Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Dtllvetcd liy carrier to nny part of the clly
IIV. . Tll.TON , - MANAOKll.
- ! Hu Inr Office S0ii2 !
; NlRlt | Keillor No. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Counrll UnilTa dumber Co. Coal.
Wlllltire Jcnson of IXJJTAU Is in Hi" < 'lty Jail
ehaivcd with n violation of the internal
revenue law ,
Henry C. Kheltllo ami Miss Cora A. T.unk-
ley , both of tills city , were married ttedtics-
dny evening t the residence of the bride.
.Tolin 1' , Weaver Is i-cportoil to bo a candl-
date for the ofllcu. of mayor before the demo
cratic convention , which meets some time in
the future.
A reception will bo plvcn nt the Young
Men's Christian association rooms on Mon
day afternoon mul evening. All young men
nro Invited.
The ofl'iecrs-elcct of Mi/pah Temple. No.
P. are requested to meet with Mrs. .1. r.
Kuttrr nl her home. l ( ! i Fifth avenue HUH
evening at T-GO oeloek.
.lohn W. droves , \vhlto man. and Mllllo
A , Davis , n decided hnmotte , both of .lull's-
burg , Colo. , were married jesterdny mornIng -
Ing by .Justice Hammer.
A pcanutYoasterat H'J Hroadway caucht
lire yesterday aftenioon from a frnsolino
exiiloslon. It was thrown out on the side
walk and the blaze wns extinguished before
any serious dnmago was done.
Albert Wrivotle , who was arrested several
days ago for tupping a till at Carroll , was
discharged In police court yesterday morn-
Inc. he having nettled the claim of Dick
HleUcttsagalnsl htm.
The music lovers have n great treat In
store for them next Monday evening at the
Presbyterian church. Whitney Mockridgo
and his company will be there. The simple
announcement , should be tiiinicleut to pack
the ehureh.
The Commercial Pilgrims of America will
have their social tomorrow ovenhn ? at
Hughes hall instead of the Itoyul Arcanum
parlors , as was at llrst aiinounccil. High
Hvo anil dancing will bo the principal
Hllwi , wife of Charles Soar , died yesterday
afternoon at ! > : ! ! ( ) o'clock at her residence , PM
Hroadway , after an illness of eight weeks ,
aged 70 years. She leaves three children
and four step-children. Notice of the funeral
will ho given later.
Frank Trimble returned yesterday from
Chicago , where he has been for the past
week. The wife who it was said ho would
bring back with him did not accompany
him , and it is said by his friends that she
has gene fora bridal tour along the Thousand
A ilro started yesterday morning about fi
o'clock in a brick dwelling house belonging
totiohn O'Donncll at ,40 ICast 1 Metre street.
It began in the upper story and is supposed
to have been the work of tramps or incen
diaries , as the house had been unoccupied
for some time. Almost all the roof was
burned away before the tire department suc
ceeded. In extinguishing the blaze.
A package directed to C. K. Craig , chief's
oflleu , was received yesterday at the police
headquarters. It was supposed to bo an
infernal machine , and this police used a
great deal of caution in opening it. When
the several layers of paper had been removed
the contents of the box proved to be a very
harmless paper weight , and Mr. Craig can
have it by calling at the chief s oflico.
A meeting oT the public library trustees
will bo hold tomorrow afternoon at which
will bo considered the advisability of sub
scribing for a number of copies of each issue
of the principal magazines. In order that
they may be taken to the homes of fie
patrons , As It Is now arranged the maga
zines have to be left in the library , and it is
thought are not made use of to the extent
they might bo if the rules were different.
Piles of people have piles , but DoWitt s
Witch Hazel salvo will euro them.
Toys. Toys.
Until January 1 all toys will bo Fold at
See other bargains In holiday goods.
FoUiorlneliam , WhitohuCo. .
snow nnd eold weather docs not
djiTHtiiah the demand for acroujjo in the
Klnin trneti miles east of the pn t-
olllco ; 300 acres yet for sixlo in from ono
to ton nero tracts , suitable fo" Irult and
garden. Day & Hess , agents , Hi ) 1'carl
\Vhitnoy Moekridiro , the famous
tenor , nnd his excellent company , at , the
Presbytorlnn ehureh Monday evening.
Brighter than gas , cheaper than oloc-
trio light nnd as beautiful as a urcam
thofco now art lamps at Lund Bros.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the elty ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox. No.1 Main.
It. .T. Claneoy returned yesterday from an
eastern visit.
Miss Flora Shlley of Missouri Valley Is the
guest oj Miss Delia Fenner.
Miss Lena Hast of Clinton Is the guest ol
her sister , Mrs. George W. Hewitt.
George II. Itlchmnnd has returned from
Wisconsin and will spend a week at homo.
Mrs. Uebbington and daughter , ficorgene ,
have gene to Ventura , Gal. , for a six month's
Miss Dena Loomis of Lincoln Is the guesl
of her Bister , Mrs. W. K Sapp , for a feu
Mrs. W. II. Treynor loft last owning foi
Olenwood where she will visit friends ovei
Sunday. '
Clerk-elect Pollett of the Cass count j
district court was in the city yesterday on u
tour of inspection.
Mrs , Cannon and daughter , Miss May , o :
Chicago are in the city , guests of W. A
Oronewcg and family.
II. O , Maxwell , who has been working 01
the now college building at Albany , Mo.
hns como home to spend the holidays. Hi
will return next week.
Samuel i eonard left yesterday for Cleveland
land , O , , where he will meet his family win
has been visiting there for some time past
He has been a mull carrier in tills city for tin
iiast six years and this is the llrbt time In
has taken a vacation.
Judge Macy of Harlan was In the city yes
terday on his way to Audubon , where hi
will open court for Judge Ueemer next Mon
day , Judge Ueemer , who was Improvln ;
homewhat a week or so ago , suffered a re
lapse last Thursday and is hi a serious con
dltlon ,
John A. 1 Jot /mil , the newspaper man win
liiyi been tramping It around the world. 1m
gene to Akron , O. , where ho is booked for i
lecture before the students oIlurfctel college
lego on the evening of January II. That en
gagemcnt huvlinr been fullllled , he wll
return to Council UlulTs and ro.-nnno hi :
Journey to Now York on foot , lie will pro
bnbly deliver a lecture hero before Httullj
leaving for the east.
A ( 'urn fur Oi-onp.
If your children am subject to eroui
nl ways keep a bottle of Chamberlain' !
Cough Itemedy at hand. It is a prompt am
certain cure. If given as soon as the eronpi
cough appears It will prevent the uUauk
! sale by druggists ,
"Clmrllo , I wish you would go nm
pay that ilrtiff bill at Davis1 , and let u
btart the now year out of debt. 1 knoy
ho bus waited a long while on us. "
Wanted Cash oiler for ton Blwro
Citizen's State b.inic stoelc. Must bi
bold. Address 1C. II. Sheafe.
nought organ stock of O. B. Musi
Co. Will boll thorn cheap. Mar. Hour
ioitis , 110 , ill Stutmnan btrcet.
