Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1892, Image 1

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Mr. Cleveland's Official'Family Nameil by
Persistent Guessers.
How llio rnttbCnl Are to Itn HRiv.irtlrd
Wlml Iho South Will Oet In the
llhltln t'p-Dun l.ainont UIH
IIo Itonipinliprcd.
WAIIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Dec. 20. The cablne -
ma.kers urn finding It very dlftloult to dovo-
tall their planks together and many of them
ore working on slaky timber. Others have
little else lo occupy their attention during
the holidays , and thuro is a ( jcoat deal of
speculation as to whom Mr. will
soled as his advisors. Ono partial cabinet
list presented by some of the prophets for
consideration on n dull day was ex-Mlni.ster
Phclps for sec-rotary of state ; Morrison or
'Carlisle for secretary of the treasury ;
"Pat" Collins of Boston.forsecrelary of war ;
Herbert for secretary of the navy ; Dickinson
for attorney and Blount of Georgia
for postmaster general. The solid delega
tion of Alabama arc In favor of Herbert
being secretary of the navy , and hli appoint
ment would generally be approved In the
Bouth and by men from all sections who have
served with him in congress. There Is a
strong belief , however , that Colonel Lament
lias been sel'-ctcd for that place and that
Herbert may get something else.
Mr. Herbert's friends say that they do not
think that there Is any oilier place In the
cabinet ho would care for. They say that
ho would not accept a place in tlio cabinet
nt all if offered , except for llio reason that
ho takes a great Interest in the navy and be-
lloves that there is a great deal a secretary
can do to improve the service. Ho has u
great opportunity for making nlonoy In his
profession , they say , and if ho does not be
come secretary of the navy ho will enter as
partner of ono of the best law firms of the
oulh. *
I'nt Collins for Secretarv of War.
The selection of Collins as secretary of war
would meet with general approval among
democrats , Imt It is likely that he might not
accept anythingbuttlioaltorney generalship.
Concerning this place , however , thcro is
crowing belief lh:4 : it will go lo Dickinson ,
in spite of the fact that ho has declared that
ho does not want to go Into the cabinet. It
is thought ho would accept the attorney gen-
or.ilshlp and that Cleveland will bo apt lo
insist upon his laking it.
It is believed that no less than two cabinet
places , and in all probability , three , will go
to the south. There are three southern
men of reputation prominently spoken of for
thoattorney genoralship. They are John Ran
dolph Tucker of Virginia , Representative
Calberson of Texas , who Is regarded as ono
of the strongest men In the noutb , and cx-
Hcpresontativo Hammond of Georgia. The
three are regarded as excellent lawyers and
men of general ability besides having vxperi-
rnco in public life. It is not thought that
Hammond will go into the cabinet , for if a
cabinet officer Is to bo selected from Georgia ,
It is believed that Blount will bo made post
master-general. Blount has served long in
congress and has served on the loading com
mittees. IIo has been on the appropriation
committee and j ivo up the chairmanship of
the committee on postofllcos and post roads
to take the chairmanship of the committee
on foreign affairs in this congress.
It Is CloiPit til llio I'uhlli : IScc.-uiss of llio
I'rcauncu of Sciirlut t'eyt-r 'i'lii-ro.
WASHINGTON- . C. . Dec. 20. Little Mar-
tena Harrison , the president's H-ycar-old
granddaughter , Is reported to bo a trillc
easier today. Her ailment has developed
into n genuine case of scarlet fever. It s of
n , mild typo , however , and will undoubtedly
yield to treatment. The two McKca chil
dren have been watched carefully over
since Martena was taken ill , and they are
reported today to bo beyond danger of con
Dr. Gardner B.I id this a ftornoon tlmt his
patjenl was { jotting along nicely and would ,
no'thoughl , bo all right again in a short
time. Her fever was less today than yester
day and the case seemed to bo losing its
hold. The MoKeo children , he said , were
well and they would cscapo the disease , not
withstanding its insidious and contagious
character and their exposure to it before its
prcseneojn the house was known.
The white house will ho closed to the pub
lic today and will probably remain so until It
Is again free from disease.
Medical Sanitary Inspector C. .1. Osmun of
the health office , visited the whlto house
about noon today and tacked up two signs
in the doors , ono on the lower and ono on
the upper lloor , quarantining the executive
mansion against tlio public. The signs are
pink-colored pasteboard aiitl on them is
To romnvo this placard without permission -
mission Is unlawful.
Mr. nlalnu'K I'liyhlrl.m TnlUsiof UK t'litlriit'M
( Juiulltlmi.
WAsni.vriTON , D. C. , Dee. Ufl.-7."Mr. Blalnc
is getting along nicely , " was Dr. Johnaon'f
reply 19 the question as to the condition ol
Mr. Blalno's health. The hour was 0IU : ) ami
the physician had Just emerged from tin
threshold of the historic mansion on Lufayet
to square. Ho had remained with his ills
thiRUishcd patient just : ! ( ) minutes by tin
watch and so well satisfied was bo with tin
improvement shown tlmt hu will not re tun
to the house again'tonlght.
When askeil as to the probability of Mr
Blaino'ti removal in the near future , Dr
Johnson's reply was tint ho never had Imt
ono statement lomako about that : "Thai
Biich a contingency was too rninotu to bo dls
cussed , " At present Mr. Blahio was dolnjj
very well , and it was his condition each da.\
that concerned him rather than what it
might bo one wcnlc or ou month bunco.
When asked a day or two ago if Mr
Illulno was permitted to nit up. his reply was
that ho would not bo permitted to do so ovei
if that was his Inclination.
Today was generally observed as n holi
day. Mr. Blalne's house was brilliantly
lighted this evening and thcro was every
where maintained a chccrfulnorfs not observable
able In members of the family for many days
_ _
MISS INC. ritO.U HO.11K.
cx Dliiiippi-ar.iiKMi nf u MrtlioilUt Mln
OX , I ) , C. , Dee. 20. For nonrl.1
four weeks now llov. Josliaa Thompson , ai
ox-Methodist minister , has linen away Iron
Ms homo and his friends hi this city. Hi
left hi re about the 1st of December toillni
his v/lfo that ho going to Baltimore
lie has not been seen nor heard from since
lie has a son and a daughter living nea
loeh'f { < T , N. Y , Mrs. Thompson Jit ? writ
ten to them , informing them of her hua
band's absence , and has received replies tha
they have not scon the missing man. U I
iirojioscd now to take some stops to clear u
the mys-tery which surrounds his where
nbouts. Huv , Mr. Thompson is about 0
Years of age , and has not been active ) ,
In the ministry for a mnnber'of yours past
Ho Is. however , still a member of the Gene
neo conference. Now Yorlr. He htvd will
him whfn he disappear- * ! between K'OO am
Hcicrvlury Foster's 1'iituro.
