Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Tim OMAITA DAILY BtiEt : FRIDAY , HKOliSMIUSll , ' * 0 , 1892 ,
iomocrats Introduce Testimony Up Till tin
Last Moment and Then Disappear.
KiKurn HiitilriTiign Practiced to tin
iml : Tlmt tlio Cnntrttrr * Should Not
lie I'rrinlttoil tn Tnlio Any
Tcntlinoii } In tlio C'nso.
It Is all ready for the legislature now tin
Douplas county election contest. And tin
democrats have made n icroid for thorn
selves that will R\O ! aid and comfort to al
men who have hitherto suppoited the rcpnb
Hrnn party In Us efforts to sccuio repicsen
tativo goveinmcnt , and 0110 that will cnabli
manj w ax crtng democrats to make up the !
mlmls to vote with the icpubllcans In tin
futuio. So far as the taking of testimony 1
concerned , the contest was brought to i
close jcsterday evening , nnd as soon as thi
rcporteis complete the tr.uwilpt of the ovi
ilciu'o the papeis will bo Hied with th
sccictaryof state ; at Lincoln , and this mus
bo done not later than Monday night of ncx
w cek.
With the manifestly unfair spirit that ha
maiked their action all through the procecil
ings , the contestants strung out their cas
until the A cry last minute , with the Inten
tlon of preventing the Introduction of an ,
evidence whatever on the part of the coi :
contcstecs. Hvery subterfuge known tolaw
ycrs was piactlced for the puiposo of delaj
nnd when llnally the object became appaidii
to all , the democrats proceeded boldly t
cnrry out their Intentions. So lllmsy , toe
has been the fabric woven out of the cv
dcnco adduced by the contestants that I
would seem unnecessary that n defcns
should bo made , but the contcstees will as
the legislature to extend the time , so thi :
thei ean lutioduco thoe\ldencoof a few c
the lliiong of witnesses they have , and thu
countei act more completely the loud vaun
Ings of disappointed ofnccscckers in th
democratic pirty , who i of used to acqulcsc
In the decision of the people honestly ici
dcicd at the ballot on the 8th day of Noven
ber , and courctly and piopuly rcpoitcd b
the ofliccis of election.
J.nml mid I.ltlld Wool.
The gieat consphacy of which so muc
had been slid has slmmcncd down to tl
fact that on the election bonds a laige
number wrio icpubllcans than domociat
nnd sample billets of the American Pi
teeth o association weio distubutcu on tl
day of election. The chaige that tho-votei
weio obstiuctcd In c\eicising their fianchi'
nnd many weio provdntcd fiom voting at al
while othcis had their pui poses thvv.utci
has not been substantiated , and i
oviduico has been adduced that won !
tend to show that sxtoh was the case at ai
polling place in the county 'I ho third cnui
indictment found bj the democi.vts was tlu
fiaud was piaclibi d by the ictuinlng bom
and th.\t \ a iceouut would icsult in seating
iwrtion of the democratic asphants for legi
lati\o honois All the oviilcneelnis gone
show that it was simply folly to i.iise tl
question of the count and that the icpub !
tans would lose nothing iu cnso of a iceoui
of the votes.
The contest has been a farce and i ih.uacteiistio has been its r
semblance to ioy's play. Time his be <
needlessly consumed hj the contestants , wl
have icfuBcd to clobo their case until tl
expiration of the time allotted by law , ni
thus piovcnt the coiitestecs fiom makli
am ( iilcnse. ) Ycsleulay moining thcv a
Journed until afteinoon , and vvhenthe i d
convene consumed the whole afteinoon
ovnmlning thic < > 01 four witnesses At
o'clock they closed their case and icfuscd
remain and piilk.lp.ito in the oxaminati' '
of vv itnesscs b.v the icpubllcans. The cc
testiuifs attoiueis , notaij and icpoitur le
the building in gieat haste , and ev
suggested that it would suit them hi
tor if the contcstecs would \ae-a
and not use the little fuiniluio tlicio Is
the room. 1 ho contestants lomaincd as leas
as iKjssiblo bcfoio concluding their case , m
It was so near daik ° when they did depa
that they felt peifcetlj set mo as to the ce
tcstccs holding a veii short session. T
ekctno glcbej had bocn icmovcd a
the gas tinned olt and It was in this m.
ncr that the icpublicans weio picvent
fiom holding an examin itlon Hut t
republicans luno a suftlcient numbci of vv
nesses to completely dispiovc eveiy den
ciatie chaigo and in outer that Ihov m
BCCUIO the tcstimonj will ask the legislati
to giant an extension of time so as to
them to make the ncccssaiy defciibo in t
contest proceedings
About tlio mill AVurit rr.niiN.
