Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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IcllTcrc l by cnrrlfir to nny prt of HIP city
1V. 1 ! . T1I.TON , - MANAOEK.
inniliKSKOnirc No. 4 | }
TEM.PHOM-.S jNRit ) , Lditor No. 2.1
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council IJlulTs Lumber Co. Co.d.
The Women's Christian association will
meet this afternoon nt II o'clock at the rsl -
demo nf Mrs Galnes , coiner of Third street
nnd Ninth avenue.
Peter Mdilell and Mis Ida M Ashley of
Tajlur , la . were inniriod S.itunlny nt the
Kvaiitfilical parsOMigi' , , Vd Scott 8Uoet > liov.
aiu Athuns nxpr < " company will have
dial , c of all thocxpii'ss businessof the BUIV
llngtim s\ ' in after .latiuary I This svs-
tt in ro. - > about " . ( MX ) mlles in all.
ChiIsti as vvas colcbrajed with all duo
foi malltv. hy the Dineliii sodety. in Us nill
on broad v 11 \ Tln-u- was a tioo loaded vviln
f.lftsfoi UiiMhlldi-Pii , mid after It lud heon
dunlin' ' thr evening was spent enjojablj in
danclut ?
Ycstird.iy vvas observed as a Ural holiday
111 Council Bluffs But lilllo business was
done , the pi in , Ipal stoics bolus ilost-d all
cl.iy loin ; and netul.v all being closed In tin
nfteniooii 'I he iltyalid tounlv ofllers were
not open for business after li ! oVlorlc.
'I he Sabbath st-hool of St John's J'mrlM
Jmlicr.m chuii-h has piopated u lit"
Cliilstinas eiitoitalnment. width thov will
i cndcr at tht-ir i ooins , W Main mid UO' ) I Varl
filreets , Wednesday evening. Thoj will
have a Christinas tioo , lo ided with gifts ,
find Santa t'liuis will bo thoio to dlstilbuto
U \V Uetheis mid Onicer I.eudi of Iho
police forrn aio spendliiR their time nnxv.i-
il.iya nin-itlnjj i-ach otliei Last we"k
Ue'thois had Keuth ancsled for assault and
h.ltterj ami VLsti-rd.iv aftoinoou l.eucli nr-
leslcd Hetlicis for iie.ilhifr a dlsturbum-
and iifiiHini ; to ( jot oil tins sticet vvhtii notl-
lled to < U > so
Mr an 1 Mis llardlson vvoio stnpilsod
Sumlaj noon vvlun the.v letuincd homo finm
rluifh to llti'l ' that all ihclr fuinltute Imd
been talteti nut of theh hotiso nnd re placed
liv now hv their rliiMiiu , Mis. Svvli-Kavd ,
Wlss Ho.vsen , ( hailisand Will Hioiworth.
It vvas intended lisa ( Jliiistinas suipilsc for
the old folks , ami the design was a siii < est ,
Sheiiu" H.i/en left Hund iv evenlirr for
J-'oit Min ) [ < > ( m , having' In eb.irfre Wdliain
Itenrln and "Soher" Hums , the tv\oi-ou-
vieted erlininals who were seuldii-id last
\vcuk to the ponllontlirv. II. I'sliuiu wlio
vas also sentenced , has been ( j.Iven a week
In which to tile appeal lioud. and hi Ihu
meantime lie still in.uiics ) ) a cell lit the
county Jail.
PA railioad man v\1io is in a position to
Idiovv stales that of the thirt\-eilit . ( sti iKitis
telegiapUeis on the Couiifil Ululls division
of the Koek Island road oulj six me out tif
employment the icst all having obtained
vvoik thioiiKh the ellorts of tlio union The
six aio lielnu l epL at an Oniah.i hotel w ith-
iit expense , and it is thought will liml woik
in a fowd.ijs
The annual masquoiado hall of the Bluff
Cit.v 1\KwaphiiMl | union was ( ? l\en last
nl ht at Mabonie temple. A lai e euiwd
was piesenl and IhtMiiiaii cments had born
made so PCM feetly that even one had a iiood
time. 12verlail.v . vvas pn-sciiled an elejranl
plush and ( tilt snnvcnlrpinjrr.un The m.islis
vvcio removed about , midnight and the danc
ing touthiued throughout a program of
twenty-eight ninnheis.
Comphiiut lint , heen made to the city mai-
fdial that the snow lias heen allowed to accu
mulate on both sides of Main sticet in fiont
of Pan Canigg's new building until it is
almost impossible for teams to pass Theie
fan narrow roadway , just wide enough for
the motor to go tliinugh , and teams that
pass through are alwa.vs in danger ot being
run over hj the trains that piss that point
ut the rate of twenty miles an hour every
few minutes. The case will ho iuvestimated
by the police.
Until January 1 nil toys will bo sold at
iiAi.r I'uiui : .
See other bargauib in holiday goods.
Polhorinjrham , Whitola.v\ Co.
The snow and eold vvoathor docs not
diminish tlio demand for acroiitfo in the
Klnin tract , -4 miles east of the pnst-
cflleo00 ; ! ! acrolTyot for sale In from ouo
to ton aero tracts , suitable for Iruit and
pardon. Day & Hess , iiRonts , 1'J ! ' 1'oarl
etroot. - ,
For vvarininc truest chambers , bath
. tooins , etc. , our % - > healers are just
what you want. Look at them. Glenn
convenient ulioap. U. B. Gaa and Ijloo-
tlio Litrht Co.
Biifjhtcr than KIIS , cheaper than o'.oc- '
ttii : Hyht nnd nb beautiful as n oreatn
thofo t.cart lanin ut Lund Bros.
Carl Kurhorn. succoor to K. Bur-
horn , has thu only new jewelry block in
city. Many holiday novollios.
lion Thomas Bowman is homo from Wash
la ton to spend the holidays
T. C. l.i\i son , \\lio has heen seriously il
for a weclt past , is able to ho out again.
Bert KMIIIS and Oscar Kcellno left \cster
day for a week's hunting expedition in Neb
GiL'cirvillu Montiromery , a Rrandson o
General G. M. Dodge , \isillnt ; iclalhes h
this city.
