Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TL1E OMAHA DAILY UEI3 : HSATl'llDAY , DEORMUKR 2-1 , 1802.
Every Toy , every Doll , every Game ; every Holiday Book , every Holiday Article of every and all kinds , big'
and little , will be and must be sold by tomorrow night. We say it ! We mean it ! Regardless of cost or
value. Regardless of how big the loss.
There's bouud to be something in this that you'll want ! And whatever that something is a dress , a cloak , an umbrella , a silk handkerchief
muffler , a fancy slipper , 110 matter what it is it is yours , Tomorrow , for a mere nothing.
\J \ IvI
Colored TONIGHT. 1,000 to se'ect from. We have too many and they Muff and Long Boa , real badger.
SILK must go in the next 2 clays. This stoclc is all new Huff aud Long Boa , red fox. . . .
Black Silk
Mufflers Muff and Long Boa , red real lynx A SET.
IIDKFS Polka Dot Blue Silk Mufflers and \ve guarantee each Umbrella for one year. Muff and Long Boa , of wolf. . . .
Japanese ' Extx'aordinni'y Valne tliat will in Our PRICES WILL BE JUST Muff and Long Boa , black bear. tyPuivU
Silk Emb'd terest every Lady wlio wants a Muff and Long Boa , blug fox. . . A SET ,
Scolloped Holiday Present. HALF this week. Black Fur Huffs
3,000 French Embroidered and Tufted Dresses , in a
Hdkfs , complete assortment of now fall and HA rfft fl jft Wolf Huffs
winter shades , embroidered in the IJl T \ 118 Seal Muffs " !
latest Parisian designs and colorings , fu | ( ly B U :
100 do/cu Seconds Ladies' Tine fuliy worth $22 per robe. Ladies' ' Gloria Silk Umbrellas. . . . Krimmer Muffs
emb'd SIIKKIt LINKN HAND. Their extraordinary value can readily bo seen , Silver mul Goid Handle ! * , Monkey Muffs
KliUCHlHFS , worth 50c , as Each pattern contains six yards of full double Regular Price S2. ! > 0. 83.0Q
In the richest designs width all Wool finest French dress goods , and two Beaver Muffs 553.50
and the most costly niau- and half ykrds of trimming , the plain material Child's '
' a Set white
, angora $1.50 32.OO
iifactur , all in ouc'grand
BOO dozen Pure Silk INITIAL alone being worth more- than , the price quoted oil '
1IAKFS , Japanese , scolloped , lot at the robe complete , This is a now and fresh lot of Ladies' Silk Umbrellas FUI& CAPES
cnib'd , and India Silk 1 111 less , fashionable merchandise , having boon landed iiisido Natural Sticks , bilvor tiiipoil era fl . Black Russian Lynx ,
Worth VJo. of a week. The coloring1 and designs will suit niidbnudodicguli.r prlco 84. W I Q
everybody. Astrakhan , American Seal ,
tlal Hdkfs , and Ladies' Fine '
Emb'd Silk Hdkfs , worth $1.25 , Ladies' Heavy Serge
Dress lengths and remnants of PLAIN DKESS
Worth $2.50. Natural Wood Aaudlrs , -
GOODS in cashmeres , henriottas , serges , brilliaii- frames , worth SB.
" r&S&vl ' 10 verT highest gradu Imported tines , bedford cords , foulos and fancy weaves
FROM $1.75 TO $4.08 THE PATTERN.
PATTERNS Double width wool
DRESS chev '
iot dress patterns in mixed effects Gents' Elegant Gold Topped Heavy
In black , white
and silk embroidered AT $1.69 AND $1.98 THE PATTERN. SERGE ngoii frame UMBRELLAS , fast ulaiikworth , par- * 7
DRESS PETTERNS Double width homespun
dress patterns in a bewildering line of styles
AT $2.29 , $2.49 AND $298 THE PATTERN.
DRESS PATTERNS Scotch and English Gents' ' English Silk Umbrellas. . .
tweeds , also German chevron dress patterns , With natural \vootllmiullos.
Worth $4.50. AT $2.76 , gS.49 AND $2.98 THE PATTERN. Hilvor trimmings , worth jtiftj.
N. W. Corner
Wagous 9 16th and Douglas ,
Arn Shining at lluyilcii Ilrc > 9.
The hist and final reduction in dolls ,
albums , iron toya , wagons aud wheels ,
Christinas tree ormunonlH , sinolcing-
ects , toilet cases and nil fancy novel-
tics suitable for Christmas presents.
Our stock of dolls Is uneqnalod in
quantity , quality and variety , und at
these closing out prices will surpass all
former olTorts.
Special low prices on hullod' and
children's clonks , jackets , shawls and
Is bi-im full of bargains.
