PITH OMAHA DAILY BISl'i1-I'll IDA Y , DKCKMUKR 30 , 1802. COMMERCIAL AM ) Bopoitcd Decrease in Stocks Was tlio Active Factor in Wheat , PROVISION BULLS CAUSED A SCARE In AVIitat All tlin Conditions Srrnicil HcntUh Winter I'll Ids of Tlmt Cereal Salil to ] | L Will Protected hy Snovr. CHICAGO , III. , Dec 29. The report of n de crease In stocks was the acllvo factor In the wheat maiket today nnd nftei iiweal : open ing , pi Ices' " ! allied fully Ic , closing nt an nd- xaiiceof * ir pei tm. t'orn and oils sinned In the hcttetment of the wheat market. The linll clique In provisions wcio hujers today nnd cau cd n scaio among shorts which ma terially added to ycstotduv'st xallies. \VhcatslaitidolT vciy weak. All thocondl- tloiiHM'Umd hearlsht c.ihles weie easier : do mestic markets slow : the Lliielinritl I'llc-o CuirentH ciop Mimminy icpoiled thu winter wheat fields eovticd with snow nnd RO well ptotccted that nn appic- henslon need he felt on account of the cold weather. Theie weio nppiiently 1lliuiiiiM.il- Ing oideis on the maikel.and the picsiito was.sni'h that nrlccs Iminedhilely gaxo way Un the weakness the icalMng was goitrous nnd M good de'il of long wheat cam" out. Hut xvhcn the market wim the wen nest Ilr.idst net's repoit of the axalhhlo siippl ) was posted , showing an urn \peited du-ie.iMMif l.blO.OOO Ini. cast ot the Itocklcs um ) 2 177 000 hu ( le- riensu nn hothi ( lists , As thu xlsllile siijiply points sliiMK d nil Ineiease last wiekof l.OOO- ( lOO bu. , lli.idslrcct's flguics Indicated tint then-must huxeheeii a dccieasp In tin1 points outside nf the olllclal list of ovci 2,300,000 hu. This was n staitllng MII- li No to the Hade , and Us elTict was Inslaiitlx' liulllsh , sellers made a i ush to g ( t h-u k what they hud palled with and them was a season of activity mid consldniablcpArllcniintwhich Kent prices up In nhort oidei 'I hen ) was the usual criticism of llradstieet's llxurcs , hut the I'fli ct wasnot much chansid hy the doubts nought lo he thiown on Iho lepoit The de crease , tt WIM claimed , was due toslulnkage In the noilhweit couutiy tlexatois and In ptlvato elexitois In Minneapolis , raimets' dellxeilts In the noitlnvest weie icpnilid biniill nnd It Is elalmid thit the present ic- celptH consist hugely of accumulations on Hide-tracks , which aiecleiiiihig up The open ing was fiom ' { e lo V lovvei , ami tifloi iill\- : Ing fiom Uc to ! fc again declined fiom 'fc to ° , p , then bci-.imoHtiongei and with Mlht fluc- tuatlons , nilccswere advanced fiom Joe to Ic , held stuiulv iiml the closing was Him In corn tlio feeling at the stint was xveak , nnd theie xvas modeiate selling at thn opening nt afi.ictlonal decllnn fiom ycstudaysclos ing mice , and soon sold oil fiom 'ni' to ' { I'.btit nt 4bc foi May there \unun uigent demand , holhonlocil as well as outside account , nnd as w heat tut ncd up coi n sympatht/ed , adx anc- Ing from ; > c to Me , eased oil slightly and elosi d xv llh fiom ! { e toc gain Acconllng to the 1'ilco Ciinent them Is a possibility of the lessening of thu aiilxals In the nuai future Iltadstrcel's showed an Incie.ibe In thexlsl- hle of 492,000 hu Data was quiet nnd easier , early pi Ices hclng from ' e to We fiom ycsteidix' . The huylng Improxcd and prices for May advanced from \c to "Ji * andelosid slead > at nenilj the toil with a gain of fiom 'Bo to ' ( c. uather llbeial iccelpts of hogs caused tcmpoiniy weakness In piovlslons tuilj.but Ciidahy and AYtlght were ciidltcd with huylng n good deal of stull and as tiny had been pie- xlously hiipposed to be taklngexiiy oppor tunity which olleicd to get ild of thelrhohl- Ings , their conti.ny action ted ij ahiiniidthe hhoits and causeif the nuiiket to Income. Rlrongei us tlio sisslon piogiessed Compiled with testing in Ices jestenhi } poik Is O2'i ' ; ; hlghei.lanl Is up 20c- and libs arc uhoiit20c dcaiei. I'stlmated iccolpts foi tomoirow : Who it , B8. ) ens ; coin , 03J cms ; oats , 13J cuis ; hogs , 20 000 hind. The leading futures ranged as follows- 111(111 IOW. CIOSL. WurAT > o 2 December , . Jt'f ' 71 Jrnimrj- 77 = B 77 COIIN No 2 December. . . ( OK .Innunrr 40-M 40 < ; Way. . . . . . . . . 45 o O.ATSNO 2 llcceintor. . . SI' ' < Jnnimrr 30 .KJ'li Mny JI WFSS I'uiiK- Jnnnnry 15 TO 15 'M 15 V , Jlny 16 tO 15 80 Ib 17M January . . . ID 40 10 45 10 40 Mny . . . . . . . U (6 ( 8 IK ) U C5 BIIOUT Itins Januory. . . . S 47 > 8 4 > Mny 8 45 ft ( .5 8 4J'j ' 8 U Cash uuotatlons weio as follows- ruiun htcadlei : iiiotiitlons | unch.iiiRed. \Vlll-AT No. 2 snrln , ; , 72c ; No. 3 spring , 55 © QGle ; No 2 red , 7Jc. COIIN No 2 , 40'se. OATS No 2 , 29Jrc ; No 2 white , f. o. h , 1P.JC : No. 3 while , Jlc. li\r.-No 2 , 00 " , c. HAUIEY No. 2 , GOc ; No 3 , IOSG3c ; No. . i in No l.tl 10' } . TiMomi ' 'l i D I'l line. $ J.02. 1'oiiK-Mtss. per hul , U4 8'i'a,14 874 ; lard , perlOOlhs , $10.40 ; shoit libs , s-Ides ( loose ) , J848lft8,00 ! dry saltid Khouldcis ( boxed ) , l8004i837Wj shint cli ar bides ( ho\cdi , 48 M& 'WIIIBKV DIhtllleis' finished goods , pei gal , BtlOAn Vnehangcd ; cut lonf. graniil'ited , 5c ; st.iml.ird "A47 > e. The following were Iho iccelpls and shlp- inentH ted iy : On the Produce exchange today the buttei maiket was linn : cioamory , 19(230c ( , d iliy , lbE'27c. KKKS , Him ( and unchanged ; httletly Xuu Voile ? , lnrlii't . NEW YORK , Dec. 29 I'louit Kecelpts , 20- COO pkgs. ; expoits , 2,200 bills , 35,000 hacks ; market quiet and \ciybteady ; Miles , Ib.OOtl bbls ConNMrAi/ Dull , stcadj ; yellow wostem , f 2 752.HO. WIIIIAT Kecnlnts , 25,575 bu. ; exports , 52- 700 bu , ; sales , 1,376,000 bu. fntnii's , 240.00C bu. t-pot. Spots aetlfoi ! expoit at eakei pilces e.uly , but eloshu htions and with the options , chei king business. No 2 led , B4\e In More and eluatoi , 79Sse ullimt , 70)j 57te f. o. h ; No. 3 red , 70'Sl79l'e | ; nn- L'I tided led , 7fi\f677c ; No 1 noitliuin , Hl'ic ; No. 1 haul , SOftBCMei No 2 noithein , 77'fei No. 2 Milwaukee , 77''c ; No. Ilsptlm ; , 71iiC Options were less uctho , liicgiil u and i Him excited. Thn openliiK was weak and jiilci" declined ' © ' ; on iealllng , leaettd 4i@34i on hit go dieieasu eastotthu Itoekv inoiin- tnhiH , which caused fieu co\erhiR byi-horl'i diH-lliifd ' ( @aBeon null/In ' through ueaknes' t , lalllid © 'ii'on thu Michigan htatn to. port , making thonxeragu 88 poi cent ag.ilnsl 102 last year , eloslng Him at 