A. U Gllllland and \\ifo of A.\tell , Kan
are in the. city the guests of their son , F. K
Mis J , G. Wadsworth left yesterday foi >
Illinois , slio huviiiK ici.ei\ed word of the clan
KCIOUS illness of her father.
Prof. K. M. Bainter , principal of the hhl :
school at Tienton , Mo is in the city tin
Kucot of Alderman II 10. Ma.\no.
Frank Pcems , who was foi nun ly employe )
la the Western Union ofllio here , is honn
fiom Macohi fora visit with lilsi iclatlvc
nnd friends. *
Coal nnd wood ; best and chcnpos
Missouri hard wood In the city ; nromp
dellvoiy. II. A. Cox. No. I Main.
Wanted Cash otlor for ton share
Cltivon's SUto banlc stock. Must bi
euld. Address H II. Sheiifo.
Do you BiiiukoV Ilavo you tried T
l ) . King & Co 'b I'artatfiis ? It's
charmer , Jtmt light ono.
Bought ortran stock of C. B. Musi i
Co. Will sell thoin ohcap. Mur. llout
iciiiB , 11(1 ( , 111 Stutsiniiti stroot.
VUHril l > > a I old \Vm ,
Council BfulTb had a visit from the Ion
predicted cold w.ivo Monday nlfjht Tn
tlieimomctorstooil at 2 devices below ? er
at (1 ( o'clock , and Kupt gettinjr lower mill
CHtcrday moinini ; at da\lucal { , wlicu I
icaeheil IShelow , and according to sonio at
thoi ilii s ii ) below The latter lljjuro a
le.uhcd by theimonictcrs at the transfc' '
and In the \lclultj of \\atcr\soilvs powc
house. 'IheioIIH excellent HlcathiK a
Manawa ieslcrdaj , and them \\a milto
number of joung pcoploM \ br.ned th
jiiciving wind ieslenlaj and took a skii
along llio frozen Hiirfaco
BctHhiun'h 1'iUbcuro hllinub and nervov
' | 0) , TllJH
Until January 1 all tnya will ho soli ) i
HAM' 1'lticr.
Sco other bar niiiB in holiday cumin.
Fothorlnnhnin , WhUolaw iV Ci '
the iiitllinor , lias
beautiful biacjuo doll which the is road
to deliver to the customer who ib 01 il :
titled to It. No. 6S.
McPliatl planoa aul Crown organs
rash or liibtullir.onta. Mar. Buunciu ia :
tlO Stu Ismail Btrout.
See these oil boulord at Swalno'u , 73
Jolm Sherwood Arrested on the Charge of
ll Ienl iTltnt IIU l > ( tighter Wiii I :
to th i Accuftrd or Tlutt AnjthliiK "
the Kind \V Coil-
John Sherwood , the Omaha mantel and
tile man who vvas meiiMouod la Tito Hr.r. a
few ilaj sago as mixed up In a forged note
deal , was ai rested In Omaha last evening on
the ehargo of forgery , and brought to this
side of the liver. John Van kirk , the Silver
City fanner whoso nmno vvas attached to
the paper , vvas in the cltj jcsterday and
heM n coiuulation with Iho chief of polleo
vvldcli resulted in the .Illim ? of an information
mation bcfoio City Cleik Stevenson He
stated tliat Shornood'saclTon In elaiuiing to
be engaired to his daughter vvas a eoW
bluff , whit h was rum ; in with such bravado
that It faliclj took him off his feet.
Sheiwood had been at his housebut so
fas as ho knew had never paidnnj attentions
to the young lady , but ho thought that pos
slhlj theio might tiavo been some billing and
cooing going on in his houbo without his
knowledge and ho thought 11 advisable to
make an investigation before he took step1
toward having in rested an aspirant to tin.
position of son in-lavv lie accordingly wont
homo and askel his daughter what
tuith them vvas in Shonvood s
statement Shn teplled that the al
leged engagement was a llgmont
of Sherwood's imagln ition Sherwood hail
told a very plausible story about his men
tioning to thevoung lad.v that he vvas iu ur-
g ( nt need of monev.and said that she had un-
ileitaUen Ihu task of getting it for him The
note vvas made oil1. , she dlsippcaied hi an
adjoining room , and when she retuitied she
\\avedbofoio his cagei evis the old man's
shrnatuie , the ink still wet. This two was
told the girl and vvas also pronounced an en
tile falsehood
The fact that Van Khk was m slow m
coining bade to the cit.v after linding that
Sherwood's slot j was false , and that Slui-
\\und made no ert'ort to get awav , when be
mint have know n that U the note vvas foi god
It was bound to be found out and a prosecu
tion instituted , led to Ihf belief on the p.ut
ol some that theio vvas something behind all
the liouhlo that was not given to the public ,
and this belief is still hold b\ some
Shut wood was foiuie I.v emplo.ved as a
draughtsman in the ofllee
of S K. Maxoii in this t ity.
and while so emplo.voil stoiles were told of
his having been mixed up in a deal some
what similar to this one , ami it Is also 10-
poi ted that he vvas ailt-sted hi Omaha some
time ago for another offense of the same
kind , but that be was icleased upon the
biiuaiing up of tlio account and the affair
vvas tiuiokh Inibhed up. In the pichent case
tlieie is but little damage , as no moiic.v vvas
seemed upon the note and the paper is now
m the bauds of Chief
M.ulo n Su < n-sJliil
There wiib a ncrvv sn"ilc thief m the city
yestoul.iy , and HP put In His tune so well at
tlioTiemont house tint a couple of ni"ii who
stop then1 aieery much dlsjjsfd with the
way clothin ? shrinks when there In an
object for its bo doing. The unUnotvn hail
taken a meal or two at the house , and bail
p lid cash , sj thlt no attention
was paid to him Ho bad been sitting
aioundtlir hotel oflL'o .restcrdav afteuioou
for some ti-ne , when ho dibipp'Mied A
little later the bartender bad occasion to
use his overcoat which he had left iu his
loom upstalis , when ho found it gone JOIT.V
Hulling , who works for I' . D. Buike , and
bo.iuls at the Hotel , diseovoied that a line
new suit of clothes that ho bad woin Sunday
for the Hist time vvas also on tbe list of the
missing or unaccounted for The disappear
ance of tbo gentleman who bait been bitting
in the olllco vvas noticed and a man was sent
off to ehaso him up
He i etui ncd a fov\ minutes later with his
hair standing on end lie had caught the
follow and laid his bands on him. he .said ,
vvbon the fellow looked at him so llercely
that be took bis hands off and ran far dear
life. IIo was. positive , however , that tbe
follow had the missing o'\cuoat on oud Had
a bundle of snnio Mint wrapped up inside it.
