TIII5 OMAHA DA ILL HIM : HUiNDMf , DIWKMHKR 25 , 1RI)2HSIXTKKN ) > VAOKS , A Disquisition on the Popular Pnstimo of tto Day. , A DAY IN THE PHELPS COUNTY STUBBLE . Illn * ur on CntnltiR FlRliH-I.tiKUlirloiu monil ( l itl | Tlin Hyhi-r'n Jlrrrjr Unit- get nml tin- Sport iiniin'ii Mrlnngr , EALLY , it doesn't Jrequlrehnlf an eye " "toseolhat the pros- lent winter and coin- Sing spring will IHJ | the busiest era In IF 1st la mi known since the tiuys of Ihe earliest English _ championship. The /dally / press Is Illlcil ' with iho dales ol coming evcnls ami the contest committees of the various metropolitan clubs throughout the coun try are about- the busiest set of mer to'be found In any line of traffic or trade Mulches are being made at a IT.to that is simply prodigal , nnd the exponent of tin manly art who falls to get In his work in tin next half twelvemonth will prove himself i fdoth and a laggard , Indeed. That U is the fighter's golden epoch ac cumulating evidence leaves llttlo chance foi doubt , and that it will prove but short-llvei Is another Incontrovertible fact. The paci is entirely lee rapid lo bu maintained , am the very men now straining might am main to augment and further the genera interest In the game nre Iho ones who wil indubitably prove instrumental in killing i outright. Like base ball , prize fighting is bound ti outstrip Itself , as the enormous wealth fig urlng iu the dozen or more of prospectivi events makes ibis oulcomo patent to al c-loso observers. Ten thousand dollars make u tremendous sum to be contended for in an ; line of sport , let it be on the turf , in th Held or ring , anil is an amount hung up , o even wagered , but few times in the histor , of the world. Even . r > ,000 is a big bet o purse either , but It is a poor dub of a llghte who hasn't check enough to ask this llgur for Iho same performance that ten years ag could have been secured for as many hut drcds. However , the climax may be deferred in til the big affairs Unit have been arrange by Iho Now > Orleans Crescent anil Coney Is and Alhlctic- clubs como off , when Iho cat : flasm will come , if it comes at all , as swif and devastating as a thunderbolt froi heaven. That any set of sensible business me would for n moment contemplalo offcrin such a sum as $40,001) for an event that is a 1 likely to tcrminale in twenty minutes as it 1 to terminate at all , surpasses all undcrstnni ing. Still that Is what the Crescent clu proposes to hand over to Jim Hall or Bo Fitzsltmnons at the close of their littl inanucl argument next March. Is the offer genuine ! is a query belli frequently propounded , and while nine doubt is being expressed in this regard , think it is. The assertions of thu New Yor dailies , who are bending every endeavor t controvert the Idea Unit Now Orleans is th Mecca of pugilism , should be taken cm grano sails. If Now York remains No' ' York she must bo on lop in all matters i public moment , in religion , trade or nmusi ment. If possible she would have frustrate the scheme of u World's fair , but in this sh file instance the tide set in and overwhelms her , but Chicago is not New Orlean and it will require some vci deep pockctbooks and some vci longheads for thu city on thu gulf to be : her out In her maddening chase for slier haired distinction , as the Coney Island club latest political stroke , the offering of $45X for a light between Jack McAulifl'c and Din Burgc , unquestionably attests. , But to go back to my original proposition 'tho downfall of the sport. 'Can New Orleans bring to a successf issue another carnival oven approximatii in greatness that of last Scplembert think not. The secret of the success of Ui L'ollossal achievement was duo lo Ihe fin that thu greatest pugilist time has product the unrivaled John L. was the prcmii ilguro in Ihu same , Iho resislless magn that drew Louislanaward the eyes the civilized sporting world , Iho electric force that quickened the pulse , and stnrti the blood In the veins of every game man < top of the earth. Where is the bruiser wl over had the following of the Big Folloi both in and outside of sporting circles : Interminable rulinuu of business men ni tradesmen , bankers , brokers , lawyer doctors and professional people , music : literary and dramatic ! There is no gainsa ing thu correctness of this , as dcgenerat low and hoodlumish as ho was. There is i accounting for human patromigu or servilit in this cast ) , onu and the same tiling. Ge. eral Grant s advent in London created : moro of a stir than did the enlrco of John Sullivan. The prospective head of the kin dom , the Prince of Wales , was a special ui frequent caller , tis were dukes and lords ai marquises without number. I might tell good story , onu of Frank Lane's , in this cc ncction , but will leave it'for another tin .StifHeoit to say that this was Iho man w made the New Orleans eainlvnlnpo.sslbillt Is Jim Corbett today Iho man John L. w before September's surprise party not bj thousand yards , off hand. And if he , eve pitied agaihsl either Jackson , Mitchell Oodiurd ) , was to bo ono of the spring allr : lions , there would-bu no such an exodus northern , eastern and western men to Nt Orleans to watch the sport as there was see the mighty John L. That was a see that will never known duplicate. But this is not all. New Orleans has r other causu for apprehension aside fro 111 Coney Island club , and that is the sensclt rivalry and competition that has been auguratcd between her two leading clnl the old Olympic and the now Crescent. Tl ' has been the Influence that has elevat purses to their present ruinous and idio altitude , A single failure , and bankrupt in the resort of cither of these organizntio That this Is sure lo follow , I have but in gro doubts , and 1 think New Orleans is the vcrgo of receiving a smash , pugilist ally , from which t > hu will bo many moons covering. As to Hall nnd Fluslmmons , In .spite thu numerous shady stories emanating fr the claqucrs of the Coney Island club think their match for March before the N Orleans Crescent club Is ou thu dead squi In every detail , including thu genuineness Iho f 10,000 purse , although thu acmu of fo us well us thu bitter fculingexisting bulwi the two men. Of course Iho amount of money offered the affair Is preposterously large , but wl Is thu mailer with the majority of the pur being hung up these days { Theru Is 1 little rhyme or reason In the accusations the Coney Island cohorts , in testimony which it is but necessary to reflect that t rlub has jusl gene the Crescent f.5.000 bet Iu olTerlng $45,000 for thn jMc-AulltVu-Du fight , If there. Is a log chain attached either purse It Is Ihul jiroitosed by the M Yorkers. They claim Unit Hall and Fitz undorsti ruch other from the slmplu fuel Dial Hot .JuliuitK having laid down lo James for paltry sum of & 2.V On the other hand , I rlulms that ho licked him on thu level , an borne out in this by the corroboratlon "Smllcr" Hale , Iho Australian sport authority. Admitting that this episode always encompassed Ihu movements Hall and Fitzslmmons with susplc nnd thai $40,000 would bo ix i tittle fortune to split between . Iwo men , I cannot help but think thai coining light is to bu on its merits , would