Ycsteulay iiioiuing the contestants'
torney and adjonined until 'Jo'clc
in the afteinoou , and loft the contcstecs
solo possession. U ho eoutestccs iimnediati
cot daw n to business and examined lull
do7en witnesses bofoio noon.
II. U Koboits , Fiank Ledjard , J H E
uiuljl C. Hougli , the four icpuhlican judf
from t ho tenth distiict of the Fifth vv aid , w i
placed upon the stand and thc'.v complet1
dlspcllcel the demociatic claim of fiaud , c
Bpiiaey andcoriuptlon in that voting p
cinct. It will bo icmcmbcicd that Hoi
Osthoff was a demociatic witness and told
his being ejected fiom the booth , and
* " Incidentally spoke of other iiiegulaiitl
The four witnesses i da ted a v <
dlffeicnt stoiy and If their statcme
nio to bo idled upon Mr. Ostl
has a faculty of wondeilully mlsieiucsc
ing the tiuo state of nffaiia. The wnnesi
iwsltivcly deny that theiowaa ilny vac.u
on the board on the inoinlngof election , :
it Is not true that a vacancy was tilled by
Judges and that prixllcgo denied Mr Ostli
nnd the clectois in attendance.
The witnesses each couoboratlvely toll'
how Mr. Osthoff w as ejected , The ciow il
votcis In the booth weio wiangl
among themselves _ about some n
tor nnd the distuiLunca grow to si
propoitlons that the police otllcer Intel fe
und oideicd nil ol tlinni to the hoe
The oflleer did not act at Ilia lustaiico
nny peisou , anel the voteis who weio
quested to leave did so. and Mr. Osthoff i
nmong the number. They vcioncitag
denied admission when the dcshcd to M
A democrat lo w Itncss named Kc.udon n 1
dajs ago told of llndlng a bottle of whisk'
the booth and Intimated Unit U was
property of the ele'ction board , nlthougl
had not scon any of the mcmbcis sampl
the llory stuff. 'Ihu ovldenco of the I
wltnesschs this moining was conoboial
of what Mr. He.u don staled , so far as
bottle of liquor being In the booth Is <
ccincd , The witnesses w/uo / better
quulnted with that bottle and itn
than was Mr. Keaulon. 'I ho only mem
of the Iw.uil who tasted of
contents of the boltlo wan the democr
clink , Mr , Solon , nnd ho called it eoidlal ,
cordially grasped the llaskfivy "often
pressed It to his lips as frequently , until
llttlo icmalned.
TJmt Yullcj 1'roc tin t MUtiikc.
County Clerk Sackott waa lecallcd.
tcsttlled to the fact of the euor In the Va
precinct ticket , and stated that the pili
was the poison at fault. Tlio copy fuuils
the pi Inter w as < 01 1 eoted nnd t > o w as the p
Bhcot when presented to him. When
error was dlscovcied ho was informed
telephone and Instiuetcd the Judges to
reel It with pen and , ink , putting the w
domociat after Mr. Olmstcud's name ,
independent after Mr Johnson's ,
A witness for the demociats had sauutc
iu and the lupubllcuns being Informed of
fact placed him on the stand ,
ho made a better witness for them the
ho over xvould have for the contest. !
The witness was John Hbmcdleyn de
cmt , w.ho viitib In Valley preefnot.
medley was at the jxills no.uly all day ,
in his Judgmo-at thu eleo'.lon ' was n fair <
puddly conducted , and t ho Mites cone
: anviig.rd. ! The ballot given tlio w lines
\otowas e'oi i cvteel by the Judges , und
\xonl democrat appeared after Mr. C
htead's nnmo and iudej cndcnt a
Mr , Johnson's. Ho understood i
this couectle > n waa miulo u ) > oii
the ballots after U o'clock , but could
swear that auch was tboc.ise Onlj Inoue
ouo objre tlon ralseel nnd thut waa wlu
voter was being assisted in Picpailng
ticket , unit that objection was xxithdn
In his opinion the election was a * fairly con
ductoxl ns former ones nnd ho could see nc
ox Idcnccs of fraud.
rninn with
Tiio contestants \\cro on hnnil nt the nttcr
noon session w 1th n nunib9r of witnesses , nnil
Tor tlio first tlmo since the opening ilnv
showed nn Inclination to take up the entire
time In offering testimony.
