Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    T1I13 OMAHA DAILY HKKoiflHOXIUY , lKnMH15tt ? 2i ( , lfi)2. ! )
Receipt * for Iho Wcok Show a Slight Do
Thoiifili llnjrrs' Minis UVrn Not Uiuclly
Credit Nor Vcrjr 13tlensUo
th" .suppl.x I'lilli'il lo Meet
tin ) Driinllid.
* _ _ _ _ _ _
OXIUM , Dec. 24.-ltcc 'lpls this \tcoU compiled -
piled xxlth last-hoxv a slight deciea o in cit- :
tlu nwi sheep , with hogs aliuut thu same.
Ciimpaied with nyrnr ago Ihern has been an
Incie.iso In cutllo and sheep nnd only fltKlit
doctcnsu In hogs , 'rtio Ihrim n aio MS folmxxs :
Cnllle. Hogs , Hieei ) .
Kocrlpti tills week. , . .I3CH7 31,571 2,025
Itecelplslast xxeek.l . . . lO.OllH 33.451) ) 4,407
8 mcxxeeklust.\i r 7711 37,113 2,600
Dining tin ) iiily : parl of the ucck , In fuel up
to t'rldtij , thn coui.n of calllu vulnes xxas
Metidllv ilpxvaid. Kivelpts wi-iu eompaia-
llxely light i.t nil ii'.iiket i nnti r" , n lather un-
iisilal cliciimstnnco for Ilin xxeck hefoio
( 'IIIIstlillis litul allh'iugh ' bnyels'xxalils xxeiu
not I'.Mii'liy iirgcnl.nor xeiy e.\ten lxc , the
mipply failed lomcctlhP dimund , and xxltli
ouisldohujeis iiNo In tliu Held , thu
xxasmituiallyalUclyonc , .indpilcfsitdxuncei
.100 to lilt i fnlr In good beef sti els and
bulchi'is'slock.Vllh ho.ixy n-celpts In I III-
eago nidav , Iheto xvtis a big bleak Hieie , and
dm Ing the'last nxo days of thu xxeek , pilces
Vieul HIT badly. . , . . .
Tlii-io xu-ie niiniil Iliosnino number of rattle
on Mill ) today as xxcreheie I'llday. hut oxer
1,000 inoHtllmn last Sutiltiliiy. unellnirs In-
ritldfd some picliygood becxes. nnd nnylhliig
tlin f-hlppers xxoulil buy sold al nboill steady
prices , while the diessed beef men xxcio
bidding fiom 60 to Idc louer lliau I ilday on
nnylhliig grading under choice. 1'oor lo fair
Muir xelvMoxv and sniveled the burnt of
the decline. 'In geneial Ihemail.ol was allot
IOC to 15cloxxer limn I'l lilny on anylhlng not
Mildly cliol.'u. Hood liii'linlci' ' 1,200 to 1,100-
Ib. steers snlilni fiom 11.20 up tnf.i.oo. xxllh
fnlr Id good I.OMI lo 1,250-11) sleeis at fiom
I3.GO to it.10. Odd hunches of poor I o fall-
tough and nndeielghl sluir sold nil the xxny
fiom W.lHI loti : 00. lluslness xtas dull through
out , hill a fnlr clo.timice xxas llnally I'lVfcUd.
Thi ) decline In coxv Mull' xuis ex en moio
nunki'il thiin In sticis. Iliileheis' snifT and
canneis made up fully 10 per cent of Iheen-
lln ; lei'elplsiiiiil pi lees in led lOc lo I'M' lower
than I'llday , a dei'llno In Uvodaysuf fiimi 15c
Io25on ! about nil glades. Some choice cows
uml heifers sold -3.30iindold pelleis sold as
low us M.25. but Iho lIg ) bulk of I he fair to
good stuff sold al from M.UO to W.JO. Hulls
and stags xxeieIn modeinle demand at about
steady pi ICL-H fiom If 1.20 to Cl.ilO. Common
latgncalxe.snnd vuaillngs loeholcu vetils sold
fii'i'ly tit fiofn SI.GO to 16.
Hlockets nnd feeders moved slowly , but at
fully steady pilces. Tiesli iccolpls xveie light
and xxentto the icgular dealers mostly , ns the
the country demand xxns rather limited oxvlng
lotlii ! picvalllng stlir prices. Sales of fair to
iirelly good slock nml feeding cattle xxeio
largely at fiom J2.SO to J3 liupiust'nlnllv
b.-tle :
No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr.
4. . 10HO $ : i oo 17. . .1144 $3 BO
1 1100 3 00 3H. . .1101 3 85
45. . . Olid 3 15 31 . .1237 3 90
a. . .K.OO ! ) ! il ) . 10. . .1133 3 00
i. . O'JO 3 ! id .1240 4 05
n. . 3 ir ! > iiT ; .1135 4 10
4. . 1085 3 35. .1150 4 H )
o. . 1035 3 40 ih ; ; * 4 ail
o 1225 3 50 ! 1187 4 ao
oa ! . 800 3 50 57 ; ; 4 ao
1000 3 50 IB. . 4 ao
.1050 3 50 1H. . 4 3ri
21. . . 050 II 55 10. . .120 ! ) 4 35
41 ! . . UOO 3 1.0 18. . 4 40
: . . 1053 3 C,0 , 20. . ! l331 4 bO
10. . 1151 3 75
Sllll'l'INd AND I'.XI'OllT.
o. . . 1224 3 25 3 1373 4 25
oo ' HU2 335 10 im : 1 55
55 ! ! . 1150 3 GO 51 1370 4 00
100. 1373 4 20 32 1300 0 00
25. . .1212 4 00
7. . . G21 2 10
No. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. I'r.
No.i . H10 $1 25 13. . . . . .1000 $2 15
i ! ! . GOO 1 25 . . 1050 2,15
14. . . 880 1 40 o ! ! ! . . . 072 3 15
i. . . bGO 1 50 2(1. ( . . . . . 850 2 15
7. . 1 50 19. . . . . . 002 2 20
1. . 1 50 17. . . . . . 018' 2 20
8. . 1 70 19. . . . . .1142 2 20
1. . . U30 1 75 20. . . . . . 800 2 20
I. . .1170 1 75 15. . . . . . 885 2 20
3. . . 7bO 1 75 20. . . . . . boa 2 25
11. . . 813 70 9. . . . . . 100 2 25
5. . . UOO 75 1. . . . . . 040 2 25
3. . .10HO 1 75 1. . , . . . 1130 2 25
13. . < H50 1 80 3. . . . . .1053 2 25
1. . .1140 1 bO 1. . . . . . GOO 2 25
U. . .1133 1 85 1. . , . . .1210 2 25
0. . . 010 1 85 11 . . . 872 2 25
13. . . 838 1 85 11 . .T 'JIIO 2 25
.1050 00 15 ! ! ! . . 018 2 30
. 1030 00 8. . . . 801 2 30
4. , 850 1 00 o. . . . . . 835 2 35
50. , . 748 1 00 5. . . . . OHO 2 35
10. . . 830 1 00 18. . . . . .1082 2 40
21. , 1 00 ) O " . . . .1030 2 40
1. , 2 00 17" ! . . . . 083 2 40
2. , . 870 2 00 18. . . . . .1100 2 45
14. , . 805 2 00 o ' ' . . . . 835 2 50
1. , 1010 2 00 19' . . . . . . 081 2 50
14. 017 2 00 o " . . . . 835 2 60
25. , . 8(12 ( 2 05 9" . . . . 82G 2 50
15 . 033 2 10 4. . . . .1010 2 6O
1. .1050 2 10 li. . . . . . 088 2 85
27. 8(17 ( 2 10 1. . . . . . 850 3 00
ilt * 780 2 10 20. . . . . .1183 3 00
1200 2 10
cows AM > iuirins. : :
10. . 1051 3 30 . . '
380 200 1 410 2 50
304 2 35 J 450 2 60
2bO i no 125 4 25
105 1 75 170 4 75
250 1 75 120 4 75
200 3 70 150 4 75
OO 3 70 110 5 00
130 3 70 180 5 00
3 75 120 5 00
100 -1 OO 130 5 00
1GO 4 00 120 5 00
100 4 00
III ! U.S.