Curl Iiurhorn. successor to K. Bur
horn , hits the only now jewelry stock ii
city. Jvlnny holiday no veil lea.
Do you BtnekoV Have you tried ' .
i ) . King & CO.'B Partugubr1 it'n
charmer. Just light one.
viMi'n nn/\it fni'V/Mi TIT t'lM'f
Pntit Growers Get Together nnd Torin an
15tprn r ntul C'nrnml l < iii Now I'nlil liy Ilic
Orowcri to l r Dour A ny Wltli-Om-
cer * of HIP NP V Society
Some of the men who arc engaged In rais
ing fruit have formed a corporation which
proposes to cut down the cost of handling
fruit Intended for the market nnd thereby
to Increase the prollts to the growers. A
meeting of the Incorporators was held on
Wednesday at which the following ofilecrs
were elected : Vrcsldent , Alexander Wood ;
vice president , 1'cter Wolsc ; secretary , J. 1' .
lless ; treasurer. ( "Jeorgo K. Wheeler ; board
of directors. Samuel A very. 1'eterWelse , J.
A Herald. A. N. Hich and O. L. Koyor.
The name of the organization Is the Coun
cil Hluffs drape Growers'and Shipping asso
ciation. It Is nnt intended to rim opposition
to the Potlawattamle County Fruit ( { rowers'
and Ciardrners' association , hut to till an
entirely different Held. Commissions
are now paid to merchants at both
ends of the line for handling the fruit. The
gentlemen who eomimse the new association
propose to do this work themselves , thus
cutting olT what they claim Is an unneces
sary expense and dividing up what Is saved
aiming themselves in the form of dividends.
Similar associations ha\e been formed In
other cities and are said to operate well ,
I'veji where the annual output of fruit is far
less than in Pottawattamie county. Shares
are placed at W each , and those who wish to
become stockholders must be voted in. A
cold stonier- house will lie either built or
leased and an Inspector employed who shall
nut his stamp of approval on every box or
basket of fruit that comes in or goes out.
The association Is to be in pmnlne order by
next summer , so as to be ready to handle the
fall crop.
If you have piles PeWltfa Witch I la/el
salve will surely cure jou.
Driiinci-iito ( ii-ltlni ; ToRi'tliPr to TilUcCop- ;
nlrinicf1 nl Coming I'liinili'f.
A meeting of the democratic central com
mittee of the Ninth congrchhional district
, vas held last evening hi room f > 07 of the
i rand hotel. Those present. were Chairman
11. Wadsworth of Council niuffs , R I ? .
Iradley of Audubon , W. W. Merrill of lied
Oak , J. 11. Whitney of Harlan , 1 P. Kelly
fCllcawood , J. 1C. Mcdavern of Missouri
Valley , L. Delano of Atlantleand.lohn Whit-
ileld of Stuart. Judge J. K. F. McGee of
'ouncil Hlufl's also had a seat in the eonfer-
nco by reason of his being the defeated can-
lidato for congress at the last election.
The object ot the meeting was to come to
some conclusion concerning the recommenda
tions which should bo made to President
elect Cleveland with reference to appoint
ments to the olllces which will become va-
'ant ' as soon as thu heads of the present in-
'timhcnts ' fall into the basket. Hon Thomas
lowman was not at the meeting , for , al-
. hough lie is commonly understood to bo very
: nnch on the inside with the incoming presl-
ilent.hehas given it out that he docs not care
o have anything to do with providing
ofllcial positions for the starving democrats ,
by recommendation or otherwise , lie is per
fectly willing to leave the responsibility with
iludge McUee. whose right it is to make rec-
immcndations by the law of common usage.
Over since election applicants for the post-
olllces and oilier vacant positions have been
lighting for places of vantage at the trough ,
; md their plaintive blealings have become
somewhat wearisome to the judge.
Last night's meeting was therefore
called with a view to placing a
share ot the responsibility upon the
shoulders of the members of the central
committee , who decided upon the course of
action to bo pursued in the matter. What
took place behind the sealed doors of room
' ) ( ) " will probably never bo known until the
Appointments arc made.
Mr. Uowman's willingness to be counted
out is ascribed by his friends partially to the
fact that h'e has about decided to leave for
New York , providing he can dispose of his
'justness interests hero. It is stated that he
ias his eye upon a partnership with a gen
tleman of Now York in the manufacture of
llrcmen's goods.
Constipation cured by DeWItt's Early
Trouble In u 1'iiiiill.r.
If. B. Coode was arrested Wednesday
afternoon on a charge of disturbing the
peace , which was made against him by Ills
father-in-law , Martin llorton , who lives at
sa avenue D. llorton claimed that hU
son-in-law had threatened to kill him , and as
he measured a little less than seven feet ii
height he thought probably he might under
take to make his word good. Yesterday Mrs
Coodo and her sister , Mrs. I { . B. Howe
called at the city jail and ] uit up a ball bom :
for her husband , and their conversation indi
eatcd that there was a large skeleton In llieii
closet which they were not ashamed to drnn
out before the public g.ue. "S-'omeoneoughi
to go and lick the- old man like the do\ll , '
saiil one , "and I'd like to bo the one to do it. '
"Yes , " replied the other , " 1 wish the oh
man was in the hot place and I was ilreman. '
The case will bo aired this morning in poliei
court. _
Ignorance of the merits of DoWilt's Little
Early liisers is a misfortune. These litth
pills regulate the liver , cure headache , dys
pcpsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious
Cdlclrn Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Thornton celebrated
the llftleth anniversary of their marriaiJi
yesterday by entertaining a parly of the !
friends at their homo on Madison street , ii
the afternoon and evening. A great man ;
handsome presents were bestowed upon tin
happy couijlo. Ono rather unique feature o
the gathering was the fact that among thosi
present were live couples , all of whom hai
passed the llftioth milestone of their weihlei
life , and four of whom were older than Mi
and Mrs. Thornton. They were as follows
Mr. and Mrs. P.ivid Dovol. aged $7 and bl
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. lionhum , aged 7T ; Mi
and Mrs. IX U. Clark , aged T-l and 7l ! ; Mi
and Mrs. IX G. Bloomer , 70 and 74 ; Mr. an <
Mrs. Tliurnton , 711 ami i1,1.
I 'ul her McMt'iiomy'H < 'oiiilltlon ,
Itev. Father McMeiiomy is very near ti
death. All day yesterday ho. lay uncoi
scions , sinking slowly , and at midnight hi
death was momentarily expected.
An honest pill In the noblest work of th
apothecary. DeWltt's Little ICarlv Klser
cure constipation , billou ! > ! ie.s4 and sick head
ache. * "
Until January 1 all toys will bo sold n
See other bargains In holiday goods.