bu u difficult matter for these twi mukoufaku now if they wore so Inclli There is lee much suspicion bunging o each man , If they ever fonglil on pqtwre , and hub uny of their fights si they came into prominence in America England been suspected in the smallest u they must light s'j this time. As to which .man should win , thai problem us Is a problem. When I went u SSt. Paul two years iigoi when Frank Sh the old Omaha gam , had thesotwo Aust tuns matched for a purse of fl'.OOO ' , 1 wi linn believer that Hull would loto off boodle. I hud seen him work in a G with Jack Dayis at the Grand opera ho this city , uud then aud there wuUu up mind , thnt ho could whip most anybody , uavls wns n mere piny thing In life good lookIng - Ing middleweight' * ! hands , who , in the entire three rounds In which they figured , never took n single bnckwnrd Mop , but kept right after Jack from start to finish , walking fairly over him , dealing him out straight lefts nnd crosses with the right In n style thnt wns simply electrifying. At ono stage , after getting a rather warm punch In the mouth. .Inck s.lld : ' Here , voung feller , your gelling n trifle fresh 1 I thought this wns to be only a friendly bout , I'll have to get back ntyou If that's your game. " "Why this Is friendly enough , Jack , " re sponded Hall , "but cut loose , paste mo n couple , I wont mind it , we can't hurt each other with these pillows. " And without liny apparent exertion what ever , ho continued his walk on the heavy weight , smashing him indiscriminately until Uio Parson called lime nt the close of the setlo. setlo.Well I never sayFItzslmiuons stripped for action until last Seplemberal Ihdcurvlnal. when ' 1 saw him plaja wild and weird mazurka , nt the old Academy of Music , on the ribs and Jaws of Johnny Cash , the south ern middleweight pet. Then I voted him n wonder too. nhd men ially resolved thai If he and Hall ever did como together , I would be extremely cau tious In any attempt lo prognnstienlo. lhc result. They are undoubtedly a very good match. Doth can put up a good Jab and get away sort of a game , or mix up in nu effective way If the occasion demands. In fact they arc both thorough ring tacticians , strong ns bulls , and capable of adopting the respective nmuoUYTcs rif of the other , cut them out UF they may , when once vis a vis in the ring 'From these facts it is but reasonable to ex pect a long battle , a superlatively scientllU nnd supremely good one. FlUslmmons is a monster in build , fron : the hips up , and of abnormal shape , and 1 think possessed of considerable moro inns cularity limit Hall , ami yet I do not think hi is as stiff a puncher. The latter has a drlv Ing force Unit Is marvelous , his triceps belli ; of thai peculiar development which nnato mists tell us give the greatest facility It striking n barn blow. But leaving their In dividual merits and demerits out of the qnes lion they are so evenly matched in weight height and reach thai it would be foolhard , ' to essay anything better than a guess on tin outcome of their ffght. Now lhat the lightweight champions o England and America. Dick Durgu and Jacl McAullfTe , are matched for a finish argil ment. makes It doubtful whether the Hall Kltrsltmnons fight will have the call on pub lit1 attention and palronugo. 'That iho lira named affair will como off at Coney Island with all Uio superior ntlvuntni'cs and attrac lions of Now York available , makes mo bo llovo that it will be the best patronizei event of the Iwo. There never will bo an other such a stampede to New Orleans ni was witnessed last September , that can hi relied upon , anil that the Crescent Cit ; must depend upon the whole country ti make her prodigious undertakings a success is another undisputable tact. But not si with Gotham. She lias within a radius o f > ( M ) miles , easily 10,000,000 people lo drav from. Everybody wants lo go to Now Yorl at least once in bis lief time , and ns the sport ing element is the high-life element of th great commonwealth , a card like the ono ii prospect will cause an influx Into Gowanu from till directions such as was never wit ncsscd before , that is if the card in qucstioi is seasoned with a side dish or so , alter th fashion of the big event in New Orleans las September. In this mill I am perfectly free to pick th winner. It should bo n gift to Gentlema Jack. Burge. is said to bo cluinsv and slow wilh an awkward gua.'d , and unstubl action general , and if this is true , the Amer can champion will make a hush out of bin Ho is the fastest lighter on the turf todaj uses both manllcs as if atlaehcd lo pisto loJs , has the eye of a geometrician , an makes every punch count. If Johnny Bu is no more than his tight with Jem Clinic showeu him to be , ho would have bee lucky to have remained across the drink. And our own friend Tommy Ryan , an Gcorgo Dawson , they meet in March at No' ' Orleans. What do I think of them } Th : Ihoy are a corking likely pair of bids an will put up as lovely a fight us has been wi nessed in many a day. Dawson has prove himself a worthy opponent of the chumpio welter by bis victories over Danny Neci ham and Doc O'Conncll , who was a de : cleverer than anyone hereaway dreamed. 1 both of these lights , however , the An traliuu was quite as badly punished i the loser , and at a stage in each it lookc as If the beaten man had the light going h way. Uyan whipped Necdham , onnd a though it took him seventy-four rounds to t' it , ho Jumped out of the ring as fresh : when he entered it , without a bruise , scrati : or blemish. Hyan is certainly a eutbin Cool as a cucumber under the most tryir conditions , as quick as Are ! ! , and with a le on ' 1m capable of stopping tin ; rush of almo any man. Dawson lights with a wide opi guard , and in bis onslaughts 1 shull expei Tommy to beat his face on" . Next Monday night 'Frisco will bo trcatt lo ti couple of numbers. The Palo Alto ai Pacific clubs have caught the fever and n : clashing , and they have changed the dat of their respective events in order thai UK will como oft on the sumo night. At tl Palo Alto.Clmrlio Johnson and Jack Hull w Iry conclusions , and at the Pacific Tomn White and Billy Murphy. Next Wednesday night Billy PJimmt the English bantam , and Joe MeGrath w run afoul of each other before the Com Island club , and on Thursday night Jolim Van Ilecst and Solly Smith. My combi ation is Johnson , Murphy , Van Ilecst in Plimmer. In tilt ) I'lrlil mill at I bo Trap. Nebraska City claims to have thu chai plon quail shot of thu state. So far Ibis si son ho has killed 1,000 birds. Dr. H , O. Miller has returned from Mo tana after a ten months absence. He h some royal sport among the big game o ) there , bagging twcntysix deer , eight el ) five black bear , Iwo mountain lion and fo lynx , besides a cartload of-small fry. 1 says hu Intends hereafter to make a limit hunting trip annually. While absent visited all the big cities of the slope , b found no town as good as Omaha. W. II. Harrison , my genial sporting frie from Grand Island , bus been in iho el several days. If W. H. tells Uio Iruth , a 1 see no reason to doubt but what ho do WlllSimeral. Harvey McGrew.Dr. Glucka a number of other gallunl nlmrods are i In It