Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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K aSl Dealers Generally Well SatisGetl
with Their Holiday Sales.
The Produce Miirlul Hooded wllti I'millry
nnif I.ovt I'llrcs I'rrtnll nt the 'lmi > of
the UVi'U Mnrlirl * nt Oilier
1'iilnt' l.'ini.ill.r Itnd.
The conditions have nil boon favorable fern
. and the i o-
n , large hulldn.i trade this sensou.
milt 1ms been Bcuei ally hlghh satlsfactor.s
to husincss men of alt classes In this suc
tion of the loiintiy Itei.V oflcn happens
that the xvai m and mild fall weather extends -
tends through the holidays , thus limiting
the demand for winter goods and compelling
merchants to depend entirely upon the boll-
da.ti.ule . This Is a frequent cause for n
light holldnj trade , hut thcic has been no
reoson for complaint on the si ore of unseasonable
enable weather this vxlnter. Told wcatbei
came i-ail > and has continued steadily up to
the prrsrnt lime.
In addition to the demand for w inter goods
thei elms also been a ver.\ fair ti.ule In boll
day goods of all lilnds. Mouej has beei
faith > in both elt.\ and lountt.N and tin
people ha'\o been hi their pur
chases of Ohllstmas pieseiits that have beei
of help in swelling the sum total ol
trade.Vhen theie Is plenty of wink to be
had pcoplo arc more liberal with themselvo"
and Indulge In main little luxmles that thov
would not under loss fnvoiahlo eircunistnii-
ci s , This fact has also helped , to in.ilic u
I'ood liolHlas trade.
'the ictall meuhaiits would have beei :
better pleased If the Hading had been suit
teied over a little longer space of time II
Kcemed aslfcxen one pnt off their I'lnist
mas shopping until the last weeh and tbei
the trade all come in a lump In a jrooi. .
iimnv Htotes itvas almost impossiblu to wall
mi the itowds dmlng thu past w eel : I hi'
has Its dlsaihant.iires for both sides , for
\vhlleitovervvoiKstliemeuliaius and tbeii
clerks , Itpio\cuts tlio ctistomeis fiimi ic
cclvlng as niiiLh attention as they wouli
otherwise ,
Taking It all In all , the ictail meichant'
have more to bo thankful for and Josti
complain of than on many other limidaj
Tin ) .loldiliiK 1 slide.
Traveling men nro comlngNn off thcioai
to spend the. hollda\s ami jobbets do not an
anticipate much lor the balance of tho.veai
In the way of oideis. The time fiom nov
until after thc-ihst of the joarvvlll In
laigelv devoted to the taking of stock am
Iho putting of things in shape for thu com
menccment of another j ear's business
Thu jobbers 1m o without exception e.\
ception expc'iienied a very largo -vvinte
trade , which has been stimulated by Hi
holiday boason , , ,
Jobbers handling lines that aio cspcciall.
in demand during the holidays weio xci ,
busy up to tbo close of the \veek. The di
niaiul for fiulls , oysteis , nuts , confectionery
etc. . was such as to iiibh the jobbeis wit
oriieisupto the \crylast minute.
Dry goods Jobbei s do not as a ude antn.
pato'much nt this time and expect to b.i\o
qulot tlmo until after the Hi st of the \e.n
b\ which time totiiil stodts aie likely t
have become depleted and need MU ting up
Hardvviiio meichants icport nothing of m
poitanee in their line aside from a continue
good tiado vith e\ery piospcct that it wi
last foi some time
.As noted a week ago the weather has bee
decidedly on tlio side of the letail boot an
shoo merchants and they have had about a
they caicd to do to keep upvitli the onion
The giocery jobbers do not como in foi an
gicnt amount of the holiday tiado and Inn
not experienced any more than the legulii
demand , However that demand lias bee
good and has left the grocers -with no cam
for complaint. The demand for tomntoc
Tins continued active ami the maiket
strong. Corn lias been mov ing out w ith sou
fict'dnm at stiff prices also , and theio
enough doing in peas and to keep 111
market for those goods linn Apples uie i
stiong position. Other fruits continue slo
mid without mateiial clmiiKO in value. Ha
mon and lobster aio taken in moderate quai
titles only.
Country I'roiliico.
Ow Ing to the glut in the poultry marki
at Thanksgiving and the nnfoitumitc expo
ienee of shippeis it was to bo expected th.
caution would be the rule inCluistmns slil
incuts. Some de.ileisvveie antieip.Uii
light iccclpts and high in ices .lust the o
posito has been expui ienccd. The
poultry market is glutted and theie is moi
stock in tlio hands of dealers than they \ vibe
be nblo to force onto thu maiket during tl
next week or two.
Omaha is not the only maiket Avhiih h ,
had this expeiiem.o , but icports ftom olhi
points would indicate that the westoin ma
kots h.uo all been badly glutted and tin
low prices ha\o pi e\ ailed
As shawiiiK a icason for the break
pliccs the Minneaiiolis 1'ioduco Ilullet
compares the icceipts of Ib'.ll ' and IS'JJ '
that point and Chicago. Dm ing six da ,
in Ib'Jl ' the m i Unls of iwultry ntMinncapo !
were iU tCi pounds ns against IH',1,051 poun
iorthocoiiespondlug days in IbflJ. At Cl
eago the locoiptH duiiug tluco days we
r.73.1lIi ) for Ib'.ll and l.ltW.rMl for Ih'.i. . .
Omaha no lecoid of auiv.ils is kept and
is Impossible to make eomp.n isons or to ev
give the leceipts of the past week. O
thins is cei tain , however , and that is th
the leceipts been moio than them :
kot could stand.
Nebraska has been a splendid field I
eastern and soutbein manufacture-is a
Jobbeis. The good ciops , making mon
easy and tiado active , and the Hinall p
ccntagoof failmes over the state jit lai
has induced every one ha\ing any thing
sell to Hood this state w ith salesmen a
\\orlc the trade for all theio was in It. I
hraskn ictall merchants have contiibut
liundiedB of thousands of dollars tovvanl t
huildlng up of t't cat business enterprises
cities located in othorstntcs , whiloNebi.u
cities ha\o been forced to light the stiong
kind of competition. Kansas City , St. .1
cpli mil Atchison owe \ery huge shaio
their growth and piosperlty to their !
hruska ti.ule. Nebraska business men lit
heen feedltiK them and starving their o
cities. Kveu Chicago and St. Louis h :
acquired uo Inslgnillcant amount ot tli
wealth fiom Nebraska.
Nebraska business men , the pi ess and c
yens generally 1110 awakening to a ieall/at
of the tiuth , and the bontlmont In lavoi
homo patronage is growing. The follow
iioiu the I'lko County Democrat , publlsl
at Osccola , is a sample of the feeling thu
being awakened out thnnurh the .sin
"Just now , while Kansas City jobberb
trying to woik up iucieaiied tiadeln
brima , il might he a sensible thing for
inorchantB to icmember tlmtMlssomi
ahvays fought Nobiahka to a standstill i
cares nothing for us but what little ti
mid money she can collect from Hits te
tory. Wo remember quite well that J
bourl walked against Lincoln when that i
endea\nied to gut thu Crand Army of
Hupuullo encampment and that she i
worked against Omaha for the icpubll
national convention , T ratio with Omaha
J.liK'olu Jabbeis Is iios.slblo. "
AS DUN siii : : IT.
llctllll Trillin l.nilVeel ( llrttepTlllll I
Kiiiiwn In Oiinilni Ili'fure ,
Mr. AV. H , Kouerson , Omuha iminagei
G , Dun & Co. , speaking of trade for
week In tills city says :
I'ltelall merchants luuo had an u
jiected demand for their during
week , and holiday purchases have luclii
about everything tlml Is seasonable and
sale , from toy sand confectionery to ho
hold furniture ) , diamonds and clothing. !
er.U retail dealers bay that the week's ti
is larger than that of any Clnlstmas v
of their experience/ .
"Tho banks have nothing now to ic |
except largo deposits from their lotull
tumors. The meeting of the Statu llanli
HHsoclatlon called together a largo nui
of thorujirescntatUo tlnancial men of
btutu ut Lincoln. It was an Interesting
casloti. The dlwusslons turned i-hletly i
noccssary legislation -and the silver i ;
lion. A strong offuit will bo i
o amend tlio Inv of the
state so in to nhollMi dins of puiep ,
jut with what Muross cannot bo
forseon dracoM \ no light lo existence ,
except custom Tlicif Is no good reason
why n note should not lie paid u ] > on the day
it Is netuMlv duo , lustr-adof three ilajs
thereafter The chief reason , however , for
maklnp thothiuiKo Is found In the fact Hint
the. laws of the states are not uniform upon
the question.