Folhoringham , Whitoluw & , C <
For wnrmlncr guest ohumborti , ball
rooms , etc. , our gas heaters nro jus
what you want. Look at thorn. Clean
convenient cheap , C. B. Gas and Kloc
trio Light Co.
If customer No. 68 does not call fc
the blaquo doll by .January 10 nt Ml *
H'lgsdnlo's millinery parlors It will t
otherwise disposed of.
"Tho MocUrldgo company fives a
evening with artists every number :
a gem. " Jauesvlllo Uoeorder , Oct. S.
MePhall pianos auj Crown organs
cash or in.stullir.unts. Mar , Uouriuius
HUStutsmun btreet.
- s -
UViti-ru I'rniliiiik.
The following \vcstcru pensions Knuiti
uro ri'i > ortcd t > y Tni ; HUK mid Kxiiinlni
Hurc.iu of f.'hilius :
NobrasUii : Original Jnnios Wood , Sim
son , O. Voutib'cr , Elijah M. ileiibon , Jol
Miller iiurcflsi ticcrgc A Rmllli Simeon
lown Ori-.Miial Hlnnd ; \ , , Irmt. I'rtcr
Hanson Joseph Hill.Volistrr A l-'nlrlxitiks ,
Knrnlt Ucnch Nur r. Henry Giiblo , -onanl
VHctuiPtt , Hoinnnbraiico K Moore , .Incob
WpRtnnn , Mnndrow Holland , Hunh H. Cun-
nlncham , Shcphcnl A. l''rcnch. .Intnos 11.
l-'onl , Jntncs W. Hcntiolt. Addltlonnl Kob-
ort HopWns. llninfonl P. C'flinstock. O.inlel
\V. 'riiinnons , Vnntz Klein , .lohii V. Kilc.v.
lncrra o Isaac II. Crnljf , Oliver Krnme ,
Xonis I * . ICdwnrds , Andrew KUjforo , Hiram
H. Chancy , Clinrles II. Mnrslnilt. Original
widows , eli- . ARUM Onic-hHn. minor of
Charles N. 1.eo ; minors of Alcxnniler 11.
Stewart , Husnn Ilayton , sister ; .InnicsUlikc ; ,
fntlier ; Murtlia Scotl ; minor ofl2dwlii A.
Allen , Llz/lo Wegman , Thomas Tracy ,
Nviv I'tain fur Itnlldlng I'p Iliimn Iiid
' Talked Over.
At n meeting ot the executive committee
of the Maiiufai'lurors ntul Consumers asso
ciation yesterday afternoon tlio following
wen ? elected members of the association : O.
A. Cooper , miller. Humboldt ; Fred Beaullcn ,
clear manufacturer , Kails CityV. ; . II.
Palmer , manufacturer electrical supplies ,
Omaha : Heibel & Davis , elevator supplies ,
Mr. Kces ot the llnanee committee re
ported that bills contracted by the executive
loinmittco were prcsenti'd to Ills committee
for approval without anything to show
whether they had been authorized. It w.ia
voted to rcipdre the president to certify to
the correctness of all bills before thej were
presented to the llnnnco committee which
will then pass upon them , thus puttitif ; n
double check upon all accounts of the asso-
The secretary reported thai Iho
furnlbhliifra for the new Adams Kx-
press company's ofllco In Omaha had
been let to a K.insns City manufacturer
Instead of to n Nebraska house. The secre
tary was instructed to write the Omaha
iinent ot the express company and ask n ex
planation of the affair. The members ex
pressed themselves as of the opinion thai as
the Adams M\press company was securing u
Krcat deal of business In thisrltv" it should
return the compliment by lettiuir Omaha
llrms do Iho work for the company here.
President Pane stated that a peed many of
the members were in favor ot sending , the
secretary out Into the state to call upon the
retail merchants in all lines of business and
urge upon them the ndvunttifres of patroni/-
injj Nebraska manufacturers. The presi
dent said that lie did not feel lllco taking the
responsibility ot the move upon himself , and
wanted an expression from the members.
After a thorough discussion of lliu-subjeet
by a unanimous vote the secretary was iu-
slructod to ircl out Into the country nt. the
earliest date possible. Ho will remain oul
the flrsl four days of each week , spending
Friday and Salurdny In Omaha. It is pro
posed that the secretary call upon
tbo merchants and learn what
lines of goods they are enrryjnp and where
Ibey are nol doing so try to Induce them to
haiullo Nebraska goods , informing tbo mer
chants as to what goods are being m.ido in
the state by members of the association.
Tlio secretary will make a list of tbo differ
ent lines of goods not handled by each
retail merchant visited and notify all
the members of the association making those
goods. All the members present at the
meeting expressed themselves as of the
opinion that a great many retail merchants
could be easily induced to put In full lines of
Nebraska made goods if the matter was only
brought to their attention in the way of
being a move to build up Ihe industries of
the state.
Propositions from parties owning the
block between Ninth and Tenth und Farnam
and Ilarney streets , ottering the same as a
site for an exposition building and market
bouse were read. The members of the com
mittee smiled as the secretary read the
values placed on the property , and in
structed him to drop thiyimttor so far as
that location was concerned , on the ground
that the prices asked were exorbitant.
The secretary then exhibited cuts of the
Central market of Minneapolis , and stated
that Pc.yc.ko Hros. had .suggested that if the
association would put up a building in the
right location they would rent several
of the ground lloor store rooms for
their business. The same linn was
also represented as saying that the
produce commission men had talked
of the advantages of having a. largo block
where they could all locate , and that the
manufacturers could no doubt induce them
all to move into their building. According
to this plan the second lloor of the building
would be used for expositions and other pur
poses requiring a largo hall.
The scheme was regarded as a good one if
the right location could bo found and bought
at a reasonable price.
The committee next turned its attention
to the cifjar question. It was stated that
the Omaha cigar manufacturers were com
plaining of not receiving the ucnelit they
should from the home patronage movement.
That while laboring men had done a good
deal hi the way of insisting that the retail
dealers give them homo made cigars , thus
creating a demand for live-cent goods , the
business men of the . 'it.v had done very little.
It was asserted that sosne business men who
talk very loudly in f.ivor of homo patronage
when their own goods arc under considera
tion call for some eastern brand when it
'oines ' to buying cigars. The subject was
discussed at great length and a variety of
opinions expressed. Some ihought that the
igar manufacturers should drum the retail
trade hard , and push their goods to the
front in that way. Others suggested
that they put men on the road
and try conclusions with eastern
manufacturers out in the slate. The mem
bers of the committee stated that the asso
ciation had given Ihe cigar men everything
they had asked for and would do more if they
kuuw what to do. It was left with Mr.