H 13. Li Hunlmnn was the first witness
called by the contestants , nnd tolil of count
Ing school board tickets or several precincts
nnil finding short discrepancies In the \otes
of Colonel Akin , lepubllean , and Or. J. T ,
Duri oa , democrat , In favor of tlio latter.
Fred J. county clerk , was rcc.illcd
by the contestants and pa\o tire n.uncs ol
the Judges nnd clerks who soncd at the
November election.
John Smctllcy , the Valley precinct dcrmy
crat , who was placed upon the stnnd by the
contestccs , was c.illcd by the contestants ,
'Iho witness was assisted b > ono of the
Judges In preparing his ballot Ho snv the
Judge open a. ballot handed him by a 'votci
who stood near.
On cross examination tlio witness sale !
that he did not know why the ballot vrn
opened by the Judge , mid mleht ha o been
done for- the iwriioso of dolor mining lute
which ballot box to deposit it
J M Gillan , silJrr. icporter. was called tc
the stnnd \lsltedtlio Fifth district ol
the Ninth ward about 0 o'clock on the
c\cnlng of election and found the
doors to the booth looked Ho gaiiicd
admittance a few minutes later and was tolcl
that the doms were locked for the rc.i
sou th rt tlicro was a discrepancy between
the number ot ballots in the box and the
number of names on the poll book , and thai
II was thought best not to the doors
open until the error was rectified In the
Third precinct Mr. Glllan saw two billet :
counted , upon which ten candidates wen
voted for on the legislative tickets
and when the third incident ol
Iho kind occurred , the attention of tin
Judges was ailed to the fact and the crroi
was collected The only thing the wltncs !
srw that would indicate that the purpose o
the voter was thwarted was where they line
not properly marked the ballots , and fo
that reason they wcro thrown out as belni
Out In tlio Country.
F. S. Tucker , the cltv clerk ot Florence
was the next witness placed upon the stand
The witness svw a small number of Ameiieai
I'lotectivo association tickets tllstiibutci
near- the booth , and snw parties Inslil
thu building w ith them in their hands Twi
of the Judges made a wager prior to clectioi
dion the result on president and count :
commissioner Ilo saw no other occurrenci
which indicated that the election was no
properly conducted It was rumored tha
two lima men had \oted at Floieneo , but hi
did not have anj knowledge of the fact , am
theirotcs wcro not ch.illcnccd.
IiV button of Waterloo was In ought in ti
tell of an Ameiican Protective nssoci.rtioi
ticket being shown him bj a Judfoof election
One democratic JudRO. who was a incinbc :
of the American Protective association grov
angrv when ho siw the ticket and uoticci his friends' mines hul not been placet
thiucon , and stated that heotod thostraigh
domociatiV ticket. Nothing else w is noticei
that was it regular or indicated that th
election was not fuiily conducted.
\V A .1 Goodwin , the secretary of th <
people's party county centi.rl committee
was put ou the stand to show how iinny o
the men . "giccd upon by that paity had bcci
appointed by Mavor Benm to serve as mem
beis of the boatds of election.
Tile.I to Chol.u Oil testimony.
With this the contestants closed thei
case , their notary nnd allot ncis immc
diitolv leu ing the room , refusing to rccop
ni/o the nj'ht of the contestccs to intloduc
an.v testimony KCK.II dlcss of this rathe
incoiibideiato mo\o the contestccs pro
ccinli-d to introduce testimony.
Couiitv Commissioner btcMiboig wascalle
lo tell of the manner in which the judge
and clerks of election weio solectci
Fiom what the commissioner s lid it isvcr ,
evident that there was no conspiracy in th
hcleetion of the judges md cleiks , and tlu
every resource was exhausted to secure
fair distribution of them among the politic ,
parties , and to secure competent an
trustworthy men In MrStcnbeig
opinion Ihej weiecij evenly divide
among the ] ) olltic-al pirties , anil the demi
cratic party was better represented than tli
republican party in thu Eighth ward , whci
ho was acquainted.
