R Tl-IliJ OMAHA DAILY BlSti : TtTWlAY , DttCKMHKK 27 , HAS MORE SAND THAN GOLD Plnc&r Mining on the San Juan Not a NOT ; El Dorado , HARD TO GET NLWS FROM THE DIGGINGS ( irrnt Crowils l'lnrllnj : to the Ground , Whldi I * Almost IniicrFMlMn What In KNIMUI of Hin ( 'ouulry nml the rro | iccl . Tlic San .tunn Rolil flclils cotno to the rellcl Of L'olorndouns Just ns silver touches the lowest price yet linown , The locality , \vlilcli is now agitating ovcry mining camp In the Boutlnvest , Is distant from beaten paths , s Jrroimileil by 'mountains mid broken conn try , and any report concerning tlio qualltj or quantity of its wealth , no matter how much exaggerated , will circulate unchnl lenjfed for some time to ( 'omo , 'I'lio gold fever is ru inR furiously In Color nile , Arizona and Now Mexico. Mining men In almost every town arc clubbing togcthoi nivl onVrltif , ' big Induceiiicnts to profusslona ! prospectors to visit the mines. At Albn qiKTUp ( | , N. M. . and other * points along th ( Him of the Atlantic & Pnclfle railroad the cxi'ltcincnt Is intense , and railway ofllclal ; nnd dcrks have thrown up their position ; mid headed a great iiriny of gold hunters The fact that of the many who have already ROIIO Into this country none have returned Is strong evidence that the sand Is rich etionijl to keep them there. New stage lines have been established from Albuquerque , Farm itrjton and Wlnslow , along the line of tin Atlantic & Pacllle railway , and also fron DtiraiiRo and Dolores , Colo. , on the line ol the Denver & Klo Grande. Not a Vrry Chci-rliiR Itrport. A dispatch from Albuquerque says a partj of California minors reached that point from the diggings , having thoroughly pros pcctcd the locality.they think tiore [ is goli there nnd that It will eventually become : peed camp , but all these who arc now rush ing in , expecting to gather up the gold bj handfiils , will bo seriously disappointed am very hard times arc In store for tlicm. To work the new placers requires heavj { rmclilncry and the outlay of a good deal o capital. There la llttlo or nothing on th < aurmce. and to reach bedrock you have t < go down an unknown depth through quick sand , while you must plflnk up the shaft al the way and keep steam pumps constantly at work to keep out the water of the rh\'r There arc at least 1,000 men already In tin ! new camp , and practically nothing is beinj done except by the Arizona & Utah Mln ing company , which lias located all llio bes ground and Is now tunneling the hill ti change the course of the river so It cai work its lands. The weather is cold , pro visions are enormously high , and although i color can bo found nnywhero in the sand , ! man cannot pan out half enough to pay hi board. Hundreds of those now there ar anxious to work for the company , doing tin most disagreeable kind of labor at very lov wages to get enough to take them homo. | Jj. 11. Maroncy , a1 well-known Colorad prospector , reached Durango Saturday ha\ Ing spent two weeks in the diggings , aiv proposes to return with an oiitllt. IIo wen west to a point about sixty miles from IHui City , In fact as far as ho could go wlthou taking the trail. Ho saw between 2UO an l00 ! prospector ; . ! ' 0 per cent of whom wcr from Durnngo , Hico and Telliiride and non from Arizona , as ho did not penetrate fii enough to strike the Globe Mining company' ' claims. He saw lots of men locating claim : and located for himself , but only ran upo two men who were digging , and they clain ed to bo making $10 a day working togcthc They were located about twenty. mill up on a little stream that empties Into th Ban Juan about thirty miles west of Blu City. They were working six sluice boxe and struck bedrock about ton feet from tli surface , encountering about two inches ( Btrippings. The gold ranges from Hour go ] to nuggets the size of a pea. Ho saw r fissure veins , nothing but plarcrs. and cair back as fast as ho rquld for supplies. Maronoy's story contradicts the rcpon from Arizona throwing cold water on tl gold fields , which gave rise to the imprcsslc that the Arizona people want to keep tl Eootl thing for themselves. \Vhero tin ! CHIT Duellers Llvcil. It was in this particular locality that tl cliff dwellers nuuio their homes ages ag For miles along the rocky chasms the aba doncd villages of the cliff dwellers inrty 1 neon by the curious eyes of the traveler < today. A careful examination of the mil cannot fall to yield many interesting poin connected with the mysterious race. A larj Blono fort Is crumbling into ruins within milo of Dandy Crossing on the Colorado , Tl fort is reached by climbing up pcrpendicul walls which have not been scaled for ccntu les. The hand holes , cut in the rocks by tl cliff dwellers themselves , are still plain Visible. In places trails , long since aba Coned , are observed leading alpng the clll lind down to the water. The trails she that they must have been traversed throw long periods of time , as the feet of the el dwellers have worn away the solid granit These trails arc seen also on the Green riv and the Ban Juan , The historic race has left evidences of 1 existence on the face