with him. lie says ho went bcfon notary public last fall and took oath thai killed liiirly-sevcn uvohets at ono shot , u on the same day caught a catfish tl weighed 700 pounds. By thu way , Ha.irlt ran for county treasurer of his county 1 : autumn , ami declares he would have IK elected if ho could have told as big yarn his opponent. Wouldn't thai jar you ) What bus become of the much talked challenge from the Bemls Park to I Omaha Gun clubl The Bemls boys cli longed Ihu Huyinonds for n live-bird she ir , and the Uuymonds not accepting , they g : , , , it out that thu Omahus were about th , ' size. 1 can assure them , however , tl J Oinnhus will accept any sort of a ehallci , ( they see III to issue , Go for 'em , [ f. Policeman H. C. Cook was down in ; . . wilds of Harpy county last Sunday , and si 1 bo bagged forty-eight quails , thirteen pral chickens , thirteen cotton-tails and two Jt rabbits. Ho says them are slathers game down ihoru and he would have kil i-t more if ho had only taken an axe with h 10 11 Well , didn't Champion John Potty pu all over FrcderU'iis A. Fuller a week a Is Fred's challenge gave evidence that ho A if quite u rillo shot , but his score Incontlneii i ( ? refutes the suspicion. Fred now decla is that hu intends to keen on challenging ( it John , as Petty is familiarly called , until 11. beats him , But If Fred willviko my ad\ ho will drop him now like u hot potato , will nuvcr see the day ho can beat li 10n Appended Is the full score of their Inio mi Led d , 7V 10 . ' 0 111 J'l U tow w , ti till J. K. Knowlcs and Frank Carmlchacl lie turned a day or two ago from a Iwo d ; to limit iu Iowa. They say they killed iO , quail , thirteen squirrels ami forty-two < tiy toutaiU , aud Ibal game wasn't very plui cither. Jack sixyn thnt along the creeks nil 'the quail were 'covoroil to lhl > depth of eight or ion feet by the Into snow * , and that all Jmvo doubtless been smothered or starred , and predicts a poor crop next season , _ _ _ I have also reports from this vicinity tint n largo majority of Iho birds mot n similar fate. The snow came In Ihe night , and the birds being nt roost , were burled benenth the enormous drifts , and next season's out look Is indeed very ixxir. Some of the crack rlllc shots of the country can get a game by calling on John W. Potty , nnd , indeed , I bellcvo there are but few who can beat him nt 200 yards off-hand. Look nt the score ho made ngalnst Fuller lust Sun day , despite the cold , wind nnd flying snow 1O.Voutof n possible 1.250 , That Is shoot ing. He led Fuller from the start and could have oven bettered his score had it been necessary. He is probably ns good nn offhand - hand , long distance shot ns there Is in America today. AVIilnporlngfl of th Whrrl. Merry Christinas ? E. B. Smith sojourns in Chicago this week. Council Bluffs will have a bicycle club next season. C. G. Fields ( papal. F. Hockwcll. C. C. Candy and J. W. Fulton were all in last week. . Art Miihan of Crescent Cycling chlbT" Now Orleans , La. , wns n visitor in the city ono day of last week. The Tourist Wheelmen will give n soclnl and ball In the near future. A committee is now out working up the event. Jack Cully and Billy Schuefl of the Tour ists nre running lines and driving stake ? in the Huwkoye state. Good exercise , which will harden their muscles for next se/son's work on the path and road , The Omaha Wheel club entertained the club members and n few of their friends at the club house Christmas eve with nn old fashioned X-mas tree. Many gifts were dis tributed from the tree and everyone who at tended had a good time. W. M. "Pap' ' Browstcr , treasurer of the League of American Wheelmen , located at St. Joseph. Mo. , and George Colllster. mem ber of the National Kiicing board , called ou "Jess" ono day of last week. Mr. Brewster is the great league hustler. The postponed business meeting of the Tourist wheelmen was held last Thursday evening at which business of great import ance to the club was transacted. It is ear nestly requested that all members of the club bo on hand at the next regular meeting which will be held Thursday evening , Janu ary 5. A surprise awaits every one. Resplendent with gold leaf and all the colors of Ihe rainbow Uio Xmas number ol Uio Bearings comes lo ils readers this week enlarged and repletu wilh numerous phole engravings of prominent wheelmen , short stories , interesting bicycle history and re sume of the past year. The magazine in truly a modeler printers art and a credit U its editors , the Xmas number surpasses unj Journal of Its kind gotten out this season. The secretary-treasurer * road his annual report showing a substantial gain in tin division finances , also a goodly economic ex penditure by the slale ofilcers. The report shows a balance on hand December 1 , 18',1'J ' of S'JSO against balance on hand same time ii 1MIII1S. It is claimed Unit renewals wil bring this up to100 before July , Ib'.M. Tht annual division meet for ' 1M was diseussei nnd indications point to the most successfu meet ever held by the division. Anothei meeting of the board will bo held in Omah : shortly. The ofilcers of Nebraska division League o American Wheelmen met at Fremont Du comber 17 and reviewed the work of the pus year and made plans for the campaigi of next. Chief Consul Perrigo read bis an nual report , showing less growth in IH'J'Jthai ' in 18UI comparatively , he also recommend ! Uic publication of moro requiting literature A hand book will be published nt once. 1 scheme for giving prizes for nev membership was introduced and ne cepted. A circular to all member ! of the division will bu mailed , setting fortl thu inducemenls of Iho scheme. Ten prize ! will bo given for memberships , and will bi distribulcd as follows : For one now mem her , gold plated League of American Wheel men button ; for two new members , goli plated League of American Wheelmen watel guard ; for three new members , gold plalct League of American Wheelmen pendant pin for four new members , gold plated League o American Wheelmen locket ; for five nev members , solid gold pin ; for eight new mem hers , solid gold pin ; for ten now members solid gold pin ; for fifteen new members , solii gold watch chain ; for twenty new members fifteen-year , Foloy's , screw bezel , open fact Elgin or Hampden watch ; for twcnty-fivi new members , fifteen-year , hunting cast stem winding , Elgin or Hanipdon watch Prizes aggregating in value from 75 cents t &r . The shrill wnrwhoop of Ihe painted rcil skin , mingled with the wild cowboy yell o the western plains , softened aud toned b the sweet , musical tinkle of Iho Spanisl mandolin and guilar , merry shouls of civi ized laughter and Jingling of spurs and ui coutrenients , will resound through the pal lors and reception rooms of the Omah Wheel cjnb on Now Year's eve. For th nonce the club house will bo converted hit a wigwam , and the braves of the Omah tribe will wander at will about the tepee c sit in Iho council circle nnd tnku n whiff n the "chagwah" or peace pipe as it is passe around. The occasion will bo the iinnur watch meeting and New Year club socia Invitalions have been Issued lo the clu members and some of their friends , whie no doubt will bo accepted