TII12 OMAHA DAILY BEE ; IWIVRDAY , DECEMBER 21 , 1802. PRINTERS LIKELY TO STRIKE Union Members of the Graft nt Lincoln Dissatisfied. ANXIOUS TO EFFECT A SETTLEMENT Ilolli Slilrn IlpMrn to Avoid Pnrilicr Trouble Action Mint HP Tafcrn Toiliiy L'onnlli-s Indebted let tlir State for Cure of limnr. N , Neb. , Dec , 21. [ Special to THE ficr. ] Unless : ui amicable adjustment of tlio differences utv existing between tko mem- bent of Iho Uncolii Typographical union nnd the Daily Stnto. Jounitil and tlio Dally Call , tlio printers on both p.ipors will le.ivo their cases ntI ! : : < ! ) o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Speaking or this trouble A leading rnumber of the union said this afternoon : "Tho strike will IKS ordered because the publishers of the two papers referred to have refused to sign the new scale of wages presented to them last week The printers lire not asking antlilng moro than they think fs Just. There are about 10J prlnU-rs In the city who belong to the union , and there are but very few printers In the city who do not belong to the unlnn The strike will only affect these two oftlces. In the Journal oDleo the printers In the composing , book nnd Job rooms will go out. At the Call ofllco there Is no job dep.irtmcnl and the uows- paper oniccnlouo will bo affected ' ' Fi lends of both sides to controversy Htlll hope that Bomu agreement will Im reached l)6foio ) the sit Ike is oidored. An Incipient strike occurred lu the com posing rooms of the Dally Call this morning. The business manager managed to com- promlso the matter , and the paper cnmo out this aftcrn'uon as usual , Hi-porti-d Till * Afti-rnnim. The grand Jury was advertised to make Its Jliml report tills afternoon mid at ! l o'clock the sixteen men filed Into Judge Hull's court room and answered to their mimes. Their foreman , .1. P. 11. Millar , veiwrtcd that they had a tcport to make but that they dealt cd to make a lln.il report tomorrow morning They were accordingly excused until 0 o'clock. The icport this afternoon consisted of a formidable roll of manusci ipt carefully done up in a package. Its contents will not bo made kiioun until tomorrow , but It Is known to contain the llnd Ings of the jury with reference to the condition and manage- munt of the county Jail. The llnal report will contain the indictments nnd the public will bo compelled to restrain Us impatience lor another twenty-four hours. niiethoSlntc. The auditorof public accounts today ren dered a statement to the attorney general Showing the amounts delinquent ami due the tate on November ! ! 0 , 18U2 , from the several counties of the state for care and mainten ance of patients in the hospitals for the iu- sano. The total amount is 1IG'J05.41 ( , divided among tlio coujities as follows : "Colllpll-llt ; MHlllllll , Anil How to Attain It. " At last a medical work that tells the causes , describes the effects , points the remedy. This is scientifically the most vat tmblo , artistically the most beautiful , ineil ical book Hint has appeared for years ; 9 ( pages , orer.v j'ago bearing n half-touo illus trillion in tints Some of the subject1 treated are nervous debility , impotency Hterllily , development , varicoccle , the hus bund , these intending marriage , otr. Ever.v man who would know Ihe general truths , the plain facts , the old secrets and tlio now dia eovcries of medical science as applied U married life , who would atouc for pant foi lies and avoid future pitfalls , should write for tliis wonderful little book. It will be Honl free , under seal , while the edition lasts If convenient , inclose ten cents to pay postage ago alone. Address the publishers , Erh Medical Institute , Buffalo , N. Y. Ii > lU ut U.I 1't-r Cent Of ) ' . Todny ( Saturday ) nil our French dolls go nt u discount of 5 poi- cent off. N. B. FALCONKU. Xmitu I'riilNnI llajdiMi'n. Finest mired nuts , 12)u ) per pound. Ornnges , 15c , 20c , 25o per do/.on. Dutotf , 7jo nor pound. Fancy llffs , liJJo , 14e , lie ( and 2c. ( ) Finest Malagiv grapes , 350 jior pound , Messlnn lotnoiiBM per do/.un. Bo euro and como licro ; you will Ilnil the nbovo goods llr.st chus and price ! the very lowest. 1IAYDUN BROS. Fruit Dopiii-tinant. aiiininitin i.v \IIII.I > , KI. Aihanri-il In i\iihiiiiitlon : o it .Mjslrry. Touiiio , O. , Dec. ii ) . [ Special Telegran to TUB linn. ] The mmilprcd body whlcl was found on a pile of corn lu a Chlcagn Ihii'llngtou & Qulncy car received al th AVubash elevator in this city last Monday tiftcinoon ulth plaulcs over it ami th pockets rilled , is thought to hu that o Thomas O , Slims of Lakeside , Neb. A sera ] oT paper secrotcd in the lining of his clothe allowed that a small sum of money had bcci paid to him at Lakeside , December (1. ( Th car was loaded by the Q ut Saxonvllle , Cla county , Neb , , 1CU rnllos from Omaha. The ( delivered the car to the Wab.ish nt Cham paign , 111. , December 17. Tlio cornso is sill | tit the morgue awaiting duvclopinTu Nebraska. The corpse was well dmssed an appears to ho that of a prosperous merchant DBTUotr , Mich. , Dec. 2:1. : [ Special Tcli giiim to TUB HEK. ] Investigation hero rt veals the fact that thn body found In th freight car at Toledo , shipped fromSaxoi vlllo. Nob. , is undoubtedly that of Luke Du : of Sioux City , formerly of Detroit. A ttnro lur Croup , H your children nro mibjeet to ciou yiJ keep n bottle of Chamberlain' ' Tough Homcdy ut hand. Itlsn pi-ompt an certain euro. If given us soon tis thu croup cough appears It will prevent the uttacl 1' > r aalo by druggists , Dull * t : : a ivr cmt oir. Today ( Saturday ) nil our French doll go ut u discount of 25 per cent oil' . N. U. FALCONER. At 5 o'clock Just evening the Jury in th United States court , before whom Walter 1 " Jwi ! been tried , ro'turned a vordti of not BUilty , CJghtor-was acvusod of usln tin mulls in oxtoit money from U. C , On call , n Lhicoln banker. I ) nil i ntM I'mCent Oir. Today ( Bnturiln.v ) nil our FranoU tlol ! go at a discount of 23 per oont off. : l N. li. FALCONER Fr ioinf , ' anil inturiordccoraiinc ; tli nip nt , and uatl mutes furnlshocl. Hem Leluniir.T ! , ItiUS Dougltis Btreet , UuJji Wll lo o Hl.ry , A. E , Kalp , u postal clerk r'luuinir ' fro to Uho.vcflUb ou the met with n serious ncclilcnt last hlgnt on the South Omaha motor lino. Kulp nttompto.l to Jump from n moving train while It was passing his residence , HW South Sixteenth street , and fc'l ' under the wheels ot HIP trailer Ills right leg was RO badly crushed that amputation will bo necessary. Tlio trainmen know nothing of the accident until their return trip , ni Kulp dragged himself to the sidewalk before cilllng for help. When pnssers-by discovered his i-ondltlon ho was carried to his homo and physlctnus called , who dressed Iho Injury nml made the pa tient ns comfortable ns possible. MovrinniU of Ocn in Sti-.imnr * . At Draw Head Passed City of Chester , from Now York for Liverpool. At Kingsdalo Passed Nomadic , from New York for Llvorjiool , At Hiuro Arrived La Hotirgoguo , from Now