Chief Scanlan is authoiit.v for the statement
that when the detettive' ' saw him an hour
laler bis faeobad not lost Its pallor nor his
bail its Iniliiiatiou to stand up The thief
ia supposed to have gone to Oaiah i by the
Hist tiaiu , and a telephone mess igo was sent
to the polleo theie , giving his debitIplion.
( Hipt'tlii Itilslhi'-t I'lan.
Captain Hustiu of Omaha vva in the city
jestcrdaj afteinoon and Held a consultation
- with tliu Judiciary committee of the city
council , the city attorney and the major
with lefereiico to a scheme which he has
- boon to Ing lor some months past to work
tluough the council , so far without much
success. Hustiti is the backbone of a com.
pany which was oig.iuUcd for the pmposo ol
booming Com Hand beach , located on the
shore of the Missom i i iv er northw est of the
iH.v.nml making it into a summer icsort
lie has built a biiilge aciivss the aim of the
liver which separates this icsort-to-bo from
Omaha to a distance of about NM ) feet , anil
now wants the council to go into the selienu
with him anil m.iko ,111 appiopiialion ti
build the 100 feet or llieic.iboiits vvlikh is
.vet lacking to foi m a connection IIo will
then urn a sti-eot car line to the beach , ami
hopes to liml It a capital investment.
The memlivis of the touncil have so fai
been imahle to see an.v very clear leason
why tliej should assist Captain Hustiu in
his plan While It would doiibtksa bo erJ
r nice to have another icsoit about the city
i- they think it would bo a direct stab al
ih Manavva , which now has almost a monopoly
h on the summer.lesort buslnoV ol this
10 vicinity. Thoio now appeals , to bo but verj
little piolmbilitj that the debited appropria
'd lion will bo made , -
Viiir\ < iinrK at Work.
S )
Tor some time pist a gang of survey 01-
has been at work limning a line of staUe'
dow n Twenty-fourth Ktiect from tno PacilU
tracks lo Avenue C , and the question o
what they am doing it for Is ono that is agl
tating the minds of the public1 at largo it
that vicinity. Sumo claim it is another o
the gangs of the that havi
a habit of bobbing to the surface every w
' . often , whllootheis siy that the motor com
pany is intending to disionliniio its Six
n i tecntli stieet line to the transfer ami tui
down Twent.v-foin th instead. The fact
that no one seems to know an.v thins ; aboii
it , andas thubiinoyois thcmselvis aio ver ;
r- backw.ud about giving the public any cloy
as to the intentions of the men for when
they aio working , the public curiosltv seemi
likely to remain unsat tailed fora wliilo.
10 1'Iles of people Imvo piles , mil UoU'itt
ro Witch llnrol halve will cine them.
M " " ClmrgtulVltli rill-l'ilpplliK ,
itu Iist summer liichaid lUckiltb ! keptacho
u- hoii'-o at Cairoll , la , and had among hi
named Albert Wrivvotu
er patrons a man
or Ono day he happened to take his caglo eye
ata off the money drawer for an instant , nni
a during that instant Wi iv vetto got in his lln
) . woik. When ho put ills eye back in lilac
IIP found that the till had been tapped am
$ lwf > 0 vvas missing Kickutus icluined t
us Council BlutTs and HOIUO tlmo ago ran acios
Wrivvette. Hu accused liim of the the 'fl ' !
and Wiivvotto confessed , Ho said that h
vvas employed at Dohanoy's opoia hous <
nt and ho would pay him t'J a month out of hi
wagi'b If ho would let him iilunu KIckett
agreed , but has never icceivud any of tli
monev. Vcstcixlay hu tiled an infoiinatio
'o. and Wilvvelto was arrested on the clmigo 01o
larceny from a building.
a If your frocor don't keep Cook's IvMra Dr
Champagne , order a case direct fiom tli
AmeilcanVinc Co , , St. Jjiuls.
I'lrii I'ruui u < iiu Illii/r.
A llro started in John Kvers' meat maike
, OJS FoutU Main street , last ovenlng. Tli
gas pipes fnizo during the day and M
Uvcis tiled to thaw thtm out with a candh
37 la some way ono of the pipes was broke
uudtho as bti\u.ned out. It ignited fiui
ho inHB and thn
' - ted to the woodwmk It wn i
tlmjulshcu " " "ho t mtiUi trotible , nnd the
dnmngo vvas
tin IT llmo fiirMlriicliiRnii Uncomfortnlilj
Amlotn Creditor.
Ono of the best agent" of n largo DOS-
Ion house hns a propensity for spending
moro than ho earns nnd borrowing from
friends to keep things moving , says Iho
Boston Humid. During n successful
rip to Springfield ho ran short and
jorrowcd from a number of his cus-
pmers. One man who loaned him $10
jogrn to got anxious about it , and wrote
Bovcrat letters to him In care of the
Boston olllco. The asont tore thorn up
as fast as lie received them nnd
'unsigned them to the vvnsto
iwskot without a thought , The Spring *
lold man decided to make a trip to BOJ-
ton and loavoan order with ono of the
wholesale houses for lib line of go.ids.
Uoforu leaving homo ho determined to
cill on the ago'il. with Iho liitontio-1 of
collecting the $11) ) , but Iho order was to
bo given to another ilrm. When ho
called upon the agent ho had worlted
himself to the highest pitch of indigna
tion with tlio intention of giving free
expression to his opinion of men who
borrow money nnd do not return it.
The Spring Hold mm walked into the
olllco with llro in his o.\os. But it had
no clTcet on the agent. When horccoj-
ni/ed his creditor ho jumped up ,
grasped his hand , saia ho vvas glad to
BOO him nnd inquired nbout nil the foi Us
"That's all fight , " slid the Sp.mir-
fleld nraii , "but will I have to take my
money out iu hlull1
" My'clettr fellow , ' ' said Iho agent , " 1
must e.onfoss I am ashamed of myself.