with alacrity , a the Omaha Wheel club is noted for the sui cess of its entertainments. The "Wil West Smoker , " which' occurs on New Year' ' eve , is something new in Uio way of club entertainment , thu invention of th fertile brains of the gentlemen composln the committee Messrs. Perrigo , Ivastniu and Cox. Music will bo made ono of Ui main features of the evenings program. Tli invitallons are quite "Injun" in make up an read , "Membeis Omaha Wheel Club Tribe- There will bo concert and smoker at tli tepee corner Seventeenth and Chiciu streels , Saturday evening , December ! i Wo will bo assisted by a few braves fro : other tribes. Jerked Beef and Pipe i Peace , chiefs Ahp-Er-Hl-Go , Johu-H-Ki E-Dm-Co. Slm-Aw and - - A l > ay In fhi > Stubblv. NOIIFOI.H , Neb. , Dec. 2-1. To the Rportii Editor of Tin : BEE : Never in the history Nebraska bus Ibero been so great an abun mice of quail as there are the prcscnl sc son. A great many line bags have bet made in iho vicinity of Norfolk , but pro ably Ihu greatest one that lias been made this section was ono made by a party of Fr mont sportsmen at Verdlgro recently , win two days' shooting netted in iho close neig borhood of 600 birds. It is , however , a mi tcr of sincere regret thnt lee many of o hunters and would-be sportsmen persist slaughtering tile noble Bob While by p shooting , which is as truly unmanly it is unsportsmanlike. No true sporl man will stoop so low as to slaught a covey of quail , or oven a binglu bird , will on Ihu ground , or like wiuio of our huntv and would-bo sportsmen who own good do , nnd excellent guns , sneak around for half : hour to got a shot at a bird silling. This wrong for Iwo reasons , iho first of which the indiscriminate slaughter of thu blr o and the second that hu Ihciyuyjoscs t 'Su ' sport of shooting and thu pleasure of seel 'Sk his dog work. The hitler is certainly hi k Ihu pleasure of hunlliig. Thu man who lei ifd sight of these two very material j > olnts da ifi. not cull himself other than a mere pi i. hunter , and is deserving of the heartk i.It condemnation of all Into sportsmen. It The quail in Nebraska arc more abunda > ! in Iho Soulh Platte country , the farth isle south the better. On thu Republican riv y nnd Its tributaries they are most nbundai > s thu reasons for which I attribute to t d mild winters and less snow , rendering Ir le less great from cold and starvation iltiri 'U severe weather , and very probably to t lu fact thnt they are butter m'oleolcd 11.t . sportsmen nnd farmers from liidlserlmln : t : slaughter bolh in and oul of season. Orgt izod gun clubs have been of great benefit this direction , and this thought offers a si a geslloiix-lhal might bo adopted with cxc lent results by the sportsmen of Is'oi Nebraska , In this part of the stale ma parties from thu outsldu have been In t ITn habit of coming In and slaughtering gai n birds and shipping them unlawfully lo oil iu IV marlicts , both In and mil of ihostate. . ' 1 buverest punishment possible should Ibln meted out to iheso offenders , and if Nobi > \n \ lu's picsent gamoluwH do not meet Uio e- qulreuiOntK of iho case , they should bo in ; es1 more stringent. Itt In the latter days of November I was t- . vited by my friend , known lo ull thu spot ty men iu the stole us the prince of food i ' , * anil whoMtotlior nnmo Is Kugeno Ham iljn , propihtter of the Hampton house nt ! Ildregc , Srf-W. , in take a quail hunt , ( leiin haa qntto irovord , but owing to the kin I ro anl I UtJvo for his excellent.wife I ro'raln from chin * it at present , Suffice It to say , ho is tile author.of that national K imo and pastltnw"hlRh five. " Also , hols a first elnM shot jund the possessor of all the mrnphorimlla nmlniipiirteimnccs thereunto lelonglnR for hauling , fishing and camp- n # , from a > # lx-room tent to a oiiif bundled . .frying pan. Among ils possessions is ono of Smith's utcst itnprovcd4 Rims and n line pointer > ltch known iw "Nell. " Nell Is as line a ypo of Ihe Knpjrah ( winter as ono would vlsh lo see , and JHS for work well , It has icvcr been our lot lo shoot over a boiler. The apiminlcd day arrived , bright , bracing and a perfect autumn morning , Wo loft the lotel at 0 o'clock In i\\o \ morning with lunch nicked and everything In readiness for a icrfcct day's sport , wo drove about seven niles and reached the appointed sixit Just ns , hc sun was peeping from behind the eastern lorizou. The place wns perfect , the bed of i little creek or rivulet , which had long been Iry except hero and there a pool which Providence had left that the quail nlpht quench their thirst , nnd Nell night occasionally moisten her nostrils , the letter to do her work. The hitler was very icccssary , as would be with an ordinary log , though Nell could evidently have done excellent work without It. for Ino day was Ir.v and promised lo bo hot. Later on we were favored with a friendly cloud over shadowing the sky and a gentle breeze aris ing from the west. The creek was lined with thick brush , with hero a clump of plum trees nnd tufts of high grass , while the edges were fringed with cornfields and wheat stubble. After leaving the carriage we had not gone far until Nell began In scent game and started across a patch of stubble , whore It was evident , the birds had gone to feed. She had not gene far , however , when she came to a point , her tall straight out , her body like that of a statue , with onu foot lifted from the ground. "Get them up I'1 said I , but not a muscle moved. "Sho doesn't do It that way , " said Gene. "That part wo will have to do ourselves. " So on wo go , Nell following closely at our heels , pointing at every step. On wo go for at least too yards , when a covy of seventeen flushed , Nell lying close to thu ground. Bang 1 bang 1 bang 1 bang ! Four birds the result , the remaining thirteen seeking cover In the brush. "Gut the dean birds , " said Gene , and like a flash Nell was off. quickly returning with two dead birds , the first load , and bringing the other two singly. Back wo went to the brush and In a remarkably short time had eight of the remaining thirteen dangling at our belts On wo went , but not far , until another covey was scented , but flushed wilil , the dog not getting a point , neither did wo gut a shot , but "watch them down 1" which you will recognize as a familiar phrase , was ejacu lated iu a chorus. Wo did , and thu spot was a pocket , or sinah gulch with tall grass. "No birds should get away from us here , " said Gene. "Well , I guess not , " but they did. Theru were two out of the thirteen that got away , ono being pretty badly shot , thu other a clean miss by two loads. On wo went , the dog doing elegant work and we doing pretty fair shoot ing until about 1 o'clock came and we returned to the wairun for lunch. When our ravenous appetites had been appeased we took an inventory of the game on hand , finding wu had bagged eighly-seven of Iho gamest and host of nil birds , the festive quail , and decidedito defer further shooting until another day. In conclusion lefjine say that I never en joyed a day's good sport better or in more genial company , and I can sincerely advise all my sportsmen friends who would like an outing at Holdrege to