York. - Diiinrsllr. Thodocklahorctsof llnrio have ltuck. Tin1 cliolcia U InciPii lni ; lu Ituislan I'ohmd. I'.uU'u-ttsM and his piano \tn\o \ arihed at New Yorl. Clly. Vlc-o I'ri'shh'iit-elect Stevenson has slarlod on his U Ip to thn north. l.ouN . .lami-s , the actor , will be wedded to JllsH Alphle llendrlcksof Kansas City , Mo. No news ban been teceUed for several day from the troops putsiilnjr the ( Intrii bandits. Henry 1'osler of Water Valley. Miss , , N bolus tried for the murder of Judge Moignn of that place. Commander W. M. I'oltji'r has teslBiied his position us chief of the bin eau of natal uid- nancc. .Jos-jib I ) ivlilson of HI. I.oulsMIS itnhbed by a ncriro Inuitlar named Thomas Hall , anil is dying Kx-ilal f-t'iialor ICui'iihiirg of Cincinnati , O , , has ( lisitppviircd , leiu Ing debts amounting o $10.000. Chief ot I'ollc-n Mcll'in ot West Superior , Wls. , has buiin niispL'niluil froniolltcu for talk- Inu too much. Captain John llouiku ot Iho Tlilul cinalry has been summoned lo Washington by the becielaiy ot war. The Anirilr.-in schooner Wild I'lRcon was tun don n and sunk In Nuw Voik haibor by the llrltbh steamer Unoigia. The ( ' \cllemunt o\er the Idaho diamond fields still continues. Many conlllctliig sloiles conceinliig Iheni have been lold. Thn St. I.ouls health olllccr will not allow a coiHKiimcut of cotton waste , shipped from llamouig , to be bioillit ) lo that city. Now Yoi k ml vices Mate that -J25.000 ounces of hllM-r ha\i ) been orih-ied forexpoit from that city today , not an ounce of gold. Kxrltt'mt'iit over the discovery of gold In the Sail JUMI country , Ailrnnn , Is dying oul. The Ilihl lupoi'ts weio very much cMijrgoiatod. Con icssmau HelKnap of I\lti-hlgaii \ wants u lecounl ot the M > | O of Ionia county. He claims If It Is done ho ulll have a plurality. Associate Justice I.amar has left Atlanta , Ga. , foi Macon , whom ho will spend Ihu holi days. HiIs somewhat lmpro\ed In health. Chevalier Oaetno HusbO , thu Kalian sculp tor , w us teiidmed a lecepllon and bauqueLby the aitlsts ot Now Yotk City on Tliuisduy nl.ilit. The i oscillation of William 11. Greene , Recrc- tiiry of the Amcilcau HiinKers association , which was teniluicd on Iho 211 Hi lust , , has been acccplcd. Thomas . Hanson , aged 70 years , a farmer fiom 1'aigo , N. I ) . , hasaut\ud at I.owcllMass. , to iiiaii-y Alls. Caiollno I' . Canta , a nuisu O'.l ycaisold. llcmy Smith , nn 11-year-old boy of Kort Wayne , Ind. , shot and kllli-d his tno little inoihuis ullh ti gun which ho did not thlnlc was loaded , The New York health ofllcer has peimltted thosti-ainshlp JIarlello , which arrhed yester day niiiiiiliiK with a laigoconslgnineiitot rags , to leiiVLMiiaiantIne. | Supoiliitvmlent Hyrnos of Now York denies the story th.it ho contemplates icsljjnlng his pusltlon to accept the ollicu of thu chief of the hewet service of thu United Stales. l-'our vi'iirsln tin1 slalo's pi Ison for beating his fi'ublo old mother to death. This scntencu foi' this awful cilmu was passed on Moil Is 1'oners In thu superior couit of Hoslon , Mass , , The Dublin court has rendeied a decision unseat Ing Michael D.ultt us a member of par liament. The com t Iiml- , that lie was elected by through undue Inlliienco of the priesthood. John linpcr and William Klim aio In jail at Chattanooga , Tepu. , chaiged with thn lobbery ot an e\iiiess and mall car on Iho East Ten nessee infinity near I'lt-dinont , Ala. , last No- M'tubtir. Thu National Wall Paper company has de- claicd u dividend upon the dulientiiii ; slock at thu rate of H per cent per annum for seven months ending December 31 , 18'JL ! , payable January . The llaltlmoio Hoard of Trade and other bitslnossassoi'ttitloiis have met and passed ics- oliitlonicqiill Ing thai the city taUu the nec- ess.uy iiiecaiillons loguaid against an Inva sion of tbucboleia. A Kicat uoiIvlnuuieii's demonstialton In which thousands of gas \\orKei.s and colio men tool , part , was hold In Hrlstol. Wllh llu > e\- ceiilion of a few slight.scuttles with thu police , nodlsotdur occin led. I.C.MI I'oiler and "Happy Jack" Owen had a dispute nt Ubcity , Mo. , us to whether Santa Clans was teal or Iniiiglnai-y. The dlsptito teiminuted In a light In which "Happy Jack" was fatally hint by 1'oitcr. The Iron stippoits to tlio loot of thnl'oitor house , whli-h Is being built foi Iho Clly Pns- seiiKer Knlluij conip.inv , on llaltlmoii ; stieet , comet' of Kast stieut , llaltlmoio , fell jcsloi- da > nnilelineu men weio Injnied. The orl lnal mamiscilpt ot "I'oems by Two ] ) iotlit > is."wasMiIilat aiicllon In London. The ] ) ilco paid wasS2'JOO with the copjilyht ic- M'lxed. Thesi-poems w.eio iMltlun by Alfied TcnnMn and his biother Chailes. A company Is being orgunl/ed InN'ewYoik Citywilh a capital stock of ? J5OOUOll ) ) , to Im- pio\o the docUago fac'l lilies of I lull all ) haibor. It Is hiild the Delawaio , LacU'iwaiina Ix. Wost- ein Inleiesled In tlio enterprise. "Kcil Mountain Kid , " a ne io de-perado shot and Killed a while man named Waliuiiia at Uinner's saloon , MUldleboio , Kj' . , and after a ilespeiate enconntei wllh Iho pollco the negio was ai tested and placed In jail. * Thomas II. ( 'inter , chief of Ihe-ecret scr\ Ice , says he expects that Ihumill's fairMii\eiilr coins will liucoiinteifelted In largo miiubei.s , as the dcsUn Is simple , and piollt can bo nmdo by making Ihu imitations of pmo hllver. It Is lepoited that the cenuial o\eciillvo boa ill ot the Knights of l.aboi'h.is del ui mined toncthely Inteu-st ihumsuhes In the defense of Master \\oi Untan Dempsey , who Is chaiged wllh compllclly Ip Ihe Homoslcad poUonlng. It Is believed Unit the sale of Iho Dlstilct Tiamway iumpany'h lines of the City of .Mo\- leo lo an Aini'ilean sjndlcalo will uol bu pui- fecled. IIH Ihe lepresentatlve of Iho symllealL' has left the clfy wlllioul ( Ifposltlnx a loifeit. The Woild's I'n I r Oystei nnd 1'ish company of Minneapolis Mhin > , clalmii Hint A. llootli Ihe llalllinoio I'ackliig conip-iny and Ihu llos- ton rish company hi : > o enleu-d Into a con- spliaey lodiive it out of business , and asks lullef fiom the com Is. The captain and ciew of suvun men of the batUAimli ! Italcheloi of llaltlmoie , havu ID- tuineil lo Savannah , ( ! a , , In a boat. Thubaik was In a hhiKIng condition Tue.sday last nbout hl\ty miles eiii.1 by noith oIl'Tybo. bhu shortly aflei winds went down , I'.vi ry Illnl Klass mill In Alton , HI. , will ho I'lo-i'd for two wiulis today. Vlco I'lesldent o l.i > n Is g\i's | u n iiMiFon fitc tnN htep that tin ! of glass inaniifaetineis fhiouxhoiit the country at their I.ihl meeting had lesohcd to do so to l > in old an oei piodncllon of bottle woar. s Tlit > coiiiialllen of the SI , I.ouls clly council u InvcMlgatlng the city tioiiMiry hhoilaKii ui- e 101 \\Ilhhpeclllrcbaiges against hu > punded IV. . Tieasm-er l'oer-.eel. Theio aio twi ; I chiuges , tineof ne'leel , with seven spei-lllca- lions , and ono w lib geiieial neglci-l to jiuison- j ally attend to the duties of the olllce ' 1 hi < MilMiiK lidetiraph