a oo
a oo
a 05
a is
a 15
a ao
a an
a 40
a 50
2 75
2 75
3 90
a oo
2 70
2 75
2 bO
2 85
2 85
2 85
J 85
HOO'H Tlieio Is llttlo thai h new In thu hog
fdtiiallon. Conditions have not changed ma
terially and eoiiservntlxo dealeis aio still
lool.lng for higher pi lees , The country Is vury
bullish nnd neither thu hope < if high pi Ices nor
thn fear of u Inenk seems to till re I the le-
celnls one xxay or thu other. 1'ilces havu
„ . . . .1 Irllln low or than loxuud tlmclosoof
: xxcuk hut thu close In vxllhln Ouof closing
juices last week.
_ The mtiikot today inled about 6c higher
than I'llday on an nxcingo. Itecelpls weiti
compaiatlvcly light , lu'ui ly 2,000 lighter than
KiUlity nnd mom lliau 3,000 shoitof the inn
u xxeek ago. Thu xxeek's supply IVHI
ubout 33 , ( > IH ) , not much dlll'eieul fiom the
week pun Ions and only 3,600 short of the cor-
lOhpondlng xxeek of December last year , All
buyciu , fienh meat men , packers , scalpels and
hhlppeii , xxnnled the hogs nnd ns tliu supply
xxas mil largo Hading xxns hilsk and pilce ;
tilled fully 6c higher limn ycMcidny fiom tin
Matt. Hood lo chotco la-ax y nnd hutchci
vtclKht hogs sold hugely at Jii..IMiii. Ill , \\lll
nun pilmc load at $0,12. Common , light am
mlM'd loads xxeiit hugely nt iG.26CttO.30 , Oi
bomo Into arrivals thu maikct COMM | | x'crj
viciik xxlth tlinvnily advance about lost. Out
ortxxoloads lemalned unsold In llrsi haniU
ar.i 120 n 324 44 j .i en n 40
77 122710 n 35 r/j nut 4U o u ,
riiw AND not on
t ) nj 4no lo in f > oo "
ir.o. in * ] HO r. ito 02 101 200 r > DO
HIIKHP Tlir monger nlTrrliiRs cliangrd ImiiiM
lendlly nt ( ully Klt-ndy prices ( lood muttons
mill K'HMl ' feeders nru In hrl k demand mid
Mrong. 1'nlr lo good nntlvei , 13,60(94,76 ( ! fair
ID good wt'sli'iin. (3.26(14.60 ; common nnd
Mopk Mmmi , ! 2.2ft3r > 0 | c od to olioli'f-IO tn
10o-m. lambs , ii.UU30.uo lloptescntntlvu
sale * ) i
Xo. * Av. I'r ,
! ! ! ! Un.ill\u OXVPS , fed . 01 It 26
Olllclnl l > l < po < lll < m.
TrudliiR DII the Nnxv York I'trlmnjro Wild
Light Yesterday.
Xr.Vt YoitK , Dec. 24. Tiadlnp on HIP Xew
Vork Mock i-xrhnntio xxns light this inoinlng ,
only 72,130 sharer chanting hands , ofxhlch
5,205 xx-eit ! unlisted. In the Mist tinusticllons
pi Ires xxcto generally n fraction hi'loxv those-
iiillngat the close yesterday , but subsequently
u lit mur tone pi ex ailed , due ton disposition
on thu patt of some of the Mimllcr bears to
even up their tiuilos. They did not caio to go
homu xvllh conti.iels on their book * , over the
double holiday. Manhattan xvas the only
feature of note. The stock opened ill 130' $ .
receded to 130nnd advanced steadily to 113'j ,
closing al the top llguie. The enhancement Is
tlio tesull of : i belief that the compnnv
has but lllllu to fear fiom thu proposed
underground lonte. Another reason for
the Use K that the Pleiii pout-Morgan com
mittee xvll I soon tcpoiliiphui xx hereby thu com -
pany's llii s xxlll buestcnded and Its leventies
largely Increased. Judge liigialmm today de
cided to contlnun the injunction resltalnlng
the Panama toad fiom entering Into contracts
xvtlh trnnspotlalIon companies outside of thu
I'aclllc Mull Steamship company , and the
stock of the latter ro-o fiom 27 to 28. In tlio
geneial tatlxxtiy the list of ( irangots xxas
partlculaily stiong near Iho close , advancing
' /t to * t per cent. The locl ! > Island's logiilar
Hiliii ti-rly dividend of 1 uer cent xvas olllclally
tinnounced and the amount Is just xxhat had
been looked for. The sticiigthof .speculation
In the llnal liansaclions xuts luitly ft no to thu
unexpectedly good bank statcme'iil.
The Post says : Tlio altitude of the inxcst-
Ing publlu lu the presence of our cnriency
entanglements Is : i matlerof the highest Im-
pottancu hccausc on ( his hangs nearly the
xvholeiiiestlon | of a possible crash If events
should take a sudden and nnfax-orahlu tuiii.
H Is reassuring , theiefoie , lo knoxv that the
gieat mass of sccmlty holdeis occupy
tin uncoinmunly stiong position. Tlio
alisenco of this "outsldii public" fiom
Iho Meld of excited speculation has been
mm Ked ever since Iho silver iiirstou | ! became
a tlueatenlng factor In our politics. Kuiopo
sold our stocks ns soon as It had Icauied tin )
situations and posslhllllles.
Storks xx-crodlbtilbuted din Ing this series of
years among people gem-rally able to hold
them In an emeigency ; people xxho would , as u
iillc , hold them al n partlclnrly low price.
In some of the Industrial gioupthero had boon
no icekles-i speculation since the iictlx-o "xxln-
Icr's" Heading maikel. This o.xplalned and
Justified the strength of the months of October
and Xovember. despltu Ihu appioach of thu
heavy gold shipment * .