Trostlor to see Iho eltrar men , ami try lo de
vise some plan by which cigar manufaclur-
ing in Omaha could bo put in a moro pros
perous condition.
Ono Hundred Member. , of the Niirtliweslern
Association Klcct Ojllccrs.
Ono hundred members of the Northwest
ern Traveling .Men's association met in an
nual session at tbo Palmer hoiiso yesterday ,
President George .1. Heed occupying the
chair , says tlio Chicago News Record. Attci
tbo address of the president the report o
the secretary read. It showed a dis
biirscmont of * 1,810S : > 0 to beiu-liciaries sinci
the foundation of the organization , whili
during tbo year just closed the sum 01
? l ri,000 has been paid oul in bciiellts to tin
relatives of deceased members. Mr. Kltehii
of Minnesota suggested that u committei
should bo organized In each state whosedut ;
should bo tbo enlistment of recruits to swel
the ranks of tbo organization. A committei
was appointed lo consider the matter.
The following ofllecrs were re-elected fo
the ensuing year : /President , George .1
Heed ; secretary. C. H. Ilinan ; vice pros !
dents- Illinois , \V. II. Kus.scll ; Iowa , O.V
IIn//irdj : Minnesota , W. F. IJachin.iii ; Wls
cousin , .1. F. Hucou ; Indiana , . ! . 15. llevwood
Missouri , W. Clelaud ; Michigan , P. H
Carroll : Ohio.V. . A. Moore ; Kentucky , N
M. Url ; Kansas , \V G. Colwell ; Js'e\
York. S. I-1. Paul ; Colorado , W. II
Untchlnsim ; Nebraska , Hubert Simons
Xortb H.ilrot.i , W. K. Htockdiilo ; Soutii Di
kola , , I. C. Hhcldoii : California , ,1. 1 { . New
berry ; Montana , .1. C. Mahlin ; Orcin 11
Henry Plowman ; Utah , ( leorgo T. Odell
Washington. William Powell ; Texas , Albor
Hranshaw ; New Jersey. F. C. Wuodwuii !
Directors. O. 1) . Frary , Kiae Meyer , 1) . K
Clink , Willis Young , J. K. Miller , George M
President Itocd received u surprise in th
shape of n money present of J.MM ) as n mar
of appretjatlon of Ids services. Tlio gift wa
presented by J , C. Miller on behalf ot bis 111
TeniioKioii'rt ( ! inernor-iiect :
MKMIMIIS , Tcun. . Dec. ' . ' 0. News of a ri
liable nature comes from Winchester , Hi
homo of ( iovernor-elecl Turnwy , ho wa
Hearing his cud from a complication of ill :
eases. In thu event of his deatli the spcauc
of the house will bo the acting governor , an
a lively tussle Is oxpecled.
No I from riimnclil : Stiiiilinlnt. : |
"I do not recommend Chamberlain's Coug'
HeiiN'ily from a financial standpoint , for w
have others in stock on which we make
larger prolll , " says Al Maifgini , u luomlncti
druggist of Uraddock , Pa. , "but becaus
r many of our customers have spoken of it I
tlio hiirhcst pr.iise. We sell more of it thai
any similar preparation have in 111
store. " For bale by druggists.
Condition * Mny Ohan d''Beforo ; ' tbo Sewer
Work is Required. -
< 3rndltiK of ThlrtySocunil Street Wilt Ho
ItiHbcd Through "ItPL-iirdlc" of the
Vlrns of the Chief
Two veto melanges from Mayor Bemls and
the transnrtlon of a variety of business of
minor Importance last night's meet
ing of tbo council. Matters were hastened
through as rapidly as i > ossiblo and n number
of things were referred to the good Judg
ment of the new council. When tbo roll
was called President D.ivls nnd llftcen mem
bers were present.
Tlio llrst document received was n mes
sage from Mayor Heutls vetoing the contract
of .lames .lenson for sewer repairs during
the coming year , on the ground that the
contract was not entered into Judiciously , as
lenson will not be required to do any work
until next sprlmr , when llie conditions under
which the contract was made may be ma
terially changed. The veto was sustained.
Mayor llemli nisi ) vetoed the ordinance
providiiii ; for tbo grading of Thirty-second
street from Hamilton to Franklin streets
because the grading district wan too small.
Mr. Spccht assorted , on hearing the veto
message read , that Mn.\or llemls owned
property in the district and had n personal
interest In the mailer. Messis. Unwell and
Klsasser tool : views antagonistic to tlio
major , and after some discussion the ordi
nance was passed over the veto by a vote of
111 to ! , Messrs. Uechul , F.dwards and Mo-
lA-arie voting agalnsl such action and Mr.
Hmilish helmr nbsoiit.
The contract nnd bond of K. llcncdlct for
permanent sidewalks was rejected by the
same vote of lit to ! ! , because the price ot
stone was 5 cents higher than last year.
The Hoard of Public Works was Instructed
lo readvertise the contract.
To Handle Iho City's < M b.
Tlio mayor. In n communication , informed
the council that all the national banks of the
city bad bid ! i per cent for the city deposits.
The municipal tiullioriiies , hu added , have
no option in the matter , nnd must make
the contracts oven though the banks bid
as low as 1 per cent. He advised the
council to make contracts with the banks
under which Iho city retains Iho right to
make new arrangements regarding HS bank
deposits after July 1 , Ib'.M. ' The recom
mendation was adopted , and the city at
torney was Instructed to prepare the neces
sary papers.
Many resolutions were Introduced and
adopted , among them being one providing
that the Kctcbum Furniture company bo
paid $ lf > 0 instead of ja'iO for the counter in
the gas inspector's ofllee , according to
Mayor llcmis' suggestion. Mr. UhatTeo in
cidentally remarked that all the accounts of
the company should bo audited in the same
way.That row wllh Ihe water company was
etlled temporarily by the company's entire
ccount beiiiK paid. Tlio trouble crew out of
ho failure of the company to remove certain
ountains and to put in certain intermediate
tydrants. Hy obeying the council's man-
atcs the company would lose money , and it
id not make Ihe changes and sent in its
illls just the same as over. At least some of
he councllmeii say so' To punish the eom-
iany il was proposed to deduct .J4WO , the dif-
ercnco which should have appeared In its
cconnts. ' After much discussion it was
Iccidcd to pay the company in full and lethe
ho next council settle the vexed question.
A big batch ot grading bills were res pec tully -
ully referred lo Iho next council.
The ordinance providing for a viaduct over
he Union Pacific tracks at Twenty-fourth
street was psssed.
Ordinances locating a number of additional
vater hydrants were passed.
The general appropriation bill passed.
Ordinances providing for the grading of
'aciliu street , between Twcnty-liflb and
[ 'wcnty-sevcnth. and Twenty-sixth street ,
iclwccn 'Nelson and Dickson , were passed.
Many grading tax bills were paid.
