u THE OMAHA DAILY 1H2E : RUNDA DECEMHER 25 , 18D2-S1XTEEN VAGES , 8PEG1RL NOTICES. > VKmi' K.1IK.NT8 Al will Lo taken tmlll II M P. ra. for the < T nlni ( unrt tinlll&U f. m. tot thn inornlni or Snnrtur cdl No'kdTerldcmcnt inker for ten tlinnS'icenti for 1) firil tnmtion. . . , , All ndTpftlfOtnrni' In tltc tolnmrn IM ronlo n itord for llio rlMl tntcrllon unrt 1 cent word for f t h iibst-ijiicnt InuPMIon , or f 1 10 per line per nnnlli. Terms caih In dtitncr. Initial * . tteiirp . rin iOli > , etc. e ch count i * word. All nutetllic- R > cnUmn t run rontptnlttolj. AijTcrllwti.br tp qtinllnff n numl.crcrt . ctif ck , tan liarP I lie If tier * rtrttmcr ) to n numbered letter In fan or TIIK III.B An wt no niMtrMdl will bo rtclltcreil on tlm tirftcul'itlonot thn WANTED "A A POSITION AH FlOOKICKKI'KIt IIV YOI'NCI JVnmn , bank iiroforreili Itiorouuli prcpnrnllon ! bolt of rcfefcnco . Address box 7f > , lienilerain la. - rXI'KHIKXCKI ) UO.IIOII HOTTJ.Kll AM > ladder wldlipn Mlnallon In nliulonlo luiuM ) or mloon sober and Indiittrlous. Artdrun T , viillce. ' Kl ) , IIV ItOV IMPOSITION IN A S1OIIK AWAN'I Rood references , /iddrei * W I' , we- Cnnn.SBID Hamilton Mrei'1. _ CCM M * -LAI > 7 OK & VKAUif' Kxi'Kllir.NCK WANTS tioMtlon it * rathler or bookkeeper or noneral onicework. Adilr M T37 , lleo. iMW _ M ALE' HELP ! ItHAl.AHV Oil COMMISSION TO AJKNTS TO JLiliiinillp tbo I'nlent Chemical Ink Kra'lng Poncll TI lie nion iiM'ful nnrt novel Invention of tlio nco. Krarcii Ink lliortuiKlilj In two upcnndft , Work like maidc. 9.0 to HO per cent pruliu Aiienta making IV ) per work. Wonlno wont n ueneral agent til tnko iharitfl of territory and nimomt nut > nitcntti. A rare cliancoto make money , Wrlle for term * nnil * unm- iilo of crnrluiir Monroe Krniur Mfit. Co. , .X 3fl. t.n . Wl * . ' . ' _ 1I-AUKNTS WAVI'KII , HIUDISNTIAI. I.II'K limn. Co. . Kooil par Apply room TO. Krentor Work , ow < i I' . O. M'lOJi0 ! . il WA.Vrkl ) . AloTI ) HIiACKHMITIl ATOMCKl JJiiiuftt boa uuod liortoslioer. Adilroif or ration A. F.Hwanson , llerinan , Noli. MTOja , * 1WJ Ml'.N Hlil IJTS.TlOvlTllNMK.NT WOIIK IN IXtrkanrn * , Tennessee ! nml Louisiana Krnmor AO'llenrn , Labor AucncyMl frontli tllli Mreet. < TJ-WK1'AV HAljAllYWKI5KI.V TO ' ' ( ' ultlcr. .Mi'mso T WANTKIl , A KI'.W UK1.1A II1 < K SOLICITOUS Jn | Nobrnnka for tlio Union Uenlr.ll I.lfo Iniur- nnio company of ( Inelnnall. Cooil territory mm liberal cnntrncl" to llio Unlit men. Addrcis . ) . M. ICduilBton , Stall ) Aifsnl , rooms 4 * > , v > nnd 41 llnrr blk. Lincoln , Neb. 3IM'I ' JM TJ-WASTKI ) , IIV A WIIoI.nSAl.l ! (5HOCKHV ( . ! > hoiiio , n btU'lit , nptl > u unite boy. r-noth t cnn roino ell recominnnded , nnd KUi-/nod refoienco. Addreta In u n iinn.l wrltlnit tti T U , euro Hco ollice. K\-n \ 1J WASTKII. AN KXI'UUllSNCKI ) CiOACll.MAN. J > ( ! oed rcfcrunco retiilted. | Wage * WO. Apply to Oil Soulli IStb utrect M.V.iT-27 - AND COMMISSION1IKST B-AHKNTHiHALAIlV Uuo.l iO. J. Hoth llfo nnd endowment clniseK. Olll cdKedyln o\ury ri1- iipcct. Bomo illftrlct nuentu wanlc'd. A rare eiianco. Address Kln , t Co , , 8 Union Square , Now York. 67U 2 > * _ fJ-M TO $11 I'KH DAY AT IIO.MK SK I.I.I NO . .1'llltlitnlnK plater nnd plntlnit Jo elry. wnlchi-s , lablonorc , etc. 1'lntCK tlio lliient Jewelry KOOI ! n new on all klnd of metal ulth itold , sll\i < r or nickel. No experience ; no cnplUI ; uvury bouso lias Keens needing platlriK. II. K. Pelno It Co , Co lnmljUB , Ohio. till 2' ' * -WANTHn. . A f ! K NTS , f 500 TO flOOO 1MJU DAY JicollectliiK small pictures for us lo copy nnd en- larRo ; satisfaction Kiinrntneed nnd a Jl.'JOoutllt free. A , Dunnu , V Co. , W Iteitilo street , New \ ork. 677 55 * -W12 OFFKU AdKNTS lilt ! MONDV IN KX- elusive territory. Our safm fell nt slulit In clly or country. Agents tlrxt In Hold nctnnlly KctllrK rich. OnoiiKnnt Inonoitav clenreil f'.ll.5i. to can Ton. CntnloKoo fieo. Aililie s Atplnu Safe 'o. . No. 3CO-371 Clark utrcct , Cincinnati , O. ftitl W liKOUII SAIIHMMN : IN TIHSTISUIUTOIIV : JT.I .I'pcr month ninl uxponiea. Kncloio stump. Ken wood llnklnu I'liwiler Co. , MIT Jlnillson St. , ( lilcaco , 111. 57JI25' 1WAN'rr.i > , yAiv > .MA.v AND DHAI.KKS TO JJecIl wliltoennmel lellcra fornlnilun xlRni , nlao IBDH enameled on Iron ; blK prollts. end fur Illuetrnteil price llt. N V. A. I'lilcnKi ) Knamul Co , 40 Chirk Blrcet , CiiloaKO. 581 2J * 1J-U11OCKIIV SAI.KSMAN TO OMAHA JOII- JJDcrg and rctnllcr.i. l.lbcrnl coiiimlsslons. Iox ! 1071 , Clilcnuu , Ml01 ' 'li * 1AOENT8 WANTK1) TO INDUCK MBN IS JJcvcry olnb , loilfw , store , olllco and factory to join our nxviiilntlon nnd securen iionulno Knnil time diirlnic tin ) World's fnlr. Mcnilierii'ilp tlckistn 9IU. Very liberal coinmpj'on | to npcnta furnlililitK rcfcroncen or Nccnrlty for llckcta. nlc : * cat tly ruailu on account of tbo novel nnil ntlrncllvu ten- tnrcHOf Die club. World's Valr Sportsman's Af so- elntlon. Unity linlldlnK. Clileuuo , III. 5'.ii 2 * > * WANTED FEMALE HELP. -COMPKTKNT OI11L FOIt GPJNHflAL HOUSH- C 'work. ' | I4J',1 ' Sherman avenno. 191 - LAII1KS CAN SOOV ACQUIUK A C-YOUNG working know ledge ot shorthand and typa writing a.t Van hunts'.Mil N. V Life. M3U7 ! -WANTI'.D. LOOK. G S. K. cor. 21th nnd Howard. C-WANTKP , LADICS OH YOIINI1 MKN T ( tnko light , pleasant work at their own homos fl.COto ! : iUO per day can bo quietly made ; nork Kent by null ! no canvassing. For particulars ad < 1res ( ilob MfK CoUoxSUl. Huston , Mars. Ks tabllslicd I8SO. JH''C ' 118' C-WANTKD , TWO IIKKiHT' VOUNti lAl > iKaOh rcllnemcntand respectability to accompany gen tlcman and wife In business to southern and nest cm cities. Kmploynixnt very prnlltablo and re tpcclnblo , reference requited. I xponccs advnneei Address , TW Ueo. ft.M-M * - ( illlL , HOOD FAMILY OK' ' C-OOOD Kith stieet f..C . /1-ATONCK : K.M'I'.ltlKNOM ) COOK AT ltT V Ilowiirdst. . Kit lloor , BJSZj'n - WANTKI ) , GKNKIIAL HOUSKWOIIK C-tllllL MB South 27lh street. .MM.O Wf FOB BENT HOUSES. pv-KOIl HK.NT , NO. 2413 OAPlTOh AVKNUK , JL'rnodcrn. Tlio O. K. Davis Co. , 1505 Furnnni BL. Iji l _ D-KOIl IIKNT , .MODK11N 10-1IOOM IID'-SK , Ahl , convrnlcnceii , llvo uilnulCH * walk postollloo , meet cars pars thu door , Nattiini Slielton or u S. Bklnr - l'1 : iiirnnm tt. 5JO D-KKJIIT-ltOOM DKTACHKI ) lIOUbK , .MOD crn ; l > cst nclk'liborliooil , fW. Eoren rooms ami barn , 1'nrk aronno , f.'O. U. V. Dulls , Via So. 17th ttrcol. MU33 d'.ij D FOIl HUNT , lO-ItOOM HOUSK , ! OI5 CAS9. t40CO. llccil ASulliy. Hoard uf Trade. 77U I B , . .I IIKNT. HOUSK8 IN AMj t'AHia Ob city. ; Tlio O , I. Davis roinpnnr , 1505 Farnunisl. _ D I FJTATS , l\Vl'.ll.l.Niy , LOTTAtJKH IN ALI [ inrte of city. Kllkonny i , Co. , Continental lk ] 7SU I \-llOUbIt OK II IIOOM8 , AI.U MODHUN CON J Tcnlenccr > . iilenMinlly locntcil near tiiiMncas con tor. Apply IbUU t-'lilcn.-o tt. , or 1 , . H. Sklunur , li > U Karniira. 7b'J TJoil HUNT .Uk * IIKU'K 1IOUHH. NO. 2TW Knriinm Bltci'l ninl lirlck liarn. roniplctu Mill every convenoncu. Warrvn M. Uoturs , 1WI Knr yum t. MES'J D VmIIKNT. . 8-IIOOM COUNKII KIjAT.KKCONI Hoor. ranno \ other convcnlcnccH , Clouierblk 701 ti. Kill Bt , , IIU , lllnvnnlt llros. . llnrkor block ! I'J4 J15 B-Hlll IIKNT , TIIHKl ! MANIISOMK HOtlrilCS furnished nnil unfurnlKlii'ilt nil modern Im provciucntt. U , 0. rmtcreon , 42i Itunigi ) liullilliiK 4U7 D -10-ltOOSl HOUbH , W3 N TIIIHTKH.S'TI Bl'tl ( , 41 4'JI ' ' . ' I ) I-VI-UOOM ItlCSlllKNI'i : , .MODKItN , III' ; 80I1TI lOtli ulrccl. C. K , KlKiitlcr , VOI lloo bulldliiir.Mlfc Mlfc ! ) D-NKW7.IIOOM COTTAOKH. MOIIKUN , If Htnnforcl clrtlu. Convciilimt fur lnnilnci HUM of Oiiialmnnil houtli Omalia , U. ti. Kliiuttcr. .M lloo blllldlln. . M4S8 'lA KOIl IIKNT. HKVKIIAli'NIClFTlOUhKHNfAl J-'IIniucora | iark , motlcrn liullt , with nil COIITCII ! cncei. ( icoritu N. Illckn , wu New York UfaM.M3 M.M3 W D liAllUl ! IIOllhK AND 1IAIIN , Ibll I'lUIICl cheap , F , D , Weed , IClli mid 1'ouglns tl , 557 ' . ' 5 D-O-ll. IIOUHK , 4315 FAIINAM , 4-r. 4Ut and Decnlur , 6-r , illltl Jonei tt. 8-r , luitod t. nnd modern , nenr II , Park , anil I pit parts. F , 1) . Wead , lUth and Douitlan. 