The following aio the closing ( imitations for
llio leading stocks on the Xow York Stock e.\-
chaiigo today :
Atchliun Mil til AlIK-ltCllTH 0
Adnin * KxpruH * * TM Norlliern I'neltlc. . .
Alton. T. H ' Northern I'acillu pftl 47J1
do profurrud iw'v U. I' . Den AHair. . .
Ainorlcnn hxpross. . lit ! Northxvo tera
ilnltliiiuru XUlilo. . tll'l ' do urelnrrad 141us'
Cunniln i'nclllc bsic N. V. Central : us'
r.inndn youtliurn . . r.7W N. V. AN. i :
Onlral t'uultlc. . . . Onlurlo AWi-stora. . fi
I liui. & Ohio 21J4 Oregon Imp
ClilcitRO Alton Ill ) OiPKOn NIIT .
C. II. AQ ' .HiV O.H.I , . A. U. N . a ) 54
ClllCI [ 0 lKB S3U { Tactile .Mull . 27H
ConsolMatciUIns. . lIGHi Tcoila , 1'cc. A , U. . . . n ;
c. r. c .V-t. ! i , fii'i Tltthbnrit . IM
Colo. Cutil \ Iron. . ii'Jij 1 1'nliman Tnlncc . 103M
Cotton Oil Cert M }
Del. Hudson 12'J Ulchmuml Tor
I ) . 1. . A.W ii do pioferruil to
I ) . A. It. C. | ifil < lUoUriiudo West. . . ton
I ) . , * t C. K. Co do pnilorred Gl
KntlTcnn llock iBltind SS'fi
Eric M. I.Ab. b'.lstpfd. . 70
ilo prpfurreil S.IM St. Paul 70a
Volt Waynu 153 do profurred
( it. Noilhfrn iifU. . . l.i ! bl. 1'ulll A-Omaha. . .
C. A K. I. iifd ! V5M do preferred
HockliiK Vulloy 27 Southern I'arlllc. . . .
Illinois it'iitrul. . . Siigiir licflncry
St. t'uul A Duliitli. . 27SI Tonn. Coal .t Iroa
ICm. : ATcr. pfd SI ' 4 Texas 1'acltlc.
l.uLo Mrlu.VVust. . . a lol. , V O. Cent. pfd. 78
do inufurrrd 74- , llnlon 1'ncltlc 78K71S
l.nkohlioro I2KIL > . 8. Kxprms. . . . 6S
Lend TriiKt " \V. SI 1 , . A I' UK
Louis. .V Nafh. do preferred
Louis. , V NOHAlb'y \\ulln.Karico l-.vp. .
Mnnliiittiui C'ou . . . Woilora Union. . . .
Meiupl'lH-V C NYlicellng A U K. . . .
.Mlclilpm ( Vutrnl. do pruferrud
MIsHdiirl I'ltulllc. . .
' ' ' ' ' '
Mobile A , Olilo I ) . .V il . . . . . . . . . . ! .
NanliTlllu Cluitt. . . SI ( Jcncral Xlcctrlc. . . . 110'i '
Kiitlonnl CunliiKO. . .National l.ln-tuctl. . . 411
do proforrcil 112" C. I'UL-l , t Iron
N. J. iVntrnl do preferred. . . . .
Norfolk AV. . tfd lion * X'lux , Con. . .
The total sali's ( if slocks today WIMI ) 72,000
shaic'n , ineliidlni : : Atolilson , 11 , ! < ) ( ) ; Itiirlln -
toii. .I.GOO ; ChlcaKo ( ias100 : ) ; Dlslllllni ; ,
4i)0 : ( ) : Manhattan. O.oOO ; Noithcin l'u-llic :
picfi-ni'd , i.,70 ( > : Ik'iulhi ! , ' , lu-100 ; t-t. I'liul ,
a.bOOSiiSir,1J1bl)0. ; !
Nou york loni' > iliirl < ct.
Niw VOIIK , Doc. ill. Jloxuv ON CAM.
Nominal at1 pi-i-ccnl.
I'uiMKMi'.m\NTII.I ; : I'AI-KH 0 percent.
STIHI.IMI : KXCIIAMII : I'll inslth nclual husl-
ni'ss nt fl.Hl'jf/l.Kli for hlxty day bunkeiV
hills and il.B7V"-I.Htl for ilciuand.
The I'losiii iiiiiiinins | ( : on hunrls :
intincial Notes ,
KANSAS OITV , .Mo. , Di-ii a I. Clearings , tl , .
85'.CilO ) ,
I'Ailts , Iii-p. 24.- Throe per cent rentes , 07f ,
Ol'.c for tin ) nt'connt.
Sr. I.ot'is. ' Mo. , Dir. 'Jl.-Tho Morehunts o\-
rlmnsouisolost'd today ,
Sr. 1-otiis , .Mo. , Dec. i-M--CIunilngs , 14.174-
015j Imlliiiet' ! , . * u03,7 l.
Nuw VOIIK , Hoi ! . a4. I'lpiirlniss $1'J1,021 , .
831 ; Ijlllllltei'i. , 45,335,70'J.
llAl.TiMOiu : , Mil. , Doc. 'J4. ni'tirlius ; , $ 'J,151)- )
4 1lmhinc ; < 's , WliH.UOl. Hale , U pur ci-nt ,
I'nii.Aiir.i.i'iiiA. I'd. , Dei'J4. . Ch'iirlngs , ,
$ llfOH,035 ; hahinci.- , , Jl,030,430 , .Money , C
pi'i-i'i'iit ,
C'llli'AlJO , 111. , Dw. 24.-rii > iirliiis , f 10.721. .
781 , Nun Vuflc u.\ehaii'u ) i-old from OUo to 7lk
Ill ) vi ON. Mass. , l ) ( > c. 'J-l.-l'luurlliiXS , flO.042-
05H ; balancos. tl.HC.l.OcO. Money li pur cunt
Nu VoiK , 15LdUcount to IDt
Oiniiliu I'loilnru .MiirUi't.
The wi'iik t'losi'd i\ih | the inaikci full o ;
poultry and \vllh prh'i'h Inn. Ashlufioni thin
thuio nuiuno vi'ry linpoitiint fi'atuiiM to tin
Al'l'l.Kft GOIKI ujiplos mo qnotud ut $3,00 < I
4.1M ) ; choice to fancy , * I.OOij4.23.
llANANAh Onotatlons niu : I'ulr to KIXK
hlilppln htiH'k , t'.OO4i'J.5o per Inini'h.
Hl'TTKH Tlio Kuni'iul nun Ki't Is htoudv. Tin
liull ; of the receipts t-cllsat 140.100 , and bonn
heloet parkiiKt'x ut nfcldc.
( 'UAMiKUitusUuotiitlons uioi Hell inn
rlu-rry. ta.ftopor Iibl.t boll and bn le , tO.M )
Into Capo Cod. tlO.OO. Thu arrivals on tin
inarkuluru light.