Vied C. 'J nnmo was Iho last wltne'
called and told of how the election was coi
dueled at Bcnningion. The election wr
lairlv conducted and acithing was cairic
on in .v regular and impartial inaiine
'Jheiewas no eloctionceung in tire boot
and no tickets were peddled theic. Thei
was no de-mociat put out of the buildiu
who was peddling tickets in the booth , .
bad been stated bj a w itncss for Iho coi
No light being pio\ided the contests
were compelled to bring the proceedings to
close And thus ended Hie contest , wliii
will be.ivery expeusrvo ono for Iho ta
pa j ers.
An Iin.ilimblp IJrinrilv lor CotiN.
Sheriff Hnidmiin of Tiler county , \Vc' '
\rhgini i , wus almost piostr.ited with a co
when he began using Chamberlain's Couf
Remedy In speakiiif : of it ho sajs : "It g.r
me almost instant lelief. 1 Und it to bo i
liivaluahlo remedy for colds. " For sale 1
Kcal estate.
Barfjirlns only.
My woid is pood.
W. G. Albright
621-U-3 N. Y. Lifo bid ? .
Tin ; I'lilillcWill l li- Notice
That the undorbipncd hns lost ot
certain promissory note described as f (
lows : Note given bv Julian Walke
tinted Juno 1 , 1S'L ' ) , for $1.000 , pnyali
Docomborl , Ib'J.'i. ' Given toC.II. West ptyco and eiuloraed in blank i
toi > of the of the note by C. ]
West , Again under printed "rubb
Btnnip" by C , H. West. The note
printed In purple ink. All parsons n
warned against purchasing the saino
it is my propotty. A libornl lown
will bo paid the parly lotuining t
same to me.
T. B. Claw son , South Onmlm , Nob.
See the celebrated Sohmer piano
Kord & Cliarkon Mus Ic Co. , 1C08 Dod
If you will cnll at our now etoro '
will iH'OBunt jou with a cony of a beau
ful piece of inu&lc. Fonl & Charlte
100& Dodu-o.
I.VST : on sou ni
( } Iitlu-Wiibtsh Koutr ,
The short line to St. Louis nnd quit
est route aoulh.
Only 37 hours to Hot Springs.
Only 80 hours to Now Orleans.
Only 18 ! } hours to Atlanta.
Only 52 hours to .lituhsouviUc.
With corresponding fast thno to
points east and south. Round ti
tlekots to Hot Springs , Now Orloni
Lake Charles , Galvohton , San Anton
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fn
oisco , MobileJacksonville , Tampa , I.
vnim und ivll the win tor resorts of t
south nnil wost. Kecllning chair ci
frco to St. Loula , Toledo and Uotrc
Pulliaan bulTot eluoping card on
tralna. Ba gage chocked fiom hot
nnd prlvato residences to dostliiutii
For tickets , filcoplnp car ncconiinodatk
nnd further information call at Wnbi
lickol olllco , 150 Pariinm Btrcot ,
vvrlto , O , N. CiiAVTO.v ,
, Agent , Omaha
Yellowstone National Park Menaced bj
Oooko Oity Speculators.
I'nritlrlniiOtrnftnrc * tlniinillj- Denounced lij
tlio KnMrrn I'rr * Mine-rut Dcirlop *
tiirnt In llto I.rnilliifCumin of
liliiliu niul Coliirnttui
The eastern press shows far greater iiv
tcrcst In the preservation of the Yellow
stone National park than the press of the
west. The reason for this Is not far to seek.
Newsprpcra published near the paik arc
cither Ignorant of the schemes of merce
naries or they sicrtflco futute advantages
for immediate gain The former supposition
is doubtless the correct one , for the reason
that all movements of coiporatlons to obtain
lights on park tcrrltori are carried on in
Washington with all possible socicsy.