557 ' . ' 5 D WAN1KI ) , I'AKTV TO TAICK CA11I5 O tint , Knqntro 1DIH DuilKU , 55i',2 ( . ' A NICK. rilllNISUKI ) MODKIIN good nelKlitioiliiiod , rloio to motor. A | > i > l 1'arrotto , lionnln block , 72 M D -8'llOOM HOIl.Si ; , S'.rjtl HKU'Altli ; IIAT1 burn , V , 1) . Weuil , lUtli anil IKiUBlat. 11 WS 27 3FOB , RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH KUH.NAJK HBAT , N.U > T.&OJM &OJM * 1 ? oNK KOOM. NICKIiV KtlllNlHIIKl ) AN Jhculed , wltli HUD ninl butli , for ilr.KlUKi'ntlcmiti in iirlrato fumlly. fctrlctly lint claim Itefi'ienn given and roiinlrvil AdUrviiVZV , lice. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARI IH DO LAN , 1VJ AND 211 N , IBTH bl\ | 414 210 BOUTH J5TII KTUlSKT KUIIMbllKllhUIITIIKAbT K1UI.N ruum Hltli Hleovo and bu ) Mlndow. All model conTiiiiluiici'ii. lluurit ; iirlvate fnuilly , < ! fi t-oul Will uri-ct. M5V W UNFURNISHED ROOMS. = 3 UNKIJIN1HIIIC1) | UOOMti IN II.KIl'Bi.OCi cor. Ulti ami Jncliun li. ; > t tm beal , y , bat inference tequlrcd. Inqulr * ti ] B. IftUi tt , top Boo H * u * UNFURNISHED ROOMS. II A VKMO llt TAltL. IIOAllDr.IlS CAN 11K nrcommod ted nt 0 N I9tli. & 73 6 . , HIO turnnm t The bnlldlnn IIHS it nreprnof en- ment bniement , compltto ttrikmheatlnx niturcs ; wnltr on nil tbo floor. ' , KAS , etc. Apply at thi olllco of The llec. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ . . . _ 018 U.NirpODllKItJKV IIIIICK IIL'll.OINd ' ZiFltl'.T Jwldc 14071tiiTney urect _ fe74 j-FOIl IlK.vr , A VKIM IIKS1IIAIII > K lil'llilJINU , I suitable fora wurdioutn , with stable In conec Ion , Traduce front and resr Address K. A. 'annlcliHCl , care of McCorcl , llrady k Co , 316 P sTolK , tfiW lOUmAH , KOHMKlVhY'V.UNDKli I llro > K I ) . Wend , up nUlrs. _ M7 ii | -IM.aK IIUU.M , K. I ) . WKAD.Ioril , V UOIMH.AH , L &S7 ? 5 1.A1IHH KltONT IUJOM KIIIST Minor New York Life bulldlnK. This room It p - tcclally sullnblo for li.ink.nit ptirpoies , Apply to ieoriioN Hicks , ascnt. Mail VJ AGENTS WANTED. | --WANTItl ) . LADY CANVASSTIIIS : SlMI'ltl ! " Mn ly new , eleKantwar of Dotlahltii ; ladles shoes. No more liothcrt daubed linndst eraekrd iihoes ; luarter articles catchy : paylnir. Marlcll Illarklnit Co. , r.'hlraito. M'3 ' Z WANTED-TO RENT. K-.MAN AM ) WIFE Ill'SIIti : UOOM WITH board : private fnmlly preferred. Addrcu < ! Mlllnril , Hotel. r.'X , 2. ' > ' KoNinjHNisiiKiANi > T\votNrni.Nisiiui ; > rooms , with board for two , In cnod locnllon. ncsr lunlncs ! centur. Addrcix T M. Dec. Dec.MfllH MfllH 28 KWANTKI ) TO I.KASK KOIl TKIIM OKVKAIIS lot neil IncatPd 'for bunlne's , with small otllee , btilldlni ; ami balnncu of lot shedded. Addrcps ITU4 M it. , Lincoln , Nob. Mfl2 27 * RENTAL AGENCY. L -K. 1) . WEAI ) . 10ANUDOLCLA ! ? , INSUHANCH. M7 S5 STORAGE. M-S10UAHK C11UAI' , CLKAN , WKLLS , III ] Knrnani Mreet _ _ 7W M-hToitAOK-i iiAVK LKiifrTATiiY. oiiorNu lloor storage roomst buvales storcil for 7.p > c per month. ( ! eo W , llolbrook , 'Ipl IS.'O , Iti'-M 1'altcrson block. 472 WANTED TO BUY. T-WA.vrun TO lu.'Y sonic s fun CKNT I lltst niorlKiiKOs. Heed & held ) , 3.11 Hunril Triulc. 7 ! > 7 7-WA.NrKI ) AT O.NCK A HI'AN Ol'1 lIXXorl .am ' 'MJ3 l.c avcnjorlh street. 534 V-WAN-FHD-TO ifuv ATni-T TLASS .ion -i > pilntltiK plant In Omaha at a barKiiln. Address T8I lleo. _ _ liS'J T-WANT1CI ) . OITICK ) KSK. Al'l'LY ( IKOIIIiH > W. r C-tonti ! , 1014 rarnani street. 103 S5 -WA.NTMI ) , SICONI1 HANI ) SMITH I'lti- n mler nr Ucmliiuton typewriter. ( Julienow. It. ( ' . rattcr ou , 425 Itiiiuiio block WO-5 1IOUU11T. F 1 . I anil lloiiiilno. Ml Oil S7 FOB S ALE FUBNITURE. 0 FoflSALK. lim'SnllOLD ( iOODSOFAU , kinds. MIS'-outh tCth. 555:1 ! FOB SALE HOBSES , WAGONS , ETC p-FOH SALK. A NKAIILY NKW DOUIILK -L pprlugexpress wnnon , horse , harness and buggy ; also a nearly new ppl of crentncry tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , Howe scale , truck , etc. , nil Mill be sold at a grca' sacrlllco. Address (5. II. 'Upchuck , I'eoolllce. or call at JJi * Mlnma itrcet , where goods can bo seen. MC.'U p-CUTTKll KOIl SALK ; PHICB , Sift ; 1NKD A I little one seaton. Address T 23. 1X1725 * FOB SALE-fMISCELLANEOUS. - SALU CIIKAP. A .TiltOltSK 1'OWKIt Q-FOIt automatic cngeno : also otiu'2-hori power up right engine : both In good repair , liiqulio of Fust ucr Printing Co. , 1.'I07 JlonntU street , Omuhu , Neb. 783 - S\LK , ON 13 M II. P. K.XGINi : . O.NB 43 Q-rOIl tttb boiler , wltluptimp and heater , 200 foot shafting and sundry piillles , tools nnd appliances. K XubrUklu. rrt oUer Otu ha Ilirbed Feuen nnd Null company , 14th uiM NIcholiiH street , MM" Ul Q -DIAMOND bTL'l ) , 1 KAIIKT , $00. ADDIIKS3 ; T II , llco. 4(17 ( Q-FOIl SALK 01,11 STVLK UPIUOIIT P1ANC good Older , will tiiko folding bed ns part pay. IIU Ninth lttb , , room I' ' . 4iJ-i5 -SKCOXD-HAND I1ANIJ POWKH KLUVATOU Q for sale 120U Honard. M4SJ jlit * QQ Q TIIK bTANDAIll ) CATTLK CO. HAS CON- stnntly on hurul baled hay , for sale on truck at Ames , Neb. M5O ) Q I L1VK MINNOWS FOIl HALE. INQUIUI3 WKST Knd Cut-oil lake bi Ulve. .WS 25 * Q-SHOW CASKS , COUNT KHS , SIIKLYINO , horse and phaeton , plnuo and househohl goods nt half cost : owner icmovlii from city. F. II , Wend. lUth and Douglas. ' .MCOJ S7 MISCELLANEOUS. R F.-.ll HUNT. LAlKit , ll.U.L FOIl SOCIKTIKS , meetings or IcctuiCB. Apply nt I401jodire. 878 J.1 K TO WHOM ITM4Y CONCKIIN ; NOriCIC IS hereby Riven thnt 1M A. Kocn , who wn > cen- vlcted of libel In thu dUlrlrt court of lloiiKlnn cuunly. Nebraska , at the February , I8'J2 , term llierenf , will on the 3rd d.iy of January , 1KII , ap- plX.to thu governor uf thlb st.tte fur a pardon. 2 C07 37 I ) V. 1 > ! WKAD , HKI.IAllLi : INSUIIANCH. 1I.TH linnd DouKlns. . ' .JT''j U -f.VIO KOIl TWO YKA US' . BKCUHtTV , LAND mid sheep. AddrccH T yj , Hee. M5IO 25 * UR R IIAVK YOUIl OLD C A It PUT WOVKN IN'TO baautlful rugs. AddresH Oiunhu Carpet and UIIK factory , IM1 LeuvciiHorth xtreet. Ml,04 J 21 * CLAIBVOYANTS. - . , PUOl'HKTKSS , DKAD J trance clalrvo > ant and life reader ; tells your Ife from cradle to grave ; ca'i tj j consulted on nil allalrsof life ; has the citebratu 1 Egyptian breast date to unite thu separated and cause marriage nlth ono you love. Como nnicoino nil and ba con vinced of her romirknblo powers. Olllco and roil * [ leneo 417 S. llth st , hours ' . ) n. m to U p. in , Strict Ifo chart and plinto of your fuluro wlfo Or hus band sent through mall for $3.00 , chart alone fi.OJ. All letteisconlolnlngl cents In stamp * promptly Answered. M'J03 ' jr i MUB.NAN.N'IK V. WAHIIKN , CLAHIVOVANT , 'reliable buslnuin med'tuu ' , tifth year ut llu N IC.th. ! VJ S-MHC. Ull. LKONAI1I ) , TI1U YOUNG AND gifted dead traneo medium , bos just nrrlved from thu west , nnd will give ltllnf ilally to the public. Past , present nnd future foretohl. All those In trouble should not fall to consult this gifted womnn. Mines located , lucky numbers given , All letters containing n luck of hair. t > niul Mumps will receive prompt attention. My chnrins for good luck cannot bo equaled , Independent voices Oillce liournfroiuila.nl totlp. in , 414 & . 