Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1892, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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Montana's Lady Lawyer the Recipient of a
Dalngo of Propoiils.
Jlc forms Mrnnclnj : Sin trlmnny Nut PI ! Work-
CM In U'liimn'HVorlil Cmlnme
nnil Olil I.nln
Miss Klla Kuowlos , the pouiUixr young
li\dy lawyer who tinrrowlyoscapoil bolnj ;
elected attorney gonornl of Montana , nt
Iholnlo olcollon , has received bushels
of loiters from ll parts of Iho country
nml on every Imaginable subject. It
waitxtllMt thought thnt Miss Ivtiowloa
was elected , mid the statoniont that she
win elected found apioo in almost nil
ousturn papora. Ever siuoo then Miss
Kuowlos has boon forc-id to consutno
many hours onch day in perusing her
voluminous correspondence. botno of
'tho letters are merely letters of con-
prnlulalton from hlh-inliidod { women
in vivrloua parts of the country and tnou
. in favor of women's BUlTr.itro. But a
largo portion of the loiters nro
from mon who want to marry
her. It IB safe to say that no woman
wns ever honored by so many of-
lors of muri'lairo ns Miss Knowlos has
received In the past live \vuelt9. Most
of the mon nro willing to mnrry lior tin-
night nnd un&ocn. Hut n Dubucjuo man ,
in n very complimentary letter , which
only hints at matrimony , propoaos that
they exchange photographs.
A dried up professor in an eastern
college , who puts ljh. 1) . after hla
iittmo , wants to marry Mis * Knowlos ,
nnd will show up in Helena for that
purpose ns soon as the fall term of college -
logo is over , provided a favorable an-
fiwor Is received. Ho thinlcs it would
ho nice to bo married on Christmas
ove. and he hopes Miss Knowlcs will
uao her Inlluonco to secure him a posi
tion in the Helena schools , so that ho
can do his share towards the expenses of
housekeeping. .
Ono of the nnplicnnU Is from Rutto.
Others are from Denver , Odcn , Pocatello -
tollo , Omaha , Grass VnHoy , Kcokuk , La
, Crosse , Memphis and Troy , N. Y.
In the long and brilliant line of Amer
ican liturary women there will always
stand out very prominently two women
of the name of Eli/.aboth Stuart
Pholps. The llrst waa born in Andover
nearly seventy years ago , and died at
the ago of ! J7. Ho ; dmightor , upon
whom the mantloof her mother's genius
foil , wns also born in Andovor. She had
her liist story published when she
was 13 years old , and since
flho was 11) ) she has supported hor-
aolf by her pen. She was 110 when
"Gates Ajar" gave her fame , and she is
now only -10 , though because of the long
time she has boon before the public sbo
iscoramorily supposed to bo older. Her
face remains young and full of color.
'Mrs. Pholpa-Wnril writes very slowly
and with painstaking care. All of her
literary work is clone between 9 a. m.
unil 1 p. m. , aniTsho r.iroly in ono day
writes enough to lill half a column of a
daily newspaper. Sometimes the
amount produced is hardly half 'of that ,
nnd it is all carefully rovloed and ro-
writlon until it is entirely satisfactory.
4t 4t
There has boon a decided change In
the styles of evening footwear this sea
son. The black silk stockings and suede
Bllppors which have boon so much worn
for some seasons past are partly super
seded by stockings and slippers which
, match the gown. The slippers may be
made of satin or suede kid , but the now-
cst slippers are of glae.o kid. They arc
shown in ivory white , pale rose tints ,
lluo , violet and all the shades of even
ing dress. They are sharply pointed in
Piccadilly fashion at the too , and raised
on a Lout's Quin/.o heel about an inch
and a half. The only ornament is a tinj
Imcklo or slide , as it is termed by the
phoo dealer , of brilliant rhlnestono 01
Parisian jots to match the color of tlu
For general house wear a paten1
leather Oxford tlo , with a pointed too
low heel and straight tip , oruainentei
with perforations at the scams , is Vro
qucntly chosen in place of the O.xforc
tlo of kid so long worn. The favpriti
walking boot has the sharply pointm
too , and is cut considerably higher till
season than the boot has been worn fo
BOHIO time. It thus protects thovankl
thoroughly in case ot sloppy weather
It > is made of line calkskin , with ;
at might or pointed tip of the sann
leather. The hcol is low and square
and it Is buttoned with the same num
tor of buttons as was the lower shoe
bringing the buttons considerabl ;
farther apart than thov havqjjeon.
Toilet or bedroom Bllppors"aro mad
of quilted satin or of colored morocco
and are trimmed with soft borders c
fur. The Itomoo sllppur , which extend
high up on the sides and is borderc
with fur , is a favorite shapo.
H 3ff
During the winter season lover's c
rofes should carefully uxuinino thei
plants and ascertain whether they hay
noon grafted or are growing on thoii
own roots , as from the grafted , sucker
uro always sure to como up from th
Block and as the stock is a variety c
Creator vigor than the kind crafted , i
in time draws all the nourishment t
itself , and the grafted 'portion dies i
the cnurfio of a few year. * . Ouo ignoran
of this fact wonders why tlio whol
diameter of bin rose pi an tat ion soctns t
have degenerated. The Block , or sucn
, era , from which it can really bo know
by' piactlcul examination the uharnc
tor of the wood being always dilToroi
from the kind grafted on it.
