Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : IFttJDAY , DEOEMUtill 30 , 1802 ,
vpnniotri PTMTI ) TtJAPlflMP
Interesting Closing Scenes of the Session of
the Association.
More Tlinu SIT Ifnndrfil Mrmltrr * In At-
Irniliincn During thn l.a t Dny's
Mentlng IVnturrn of the
Nob. , Dec. 20.-Special [ to TUB
BF.E.-Thn ] closing any of the Nebraska
Stnto Teachers association has been the
most interesting of the Ihrcc. The iittcml.
nnco today reached over GCO In siillo of the
fact that qulto n number loft for
trains. This
homo on the mid-day
mornlim's session partook of the naluro
of n literary nml musical treat.
Clemens Movlns of the Nebraska Conserva
tory of Muslo opened the program with a
well rendered violin solo. Uov. C. B. Now-
mun Invoked the illvlno Messing upon the
deliberations of the association , and then
1'rof. Caldwcll of the Nebraska State
university read a paper on "American
History. " Prof. CaUhvcll's rlpo his
torical knowledge enabled him to
discuss his topic with more than
usual skill , and his paper was ono of the
best that has been read during the session.
The Joint discussion between Kditor G. M.
Hitchcock of Omaha and Congressman
Bryan on the ono side and lion. .1. O. Tale-of
Grand Island and Fred Stuff of Lincoln on
the other attracted close attention by reason
not only of the prominence of the gentlemen
but of the popular Interest In the two great
historical characters they championed.
Messrs , Hitchcock and Bryan discussed the
Rtatcsmanshlp of Jefferson , whllo Messrs.
Tale and Staff oulofilztid the statecraft of
Hamilton. The discussion was highly enJoyed -
Joyed and attracted an ntidlcnuo outside of
the members of the association.
After the opening exercises this afternoon
Prof. Uaii Holts of Kansas City delivered nn
address on "Physical Training" and urged
Its Importance its apart of educational work
along the modern progressive lines. The
"Purposes and Scope of the Columbian ICdtt-
catlonal Exhibit" were discussed by F. A.
Barton , superintendent of the Nebraska ed
ucational exhibit , anil Prof. .FitzpaUick of
the Omaha public schools.
The election of officers resulted as follows :
President , C. C. Pcrso of Beatrice ; secre
tary. Miss 13. O.Clark of Fremont ; treasurer ,
W. II. Sltinncrof Crete. Treasurer Skinner's
report was as follows ; Balance on hand
December 20 , 1801 , &Ui.31 ! : fees received at
twenty sixth annual , meeting S773.00 ; Inter
est received ! ! ) .8'J ; total receipts $12(55.10 ( ;
expenditures JWU.O'J. Balaueu on hand $7IW.-
CJ.Tho convention closed this evening at
10W : ) , the meeting at the Lansing theatre
being1 largely attended.
Gossip t the St.ltil Union ,
Secretary Dihvorth of the State Board of
Transportation -mado ti business trip to
Omaha this morning.
"Welghmastcr Taylor of the Omaha grain
inspection department was at the state
house this afternoon.
Amended articles of incorporation of the
Hamilton Loan and Trust company of Omaha
wcro tiled with the secretary of state this
i The Caster Club is the names of a new
social organization at Broken Bow. It filed
articles of incorporation tit the secretary ot
state's ofllco today.
The case of Gcorgo Thompson against J.
C. Luke , et ol was lllod with the clerk of
the supreme court today. It is an Omaha
case. Uouglns county contributed another
case to the Hies'of the supreme court this
afternoon. It is icntitled ctho Ycrkcs &
Finau Wood Working t Machine company
against the Omaha Planing Mill company
and others.
.11 ore Statesmen In Town.
Senator Paddock was hero last evening ,
but retmncd to Beatrice ) today.
Cliai'lio Casper , the representative-elect
from Butler county , has arrived in the citj
and is ready for the organization of the leg
Shrader , the big ox-representative ) from
Logan county , is hero to assist in organizing
the house in the interests of the iudonen"
National commlttceman Tohias Castor has
opened headquarters at the Hotel Lincoln ,
lie has a little plan of his own for the organ ! ,
ration of the legislature , but men of the in
dependent and democratic parties look upon
it with suspicion.
Representative ) Krusn of Knox county h
hero and whether ho stays or not depends
upon the decision of the supreme court to
morrow. Prominent democrats and hide
pendents admit that his chances for holding
down a seat in the house at 5 per day are i
'jUttlo doubtful.
Representative Haggles of Hiawatha
Nob. , is here , all ready to commence repro
centing the counties of Hitchcock , Duudy
Hayes and Chaso.
Representative Barrio of Grcoloy counti
arrived in town tills forenoon with a elimlmt
tlvo boom for speaker carefully concealed h
his carpet sack.
J. S. Davr of Johnson county came up fron
Tccumseh o reserve a desk in the repru
Bcntntivo hall.
Most of the members of the indepcnden
state central committee have arrived am
the meeting this evening promises to bo wcl
( ir.iKiiliiR nt Another Strnw.
The gentlemen of tills city who hare bcei
honored with an Indictment by the gram
jury for their alleged complicity with tin
asylum and penitentiary fruuds claim ti
have discovered another legal technicality
that will render their Indictments invalid
It rests upon the provision of the statute
which says that a copy of the indictmcn
must bu served upon the party inuictci
within twenty-four hours of the lim
it Is reported by the grand Jury. It is as
Bcrtcd that with the exception of two indictments
monts served updn J. D. Lauer , copies hnv
not yet been served upon the parties ai
rested. County Attorney Snoll says Urn
, the point is not an important ono , as th
service of a copy of the indictment wa
practically waived wnen the defendant
were bound over.
AIIIUHU Hull In .Intl.