15th street , up. stairs. JI5'.H-Vi-o ; S-.MllH , Dlt. LK CHKllK , TIIK IIKIIM1TIC philosopher and sclunllllc life render ; ho Is n foreeiisttrof llio hlKlie l order ; tells past , prnmiiil and fntiiru with thu utmost truth ; many uf her patrons who Inivu rcniiilti'il heron nil ulTalroof life will testify thnt the hns rescued them from Iho brink of uyawiiliiKchaisni , fnjn : nhoso depths thu echoes nf grief und iloipalr resuumliMl , tiho peno * trains iiny si-crut und ImpniU to yon nicsmerlo power that no ordinary circumstance * van resist. Hioilucs nut practice hnodoiilim or nltchery ; denU with tno Ililiiff. not with thu dcud ; everyone In poor henltli Bhonld call on her , nlso the u thrunn nn their onn renonrcrs. Letters with ( I will reecUn ntliintlon. Itooni 207 DouKlag block , cor. Ultli nnd Diuttio Mi. M5US ( ! > ' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rp-MMU , STOWK. MAONKl'lU IlKALKIl. 2UJ J Pouiflas block Cor. UUh ami Dodnn. Mill. 31 ! * 'p MADA.MIH.MITII : , I.T.M CAPITOL AVKNUK , J lloom , H , 'M floor. Massage , alcohol siiluhui and sea baths. M6i > 7 30 * T-MMK. CAHSON , 1121 DOUCLAS Sl'IIRKT.SIl lloor , room7. inaua o , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. MMU yj' PEBSONAL. U-PKHSONAL. VOIIIl FDTl'Ili : IlKVISALIII according to i > elciiri < ot Astrology , wlib pen-pic turuof future huibaml or wife : n'nd''U icnts. tul dates of birth and description of nelf. Prof. M llrowu , box 1010 , Chicago. HI MW U SK.M1 TKN CKNTS KOIl I'KOI'LK'S ADVO rale dttscrlblntr ladles and vents , tn nil slat of llfuuho ulblilo mnrry , box 4W1 , Chlcaiiu. MUSIO , ART AND LANGUAGES r-i. K.KI.IKNIIICKIIANJOTIAIIIU ! : : , N , w cor. IMh unit llurney. llninoy street vnlranc ] , Ull MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ' " " " " " ' " " " ilKAI. 'KST"ATK"tiOA"NS""lT'ToT"i'Kllii""CKHT no additional clurD for cuiiiuilmluii or atlur no/ ' * fi'i' . W. U. Jlwlklc , Kr t National Hank bUu MU JT MONKY TO LOAN AT I.IMVK-U' IIATKS Thu O. F. Davlkl'o. . I.WJ Fariium mreet. Tl'l ' T 1.0WKST UATKS. FIDKLITY THOST COM pany. 1703 Fainam ureet NtlUi \V-ANTIIONVUMN ANI'llllI8TC0..3U ) N. V < > Life , IciiiU at low rates for cluilui icourltyu Nebraiku or lonu farmi or Ouniliu cltr uruperlr.7JI3 7JI3 w-c LOAN X TIlUtfT CO. JIKK Uh7W \V-MOUTflA ( ! 15 JXMN8 LEHb THAN 7 I'KI < ' reul Incluillnn all cbartia. Cliurlci W. Itolncr , Oiunlni Nut. bank bldx. TU W MONKV TO IX ) AN. 1MNI > TT SKhi huutfi to rtut. Ucorge W 1 * Cote > . 161 Kuruaui , M9M > ANH ON CITV ' ' I'K \V-U 1'IIUI'KIITV , AND 7 ' c oU U. V. lllutitr , IM'J i-arnam. UK3 Jil MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. Conttmird. W ' H 1-VKAIl IX5ANS OS I'lTTAlNtrf AtlM mortc so . llccd A SclbT , 3K Hoard of Trade. mi \T MONKV TO 1AJAN OK IMI'llOVKt ) CITV I property , loir rate. A , U. Fro l , Douglas blk. \\r-7 t'Kll CENT MONKV ii on Omaha tlty properly. Noctlrn charitos of any kind , Why pay high rales ? Monry Is cheap. Yon ran net full benefll of low rales from Olnbo Loan nnd Trust Co. , HIM and Dodeo. 7SW W-OMAHA SAVIM1S HANK MAKKS IXIAN3 on real est iln nt lowcsl market rates Loans umdoln small or lanto inmi for short or Ions tlmo No commission Is chanted ami the loan * are not notl In tlio east , but can always l > n toiiml nt the bank on the corner of IStli and Iiouulas streets. 71i | \V-LOANS ON IMl'IIOVIII ) AND ( JMIMIMIOVKI ) clly propcrlT.H.OOOnnd npw riU.Hlo7 tier cent. No delays W. Farnani Smith A Co. 15th nnd llarncy. 7W "Vir-C. F. HAHItlSON , WJ N. Y. I.1FK. A\r-i IllVATF : MONKV , 1STANDJD MOIITOAIIK > loans , low rales. Alex Mooro. Dee bldg. Kl ) \\r-IK 1'AHTIKS OWNING PltOl'KllTV THAT ii Is encumbereil for all or parlof Its value wish to dispose of tholr Interest , Klvo description anil Ineiiinbranco and send their address lo T B , Iteo nniee. M44 \\r MONnVTO LOAN-I IIAVK AtlOUT HOW il to loan on Improved Omnha iiroperty , private funds , In one or more .loans , Audrcss T lit , lieu office. 5ui A\T-F. l . \ \ HAD , 10 AND IIOtKlLAB. J.OW HATCH > > 557 25 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V1JO YOU WANT MONBl THE FIDKUTV LOAN OtJAHA.NrKB CO. , UOOM 4 W1TIINKLL lll.OCK. 3IUHJ SOUTH IMh COIlNHIt HAIINKV ST. WILL \ LOAN \ VOU \ ANT SUM \ LA HO 1C \ OR \ SMA/J\ \ THOU \ TKH \nOLLA \ P.SX UP- Wi : MAKI5 LOANS ON KUItMTUIti : , CAHIUAiH ( ! : , WAHKIlOUSl : ItnUICllTd Oil J'Klt- 8ONAL I'UOI'KIITV OF ANV KIND. _ / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / / ) ALL / 'ON /OB F1H3T / FOIL / / / / / f _ _ _ _ OUIITKUMS WILL MKKT YOUK AlM'llOYAL. Yoitenn pay the money back at nny time and ! .t any amount you with , nnd thu * rodiieo tlioeiut of carrylnn Iho lonu In proportion to amount you pny. IK YOU ono n baliinco on your furniture or other personal property of imy kind , wu will pay It oirforyou nnd carry It at lonv ai ynn iloslrt ? , YOU I'AN ItAVK YOUIl MONKV IS1 O.NI5 HOUIl rilO.M TUB TI.MK YOU MAKE AH'LICATION. No publicity or removal of property so Hint yoiiKOt the use of both money nnd property 11W .r-CALL AT THK OFFICES OK .OMAHA MOUTOAUi : LOAN CO. : : INCOHl'OUATI'.l ) . : ' " ' IF VO'U"WANT'.MONIV. ! You can borrow on HOtsi5HOLI : > FUKNITUUIC AND PIANOS , 1IOHSKH , WAIiONS AND CAHlUAIiKS. WAUKHOUSK IIKOKIPTH , MKIICHANDISG Oil ANY OTHIIll SHI'UIIITY. Wo will lend you any amount from ilU.UU to 11.000 ON THK HAY YOU ASK KOIl IT , without publicity or removal of property. Yon can pny the money back In any amount * yon wish , anil at any tlmo , and each payment so iiiudu will reduce the cost of the loan. lleuicuiber that you hnvo the nu of both the nrupeity nnd tbo money , and pay for It only as loilK as ) ou keep It. There will bo no cxpcnup or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will recel\otbo full amount of the loan. lluforoborrowing elsewhere call nnd see us and you will llml It Krently to your nil vantage. OMAHA MOU'KiAGK LOAN CO. Room II , Crcluhton block , Vd lloor , , 111 south 15th. next to poitolllc. TII1COLDKST. LAKUKhT AND ONLY 1NCO11- 1'OHATHD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. Will remove onInn , 1 , 1SW to SJOS. lUth St. . drat floor abnvp tlio Dtrect. MI75 X MONKY-IK ) , IX ) . yj DAYS. CIlBAl' KATiS : anil easy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvo stock , etc , nlthont delay nr publicity ; cash on hand. DultOreon , room S. llnrkur block. SOI X WILL LOAN MONKV ON ANY KIND OF SK- curlty ; tttrlctly contldentlnl. A. i ; . Harris , IODII 1 , Contlnenlal block. bUJ f I'ltlTCHAUD.M DOUGLAS 1JLI . lliiDODOK buti f SIONKV LOANUI ) CIIKAP AT YOUIl OWN V-lliuu. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas it. 07 X MONKYLOANKD-ON OHATTKI * . COLLAT- ural or ether personal property , ut rcasonablo rates , 1 to C month * . Claims bought. W. H. Duvls , Itoom 2 ( ! , Continental lllock. S',3-.122 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-KOH SALE Oil KXCIIANOK , A GOOD 11US1- uohR with the real estate In Ouiaba. (3ood rui : sous for selling. Addreu * , U7 Now York Lllu , Omaha. Nub. Mblj D2J \r Ill'SlNBSH OPKN1NCS. NO CHA1K3B TO J-bucrs. fend &tanp for printed list. Van Pat ten of Omaha. 3C7 .114 * AT WILL PAY ALL CASH KOIl STOCKS OF -L dry KOOds , clotlilns ; , boots nnl shoes , groceries. No commission. Alex. .Moore , 401 llec bldg.Ml Ml JO V-roil SALE OH ItBNT. COLD ST-I'.AKK I plant. Address lock box No 344 , Grand Island , Neb. .MilS ' 'b V5"OCKIIV STOCKS YOUK C < > UNTY , MOO L lloonu county , ? iuO. Hurt county , ( ADO. Dlxon county , fl,0 > .U. Collar county , Jl.llUU. Viui Putten of Omaha. .M.Vi'J 2i' V-ON ACCOUNT OF HKMOVAL WILL bKlT L t > i of actual cost the following articles nil In noocl order , vlr : KnKlnc nnd boiler. f > and S horse po er. t refrltrerators. 1 Jtimbu mill. 1 air blonur , I brasrt pump , 1 pair skbla , I banil sawliig mauhlne. 