It Is always bettor aUo to prune rose
early in tho' winter rathar than tovu
till spring , for the reason that there
* a largo amount of evaporation durin
fi'Osty woutlior from the uiiripo wool
nnd this evaporation indrawn from 11
more solid portions of the stems , as wo
usifrom the portion which Is unripe. .
Eocond pruning will bo necessary bofoi
tie ) buds burst in the spring , as in mo
HUROd , there will bo some portions I
urod during the winter , In splto of U
ourly prooiiuUons taken. Agrtin , tl
. thin und weaker wool should bo c
out , as this gives moro strength to th
, which hv left.
In the Ukraine , Uus Ia. the womi
duos nil the courting. When she fal
in love with a man eho goes ( o hla hou
nnd informs him of the state of her fo
, ingp. If ho rcclurocatea all is well , ai
the formal m'arrjago , is duly arrange
If , ' however , do is unwilling , she i
inulns tboro , honing to coax him to
bolter mind. The poor follow cunn
' , treat her wllh , the least discourtesy , n
has ho the consolation of being able
turn her out , as her friends , in such
i * . case , would fool bound to nvongo the I
suit. Ilia remedy , therefore. , if doti
.mined not to marry her , is to louvo i
home and stay away as long as ahe
In It.
' On the Isthmus of Darien either s
can do the courting , with the natu
result that almost every onogotsjn
rlod. A similar practice to thai in 1
Ukraine oxlsta among the Xunl tribe
Indians. The wouiuu dooa all the cot
ing , nnd also controls Iho fltluallon after
marrlngo. To her belong all Iho ohlU
drcn , nnd dccenl , includinir Inhorl-
I an co , In also on her sldo. The muno
cualom prevails among the Vlgreos , a
trlbo In Ciihul. and the NniM of M-.ila-
bar. Amonp the Clare raca of Ab < * atn ,
in northeast India , it id not only the
privilege , hut oven the duty of the girl
there to apeak llrst.
Ono of the prettiest of young girls'
drcssoa Is made of soft gray wool
brocaded with a glossy Httlo llguro ilol
unlike silk In ofTccU Thrco sltnplo
llltlo llounccfl made on the bias and ot
Iho matorlal donblod appear en the
skirt. The sleeves are sewed In with n
double rufllo , ono frill falling over the
sleeves , the oilier turned toward the
neck. This latter is'ot the material cut
on the bias and calhored in circular
form lo cover the shoulder. The waist
Is gathered into a band that llnlshes
straight across from shoulder to shoul
der , leaving a Httlo upstanding rulllo.
Prom the lower edges of the gathered
shoulder a ' .mmd salin ribbon falls part
way to the holt , turns there In the form
of a litllo jacket , and pause * , under the
arms to tie In a rosette In the center of
the back. From this rosette two long
ends are brought round to tlo in front
in fi bow with long ends , the ends tying
again toward the bottom of the skirt.
Another picturesquely simple gown
to bo worn by a smart girl undorgrjul-
ualo of a woman's collage co'obratod for
a high dross Ideal , is ot dull b.ouxo
grooti velonr , and has for its only orna
ment a girdle of Russian embroidery ,
gold ombroldorcd , on a palo blue
ground. A band of the same trimming
biiri-ounds the neck , cut just low enough
lo show a line little chain of gold tied
in a knot in front , the onda lipped with
small pearls.
One of the nfnny great schooners ply
ing between San Francisco nnd the
ports on the opposite side of the bnv is
owned nnd managed by a woman. Some
years ago Mrs. Sims' father became an
invalid and was obliged to put his ship
ping business In the hands of an agent.
Through the dishonesty and careless
ness of agents the business had ceased to
bo prolltablo , whoa Mrs. Sims deter
mined to go on deck hursolf ,
nnd since then has person
ally superintended the stevedores
and Iruckmon , bossed the gang of
sailo.-s , given orders to the captain and
mnnageu the entire business to keeping
tally of the raw hides lhat not infro-
que'ntly form part of the cargo , negoti
ating for the ttlgboats and superintend
ing repairs at dry dock. Syracuse , N.
Y. , has another successful business
woman , in rather a different line. Several -
oral yeard ago this woman's husband
failed in business , and on account of
poor health was unable to support his
family. Assuming the burden of the
family she began in a small way to knit
goods for the wholesale trade , and is
today , through good management , a
prosperous manufacturer , employing
1,000 women at work which ir.ay in most
cases bo done at homo.
A woman who is an active worker in
a Brooklyn church has been regularly
appointed assistant to the p.istor. Docs
not this suggest , says the Now York
Tribune , a new field for woman's activ
ity ? There are a number of women
ministers in the country in the west
especially thoyhavo been successful and
popular but a woman as an assistant
pastor appears to bo a novelty. In the
Hrooklyp church , as wo understand it ,
she is not expected to preach , but to as-
sibl in the distinctively pastoral woric of
the church. For the right sort of
woman largo opportunities of usefulness
would thus be opened. The majority of
church members , however , are women ,
and is it. not juat possible that some of
them might not take Kindly to the idea
of an assistant pastor of tlioir own sex ?
x * #
The roconl death of Miss Mary Allen
West in Tokio , Japan , provokes the
Portland OVoironian to remark that it
was the nocdless sacrifice ot a bravo
and noble life to so-called temperance
work. While the event is greatly regretted -
grotted , it will not bo without profit
if it reaches young women of a self-
sacrificing spirit that it is not neces
sary to go to a foreign land and grap
ple with an enervating climate , foul
odors and fetid atmosphere in order to
lind a field in which to work. The
very Idea of American women going to
China or Japan to engage in temper
ance work is absurd. There is plenty
to do at homo for all who think tha't
pr.iyor is an antidote for drunkenness
and' feel called upon to work in that
lino. The pity of Miss West's death is
the folly that induced it.