A resontion. offered by Mr. Prince , rcquir-
ng the street commissioner to see thai iron
iprons are used on all slreol crossings was
The counciljthen adjourned unlil tomorrow
vithout taking up the Union depot ordi-
ziro EX KILI.KD.
Dlsaitroiis Implosion of < ilmt : 1-owdcr on a
-Molituim Ititllroud.
A.VACONIU , Mont. , Dec. tit ) . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hii : : . ] This morning whllo ono
of the workmen was preparing a stick of
glanl'powder for a blast for a Ilro on the
:3ntte : , Anaconda it Pacillo railway grade , a
: > ox of giant caps took fire , exploding several
jionnils of giant powder , instantly killing
Leon Morroau ami Joseph Triuleau and ser-
ously injuring another workman.
Xnrrmrly ICsrnpeil Iiistiint Death.
HA/.EI.TOK , Pa. , Dec. 21) ) . An explosion oc
curred at Milnesvillo this morning by which
cithl men narrowly escaped instant , dealh.
As It is , three of them , .fames Mason , A bra
Kolokoskl and Mcnroo Friczinger , are dan-
; erously wounded and the other live are less
seriously hurt.
Humi'tliinsc < < ood.
I have sold and used in my family for sev
eral years Chamberlain's , Colic , Cholera ,
and Diarrhoea remedy , and have found it
ono of thu most useful and sallsfaclory rem
edies I over handled. C. H. Lewis , druggist ,
Salt Lake City , Utah.
( " really rxngKi-rati-il.
NAHHVII.I.C , Tenn. , Dec. " 0. The dispatch
seul from Memphis regarding Governor-elect
Turney being dangerously ill is exaggerated
and incorrect. The governor's son , who was
in Nashville today , says ho is sitting up and
is growing stronger.
for Farmers , Minors and
Cuiea Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Duma ,
tic. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
A new anil complete trcalmeut , coiulitliift ot Bup
iHiillorlci , IHiituiunt in t'apiulix , nl o In box tiMf
I'll la. A poiltlvo euro for Kjleraal , Inlurual , Illlni
or Illvedlnu' . ItehliiL' , Clirnnlo , llucoul or llurcdlturi
I'llen. Tbla ruumtly nan never been known 10 fall
1 per box. 0 fur Or > unl by rn.ill. Why utter frou
lids terrlblu ul a .o whoa u wtltten uuaranlos Ii
poilllvvly klv < in wllli Ulioxui or roiund ibu nionuj
tnulcurudi tjoud "taniii for lea namul ) . iluar
tul > iu94 by Kuuu \ i'o. , itruK liti. tola azonti ,
rucr 151Unl Uji ui iiraeu Oiualu , .S'cb ,
. , . \ , . p
"Auonl ten years ace
ft fcvcro case of lilood jmj.
m. I/wiling physlclstis prescribed medicine
nftcr medicine , which I teokwltlioiitnny relief.
I also tried and jiotanh remedies ,
with unsuccessful result. ' , tmfnhlch brotiRht
on tin ntt.ick of tncrcitrlal tlicnnmtlsm that
mixtlo my lifo
ono ot agony. nBBEPeiBfl MW&i BE IN AfflOftA 8
After suffering HIBBfctWinri 9 iVf lUl
ff > nr years I gave np nil remedies nnd began
using 8.8.S. After t.iklng tcicral bottles I
was entirely cttrcil nnd nblo to rcsiitno work.
" " j l tlio crcatcst mcdlclno for Wool
poisoning to-day on the market. "
Trcatlso on Illood nnd Skin Il ea. e mailed
froo. Bwurr srccmu Co. , Atlanta , OR.
Omalia Medical and Surgical
Hcst. fncllltlt" . app-irntu < < ami rotund Ics for the
successful treatment of cvorv form ot
dlMr.isei roipilnni medlualor
Mirirluul treatment.
M beds for p.itlcnts. ho ird and utlondixneo.
Itest iii'coiiuiiodatlons In thu west ,
\Vrlli for clri'iiln'n on ilJtoniiltlol nnd brncp ,
trnsycM cluli fcot. ctirvnttiro of Mdnc. pltoi. ttiin-
iirn , cmcer. : cnt.irrli. lironi--llHI , liilinlattnn , i-lrclrlc-
lljr , ii-iraly.'U , c'lU-ny | | klilnor , blulilcr. : efo , ,
nkln nnil blond hiicl nil suruU'nl rt | "
DISEASES OF WOMEN ou'm1,1 ' ; , , ;
ot noincHi I'ltHI' . Wo linru lately added n lylnc-ln
iloinrlm-nt | for women iturlni ; roiillncmunl , Mrktly
prlr.ito. Only Uullnblu Medical Instltutu making n
upcclRlty of
All Illomt tl ) ci oi micoc tulty trontod. Srplill-
Itlo lol'-oni routovod frnm lliu i-yHliiiu without itior-
t'liry. Now Hcstorivtlvo 'I'rnatniunt fo'1 l.osi of VI
TAL I'OWF.U. I'.irjoin unntilo to vl lt u iiriir 113
tioAtod nt liotiiu by curriMiuinilanco All cotnninnl.
citloiM : MiMlirlnoj orln triiinonU * ont
by limit nr uxirn | < < , erourcly pnrkod. no m.irks to
Inillcali-conti'iiti or jcndcr. I'no persiinul Inti-r-
vli-wprofoiTod. I'nll nnd caniiilt nsorscnil history
of your cnvj , nntl % vu\vlll nond In iilntii wv.ippor our
ntllK lrlvntispoclnl
nnnif Tn MUM upon
iJUUn. iU IUCN or norvu'U8 IHSOHOS Impo-
t'.Micy. Bypbllls , ( ilcotund Vnrluocclu , with iiiiaitlon
llrico9Appllnnroi : for Dcforniltloi nnil Tnusos.
OnlyniHiiiifni'tory In tliuno l of
DKKOHMITV , At'l'UANX'tt" , Tlttld.SK : ) , KUC3P-
H10 I1ATTKHII5S ANIJ lllll/ty.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , O junoil BlulTi
I'on minutes rhlofrom center of OnialianoOnialm
and Council lllulliclc'ctrlc motor lln .
munt , n poclllc for llysturla. Il7/.ln 33 , Fill , Non-
rnlKla , lloi'laclio , .N'orvom Prostration cnuioJ by
liquor or tub.icuj. aMkofntnu s. .Montul Dopnuilon ,
SultnctiH of thu llraln. causing tiijtiinlty. inl ory , tlu-
cny.doalh.l'rt'iiiafaraOM Atts , Nt-rvousni-si. I.osi of
I'oncr In eltliortjev , linpotjncy , I.encorrlico aad all
roiu.iluVenkniS3tM ! , Involnntnry IJUSSL-I , hporma-
turrhca catmint by over-exertion of llio brain. A
inonth'K troAtinont SI ; ii for $ . " > : by mall. Wo Ktiur-
nnU'tuI boxoi to euro. Hacti orilor Tor Ii boxes with
! .r > will c ml written k'lHirnntw to rofunil If nut cured.