1 safe , horse and bugcy , furniture of H room house , etc Omaha Com pressed Vcust Co. , liSth and llnu- leMiril streets ; box 770 , MClJl V WANTKIl. PHYSICIAN OF CHAHACTKIl 1 and ability for good Held lor iirnctlce In H. W. Io a. Western llualnces Asency , J1U N. Y. Life. f.VS-'S AT SsTOt'K OF M UN'S FITIINISHI N < ! 9 AND FIX- .1 lnro iiti.1) ; ) N. 10th , Omaha , or will cxchaiiKO for A I rental property. Address J , M. Davis , harlciton , 111. 68. ) 25 Y' KOIl rUI.H NKWS.Ml'SIC AND fcTATION-- < > ry busliiens In town of 4,000. paylnu ell , s'n'.Cb n IS'.U nearly { 10,000.00. Poor health of ouncr ri'n- son lor selllnk' . Invoice il,2UO.UO. llo.x GJ.'I , I'nlr- tiry , Neh. M1S4 it WANTKIl. MAN TO TAKK MANAIiKMKNT 1of branch for house having an established rude : miikt Invest ft > 00 to JI.OCO la stock to bo car ried ami dnvoto hlc entire time to builnuts. Prollt- able iinil iiermanunt place to rlzbt pal ty. Address Manufacturers1 Water street , Cleveland , O.Mi Mi 25 * MANUFACTUIIIMJ IIIISINHSS IN OMAHA , f lU.OOOj grocery , JI.MI , meat market ; men'n fur nishings. F. 1) . Wend , ICth nnd Douglas. JIUW H7 FOB EXCHANGE. r/ l IIAVK VALlIAHLi : IMPIIOVKU AND UNImproved - / Improved farm lamia to oxchaiiKU for Konth Dnmha oromnlm proparty or for farmi within S'J mllcb of Omahu. Have one of the best ot stock nnd grain farms , 1,300 acies , half \\lnter wheat nnd r > e , IUHI''JO huadofllnu stock , ull clear of ciicum branch , to exchange ) for raal ejta.'t anl might pay konu cash dltTerencu for dunlr.ible properly. Do- KIllio lour property carutully , prloj , etc. Addrou box n" Omaha , No'j. .M.HI Djj y-4W ACUK4 OF CLUAIl LAND IN ONK OF AJthu ijc'et winter nhont dlitrlcts In Kansas to ex. change for 10 or 2J acre tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay eaih illrturcnco If property la good. Address , giving price and locution , O 2J , Hee unices. an ' / I OWN 100 FAIIMS IN NKIWASICA , KANSAS /Jnnd Dakota Will neil eheap , or oxshanif. ) far morrhnndl > u , horsus and cattlo. AUdreai box Iranklorl , Ind. .MMl Z-CLKAli OMAHA IIIJAL KSI'ATK KOIC MDHI ! . , uctunl valuation. Money to loan. UoxSlS.Omtilin. WJ1 / - STOCK OF MK.S'S FUIINISHINU , -J Meat market. tlo ( JOU property bringing 1310 rent. ri.wm mortgage fur l.tnd Carload young horses for land , T I ) , Wead. loth and Douglaa , W 2 } IMPIIOVnil FAI\M WITH SMALL INO'JM. / brance , for ll\e stock or any good personal properly. Addrcs * A. M. Uobblni , Krlcson , Veb. y KOl'lTV IN AN IMPItOVKD ACIIKS Ol' ' / good lunil two miles nest of Klin Creek , house , barnetc. , for stock of k'oodt or cattle. L. Ivelley , r Im Creek , Nub. ' /-I IIAVK A n.S'KTOWN LuT TO KXCIIANCil ! /Jfor n tpowrller. llox 1VOO , hcotlu , Neb FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. J'J.WXJ ' ACHKri CLKAIt LAND TOU HALI ; 1IY Till ! downer , Havoral larga tracts ; would mnj n llrst class Inveitment to hold for the rliu In price Might oichanga somuofll ( orlntllo property In Oniuha or South Omaha , or acre property or n gooO farm ntur Omahit. If you wUh lu exchingd da' icrlbo your properly , prlod , ote. Addrusa box 7.17. I01I BALK SKW 'J-UOOM CO'PTAO K AND KUI.I L lotj city water , soweniuu nnd closet comen lencui ; eholca location ; fjOd cash , balnneo f'JO pe month for thu tint 6 years : will be bold for * ll.tu lei. than U Is worth. Wlllli Yntei , 3Vd street ceoiid house went of Cnss. U4-U SNAP FOIt Sl'KCULATION OK FOIl A"llOMK- G-roomoottaue. WI Chicago street , third cast u Vate ' reildonce , Hath hot and cold wtiter ; rlston water In kitchen ! gas ; culUr under entire house asnliBlt puveiuonl. Price , II.WJ fur two weeks Owner , J , L Cook , Win Kranklln street , evenlnu" 41324111 itrect So , Omaha , bunlucsi hours. -MI8I W 17011 BALK Oil TilADII. t (100D ( IXVfH IN M ] A Plenum addition within 1 blocks of motor Una Will lake good upright piano or will soil equity li li lots rjr ctie p. Address at oncud 1 , Dee tract' . 7IJ TIA1 FOB > A1 ESTATE. A1W - KSTATl ' ) llurcalnt onlr. , < i My wotdHeoort..1' ' W. ( I. Albright , ft q 151 3-3 New York Ute BIO / -ItOOM 1IOU3K ANI | LOT I Mll.K N. W.NCITV vJn lorand mantel an pa pil street , Rood value nl 11,100,13VO mill balnm . easy iftnif broom moilern HyMniatlaitc , Icti1xi ; ; ( , n block * Trom Park avenua and Jx-avcnworth , II.WJ for one , II,4W path for two , t ( ) cash bilanee nixiime loan. 4 room hoimo ami botn , corner lot , 7 miles N. W. , 11.10) ) will take lot , part payment. flO.doy hontoLndlrffl lots , llanicora t'lnce , nil forlM.vaj. i > Haimcum Place lot SZnd ftrpct JI.MJ. Ka t front Uoorgla avenuA f.1,500. 4il,79th. ! near llrlttol. $ rj. lOx'nossth nnd Davenport , tl.OOO tuotlJiO paved * t. 5 blocks. HntKcnm pnrk.fXOJ. ) 100 fpet on Fnrnnra , np r Slrd , SIO.UJJ. F. D. Wend , li.th and Dounlns formerly Hutchln- ton A Wead , 657 V5 Ij'Oll SALK AN r.l.iANT : ! COl'TATiK WITH 1 nil tnodorn convpntences Just completed nenr llanncom park , 'Ibli Is one of the handsomest places In Omaha and I can mnko a low II nil re If old at once. Ueo. N. Hicks , : < 05 N. V Life bldg .MCII n LOST ! I OST-A A I'AIIl OF SIMCCTACUKd. t'LKASK I Jlenvu at llco counllnK room Ml T OST-MHNCH OP KF.VS. FIND Kit WILL JJplcnsc return to room 2UO. llco bullillne.MW3 MW3 2C I OST KNOLISIt HULLDOO , WKU11IT ft5 L1I8. U Mnder will receive reward for returning to No. M)1 ) N. Y. Llio llldg. tittniZV CTUAVKI ) Oil SsTOLKN. ItKD HUSH SKTI'ICII O bitch pupi round hole In left ear. liberal re. ward for return to tiOl S. loth street. MM7-2U * IIHT on STOIIN : IIIIHII SUTTIII : T > o(7 J letither collar lthnnnK * llubbard scratched on It Pear above right root. Huturn to 141S S. 21Uh. or 101 S. 15th , M1W-27 * i OST- HALF jnusnv cow PIIOM A itci in : lJllordon,3iU South llth street I.IO . 27 * JHOR3E3 WINTERED. H OIISKS FK.D ANI > CAUKII I'Oll , f I .MONTH Ul' . H. ( i. Unn > , l > O. box 1JO , South Omalin 7CTJ3 REIVI ING TYPEWRITER TON For Sale , Kent or Exchange. 1313S'Pin tlic World. MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1UQZ'jiriiiin Sfroof , O/iiii/m , Ao' . Nntlru. Ill coniDllnnco with tlio stiitiilos of llio stnto of Neb , Insnuli uiiRusinttili ) , mil | irovlduilnnllu ( : Is liuroliy Klvnn thsit souluil pronosuls will tu rccolviul itt thi ) olllco of cominlsslunurof pub lic lunils nnd bnlldlti s until 10 o'clock p. in. . the 31st iluy of December , IWK. for the furnishing of stipiillpx for tbo ( lunrtor uiuluu Mnroh : il , 1-U'J , for tbu lins- liltuls for tbo liisiinout Lincoln , Il.istlnus mill Norfolk , the liulustrliil schools at Kearney mid Ucnovn , tbu Institute for tbo blind at Nubruska City , tbo Instltuto for the ( Ion f nnd dumb at Oinnlni , the Institute for tbo fucblo nilmlod at llautrlcc , tbo soldlors' bonio at ( r.ind Island , tbo homo fur tbo frlondlL'ss at Llncn'.n , and the Intlustrlal homo nt Mllfurd. K4tlmntC9 can bo procured by applying to tbo Institutions. No bids will lie considered unless In by tbo tlmo spuclllcd above. The board roccrvos tbo rlgbt to ncccpt or ro.loct nnvur all bids. All bids must bo made In duplicate. A. It. Hl'MI Commissioner of I'ubllo Lunds and Lincoln , Dee. 'J > . 