cultivoto Ibo ac quaintance of mygood friend , Gene Hammond mend , not forgetting Nell. Gene is a true sportsman , n royal good fellow , and is possessed , in addition to his many excellent social qualities , of a thorough knowledge of all the best shooting grounds in that vicin ity. With suchu companion and under such circumstances a day spent with rod or gun cannot fail to bo enjoyable. F. lj. Q. A Hutch \Vlnti-r Single * . It would bo , ju waste of time to essay anylhing new or edifying on the baseball situation. .A few misguidcc writers art making a frantic effort to arouse a little in terest in a waning sport , by a labored discus sion of the rules of thu game , the changes nec essary and improvements advisable. But : i very large army of the old day cranks refiihi to enthuse worth a. continental , and it is a patent fact that 'the best remedy for UK present lapse wouM to give the game a lonj ; and health-reviving rest. In this connection my old and revered friend , Colonel Ed 1C , Uifeof the Ohio Slale Journal staff , perti nently remarks : News in the baseball world is as dead as the proverbial door null , and everybody connected with the various Na tlonal league teams appears to bo putting it : their time considering the situation. News papers that have heretofore devoted dailj space to the great national game , bctweei : seasons , are now giving it the go-bywhulhei as thu result of u lack of interest , or whcthci Ihe idea is tl'C carrying out of a plan to Icl lut the game severely alone during the win ter months in the hope that such an arrange ment might lend to the upbuilding of Hit sport in the spring. Certain it is that less space is devoted to base ball at this seasoi of the year than at any time in the lust lei years. What it means is only problematical. The newspapers have made base ball , am when they turn it down the magnates maj as well hang up the violin , the flute , UK yellow-bellied clarionet nnd all thu othe : musical instruments , for the base ball solrei is over. \ Just as 1 said all tlnTtiine. Jack Crooks ha : refused iho presidency of Iho Northern Pa cillc railroad , and will stick to the Brown next season for his board and beer money. John T. Brush has Just re-elected himscl president of the Cincinnati club , and Stof Moore has bought another block of stock i Ihu same. Scrappy Joyce of Iho Brooklyn * is at Ho Springs , where ho hopes , by Judicious exci else , to get back to his old-time self agaii : The only danger is that Scrappy will conlln his uxerciso principally to the elbow , who ho knows very well that his knees are full c Joints. John M. Ward has notified the Now Yor club that his check is ready for ? ; i)0 ( ) , Spur : ing Life , That's nothing , Just run over nn tell the Gotham magnates to draw oji mo ft the balance of that SKI.OOI ) . OiM'slloiiH unit Aimni-rN. \VATIHI.OO : , Neb. , Ii ) > e. i0. To thn Sport In Kdlloi-of Tin : HKK ; In u gaum of draw poki ( nn limit ) A opens Jack pot for 50 cents , htiiys for SO , C stays also and rain's it$1.5i A and II do not M'f th rulso and want a hho for Iholr money , but C'claims pot. Do A an II have lo M'c his rjilso liuCoiu limy can lira cards. And who wins ? Ily "M-U his ralho" mean put up llm c.xtrit dollar ho lictb. W. Ans. They do. lliA OIIOVK , la. , Di'o. 7. To Iho Sporting Ki ttnr of TIIK HIK : : tl'iin yon Inform HID as i whrru 1 can obtain u book on fancy unit ll in skatingI'rank J.i'ox , Ans , The Now Vork Clipper will furnlh you with what you want. OMAHA , Null. , Ura ; . 23.--To thu Sporting K < Itorof TniIHiA and II play poker , A tut all Ills money , II MHW his bet anil raises lili A hiiK notnoiu minify to call II , Does A KOl blmw for bis iiiomty , P. J. ( J. Ans. Not If ttiuro is no limit on the gam LINCOLN , Ni'b , , Uon. 23-To Hit ) Hporth Kdllor of TIIK HKCI Will you pleavo public In Sunday's lll'.i : Uln names of iho players < Iho champion buswhall teams for 1H7& an 1U70 , THIIID IlASB. Ans. Boston , 18T5 , Spaldlng , White , Mi Vey , Barnes , Htmfcr , Wright , Jconnrt O'Hourko , Manning1 , Heals and Heifer Chicago , I8tl , Bpaldiug , White , Mo\'o , ; Barnes , Peters , Glenn , Hincs , Addy an licllukl. ) NOIITII 1'i.ATTi : . Dec. 20 , To the Sport 11 , IMItorof Till : llr.r. : Will yon please Infer mebeii. ' . 1 can Kiit a copy of ( ho Now Voi ( lanmubMH'lutlon'h rnlesVT. . It.V. . Alls. Address N. V. U. A. , care Amcricti Fluid , 10 Park Place , New York. CDUNCII , Iti.tiFrs , Ili'c. 23. To the Sport It Editor of TIIK Itt ) : : : Tliero am live hliootets a match , Ilircu money * . Thien tie for first. U forhiTontl. What litronii'h of Ihliil money ! AHtiyV. . M. Ans. . Third is divided between first in so-ond in the proportion of first and sccoi moneys. k < NOHKOI.K , Doe. 22. To the Snorting Killt u I of Tin : llii : : : I'lease stale In Sunday h spot o Ins columns the nationality of .Ion rhoyn * r I and hl-f birthplace. Also the number of llm u Juck Dmnnscy has been defeated , nnd the ilu u oC thu llall-l'rltehaicl fight In r'liKiiiml , . llo\er. ! " Ans. Choynski was born In 'Frisco , Jewish parents. ( ' . ' ) Twice , by Ui Blancl 0 and FitzblmmonB , (3) ( ) Amrusl 20 , i- re are letters at Bundle's frr J it iVulsh , Harry Calewood and U , K , Barki tball players CHAT OF SINGER AND PLAYER Mmo. Paul's ' Kind Holiday Remembrance of Her Friends. JAY GOULD'S PRESENT TO PAULINE HALL 1 Itrnnrtt'li I.ovo of Nnrltli- An liiiiorrnt nt Itonlrltc MII\T .Iixrpti jAllrn'K llnlr Turned White Com- InpT Attnirtlon - tonliNotes , Mine. Adelina PatU-NleoHnl is known to the world nt large as Uio queen of song , the grentest'dlva of the age , iho peerless artiste where notes are ns- precious ns pearls. To those few who have been admitted within the sacred circle of her friendship she Is above all things a woman , the most charm ing nnd gracious of her sex. To thosu fnv- ored ones this wonderful artiste , to whom kings and princes pay delighted homage , shows a sincere , cordial , unaffected woman Hness. KV r those honored with her regard Mine. Patlihasa genuine , thoughtful kind liness that finds expression In simple , unos- lOnlallous methods which carry the line flavor of her esteem wlthoul the Itiint of condescension. Some of these friends have renewed rea son for tholr admiration of this gracious woman , who has again shown her thoughtful - ful esteem by sending them pretty llttlo holi day remembrances in the form of photo graphs of Cralg-y-nos casllo and its environs. Those received by the editor of Tin : Br.r. tire of Uio same view , but ono is printed light and bears a Christmas greeting , while the other is in darker tones and has a New Year's inscription. The view Is taken from the hill tit Ihu rear of Ci"ilg-of-Nos. in Uio foreground is Uio famous easllo and Its clustering attach ments , Beyond is a beautiful valley , Uio rugged Welsh hills closing in on it on either side , while down through Its center , llku : i pretty ribbon in a Held ofgreen , wanders a litllo stream until H is lost in the misty dis tance. The views are exquisite bits of photographic art and make thu daintiest of souvenirs. Mine. Patti has given further proof of her thoughtful kindliest by sending the editor of Tun Br.H the programs of a number of her