'iiJiV' ovei yes- tenlay ; No. 2nd , .lanuaiy , 7b'it77lc. ( : clos ing nt77Mc : IVliiuniy , 78 < a7H eloslng al 78 ? c : Jlaicli , 785 4t(9'e , i losliu nt 79J4C May , 80 fC(8l lO-ldc , eloslng at 81 c. 11K Nominal ; westein , OOffOHc , llAiii.i.t'-null ; wcsteiii , ocxasooi No. ' . Toniiti,81E85c. COHN Jtecelpls ! I2,000 hu. : cpollsGO , ' 000 ; hu , ; wikH , 200,000 hu. futuies ; 1 IH.IKK hu.spot. hiiots model ately act he. Ilimei ; No 2. "i'MJIB'41" In elnvatoi ; 19 i49'i'e ulln.il tingiudcu inKcd , 40ji49ttc ; inlxiil , 40 > fe bteaiuei inlvcd , 4814 < rjjlOle ; optlonii docllnci oaily 'iff'ii1 , leaeted Wt'tC ' as followlni ln > at and thu wcht , eloslng Hun nt 1iU.lco\ ! yesiindayhen tnidlnlullj Januaiy , IH'ttQ 40e , closing at 49et reliuiaiy , 40JJI91ie ( , clos Ine at18iie ; May , & 0 t < rt5l j/c , closing at 51'e OAlB Kcculptx , 10,800 bu. ; Mileb , 21O- 000 hu , futures ; 55,000 bu , npot Spots , dull , Ilimei ; options , quint , Ilimei Janiiiiiy , 3tilc3G"te , eloilngat 30 e : I ehriiiuv OU > ( U37iiC. eloslng at : i7' ' e ; May , 38 .eJ8'V ( closing at 3H jc ; ( .not nilces ; No. 3 , 35Je ; Nn 8whlte.41et > , o. 2 white , 30 . ( R3G'Ji ' % : ml\ei \ \ hitoM.j > tuin , 40ffi4UJfe No 2'hliag ( ( ) , : i7'e. HAV- Quiet , steady , lloi'.s Iliill , stead . Klis I'll in ; fait ifi'maml ' ; western host , 31c western boM , late gatheieil 'J'JitJOc , HIHIAII Itaw , quiet. Him , sales , 1,335 bag nioliifebos hiigar , bO test , tit 24e ; lellned , quiet film , Moi.Ah is Nuw Oilei ns , fair demand , KICK I'n I r demand , hteady ; domcbttc , fal to i'Mia,3iQ5'c ; Japan , ' © % . HMII..S InactiveMi > ad\ . Pliovixio.sj ) Pork. ( Inn , ciulot. Cut meatd quiet , thin ; pleklul bolllesI'.ffill'jilulililh' ( ; - InuetUe , Ilimei : hhoit cloai , J.S.H'J , | , anl Ilimei , quiet ; vu'Mein stoiuii elosud at flO,80 Miles 2fil tlciCOM. Upllon Miles none ; Decc'in her , flOttO ; J 1111111.1 y , flO.fcO ; IVbruar ) lli'n'llt- 1'nlily aetlxe. flrmi riglii,20c. riiKisi.IiM , doing , Him , I'm lno.N 1 Innstead ) ; Ameileiin , { 12.00C lf,50 , I'oi'i'Kii Quiet , unehuugidi lake , ? 12.0. I.I.AD Dull , Him ; dnmcnllc , J3.05. TIN Diill.MiuUti.tl045. Oniiilm 1'iiidiuii UurUrt. The mm Let w as M'ry quiet unddo\oli ) t uny kpiilal featiuehof Inteii'st. . Arriih ( < oed apphH aru quoted utIS.GO : ' 4.00 ; choleu tu fanov , f4 OOitl 25 IlANAKAH-OtiDlatlont , uru ; fair to goo shipping Mock , (2.00412X0 per bunch. u 'iho general uiurket U bUudy , TL built of the receipts dcltmt 1401Co nnil * otno select tmclinRei l 17rilue t iMMirnnu s Quotation * nrrt Hell nnd clifirv IH Minor hhl ! i hell nnd buclc , jo' > elite lito laprfod. 110 00 The atM\nl * Oil Iho tnnrkci are light. ift.t \ 1 uncy colcry li illfllouU to find Quotations tntiRunll the ay from 26e to 40e. KIHMMnrkrt Mrndyi hulk of the * ales of bright stock , ! K2ftt4r ! > . \Mir-llio market floes not show nnvrry tuaterlnl ihatigo Innluo There u- < n noNclly In tlin market In the vfiy of a black hear which found a toady put clmior. Quotation * are. l'hea ant . I501KI6.50 ! prnlile cblckcn , 4.00a4 1 > 0 ; grouse , MOOt ( | iiall , ! 1 00 1 25snipe ; , * 1 00 ; Jack snipe , < l atvttl HO ; plover , tl 00 ; Roldpii lio\er.l ! 2r/tti 1 50 ; ennas bnik duc ( . , $ H 00 OMOOO ; led he id ducks , MOO : maltnrd duek , J3 5vj3 ( 75 ; blue wing teal , S'J 2n ; green wing teal * l 75 ; mixed dnek < $1 50 ; Canada piese , IOOO117.50 ; jnck rahhlts , $1 50t small rubhlts , $1.2riil'l 50 ! .qUlt-reN , ll.OOOl.aft ! antelope s-iddles , 14'iTI'ir' ' drer saddles , 15W lGratiteloiccaroasies ! | , O lOcjdeerc.ircaises , . II IV The market wnsoxerotockrd nnd \ cry weak. No 1. JG.75ff7.00 ! No. J , JO.OO. llOM.t 'Iho mailtet Is Him , good white chner honey being scirro at 17e. lt.MON - f'holce , * 5orfaiirj,5j.r,0. M * lAl 4 ( litAVi s Per keg , VJ 00 Unchanged nt t Hiwr per can. ONIONS- Homegrown , 80"28De ; Spanish , tl. 00 perernto. OHNU ( riorlda , $3.2uli3.rjO ( PiiTArontjuolations me : Homegrown , OMi70cl Colorado and Utah , 8.V I'otti.Tin TurKojs choice , lOc ; geese nnd ( hicks , 7QHc ; chickens , 4 Gc. HWII.T I'm VTOis-Cbnico Mnscutlno and Illinois stock , ? 176 4 00 pel bill. Vi-.AI , Quotations ntu : bmtill and fat , C' { ® 7c , huge und hciuy , ' .t. Louts .M FT. f.outs , Mo , Uic. 20. I'toun ' Un- changid. WIIKAT- WelT , OPic ; options closed nho\e \esteidav ; De ( embei , G7e , Jnnuiirj , 07a8e ; > lny , 73 ' .e Colis-Diopped to3fi' e ; optlmii finished ' 4c nhoM ! jesteida > ; .lanuarv , , lt ! ' c" Mny , 41 > ( u OATH dish lowct. 31c , .Mahlghei , .He. Kll.-Dlill ; 48 > iC hid. Hnii.julet ( ; sample lots Iowa sold at 01(31)30. ( PoitK-obblne $1" asaifi 50 ; laid , $10 25 Hi enti'TR-I lout , 1,000 hbis , wheat , 17,000 hu ; coin , 118,000 bu. : outs , 11,000 bu ; ijc , 2,000 hu . biilcy , 1H.OOO hu. fcllll'Ml MS rloill. 1 ,000 bbls , wheat , 10,000 hit : mm 159000 hn , o its , 25,000 bu.i.jc ; , 1 1,000 hu. ; bu ley , none Wool Miult.TT HOSTON , Mass , Dee 29 Tot the jear the business In wool shows a substantial hu lease 'Jho silet ha\e been consider ably 1 irgei than last jcui nnd the ticclpN also 'Iho stock on hand heio ut the ( .lost ) ot the vein Is 31,927.1JO Ibs . ot whldi 17,017,157 Ibs mo domestic and 3,307,000 His , me foieUn 'Iheiowasa slight Incteiibo in domestic , lurgolj In teriltoiy , and amoditate falling oil InfoHl n from ujear ago The Hade the , pisl week has been eoni- liuathely quiet , ami the sales mo 2,084,000 Ibs. Pi Ices an1 stead > and un < luingcd. ( , lt.MuUnli. . . Oirv , Mo. Dee. 29. Will \T Un settled ; No a nun ! , ( U'tCiG-ini ; No 2 red , G8e. COIINe ik ; No 2inl\id , : i2 > 'ia > ic. OAK Weak : No.2 ml\ed , 28'j'jt2aJ40. ' Uir.