Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1892, Part One, Image 1

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Gorman' , Merohnnti Complain of the Stagna
tion in Business ,
All Lines of Trade Arc Affected by the Uni
versal Dullness.
Many Are Recipients of the Bounty of the
More Oharitable.
Mcillcil : Imperil t'nlteil In DerlnrltiK Tlint
It Will AKII ! " llccomc Epidemic
l'iiirr Continue Tlieir Antl-
Hrlllltlc Agitation.
[ CopurffMfilS03lj / / AVic York Annetntfd
Br.m.ix , Dec. 'Jl. The stagnation In busi
ness here and the wet and sloppy weather
that has been prevailing has tended to make
the week preceding Christmas , usually ohar-
ncto.rl/.cd by bustle In business affairs , about
the dullest within the memory of the oldest
resident , The day was the brightest day of
the week , and there was a slight frost. The
sunshine and bracing atmosphere brought
out crowds of slght-spors , who thronged the
.streets , gazing at the displays In the shop
windows , but buying little.
According to the shopkeepers , their holi
day sales were never before so small. The
curse of hard times prevails everywhere.
The wealthier classes appear to be affected
by the depression , and where heretofore
they have spent money freely In Christmas
gifts they this year have only made limited
purchases. People of the middle classes ,
who are usually the best of customers during
this generally festive period-have bought
only cheap trifles , and the worklngmen with
little or no money are obliged to limit tholr
indulgence in Christmas faro. It is often
suspected that the complaints of shop
keepers about thu bad condition of trade are
not genuine , but this year such complaints
are known to bo sadly true. The outlook for
Improvement In any branch of trade is ex
ceedingly gloomy.
Gloomy IliislncKs Outlook ,
Commercial and financial circles alike take
u pessimistic view of the situation , anil
croakers , who at ono lime would have ro
ccivcd scant attention , nro now listened tc
as'though ' they wore oracles. Operators on
the bourse have lost tlieir usual daring , anil
now enter into speculation with a timidity
that is foreign to their natures. Bourse
transactions are overshadowed by fears of n
political convulsion In France and disturbed
hy the condition of homo affairs arising from
the army bill. The new projects for taxa
tion , especially the ono regarding bankim
and stock transactions , form another ele
ment of suspense. Some of the financier ;
hold that the effect of these projects will b <
ruinous , while others form a milder estimati
of the results. There is nobody , however ,
who calculates that these projects will havi
an influence toward present improvement o
tbo business situation.
HunVrlnjfH of the I'niir.
The royalist papers seize upon the occasioi
to comment upon the misery that is prevail
ing among the working classes. The Vor
wacrts publishes a Christmas article ! i
which it elaborates upon the frightful con
dition of the poor throughout Germany. Tin
papci * says that while there is plenty o
carefully nourished game in the forests am
in the domains of thu aristocrats working
men are allowed to die of hunger. Thoug'
the article is written in the customary styl
of socialistic exaggeration , it lias a large
basis of fact. While charity is abundant I
Is badly organised and the relief does no
reach the masses of sufferers.
Prominent among those- who are workln
to alleviate the misery of the poor I
Empicss Frederick , the mother of Emporo
William , Every day throughout the wee !
hho has been cngago/1 in some sort of wor
of kindness. Yesterday she spent SCVCIM
hours nt the Frlcdrlehsram hospital. Sh
has presided at the distribution of Chris
mas presents , where" she was a largo coi
trlbutor , In the children's ward , she wet
to every cot and gave to each occupant sou :
plaything and a lied Hiding Hood cloak , mos
of which were sent through the legation I
the children by American ladies hero , Todu
splendid Christmas trees have been lightt
at the palace at I'otsdam , but the yomi
princes will not bo allowed to touch tbo o
imments or dainties , all of which will bo set
to cheer the children In the hospitals.
Iteiipiienriiiieu of tlm Cliulurji.
The reappearance of cholera at Hambui
has caused the authorities to order a r
nowal of the precautions heretofore takt
to check tbo spread of the disease. Tl
emperor has directed that regular dally r
ports regarding the disease bo sent to bh
The recent mild weather and tbo extraon
nary low water In tbo Elbe river is clalmi
to have assisted the outbreak ,
A discussion held by the German hygicn
society of cholera revealed u ooncurivneo
opinion from experts that there will
another outbreak In the spring.
News from St. Petersburg states that tl
Hussiau government has summoned a co
fcrenco of ! IOO doctors to prepare a report
the measures to bo adopted to meet the c
pected recurrence of tbo epidemic In tl
lUisshin domains ,
The frclslnnlgo papers continue to bo he
orilbly distinguished hy their efforts to i
Btrain'tho jndcnhntzo.
Sold Silipen | | | tu IV.I lice.
With reference to Krupp's offer In 1SOS
supply Napoleon with cannon , It has been d
covered that the Scherlnds chemical facto
In Berlin supplied the French government
18SO with largo quantities of plcrlo nc !
which was used In tbo mauufiicturo of mull
Ho. Herr Folz , u member of the Itcichst
and director of the works , told Prlnco B
marck that France was ordering plcrlo acl
whereupon the prince said : "Go on and tu
nil the money you possibly can out of t
French , " Despite this knowledge , howovi
the conservative and Catholic papers do n
ubato their inciting of tbo people against t
Jews , basing tlieir articles almost entiri
upon the fact that Herr Ix > o\vo , who happc
to bo a Hebrew , admits that ho offtu
through General Boulangcr , the then Fren
minister of war , to supply Franco with t
plant necessary to manufacture Ixtbel rill
The Staatsuergcr Zeitung , recalling t
saying of the king of Prussia in regard
Meyerbeer's opera , the "Huguenots , " win
"Catholics aud Protestants cut each othc
throats , while a Jew supppllos the musl
udds that a war in near , In which the jtoo ;
of Europe will massacre each other , the
.lews supplying the arms. Tills stuff , to
use an Inelegant phrase , helps to keep popu
lar prejudice Inflamed.