operator- the ( Yii- n tiil Hiillwiiy of r'eiii-n'n [ , HI letted on Wednes- d d.ij nlfilit , weiii placed on Illiil ThiiiMlay In the I'nlted ' States couit , The case against i- HtOM'ii-on , Iho Hist ono aneMcd , was ill ) - mls-ed , the court lioldlii ! ; It was not coiitomnl to irii on a rilrlko when thu load was in tin o hands of a court. i- ift A sovcio ' 'nIn Is raging nlT Iho Kngllsh coast The pool WalMin , i-onlltied In Ihe llamploii DiSliind Insaiio asylum , Uums no hltiiis of 1m piovcim'itl , I'lesldent K/ela of San Salvador H tuKIn ; nilvtinliiFu of his olllclal poslllou loctuolh pnulili his political enemies , The employe ! , ot all Ihoglass worlts In Leeds I'liKliind lime lei'ulvcd nulli'e of u icductloi In wages ot 3 shillings a week. A mob In a small I'lcnch town snnoiimlet Harrth lleudiaim'ni'aiilugo and throw intlci M'gHlablei at uur. The iicli-e.ss was nol hint. A Chli'ajru man mimeu. iintnelTyiant , latch sold ODD counti'i fell Vein I'mlottery tli-Kel' ' lu people In Wlmlaiu , Out , , am ! ICs eeoiinly The Ainu loan INhenncn who have been con lined In pilxm at Halifax , hlivo been lelciised They \\eii ) put In Jail assaulting a pollci ollU-i'f -"The Mi Ike ul the Sluing llll | co'lleiies. N. K , mi * , ei.deil , I'linoes-slons being inado by tin and iho coipoialloiis. Thu hownver , Kalnid most ot llm pulnlt , for whlcl they coi'.lenitfd , The muulrlpal election In the city of ( Jaute main was u lively one , and when Ihe hiiiok elcaitMl itnny hovua dead bodies WI'IM ' founi and m it y M-ilouMy wuuiitli'd peoplu rviHiitei at Ihe ho-i'l'nls ' foi licatiiiDtit , On Ihe i-tien lh uf 1-oid Onnlon'rt favoiubl ii-porl on the adiuliiUlriillon < if the "dailies Knt la nil" fiinil , ( iLiieiu ! llixith lias Issued e- friish appeal to Ihn public for assistance I ey cat i y un his plum , , lluuskb for i'WI.OOO Iul ! nt ' .T Tor Cent OIT. Tod'iy ( .SutitfiUy ) nil our l roneh doll m no tt n tiUcou'it of 2-5 per t-ont olT. N. 11. FALCONER TAKEN BACK TO THE CHURCH Dr , McQlynn Given Permission to Resume His Priestly Functions. MGR. SATOLLI PASSES UPON HIS CASE 1IU Ktphiiiiitlon to tlin I'npal Siitlsfuctiiry , nnd the rrlontDci'liirnl I'rco from KrclrMaMlral C'Piisiirn How thu Mailer \Vii * WASIIIXOTOX , D. 0. , Dec. sa. The famous case of Father MiQlynn of St. Stephens church has llnally been decided by the restoration to him of authority to perform his priestly functions. The settlomcul of the case cnmo within the scope of the general power vested m Mgr. Satolll , the papal dele gate , and the decision was promulgated by him tonight nt thu Catholic university , where ho Is stopping. The case was llrst formally presented to Mgr. Salolll on Wednesday last by rather Uurtsell , McGlynn's friend and ad viser throughout his coutroversv wllh the archbishops , which resulted in Iho suspension of Iho priest and then his practical excommunication. Ho presented Iho pica of the deposed priest , at the close of which Mtrr Satollltold him to return to New York nnd communicate lo Dr. Me- Oynn a message from him ( Satolll ) . The purport of this message can only ho sur mised , but 11 is believed to have contained a statement of the concessions required to bo made by him in order that his plea might receive favor.iblo consideration. Dr. MeCUynn's reply was brought to Wash ington this morning by Father Uurlsoll and today ho and Mgr. Salolll were In consul tation over the matter. It had not been the Intention of the papal delegate to sotllo iho mutter , but at n late bout- tonight the following statement was furnished by a represcnttalvo of Mgr. Salolli to end the many contradictory statements sent out ! "Dr. McQlynn was declared free from ec clesiastical censure and restored to the exercise of his priestly functions after hav ing satisfied the papal delegate on all the points in his case. " The effect of this decision by Mgr , Satolll is limited. It enables Father McOlynn to servo as a priest in any palish to which ho may bo assigned. A return to his old fold at St. Stephens is a subject for further consid eration nnd must be bellied , the authorities licrc say , by Archbishop Corrlgan of New York. CONI > IMNII : > THI : .HASOXS. I'npo T.co Does Xiit I.lite the Order or Its HOME , Dec. 2ft All the cardinals at pres ent in Rome waited upon the pope loday and tendered him the usual Christmas congratu lations. In reply to the good wishes for the church and himself his holiness sildthat the signs of n gathering ? storm were visible to all observers of moral and religious condi tions. The European situation was preg nant \vllh ruin and disaster , and this condi tion could only bo brought to an end by the virtues of the church , while It itself was being violently assailed. In the course of his remarks the pope re ferred to Iho Free Masons , who ho con demned as a malignant sect who were never true to the people , but who , unfortunately , were supported by the governments. His holiness concluded by bestowing Iho apostolic blessing upon the whole world. From Nuwbertf. C. F. Moore .Jo Co. , prominent diusgists of Newberg , Oro. , say : "Since ouv customers hnvo become acquainted with the good qual Hies of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy we sell but HtUp of any other kind. Chamber lain's medicines all give good satisfaction. " For sale by druggists. Complete Nuw Stoclc of Furniture. All goods marked low In plnin ftijuro.s. CIIAS. SiiiviiticK&Co. , 1200 , 1203 and 1210 Ftirmun St. GRANTING LICENSES. I'orniltrt to lletall Iilquorn ( i en Out by tbu lloiiril Vohtoribiy. The license board helij u meeting yester day afternoon and granted the following liquor licenses for the ensuing year : Honhla Dollon , 101-1 Chicago stieot ; I , . A Goldsmith , 001 Capitol avcnutv John It. Helm , Ib'JiJNoitli Tttenly-foiiitli stieot ; 1'ieil KiitK IliUHlng company , 101)1 ) .larkson stiuut ; I'at O'lleai n , 1020 yontli Truth stieol ; Michael Thomas , 1513 South Tlilul stiont ; William King , noithwost coiner Tnt'lflh and Chicago htiouls ; William Wei-kei , lidl South Tenth stieot ; Joseph llavllcek , 1401 bonth Thir teenth utiiM't ; Louis Iliunii'slur , 102 South 1'ouiti'onth htieet ; Chaih's .MotiniQ South 'I'hliteenlhHtleet ! Andiuw Nelson , 31il NoiHi bKteunth stti'ut ; Kiank Snoboila , I'JG ! ) South .Sixteenth htreel ; John Wu-ih' , MO Noilh Six teenth sticet : John W. Oieen , 1415 I'lirnum btH'eti'iter ; ) Ivalser.GOlboiith Kiev until stteul ! Henry 1'iimlt , 1'JIH l''ainam Ktieet ; Joseph Wlcsnci , soutlnvest roinoi Klghthanil Illok- oiy ; 'J'homas .Mmphy , 5113 bonth Thliteentli slicot ; Aniliokelson , southwest COIIILT Tuentletli anil Doivas stieet ; Adam Sloup , rouiteiMilh and Williams slice I ; Thomas Uuiiiiiillics,3824 North SlNtoi > nth stient ; An- illow N. 1'rh'k , 1001 rarnam stieut ; llernrin Schaulter , 324 South Thirteenth sti cut : Adolph 1'oi.stor , 2810 Cumlni ; stii'ut ; Clulsl HaiiMun , not thui'sl cornel' SlMuenlh and Ixaul sticuts ; Louis Schmidt , 1302 loil-n stieut ; Ulcharil Wilde. 