of the cliffs , who hieroglyphics of brighcst hue are visil which were painted by artists suspended ' ropes from above. The colors are as brig as if painted but yesterday , The man w Is to unlock the secrets of the cliff dwcllci moaning is yet to nmko his appearance. "Tho Crossing of the Fathers" is the nai clvcn to ono of the fords leading across t Colorado. According to legend , a compa of Homan Catholic priests was the first ford the river at the point named. The ti was made In the seventeenth century , t holy pilgrims being bound for the 1'acl coast. Nothing was over heard of the pat nfter it disappeared in the deserts west the Colorado. Ainu ? tlio California Trull. There is ovcry evidence that the count ] now n barren wanto , was at ono time tec lug with lift ) and sustained a great popu tlon. Nobody pretends to tell how tin people managed to sccuro sustenance , s rounded as they were with naught but sa and roclcs. The California gold liunte forty years ago , passed along the roi which Is polated out to many as the road fortune. The highway loading westwn from Bluff City is said to bo the idcntii pathway which was trodden by thousai : rushing Into California in 18W , 'Mi , ' 51 a T/,1. It is possible that tlio M''crs ' hurried fields of yellow metal oven moro valua' than these which have yielded fabulous f tunes on the 1'aclflo coast. An adventurous Denver man reilorts tl during a recent trip along the Colorado , ! party iiccldontly came across a cache which was found twelve quart jars of cr ; berry jam. The jars were packed carefu In a uox. The jam was sampled on the * sj und was pronounced the greatest dcllci ever tested by any member of the party. At a point near the mouth of the Catari canon the travelers rolled a Hat rock fr the mouth of a cave and there found a c < iilcto camping outllt whtvh had ovidcn boon deposited many years ago , The II krins and kettles were rusted Into ono nil nil the woodwork fell into pieces when posed to the air. Numerous stories ; afloat concerning ill-fated expeditions tl wore lost after gathering bag * full of g from the placers. IKKKIATIO.N AM ) AliKICUI.TlMCi : . Ilnnd Jliulii Main Storms mill Tliclr Wort ! tlioVeslrru I'nnnor.t. Thcm'van bo no doubt of the money va of irrigation to agriculture , writes 11 , Wilson in an article on "Tho Irrlgat Problem In tlio West , " In the current in bcrof the Knginecring Magazine. Farm with the aid of irrigation is moro lucrnt : though moro expensive , than farming in i humid regions without it. The first cost the land without the water supply is pendent very much on the locality , It ran from 11.85 per acre , the government pi where laud is abundant , as in Montn Idaho , Arizona , and generally through west , to fiom ? 10 to )3 ) per acre , where crops und land are moro valua OB in portions of Colorado , U and California. The average c j > er aero of developing an irrlgal plant ranges between 1 In Idaho , Montana nnd Washington , and ( II ) to $15 in Utah. Colorado and California averaging about $8 per aero for the arid Region. Tlio average annual cost of applying water per aero in other wools , the annuM average water rental paid by the farmer ranges between Tli cents and _ J , reaching In some portions of southern California as high as $10 per ncro. The cost of preparation of the land for cul tivation. which embraces clearing , plowing nnd building ditches , Is between (8 and J15 per acre , thus making , according to tlio cen sus returns , the average value of the irri gated land , Including buildings , range be tween ? 30 and ? 100 per aero. Yet with this small cost land In California Is valued some times as high as $1,000 per acre , and In other IKirtlons of the west it is always several times the actual cost of its purchase and preparation. Against this cost wo ilnd that the annual average value of the products per aero of irrigated land ranges between $15 In the northern and western states , and $ , ' . " > to W tier aero in Utah and Colorado , to from $ f > 0 to f 1,000 per ncro in California and In southern Arizona. Tlio actual value of the returns from irrigation is much greater In many cases : 1t la sometimes less , according to the intelligence and enterprise of the cultivator . Wo hear marvelous tales of the value of or chard products In southern California , yet astounding as are many of these , some of them are well within the truth. It Is not an unusual thing to sou a well tended orchard produce returns of from $ . " > 00 to SSOJpor aero , , while grain and vegetable crops In other parts of the west yield proportion ately largo returns. The disparity between irrigated and non-irrigated land seems at llrst glance too great , yet this disparity is n result of the scarcity of water mid Its consequent value. Wo Ilnd land in California which is valued at from ยง 5 to ? IO per aero for sheep raising purposes when there is no water supply in prospect , but let the same land be so situated that there is a possibility of developing a water supply , and its value is found at once to bo S.Vi or oven $ . " > ( ) per acre. Kuch pi-ices would not bo paid and could not bo asked If the returns did not warrant them. California is used as a single example. In Montana land that without water is worth perhaps S'J.50 per aero is worth with water from ? 