.Mint I'IIK * the Army Hill.
Chancellor von Caprivl's organs reiterate
that the army bill must be p.nssed Intact or
the Holchstag will IHJ dissolved. This men
ace Is the strongest weapon of the govern
ment. Many members of the Kelchstnp are
< | tlaklng at the prospect of n general election ,
through which the socialists and members of
the frclstnnlgc party ore alone likely to
benefit ,
O Members of the government circle attach
little Importance to the rumors of the forma
tion of a new party , to bo composed of
adherents of Prlnr Bismarck. The Cologne
Gazette hns publUncit a fanrlful sketch of
the party , naming its founders and giving
the details of Us possible program. The
whole matter Is in a nebulous state.
The strongest political factors operate
against the reiiorte.l regrouping of parties.
liermiin Ne\vs mid ( iotolp.
* Further experiments made by the Imperial
health ofllco have led to the conclusion that
porjc and hams that are thoroughly salted or
smoked are safe against trichina ; , hence tbo
measures to relnspoct American pork will bo
applied with less severity.
The Slrasser Post , In an article inspired
by the foreign onice , deplores the approach
ing resignation of Hon. William Walter
Phelpi , the American minister to Germany.
The paper refers to the cordiality of the
relations existing between Mr. Phelps and
the foreign ofllce.
Minister Hiberstrln , in an onHal report
presented to the Reichstag , nnnouncoii that
the canal between the Baltic and the North
sea would bo completed'in IS'J'J.
Bratllsh , the noted Vionn i cabman , who
drove Crown Prlnco Uudolpb of Austria to
the chateau tit Meyerllng thenight the prlnco
met with his tragic death , died today of ape
plexy. Ilo kept secluded for a long liino
after the death of the prince , not being per
mitted to live in Vienna. As the memory of
the scandal faded away , however , he was
allowed to return to the Austrian capital ,
and he was not again heard of publicly until
his death was announced.
'ii Not IM.fcimruscd by the' I'our SuecL'ss of
Ills Aiilerleini llnvoy.
[ CinwluMcd 1XT ! liii.Ttime * OonimiJ.'iuieK.l
KOMI : , Dec. 2-1. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Bnr. . ] The latest reports
received regarding Mgr. Satolli somewhat
dampened the previous entluishsm at the
Vatican , when it is perceived that the gulf
between Satolli and the American bishops
will bo harder to bridge over than was sup
posed. The Vatican , however , hopes with
time and patience to conquer the objection
of the bishops to its plans , ami to convince
them It has no desire to lessen their legiti
mate authority. Mgr. Satolli is not dis
graced , lie has acted on orders received.
The pope's mind is set on tbo adoption of his
plans. It 'is unlikely that the Vatican will
definitely decide about Mgr. Satolli until the
arrival hero of Mg&O'Cjnnall.
President Harrison is understood to have
viewed the idea of opening diplomatic rela
tions with llonic moru favorably than Clove-
land. Whatever things may come of Satolli's
mission , X scarcely think that the red hit
for Corrigau will be ono of them.
At present I have good authority for stat
ing that the pope sees no reason for a ban
doning Envoy Satolli.
Di-ntli of the Sinter ol 1'rcsldcnt Um/'x Wlfe-
Tlie lloi-det-TronhlcH.
CITV OP Mr.xico , Dec. ! M. Scnorita Marii
Kubio , daughter of Homero Uubio , the wel
known Mexican statesman , and a sister o
President Diaz's wife , died at 1 o'clock thii
El Universal will , tomorrow , publish ai
editorial accusing the. United States government
mont of negligence and a want of vigiUnci
in allowing bandits to cross the frontier , am
asking if more troops nro not necessary o ;
the American side of the frontier.
The minister of war today declared thu
Mexico bail already more than enough troop
on the frontier. Ho added that , notwltb
standing the reports to the contrary , ther
Is no revolutionary movement in Mexico , no
is there any armed force in the country
save that controlled by the government
The minister declared that these report
lave their origin in the fact that a sma !
iiand recently crossed into Mexico from th
Texas sldo and surprised the Mexica
pickets at San Ignacio. After a slight skil
inlsli the mauradcrs retired from whom ;
they came. The Indians in the state t
Chihuahua are pacific and no danger wha
over is apprehended from them.
Anlu'il fur the I'eople of the Km
nlon Province of Tulu ,
ST. Pirruusiit'iii ] , Dec. 34. Count Bobrh
sky , marshal of the court , has issued an i\ |
peal for aid for the fanilno sufferers in tli
province of Tula. There are bald to bo ] " ! !