1121 Kaiiiimt.tiiM't : : William MclCcnnn , 1024 Nicholas stieot ; Wlllllam Mclvenna , 2030 North Sixteenth Miccl ; Louis Ilornnaiin , 1013 South Tenlh on rot ; Huns J. Xulson. 1121 South bIMli htieet ; AUied P. , WollV. 2201 finning Mieot : r.mlf Cull , 002 toiijlasstiei't ) ! ; Chailes Metjr. . , dOl South Su\unlli htieet ; K. (1. ( Floyd , 1313 Doug las stieut. A protest , signed by thirty property owners , was Hied against the application of William ICrug , who asked for a license to sell liquor at y70 ! ) Loavcnvtorth street The board sot Tuesday ovcning as the tlmo for hearing the protests. It is expected that the board will hold meetings nightly alter Tuesday to grant licenses nml listen to protests. The applica tion of Frank ICutchmark , Thirtieth and Fort streets , was laid over because CJcncr.il Broohu had illcd an oral protest against hav ing saloons In the vicinity of thu fort. This case \ \ ill also bo decided on Tuesday evening , If you will call nt our now store wo will nrosuntyou with a copy of a benutl- ful piece of music. Fora & Clmrlton , 1608 Dodge. IMO.ll * JtKEI'lTlKI , .Tunics lirend , a fugitive from Justice from T.x > villa , In. , was arrested In Omaha yester day and taken back last night. On Friday ovcning , January 111. District assembly l-l ) , Knights of Labor , will give its annual ball in Washington hall. It will bo u inasqiHu.ulu , I ist night a deputy shorlff from Sarpy county brought Jack McDonald into the city Jail for safe keeping , McDonald is wanted for safu blowing. The pollco detectives arrested W. P. Der- kins last night and locked him up in the city Jail on thu charge of being a fugitive. It is understood that Dei kins is wanted in Missouri for u burglury committed some limo ago. A complaint Hied in pollco court yesterday lunged K. Tr.ittnor with forgery und latei on the muif was arrested , It is alleged by tlio complainant , Andrew J. Dunne of the SingcrSowing Machine company that Trait' ner had forged a contract for thu lease ot ; i machine. ' 1 ho total sum Involved Is $00. * See thi ) celebrated Sohtnor piano nt Ford & Glmrlton Miulii Co. , 150 $ Dodge. SCORED THE JURY. , liulK la > U ( Iheit Ttutl\i > Men nml Tni Tlilo\fH tin Kimli'Bt I.ret ill ii. A scathing rebuke was given the Jury ii case of Mndcll'and Hammond , charged will grand larceny , by Judge. Davis yesterday After remaining out some time and report ing that it could not ngi co , the Jury llnall ; brought In a verdict of petit larceny. Tin u casoof Haley , Implicated In the crime cluugei o against iJmU'll und Hammond , \ \ \ \ < was granted u separate trialn being heard when thu vcidict uas an nounccd. The county iittoiney was grcatl ; discouraged In Ignoring the verdict ami tcmamllng 111 two criminals tojail to uunlt trial on i charge of burglary , Judge Da\U said th evidence clearly ptflwd n cnio of burglary lloeharActorfrcd Itindell nnd Hammond as professlonnl thievestrho deserved no lenl- rnc..lall . s ntencts ho snld , had no terrors for them , The Jutf.tci ho s-ild , forgot their duly when they biwiiiht inn \cnllot s.ivlmf the offenders from i the | > enltentlary. Ho- condemned the ] \ iryior finding the value of the stolen goods to 114.'i" > cents less than the ninount tlmtwoultl.vuvkotlioolTcnson felouj The Jui7 , ' heard tlni .ri mko. Williams , the mitn rho robbed Dan Kelly of Sioux City of f-'fr Inst Xovcinbor , plead guilty to larceny fnnH person , yesterday , in .Itidgo Davis' cotirtinnd wits 'given a year In the penitentiary. , , , , A Jury in Judge Fcr/juson's court Is hear- Ins the ovldcnco lil fie damage suit of Swanson - son ngalnst Jcrotno for W.IXX ) . .lerouio had Swiinson anvsted and looked up in Jail for one hour. Swansou clnlms his reputation was damaged by his arrest and incarcer ation. .Itulgo Ke.vsor is still hearing the damage suit of Ilagedon against the city of South Omaha. .v/n.s wnt tin : A it MY , I.UI oT Change * of linpnrtinirn In Iho -jjul.ir Servlioriterdaj. . WASHINGTON' , D. C.Dec a. ! . [ Special Tele gram to Tut : lUr. : 1 't'ho following army or ders were Issued today : The boards of ofllccrs convened nt the places and by the orders irom Ibis ofllco hereinafter spccllled for iho examination of olllccrs to determine their Illness for promo tion arc dissolved , vis : Fort llii.iehuca , ArU. , Fort l egan , Colo. , and St. Paul , Minn. Captain Charles Porter , Klghlh infantry , and Fiist Lieutenant Leonard A. levering , Fourth Infantry , are designated to perform and execute the duties of Indian agent , Iho former at thu I i Polnio ngency ul Ash- laud , Wls , and the latter at the Slsseton and Wahpeton agency , South .Dakota. Major William E. Crc.u-y , paymaster , having been found by an iirmy ret ( ring board incapacitated for ac tive service on account of disability Im ideut to the service , H by direction of the presi dent retired from active service this date. Second Lieutenant Michael J. Lonihan , Twentieth infantry , now on leave of absence in Ibis illy , will report at ouco to the super intendent of the recruiting service locoiiduct iccruits to the Department of Dakota. Upon the completion of this duty ho will Join his regiment. First Lieutenant Harry M. Hal- lock , assistant surgeon , is detailed as a mem ber of the examining board convened at Fort McPhcrson , Ga. , vice First Lieutenant llob- ert S Woodson , assistant surgeon , heioby relieved. Leave of absence for fifteen days to take effect on or about December 21. is granted Second Lieutenant Julius A. Penn jr , Thirteenth infantry. The lollowing trans fers in the Twenty-second Infantrv sue made : First Lieutenant John J CriUendon , from company K to company II ; First Lieu tenant George H. Patten , from company H to company 1C. A board of oflicors to consist of Major David L. Huntlngbon surgeon ; Major Timothy E.Vilcox , surgeon ; and Captain HudolphG. Edgar , assistant surceon , s appointed to meet nt the call of the ptcsi- lent thereof at Fort lluachuca. Ariz. , for examination of First Lieutenant Paul Shil- oek , assistant surgeon with a view todclcr- nining Ills Illness lor promotion , The boards of opicers convened at the places and by the ajrdeis from the olllco lercin.iflcr spceilSu for tlio examination of ofllccis to dolermin dlielr Illness for promo- lion are dissolved , vfaf Fort Douglas. D. T , convened April II ; Angjel island. Cal , con vened Muj ! ) ; Forfi'K.aiu Houston , Tex , con vened June II ; ForUBaVarrt , N. M. , convened September 5 , IS'JJ. * S < f'oud Lieutenant Wil liam C. Hivcrs , First cavalry , w ill report in person to the board of ofllccis appointed to meet "t the : u my .building. New York City , on Tuesday , Jaiuut.y Jl , Ib'.U , at 10 a. in. , for examination with a yiew to his selection for transfer to tlio ordnance department. Leave of absence for four months on sur geon's certificate of disability with permis sion to leave thclDcp.irtment of California is granted Captain Kolicrt G. Armstrong , Fiist infantry. Tkej general court martial appointed to moot JH Columbus barr.ickb. O. , August ! 