41- *
A melancholy tale ot domestic in
felicity is being aired in a Uhodo Island
divorce court. The cause of action
dilTe > * s from the common , and illustnUof
what ono man dubs the disastrous clVeel
of dress and muscular reforms on
woman. G. Walt Stetson , an artist o
note in Providence , accuses his wlfo
Charlotte Perkins Stetson , of being t
"crank" on dross and physic il reform
and with appea ing in public withoul
corset , boollfoolH or waist bolt. To his
arlisliu mind this is shocking. But he
was disposed to forf-ivo and forgot if nlu
drew Iho line thorn. Instead , she bugui
preaching Ucllnmyism in addition tc
dress reform , and plunged onto the ros
truin , determined to smila the shackle :
which make American women "slaves
to fashion. " Under Uio circumstances
Stetson feels justified in asking tin
court to remove his matrimonin
A lady living in Paris , and writlnj
to a young friend in America whet
planning her gowns for an Hauler wool
wedding , duya : "Havo every dress yo
uro going to wear Indoors made with
train more or loss long , according t
I the occasion for which it IB designed
but have your walking , ahoping ant
t traveling gowns ( made mostly o
cumol'8-lmlr serge nnd scotch twcoil
plain -In oiled , loaning toward Dime
lory style in their outline , and so slim
that the ahino of your pretty llltl
walking shoos cim be seen even froi
the back. "
* * .
' The unknown girl who saved a trui
with 1250 passengers from dotruotion i
. Oregon tlio other evening ought to I
identified , siho was on her way horn
from a nnrty when she discovered Unit
° rail had boon removed on a high trostl *
" and thereupon tiho procured a lanter
, and ! signaled the approaching1 tral
just In time , Hiving done an herol
Uoed and saved nfa'ny travelora from
horrible death , Bho modestly wont c
her way without waiting for thanks (
reward and without mentioning In
l/atliliiu Null's.
Skirt trimmings , in order to add totl
o- now very during effects , uro carried i
oQt halt the length of the skirt on ho1
Qt elaborate evening tolletsund dressy dc
ir gowns.
lon Gold nnd silver cord , Incoi , and ve
loa narrow gimps nro insured fashional
n- fuvor for next eonson , wlion they will
nr fcuthoi-j have be
r- used , after fur and
. r.18 put nsldo , to brighten diirk-colorcd c <
la tunios.
Brocaded dresses are made as n rt
IX with prlncesso coat buck and n corse !
IXal front , witli n gnimpo of crcpo do chi
above. A ir
ir- showing jnckot-oleco ,
lie half-circle shivpo , is added and sowed
of with the nnder-tinn seama.
rt Yellow IB still the iago among olcgn
dross fabric * , nml Ihoro U now si little
brightness out of doors that It Is mini
moro nnd moro lo dacorn 10 the hotiso ,
the good olToot'of yullow ns a aubHltulo
for sunlight being ovor.vwhoro conceded.
Tlio fu. ' nockscurf which Ins hscu
worn plncooold weather began bus a very
realistic nppenranco , which some ad-
mlro nnd uthnrs greatly dislike , One
end Is long , hungliig to the wnlst. the
other shows the head , claws und paws of
the animal.
A lovely morning gown for a bride is
ot hollo'tropo ciishmuro with short
y.ouavo jnckot of white gulpuro laco. It
Is confined at the wnlat with white velvet -
vet ribbons. For a simpler gown a
striped pink and Gray French llannol
with pink und gray ribbon is protty.
A now skirt trimming is a threu-lneli
rulllo of velvet , a silk with a narrow
trimming of black satin forming fns-
teens on the rufilo. The satin is a bins
piece gathered on both edges In a Hut
puff , nml put on with scanty fulness
directly on1'the rufllo. This trimming
appears on many of the now skirts.
Dross stockings nro such dainty no-
eossorios of the "wardrobe of the woman
of today that they have roaohed the dig
nity of a sachet. Stocking sachets are
quilted , perfumed , huo-t"immcd : affairs ,
tied shut with bows , not dissimilar to
those In which long gloves uro keut.
Snmo of Iho now dress-skirts arc
hhghtly gored on the front and sldo
breadths. These gores are thciKtfnth *
crcd at the top to Illl the slzo of the
waist. The skirt In thu buck Is ur :
ranged either in the popular cornet
style or has ono wltlo Wattoau plont us
a i
iA pretty way to utilize the skirts of
lace dross'os of which ono has become
tired is to have thorn made ever into
dnlnty little Russian tonjuckota , with u
luco skirt portion about Half a yarn deep
gathered and added to the lower edge
of the waist which belonged to the dress
when It was now.