000 persons In the province dependent upc
outside assistance. The government relii
is not siilllcient to prevent the ruin of tl
Inhabitants. Theircropsaroau utter fallui
and the condition of the farmers is ovi
worse than In IS'Jl. Tlio rich have becon
jHior and the poor have become beggar
The peasants use the roofs of their housi
for fuel , owing to the dearth of straw , co
and wood. Typhus fever Is raging to i
f alarming extent among the people. Fovi
3 Htifforcrs Ilo huddled together in their roe
less lulls without attendance and wlthoi
3 bread.
r M. llurllioldl Ahsuulted.
H'opll 103lujJiDiicH dunlin llenn'tt. ]
i , Dec. 21. [ Now York Her.ild Cib :
Special to TiiKBKB.l Sculptor Bartboli !
who made the statue of Liberty in the Nu
York harbor , has been the victim of a cm
ous adventure , A short time ago ho w ,
called on nt his studio in the ruu d' Assus 1
a young woman , who said she was a mod
and offered ho should make a cast of h
hands , which were unusually well forme
The sculptor consented , and having done
paid her tbo usual price , Yesterday Bn
iholdl was called on by a woman who sa
she was the mother of the model and d
mandcd a much larger sum. On his refits
to pay any more , the woman abused him
violent terms , winding up by beating hi
over the head with un umhrclla. Burthol
Micceedcd In pushing her out Into thostrei
but not before ho was severely brulsi
about the head. The only explanation :
can give of the Incident Is that the woman
out of her mind.
Hull's ltcirc | cutitl\c [ to the l-'iilr.
Dee. 24. The Italian governme
has appointed Deputy Ungaro as chief co :
mlsslonor to the Columbian exposition
Chicago. The ironclad Umberto will s
for Now York July 20 , to take part In t
great naval demonstration , Commanda
Bcttlom will bo charged to personally i
liver to the president of the United Stal
uu autograph letter from King Humbert.
Affairs in Franco So Serious ns to Threaten
the Nation's ' Existence.
Foes of Popular Government Making Oapital
Out of the Present Orhis.
Floquet , de Freycinet and Olemencsau Are
Dead to the World Politically.
Discovery < > T n Letter Which < ; oniiromUcs |
. tlm Chief of I lie Nation MIIKHCI lluvo
Commenced ( liiitniiim M litter
ing * AKiilnit the Killers.
V f > i//m > iM Oonlmi Itcnnclt. ]
PAUU , Deo. 21. [ Now Yorl : Herald
Cable Special to TUB Bun. ] The Panama
canal scandal continues anil the work of sac
rificing some other porsonagn day by day.
It is certain that M. Andrloux , ox-prefect of
police , through his declaration before the in
vestigating committee , has sot lira to the
gunpowder and has blown sky high several
important individuals who have been playing -
ing the role of politician in the republic.
M. Floqtiot is done for. Ho will never
again bo re-elected president of the Cham
ber. Xoboily believes that M. Floquct
.ouched a penny for hlmsolf , but no-body ml-
nils the theory advanced by M. Floquet
hit since the B'julairfhts prolito.l by the
' . mama canal funds , it was just that the
government should profit by them. In other
tvords , the government's action unjust.
Everybody derived same benefit , but nobody
ns n thief.
M. dc Freycinet , minister of war , is also In
ilanger. Nobody believes that he put any of
ho money in his pocket , but everybody is of
opinion that a man like M. de Fre.veinot
ought not to huvo bad any relations with Dr.
Cornelius Hurz. Everybody believes that M.
ilo Freyclnet asked money of the Panama
lieoplo for the ministerial newspapers , anil
hat he committed u great mistake today in
eceiving MT. Andricux when it was resolved
hut the ex-prefect should be prosecuted.
M. Clemenecau is very much compromised
because of his intimacy with Dr. Her/ , who
was the evil eenius of the politicians of the
Third republic. He committed a grave error ,
round mi Unfortunute Letter.
Finally , there Is another person higher
than allwhose nnino perhaps Can bo guessed
by the readers of the Herald , but cannot be
cabled by your correspondent. Ho is a
Frenchman. Ho is eompromissd , not di
rectly , but by a letter which has been found.
The letter is signed by his wife , and thanks
Mine , do Lesseps for having sent 10JOM
francs for works of charity. Nobody dreams
of accusing this high personage or bis wife
of having put the money iu their pocket , but
yet nooody can comprehend why the letter
of thanks was found among the ofllcial
papers of the Panama company , or bow i
gift of such magnitude should bo accepted ,
even in charity. That the do Lcsscps havi
only a small fortune is well known. There
can be no doubt about the origin of the pros
Unfortunately , the agitation is beginning
to spread among the rural population. The
people are beginning to murmur. If the
elections were held now there would not ho i
republican majority returned. Theroisadis
tinct step toward socialism. Paris for the firs
time since 1870 is beginning to become angry
During the reign of Iloulangism the paoplt
never lost their temper. They looked upoi
that as u joke , but this is u sjrious matter
for tlieir honesty is at stake. In spite of al
the defects of the French paople , they havi
one primal quality , and that is absoluti
honesty. They don't want to ba goveruoJ
by thieves and will not support those win
have even the suspicion of dishonesty attach
Ing to them.
\Vo are on the eve of n most serious crisi ;
and the destinies , not only of the republicai
government but of Franco , are at stake.