1H ) . ' . d'-I'dl'-'t Notk'i- . Notlci' Is ln'ii'b.v Klvon that thcaiiiuinl nipct- In of tbo Mcirkholdi'rs of tbo Oimiha ( its : Miiiufii'lurliiKcompany : : , will bo held at tint olllco of tlm rompany , Mi'iohants National Hunk biilldlnir , at lUa. in. , Mimilay , .lanunry 'A 18tl3 , for llio flcetloii of dhi'iMoih for tbo I'listilnj ; year , and sm-li other busiu".s | nppur- talnliii ; to tlirlrliitoMNts as Morliholdcis In .said compauv , as mav onmo lii'Toic tbo inci-tiiiK. TUANK SllMJI'HV , 1'iest. Omnbtl ( ! ns MniiufiK'tutliiir Co. onoiioi : K. IL\KIK : , . ecy. Omaha , Dot10 , 11J02. DITdlOt Stockholders' Meeting Union elevator ComiMny ot Omalin. Notice Ishuroliy Ktvcn that tlio minimi tncot- ns ol llio stockholders of tlm I'nlon Klovutor company , fur tlio 'purpose ' of electing seven director ; nnil such olhor business ns may properly rome bofoio iho mealing , will ho hold at llio oilleoof John .M. Thui-iton. Union 1'a- clflc linlldlnc , Omaha , Nob. , noon Monday , tlio Still diiv of January. Ib'.H between llio hours of 10 o'clock u. in. unit ii o'clock p. in. ALEX .M1LL.AK , Secretary. Iloston , December III , IbUi dl.ld'Jtt Thn minimi meeting uf tlio stockholder * of The lieu llnlltllni ; Co. will bu hold In the olllee of Tlio Omaha lien , Uniahn , Nob. , ut 4 o'clock p. in. , on Tuesday , January 17 , IMfl , for the election of n beard of rtlicclon. for the ensuing yoir nnil the transaction of such oilier busi ness ns may como before llio tacotlujr. Hy orc'cr ' of Iho 1'rcshlont. N. 1' . PEIL , Socrolnry. Omaha , Nob. , December ! ! . ) , Ih'Ji ' dilu''jt Nntlco. Tbo cltlroiisi nf Onintiti nro liorolis- Invited tn nltcnil ii in pet I til. of the city emiti'dl Moniliv. : Dwomber S.ltli , IMi.1 , ut /clock p. in . to ox lirt'M Ihninvieson ! tbuoillnnni.0 now pciul- Inn before Hie council for Iho settlement of llio ( HlTerencct between the city nf Omnbnnmi Hi.1 iiilnnHo ! | otconitiny : | nnil tlio Union 1'n- clllo Ititllvrny cotntmny , -JOHN UHOVr.H. Ulty O ork , C1TV UI.'OJIAIIA. COl'.NTII ' , CMMIIKII. . „ , ' , UnmbM , Neb. , Oct. II. 1 7. Mr. I'ro lilont : iniir pcclntco > ntnlttro niiDolntoil tu confer w I h tlio innniiccrxiif tbn rullwny cotnintiilcx 5V r < lfurc'- , ' to tbo o-irly uontii ctlon of llio 1 nlon liojiot , rcspoclfnlly ropoit tlmt tboy I".l.v , ° . ,1"1" ov'f''l Intervlow * nttil iiiuoUimst with tliorotircsctiiittlvcBur tlio Union 1'iiclllo Hallwiiy comimny , tbo llnrlltinton .V Mls ( iiiil liivllronil company niul thu I'tiion Depot com- liiin.v , ninl together with the city attorney niul city cnsincrr. hnvoinntlr.ri-cclvoil nndconsld- ciPiliiruniislllons. nti.1 tint ns tbo roinltof siild itftlon a tlnitl plnn of scttlcinont Imn been uitt-dcil tiiion. snliluct tilths iiimrov.il of tbo I'otincll mill tntiyor , which Is us follows : Points of smile-incut bolwocn the ulty of Uninluiniirt tbo Union Pncino 1'allwtiv coin- puny iinil llio lui'on Depot coinnany. " MMt. 'Iho rnloii I'uultio Ititllwny conumny niiil the I'nlon ' Detiol L-onipnnv rolciiso nnil ic- lliiiliilMi to iho city the II.V.DOJ of vltitlni't bonds xitiMl nnilerordlniitico No. L-'stl. M-iMinil. The I'll on I'tiulllc It iliwity com pany shiill ronilst' . iclu.tso . nnd quit uiulin to t bo ully of Oniiibn , the lanil now known us the -W Indiun.ir Trlinalc"wlth ; tbo iiuerethms lliurclo , erm-pt Itt ono bundled feet of rlKbt of way to Hast Diiinhii. 1 bird. Tbo I'nlon Paulllc Unllwny company lnll leinlsc , toleiisu anil iiiltclnlm | to tbu cltv of Omiiln , lilucks I , , .M , N. o iiniir. in thu city of ( iinalnt , together with all tbo accrollons to Hah ) liliu'lis. I'onrlb. The t'nlon I'nclllu Itallw.iv I'otnpiuiy shall renilso. release and itllt | claim to the city of Omaha any and all rUht. tit lo or Interest that It may littvu : iciiiltecl | In and to that | i'irtlon ' of 1 otiiU'oiithstrei't Intbuultvof Oinnlni tylnu bontliof thu south line of llurt , strcot. oxuapl tbo i Igbt to maltitiiln Its tracks auriiss l-'ont- tci'iitb strout at or noai Mnrcy niul Mason struutH. Kirth. Tbo I'nlon I'uclllo Hallway romtmiy Is to take til ) tinil lomovn from blocks I * M. .N , O nnd P nil thu tracks bv It hot otoforoc'on- stritoUil on said blocks. The said comiunv will also laliu up froni Klghlli street tbo traek bnllU by it uxtunilliiK from nu.irtbu nortbu.tst corner of block : ni ; to nuar tbo sonthwost corner - nor of block M , so as to lo-ivo Bald Kiulith stii'i'l fron from tr.icl. at , said point. bl\th , Tbu t'nlim Di-uot ciiiiip.iny shall at oii'-'i- upon tbu completion of tbo proposed ai- ruiiuniiiunis ninl u.tbout ili-luy recoinmonco tbo union depot at Omaha an i In KOO ' f'lltb | ) ro > upiito tbo union depot to compiution with all practicable speed , adbi'rlnK Kuiiuitilly an I siiij--liinlliilly to the nlans fur thocoiislrnctlon thorcMif us shown by thu pliins iiiado bv Mcssts Van llrnnt.V llnwoaiul under which a pot linn uf tbo work on sild nnlun depot bus ahoady boon done , with tbo oxcoptlon of thn toner , wliluh Is to bo ronindolod by s ild an-bltect , bovunlh. Tbo I'n'on ' Piicllic Italiwav cotu- p uy ulsn ntjroes to sui roiulur to the city for uanuollatlon tbu unpaid \\.irr.ints Issued lo It for money advanced for p lyniuitt of d.iina' < es on account of the consiinullon of tlio ninth street viaduct , such unpaid warrants amonnt- liiK to abonnt JM.OUO ; and also iitccs to 10- loaho tlm city from nil claim or demand for money by It advanced and nald br tbo city as damtmcs to property ouncrson account of the construction ot said vl.iduct , amuiint'.ux to about * 10uii : tbu clly to ruturn for the pnr- poauof cancellation tnu iinpala checks of s tld comiriny. llio piynuMit of which was enjoined by tl'o court , and which uuiount to aLeut { ! , - 000. 000.Uii Uii tlio jiart of the city , In mldltlon to stir- rondorlna said chucks forouncolliitlon. a deed is lobooxcuntntl by the city to tbo Union Pac - c Ho Itnliwny company convoying Its rlitlit , tltlo and Interest to tnu ftiouu I describe. ! In tlio deed of AlvlnHiuimlers , trustee , liicliiillna lot II , block a , ( l , and tb.U portion of 1'i-ntb stiout iiniiur the viaduct sntith of tlio prunil- ses owned by Mcliavock formerly known as Hell's Urns store , such dec I to bo conditioned that the said ground shall bo used only for Ucuotnml railway purposes , The city Is a'sj ' in i onvuy by deed of null claim tbo lots huro- tofoioi'onvuyud bv Its deed tojothor with the streets and alleys within tbo Union Pacific railway -'iimncisunilo'ilciidliii : eastward to Klubtli street , lu.ivlns Iligbtb stieot open as azri'od upon ny said railway company. I'bu chy In addition Is to relcasu thu Union Paclllc Itallw ay company and the Union Depot compiny from tbu two bonds ruimlroU to bo clvon by tbu uroUloim of s.ild ordinance No. i8 ; 1. 1.Tbo Tbo foro-joln ? sttbst intlally rovers wh it Is proposed botuncu thu city of Oinah.i and tbu Union 1'acllli ' ; Itatlway coiniinny. I'or the moro full protection of the city , and tooiKililu.inyi.iHw.lv company dcslr.n : to construct n brlilgo at or nc.ir t'ass strcut to do nl join coninilttuu suggest that an addltinn- so.condltioii so far as said ( Jass .struct Is con cerned bo Inserted whotcbv the city would liavo the rlcbt to allow any laihv.iy company constructing a brldgo at or near such point to CD ever tlio tracks , ouildlius or Improvu- munts of tlm s ild I'nioti I'aclllu K illway com pany anil 10 have Ibu iluht to construct at suitable points on said U iss street the nlursor supports no''ossary to inako such crossing. This your commlttoo Is advised the Union 'aolflo Is willliu to do. Vonr commlttcu bnllovo Unit the proposed Fottlcmcnt is ono greatly In tha Interest ) f tbo city as well as beneficial to tbo ' . 'nlon I'anlflo Hallway company , and n vlow of the fact tint stiuh sottlcMiiunt Is much to \ > a desired on tbu iiiirt of the city , your commltlco ro.'om- ncnd tbo sjino and s ibinlt tlio niotiosuil pro position for aiich consideration and lualun as lie council and mayor nrjy ilcom proocr. sub ect to tbo disposal of pending Injunction nulls. Your committee further recommend that ho isltv attorney anil city onglnuor pronaro thudecds and papers necessary to carry out lie pioposL'd bult.cmcnl. and that tlu deed 'onvujltu ' streets , alloys and lots for shop gionnds bu conditUinud that thus line shull ho Isitil and occupied us shop grounds , thu idty cscrvlnj Ih J tubt to construct suwurs nhdii nccussiry through any streets not oc.u pied uy buildings. Your committou further recommend thit tbo cltv tittoincy nnd city engineer proimio all such iianori and deeds at the earliest tJrno liractlciiolo , and up n the same bulng ap- irovcd by tbu Tiiion 1'uellle Hallway com- .lany , rupoit llio .s.imo . lo tbo city council for uucli further action us may ba necassary. GKO. F. MOMtO. ' , . „ „ , . , , 'special A r ; riiWAitn P ; p ' | , A VIH ' | Committee. 