"In Jobbing circles , although many " ' the
men nrc In for the1 holidays , ordcis from the
Itftcilor nro lance ; the spila ; ? purch.ises
starting In e.itller than usual.Vlthbiit a
single exception , tkaleis icpoit satisfactory
trade for the week
"In real estate circles , the week has born
marked hi some negotiations which may
Ultimately lead to peed sales. 'Uno , ictl\o
ntrent Is tlgm-Inn for an oxehance of propel-
ties , which will IIHMU the eiilarpcmeiit of
( me of the largest planing nulls in
the i-ltv If consummated Another
dcMl which has been hanging tlio for
some time contemplates the election of a
Ininu retail house on upper street ;
us an offset , however , to this uroinlsing pro
ject , It Is stated that noRotl.itlons mo en-
tlielv off In connection with another large
hi IcU building on upper Tin mini street
' "Piospcets nppc-ar ( food for the constitic-
tion of the flUO.lKX ) hotel nbout which thcio
has been considerable discussion The ictfict
Is ven Benorall ) exploded that this mav
take the pl.ue of the $ I,00IHK ( ) ) lire ptoof
stinctuto which the cltj has needed fora
RIC.U many
"Tho Infounatlon Is tihon out that the
Omaha llililu-e anil Toi initial compam will
prnhahl.s sccuii1 aer.v laipo tract of land
for depot and terminal facilities on the noith
bottoms It Is app.ncntl.v the puiposo of
this lorporatlon to make its position impreg
nable as a terminal i onipan )
"Little 1ms been said timing the week
about the c.uml project , but the churai tt r of
| the capitalists who h.i\c iutoiested them
selves in Ibis entoiprise nheshopo that It
niiimatcilali ? ! * at an t.ul.v , dav
"Kepoits fiom the state indicate iiu leased
activity and dem.tud for good farm Kinds.
A elll/on of Umalia who lias icienth visited
oicht.vono of the nlnelj counties in the
statu st.vs the Nebraska fanner is the
most prospetous being on eaith He pie-
diets a Iblid la i | je ciip and prospttit.v for
thoi'oinlngcar which will surpiiso c\eu the
most sanguine of our eitin-ns Ho is of the
opinion that no man tmol OUT No-
biaska and not letiirn with Int leased faitli
In the gieat futwo of Omaha
"Ni'f.'oti itlcms aio still pending between
the citv go\eininont and the oillclals of the
ralhoads Intcicstcd In the union depot , ami
hone is revived hi the minds of some of oat
eill/ons that this undeilaKinu
will be completed within the .
"At South Omaha the ruling fcatnto ol
the week was hUfh-piked lions. The Union
Stock Yatdscompanv llloil amended article"
of incoiporation Incu-asint'its capital stoeli
to * tlIXMlH)0. ) This is taken as an indieatloi
that largo atlditioiml improvements will hi
made next j ear. "
CliluiKO I.he sun I ; Aim ket.
riitcviJO , 111. , Dec. 24 hpeolal l <
Inn llMi.l Ity many In tint Hade II vva >
thought tod.irs receipts of eallle might ic.irl
5000 huiid , the high pi lce > - \\ediiosdayaiii \
'lliuisday being < lopi > iidc > < I opoii to litlm
them , but less tlmu half ( but iiiimliet aulvcd
It was lust us welt foi then * vuismit miieli de
in nnl elthi'i for local on outside account am
sellers could do no licttci than hold \alni"
slead\ . The laiuo of limitation. , was [ ion
fl.25 loG.15i'.iivcsaiid bulls being limited a
fiom tl.25to.l 5landsteeisat Juno M 15 t (
tii 15.
There- was a hcgg.uly sunplj of ho s hen
today , theanlvals In In , ; cstlmateil at 7,00(1
Ihoin wenoimiiKh stale ho s to bilng tin
total up to'-'It (100 ( Tlitmaiket was stums a
fiom id 00 to } ( i.Bl ( for IIODI to nrlnn
Ijlhl and at fiom $ r > 25 to $0.70 fo
pool tocholi i ! hf-uv ) vvoluhto The olleihu
did not Incliiiki inanj iliolcc heav v lots am
pilcosnboie Jfi.fjD wenle.ivhud In a few In
stances oiih. 1'ioni JO 'JO to } 0 10 bought th
bulk ofthu lUht and ( mm id ! I5 to J0.50wei < Humes foi inediiim .mil ho.iv
vvcluhl < lospeetlvelv. .
About 1,1)00 ) sheep aiilvul. The ) n etc lead
lly closed out at I'lldij's iiiiulullons , sale
m.iKtngon a basis of fiom } .l 21 to 5 60 fo
pool toe\li iiiialltles. | I. nubs weie sale.ibl
at fionij,175ti ! > fOUO The olloilnu's must b
stilctlv lust-class to coiiim.iiid tlio oiltsld
iiuot.itIons. The ImlU of the business nas a
from * a.75 to W. 75 foi sheep fiomijt
to0 foi l.inili-i.
lieiilnls-Cattle , 2,300 head ; bogs , 7.00C
sh. . ep , 1,000.
The i\e-iliiit : icpoits :
( UTli.u-KecoIpts 1600 ; slilpniPnt' '
2.000 head ; nmiKct s ) ( ) stiMilj. 1'ilce
Nathi-s , f&'JIXTi.D.uO ; tockes | , j.J
cows , ? i aatt'-.ou.
Koos-Ifceoipts , 8,001) ) he-id : shipment' '
7,000 head in-nUet . ' '
; ste.idy lo fi'i/lOo hliihc'i
common , } ( i.lJGK ! > .3 ( > ; fall so good picker
t0.35T.O.IO ! ; iiiliuu he.ivv and butcher
weights , Jfi 5XitO.G5 : lluhl , ? 0.0'U0.40. (
tllll.tItei'elptv , 7011 head ; shipments , none
maiket stead ) ; natives , $ .175 ; westein
.Wjgg jji l-olora.loe-a.lligs5.15 . , ; l.imh
K.IMXIIH ( 'It j I.he slink Vlarkct.
KANSAS Cirv , Mo , Dec. 24. C VITM- lie
eelpts , ,1,700 head ; shipn is , 2.0OO he.u
MOID sic-live , steady to lOo. hUliei : shlppln
' : ! ) ! - : ! slookc11 | " " ' rwi101
Ilims-Kecelpts , 7.00O head ; shipment
2 20(1 ( head ; openi il steady , i minium closed 5'
lOo lowei ; euiemo lauge $4,75'ul > .10 ; hull
J0.25Q.0.15. ,
SIM.IIUecclpts : , 300 head ; shipment
100 head : mai ket nominally ste uly.
St. I.ouls l.neMueli Market.
Pi. I.onis , Mo. . Dec. a I. r \ rTi.B Hi
eelpts and shlpmeiits not ic'poited ; m.iiki
thin : unlive steels , } 3 ( KT5,10 ) ; i ,1111:0 steel
5J.25dl3.2o ; hiitchc-rs. J.30 J.7O.
lions Iteoelpts and slilpmeiii i not repot ti i
1111111.1)1 stioiiKci : heavy. JO 10.7id.55j pacl
hi ! . ' , * dOTtd.05 ( ) ; llBhl , tti.20.ifd 10
Mir.nItecelpts and shipments not i
polled : fall lo choice nativesi OOSJ5 UO ; e
tin mutton $5.'JOir 5 50.
An honest pill is the noblest work of tl
it apothecary. DoWitfh Uttlo Early Hise
itn cure constipation , biliousness and bick boa
Mllril.lKI ) l.tCI-IHI-M.
The following marriage licenses we
issued by the comity judge jesteiday :
Name and addess. !
Mid - j Thomas HomyYlllicIin Omaha
idV ( May Alice t'huke , Uniaha . . . .