< Amasa Hall , ono of the men charged wit
robbing the postofllco at Emerald , In th !
county , several weeks ago , was brough
back to Lincoln ut about midnight las
tilght and safely lodged in Jail. Hall gav
the ofllcers a long chase and was finally ca |
tured nt Sacramento , Cal. , by Deputy Unltci
States Marshal Sam Moilck. Hall wa
traced to the little town of Washington
ncross the river from Sacramento , and fron
tlioro to the larger city. Hova
jilaeca under arrest by a constable
but suet-ceded in making his escape
After running n few blocks ho was agal :
captured. Ho elrow an ugly looking gun an
would undoubtedly liavo undertaken to mm
dor Ills raptors had not ono of themantlcl
pa ted the act and knocked him scnselcs
with the butt end of a largo riA-olve-r , Hal
lias a bluek record as n general all-'roun <
crook and jail-bird , and the officers feel con
lldent that ho is tliu right man.
Sruldii ) ; Morn l.lelit.
The Mctroiwlitun Electrio Lighting com
puny Is the namoofa now eorixn-.itlon thn
will ask the city council for a franchise a
its next meeting , which comes on Jun
tniry a. The company Is organized b ,
Uncoln , Now York and Boston capitalist !
Among the Lincoln gentlemen ronucutci
vrlth the company nro C. II. Imhoff , J. H
MoMurtry , 1C , 1C. Hoyden and Mr. Fimioj
The capital stock of the company is place
ut $100,000 , fully paid up. Fo" that nmouii
the parties backing the company assert tha
they can erect and maintain a plan
With a capacity to supply the cit
/ with lights for un indefinite perlo
in the future. They also assei
that they can and will supply the city wit
3,000 cuiidlo power are lights that woul
burn all night ut u rate of & .t > 0 per lamp pc
mouth. If the lamps bum only Imlftli
Might the rate will bo but tfi.M ) . Inasmuc
as the company now furnishing the lights t
the city cnjoya practically a monopoly , It I
almost certain that the new company wl
pot bo able to secure its franchise from tl ;
city without uu animated contest.
Lincoln tu llrli'f.
John Sullivan , a Rock Island tracklayo
i * ut the hospital with u badly crushed foa
The nccldesnt occurred on the now line sorcn
miles south ot Lincoln Inst evening
Tlio ItocU Island people > will occupy their
now freight depot on H street , between
KlRhlconth nnd Nineteenth streets , next
Monday. The now line will ho opened for
local traftlc only at thnt tlmo. The line
south of this city will not bo ready for
traffic for some tlmo.
The messenger boys of the Lincoln Dis
trict Telegraph company solicited anil raised
a purse of flUI for the bencllt of young PC tor
Larson , the boy who was accidentally shot
by a companion last week.
The monthly license was collected from
the Lincoln doml-inondo today , and fifty-
three of the frail ones wulkcel up to the ser
geant's desk to settle their lines.
Joseph McOraw , the young man who was
so seriously Injurcel near the penitentiary
yesterday afternoon , Is In a critical condition
today , and his family fears the worst.
The case against Young Kennedy , accused
of child boating by the officers of the Hu
mane society , was continued at the Instance
of the prosecution until next Thursday.
No use to deny the fact that Salvation Oil
Is fast taking the place of all other liniments
A. O. IT.V. . Notice.
The tnombors of Union Pacific ledge ,
No. 17 , Ancient Order TJnltoil Workmen ,
nro hereby notified I'int ' wo will snoot in
tlio Patterson block , corner Seventeen.Ill
itiel Knrnnin streets , Friday evening ,
December HO , nt 7SO : p. in. Election of
olllcors nnd othorbusinessof Iinportnnco
will co in o before ] the mootlm * .
The Burton Stanley Comedy company Is
making a his hit ' "Ifcuzlo U.izzlo , " which
s a very funny farce comedy , every performer -
former being more or less of : i comedian ,
which naturally causes continuous funny
situations and oxciling climaxes. The spe
cialty procram also Is a great plcascr , es-
icclally Lo Petit Frcddlo , tha phenomenal
and versatile child artist. For Ilnish , st.vlo
and elegance ho Is peerless , and his special
ties nro all masterpieces of acting , singing1
and acting. Master Freddie has a profes
sional future before him that makes him the
envy of many an old performer. The other
specialties are clever , especially Batehellor's
Canine Hippodrome , a school of the finest
educated dogs on rarth. Today every lady
visitor will receive a haudsomo art souvenir
calendar for the year Ib'JD , which will bo
highly appreciated.
At thn Farnam Street theater one week ,
commencing with Now Year's matinee ( Sun
day , January 1. ) with Monday , Wednesday
and Saturday matinees , the famous melo
drama "Master and Man" by Mcssers.
Simms and Pottlt. will be presented. It
lias made a tremendous hit everywhere it
lias been seen this season.
The scenic effects are such that the most
exacting critic has been pleased. The com
pany of artists who are in the east interpret
the play thoroughly. Mr. Charles McCaull
has taken special pains to make ' 'Master
and Man" a success. The musical and
terpsichorean parts of the urogram are u
novelty by themselves.
Mile. IJhca will begin her engagement nt
Boyil's theater tonight as "Josephine" em
press of the French , which will also bo the
matinee bill tomorrow afternoon. Saturday
night "Much Ado About Nothing. ' will bu
the offering , ami all who are familiar with
Ithca's ability can anticipate a splendid en
Mr. James O'Neill will bring his success
ful now play , "Fontencllo , " to Boyel's
theater Sunday evening next nnd remain
Monday and Tuesday with a special matinee
Monday afternoon. Mr. O'Neill is said to bo
most happily situated , with approuriate sur
roundings , in "Fontenelle , " and a most en
joyable entertainment is assured.
Perfect nourishment for invalids Is fur
nished by Cudahy's Kox Brand Fluid beef ,
the condensed liquid essence of lean beef.
Frescoing and intoriordccoriuinjr ; elo
fiicm and estimates furnished. Henry
Lohtmuin , 1508 Douglas street.