I'lot to Destroy the Kcpnlillc Said to li
PAUM , Dec. 24.Tho government believe
it has succeeded in putting its linger endanger
danger to the republic greater than the Pai
ama scandal. The cabinet thinks it lias in
earthed n conspiracy against the statt
which has been vaguely dreaded and rt
morcd for mnny days. It proposes to de ;
with the extraordinary situation by cxtraoi
diimry measures. It will within u few honi
make the first of u series of arrests for big
The statement is made upon autliorit
from n man who will bo the first man (
those to bo accused , M. Andricnx. There I
no disguising the fact that Andrloux
statement to the Panama commission ycste
day was the first unmasking of the hiddc
batteries which everybody has dreaded. C
course , nobody believes that Andrioux
alone in the terrilio campaign which hi
just begun , Tbo whole Boulangist , or r
vlslonist , vyty Is at bis back , hence tl
alarm wliL-h the vindictive ! utterances of tl
ex-deputy and prefect 1ms spread.
Andrlcnx Says IIn IN to He ArrcHleil.
M. Andrieux was asked last night win
great reputations lie would next strike dovt
with the arsenal of weapons which ho said 1
had collected.
"I cannot wpeak of my plans , " ho repllc
"beyond saying that what 1 have KO far m
nounced is but nn insignificant part of u
complete design. I will , however , give yi
an interesting piece of information. Icxpei
to bo arrested tomorrow morning for treasc
and conspiracy against the republic. J
Hibot , M. Loubet and other members of tl
cabinet weru in consultation three houi
this evening and they finally decided to a
vest mo on the uncertain charge of treaso
I said yesterday that a high handed mei
uro would bo used against me and I s ;
again they cannot accomplish any purpose
It Is Impossible to forecast the result
such a step on the part of the govcrnmei
It will , of course , makeii prodigious sensatlo
and it Is perhaps an open question whit
way puulio sympathy will turn.On tl
surface Andrloux-has dono'iiothliig but off
to produce a mass of Incriminating evldcn
against publlo officers who have been bribe
"The government must bring strong 01
ilcnco against mo to justify a prosecution f
treason under such circumstances , " lie sal
Amlrlcm' IIt tin lliiomer.iui ; ,
Whan warned that ho would bo arrestc
Andrieux said : " 1 huvo nothing to fear ,
I am arrested It will be to save Floquet frc
disgrace aud punishment. The govei
incut Is seeking clcHvs Vo prove the .existence
of n Boulanftist 'nn < \ royalist plot
mid desires to. tnftko out all im
plicated In It. It nccins to mo
the real plot Is altogether of another char
acter. I've taken precautions If 1 go to
the dungeon that , , the public will know the
motive for my arrest. "
The preeuutloiisfAnilrleux has taken , It Is
said , are to deposit with trustworthy parties
In Ixmdon duplicates of all the docu
mentary evidence ho has collected against
promliKMit republicans. This , however , will
not affect the action of tbo government.
The government Is greatly encouraged by
the emphatic vote of confidence in the Cham
ber of Deputies.
Another Scniiitlon.
Another sensation will sooiw direct atten
tion to ono of the curlier chapters of the
scandal. The examination of the remain *
of Harou do Uclnnch Is almost completed
and ono of the chumlsts engaged in it Is
authority for the statement that the baron
died of ixiison , as is generally supposed , but
the agent used was a drug which did not net
until twelve hours after It hud been admin
istered. The natural conclusion Is that
Barou do Ki'hiaeh , who was an expert toxl-
cologlst , did not commit suicide , but was
murdered. The darkest possible insinua
tions , will bo spread abroad when the facts
nro known. It should bo denied in advance
that the suspicions which are sure to be
raised In this connection are entitled to any
credence. .
It is doubtful if parliament will adjourn to
day for the usual Christmas holidays.
The Clemenceau-Mlllovoye duel has not
yet. been arranged. A I. Clemenecau admitted
today that , he Intentionally loft M. Dcroulede
untouched in yesterday's encounter. Ho de
nounced the arrangements of the duel , and
said that he did not feel justified under the
circumstances in shooting his adversary.
t U Itumorcd That Hit Hits Left the I'reiich
PAIUS , Dec. 21. It is rumored that AI. do
Freycinet , minister of war , has resigned in
onsequonco of the attacks upon him in eon-
lection with the Panama scandal. A hur-
iedly convoked mooting of the cabinet was
leld this evening iu a co'mmitteo room of the
Chamber of Djput ies , at/ / which it is repartcd
the resignation was offered and accepted.
The rumor is not officially confirmed.
There is considerable excitement in Paris
his evening , and groups of people stand
ibout the streets discussing the sittritlon
mil eagerly waiting for the latest develop
ments. The rumor of M. do Fre.ycinct's
esignation has caused intense agitation , and
jvor.ybody is asking what effect such a move-
ncnt , if true , would have upon the army.
Universal confluence 'is expressed among
the bourgeoisie in the ) coolness , good judg-
ncnt and loyalty of General Caussior , the
nllltnry governor of Paris , who has stood
carefully aloof from- existing complications
and would , It Is bslioroit , In a , critical junc
ture , undoubtedly sjahd by the government.
It is also reported that the cabinet con-
sidci ed the question > or , 'making arrests for
treason and came tfh'a decision as to its
course , which is fecpt'qfcrct ' , but that a blow
will bo struck within if .very short t line.
Ill tin ; Chamber of Deputies.
The proceedings. ] ) ! the Chamber of Depu
ties showed Unit the enemies of the govern
ment had not yet given up tlieir determina
tion to break it down through the Panama
scandal. A determined effort was made to
involve M. do Froycinet in the net which
has cnuclit his late colleague. Houvier , and
the uproar in the Chamber was so great as to
cause apprehension of personal violence be
tween the excited deputies. AI. Hibot pre
served his composure amid call the uproar ,
and closed the session , amid great excite
ment , until after the Christmas holidays.