UKI.KHV 1'aiu'y coli'ry U difllcult to lint ]
Quotation * raiiguiiU thu way fioin'J5u to 40o
Kims Murkut hli'ailyj bulk of thu bales o
bright sUx-k. a'Ji4c. !
GAME The wurkut doca uot bhow any vcr ;
mntrrlnt rhnngo In vn1ur . There win
n tmvi'lly In thn mirkr-t in Ihr
xvny of n hhu k hrnr xvlitrh found n
ready ptirrhiiMMQimtntlotn orci I'hensnnK
I6.ili7li. ) " ) ( ) ! prnlrlo chickens , fl.uo < (4 Ml ,
grouse , il.OOio.uail , H ( tO'ftil 2V slilnc fl.ooi
biPV nl)0 | , ll.2Xtl.6O ! Idoxer , tl.ooi golden
plovprJ1.25J 1 61M cniiMii back ducks , fn.00
f.MO.00 : red head ducks , Jt.OOi timllnul
ducks , I3.60B3.75 ; blurwlim tonl.tS.U6i HTCPII
\xliiR teal , $ 1.761 mixed ducks , $1.60 ; Cnnndn
geese , $0OdtJ.7.60 ! jlick rnbhlls , JI.60I small
rabhlK tl.'JAtiil 60 ! < - < | iilirol , jl.OOT ( < l.26 ;
antelope-Middles , 14CM.V ) deer saddles , loft
ITici nnlolopociircassus , O&lOo ; door carcasses ,
II AV The market xxns overstocked nnd very
wi-nk. Xo.l. tO.76W7.un } Xo. 2 , $0.00.
IIONF.r Tlio market H linn , good T lilln
clever IIOIIPV l Mng caivp nt 17c.
Lr.Moss-Choter' , : fancy , K .60.
M.M.AO.V UHAIT.SPer kea , i&.OO.
OVjiTKiis t'ni'haiigedat 13WI6c percnn.
ONIONS Homegrown , soasoe ! Spanish , 11.90
uu rent I p.
OIIAJMIKI llorlda , t,1.2.Vit3.60.
roiJl.TltVTurkey - * , wfUUi. ' ; chickens , choice
4c ; geese and ducks 7i ( > Hc.
POTATOES-Quotntions arc : Homegrown ,
Or > a76ci Colorado nnd Utah , 86c ,
SWIIT : : POT * TOIS Choice Miiscntlno nnd
Illinois stock. } 3.76tt4.00 per bid.
Vi-.Mr-Quolatlonsuie : Sniiill nml fat , O'itii
7c ; largo and lionvy , 36c ,
Oil .Mut-lirt.
Xnxv VOIIK , Dec. 24. PRTIIOI.KDM Was
neglected ! nol a slnglo .sale xvns icport'd !
62'jc bid , 62Uc asked. Pennsylvania oil , spot
snles none , .laiiuary options , sah" < , none.
I.ltna oil , snles , none. Tidal sales , none.
LONDON , Dec. 24. CALCUTTA I.t.ssiKi-39s :
3d iioiMitiHiter.
Chlcngo Live .Slock .Mnrkct.
CllirAdo. III. , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : IIKK.I Hv many In ihu tindu it xxas
thought today a ivcolpts of cattle might roach
6.000 head , Ihe high pi Ices of Wednesday nnd
Thursday being depended opoii lo In Ing
them , bill less than hnlf that number nnlved ,
It xxas Just as xx-oll for llicro xvas nol much de.-
mand either for local on outside account nnd
sellers could do no belter than hold values
steady. The lauge ot limitations xxns from
$1.26 io(1.16 ( , calxesaml hulls being iiioted | at
ftiim $1.26 lo $3.60 and steels lit Jlom $3.16 to
JO. 16.
There xx as u beggarly supply of hogs hero
today , the tuilvals helng estlnmted nl 7,000.
TlieiexM'rc enough stale hogs lo btliig the
total up to 20,001) ) . The market xxns sltong at
fiom $0.00 to fO,60 for poor to pi line
Iglit and at from iD.'J'i to $0.7(1 ( for
poor to choice lionvy xxelghls. The oll'erlngs
did not Ini'lildo many choice heavy lots nnd
prices nbovc $0.66 xxere leached In a fexv In
stances only. I'l-om $ li.20 to Jrt.40 builglit llio
bulk of ( be light , and fiom ? f > . ; i5 to $0.60 xxero
the popular llguies for medium and hi-iivy
xxelghts iesiectl\-ely | ,
Ahoiit 1,01)0 ) sheep an Ived. They xxcro read
ily closed out at l-'rlday's tiuottillons , stiles
maklnironu basis of fiom $3.26 to 6.60 for
poor toextia iiialltles. | Lamlis xxeru saleahlo
at ftom $3.76lo $1530. The olTei Ings must bo
strictly llistclnvlo commnnd the outsldo
( luotallons. The bulk of the business was at
fiom $3.76 to $4.76 for sheep imp at fiom $6 tote
to $0 for lambs.
Keceljils-Cattle. 2,600 head ; hogs , 7,000 ;
sheep , 1,000.
Thu Kxe-ilng Journal repoils :
CATTM : Ilecelpl.s 1,600 head ; shipments ,
2.000 head ! market sloxv , steady. Pilces !
Natives , $ r1.20f,5.00 ; .stockors , $2.003.30 ;
coxx s. 81.26(52.00. (
lions ; liecolpts , 8,000 head : shipments ,
7,000 head ; market Munily tu 5J110C higher ;
common , $ G.16 < RG.30 ; fair so good packcis ,
$ U.35 < a0.40 ; pi line heavv nnd butchers' '
xxelghts , $ n.50itO.C5 ; light , * O.Ol)3U.4 ) ( ) .
Slir.Ki' Itccelpls , 700 head ; shlpmentti , none ;
market steady ; natives , J3.75 : xvcsterns ,
$4.02136.05 ; Colorado ycaillngs , J5.15 ; lambs
J4.00it0.35. (
ICnnsas City l.lxo Stock .llnrkot.
KANSAS CITY. SIo. , Dec. 24. CATTM : Kc-
cclpts , 3,700 head : shipments , 2,000 head ;
Moro actlxe , stonily to Klc higher : .shipping
steers , } 3.20'ti4.85 ; stockers and feeders ,
? 2.47'j3.16.
IlOdS-ltecclpts , 7,000 head ; shipments ,
2,200 head ; opened steady , common closed 35 o
IDC lo\xer ; cxtinniu raugo $4,75110.40 ; bulk ,
ti5.26 < ao.35.
Sniii' : Hccelpts , 300 head ; shipments ,
400 head ; market nominally steady.
St. I.otlls l.lvo Stouk .Marliot.
