as w c'll us for soni
time past At U o'clock tills eveulng Dr
Johnson said tliat Mr. Dlalno was a trifli
3t Commencing Januaiy 1 the "AtlantlcCoas
Id line" will put In effec-t n now fast schcdul
fho in tlio coming bcabon , ineiuding 11 iuw fas
\o tiiiln fiom Wushington to the bouih dailv a
in 4p.m. The opening of the new bhoitlhn
by "cutoff" between Wilson , N , C , und Plot
cncc , S. C. , over which these fast trains wll
run. inakrs fulng : ii ) < ll tnnco of slxtv ono
miles vvhlc'h means nulxiiTCspoticlIng redur
tlon in time ever this line between the north
nnd cnst nnd Charleston , Savnnnah nnd nil
Kloridn points. (
wti.i. usi : TUP. riLtitvsTKit
silver 'Mrn Will Tight Hunt .U' : ln < t I n-
fnvonihlr f.oil lntloo.
Wv'iiixoTox' , H C. tfe' -lloprcscnl.1- -
live Pierce of Tcnucfs c , who with Hop-
resentatlve Hlatid led the light for free sil
ver leplslntion nt the l.\s.t \ session , announced
today the purpose of , hlmsclf nnd some of
his associates to "glvfl the antisller men n
dose of their own medicine and filibuster , If
necessary , lo present the of the
Shcitnan net"
Ho was confident tint thete would bo noth
ing futther accomplished on silver legislallon
during this session , but gave it its his opin
ion thnt the Inw would bo repealed early In
the ncx.1 congress in tesponsn to the demands
of President Cleveland
Mr Pierce sild : "We w ill now wait on
the other side and block Its moves. The
tuin of the antl silver men has now eomo ,
and we'll give llient wh it they gave us Inst
session 1 believe n bill to the Shcr
man law will bo repotted b.v the b inking
and ctirteiu1 } eommltlee Yes , I It no looked
Into the matter and believe theio is n ma-
Jotitv of tlie committee In favor of the repeal
of the law. Hut we don't piox | > so to let
them accomplish their purpose Wo will
sigtee to repeal the Slieimatt act and retutn
to the Hlandacl if the minimum moiithl }
coinage bo fixed at $1000,000 instead of
' .000,000 , as it was in that net " -
Would the silver men be willing to com
promise on f.l,000X\ ( ) month' "
\ \ hy theHniiUH Oppose 1'rrc sllcr ,
"No , sir ; I don't think Ihe } would The
Sheiman net Is uoiklng our vva > Wo have
"sot the other side on the hip 11 is incteas
ing the ciiculntlon of Iho country * 4.r,00OtK )
a month , and that Is what Hie batiks don't
wanldono It is the hicteaso of the mono }
of tlie country that Is at tlio botlom of the
bankets' complaints
" 1 believe the next session will sco tlie
Sheiman law lepealed You see , Iheie ate
I'JS icpublieans In the next house Ncailv
all of them will vole for its tepeal The
whole icpublicaii piess , 1 notice , is calling
for its icpeal I can put my liner on sovenl }
or eight } demociats in the next house who
will vote the sime wa } I believe Piesident
Cleveland will insist on its n neal , even be
fore mi } latitT legislation is accomplished ,
and there will bo weak-kneed dcmociatb
who will fall in line.
" 'llioTtnonolaiy confctenco accomplished
Its object. Its object was to make a shift
over election , and it made shift Had
theio been an } Intention to turivo .it a con
clusion , the Amci lean lep'csentalives would
have liibtsted upon coming to a determina
tion w ithout postponement of the cities-
lion Nothing is gained b } either sidcj to tlio
contioveiby b } a poslponemcnt until May
The convention w ill then accomplish no more
than it has in its iccetit session " Such is
the opinion of Hepiesentativo Duller of
Iowa , whose fellow statesman , Senator
Allison , headed the United St ties commis
sion. Hi- believes Senator Allison know
vvluit ho was to do and did it.
\Wstoru I'oiiMlon * .