The handsomest , ulna ! ; for an elderly
lady who docs not wish black velvet h
black pouu-de-soio , the lustorlcss black
satin. It is made in broad Hat box pleats
reaching to the lloor , with seine superb
jot on the bodice , and with its full
sleeves makes ono of ttio quietest but
most elegant garments imaginable.
The fashionable ribbed velvets are
used fur moro for couts to bo worn with
skirts of cloth or silk than for eiitlro
costumes. The most popular ribs are
plain black and diagonal , und though
woven very closely tojrcther , show
glimpses of n silk ground of color , yel
low , sago , or moss green , palo blue ,
magenta , or brilliant red.
New oinpiro tcugowns nro made of
flowered silks , line French cashmeres
prettily figured , plain bongallnoa , and
soft undressed satins , with both light
und dark backgrounds sprinkled with
small brilliant ( lowers. They have full
girdled fronts , with a Watteau pleat in
the buck , falling from between the
shoulders under a yoke.
Ornaments for the hair are not elab
orate this season , but are very choice.
The loveliest thing displayed is two
threads like go.d _ chains , with a pnarl-
shaped topaz , like a lurgo diamond cut
with a thousand facets , which .is hung
just ever the brow , and the gold'threuds
fastened back to the hair. The jewel
glitters in the soft hair on the forehead
und the little chains may bo fastened
invisibly , or with diarcond headed pins.
A pretty dress for a young girl is so
simple and still so full of indescribable
puffery of thin silk that it is dillicultto
describe. The body of the dress is of
blue crcpon , drawn" around the liguro
rather than fittuu. In front and buck
the bodice cor.tituies in two long straps
lo the throut , oaih bordered with a
glittering line of uassomonterio in gold
and crystal and joining to a collar band
ornamented in the muno way. The
blouse is of white rulTulu , with a fancy
stripe of blue satin , and is puffed over
the bust nnd shouldurs und ever the
sleeves so voluminously that it is im
possible to distinguish whore the bodice
nnd sleeves moot. The lower part of
the sleeves are of crcpon.
Tnlk About Wompii.
It is wrong to flirt , but misguided
young people will unquestionably con
tinue Ilirting just the same.
If women generally became public
legislators would it bo likely to increase
the custom of pairing among members ?
Among the debutantes in Washington
tiiin winter will bo daughters of Chief
Justice Fuller , Justice Brewer , Setiutor
Brice und the Brazilian minister , Senor
Nearly everybody lias scon u school
girl 12 years old picking her way ever
n muddy crossing nnd daintily lioldinir
up her skirts that couldn't come within
eight inches of the ground.
Mrs. Margaret Sundorland Cooper , a
member of tlio London Society of Letters
und An , is , it Is stated. Iho only woman
to whom the American Humane society
has awarded its gold medal.
It doesn't pay to gush too much. II
you get in the habit , you may gush
sometimes when you uro going to buy
something nnd then you uro pretty sure
to get charged double price.
Two sisters will make their appearance -
anco in London next year. One is olghl
fool nigh , with hands thirty-two inches
in length , and the other it not throe
feet nigh and weighs thirty-one pounds ,
- Mrs. Hottio Green , who is worth soiiu
$10,000,01)0 ) , deolaius that she would like
"to bo a society woman if she had time
Being rather destitute in that respect
she prefers to convert what tlmosho has
into money.
Miss Wannmukor counts ninoncr hci
various accomplishments the uniisun
but decidedly healthy ono of boxing ,
ller tutor in grout wmtiuro und the 0111
with whom HIIO moat frequently triei
her skill is her father , the postmustoi
Tlio only Turkish poetess living i
supposed to be Osniun Pasha's daughter
She is a young matron of 23 and llvo
in a white marble pulnco ovorlooklii )
the blue Bosphorus , where she dlno
troiu u seivlco o gold In u wondorfu
Mrs. Julia Phlnizy , formerly a slave
( Hud in Atlanta last week and loft property
orty valued at $20,0(11) ( ) to Marion I'hln
ixy , son of her old master. Unforlu
milely for the romantic nos.sibilitios c
the COKO Marlon is not in ncod of th
windfall , being hlmsolf wealthy.
The women of Xurich , Swilzorluii
have nucured tlio suppression of th
Thlorbuch , n publication rovonlin
their ages , occupations , iloscomliuiti
uto. It vvnb issued annually nnd wt
moro frequently consulted at cafes an
tthcr public resorts than the city dlrc (
oory ,
San Francisco has probably mor
who take ' ' " stocks
women 'llyors" on an
r.icos tlitin any other city in this coui
try. This week the directors of tli
Buy District racing track decided tin
womc.ii should not bo admitted to tl :
betting paddock , and whoa Mrs. J. .
To bin , a lodging house keeper , pcralstc
yo in entering und betting on the race
o ehi ) was ejected. She refused to Bti
10 out , nml after being ojectud a uocon
III tnno she was arrested , The court-he !
3- that she had a perfect right to bet
lo she wore admitted to the grounds.
at The "No , U" Wheeler & Wilson , with I
10 perfected tenlsons. upper and lowur , Is t :
10a only lock-stitch machine Unit makes ;
In elastic HCIIIII. It is tlio dressmaker's favor !
on that uri-ount. Sold Uy Oeo. W Umnist
& Co. , 014 South Sixteenth street.