1J.'l.OWIiV. . I W. .1. UONNKLL. City Attorney. ANDItUW HOSr.WATKK , t'ity nnglnccr. OUDIKANOn NO. - - . An oidlnanco K'iyldlng ' for the settlement , and udlnstmcnt of sun Iry stills In equity , and of Hiindry uontrovutslus now existing between the City of Omaha on tbn ono pait.und tbu Omaha I'lilon Depot company and thu Union 1'aulllu Hallway compiny , jointly and hc- lucon hild city nnd Iho Union Paclllo Hallway coimiany , and antlioil/lng the eonvoviinco of ccrta'n ' latid" , los an I grounds by halt ! clly. and tbo accepting by It of conveyance of sundry lands , anil providing for currying out and completing a soil lenient and adjustment of aid suits and contiovut- les. les.Vhcroa , Controvorsles now o.\Ist bolweon the city of Oniuha. Iho Omnlia Un'on ' liuuot company and the I'nlon Pacific Hallway com piny , which controversies relate to tbu tltlo lo curtnln InlH. lands. Mri'otn , alleys and gioumla In tbo clly of Omahu. to which ad verse and hostile claims are inudo and nived , by s'lld companies re.spucllvuly , or EOIIIO o ( thdin ; and Whoioa" , Thorn also exists a C'nitroveisy uoncurnlng the const rncllon of a union depot. ut OniAhn , Nebr.isUa , mi 1 the rights and lia bilities of the anvoral coiiinanlus under cert - t tin ordinance ; , of the city of Omaha , num bered 'Ji : > r . " : i55 and ' . ' . ' > , concernliig certain aid to Hiild I'lilon Depot comp my and cunvey- ancustoaald I'nli n Depot uomp.iny and mid Union Pui'lllu Itnliwuy company lor tbu urco * lion t f Hitld iluput , and a viaduct upon Soulh Tonlb strcut across the rallro.nl tracks near itheHlteof the union depot buiming now partially constructed ; and Whero.is , 'llioio are sundry ntliar contro- vurHles e.vMIni : nhluh are vuxatlons to the railway cump.iny and In the city uud Its In- h.ibltanlb ; and \ \ buruas. It has been and Is dccmod to bo of Impoilancu to llio bunlne > s InlorustM of tbu city of Omnha and Its Inhabitants , IIH null also us lo thu railway company , and t ) tbu I'lilon Depot company , that sundry of b.ild ilNpuiei and contiovoraiUM shall bo amicably suilUid , itnd dlspnscd ufbolhal Ihotltlu to s ild lands , lots , bio.'Ui- . streets uud grounds Hhall buconllrmed to mid vested In the p u ties lo whom by tbo lormsof such sutllomenl the siunu hluill of right go. mid BO that tno constrnutlon and completion of thi ! 1'nlon Depot shall bu spocd- llv broiiRht uliiiiiti and , Wluiruae. tbo aubjoct of siichselUomiJnt and adjustment of said dlsniicus and controversies has been consldiimd by a committee of tbu ully council of llio city ot Omaha , unit thu icp- rcuenlntlvcsof tbo lallwuy company ami the Union Depot eompnuy : and , WbeicuN. iho H.ild coinmlltce , on October llth , IB l.1 , filed and pruxcntoil to said council a cur. aln report of a llu il nlan of setiloincnt ol such contruvcrslus and disputes , which report was adopted by thu ulty council ! and , Wlioiuits , sundry cii'ivuyancosand rulonsos are necessary to cany tbu terms ami condi tions of such sulllumunl Into efTed ; then- llultor.lalnol by thoulty council of thoolty of Omaha ; . . , trcthm I. The nnyorof thocliy of Oinalii Is hereby authorised to receive from tin Omtilia Union Depot company a relo ne of aiu and all claims or domanus on Its pail to him or rccclvo from thu city of Omah.i all or any pan of the bomU of tlm city of Omaha , pro' vldi-d for and directed to be issued tiudur tin tiirnisand cunilltionsof a certain oidlnunci of the city of Omuha niimhiirotl ' 'Wj mid en. titled "An ordinance calling u special uluctloi lo vole upon tbu proposition to Isitio conpoi ban is of tb city of Omaha In tlio nun of 'im hundrtiu and llfty thousand dollurs ( I.Vi.uOOiti nlu iho Omulm Union Depot company In tin construction ol u union railway piissetiRci depot , railways and other worn ot Interim In.provomont , pniscd anil approved Ootobor * K' I H'J I , SMllon y , The mayor ! * lioroliy nnthorlfod nnil directed loaccept from the I nlon I'nelflo KaJlwnr compnty. nt the tlmo nnd In tlio nunncr hereinafter by motion hereofrc- ( | ttlrml , proper deeds nt onnvovnnco whereby 'aid r.ulway eomimny toniHni. i < jlM es Mini Mini clnims to the city of Onmlml I'lrtt , All of t > iop | U M , N , o niul V , In the city of Oinnhn. luslionnnn tlio original Who * L'r.tphcil m.i | ) of ihl cltv. Hpcoml. All of the strip , lot or tract of Und Jylntt tn thi ! northeast.oast niul southeast nf blocks I * M , N. o iintl P , In ihacltr ot Omixlia , I moruinallyauivoyoil nml platted , which hn : iicciimnlnlcd orrrown to tin'ijaitw.i il.notlh- eastward or cnutlioaslwnrd nf s.ild block * , nr I nnyoftliiMii.br aci-tollon , except lln-rofrom ono Iminli-tvi fed In width , ovur nnd ncros * w d described hinds , bvlita fifty feet on uni'lt side of the cuntur line nf the tr.ic's ofrallio'id of ulil Union I'ttclih * llmlwnv company , now constructed nnil In ppor.il'on across the Mime. Third , Alt tlm right , title nnil Intrust of the I'nion I'ncltlc Uillwny cunipany in nnd to All of that p.tM nf ronrtoonih sli : ot in Iho city of Omnha which lies south nf the south line of Hurt strcot. oACopt the right in main tain ami opoiatu Its trnoks over nnil neroM I'onrteynthslieot nt or near or buUonn Mil son and l.navcnworlh itrooN. t-nctlon , ' ! . The mtivor nnil clly tioastiroi niu hoiobv authorised nnd ilhcctoil to IUCOIMI roiii the lnlon ; I'nolllc Kallwny eonnmnv nil tlio iinp'ii , ! city warratrs ls < ned lo It for money .ulvaneod by It for payment of dam- iiu'cs on account of iho construction ot llio lonth sttoet viaduct , which unpaid wiir- I'linw ninotint to about thu sum of thltlv thniis.iml dollars itn.0.9 > . moru or loss , and a release from llio Union 1'ncllle Ualtwav co-lit ) my for all claims nnd ilomandi for money liy n p ild and ntiViinii < il to the o ly which has been bv the city paid over to nroporly owners ns danmRi's on nccoiint of Ihu construction of s.ild vladnut. amount- ln toabonl Hie sum of ton thousand doH.irs ( J 0oo > it and the mayor .mil oily Uonsuier aie tiNe then anil there i en n I roil and illrciMr-d to nay over ami uollvor to thi I'nlo-i I'acllle Hallwav company thu unpaid checks of the I nlon 1'nellli ) Itnliwny company mr.v held liv tbo city troiisnroi us irirl of the monov ad vanced on nccount of suld dani'iRCs , which cheeks amount to about Ihu s'lm of nineteen tlmiisinc dollars ( $ liiMOnioru ) ) or loss , and an- tliu s.unu nnd all of thu checks , the piyinenl anil collodion i < f which nro enloluod in a cor- lain mill wherein llio Union r.idllc Unllwuv uomp.iny Is plalntlll nnd the city nf Omaha nnd John Rush ut nl nro defendants. Sec , 4. The mayor Is hereby authorise. ) nnd directed to e\ceutu and deliver under thosoai nf Ihu city , tiiunch , the Union I'm-llli1 K.tllway co up HIV and the Om ilia I'nlon Depnt comp - p my a release , uMensInu , dNi'li'ivilpf ; and 10- llovnu them anil each of ( hum finm tin ; niaK- IIILi > \euiultm ordollMTV of Ihe two bonris or undottaMnssspo . ! anil moiillotio 1 In cer tain ordinances of the elly of dmalii , vlNo. ; . | " ' .VI , entitled , "An diillnance c-illhu a special , election to vote upon Hie nrrposlllon to Issue roupnti b mdsnf the clly of Oinah.i In Iho