Secretary Oharlca Foster has had a grcu
many invitations to go Into business entct
tbe expiration of his service u
secretary of tlio treasurer on March 4 , but
ho has not yet decided what ho will do.
"Conic to think of II , " ho remarked re
cently to his secretary , " 1 need not do any
thing If I don't want to. "
The presidency of several national banks
has been offered the secretary , and it Is
quito probable that ho will accept ono of
them , but lie has taken no action in this di
rection as yet.
To Tr t tlio Vrvivliu.
Not quite appropriate to the season of
"ncaro and good will , " the navy department
gives out a statement that it has mapped out
a most exhaustive program for the trial of
tup dynamite cruiser Vesuvius and her guns.
It Is the desire of the department to deter
mine once for all Just what may bo expected
of this cr.ift In time of need. Shots will be
fired nt moving and stationary targets nml
with llio vessel moving at varying degrees
of speed. The most interesting feature of
the trial will bo the six allots , each loaded
with iiOO pounds of high explosives , llrsir nt
a moving target , consisting of a condemned
bulk. This , it Is supposed , will give a prac
tical illustration of the ability of tlio Vesu
vius to carry out tlio purpose for which it
was built , vlto : sink the ship of an enemy
nta mile. Ktahty-four shots In all will be
fired sixty-six blanks and ten loaded with
cmmensite and gun cotton.
WnslililRtiili Ndtri.
The Christmas foot hall game between the
teams of llic Yoiim ? Men's Christian asso
ciation and thn Columbia Athletic club , was
won bv the Columbias by a score of 20 lo 0.
The "Muscular Christians , " as they are
called here , put up a good game , but their
opponents , suppnrted by Frank Butterworth
of Vale , Kins and Uergen of Princeton and
Ordw.ij of I.t'liiirh. all of whom are mumpers
of the Athletic club , were lee many for
Among interesting Mexican items , received
by the Latin-American bureau are the fol
lowing : The Mexican Steamship company
of Philadelphia lias decided to increase its
capital from $100,000 to iilO.OOO and plae.o
three now ships upon its line. Under Its
present schedule the company has , two
steamers on Its Hue to Progresso , Tamplco ,
Tuxpan and Vera Cruz , making the trip in
forty-throe days , stopping both ways nt
Havana. It Is proposed to place the three
new steamers direct to Mexican ports and
use the present vessels in tlio Havana trade
nouoKit Ai'i'Atis I > ICUKII > .
What ( icncKil Scluillotil II is to Say t'puu tlio
WA-MIIXOTOX , D. C. , Dee. 20. General
Scholield was ono of the few officials who
did not take advantage of today's holiday.
A reporter found him in his office at the War
department this afternoon and asked him if
he hud any news from the Mexican frontier.
Ho said ho had not heard anything official
from Texas for several days and did not ex
pect any reports from thcro unless the troops
now hi the field had an engagement with
some _ o.t the men responsible for the
recent outrages on the border. IIo
did not believe , however , that the troops
would meet with any resistance on their
inarch , for the reason that their approach
was usually the signal for the guerrillas to
scalier in every direction , conceal their arms
in the brush and fiestroy all evidence of an
unlawful character. On such occasions tlioy
usually appear to the troops shortly after
ward in the innocent guise of cowboys and
ranchers. Then , unless the civil authori
ties identify them as-rovolutionists or as per
sons who had violated tlio neutrality laws ,
the troops could do nothing with them. Gen
eral Schotield said ho thought there were
no guerrillas on the American shore of the
Hio Grande and that , the people who are
making all the trouble in that vicinity
dwell or roam almost entirely on ttic oilier
Caption John G. Burke , Third cavalry
who has been stationed at San Antonio , Tex. ,
for several months past , arrived in the city
today In response to a summons to consult
with Secretary Atkins and General Scbollold
in regard lo the situation on the border. Ho
has not been identified with the present
troubles , but is thoroughly conversant with
the territory and tnc character of the people
responsible for them.
No information has reached either the
War department or the Department of Jus
tice in regard lo Ibo reported capture of
deputy United Stales marshals by Mexican
jti.iz/.iiins Jtr.oir.
l > piorts of Cold Weal her anil Severe
.Storms from Mini } * l'liu'c.4.
KANS CITV , Mo. Dee. 20. A blizzard
I raged bore last night with a severe north
wind , accompanied by snow and temperature
0 ° below. The storm was far reach
ing , extending over the entire southwest ,
but was particularly severe in Kansas.
A dispatch from Topeka. Kas. . says : Re
ports received at the railroad offices here are
that the snowstorm yesterday afternoon was
general all over the state , extending into
Colorado and Indian Territory. About the
same quantity of snow fell west as east , but
In the west the wind amounted to a gale
and , In consequence , the snow- drifted badly
causing a great deal of trouble in the movement
mont of trains. The Santo Fo had two
trains in drift near Newton yesterday , bin
got them out last night. Today the same
road has four trains in drifts between Dodge
City and Cinmrron. The company has two
snow plows at work and it is expected to
open the line in brief timo.
The Rock Island 1ms two trains In the drift
on Us southwestern line. That companj
also has its snow plows at work. No reports
ports of suffering on account of the stern
have been received , but Ihero is no doub
that stock has suffered.
At 0 o'clock Ibis morning , thermometers
hero registered (1 ( degrees below.
At Arkansas City all trains were delayec
today ami there is much suffering among the
homo seukers camped upon the border of the
Cherokee strip.
( ' . \MUIX : , Ark. . Dec. 20. A storm of sice
and snow of unusual so verity catnu down li
this section of the sunny south last night.
The mercury , as a consequence , dropped 40
degrees in two himrs. It is now the coldest
of llio
AMrr.iinM. . N. Y. , Dec. 20. The weather
In the Mohawk valley today Is the coldest of
the season. Al 7 a. m. it was 0 ° below /ero
and U below at Glovorsvlllo. Tlio mercury
Is at zero tonight along the valley.
lloily ol llio DUtliiKiil'iheil Economist l.i-niler
Lying In Suite.