10 to $ ' , ' 0 per acre , and between these two extremes the values vary in the arid west. nt ' The Tin Miner gives It out ( latfooted that tlio Harney 1'cak tin mill Is fast getting into shape to prove to the world that American tin is to bo henceforth a prime factor In the American market. The jigs now in use are "bedded" and arc doing most excellent work. A portion of these on the other sltlo will bo put in motion next week nnd soon the machinery of the entire plant will bo at work. The up per set of jigs where the coarsest mineral is taken out have delayed matters as these must produce their own "bedding" and the mineral is in consequence not as yet as frco from gangue matter as that produced by the other sets , but tlio dilllculty is now nearly overcome and the coarser minerals will hereafter - after be pure. The vannors are graded to threesizesof ore. the ilncst being almost an impalpable powder approaching slimes and are free from all foreign matter. The product of the ores from several mines lias been kept separate and each show characteristics of its own. own.Tho electric light plant in the mill lights up all'parls of the building like sunlight and is the greatest of all great improvements. A body ot rich tin ere was uncovered in the Czar mine at Tenderfoot last week. The ore is of the same quality and appearance as the largo boulders wliich wore sent to l on- don several years ago and which excited the admiration and wonder of mining men throughout the world. The original owners were at great expense to find the ledge from which tnese rocks were broken , but failed. Since the Harney Peak company have owned the property they have worked It al most continuously , and though they have found ore of much more than' the average quality since striking the ledge , it is only lately that this extraordinary rich ore lias been met with. The crystals of cnssitcritc are as largo as au ordinary man's thumb and look like they had been thrown in promiscu ously with only sufficient gauguo mattei mixed with them to hold them together anil cooled in that condition ; from appearances the ere is at least GO per cent tin , AVj-iintliiB'H Latent U'oiiiler. Henry Chase of Hawhido Buttes , Wyo , , talked with a Denver reporter about the country north and west of. Casper. Amonf : other features described was this : "There is a spring two miles inside the corner of the Indian reservation in the Big Horn basir which the government should secure at once It comes from a crater forty feet across. The water is as clear as crystal and hot as h 1 It is so hot you cannot hold your hand in il at all. The amount of water from thai spring is phenomenal ; it runs a stream six teen inches deep and twelve feet across. 11 goes down a llttlo slope a few hundred yard ; and then tumbles otY into the Big Horn will a clear fall of soventy-llvo feet. Near this spring are sulphur and other springs. Th < big ono Is wonderful in its effect on rheu matisni and scrofulous diseases. " IrunYuur Oun Conclusion. Mr. J. O. Davenport , manager of the Forl Bragg Redwood Co. , ' Ft. Bragg , Cal. , hai this to say of Chamberlain's Cough Hemcely "I used it for u severe cold and cough am obtained immediate relief. In the For Bragg Redwood Co.'s store wo have soli largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi chics. " For sale by druggists. Water rents duo January 1 , pnyabl < at company's ofllce , BKIS oulldinp ; 5 poi cent discount allowed if paid on or be fore January 1. Olllco open Wednesday ! nnd Saturdays till 8 p. in. o ' Real estate. Bargains only. My word is ( rood. W. G. Albright. 6il-iMJ ! N. Y. Life bid ? . Sco the celebrated Sohmor piano a Ford & Clmrlton Music Co. , 1603 Dotljr.0 Iow Itnllroad Hud's for tlio Holidays. Tickets nu sale at ono und onc-thir faro for the round trip via the Chioii" ; < te Northwestern railway , December 2' ! 115 , 20 , HI nnd Jtinuury 1 und 2 , good re turning until Jiiniwry ! J. City tioko ollico 1401 Furnam street. G F. WBST , O. P. & T. A. U. R. Rrrcims. Gonornl Agent. JUST OK SOUTH i ; Oln tlio Wiilmsh Kinitc. The short line to St. Louis and qulcli eat route south. Only 117 hours to Hot Springs. Only 30 hours to Now Orleans. Only USJ hours to Atlanta. Only 62 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fast time to a points east and south. Round tri tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orlean LiUco Cliarlos , Gulvcston , San Antonii City o ( Mexico , Lou Angeles , San Frai cisco , MobileJacksonville , Tampa , Hi vunaand all the wlntor resorts of th south and west. Reclining eihalrcai free to St. Louis , Toledo und , Octroi Pullman bullet Bleeping cars on a traina > Baggage- chocked from hole nnd private rosldonceis to destinuiloi For tickets , sleeping car uucommodatioi and further information call at Wubas ticket ollico , 1602 Farnnm street , c write , G. N C'lvAYTO.V , Agent , Omaha. EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED Another Discovery Which Will Prove a Boon to