You Haven't ' Bought It Yet , But You Soon
Do So.
11 > > H
llrle-r l > < Mt-rlpll ii * f\r \ S'liinp of tlin Ncwo < it
( Icnvin Cur Str-onrt'miil Ki-vnlitg Wiwr
XBW YOUK , Dcv. ! . ISpec-ial to 'Tin-
Hr.K.1Do you feel lllto koopluir Christinas !
I do , tlinujrh 1 rather ilreml lest I may Und in
my stocking what 1 once hoped with nil my
Httlo hoavt illicit , he hldiliMi tlu-ro oni-
Christinas whm I it very small girl. 1
wanted n luwisklrt | llko the grown-up ladles
and t didn' 6110. tins It , alas , been hold
over for mo all these years ! I never had a
hoopsklrt , and years ngo 1 got bravely over
the lonilnn for such an arlk-lo of adurninent.
It would have been u' line thlnjt to ( jo swlsli-
IIIR alwut up In the , attle under the eaves
where 1 played Hue lady , with Shorn. Hani ,
.lapheth and HIP ark animals fur ndnilfliiir
spectators ; but how Is It poln.c to work now
whim I have to go up and down the elevated
ro.ul stalra and bo griueowd into les * than no
space on the bridiro trains antl in the horse
ears f
There have been honpsklrt snares before :
why do I need to trouble you with another
on Christmas day ! I dnu't. very likely : but
the whole cut of the newest dresses presup
poses steels to distend the draperies , and the
same wllo laitjfhed at the notion
a year upo nnw begins to lake it seriously.
Nice figures we'll be. won't we , and I wonder -
der if the comUictnr.-t will chni-pe us double
fare. We mUht Ret lots of fun out of our
own idiocies if _ we were brlplit enough to
take ourselves lisped Jo'.tes with our various
dress lunacies following one another In rapid
r.Mi'iui : STHKBT oowxg.
I be an to sermonize because of having
seen a Christm is box which came from Paris
last evcninjr. In the ordinary course of
American events the mother stays at home
nnd the daughter KOUS abroad : but in the ex
ceptional household of. which I am writing
the mother is ilmit-ina In the { jay French
capital and the daughter jvho keeps house
for "father and the boys" in New York pot a
package with a pale blno > latfota silk in it
last evening. Said blno t\flfeta : came straight
from one of the ateliers in Which the command
istfiven , "wear this , " andlbo world wears it ,
"throw it aside , " and it is thrown. Said blue
taffeta merits , therefore , quite careful con
It had n low round waist , which was gath
ered under a lace bertha and worn with
broad silk girdle. It was draped with a
dainty cream colored not. and here is the
point of interest it had a steel lioop run in
at the skirt hem to produce what the dress
makers call. I believe , a ' 'flare. "
Thntllaro'1 is the danger signal. Almost
every new design calls for it. When the
call is a little louder the stool hoop will be a
matter of course an everyday necessity.
The "sugar loaf" is ono of the now skirts
which Hare.
I can tell you somoUiincc else that came in
the box from Paris , if , vbn are interested. .
It was a street dress with a round overslcirt ,
just such as you wore a dozen to fourteen
years ago. A reddish brown serge was the
material , very heavy and with a black thread
running through it diagonally . The skirt
had a broad sable band lying on the floor at
the bottom , nnd the overskirt was plaited
under ( ho basque bodice and out perfectly
straight and round , with fur enough to
weight it and carry out its assumption of
dignity. The bodice was out square at the
waist and turned back from a wliito muslin
plastron in great triangular , fur-edged ,
white velvet revers ; these mooting below
the bosom to allow the bodice fastening of
three big black velvet buttons. Under the
came little shoulder fur-bor
revers a capo , -
dered , and with the frock belonged a big
flat black velvet hut trimmed with bows of
black ribbon.
A corrijii or CHAUMIN'O noincr.s.
How largo a proportion of humanity goes
to Now Year's dances or cares about the cost -
t nines of the peoplnw.lio , do go ? I do not
know , but I do'knowiiCknt soim > very pretty
Now Year'n gowns nro lielng designed.
for example , I can tell you Mis ?
Ixirllliml. she who is U/.inarry the at present
much talked of Mr. T. SufTern Tailor , is
having made a shell phk ) umpire dress that
is worthy some little attention. 1'ink roses
are run about tin ) foot of It in a garland ,
caught by hico llouncfng. Midway down
the skirt is placed another flounce that yoi ;
might think was an pvcrdress unless you
am well informed oHa ked very curiously ,
There is a low cut bopyrwulst , with lace am !
roses nt the neck , ami there are chiffon
sleeves reaching to ; t1U elbows , There is
too , u rose-colored sutiiV'sasli that lies undei
ouo arm in an enorinou bow.