Pirr.SM'iiO , T'.i. , Dec. 20. The body of
leather Hcnrici , tlio leader of the Kcono-
mists , was laid out in the "great house" at
Keonomy today and was viewed by many
hundreds. The remains will bo interred
tomorrow afternoon In the Economists ceme
tery with a simple service.
.lolin Duss , the trustee , is In charge of the
society and will bo elected ) in Hcnriors
placo. So far as Iho government of tlio
people and the possessions of the society are
concerned , Duss has power as absolute as
thotvarof Hussia. Ho has It In his power
to appropriate every vcstigo of Hio society
possession's to his own use. Tills authority
was given him only hist Thiirtul.iy and the
agreement was signed by nine-tenths of the
members. The members generally have Im
plicit faith In Duss.
It is stated that the society has been over
estimated , but just what their interests are
Nt-iv MoxlouS
SANTA Pn , N. M. , Dee. 20. Tlio thirtieth
legislative assembly of Now Mexico organ
ized today , Colonel T , Francisco Chuvos ,
republican , of Veleriea county was elected
president of the council , and A , lj. Branch ,
democrat , of Moro county , speaker of thu
houso. The council stands seven republi
cans and five democrats , and the house thir
teen democrats and nine republicans.
iilii ; | Mutter Market.
Euux , III , Leo. ) 20.- Butter steady , Sales
10,000 pouiulb at ! 30c , The board adjourned
for two weeks , flxiuu next week's prices at
Some Startling Revelations in the Great
Panama Oanal Scandal.
rut-Mini by n IMtlles * Scoiiiulrrl Who Had
l'o o loii of IIU Seerrt IIo Took
His On n I.lle-A I'lrec of
Heartless Cruelty.
PAULS , Dec. 20. A story without n paral
lel , even In standard fiction , has been given
by a prominent banker in explanation of the
lements which culminated In the crisis.
Mthough Ihe outstanding Inference Is that
evidence of the truth clearly establishes llio
facts already before llio country Ihu corres-
londenco hesitates to make it public In full
letall because It involves great names and
eputallons which must not bo lightly as
sailed. It requires few words to outline the
letails of this terrific drama.
It will bo remembered in connection with
Baron do Ueinach's death tlmt it was said
the principal documents during the dlstrlbu-
: ion of vast Panama corruption funds had
jf-cn.stolon. Those dangerous papers have
'or a long time been in the possession of
Cornelias Her/ , now a fugitive In Umdon ,
who for several days has bcnn so proml-
icntly before the public in connection with
.he Panama canal scandal. It Is now said
.hat Heiv's connection with do Helnach
nis been that of n blackmailer. It is
explained that Her/ gained possession of the
documents several years ago and has ever
since levied gigantic tribute upon do Itcin-
ach. The amount extorted up to the limo of
the baron's death is placed ut no less than
10,000,000 francs. When the rumors of Pan
ama corruption began to be publicly dis
cussed , six weeks ago , Hurt Is said to
have inado them the basis for a new demand
for 1,000,000 francs. He threatened to pub
lish all his evidence In two newspapers if
the money was not paid to him. De
Keinaeh did not respond. Hcrz was inexor
able and increased the pressure. lie affirmed
be could stop the threatened great exposure
If his demands were satisfied. De lieinacht
In his extremity , appealed to Houvior. He
reminded Ihe minister -finance of Ibo
assistance he had rendered him in Ihp past
and what Kouvier described in his Imllsrruc ,
speech in the Chamber the other day. The
deceased baron- begged him to use every
effort to prevent Her/ from carrying out
his threats. De Heinaeh sought Clcmen-
ccau'said. The latter replied that ho could
do nothing. When the result was made
known to do Heinacb ho exclaimed : "lam
Jost. " A day or two later ho was dead ,
whether by suicide or murder is still an open
Herz's pursuit of de Keinaeh , pitiless and
relentless , is described as ono of the cruellest
crimes in history. Ho was almost penniless
and without inlluence until de Heinaeh made
him bis protege. Today he has moro than
5,000,000 francs in visible property in Paris
and Frankfort , besides largo interests in
England. It is affirmed also that be himself
instigated the briberies which he afterwards
used to ruin his benefactor.
Mexico Will Knileavor to Secure 11 Greater
I'art of Kiiropu'H ICinl l-.iiits.
CITV op Mexico , Dec. 20. It is understood
that efforts will bo made by the government ,
and through other agencies , to turn the lido
of cmigrat ion which has been flowing from
Kuropt ) lo the United States to this country ,
in-riew of the probable passage by the
United States congress of laws restricting
immigration. It is rumored that the au-
Ihorilies of several of the Mexican states
arc preparing to send emigration commis
sioners to Italy , Sweden , Ireland and Ger
A frightful domestic tragedy is reported
from Tehauntepeo. The terrible affair was
duo to the frenzied Jealousy of a man , who
literally chopped to death with a corn knife
his mothcr-ln-law and sister-in-law.
DISIASK : itu > ui-x : HAMKUIIO.
Kvcry I munition Tlmt tlio Clioleru Iliis n
Sli-oiiK Foothold There.
HAMUVKO , Dec. 20. Two children living in
the Bergesche strasso fell ill of cholera on
Thursday and loday Iwo moro in the same
house with Ihem were stricken. Eppcndorf
hospital is treating forty-eight cases of chol
era , some of a "virulent typo. There was ono
death from cholera at llio hospital today.
Without doubt , the disease is making steady
though slow progress. uneasiness
prevails , especially in mercantile circles ,
( which are still under the burdens of last
fall's losses. Increase in the sick list and
death rate would mean within a few weeks
that all opportunity of making good recent
reverses would be lost. The recent panics
are salu to bo already curtailing business.
MiiutvMAiuits : :
Ilstresnliif ; Aeclilent In tin ; Hurlior of .Syd
ney , X. S. W.
SYDXRV , N. S. W. , Dec. 20. An accident
occurred hero today to a party of merry
makers , resulting in the death of ten of
them. The owner of a yacht gave an invita
tion to n party of friends to take a sail , and
twenty-three persons accepted the Invita
tion. All went well until the mouth of the
Harbor was reached , Hero a severe squall
struck the yacht and before any preparation
could bo inado to meet it the vessel eup.siy.ed.