Sr. Louis , Mo. , Dec. 24. CATTI.K Io-
celpts and shipments not reported ; maiket
Him : native steers53AHK35.10 ; niugo steers ,
$2.25(83.25 ( ; hntchcis. $2.30i,3.70. !
llocs Kccolptsnnd shlpmeins not icported ;
market .stionger : lionvv , $0.10U.65 ; packIng -
Ing , $0.00 0.05 ; light , $ ii.2Oiir..40. !
Sinini' Hccolpts and shipments not re
potted ; fair to choice natives , S3.00it5.00 ; e.x-
tra mutton $5.25(55.50. (
Mixed potato seed should not bo
planted , as the imbits of each arc likely
to bo quite dilTerent. and disastrous re
sults are sure to follow. It-is best to
plant medium-sized tubers , uniform in
shape nnd smooth , with bhallow nycs ,
and it is a safe jilnn to introduce some
new variety each year from some re
sponsible dealer , not expecting always
to Iind them what is desitcd , but hold
on to those which do plcttao. A rich ,
fertile soil will giow a fait- crop from
cutting to a single eye , hut in a thin
soil the si/.o of the cutting should bo
ueh larjiot1.
Tliat farmer who has a , silo is about as
independent of the weather as n in tin
can be. Aside from heavy rait's.notning
interrupts this kind of linrvostin . Li
ruins nnd showers , while making' tlio
work disagreeable , do not stop it , and
when once properly in the silo all dan
ger of iuiporfcct curing is paht The
early date at which tlio land can be
cleared makes it oossiblo to either seed
down to grass or winter grain a month
before corn in the shock would bo dry
enough to husk. Aiuthor advantage
in the north is that vaiioties of later
growth inny bo planted for this purpose
which Will not Ii.lly ripen before frost.
Farmers nro too careless in regard to
keening nn account of their business ,
consequently they often raise crops
which are not prolltablo to raise anu
sell off the farm , yet llio fanner can , by
knowing the feeding vnluo of the
manure produced from it , make n cal
culation of what crons can bo told off at
n prolit , or lo soil ono crop and buy
another. Tlio farmor'a ability to trans
act hia business in a businesbliko man
ner is increased in proportion to the
increased knowledge of his business details -
tails and in tlio same proportion also are
his profits increased.
Sy-Dtom in farming is important. Ho
who carefully lays out Ills farm in
proper fields , making a map of tlio same ,
devoting each I'uld to u succession of
crops , with suitable manuring , basing
the rotation upon the adaptation of ono
ciop to lit particular soils , and pursuing
all his operations with u plan for doing
everything just at the right time and
with a determination to make experi
ence and the lights of feciouco us avail
able ns possible in his culling , will un
doubtedly reap the most abundant re
ward for liib labor. To complete the
system ho must kcop a record of all lii.s
farm operations , for in no other way can
he ho bald to have a full knowledge of
Ills business. Ilo should keep an ac
count oftill the ux pen so , loss or gain ;
in what particular branch of Ills busi
ness ho is most Kitcccbsftil : what crops
arc the most profltuhlc for him to raise ;
the most profitable disposition to make
of them ; the best and most profitable
stock to raise and how beat to dispose
of it.
The dairy industry of the United
States , notwithstanding its low nverago
product , ia moro valuable than nil our
gold and silver mines , and if all the
cows tvoro as valuable us the majority
of thoho which havu been tested the
yearly output would bo moru than
Rye is an excellent food for dairy
COYVB , and in somu respects is worth
moro than wheat bran , having lees indi
gestible liber and mineral matter , and
moro carbonaceous matter. Its estima
ted value is $1 a ICO pounds , and thus
it should bo cheap at $10 a ton. It
would bo improved by n mixture of oil
meals of cither linseed or cotton seed.
Very few Kerrys have over boon
brought to this country for breeding.
Thorn ought to he a place for these
tough llttlo animuU on rough , hilly
lands , whore biuf cattle tire wanted ,
yet where the largo Shorthorns nnd
HoreJords do not thrive. Kerry cattle
make bcof of excellent quality , and the
cuts nro small nnd choice , butter foi
ordinary family use than tboso from the
y large boot cuttle. The cows arc gooi
milkers , too , 01 ill. nro almost ns enpy
keepers ns goals.-1 '
The suci'cssfu } dairyman must now
bccomo n student in nil that porlnlns to
llio cnro nnd breeding of his horil.
Thnl n man Isl conservative does not
longer make the dairy pay. It is only
in tlio moat proper combining of peed
nnd nbundntit Wofls , foil to u well bred
cow und of duli'y tompetnmont , nnd
having the cnro , jllmt in kind bestow
upon itli otheih-iuothors , wbich will
bring the dalryn fin's rownrd.
Wlion milking avoid nil talking. Any
slriintro motion oi- noise which attracts
the attention of llio cow nxv.iy ft-oin the
operation of milking 1ms it is effect upon
secretion of inlllc , which is now pre'tly
well knoxvngoos 0:1 during the time of
the drawing of the milk. Milk
frcoly and rapidly , and with ns llttlo
movement nnil jorklnir as possible.
Tlioro is n continual scarcity of choice
dairy butter in medium alzud packages.
Most families prefer dairy to creamery ,
but it is a liixrtl matter to Hnd it of treed
titblo quality. Homo never was peed ,
some was spoiled in handling , some was
kept lee long , while some has been
spoiled by bad odors absorbed from too
close contact with olhor subslanccs.
There Is always n. wide range of nrlces
from the highest to the loxvest , and it is
dinicult toboliovo that thorowasas wide
a range in Iho quality of the milk nt
thu start. Whence , then , arises the
difference ?
Ono Of the most potent causes of fail
ure in village dairying is allowing the
croum to collect until there is enough
"for a churning. " Before the requited
amount is obtained a bitter lasio has
bcnu developed , which spoils llio butter.
The churning must bo done every
other day at the furthest , without re
gard to the amount ot cream gathered.
Tfinlittlo swing und revolving churns
xvill work where the amount of croum is
very stnul ! , but xvitli a dash churn it is
often necessary to add witter nt the
proper temperature , 812 degrees in sum
mer and from.lid lo US degrees in winter ,
in order to make the churn work easily.
In wintering calves a great mistake is
often made by trying to got them
through too cheap. Many farmers who
feed all other stock xvoll xvill try 10 win
ter calves upon not much beside the
straw stuck. It may bo possible to got
them through alive in such a manner ,
but they xvill como out poor and scrubby
in Iho spring , and it xvill require a long
time to got thorn in good condition.
Their growth and development is ar
rested , and to get them xvoll started on
the upward grade again will cost moro
than it xvould have done to keep them
xvoll through the winter , and the result
in the end xvill not be as good.
The acid of all fruits has its value in
purifying Iho system , and it should bo
the duty of every farmer to provide for
his family all the standard fruits that ho
can possibly cultivate. Poaches , grapes
nnd strawberries should not bo neg
lected. Without reference at all to
some of the niuvor varieties which most
farmers have not heard of , or at least
ave not tested , there nro sorts which
10 can easily got in Ifis own vicinity
vhich have beep known for many years ,
udvhicli xvill niibwer every purpose.