Afflicted Mankind , SOME OF THE DETAILS OF TIJE TREATMENT llmr tlio Onro Oprnilrn on t'ntlcnti on Whom It tin * lli-on Trlril Uno rnrtlcii- Inr Ktittnplo yuotril How It IViis lllii-currcd. New YOIIK , Deo. 25. Dr. Paul Glbler , president of the Now York Hacterlologleal society and director of the Pasteur Institute , read nn Interesting and important paper be fore the Medical society of the County of Now York at the Academy of Music In West Forty-third street tonight , on "A New Agent In the Treatment of Kpllepsy. In it ho tells the results of n scientific treatment which ho has applied to a class of patients for the llrst time in this country or elsewhere. The treatment is.ln line with that which has nx- ultod Interest In scientific medical circles in France , and is a step in advance of the method employed in a somewhat similar treatment in Paris. The tnulorlil used Is prepared from the vital organs of sheep after it baa undergone certain treatment In the labratory of the Pasteur Institute. The injections were made daily in caeli side of the patient , Just above the hip bone. Dr. Glbk'r says that some two years ago nn account was published In tho-French muillral journals of an epileptic patient treated at the Pasteur institute in Paris for the blto of a mad dog , who was cured of his epilepsy t > .v ttto anti-rablo injections. Moro recently other accounts of the euro of epi leptics by injections of tlio anti-virus rabio had been published , and public interest had been aroused in the now treatment. Before an opportunity was offered to coin- potent critics to examine the remedy or llio statements of patients who were sup posed to bo cured , and also with out waiting for the test as tp the reliability of the treatment , it was widely accepted , and moro than ono hypothesis of its mode of action was pro posed. Dr. Gibiersaid that ono observation at least was established , and that was that Borne patients had their seizures checked , at least temporarily , after the injections of tlio anti-rabio virus. After some remarks upon the rationale of the euro and the normal functions of the nervous system when re stored , Dr. Glbior said that ho had been enabled , by the courtesy of Charles Li. Dana , visiting physician at Uellevuo hospital , to make a number of observations extending ovcrsix mont'is of the effect anti-rabie inocu lations had on persons nftliclcd with epilepsy. Ho said that onn of these patients fur nished him with au observation which seemed to show that as far as u euro for epi lepsy is concerned wo cannot expect much from the Pasteur injections. The patient , a man of 8:2 : years , an epileptic from infancy , had been treated with the antl-rabio injec tions for eighteen days and not only did tlio epileptic convulsions continue but they in creased in number. Dr. Gibior said ho was not surprised at this failure , inasmuch as ho had learned indirectly that the cause of the untimely announcement of the euro of epi lepsy by the anti-rabio inoculations was duo to the fact that this disease had been tem porarily stopped during and after the inocu lations lu two young epileptics who hael been bitten by mail dogs , and treated at the Paris Pasteur institute. Dr. Glbicr ascertained that in the injec tions given at the Pasteur institute by which temporary relief seemed to have been af forded to some patients , the rabic virus was not injected alone , but in association with a largo amount of nervous substance , and therefore , it occurred to him that if any ben efit had been derived from these injections it might be attributed to the nervous matter ami not to the contained virus. Consequent ly he determined to test the treatment with the injection of extract of grey nervous sub stance , which ho called nervine. The lluid was prepared according to the strictest rules of bacteriology , and , in order to avoid fatal accidents , it was made perfectly antiseptic. The doctor said the now treatment was de rived frqin the method proposed by Dr. Brown-Se < iuard , who thinks that lluids ex tracted from young and healthy organs can give to those which arc abnormal and scnllo the attributes of the young and healthy.- Dr. Gibier then gave an account of the re sults ho had obtained with his nervine. In his reference to the case of a young French man , who Belongs to a family with an epl- 'optichistory , Dr. Gibiersaid : "Before being subjected to this treatment ho was almost continually in u state of epileptic vertigo , losing consciousness momentarily several times daily ; ho had n persistent headache and very severe seizure at least once weekly. Ills memory and his mental powers were decreasing steadily and his face had a very idiotic expression. Ho had been subjected to various forms of treat ment without much Improvement. Undei the Influence of the injections administered flvo times weekly and without any othei remedy , his condition improved remarkably. The severe attacks diminished in number and gravity , ho recovered consciousness very rapidly after the sei/.urcs , was without persistent headache ami his memory became normal. The idiotic expression disappeared and ho was more