Tlnro bills pending In congress propose
radical changes in paik ,
Tlio first proposes to change the boundary
line , laklmr fiom In the north anil
west and " adding to on the cast anil
south , ostensibly to bring the cntlro park
within the boundaries ot "VViomlng. In
reality the object is to so change the lines as
to ilvo a Cooke City railroad company n
right of way along the \allois of Soda Unite
ctcuk , the Bist Foik and the Yellowstone ,
now embiaced within the park. The othei
two bills propose giving the rallioad right ol
way through these vallejs without changlm ;
the boundaries , virtually allowing thci.ill
road lo enlcr lerrltorj on the plea that
Iho road is necessary to develop mineral
propel tics adjacent to Cooke City.
These measures are vigorously attacked
by the Sun and Times of New York ami
Forest and Stream. All three denounce the
pending bills as dcsuucllvo of much of the
natural beauty of the park and vv holly unwarranted -
warranted by the local Interests at stuko.
Unlike AnjtliltiK In thaVorlil. .
"Yellowstone paik , " the Sun , "is a
mignilleent pleasure- ground , set apart for
the cnjovmentof the people of the United
States. The like of it exists now hero else in
the world ; nnd in a futuio generation , when
Ils wonders and beauties become moie
widely known and in cess to it is easier , it
vv ill be a rcsor t for all peoples It is also the
gieat 70ologieal g.uden and piuro preserve
of this continent Theio.uo piob.iblv more
buffalo there todav than 11113 left roaming In
all the icst of the United States Vast
herds of elk and deer m i.v bo descr ied there
by the tour ist , and hundieds of antelope in a
single b uul. The value of its fur-bear ing
animals , and the possibilities of restocking
from ibis souico parks and preserves In var-
ions parts of the couulry must bo kept in
mind 'ibis noble leservation is also n Milu-
able nitural reservoir- and water supplj ,
great livers rising thc're , which take diver
gent couiscs tow.ud eilherocean. . Apiimc
elutj of congicss is to guard against nnj in-
juiy to this national possession and to pie-
vent any encrorchment upon it in private
interests "
Oulj a llnlil f ' peeul itois.
To arouse public inleiest and to show the
iniqultj of the pending mcasuie. Forest .me
Sir cam issued a pnnphlct showing tlu
present condition of the park und tin
changes proposed. One of the primary rea
sons advanced in favor of the changes ii
that the prosper itof , Cooke City is retardci
and mine'ial development checked owing ti
inaccessibility , whereas it is pointed ou
tliat President Oakcs of the Norlhcin Pa
crlic , after a thorough investigation , do
cl.ued lo a committee of congress tha
"there was n&thing In1 the Cooke Cit ;
mines" Actual surveys demonstialo that i
raihoid can bo built to Cooke City b.vothc . /
routes ou grades not nearly as heavy as nov
exist on many western roads To changi
the puk boundary , to accommodate tin
Cooke Citj ro.ul would ho to exchange qu il
ity tor quantity. It lobs the park of beatiti
ful and accessible scenery , of a m.igniliccn
game piescivo It gives in exchange un in
accessible mountain region which torn ist
will never visit , and vvhie-h hea\y wintc
snows render ine-ap ible of supporting game
Ketuimng to the queslion of the r.ulioad
if , under the bill for segiegalmg a part o
thu puk and adding other area , the pro
poseel railroad should bo built , it would b
restricled lo Hie 1101 Hi or right river binli
Hut foi fifteen miles Iho route pisses tin ougl
ii canon of Iho Yellowslono with lofty ver walls uhiilling directlj onthoiivci
Should it moid this difllcultj In crossing am
reciussing the river , it would intrude upo
the puk as before , and the valuable un
iictiuosiirio noithwcstcm Iract would have
: o bo abindoned wrthout securrn
ficcdom from railroad encioachment !
iVt nil events Iho diffeieneo i
liract icabililv between the route thiough th
| ) .uk and cither of the othei sufjgcste
roulcs is app.iienll.v not so great as U ha
sometimes been rcpicsented. It is allege
that land speculators and otheis at Cook
City and Livingston aio counting ou congic :
sional permission for the railioad in oidc
toadvaru-o Ibo value of their piopeitv , an
that the } aio the chief uigers of th
Opinion of an Kxpcrt.
To clinch Us argument against the pom
ing mc.isiues , Foicst and Slieam piints
letter from C. Kitiginnii , captain i
enginecis , U S A. , who lor four j ears h.i
charge of the constiuc-lion of roads an
bridges in the paik. Captain Kiugin.i
sav > .