( Juirantuulisiiod only by Theodore V. l.owla , ilriiK-
flat , polo aicnt , sotttlicast corner tiitli nnd FnrDam
tirects. Uinalm.
Funeral Director , Emlaiiier } ! ,
114 Main Street ,
Council BhilTa.
A. H. DYER ,
IClovatorn. wiirtOiotine , factory
aiut nil \Tcirk requiring H Ilinrouuli
pritctlcul knou'lrd e nf c * > ngruction nnd
HtrriiKlli ot inatcrlulK. u siu-clally.
1 * . O. llox : iilt : Fremont , Ncl > .
Bend 1O routs for our 100 pn o
'Electro-Medical Tlaeorjr and
Prnotlco. "
It. II. 1II.1SS , Inna Falls lonn.
Sale by llcci lver.
NotIce Is hereby filven that , by virtue of an
order made by the district court of Douglas
county , Nebraska , In the ciuisn of Iti'iijaniln
MelquNt , iiliilulliraL'ulusI I'red C' . Weymiiller ,
defeiiilnnl , I will hell on Siiliirdny , Decemlier
1)1 ) , IH'J'J , at public auction , to lliohlKliest bid
der for cash the following described properly
and lease-hold Interests , lo-wll : Onu lot of
old lumber , slides and staying ; ; one lot of hay ,
suitable for Ice pacUliiu ; purposes ; one \\iiKon
scales nnd wason bo\ ; also a certain lease , de
scribed us follows , lo-wll : Under date of De
cember ' _ ' , IbOl , made by Thomas Davis to
Henjaiiiln Mphpilsl anil ! . C. Weyinnller , run
ning Hvo years from December 1 , 1HU1 , for all
the water space Inthosw ! | of Ihenw ) ( In
sect Ion'J , In township 15 , north muse : )
Also a certain lease ili'sci-lbed as wit :
Dndcr date of .MatchIS , IH'J'J ' , niado by Ki- :
tliani Davis to Heiijaniln Meliiiilst , iiinnln
Hvo years from December 1 , IH'Jl , for tlin two-
.story frame house and ontbulldliiKs , tii ether
with a ceilaln ] ilcce of Ki'ound on which .said
buildings are situated , sillily-round beln In
the sw ' ( of the nw ! < of hcetlon 'J , townshlji 15 ,
ruii-'e 111 , DoiiKlascotinly , Nebraska , more par
ticularly described as follous : ciiinmencliiK at
a point on the cast line of Mild-10 (
feet south of .said10 , riniiiliiK theneo cst 31)0 )
feet , Iheneo mirth i8 ! ( ) feet , theneo east 1100
feet Ihenco-south 'MO feet to thu place of be-
( 'lnuliix , containing about onu and onc-liitlf
acres , more or less.
The sale of the foreKoliiK to lake place at 10
o'clock a , m. on said day at the Ice IIOIISIH ,
sitnalo on the premises described In said
leases and near Cut OH' lake ,
1 u III also sell certain olllco stationery and
hooks , formerly ti ed by the ( ialo ( Mlv Ice
company , said sale to take place at 'Jo clock
n. in. of said day , at lliu iilllco of t ! . Andreen ,
No. 1-1 IK ) JaekMjiislreet , clly of Uinaha.
Dated Dec. 'JO , IH'J'J. . at. oimilm. Noli.
.1011 Nfi. COKTiaVOU.
Itecelvor of ( he ( into L'lly Ice Company.
John Q. ltnriner , Attorney. Jl Dec. 'JO , lit
.No I ico.
In compliance wllh the statutes of the state
of Neb , Insiiuh eases made .mil providednoilcu
ID hereby clvou that soalnd proposals will bo
received at thu olllcu of coiiinils liinur of pub-
llo Inii'Is and buildings until ID o'eloek p. in. ,
the illst day of December , Ibll , ' , for
tlio fitrnhhlnz of fmppllcs for the
quurter ending March III , 1MKI , for tlio hos
pitals for the ins.iiiont I/IICMII | , Hustings and
{ Norfolk , thu Induatrlal K < * | IOOS ! at Kearney
nnil Uonova , thn Insllliilo for the blind ul
Nebraska City , thu liislltuto for llio donf nnd
dumb at Omalia , lliu Inhtltnto for lliu feeble
mlndud al H-'atrloe , thu xoldlurb' homo nt
lirand Islanil. tbo homo lor llio friendless nl
Mnco'n , and the Industrial homo at Mllford.
Kuinalc.s ! can bo procuied by applying to
the liiitlliitlons.
No bids will he con-Ulered unless In by the
tlmo specllled above.
The hu i nl rccervcs the right to accept ot
re.lecl any or all bids.
All bills must he umUu In duplleate.
Commlsslonorot 1'nbllo Lands and Hiilldluxs
l.lncoln , Dec. i ! > . Ib9. ' . d.i'dla
.Notice ,
Notice Is hereby clven that the annual meet'
hit ; of HID slockholdnrH of llio Omaliu I'nloi
Depot company will be held al the oDIcn of llu
I'lilon Deiiol coinpaiiy , al the headiiiarleii |
of the I'nlon Paeltii ; Hallway company , In the
city of Omaha , on the Oth day of .laiiuary
1HU3 , at U o'clock p. m. , lor llio oleclloii of ( II
rectors and transaetloii of any other bii-liie | -
thul may legally nuno befoic thu meelliii ; .
T. It. KIMIIAI.I. , Piesldenl
Omaha , llecenibor'JO , IH'J'J. DJId'JUt
lru | > u * fer ( iiiHolinn Lltht ,
Healed bids will t-e received at the olllro o
tlm clly comptrolMr up to-I p. in. , .limitary 3
1693. for iwulvod'Jicaiidlo power Ihihl KIM : >
llnu liunp-i for llKhtlnc ; the suburb- the city
HliU may htulopilcu per lamp , lifter iiiixjiillKn
M'hedule , or iirlco pur lamii fioin hiindown ti
hiinrlsu. Acerlltled check of 4'JiMl.Od to ac
company each bid. The right Is recurved i <
inject any or all bids. TIIKO , OI.HK.V ,
Oiiuiliu , Neb. , Dec. 2'J , 1602. D'JUdUt
Odds ,
and Bnds.
Prior to stocJc inking we have
ered them up throughout oui *
store , nnd Tor the balnnce of this
\veeh will innuQ urn to n clenrnno&
so/e o.P
l hoynre oT\Tnrious sf es , nndifyou
find nny nmong thGin to fit you ,
you cnn got thorn for n song , and.
you cnn't nfford to delny in loolz
ing them over.