-riimNo.2.50c. HfiTiti-Qulot ; cieamery , 2528c ; dairy , I.ddsQulrtt nt22 ! e. Hi Cl ll'isWhC.it , 2J.OOO bu. ; corn 8,000 bu ; oats , 3,000hu. fcmi'Ml-Nis Wheat , 34,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; o its , none. Oil Market. Nnw YntiK , Dec. 29 PI.TKOI.EUM Was dull and bucly steady. IVmi-jhanl.i oil , spot Miles none ; .1 inuim opt Ions , s lies , 5,000 bids at 52'4e closing qulot Ol'fi1 bid , 52' , c asked ; Lima oil , s iles none , IH,1 bid , 20c asked ; total s lies , 5,000 bills , United i losid oaj.c ( bid. COTTONSI i ii OttrQiiltt and bteadv ; crude , 4lchld ; jellow , Id'i'tf ' 17e. TAI.IOW Quli t and Himcr. HOSI.N Quiet , ste lily. TUJtl'I MlMl Quiet , easy , C'olJi-o M irkrt. Nl.w YOIIK , Dee 29 Options opened barclv steady , 5 to25 points down * closed steady , 5 liolnts up to lo points down Sales , 24,200 bags , Including Decimbei , S1040ai ( > 45 ; January , $11)00711010 ; IVbumrv " , flbOO ; .Maich. fl5751590 ; Apill , & 10"00 ® 15 70 ; Alny , tlGOlXQlGOO ; Mine , 15 UO. Septcmbei , * 15 ( > 031505 Spot Ulo , quiet , Mcady ; No. 7 , I.H < rpool MnrlcotH. IjiVFiti'OOiDee 29 \ \ \T-Ptoady ; flc- m.ind pooi ; holdeis ollei moderately. COIIN I'lrm ; demand fall ; mixed western , 4s ad pei cental. HAUIN 1 oiu and shot t clear 55 Ib , 4Gb Gd pel i wt ; long clcni , 45 Ibs17s. . LAIIU Pilnio westein , 53s pei ewt. ] MII nnUro ( .lulu .tlnrlci-ts. MII.WAUMI WIs Dec 0IILAT Steady ; May , 70'ie ; No 2 spring , ( > Dc. Cons Dull : No J , 3j' ( . ( ( . .17c. OATS ble.uij ; No 2 white , 34e , No 3,31 © 32e. 32e.HAIIM HAIIM v-GGo. Ill h 5be. .MlnncapolU Win at M irlcc-t. MIVNTATOI is , Minn , Dec 29. Wheat mai- Ket opened easy ; cash faltly actlM1. No 1 noithein , b4ft t)41JcNo 2 norlhein , UOc. Ie- ! i elpts , 282 c.us Close : M iv , 70' ' c ; Deccm- bLi , ( > 44c. On track : No liud ) , bbc ; No 1 101 them , Gl' c ; No 2noilliein , 5bac,0e. Cotton M irki't , Nl.w OutrA , Li , Dee. 29 I'lim ; Vim Innill M ukc-ts. ClNClNNiTl , O D-c 29 \ \ lltTIn fair demand ; No.2 red , OOe I'oitN Sh ide Ilimei , No 2 ml\ed , 41e. OATS ' -tiongci ; No 2 mixed 35c. riim at il.30. llaltliuuiu ( .i.iln M irl.ct. Mil. Dec 29ViiKT No. ' . n d spot , 75'e. COIIN I'll mcrslamiary. 47'8e. OAI Quiet ; No J wlilto western , 41c. Toledo ( il.lill Muikr-t. Tow DO , O , Dee. -WllfVT Dull am film ; No 2 cash and Dei umbui , 72c. . t OUN Steady ; No. 2 e ish , 10u. OAls- Quiet , cish , 35- . X m York DO < > < ioils Market. Nl w Yonic , Dec 29 It was absolutely qule In the diy goods maikot today 'Iheiu was hea % > demand foi pilnts while clothlns wool : \\ciuielutl\olj acthe. Ti ulort' 1'allt. CIIICAOO , 111 . Doe -Kennett , Hopkins S Co to b A , Me\\hoitei \ : 'Iho wheat niai ke stalled oil active and \eiy we.ik with hcmj bulling by St. I. on Is and t ho not t invest and fin ieall/Ingb > commission houses Inning coun tiy ti.ulo. C.nlj cables weio u half pcniij lone i and the feeling pnnalhd among scalp eis that DUO or two of the bull contingent hat been hidleis jcsteiiluy. 'Ihese Inlliieiicc' caused iiiie.isrness Wlien the marku was at Iho lowest point tin slaitllng news auhed unit Itiad street's estlni ited a dccieaso In thoa\allihU supply of 2,100,000 bu. Instead of u huge In eiuasu of ov r 4,000000 hu. , which wiistln gcmiral guess jestiiday. 'Iho icjiilt wasi hhaip tiptuin ami a iiishof bhorts tocovor , tin mi iket gaining 1'iCer > i.ipldly. Litocable showed a fuithui uiellnuof lUd , hut thl.s heai news hud no ellect on Iho maiket , whlcl closes htiong. Cleaiances fiom foiii poii weio light , being about 390,000 bu , of when and ( loin. Coin and oats opened decided ) ; weak on light Hade , but leiietul later In hj m patliy with win at. Pioxlslons weio weal eaily on lepoitcd leall/lng bj local longh , hu closed htiong on bu } Ing of ono 01 twohiokei whoso ptlnclplchhccni gi not ally unknown. CiliCAiK ) , 111 , Dec 29. ( oiiniclman & , Da ; to Cockiell Hi os , Commlbslon compuo The wheat maiket sustained Its repulatloi foi eriatle action during the holiday week b oix'idng with a senil-piinloumont } little hold tut ) , who wuo n lit did by weak cables , am closing with 11 lush of hhoitN to eo\e on account ot the dccieaso I Inteiloi Mocks leportcd by Iliadsticett Wu think that purchases of May wheat helot HOc will show good piolllH befoio the 1st n Match , Coin stinted heiuy owing to fieoof feilngs of low glades to iinhx , hut tunic quickly with wheat and aihanccd'ic fiom th bottom , mainly on the dcinund fiom shot Milk rs Oats was Mill at jesteiday's dccllu and ri coveted ° > e with light ollerln s as th pi Ices lmpio\ed. Wo feel that corn and oat lia\o MUW about the low points on thU tun Punlslont , wuio bid up by Cudaliy \ . Wilgli who nfteiwiud unloaded on the ciowd. Th oillhldu nubile Memcrj biillUh on hod pu duct and seem lo bo getting It from iiibldci tin ull good bulges. STOCKS AMI ItU.NDS , Tc ill per of SpcenUitliin on Ilia l xchnng W.IH Dellileilly ItuUUh. NKW YottK , Dee. 29. The temper of spcci hitlon at thu block eM'haiMO today was di cldedly bullish fiom Html to finish I'llcenai Minced light thiough thu list , and In many li stances thu Improvement was quite pri piounci.il. Thu heard attempted to check tl upwind movement hy attacking Nortl cm I'ftcllli : iirefericd , but as thu Urn who ha > u been carrying largo amounts i that stock liquidated yestcidiiy , they mail llttlo progiess. Thu lovvcst quotation touclu wus441 e , and a rapid rise of two points ci Mild , 'Ihu failure of Wit ) land , TiusK \ . C hud no effect , because. It was thoioughly u deistood that the Him had no ontxtandli contracts on the e.xchmi o. Thn Improvc'inei In the stock was stlmnluted by t > tuteincn made by Din dor O , II. Wright to t ! effect that thu company was provldi with tlio money needed to u : HIP .Taniii ty Intrrr l tind win nthcrwl o In peed slid | > e Mnnhntlan MoMitrd orciiplrd a In rite f > | inii nf at trillion nnd rnnu'id from 1 K ' ( to HiO'i Iht Htix k innde Its big ad- \nnce nflir It htcainr Known tlmt hut one hid Inistiern midc fort ho fratn hlse nf the iiro- im i'il underground trheme , and thnt the Itnpld 'I rnnstl comml'-ilon had rejcclrd thU hid The Idea inoMills thnt Manhaltnn will novrhe rnnhlrd toohtnln Ihotrrmlnal fncll- llle < * and other prh lieges whh lithe manage * incut ImtlK-en fighting for foi stmie time pnM In sMnpithy with Manhatl in , New ork X New r.nuland and Now York ft Northern pir- ferrrtl moved up over n point , HIP coal slocks were prominent , advancing I to r'i points. Thostnry thnt the Heading Is tel uo JIO- 000,000 new bonds was denlcM.Iind nt the nine time II was ghcn out that the niinual state ments oflhe Delaivare , LacUinninnii .N. West ern and Deliwaro & . Hudson would show earn ings largely In excess of the dividends paid. 1 he uistirn and western trunk llneshmrs wuo In good n quest , hut SI , Paul was the pielal attinctlon ami-sold up 1s , pet unt to 771. ! . Tlioto were Indlcnllons that the ihorti In I'nlon Pacific wcio becoming nlaimcd und that outsiders were taking hold foi a rise In the expectation that congiess will legislate