Without question the strawberry is
x very desirable | fruit to have on the
arm.'but to have it in poi ( cotton re-
_ uires a little , moro ciro : than most
[ inners tire willing to give , and yet it
nly requires a good variety of berry , a
ittlo good soil well enriched , and a lit-
10 cultivation given at the proper time ,
o have the most delightful
rult in abundance in the
pring. If farmers could only
jo brought to realize the fact that
trawbcri ics have n medicinal value ,
ike nearly all other fruits , they might
ivo moro attention to their cultivation.
Apple trees are sloxv In coming into
) ouring , and a crop of peach trees will
ivo vlioir shorter life , bear , several
reps of fruit and bo out of the way bo-
ore apple trees , planted forty feet apart
each way , will greatly csowd them.
L'his close setting xvhilo young bonollts
both kinds of trees. Tho. app'o trees
shade tlio peach trees from severe
vinds and hold more snow atound the
roots. Thu pouch trees , if the soil is : IB
ich as it should be , check the apple
, rocs' growth and induce earlier fruit-
"ulncss. Even with this aid to the apple
.rees the peaches sold will often pay the
cost of the xvholo orchard before a fallible
jushcl of apnlos is ready for market ,
causing the farmer to xxish that all tire
trees had boon peacli , instead of merely
lililng in with this ft uit as ono of toc-
ondary importance.
There is no question but that a very
largo proportion of our orchu * ds , after
being planted , taken care of nnd brought
into a thrifty state of bearing , often fall
011 greatly and fail to yield profitable
icturns from onuses independent of in
sects and fungoids. There is no doubt
that a largo number of orchards have
not paid in iho past , do not pay in the
present , and in all probability xvill not
pay in the future. The loading and
mo'st common causa is starvation , for it
is not too much to say that the average
farmer ivho either plants out nn orchard
for himself or bujs a farm with one
already planted aflorwarpgoos on treat
ing the land aS though Unit orchuid did
not exist , cropping it with , oats ,
rye , etc. , in rotation , or want of iota
t'ion , until the wonder is , not that the
trees do not bear satisfactory crops , but
that they arc alive at all.
Tor onion growing the soil should bo
thoroughly 'plowed and xvoll harrowed
just previous to sowing seed. If the
boil is not rich it should bo xvoll fertil
ized. Finely ground bone ( bone diint )
is a splendid fertilizer for onions , or for
anything else. A thous.uul pounds of
it , xvith tlio same quantity of rotted ( but
no leached ) ashes , lightly hiircowod in
before soxvlng seed , Is a good applica
tion for medium soil , After the onions
have started to growing any good fer
tilizer , top-dresspd along the tows and
hood in from time to time , will bo ad
vantageous. OneJiundiod and lifly to
UOO pounds of nltrato of soda , appllnd
after the crop is started , is a very profit
able application' usually. Have the
rows two feet imift't. Five to six pounds
of good seed xvill insure a stand. Soxv
in very shallow < lcJllB and tun n roller
along the roxv * . 'If the soil bo rich and
cultivated it | ty not necessary to
thin to any eot distance. Wo have
known as many OH a do/on good-sized
onions to mature in the space of a foot.
Do not let the seeds full in bunches , but
soxv thinly and evenly and little thin-
ing wiU bo necessary. The nso of bets
is not to bo commended , except to grow
onions for early iso to bo used green
Somoyenra ngo I tried a number of
experiments in packing fruit and vege
tables in bran chall and sand for xvlnter
storage , xvith a vloxv , of course , of promoting
meting their Reaping qualities. In a
nutshell , my experience led mo to tiio
folloxving conclusions : Such vegetables
ns beets , Ktiglish turnips and carrots
keep much butter xvhon kept in clean ,
dry sand , beols particularly. Apples
packed in perfectly dry buckwheat chult
or binn seemed rntlior lebs inclined to
decay than these in bins or barrels , but
the dllToronco xvns BO slight that I do
nol consider the benefit xvorth the extra
bother. Such lont-keoping apples as
Baldwins and Northern Spies nro best
packed when dry in clean barrels ,
double beaded , and kept at as low a
tumporuturo us possible without freez
H you have plica DoWltt's Witch Haze
salvo will surely euro you.
A Tiirotn-i HoolM.icU Inhf-rlM n
Sornphinn U.icijjnlupl is a native of
Italy. Ho was n Tncoina bootblack by
profession up to Doeombor 20 , now ho Is
worth $100,000. For the past few
months bo has boon a shoo artist at n
prominent shaving emporium , where
no performed his duties very satis-
factorlly. Scrnphlnn emigrated
from Genoa nineteen years ago
with bis four sisters and younger
brother , nnd with thorn cast 'his lot
noon the Pacific coast where relatives
of bs ( family nlromly resided. Headquarters -
quarters of the family group , nftor their
irrlvnl nt San Francisco , centered at
the homo of an uncle of H.icigalupi ,
who was a prosperous merchant in that
city. They wore all provided for by the
uncle , nnd not only given a homo , but
opportunities to gain a livelihood ,
They prospered through hard work and
conscientious saving , oxccpt Soraphina.
who was tlio black sheep of the llock.
Ho was always getting into trouble ,
which for n tltno his undo overlooked ,
but llnally drove him from his homo
ind told him never to return. Ho has
been away from San Francisco about
seven years and the only communication
ho has had during lhat time with bis
family was through \ young girl , for
whom ho bad an attachment and to
whom lie will shortly bo married.
Three weeks ngo the undo died. After
Iho funeral his lawyer appealed on the
scene with Iho old man's will , which bo
rend before the family. It proved
i thunderbolt to these assem
bled when it was found that the
undo had loft bin far-away
nephew the Inrccst 1)oqucst made ,
amounting to $100,000 worth of pionorty.
During the entire seven yours nflor
Soraphina's departure the old man hnd
never spoken of him , nnd all supposed
that his ill-feelings still continued to
exist. Soraphina did not hear of his
good fortune until the 20th , when ho re
ceived notice from n San Francisco law
yer , who wrote ho had just secured his
address. Thereupon Soniphinn laid
away Ills brush and blacking , wont
across the street , purchased a new suit
of clulhcs and dotted his blue jeans and
llannol shirt. Ho took the night train
for San Francisco to claim his fortune.
Perfect action anil perfect health result
from the usoof DoWltt's Llltl Mirly liisors
A perfect little pill.
An Actress ( llirn n South Onmlm I.ot li.v n
Cow boy.
A dispatch from Brooklyn , N. Y. , lethe
the St. Lou's Globo-Domocrat lolls the
following story but fails to explain who
paid the taxes : Miss Laura 13urt , who
is a well-known young nctres , received
on Friday last a letter fiom a real
estate man in Omaha inquiring whether
siio would take S5UOO for properly that
l.o learned she po-sosod ; in 'South
Omaha. While playing in that city
bomo years ago n gentlemanly sort of a
cowboy , attracted by her appearance ,
prevailed upon her managers to give
bun an introduction. During Iho con
versation the young man wagered the
fair nctrcss that she could not ride his
bronco. Miss Burt won the bet , and
next day received this letter from the
smitten cowdriver :
"Dore Miss Burt , inklosed pleso find
dcde tew a lot 02 I wont yew to bee a
Omaha reel obtolo oner. 'Taint worth
mutch , but It'll grow. "
There was a deed inclosed of a piece
of property in an annex to South Omaha.