Tlio following western pensions gt anted
ntoiopoitcd l > y Tim Ben and Examiner
Buieau of Claims :
Iowa : Oi iginal Fi edeiick J. Ilecrs ,
Chnilcs H. Uuidick , Chiistophcr Miller ,
Nathan A Ke\s , Francis U Miner , Div Id L
btiain , Daniel C. Ulckfoid , John Uiehinond ,
Albeit 1C Siegfied , Is uio Young , William 1
Heady , William CVoilrovv , George Johnson ,
Job Hiclgway , Philip H I-eonaul Ad
ditional William WiUiims , Andiew J
Speed , Lindba\ Lamb , Hestotation Geoigo
W. Dot } . Supplemental I lwood Mills
Ineioiso William A Knipp , 'lillni.ui Peck
Otiginal widows , etc -Lauta A. Hinds ,
Alexander Clanoey , ftthei , Ida F. Puller ,
C.itherlno Caskey. mother , Saiah Chadd ,
minois of Kdw.ud M. Counsell , Saiah K
Edcs , Mary M. Hough , mother , Saiah U
\\\H t ick.
Nebraska : Original Francis Ludlovv ,
Isaac M. Heck , George Kell } , Thomas M.
Stuait , Susan Cok. nurse ; John S Lewis ,
Kom.ilne liiclcr , Ciril J. Laurenl. John Xcilin-
gei. Will ! im Kalley , Leonard J. Diako. Ad
ditional Hiram. Heed. Original widows ,
etc Agnes E D. Cox , UliAibeth J. Downing ,
Saiah U. Hairis , mother ; Mary Giah.ini ,
mother , Saiah A. Embiec , minois of Ezia II.
South DakotaOilghul Chailcs W. Cole.
Additional Lcander U. Baiker. Oilginal
widows , etc It.icliel Ciago
no iiuia riifiit up.
Chicago Tribune : Footpad " Hold up
vor hands ! "
Belalod Stranger ( hastily complying )
"Certainly. And while my hands nro
in this pobilion permit me lo cull your
attention to a now and improved ar
rangement of my own invention for at
taching' a cuff to the sloovc of asliiit
and holding it in its proper place so it
will not slip or become loobo , but ro-
mtnn rigidly lixoil ut tlio exact point.
whore you fastou it no matter what
the strain m iy bo it will never p/ojoct
too far bojond the edge of the coat
sleeve if propoily attached in the first
places nor will it over slip suddenly oil
the hand in a moment of excitement or
sudden gostuio such as every human
being moio particularly a gentleman is
liable when least expected to the annoy
ance and moitillcition of the wearer yet
as you see tlio culT may be dutauhod by
a simple pios.-iiiro of tlio thumb and
finger either for removal or for chang
ing tlio adjustment up or down tlio
wrist as may bo necessitated by the
length of the sleeve which is not always
the sumo In Iho ciso of all the coats in a
gentletnnn'b vvardiobo some of them
being for diets occasions and necessarily
of greater length than those used for busl-
nessor working purposes but what I claim
and am prop nod to show to the sitls-
tion of any mnn alive is tliat this simple
device which should bo a part of every
gentleman's wardrobe by simply placing
it in the buttonhole of the cull in the
manner in which you see it hoe before
you and bring the spring clumps to
gether on the fabric of the shirt sleeve
ntany point that may bo desirable bo-
twnen the gusset and the binding at the
end of the bloovu In tlio manner Indi
cated will give the most perfect'satis
faction in every case or money refunded
nnd in order to introduce this most de
sirable invention Into your city I am
furnishing thorn at the ridiculously low
price of "
[ Hut the footpad hud Hod howling
doun the street. ] i
A I'uluUr.
Texas Stfttngs : "Sp you want a situa
s tion on the road as conductor , " said the
suporintoiidoiH , tapping the ends of hiss
[ lingers together.
"Yes , sir , " ropllcd ho applicant.
' Now , suppose you should run yout
tinin into another ) kill 30J or 40. ) poo-
nlo and block the roijd for a day or two.