In f.uorof the romp my after the holidays. Among the Induslilal" , Dlstllllngand Cattlr- fcidlng nnd Chicago Oaswcio tiiken freely and advanced l' { to2 percent. Thcciisoln inont-v nnd the quletiti put on the talk about gold shipments hy th" decline In slerllni ? ex- cliange had u lienellclal ntlect. The banks and tuist companies ate disposed to lend more ficely because the movement of currency from the west toward this center Is Incieastng , The forelgnels were bujers of theli speolnltles to u model ate extent and leading bulking houses look for Increased Kiiiope.in hu > lng aftei the openlngof the ncujc'iiThe market closed si long and nt the adv mice. The Post financial . writer today sijs- The shaiptccoxeiy ln Noithein ' clllcsicu ted i > icllccted the geneial opinion u-ni jcs- ti'idnj's hear movement In unit quarter was decldidly ovenhme , Kxon fon-ed llqul- ( latlon ot dim long account which jvns the Immediate object of attack hanlly justllli d u break of such dimensions. More- ovei , the ' hear stories" ahout the companx's ( Imincei today icnched a point xUicio this s.ei Ions condition becinno hanlly possible. One 'sloiy ciltlouslx * wide of the mat It , an elabo rate anaUslsof tie ) Noithern I'.iclllc dnht , was published this morning , In which the chief aigunient xvns Hint since an Increase of $14- bOO.OOO In bonded debt dining tlneo xeais hud an nmi ) inlcd nn Inciease of 1.000 miles In 10 id , therefore the new lines hud cost HO.OOO pei mile. This peculiar compulation , oven If the figures used hud been comet , left wholly out of consideration tlio lingo and prolltablo expenditures In rastein and xvrstein lei initial piopcrtles , a lending foatuieuf the lompinj'H lecc-nt Iliiunie ting , a fuilher Intimation th-it blanch line honds had hcin funded Into the rniritilld lied moitgage , except the 89,540,000 Oregon Tiaiiscontlneiitnl lllsts , was fully as eMr.iordlnaiy Statements are accessible show Ing Hi it no less tlinii $29,929,000 of the. cun-olldatcd llxes have been Issued fet e\- actlj this ( impose mil that the socuiltles de posited In trust against them leptesent not 1 000 miles of new mid , hut mote thiin 1,300. The Noithern I'aelllu comp my has sufleied enough ie.il tiotthlu In the p ist jc.utobe spited mlbtepiesentutlon , extreme as this The tut ils lies of stocks tod.iv were 339.00C arcs Including : Atehlson , 0,700 , ItutlliiK- on , 3,200 , Chluipo fis ! , 8,000 ; Iailvaw.inii i ' 000 ; DelawiiiuA. HutUon , 3,000 ; DIstlllliiK ; 1,200 ; Lauls\li | | > ,1 N.islnllle , 5,000 : M.inh.it- .111,22000 , Nutlon.ll I. .ail. 0000 ; New Km- and , 12,100 ; Northeni Piclfle , prefeiied , r- 100 , Kenilln , , ' , 5,000 ; Itock Island , 4..JOO ; St , 'aul , 18,000 , Sivai , 2Gfa)0 ( ) ; Union Pacific. . ,200 ; Western Union. 5.700. London I'lniinci.il lto\lnw. [ Copyilijlited ISOtliu Tunic * Gnidnn neiinett.l LONDONDoc. . 29 [ Now Voik Hei.ild O.ihle- : uerial to TUB HFI. 1 Able stock e\ch.ins ( uslness has bctn largely In toiiiieellon will he iroKii-ss ot the suttlcmptit In nhlch nuv jiUaKOiuontsS ] ) uliiKly cntL'iid Into. I oieUr po\einincnt sicuiltli s WLIU flat , Intel nit Ion i itocKs follouhif ; ( ho com-oof thu P ills bouisu jin'k bonds ha\o ghen way = t put LCII o 1'f jier cent. A modoiato decline w.n 'stabflshcd In rienoh 3's , Port iiRiitac sjptl ins , Sp iiiUh nnd most Tuiklsh Issues Thu tendency of home i.illwajs was i.ithti 'mttei diiilii0r the lattci put of thu day lioiin'h the dealtiiKsi'io almost at a stand still. ( h nines established In pik.cs nuiu fuv mil unlnipoitant. Amui leans , aftoi hu\Iii ) > con dull tne Krcitei p irt of the day , bee HIM .ompiratHcly firm dm Ins thu listhoui. IVv mj Intouters ; ha\o been icci'Uul fiom Nov Voik. Di-imr piefeiencu ailMim'ed Jo , pc cent , loiils\lllp .N. Nish\lllu Is "a pi cent hUhei , I'hlladelphl L & . Keadliii i pel cent and cxui.il others nn from'n to'i p rcent better. Can idl insthon l quiet wcio ( | iilte liuii > .iii ( , Uiand Tiunk KIUI anteed Lloslns at nn adineo of 1 pel icnt Oiand TiiinK prefei Mice 1 > 4 pel tentto I3i ) > e cent ( .land 'I'muk oidln iii and C inadlan Pi clllu 'a perttnt Tin ro was a fall demand fo money Mioit loins \\eie LI ! u ed 1'j to2 pe cent. 'I he discount 111:11 : Ket h is shown an In nasu In the 1 ist few bills that hue lice illeiod. Thosu ut two and tluco months wci quoted at I't to l"a per cent. > H Yoik Moni'i Mitiltot. NEW Yoits , Dee. 29 MONUV ONGAI.I , - Kasy at 1G < J per cent ; hist loin , 1 pel tent cloid olleied at 1 percent , PuiMi ; Mi \\Tii.r Pvi'Ht 5SG per cent. bTUti INI ! ICHMr hte.itly , with actui Jnislnc'-s at 84 B5' ( for tl\ty duy banken bills and Ct.87'1 foi dcnmnd. 'J he rlosliiK < | uitinlons ) on bonds ; KANSAS Cnv , Mo. , Dec. 29 , Clcnrlngfl , I 088,104. NKW YOIIK , Dec. 29.-Cleailn'S , 1121,80 ! 124 ; balances- , (0,177,818. NMY Yoiih , Die. 29. Ooxcrnment bon btiong. btatu bonds neglected , llAi/nuonr , Mil , Di c. 29. Clearings , J2.09 047 ; balances t3b5b05. Money , U per cent. 1'u. , lec. ) 29. Clcurlii ] Uol574t Muncy , ft per cent > , Ml xii'ilt * Tcnniwc 2H ( IrnrlnR" $ t l - n : ' , iinlmiii- . fiJ'a.'y NIW silling at | iar Nt-xv Ontvxt.i , Dcr 29 rlearliiif , tl.M'J 1SJ. New \-orU eichrinffo , commercial , C > 0o } 1,000 discnun } . hnnk , tl 00 picmluiii. PT Ioi't , Mo , lco * anI lenrlnga , ti,0&7- 602 : balances. 40\307. Money ( inlet , 0 7 percent , i\clmiigo : tin Nu\x YorK-IIV ptoin- nun. / ( 'HKMtin , 111 , Dar. -C'lcniliiffi , lO.O'U- R6' ) . New York exchange , 7n80c premium. Sterling oM-lmiiBP , dtill imydnx-hllK-M 8.VJ ! demand J4.HS. Moifey strong 0 )7 ) perruit. HO TOV , Mass , | Joe 20-fall loin , fi'tiff7o ; lime loins , r > ' | C ! clearings , MWbU.IM : hilances , 12,400,941. Munev , Gfl-per cent. Kxehange on New York , p ir to 10idiscount. . I'.xtne. lire. 29. Tlneu ( iei cent icntes , OGf 6fic for the nciinint. The wicklv statement nf the llank nf Pinner shows nn Increase of 4.422,000f gold and n die-lease of 5,200UOf ( ) of sflxei I.osnov , Dee 29 The bullion hi the Hank nf England decreasul A171.OOO during the last week ' 1 he proportion of the llank of Kng- lund's icsctve lo llahltltx , xvhleh lust wick xvns 45 41 pel cent , Is now 40.47 per cent. The amount ot bullion xvlthdrawii fiom the H ink of England on balance today wits 1130,000 , 1.IV1I STOCK .MAKKIVrs. Cut Ilo Trailp Dragging nnd l.ovrrr llogn bell Higher Mirrp I'lrm. Oxtxilx , Itc. 29Tho receipt sot eat tin were ahoitl ! 