I received .your letters and always laid
thorn aside with the intention of seiiii-
ing to mmiey that day , but , ically. the
matter always suoined to slip my mind ,
i cannot loll jou how b idly I foul about
It , How muoli did I get that timoV"
"Ten dollars , ' siid the Siirlngllo d
man , beginning to feel Hut perhaps ho
had been a little too hast ) .
"Ton doilats , yea , " Mild 'ho agent , ef
fusively ; "just b'top tblb why and I will
gut it for you. " Then going to the
bookkeeper , ho said : " .lust let Mi. .1
have Sid , will you. ProdV
The bookkeeper handed over the
moiioy without any tioul lo , nnd the
Springlleld man -tieeamo very strutiglj
of the op'iiion that ho had made a uns-
tnlco in forming such an unfavorable
estimate of the agent. His manner
changed , and , after talking awhile , the
two became as close friends as over.
The Springfield man then thought it
better to the agent to believe that
ho had not como to the cily for
the special purpose of collecting the
S10 , and spoke about tlio order ho want
ed Tilled. Ho linally gave it to the agent
and wont home , satisfied that ho had
inado a mistake and atoned for it. In
duo time the order arrived , lllitli it
came tlio bill. The Springfield man
looked it over , and when he leauhcd the
last item ouoncd. his eyes veiy wide.
This wiib the item :
To hoi towed moiioi $10
The agent had made no explanation
to tlio bookkeeper and allowed mittors
to take their course. The Snriuglield
man now gets Ills orders filled olse-
You need not despair Salvation Oil will
ical i our bui nt ai m w ithout a sear. " > cents.
Sumo rrrtillur IlirlilrnlH In tliu Last Auirl-
Itiiu llnrl.-
The latest French duel has
lointfl of lesomblanco to the last cole-
> ratcd duel in Vinoricii. This was in
corcriti t wo years ago botwcon Pat Cal-
loun , the railroad attorney , and Col
onel Williamson , tlio manager of a
feorgia miltond.- . Their good-byes
vvci o aa pathetic as wore those of Clem-
oiicoau and Dorouledo , says the Chicago
cage Inter Ocean. They had each a
peeial train to reach the place of the
duel , which was to be in Alabima , to
escape the vigilance of the Georgia
olliciuls. Another special train , or nil
engine , with two newspaper icportors ,
followed Cathoun'a train , s > o as not to
miss the light.
The Alabama ofllcials wore notified
and vvcro at llio laeotinjr to arrest the
principals , nnd one of the rcporlois was
bacillieod by having linn identified us
Pat Calhoun and arrested , while Cal-
houu with hib special escaped. Wil-
liambou al-o escaped , and after an all
day's run they found a bccludcd side
track , vv itli no houses near , and not a
human being in sight. Hero they eo'i-
cludodto satisfy honor , and the three
. fcpeciaa were run on the siding.
TH collier loportcr wan the sacrifice
hero , shooting qlT his linger in loading
the pistols and shedding the only blood
of that duel. But with his bleeding
hand tied up in a handkerchief he fin
ished his work and insisted upon seeing
n duo ! . Tlio principals took their
: places and at the word llro Williamson
emptied the five clumbers of his 10 ;
volvof iu such rapid succession that it
was like ono shot. Calhoun lirod one
shot and waited.
"I luuo four shots left , Colonel Will
iamson , " haul Calhoun. "Do you re
tract , orblmll I fiioV"
, "Wait till I reload my pisto ! , " said
"No , sir ! You have fired five shots at
me. and by the code 1 have the privi
lege of the same numbor. Do you re
tract , or I shall hro ? "
' Hero , take my pistol. " called Wil
liamson's .second as ho started to ad
' "Back tumour place or you nro a dead
man ! " crloJ Calhoun's second , as lie leveled -
olod His'pibtol at the other second.
"But I muHt toload my pistol" de
manded Williamson a1ho sUu-tcu
toward his second.
"Stand your ground ! " yelled Cnl-
houn'a second , ah hu whippet ! out another -
ether uistol and had ono leveled at
Williamson and the other at his second.
"I will kill both of > on if i on move. "
"Williamson coolly folded his arms
nnd facing Calhoun said quietly : "I am
ready , fire. "
Calhoun had parleyed too long. To
fire upon an unarmed man would Imvo
been murder. Ho hesitated only an
iiibtant , emptied his pistol in the air ,
throw it down , and i mining foi ward
caught his antagonist in Ins arms , and ,
while hugging him , declared : "Wil
liamson , you are the bravest man I over
saw. Let's bo friends.1
id .Vlllhll.ll NlH.'ltj.
! A dilUeulty which huh hitherto' ex-
L'O ibtod In connection with the plnying ol
III the trombone hns boon iccontly over
to come. Owing to the boll of tno'lnbtru-
iniitit being too far removed from the
lie performer "muting'1 hits been impos , '
lieo slblo , but that operation Is now ron-
lls doied practicable by Iho introduction ol
th an invention kmnvn as thu "echo11
hi nttachmeiit. This consists of n piston
lilted with a spring and so placed that
by n touch of the middle linger it can be
depressed , and when the lingoV is re'
ry moved the piston returns tols \ place
he The deprcbaihg action of the piston
divoits the air current into a winding
tube of the ha mo length as the main
body of the tiombone. Thin tube tor
heIr minute ; in aumo of inegular shape and
Ir by Iho intervention the tone becuipei
bubduoj nnd wholly deprived of tin
"blaro" which is at times so objection'
3. T , Ohiohcstor Murtl ed by Qcorgo Town-
Bend at Tilly ,
\Vlth ltr\i > l pr * nt 51iort
\Vcnioti of tlio l\ It-tliii r , lli-il to Kt-
plntlu and IL Cott Him
1IU Life.
Bi-ATtnrn , Ncb/DeV. CO [ Spochl Tele-
pram to THE BKI'I ] The t wn of PIHv ,
fifteen miles cistof hero wns throw n Into a
fever of excitement this morning by a mur
der committed apiurently in self-defense in
her midst The tragedy oocurrc.l att.HOln
a small room used as an oflleo and
wash room of a boarding house.