Omaha friends said that the lot was
only goo'd to grow pumpkins on. Miss
Burt thought too little of the matter lo
acknowledge ) receipt of llio gift ; or lo
have the deed tiled. Slio threw it In
the bottom of her theater It link , where
siio found it today. Tl'o lady never paw
her generous hearted admirer again.
When &ho played in Omnha last year
she learned that ho hud buon killed in a
quarrel. Miss Burt is undecided whether
to kcop Iho gift or hunt up the heirs.
Blow , blow , blow I That disagreeable ca
tarrh can be cured by taking Hood's Snrsn-
puiilhi , the constitutional romeily.
And Souls In U'lirdlciH MrisniT4 : Muilo MtiKlc
to ICacli Other.
Detroit Frro Press : The amethys
tine lines of evening were growing into
darker purples and Iho purples inlo
) lnck.
On the little vineclad porch of the old
louse the t\vo sal silent , as they had
) eon hitting since the sun had
thrown its lirst long farewell shadows
icrrss Iho Hold.
What thoughts were in their minds
10 look or motion of theirs betrayed.
They "were as silent as the stirs ,
.vhich' ono by ono began to poop above
the dark line of the hills.
lloro and there a cricket ehirpod its
vesper hymn , and in the old tree bo-
, 'ond the road u rootling fowl at iutor-
, 'nls croaked contentedly.
It was time when hearts may beat in
Harmony and souls in wordless measures
nuke m'usic to each other.
At such nn hour poueo spreads her
onllo'ivinirs and all the turmoils of the
world run to her shielding breast nnd
sink to sleep.
Softly the man put out his hand and
touuhod his companion on the arm.
The touch was lightbutit was enough.
"What is itV'camo the gentle query
in response.
The man moved his chair a little
'Mini , "ho said , ' 'can you give mo a
chow of torbackerV"
And the other man , in thc'soft ' , swept
liusli of the evening tune , wont down in
His pocket for the plug ,
The unprecedented nalo of Or. Hull's
CoiiKh Syrup provoko.i romputitimi ; hut the
coplo cling to Dr. Hull's Uoiifjh Syrup.
Holiday i\ciirHloiiH. :
The Rock Island route will soil tick
ets at reduced rates during tlio holi
days. If you are going cast or west
you will Hnd Iho Uncut vcstibulcd trains
nnd the host dining ear nervlco in
America on Ibis lino. The World's
fair special , limited , leaving Omaha nt
1.40 p. m. daily for Chicago and the
cast furnishes all modo.'ii luxmios.
Ticket ollico 1002 Fiirtiain street.
Cliarles Kennedy , General Northwest
ern Passenger Agent.
. Total li'ixii < ' < CITIES ,
u' ' . V/ATEfl
uo > xu * KV
L'orrrsponcleiicc solU-lU-il ,
163-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
IS Wall Streetf NEW VORK.
/O Slate f t. , BOSTON.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornaha.
Jlc-at Cnttlo Ho uml bhfup iimrkul In tlio nest.
Wood Brothers ,
Eouth Omaha Ti-lcpnouo 1117 Chlcneo
JOHN II DAUlKMAN , I M „ . . „ „ „ . . , ,
WAI.TKIl 1 ! Wool ) , f
Market Iteporti Lr lunll soil lru cliourtullr lur
ManufaetureFs' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning
111 I Knriinn ) M.
Morse-Cos Shoe Company ,
Itowaril Strost.
1'nctory corner lltli nnd llouijlns Htrcoti.
We nro tni lritf pjosi pilfii to cT h hu > ern , an I nro
u el.191 ol auodn which \ \ \ ury rnlcablo
with lueruhant- .
Kirkendall , Jones Si Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMPANY.Ylioloialo MIDI : oo. , t > ooti.5ho )
nifrn nucnti Uo ton Hinl r.llilior ( 'iioils , l.i'JS-
Knbbcr Miuo < 'o. IIUJ- 1J1J ll.irne ) 1.
1101-lllHi llarnoy 3t
Omaha Coai , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
1,1.Mi : co.lmrd n aivanlzo 1 Iron
mill , S 10 cur. Ibtli nml cornice lndo\r uiip- * ,
mat.tlllc nkvllnlita , utc.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
( ,0 ODS CO ,
) rr KOOIS , notloni. fur- Notion ) t' furnlsli-
utililng KO < iH. ( c mi T . . . HU.J , , cor. j lllh mid
Illh ami llo\xnrl t < . I 11 ini"t .
Omaha Upholstering & Runyan
CO , npliolitnrpd furni : co.tunco
ture , lJ-'li ! ] ) ! Nlcltiilna
bt.Ylioloialn only. ami 1 itli Mi
D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
u V
I''OI U'Oi Joncabt. , lOtlinml Ilirn0 : = > a. ,
Oainha. Onmlm.
it is easy to steal or ring watches from tlr
pocket. The tlncf gels die watch in on-
hand , the chain in the other and gives a
short , quick jcik the ring slips off the
watch stein , nnd away goes the watdi , leav
ing the MClim only the chain.
This Idea stopped
iliat little game :
The how han a groove
on each end A collar
runs down inside the
pendant ( stem ) and
fits into the crooves ,
hrmly lockuif ! the
bow to the pendant ,
so thct it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Sold by nil watch dealers , without ,
cost , on Jas. lioss Filled nml oilier
cases containing this trade mark
AsU your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
moiit , n Hpuclllofor llHiirln , DU/lnuii. Klti , .Niiu-
riilKlu , Hon-Jiiilio , VOIVOIH I'r.ji'rntlon caiiBod by
lluiiorortoiiicuj. wiikufiilnc'ss , Mi'iitiil llcpro-nlon ,
foftnunior iliu llriiln. ( uuntuK iimanlty. inhnry , do-
caf.donlb.l'ri-'iiiat'iroOia AK . N'ui voutiii' IM * * ot
I'awur In I'lthiTHiiK , hnpoluiiuy , I.Riicorrbtn nnd all
I'amulo WnultiH'sbiis. lavoliintiiry lj ) K.'f. bpc-nua-
torrliunt-iiimi.l by ovor-oxcrtloii of tbo lirnln. A
inontli'HtrontniontH ; II forj.'i : by mallVu cunr-
nnti'oil boioi tociiro Knoh oriler for i ! hoxui with
UwIllsi'iiilwrltti'iiKirirantuu to rufund If notriirud ,
( ! inrantool iiiocl only by Tlicuduro K l.unli , ilruit-
Kltti.olunKnl ! , boutboabt corner liith nml I uriuiia
tlroets , Ourdia.