Vr j llaiuey Hauls , Omaha
r- I Ilvu SplKlo , Oinah i
rlo j Ham Clausen , n 1st Omaha . . . .
lo I Motta llansc'ii , Omaha
ido I I'otei I' I'etiitseii , Omaha
o- } Kiniiia Nelson , rioioncu . . , .
od ( Jacob 11. llcliijmiilt , Omaha
ID I Molllii 1 , . Jones , Omaha
in j Samuel Tlaho , Omaha
inst I Mis.lam ) ( ioidoa , Omaha . . .
st I Mans I. Schmidt , Omaha
stof Adolphenla Itiiinsou , Umalia
of I ( 'nine-tins J. Ijiicv , Mil
1 Julia I ) . Wolfe , Ticim > nt.
vc j Chailes Iv'tlllan , Omaha
in I Kale llo/deoh , Omaha .
lr . Piles of jieoplo have piles , hut UoWlt
Witch Ha/of b.iivo will ciiio them ,
on TIM : III\ITY : . MAKKIT. :
ng placed on lec'oid Duex-ml
ed 23 , 1HOJ :
: o Joseph Kavan ti ) Metiopolllau Land
ilO . . Tuist comi ) my lots ( in ml tl , block
' 1. lots 3 to lo. hlock 2 , loin .1 | o IO.
'inir hlock 3 , lots I lo 10 , hlock I , lots 1
nir to II ) , block ft , loH | 1 to 5 , hlock G ,
as lots 1 to 5 , block 7 , lots 1 to 5 , hlook
asml H , lots 1 tori , block0 , lotI I , hlock 10 ,
do llui r IM.ii'ii
rl- 11 C lllllhiKsanil vvlfu lo K I ! Dickin
- son , ti II feel lot 3 , block SJ , I'loi-
' enoi' , . . . ,
Itj' ,1 I ) Itciinhuhaii toM I ) HermhiKhain ,
ho lot H. block 0 , Klikwook
Iso 1) J Hell to Miuy Ivelkonny , lot H ,
'an ' block 10 , Isaac'sSelden's adil . . . .
. . .i Michael l.iuiiek' to llarb ira 'iiplov ski ,
llm ofiKcot lot 1 , hlock Ii. \ \ llco1st
add . . .
I. nu a Toner and hiishaml lo A I )
Towei. mid 'i ' lots 25and20block 2 ,
I'ark I'lacutiellle ) ,
II W Yalesiiml wlfu to A D Tower ,
mid > i lot 25 , hlock 2 , I'aik I'laco. . .
A D Tower to 11 W Yates , und ! i lot
2(1 , same
H. W I'hweesyand vvlfii to II Tl'laiki
Iho lots 1 lo 11 and w .12\112 fci t lot 15
block . lots 3 aiiil4 , block H , all lu
bvveesj'Hiidd CO ,
ox- Omaha Iteal Kstatu and TinM com-
the iv to A M l.iinipheie , lot G , hlook
S.umcli'rs .V ll's Mount , Pleasant
led add
for ; M DIU ps.
IbO- William Kvvei-Hy and wife to H T
I'larke , 20 ft adjoining w sldo lot I ,
lev- hlock 3. fweosj'nmid
ildu Cathnu Neil to D J llell , loth 2 to 10 ,
cek 12 ami 14 , block 3. West l.avvn P.nk
City of Omaha lo W 1' rivviesy , 20 ft
adjoining vv sldo lots H and U , lilin-k
ort , 4 , and lot 4 , hlix-U 3 , and 10 ft nil
JoInhiK vv sldo lot H , block O.hnoesj'ij
-us- add , , , ,
Jl-8' Nelii aska Niv Inus and K.\chanii ) hank
tu P. P. ( initton , lots 1G and 17 , block
.her .
7 , North Omaha
0 A lleimott , sheiln , to J 1. llraiult ,
| Kill lota , block I , Uri-Moii 1
.ado Total uuiount of transfers i 04
Trading on the Now York Exchange Wna
Light YeHenhy ,
Miinhnttnn Wn tinOnl > IV.itnrn of Note
III theUinrntl It ill" . y 1.11 llr.tiiRrrs
Were I'lirtlnilirlystioiiR > rnr
Nn\VonK , Uee. 21. Trail 1114 on the New
Voik stock cxchingo was light lids morning ,
only 72,130 slimes ch nulns hamU , ot which
& .205 wet o unlUted. In the lltst transactions
pi Ices were generally iv fraction below those
ruling at the rlo < e josterday , lint sub eiiiienlly
a llrmer tone | iro\ tilled , dun ton disposition
on the pirt of emu of the malloi lioat to
e\iii up their trades. They did not canto go
home with contiacls on their books over the
doable holiday Manhittan w is the only
feature of note The stock opened at t3'l'3 ' '
lecedid to IflOand nihuncoil steadily to US'i ,
closing at the top tlgtiic. The enhinicement Is
the lesult ot u belief that the compinv
has but little to fear fiom the ) iiopo irt
uniluigiound mute. Auotbei leasou foi
the rist ? Is that thu I' com
mittee vv 111 MKinrcpoit a plan win ichj the com-
piny Mines will bocNtcndod and Its lexenurs
hirgoli lucie.ised. JmUo Ingialcim today de-
cldid to continue tin Injunction icsttalnlng
lln > Panama load from cutcilng Into contiacls
with tiaiispoitatlou compinlo * outside of the
I'acllle Mall t-lcamshlp lolnpany , and the
stock of the lalter ui-e from J7 to JH In the
geneial lallvvay the list of tiiaii''cis was
pitllcularlj sttongnen the clo o , iiilMiiiclug
ls to ' 4 pel cent. The Hock Island's icgubir
qnailoily dividend of 1 per cent was olllcl.illy
amioiinced and the amount Is Just what Irid
been looUed foi. Tint stienutliof speculitlon
In tin Una ) tiansactlons wns u irtlv due to thu
iine\pi'ut ( illy good h.inU stnleim lit.
The I'ost sajs : The attitude ot thu Invest-
till ! public In the pieseiice of out curicncy
entanglements Is u mallet of the highest | m-
lioitancu heciuso on this hangs neail ) thu
ulioleiiestlon ( | of a possible Clash If ovont'
should lake a sudden and unfavoiable tutu ,
It Isienssiiilng. tbeiefoie , to Uninv that tin
gieat mass of sLciulty holtlcis occiui }
an unconimoidy MiniiL' posltlnu Thr
absence of this "outside public" from
the Held of excited speculation has been
niaiUeil evet slime the sllvei question tiecami
a tliiontonliu factor In oui politics 1'.inDIM
sold our stocks as soon as It had le.uned tin
situations ami possibilities.
MooUs wcicdlstiUnited dining this scilesol
Jems among people Keneiallj able to hold
them In an emeigenc } ; people who would , as : i
Mile , hold them at a pntlclaily lowinlciv
In sonic of the bid list il il Kiouptheie had hi > i <
no iccUIess speculation since the active "win-
tei's" Ite.idlng maiKet. This explained am
Justllled the stu-ngth of the months of OiMobei
and Novemliei , despltu the appioach of tin
heay mild shipments.
The following niu thv closing iinotntlons-
the lu-idlng stocks on tins Now YoiUloc' ' { e\-
tod.u :
The total sales of stoeltod.iv vveio 72,0(1 (
shares , iiieliiilhm : AU-hlMm , 3,4(10 ( ; Itinllii ;
ton , 4,000 ;'o ( ias , 3,400 ; DNIIIIIn
4,300 ; Manh Itt.ili. 0.100 ; Noitheni I'.u-lt
mefeiied , 2,700 ; liondln , ; , lo.lOU ; St. Tail
3,800 ; biifiii,2BOO. ;
Nc Yoik .Monej Murliet.
NKVV Yimic , Dee. 2t , MOMV : o.v CAI.I/
Nominal at 1 | u-r cent.
I'niMiMi.nuANTii.r ; 1'Ai-mt G nereent.
Si i IILI.M ; IXuiiAMli. I'll in , \ \ Ith actual bus
MISS at iM.HPiC' ' 1.80 foi hlsty ilay banUei
hills and J4.87Jitf4.88 ( foi ileinanil.
' 1 lie eloslni ; qiioiations on bonds :
I'liiiiiuiill No ten.
C'irv , Slo , Dee a4. C'leaihiHs , J
I'vnis , Dee. 21. Thieo per cent , icntu * ,
Dim for lliu account.
ST I.ot'iH , Mo. , Dec 21. The .Meichaiits i
cbaiiKo vvas closed today ,
ST. Louis' , Mo. Dee -dealings , < Hr , ,
010) ) tin Inures , * r > ( )3,7Hl ) ,
NMV Voiuc , Dec. .M.-l'k'niliiirs , J124K (
831 ; halane'i-s , ,3:15,70 : .
IUl.1 IMOIIi : , Mil. , Deo.a4. CleaiIngs , 12,11
4 12s baliini-es , JJOH.Odl , Hate , G jioi cent.