The person Ullle.l was S T. Chlchcster , a
widoweralnutJCiyeirs old. The shooting
w as done by Oeorgo Tow nsBnd , a yoiuii ? in in
about 1 ye irs old and unman led. When
Tilt : BIT correspondent reached the town tlto
t\oun ? man vvas in the custody of an olUicr
to whom he had given himself up Immediately
after the killing. Ho was pist mil I'd to talk
am ! gave the following accuunl of the affair ,
whhh Iscoiroborated by ayotingmaunamed
Smith who was the only witness of the
shoot hie
Ho said"Smith and I had been cleat ing
a revolver which I had laid down to put
some coal in the stove As 1 ial od the
bucket L'liichester tntered the room He
picked up the lOAohcr 1 had laid down ,
pointed It 'it mo and slid , 'now I'll IK the
, at the s ime time pulling the trigger.
The revolver vvas not discharged and by this
time I was using mv gun Hired live shots
at him Tlueo of which they tell mo en-
tcied his head. He fell almost instantly and
did not siv nm thing moie.
' Yes , we had had Unable 1 hilled him In
self-defense or would icrt.iinlv never have
done it. My piinits live In Breekeuiidge ,
Mo I have lived hereabout a year and a
half , have worked on a farm but am doing
nothing now. "
No I nt All ( 'imrnsrd.
Dm lug the iutcrv low he vvas cool and gao
evidence that the trouble was not. of
his seeking. A number of business men
whovveie questioned all gave him a good
n line and siid that he was a quiet fellow and
not ( junK-lso'iie The reverse vvas the case
when Chit-hosier's name vvas mentioned
lespilo his llu nifl il standing and Influence
10 was icgirded as inorbeiiing and iiiaucl- |
nmu , toiistantly being at enmity witli .some
one The unanimous verdict of ( he town wns
that Towns-lid acted in self-defense and the
icoplo were inclined to exonerate him
Prom them it vvas leained that the two men
lad qu itiekd over a woman , damrhtorof the
man who conducted the boardliur house
whole they lived and where the shooting
ot cm led On this .mount a long standing
udge existed between them
It appeared that the gill favoicd Tovui-
send and that Chlchestcr was jealous h con
sequence The dead man was \ iriously
estimated to be woi th fiom ? JOt)00 ) to vtO.OOO
He leaves a daut-'htcr 10 old Hit
father lives at Bumlield. Ill Towiisend's
aim vvas unerring Two bullets WCIH found
In Chichestoi's hialn , a third sink
ing ia his face , over his left
eve , toaiing away a put of hU skull , nml
after hitting the wall fell llatteiied out and
eoveied with hair One oilier shot euf
through lusoveunat , the llfth misoing him
and passing thiough a leer
At a late hour tonight the eoioner's jury
has not completed its aiivestiiratiou Towu-
scnd is still in tlio hands ol the Filly
s ACTIVI : .
They 6tait u Pullj IMpt-r DovutL-tl t Their
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. SO , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK\ \ ] Nothing has Declined
during the iiast twenty-four hours to change
the situation with rofei-enco lo the printer'
stiikc. Both the dailV pipeis alfceted are
working with i educed lotces. The typo
graphical union commenced this allcinoon
the publication of a daily newspaper called
the Uaily Unionist. It will bo issued daily
while tlio contest lasts and contains nianv
vigoious editoiial explanations of llio pend
ing diflleulty between the strikers and their
Took a Christmas Holiday.
LINCOLN' , Neb , Dec. iiii. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bi.n ] Louis Weber , a convict
at tlio state ponitentiaiy , made bis escape
Ibis afteinoon He was a trusty and was
employed in driving a wagon outside of the
penitentiary walls. His escape vvas un
noticed for some time and up to this evening
no tiace of him had been found \Vober was
senteiued from 1/ineaster county lor tlnce
years for the t lime ot laiceny and had but
lifty-lho days to serve
Il 'asn - > tit lieitilrp. .
BnATiticu , Neb . IJco iiO [ Spoi i il
Telegram to Tin : Bi.i : ] A genuine
bli'laid pievailed hero all day yes
terday whiih materially interfcied
with the enthusiastic obs rv.inceof Cliiist-
mas day. Fortunately the -wind was not
excessively told , a largo quantity of snow-
fell how over. Today has been observed as
a geueial holiday and business has been
prai. lieally suspended.
lirnliii TliroiiKli th 1 < i1 anil-Drou neil ,
Ai i\ANiwiA , Neb , Dec. 20. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Unis.j Wliilo skating on the
Big Sandy , one-half mile south of town ,
Fiank , 12-year-old son of James T Shrove ,
broke tinough the ice and was drowned.
His body was found two horns later not t
thice tect fiom wlieie bo went down.
Nrlir.iHliu'rt Dr.itli Hull.
AiiAi'Aiioc , Neb. , Dec. t0. ! [ Special Tele
gram to Till ! Uiiii. ] Louisa Finch , wife of
H. J. Finch , a leading business man of
Arapahoe , died at i-l5 ! this morning.
XIIM in m ( ! i < iU'A .
NEWVUN niiovr , Neb. , Dee 20. [ Special
to Tin : Bnr. . ] The Citi/en State bank is now
completed and was toJay taken possession
of. It lias all the modem Improvements and
is a line addition to the city.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want u
bad bieath ; yon don't , want a headache
Then use. Do Witt's Little E irly Kisors , thu
famous litllo pills
Itut It AHlnnlslicil u Iol of Siort | )
. Mrn ,
"I'll hot you 850 that lean cct liftj
drops of champagne out of an empty
champagne bottle. "
Tlio man who made the remark was 11
Now Orleans ihiin. ono of a group ol
loungers in the bairoom of a hotel
boveial looked up from their papers tine
ono iibkcd , " Wliat'u that "i"
' I bay I canigol llfty drops of chain-
pagno out of a bottle that you have
drained. I'll hel uiiy ono § > ( ) that I can
doit. "
"I don'tbuliovo it "
, rcmarlvud anotUoi
bystander. ' ' '
"Well , want to take mo up ? I'll bol
SoOO to your 45 that I can do it , " and hi
pulled out a largo roll of gioc'iibaoks.