The proceedings of the Panama canal in
vestigating committee were dull today. The
evidence showed that AI. Houdurt had
charge of the Panama company's advertis
ing. The commission will continue in ses
sion during the Christmas holidays.
La Cocaldu publishes today n facsimile
letter from the ex-manager of the Uepub
lique Fraucaiso , showing that certain mem
bers of the political staff of that paper had
demanded ( JO,000 for tbo Credit Foncier foi
assisting to secure the passage of the muni
cipal bill.
An official denial has been made of tin
statement published in the Oaulois * thai
Mine. Carnet received 10,001) ) from tin
Panama Canal company for charitable pur
In the Chamber of Deputies today , Premier
Hibot. in reply to a question , stated that the
United States of Colombia liad promised to
prolong the Panama concessions ,
Some business was transacted outstdo oj
the Panama scandal. A bill was passei
agreeing to a minimum tariff on Aloorisl
products , in return for commercial conces
slons on the part of Alorocco ,
Premier Hibot made a speech urging tin
Chamber to take favorable action on th
demands of Switzerland for tariff reduction
with a view of entering into friendly rein
tlons with the neighboring republic ,
The Chamber was , however , opposed t
any concession to Switzerland and the Swis
convention was rejected by a vote of 83
to I'.Kl.
The Chamber adjourned until January 1 (
Correspondence lit London 1'anrrM.
LONDON' , Dec. 24. ' { 'ho Paris correspond
cut of the Daily Chronicle says : "Thoqucs
tion is much discusfsed whether Presidcn
Carnet is to blamo.for , his failure , when h
learned the facts , to'bring the delinquents t
Justice , It is suppoded'thatho was too mud
amazed and bewildered to take docisiv
steps. "
The Paris correspondent of the Time
says : "AI. Hibot wan.n'moro signal victor ,
than over , but not without first having see
havoc spread all abojut him. Doukingisi
has overshot the murk' ; ' '
The Vienna correspondent to the Time
says : "In replying to the query of a Vienn
paper , Goblet telegraphs that the situatio
is painful , but not perilous to the republic.
The Paris corrc'siwiideut of the Dail
News says : "Tho depression on the hours
Friday was the outcome ) of u bull campalg
organized early In the month byAl. Uouvler'
friends , rather than a genuine panic. Th
present political crisis could have been fen
told at any tlmo in the last ten years by
careful watcher , /Tho only regret Is that I
has been so long hidden from the publli
The best course now Is to ipp y the caustli
Franco Is none the woi-so for the oxpulslo
of President Orevy , nor was America anylli
worse for the washing of the white hous
linen when Andrew Johnson was presided
It would bo a public benefit If the Paiuini
s . andal were followed by a gigantic scnnd ;
in the Department of Publio Works. Ths
department has long been controlled li
men lacking In character and technliu
knowledge for the benefit of influent ! ;
contractors , who glvo a coinmi
slon on their profits to doputle
I anticipate that the scandals will aroui
tbo electorate to a sense of the value <
moral character. "
Being a British Cabinet Minister is a Very
Profitable Occupation.
Work is Done by Subordinates nml the
Chiefs Duties Are Light.
"Nepotism , is Not a Heinous OiTanso in the
Eyes of England's ' People.
lie Will Move. Carefully by KcHolntUin Till
lid Hug Secured tin * McMitro : u t'nlr
dinner of rnHsiiic It .May
ICiipyrffjMfd tSKlitiJnmu ( 'onionlouirf / , ]
LONDON , Dec. .M. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tut : Ken. ] At this mo
ment" all members of the government uro
scattered far and wide over England and the
continent. The sympathy of public is
often asked for an overworked British min
ister , but on the whole ho has a good time of
It. Ills salary runs up from .C',000 to , C5OlK )
a year , and his duties at ordinary times are
light. The permanent ofllcials of his depart
ment take all the heavy business olT his
hands , and except when P.irliamont is sit
ting ho may go. for a holiday whenever ho
lilies. Ills influence is great , and ho can
occasionally provide fora relation or friend.
He is a lion in his own social circle and a
great man with the outside public , and per
haps may , like l ord lleorgo Hamilton , retire
when his party goes out of olllce with a pen
sion of 'iOJ9 n year.
Legal functionaries have more opportuni
ties than others for doing good , for the fat
things are always falling into their hands.
One of these big wigs of the last government
has the satisfaction of sitting down to his
Christmas dinner with the knowledge that
ho has not left a single relation unprovided
for. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge has Just
given ono of his sons a snug and valuable
appointment for life.
Gladstone has already rewarded some of
his followers. One of them , a mere wind
bag , gets a berth of Jtli > oa a year and an
other an appointment worth the same sum.
A third receives two appointments , but ho
is a Welshman , and the Welsh gang must bo
kept quiet. People sneer at public life , but
if you have luck you may makojt pay re
markably well. Gladstone has always
akcn care of his friends , but be would say
ils friends are well worthy of bcin1 fed at
he public crib. Of course , there is no job-
blfigT '
. . absolutoslnccurc3. . there are none , ;
n the present day. Parliament is too dili-
? ent for that , but JL'1,000 a year is not a bad
thing to have for putting In an appearance at
; in office four or five hours a day , and these
u-izes still abound.