00 I'lin.vni i iMil v , 1'a. , Dee. 24. Clearhi
$11'JH.GJ ; ) ! ; lialances , $1,0:10,130. : .Monuj
00 pel cent.
Cnu-MlO , 111. , Dec. 24 - rieaihigM , * 10,7 !
00 7H1 Now VoiK UNcliaiigo sold fumiGUcto
1 llosio.s.Mass. . Dec. 21. C'learhiKs , | 10n-
05H ; halaiie-es. JlH01rHO Money ( i nor ci
i\i'lHiuse ; on Now Voik , Ifjc illse'onnt to
150 Iiremlum ,
Oiniiliu I'riHliii-i ) Murliet.
100 The wieU closed with till ) inaikel full
poultry and with prleis low. Asldu fiom t
them wiiio noeiy linpoitanl fe-atuios to
Al-l'i.n fioou apph-h uio iiioted | at 13.1
4.00 ; oholcu to fancy , J4.ooa4.25.
IIVNAJ.AS Oiiotatlons aioi I'ulr to K
MilpplliX HliH'K , $2 UO'n'J.M ) ) iei hunch.
)00 ) he general inaiKot Issteadv. '
hulU of tin ) receipts sells at 143iltic , and si
select p icl.aces at 17(111)0. )
I'll vMii.iiuiisQiioiulloiis HID : Hell
ISO cheny. fS.OOpiir hhl. ; hell anil liiiglu , fU
Into Capo Cod. (10 00 , The m rivals on
nun kol aiullnlit.
UM.HIV I'linoy celery Is ilintcult to 1
Quotations iiuuoall thu way fiom 25c to
r.iiiis MaiKet steady ; bulk of the sail :
lirlKht stock , 2Jit24o.
Uvsit : Tim nun Ket does not show any v
material chunxo la values. Them
a novelty In thu marUet In
way of a black hear which found
ready pmchascr , Quotatloiihaii ) ; I'hi-ain
f5.0f , ri CiO ; pialrlu chickenfl.OOiM
KMouse , fl.Miiiull ( ; | , fl.O ( > T.1.25 ; hiilpctl
300 jack snipe , * l.a.Vi(1.50 ; plover , Jl.OO : col
plovertl.25ft 1 BOj canvas buck ducks , i
( ill ) 00 ; red head ducks , 14 00 : null
ducks , 13 6ft33.7B ; Uluo VTII teal. 2.25 ; gi
334 Mini ; teal.fl.T5 ; mlxiTl dilc-ks , tl.50t'uii ; '
gi-fse , * G.Oa7.60 ( ; jack rahblts , (1.50 ; HI
441) rubtiltu , tl.a&iiiil 50 ; bijulrrt'ls ,
nntplii < ' * nddtc , Mwi/'t ' iloor iddle .
. ,
II \ \ Tlipinntkrl vvn ovpr ilockrd nndfty
weak No I , t 7fi 7Ki So a. Ji.m )
lln.MV The inaikel.N III in Rood while
clover hone.v liclmt viiivd hi I7o
l.r.MONl hoioe , * lrxvj-faiiey. ffl 50.
M M , Ul \ ( JlU lrIW Kett. { ' ) 00
uTt.iw I'lH'InnapUni iflwaiV per can.
( ) MOSlluinesrovvu , SO'tSOi-i i ) il h , Jl.Oo
ticrotato. -ii
On vMir.s-l'ioiIdn , J1vJW3..o.
I'on.Tiiv Turkeys , s < y lees chli'Kcn" , ehuleo
4ot ( 'i-e-.o and ducks 741V.
I 'on TO -LjuotatioiH , nrt > ! lloniegrowu ,
n5 .7V : rolur.iditnnd t-IKh , a.v.
' vvii.r I'OTVTOK Ciunau Muscntlno and1
lllhioNstook f3.7rrfH.oo.iH'i bhl. .
\ i vi.-Qiiotallotisai-e ! * > iiiall nnd fill , O'iTi '
To ; laiKC utid heav > , JwiV.
Oil Murlirl.
Xi.vv YOIIK , DeeM IHTlioirtMWns
neglected j not a vlmslo * ale "ll-l lepoit'd ;
ri'J'ie ' hlil. 5J V a ked IVnnsylv-inl.i till , spot
sales , none , .liiiiuaiy options , sales , none.
Lima oil , s lies none. Total s ih-s. none.
liMiov. ) Doc at.-t'vtCiTi v l.issriti 30s
3il pei iiuailei.
i.ivi : HTOI-K
Catlle I'r.ulc I'listimlHoc * Active nnd
Oviuu , Deo. 24.The looelpts of cattle vveie
2 10 I head , atfnllist 2,701 ) osu-ulii ) , nnd 1,133
on thccoiicspiiMilhii ; day of hist week Iho
locelpls of ho.'s were nbonl 3.HOO head
ajrahist 5.SS8esteidav. . . and 7,015 head a
weokairo toilii ) SliccpaJO , iiKtilnM < > < > * jesui-
da.v and 'JJ7 a wei-K airo toilav Itioelpls tiom
, lammi > 1 to date am 730.545 cattle , 1,5')0- )
2,11 hop- , 1S)03 ( ( ) sheep. 14.0J.I hoises ami
mules.showing a s-'nln of 145.0HO cattle , a pain
of'17,035 luu-Ol Knln of 1")3O sheen , of 5Js'J
hoi-OS nnd mules as eompaied with l ll )
tviriK Iticelpls fnlilv llhenil , uiaklnc fet
the week 13,80U , ncalnM 1097'l last week.
Then-vvas a fall-s/ed | suppl ) of good hi eves
and tiade was fa lily nothe althiiuitli pilcis
vveie mil moio than steadv with jesteida ) s
close , and In man ) cases vveio lowoi
Yesleiday's Inlo maiket vvas all of fiom
5o lo lllc lower than the uncnlng and
the mat ket opened this moi nlnu ahout si inly
with ) esteida'selo i. Theiovas u fall -up-
pi ) of cattlenood cnouitli to sell at ? 1.00 and
ahovo on sale and on these mades the demand
vvas good anil trade fahl ) nollve , hut on tin )
common to fall cattle bids vveie lOc lo
Ifio low01 and business veiy sh > w until
liefmi ) the clo e a coed cleai .nice was ellei led ,
althoiuh the mai ket weakened as the d i ) ad *
vane-oil Heeelpls of cows and helfois woie ,
ahout foil ) load * . Including some veiy choice
stull. An ) thlti ! ! fiinc ) btoiiKht close to slc'idy
( lames , but the ci-ueial mai kot was all
ado lower and slow at the decline , llujeis
wen-not inbuilt and salesmen ihouuht Ihoilo-
cllni- too , still on account of Its behitf
Sitnid.iy the pens weie piett ) well ole.ned
lltmlly , hut theio vvas no Impiilvomeiit lu
pilot's Thoio was the usii il Satuidas dullness
In Iho feeder maiket as far as outside huyeis
vveie ooiii'crnc'd , but speciilatois vveie fiee fnllv steady pi Ices and coiisldoiahlu
business was done , Itepiosoiitatlvc sales :
STU lt .
No. Av. I'l. No. Av. 1'r.
1 . H50 3 00 30 lid I 3 85
45 . . . Od'J 3 15 31 1J37 3 DO
1 . . . . 020 3 20 1(1 ( 1133 3 00
_ _ _ _ _ . I 05
3 . . 1033 3 25 3 . . . .115(1 ( 4 10
5 . . . .12JI 325 1 ! ) 1135 111) )
4 20
4 1085 3 35 51 . 12,11) ) 4 20
0 . . 10.1,1 340 1H 1251 420
3 . 1(150 ( 3 50 18 . 101.1 4 20
I 25
4 25
1 25
21 . ; ; ; o5o 3 55 ui. ; ; 1250 4 30
42 . . . O'JO 3 ( , ( ) 18 . . .1211 435
25 . .1150 305 ,18 . . . .1322 440
3' ) 105.1 3 05 * 20 .13.11 4T0 !