2 , ( > oo head , a fair iiinnfter thu llhcial nuiiihet here jestcidaj llnjeis had things their own way and pounded the market on pietty neaily cxeiythlng incept the choicest diluted holldaj stiets All common to me dium steels Mild lower agulii , the diellne In the past two dajs being quoted anj where fiom 20 lo 40e lower Trade duiiiu the moin- Ing was xeiy slow , hut In thu iifleinoon the stock changed hands quite ficelv , the InilK of the cattle going oxer the scales befoie the rlose. ( Aiws sold lower ngnln todax1 , the decline for the pist two days being fiom 15 to 25c In the general Hade Local houses bought quite fnely and the hulUof the bulchei stutl sold , although the maiKct was slow thioughoilt. The market on stockeisnnd fecdeis was In pr < tty fall condition , the siipplx limited and jiIcesstiong ) on well tinned steers Uood na- llxo or xxpslein feeders of de lrabh > weights sold at fiom $2 70 to $3.50 , and s lockers fi&m calvis up ai fromt'J 00 lo J2 70 , according to xvclght and quality. lepic"-eittatlxe ( sales : in i.r. COWS AMI HKIFUtS. xusruiNCAin.L. No. Av. IV. No. Ax. Pr. 25 cows . 889 $2 00 00 feeders 992 { 2 90 09feed'isl097 3 50 Hoes The hog maiKet started out prett lix c-ly at pi lc ( s a good nickel liL'liei , hut nf Ic the caily ( inlets weio tilled pilcis eased ol nnd nt the i hiau hut llttlo of the ndv tuco wa letalned. 'Ihesupply was too smul t o rails much competition unions hujeis and lib a're bull while pi lues in u advancing iho maiket 1 moi e oi less uneven and unsatisfactory. Ueji ic-enlntlve sales : rios XND notion , no o oo . ! bwlft reccludtwodouhle-decklo.u of sluep and there were also two double-dec loids of mlxi ( I Mexican fed tin ep that sold t u local hou e. 1'ihiHiiie fltmat the follov Ing quotation : Tali to good natives , fa.Ol ) ' 470 : full to good westerns , J.25fi'l ) 50 : con mon and stock sheup , 2.25u3 ( 50 ; good I cholco 40lo 100-lb Iambs , , ! f4.00&G,00 Itepn sntutlxo billet , : No. Av. 1'r. 229 Mexicans , mixed 72 4 10 220 Mexicans , inlud 75 4 IO 235 Mexicans , ml ml 00 4 25 HectlpU nnd IlHi > i , llliin of Stock , Itecelpts at the Union Stock Yuids , bout WANTED .Total U.uc , o ( CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL ; ' DlbTniCTB. WATEII COMPANIES , ST.R.R.COMPANIESHa Corrriiondcnce tollclted. H.W.HAHRIS & COMPAHYOankers , 103-109 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. 13 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O Stole 9t. , QOOTCH , OmMin , Nrl' for ( wrntx four linuu Milling nt 0 ( i dork | i in Dei emher J'i , IBQJ ituxtt'T * ( .MTIC | HUH * pnirp IIOIMM A Illoml Cms .llemt ( urn | " | rhlrngol.lxo Mods Market. fiiir ton. Ill , Dec 20. fncol-il Telegram to "ill * III f Irnttli ) xvcie lowci ! sers | ( w ( ro genet illy finm ItVto ire under jisteidaj's prices anil ftoni ir > e to'JV umhrtlie in It is runout Mnndiix I'tade opened slim and was xervfai fiiini liolnc aetlxe Inter In ( ho day , tlioiiili the close if huslncss found cnmpira- tlxely few cattle tcin lining In sellers' hands Tumi $1.10 tti $1 Hr > took most of the dres cd two f and shipping steei , and from tl 75 tn S2. it ) weie tin ) ptcxalllng pileesfoi cow- * and hulls Quotations had a range of ftoni $1 oo In J1 00 'I ho hog market was netlxp and steady at tliu opening ; It was dull and lowi r Intoi In tlu < day llefoto 9 o'clock tlio iiiaikt I was on I He , mid at that iiMlurllnn II cimtlnm d w nk to tlip close , l.itp milps making on u bills of fioin JO. 10 to $000 fin poor lo choice he.ixy and from $020 to $ ( . 05 for pool to pi line light weights. I'.nilv In thednj then were two ot three sales of licaxi hogs -it t7 Oil and ns high as $0 70 was ti ild foi assotted light Knii illv cowl lioss solil I iti-r lit fioin JO bo to 50 yo and tti l > 0 ll > Hpooll\l < l > I'liptlipcp tiadcas artl\p at fioin $ .1 r\ \ to Jfl DO fin poor toclioli o Rrnilox , and salrs of lambs wi-iiMiii a Imxlxif fioin * 4 I'fi to 50 Bti foi pool tncMia Coiniinioilltli M-sli ida > 'x pilci's lhi'niin lltiliHi iiiKi1 todi\ ! Tin tiino of tin1 mat l i't iiMtrilnrd llrin. Ituoliits I'uttlo , 10.00U Ill-ad , liivx , 'Jl.OUO , sin op. (1.000 ( Tlio r\onlntf . loin iril ipnoitx : I'MrLK-Hoiplpts , 1001(0 ( hold : slilpinLiito , t.OOO ; inaiKol slu\\ , ptli c slo idj tolonoi. liost slu'ls , $1 'KITCino KiHiil lousofu ] HMO 4 75 ! othorx M r > o ® i H : > : fiitts. ii.'JOff.i an lions UrcolpsJH.ooo honil : sliipmonts HIHHI liotul ; niniKot oponoil sio.idj , notUo ; iMosod 5auv lowi't s roiiKh and i-ommon tb-iOfTOGO , nilM-d anil p ii'Koix , jr , rVTf ( , 70 ; pi linii liouy and bnliliiit1 wulKlils , ii , HOfii 095 ; lUht. ( > ( .07iljt.5 ' -Ilirt' Itivolpts , ( , ,000 liofdj ulilpntonls , oOlllioillt ininkot soiill ( ) , nithcx } 175IliOO ; wostoins. JlHOItr. 50 ; foil TOMIHX , $ I7C. ; lanibx , * .l 76QO 'J5. NVu York ll\o stoplc Miirldl. NrVoitic , DPC ! 20 - liLi'Ms lU'coltitt , 'J58 In' , ill , till foroxpoit : notl.ido ; fn HIIK Hun , diossid hoof sto.iih at jJ'J'.o poi HiMilp - inolils ted iy , ( it hi > im < s , 10 shiop mill 1'JJO ( pllllll'lS Of Ill'tff. Itoi'olpts , HIS lio.ul ; mtitkol Urni , xeals , Jj.OOTlH 50 per 100 Ibs ; grnssois , t'J 75 % 3 12'3 ; westein cilx is , H 1)07(380 ) Sill It' AMI KXXIIH ttcccluts.3,4r)0 bend , muketeiv ( lull ; sin en , J3 75Q5 00 per 100 IDs. , 1 unlK , * 500'ftO ( > 2' , . lions Uecelpts , 3,10a head , consigned ( II- icct : m.ukot nominally steudy utio 80 7 00 per 100 Ibs. St. f.outs T.lvo stock Xlarknt. ST T.oum , Mo , Dec 29 l XTTI.K Receipts , 1,400 he.id ; shipments , ? 000 he id ; dull , lowt r : n itlvesteois , f300iil8" > : cxpmt steelsJ5 00 ( B5.25 ; range sleets , J2 Ooa2.)0. ) Iloos Hecelnts , 4,100 he id ; shipments , 1,300 head ; OTMOe lotti i j heuxy , Id 102000 ; p icUng , l > 3080 GO ; light , SO.'JOSt ! 10 SMI n' Receipts 500 lie id ; shipments , none ; steadj ; natives , $3 0030 00. CK.i l.lvuStOL-l. Alurkot. fiTV. Aid , l o 29MTt.K -Ue- : olptx , 4,700 held ; shipments , 3,700 lie ill ; MM mi'H dull ; stiois , lOVlGe lowoi at JJ 00 ; tiiokot > > mil feoduis. firm .it J2 00J2 ( 75 llonx Itueolpts , 5,000 hoid ; simciits | | | | , ,50(1 ( ho.id ; iictl\o , stioir ; to fin lilcliur , all ? i ides , $4 75 0 70 ; bulk H > . 