GludnlonuVorlclitf ; a 11:111. :
The great man has been who enough to
-lear out altogether till just before the meet
ing of Parliament. I have a rumor from
some well informed friends that ho is going
to play a match against time for reference
of homo rule. The talk of dropping it alto
gether is absurd , as is the story that he is to
publish the outlines of the measure , which are
lot oven drawn. KutGkulstonecnn proceed by
resolution , as he did in dealing with the Irish
church , and so commit the House of Com
mons and detail his scheme after. Ho is per
sonally much in favor of this courso. Some
of the Irishmen will not have it at any price ,
but they have talked over a plan that offers
many advantages. The weak brethren have
been spotted off , and an obviously wrong
move can bo rectified. The government need
not fall if defeated on any detail. It simply
says : "Very good ; you do not like the ar
rangement ; wo will alter it. " Finally , when
the measure is brought forward it is that
which has practically been adopted , and incase
of serious the "old
case objection parliamen
tary hand" turns round indignantly and tells
his critics they huvo been playing fast and
loose wltli him , and the mark of traitor is
put upon them. The resolution g.imo , there
fore , is the ono most likely to bo played ,
probably with success.
IIHilll.V im.YHATIC.
K < MiiirI < ! iliI Scene lit the Sentencing of n
.Murderer In an Kiigllsli Court.
LONDON , Dec. " 4 , Andrew George .Mac.
Rae was found guilty at the Northampton
assl/.es this evening of the murder of Annii
Pritchard. The trial has been going on since
There was a dramatic scene in court whei ;
the jury returned and the verdict was an
nounced. The prisoner , in reply to tin
Judge's usual question , asking why the sentence
tenco of dcatli should not bo pronouncci
upon him , calmly said :
"Whatever Bcntcnco your lordship passes
will huvo no terror for mo , I could say iiiiinj
things in regard to the evidence producci
here , but it is useless , The witnessscs
statements anout conversations with mo an
a mass of abominable lies , You , gcntlcmei
of the jury , this day each become what yoi
make me a murderer. You have widowei
a good wife upon this Christmas eve ant
orphaned two children. As long as you llvi
your conscience will accuse you , Now. you :
lordship , pronounce my doom In us fcv
words as possible. "
While ho was speaking , his brother , wh <
had previously been ejected from the conr
for interrupting the Judge , attempted ti
enter , but was again ejected. A crowd out
sldo the court room cheered upon hearing
the verdict.
H.UII : > Atmoss TIIU ouu.vx ,
Dcfcut of HID liuimii l.lncr City of Turin li'
tlu > ICtrnrlii.
LONDON , Dec. 21 , The Ktruria has beatei
the City of Paris of the Inmiin line in the !
race across the ocean , the former havini
passed Old Head , KInsale , at 4:50 : a. m. , ant
the Paris nt 8:45 : , nearly four hours behind
The result of the race was a surprise.
The two big ocean greyhounds left the !
docks last Saturday within a few minutes o
each other , the Inman liner having the ad
vantage In crossing the bar by twcnty-llv
minutes. *
The officers of the City of Paris declined t
have anything to say about the steamer'
engines , which are said to have been out o
order on the trip. The passengers say tlm
the first night out they saw the Ktruria'
lights astern of them , On Sunday the Cit
of Paris was still ahead , but the Ktrurlu wa
still getting through the water faster thu
the Inman liner , and the distance betwcc
them was slowly lessening. This condltio
Wtathtrfiir Omaha ami'lfltttu \ \
J-'uJr , r < irf < iMe ll'lmfe.
t. Merlin Tlirrnlnipil with llnrit Tlmcu.
I'rnnrnTroniMliiR wltli Hi'toliiUoiii
1'olltlct 1'u.v * In llnclund ,
n.vniiinlle Sciro ; In OnMln.
' . ' . Cntlinllro ArruiiRltiK Tor n ( ' < > nrcs < ,
StrlUe nf rrlnlet-H hi Lincoln.
.liiclt .MenlliVe t.ixiM tin- Ills I'nt.
Oiirzir * .MenVln it llultlc.
: t > Mow ( 'lii-l lniii ( 'Mmincnccil In Omiihu.
How a Trooper Spent ChrNlmiii.
AimrchUtH IndiilijItiK Their Tlirrnt i
I. IMIIoilnl nml Comment.
T , llcutli'iVmhliiKlon Letter.
( Jencriil Nc\\ * from the ( 'iiilt l.
n. Council Itltl.lV * l.otvilei. .
7 ; Wrrh In Sorlitl Circle * .
link' * ( linslp ,
K , Chi It ! inns Chime * In the Cliiirrhct ,
lluppy Hours In Iterlln.
AMUIrsMt South < > m..lm ,
tl. Alioilt the Hotlomlcss Ditch.
.Ml s Minmll In Mreeee.
Ciitheilnil T St. .Inlin the DUIne.
10. dilutees Tlnit \Votimii UIIH Hud.
I'liililon't l.nU'it I'reiiUHi
11. Onuitui'M Trildc Itexleueil ,
I'luunclitl nml t'nmniercliil NOHH.
N'o1'roni th lmlo | UIUIIIIH.
IV. Ten Pictures of the l.cjMltors : ,
III. IMiiiixmm unil Their AVI\cB.
l" . Xodomlrsli.v'H Uucl.