entertainments during the past year. None of these were professional engagements and the souvenirs have no odor of shop about them. With one exception they are the programs of performances at the beautiful theater in Ihu diva's oastletroyal entertain ments provided by the queen of song for the delcctalion of her guests. Those souvenirs , there fore , represent the perfume of this gracious hostess' personality in private lifo with no suggestion of professionalism. The earliest of these programs is a record of a concert on board thu sleumship CRy of New York , May : i , for the benefit of the the Seaman's Orphan institution at Liver pool : and Mine. Patti was down to sing 'Home , Sweet Home. " On August 15 n special matinee was given at Putli's theater in Craig-y-Nos castle. The first part was a musical program , which was followed by a pantomimic drama en titled "Lovo or Duty. " In the latter the diva took two purls. A week later "Cainillo" was given , with Mine. Pntti in the title roll nnd Mr. Hiehard Nicolini as Count do Varville , and there were violin and harp solos between the acts by two young ladies. "A pantomimic description of dramatic in terest in four episodes cnlillcd 'Life nt Ham ilton Castle' " was produced on September 10 , and the hostess enacted the parts of the two daughters of Lady Hamilton. Beginning with September 17th there were eight entertainments on successive evenings , which are all recorded in ono beautiful pro gram. On Saturday night "A Sister's Jealousy" was played with Mine. Patlt in Iho roles of I rene and Sybil , two sisters. Sun day evening Iherc was a concert with thu diva down for four number : while Signer Nicolini and Mr. Hiehard Nicolini contrib uted one each. On Monday evening follow ing a short concert , came "Aubcrge des Audret"ou "Cainillo " Wed ; Tuesday , ; on nesday. "La Sonmimlmlu ; " on Thursday , "Whar's Your Ticket , " tin extravaganza : on Friday , "Love Under Difficulties , " n comedy ; on Saturday , "La Sonnambula" again , in each of the works named Mine. Paul look leading parts. Thu latest of these programs is dated No vember 10th , when "Ninon , a Tale of the Chimney Corner , " was presented , with the Utlo role. These programs give glimpses of the home life of the queen of song and of the munificence of her hospitality , and they make interesting souvenirs of one of thu most famous women of thu century. Several Uiealrieul men were in a favorite resort of the profession Ihe oilier day , dis cussing most everything but aqua pura. Jay Gould was nienlioned , and Unit brought forth several stories. I suppose , " said ono of the party , "that some of yon have noticed the magnificent diamond and sapphire ring worn by Pauline Hall. Well , boys , Jay went down into his Jeans pretty deep to .settle for that gewgaw. 11 must have cost a five century If it did ti cent. Stately Pauline struck this windfall ; i few seasons ago in SI. Louis. You know 1 was with the company at the lime. Thnt was Polly's ( she always Insisted on my call ing bt-r Polly ) first season at starring , and to loll Ihe truth , she wouldn't Imvo startcil out at all if I hadn't agreed to support her , "What are you snickering tit ; You know all of you , that I'm the king comedian of tin United States Milwaukee included-and bul for my infernal modesty John Drew , Good win , Di.xoy. Joe Holland , and Iho rest of tin outfit couldn't ride In the same cloviitoi with me. Just you wait till some docloi discovers n blcloridu injeclion lo euro tonsil tutlonul Insufficiency of gall , and then bin no matter. "How did it all happen ? Oh , simph enough , We were playing at the Olvmpii Uiealer the opera Ermlnlo , ' and bnslnes ; was good for St. Louis. Soon after tin curtain went up AVcdnesday night it wut noised about behind that Jay Gould was boxed in front. 1 had never before clappci eyes on his millionaire misfits , so I pcekei around until I spoiled him in Iho lowei right-corner box. There ho was huddled ill away back with Ihreo or four wealthy-look ing individuals around him. How did I roc ognuo him ! Why ! from thu pictures l'i seen in the newspapers. To toll the Iriilh ho was no grand sight for sere eyes , in healthy onus either , but , then , ho was tin only and original Jay Gould ; and 1 gucs1 most ot us would have been glad enough ti understudy his role at 100 per cent rake-off "The box party seemed to llko all tin opera first rule , lint Panllnu's lullaby in tin second act captured litllo Gould. Then WHS u Irlplo encore and Polly fair ! . ' bubbled over. Ono of Gould's part ; was a big St. Ixmls ruilroai man , and also , I believe , part proprietor o Iho ihenlcr , llins when Iho 'Wizard' ex pressed u desire lo bo introduced to iho situ Iho intervening door was soon unbarred Thu house and company managers did tin honors , and Ihero was considerable excite ment behind , let mo loll you. H isn't over ; night you can rub elbows with a hundrci time over millionaire. "Gould seemed quite al home behind am did not stare around llko a novice ; ho ovci explained several details to another membe : of Iho purty while waiting for Paullno'i change of costume. Of course I did not hen what took place In the star's dressing roon except by hearsay. The conversation wan however , quite a long one , and the curtail wus held for nearly ten minutes until Un catcalls and stumping from Ihu gullcr ; brought it up in n hurry. Mr. Gould was , understand , exceedingly complimentary am unaffected. That winds up thu little ball o yarn , I think. "About the ring I By Jingo ! That's so I'd forgolten the hub of the story. Thu foi lowing day , Thursday , Pauline rccelvci a verv preity note from Mr. Gould , In wlilel ho reiterated the compliments of the prcced ing night and asked her to accept from he admirer and friend thu enclosed tntlini token of regard. The trilling lokcn was Ui ring ; und ah Pauline was In a very inniubl framu of mind Just then Mm condescended I accept it. Kind of her , wasn't it i" * In the Milwaukeeshop windows not Ion i , ago a novelty in scurf pins was exhibited and Miss Johnstonu Bennett , now at th Columbia in "Junu. " was Uio first lo t > ucur one. The pin wus a clover imitation of half bwued cigarette , very'decentlve ' iu at tcaranco. Miss Dennett stuck the pin tartly under the Inpol of her tnnmilMi Ittle. coal mid sprinkled cigar ashes about It , < io that It looked very like n smouldering cigarette. It was her Intention to fool soy nil members of the eomiiaiiy through the 11- uslon. She loft the Pfniiltlntnn hnusti and Kissed down the street toward the Davidson heater. Just ns she was walking by the Si-blitz hotel , having In the meantime forgotten - gotten her cigarette ornament , she was horrified rified to notice three young gentleman make i sudden rush for her , each eager , ovldentlv , 0 reach her first , She thought tile trio Intoxicated , and was about to all UIKIII the passers-by to protect her when Lho gentleman who reached her Hist said : 'I beg a thousand pardons , nnuhim , but some careless fellow has thrown a burning cigarette on your coat. Kindly allow me to cmovo It. " Mis * Henuett's face lit up with 1 merry sititlo as she realized the cause of the gentle courtesy. And the iirlio sprinter ittempted to