10 .1151 375 ' , 01 . . 137H 400
17 . . . .1114 080 M 32 . . . .1500 500
1 . . . . 000 1 25 r 1 101O 2 15
1 . . . 810 1 25 1'J . . UOJ 2 20
It . . . . 8SO 1 40 19 . . IDS' ) 2 20
1 . . . . 81,0 1 50 15 . . . 8H5 2 20
1 . . . . 820 1 50 17 018 2 20
7 . . . 024 1 50 - 1 . . . .1210 225
2 . . . .1O10 150 5 ( > 20 225
3 040 1 70 1 . . . . ! )40 ) 2 25
1 1110 1 75 11 872 2 25
2 25
2 25
2 25
1 1070 1 75 20 . . 80S 2 25
1 . . .030 1 75 i 3 . . . .1053 2 25
3 . 1 Drill 1 75 1 . 1130 2 25
1 . .1000 1 75 17 . .1(107 ( 2 30
1 .1140 1 80 18 . . .1008 2 30
1 . 1110 1 HO ' - 8 . . . HOI 2 30
11 . . . . 85H 180 15 . . . . 018 230
13 8'18 1 81 ui 0 . . . . 070 2 35
2 35
2 35
5i ( ; . ; 7 i8 i bo ' , ' 17. ; ; ; ; ; osa 2-10
10 . . 810 1 00 ' 2 10.10 2 40
2 40
4 " . " . " 950 i no iH ; ; ; "iido 245
21 . . . 072 1 95 1 . . . .10)0 2 5O
3 .1010 2 00 4 . . . 1015 2 5O
2 . . 870 2 00 0 . . . 82G 2 50
1 . .1200 200 2 . . . . 835 250
1 . . Hdl ) 2 DO 10 . . . . OH1 2 50
1 .1O10 200 2 . . . .1115 250
1 . .1050 2 00 5 . . . . 808 2 85
J.I . . hOJ 2 ( )5 ) 20 . . . .1182 300
25 . 780 2 10 4 . . . .1080 3 (10 (
27 . . . 8,7 ( 2 10 1 1100 3 00
15 . 9.11 2 K ) 0 . . ' )72 ) 3 15
20 . 850 215 lUiiJUilUSa. 330
1 . 380 2 00 1 410 2 50
1 . 510 1 25 2 . 1200 2 15
1 . 1340 1 li" 1. ! ( > ( > ( ) 2 15
1 . . . .1100 1 75 1 . . 1430 2 15
1 1000 1 75 1 . . .1300 2 20
1 . . .1010 1 75 1 . . 1200 2 25
1 . . 1340 1 ! )0 2 . . . 1030 2 40
1 1240 1 90 1 . . 1280 2 50
1 .1340 1 90 1. . . . 173(1 2 75
1 . 1270 1 90 1 1I8 ( ) 2 75
4 . 1105 1 95 1 . 1730 285
1 . .1320 2 DO 1 . . 1750 3 UO
< j 1 280 1 dO 1 100 400
4 . . 195 1 75 1 150 4 5O
2 . 210 1 75 2 . . . . 125 1 50
12 . . . 35t 2 35 1 . . . . 17O 4 75
1 > . 00 3 ( IO 2 12O 4 75
1 . . . 100 3 00 1 150 4 75
1 . . . 200 300 a 185 500
4 . . . 135 3 75 1 120 5 0(1 (
1 230 3 75 1 . . . . 120 5 00
il 1 . . . . Idl ) 4 00 1 . . 110 5 00
7 . . 021 2 10 8 * . . . 083 2 75
" 1O.15 2 25 1 . . ' . 810 2 80
1 . . . 1,00 2 25 9 . . . . 707 28U
2 85
2 0(1 (
o. : : dim 205 ( i ; ; ; ; 923 2011
5 . . 708 2 75 10 . 778 2 0J !
4 . . 837 2 75 23 . . . 1070 3 01 !
( .50 ' 2 75 1 OJO 3 OC
H5G 2 75
lions Thu vvcuk closes with llKht ieoeli |
hut the quality vvas pretty iioud. Trade vv
actlvo fiom Iho stint with thu maiki't Bio' '
InnstioiiKci as the d.ty advanced followed I
a weak close.
lloth local liuj eis aml < hhlppois vveio In tl
i maikot he-sides which theio wassomo spcciil
i tlvo trade , l.lubt ncelpts made compiitllli
shaip on anything Imttci than common UK
stull and pilces i nleil stioiu ; fiom I lie stai t ,
man ) oasts an iidv.inci ) of lie beliiK
UO S sold at f2' ( ) ' , , , and iiille | a iininlier
L'lHid loads at ( li.lll , whllo mlxeil ho.'s M ;
laiiiely at { ( > 30 to JD ( ! ) , with a few at * G ! I7
aiiileoiiiiiiim lluht and llK'ht-inUed holts din
siui : I'-Itecelpts VVOID llKht. only two lo
HID I of natlvi ) evvos , ooinfid. Thu demand '
a Kood and thu pi U-u paid , $4.25 , connldo
its , i itood Cholcii muttons , J,5K65.O ( ( ) ; fair
50 ; | L'lHid , tJ.OK < 13.5O ; common and fi oder , $ J , (
DO ; i 3.25 ; laiiilh.t l.OOJi.0 00. Uepiooeiitatlvn kill
' " l No A * . I1
.00 'j''oiiatlvoc'vvis . . 01 f4 ' .
iiill Perfect action and | K-rle health res
fill from the us > ouf D jWitfi , Little Early Hisi
25 ; I A perfect little pill.
Echoes of the Lodge Room That Beach the
Outer World ,
I'niti'rnnl t.ovc Hint lfclp < the \Vorldnnd
U Not Kunvvii si\e ; to the Oiirt Must
AidedSunn , ( ; tirl < tiiii > < i
Itrllci tlonsi
On this Clnlslnmsmoiulug , when the \ery
ntmo'plicro is lllled with lovoand lojolclue.
the noble work of the fratcinal secret soci
eties should not he ovcilooked If the many
hind deeds and woithy motives could ho
baied to the public g.ue , a picture such as
no pen can describe would meet the \lsion ,
and forcner bo photographed upon the
Omaha is a i Itj of fraternal secret soci
eties Theme ns numerous as their deeds
of elmilty and kindnesses ate noble and
worthy. Manv a homo will he made
blighter and moio comfoitable today by
tcMson of thochuiitublo m'ts of somololgo
or society. Many n childish he.u t will leap
with joy on this Clnlstmas day when old
Saint Kick has been lemlnded by a woithy
lodge member that In a destitute home there
me children whose hearts a piesoiit would
gladden. M nn n family larder w.i- * replen
ished last night by the committees of the
seciet soileties , that are oxer watchful and
ready to bestow a kindness when needed and
Perhaps ycslentay a v\idovved mother with
several young children dopi'mllng upon her
for food and the necessities of life was rackIng -
Ing li'jr brain to disiover a mc.ins ofha\lug
a Christmas for her loved ones , and e\en
uttered a pi.iyer to Him on high to assist
her in the hour of datknots , Suehpiayeis
never go unanswered And the cases me
\erv numerous wheie the \lsitiug angel has
been u member of some seciet soviety The
piayoris answcied , and with toys for tlio
little ouej. and m my good things to cat Is it
smpitting that in family theio aie
light bcaits eno\ing | the S.nior's blith and
that the woild seems hotterand life blighter
to thcmf
i The mobt exemplary deeds of kindness are
pel formed when a brother member Is ill erin
in need of assistance The bmlheih love of
the secret society is the tie that binds men
together , and it is not easily broken In
these times of general good cheer the un
fortunate brother is kindly romoinbcied and
it is in such cases that the beauties of the
frateinlty aie best exhibited mid reali/ed
Today the whole w01 Id is hinging pi.iises
Ami w bile thus engaged it would bo more
appioprlato If theie was a little relenting in
some hearts that have been as stone lovvuid
the fratcinal secret society , which is one ol
the noblest ci cations of this age.
ly tliliin slslellimid.
ThoPythian Sisteihood has not gained s\ \
\cry strong foothold hi Nebraska us yet , bul
theie is a futuic for all things , and this commendable
mendablo of the Knights of Vyth
ias w ill grow and njvv temples will be Insti
tuted In many Nebraska cities and towns ,
until the older is stiong mimciic.illy am
equally substantial in faith mid inteicst.