Intelligent. Ono of tlu most interesting results was its disappear ance , which is only present when the truat < ment is interrupted. Instead of four or live violent attacks in the period of a month , IK was one month and a half without an ) symptoms of morbus sacer. Today ho re ceivcs only two injections of six cubic ccnti meters weekly , and for two months his im provement has been most satisfactory. " o Shrewd MitlliTM lilt ; 1'rolllM. A largo number of our new scttlerr. on the lands of tlio North Galvcston association ai armors from tlio northern latitudes whoi have previously eked out a bare- existence 01 poor lands , with tho-ndditiomil adverse con dltion of rigorous climates. What was con sidcred a fair profit to them is as nothiiij compared to the profits derived from the cui tlvniion of the various fruits and vegetable which are grown BO profusely in Gnlvostoi county. It is not at all unusual for farmer In this county to make from S22.VOO t $1,000,00 a.year per acre , in the raising' o pears , plums , strawberries , etc. , with anbu half the labor and inconvenience that , at tended their former efforts , The Nortl Galvcston association ? through their loca agent. Franklin F. Williams , Omaha , Neb , are offering splendid inducements at present nnd by laklng advantage of them the in vestor or Bottler in Galvcston county canno fall to reap abundant reward. The addres of the general olllcb is liox OtU , Minneapolis Minn. .t.v.vo y.N r'w.wB.vr. < . Donnelly and Glrard , the well-known con cdlans , are booked for two nights moro a Boyd's theatre , tonight and tomorro.w night in their gro.it comedy , the "New Natuni Gas. " . Mr. James O'Neill , the romantic actoi has not been seen in Omaha for three yean and never , except In Fechter's acting vei slon of Dumas' great novel of Monte Crlsti On Sunday evening next Mr. O'Neill open a three nights' engagement in his now n inantio drama "Fontcncllo , " which ws written for him by Harrison Grey Fisli and his wife , Minnlo Maddern Fisko. On Saturday , December 31 , nt Boyd theater Shakspoaro's "Much Ado Aboi Nothing" will bo presented , with thn gifted artist , Khea , as Beatrice. It Is e : ceedlngly fortunate that Mlle , Rhca has ii eluded Shakspcaro's best comedy in IK repei toh\ , , fir , tlio role develops resources I her art almost unsuspected , It proves th : luoM. M. ion lin ing ; vo , : ho hoof of de- ges ice na , the the Hlo , tali The qnly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. .ion est of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard * oven the htfritoiit ot Shakspcarc's comedy roles requires the ability of the best emo tional actress. In these characters the manner may bci light , nn long as it is not that of thoRtmbrettej but it should aprhtR from n deep nature. It may not provoke ns hearty n lautfh , but it lias n moro serious background , i.lthoa absorbs the chnractor and speaks from its Inner consciousness. On Friday ovciimg nnd at the matinee on Satur day Harcn's ffrent drama , "Josephine , Km- press of the French , " will bo given. The sale of seats Will open tomorrow morning nt 0 o'clock. The Princeton. University Glee , Banjo and Mandolin clubs are nt Boyd's for ono night only , Thursday ) December 20. There Is going to bo n crush nt the box office next Wednesday morning , when the seats are to go on sale. Webster and Brady's stupendous spectac ular production , "Tho Bottom of the Sea , " opened a live nights' engagement at the Furnam Street theater to a crowded house last evening. This play is something out of thousual order , and its merit consists mainly in the magnificent scenic effects. An in genious plot unites the Interests of the char acters on shipboard with the perils of these beneath the surface. Exciting episodes are a wreck In a tempest on the Atlantic and n submarine diver disturbed at his dangerous work by an attack from a giant octopus. A fight for life takes place between the diver and his assailant , nnd In the end the diver kills the octopus with a heavy knife. An other scene , and quite a pretty one , is a yacht under full sail. Most of the scenery in this dramatic marine spectacle is now and the work of first-class artists , The play Is mooting with crowded houses everywhere presented < A ( 'lilld Kiijiij'fl The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of n laxative , and If the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that It is the best family remedy known and ovcry family should have n bottle. PRIVATE SECRETARY ANDREWS Governor-Kind Crommi MnUcn Ills 1'lrat Olllflitl Appointment. An announcement was made in political circles last night of unusual interest to many of the political pilgrims who have "happened" in Omaha the past few weeks. A confiden tial friend of Governor-elect Crounso stated that Prof. W. 13. Andrews of Hastings had boon chosen for the position of private secre tary to the next governor of Nebraska and that ho had accepted. During the late campaign Prof. Andrews made a name for himself politically in the Fifth congressional district , whcro ho cut down McICclghan's old majority by thou sands of votes. In his admirable light for U scat in congress ho made many friends in his section. Prof. Andrews has also made a good rec ord in educational work. In January , 1835 , ho was elected to the chair of Latin and his tory of Hastings college and has been unti- quito recently identified with college work. Ho has not been known as on ollico seeker and his peculiar fitness for the position ho has Just accepted is said to have induced his appointment. An Iiivnltmlilu Itcincily lor Ccildr. Sheriff Hardman of Tyler county , West Virginia , was almost prostrated with a cold when ho began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In speaking of it ho says : "It gave mo almost instant relief. 