What would DO your conrsa ? "
"I'd hurry back lo the city and Boll
10,000 shares of the stock , shot t. "
"Vorv good , " said the superintendent ,
"but I'm iidulu there ib no vacancy.
You'd have to knock clown two-thirds tc
put up for margins ! but tlie rest of your
schema stiikes md as being worth ex
amining. The day after you hour of n
holocaust on line drop in and sec
me. If a biaUeman happens to got kllloc
I'll ' think you ovor. "
mill Morn ? .
The death of Leopold Morse of Bos
ton i ocalls the trap which Major Me
Kinley set for him in a tin iff debate in
congress several vours ago , when tho.v
wore both members ol tlmt body. Tlie
Huckoyo statesman secretly procured
from the Hostoninn's own btoro a tlf
suit of clothes , marked "all wool , " and
packed them away In his desk , lie
then enticed Mr. Morse Into a discussloi
and lea him to say tliat under the tarill
an all wool suit of clothes could not bi
made and bold for anything like $10
Thereupon Major MoKInloy llnhod ou
the garinontf and laid vvhoro they cum <
ftom. Much merriment enuued.
Decision of tlio Supreme Oonrt 5n tlio Wyo
ming Contest Oases.
Cnrlinn Count ) * C nin liiK llnnril i\ir : |
\\lttliiRiirM tit AniKiiitirn HIP
ItfMtlt VVIthoMt rnrllirr
, Wyo. , Dee. nt [ Special Tele-
pram to THE Hrr. ] The last and final de
cision of the supreme court in the celebrated
Carbon county election eases -was handed
downtodaj nnd the icstiltls that the two
democratic contestants for spats in the
hoifioof representatives from that eountv ,
S H Dennett and Hariy A Clnptmn , will
bo issued eeitilleatcs of election without
ftntlier procodmo
The opinion whUh is n rullucr on the de-
mmrcr tiled bv the lespondcnts , the state
canvassing board , to the reply of the relti-
tors to the answer tiled btho respondents
to the i elatois' origin il petition , was wiitteit
b.\ Justice Con twav and concuited in bv Jus
tice Met tell Chief Justice ( iroesbeck also
read an able opinion hi whieh ho concurted
in the tin il icsult and e\.ircssed ) the reasons
wh.he . dissented in the fin mor opinion ren-
deted The text of this Ilnal decision is as
follows :
"This cuiso now assumes a now phase
The demmicis to the answer aheadv do
elded weio an admission of the truth of
those answeis Thlse'ontalned among other
things allegitlons tint the names of the
telatois weio unlawfully pi luted upon the
olllclal ballots in tliat no eettlllcato of their
nomination Had been Hied The com t held
that in effect the filing of such e-eitltlcates
was necessity , that the statute tenulting
stteh tiling is mandatory and tlmt without
thellllng of such eeilllle.tto telitois' names
eould not lawfully bo ptiuted upon the ofti-
ci il ballot and if so unlawfully printed the
election of the lel.ttois would bo invalidated
Oilier routines iif I lu > CIIM < .
"The deinuricisof the tehitois being over-
inlcd they llled their icplies These icpltcs
.tllcgo that the relatois wete dul.v iioml-
ntteilby a deniociatio convention lield at
H uv Hits , In Carbon county , on September D7 ,
Ib'U ' , as eamlldites for election to the house
of leprespiitativcb to the Second legislitiuc
of the state of Wyoming ftom btid county ,
and thateertilleates of buchnomln ttion were
dulj filed as teiiuitel by liw These cer
tificates aie exemplified by eopy. They are
precisely similar in foim oven as to every
wotd , letter and | ) iinctu ttion mark"
Heio copies of the cettillcates at o given ,
bolting fotth the facts auovo stated
Continuing , the eomt sivs "Phis is ono
of the eeititlcates which is claimed bj defendants
fendants to bo no cci title ito or insutlkient
to inswei the reiiniremenlb of the law The
other is picciselj like it Whatwosi.vof
this one applies to both Helttots , on the
contiai.v , claim that Iho objections to the
I'ettiflcates ate nietely foimal and technical ,
and that the eeitilicates do not tall blunt of
thomiuuomeiit of the law in anj Cbscntial"
Til hull .illtlra Not Snllk Irnt.