1530 55. bin I-P Kerulptx , 300 In id ; shipments , 300 load , moi u iiithe , ste idj tohtionu ; muttons , 'J 60 © 1. GO. Driiw Vonr Oun rene iiisluii. Mi J. O 13.itMtpoi t , nnn.i er of the Toil tapB Kcdnood Co , Vt IJr.ipg , Gal , lias .his to s.ij of ChtDiibcil tin's Couih Hcittcily. 'I uied it for a se\cru colil and cough ami ibtaineil imtncdiato lelief. In the Fort iagg Heduoo'l Co 's stoic \\o have sold ai o riu.tutilieb oC Cliainbeilain s , incdi- Foi sale by I.on Knllro.iil Itutri for tlin Holldiijs. Tickets on sulo til ono and onc-Uiiril uro for tlio round tt tp \ i i the Chicago & Northwestern railway , December 114 , " .5. 20 , 31 and January 1 und 2. good ro- tuininp until Junuary 3 City ticket oillco 1401 Farnnm stte'ut. G. F. Wi.sr , C. P. & T. A. R. R. Paicini : . Gonouil Agent. Watcrtonts duo Jununry 1 , pay able ; it comptxny's oillco , HKK uuiltlins ; ! > \ > QV xnl discount nllovvud if jiuid on or bc- fore Jtinuiity 1. Oillco open Wednesdays and Saturdays till 8 p. in. AT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL DRIGHT AND HEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Jty donor snjs It nets CPntly on the Btomach , llvernnd kMni > js.iiidl3aiiIonHint liixmlvp 'Ihla drink li maite from liciln nnil Is prepared for use nscvm > oslca Itticnllcd ' Oe iUKl5lr.inii.lnEo Ifyou r nnotR > tit , Bond jcurodilrpcs furnfrtB Bamplo. I.nno'H I'ninllj Tlcillrine mines I lie ImvtuU Pur It ilii ) . jnor lTtnl > c lieiilttiy tlitsls nfi cssirv AUilrcsa OllATOll r. \ \ OOU WAJIU , I.i lliu , K.Y. SOUTH CM/AHA. Union Stock Yards Company , Sovith O in all a. Jlest Cnttlo Ho nnil Sheep market In iho sl. COMMISSI3H HOUSES. Wood Brothers , South Olilnlm Toli'pliono II&7 Clilcaj-'O JOHN I ) UA1IISMAN , I . , „ „ „ . , . , „ , XY.U/ll.Ili : X\OOI > , fMnnmeiH- Market Ileimrts l > > moll und wlro cliecrfully tur nlnln.it iiiua iippllcutloa Totho owners of all lots or paitsof lotsoi allo ) In Ullex'H and Ho/cin' Mibdixlslon he tVM en Vlnton htn et and tin not th line of lo H , lioxeir , ' MI ! ) and 17lh and IHih hlici then on .no hereby nolillid that the undi r hlu'iii ( I , tliu n dlMntciestt d ficcholdeis of tin Cllj of Omaha , huxu been duly appointed b ; HID mayoi , with theapiiiov.il of the i It y mini ell of said city , to ass ( ss the ( luiiiiun to tin OUIIKIS KhiH ctlxi 1) of HID piopeily alltctei hj tin ) gi idlngof hiihl alley , di clan d met s Miiy b > oidliinni n 3390 , insnid Decembei Jli IH'IJ , npptovid Dciembei 24 , 1892. Von am fiiilhei notified , that haxlngac < ptid wild appolnInK nt und duly iiualtfiii as leqiilred by lavw w III , on Iho twelfth da ; of .laniiiiiy A I ) Ih'JII. at HID hum of twi o'clock In the afteinoon , nt Iheollleo of dcorgi J.Paul , 1005 rainam HIM et , within thecoi porato llmltH of biid city , mi itt foi tlu < pur pose of consldeilng and maUliu Iho iihsess ment of dniiiage to the nvvneis lespi ellvely , o Mid piopeity , alVcctcd by h.ilil guide , talun , Into conslilt liition hpiclal hi netlts , If any Vou ale notlfliil to bo 1111.11 lit in thu tlm and placu nfoies.ild and inaKo any objietlon tool statementb eonceiiilng said imseshniLn of damagcfc , as 3011 may lonsldm moper. \\M. ( , SHItlxV.ll , JAMI.bSl'OUKDALl' Omahii , Decemher 28. ib'J'J. DJOdlOt Si ah d piopos.ils will ho iccnlvcd hy th Slate Ilo ml of Pi luting at Ihiudlleo of Iho MC uliiry of Mate , at any time hifoio 'IhiiiMl.ij Januaiy 1'JHi , 189.1 , at 2 o'doek p in , fo printing and hlndlng In i loth 5.0OO copies le port of Mali ) Hoard of lloitlcultiiio foi th jcar 1803 , of 300 pigcs each , the H line lo b printed Ij ) long iirlmer tj jie Tin bl iMifpigi svidght and iiiiallty of 11,11 1 r , Mjloand iiiulli | of binding , htj loot lettinliij on covm ami 1 all respiclb thu woilc to bu the bame IIH th Horticultural Itepoit of 1892. Sampli of win may bUbiLit ut theolllcu of thu hccietaiy c Htatc. Work to bo completi d within blxty day from the avvaidhuof the conliact , Itlght nun vi d to ii'ject unj and all bids b thitblato Pi luting Ho.ud AMj 1) 30 d lOt Eturttury of btute OMAHA Manufacturers' and " Jobbers' Directory AWNINGS AND TENTS BAGS AND TWINES- I _ jlOTOlgS. Bemis Omaha Bag M..O , Daxon , IOMIMSV mporloM nml mnnnfrs Itlcyctci i oU1 on monthly Hour puck' , burliini tnlne. I S3 V BOOTS ANDJSHOES. _ Morse-Coe Shoe Company , Ilonanl Factory corner llth nnU llouulm "treats X'o urn tanking cIo < oi > He s to cull ImroM nn1 urn ncliiM ofKoinli ulilcli 1 very nixlptbld with inert limits Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed OMl'ANVliolu ilo SltOKCD tiool < ilioo mfrji nKcnts Union I ntul rutituruooits lljj- lluljbpr shoo Co IIOJ 1310 llnnur IIUI-lllXl Il rni'r St I Omaha Coal , Coke & Caglo Cornice Works .1MB ro.lmilnn l ott Mfr < Iron < iii\l , s i ; cor lolh nn < t iiirnlc' * ntn t nr cipi , Douelns Sis moi vlllo Kkiliuht oto IliU-lIN llJilKJ - DRY GOODS. ll. E. Slllltll & CO , , Kilpatrlck-Koch Dry ( iO > P-t II ) , Hy coo I , notion' fur- Notloni uenlV furnWi- nlilitint uooili I'lrnor IntfBoolt cor litli niul llth niul llonunl st . II irupy MI FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Bssb3e & Runyan CO miliolMc-e t fiirnl- lUUNMI'L'RK CO , l.rnco lurc , tlJ.'IIOl Mctiolas St Wlioleinlooalr i\mt nth Sts GROCERIES DRUQS , ET3. D. M , Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce < & Co. , 1201 1505 Jones St , 10th nnd llnrncj fets , Omaha Omaha. HARDWARE Rector & Wilhclmy LobecM Linn , COMPANY , luvfilwuto unQ Corner loth ntul Jickion mcclifinlci' tuoli. HOI Donjlai su HATS , ETC. W. A. L. Gibbon A CoX , \X ll Hnt'.cnps etrntv LUMBER. John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Leo , Imported Xmprlrnnl'orl Hnrilrrooil lumber , wood Intnl ( cni'Mil Mllnnu cnrpot' in 11 ko-rcnipnt ivnjcjnlnc/ nliltolliLU Ptti find _ MIUINtflY. Trick & Hortort , I , Oberfeldor &Co , linponer * unit ) oM XX holeinlo liquor ilctlori of iiillllnor y notion Mnll o r ill rr IIIUIIM , 1001 inniMiiSt. Hill fcU PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co , Standard Oil Co. , Inrtr n full Hook ot ; , iTtnpplii ) ; nnil ItcnnoJ nnil lubricating pniiuts , cunt , ole I ell , into KTOMP , etc. PRODUCE COMMISSION , Branch & Co. , Jas. A , Clark & Co. , < 'loilucc , fruits of nil IHitlor , chctMp , czgs , tmullr ) inn ! Knmo , Minl , oytteri ,117 I Itli st STOVE REPAIRS. SASH. DIOR3. Omaha" Stove Repair M.A.DisbrowSCo. WOHKJ. Movu r | iilrn \lnnuf i of niul \ \tor utticli iiioiti door 4 , ti Itndi na fur mi ) klnil of