3."i , lS'.Uk [ > _ alis > solvod. This order to takeToffcct on eomplflfcm of tiny ease that may bu befoie U14 couft .it tlio date of its receipt. - ' - A genor > ' ourt martial is appointed to meet at Columbus bai racks at 11 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday , UTth of December , IS'.U , or sis soon thereafter ns practicable , for the trial of such poisons as may bo biought hufuio it. Detail lor the court : Major William E. Waters , suigeon : Captain Daniel II. Floyd , assistant quartermaster ; Captain Walter T. Dugprcn , Tenth infantry : First Lieutenant George Palmer , Ninth infantri ; First Lieu- leiiaul Harry L. Bailey. Twenty-Ill st iuf.in- li-y ; First Lieutenant William E. P. Ficnch , Third infantry ; First Lieutenant Carver Ilowlaud , Fourth infantry ; First Lieutenant Eaton A. Ed wards , Twenty-fifth infantry ; First Lieutenant James M. Arr.ismith , Second infantry ; First Lieutenant William N. Hughes. Thirteenth infantry ; judge advocate. 1 .ea'v e of absence for se\en days to take oiTcct on or about December 22 , is granted First Lieutenant James W. Wil son , Tenth cavalry locruiting ofllccr. Lca\o of absence for live days to take effect on or about December ± 5 is granted First Lieuten ant Alexis H. Paxtou , Fifteenth infantry recruiting ollleor. Captain Henry .1. Now- land. Seventh cavalry , will report in per-son to the examining bo.u'd at Fort Meyer , Va , nt sucli time as ho may dc.sgiuale for examina tion as to his lltnebs for promotion. Second Lieutenant Howard H. Hiekok , Ninth cavalry , is traiibferred from tioop L lo Iroop I of that leginient vice Second Lieutenant John II. Alexander , Ninth cavalry , who is transferred from troop 1 to Iroop L. It AVIll Ilo Slightly Wanner Tliiuiicliuut thu State Today. WASIIIXOTOK , D. C. , Dec. U.I. Forecast for Saturday : For Nebraska and Iowa Gen erally fair , north to east winds , slightly warmer in Nebraska and northwest Iowa. For the Dakota ! . Generally fair , Miri.iblo winds , warmer In South Dakota , liiieal Iteeoril , Oi'i'icnoFTiiB WrATiiuu HUIIRAU. OMAIIV , Dec. "A , Omaha record of temperature and rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1802. 1H91. 18)0. ! ) 1880. Maximum temperature , 233 443 ; uo 030 .Minimum tumpuiiililio. II3 283 'J."j = 37 = A\OI.IKII tniiipuintlliu 17 = 300 ! ! l ) = fttis I'leclpltatlon T ,00 ,00 .00 Statement shoeing tlio condition of tem perature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and sluco March I , l&U , as compared with general average : Normal tcniDt'iatiiio 24 = Di'lli'lency for thi ) day 7 = Dellcloncy Mncu Mairh 1 200 = Noi nml pnvliiltiitlon 03 Inch Kvcss for tlio dav 03 Inch IJeflch'iicy since Mni < ; li 1 .1.01 Inch GnoiinuE HUNT , IJiiL'.il Forecast Oniclnl , , J j AC _ _ Will ItetfrViJ'Mo Om.iba. SAI.F LAKE , U. T.A , 'c. 23. [ Spwinl Telegram - gram to Tin : Bti-wMJ. : ] C , W. Lymaii , win Mr , Hubert ir. Jionvtr An Exempt I'licm.in of Jackson Kngluo Ci. , Long Island City , N. Y. , says thatntCluUtnias , 1800 , ho could only take a smell of dinner , at ho uas In a fearful condition fiom l > jpij > lu. The next summer ho went to Kurona for lilt liciiUh , but cnm homo inieiireil. In Hie fall lid decided upon ti flioiough trial of Hood's Sarsaparilia Aud by Clirktniaa had a hearty appetite , healthy dlseitlon , ami was perfectly well. His euro was due wholly lo Hood's Barsaparllla. HOOD'S PlULS cure liver lilt , ronitlratlou , llUo'i uriiJiuudlCi , udlicitlicidacUe. Trjr lUoia. has been n resident of Salt Lake sluoc 1H7S , will soon remove back to Omaha , where ho will become president of the Commercial National bank ofthatritj Inlhlschango Mr , Lvnian docs not rcllnnulsh tiny of his In let-pits here In the Hocky Mountain Hell Telephone company , his niptvantlto interests in Huttp. Mont , DiPreck. . Catnas nnd Hlackfoot , Idaho , bnnking In Hlackfoot and Pocatello , stock Interests In Idaho and Ne vn tin , or mining and salt Interests In Utah. Those will all be looked after by his asso ciates , Oconre V , Wallace of this city and C. Hunting of Hluckfoot. Ho lived hi Omaha twelve years before coining to this city. York l rliniiRp ( InntatloiK. Nr.w YOIIK , Dee. ' . ' ,1. [ Special Telegram to 'I IIP. HIM : . ] Exchange was quoted ns follows Chicago , N ) cents premium ; Boston , 13 * j cents premium ; St. Louis , ! i" > cents premium. - 7/.s W.N.I f , T\tT : fiit .i i'/.s. M. W. Day of Foi t Robinson Is registered ut the Paxtou. Dr Clarke Gapeu of Chicago Is in Iho city stopping nl the Paxlon. John D. Carson and wife of Geneva are at the Paxtou. Thron Nebraska senators were ut the Pas- ton jesterday. Thov were Hon. H. E. Moore of Lincoln , Hon. Alex Graham of Beatrice , and Hon. E. M. Cot-roll of Hebron F. C. Miittcson of Sutton Is stopplngal Iho Paxtou. Tobias of Cincinnati Is tit the Murrav. C. M. Wlnaut of New York Is a guest nt the Murray. H , 1C Leiifhton of Minneapolis Is stopping at the Murray. O. C Morton of Nebraska City Is u guest nl Ihc Dolloiie. W.L.Wallace of Sin Aiilonia , Tex. , Is registered at the Dcllone. John Mattes , Jr. , of Nebraska City is slop ping at the Dcllonc. J. D. Draper of Marion , la. , is at the Dellonc. George L. lies of Norfolk is at the Mil- la rd. rd.E. E. C. Salisbury of Hc.itricc is slopping at the Millard. A. .T. A Spaflord of Lincoln Is registered at the Mlllurd. 13. H Lewis of Sheridan , W.\o. , is a guest at the Millard. Willis Cadwcll of Broken Ilow Is al tlio Arcade. S. W. Ferguson of Wnkcllcld is a guest at the Arcade. F. B. Alderman of Wcsl Point is slopping at the Arcade. .T. P. Gibbon of Kearney is at Iho Mer chants. Seth P. Mohlcy of Grand Island , World's fair commissioner , is registered ut the Mer chants. Frank C. Ferguson of Ord is a guest at the Merchants. A. 1C Goult of Chadrou is stopping at Iho Met chants. Mr. P. H. Cool : and \\ife left last evening lo spend thu holidays with friends at St. Joseph , Mo. Hon. William McICeighan , congressman from the Fifth district of Nebraska , came in today from Washington and is stopping at the Paxlon hotel. When asked if ho was actively in the race for the sciuitorship Mr. McJCeighan said : "I have not had time to pay any attention lo thi ? preparatory efforts that people seem to believe arc being put forth with regard to the approaching con test over the senatorial seal in this state. I am not iu the licld. Iluue had no communi cation on the subject with members of the legislature \\ith the exception of one man. I could not ghc this matter much attention anyhow without neglecting my work in Washington. " Cnu'tan , 111 , Dee. SI [ Special Telegram to Tuft BUK. ] The following Ni'hraskans registered hero toilav : Great Northern George II. Josljn , , T. W. Atkinson , Omaha. Grand Pneillc Francis C. Grable , Omaha ; Mr and Mrs. J. S. Hcucrman , John C Allen , Lincoln. Palmer J. E. KileOmaha. , . Victoria toria1C. . C Morehousc. Omaha. The lichncss , color , and beauty of the hair , the greatest care is necessary , much harm being done by tlio use of woithless dressings. To bo sure of hav ing a llrst-chiss