remove the noxious clifarette by brushing It with his handkerchief. The whole thing wns done so quickly that Jolly lane did not have time to remonstrate. The gentleman then used his gloved hand in his ( Torts to j-omoVo the cigarette , and as the lystnnders began-to smile he said : "Why. t seems pinned on your coat. " "Yes , sir , " s.iid Miss Uennett. "I bought ft not ten min utes ngo in the Jewelry store. " A hectic lush swept over the gentleman's face as he ealized his attempt nt gallantry had been n vain , and the whole crowd , which was rwmposcd mostly of well known theatrical > cople , laughed loud and lomf. Tin ; TIIc.i runs , "Natural Gas , " with several new Ingredi ents , Is the Christmas attraction at lioyd's heater and will open with a matinee per formance this ( Sunday ) afternoon. The en gagement is for four dys with matinee Mon- lay afternoon also , What Is novel In the composition is likewise excruciatingly funny , noii ! than maintaining the claims of this particular gas of nature to be considered as in unsurpassable laughing gas , while the low from the merry meter retains most of Is old comical characteristics. The ele ments evoking laughter have been strength ened with banter and lilts at latest follies , the latter adniisistered In the good natnred manner that always characteri/.cs the sallies of Donnelly and Girard. A talented com pany will second the efforts of the stars In jetting more fun than ever before out of the naturally funny gas. Miss Amy Ames plays the Irish woman , and there are a number of clever vocalists and graceful dancers in the ranks of the support who will impart addi tional effects to the somrs and dances in which Donnelly and Girard lead. Of Don nelly and Girard's farce comedy it may truly lie said that it was constructed for laughlmr purposes only. These comedians constantly L'xertcd themselves to improve the article. To make use of their own pertinent phrase , thay have from time to time drawn upon a new meter. Webster and Brady's stupendous spectacu lar production , "The Bottom of thu Sea , " fills the bii ? stages with a series of unprece dented and unparalleled novelties. Out of the usual order of plays is this one , much of the action taking place on the lloor of the ocean. Above and around the actors the strange monsters of the deep are seen mov ing through the mysterious depths , startled by , yet not afraid of their strange visitors. An ingenious plot unites the interests of the diameters on the surface of the tiilUnvs in a ship , with the perils of those nt , the bottom of the sea. Startling originality appeals strongly to the theater-goers ami the play is a sensational novelty from the lli-s t scene to the last. One novel and instructive scene is produced with fidelity from the appliances actually used in the laying of an ocean telegraph cable. From a moving ship a rope of wire is run out and permitted to sink slowly to the oce.in floor. A second is the handsomely appointed interior of the ocean passenger steamboat as she goes plowing through the waves. Ex citing episodes are a wreck in a tempest on the broad Atlantic and a submarine diver disturbed at his dangerous work by an attack from a giant octopus. A tight for life takes place between the diver and his many armed assailant. A more inspiring , animated pic ture is a yacht under full sail bounding over the billows. Most of the scenery of this pic turesque and dramatic marine spectacle is now , having been recently painted for the present production by that well known scenic artist , John It. Young. This play is to be presented at the Farnam Street thea ter for live nights commencing with today's matinee ( Christmas ) December 25. Matinee Monday and Wednesday. With tonights performance at Wonderland and Bijou theater the Burton Stanley Com edy company bring their first , week's engage ment to a close , and that it has proven a suc cess is attested by the , large box olllcc re ceipts. Commencing tomorrow , anotbei laughable hit of Mr. Burton Stanley will hi given , entitled "Unzzlu Dazzle. " which foi laughable situations , funny dialogue , ludi crous climaxes and clever comedy work is one of the best farce comedies ever pro- scnten. The action of the play is laid in Hit grand salon of thfe sound steamer Bristol , the interior of which will bo faithfully re produced , special scenery having been pre pared. Many novel stage settings will also be employed , and , with a coterin of such capablecomedians as Burton Stanley , Lewis Mcderic , Charles Sully , Harry B.irlow and Jack liaal , there promises to bo no dull spots in the dialogue , but one continual round of laughter. The specialties to bo introduced before - fore the comedy also smack of good things , as they present such clever pcoplo as Lawrence and Allen , refined 'musical artists ; Eddie Fox. the clover Lancashire clog dancer ; Batcliclor's dog circus , ten of the best edu cated dogs that have over appeared in pub lic ; Lottie Thornein skipping rope songs and dances , and the phenomenal child performer , La Petit Freddie , the most talented child of any age or clime who is an accomplished vocalist , singing in all languages , a wonder ful dancer , a marvelous imitator and an ex- ccptionally great musician. During his engagement - gagement he will give correct impersonation * of Patrick Gilmorc.thocclobrated leader ; Car mencita , the wonderful Spanish dancer Billy Emerson , the renowned minstrel , am will also introduce original pleasing special ties. With such n program this populai play house can count on a big business al weclc. Mile , Khca's sumptuous and impressive re vlval of "Josephine" and the delight will which 'that revival is hailed by her larg ( body of admirers throughout the America ) continent are indications of that rellnei taste in playgoers to discover which Is one o the lasting pleasures Urn dramatic 'artist feels. Thu drama of "Josephine" Is tin most ambitious and most modern effort thai has been made to Introduce thu man of tics tiny and his loved hut hapless empress : if thu chief persons In n drama , fts merits an many and conspicuous. Khea has novel been a sordid dramatic huckster. Art it more to her than a long purse. Of course u prudent regard for the business sldo of the atrical ventures Is a necessity , for without money up to a certain limit , it would not lit possible to present her liberal views. Durln ; the several seasons in which she has ad dressed herself to the American pcoplo slu has never descended to mcritricions trickery nor committed any reprehensible profes sional act whatsoever. The widespread knowledge of this has made her name u tower of strength , aim managers every hen nre glad and eager to make room for her it ; tbolr theaters. By honoring Kln-a , eontom porary playgoers honor themselves , llher will p'rosunt "Josi.