Another evening diefji that well illustrate :
the gayolies wherowilU Now York offset !
its gravities is a princ < s mho of turquoi ;
blue silk , with an ovcivVrcss of white inuslit
flmbrblilered lu whitUj : and silver. Tlili
ovordrapery is caught yft the left shoulder
then again with velvet knots against tin
breast , and yut again ui > on the hip. when
it flows away in a cascade. About the bet
torn of the skirt is a wliito bilk band workei
with silver.
for Miss Whitney , who Is the most Inter
cstlng of the debutantes , is a shadow silk o
silver shading into palest bluo. Across th
front of the skirt is u delicate scroll em
broidery of gold and blue , with u whit
chiffon llounco below caught with sllve
velvet rosettes nnd knots of bin
ribbon , Hews and ends 'of blue velvet fal
on either sldo of the walat and a big volve
Iwwfinishes the bodice behind. The wuis
Is low cut , with chlttou frill turned dow ;
from it all around. There are elbow sleeves
each ono two puffs of silk with a chifto
ts frill.For n prettier girl than Miss AVhltnej
no though she bo less prominent , is u vcr
in simple , dainty dress of Ivory chiffon , wit
to n deep flounce of lace ut the foot , caught u
with bunches of yellow rases. The bodk
er Is shirroU loosely and u deep shirred flount
Is turned down about the suouldvru. Til
yellow rib1)oii liolt ( * held with n handful of
yellow rosi-s.
' ass sssta
snw p.vr.stso MOIHIS.
At a morning concert yestei-day 1 could not
help noticing how many women wear the
close little Marie Stewart bonnet that Is Just
the merest close fitting c.ip of velvet with an
antique touch. iimint ] and piquant in its effect
on some faces , not so successful always.
A geranium red silk warmed the day In
front of me. I don't know why people
shouldn't wear red to concerts if they choose ,
but the old conservative that hides In some
corner nf me nlways persists ill finding it
unusual. This particular red gown hud a
double skirt edged with cocks' fenlhets ,
bhick. burnished and hinting of green. H
hud a round waist that fastened with three
jet buttons , and it hud , moreover , wide
square ruvors lhat passed over the shoulders
and made n hood behind. These revers had
feather edgings , and above them set a black
felt hat that was trimmed with cocks' plumes.
Off at on" hide sat a woman in a peculiarly
novel frock of a cindery gray cloth with a
deep border of llame-colored velvet about
the foot , softened on cither ediio with a line
of gray ostrich niching. The bodice had n
pointed front of llery velvet , 1th its gray
and feathery mnoko fringe. The back was
shirred at shoulders and waist , and the long
skirt lay. as no walking dress has any moral
fight to He along the floor. All this smoke
and blaze had as its llery crown a liny gray
turban with red wings.
It has a relief after that bit ot pyrotech
nics to turn to a gray and blue plaid frock
that had H seal a row or two bohind. Over
the princess rene that silt so demurely , ab
sorbed In the music , two lengths of gray
bilk wore draped and caught up to show the
uaderdress with silver buttons and heavy
silver cords. The broad rovers df the bodice
were of old blue silk and their points were
so deep as almost to meet In the middle of
the back behind. A big flat gray-velvet hat
was the finish , trimmed with blue velvet and
an iridescent wing.
Some dresses are pretty nnd some dresses
practicable. A gown that succeeded reason
ably well in being both was a brown camel's
hair with three rows of blue velvet about
tlio foot , edged with silver fox fur. The
bodice was shirred Into a deep folded velvet
girdle , and again at the throat into a velvet
yoke , from which fell a deep gathered collar
of fur-bordered wool.A three-cornered hat
of brown felt was worn with blue plumes
standing erect in properly rampant fashion.
KI.LP.SOsnoits. .
The Idaho state university reports an at
tendance of 100.
Colgate university has decided to admit
women as students.
The students of the University of Chicago
arc required to spend thirty minutes three
times a week playing foot ball.
The Los Angeles sohool board consists of
four democrats , four republicans and a
woman allied as much to ono party us the
nThoy fined two Yale men $100 apiece just
for scaring a lot of actors nearly to death
and putting out a man's eye with a dynamite
The biennial report of the superintendent
of public instruction of Oregon shows Ul)0'.l ' )
children of school ago in the state , and the
value of the school property to be & ! ,50,00 ; ) > ) .
The second annual conference on university
extension will bo held in Philadelphia De
cember 'JO-yO. Invitations sent to college
'residents ' have already met with a response indicates a largely atte'nded meeting
f leading educators.
The eighty-live school teachers of Lock-
on , N. Y. , had a spelling contest last week
nil more than half of them missed on a
ozen or moro words , some of them quite
lomnion. like "business , " supersede. " "bene-
ited'1 and Iho like , while seventy-eight out
f eighty-live went down on the word "auk-
owledgment. " Their pupils haven't had so
mcH fun in a long while.
The class of 1853 at Yale , of which the lat/j
Senator Gibson of Louisiana was a member ,
'ontained ' a good many men who have be-
oinc prominent in literature , law , business
Hid other circles. Kx-President Andrew D.
of Cornell university , Mr. Justice
ihiras of ttio United States court bench , G.
, V. Smalley and J. tBromley of the
Tribune , Edmund Clarence'Stedman , Wayne
IcVeagh , Theodore West , the novelist ;
Benjamin 1C. Phelps , ox-district attorney
ot Now York county , and the late President
G. \Viitrons of Iho Now Haven railroad
are a few of the men who were graduated
ivith Senator ( ji son.
Trunks , Travcline Bags ,
Sample Cases. ,
Toilet Articles ,
JIako Appropriate Gifts. Boo Our Line.
Tel. I On8.
On8.E. . ZABRISKIE , Agent ,
1014 lioutfluH SI root.