1(1. Some Chut H 1th the Spurts.
Music mill Drum I nn 1'uper.
of affairs continued Monday. Matters on
the City of Paris began to look serious. Her
passengers , who had been confident of her
ability to jim away from the ICtrurin , began
to waver. The most intense excitement pre
vailed among them. Some heavy bets were
made upon the result. Even the ladles
made wagers. Though the decks wore very
uncomfortable , they were scarcely over de
serted. Men and women gathered under the
lee of the deckhouses and anxiously watched
the Ktruria , all the time creeping nearer and
Early Tuesday morniiiBttho Ktruria was
nearly abreast of her rival , but she was some
distance down to leeward. Suddenly she
changed her course and hauled to thp south
ward. Much speculation was indulged in as
to what this move might mean. In a short
tlmo the Ktruria was hull down and then
nothing could bo seen of her save a long
trail of black smoke lying along the hormm.
Tliis soon disappeared and nothing inoi-o was
seen of her until Friday , when sljo suddenly
loomed up a considerable distance ahead of
the City of Paris ,
With regard to the accident to the City of
Paris , the engineer was silent , but the
passengers all agree that some mishap befell
them. On Wednesday she was hove to for
six hours , and when shu was put on her
course again she proceeded under one engine
for thirty-six hours. The officers , when
questioned , replied that ouly a pin had
DlllIuiiltlnH In Smith Amci-lcun Countries
Kii Hei'lons Aspect.
2 till Jamn ( Jonlini Hciinctt. ]
, i via Galveston , Tex , , ) Dec.l ,
[ By Mexican Cable to the New
York Herald Special to Tin : Hci-
Diplomatic relations between Chili and Ar
gentina may be seriously interrupted. The
Herald's correspondent ut Kuenos Ayres
telegraphs that serious trouble is likely tc
grow out of a pamphlet recently written
by Mr. Guerrero , the Chilian min
ster to Argentina , and IHanchi Tup
iier. Guerrero and Tuppcr repre
Rented the Chilian junta do Gobicrm
in Venezuela during the revolution against
Dalmaceda's government. They say In the
> ainphlet that they used certain sums o
noney in bribing operators to re
veal the secrets sent to Europe by Ualma
coda during tbo revolution in Chill in IS'.M
These statements are regarded as insultlnt
in the. highest degree to the Argentine Ke
public. La Nation , a leading newspapci
in Buenos Ayrcs in a long editorial on tin
pamphlet , vehemently suggests that the gov
eminent demand the withdrawal of Mr
Guerrero as Chilian minister. La Nuclei
says that the government must defend tin
honor of the republic and insist that It shal
not he represented by u man whose reeori
has been smirched.
The Herald's correspondent Intervlewei
Minister Guerrero at Buenos Ayrcs. Th
minister Insisted that the statements In 111
pamphlet were correct , but said they were
pi inted upon the responsibility of Mr
Tuppor. He said ho had no reply to make I
the attacks in the newspapers. The affai
Is causing great excitement in Argentinii
Exchange has fallen. A meeting o
Congress was held at which cot :
sidorablo feeling was displayed , Coi
gross will request the government t
to give full details of the controversy. Hi
reported that the president has ordered Al
gcntines charge d'affaires at Santiago to di
mand a full explanation from' the govcn
incut of Chili and to ask the recall of Minis
ter Guerrero as a persona non grata ,
The police of Buenos Ayres today arrestc
a number of persons who arc charged wit
conspiracy against the government. Th
fact that war is probable gives emphasis t
my former cable suggesting that a Unite
States war ship bo kept in Chilian waters.
The Herald's correspondent at Montevide
telegraphs that a band of Castilhlstas froi
Hio Grande do Sul , Brazil , eluded ' th
frontier guard and huvo arrived at Hive :
They killed the federalist general who ha
sought refuge on Uruguayan territory. Tli
affair has caused great oxcltcmont , and a
engagement between Uruguayan troops an
the Castilhlstus will probably take place.
UAl.Tii.Ndl'OU WAlt.
'c < ) i > li > Dcnuiml to Im Led Anliii |
Chill ,
BUHNOS AYIIES , Dec , 24. The mounted p
llco were called upon today to breakup n
anti-Chilian demonstration of the populac
The mob was dispersed without any serial
injury to nn yono. A guard Is stationed i
the Chilian legation to protect the Chillii
inlnltilcr and his aides from violenc
The Chilian minister , M. Guerr
held a conference today with Fo
clgn Minister Anchrcnca , Congrcbs li
mediately hold a secret session relating
Chill. Minister Guerre Is preparing a repl
to the charge that ho tried to bribe Argoi
tine ofllcials , Feeling runs very high uii
the hot-headed enemies of Chill call loudl
for war.
KriipiiinU to Kxpliiln ,
Br.Ki.i.v , Dec , 21. Heir Krupp has nrrlvt
at Berlin and petitioned for an audlem
* with the emperor. In order to explain to h
majesty the offer made by Krupp in 1K08
supply the late Louis Napoleon , emperor (
the French , with guns of Ills manufacture. !
Will lie Kducutuil In it I'uhllu School.
LONDON' , Doe , 24. The Berlin corrpspon
cut of 'thu Dally Telegraph saya Kmper
William has resolved that the crown prin
shall have a publlo school education and h
selected the royal gymnasium at Jvlei an t
) yimraiters Resume Operations in Ireland
with Fatal Results.