To the objection that the ceitllliato
tmder eonsideiation does not state that
the nomination was niado by anj pattj tlio couit slid In
effect that such was not icquitcd to
be stated in the putitiun It was tlio noun
iiitlou made by a political convention
To othei objcctiotib beating on the vetbal in
completeness of the ccttilieate , the court de
cided that there could bo no danger of mis-
undei standing on these giounds , nor does
the statute icquiic any dellntto fotnt Con
tinuing , the couit si\s ; :
"It is claimed that the affidavit to the eer-
tilleato docs not fulfill the icqiincmctits but
that it isbcuoublj defective It is tiue that
it is seiionsly dofeetivo. Is this defect suftt-
eient to tender the certificate ; void } If it
has this effect , then , hi thogic it ptepondor-
aneo of nuthoilty , both Knglish nnd Amcii-
cnn , iclatois had no tight to have theli
imtnesupoii the oflictal billets and then
election is invalid.
"This involves the inonliing as to what
extent the ptovtsions ot our election laws
arc mandatoiy as distinguished liom di
rectory. As intimated in our opinion on the
demuircr to the answer of defendants , it
seems that Anieticaii couitb aio not disposed
to cnfotce so sttict a rule of constitution as
aio the English coutts A fair summing uj
of the tebiilt of Ametican decisions is found
in Mc.Ciui.von elections , bcutlon I'.U This
authotiti eommcnts upon two dec Isions ten
dated bi the supreme coin t of Kansis in
election cabeb , and insists that minoi iitegu
latities aio to bo genetallv dlbtegarded nn-
les.b the statute expiesslj decl lies that they
shall be fatal to the election or the.y aio btu 1
as to ehango or tender doubtful the icsult. '
Of Odienil Intricst.
Concluding the decision leads"This is a
case in which not onlj c.inclidatcs and theh
ft lends but the whole people aio Intel estcd
Ihoty county and ovci.v taxpajer in the
sttilo Is intci csted. Suehilgid conslinetioi
would inob.iblj necessitate a new election ii
Caibon countj at tlio picsent time How
man } counties would bo oimllail } afTcctrcl ai
the ] ) iescnt or hi the futuio wo cannot 111
picsent conjectxno. It cannot bo piestimoe
that the legislatino would enact any I iw In
tending mi } such calamitous icsiills It is
to bo piebumed that the legislatino liitcndcc
to accomplish only what is icasoniblo am
Just and lor the public rood
An opposite icbtilt v\ill not be allow eel if i
can faiil } bo avoided. At least it will nebo
bo affected by any doubtful cansti action o
statutcb It results ft oin these -views
the dc'inuuor to the teply must bo over-
i tiled. "
CuiiMiHKCil Ilio Itclcirns.
As soon as the opinion was te.idV A C
Campbell , attotuey for Clnipman and Uen-
nett , asked that the poieniptory wilt of
mandamus bo iss'tcd , but .Iticigo V.indovan-
ter , attotnoy for tlio canvassing bo ml an
nounced tlmt the boaicl would at om e can
vass the vote in aeeoi dance witlt thetuling
of the couit without tliisotder belnir isbuc-d
'fills uf lei noon the uoaid coinploU'd the
canvass The completed canvass shows th it
thollaitlson electots havoan avctago ina-
Jotitv of UKM ( The legislatuto will stand
tvvcnt-flvo tepitblicans and iiinoteen dcmo-
ciatsnitdllvo people's p 11 1 } on joint ballot
ThodemoeiatH will have a majoiity in the
house and the republic- ins will eontiol tlio
senate Osbotno's inijotit } for govctnor is
1.181 , CofTcen's for ccmgi ess till , and Oibon
Clatk for buptemo JuclgcMI \ , All aio
CoiiHiilti'il Cliulrni > n llarrllj.