Our mammoth stock of jewelry Is
simply uneqiwlodin variety , quality and
price. Remember every article is fully
guaranteed or money refunded.
Endless variety and lowest prices over
Special sale on linens , dross goods ,
laces , art goods , books and stationery.
Visit the mlllinorv department.
At Haydons' butter , cheese and oyster
department you can bco sooils you want
for Xmas dinner.
Country butter , He , Nie , 18c and 20c.
Creamery , U2c , 21c , "tic. Separator
cronmory , liSu.
Romomhor wo carry the largest stoclc
of fancy creamery and country butter in
the city. It Is always fresh and you
will Ihyl every pound of it as puio as thu
milk that comns from a Nebraska cow.
Our choi'so dopaitmont is always
Blocked with the Uncut imported and
( loinoallo cliooho which wo will sell at
rctuil cheaper than others can buy it
Wisconsin full cream , 8c , lOoand 12Jc.
Young America full cream , l-c.
Jersey pure cream , Mo and Kic.
Swias chocEe. 1-Jo , lie anil Kic.
H'rlek cheese. 12io , Me and lUc.
Llmburgcr cheese , 1'Jjo anil 15o.
Sab Bngo , So per packago.
Neufchatel , 7jo per piickngc.
Frumago ilu brio , JOc pur pound.
Rochfort linnortctt , , r > Uo per pound.
I'lnonpplo ohceso , 50o each.
Kdam cheese , $1.2o each.
Club house , 3f > o onch ,
Evary one will want oysters for Xmns.
Ho sure and come hero ; you can got
them for 25o per quart , always fresh.
When you need mincemeat you can
buv It hero for 7Jo per pound ,
Apple butter , 7Jo po1 pound , straw
berry and raspburry preserves , lUo } ,
Coir.o to Haydons' for anything you
Want , Our motto : First class goods at
lowest prices.
An appropriate Xmtia present always
useful and never out of stvlo , opera
glasses , retail at wholesale price * . Par
ties purchasing gold spectacles for pros-
tMs-wULbo given a card entitling the
Bolder to have their eyes carefully ox-
Hinlncd after the holiilays and the proper
Jo-uses itibortod without any additional
Ohurgu. Buy our refractionlat gold
I'raiues fro'n $2.60 up , Tudor Optical
Co. , wholesale opticians , corner Furmun
iud Mill streets , Omaha , Nob.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word Is good.
W. Q. Albright
621-iJ-3 N. Y. LUo blds ,
Holiday jjoodB.Pronzor , iow'r , opp. n.o
IIAYDIN : imos' . snois. :
XIIKIK silin | | > rH fop Tomorrow.
Wo now have on sale the largest and
'most line of Xunis slippers ever in
Wo put into this sale the largest and
Inest stock of bitinplo slippers west of
All the fine sample slippers from
Adams & Pottingill's factory at loss.than
their cost. Compare our prices.
Men's velvet embroidered slippers ,
G3c ; worth 51.00.
Men's line opor.x embroidered slippers ,
70o : woith & 1.1M.
Men's fine operaombrotdorod slippers ,
OOc ; worth Sl.fiO.
Men's line plush embroidered slippers ,
$1.25 ; worth $2.00.
Men's line plush embroidered slippers ,
$1.50 ; worth $2.50.
Boys' flue velvet embroidered slip-
pois , 70c ; worth $1.25.
Youths' line velvet embroidorhd slip
pers , GOc ; worth $1.00.
Ladies' line felt slippers , sizes 2 } to1 ,
OOc ; worth * l.r > 0.
L'ulica' line plush slippers , sixes 2 } to
J , $1.00 ; worth 82.0'J.
In line shoes wo offer you b'argains
you cannot afford to miss.
Dry goods and shoes.
fQ Christ mis : fur tint I'oor.
The pretty custom of buying Clnlatmas
lircscnts for the poor was not overlooked by
the M'hool rlillilren yesteriliiy , and about a
waRoii lo.ul of articles wore contributed ,
which will Ito illstrlhutctl tomorrow by the
City mission. Kvt'ii thu Httlo ones attend-
Int ; tlio kimliTKiirti'iis aililutl tholr inltu to
the arr.iy of to s and iisctul piehC'iiKs for the
less fortunate children of thu poor.
Dollh al : . % I'cr ( 'i-nt Oir ,
Today ( Saturday ) all our French dolls
go at a discount of - " > per cent oil.
, Iliilldny IXL'iirsliniH ,
The Rock IB'and fouto will neil tick
ets at reduced rates dining the holi
days. If you are going east orveat
you will Und the llnost vestlbulod trains
and the best dining car service in
America on this lino. The World's
fair special , limited , leaving Omaha at
1.-40 p. in. dally for Chicago and the
east furnishes all modern luxuries ,
Ticket olllco 1002 Farnam fatreot ,
Charles Kennedy , General Northwestern -
orn Passenger Agent.