At the piescut time theie is but one tern
pie of the Pythian Slsteihood ii
Xcbiaska , and that is tern
pie No 1 , at South Omaha. Ul
I Ian temple \vns founded nearly two yeai1
ngo and its inenibeiship is composed ot tin
wives and daughters of the members of tin
Knightb of Pythias. The ladles si em to taki
a very active intciest in the affairs of tin
sisterhood and look with the sami
feeling for lodge afteinoon as do the bus
bauds and fatliois to lodge night. The lodgi
is a most excellent one and serves to nccom
Irtish many a good pmi > osu. It is withou
a rival as an agency for cementing fiiend
ship and iiervading the feininino hearts will
feelings of sisterly love and esteem , whicl
no\or Jails in the hour of need lor assistance
and comloit. Itbiings into moio fticmll ;
iclitions the wives and daughteis of tb
husbands and fatbeis who mo memheis o
the paient body , and cie.ites ties ol fiieiul
ship anil lo\o between families.
At a icceut meeting of Lilli in temple th
annual election of olllceis occuucd. Th
icports for the year showed the older to b
in a llouiishing condition , and its giowtl
has been very cncoui aging. Tbo olllcei
elected uie as follows : Most excellent chicl
Mis. S. W. Laur ; most excellent senioi
Mis. Mary Kohlnsnn ; most excellent jmiloi
Mis. Elma Hanson ; manager of tbo tcmpli
Mis. 13. .1. Hedges ; mistress of icconls an
coiiespomleuce , Mis Hermance Steams
misliess of linance. Mis F. H. H.iiper ; pn
tector of temple , Mis K V. Hatcher ; guai
of outer temple , Mrs. Frances Spouttci
past i hief , Mrs. II. M. Collins , tiustcu. Mr
H. M. Collins.
The members nro auanging for a publ
installation of the olllcois at the lirstiugul.
meeting in .lanuar.y In addition to the n
stallation ceiemonies theie vvill be prop.iu
foi the occasion a piogr.un of literary ar
musical numbers that will boeiy enteitaii
nm of itself.
I' ) till IS.
The mombeib of Heave-r City lodge h.n
chosen the follow laconic-orb for thu eomii
tc-iiu : 1'ast c-baiicellor , C S Amleiboi
cliiiiiec'llor commander , A U. Ilelmer ; vli
cli.incc.llor , A. Guy ; pi elate , I-1 N Mervvii
keeper of ic-eoids and seals , \V A. Kelso ;
m.ibtcrof iinauce , D. H McClelland ; in.isti
of exchequer , Win. M.ibon , mabter-at-aim
H. M , Shull.
Lotus lodge , No. 0"i \Va\no , re-elect (
all of its oflh i Tuesd.i.y ev unlng for the e
suliit ( year Their positions and names ar
Chancellor commander , W. E. Hovvaul ; vli
chaucello , ' , W. II. ; pi elateF . ,
Dcnrboin ; master-at-arms , W. Iv. Heiste
master of exchequer. Ii. A. Kills ; keeper
ic-ioids and bc-.ils , W. C White-man. Tl
installation e-un-mouies will take place
the next legularmcetiiiij.
The membeit of Hushvlllo ledge ha
elected the. follow ing olllcei sand will pu
llcly install them : Chancellor lommamli
W H. Vlsney ; ice elfanc-ellor , .1. U ,
prelate , J. II { { .iinsbcrgor ; master of c
chequer , J. L Alaishall ; master of linani
H. ,1. Htanchlleld ; keeper of iceoids ai
seals , .lames Alexander : mastor-at-ainib , .
'Iho Knights'Swoid and Heltnot of Fc
Madison , la. , pajs the following cnmpllinc
to n Nc-hiabka Knight : "Colonel W.
Dale of Columbus vvas elected grand ch.i
cellor of the Older of ICui hts of I'.Mhl is
Nebraska nt Itsioient susslon The sai
was a lltthiK coinpllment to a uoit
hiother , ho lie-In 0110 of thu most active a
c-nicic-nl meinbc-1 s of the oiderof that gia
Jmlbdlotion , and we-pi edict that when 1
term of olllco closes theio will bo no ro rifer
for bib h.uiiiK been placed lu that high n
honorablu pobitlon , and that ho will pin
hlnibc-lf etllclent , and that thu order In tl :
btato will bocr.v in.itoiiallj incic-abcd , be
n lodges and mcmboiship "
Kojal Airli MIIKIIIIH.
The annual election of In
Tuesday u\enlne ; by Helluviiooliapterand
suited as followslll 'b inlest , D.uid O'J
Kvvan ; kin ; , ' , Samuel .1. liodc-n ; soil
Merw In H. Howe ; treasurer , .Michael I'.i
becretarv , J. H , Htaffoid.
Thuonicc-i.sof Palmer chapter of Will
Installed for tlio ensuing jear are : A.
Hudson , hlKh priest ; Charle-H Whlppli ) , kli
H , 1' . OJc-ib , scilbo ; .1. H Grimm , captain
the hosts ; 1' K. Uodson , principal sojouiu
J. > \ Kailoupka , royal arch captain ; J.
Mattlatt , captain of the thlid vull .1.
Ilirlj' , captain of the second veil ; Fi '
Kaloupka , captain of thu Hint veil ; I1 ,
Khabbatt , trcasuter ; F , J. SaKclick , bei
taiy ; T. J Taj lor , bcniinol The Installat
ocui cd on the evening of December ,
The Mabonio Tumplo craft of Fit-moat'
elected olllcers and dlicctois as follow b ,
be-no during the c-nsnlng jear.
I h. M Kc-one , prcblde-nt , Fried , A
d | pie-bident ; A. Tniesdisll , bccuitarj ; W
as Thomab , tic-asurer , W H Milliner , U
ed Hloluudb and K. Kchurmau , dlroctois ,
' to The nftaiib of the. 01 aft vveio shown to
In a ptospoioub condition , and avery MI
factuij mluctionof the building debt
been iiiadu.
lit Independent Order I.odd Tcmplm-i ,
The dlstilct convention of the ludepc
cut Older of Good Templan > was
liHd nt Illalr The allondanco was satis |
factory mid the session productlu' of imicli i
good to the members 'I ho memoirs of the
lllnlr ledge entortalnoil the Malting dele
gates In stylo. At rt o'lhvVc In the i
cuing they < orvod supper to the guests mid
dispensed genuine hospitality
At S o'clock the contention was called to
order In the lllnlr ledge n > ems hv Chief Tem-
plnrVnnlUitenufOmnha Thoe\eulmt- < pro
gram nffoi-iled euteitnlnment if a hhih char
acter for those present , and conslstiHl of
"ongt , esi.ivs mid uvltatlonsand an address
by the chief templar
Iho follow Imrollleors were present : CJrand
chief templar.V. . \V \ Vint Huron , Omnha :
dlstilct chief lomilar. | Theu-ni Shock ,
Omaha ; dlitilct secretary , l.eo Porhv ,
tinaha ; district superliitendeut of the
jiuenllo templars , Mis Forby , Onmlm : ills-
trlct marshal , Mr Plannagau , Craig ; grand
\lco templar , Mrs Cooley , Lincoln.
Am lent Order il fulled WnrluiH'ii.
The follow Imj ofllccrs lia\e been elected by
Lincoln lodg . No ( i Master woikmau ,
.1. H. Naden ; foreman , \V O rietcher ; over
seer. .1. H Fawell ; iccorderValtcr Itogo ;
llnanelor , r W llartruft ; ivcelxer , A D
( Julio : guide , C. 11 Honrdluo , Inner war
den , C. Fredei Icksou ; outer .warden ,
Ooorgo H Fowler ; trustees T P llanlsou ,
D U. Ulllbildgo , W Q Hell
. ( 'onconlla lodgo. No I'd , of Lincoln has
Tlected the following ofllcers for the ensuing
year Master wotkmnu. Nicholas- Host ;
foi email , William Kiauso : overseer , William
tiollnr : recorder , Henrv Sihanl : lluamlcr ,
.1 C Woempcner , iccelvor , H II Meyer ;
iiildo , Ktust Paeton ; Inner warden , John
initnor ; outer warden , lioorgo Voglor ;
nedlcal examiner , lr Klscr ; trustee , A
Omaha lodge No IS Is prop.iiing an cuter-
alnment for Its members , to bo given after
ho holiday s , w hich will excel any of those
hen In the past This ledge has some
oed talent , and can get up an entertainment
oiondtonono At the expiration of the
oar No. Ib will vacate Its proton l qunitors
11 the llnrkor block and will move Into Its
evv lodge loom In the Patterson block.
, 'hursday evening thoouloers for t he ensuing
ci in will he elected , and n full turnout of
iicmbcit isdeslicd , as several mattcis of
inpot tnnce w ill come up.