"Toll us how ii's done , and if wo arc
convinced your olforV a bquaio one sov
oial of us will put up $ 20 against youi
$11)0 ) and [ mnidi lluclrimiwgnotobuot , '
tuld a stout man , bsconnng intcrutud in
llio illtjcui-sloii ,
" 1 can'l toll you hoyv it's dono. '
nneweied the btr.tiigui. "This is ono o
the thint'b " moro oafiiy proved Uian ex
plalncu. "Whore's the winoV"
Some ono oidei-c-d champagne. Th <
bottle waa boon emptied and patten
aiound for mtipucUon ,
"Now , ' remarkud the Now Orloam
man , "turn that boulo upaidu down ( o ,
llflocn minutes , till you are sutUlie
that there Is not a diop in il , and th *
I'll show you a simple little trick , " Tin
bottle waa duly turned up and left for i
few miuutcs to dtulu. The group bur
voyod tlio man rrtttc.illy , na If expecting
that they wore nbout to bo treated to n
U'RcrilonWu porformnnco.
"Now , ijontlcmon , " nld llio blnnu
visitor , "you will see that what is ap-
pa ran I Iv impo 9lblo will turn out lo bo n
Very Bimplu mutter.1 Tlimi tearing i\
strip nbout nine Inches long front n
nowspipcr ho inserted it in the up-
( urnol boltlc. The paper ? oin got
damp , nnd gradually drop nflcr drop of
wine ooxcd from the end of It. "The
same can bo done with a thread. It Is
simply an illustration of a vary simnlo
law In physics " Tlio members of the
croup looked us If they ought to have
known this before , anil the expounder
of the law of canillnry attraction
scooped in the four V's.
Orientil Luxury nmt I'tlrivitiganrt1 * I'atd for
liy tinft iiplr.
If the domooratlo narty in c ngrcs3 is
really anxious to i odeem the pledge of
st ict and Impartial economy which
had nude to the people as a bid fur
voles , saj s the Now York Sun , item
11 ml no more fi-iiltlul Held for llio be
ginning of the l-isk than the pay rolls
and contingent fund of the United States
senate. Could some of the old-time dem
ocrats of the days of Jackson ( or repub
licans lor thai matter ) como to eirlh
again nnd olnoi vo the lu.Mtry and per
quisites that now lUttch to the ollicot
United States senator they would regret
thai they had died ? o soon. Much of
the oxlraviiuanco Indulged in by United
States senators of Into \oars Is of n char
acter that is not particularly olTonshe
to those who behove that thu lopresoii-
lallves of the Amer.can neoplo should
live In a slylo commensurate with
thu importance of their olllco , but
the OKI of economy has boon piom-
i'-cd to tlio rank nnd llio , the masses , us
the stump orator4n\OH to call them , and
no doubt they conlideiiliy expect lo got
it. If I Hey uo they m-iy be di--appolnicd ,
so far as the oxpondllu o of nionoy for
the comfoi t of United Stntos sonnfyrd is
cimcerncd , Inr ills a fact not to bo den led
that when the democrats last had con
trol of the senate they not only did not
curtail xho vast expenditures of that , but they actually inero.isotl the
amounta in some cases. A democratic
United StatuM senator is no loss human
than his republican colleague , and
as fond of c'outuro comforts. Some ot
llio men who will como to the semite
after the Itli of Maich , however , as a
lestilt of Iho leconl gieat democratio
tidal wave , are plain , everyday clti/ons ,
vvlio vull ho nut to kick over the tracoa
and endeavor to keep the promises made
to their constit.ients by prying into the
question of senate expenditures with a
view to cutting1 them down , and if they
do investigate they will hiing tolighl
some Intcivsting and possibly astonishing -
ing facts.
They will learn , for instance , that each
member of ihe United States senate has
a clerk provided for him til the govern
ment oxpmitio , while the members of
the house , who must vole the money for
all the salaries , have none ; that United
States senators are MirtTvod and shorn ,
oiled and ] ioifumed by "sKillou laboroib"
paid by Uncle Sam , while the membeis
of the house piy- for these attentions
oul of their own pockets ; that each
United States senator , without excep
tion , wholhor chairman of n committee
o- not , has a private loom at hisdisposal
either in tlio capitol or in the brick an
nex at the cdgo of the capit'ol grounds ,
which was icceiitly purchased so that
this accommodation could bo extended
to the senators , while only such mem
bers of the house as are committee
chairmen have room" , nnd those are
shared by those members having none.
The innocent-minded now senator
with the inquiring mind will learn
further thai llio looms assigned to the
senators are fitted uu in the moat ox-
Iravagant slylo , vvllh velvet cai pets ,
real lace curtains , gold decorated
.Tapuicso screens of line work
manship , modern library furnituie , the
most elaborate electric lighting appa
ratus , marble clocksautt general bilc-a-
brac , while the rooms of the house mem
bers are furnished in the plainest and
most unpretentious manner ; nnd if the
investigator isshicwd lie will ascertain
tluil there are oll\or luxuries onjoveU by
the members of the American homo of
lo.ds thai are nol authori/.od by Iho
general appropriation bills , hut vvl.ich
owe their existence to that law of all
laws , "senatorial courtesy. " Under this
authority it will bo found tint some of
the senators longest in service manage
to have two , and in some ci'-o- * , three
cleric il atjsisUmts , with a messenger and
laborer thrown in. and all pud for out
of the money which inui-t bo appro
priated lirjt or last , directly or nidi
redly , by the less aiistocralic members
of Iho lieu = e.
Senator Morgan of Alabama in a
speech in the senate ono day said that
there wore so many employes on the
senate way roll that ponators stumbled
over them in making their way through
the corridorsnnd the Inle Scnalor Plumb
in ono his of characteristic hnucchos
ottered lo obtain in Knn-as for ? ( iOO pot-
year all the clerical assistance necessary
to conduct tlio senate postolllco moro
elllciently than it was then conducted
by the small army of employes , whoso
aggregate salaries amounted to soniu-
ining Uko $10,000 per annum. Messrs.
Morgan and ljhnnb wore both , perhaps ,
a trillo extravagant in thoi'1 ' statements ;
but a el nn co at the senate pay roll will
show the facts upon which the state
ments wore based , The regular legisla
tive , executive and judicial nunroprm-
Uon bill for the present lisoul year con
tains the items of sennlo expenses , i.nd
is very good as n guide to senatorial extravagance -
travaganco as far as it goes.