-phlno" at Boyd's theatci on Friday evening and Saturday matinee. Do cumber M anil ill , Shakespeare's brilllani comedy , " .Much Ado About Nothing , " clos ing the engagement Saturday evening. Thrill rl < ill Topic * , Mine. Modjcska speaks live languages. Annie Plxle.v holds .u reception for tin audience r-.itur the matinees. HosoCoghlan's enterprise for next suaboi may bo a revival of "Money" In good style. The stage chlldru \ in Now York will celebrate brato Christmas with an entertainment to night. Klclmrd Manslhtld says that Chicago , bn never again Boston , bhiill get Mt origlna productions. Elsie Leslie has retired for thu present and will study under thu direction of Dank1 Frohnian. She Is IB. * Elenora Dust- , the Italia ) actress , wil play only four times a week , Snlvlnl fashion during her season here. Mrs. Burnnrd'Dceru may join Wilson Dai rett to help him out with his Amerlrai tour , instead of going directly homo. Thu oldest living Anurlcnn actresses ar Clara Fisher Midler , born in IHU , nnd Mn John Drew , who is hevnicarn . jounger. ] Frederick 1 Hllc , who dlod I ho other daj 1 was probably the l.c st j'ltld coined 11-1 undc I salary in England or America , He got $7 > 0 1 week , Benjamin Terry , the futhcr of the nun In-rless Terry * on the KiiRllsh stupe , hn.4 opened a sehool ofaetlng In Bedford , Strand , l/indon. nieover Goodwin Is writing a 'piny ' for Ilich ft Harris thnt will combine opera , fureo conipi y ami minstrelsy. Thatcher will use the piece. Maurice Barrymorc has been Tc-filgncrcil us leading man of A. M. Pajmor's stock com. pany. Ho will take his original role hi "Alabama. " Fanny Hlco will lni | > crsoimto , hi a novr piny soon , a Jewish girl , whose imirry Impo sition and loyalty to her family in loll and jwvorty are counted upjn to make a win some heroine. Alexander Salvlnl and Maunder , \V. M. \ \ ilklson are now Included among the ranelv eros of southern California , having purchased n tract of fruit land during their recent vlslfl to1/s Angeles. "No reserved seats , " "No bonnets allowed n any part of the house. " and "No admit tance while the curtain Is up" nro some ot the rules of the new Theater of Arts ami Letters In New York. A party of live Egyptians and two Grecian danceis have arrived In Now York under the charge of Stanmdl Poloncl. n Grecian woman. 1 hey come to this country to Intro- r'o'u ' " m < w < liuu' ° for tl0 ) l > lllm'ali ( > " ot Kudolph Anmsoti has received from Messrs niotidcns Flls , Paris , the nuinu' script llhrctto and score of Yarnev's latest operetta. "La Brlltant Achille , " 'now running - ning at the Theater de la lfenalsinee. ; . Joseph Jefferson has abandoned his Cal fornia tour. He will rest In New York dur ing the holidays , afterwhlch a spring season Vu' 11 twelve weeks will be made , "Kin \ - nn \ \ inkle" will bo the only play presented. Sir Augustus Harris , who manages nianV theatrical things in I/union , from grnnu opera to a concert hall , is coming In New jkork to superintend " 'I ho 'Prodigal Daughter. " Clement Scott , the London critic , is coming over fora tour of pleasure and observation. Bronson Howard has received a letter from a man who says he has made his pile iji lumber ; that ho Is bothered by his wife's elegance , and that he Is grateful to the play wright for convincing her , by means of u'x- ample in "Aristocracy , " that It is swell to dam things in polite convers.iilim. A Boston theater publishes the following conspicuously on its programme : "To the : lady patrons of this theater : Will voualil the managcmcrt ii Its work of hat reform J \\earasmnll bonnet or remove your bat during the performance. The theater is well heated and protected from draught , " Algernon Charles Swineburn , the English poet who may bo chosen to succeed Lori 'lennysmi to the laureatshlp of England , haa been in the theater , It Is said , oulv twice ill the last fourteen years , The last time ho lion- erred the playhouse with his presence watt three weeks ago , when he witnessed ail afternoon performance of "The Dutchess of Mam" in London. The other occasion was the production of "The Merr.v Wives ot Windsor" at the Haymarkct in I ondoii several years ago. Louis Harrison , thecomedian of the Lillian Russell Opera Comiquu companj. is now en gaged in a new opera entitled "Venus , " which is fast Hearing completion , and also upon the coming spectacular plav , "Tho Land of Gold , " which T. Henry French will produconcxt season at the opening of his new Ameri-an theater in New York. Theeast to bo used in this new production , according to Mr. French's estimate , will include lK ! > per * sons , and ho says that $ IO.XHI ( will bo exj ponded upon the work before the curtain 15 raised on the performance. The ingenuity of the playwrlirht in scek > ing novelties to interest the theater-goer fft quito abreast of the times. At Vienna S drama with the title "Among the Anthro pophagi" is soon to he producwl , of which the scenes are laid in Africa and are of the heroes in the discoveries of Livingstone. A Gorman schoolmaster at Pnrnenburg , iu tub Palatinate , has written a play in sis acts on "tho cholera " and is , endeavoring to secure its production in the Austrian capital. It i3 among the Viennese , too , that realism haa reached it apothe sis , there having been re presented on the the stage there recently a play called "Fallen Angels , " in which a good-natured old father goes mad. strangles his wife and has a stroke of apoplexy , nlHln the dining room where supper is steaming ou the tablo. Or Debilitated Women , should use BOADFIELQ'S FEMALE REGULATOR , Every ingredient possesses superb Tonid properties and exerts a wonderful influ- . cnce in toninfjup and strengthening hen system , by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and strength guaranteed to result from its use. "Ply wlfit , ivho ' .vug ticilridden for olch. loon muntliH , after unliin Jtnnlflalil'a J''cmnlo ' Jlctitiliitor Tor two iiioiitha U getting vrull. " . . JM. . JOHNSON. Mnlvorn , Ark. , ] > HAii7iri.n liEniiLATOii Co. , Atlainn , Ou. SolJ Uy IJriiggUtu "I Sl.W ) Jicr Uotlle. SICK TO-DAY ? You may lie \\orsu To-morrow. Consult nt once Ilin lumuiin 23BS , BETTS fo BETT Tlu > nlilf , luliMiiril ' ! , Hiiri'i'sslul ti'itl ilcHitrveU ? ly popular IMiyKlt'jtiiiH unit M Mho Imvii rlrhly won tlu-lr tlllo as tin ; Kliiuri or SFJECIALiISTS I nifotinly Micrrrtstul In llm t rrat incut un < | Chronic Diseases , Of uvory name nnd ir.itnro , of iivury fori4 pliuso mid iloureo. TwL'nty-iiivon ymiri of constant ntucllco ; ! ! 7 vcurs of vuliiabln anil varied uxpurlonce ) It * yu.ii-H of careful unit laiiorloii * roi > urcli liitb Iho hlddon inyntorlo-i of dUiuiso unit 1)10)0' ) ) cum : ! ; 7yuursof unlfortii , iiiumiinunulsnccciV ) ( anil thosu Klfleil SPECIAI.IST3 | find ilioniiulvos at thu hitiicl of Iliulrprofoi- * ulon In America , unilvnlod In all thosu olO inentt wbleb coinpul biiccess. x l.ut nil Ihu alllliiuil take ( mart unit bo com * forte 1. for thu ninaiiH of u perfoel , sneedy anil jiurntiiniint niriiiuo within tholr ranch. The testimony of Uiousind-i uf otliurK when ) tln'i-L'talented men huvo curutl fnrnlnhca Iho most eonviiu-liil. proof of tholr ability , HKN1) CUNTS > ' > r illii < iiriiliiil liaok ot CllllVlllllltlllll I ITO , full IIJKUI , or mldrcHS tvltli utiuiip , 119 South I4ti ! Sim' ; , C'OIIN'ISH OI 'DOUaU\H ST. , OMAHA , - - NEB. THZ OI'nCIALIST. In unturraescd iu IU& trcatimiutuf ull PIBVATE DISEASES uml nil lll'ciM-K.rn nail l > U < irili < r oflntN IB ) i'arit < apcrience. \VrlU > for circnlari mill question lint fruo. 14lh and I'urnum BU Omahu , N b.