J .11
w/s / "FAIRBANKiy'is TOE BEST.
Dr. Ed icon's FAMOUS PILLS AND -
rocluco your wo'ijht without dieting ;
euros the CIIUBOS ufobosity , such as
dyspepsia , rhoinmt'sm , nervous
ness , catarrh , kiclnoy trouble' ; keeps
you lioilthy , and beautifies the com
plexion. _ _ _
I i Kfiln write von 10 s.iv I luive lot I'l '
ponnils. tnakliit ; I' ' pouiulN lo-.t In ID wccK.s liy
iislns I 1 ottli-s of iJr. KJIton's Obesity fills
and w 'Tliu Ills Olwslty H-unl.
Very truly yours. CIIAIII.KS 11. Kim
Prof. HAI.K , Chicago Unix-unity , wr.tcs to the
ChlciiKO IlisralO. t-i-pt. IS. ISJJs
Cornulent/ men should liny some alt enl Ion
lo rcdtioln ; lliu'r ' wuUnt Whnn a man IH
troubled with rhoiimnUsm , ilv iiupsl.i. . kidney
trouble or nnrvonsnuss thu leduclns ; of wolclit
! slower , nnt'l ' the Olios'ty ' I'llN have cured
the disease that cansuil olios , ty. I'ho pllli
siiftun und hnnntify tlio sic n of thu fice. ;
1 nm ut llhort v to clto a cu : > o in nolnt Under
my mix-Ice Mi- . Armour nseJ mi I'dlson Obesity
Hand aiul aiiottlet of IMlis ami lost -I pounds
In U wnnks. Olhoiiiallonts have boon equally
l.lunt. O. A. SCOTT. Kevonuo Cutler lliunlln ,
writes to 11m < . 'orro-ionitnnc" ' | ) < Drpartmimt
or the Now Yolk KuniUv World :
Throe years uao \vuliIiod 1 L'CS ' potnuln. but
after uslns Dr. Kdlson's popular Obesity fills
anil Salts I rn < lui-od to Hi'.l pounds anil "eailly
keep at Ibis \velsnt. I muv Mow in null nthoi-
corrusiiondeiits of ynuivaluanlo napursvo.o
liuncllttcd aud wiaho to o tbu lr.'s truul *
incut a trial.
Dr. Edison's Obesity Fruit Salt is tlio
beat , nnd simplest remedy for populating
the action of the liver that has boon dis
covered. The printed formula on the
label of the Fruit Suits shows their value
to sufferers from excessive fat or Hash.
Band measure : it Isos. 1 , 2. 3. Price
$2.50 to ! ip inches , and 10 cents extra for
each additional in h.
Pilla SI.50 a bottle , or throe bottles fo/
$ -1.00 , enough for one treatment.
Obesity Fruit Salt $1.00 per bottle.
You can buy the "Pills , Bands and Salt
direct from our stores , or by mail or ox-
gjTCorrespondonco and goods forwarded - .
ded in plain , scaled package.
NOTICK. Dr. Kdison's Electric Bolts
nnd Fiiifjor Rings are sold nt our stores.
Send for our spucial Electric Belt Circu
lar , scaled.
Electric Bolts $1.00 and up. ' Insoles 50
cents per pair.
For Snlo by LJrurjglsl.s.
Wholesale druggints of Now Voric CJity
xvho carry our goods in stock :
Charles N. Crittonton & 'C'o. ,
Mclfcsson & JJobbins.
W. Q. Schioirelin&Co.
And oihcr lending liousos.
Proprietors and Cion'l Agents ,
42 F West 22nd St. , Now Vork City.
10 F Hamilton Place , Boston , Mass.
84 P Enst Washington St. , Cliicgo III.
Cut this out and koup it , and send for
our full ( eight column ) article
on Obesity.
The 1892 Model of the
is the best for it is
the simplest therefore
most durable , easiest
to operate therefore
most-rapid and is im
itated by the printer
for its clearness of
work ; therefore while
Jbhe besj it is the
cheapest as it will
make and save you more
money. An examination
will be affor.ded with
out.expense. WYCKOFF
175 Monroe
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best ,
S mlu SliKO and we'll tend you 100 engraved
caidi fiom a new copperplate.
.Send u * 00 ct . and your present plate ( to be held
aiil ( registcied ) and we'll rend you too co-
graved cardt.
We pax express chargei.
( Ute Colib'i Ubnrjr Co. )
136 Wabaih Ave. , Chicago.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
(0 llnonis nt J..M per d.ijr.
to Vilnius nl M.OO per ilnr.
Mill-inns with Hntli ntM.UJ pcnlnr.
roiluimnMllli Until nl JX.VMt ) Jl.S ) nor clajr-
.Mllilrrii III i\rr.v : lto * | > rrl.
Nruly I'lirnlKliiMl TliroiiRliunt ,
C. S. ERB , Prop.
PA UN AM ST. , Hetweon 16th and 10th
Hiiylnir it siiiiiod the-nmtiuRomcut of the
MrrvliintV llnlol , 1 wilt niuko SIR-II Imimivu-
inenls and rlmngus as will inaUn thli liouso
ono of thotiiistat wlilcli tostop In Omaha.