Anchor lodge No. Ul is one of the best
jdiros in the state , and is alvvuvs pnnldlug
lOine moans of enteitaiumont for its mem-
IMS The ledge will give a social cnter-
alnmonl on the evening of January 1Tho
'ollowIng olllceis were iccentU elected , and
ivlll bo Installed Thursday evening January
12 1) C Work , master workman ; F I ! .
slmmons , fmemau , W A Schell , overseer ;
5 M Hrovvn. leconliug Secretary ; C N.
million , llnanelor , S D Atkins , rccoider ;
. ' r Skeed , guard ; John John , inner
ivardcn.i : A Pulley , outer waideu ; S D
Adkins , trustee ; Uts F L Uieedaud P A
Maish , medical oxamlneit.
Led Cloud ledge No W ) elected the follow
ing olllceis for the ensulpg vear : Master L Kllorniau : , J , A. MeFar-
lantt ; overseer , AVilllam Parkes ; recorder ,
,1. \VihoxieceiverC ; F Cather ; linan-
lier , II. H Pond ; guide , II. S Mauicr ; Inner
wanlen , T Wilson , outer warden , 12. W
Kamcs , trustee , F. V Taylor.
Modern \Vnmlmen ot Amerlia.
Omaha camp No. 1'JO continues to sot the
pace. Wednesday night tlih teen new mem-
: ) crs wcie elected , incie.islng the member
ship to ! l"l , and making the camp the
laigest In point of membeiship in the entire
Jmisdiction. The camp selected a com
mittee to icvise the local bylaws and have
them piintcd with the fundamental laws.
iVmithcr committee was appointed to pie- and publish u roster of the camp mem-
beiship. Wedncbdav moiling of next , week election of camp olllceis ,
and the piescneo of each neighbor is
e.iuiestlv desired , as other important busi
ness w ill come up lor transaction.
Normal camp No 'J."i"of Fremont hn
elected the follow Ing olllcers for the ensu
Ingyear. Venerable consul , H J. Paasch ,
worthy adviser , H F French ; eminent
banker , J. V. N. Hiles ; cleik , K D Percy
escoit , D M. Allen ; camp physician , Ira 11
Atkinson ; watchman , W. C. Peteisnn ; sen
try , A. C Illlcimood ; in inagers. U 13. Put
imm.U. D. Kelly , W. J. Yost.
Nebraska City camp No. : i.l ! is in a very
prosperous comiition ami the annual election
of ofllceis lesulted as follows : M. C. Berry
venerable consul ; Willtun Hiovvcr , woithj
adviser ; Ueorge W. Hawke , banker : H , M
lioydson , clerk ; A H H.u\ey , escoit ; N
Cuitis , watchman , ,1. W Staple-ton , sentry
trustees , H P Hg.iii , J. M Gilchiist , C. W
Waleis. Delegate to the state meeting o
camps , II. il lUiydsou. The olllceis will hi
publicly installed Tuesday evening , January
,1 , and an elegant banquet will be served b ;
the lodne after the ceiemonies.
Myrtle camp of Genoa iccently elected tin
fallowing olllceisC. . W. lluflnmnenei ,
able commander.I ; ill. Hicks , woithy ail
visor ; L. G. Fleshcr , banker ; F. D. Gooil
win. clerk ; J. I. . O'Donuell , ensign ; Wlllnii :
Hiclcey , watch ; B. F. Lamb , bc-utincl ; N. A
Wjlliams , delegate ; W. K. Kennedy , altei
Itojnl l.i > iiKiii < I'luly.
Omaha Counc-il No U"of the Koyal Ix-agu
g.uo their second party ot the season a
their commodious ijuaiteis in the Com
ncntal building on Tuesday evening , De-eon
her'JO. The gieater pin of the evening wa
given up to dm < ing , and all pit-sent seemc
to be in a spirit to thoioughly enjoy i
Those who could not llnd loom lor dancin the c.nd tables ,
bowl of delicious punch and icucicamau
cake lutnlshod by Ualduff added much to tl
eomfoi t and pleasuio of the evening Amen
those incsunt were Mr. and Mrs Jnnu
Phillips , Mr. and Mis C.ul Dunmiic , M
and Mis John White , Mr and Mis Clai
Foisytli , Mr and Mis. Leio\ Hough , M
and Mis J. D. Conghlin , Mr and Ml
Ciowell , Miss Stone , Miss Sadie Stone , Mil
Gyger , Miss Blambaid , Miss ICsmoml , Mi1
Mary Jsmoiu ] , Miss Johns , Miss Jonase
and Me-ssis I'aul Foisy th , 1M Coughlin , N !
Phillips , Allen P. Kly , Daniel Cameion , D
Stone. J C. Patton , A U. bmith , Mr. Cro
and Chailes Foisyth.
Slur ami Cn-sieiit.
The annual meeting of Umiglur temp
Nobles ol the Mystic blirine , was held Fief
lay evening in the commander loom of tl
Masonic temple , upwards of llftj' uiembe
> ulng pi esent. liciouler Winning , lama
ng his annual icport aiinouiii ed that tl
.eiaplc had a nioinbcislilii ol : ibii , one h nil
died during the year , Noble Hugh O. Clai
nnd three ( ( emitted , The election of otllee
icsulted as follows1
Potentate , Henry C. Akin ; ihlefrabba
L M Anderson ; assistant i abbin , IMg
Allen ; high pi lest , .lames Ollbeit ; oilont
{ tilde , Frank Fit/pitrlck : troahiuer , ' .lain
i Franco ; ic-coidor , F K Winnlng.i
t Kepicsentatlves to Imperial council will
it moots in Cincinnati Juno 111 and M. Hen
3.i . Akin , Kobe-it E Fieuli and JudgeW
i)1 .Straw n.
)1 ) After thu termination of the woik pleasa
10.y refreshments weio served In the comlsto
, y room , toasts woiodrauU. and Tangier's jc
id closed with billliaiu.v.
is Am lent anil An epled Seiilllill Illle of I'r
ts Oniceis elected b.\ \ Omaha ( Iraud couni
1(1 ( of Kadosh are as follows Wendell P C (
i It 111 , commander , Walton K. Uurllngln , I
.11 lltst lluutenaiitcommaudor , Ralph W Ilrei
bc-eoud lleulumint commaudi
James Cllll , M of A H , G O. ; Thomas
Caiuy , Ki' ' " " ' I'hancellor ; Adoljih Mej
tieabiirerj Henr.v C Harion , hec'ic-tiiry
S and A Those ) appointed aio au follov
Thomas 11 Todhunter. M ofO , S. D M
rt-r , engineer nnd ati'hlteet ; Joseph Men
L ho.uer : Mc-lvillo U llopewell. nospltnll
H N Linuuiu , U. of C ! . ; Ii 1' . Cioodmi
The fourth and fifth di'Bii-es weio c
feirc-d Tuesdaj uvenlnt ; hy .Mount Moil
of lodguof peife'ctlon No. ! i , Temper Pldi
clmiiter No 1 , ICnixhts lioso Crolx ,
Aiiiiiou.s 1'ietoptory No. I , ICnl hts Kudo
F. Xc-cldenliil ) coimlstory No 1 , M. K S.
V. Knight * < > l lloniir.
eun Fremont led o No bf > V , .it the last
un mc-utlni , ' , hflcotoil thu following olllc'e
Director , ' 1J. A I'uterhon ; vleo dliei tor ,
WaldoVintoisteeiij nsslstant dliec-t
as William H. Alead ; rcHfter | , U. F llur
to trcabtiier , C. J. ChuhhucU ; llnanclal ICMJI | I
T. Frahm ; chaplain , G W. D. Huymil
KUido. W If. HaMsn , sentinel , n U UHI !
lee guardian , J. U. Cluland ; liustcoV. .
looU. Hiivc-n.
U. Cluland , Huun and Ueynolda w appointed cointnitteo on icsoluiions on
bois death of Brother VV H. Hunter.
iaf > I'riiti-rnal I'rotec turn.
ThU orKiinliutlon i buctuhiK a foothold
the Htato of a very substantial nature , i
id which augers well for its future grow th :
prosperity , The latest local org.inlial
uni hiitlluteil nt Ucd Cloud Tliursdnj' oven *
Inp , Deeemhef 15 , nud It will ho known nil
VnlUhxlje' ) The charter membership
reiK'hi'd VM-nlv cljjht The follow IIIR oHH
eenweiveleetod W C A HUrnj'-V.
W O. Mr * M. A Miller ; trenvircr.I WJ
\\unvns tvoonler , Mr * I.liln Smith , W C5.