sum of one hundred nml llfty thousund dolliti * itl.Vluoi ) > to aiu theOinahii I'tilim Oepot com pany In the coiistrncllon of n union railway passenger depot , tall ways anil other works of Internal Iniprovonienl In thu city of Oniaha , " and .No. ' . ' .Ii. ) , entlllod , "An ordinance author- I/In ? nnil Instructing the mayor of the clly of Omaha nnd Alvln S.iunders , triistuc. to con vey to the I'nlon t'aclllc Itullway comp.iny all the rlsht. tltlo und Interest of said clly In and to ortaln depol grounds In the "city of Omnha , " Sue. tt. The mayor Is hereby authorized nml required to make , execute and deliver to Iho I'lilon I'acllle Ualiw ay com | ) inv conveyanues romlslni. ' . releasing and iiilt-clalmhu | to It and Us suceci-ssors thu land ami promises de scribed us follows : 1'Irst All Iho lots nnd lands described In n certain deed daleil January''J , 1SJ. between Alvln Suuii'Iers. ' trustee of the city of Omaha , paity of Iho llr.sl p'irl , and Ihu Union 1'aeltle Hallway company , locoriled In Hook 12 of deeds at pnguil'JO , and also lot II In block.1. : ! ! ! . Also , all iho ptemlsoi deflcrlhed In deed ( lalo 1 July ' . ' 7 , 1S7- ' . from llio clly of Om ilia lethe the Union I'acllle Hallway eomp.my , toourdcd In Hook 111 of deeds til p.mo "ii. A so , cominenclnji 52 fool north of the soiilh- east corner of lot S In nloc ! > 2JII , and running tliciieo south alon : the west line of Tnntli street lo t ho southeast corner of lot : i In block " 20 : ihoncc e.isl to the sonthwuH corner of lot ! > In bloi > 'i < 'Jill ; thence north a OIIK Iho uasl line of Tenth street to a point M feet north of the southwest corner of lul.'iln blueK3)4 ; thein'o wesllo Iho pulnl of liej'niiln ; also. Second All thu premises , lots and grounds heretofoio convoyed to the Union I'aclllc Itnli wny company by deed of Ihu cltv of Omaha , dated AtiKust 2 . ISWi , recorded In Hook T of ( leuds al page 4'l. ! oxcepl llth strict from the south line of Cumin'street , mirth to l/nnl strccl and tno alley In block 'UI , and Mb street noi th of the .south llnu of Ch c.mo street. Also , all sticots and itlleyh boiiuilivl on the wcsl by the eastern line of the unimlsesilu- scrlhcil In the last iibnvo name. ) deed , on llio northby Ihusoulh 1 no of Iml street , anil on the easl by lliu west llneof 8th .street , Aliti the strcol bolween blocks Ml. ) anil ,111. Also the street between blocks IIJI nnd.lKI , Also the alleys through blocks : ) ! > , 34J , : | | 3 und . ' 114. Also lot 7 In block XS , lot 8 In block 'll'l. lotri In bloclci.ii. : ; lol II In block Illl , lot 2 In block -M. lot 4 In block 4 , lot : ! In block 5. jol 7 in block rf > , lots r > and 8 In block C. > , mts , 7 and S In block U'l , lots t and I In block-III , I lots 1. L' , 7 aii'l 8 In block C. lol ft In block 1ST , loll In block I.VI. lot II In block f > 7 , lol 5 lu block III' ' , lolti In block : iii. : lol a In block HIT. lot ' . ' In block : il.s , lot 7 In block ll''li. lot 'Jin block II.'T , lots , ' > , u and 7 in block : i.'l. lots - and 7 In block ill. lots .land 4 In tiloclt 07 , lot 1 In block til. loll ! In block a. Also. llUhth street , between Jackson strcol nnd Jones slicct , and thealley through blocks 17S and 1711. The said conveyances to bo madu subject 10 such conditions as is provided by tbo report of the spoclal ' 'ommlltcu rolatin. thereto. adopted by the council , ami with property nrovlslons for reversion as will pro- lecllho clly. Section ( ! . Alvln S.iunders , trusloo of and for llm clly of Onriha , Is hereby authorised and illreutpd to make , cxccuto anil deliver lo thoUiilfin I'acllic Uallway comti.iny , subject to said con lltlons. aronveyanro reniisln ? , ro- loiisliiKini'l ' iiill | olalmhiK to It. all nnd singu lar , all the promisor described In a curtain l deed , ilatoj .limitary I'D , IbT- . made by thu s.ild Alvln Siiiindors , trustee of Ihu city of Omnha. as pat ty of thu first p.irl. and iho I'nlon I'ucl- llc Itnllroad company , asp uty.of the .second Pitt ; and. also , lot No. : iin block No. 11. Section 7. The Omnha Unloi Depot company Is hereby nnthorl/o I to constttict and main tain at Its own cost an inclined ro'idwav , con- noelln with and from uitbcrtliu Tenthstrcel or Illovonlb hlieet vladnel. as It may elect , for access to and u rojj from sum Union Depot by the public. The connection of said roadway with said vluiittct , however , U lo bo made accoidlni ; to piins and MieclllcMtions tbeiefor appiovcd hy thu mayor and council of theclt.v of Omalia before thu making of such conncclloi. : Soi1. S. The mayor Is hereby authorl/od and reijulred lo deliver 10 anil lo reculvo llm ron- veviiiiees. rolc.iscs and acitilltanci | > s in ibis ordlnanca montlonod : infl hpcclileil , upon the delivery to him of a bonil or obligation oC the Omaha Union Depol compiny , with K < > OI | ana sulllciont siirotlos , lo bo apnroved by the mayor. In Iho sum of two hundred thousand ( lollius ( f''OU.OJO ) as liquidated , nereod nnd as- hossed ilamaies."condltli'iicd that If the Oma ha Union Depot company Mi ill at unco or within thlity days from the ilullvory of H'lld bond to him , id'omiiiciica woik upon the eon- slruullon of ti Omaha union depot nl Omaha , Nebi'.iHkii , 'mil Hn.ill In t"ol ! faith.with nllroa- toiriblu dillKunco , ptoseeulu lo completion all of Ibo parls of said structure lo boused as such union depot , so that the s.une shall bo completed for use ns a passenger slallon on or bufoio tbu exp'ritlon ' of months after the delivery of said bond ( time loU by strikes of workmen enua ed In tlm construction of said woili. and lne.vlt.iblo delays caif > cd by iho act of ( ind , or Hum lost by reason of de lays by Insal iiroeeeilliu'H , not Inclialnd ) , sub- si inlhilly and ponunilly accoruhiK to the i pliins for the eroutlon Mini construction of biich depot , druwn nnd made hy Van 111 mil & llowo , miller which u portion ot s-ild Rtiucturo has already liuon built , i-xciiptlnc , however , ab lo the tower for such strnetnio and the dis tribution of Us lloor up iue Into rooins.anil CHID huitliu nnd venlllalln : arranunniontb shiinii on said plans , as to which Iho H Idcnmiunv" may and hhiill. If II elects so to do , remodel or moillfy Ihe same to Its convenience or Intoiesl or to whal II may deimi of henelll to suld de pol an'l Us uses ; then Ihu H .lu . obllcallon and lionil or ii'L'O.'nl/iincu bliniilil bo void nnd of no ulloct , nnd olhorwlso up in breach ol thu con dition of riiilil bond , the s.iniii sliall romaln In full force and olluut. Hi < c. U. That this ordinance shall taku uirecl and bo In force from and after Us paxsa''u. Mocllliiildum' M utlnt-l > iii.ili l & J'.tldiiM n Valley llallitay ( oinpiny Not leu Is hereby L'lven lhal the nnnuiil meeting of thu stoukholdorH of tbo Omaha , V Klkhorn Valley Hallway Com piny , for thu election of seven illieutois and siioh oilier btis'nosK IIH may properly como bi > fore the mi'elln ; , will bu held at Ihu oflli'ouf John M , ThuiHloii , Union I'.iulllo hnlldln . In thooly of Omahu , Nob. , upon Wo Inesdny , tbu 4lh d.iy of .Iiuiuary81.1. ' atioo'clocka. in The H' nek Ir.insfur hookh will bo closed tun days before llied.ilo of lliu munllnc. AI-MX , MIMj\lt. Socrotnry. Iloston , Mass. , Documbur It ) IM'Ji. 'I I5U.M ' Notlre. Tliunniiiial meothiKof thu.slocliholders of thu Midland ( iiiaianleu X Tinsl Co. , for the I'li'i'thm of a ( Miaul of dlurtois and fur mich other IniHlness IIH may come beforu llm inrnt- Inu , will bo held at lint company'h iililri1 , Kill I'arnnm slii'i-l , Omaha , N.'b. , on Tuesday , thu llllh day of .Iminary. IH'.l't. nt H oVIni'k p in. Till : .Mfll ) < AMH\\HANTii ) : : k THIVI' I Hy ( jcoiini : I. ( IILIIKIIT , Attest , A. ! ' . IIOM'iu : . Vlcu I'li-Mdj-ni. AhsUtiint fei-mlnry I'M ' . 