How the Suliiirhs Suitor.
The suburban residents are up in arms and
will organize a vigilance committee for the
purpose of catching and punishing some of
the coal thieves and hem roost pilferers , who
are making themselves very numerous in
Omaha Heights , Druid Hill , Debolt Place
and Newport. ,
Urcr since coltl weather set in the coal bins
and hen roosts have been the places attacked.
Wednesday night two tons of coal belonging
to the station agent at Dobolt Place was
carted away. No police protection is afforded
In the suburbs and the residents will take
the matter in their own hands. , .
Beecham's Pills nro faithful friends.
LOCAL ItllKt'lTlKfi.
Judge Bcrka gave Jack Hawkins , a bad
man , sixty days for being a vagrant.
One of the Omaha banks lias received 200
of the World's fair souvenir half-dollars , and
is offering them to the public at the uni
form price of $1 each.
Charles Foltner went homo drunk and
abuscel his family and was llnoel $ > and
costs for the offense , and will board oat the
amount in the county Jail.
A gasoline stove explosion la the Jennings
hotel , Ninth and Harncy streets , about 0
o'clock last night called out the lire depart
ment. There was no loss.
"Stump" Garth came back to Omaha last
night to whip his mistress again and was
arrested. Garth was under $100 bond for
assaulting Belle Burton , but left aa soon as
ho was released.
13. 13. Gleason , a Missouri Pacific switch
man , fell from an engine yesterday after
noon and sprained his ankle. The patrol
wagon took the injured man to his home , H21
North Seventeenth street.
Oftleer Dnnnmy arrested an old-timer
named Thompson yesterday morning.
Thompson is thought to bo a thief and had
in his possession some handsome autograph
albums and a complete poker outfit in a
plush caso.
The patrons of the Walnut Hill line are
objecting to the cars furnished by the
Omaha Street Itailway company. The pas
sengers state that some of the cars arc pro
vided with floors as open as a seivo and
about as effectual in keeping out the cold.
Sheriff Bennett took a trio of convicted
prisoners to the penitentiary at Lincoln'
yesterday. They were J , 13 , Harrison , the
embezzler , who will serve ono year , Sidney
Smith , the forger , the same length of time ,
and G. J. Wallace , for larceny from the per
son , thirteen mouths.
The present Board of Kducation will hold
Its last mooting Saturday night of this week.
The now members will meet Monday night
and organize. It Li generally conceded that
Mr. C , N , Powell will bo elected president.
The now members are generally in favor of
removing from the Musonlo block to the cltv
hall , and will probably take the necessary
action soon.
Chief Soave.v has been apprised of the fact
that Conductor Ashmore has been to Chicago
cage and partially Identified Frank Bruce
as thn daring thlof who robbed W. G. Pol
lock of f 15,000 worth eif diamonds OH a Sioux
City & Pacific train near this city a month
ago. The Blair well-digger , who tallml
with the thief , will go to Chicago for the
same purpose ,
Mxd , Ilattlo Barker is seeking to recover
a Judgment for fclt ) , which she secured some
six weeks ago In Justice Uradloy's court
against an empluyo of thu street mil way
company. Thu man's wages were garni-
Hhceil and the justice has told her the moiioy
has been collected , but she has failed to re-
culvo it , and yesterday t > lm sought the us-
tdstaueo of tha city prosecutor ,
Ootnmlttcd Suicide After Making All Nccos-
8vry ( Arrangements.
Kinnnurl I'lU rtirrlciicliiRTrnullc Orrnin
OlilJiidRiiii-nt-C'liiirRpil iilth Atlcmpt-
IHK t Drfiiiinl UU Croilltnrn
Oilier State Nnw * .
\VTMOIIB , Noh. , Dec. U'J. [ Special Tele-
snitn to Tun HEB. ] John Hroch , sr. , a Bo-
hctnlnn farmer living southwest of town ,
shot himself with n shotgun this morning.
The coroner arrived this afternoon , nnd at
once proceeded to hold an Inquest. U was
found that Mr. llrock had placed the slock
of the pun on the stair stcjM In nn outbuild
ing. tied a Ptrlnp ; to the triirper , tusscd It
nrotind the steps , and holding the muwloof
the Kim toward himself imlloet the fttrliur.
The shot took e-ffcct hi the left breast , snvor-
IiiK the heart strltiRs. There Is no reason
Ittiown for Ills coinmlttinj ; the deed. He was
well-to-do. owning two or throe good farms
in this vlclultv.
He had rotuiiicel but a few days ape from
a two weeks' visit with his son nnd friends
in Wilber. Nob. , and scrmnd very happy.
This morning he got ready to come to town
and then went out In the granary and put an
cud to his llfo. Ho leaves a largo family.
of n YoiiiiK Hunter Coils n
Child an ICye.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Dc-c. 20. [ Special to Tun
Ilni : . ] When CitrlSclioopmnn and another
lad wcro hunting yesterday afternoon , care
lessness on his part cost a little boy an cyo.
The two boys were near the beginning of the
Asylum Iwulovard. Carl raised his shotgun
and pointed it at a small boy playing near
a nulgliboriiiK houso. The gun was
discharged , and some of the pellets
entered the eye of the child , Injuring the
ball so that sight was entirely destroyed
In one eye. Carl was arrested by Sheriff
Crane hist night. Schoonmau will have a
hearing tomorrow.
Young Schoopmaii has always been given a
good reputation , and th Is distressing calam
ity was much of a surprise.
Yesterday was a booming day with County
Judge Uurlon , John Utch nud Addio Watson ,
Nicholas Willmcr and Maggie Kiigelman ,
Valentino Minch and Elizabeth Ihltr. receiv
ing Judicial permission to marry.
Ex-Deputy Treasurer Emanucl Fist is not
yet through his lepal embarrassments.