Vessels in the vicinity picked up thirteen
persons , who were struggling in tlio water ,
but ten of them were not seen after the
yacht turned over.
.More DuelH In Slxht.
P.iius , Dee. 20. Deputy Itaynal , formerly
minister of public works , has challenged to
u duel ex-Deputy do , the author
of llio lotVT , published in li Croarard on
Sunday , charging that several members of
Iho Chamber had demanded ! IO ) francs from
the Credit Fancier for assisting in the passage -
sago of the bill.
Senator Poirerl of the Hupubliquo Fran-
caiso and Joseph do licinach have bolh de
nied thu truth of M. do Nayronsso's state
ment. M. do Nayronsso was formerly man
ager of the Kupubliqitu FrancalMo.
Safii I'roiu I'ryln Invent fir * .
PAHIS , Dec. 20. The Martin today says
that M. Aiitonln Peraust , onu of the mem
bers of the Chamber who Is threatened with
prosecution , Is suffering from congestion of
the brain.
The Kelalr publishes today nn interview
with Arton , the go-between in the Panama
affair , intho course of which ho says tlmt
his papers are in a place where tlioy are safe
from prying investigators. Ho declared
that ho did nol desire to ho mixed up In the
present campaign. In which hu was no
wlso concerned. Ho added tlmt bo would refuse -
fuse to return to Franco even with a safe
conduct , remarking signllicaiilly that ho re
garded llui-ou do Hi'inach'a ' death as a warn
ing to hlmsulf. M. Arton Is generally be
lieved V < i liavn taken refruge in Spain , whore
ho is waiting for the storm to blow over.
IlUnmrcli's ClirUt urn.
HAMIIUIIII , Deo. 20. Prince Bismarck cel
ebrated Christmas eve with his family at
Friedrichsruho , On a Christuvis tree were
hung the presents. The cards and ly tiers of
congratulation , which from every cap
ital in Europe , filled an enormous basket at
the foot of the tree , All of the 'mully ser
vants were culled in and each received two
presents ono from the prince and another
from Iho princess. Several guesis passed
the evening with thu family , Prlnco lils-
march was in exceptionally good spirits ,
Thill Dulillll i : pl | ton ,
Druux , Dec , 20. The coroner's Jury , after
Uearinu tlio evidence of several witnesses ,
rondcred a verdict that the explosion of
Sunday night was duo to the explosion of a
high class explosive substance , placed In
the court by nn unknown person. It was
recommended that the authorities provide
for the family of Detective Synott.
The txmdon police reoenlly received vague
Intimations of n possible renewal of dyna
mite outrages and extra precautions were at
once taken to guard against injury bo.lng
done to public buildings. It Is supposed that
the dynamiters , thus thwarlod , decided to
make Dublin the scene of their outrage.
Many Wrecks Iliivo Heen Itrpurtcil und
I.O < M or I.ITe.
MAPIUM , Dec. 20. VIolenV gales are raging
off the west coast of Spain. Heports Indi
cate that there havubeen many fatalities In
this part of the Atlantic and that the ship
ping has suffered seriously along the Span
ish coast. The ship Maria Joaqnin managed
lo make Vadlgo in a disabled condition , her
rudder having been unshipped and her masts
broken. During the g.ilo her captain was
killed ami two seamey were drowned. The
shh ) Maria Teresa foundered oil San Lucas
and eight of Iho crew1 were drowned.
It AfTeeleil the Purls llmirsp.
PAHIS , Doe. 20. Tlio bourse was firm at
Iho opening , but weakened later when
rumors became current that M. de Freyclnet ,
minister of war , was about to resign. Routes
closed at Ur.-i : > . Credit Fonder fell 10.T5
fnvnes. Humors as to M. do Freyelnot's approaching
preaching resignation are numerous , but ills
impossible lo trace' any of them to a trust
worthy source.
l > eltli of u Hero.
KbiNMirnan , Dee. 20. In attempting to
rescue a yotincr lady and gentleman who had
broken through the Ice on l och Anellcan.
near Inverness this afternoon , General Rico ,
who had plunged into thn water , was carried
by the current under the unbroken ice and
More. Olilclalo.
Buiu PHSTH , Dec. 20. The fact has just
beenSnado public that during the Trcfort
ministry 1,000,000 florins were embezzled In
the department of education and public in
struction. The Identity of the dishonest offi
cial Is unknown.
llltlerly ItiMciitud til Swltzrrlnml.
BniiNi : , Dee. 20. The rejection of tbe
French-Swiss commercial treaty by the
French Chamber of Deputies is bitterly
resented here. There is a unanimous feel
ing in favor of reprisals.
Ciilteil Out tlui Troops ,
BUHNOS Avur.s , bee. ' 20. Ten thousand
troops have been mobilized to suppress Ibo
spreading rebellion In the Argentine prov
ince of Corrientes.
Mr * . I.-intry ; II.i4AnotIier Itolup c.
LONDON' , Dee. 20. " Mrs. Lily Langtry ,
who was reported as having favorably passed
the critical point , has suffered u serious re
' .C MVItVEIt.
Yoreester , 3liiss. , StMrtlnl bj'a Crlmu of K\-
WonrnsTCH , Mass. , Doo. 20. A horrible
triple murder and suicide was discovered
today in the upper fiat of a tenement build-
ng at ! il Tainter street , Henry C. Varnum
and his little adopted daughter Florence
were found dead , and his wife nearly dead
when discovered , and died on the way to the
lospital , and Mrs. Wright , mother of Mrs.
Varnum , now lies at } he hospital In u critical
condition , unable as yet to talk or indicate
n any way the stor.v of the awful event.
Henry O. Varnum Came to this city from
Huron , Vt. , in September and went to
work In the shop of L. L , Pollard. The
family lived quietly and to all appearances
Mrs. Varnum was a regular attendant at
iho Hope Congregational church , where she
sung in the ) choir. Her husband and Ilttlo
daughter often udc6mpani < ? d her. Mrs.
Varnum was not preselit at services Sun
day , and the pastor , Hov. E..JW. Phillips , re
marked her absence _ and expressed some
surprise , saying Mrs. Varnum was not the
sort of a Woman to stay at homo because it
was cold. Mr. Phillips today went to
Varuum's house and rang the bell , but re
ceived no answer , and called up an occupant
ol tbe middle dwelling , who said that he hail
not heard anything from the Varnums.