Piui.ADi i rnu , I'a Dee III
Now of \VomIngdeinociatlo state com
mittee was bet o to eoitbult with Clialtman
Hun It } over the best eouiso to put sue In the
light In his state Mr Now exptessed him-
belf as conlldent that Ills puty would canry
Iho leglslatuio and elect a Unlti-d .States
Ill'llll , 'Illll ,
The C'lilcapro Mull Biiyn thnt two darkles -
les on oppoalto corners of the Htroot are
rhu's in the bulling of lunohea , No 1
IB very enurirotlo in calling out hiw
wurcB , vvhllo No 2 is liuy. Novortho-
lens , No - soils nearly twice IIB miiuh IIH
No. 1. How does ho do itV Simplest
way in the world. Uvory timu durkoy
No. 1 bliouts out In stontorinn tones :
"Ilo.ih'd } or rcdhots , line chicken'-
uichcs and lonatln' cnrs ! " clarlcoy No. 2
la/lly gliuicce nurosH the fit root , hinllcs
diEdniiifully and imtiontly nwiiltH bin
turn , lu tiino it com LIB. As soon us dur
key No , 1 1ms finished his bcrood , ilnr-
Icoy No. 2 opens liie bif , ' , cuvernouB
mouth , and then ho omits a ioir ; the
like of vvlilcli even Nianura's ruahlng
wiitors could not drown :
"Iloah , too ! "
And every time darky No. 1 ehouta'ln
stentorian voice Ills little strlnp , No.
comes back with
too 1"
Of course people don't understand , bul
curious thov want to know.
Tlioy'll slop nero s the etrccl , watch to
catch the old diu-kj's mrftnlnij , nnd
ivhou nt last thov catch on they clonn
ilm out of ttenrly ovary rod-hot nnd
) tonmln < r roastini ; onr iiU llttlo push
nrt contains ,
froNTisrnn rnovt Jinn rvor 1
believe 1 averaged one and n half horn's
sleep nt night.
"The fracture oe ui red IN ) feet from the
iiropcller nnd twelve feet fiom the en > ; ! iics
The supports on the shaft were more than
Ivveut.v fcctapait. On the inoinlng of the
27th we were lead } to stat t and the captain
moved ahead cautiously , so we could see how
t would stand A ho.xv } sea was uintihiir ,
nnd a f tcr tw o hours' st earning , the head o f one
of the bolts In the flanges used hi the repalts
broke , ninl vvo stopped again This time
wo lay to foi slxte-cii hours and the time was
well spent , for It gave us good expetlence b.v
[ minting out Improvements on the plans
"At S40 the ' . '
- a in on 'Mb wo weio lead }
for anothei start and from tint time on we
iliove the shipa good HX ) miles Wo could
have brought her thnt iiuuh faitlmr If il
weie } "
1 he Hist Intimation that K J Coitisofthe
Hatnbutg-Ameiican line h id that the steam
ship Bohemia of his line had lowed tlio
Umbila sevcntv live miles was when he
ho.-ud it from the icpoiteis He slid " 'Ibis
Is a complete Miipilso to me 1 had not given
oven a thought to the pmbabilit } of the *
Uoheinli meeting Iho disabled Cuuardcr if
she Is entitled to silvagc , the question will
have to bo settled b.v the head offlceis of the
eompati } , both of which ate en the other
side. "
A Noticbln I > l | i1ii ) ut KullriMil ViiUnuii | |
for tlioiiiIll's fnlr.
A cicsit liistotlcAl exhibit of railway
tiupliances Is now hoin inon.iicil for the
World'Hfair by llto U.iUiinoio i\ Ohio
railroad. Tlio eompanj is expending
inr.ny tliousands of dollars in the cou-
struolion ot fuil-si/od rotiroductioiH of
ourly loooniottvos , which will bo exhib
ited working , though stitionary , on
tracks of their own period. liver.v his
torical locomotive of v lilchlhe dt.iwinijs
or meinoiMiiii.i can be obt'ined is beinu
thus leprodttcod , and the models will
Include , besides locomotives p-opor ,
some of tlio earlier load encincs ; New
ton's suggested Btoatn etirfincjo. never
horotofoio const-ucled on u largo scale ;
und Oliver livatis' "
"Otuctor Amplii-
bolus , " whic'h was road engine , steam
dredger and steamboat combined , and
\\ab _ opotatcrl in I'hihulelnhia in 1801.