article , ask your druggist - gist or perfumer for Ayer's Huir Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind. It rostoies tlio original color nnd fullness to hair which has become thin , faded , or gray. It keeps tlio scalp cool , moist , and free from dandruff , it heals itching humors , prevents baldness , and impaits tea a silken texture nnd lasting fragrance. No toilet can bo considoicd complete without this most popular and elegant of all hair-dressings. "My hair begun turning gray and fall ing out when 1 was about 2 , " years o9 age. I have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor , and it is causing a new giowth of hair of the natural color. " It. J. Lc wry , Jones 1'iaitie , Texas. "Over ti year ago I had a severe fever , and when I rccovnicd , my hair began to fall out , and what littla lumuined tinned gray. I tried various icmcdics , but without success , till at lust I began to Ayer's Hair Vigor , and now my hair is grow ing rapidly and is icstorcd to its original color. " Mrs , Annie Collins , Dighton , Mass. "I hnvo used Ayei's Hair Vigor lor nearly five years , and my hair la moist , glossy , and In an excellent stateof pies- crvntion. I am foily vu.ir.s old , und Imv'o ridden the plains for twonty-livo years. " Win. Homy Oil , alins "Mus tang Bill , " Now cast lo , Wyo. IVcpurcd by Dr. . ! . C. Ajcrfc Co , Lowell , Mas * . HolJ by DruuKlrtit Kii'lU hi ro. NOTJCIiOF ASSKSSMKNTOF DAM- AGKS FOH CIJANGU OF OHADE. To i Im Hanoi's of all lots and paiN of lots and i fill cslalo along Ilouatd Mircl and SI. Maiy's ineniii' , fiom lOlh nticet to Ulsl Bticet , and Inloi-si'Ctliutsliwts : Vim aio hi'iuliy noilllrd thai thu uiidnr- hlsnc'd , tliii'ii ilNnlm-Mod fmiliolilurn of tlin city of Omaha. ha\e boon duly appointed by Ihi' iiii.Mir. ; wllh the nppiOMiIof the clly I'onn- cll of wild clly , lo IISMSS the damage to Iho ownuis Hispci'Uii'ly of thu piopeily allecti-d by chunking tln > giado of said Mii'tMs and In- teisci'tliiK stients , di'i-laii'd in'i-c sai y by 01- dlnaiico U' ! ) . pa st'd IVtniiaij 1. IH'Jl , up- pinvc'd IVbiuaiv 1) , 1HOI. Vou niu fiirlht'i notllk-il , flmvjmtlim ac cepted Mild apiiohitmi'iil , ai.l dul > ijualllli-d us leonlinl by lawn ttlll.on Iho 'J7th day of Hcri'mhiT , A. I ) . . 1HI' ! . ' , at ihi > hum of 11 o'clocK In llui foionoon. at thn of.lio of 'I' . II .Mi-Ciilloi'h , loom H4' ' . Nuw York l.lfiImlldlnK. . \\llhliilhncorpoialeliiiilUiir > ald clly. mi'iu fin tlio pin | ni > i > of I'onslduilni ! and maUliDtthu nssi'ssment of ihimuKo to the OWIMTH ii-spcc- lively of hiihl piopi'll } alH"'trd b } biild change of inilc. tiiKiUi ? I'1" ' coiHldnuitlim xiii'i-Ial heiii'tlU , If iin > . Von me iintllli-il to bo PII-MMII at tlio thno and place afoii-s.ild , and inaUu any objections i" rH'iit of ou may nuislili'i luojx'i T. II. Jl'l'I'I.I.Dt ' II. J\.Mis hTOIJKDAlj lKHI.i ( ( : J. I'AI'I , , ( unimlttri' of Appr Omaha , IJccembor 13 , If-'J'J. _ | iUlllot Fropuilils lur in < ii jumu ui nut l.llj ill Ulll.l'llll , Hiia'ol bids l I bo nu-olvuil at the city comptroller's u'lluc ' ni | t' H o'clock D. m. . Dc- cuiiiir''Tin , M ! . for the bent i , ito of Interest 'or thBiifceof ruiiiN Uoloiiilntf to lliu city of Omaha for Hie iiuiloiUof nm < year In comti i- anoe with section Ul of ( hurtcr for Molropoll- tan Cities. Acuitlllcd i-hiuk In the u n fit ono t housaiidif LOO. ) ) diillni R will bo reiiulrcd from blildora ua a puaraill"o of eood faith Al so itn iilllduvlt ot pilil npcapiuil tiiuif 'I ho right Is ri rvoil to rujuul uny or all bids. < ) . o.w romtrotii-r. Omaha , 0 temberltli , I ( Tnstoloss-Effectual. ) g For Sick-HeadacheI Impaired Digestion j Liver Disorders and | Female Ailments. f Renowned all over the World. 1 Corcrtil ntlh n Twltlm A Soluble OoMIcK5 5 > f Ask for ric"tiam's anil take no either * . , > S Made at St. llclcm , England. Solil by 0 S drticjjliiti ami denlern. Price 2S cents a J. S bo\ . New York Depot , 365 Canal St. J SPECIAL OKinKANCK NO. 17li An ordinance Invvlntt a special tax mil RHMH- meiit on certain lots ind ro.ilost.ito lu thoelty of Omaha , lo cover thu con ot opening Tliltleenth sttoel , bolntt n jiulglnonl In favor of Arthur Ucinlnutoii. Whernas. it liavlm : bon ami bclnu hoiviby nrijuduo'l.ilotormltioil ami p tabllsrii > il I'lal tlio several lots anil plocoi ot real nit ito horulu it tor refeirnd to , liavo I'UPh boon spodnllv benailtti * 1 to the fu'l amount h rolii Invlivl an 1 asiesieil a alnsloa"li of said lots and pieces of real eg- tate , rc'pocllvclv. by iea ou of thu e.st of .liuUiuent In favorer A. Iti'iuln Mon for < lmj- a.-es by the reason of the opening of Thir teenth stteet. Thoiofoto , for thu purpose of paying the colt otsihl damage * . Ilo It nnl.ilnoil by t'tpi-lty i-ounoll of the city of Oimibat Hoctloul. Tint the cost ot JudRniPiit for dam- aiis f > r opening I'hlrteenth struct , In thu uitv ofUinalia fiom Sprlntr strent lo Valley street , said damages boliiji a ludRMitmt In f tvor of A. Kciiitn ton. HI til d linages nnd e > sts b ' 1114 the sum ot $ ! , liTiMii , bo nnd the a UUP U hoi-eby luvleil andanessL'n.aocordlnuto'ioeclalbiMieriH by roaion of said ( jr.tillni : , upon iho follow Ing lotH and tunl citato as Mio\\a bv the. ceu rnlly lecomilzod m.ip of tnorltvot Uinafia , lithographed ami published by Muir & ( lnvlonl. In H3I. said cost baluj ; so hvloil on nalil lots and real oJtatu , iciput lively , as fol lows , to wit : Omaha National hank s It I blk 121 City : i T.I Omaha Sav bank oJ7 f i n't It I b 13) l US T li Ann- , win ft n'S ' It 1 blk li.0 i ; do ell ft n4 112 blk K ) " 7 do wll f I 023 ft n'i ' It 2 blk 150 " M Oinnli-iNnt'l ' - ' , ' ' " b'kn-'jftsii It2bk I''U" St John I Itoll K wiJft ItSblk 120 I us SSUiildwolle-WftwU fllfJbtk 12J " 11)7 ) J II l.clun.Mi ol.'ft It ? blk l-Ji " 1 M C.eoV Smith w.ll ft It 7 ink 120 " 1 ( tt .Inn MuCoiinluk holuof 4 It Sb 120" 1 7S ,1 l MeClcath et ul iiild j It 8 blk ISO a 12 do n-Jifto'j It sblU 120 r,7 C HlenilorlTsinTrt e'jHHblk U'O 28) ) ( ioo W Smith oVi It.i blk 121 1 10 00 Unnilibpll w i H.ibltt I'Jl 2 II OhnsV Whlnlleld o la ft It 4 blk I2l (1 ( ? 