1 lind it to bo an invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale by druggists. Complcto > 'p\r.StocK of Furniture. All goods marked low in plain figures. CHAS. SIIIVKHICIC &Co. , 1206 , 120S anel 1210 Farniun St. If you will call at our new storowo will nresantyou with a copy of a beau ti ful piece of music. Forel & Clmrlton , 1508 Dodge. Frescoing and interior decorating ; de signs nnd ostimateti furnished. Henry Lchmann , 1608 D9iiglas street. < > The I'ubllo Will Take Xotlco That the undersigned has lost ono certain promissory note described as fol lows : Note given by Julian Walker , dated Juno 1 , 1892 , for $1.000 , payable December 1 , 1893. Given to C. II. West as original p.iyecs nnd endorsed in blank on top of the buck of the note by C. II. West. Again under printed "rubber stamp" by C. H. West. The note is printed in purple ink. AH persons are warned against purchasing the same ns it is my property. A liberal reward will bo paid the party returning the same to mo. T. R. Clawson , South Omaha , Nob. DON. AVJr. F. CODY. Many MO familiar with the famous "liuflalo Kill's" wonderful wild west show. Prior to ids venture abroad , Mr. Cody exhib ited at Statrm Island , in Now York Harbor , whorii ho became aillictcd with Malaria Knowing the virtues of Kickapoo Indian Bagwa , Mr. Cody sent to the n cnts for this wonderful Indian remedy , and after using a few bottles was pcrmuiiontly cured. " It H a rcmarkablu medicine , " said Mr , Coily , "and I ha'vo known of its virtues a long timo. You may use my name and say that for what it claims to do it has no equal , and for malaria nnd chills it is far supoiiui to quinine in many ways. " This , from the leading plainsman in Amer ican history , a man whosu Integrity is un questioned , should prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Kickapoo Indian Sagwa is Just what is claimed for il : an honest meillclnuol superior curative qualities , combining the best of the vegetable kingdom gathered from the fore Eta tuid Koidcua of vaturs , IW. K. C.WKsTfl NKIIVK AND IlllAlN TJU5AT miuit , a i > ! > clllo far llyterln , DUzliifSs , Kin , Nou rulclii , UiwU.iclie , * .Nervou Prostration caused bj liquor or lo'jacoo.TakofulnoM , MciuM Depruiilon BollnuK of the llrhln. causing ininultr niUorr , do ear.ilcatli.l'roiiinfjroOM AKO , Nervouinoii. J < on o Powur In oltheraoxjliupounoy , Joncorrlire nnil al Foiimlo wuaknoHU" ) . liiToliintarj Losses , gpurmu torrliufi uauati'f ' by-uver-oxurtlon of tlio brain. , raunth'MiiuntNiont ! ! ; forJ5 ; by initll. Wo uuar nnleodbotui to emu. Kacb order for0 boies will Ii wllUciul written k'narantca to refund If not euro. : Uiiiirnnti'OlsjiiO'tonly hy Theodora K. I/owli , drini Bl t , eolo nuent , toullieait cyrncr Iftb. nod I'aroat ilrccti. ( Jiuulm. MOUNT VERNON PUREVIRGINIA RYI I bog to call'tho attention of the pub Ho to tlio above popular brand of pur rye whisky and respectfully ask a com parlson with any other brand of pur rye offered in th is market. It Is fa superior to any other whisky nncl guarantee e absolute excellence ii flavor as it as Its purity nnd its whole Bomo olTewoll The public is invltod t call and'.ots.it Henry IIiller.GlO N. 10th St. , fainil ; wlno nnd liquor house. Esmond hoto block , PARDONABLE PRIDE , In Proving the Merits of Tholr Syatom and In Doing Good to Hundreds Afflicted with All Forms of Chronic Dlaonso. It l with ix feollnt of r.nrdoimlilf prlclo thnl urs , ( Jo po In nil nnd Slioimnt iiolnt to tlio work they nro doing In thla comumilty. Tlio t 9tl- inontnln tlicy present from week to week Rlvo Kiimo fndlofttlonot Its extent rum nlinractor. Hut Its ro.il BL'opo titid tiatnro cin : bo loiirnod only from tlio hundreds of ptittonti who tire receiving tlio nltrntlon nnd euro of tl.pio pliy- slclnns. A cemiliio rntliiisln in pervades these coed peopl , who In many cases brim tholr friomls to receive treatment iilpo. Tlio mllil nnd pali'k'44 methods In use by these physl- clniiBnro exceedingly Rnitvfiil to tluno who luivo suffered from thn linmli formiof treat ment lu vogue with ilnctori who Imvn not lenriHMl thnt. the use of arliH electrodes , hot wlret. caiisMct nnd rsclinrotlci Inn been rulo- Rated to thn bleeding in id flipping refutc'plto of iiOiord.