Oliver I'vana propelled it by stoaiu f'-otn
hibbhop to the Schu.v iKill ruor , whore
it was launched and driven bv eteaiu as
n boat around to the Doltuv'.vro tivor ,
and then used as a bteaiu dtcclgcr , tliu
Hist in the world. It is also
conceded that this trip of Oliver
Cvina' in ichiuo was the first appli
cation of bteuni to ! i caril.igo in
America , and , in fact , the first loeoino
tlvo cngiup. I'hllndelphia U rcpro-
sonlod not onlj thiib oai ly , bul in the
Hi st competition of loc-omotivo engincb
hold in this country , anil down to this
day it has maintained its ovrly routiia-
lion for engine coiistructiou.
Tliib gi cat oxlnbit of o 'king moilolH ,
occupjtng 33.000 scitaio | foot of lloor
space , is supplemented by u inoto o.\-
tonsivo galloi v of drawings , p ints nnd
paintings , illuslialOig the vvliole his
tory of locomotion by stotin in all parls
oftho _ world Some of the drawings
aio originals , or tracings from originals ,
by such men as Stophotison.
'Among tlio most interesting groups of
exhibits 13 that relating to the competi
tion inaugurated by the Baltimore
Ohio in 1S1. ! The company
ofTuicd .1 reward of $1,0 0 for tlio bob't
American locomotive , and nt least live
entirely 01 iginal methods applying the
power of steam to locomotives were sub
mittednil of which will boropiesontcd by
working models. Among the Philadel
phia competitors were Mr. Sticey Cos-
toll Mr. E/okiol or K/ra Childs. More
information isdcbirod about the fotin-
or's onglno , and , il o about Mr. Chillis' ,
who patented a rotary engine and ap
plied ono of ( iftv-hoibo newer to a. locomotive -
motive that was "cut to Baltimore for
ti ml , but not homl of afteiward. Mr.
J. G. P.vngboin lain charge of thib
grand oxlnbit of raihoad .inplianccs
and is ably seconded by Mr. U. C.
Wright , formerly in chat go of the
draughting department of the Baldwin
Ijocomotlvc works.
IIo Mini .Votlilil'-to l.lxi ! Tor.
Ho entered the harbor shop nnd ,
glancing mound , stepped up to the near
est vacant chair. Befoio heating him-
bolf ho uddiosscd the baibor in Iho fol
lowing words :
"My dear sir , before submitting my
self to jour professional utuo , I deairo to
call your atttontion to a few facts of 0011-
sidorablo intorost. I am fully aware
that I am a victim to the dandruff habit ,
and that it if rapidly Enpping my 10.1-
son , but , bingumrly enough , I havoeoino
licro with tlio ll.xud dolormiuution not
to buy .i bottle of your colourated dan-
drulT destioyer , and it will tlioteforo bo
iiboless to coutinuo Iho subject.
" 1 iuiili/o that my h.ur is inpldly be
coming thin. It has been falling out in
huiidfuls for twonty-livo yoais and
thoio'a just as much lltoro as tlioto ever
was. And yet 1 am foolishly piojmrod
to i eject anv proposition looking lo the
purchiibo of a wwo of your far-lamed
hair restorer.
'I know that my mustache is thin
and fudcu und yet nothing can overcome -
como a uupurslitious projudlc'o I have
itgaiiibt in vesting in a box of your widely
known Mustncho Invigonttor.
"I have long nursed a Bhocfiil of
corns , but no living man can nmUo mo
coiiBont < to dealt oy them by moans of
your slnguiaily olllcac'ioui ICradicator.
"I have long needed nlmtli. bull liavo
decided to put it oil until no.xt Huinmor.