Heoive' W Mrl'nllV ; P , Trunk Nelson ;
W (5.lohnSalndln , W S M A Ftshor ;
trustees , K L Alie , , .1. C Wnnicr , Mrs4
l.ojal MN | | O l.eqliin of .Vinorlcn.
J H. D.mtell Instituted n i-ounulloftho
M.vstle U'slon nt Wood Hlvor Friday oven-
tnti Docemher 10. The dint-tor membership
nt the first meeting numhin-ed tweutv thrco ,
and the lH > oVts will ho kept open for thirty
W O 1' . ( "hallo Hoppell ; W. T. .1. A.
Konnds.W C K , W A Mel.ean ; F A. , W.
K Warren , P I. .1 , T Northup , F. .1. , Hi
The1 members of the Ked Clovd eounell
have selefted the follow Invr o.v.eei-s. W , C ,
Charles Si-lmlllnlt , W V. f , Oorno 1J. Mo-
I'-UI ; W. S. L M. C.irhlllW ; T , , W. K.
Hoh.v ; W. 1 , Kobe-it Potter.
t'riili-rtiiil Alii . \ ( ic liitluii ,
Queen I'lty eouneU No ( \ , of Ue.iti lee , hail
a very Interest hut s-osaiou nt the last regular
meetlni ; OeneiMl PivsMent Him W. T.
Walker of Wellington , Kan , and General IXamluer lr L llorner of Law-
reuee. ICau , woie present and o.u-h dellverwl
.in Intelestlui ; addie'ss
The following ollleets weie eleeteMl for tlib
ensuluir.vear Pivsldeiit G H lluitonjvleo
mesldent , H S Wimdwoith : seoiotary , J.
it C'ralir , tu-asurer. P P Wilt ; chaplain ,
Mrs Dora 1 } Nelson ; examiners ,
Dis ll.itcs. Hauls ami Grahe ; nilde. K , It ,
Itoss. observer. J .1. Hill ; sentinel. T. .1.
1-i-ed.v ; lepresent.ithe' to council , It.
W. Lallln '
Alliuir ( losxlp of the Auto Ituomi ,
Monda.v evening. Jantnry ! i , the members
of the < National Piilou will Install thu novvly
eleeted ofllcors at Iho led o rooms In THU
HIT bulldlnjr
Thirti-llve applications for meinherahlp
will ho consldeied bv Ilespeii in eue.imi > -
ment Imlepemleut Order ol Odd FollmfH ut
the ne\t re'KUlar meetiuj ; .
The members of General Gooruo A. Creole
e-anip , No I , Sous of Veterans , ontot tamed
their friends Tuesdav o\o.iiujr at the hall ,
till Noith Fifteenth street. Thu lU'oifrtitu
for the evening was dam-lii ( ; .
The membeisof Iho Independent Orderot
Odd Fellows ol Mel'oolv will publicly Install
their olllcois Qid.ij cnc-ulm : , January U ! . A
bamiuet will be served , and it Is expected to
mahe the affair one of the ploasantost of the
Kuo\ All council , No 1-IW , Koyal Arcanum ,
of South Omaha , will publicly Install the
oniooi s-eloct Tuesday evening , January 8 ,
and au Imitation is ovtended to the Omaha
and Council Hluffs councils to bo pio'cut.
The Ancient Order of United \Vorkmcii
is oxpeilencimr a rapid Kwvvth In Nebraska ,
and plantlnn new lodges all o\or the fortllo
praliios of the commonwealth. During the
jueseiit jear the mcmbcrshti ) roll shows U
netgain of-1,111 lu the state.
Tlio Fremont Turn\orlon has elected the
followiiijT olllceis. Picsldcnt , John Dcrn ;
v ice-pi esiileut , G C Kerkovv ; secretary. C.
I'1 W Paul ; lluaiiei il seciotary , A. Mcistcr ;
tieasury , John F. llaman ; tiubtecs , H. Mat
ter , Gcoige F. Ixwsohon , ClausC. I'lanibcck.
1'i thlan he uhiuarters h.ivo hcen arranged
for in Chicago duiiug the WoiId's ' fair. A
largo structure at Iho not thwest corner ot
How en and St. Lawrence avenues has been
given the name of "Tho Damon , " nnd hero
the headquarters will bo established upoif
loeommemlation of the supreme officers.
Life lodgCj No. ir > 0 , Independent
Older of Good Templ.usof thiscity , is cujoj'-
hiR an era of prosperity and the members are
gieatly Interested iiitho work and success of
the order. Thuisday evening the ledge
looms , at Tvvent.v-llfth avenue and Cuming
street , weio lllled w ith a merry throng of
.voting people , who wijio there to participate
m the festivities , which consisted of n Christ
mas tice social.
Tuesday o\cuing the members of Omaha
Council , No. ( n , Koyal League , gavo.
ouo of their delightful patties in
the ledge looms in the Continental
block. ' 1 ho party was the second one of the
jear and as thoioughly eujovablo as former
events of this character. The invitations irfj
sued were accepted almost without excep
tion , and a large number of ladies and gen
tlemen passed a very delightful evening.
Ignorance ot the merits ol DoWitt's Little
Early Kiseisis a misfortune. These littlp
pills rcguhito the liver , uuio headache , dys
pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious *
CiHtl > .vlssef.
Philadelphia , Call : A Missiohiisott : :
woman sues u man for $1.000 because ho
kissed her. The jury iravo her $25 ,
This is plnclng thotarill p.any nigh ,
hut wo slroulel expect to pay denrly foi ?
Minneapolis Jourtm1 : A correspond
ent semis tbo item of new * thnt n , Nortli
Dakota , jjlrl liiis sued the Northern
J'aoilio Hniltoad company for $1)0,000 )
iliiina rort on the nllc atioii that n br.ike-
inan tried to UIBS lior while , uho wna
travoliiij ( over the road. That's noth
ing. 1C the brakoiunn had sued the
company for $ ! iOOOI ) dainnyes hecatiso
the ( jii-1 tried to kiss him it might have
been rather startling. Why should
these things always lo so ono-sideilV
cMinnciipolis Timoa : A Now Vorlc
woman lias left hothusbiuul hccduso ho
tried to kiss her Or. moro correctly
spoalcing , bccaiibo ho did not euceood.
= .
ri J : Rheumatism ,
fe Chronic ,
Nervous nr
Dr. Searles & Searles
DR F. L. SEARUES. Oonsiiltlni J'hyal-
c I it n. ( ir'diiiiT"of ICmli Modloal Colloxu.
Consultation Free.
I or tlio TrcutniL-nt of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases
. MAI.I' AM ) KI'.MAI.K ,
'I' '
r ; l-II.KS , HHIIJLA , I IHSUIIi : , pennnnontljr cured
n , without tlio IIBU of knife , Ucntiiro or cauntlo
All iniladcn ! of n prlvntu or delicate nature , of
uill eltlii-i hoi , punitive/ ! cured
( all un or iulilrei.8 , with t > tnni | > for Circular * , lrrc
Houk anil ItnliiC's ,
ith ' " 8 islh street
, nr donrlnci'V vnnrino ,
Ul. OGQIIGS 0 uUUllUO , Omntnt , Xult
( xt Dunr to I'nttntllce ,
s IlLlI UU O.viul all tli ) train or
e , tiininniir Ilit-ni In men ( JlilCKI.Y mil 1'KUMA.
n , lilruii toovi-rr turlof tlia ho4)T. ) I vrlll teinl do-
H , curtly | ic uj ) niii ; ! lu unr'kjlloror Ilia nroiorlp-
Hull tluiti nroil inn of tlinno trujului. M\tn * , L. I
A IIUADIiCY 11111 1 : l.'ufl.l ( , t It'll.
stix lilinlileiV MertliiB Union l.uiul Coin *
1U j > .iiiy.
he Nollcu Is horuhy clvun ( Inn thu annual
mcatliu of tlniKlouldiolduraof the Union l < ruid
L'Oiiip-iny , for thu oluctlon ( it flvu dlrin-toru niid
ii u i1 1 1 otiier hiiMliiima as may nronur y coniu be *
fore thu inuDtlni , will tiu hold nt thuolllcoof
inml John M Thiirvton , Union I'uultlu ljiilldln . In
ml tin ) oily of Oinah i , Nuh. , upon Monday , lha
mlml Oth duy of Juuuury. Ix'tl ' , Ht Uo'ulueU n. m.
AliMIUMt ; , Bocrutury ,
Ion I ) cccrubur 15 , IfcW.