Yesterday Henry II. Shufcldt & Co. lllcd a
petition to sot aside deeds with the clerk of
the district court , naming Fist , his wife
Ucbcce-a and A. U Clarke , trustee ,
as defendants. The petition states
that the plaintiff was a creditor
of Fist at the time ho failed in the whole
sale drug business in 1&S7 , and that a Judg
ment for the amount due , &S1S.TO , was ob
tained. Yesterday this Judgment , was re
turned unsatisfied , ami inimcJiatcly after
the petition was lllcd.
It is alleged that Fist fraudulently trans
ferred all his property to his wife and Mr.
Clarke with the intention of defrauding his
creditors. Other similar cases which 1m vo
been filed have been settled out of court.
John Slakor , assistant cashier of the Get'- "
mail National bank , brings suit against the
Uiirger-Alexander Hardware company to re
cover $11 , ! XU.u ) : duo on a twenty-day note ex
ecuted December 1. last.
Itctwui-ii thu Cum.
Giuxo ISLAND , Neb. , Dec. 2' ' ) . [ Special to
Tun BIE. ] A br.ikcman , Fred Mapps , was
caught between the cars at Lexington last
night nnd sustained a broken rib. Ho was
brought to his bonus in this city.
The fire department was called out this
morning to a lire in n e-hcap hotel. The
flames originated from a defective flue. The
loss was but u tvillc , as the tire had been
extinguished before the department ar
Mount Lebanon commandery No. G , Knights
Templar , gave a party to all resident knights
nnd those of surrounding towns. Dancing ,
cards and an elegant banquet completed the
Itcntrlru rirvuiLMi Ihitortnln.
BnATUtCE , Nob. , Dec. 2'J. [ Special Tele
gram to THE I5iu. ] Hose company No. 1
of the Beatrice A'oluntccrs ilro department
gave its first annual reception and ball at the
Paddock hotel this evening. The affair
was very largely attended and was one of
the most brilliant social events ever occur-
ing In Beatrice. The Lansing orchestra of
Lincoln furnished the muslo for the occasion
and the reception and dance was preceded
by a concert by that organization.
I'anl Sohmlnko'g Funeral.
NEUIUSKA CITY , Neb. , Dec. 2'J. [ Special
to TUB Buc. ] The funeral of the late Paul
Schminko was held this afternoon at 2
o'clock. The services were in charge of Odd
Fellows and Knights of Pythias , Ancient
Order of United Workmen and firemen.
The cortege was the largest ever seen in
this city , business being entirely suspended ,
alt paying their last tribute to the city's
honored executive.
Oneoolii'a eiimrnntlno SyHtcm ,
OSCCOI.A , Neb. , Dec. 29.Special [ to THE
BEE. ] Osccola is still being guaranteed on
account of diptheria and scarlet fever. There
have been four new cases of scarlet fever in
tlio past few day , < iml twoemses of dipthoria.
In the family of. Mrs. Baum there are four
cases of fever. The town Is thoroughly quar
antined and persons having the deseaso in
their family avc not allowed out under forty
rlooded with Tapcrn.
OscEot.A , Neb. , Dec. 2'J. [ Special to THE
BnH. ] Osccola is to hnvo another paper of
the Independent stripe. This will make the
third paper in the village and six in the
county. The rest of the editors are singing
"Come on my Partners in Distress. "
J-'r im Xawuarc *
C. F. Moore & Co. , prominent druggists of
Nowberg , Ore. , say : "Since our customers
have become acquainted with the good eiual
itics of Chamberlain's Cough Hcinedy wo
sell but little of any other kind. Chamber-
lutn'H medicines all givu good satisfaction. "
For salu by druggists.
Mini Kinma HimKhuid'n I-'iinuml.
At 11 o'clock yesterday morning the
funeral services over the remains of Emma
Hoaglaud were conducted at the Hoagland
residence , Sixteenth and Howard streets ,
The snrvlces were attended by those who
had enjoyed tlio pleasure of Miss
Hoagland's friendship during her llfo ,
and her many young lady associates
wcro present. The floral offerings were
very many in number and Included many
beautiful elesigns. A trio of appropriate
hymns wcro sung by a quartet composed
of Mrs , Estabrook , Mrs. Squires , Mr. Ksta-
brook and Mr. Wilkins. Dr. Duryen , after
reading sejveral selections from the scrip
tures , preached tno funeral sermon. The remains -
mains were laid to rest In Forest Lawn
Pcrfevt action anil perfect health result
from the usoot DeWItt'sLlttl Early Klscrs !
A perfect little pill.
IXiuirr fur thuValfi. .
The annual dinner for the Omaha City
mission was given yesterday , and It was as
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
biff n suece < s ns on fqtmfor occasions Enrly
In the forenoon the children began gathering
nrnr the mission bull'ilnc tin Tenth street.
lietweoii TXxlRO Tind Ctopltol nvenuo , nnd
when tlio banquet ww announced 400 of
Hiem wcro served , nnd they enjoyed It so
thoroiichly ns those lu clnrtio could hftvo
wished , nnd with < i ttmh devoured the good
things placed before thiim.
The ladles presiding over the soup ladles
nnd carving knives wePc' : Mrs. William Maul ,
Mrs. Jnrdlne , Mrs. A-Vfml Hopkins and Mrs.
J. H. Bean.
The waitresses were society younR Intlles
nnd among thorn werfc : Miss Mary Popple-
ion , the Misses dirrlo nnd Jessie Mlllard ,
Miss Holllus nnd MUs Clara Brown ,
No IniR < < r nrimllAti War.
"This talk nbout Indians up In our coun
try going on the vyarpath is nil bosh- said
Mr. S. I. Mescrnull ot Crawford , who ar
rived In the city yesterday evening. "Tho
people in our country only laugh nt the re-
reports of expected trouble , The Indians nro
all feeling very kindly. They nro getting
their rations and are well clothed , The
only dancing 1 know of is polng on at Pine
Kl'.lci ! and It is ono of the most civilized
kind , taking place in n largo dance hall
which the Indians recently built with lum
ber bought nt Crawford from the salu of
their crops. I know Calico Charley and
Crow Dog we'll and know that they have
tiono but the friendliest Intentions and feel
ings for the settlers and officials In thnt
country. "
Mr. Mcscraull has Just leased his paper ,
the Crawford Boomerang , ami is on his way
south on a business trip.