Selective Synot lustantly Killoil by tlio
Explosion ,
jargo Crowds Gather anil View tbo Wrecked
\Ylmlnu Shuttered for .Muuy Itlocks Around
It Wax u Delllienilely riumioil Attempt
lit AmiH liiiitluiiVlmt thu
1'ollveSiiy Alioilt It.
Di'in.i.v , Dec. 21. An explosion occurred
tonight outside of the dcctcctlvo offlco In
ICxchange court. Dotectlvo Synot , who was
passing at the time , was killed.
Midnight The scene of the explosion Is
near the city hall and not far from Dublin
castle. The detective ofllce Is known us Q ,
division of police headquarters , and Is nt
1 and1 Exchange court , Just off Dame
street , one of the principal thoroughfares
of the city. Although there were not many
people In the streets at tbo time , the hour
being late , the explosion caused Intense ox *
citement. Many persons recalled the at
tempt to blow up Dublin eastlo on December
last , and it was thought another effort
had been made to accomplish Its destruction.
Work of Dynamiters.
There Is little doubt in the minds of the
ofllcials that tbo explosion was the work of
dynamiters. The bomb was placed Immedi
ately beneath the window of the chief of
the detective department nml so violent was
the concussion that every window in the
neighborhood was shattered and the uolso of
the explosion was heard many blocks away.
Detective Synot was killed instantly , hia
body being horribly mangled. The right
leg was lorn completely from the trunk.
Synpt had just been discharged from a
hospital where he has been confined wltli ft
serious illness , and was to have resumed hl >
duties on Christmas day.
The noise of tbo explosion drew a largo
crowd. The building was in charge of de
tectives. They were sot to work on tlio
care immediately. The ofllcials refuse to
talk about the affair or to give any opinion
as to whom they think la at"tlio "bottom of
the outrage.
At 1 o'clock this morning no arrests bad
been made.
Will Nut Ntiiuil u deduction.
Br.m.ix , Dec. 21. The clerks employed .In
the international revenue department , Ber
lin , have gone on strike against a reduction
of wages to CO cents a day.
Caiiuilliiii riic.lllc. iiruliiK : .
MoSTiir.Ai , , Can. , Dec , 2-1. The Canadian
Pacific earnings for the week ending Decem
ber 21 were $402,000. Same period last year ,
: > ' . ) decrease S'27,000.
$4 ,000 ; , ,
Sonic linpurtant Additional. 1'iiclH Ill-ought
to l.lKlit.
TAVNTOX , Mass. , Dec. 24. There is no in
timation yet in regard to the time of arraigning - -
raigning Miss Borden for tlio murder of ho
father and stepmother. It is asserted that
the government is in no hurry to have the
case presented because of a belief that the
woman is insane , or if not so now that she
will bo before the trial. If she is placed on
trial , tlio only Important fact to bo explained
will lie in regard to tbo dress , and for the
first tlmo the details of that affair are now
made public.
Miss Hussell and tbo two Misses Borden
kvero in a room on the third floor on tlio day
of the murders. I > ! //iti went out and caifie
nto the room again. She hud a dress In
her bund , saying that "they are making so
much fuss over things about hero that I
guess I will burn this , This Is un old
dress upon which I spilled sorno red paint. "
She passed out Into the kitchen and put
the dress into the lire. Miss Hussell said
nothing about this matter at the iirst hear
ing , nor did Emma Boiilen , but when Miss
Hussell was asked point blank In regard to
the occurrence the day before the grand Jury
reported Hho told the story ,
Tliclr StrunKe Conduct In Kiilitinnzou , Midi , ,
iivcllcs Much Comment ,
Dr.ruorr , Mich. , Dec. 21. A special to the
Free Press from Kalamarao , Mich. , says :
The people near hero are becoming aroused
against an eccentric religions sect known us
the "Chosen Suven. " They nro an off shoot
of tiio Free Methodists , The louder Is a
man of about 40 years old , who succeeded In
getting the people Into his confidence.
Women and men have "spoils" when they
tear their clothing In shreds and pull the
hair from their heads.
Carter , the leader , nald a few months ago
that ho had a command to sacrifice his in
fant child. His wlfu objected , and by fran
tic efforts prevented him from plunging a
butcher knife , which ho had In his bund ,
through the child's body.
Tlio ex-Carterjtcs are now taking a hand
and propose to rid the village of them , The
town became lee hot for Carter and ho went
to Wutcrvillo and held n meeting. On his
w.iy homo ho was seized and liberally
flogged. Ho swears vengeance on his assailants -
ants ,
I'M.T. 01' A NAl'AL
lie. 1'ullit from n Train nml U Instantly t
/ Killed.
Bitjpnr.rouT , Conn. , Deo. 24 , Late this
afternoon a man was found lying bcsldo the
tracks of the Consolidated road two miles
west of the city by the conductor of a work
train. Ho was uiit-ousclous , his skull waa
fr.icturcd , and ho died ' jforo reaching the
Papers wcro found which show the dead
man to bo A. J , Clark of the United States
navy. The man is supposed to have fallen
from a tr.iin. On thu body weru found a sum
of money , a valuable gold watch and an un
opened letter addressed to Mrs. A. J. Clark ,
iioi : West Eighty-eighth street , New York.
It Is thought Clark was going to spend
b Christmas wiiu ins wuo an-i lamiiy , N6
trains passing through this city have re
ported any accident , t