-iys. All ciiscs undertaken by PIN. Copolnnd nnd irhcpifd uroKlvon the closest and most palns- taliliu' attention. M mnit not lit ) supposed that n nowilcd wallliiL'-ni'iin ' moans Unit In- dlvldiml C'ises nio plighted. Kuuh I'asu r - coivi'.sall the time noeos iiry to a proper ding- nnOs nml perfect tro'itinrnt. ' Sumo people trny bo Indisposed to obey the Impulse tli n I prompts them to not" these phv- Rlcliins bceiiiHe they Imvu u pruliidlco afii nst "advertising tlot'lors. " I > M. t'opeltind nnd Shopiird have frequoiilly dellned the line be tween "physicians who tnlvuttiso" nnd ' ' 1111- vo.t Bins iloctors. " Of the latter thorp "ire us many nltnnst ns onn.l > o counted. Otllio form er lr . C'Kpoliind nnil Shopurd at.-tnd tilonn. The work lliey do , thn rosu'ts ' limy show , the ( . liiiriictnr nnd extent nf the practice limy D04S03S show tliat they IKIVCMH ) equals III thuir specialties nnil are Khoiililer toHliotildor with tlio best In .ho treatment of ANV disease. COMPLETELY "RUN DOWN. ' Rheumatism , HonrtTrouble nnd Ca tarrh-A Shnttorod Syatom Mndo ns Coed ns Now. "Ijnstyoir : my rhounmltsm WHS worse tliun ever , and I contracted It live or olx yoTs aco. " f-o spo'io Mrs. Mn'.iti ! > J , Ketnptnn , who lives with her husband at Dill North -Jth Htfeot , and who hns lived In ( Jmahu for u. " > years. MRS. MAGGIE J. KKMPTON. "Sharp rheumatic piilns would nttiiclt my hourt unit elnrl ihronish my chest nnd stem ach. Attlmcstho apoiv : was frightful , nnd when It. solznil my heart I felt as If my time had come. Kuliowlng these spoils I had dis tressing palpitation nml n fooling ns If llio blooel would stop flowing In my voltiR. I scarcolv slept tit nil and hud ti very poor nppo- tltc. Theciitnrrlial mucus dripped from mv nose anel throat Into my stomach , polbonlnn my blond and making mo look at food or think of It with nausea anil dlsust. ; llead- anhe. a languid and worn feellnir , ami great physical wenuness made mo really too wretched to want to live- unless 1 could set re lief. After Dr. Shepard Kavo mo regular treatment I Rained llvo pounds the' first month. 1 am entirely free from rheumatism and my lio'irt acts perfectly. I nm entirely cured. At every opportunity 1 commuiid these physicians and their treatment for the perfect results 1 have roalUed nncl for my cs- cnpo from u dan.'orous and , painful complica tion of diseases. " $0 zi JMontli. Catarrh treated at the uniform rate of $5 a iiinntlimeilieine sftir- nishct.1 free. For all other diseases the rates will he low and uniform. Patients at a distance successfully treated. Send for symptom blank. ROOMS 311 ANM ) 312 NEW YOKIf Mfc'E HUIMMNO. OMAHA , NEI ) . W II. COL > I2IAND , M. D. < J. B. SllKL'AKD , M. D. Specialties : Ontarrb , Asthma , Bronchitis. Nervous Diseases , llload Diseases. lUioumn- tlsm , Consumption , anil all chronic ulTucMons of the Throat. Luns , Stomach , Sit In , Mvcr und Kidneys. Onieo flours : 9 to It a. m , 2 to 5 p.m. , 7 to p. m. Sunday , U a m. to r.'m. DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking- Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , a Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies ftLOE 6 PEHFOLO , 114 S-lStiSt , , Next to Postofflce. nroBTK.MNKD and HACKED by a pcrnlHtentt'oiiKh thuiion- iTal strciiuth wasted then nrnol , merulless OONSI'MPTION. .SI'I'.t'lIMt' DXVOK.N uulet. c'onuli s iftonii liiburclis.feeds ! the nerves. YOU UltKATUK Hutiiu Inlmlor IT ! A triad siirnriso and bluis- cd roltcf , IM.MKDIATIU.V. to thohopnless sull'm- or. It ciliesREALLY CUKES- ( Is. Catarrh. IttonchllK Asihinu , Consumption , Headache. "Oxygen BooEc" anil 4 Trys Free. nnin GO. , Suite 510 Sliooly Blilff , Omnlin JWER.STRQUSE& ' ( h flWs.412 B'WAY.N.Y. flatlopal Ga * plc j U. S. Dttl'OSlTOKY , OMAHA , N1SII , Capital $100,00(1 Surplus $ (15,00(1 ( ( Cfflcen and Directors Ilpnrr W. Yntei , pre ldenti II. C , CuiblDK , vice vreildani , C B. Maurlcu. W V Mpr eJohns. , Colllui , J. M. U. I'tUrlc * , l.uwl" S. HceJ , cuttiler. cuttiler.THE IRON DANK , VVo'ro taking 'count o ? stock this week- sorting counting multiplying adHing ; figur ing uj > the profits and losses-getting rcntly to sny''good bye" to prosperous old " 92" to bid n warm welcome to the bonnic New Year " 93" . All's confusion throughout the store goods promiscuously piled aroundstocks disarranged such an overhauling. In a business of such * magnitude as ours , some odds and ends will accumulate in spite of closcstcare. This isour week to dispose of them. Whenever , in this general overturning of stocks a broken line of any sort or kind of goods is found be it over coats suits hals shoes or little fixin's it's marked down at once without regard to what it's costtous-to such a figure , as to amply re pay you the discomfort of the muss we're in to buy it at ' 'inventoiy prices. " VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , | For Thirty Days only ws will off i. our entire stol : of Dlumnita anil Christmas Jewelry and Sllvorxriiro tit loss th ri mviufacturci-'d coat. Fourteenth an : ! Farnam 5trest3- ' Will move Jnn. 1. to N. W. Cor. ICtli and Karnam. SAKKS KOIl SAM ! . 1816 JouQlas Street , Omsihci , Nob. Tuesday and \Vciliieslnj- , Decem ber 27 nntl 28 , The Favorite * . Donnefly and Girard Accompanied by Miss A.rjiy Arries ana a Strops I'omedy tiompatiy In the NEW NATURAL GAS Ui'Riilur ovunlns purformanro nt 8. 