- ' nnd luxuries
Many sonujoi-s' perquisites
uries are paid for , however , out of the
exhaustion pockotboolc known as the
"contingent fund , " of wliich the public
is wholly ignorant , unit of which the
democratic investigator will bo no loss
so unless ho pushes his work with skill 1
and poi'hovoranco , The appropriation 1
bill shows Hint the. amount to bo
expended iluring the fiscal year on the
bonato account is $1,018,711.00 , IIH against
$12'J'tltOt.'il : ( ( on the house of roprawnta-
tivos' account. Thesu iiguros nro highly
signillcaut in view of llio fact that the
SQimlo l.ab 88 members and tlio housu
Tim Ilx-Spoiild r'H l.lli'iary Woik.
Tom Ueod'H pen nets him from ifU,00 (
to $ , { ,000 overp year outsldu liU milarj
as a congressman. Ho cominands an
own prices , and ! IK ! nvirkot is ahvay-
waiting for him , Ho IH indolent ! > }
nature mid indulges in literary eompo
faltlon only when Iho mood is on him.
'His moods gonurally depend on whulhei
lie has in hand an order from ono of the
big magazlnus. Ho had never reachei
the stuiio wlioro ho is willing to till
down and write a thing in cold blood 01
the chance nf getting u publisher for it.
No matter how long a notice miij be
given , ho puts oil the work until it cat
bo no longer postponed. Then ho sit !
down with a htonographor and tnlki
right along for nn hour or two and tlu
thing ib done. He thinks In cpigmms
and it ib as easy for him lo speak ono 01
wi ito ono as it would bo for another mm
to whlatlo for ti dog.
If it were not for the fruit of hlsma < .ra
zino artio o Hood would enjoy very few
of the superfluities of llfo. Ho has in
nthor income outsldo his piy IIH icpro-
sontativo , and that all goes towards hii
daily bubblt > tcnco. Hoforo ho bccanu
speaker ho novel-indulged in the lu.xur ;
of a private Ecurotiiry or a stenographer
Ito uwil to ( oil Inborlously OVOP hl
enormous correspondence , burning tlio
midnight oil In n rhonp boarding nouso
ind cursing the fate that Mod him down
\o \ the drudgery , making merry at the
IAUIQ time with his friends over the
humorous puasos of it.
The unprecedented sale of Or Hull's Cough
Syrup provoke * compelItion ; but the people
cling to Ur Hull's Cough Sy rup.
The MRlitrM lllcjilp.
Pclor Ilerlo Is going lo ) ) lace his now
safety bicycle on exhibition at the
World's fair. H weighs but eleven nnd
thrco-qunrlors bounds , yet ho , vvolghing
170 pounds , recently lode the bicycio
ever leu mlles of told in the vicinity of
Uoston without so much as straining the
inachlno or Stirling a spoUo.
K H °
Of perfect purlty-
Lemon | Of rjrcat strength *
economy In their use ,
Flavor as delicately
and dpllviouc'/ ' the fresh fr'
Tit r rri.stnu : ITOVI it n v icin : v rcn noSTKII
inftioxi'imlnc wit mill l > rns IIUliiisil our lite-it
Imprmoil tt ) lo ! < n nullil miiki' . ih op 11 nice ,
MIIIHK hilt hlizli Krntu nn I 00 m lierloU ! ) llKlit ,
t > iius U itor rout nutrltloiM tlk > in < iiit' * I nil ili1-
inrliitlvu i unit i on iiiillinll | | > n A.i\ ( : I s VV.VM
III ) ItniM'iy ttiiinl ) In tin11 > Aiiarusi l-IIAIU.Hd
bl.IIlJI.ill t'S 4U .N Vliln--l To no I Illiut In.
- Improved SafalElavahrj /
& >
OMAHA ornoi : 1011 DOTOIAS srun
Coi. Olli St. nml H Ave , Council Hlufls.
Special Sale at Reduced Prices
During ; December ,
Fplces. Oaslnss Color , Itci'Uors. Now ctvlo
Itlockb , riirn.ii os mill CauKlinii" . Me it It 10 > s ,
Sonles nml prliw ItalmiBos , llatulioi ' Co its ,
- , U ips , ule.
D. H. IcBaasld d Co ,
820-822 Main St , Council lliulfs. hi-
All Kinds of Dyeing ami ( Jlointiu ilono In
slio liiliQ-t ; styln of llio irt , I'.nluil anil
tulnc'il fubilcs m.ulo to lool. as BOO I ab now.
WorK pioinptlv 0:0110 : mi I ilcllvuiol la all
parts of llio country , be ml foi jirluo list.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. it N'oi lliwojl. orn Do ot ,
C'OI/IIC1// / /J/lllH , III.
hi-iilril Itlilrt ,
1'iiiiiiant to tivotuuf Ihu rlll/ons of Coiini'll
ItlillTllu1 ( ink i-oiniiils loiiris ulll lort'lvu
bills foi a tiat-l of Imiil In lliu V INI | in poillon
of tlio clly vifst of 'I'woiiiv-nilnl tM ul ami
vsltliln llvu Iilix-Us of Ittimdnay , s.ild tiaut to
cosi not loi'M.-1'cd iiot ( ( ) ) < Mhli
I Sfalfil hlds ulll In'ii'cc'i\i' < l nnlll Di'c'cnibfr
Ul , 1HUJ , bj A , C. ( li.ilimn , ut fill ! Iliiiililwny.
Aupioxlni.ili ! Kiailu , plats ullli ili > vrlilloii |
oft hit piopoily sliDuin , ' tlni siii'ctM .mil alleys
miming lo and Iliiouuli tliu tiarls must ai1- '
I'liinpiiny HID bids , without u\pi'ii u to tliu p.iil ;
ooiiiiulssloiuti- , .
Thu lUht to lojoet any and all bids Is 10-
A ( ' ( MlII \M ,
t. \\\n.s\\iiitrii ,
j.\v. iM.itr.t.
> I
Cost and Cure.
, .
i s-\ I was n sufferer from
111 ncurnlma for ten years ;
, tried all kinds of rcinc-
Yonis. dies without relief , nnd
had Riven up all hope. I tried A
bottle of
and it effected such Ono'
wonderful t clief that I t
recommend it to nil. J _
CHAS. LA\V , Ju. Bottlo.