stmu moilMltljs , brnnch uC mvltt. t UI Doiik'lnj st llco , l.'tli n nd li rd a B"NorvoSoods " | , I I the r.onilerful remedy M.i eolil lth Bvrlt - irnnrnn er to cure All nirvoiis I'.lsca'cs , nidi ns XVonU Memory. l otiif Dmln rower. IlnndKCh" XVnLcfulnou , lo l Mitiliuod , Nlulitlr Units , rlons , Nervousness , I nMltmliMillilraInt and leas nf power of ttioclcncratlio Orinn < tii either o'coMiicI b > overciortlon. youllitul irro , or nxccsilrr use of tobncco opium or stimulant ! ! wlilch soon | i > ad to Intlrmltr. Con > imii > * llonnnuliifanllr. I'litiipcoiivpnlonjlocarry In vo t nockci * ! pornnct * BEOliyiJHil.Bfo'i' , . XX'ltli e-voryiiontfrwn yiitawritten yutranttt toetin rirou : AMD ATTFR isi\3 orrcjuntltte ricnty. Cliculafrao. AililriBiAcrvnKccil Co. , Uhluusu , 111. Tor Sale in Omaha by Shoimnia & McDonnell , 1515 Dodfjo Stioot. Dr. < _ Gee Wo , I the fn- i inons nil- c.iiophjsl- c I in of O in .i li a . h 11 a or 1 , < 0J ( st ite- in o n t H f r it in RT i to f n 1 li.it Ion ts Mill ) lll\U been cured i > y ' ' " > One of the most SIHCI sbfnl piuslclans In Oninli i lo ciiy Is Dr. C. lto \ \ \\huforthopibtt\o > e irs h is tjten clulni ; moiu Rood fur GiitlcrliiK liuinaiilty thtn all olhor sneclillsts In the country. , ] Tlio doctor can siiCLOSsfnlly tie-it jon by ] nintl and Liiro jon , aa ho h is done tlinnsnnils nf otliiMs. with his noiidorfnl Chlni'sD ronie | dies Do not delay until j our illsoaso Is bu- | yond all help buturllo to lilin If > ou cuinot call iiiion lihn .it once , .ind lie \\lll pUo you i lilsc.indhlaphitnii of yoni i ist- 1 \ inilna- llons fico and It wl 1 eost j'ou nothing to ton sil \.lth him Qncatlou blnukascnt nuun up- | plleiitlon Address DR. C. GEE WO , 510'S ' N. IGUiSt.Oniiha PROPOSALS POR GRADING , taled inopos ils ill he itcthcd hj the nn- dei signed until 1.30 n'c lock p in , .liniiuvO , IH'J.I ' , foi si.ulln r II million sin et from Illh htieet iDUL-steltj Ilinlls , In the city of Oni ilia , In .itcoidinci ! ullh plans and spinel lit itlons on tile In ( lit ; ollitu of the Ilo ird of 1'nbllc \\oil.s Itlds to ho in.ido on pi luted hi inks fin nished b\ the bo ird , and to hu leinnip inlLd hy a eoi- Illlcd thiili in the sum of 500 , p ij ilile to the oils of Oni ill i , us in e\ lilt in i * of oed filth 1 ho liontd it-sines tii ! > iMIit to iuj.Lt ( any 01 all bids , iiid tu.ilw' d 'frrl 1' . \ \ ltlltlIIAr iu : , Cli ih man Don ( I of I'nblliUoiks Om.ih.i , Ike. 2 _ > , 189J ltu ) JJ-JJ-20-30 Ullltl'll MHllM MaiHlllll'n Sill' . In the circuit court of tlio Unltoil Stutcs for the district of Sour.-isku : Algernon y. I'atilc.f vs Crwln Davis No 23) ) O. O.1'ubllcnotice Is lioiby cl\en that tn pursu ance ami by % Irtuo ot an ill is order of Lonit Issue 1 out of ahovu niinud court In iboeon - titled ciiuo , 1 , Bviil I ) bluiu-litcr , United bt'xtc.s in nshal for thu dlitiktof Nubraskn , \\ill on the eighteenth day of .1,11111 ir > , A. D l-'il. at the hour of Un o'clock In the foiunoon of sild day , at the front ( north ) door of tlio county court honso of Knocoiiiity , iNohr is- lia. In the town of Mobr irn , Knocounty. . Nu- liuiikn , soil at pulillo aneilon , nn the lu\\ di rects , to the highest and best bidders all the right , tltloand Inteiost of the afoin * Uil Oivln Davis In nnd to the follou In j hinds .mil teno- inents. toit : N 'i of see 4 , twp'II , north nf rinse fl. west ! and n ' n u 't unit o ' s o 'i of si o " , and the s ' \'t of secj ! In twp H , nouli ; all of i.inzo ! . \\est of tlio Dili p in. and tliu o V4 of soc.lt in ' . ' west nnd the s'3 of twp 10 , north of uiiiKO' , ; then u i4 of hooL' , ind the n " , of the n w U of see II , ind the s w 'i of the s w ' j of BOO II , and the n o ' 4 of HOB 1' , and the s w it of BUO 1" > In twpII , north of iiin o'J , west : and the s e U < > ' Boo.tO. and thu w ' 5 of H w 'i of see to , und then wUof 'soe.i'i , in twp 3noith , allot r.in o L' , Heat : and the u ' : " ( > > ee 11) ) . and the B w U "f too 10 , and then \v 'i of aic.'l ) , ind the w 'i of see IS , , ind the n o 'j of sou ,11 , In twp II , north of ratiKo.l.vesti nnd tliu so 't ' of seer > and s iv ' 4of bou 4 , mi I th ) n n 't of sou. ' , and tlio n ' \ of u w ' . , . mil thur ' { of H , r > k of BOO - ' . and the n w > i ot so 'i ' of feuV , and the n 'i ot BH ' of bee3. In Inn',1' , ninth of r.inxo J , west ; and the a ' of bco 15 , and tlio n w 'i ' of sue , ' „ ' , and the n ' /i of H w 'i , and then 'i ' of n o ' 4 of eoo'ij , In tnp 111. north of r 11140 i , est , and the o "t of BOO K In twi | n , nouli of r in in.1ost : nnd tlio w'i ' of u w'4 ' mil the w'i of s w ' , of SOB .11 , i twp ,11 , north of r IIIRO - . uost ; aim the s 'i ofLC u. In tnp 0 , north of rin.'oJtbt ; mil nil ofseo J' , In twp.II , noi th nf i.inzo.o3tiiiiidlhon \ w 'i of seu 7 , twp 3' , rinse J , west ! and the H' , of ROC. , U In twp ID. north of rin.o n west , und tlio w' of see . ' ) , und ihos'i ' of son .11 In tup .11 noith of raiuo .1 west , and the fs'i ' of RW'4 ' , and the & 'i of so'4 of ko < - . . ; ; . und the n'i of sec. ' . ' " , and swU nnd no'i of BCC. ' ' , und the mv'i nml su'i ' ami hu'i ' of bee , 17 , all In twp Jl , north of r in jo lwostand thu n'S of nw'i ni ECU. 4. and no'i ofuoc1 4. and n'jofnw ' ' 4 of NCC. K and no'i of oc 1. an 1 nuU und HIV ! i of sec Olntwp JJ. noitli of ran 'o .1 west , and e'i ' ofv > 4 and xvisof ho't' > f bee o In twp .11 , north of nuwi J west , all uiluuted hi Knox county. Nebiafdcu. The Naaio hn\lnz been horetofoio % \ led upon hylrtno of a writ of attaoliiinint Iss iel out of the district court of Knox couniy , Ne braska , tiald silu ts to Bitlhfr n Jiidsinent of said United ntutus circuit court obtulnod at Ita .I.uiiury toriu , ItTO , In fuxor of AUornoon S I'utrlclt , : iml u'nliiKt tlio sali ! Owln Di\ls. niiAi ) i ) . hi.Aua.iri.it , United Stutos Marihnl. Dislrlutof uurlKUl. ; Joiih \\HIISTLK \ , Attorney for pliilntltf. dlO-'J-JU5.1J | TO TUP. ow.Nrusor AU , I.OTH on PAUrs of lots on i-ouurd stioct , fioin HOth ijtrcot to JiUmtri at ; You uro liorohy notlfiU-l that tlio nn lor- slKiioil tlinudlshitertistud fieaholdufi of lliu oily of Oinnh i , lime liuuu duly .ippolntod by the iiiujiii , w th the ipprnv ilnf thaelly eoun- cll of siilil elly. to ussuhs the duin.ixe to the ounois roipoctlvaU * of the property iiU'o-'tud by the uridliu of fcownril street from "Uth meet to .Slh hlrect , di'tluieJ noccbsjry Iy ordlnaiiLeNo , Ui. , passtd lluceniher Ulh , 181)- ) , upnro\ud Do ember IDlli. 