Settled ItVry Smlilpiily
The litigation growing out of tlio sale of
the Flagstaff mining property was decided
in the United States court yesterday In a
somewhat summary manner. Judge Woolworth -
worth who was counsel for Erwln Davis
In the case , which is known as
Patrick against Davis , wns absent from
the city. An aftldavlt to this eflVet was of-
fcreel nud a e-outlmianco aske'd until today.
This Judge Dtindy refused and n Judgment
for $78W.-i was rendered against D.ivis ,
AV'oolworth and J. N. H. Patrick and in
favor of Malt Patrick. The case will bo np-
pealed to the supreme court of the United
Itl hop Ncwnmii Tallin to J
Bishop Newman will deliver the New
Year's address at the Young Men's Chris
tian association service Sunday at 4 o'clock.
The orchestra , under the direction of Mr.
John Brown , and soloists will assist in the
musical service.
The association building Is open Sundny
from U to IOIUa. : ) m. , and from 1 to 7 p. m.
Bible classes are conducted by Colonel
Charles Bird and Secretary Obcr.
Monday , Now Year's day , the largo la
dles' committee is planning to entertain
1,500 young men.
The skin .oiight to be
clear ; there' is nothing
strange in a beautiful face.
If we wash with proper
soap , the skin , will be open
and clear , unless the
health is bad. A good
skin is better than a
The soap to use is
Pears' ; no alkali in it. It
is perhaps the only soap
in the world with no al
kali in it.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
You mny bo
W nrae
Consult at once
tlio famous
Tfio iihlu , tiiloiitnd , Mircesitul mill dvturtrd-
ly popular 1'lljslcliiiis and Surgeon *
\rlio luivnrlclily won tliulrtltla
us the King * uf .
Uniformly uiicuosimi In thu troatmeut anil
cure of
Nervous Diseases ,
Chronic Diseases.
Private Diseases
Of every imino and n at nro , of every form
phase and degree.
Twonty-jovon yours of constant nrnctloo ;
STycurs of valuable nnd vnrlod experience ;
27 yours of carnful und laborious rcsoarcb Into
the hidden tnystorlos of dlscuaoi und their
euro ; ZTyottrsof unlformCulionomonaUucoess ,
nnd tlioso gifted
find tliotnsolves ut the , liund of thulr profes
sion In Amurlon , unrivaled In all thuso ele
ments which compel success.
Lot all tliu rUlllctoJ take licnrt nnd bo com
forted , for the moans of. imperfect , apoody and
permanent euro are wlthjn their rimoh.
The testimony of tliousinds of others whom
these ) tiilonlcd men huvA mired furnishes tlio
moat convincing proof qff holr ability.
SKND CUNTS i rTlltutritua ; book of
Continuation j. < ri > u.
Cull upon , oriKlilr .i with at a nip ,
119 South 14th Streit ,
H ST. ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
S. UHl'UOHTOttY , OAI.ll//l , filill.
Uipltdl $100,000
Surplus . - $ 5,000
Offlcor * and Plrectorn-IIcnrj W. Votes , protltlunt
H. C , C'uililiiir. Ttoo pruJlilant ; t' , 8. Muurtoj , W. V
Morio.Jolm ri. Colllui. J. .N. ( I. 1'atrlok ; L wl U
Ueetl , caiblor.
To Preserve
The richness , color , nnd beauty o ( the
hair , thn greatest rntn Is necessary ,
much harm being elono by the lisa o (
worthless dressings. To bo MI roof hav
ing a llrst-clMs article , ask your drug ,
gist or perfumer for Aycr's Hnlr Vigor.
It Is absolutely superior to any other
preparation of the kind. U restores tha
original color and fullness to hair whloh
has become thin , faded , or gray. It
keeps the scalp cool , moist , and free
from dandruff. It heals Itchltifilitnnors ,
prevents baldness , nnd Imparts to
n silken texture and lasting fragrance.
No toilet can bo considered complete
without this most popular and elegant
of nil hair-dressings ,
"My hair began turning gray nml fallIng -
Ing out when 1 was about 'J.I years e > l
ago. I hnvo lately bcon usliiA.xor'a } .
Hair Vigor , and it Is causing u now
growth of hair of thn natural color. "
It. J. Ltwry , Jones 1'rnlrlo , Texas.
"Overn year ago I had n severe fever ,
and when I recovered , my hair began to
fal ! out , nnd what little remained turned
gray. I tried various remedies , but
without success , till at last I began to
Aycr's ITalr Vigor , and now my hair Is
growing rapidly and Is restored to IU
original color. " Mrs. Annlo Collins ,
Digliton , MaM. * '
"I hnvo used Ayer's Ilalr Vigor for
nearly live years , ami my hair Is moist ,
glossy , and in nn excellent state of pros-
ervation. I am forty years old , and
have ridden the plains for twenty-flvo
years. " Wm. Henry Ott , alias "Mus-
tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wyo.
Hair Vigor
Treparcd IcDr. . ? . C. Aycr li Co. , Lowellila .
BolJ by Urut'sleu Jiverywhere.