The CooJ Sacnriten. 20 Tears' Eif etlcnto.
or mswASKS or MKN AMD
Hi I'Roi'itiKTon or THIS
t treat the fali'owirg Di'scmes :
Cntarrli of the llcml , 'll.mnt , nnd I.unca : Dlx
cnresol tlic r > on' l i nr 1 Its ml vix > i > U\vltotir !
ri oaso. 1 ivci unitpUl it Kidney Cuiniilnlnt ,
Narvoua FJobtilty , rfloittul Doprco-
Blon , Loss of MunHftori , Gomlnnl
Wanlma-iR. l > ii i * > tc HriRlit 3 W'-cixvi.H ' Vtlus'
Dance ltfemuitm ? , l'tirvlj < Klilto SwoUlnp.
Bcnifuir. rover < < : , Coiiccrs , Tumors
and Fiftula In uno Icmovoct vjlthout
the knlfo or dinwlnc a drop of
blood. Women vUHi l r iti'Ucnto owns ro-
btV'U to health l > rupi > mmlUioul tipping.
Special Attention given to prlvnto
and Vonoicnl Dlsonnes of all Ulndo.
SGO toQj > oofillf ! ltriiril"y Vonoronl Dla-
onso i cniinoi euro without moroury.
Tape Worms roinoc.l In twn or Unco liuura , or ua
l > ay. Hi inorrhitlils or 1'IIca ciirttl
Will EM o llfo nutl hundreds of tlollnra by calling
on or USUK !
Tlio only I'll ) Mrlau v\lm cnn toll ivhnt nllC
it IIUIMIII without a-ililUK a qucHtlon. ;
All rnrrCMpimilence strictly confidential. McdlolnC
font l > v uxin.- | vildiessali lottcra to
5SE3 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Funeral Djreclor , Embalmer.
114 Main Street , x
Council IJltilTs.
Special iMoilces.
I at once , feteailj work Vogclur X boa 2.'j Mala
I or ne il Apply to Mm llornca ICvcrott.
FinTwANiii : > i nu UKMIIAJ : ] noubuvvouic
nt .111 llonton slrc'i-t
IfOll UM'ltiVMIH A nlei lininaonS 7th street
ueiirt'lli uv LI M ut > . i luir of iMicumlir.inoj , fur homo
InOumlin. MUII LOIII I'lna > or KnunUJ 1'laoo pro-
fi'rrc'd Will put Iu i'j ulitorj loj Uraoni'iloJi ,
McllOlHUll , V L'O
LVlli\i : II VN'dll-r.noil I r IOHI lie MS on .soulli
Bill Mi eel ( or Ian I tiiituniililiil lj Mcnolnuii A. Co
A US I U Vt'J t ami lou-n I inn nil I i-lty properlr
buiMlit aiul uolil l-itai ; ) , V I'lioiuaf , Coioiult
17.VUM anil city Ii I H vion y lonncil on toc'
t anil Kr.ilu Hull oslulu for i lit ! llnullliu unl
btiMiii'HH imil ilJ Vlunur luiiioil foi locil Invojtorj ,
I.outiu X lov\lu Jla I'imrl Hlruol
614 Ai Illis tipper Ilio uln ir , np'o'iill ' I ploco for
pliltlnn' rlujifo" | nVi. 0 Hill iHJinxj fir
Iniprnxi-il rciiilLMii' , ) prouarty la Coil icll illuti
( < iuuii lilulil4 Mcliiilson X (
ftUDI.s ANI I ll'M I' Innil rlclioit nn I mint
v'liu.'uilllul true' In roUi/attnuiiu county : BJJ
nlcriirlio I'liu-j , llVii or tu i rioru lou Ur uii-
hU'liMi Nicholson ft , Cu ( li I llroadw ly
\ \ 7 Ii WAN P ton ncnii of Inml within llvo miles of
' city Don't euro how rutiijh It la. Urueu *
UJs , .SkholHon A. Co
lbH I'lneu , for fiults or KardoiH
liornuH llnu ncro loti , tnoiltr niliiiitai
fiorn motor llnu ( iriiunt'ilulili , Nlcholion fi Co.
1& KAUMS to ivvdM'u'u for limiKet unit lota or
Jliooilaritnt IOIH Jl niranil nluiKarilon land
fursulo at fij p r ncro Joliniton , t V'nn L'ntton.
] KUirrAllM liuprovoil n Millii nmn Unit from
thuiioitolllu. i/i HCI3J , fi room Uoimj , titublq.
t'tu Will cncluuiio lorresliloncij In Council lllcilU ,
( licotiililolili , Xluhijlrion A. t'o.
14' ' < ; ACIIKS , .UJ mlk'3 from i Ity ; tvlll aoll at cut If
tnlicn tills woi > L diuuiulilalili , Nlcholvon A Co.
i U C1IO1C K lotH In Miiynn uililltlon nonr oimt cnil
Jof the ncn IntiTJliilo lirliU'uS 111 n'll In Uiinchui
or rlnUy ( luoruolutcair , CouiitH lllnlln.
MONMIAY1 In It , A. pirlori , clillilrun. 4 p. 111.1
nilnlU , " M p. in Hoolils Buoonil an I fourtli
> lomlny > iUp in MiiblcfiirnUliuil partluj ami clubi.
Aitilrc'Hi H , A I'arlor-i.CouiicIl llliilfi.inliili f nrinm
tt. Uiiiuhii Wi K t-linnb.irj ln u notor.
GAHIlAlili n-inovuil , roidiO'il ' . viuilu oliit
chliiinu/i cloino I l < I' Hurke , i.lly hill. ,
Ai ANTKI ) 'Jo liny sultiiMo i onntora and h lv
< i liu lor lint dHKiilry Kioiln nml dothliiK room
el/o"Vxluu Day.VlkHi , Lounell lllulli
i7 UNsucli io\n i on itissr-sos I'AHK AVW
J nuo
e Works.
Q. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
nnd l c finishing
OK GUUD.S op iviiiy : DIW
Oiiuihit olllco , l.'i'Jl Rinmm St , Totcphono 1")2I , .Council HtulTd ollloo nnd works ,
cur , Avc. A uudOtli bt. , i'clophono M10. SonU fur circulars nnd jit'iuo list ,