"Tho IfiO.OOO aeies of land , in round nui :
bcis , vvlucii it is proposed to take from tl for the benefit of u few individuals ,
almost valueless for- the pin pose of gia/in
orngiiculluie. Until lies upon nuuinta
sides , and foi ins n viluablo and vornecc ,
Hiiy part of Iho waleishciKof Iho Ycllo\ \
stone river. Doing high nnd welllimbcic
It is adiniribly ndapled lo calcli mid ho
snow , and by allowing It to melt gradually
lends lo prevent fieshets and subsequoi
peiiods of vciy low water. Thus it is
diicct benefit to ngilcultmo lind navlg.itit
in Ibo lower valley. If this region is d
foicsled , us It undoubtedly will bo in tlm
if it Is icnrovod fiom Iho and dellvcii
lo tliuiililiout , the viulenco of the ficsho
will ccitaiiilj ineie.iso and the vvbolo valli
. .will suffer acundlnglj.
"No ono who has over visited Yellowstoi can fail lo nppiccj.ilu tlio wisdom tli
dedicated it to its present uses , or can dou
that It is destined to a gie.rt and
"It is not too mm h to say that if the pa
can bo picscrvcd as it now is , subject onlj
such slight changes as aio
sccuio good roads and trails through It , in
proper hotels lo liisuro Iho eomtort of I
visitors , it will in time become n health tu
pleasuto resort unequalcd m Iho vvlu
world , Ils malnlcn.iiico is nf moio th
national impoilauco , it is tin object of dlie
pciMmnl inleiest , now nnd In time to con
to tiavelcis and uclc'iiiists ihu woildovei
IIOI.DIM ; in * xv r.i.r , .
Creilti anil C'rlpplo Crpulc Camps I'roiliii I
Ciedo continues to keep up Its icputatl
us a tlist-class camp A Jive-foot vein
nmethjst < iu.uU cair.vlng native silver h
been struck in the Yellow Jacket. Ass i
aveiago fiom 251) ) to ! 175 ounces Anew M
has been opened in .Spar lode It Is llvo fief
of quaiU , assaying from foi t j toslxtj ounc
The Cleopatui has made anothei strike
high made oio , and the piupuitj Ui.ipic
Mr ,
) iie ,
s to
( to-
? anl
in n only 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
tWU iu Millj-iis of Homes 40 Years the Standard *
meeting with nar much success as charao-
Jorlred the AmMihint , Holy Mo cs nnd
the lnst Chnncci Tlio Ltttlo Mnld nnd
Kreut7er Sonatn < fitruclc seine hlph-prndo
ere during tlioi week , nnd operations
nro hcltiK nctltoW prosecuted. A half
Interest has beitij purchased In the Solomon
by Denver parties for 10,000. Prospectors
have struck n veinlof hcmntlto nnd manga
nese running 85 t or cent. In Iron. A flvo-foot
vein of nmcth.XKtl has been struck bctxvccn
the ICclat nnd Nnnoy Hanks.
Cripple Creek it agitated over a project to
tunnel Hull mountain by nn electric tram
way. If carried Ihto operation this enter
prise xvould ploiWTitho ilehest poitlon of the
camp at n depth df 1,200 foot from the sum
Woilc on the Cripple Creek tunnel has been
suspended. No reasons nio given. The
tunnel Is at n depth of itefl feet. A largo
vein of free milling ere was cut at n depth of
eighty feet , another of eighteen Inches at a
depth of 180 feet Other propel ties In this
camp , notably the Ph.umacist , Tom o'Shan-
tor and Woik glvo favorable icports
lilalin .Mlnr * .
The Trade Dollar , at Silver City , Is one of
the best p i.v Ing mines In the state Tor the
month of November the profits weio 514,181.
Machinery has been oulercl and work
will eommciuo soon on u smelter and con-
ceutntor for the Idaho Mining company nt
The Illack .Tack mine and mill on Florida
mountain are itinnliig ilaht alon < ; A line
bodj of 01 o has been olAjned up In the mine ,
nnd the mill will continue i mining through
the vv Inter
The mines of Wood river have done very
well this year , notwithstanding the low
pilco of silver The icports of the sampling
woiks show nn Incicaso of 1,100 tons over
that of last j car.