Mr. Phillips went up stairs immediately
and passed through the parlor into the back
parlor and tncn Into tlje kitchen. IIo then
pushed open the door of n bed room leading
off from the kitchuri nnil a terrible sight met
his eyes. Lying on tlio bed covered with
blood were Mr. Varnum and wife. The man
was quite dead , but the woman was breath
ing heavily. In a cot in the corner of the
room kiy tlio child , turned over ou her face ,
also dead.
Phillips wilitcd to see no more , but rushed
down the stairs and telephoned for the
police. When the police arrived the mother ,
Mrs. Wright , was discovered in an adjoin
ing room. She was conscious , but not able
to speak , though understood what was said
to her.
The bodies of the man and child were re
moved to the undertaker's and the two
women carried to the hospital. The younger
died just as tlio ambulance stopped at the
hospital door. Mrs. Wright Is still unable
to speak , but may live. Sbo is about 80
years of age.
The weapon with which the awful deed
was committed was an iron strap about fif
teen Inches , long headed by a cylindrical knob.
The instrument weighed fully four pounds ,
Varnum himself was killed by u stab from a
knlfo , identified as his own. Ho was cut in
the region of the heart. There were no other
marks upon the body. There was no sign of
violence about the house outside of the bed
Mrs. R R Hall , who lives In the tenement
below , says she beard slight sounds from
tlio child about fi o'clock Sunday morning.
The noise ceased immediately and she
thought nothing of it.
TilK t'lltK KKUUIlIt ,
i\lioniilvn : 151u/.r In Different Purls of thn
Niw : VOHK , Dee ! > 0. Fire today did much
damage In thu five htory building at CO and
S8 Wall street. Tlio IOHCJS are : Ochs
Bros. , dealers In worsted and yarns ; M.
Cohen , dealer in clonks and suits ; ICahn &
Franks , hosiery and gloves ; A. Ilcriog &
Son , shirt manufacturers ; Ooldio it Son ,
clothiers and Albert B. Pen-in. The total
damage is $ - > 7OOt > .
IVAIIOKU , Mo. , Dou. 2il. By a flro hero
yesterday \Vaylanct & Stautter , dry goods
dealers , suffered a Joss of fiO.OOO ; Handier &
Downs , clothlngrflfi.QOU ; Duer &i Hummoll ,
furniture and Ki-ocorios , $10,090. Tito Woo-
ster hotel W.tHX ) . Other losses swell the
amount to JTft.OOO ; insurance fc'W.OOO.
WYOMING , N. Y , , Doc. 20. The Methodist church , seven stores and seven
dwellings were destroyed by llro this after
noon. Ix > ss , $100,0001 , Nine families are
Si.ATiiit , Mo. , Dec. 20. Al Haas and Al
Sleber's dry goods store and a minilKT of
other business plavus burned here. Loss ,
NUIIIIOIIN. Mo. , Dec. BO Thn Bank of Nor-
born building , the opera house and nine small
business houses in this city wore burned last
night. Loss about IU,0)J ) with only small
HiiiiKhVeulHT ut .Sen.
NEW VOHK , Dee. 2 > ) . Incoming Kuropcnn
steamships report llcrco storms aiul bitter
cold weather at SHU. Hvcry vessel that caino
in port today was a mass of ice from water
line to mast heail. Several steamships had
their dock works smashed and a number of
their crowsSver. ? frost bitten.
.Iiiuk tlm Jluii-Cutter ut Work.
CINCINNATI , O. , Dee. 20 , Miss Hose
Tucker , living on Carlisle avenue , started to
the city to get the morning papers. She
had gone but a short dlstanro when a man
caught her and with a pair of shears clipped
her luxuriant hair oil and ran uwuy with it.
Hostilities Will Oommonco in Uruguay
Within n Short Tirao.
Clilll anil llr.trll I'orni nn Alllniiro OflVmho
mill lpfeu < l\r Itrllnblr Information
Tlmt the Treaty Hits Ilccii
tiH ) , ( via llalvostou , Tex. , ) Deo. 20.
Illy Mexican Cable to the Now
York HoraldSpeelal to Tun Br.r. . ]
The Herald correspondent nt Montevideo tel
egraphs that news has reached there confirm
ing the statement that the Oastllliists
of Klo Grande tin Sul have in
vaded the Uruguayan territory tlirco
times atul the Uruguayan authorities
have the question of retaliation under con
sideration. Tin- federalists It Is said will
begin open hostilities within a week or ten
days. They are waiting the receipt of ex-
peeled arms. The executive authorities of
Uruguay have purchased u number of Mansur
News comes faom nucnos Ayrcs that , the
Argentine province of Corrientus Is In n
state of revolt. Tlio revolutionists , miniber-
ing 5,000 armed men , arc In control of the
provinces. Ten thousand troops have heen
mobilized to suppress the revolt It is feared
that revolutions are imminent in the prov
inces of Santa Ko and Kutrorios.
The pamphlet of ScuorTuppar is still be
ing widely discussed by the newspapers of
Buenos Ayres. Veljo Bucno lias
heen named chief of the staff of the Argon-
line army. President Saenz Pena intends
issuing a < manifesto relative to internal and
foreign questions affecting Venezuela.
Yellow fever has appeared at Bahla.
Chill anil Itni/ll , loln I'oi-ecH.
The Herald correspondent at Uo ! de .Tan-
olro telegraphs that ho has learned from
perfectly reliable sources that an alliance ,
offensive and defensive , between Chili and
Brazil , was signed December IS.
Admiral Oherardi's squadron sailed this
morning from Valparaiso. Lieutenant Pot
ter und .Medical Inspector Vanveypon will go
oyer the Tranandine railroad for the purpose
of reporting on the condition of that line , mid ,
will join the squadron at Buenos Ayres. The
departure of the ships is generally regretted
by Chilians , who were- anxious to indicate
their friendly fooling toward the American
naval officers.
I have reasons to know that the relations
between Chill and Peru are now friendly
and that Peru will before many days have a
minister at Santiago. There Is no doubt
that President Monti's government will re
call Guerrero as minister to Argentine.
PANAMA , ( via fJalveston , Tex. ) , Dee. 20.