1KJJ Q Von aie further uolllluil that hiring ac cepted i.ild unpo inniLiii , unl ; dnlv qua Itloil as rcqulicd hy law. no mil , on the l.'th uay of January. A I ) , I S'J ' I , .it the hour ot /elock In the afternoon , at the olltiu of ( ioo. J , Paul , K.J'i rurniun strci'l , wllliln thu i.o'porato Ilinlth of buldclty , 'lectforthu pur- posuof consldcnn ; nn I in ildni thu aB e < iS- nientof iliiinase to thu onnem rnipoctlvo'y of iiroporty , ulloittd by vald erade , tak- inj Into consideration special nonelHs If any. Vou , ire nottllot. to bu present at the tlma .mil nl.Ko aforusald , ind in lUu iiny objootloul tool stHtoiuiMits LOMOJInliis sild assessnieutl of duniaJcs asou ni consldoi proper. CKO ! J PAUL. JOHN r ri.Acic. IOIIN W , U01UI1NB. Oinnhn. Nob. Doc 27th , Ibi2. DLO-dlOt VVOOlJiN ] SIDKVVAUr CONTRUC'fToX. Council Ohimbor , Omaha , Neb . 189. lie If resohed by the city coiinoll of the city of Oni ili : > . the in lyor tonenrrlnz : 'Hi it uooilou sldou illcs bo coistrnctod IQ the elty ot Omaha us desl n ileu below , within Ihuduys iftur the { .ubllciitlon of this rciolu- t'on , or the purson il rervlto thciuof. .is by or- dln inco Is .mthoi Iznl , i > iU ruiiulrod ; such sU > o\vaII < 9 to bo laid to the unuluon the fttnuts Hpoi 1 Moil ht loin , and lo ho conatiiictod of plnoliliinli of such n Idth and thleUncss and bet ild upon Joists of such dimensions and In stn.li inannur as Is prescribed by I ho spoulllca- tlons oa tile In the oillco of tlio boiird of publlo works and nndoi Its supoilslon. . to-wlt : Ilast side of'nil sticur , t ix It. ) ( ! from south line of I'uiil htrott to routli line of H.ihl tax lot In noc-n-n-11 present Rr.nlc. 0 feet w do. Kist aidant J.'na htieot.lt 5 blk 185VJ olty , presuntRridc.il fcotwldo. l.iistsldoof JOth hlreut. It B blk . * > Swccsy'i addition , urcsunt pr ulo Bfuct wide \Vobt Hldo of Slh strout. Us 18 to till Inclnslvo , Kount/e's ' 'nd uildltlon , present gr.ulo , 0 foot wide .Noith side of Vallov street. Its 7-H-13 Qua- hoin i. present grille , 1 feet ulilo. Noith fahleof Vailii > siroct. oistlOl foot It 7 OUahoniii present Rr ide , 4 feet wl lo , \\o-itsldo of 'Jith sticet , OYloudins to curb It 1 blk 7 Herd's 1st addition , puini.iuent Kriido , 0 fi'utvldo. . No-lh sldoof hhlrloy stieot , Us 1 mill LO , tlurr Oak , piLM'nt er Hie , ( ! fuel uldt. bonth Hldu of Wcbbtei stioct , Its I.1and ) 14 1) ) k2i\iin'ssubdi\ : I'l.ao. present grudo b feet w tie Niilh side of Webster street , oust II ft of It 31 bl U 'Jl'urk Place , iiroscni zr.vtc , ( > foot wide. South slilo \Vohitor struct , u isl .V > foot ot It'.Obik 3 1'ark I'licc , picscnt graUe , 0 feet Kiistshlo of''Ist street. Its 40-33 2S-M-31 blk 4 C.iinpUuH's uuiiltloii , potm inunt ir.ule , 0 fool ulde. l.nst sldo of 21st stioct , IH'J.-'JO lR-KHbllcl Campbo 1's uddltlon , purinancnt Krade , 0 feel wide. iastsliloof : 21st street , Its 12-11) ) and 0 blk t CampbaU's addition , poiinani'iit ride , 0 foot wldo , ristsliloofSlit street. It II blK 19 Wlloox'a 2nd addition , puiniinont cr ulo , t feet wide. Houlhbldoof III OrolKhton street , Its li to 8 InelusUc , ( Jl.irk Place , present m.ule , 4 foot wide. \Vistsldo of "Will street , Us < 0 and Jl Hurt Oak. present u'l.ule , 4 feet wldo Wist side of .Uth Rtrcct , south ! It3l Olurlt IMnce. piebi'iit criilo , 4 feet ttldo. f-outli Bldoof M.irtli i stioot. Its M to fit In- clnsho Ulark I'lute , picsmtKi ulo. 4 feet wide ' outh Hlnoof Dupunt Ntrccl Ils 1 to 1 Innlu- Klvo hK4 ! Diipont i'J at ; , picsont ariitte , 4 feet Noith side of Dnpont street , Us 1 to 11 In clusive bile J. Dupont Plate , present ( -raile , 4 tuit wiiln North sldoof Dunont stioi-t. Its 1 toOlnclu- sUe blk" Dupont f'lace , piebent rfrado , i foot Noith side of Dupont stroct. Its 2 to"i Inelu- Mrob.kl Dupont Plaoo , piosont frailo , 4 foot Soiith Bide of Dupont fatrcot , Its 'J to 0 Inelu- sUe hllcfi Duuont [ 'lace , present gr.ulo , 1 feet i-ou'lh fildnof Onstollar street. Us 1 to II In1 rlusUo hllc 7 Duponi. Placu , iircsent giudc,4 Noilhsldoof Oistell ir street. Us 13 to22 In- cliihlvo blk 4 Dupont Plato , ptcboat crude , 4 feet wide I.iinlNlilonf SOt'i street , north ' { more or los of Itb blk J Dupont Place , present sraUc , 4 feet wldo Kustbhlo of aath stinot. south f > 0 font moroor less of It 11) lluir O.ilc , prt-aont Kradu. 4 foot HibtBldeof J'Jth street. ItiD llurr Oak. pros- cit Kradu. I foi.l wide. \Vost side of . ' 7th a\unnc. Its 1 mill 20 blk 1 Dr iku'.s uddltlon , prosunt ( iradn , ( I fcut wldu. \iHLhlilo ofTill avciiiu , Its I uivl'W blK 3 Dr iku'n addition , piustint r ide , 0 feet wldo. K.istsldo of 4UL avunno , Its II anil IJ blk i Oreh ird Illll prosint Rr i to. ( I tout wldo , IJisthlJuof 4lstiuonno , It U blk U Orchard Illll. piosont . ri lo , Cfoul wldo I'.isl slilo of tut aMUiuu.lt ? 1-7 nnd H hllc3 Donnctt'Bsilb Uithird Hill , pusjiit Krado , 0 foot wldo Wc-it Biilo of flth stroot. It U bik I I'oroU II1I ) , pirhont L'r.ido , (1 ( ftut wldu \\V t sl.loof . rith htrcot. lih 1 mid SlKouutze'i 2nd addition , preiunt ude , d feet wide. And. bo It further iu o'voil : Th it the ho ird of imhllu woiks ho , and li hereby aiithoruinl and directed lo uauso n lopyof this IUMI nUmi to bo published In thu olllulal papur of thu elty for ono week , or ba burved on the ownem of s.ild lotu. iinu that uiiU.ss Hiich ownrn uhull within live ditya after the piihllo.itlon or survleo of snoh copy constrULtsueh sldowalkH its herein roijulroa that thu board of punllo works i.insu ih hiiniu In bu done , the i est of conslruulliu Jld slduwulksrospcutlvuly to bo ibsusiu I lualnst tlio toil ostulii , lot or pirt of lot la front of und abnttlim micli nUlu riilkn 1'iisfiuJ Nov 3nh , Don nth and I Ith , Ik'Jl , 1 : P. DAVIH. ProM'U-ntnf I lui Council , A O l.KWAHUH. Actlnc I'roHlilcntof the Council. Atlenti JOII.N (1IUJVI.S ( Uity Olurk Approved : Oio : P. HKMIS. Mayor. NorioK TO coNsTuiiur HiunwAMCa. Tothuownum of the ton , pirU of Ion und roil utatu doserlboil In the above roiolu- You and oaeh of you itio liorohy notllluj to construct wooden HlduwalkH uu lequlrott br ununlullonof tliu olty ton null and niayorot ihuoltrofOinuhd of which thuaboxols ucopn P. W. UIKKIlAllaUlt. Ohalrmun Ho ird ot Publlo Work * . Omaha , Nub , December 'Hth , IBU