Council Clmmbor , Omaha , T\ob. . 199 ]
Do It resolved Dy the cltv coiinull ot the city
of Omnha , the mayor conctirrlni ; :
TlmtncrmnnuiilsldowaUs ho constructed In
the city of Umiiha 113 Uoalsmito J bnlow , wltli-
In II vu tiuys ivftur the publication of this reso
lution , or the persona ) ncrvloo thai-oof , us by
oMIminco Is tuilhorlzod ami roqulrod : such
Bldowulks to bo Inul to the pormaupiit
grnelo as established on the imvoJ streets
sueclflcd herein and to ho constructed of
stone , artificial stone , brlelf or Uhiri accord
ing to specifications oti Illo In the ofllco of the
board uf miblto worltb ami under its supervis
ion , tnwll :
South side ot T.oavonworth street , It 1 ulk 7
ICounUo & Itnih's addition , narmanunt
grade. 0 foot wide.
outU sltlo of l.oavRnworth street. It 1 blltS
Kountzo & Hutli'H iiddltlon , permanent
Kriido.Gfcot wlrto.
South slilo of l.cavenwortli street wait 129
foot tnoro or loss It - blk S Kouiuz : & Hutu's
addition , iiarmunont grade. 0 feet wldo.
South s'do of Le-.ivenworth street U 1 nnd
east TS fuut nioro or less of It 2 bile 0 ICountr.o
& Ruth's addition , permanent crude , 0 foot
South sldo ot Tioavonworth street It 1 and
onnt 78 foot more or less of It 2 blk 10 ICountzo
& Ruth's addition , purmnncut grade , 0 feet
South sldo of Lc.ivcnworth stroot. Its 1 and
24 blk l Milliard I'lncc , permanent grade , U toot
Soiih sldo of f < oavoinvorth street It 1 blk 2
Mllliird Placu. permanent xrado , U feet wldo.
South sldo of lo&vonworth street lots 1-3-4-5
blk 1 Marsh's addition pcrmiinont grade , Gfoot
North sldo of Loavnnworth street wVJ ot ft
14 blk Kountzo's tc Ruth's addition , perma
nent grade. II foot wide.
North sldo of Louvonnorth street Us 7-0-10
Johnson's addition , permanent trade , C foot
North side of Loavouworth street Its 3 > anil
HO ,1 1 Kcdlck's addition , pcrmnnont grade , (1 (
foot wldo.
North sldo of USD or school It blk 5 Kountzo
ft Ruth's addition , purniniiont grade , ti ( cot
North sldo ot Loavonworth street west 15
inoroorlead of It 20 blk 5 Knuntzo & Hutu's
addition , permanent grade , G tout wide.
North sldn Lo ivenworth street , tax It 12 , see
2-15-1:1 : , pormanonturado , 0 foot wluo.
North sldo of Iioiivenworth stroot. Us 11 and
12. Johnson's add. permanent grade , G feet
North sldo uf l.oavonworth street. Its 11-12-
13-14 , J ob's add , permanent grade , 0 foot
North sldo of Loavcnvrorth street. It P , Jclm-
son'a ndd. permanent grade. 0 foot wide.
South sldo of Lcuvenworth stroot. Its 1-2-n-l-
5 , Otark's add , permanent gradn , 0 foot wide.
.South flldo of Leavonworth street. It 21. .Mc-
Candtlsh 1'laco. permanent cradc , 0 foot wldo.
South sldoot Luaveriworth street , It 1-2-3-1-5
blicS , Marsh's add , permanent qrado , 0 toot
South side of I.oavon north street , Us l-S-3-4-5
blk 3 , Marsh's add , permanent grade , 0 foot
South side of Hnrnoy street. Its 11 nnd 12 blk
6 , Capitol add , pormunon' , grade. G feet wldo.
youth sldo of llurnoy street , lots K1 , 13 and
14. KcIlo K's Place , permanent Kado U foot
North side of Knrnoy street. Us G , 7 , 8 nnd 0 ,
blk U , Capitol add , pcrmnnont grade , 0 foot
West sldo 19th stroot. south part of U 1 , blk
13. city , uormanont grade. U foot wide.
Kast sldo ot 23d Btroot , It 4 blk 'Ju75 ! cityper
manent prado.I ( fuot wldo.
North sldo of Izard , Its 5 and G , blk tort'/i '
city , permanent urado. G foot wldo.
Vv'cst side of 2Jlh street. U 1 bile H city , per
manent gr.ido , G foot wide.
South sldoot CaliforniaRtrcotUs I , 2 , 3 and
4 blk 17 , city , permanent israde. 0 feet wldo.
South sldo uf Uuss streor , Its - , 3 and 4 blk 49
city , permanent urMlo , U tout wldo.
North sldo of Class street , Us 7 and 8 blk 3C2 ,
city , pormuncnt grade , (1 ( fcot wldo.
And ho ft further resolved :
That the board of publlo works bo nml here
by Is authorized nnd directed to cause a copy
of this resolution to bo published In the oil- !
olal pauor of tlio cltr for ono week , or ho
served on the owners of stild lots nnd unless
such owners shall within flvo days nftor the
publication or sorvlcoof sneli ropy construct
Kald sidewalks as herein required , that the
board of public works cause thn same to ho
done , the cost of constructing Bald .sidewalks
respectively to bo assessed aznlnst tKo real
estate , lot or part of lot In front of and abut
ting such sl.lewalUs.
Passed Hov. SQth ana Deo. Oth. 1S92 ,
E. I' , DAVIS.
President.of thnCounolL
A. (1. KIHVAK119.
Acting Prosldont of the Council.
Attest : JOHN OHOVK- .
Olty Olorle.
Approved : OEU. P. 1IIS.MIB ,
Tc tbo oivnors of the lots , parts of lots and
real cstito doscrlbod In the above rosolu -
You and oaoh of you nrn hcroby notified to
construct perinniicntsldowulks us required by
n resolution of tlio olty ccunoll iinel mayor of
tl'o city of Omaha , of which thoaooro Uu
Chairman Hoar 1 of I'libliu Works.