0 A 1 ! Ilubei'iuan s'2 fl It-I blk l.'l " 1 2 > 1 A Creljjhlon w.ll ft n'j It ,1blk l.'l 1 52 Merchants N itl hink w44 ft s' , It. bll , 121 4 II do wSfto'lift ui9 It.'iblk 121" 01 Oco \ \ Smith u'n lt.1 bll. 121 " 12 , 1' 1. lJeofo , It u blk 121 " 1 tili Chiis U Uhlitts mld'a 1 ! C blk Ul " 1 (17 ( II IJ I'undtw , It i ! nil. Ul I 07 rOMoiKan P'i It I blk 111 " 1 ll P A Sohneiiior ' . It II blk I"G " 214 Kltst Null h.uiK It4 blk I'll ' 7 4" > Walter K Van hn n' ' . It.'iblk KM " : i 7,1 John A llorbach s'5 lt.r > blk Illfi a 7.1 \V 1C Viiuelin ii'i W-j Itliblk Ml ) fl Alvln Sinudi-rtoii ! It (1 ( blk 1,13 1 Oi .1 n Iloyd inhPj It liblk I'lj ' l (17 ( .1 A Horh ich s' . w'.j ItO blk I'lU Ml M llelmane' , It 1 bile 1:17 : " , " > ( , S .1 I ) Urolshton w ' 5 It I hlk 1.'I7 j ' , S 1'inllV W Siion u'j It'Jbll , I.i7 1 H7 A.'iies MeSheaiioet il mS IfJblk l.'l * 107 John MeCoiinlek S It 2 blk KI7 1 Cli O WO Tovvlre'i M 7 hi < 117 " 1 OJ Augustus i'ratl w'i 117 lilk I'Ji " 101 I'rud KtnUoutnl US blk 117 " 7 tli Anna M (1 ( MeCormk-k It 1 blk 110 7 4'i H2blU 14'J " II2J J Slrlc.lore's ' 81 ft H 7 blk 14' ' ) I U2 1' ' ! ' Kaibarb etui \v'J ss ftlt'b till KIJ J i.SIiiiiiions : ft nli ft , It7 b 14J 21 I'ut Mannlns uM it nil ft It 7 blk 14'J bl si fl n4S ft of CM ft It 7 blk 14 ! ) IIS 11 and IM Is.ness. " ? ft It ( Uillt'tl ! ) Its .1 Sttk-klor. iiM ft sili ft It 8 blk NO" 211 .1 I ? Simmons s 2 ftnblift US blk 14'J 1 2.i I'at Maiiiiinirnll ft Itsbll , )4'J ) ' 2 : > i liooV Snillbo'j It.I blk I.iO 1 OJ Mnyr Wells mill 'i It . ! blk l" > 0 I 07 Jasil Ittu.in WJ It.t blk l" > 0 I 07 btcelo.lohnson A : Co H4 blk IjO 7 HI II A Iloman n'j It. ' ) b'lt ' l.'iU 2 45 Anna M ( i ' . " Mul'oiniicks T It.Milk ISO" I 18 Kinni.i II 'I hayci-oM ltd blk 15J l 0,1 , .1 II Cation mid'It ' UblU l.VJ 107 II A Itom-in w > l It ii blk r > ) " l 07 I'linlino L'lmuman It. ! blk III" " ( I''J I'riid .Manulii'n'j It 4 blU IWi J 71 John i Ito llek sH It 4 blk Kit ! " .1 7.1 llutehiy vVhlto. nil ft It ft bin ICC " 245 1. KeoU s.2ft niilft Itn UlklBI l i.l ll.irolay While n4 ! ft sWift ltr > b ICflo" a 44 Fre.l MllllPiia.-Jft It ; , blk UU l 2' > Hart-lay VVhlto n4l ft wll ft It G b lfi J8 Mtcetl H''Jftntiti ft wll ft Itliblk 1G3 " u llarlur Whlto nil fts : < i ft wll ft , UO blk 161 IS Fred Millions s 2ft wll Itl ! blk IWi It Manner e.Vi ft It llblk 111) ) 2li ( M.I Windsootel nil ftlt I blk 107 " 2 4ii KHz i Uufioiio s'rj ft n MJ ft It 1 b 1G7 ' 1 21 Author Johnson s2.1188 It I blk 107 " 3 21 liQuiun n22ft sll ft It I blk li,7 1 2. > ilr.ilKOtQui'.ily s-'fl It I blk 107 " 12.1 fcophm A roitnur Mi It 2 ulU Id7 " 1 CO Kll/iJl.orliu w'j ' It 2 blk 1(17 ( 1 lJ ) DeiinN Ummln IHWUBU 7 hlU 107 " : i-U 0 It Scott n . ) ft ItH blk 107 " 18 ! W J Council s-W ftnM ft It S Ijlk 107 1 87 Donnls fniiiiiiuhain sllft II 8 u 11)7 ) : i 7.1 Mur iiietha liun.o n ill ft It I Ink IT.I" 2 "I 1'ruil A 1 , inso s'i ) ft It I Oil. IM rile > ilo It 2 blk 17.1 3 2J John II F'uloy ' Ti'n'i It7 hlk 17.1 " 1 li ) Augusta LaiiRii s'j H ' blk I" ! " l UJ John lU'lnluy Trn'i ItSblk 17.1 " : i 7,1 Aiipiis a Ij.iiiiro s'i ' U b blk 17.1 : i 7i ; Oiniili i School lliiaid It.l bl k 174 " : iu i ; ( ito li aeoiulna It 4 blU 174 7411 .1 & . ( J S lliukorlt.lhlk 174 7 lu Jrrry Mnlvlhtllo'i ' ItGhlK 174 i 0) ) John Mnlvlhlll w'i ltd hlu 171 1 iU Adolph llusiilio n't It : t blk lill l GO IBS I , l.ovults'/j It I blk 191 l O'J Adolph Ilusehu n' It I ullc 1UI ; i 71 .laa l.o\ottH'a It 1 ulk ifil II 7.1 .Ii Im li.irvpyn.'J ft. It I blk IT , l u.'i HrldKL't Meanny sill ft It 1 bllt III" ) 021 James U Isb It i blk ISli y ' .M A llootli I'.iekliiK Co u'j It'bllc l'j ' 1 u ? haruli Aiiliutow n'j It 7 blk ITt 211 Joroin1 , h Mnhoiiey It 8olk 1'Ji ' " 74' ' ! Isaacl.ovl r , ' , , it i blkiO ; i 7) ) .Ini ) A C-iulKhton > , ' , It 1 blk 20) . ' ! 71 Vd Waid Sav llu of Wls ul4 It 2 b 2 0 I In ! A V I'owell w a It 2 bin 2JJ 2 M U I' Hy Co it 7 blk-i 0 : i ode do It Mlk2JH " 7 43 U I' Ity ( . 'oilirhtof. way In It 'Ib'iOl " 1 dJ J A .Is .1 I ! llaliios ox t t-of-nay II llblk201 ' 1 00 IJ 1' Hv Co Hitlil-nNwny In It 4 b201 i j ,1 A ft J li ll.ilnes o'2 fteXL-upt ilKht-tif way it I blk 201 " 1 : u Swift I'aekliiK Co w4l ft oxi'tit iluht ot i/ay It I blk'201 42.1 U1' Ity Uolt.-ibllv.'Jl 7 : > do Itliblk-'OI 2) ) 1'rank Murphy It I ! blk22. 2) ) Heed A. Ciimiiboll 114 blk2 J It Kinley Ti lift bli : 2'J 11 do ItO blk. . " . ' 21 Union I',10 Ity Colt 1 blk2-.l ID do H2blk2. : i I 21 I'rank Mnrpliy It 7 hu < 2i : 2J I'niriok IJaiiiuy Its blk2JJ 40 Mli'h.iulo'llonoiiKh H I blk''a 4J .losnim llarKcir ot al It 'i blk 2.'a 20 Cathulino DiiKxiii It 7 1)112 U ' _ l ht 118 lIK2'l ) 7 4'll Low Is S Ilee.il ft II blk V.-U : i 21 II lioBdiit nl It 4 bile22 ! ) " 74 : > I'rankMs4inan n'i ' It 1 hlk'J.'U : i 7.1 Win llantliiUH'i II . " blkMl ; i 'II p w .1 r iiuiiiOH ft it n bik sw an \\lil llanlliU'\v22ft ltd blk'S > " toil .I.ieobl.il-.tt.lblk2-.i ) ! II ' 'J T C 1'uilo nU7 ft It I blk 2' . , ' fl 4h ( Jliai es I'leck h' ) " . fl It I bll. 258 1 M OalhuilnuCiiiico It. ) bll2.'iJ 7 4i ( do n'i ItO bll(2.1J i oil PeturChiihlliu h'i ltd hll.'J'ii " 100 Oath irlno IJH.irun Ul bIKSVI 740 ilo 112 hlli.'Vl ' .j _ ) An'lrow Tini-oy e'i ' It" blk''VJ a ( , ) C.ilh.Hlne Diiu an wM It 7 bill 21 " 1 OJ An irow I r icoy ItM Iilk2l - 740 Diudrlch lllbhuller It I blk 2.V > 7 4J do H2blk2-S : i 10 JillliH Koasloril > i H 7blk yVt 1 0) ) Pi oil KriiKMli It ? blk tr.s IM I JiiiliiH lviu > nlur li'iltfi ' b'.lf 2.18 " II 7.1 1 led Kins B'i It H blk 2M " , , . U 711 I S Jliibuu I Its blk.I livpty ) Hill 1UIO ' .lohii ltn.hlt.lblk : ! " 1US ! I loiopbTuohel. m-'ift It I blk 4 f. Ill funi'l. eAuiliro6Ktlt4 UiK I " fill lliTltiltii U MeM limn w ! ' , blk U " 27 : "J Josuphlno llullurd a IJ iilk 'I 1 KoiiliUi/fi.ll add Oil ! MaiidO I'.itteitaon It U bLa | " 2 OJ A Kuimt/olt 12 blU : i " t in riank I'oi.ornylt Mblk 3 " 2 b' ) I i .1111 , Helovlolt UblkU 'J K A Koiint/utm ! > IU.I " 30 , ' t.hariosK Mnt/Jr It lOblktl H w Joseph H.irkurut.il It 17 hlk H 2 It' .lohiiI Kanvollns'ilt ' U bin a 2 W .lo-eih 1'iola n't It Ib blk : i " 2 02 .losoph Darker ni * ItlU bll. J 2 UJ Aiin.iHvoktiui'/ IUlilk.1 " 2 t2 Kilo llnrii n'i ' It 2u blk J " 202 ' ltoui.utb'i ' it2Ul > lk3 " 2 OS bll. < " i 02 ; ; KOI " ' ( ! . ' Join ih Kolofa H7bll'4 " : ! 102 Mnry.Svni.lniintuUt.il blk I " U Ui .loUnNovanltOblk 4 " "I .Io Hh Mliluul nlH ft It 1ft bill 4 - a 'Ji I * KllhPtreiiU ftaMfl It lbI ; ( i J 4 ! Andititr i'luoUr ut H It I'J blk i " 1 li iKuarilkaH Ilblk4 " S 01 Antm Urthlnneo It i : blx 4 " JOT Jixpph lloboroo'i It 1 blk 0 " Jcseph Stophnn w-'t U I blk 0 1 21 P * II Krolnlt2hlkl ) 4 ni A Konnl/ett.l blKMl 4 01 den II I'oitoriun It 7 blk n 4 01 Prank luiiuinks n'S US blk n 5 (12 ( Kntlierliio l oasch s'i Us blk 0 a 03 John I'liishnn'i It Hblkll r J ( Caspars' , Itl ) blk U 5(13 ( Prank Knspar nH It 10 blk 9 20 } Mnry Knspnr s > ( It 10 hlk 0 3.3 John Heki-ri II 11 hlk 0 4 M J-a-ob.se.slii'rsn'i | ' It I'JblkO 3 OJ ,1'U-ob KondNs'i u 12hlUl ! 301 Ulclmrd O'Keufo U 11 blk 0 4 CO Marlu ( lllhert It II blk ! ) 4 Kl P Murphy it. H blk l ) 4 Kl * * nntel I'lvonka it lilhtkO 4 0.1 Hene Met Klostorea n > i It 17 hlk 0 s 02 III IdL'ct Colonial ! ii It 17 blkl ) 2 02 .l.itni'H On try It IS Ink 'i 4 01 I'M Slrooln'S ' It 10 blk ! ) 2 03 Marv A Ilioiferlek H U 10 blk 0 2 03 Prod Orotol It 2) ) blk ! ) 4 Ot do It 21 blk-li 4 PI lo'epti llnvnili k It 4 blk 10 4 04 ( . 