[ By Mexican Cable to the New York Herald
Special to TUB Ben. ] The project to estab
lish a submarine cable between Cartagena ,
Colon and other Colombian ports is under
discussion in the Colombian senate. Con
gress lias passed a law sanctioning the intro
duction of Chinese workmen for nil classes
of industrial enterprise.
Still Talltlnif i > 'f SaTollI.
[ CopurtyliUd 1SS2 byJamfs Gordon /remidM
HOME , Dec. 70. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tun line. ] All sorts of contra
dictory reports arc in the air regarding
Mgr. Salolli's mission and the course the
pope will adopt. According to what maybe
bo called dlio Ireland group his holi
ness will support the envoy unreserv
edly. The opponents of the archbishop's ideas
on the other hand , arc discounting Satolli's
prompt recall , The Vatican alone is silent ,
Apropos of the rumor that Satalll has
raised the question of a nunciohhip at
the urchiepiscopal conference , it may bo
interesting to recall the remark
of Pope , Gregory XVI ; "I am
really pope in North America , for there I am
free. " Many Catholics-hero think the pope
would be less free in the United States if
diplomatic relations were instituted.
In ills Christmas address to the gnardi
nobile , the pope expressed the hope that
they would some day be able to escort him
through Rome.
"That day would not come soon , " said he ,
"but when it will come is God's secret. "
Unltril States Troop * llnvo nil Kiix.ixciiicnt
\vllli Our/si's .lien.
Nnw Om.r.AXs , La. , Dec. 20. The Times-
Democrat's Laredo special , says : Lieuten
ant West and his company of United States
troops cnmo upon a gang of bandits yester
day near the Alazon creek near the Mexican
line and killed OHO and wounded another.
Further particulars are to the effect that
the troops ciimo upon the camp llrst at
nightfall Christmas eve. The bandits were
ordered to surrender , but fled instead , de
livering a scattering volley as they ran for
lltolr horses. So far as known , none of the
troops were wounded , The troops captured a
large amount of arms and ammunition and a
few horses. After the light , owing to the
darkness , the trail could not bo followed.
Further details are anxiously awaited.
Nothing as yet is known as to the fate of the
deputy United Stales marshals reported to
have been captured by the revolutionists.
lil.KCTWX ItKTI.'llXH STOT.r.X ,
s Complication Whleh HUH AiHcn
lit I. cm ; ; Ihluiul City.
Loxo ISLAND CITY , L. 1. , Doe. SO. Assistant
City Clerk Hayes , in compliance with an
order issued by Justice Bartlett of Brooklyn
Saturday , compelling him to return the elec
tion returns of the last election to the Inspec
tors for correction , went to the city clerk's
olllco this morning only to find the returns
missing. Two policemen have boon on guard
in the city dork's olllco since the election and
declare no ono has been at the safe. Mayor
Glcason sajs no one has the combination to
the safe except City Clerk Burke and Assistant -
ant Hayes , and docs not sen how the returns
could bo stolen since llio police have been on
duty. There Is great excitement ,
I'attilly Hurt fn 11 Drunken llruul.
PiTTsiii'im , P.i. , Doc. 20. A score or more
of Hollanders engaged in a drunken brawl
on the corner of Twenty-eighth and Liberty
streets late hist night. The fight started
over some trifling matter. .Jeff Sparhonski
was stubbed in the stomach and was after
wards beaten over the head with a club by
Ortleor Wilcosy. Sparkonski died today.
Four others tire in the utalion house with
dangerous wounds.
ratul Arelilent on III" Itlii Oramli- .
DINVIH ; : , Colo. , Dec. till A special to the
Republican from Sallda , Colo. , Bays : yes
terday afternoon as the Denver & Hio Grande
pay car was going down Marshall Pass ,
westward hound , thoeiu'ino Jumped the track
and turned over , killing Fireman .lames
Lewis Instantly , and injuring Knglnccr Wil
liam Shaw seriously.
Wltrh KllliTrf Arrested.
SANTA Pu , N. M. , Dee. 20. The troops sent
from Fort Wlngato to tlm 7mPuoblo \ returned
turned with four prisoners , who some time
ago tortured and murdered two other Indians
for witchcraft. All is quiet at the pueblo
and the prisoners are now in charge of i
United States deputy marshal.
ICIIInd liyimbir.ihnlii. .
MOOII.C , Ala , Deo. 20.Near Coffeyvllln
Cl.irk county , Ala. , last , night , ICrncst Me
, cue of tlio test knuwn cuiztus
of Clark county , was called to his door and
assassinated by parties unknown. McCon-
( inodalo was a man of strong likes and dis
likes and had as many hitter enemies as he
had warm friends. There was much excite
ment In ColTcyvillo last night and tlio
assassin oriissdsslns will bo lynched if cap
( tout /.v TIIK ( , ' r.vr r.
Secretary of ( lie Trpmury r.tstpr Tntks with
a ltemrter. |
Nnw YORK , Dee. ' . ' 0. Secretary of the
Tivasury Charles Foster left for his home at
Fostorla , O. , this ovrnlng. Before going ho
said to n reiKirler that he had had no confer
ence with bankers hero in reference to the
export of gold and condition of the treasury.
When asked if tTiero Is nny danger of n
panic , ho saidNone : al all. There line
occasion for excitement or alarm In banking
circles. "
"Do you expect , to be called to Issue
any bonds to got gold for the treasury , be
tween no wand March ! "
"O , 1 don't think it will bo necessary. In
three weeks during which SI'J.diM.OOl ) have
been sent abroad , all of which was taken
from the treasury , 1 have had the offset of
! j.X)0ooo ( accumulation. The gold in the
treasury when the big shipments began
amounted to SliiMMO.OOO. Today it
amounts lo fPJI.OOJ.OOO. While I have not
made nny promises to get more gold In the
treasury on March ! than SISO.lKW.tXK ) , 1 be
lieve , the shipments of gold to Kuropo will bo
lighter during the next two months and that
it Is within the possibilities of the situation
to leave Jl'i. > ,000,00i , ) to my successor
In con trill. While 1 shall not utlli/.o
the provisions of the resumption act of 1S75 ,
which went into effect on .huuiar.v I , 1SJ ! ) ,
there is no doubt among the legal counsellors
of the government that the .secretary of the
treasury is empowered , under this law , to
sell certain Iwiids to secure gold whenever it
becomes necessary to maintain resumption.