Omaha , Neb , , December 27th. IH'J. ' . el27d7t
Sealed proposals will bo received by the un
dersigned until 1:30 : o'clock p. m , January
l.'lth , lhii ! ; , fur the L-onstruutlnn of sewers In
hewer districts Jn-i. ( 175 and 170 , In the city ot
Omaha , as pur ordinances Noi. : nu and 'H7I ,
ivspo llvely. uccordlni : to plai s and sppalfloa-
tlonscin fl u In thaollle'O of tlio Konrdof fiibllo
WorKh. Kaeli proposal to lie made on printed
blanks furnished by the hoard , nnd to bo uc-
rompunlnd by : i certified chock In the sum of
J-VXi. jayublu to the ) olty of Omaha us ovldonco
of cool faith.
The board reserves the rlirht to reject nny or
all bids , and to waive dnfei.-ts.
Ohalriunnof the Hoard of PiiblloVorka \ ,
Oiuahn , Nub. , DecoiukorUUtl ) , IM.1. )
Sealed proposals will bo rcojlved by the un-
derslitiied until Ij30 i/clook p. in , , January
13th , I Sit I , for grading Woolworth avcntio , from
2nd Btroot to Gth streol , In the ) olty of Oinuhn ,
In accordance with plans iinel biirciflcatlons
on Illo In the olllco of the Jlourd of 1'ubllo
Hide will bu mailuon printed blanks furnish
ed by the board , nnd to lioacc'omniinknl wllli
.1 oertllli'd cheek In tbo BIIIII of tXiJ , pay a bin
to the city of Onuiha , as an ovldencuot Rood
Thn hoard reserves tlio rl.'lit to reject any or
all bids nnd to wulvo defects.
I' . W , tJlHIvHAl'SKH.
Chairman Jlourd of 1'iihllu Worl.a
Omaha , Nub. , Doc inbcrUUtli , lA'ji.
Wo'ro taking 'count o' stock this week-
sorting counting multiplying adding figur
ing up the profits and losses -getting renciy to
say''good byo" to prosperous old " 92" to bid
a warm welcome to the bonnlo New Year"03" .
All's 9onfusion throughout the store goods
promiscuously piled aroundstocks disarranged
-such an overhauling. In a business of such
magnitude as ours , some odds and ends will
accumulate in spiteof closcstcarc. This isour
week to dispose of them. Whenever , In this
general overturning of stocks a broken line of
any sort or kind of goods is found be it over
coats suits hats shoes or little fixin's it's
marked down at once without regard to what
it's cost to us to such a figure , as to amply re
pay you the discomfort of the muss ws'ro in
to buy it at "inventoryL prices. "
Out-of-town friends we beg your indul
gence for the delay in filling some of your
orders in the past few days they came so fast
'twas not possible to fill them with our usual
We close at 6:30 p. m Saturdays 10 p. m
| For Thirty Days only wo will offer our ontlro stock of Diamonds nnd
Christmas Jewelry n.ud Silverware at loss th.iu tnanufaoturor'd coat.
Fourteenth and Farnam Streets-
[ Will move Jan. 1 , to N. W. Cor. 10th and Fiirtinm. SAFK3 FOR SALE.
An orulnnncodeflnluz peddlers and requiring
the takln ) ; ot licenses , nnd ropoallnz chapter
47 of the compiled ordinances of 1800 ; also
ordinance No. a077.
Bolt ordained by the city council ot the olty
of Omaha :
Section 1. Any person who shnll soil or
offer for sale ) , b.irtoror exchanuo alrotall any
butter , OXKB , poultry , fruit , vegetable , or nny
other farm produce , or any tUh , cooked re
freshments , pop corn , enndy , nuts ,
urocerlcs. oil , or nny other goods , wnros , or
merchandise , travelling from plaoj to place. In ,
nluiiR nnd upon the streets or alloys of this
city , or whoHlmll Roll nnu deliver from any
\VUROU or other vohleles. coins from plnuo to
pluco in the city of Omnha , whether to reRii-
InronstomorHor not , any goods , ware ? or mer
chandise , or who shall KO about from place to
place in thin city , Nolling nnd dollvorpm or
bollcltlnzorders for books , Buwlnir mnchlnos ,
wusliln1 ' or wrln 'liiz niuchlne.s , or any other
nrtlcloor things , shall bo deemed n peddlor.
and shall , before oiua'jins In said business ,
obtain a llconso ns n peddlor. It shnll bo un
lawful for nny person tomiEiKa In the busi
ness ; of n peddler as above specified nnd de
fined without llrstubtnlnln * u license us hero
in required. 1'rovlded , that the prorisionsof
thlsurd nance shall not bo construed to apply
to nny person or persona coining Into thoclty
from the country with nny fruit , vegetables ,
butter , OSBS poultry.or othur farm produce ,
raided by theiuselvcNoremployes , or nny resi
dent grocer , butcher or merchant delivering
orders , or to the neil IIIK of nowpnpors ,
t-ciMlon 'J. The llconso required to bo paid by
peddlers shall bo as follows :
Any vehicle drawn by ono or two ho.sos ,
f.'U.W ) per year.
Any push earl , or other vohlclo , not drawn
by horses , fJU.UO per yonr.
Any ncildlur eurrylnj ? his wares or samples ,
$10.01) ) per yoar.
No llconso khnll bo Issued for n. loss period
than six (0) ( ) months , and nil licenses shnll ox-
nlro Juno uUlh or Uucembor ; ilst of each your.
s nch license shall bo Issuotl liy tlio city clorlc
mid siitnod by tlio miiyor. In the usual nmn-
ner , upon the presentation of the city truus
uror's receipt , showing the amount puld , by
whom and for what purpose ,
HoctlouU. Every llcenunahaU liow the place
of residence of such poddlor. and uvcry peddler
dlor usltii ! a vohlclo shall hnvo the number of
Ills licence ) painted uoiuplcuoiuly on both
Bides of his vehicle. Kvcry peddler shall con
spicuously woarn mntnl liud t > or shield , upon
which shall bo Inscribed his lloenso number
uud the word "l > tddlor"sut'h bndso to bo fur
nished by the HCOIIBO Insiiootor free of charm
Any wauon peddler duly licensed under this
ordinance may havu ono driver to assist him ,
but no other assistants while ouxiiiu' ' ! In pod
and only ono person shnll onKuv In
peddling as foot po Idler under any llconso Is-
btiod In pursuance of this ordinance ,
Kectlon 4 , Any person vioatln * any of the
provisions of this ordinance shnll bu deemed
Kullty uf a mlsdeino.tnor and upon conviction
shall bo lined not nioro than fifty dollars ( f.VJ )
or Imprisoned not exceed In ' thirty ( HO ) days.