' In fact , my bolo object in vibltlng
you this morning is to get a plain hair-
cul , shave and bhtiinpoo at jour lowest
prices. Do you ajiiiruhondV"
But the harbor VVIIH dead. '
- * -
IliiiiiiHd III Iliu Iliiull I
Niw : Voitk , Dec ,11 The bunk Btatement
shows the icseivoliasincicasedlji.looo ( , and
spcclo ban dcc'ieased MI17XK ( ) 'J ho banliB
liold tlb , 1,0KJ ( ) ( in excess of ieiiiiements. | !
l/UttOJhl/ OlljlVi
Dr. GcorgoL , Miller Confers With
Elect Olovclfiud ,
Dlrtntor of Drmnrrntlo I'nllrj s | ( l to
tini1inl liiii of Ilint Tcriltc.rj-
St Urhoocl Otlirrlntuicitlnit
Nuv Vons , Doc -Special [ Telegram ti
Tin : tire. ] Dr. Ueorgo U Miller of Omnhn
and Mr A "Ii Now , chaiiinan of the \Vom-
ing democratlo state eommltlee , called on
Mr Cleveland lit his itsldence today , lloth
came hero cspechlly to ice. Iho piesldent-
elect. Or Miller , on rctuinlng to the hotel ,
sild that he was greatly interested lu the
proposed admission of I'tah as a statp. Ono
of the chief things talked about wns , thnt
ciuestloit Ho suggested to Mr Cleveland I'talfs dibit bo consideic'd as nil ad-
mlnlsliallvo measure and separate fi-om the
admission of other leu hot les
ir Miller assured Mr Cleveland that } has been oxtctmlnatod and thnt
the tettitoi } tsluevei } v\a.v vvoilhy of the
honor of statehood
"Mr Cleveland , " said the doctor , "mani
fested a good deal of intetest in what I had
lo si } about Utah and 1 am sine ho will bo
In favor of the measure ' '
Ur Miller slid ho was pleased with the
suggestion tint Souitor Caillslo would ba
secietaiy and that ho thought the ICeiituek-
Inn v\ould suit the noithwest
" I'lie hidicMtionsin thesenitoiliU'onteBt in
Nebiaska , * ho stid , "point totheelocllouotu
populist , with democi.uic antec'cdenls , and
Cii-oigo H Hastings Is a promising randldatp ,
but thetcsult will beuletctmini'd In the or-
raniiMtlon of the house , which I think will
be anil icpublicau The demociaUo candi
dates foi se'n itor Include Conittcssman Me-
ICelghau , Congiessman W ,1 Uinu andOov-
einoi lo.\d ! "
stliiiiilnit lu U touting.
Mr Now spoke chletl.v about the senator
ial situation in tils state and even explained
the complications involved in the billet'
gubein tloii tl light Spetking about the
complexion of the legislating , he said :
" ' 1 ho ilemoeials and populists have a ta-
Jorit } of llvo on a Joint ballot , und th
chance's .110 in f.norof a democratic o ' )
1 have evor.v icMsnti lo bellovo Iheie vvill'ljo
a dual leglslaluic. and if then- should be"'it
will be dlnicult to ptcdict the icMilt.
Tito legislatuio will meet on .Iitnu-
aiy 1U AVe still have two gov-
( incus , Osbotne , elected by nearly
J 'J 000 ma jot it } b } thedemoitats and limber ,
thesecielai } of stale and acting goveinor ,
both attending to gubein ilonal business.
Osbotno has signed cei tillcate-s of elcetlonof
the mcmbeis of the legislatuie , incliullng
man } of the lopubllcans He o < iiiles | ) tbo
goveuicu s loom and 15 ulwr sits in tlie ofileo
of the bectet 11 } of state and has all the
ate hives of the state in his possession "
Mi New is a piomineitt candidate for sen-
aloi He had a conference witli &on.ttor
( ionium of the sciutoii.ilsteeling committee
about the situ ilion in Woiniiijj , and was
cd assislanee
c > rnitin : : \\iiMr : rosiuox.