The maintenance of the credit of the govor-
incnt has always been thought best sub
served by paying bonds In goldand that will
undoubtedly continue the custom. "
- * "
Tim DUATII ntn.T. .
Hem. Punt SolnnliiLte , .Mayor of Nctiraslin
t'll.v , | 'II HI-S Away.
NmiitASKA Cirv , Neb. , Dee. " . " . [ Special
Telegram toTnr. Br.r. . ] Hon.Paul Schminke ,
mayor of Nebraska City , died at midnight
from a complication of diseases. No arrange
ments have been made for llio yet.
[ Hon. Paul Sehminke came to Nebraska
City May I , IMiS , and engaged in the plaster
ing business until the springof ISM. IIo then
built the Star llouring mills , and was up to
the time of his death Interested in the mill-
ngbusinchs. In 187:2 : he was elected alder-
nan from the Third ward , lie was three
lines a member of the slate house of repre-
entatives and once a senator , the latter in
SS7 , when he wns ono of the leadei's in the
Van \VycU tight. In 1878 ho was appointed
lostmastcr and was reappointed in January ,
SS2. Ayear ago he was elected mayor of
he city and was serving in that position at
ho time of his death. Ho wns born in
'russia , August 10,110 , coming to America
May 10 , 1S : > 2. Hn located first in Pennsyl-
anin and in 18.VJ went to Ohio , living in
Viishlngton county until ho came to Ne-
> raska City. Ho was married in Wasliing-
on county , Ohio , December U , 18.VJ , to Anna
Cohhnann , a native of Hanover. Germany ,
[ 'ho family consists of eight children. Mr.
Schmlnko was a member of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows and Knights of Py-
I'OSTl'OXKIt M-.Yt'///.V < ; . 'v
IJny Suvcs a MUM'S I.I To Tor
Tvvonty-l'mir liourri.
Bowwso liimr.K , Ky. , Dec. 20. Bob Har-
> or , the negro who has been in Jail hero for a
week , as the assailant of Miss Kato Ander
son 501110 time ago , was identified by her
'eaterday. Great excitement prevails , and
ho mob tlfat assembled to hang him again
lemanded him of the Jailer ,
Miss Anderson had requested that the
ipgro bo not lynched yesterday , as eaeli fol-
owing Christmas would bean awful thought
o her , and this save > l the man's life. Tlio
io = ire was almost frightened to death.
The mob appointeil a committee to con
sider the matter , agreeing td abide by its
iiling. Tim question of lynching last night
or today was discussed , and four voted to
inng him today , while three voted to hang
lim at once. The men then quietly dis-
icrsed , agreed to reassemble today ut a time
lot given out.
o *
AwlRshultrcl by Mo.ilrMin.
GAi.vr.aiox , Tex. , Dec. 20. A Newr. special
from Eagle Pass , Tex. , says : Sabine Ottas
and Luis Hicco , who live ten miles above
town on the river , went to Mexico last night
to attend a ball and returned early this
morning. When they reached an island in
the river they were iircd upon from the
Mexican side , by parties in ambush. Ottas
was shot in tin ; head and killed instantly.
Both men were riding on horseback. Hlceo
was also wounded.
Stranii" "ml I'alnful AccldiMil.
CHICAGO , 111. . Doc. 20. Tonight Mrs. S. B.
Mitchell entered n cable car without notic
ing that her foot had become entangled in a
coil of telegraph wire. When the ear started
the wire was inado taut , and Mrs. Mitchell
was dragged from her seat through the door
and against tlio roar platform of the ear.
Before sbo could bo liberated her leg was so
cut by tlio wire that amputation may be
Sllllll lilt ) ( 'llj'ri ( inn ,
Toi.nno , O. , Dee. 20 It was discovered to
night that a systematic robbery of city nat
ural gas has been going on for no ono knows
how long. Connections had been inado with
the line to several factories , and many private
houses surreptitiously. Two'mc-inbcrs of tins
municipal reform commissioners are among
the number. Arrests will follow.
Itolil llui-KliifH.
NATOATLTK , Conn. , Due. 20. A bold unsuc
cessful attempt was made hero yesterday to
rob tlio Naugatuck National hank. After
drilling through the steel doors of the vault
and blowing the vault door off , the would-bo
robber hucaino alarmed and lied , leaving
their kit of tools behind Ihem.
.lolin IVooc ] , ' MiiKiillU'rnl OICU.
CMVII.AND : : , O. , Doc. 20. Mr. .lohn U
Woods , a wealthy retired lumber dealer ,
gave 4125.000 today to the medical college of
Western Hesorvn university as a Christinas
present. The college is already ono of the
best in the country.
Mimlrr In
GAi.vr.i-.TOX , Tax. , Dec. 20. Samuel Walker ,
, a saloon keeper , was shot und instantly
killed today by Pat Mallory , whoso brother
John was killed on Christmas , 1SUU , by
James Hherrar , Walker's partner. U'hu mur
derer was arrested.
It Will llu WiiniUT Tliniughuiit thu Sliitu
WAHIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Deo. 20. For Nebraska
and Iowa Fair ; southeast winds ; jibing
For tlio D.ikotasGenorally fair } south
east winds ; slightly warmer ,
I. or. 1 1 Itrcord ,
Doc. 20. Omaha record of tomperatiiro and
rainfall comp.ired with uurruspund inn day of
past lour years :
JB02. 1801. 1800. J8BO ,
Maximum tcmpnr.'itute.1 = 205 0&s > !
. ' '
Aveiairo tomperatiiro. . d3 11 ° BtP 8'js
I'j-eclpltatlon . T .00 .00 .00
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation at Omaha for tlio
day and slnco March 1 , IWi.
Normal tiimpnrntiiin . -3
Doilclunoy forthoduv . . -M
Delli'limcyfctnco.Miircli J . Jfjo
Norinulinuclpltatlon . (1:1 : Incnvt
Dullcli'iii-y for llio Hay . ( VI In.-lui
Uvllck'iicy vlncu March 1 . a.ll ) tncli.-i
. Ht.Ni1 , Louul l''uruvust Oflloul.
First Rouutl In Iho Union Depot Tight Went
in Their Favor.
Report Presented Last Week Adopted nt the
Special Mcuting Yesterday.
KcprosoiiUitivo Oitizjns Suggest Caution and
Further Investigation in Vnin.
cry IViilme oftlm Vm.itlaus MutturTlior-
oiiKlily ( iiino OUT A ( hire unit In-
lrrtti ol rlllrelli OnteKheil !