Hooilon" ) . Thut chapter 47 of I ho compiled
onllnnncos of Ib'JJ of the city of Omnhn , enti
tled -Toddlers and Hucksters , " nnd a'soordl-
11:11100 : No. : i077 , bo and the sumo are hereby re
Kocllon n. That thli or.tinanoo shall take
olloot and boln foreo from and after HJ pass-
1'amod Dosouibur 13lh , 1103.
JOHN aiiovES ,
Ultv Olork.
I'rosldont < Jlly OounclL
oroproatoua than the " .Nocterof the . ,
More ) houllnic the "llalm of Ullloau , "
t Oulot a ( 'uiicn , nolliun liiheridciM , Jlu'lili
uplliu lloily , .Millies Iriin Nurvvu ,
JCcnlly rur < ! e'lilnrrh , C-iilili , KroiiRliltli ,
CONhDAII'TION , ll iiil rl > D.
A ulait MirprUe , Klumieil Itullof , C urn for
"Oxygen Book" anil 4 Trys Free ,
Suite CIO Sheiely Bldu , OmaUu.
M. .lonklns , Holla Davis , Catherine R
Ilohbs N'olson I ! . Swolt/.or , John O. K. Loll
miinn. Mary S. S Hinders. Llzzto W. McOlui
key , Dom'nlok ' Hook , Anna V'andonburi ?
George H.Slcck.Kllery L.llouck.Oaoar llart-
tuan , Michigan Mutual Llfo Insur.inco Uoir.-
iiiiuy. Uuorco M. Nlooly , William O. While-
head. KlnrldRu Lawtoi u ° olny Y. Muuon ,
David jM. Uro. A. O. I.eltrhton , KlbrldBO Lawton -
ton , Lndou A. Powell Matilda Do liroliollo ,
non-resldonls :
You are hereby notldod that the undor-
slKnod , thrco dislntoroalod freeholders uf ths
olty of Umahii. luivo boon duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of the olty
council of nnld city , to assess the elaiiinuo to
the ownorii respectively of the property
declared by ordlnanco necessary to bo nppro-
pi luted fur the nso of nalel olty for tliei pur-
Iioso of opening nnd o\tondlin ? Newton street
Irom liavonporfH Hi.bdlvlslon toIMth stroot.
You are further notified , t hut having accepted
said nppolntmont , uii'l duly uu.illlloil ns ro-
( ] nlrod by law , wo will , on the -.Hhday of
January , A , D. 1S9J , at , thn hour of It o'oloolc
In the afternoon , nt thn olllco of Goo. ,1 , Paul ,
10)3 Knrnam street , within the corporate ) lim
its of said olty , moot for the purpose uf con
sidering nud making the assessment of dam
age to the owners respectively of said pro
perty , by raisonef Hiich taking nnd appro
priation thereof , taking Into consideration hunollts , If nny.
The property liulonirliiit to you , nroposod
to bo appropriated n aforesaid , and
which has been declared necessary by the
council , by ordlnanco , to appropriate to the
use of the city , boliu sltu-itu In said cltv of
Omuha , In tin ) county of Douulus , nnd atato of
Nidiraskn , Is described MS follows , to wit :
Uoo. Warren Smith The soutirJ7.B3 foot of
loin 110.117 , IH. lit ) , 40 , 41,4' ' . 4i : nnd 41.
William M , Jenkins-Tile south 27. & ' foot lot
45.Delia Davis and Oattiorlno BUobhs Tao
south 'J7.K.- > tout lot 43.
Nelson II. S wltzer Thn north 2 < V 15 foot lot M.
John O. K. Lchmniin North " 1X15 foatof east
83.83 feet , lot 50.
Mary B. Sanndora North 20.15 toot east 03.81
oct lot ( > ' / .
lAulo W.McCluskoy-North 28.15 fcot lot OJ ,
Dominlek Hook North -.0.15 fcot lot ( H.
Oscar 11 urtman North 20.15 foot lot Hi.
Mlchleun Mnt. Llfo Ins. Oo. North 20.15 feet
west H lot M.
Uoo. M. Nlcoloy North 20.15 foot of middle ) M
lot nn.
William O. Whltolioaa-North SU5 foot east
H lot i < U.
Ulbrldco IVawlon North UB.IS foot lot 07.
Hoeliiv M , Mason nnd David M. Uro North
i.'U15fe > oUotUS.
A.U. Iol htoii-Norlli20.15 footloLO'J. '
Klhrldgo Ijiiwtiin North .MIA lot 71.
Liieloa A. Ureiwoll North aJ.15 fuel , lot 7.1-
( leorxo H , Hlcck North'.UISfeot weit 41 fuot
ofuurlh ittfoetof : lot,6'J.
ICllory IHottck .South 27.83 feet south ! 5 of
cast y of lot ft ) .
Anim Vniidonbiir South2r,83feot of north
U of south ! J of lot 47. , . .
All In UUo'j addition In said city , county
nnd stuto.
You uru notlflod to bu prosnnt nt the tlmo
nnd place afuiosuld. nml iiiaku any objoctlom
to orstaiumoutH concerning said proposed ap
propriation or assosimont ot daiutises , its you
may consider proper.
0 ,
WM. O. HlllUVHIl.
Omaha , Dccomborl7 , IS'JJ. ' D.'IdMt
Elastic Stocking
i Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Dottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S,15tuSt , ,
Next to Postofflce.