Holiday gooiln1lYoiier ; , | T.vV , op _ ) . p ,
Water rents duo .launary 1 , payable
at company's olllco , BKK Dullding ; r > per
cent uibcount allowed if paid on or be
fore January 1 , OHlco open Wednesdays
and Saturdays till 8 p. in.
Mrs. Grace Cooper Till Us About the Iitu :
TriiKt'ily t lllissott.
Mrs. Grace Cooper of this city called at
this ofllco last evening to state that there
had been a misrepresentation of facts re-
Ktirding the shooting of her husband , James
Cooper , who was killed by Sheriff Harris at
Biissctt , December 1.
She was not there at the time of the
shooting , and her information was what she
had received from friends at that place.
While she did not doubt that there had been
a row of some kind , she was satisfied that
the shooting was done more hastily than
good Judgment would have prompted. She
denied that her husband had done
any shooting , claiming that the
wound that ho inllicted upon May
was by striking him with the barrel of an
unloaded lillo , and that this was the weapon
ho had in his hands when shot by the
sheriff. She was told that ho was not resist
ing arrest , and that there was not any prob
ability that ho would have injured any one ,
although she wns satislled that he was tem
porarily Insane at the time. Ho had been
taking the gold cuio far the liquor habit ,
and the mrdioino hud affected his brain. The
couple wore married in this city last April ,
and the bereaved wife is in a delicate condi
tion. Sbo was unable to attend the funeral ,
which otook place at Uassctt , where tlio
parents of the deceased reside.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you iion't
want u bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want a headache.
Then UKO Do Witt's Little Karly Kisers , the
fumoiib'llttlo pills.
Doiin tit an ivr in-lit on ;
Today ( Saturday ) all our French dolls
go at a'discount of 2/i nor cent off.
lYuYral OIlViulrrM Scnli-ncc-il.
Judge Dunily pronounced sentence upon
a number of petty culprits yesterday. They
had sold whisky , used the United States
mails for improper purposes and like offences.
! : . D. Smith was given a line of * 1 and costs ,
ItfiiblnVislor got M5 and costs , Thomas
Hanlon was assessed Jl and costs , William
( Jlosson had to pay yi5 and costs and Ueubln
Sloan was obliged to call on his father to
help him out of a serape that will diminish
the parental exchequer to the tune of . ' 0
' and a good big bill of costs.
j a
I Ignorance of the merits of DoWItt's Little
1 Karly Ulsers Is a misfortune. These little
I pills regulate the liver , cure hcaduchc. dys-
I popsla , bad breath , constipation and bilious-
rostpoiu-il I lid Sinning.
The musical concert to have been given
last evening in the Young Men's Christian
association auditorium by the Jubilee singers
was postponed indclhiltely , owing to the
very small number of people present. The
comvrt was to have been given for thu bone-
lit of the St. Paul mission at Nineteenth aud
Center streets.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Atntnouia ; No Alum ,
Used iu Millions of Homes 40.Years the Standard.
Tlio desperate Btrueglo for n renewal
of tlio joys of health IB a spectacle most
painful to ljuliold. Every victim of
knows liut too wdll tno horrors of that
almost hopeless coin bat ; uiul nvcry ono
of the many thousands who have boon
completely cured of these dlbtrcislir '
und ( luiiRcrotis ni'ilatllua by these un
rivaled succlallsts. tliu famous
the Inoxprcsslblo dollizht of a
real and iieriiinnent restoration of that
prK'oles.s loon..tfooil health. If you are
unions the uintoted ones , consult them
at once.
Fcna 4 cents Trtr a copy of thslr Hlu9'
trutod new bodlt of I'M pngns.
ConsUftatlon Free.
Call upon , or address with stamp.
119 South 14th Stre3l ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I misurjiasiecl in Uio
treatment of all
anil nilI > l < Mi6 < ' 8ijri )
and nUurtlcmofmtfi
18 yearn experience.
\Vrlto for circulars
mid ( jucttluti list fruo.
nnd Fimmm B ( . ,
Otnaliu , Neb.
BJ > 101 to ICOBtatdBt. . Ublcaeo.
ft III Ball trr ll.cir r.e ly tnlirccd
t > Uluuccf Hull Unl
( oliul iiii l vuirenH , too | n II
Uou. , UtKriluBK tviry itKU
ciV l > r lund cr Drum t'uri > l ,
illln * liutrurtieu lot Amtliur
icuti Di Uruw M.lor Ttrtiet ,
U l u4 * fctattd Lut et tml Muic.