A ncwnn 1 complute .rcntiiiont , con Hlhu of Biip-
' iiiltorlas , oliitniunt III Cii | itilm. olio In box niii
F'a A pojillvo c-urJ for lUtorniil. IniLTiial , llilnil
or Illoc'tliu. llcaliik' , ( lironlo. UocJiit or llorodltarr
l'llTliin roinuily haH imvor l > uu known to full
1 ui'r box , U fur * > r c-nl by mall. Why HaHcr Ironi
tlila torrlblo lint-Hsu whun a wrluon uuiranlea It
nonltlvuly tlvun with ( i born or rulun-l tliu 11101107
t not curo'lf ' K'Uil sla-np lot fruj nuiiulj ( Jimr
nloslsauut by liuln.V i'J dr i nt > . nolj nuiiati ,
rnor 15tli . i i , " i tstrnat * Oma'i-i H | |
IB imBurpaeiod in Uio
trcntmontof all
nnd nil ll < i'acnrn
anil ItUordi'rmifMkH
18 yearn experience. ' ,
Write for rlrciilurb
and ijuettlon lint froo.
Mill anil Kariiam Hli. ,
Oinnlin , Nt-li
1'roiienuU lor llm Ill-llmry ol ! < " Hi llio City
of Uuuiliii fur tint Your IHllll.
Healed bldH will bu reeohcil at the oily
comptroller's ollico up to 4 n'i'loolc p. in. , Do-
cumber27th , Ih'JV , for the delivery of Ice to thu
city of OniHhn for thu year UUI. CcitllliMl
uhuclinf llfty ( JVl ) dollars to aero i.pany each
bid. The rUht Is reaarviid to r ; | i-ct any or ull
bids. TIIKO. Ol.hKN.
Omnhn , December l"th , IblfJ. Comptroller.
Rector & Lobeck & Linn ,
tk'itlors In linnlw.xrc and
Corner IGlh Mini Jackjuii luculianlm' tnol-i ,
s.irr-1'U. | lull Doiik'lin st ,
1,1 1
1 oaih Filled With ,
out Pain by the
I.ato5t Inven
Tooth Extracted Without Pnln or
oF Mi 11 1 1 S5.9) .
IVrfoct III KimrnntcPd. Teeth axtr.iolni la the
inoinliii ; . ? tuw unca luaurtcil III thu uvoiiln. at numo
i-co ppcclnicns of lloniovnblo llrl Ino.
Sco Hioi | linens of KluxllJlo r.lnstls I'l ill.
All work warranted us roproiciitud.
Office Third FloorPaxton Blook ,
Telephone 1033 , Kith nml l < 'iirnim : utt.
Tnko elcuilar or ulaliwar fromlUtli St ] .
aioSTKAIM-i : > and UACKKD
byiiDurili.tL'iitcoiiKli iJiomn-
rral slrciiElh w mud then
rrnol. llllllullu > . . 'o * 'Ml'TloW. .
SIM CIK1C tXVUl-.N /,1
Homo Inlmivr l'f Aalnil snriirlsu and hlusa-
ud rn lef lMMiniArr.i.x. to tlio hnpuluss hUlVur-
nr. U unius BEAliLY CUKES-vJoiils.
Cnlinrli. Ilionuhltls' , Astlinm , Cuiihiiiiiptlun ,
Ilondiiuhe ,
"Oxygen look" and 4 Trys Free ,
Sulto f)10 Shcoly Blilp ; , Oiaulia.
Or tlio l.liinofllnhll l'itHltl\'f > 1y Ci/rocl
hy\iliiiltilHtiii'lfHi-lt\ n I HUH'
It cnn bo Klvvn In n cup or coiri'oorton or In food
without HID knuwli'iliru of thu piillinit H H iiliso-
lutiilv Imrmlcsa umt will i-lfui-t permanent uml
( tpucUy curu. whuttiur tlin pallimt U u muiloratu
( IrliiUcrorun nluuhullo vmvk Itli.iolieon ulvonln
tlioiiMinilf of UIB < " < nml In nvcry liiuf.ucu o purft-ct
curu linn folloniHl It nuvcr full * . Tim uyntuiu
once liupri'KHHti'il ivIIU-llinhpi'i-Hlorlt iivoiii aii
ulliir limionallillliy for thu II iiuir nppi'lltu to mint
( iOI.DCN M'KCII'K. CO. , l'io | . I liirluiiiitl , O
4tHuiU | I'oou ' of pnrlliMilun froo. 'lo bo liuil uf
K ulin 4 < v I o . ISlh uuil Don flnn Kin Wlioloi
llliikc. llnioo & Co , uiiU likl.iiiilioii IJruuU
Umulm , .NuU.
Totlioownori of nil loin. | > ; irtn of lots anil ronl
imtutu iilonz LUinoroii htri'iiLfroniU'llh strict
to lli lu-ncrn line or thu center of ' 'Hh
siroot ( iroiliiL'i'il.
Von inn 11 or i ! by nolltlcil tlmt the undor-
vlKnuil , threeiliHlnturuitu ( ruoholiluru of tlio
oily of Omalri , n ivo beun ilnly iipiiolutoil hy
thu mayor , with tlio uiiprovilof thu city coun
cil of said oily , l : is-o-n thu U-iinuucs to tlio
ownurs nwixjutlvuly of lliu priiurly | uircrttuit
liy IhuKrudliiK of Uuinuion slruut from 'Itli
Htrout to thu I'J-uuro lln > or the router of ' . ' 7tli
btiuiil inodueuO , ducluruil necessary by
ornlniiiiL-n No. : ) M | . imsHnil Dncumbor
lUdi , tt'J ' ! , upprovcd DiicoinLur 10th , I Ml. ' .
Vnn urn furtlif-r nullllu'd tlmt liivlirr ; no-
rcntud Hall niipolntiiiunt mid ilnlyiiiialltlud
u H ruiinliud by luw. wo will on thu 7th ility ot
Jiuiiiiiry. A. 1) ) . tb'JI. nt th hour of II o'uioolc
In thu ( nruiiutiii. nt thu olllc.o of T. II , Mudnl-
lovh , K'oin ' HIL' Now Vork Mfo tinllillnx , within
thu corporate limits of aitld city. moot , for tue
nurposu of eonsldurlni : and iniiKlnir thu us-
unyiiiinlof ! ( luiniiuo to tliofjxvnorari ) puutl > ely
of Huld iiropurty rilTi'etcil by thu cr.idlnir.
takliiK Into coniluurutlon spuulul honoUts , If
unv.Von urn notified to bo nrubunt at the time
nnd placu aforoiuld ami inuUu any olijuutloa
to or Htutuinunts coiicurnliitftJiild usiussiuo
of duiuauus uu you may < -oiisldi > r nropur.
T. i . MoMljl.OOII ( ) ,
WM. U HllltlVKIt ,
OKU. J. 1'AUh.
Oumha , Uoo. iKW , 1691 d4dlC