Tliuri'iiiiirmneiiis mil wants of iill | > ur. > : i
will l't > iMrofiillv iittuail- l to lljlas mat
centrally lo > ited ih i h.nol . olfori spaclnl at
trnul'onsto the liMvolln ; ini'illo. ' A conllmi
tiiii-oof Itsfimncrllbur il nitroniiio li roinuJt
fully iisUetl. \V. A. I'AXTON , Jit.
UM.IIHoc. . i.
Wellcomo nml hsvo tlipin i-xunlin-J : by optician -usvirynun 1 wlih npnlroC
iiir-l'KUKl-.rriON" Hl'KCrACI.KStir iVK : l.'l.ASS-
M' tlie lii'st In thu world. If youilomit ni-o.l K'II ' O *
we will loll you ftii iinilu Ivlin yoi wlmt tn tlo. ( iOliO
KI'Kiri'Al'l.KS or KVK lil.ASSUrf KIU1M Sl.'l ' ) HI' .
I'liiln. pnioko , ijluo tir wliliouliiHxijH , for imituclliizilia
cjo" , f rum Mu n pair up.
lax Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Opticians.
FinIKIin and I'lftuont.Slroot
\Vin. T. Wood & Co.'u
Jas. Morton &Son Co.
1511 Bodgu Sti-eot.
t-tM ) 1X1 ! I'AT.M ( , (3t'r. (
Vounir Tnlklnc I'nrrots 810.00.
InipurtriMlt-rinan ( ' .uuirlcn $ . ) .OU
ninlf'l . ' > ! . linportuil Alxlri'tinbc-rn
Colin Cnii.TrlL'M JVIW hi fT.Ill ) . Un-
ulljh ( hul1liii'liniolillliiebps ,
Hiilllliiclieit , Utililnfl. MxlitlitKalUd
i'tu nl vi-ry ronjonnble prli-CH.
( liililllili -'ic aii'l ! l' < c niu'li. Kluli
iiobc-i.'iUciii | > . lllrd CnuJ' IJiup.
I'liU I U flWI.I. St lluriiiinl
I'up | > le $ ! 5.UO tutlUOO. unil other
\VnU-li.Hporllnuniiil 'l'oyliiiK <
( Inlc-rn fur Xtiins ilfllverr Inkcn
Geisier's ' Bird Store ,
1) ) , ? V. 1 i , 'x ' S . . . 3 n \ ' \ i
t.i \ L f pTc'w
I bog to call the attention of the pub
lic to the above popular brand of pure
rye whisky and respectfully ask a com
parison with any other brand of pure
rye offered in this market. It is far
superior to any olhof whisky anil I
guarantee B absolute excellence in
llnvor as it ns II'H purity nml its wholesome -
some oll'owoil The public is Invited to
call und '
llonry JIillM',01 N. l th St. . family
wlno mid li iuor housu. Mmiimd hotel
_ _ _
( I ro Wo ,
thu fa
mous ( f'lil-
i- I u u ( it
( ) mull n ,
Ii u B iivur
l.'Wl KtlllU-
in u n t H
f i- ( i m
Croat ( nl
lull u ii 11
\vi ohavu
Onu of tlui must sucri'sifiil pliy.-iluIiiiH in
Onmhu toiluy Is Ur , ( ' . ( ii'u Wo. who fur ihii
) > : IK | tun ycurJli.ii IH-I-II ( Kiln ; miirti KIIO I fur
HiilVerhi'i liiiiuiiiilty tlun nil ntliur sjio.tliill.SH
Inlho uiiiiiilry.
'J'liu iluotnri'iiu mi'-'cc.H fiily | trout you hv
mull , nml unro you. us ID lius iliitin ilioniun H
ofntlnirs wlih Ills 'vuiulorfnl ( Jlilnosj rutno-
illoH. Do nut iluliiy until your ( IKquaii In l > u-
yon I all linlp , but wrltu in lilm If yon cuiiiiot
unll iipou him ut imuu , ami Im will ulvo you hU
c-.iiullil ojlnliiii | of voiuUIIHU. . KviiinlniitloiiH
free , nnd It will cost you nothing tn consult
with him. ( .hiuNllou lilunlis uiit nion | ; | | | -
lion. Adiln.-i' .
DR. C. GE WO ,
TilOli N. HHIi.St. , Oniahn
" "
You don't lined to sacrlllcu thu lives ot your
lOVCd OIIB4 WllL'll
Dcplitbcria and Membranous Croup
will i > MilunzertliHiol'liIorlmoil ( ) of your liinnni
Thnro 11 u sure Hiinolllo lueillulni ) TO l > Kf' >
VKNT contagion n ( Ihuni , unit thvro In ulsu b
sure tiiooKIo mudlolno ( or
The Cure of Them
vrlinn they Imvu not run beyond human ruaolu
Wrltu to
II. C. SICEL , In Crete , Neb , ,
Kin noocl of uny treatment , ami you will llnd
thut his troutrnunt liasoil ou many yoHii' ox-
porlinottu and utuily hasscauroit him u mc-
cesi which will not disappoint you.
1 butt. J.a'ller ' Uocoro , will puiltlrnlr Ineroni'
tliuilzo of four butt from thruu to tlT Inolici '
money refunded , l-rlce. II.W. tiralcil p rilcu ) r §
Koitauip. CurreipODiUnitt mcreilicouUJcnu l
Oocoro Uainr , tl. Juiepli Ala , .