\Vo never do anything by
nnd in this case we Rnifo the
prices on tnese odds nnd ends in
many cases to less than half the
original value.
Corner 1 find .Fnrnzmi Streets
Well , como ami have thorn ox.inilno 1 tiy o'ir optician
rtcof charpciindIf no'canarylltto 1 with apnlrot
onr"l'KKl < > A'TION" Hl'KCl'AOIilSSor i\'K : i.l.ASS-
MI the best In the world. If youdunot neo.l ulattc.
we will tellvon so unila Ivl-o yon wlrit tn iln. ( illl >
rialn , Miiokc. bine or hllu Kl'JiicJ , for i > ruliCtln ! : { tUu
eye : * , lroin6Jca pair tip.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Opticians.
I'iiruiun unit I'lftociiiStreet
To the owners of .ill lots , ] iirt : < 9 of lots and roul
( .state uloni Uninoion htmu.finm'
to the 4U-itcro llnu or thu coutcr of S7th
street produced.
Yon nro horobj notified that the nnoor-
slunoil , tlirco dlslntcrusto frouholilurs of llio
city of Unialn. mivo luun dulv iippolnloJ liy
the iniiyor , wuli llio approval of thu city uotin-
cllifsiul : olty , to ussiisa tlio iltiiiiuuL'S to the
owners rehpuctlvuly of Urn property iitruc.totl
by the Krailln ? of Uiunoroii struct from Jlth
street to llio 4'l-ucru Iln ) or the center of 'J7tli
.struct , produced , duclurud nouossary by
ordlnnnco No. : ns : ! , passnil Docciuuer
lllth , IS : ) . ' , npprovoil ] ) i > ceinlicr t'llli ' , 1M ) . ' .
You mo hirtliei' notlllud thai liavlui no-
ccptcil suUl nppoliiliiient iind duly ipiiilltlcd
ns rcqulrod hv Inw. wo will on the 7th day of
Jiiniiury. A. D. IS'Jl. : it llio hotirnf 11 o'clock
In llio forenoon , at the ollluj ot T , II. Mcl'ul-
IOL-II , rooinHI'J Now York Ulfo bnlldln ? , within
the corpornto limits of sulil clly , meet for tlio
uurposo of uonildorliiK and iniiklni ; llio ns-
sehBtne.ntof dntnuco to tlioowncni respectively
of snld properly ufTeelod by the crnilfiiR.
tiilclnt ; Into cotisldcrutloii siiuclul benollts , If
anv.Yon nro notlfloJ to bo present ixt the tlmo
and place iiforosuld unit malio nny oblecllon
to or Btutonienls coiieuinliiL'Hild : assessment ,
of duiuagos as you may consider nrnosr.
T. it. MctMIijUIUlI ,
WM. 0. SlllCIVICIt ,
Oinnhn. Dec. 2W. 163'J. il'.MdlOt
Council Cliainlifir , Omiiha , Nob. , I8iX ;
Ho It rcsnlvod bv the city council of the city
of Omiiha , tbo Mayor uonunrrln :
Thut pofiiiunontKlilowiilks bo eonstrnclod In
thoclty of Oniiihaaa dosl nalo.l tiulow , within
Hvo dnys after thu pnbUoatlon of ihlHrusoln-
tlon , or llio personal Hurvlco thoruof , in by
orilliiiincu Is anlhori7.od and rcipilrod ; Hiieh
slaowaliis to bo luld to the pormainmt crado
us ostablUhcd on HIM pavoil Ktrouts spoclllod
huruln , unit to bo eoislrnutiid of slono or itrll-
lluliil stone , Hcuordini ; to Hpculllcntldiis on ( Ho
In thuolllcoof tlio Hoard of Publlu Works , and
under IN supervision , to-wll'
Kiistslilool 'Jath street , 115 blk I Onpltol
Hill uUdUIon , puriiiunont rade , ( ifeutvldo. .
Kastsldo of''lid Ktruol. It'i blk " 'J7i ' ! ully.por-
maiicnt Kintle. U feet wMo. *
West sld ( . or lHh ! street , Us K J nnd s'i J
Kulloiu'u istaddlilon , pormanunl crude. , U fuul
North side o.Ionc ( l root , Us 5 and 6 blk 171
city , perinanont uradc , H foot wide.
Nortl. Bldo of Jones Hlreel , llsfi 7 B blk ITIi
elty. ponnanont sradii , H footwldo.
Souih side of Juimi street , It 1 blk 107 city ,
liuniitinonl crude , a feet wlilu.
Houtb hide of Jones nt reel , Us 1 3i ; 1 bill I'M '
city , permanent Krado b fuul wlilo.
South side of Jono-i slrnnl. IU 1 2 11 4 blk 10.1
eltv. nermunent ( srude , H foul wide ,
West hliloof l.'ilh strecl. Its I unit 8 blk lfi !
olty. purmanuiit uriKli * . H feel wldu.
ICastsldnof 1Mb stri-ot , Its 4 anil f.bll ; IWclty ,
peniiunonlKradu. 8 fcot wide.
Wcstsidoof lUhhtreot. Us I and fi blk 10 < S
eltv , iieriiianont itrado , b feutvldo ,
And , li ! It further rusulvud ;
That the Hoard of Public Works bo , and Is
huroby nnlhorUud und directed to 1111111,0 a
copy of this resolution to liu published In the
ollloial papur of tlio clly for onu week , or bo
sorvolon the owners of s ml lots , and that
iinlesu siicli owners shall within live days
after tlio publication or borvlco of Btiph copy
conslnictRnld n dtnvalks m heroin rJ < i ml
that tlio Hoard of I'uhllo Works O.UHO the
hanio to lie ilono. the co < ft of I'onstrii'jtln said
sldowulUn ri'specllvuly to bo imsosso'l ' iiiculnst
the real estate , lot or n.irt of lot In front of
mul nbuttliiK hiic'H Hldowalks.
Passed NovemLior-"d und 'JfMi , and Ducotnber
A.O.K..WA11IW . ,
ActhiK President of llio ( 'ouncll.
I'realdont of the Olty Council ,
Attest : JOHN UKOVIvri ,
Approvml : GICO. I1. IIHMIH ,
To thi > owners of the lots , parts ot lotx anil
real ostuto described hi llio ubovo rusolu-
You and eaeli of you urn heruhy luitlllud to
construct neriiiaiinnl slduwalunns rcijnlruil by
a resolution of llio clly council and mayor ol
llio olty of Uinuliu. of which the above. U u
Chairman Hoard of Public Worka
Omaha , Null. , Decumbur'7th. Ib'Ji d'7i7t
\\rA.NTKli-01lll.TO IK ) " iToUHKWOHK. tl.OO
M | ior ni'uli imlil , Apply lo .Mrs. llorncoKvcrolt.