Owners of now prospects on CastloCicek
aio busy developing them A tunnel Is i mi
ning to cut the Headlight at the depth of 100
feet , while the CHIT mine , owned by John
Way and Sheriff McCabe , Is opening up Into
a bonanza.
The Helena and Frisco Mining company ,
opeiating inShoshono county , has Jiled with
the board of county conlmlssloncis a claim
of upward of $ . " > 0,000 on account of damages
lu the destruction of tlio mill hi the i lot at
Jem hi .Inly last.
The Hod Cloud and Caledonian mines , near
Ilalluv , are both sinking their shnfts at the
i ate of onu and a half feet per day. When
down at a legtdar depth the mines will ho
connected. The oio from the Star mine is
shipped dhect to Salt Lake.
Thousands sink into an cailv grave for
want of a bottle of Dr Hull's Cough Sjiup
This gieat remedy would havesivcd them.
Both tlio method and results "when
Syntp of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acta
Ejnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
iver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Symp of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial iu its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for eale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not Lave it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Are NKVint Sola
iS % ® IN IIUI.K ,
i to ? TE WITH
We make a % rlttir from the
cnriiBT lo iho jiour LLMANT
pU court \ Inrtruincnli
Kn-i y In. ! lent fully
Endorsed by the BEST Players.
.fcmZ for Catalogue anil
mention the Instruments you
think o/jiuiiluulng , , ,
URIC Sufferer is
Says DK. WIKST of Denver. "lie
has a perfect right to be one. I Ic
is a miserablu being much of the
time. He can never call himself
entirely free from pain or dis
tress in some form.
"Rheumatism ever stands ready
to grasp him in its clutches.
When his mental faculties aVc
clear , and hetfecls that he is him
self again , and can do some men
tal work , then he finds himself as
sailed at every joint and muscle
by his arch enemy , i/icii mtism.
No treatment of uric acid is
complete without a faithful use
of Londonderry IMhia. It often
does unaided what nothing else
would do without it. Ask your
physician about it , or write for
pamphlets. OK AM , DKALURS.
Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Go , ,
Oh s. H Perkins. Ss.lliu Aits ; , Mnh , lloitoi
IllLll I U UOAutl all lua train <
KVII.3. XVKAKNl'.SSm. DKIltUrV. KTC1. , that n
coinpaur Ilium In men Ol ICM.Y anj
NKN11.V C'L'ltKI ) rull HlUK.NQril anil tor
glren tuevrry part uf tha boJx. 1 will > om1 ( s
corcly riail ) HtKBlu.inr mlToror tin proicrli
lion that cured ina of tliaiu troublai. Adilraii , I
The Well = Bred Girl in Society
The second of the exceed
ingly popular series of articles
showing to girls the best standjy *
ards that prevail in the social
life of American cities , and
the duties devolving upon girls
in polite society , treating in
this paper of a young girl's dress in society , etc.
in the Christmas LADIES' HOME JOURNAL ; suc
ceeding papers during 1893. Christmas issue at
all news-stands for Ten Cents.
One Dollar for One Year
The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia
AM L7-.L51M 1SNTS.
Theater RHSA
Friday anil Saturday i December ' 30 and 31
M itlnco bnlnrd ly.
Under tlio m-iuasoinont orV. . 1) ) | .OITIOU.
Abslstcd by an \colicnl 1 I'ompiny
Friday Evonlngand Saturday fiflot.
lliivou's Omit Hlslo leal I'Hj ,
JosephlneEnipyssG , the French
Saturday Evening ,
cli ikcsnonru'a rirllll-mlCoincdy
bile of scuts opsns Tliurbd
Jl.U'l'Y I
iATlllll viili'l
Sunday. Monday nnd Tuesday Jjnuirj' 1,2
ami .1 ( bpeulul liolul ly in itmoo Monti "iy. )
Engagement ot thu unilnoiit rom.mtlo ictor ,
111 IlK latCSt bllCCCbS.
A worthy sucec'Sbor to " .Moults Cr'ito. "
Now York sun.
Cnit ,
C"osf if m on.