'one ot Israel It fi blk 10 3 OJ l.onls Sclirocdnr II r , In t 10 2 OJ Andrew Uendor It 7 blk li ) 4 0.1 Vru-lny llerni-insky u'i It 1 blk 13 2 OJ Mary 12 l.ooney s' , It I blk 12 203 Mii'phv et al it i nlk 12 4 C4 llrld ot Meaney n' , | ti ; ilk 12 2 O'J Ida Molf M'tltll ink 12 2 03 II -olden n'i It 4 blk 12 203 A P Shriver n'i It 4 hlk U 2 OJ Pred hohaf n'i II .Milk 12 20J Joseph I uliii' , It ! > blk li 2 0 ! Jn-pjih Kjvan u'i ' II ( I blk IJ 803 I S llascalls' , It n blk U 2 OJ do It 7 blk ' 2 4 01 I S 11 iseall n'i II 8 hlk 12 2 Oi Joseph Kaviii sVi ItSblk IJ 2 (12 ( Jos ah Ivont Itn bik 12 4 U.1 John M llcdjjo llll blk 0 , . , , Komitro's 4th Suppl I 1'atrlek Connor nl } U Id hlk 0 2 42 John Ililinlln s'J ' It Mb k 0 0 40 Miry Collins ot al It II blkO I ai : 1 Mlaseall U l'blkil 4 85 do II 'Hhllctl 4 H- > UU-hard \ \ tide nt al U si" ft U 14 b 6 " : i in John ) > n nil ft It 14 1)1 ) k II 1 21 .liuo'i ' KundH n'j It I.1 blk 6 24 } John Deus'i ' It In blk II 2 42 Marv V in ( liomn s'n it 11 blk 0 1 77 Ja ob Kendls mlOM It 10 hlk r , 1 7S Dennis Cuntilujhain ; ni5 U 1(1 ( blk 0 " 1 78 l.ll/'iliiilli (1 ( iiiuitar It I blk ? r > : i2 John Itreekholl ItSblk ? 4 81 W A Knot-tins It Iblk ? 4 81 l.oo Mart It 4 blk 7 4 8i ! IS llnsoill It 5 bit. ? 4 81 AloMetlavoekot al n'i ' It n blk 7 2 42 Pi.ml. Murphy t al s'i ' It Chile 7 2 42 1 Sll-isonll It 7 blk ? 4 81 ilo It 8 blk 7 4 WJ John U Donohiio II ' ) blk 7 1 Ml John l-'Twtiiuicy It 1 Lincoln I'ark a M do H2 ar.i do itt : ar > r > do win ftlt 5 : t 20 do It R ' 4 nfl do 117 2 S3 'I bos llreiin in It 4 blk 1 M Donovan's sub 4 U4 M . . . . . . Joslnh Kent It 11 blk 1 4 01 do It Hi blk I 4 01 IhoimiH lliemi.in It 17 blk 1 4 01 , , , do It is blkl 4 III IS Ilascnll It 10 blk i 4 04 do ItSJblltl 4 C4 Thos llrcnnan s'JJ ft It 21 blk 1 1 01 M Donovan nl ) ft It21 blk 1 2 41 It ' 'J blkl 4 III It 21 blk I 401 It21 bll. I 4 M Gee K Marker ell fl 112 Okahoina 10 Mi ivllStt 112 10 M ofll fl It : i 10 CO wll2ftlti : 10 03 Ijillli Cioinblo n'JJ fl o ! H ft It 4 1 78 9 It Johnson sill ) oJi ft U I KM Uhar.es Corbott wlU ftlt 1 10 ( VI A KemliiKloiitit al o ! " > fl 115 10 TO w112 ft It 5 10 (1) ( ) ell > fllt ( i 10 01 wll2ftlli ( 13 M l.dirnrd ARiislailo'Ji fill ? 10 0(1 ( wllJftlt ? 11 01 Joanna Fehnult e'll . 'I Its 1:1 : : u Jo ituri Sclmult vvlIJ ft It 8 1:1:1 : : ! John AlcOran uO * > ft It ! ) 10 0(1 ( vvi"3ft 111) ) ID Cli Kiigono O'Neill It 1 O'Noil's IMtico : i W it 2 HI ! ar.o It 4 ana It fi a M ltd : ii n 7 a no Its a u 1UI a fc it in a fcM it nit * a r i it 12 a ca Jaeob Kemlls fiautloiial otlt 12 blk 4 I'nrk I'oircst (0 ( llcilvvhr Schnli/o ilo Itl blk ? G ( I. ) I , iV Ulll do 1t2 irk 7 1 01 do do 114 hi I ; 7 4 84 Goo II llosss do It 7 bile 7 r > Gi do do 118 b 1.7 4 04 Low W Ulll It ! ' blk ? r , < r K Knbim do It 10 blk 7 h.I KcnUolt do It 11 bill 7 " " do ItO blk 8 4 04 .l"ohn II i"olc : do It I bll. ! ) 4 04 do do It2blkl ! l > (13 ( Jueob .Mcvcih do lti ; blk U .1 ( ) 'i l.nnv A KdvvaidH do It7 blk ! ) 241 John HuiiOiiniicr dodo 5 ( fi do do It'Mill , I ) B 01 M Donovin do It 3 blk 10 a 2) Hans Hock it II blk. ! Qiitnn's add r a i do It I : blk ; i K r > at Thos ( 'iniuin II 7 hlk' ! S n Koor's add r : u do It 8 blk II r > : Sarah II [ Hack n2J ft It II blk a 1 77 IW Wlusollssll fi It ii hlk ; i a MI 1 S Il.-iho.ill It 10 blk a r > a i John Kuah e'J n'i ' it 1 bll ; 4 10 0 ! Ulchaid O'Kuefu e'i si ! It 1 blk 4 10 ( ! ( ! AleMeU.ivock i)1- it 2blk 1 10 ( H ! Wm Kolbe It I bll. il 10 15 JoaehlaNecderttleser It J blk 11 10 fill . ( no IV Coopet i't l II 1 blk 11 10 (0 A.V S Aycislt I blk 12 5 a i 1'eier IVterson It 2 bile 12 n : i.i Alex MeO ivouk n'i It.I blk 12 1 77 .lolm v'loiahiius" ] , itiblk : IJ a M J .1 U i ; Itirkoi-lt 4 blk 12 r. : B ( ildeon M.iyno II : . blk 12 n ; ci l.uon I ! ouk lift blk 12 n a i Kll/i Maul ! n'i. : ft blk In r ofi S I ! Mor.-he.il ot al sll ft blk ! 0 a 5' (1 Wnutilel , nli'l fl o'i ' b I ; 17 a n M ch.iel Ite.lln .Ion n Ci ( ft o'i ' blk 1 ? fi aa John Waileis II 2J S 1 Holers' Okahoina 10 0 Chan Neher ii'J ' It 2-1 1 : n John Walter)1 ) ] ) It2.1 1 ; KI Jacob Wnlss nIU ft It 21 aal CharluK Neher Vi ft II 21 7 4J Hans llouk It L''i 2 f > 7 Moirli l.lKiittci ol'IJ ft I12T is 67 JohnL 11111 do | f.7 ' 10 Oil ilo do It 28 10 ( li ! Divld Knnnedv ilo 1121 10 O'l David Kenncily do It.'Ill 10 00 llu .h KeimeJy do Itlll 10 ! do do iti2 : 10 01 Patrick Kennedy do ltu : 10 ( .0 Iliiih Kunnedy do itai in M John A W.tl.ellu'd nl.l.'ft s'i ' II 31 r > ! I3 A I'aiiiiiin el'l : n'i It T > B.'ll \ \ in Cobiirn shei llf oll2 ! ft ill' ) ft It ! 1 4 Ul Arthiii-Muii > liyotalol.'rtHSJ ! ttlt.id I ! 01 John Hill-1120 111 II II .V IICerd pi I Vint ; e of IHth st b k IJ Van O mill's add 11 M iU.Itei'cl ! | it lyln- itt I lib ht blk 12 10 14 A Komit/o wll.'fi tux lotllHuo27-ii-l'l 135 "M HJIIJ Itouk wll ! ft ta\ lot lOsoc'l.'M.VII 21 .U Is.ia ; b Has-all ol fi ft t i.x lot II sco 27-1.1-I.I 54 2il N O Nelson 0.11 f I I i \ lot 41 HIM ai-15 1.1 10 41 N C No inn w Jl'j ' ft tit It Isee II-IS-II 4 SI John I'oni'iso''ifi i IY lot II .seeil-I.V : | l HMD John 1'ownib w. " ) ' ] ft lax lot II suu.'ll-l.'i-IJ 6 01 Mis l.iwienii > .lunsun eil'ifl lax lot I'lhUjai-n-II 11 21 Mrs l/uvienee Jensen w.Ii'i fit ix ot -cc.l-n-l.i | 067 Ji'tterChiNtuiKi'ii ii'riftlavlotlO uc.ll-l.-i ; ) a B"i .letter Chrislenson w20'i ft lax 'ot lOHeuai-l.'i-l'l 1 B3 31 j ] thu K IHIIIIISSOII c'Mfl laxlot lhccl-n-ll ! a 5 Maltha Hiibiiui&scii W.llii ft tax lot 17 sou IJl-n. ' ' ! 1 M Sn lo M Itiirru'iJ'/i ft tax lot. > Jsci > yi-l-13 II M IJTX.Pliase'l-J'ift ' tax lot rlsi > o.'H-i-ia ft W Uuliojl Dlflt of Oiiialiu iiUJ'ift ' tax lol.V.'suelll-lJ-n 5 ( .2 Uonradoiiiuoniiiii , i''iftt\intriisno ! ) i-n-i : ; 21 a ) Conrad Voiiniii ; nuin ull'J ft nf nt w of MtiiHifiviotniBOL * . ! ! n-ia _ 21 a ; 8 fi lA'vlOol Hmiflll'ifl I lnt.VlheuItl-l.l-ri b ( il H P lluikert.ix lot')7Rio.ll-l."i-l.l ! 31 at ( ) I < ViinCainii th.-it p.irllyliiK oof Dili Htroet bonth of I'ark 1'nruM In tax lot at sue : ii-r.-n 20' } O L Van 1).iinn ) the ol' ! ! ft of thai p ii't lyliti ? w of lilth HI Konthof I'ark Kuiest In lixlot.lt ni'uIII-I.Vl.l 10 r.1) S hlfOk'eraiillftltaiilU .Vt r > i Patrick O Connor w.V.fl ItablKiJU 2 Ml N > stiih | II irl.ur jrn'j ' II I blk ; 59 a ? a Jowph Kav.msti Itl hll , 2J'J : i7i A Koiint/ott'i ll'ililk'JVi i ni ( Jims Kimnl/aHliH'/ > blk 2VJ 1 ? ! ! II K'oiint/en'i ' ll.ilIk2VJ ) I h7 I M A Koiini/nut , at II Ublk 2/1 il -JO Jaiiu-HMuCoril s'i ' Hfiblk 101 a 7i IHIIIIH l.nvl nit ft lift bll ; ll'l J 4'J lilolli-rHusonarJItiiBlft ItnblklQl 1 ' 'I iH.uut l.ovl ii'.i ltd blk 1U4 1 I' . ' ) Jumea MeCordu ItGblk 1 ! > ! 1 ( / ) Total amount , Section' ' . Ttiattboipiclul tiios ana / nimiu luvlod and iiMuisod ui ufinunald. slinll b dim ImuiQ.lIntdly upon ttio imniirfu and n | > - pruval ottlilt * or llu mo ? , and ulnll b iomi < > ! > IlniUintltnotM | ( ] ) I wlinln iHty di > s tliiiritnt- t ri > nd tlKTonprin lut'n-jjt nfiiill be O'lduil nt tlin rain ot I pereunt ainoiith. p&y.iblali ii'l- vuncn from tlio tlinenald t < ei buojiud ta t\a- \ llnqlltttlt. Hu tlon'I. . ' 1'iut tlih onllnanco shall talco nf ffct and bn lu fuice from and aftur lt < n m it , i. I'.n.ud , DuuurnUor Olh , i . JOHN ouovra. : City U.orK. U P. IJAVltf , I'lCHldont City Cotir.rH. 1 , > pprovnO , Iioi-i . 1-0- . I in.w , l * . in. uin , j The abovtf tax M nowil.io uivl imriiblaat tUa 1 olllcuof the' llylioutnrflr uml will btron : do- ; IliuiiU'iit uml boar tuiKrrmt nn nirl xfroi'Jau- unry 3-Jib , J < i.'J , ui u lu faction' ! ot abe or- HlSS'iV I10W.N.