A\rANTIl ) A Hood trlul Inwycrof 2."i JCIUB' lictiva
' jiracllro nnil a BUOI ! llhrnry wnnta to form a
tiarlnerBlilp wllh n lopntiitilu utlorm-y In Council
Uliilla whn has nun ) | iriclloj nnil irooil ticquiilu-
tnnre In llio IllntriAdJrojs "I.uwyor , " lloo Olllce ,
CiniiH-ll lIlllllH , In.
I 'Olt KA'CIIANGI ! A nleo liuiiin on S. "tli street
neariltli avoniurlcar of onciimbninco , for ho ma
nUinalin. llnn-icoin I'laoo or Koiinuo I'luoo lira-
erred. Will put In ii,5JJ Oltluraacj. UroomuleJl.
MeholMin A Co.
1 I'OllHXrilANdH-OooiH-rooin homo on Soutii
bib Btroul for latij. ( Jruunsliliilili , Nlcnolvon A Co
A IlHTIlACTt * anil loans , ( . 'arm anil oily proporlr
-/Liiunxhl unil noli ! . 1'uscy & Thoina : ! , Council
IAH\1 unit clly Uans. Munoy leaned on Btook
mul Kraln. lli'iil unliuo for B.tlo. Dwulllns and
iiiMncMsruMtalH , .Monny limned for local InvcJlors ,
. .oiiKioTo lu. XI5 I'earl ulruul.
\t Ai'HHS uppur llroadtv.iyi Bplonrtlil pleJo for
-'plnltliiK ; clioap lor ( Milt , or will oxclmngo for
inprovfU roililQimi pronurty In Council Ilium ,
iioeimhluhlv Nicholson X Co.
"MUIIKN AND KilUir land ; rlclisit and moit
'heiuitinil tracl In l-olln-ntlainlo county. aa
Knti'i-prlso 1'Iaea ; Ilro or Ion aora lols. Urvoa-
hloldc. McliolMiii .V Co. , U'JI llroailivay.
Airi : WANT Ion acren of Innj wllhln flvo nillos of
' < elly. Ilnn't euro how roiiKh II la. Uroua-
hlohlfl , N'lcioli ! > oii X I'o.
ENTUIlI-lllSIC I'luCH. for fruit a or Kanltmi
inbiirban lioiinia , line ncro loti , twenty nilniilui
lloin motor line , lii'ouiuhleldi , Nlcholnon & Co ,
1JMUJITKAHM linprovoil , n mlle nnil n linlf from
lliiiio | < tlnlllcn , : i < t ui.Toti r > room lioiuj , Btulilo.
'tc. Will uxolianza for riiihlonoj In Council uluai ,
Urc-onahlelili , Mi i jlsunt - Co.
1 a > < ACIlKri , : iy mlloH from clly ; will neil nt cut If
-Milken Ihls uoo ! < > ( jrounshlehU , Nlchotnon & Co.
Ko CI1OIC1 ! lots In Mnyno nitdltlon near cant end
'Jot tbo now Inler lalo lirliluo. Will null In bnncriof
or ulntily. ( ieiiruj Molnalf , Council lllulls.
IS-i'/Cltr fnrin In Ni'li. , fi'TOom lioiino , Etablo and
8liud , 70 Heron In riiltlvallon. 1'rlco fV.VO par
ncro. Tcnimciiiy. Jolumlon , V Van fallen.
MONDAYH In It. A. parlor * , ctillilron. I p , ni.t
ailultB , 7il : ) p. in. t-iiclula uconil and foiirtll
Moniliiyn.-Jp. in. Jlnnle furnliibiid partliiB anil clubi.
Aililrcsn It. A. rarlurs , Council lllutln.orlOM Karuaia
bl. . Uuintm. W. 13 , C'lmnibum. ' liiBlrnclor.
GAUIIAOH lumovnd , cnsipooln , Vftilltl oua
- cliltnnoys eloanu I. iC. 1) . Iturki ) , elty bid ; .
Or tlio Il < itn > rllnl > H I'nHltli'aly Ciiroil
hyliuliilHt orliiu'llr. II til nun'
It ran t > o Iven In 11 cup of conooor loa or In food
wllliout llui knuivlnilito nf lliu pnllunl. It M lituo-
lutoly liiiniilenK nnil will infect a iiariniinunt unit
nmudy cur D. Mlnillior Ilia patlont U u inoitarnla
di Inker or an alcoholic wreck. It has boon lit veil In
tlioiinanil ! of uubca unit In nvery InnUnca n purfuct
turn Inu icillowiul It novur falla , Thu y toin
unco liiiprok'nalfil nllh Iliofpoclili.1 , It liccoiucs an
n tier ImpOHHlhlllly for the lUiuor up pull In to uxlBl
( illlN til'lCdll'IC Cl > , , 1'ioji ) . . Cluclniiutl , o
< 8 PIIKO bonk of piirllonliiri fruu. Tu IIH hail of
Knlin H Co IHb und Uoiiirlus Bti. Whole ale. ,
Illiike , llruc .V . 'o. , und lUchaidoon Urutf Co ,
Oinali 11 , Ist'U
ot IIIIH on "It" HUcol from lllth Huuc.1 to 17th
Htrnut ,
You are hereby nollflnd that the unibr-
HlKiiod. tlifcodlslnlorosted frooholdera of the
uily of Omaha , have been duly appointed
by the mayor , wllh the. approval of tlin city
coiinuit of Hald clly , to itbaesi llio dainaito to
thu owners rospeullvoly of the pronorly uf-
fueled by the Kriullnit of "II" Htruot from Mill
blreot in lUh hlrool. declared necessary by
ordlnunuii No , 'MH\ unused Deeembur lUlb , IS'ji ,
approved December luth. WM.
Vnu are further notified that h ivhu ac
cepted said fipnotnliiiuiit , nnd duly quiillflod
IIH required by law , wo will , on thu J''tli duy of
January , A. I ) . IWIi , at the hour of II o'eloulc
In thu afloinooii , at llio olllro of fiuo J. Paul.
lliu Knriiaiii htruot. wllhln the cor-
jioralcllinll * of Bald eltv. meet for tlio purpose -
pose of cnnslderliiK nnd m.ildir ; the titweis-
inent of damuii | to the owners lespi-etl vuly ot
H.ild properly nlfectod by said grade , tuklni ;
Into conslilurailon special bonetlts. II any.
Vou aru notllled to bo ptesuiit nt Dm time
and plaeo aforesaid and iniiku : iuv oboutlon ) >
Ui or btatuments cuucunnn HUU | nMua
of damuijea us you may eoimldur iiroper.
MX ) . .1. I'AUU
\V. ( J , hllltlVIClt ,
JAr > . bTUKUAM ( )
Omaha Nab D 17th lo'/i di-J-Uigi
, , o. , / -