'I-H ' Notice. Notion Is hereby ulvi'ii that the annual incut. In-of ; the stockhoiilum of thu Omahu Union Depot I'ompany will beheld nt Ihu ( ill h'e of the Union Depot company , at thu heailijuailiiiN of thu Union I'acllle Kalln.iy rompany , In the city of Omaha , on the 'Jth day of .laiinaiy , JH03 , ut 3 o'clock p. m. , lor tlm flj'i'tlim nt ( II- H'Ctin-H and transai'tlon of any other business thut nmy legally oomu hiifoio thu iiici-tliiK , T. It , KIUIIAI.L , rri'cldi'nt Oumhu , December iU ! , 1B'J2. D lilUUi run Much Interest liai boon tnhen In the No vomborsr meteoric shower nnd comet Aa the return may tie next year it is of interest to know tlio place of radiant jwlnt This Is given ns ne.ir tlio nebula In llio constella tion Andromeda. This Is directly overhead durim ? the evening near November t7 ! nml ns HIP earth moves cnstM'nrd this oonslclla- tion moves westward ns the months RO bv. The laiye star fluster to tie seen In'tho eastern sky Is the 1'lol.ides or Seven stars , nnd is In tlio constellation Tnlirtis. There nro now to bo seen two bright planets south of the Square of 1'epasns , Tlio red one Is Mai's nnd tlio largo ono lo the east is .luiilter. Hy next year Novemhor ! ! * , Mars will lia\o nioved out of sljht nnd Jupiter will linvo moved beyond nnd Kick to the I'lolados. To tlio north of Andromeda is n star cluster in the form of a ohair. This is the constellation Castopola. or tlio I ulv'a Chair , nnd the constellation CYphtis is still north. In the old myth thesg were klnif and < iueen of itnclent Ktlii , npla , Mhli'h was North Africa , nml dwelt no.tr now Taintler or Onta. Ixwklux north from the Pleiades ono can count four largo slant formlm : part of a cnr\o orlioM. with a second IIOM north , liack to b.vlc. Those are in the constellation .Per seus. Andromeda is Just \\ost Hut \\ost from Andromeda one can sro four laruo stars forming u s < | itaro. I'ho.so form the Hiti.iroof | I'l'tiHRiis and nro ( urt of the con stellation PcgiiMis. The northo.ist slur of thosiiuaro forms the head in the plotnro representative of the lady Andromeda. In itie ancient tnythle lore Andromeda was tlio brldo of Perseus and daughter of QtieOu I'tiHlopola Porso.us on tils return from HIP land that laid to tlio west from the Pillars of Hercules ( ( ilbraltnr ) rescued Amli-ouicda and toolc her with him to the hind that became an cient O recce. The name Pillars of Hercules w.is given to the rooks din-altar and Apes' Hill an cient M.th . ralpe > umt Ahyla by Hoivnlos to make the pltu-o to turn In on his return from the laud nf country Unit la.to . the west. Thcso Items are of Interest in our endeavor to solve the iinestion ofvho Ihsl discovered America. The evidence in thai the older an- olonl people know all about it. l-oukiiitf from Jupiter lo the chair about two-thirds of the way one can M-O a white patch. These are numerous in the sky and arc called nclmho , and nro distant star clotiillets or clusters. Xe-ir this Is the r.ulinnl puintol'n ttii'tcrii-p.tth The earth passes tills path near November 'Ji and nearly every . \ear shootiiij , ' stars can bo seen and at times a comet makes snn 'appearance. K. ,1. On en. You dnit'l wniil a torpi.l tivt-r : yon don't want n bud i-omplo\ion , you don't \vant a bad bivath ; you don't want a headache. Then use Pe Will's Little Ktrly lasers , the lamous lit lie pills. Hclii'inlii r.irrol. A Pittsburger who spent it part of last suininur in England lolls nn incident wliioli sadly disturbed the roliL'lous' pence o ( n parish in Ponxiinco , says thu Chronicle. A maiden lady of tint town owned a parrot , which somehow iicquirod the disagreeable habit of observing nt fro quant intei'vnls : " 1 wish the old ludy would Jio. " This unnoycd the bird's owner , who soko ] tp her curate about it. "I think wo can rectify thn matter , " replied the good man. " 1 also hnvo n parrot , und lie is n righteous bird , hav ing been brought tip in the way ho should po. 1 will lend you my pat-rot , and I trust his , influence will leform that iiem-aved bird of yours , " Tlio curate's parrot was placed in the fcamo room with the wicked one and us soon as the two had become iiceiibtomed to each other the bad bird remarked : ' "I wibh the old lady would die. " T Whereupon the clergyman's bird rolled up his eyes and solemn accents added : "Wo beseech lice to hoar us , good Lord ! " The story got out in the parish iwd for several Sundays it was necessary to omit the litany at the church aovices. "Improvement is the order of the age. " We never expected. In our most sii'ivulne mo ments , nurli an Inercaso In our ILM | ns cinn'nanccd on the 1st of Hi'pteiniiar Tinsmith Priiinler TypeWriter Writer Is having enormous saltH which are wldo and tar-reaciln ! . Th-j j itrj tlu reports MO nro receiving Ironi our miiny br.tnc'i oltleoi1 Send for a ilcscriptivo cntnlo uo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17tli anil Fainam Sis. . Omi'n ' , Xcl ; K II. AlAYITI-UV Muniigui- . THE SHORTESTllME TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this m.ip. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vcstibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.ar , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Oftice , 1501 I7ar- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. J Milti liy Krrrlirr. Notion Muoidiy iilvon thai , by vlitno of mi order Hindu hy llm district mint of Himslas ooiinly , Noliiasldi , In thu oausii of llonjaiulii Mi-liinlst , plalntlll.aKiilnM I'u'd \\Vynitillrr. . di-fi-nilanl , I will hull on Hatuiday , Di-ri'inhor 111 , IH'Jl. , al ] iuhli | > auction , lo llio hlKhi'sl hld- dor fur cash HID follow hi ; ; dcscrlhiMl puipt-rty and loasn-holil IntuirstH , tu-ull : Onu lot of old liiiiihi'ihlldis and Htnylnx ; OIIK lot of hay. hiillahh ) fiirlui ) piioldiiB PIIIIII | > CH ; onuMt'oil | hoalosiind waaon lo\i ) also a curtnln Icnso. do- M'llhcil as followh , lnnlt ! IJndurdaliiof III- ) ritinliiir' ' . IH'Jl , inailii hy TlioiiiiiH Davis to lleiijiiinln Mnlijnlst and I . \\Yyinnllur \ , rnii- nhiK llvi ) ycaix fioiii Di'Ciiiuhiu' I , IH'.H , for ull Iho wntin spnco InthuNW ' , < nf Ihunw ' ( In M'i'tliiir.1 ' , In towiihlilii Ifj. inn Hi ianii ! HI , iMist , AIso a ei-i tain IIIIIMIili'scrllwd as followH.UI It : I'liihir ( lain of .Maii'h iiJ ! , 1HU-J , niiidii hy I.a- Ihani Davis lo Ili-njainlti MidimlM , innnllig ll u yi-nis fniiii Dcoombiir 1. IH'I ! , for lliu two- htory franii ) hoiisn and oiillinllillnKs , tniH'thor with a oiirlaln plcon of K'outid ' on which bald hulldlnus am Mtnati'd , Hiild Kinund hi-lnt ; In thOMV ! ( of Ilii'nu > , i of hod Ion - , township lli , lanu'D HI , Iiinixlas oounly.lN'obi nsliii , inuiotiar * tlrulaily ih-hOillHid as follows : roiiiiiiciii'hn : at a point on the east line of Mild -ID ni'ieij 450 fee I winlh of Mild 10 , iiinnlnK Ihi'lioo uost : il > 0 fc'c'l , thence inu-lli 'JHII fool , Ihcni'o cast IKK ) foot Ihi-iii'o honth UHll , foot to thn plaooof liu- KlnnliiK , oonlalnliiK aliout onu nnd onu-hulf aciuh , iiiinnor loss , Tint hah ) of thn foiouolni ; lolako | iliico at 10 o'clock n , in , on hald day at the lo hotisoH , hltualn on thu pioinlM's di-hcilhod In hald Icnsi's and ni'iir I'm Oil' liil-o , I will aUiiMill coitaln olllou Hlallonury and hook ) * , fornioily nsud hy tin ) Halt. t'lfy luu company , hald wiln tiilaUn plaon at 'Jooloclc p. m , of hald day , nl thu ollloiiof ( I. Andruuii , No , 14011 I'm mini hlii'ot city of Oniaha , Dated Doc.UO , IHIJ'A , at Oinnlni. Noli. JUIINU. CUKTKhYOlI Itooclver of the Unt < > t'lty lo < 'oinpanv Jolai Q , llcrfnor , AUornuy , M Deo. "U , lit