Mr. O'NelJl's first anpo ir uieo In Omaha In
four ye us. Usu it prices
Like Homo , nil rouU Ic til to the lioutu of i < ucccsii
The 1 oimdutloti of all bcnsatlotial Drnnia
All IloTlniiiTiK ltli
New Year's M ittnco
fruniliiv. J in. 1
bc-utlio Iron Mills In I till Hlust
M-xtlnccs feuniln ) , Moml i > , VXccliie ilnj , Haturilny
Tlio VTondc-i , niul nn hour nf Riioclaltlcs
/j.i//-v .u.i'yA'/s.
MATINEE ritIMs-5 ( : > Ootoalliirlsifhoiiso
KVKMNO I'ltltlH.ilcoiiy , an 1'arqtict. ! 0o
- Tllli -
Ladies' ' Perfect
11 e only perfect \nslnnl
unil rtcliil tjrliik'o lu Ilio
It Is the only Syrlnno ev
cr InvcnlPd by nhlcli vnill
nnl Injections tun Lu ad
mlnimi-rcit without lonk
'UK unit eolllnR the clotli
Ink' or nerccnltntliiK tl" )
usuof u TLBkelind nlilcli
run also bo usi'il fur rectal
Injeclloiin or IrrlKnllon
hori iiuunnr. iim.n
bll K.I.I , .
Mnllonlcrs eollcllcil
TlieAloe&PenfoldCo , ,
l.tli Stroof ,
Mc\r TO rosion ICR
1'Ji Blclium'
j proscrlplloni
nccurutt-Iy jirepiirucl ut
low urlcc'j
Teeth Filled With
out I'aln by the
L. itost Inven
Tooth Cxtraotod Without Pain or
Danger. M Ims'V ' $ ) ) )
I'prfoct flt Biisrnntocd Tuoth o lract3 < l In tlio
inornliit' "MJIY uncn lustrlod In tliu uvuoliij ui naiuj
day bee fpcoliuuni of Homovnblo llrlil a
tcn | icilnioiisof Monlbla Klnitlo I'lUJ
All nark narroulcil ns ruproientoj
Office Third Floor Paxton BlooX ,
Telepliono I03J , Wli anil Kiirna-n Sti
Take elevator or ilalrwair IromluiU&t outrinoi.
RK .TASai&s
--1 *
- - -
ccniUiuitloii. dHKptla , foulj
w h , litnuatlie uoartnuin , low of
ai intite , K-fuUl Oc | rt niJon , painful *
dl i'ktloD , iilrapl 2i M.UOW comjlCJr
- loQjftDtJ tJTerTui'-f&'wreluUluKiroui
'linpuro ' Hood.or a WJure bjftio _ _ t iu li. UWM *
The Universal fldding Machine.
& ? 368S33SSE S ji
Accurate , Rapid , Convenient and I'rac-ticil. A tri il will com lueu vou Tor pr co nnd terms
to.immts mlilress f
PUTMAN CRAMER , 311 SlcCague Biiilding , Omalin.
Compel your Shoe Dealer to supply you \vitn
The F ! evj Jersey Uber Shoe Go.
the Now Jersey SPHGlALTlIiS , They
tire line. Notice name ON SOLES.
Dealers can get Price Libtb and Dis
counts on application. I carry u big
stock and am Western Agent for tlio
New.Jersey Co.
To Bring Home a Bottle of
It is an indispensable household liquor , recom
mended by physicians as strictly pure , rich and
wholesome. lie can get it at any high-class
drinking place or drug store.
Ilcfcrcnce : Nat'l ' Hack of Commerce , Omaha.
No inti'KNi'iON from biiHlnnss. No Oporatlon.
IiivcslU'iuodur Miittmil , Written Ruanuitoo tonlno-
lululv C'tirunll kinds nf UI'l'TUHKof bntli ioxos.wlth-
nut I no Hi" of HnKo or Byrln cno inattor ot how Ion ?
307-308 N , Y. LIFE BtDQ , , OMAHA , HEB ,
bond for Circular.
181G Doualas Slroat , Omaha , Nob.
The eminent ipc-clullit In ncrroui chronic prlvnto , uljoil , jkln and urinary dtioa e > A rcicular onij
rrclitcrcit uroiluntu tn medicine aidl plouiat nnd cirllllcnln uliow. In Hill IrujtltiK vrltti tlio t'reatint iuo-
llook ( il-iterlciOri.Ue ; > ouUrB9 O0i.etour ! ila ID toSpiu Bund jr ll ) uj toUiu. ti