1'rlcus I'lrst Moor 'ijc , T , " > u and fl.OJ ) balcony f > Jo anil -'iC. Ko\t Atlructloii-MM.H ItllKA , Friday nnd Hatorilay. I'lll ' NOKTON U.N I VKHSI 'I' V 0ee ! , Oanjo & hlandolhi Qlubs , I'HUJES.e , Me. TJLII and Jl..l. Feats on Halo Wednesday , Dacninlur , at llOXOIlllMJ. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ FMIAM SfTHElRE0"fll'A ) ] & l.lko lloniunll Ho. nil I , -ill to tin III ) ii-oof Siiceiiia. fi Niinir' , I'ominiiiiulir ; wth : CintisTXis MAT. SimcluyDuo'2.r ) , Mats.Moinluy-WoJiinsduy Webster & Brady's ) TIMJ I5OTTO.U Famous Marinu V ( ) ! ' _ Spoctnclo , j _ TM1J HJ-/\ : _ BURTON STANLEY GOMEQY CO. IN KAZ U.H Thn wonder , and nil linnr nt li.MI.Y M ATI. \ ' HISS * MAT1NEB I'ltlOKS > 0otoall purlHof liniiso I'ltU'lW-lTaicony , J : l'ur < nintWu : TJU- . Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Ilieunly | itifi.'i't vatliiul anil ri'diil ejrliifo In thu world It It tlio only Kyrlnk'o av er liiTi'iitinl tijr wlilrli vnul- nul Hijoctluua nm to nil mliiUU'iiMl Hllliuut Ipuk- Ini ; un'l xiillnu lli clulh- Inv or nccesiltiitliix tlio u oof n YCMOl.aiul which can ol"i' tin uncil fur ructal liilcctloiiH or Inlfallori. MID Kl.'HIU.i ; llfl.ll AMI II A HI ) UL'UIIUU blir.1,1 , . p lce f 3.OO. Mull onlera ollcltcil. TlieAloe&PeufolilCo , , Ifttli fit root , MCXT Tl ) I'tKlfjKKIfK I'll ) tlclaut' iirricrlptloni tccuraluljr prciiuicil ft lowprlcoi. Wo will ncnrl you the mnrrflnu. - Kieach rirpiimtlun CALTI1OO [ I'li-i-.Riiil n leu'al runratitri' ; tlinll I A ITJI ( isvill SCfutoivronrt Jlcnllli , Sli-rnElli uud Vigor. I 'st it and fay if sal ft/led. Afdlrooo VOFJ MOI1L CO. . , Suit Antritu IcinU , Clnclatiitl , Olito , | TO ( iKOIttiK WAUKICN MIJTJI , WIUjlAfkfJ M. .lunlilns , Dulln O.ivls. U'lthorino Ii IloUhs NulH'in II. Nwoltx.ur. .lolin ( ' . if. Loll in.inn. Mary S. H iiiiuloM. l.U/.m W. Molllili loy. liin ) n clc Hook. Anna Viiniloiiliurjc ( jL'or 'o H.riliHik.Hllury Ullunc'k.Oso ir Hart- iiiiin , .Mlclil-'un Mutual Ijlfit Insiir.iiicii Ron.- piiny , lli'orxu M. Nlcoly , William O. Wlilto- hoail. Kllirldiuijjawtoi u ol y V. MriBon , David M. I'm. A.f. lulL-litir. uilirlilicn Law ton , l.adoc A. I'owoll Matilda Do Grolsollo. non-riisldnnls : You am hcruhv notlfliil Hint the iiiulor- niiiniiil. ilirou diqlntcrustoil fruulioUlor * of llio city of Onicili'i , have boon duly nppoiiitod by the mayor , with I ho aplii'oval of thu oily councilor said city , 10 r.siosii llio ilumaso to tin ! owners iMspoctlvis.y of thu property declared hy ordln IIR'O niuifisaiT to liu appip- printed for lliu inn of Hiilil oil v for Ifiii pnr- poaoof opi'iilnir and ii.\liin < liiK : Nuwtou Btreot Iroin Davi'iipnrl'H niihdlvlidnu loJI'Hh ' Btiuut , Vouiirorurtliurnotlllodthatliavln aocupt il mini aiijliittnunt | ] , an I duly iin.illlloU as ro- ijulrud hy lavwu will , on thu : . ' . "ilhday of Jiinu.iry. A. I ) , ISO I , at lh hour of il o'ulouk In the aftornooii , at thn ollli o of ( irii. ,1 , I'aul , IIUJ Km 11:1 : in strcot , wltl'ln tlio corporate llm- HH of aald I'ltv , inunt for the iiiirpoaii of con- sUltirlns uud ni.ilvliix thu iiiy.'bsiuunl of dam- HC'to ' thn owiu.'rH r-spinalvuly of mild pro- purty , hv I'o.tioiMif hiich taUIn ; : ami apni-o- prlntlon tlii-ri-'of tnliln Into conildoratlon sjiuulil hunulllH , If any. 'I'hu propoi'ly boloimlii ! ! to you , proposed x to Di ) uiiproprlatoit ax uforunuld. nnd which haB hcnn dfulnrud nuuux'sary hy the coiini'll , hy i > rdlniii"o. to npproprluia to tlio nso of the oity. liuln ; kllu no In ald cltv of Omaha , In ihc * comity of l > unnlan , nnd Btato of NphriiHlcii , Isdrsurlhod IIH follown. to wit : UIMI. WiiiTi-n S'mltli Tliu ninth-f.R'i feet of loisiic , ; i ? , ; n. : i'.i , w. U , 4u and 41. _ Wllllam M , Jcnl'in.-Thii buiitli 1:7.85 : foot lot ' ) Davis mid fVithurlilu K llolbs Tlie kinitti X'T.h' ) foul lot ID NoUon II , H\vlt/cr-'J'lii ) norlli"fl l.'i foot , lot f. . John O. K. I < ehiiianii North "u. 1.1 ( oat of unit 8S. fi-oi lot ra. Mary B. Sanhuurs-Nortli SO.IS feet cast C6,6 ? fuul lot Hi. I.l/zlo W.MiiCliukny Nortli Sfi.l. ' . fi-ut lot 0 ! . Dominlrk IfnoU Nortli ' .O.l.r ) fi-ot lot ft'l Oscar Hart man .North liii.15 foot lot ( l.'i. Mltihlu'aii .MuU Ufo Inn. ( Jo. Norllr.'O.IS foot wi'St 'j lot fit ! . lioo , M. N.coloy North'0.1. ' . foot of mlildlu ! $ lot ( .0. William O , Wliliohoud North SJ.1S foot east Hhl M , Klhrlilco i.mvlori Nortli M.lii fuel lot f,7. Kuolov .M. .MIIHOII anil David M , tire Nortli id 15 fret lot M. A.U l.olnhtonNorth 20.13 foot lot CT. KlbrlUiiol.uwton Nortli .UI5 Int 71. l- : dee AC'rowull North LUI.-i foot lot n UCOMO II.fccli Nnrlh 0,15 foul wojt 41 foot of north IX ! fuut of lot W. K.llnry I ; . Ilvuck-Buuili87.65 ft-ot south o oust U f lotnl. / Anna Vundonbiirj : Sotithsr.'S feet of north y of boutli int lot 17 , AH In Ulso'j udattlon In said city , county und Btiilo , You aio notllloil to lie present ot tlio time and place aforuduld , nnd make any objection ! to orBtatcinontNC'oncurnlnit said pronosod up. prourliitloii or auduHsmont of Uumuguu , UK yog way conuldcr propur. propur.OKO. . J , I'AHIj , U. W. UIIIXON. WJ1. O. HI1U1VKU. Omolio , December ! ? , IfcU1. , D.'lUWt