SiMinlor Cnilisln Conslili rlii u I'ro
rniiu Air. C'Ic\Huiul.
Niv YOIIK , Dec ill Senator Ciulislo ,
after an extended conference with Mr.
Cleveland at the hitter's lesidenco today ,
ictmned to Washington Mr Cailislo has
boon Iho guest of Mr Cleveland since Fil-
dav He eamo fiom Washington on the
spec ill invitation of the picsldcnt-clcct.
It u baul that among tlio topics that were
given ptominenco In the discussion was Mr.
Cailisle'a disposition as to a place In I\lr. \
Cleveland'sc tblnet , vvluc-li , it II.IH been said ,
he h id ofleted him. When lie loft today it
was s lid that ho had given Mr. Cleveland no
dotinilo answer on the question Some of
his filends s iv tit it lie will be Influenced to
some extent b\ the wishes ol Mis Carlisle in
this m liter , and it was also said that she did
not look vvith f.nor upon it , profaning to
see her husband icmaiii in the senate.
DUIIIOI i.illci KIcMtoiH llrinlmlc'il of Tlirlr
Out ) l > > tliu National Chilli limn.
Pun vnri.riiiA , Pa , Dec ! ll Chairman
llanit } of the dcmocialic national commit " I
tee lias vvittten to the chairmen of nil the
domociatic state committees and Iho chair
men of all tlio states that cast their votes
foi Cleveland and Stevenson , calling their
attention lo the action of congiess ,
w Inch dltccts tint the presidential cleclois
of the sexcial slates shall meet and organlzo
theelcctoinl c eille-ge , cast their votes , etc. ,
on the second Mondav m .lanuaiy Meetings
of the several elec total colleges shall be hold
on Monday , .hum it.I , IS ! ) I 'Ihls notion is
itv'aidcd us neicssarv foi the rc-ason that
manof Uio slates hinu \etchnngcd
theh laws si as to confottii lo tlie piovisiotis
of Ihonct ofcongiess of lhb <
TOOK riUtUiitM : rossi > siox.
'iKinbln In I.IIIIK iHliuict < llj Over Iho .VIilj-
nritltv ,
Lo\o Iii * xi > Cirv , h I , Dee ill. Mayor
Puliiek filcason look possession of Iho city
hall tonight with a foi to of twenty police
and 100 or moio of his followers All
weio aimed with icvolveis lo provcnt the
fi lends of Mr S.inford , who also claims to
have been dec led miler , fiom gaining pos-
si hsion of Iho ma01's office Mayor Glenson
intends to axsmno tlio duties for a third
teim by vittuo of a cci tillc.ito of election
given to him by Clt.v Cletk 1 Unite , Neither
Mr Sinfold nor his ii lends will make liny
attempt to gain the ofllco by force , but will
hide the decision of tlio tout Is
( 'lUlclllllllCl Of till ! All
UIIOA N Y , Dec ill Twcul-llvo ptomj-
nenl iinti snai > peis ftom places outside of
New Yoik and Ihooklvn met heiu today nnd
icsohed to suppoit .lohii D. ICeiiian its n
c oinpioiniHo candldiito for the United Stales
Stun l < for I
Di Miiith , N Y , Dec ill. The ontiio force
of boiler inakcts emplojed In the I ! rooks
I oiomotivo works , about ililJ in number ,
have bti nek for higher wagfs 'Ibis Is tlio
Hist stiiko in the wet Us for yents. Tlia
nioveincnt causes consternation in this
cit\ which Is hugely mipporled by the trade *
derived from the w'oikiiigmen ,
Tlio Uiooks winks affotds employment to
neail } I.WK ) men , and unless tlio mutter is
he-tiled it will p.ualyio nil tmunts of
tlio cbtabllshmunt ,
f'\ \
The office of the
clolhJnu fioUsc Js tdjipornrlly lo-
cfiled ill JJG South 18lh Street
in Grei < rlilon 73oocvJicre nil
accounts cnn he settled.