It ) Itiiltnmi ! A
IVr the railroad : HACK' , HKCIH',1 , , OHAK-
The members of the city council who are
.so anxious to pass the ordinance that Is In
tended to pave iho way to the completion ot
the now union dopotT and at the sanut
time sever the last string that tlio
city of Omaha has on the Union Paclllo rail
way company , 'listened with ill-concealed
Impatience yesterday afternoon , while
several of the leading business and profes
sional men of the city entered their protest
against the proposed action.
These members had their minds fully
made up beforehand , us was experienced
by subsequent proceedings , for when the
time finally eamo for them lo express them
selves , the way they adopted the report of
the committee of the whole and recom
mended to the council that tlio ordinance
pass , set a pace that Is equalled by few
things In this world , not oven excepting the
fastest trains of the road that is chlolly in
terested in this omnibus ordinance.
The members of the council were late In
assembling , and so fearful wore these sus
piciously active couiu Union that a quorum ,
would not bo present and that it might'
bo impossible for them to got the
desired whack at the question officially before -
fore thoaexpiratiou of their term , that they
began insinuating that Mr. Koscwator was
responsible for the delay , and that ho had
induced several of the members to stay
away. The appearance of fourteen of seven
teen of the members merely served to shift ;
their uneasiness to another point , for wltli
the opening of the discussion came tlio csj
prcsslon of the opposition of the citizens to
the free gift distribution to the Union Pu-
clllc , dovlsed by the city attorney , and ably
aided and abetted by the couauihnonaforo -
Who Worn Tlipri * .
President Davis waited until the tenth ,
councilmanie form darkened Iho doorway ,
and then called to order , while the clerk wan
directed to call thu roll , and Coun-
cllmcn Back , Becliel , BruneiKlsaS -
ser , .lacobson , Lowr.v , Prince. Steel ,
Tuttle and Mr. President , responded.
Tlio council at once went into committee , oC
the whole , with Mr. Lowr.v in the cliair"
The cttfcons present were invited to take
seats inside tlio railing , and among thosn
who either accepted the invitation
or moved closer to the dividing line were
Messrs. O. II. Boggs , C. F. Wollor , Edward
Hosewaler , Tlioimis Kilpatrlck , Lcavitt
Burnham , .1. M. Tliur.ston. .lames Stcphun-
son , .1. C. Covvln , F. A. Nash , II. T. Clarke ,
O. .T. Smythe , J. N. Cornish , 0. W. Liningor. ,
.1. M. Metcalf , W. 1. Klcrslead , Euclid Mar
tin , C. 0.1-obeck , .1. T.Clarke , C. II. Clarke ,
John Hoi-bach and P. E. Her.
Before proceedings were fairly under way ,
Councilmen McLcurie , Edwards , Mnnronna
CbiHTee put in an appearance , and Tim-dish ,
Huwcll and Specht were thn only absentees.
In the way of intrndiK ing the subject for
dlsi-nsslon the report of the committee wim
read , and the question of amending tlio
ordinance was discunsi-d. Mr. Thurston , on
behalf of the railroad , objected to any amend
Conndl said that the ordinance was only
preliminary to something else , and it would
simply bo passed ou'the uupposltiou that the
oilier side would como In.
Then it was for thn first time that the
ouncil seemed to rcaliio that there was any
body else 011 tbogrou"dforMunroo suggested
cd tlmt the citizens bo given nn opportunity
to express their opinions as to the proposi
tion , and as to what the city was giving and
what it was getting.
.Some.lhliii ; of u Trojiui Horne.
Mr. 1C. Kosowatnr was called for. and ho
said that be would be very explicit In reply
ing. Ho did not believe that the cltlzcim
would justify Iho council in Inking the pro
posed action. There was no excuse for
passing the ordinance. Tlio city had had
compact with the Union Pacific , for the past
twentv years that promised to every road
that came Into Omaha fair treatment and
reasonable facilities , It was bound to main
tain its Missouri river terminus , headquar
ters and shops hero , hut If the proposed or
dinance wont Into olfeel , the company would
then have the power to remove Us headquar
ters to Denver , and could abrogate every
thing but the city's right lo u few streutrt
and alloys through the company's grounds.
President Clark of the I'nfon Paclllo hud
told the speaker within the past four weeks
tlmt the depot under the present
plans would bo an abortion , and
would iH'vor bo satisfactory to cither
the company nor the people of Omaha , bun
louring an uvorlasting wrangle with the city
I hey were willing to put up with something
that was not what they wanted , Tlio com
pany had spent about t < jOK)0 ( ) thcro already ,
and It would take about WGO.IXM ) moro to fin
ish it. That would bo about gltiO.UOO aplccii
for the Union Paclllo and B , & M. 'Jheso
roads would then bond it for ? 3 , < XX ) , < )00 ) 01 ?
1,000,000 and make every other road that
wanted lo com" into It pay a stilt Interest on
that sum. The speaker said ho was opposed
to the proposition. H meant glvlpg up
everything that the city had /'ought / for dur
ing the past twenty years , for the light to
build a few sowcis across certain true t a
that It had anywaiHo couldn't see why
the city should barter a horse for u pig-when
It might to get something for Its money , Ho
had been charged with opposing the proposi
tion because lie wanted a depot nt the foot
of Fiirnam street to benefit his property
thnru , but ho wanted lo say that
they could have that property and
welcome , if they would put tX,000 ) moro
people ii. Omaha as ihero ought to bo and
would have been but for the long-continued
hostility of the railroads. If the rail road a
would ruasn their opposition to the city fffta'
let it take its cnuw , he would make more
every six months than thu lower Fiirimm
street property Is worth. As for Iho plan
'that the council/night to should
bo such as would Insure tlm building of u
whole depot , to which the city was entitled ,
and not to a pai-t of u ono , Work could not
be pushed on one ut m-obtnt , o\un If a Bottle-
incut was made , ami ho could not tee thu
cauao for such urgent husto just at this time.
Opposell til ( ilvllIK "l1 All ,
Mr. Boggs , president of the Heal Estate
Owners association.1 was asked to suj some-
s thing , mill ho told of his connection with tlio
matter. Mr. Klmball hud asked a year ages
s that u committee bo upiwintod for the com.
pany to treat with ixnicerulus iho conttv