Elastic Stocking-
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
d ' Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.lflhSt , ,
Next to Postoffiee.
fiatiopal Bapk ,
ir. K. oni > osrrmi\\ OMAHA , yuit.
Capital $100,000
Surplus 1 .JL.L.L.J . . . . . $ ( { 5,000
Cfllcors nnd Directors Henry W , Yntos , president ;
It. C. VuihliiK , vlco iiroililani ; < ; , * J. Miiurlco , W. V.
Murio.Jnhn tf. Collins , J. N. II. 1-ntrU.k ; iowj | a.
lived , cashier.
W.Uia all ttiu train or
r.vir.s , WIAK.VISSIW : : , irc. , timt
conipnnr thorn In inon < M'lc'iiV an 1 I'KI
NKNTI.V irmu. ; run Hrui.siTii : nmi u > nu
clvcn to ovt'ry parl of the foofly , 1 will Konil ( su'
curoly i'2 eil ) KltKB connr sulTorur tlio ( iroicrlp.
lion tlmtriiruil moot UIIIHO trjubliji. Aajrjss , | j
A , HHAIIMIV II All Mi I'llKCK , Mien.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 Iloorot nt J..M per ilijr ,
W Kunnis nt ! 3 UU per ilnr.
lOltnonis Hitli Until ut UU ) pordnr.
iO lluoma nllti Until ut 13 : iO lo tl W per illy.
Modern In rvcry
I'liriilHliuil TliroiiKliout.
C. S. ERB , Prop.
Merchants' Hotel.
FARNAM ST. , Between 15th nnd 10th
llnvlnz Jissiiinod 1)10 ) innnaROinent of the
Merchants' Ilotul , I will m.iko Biieli linprova-
niuntb und fliutiRos us vlll iiiaku tuU liouso
0110 nfthobostnt which tostop In Omulin.
Tliorciiiilrcineiiti and wauta or till natront
will bo unrofullv altund il to Uuliu MHIS-
centriillyluouteil tUU liotol oirori bpcolalut-
tracttonstn tlta IKvollnj public. A contlnu-
nncoof Its pp.tioniiso Is respectfully -
fully usU-d , \V. A. I'AXl'O.N , J It ,
OMAHA. Dec. I , 1BT3 _ _
lHIWS WC/f , ( ! A.
A i'i : WIMIMJ UI- : > OUT
Oiicm Jan 4 Homl for circular Kiuuoun for
Imilllilulcllmnp , l luir leu air. I'luu fotciti , flnu
Urlro * onJ uquutlc anil tie hi iporU.
WARREN UELAND , Jr. , Manager.
does hermit for Chri.stmas ? TliatV , the qucgtion that agitates the
feminine mind throughout this broad laud today , and , iu truth , that
same mind rather enjoys the agitation. It is pleasant this plan
ning aud .scheming ; this making and buying and hiding away
in dark nooks and forbidden rooms these Christmas gifts , till the
all eventful day. But we all enjoy it we men as well. What
n man want ? That's the poser. There's hundred's of things you
can buy for boys anil girls and school friends and sisters and
mothers and wives but a man he's so different. "There's so
few tilings that a man wants that don't cost a fortune , " says one
woman who's all tired out shopping. But she's wrong. Ifyou'r
particular "he" is a republican , buy him an umbrella ( he'll need
"protection" ) . We've all sorts ( inc to $ ' 1.50. Then ,
likes slippers every man does likes to put 'em on and put his
feet up higher than his head and pull'a good cigar : ) ( ) c to $1.5 ( >
( that's the price of the slipper.- , ) . Then men like to be "collared"
by a pretty woman , and they even enjoy it if they're "culled" by
one. Best all linen collars or cull's 25c a pair. Then if he's a great
blow buy him handkerchiefs plain or fancy 5c 10c 15c 20c
to call your attention to a hundred do/.en full si/e fine Japanese
silk hemstitched handkerchiefs the lifty-ccnt kind at oe each.
Then there's neckwear a safe think to "tie" to , always. Asldo
from the old standby shapes at I5c 25c-U.Sc we show elegantly
gotten up scarfs at 45e-G5c 75c ! )0c ) $1.01) . Then there's sus
penders. Aside from regular goods , (15c ( to 5c ) , we show novel *
ties designed especially
Christmas in silks and satins all colors plain or embroidered
the finest goods made in individual boxes $1.00 to $2.25. Tliero'i *
gloves and mittens mufllers 15c to $2.QO an especially attractive
line of handsome colors in cashmere and cra/.y cloth at 50c , Then
there's jewelry culT buttons , lever or link watch guards scarf *
pins studs buttons on , Our corner window with each ar
ticle marked with its price tells you where to buy your "male"
presents for
Christmas ?