TUB OMAHA BATIJY BEE : FUpAY | , DECEMUEll 23 , 8PEC1HL NOTICES. TnVKintSKMKNTS KOIl TIIKSH"COMJJINS A will lie taken until IJ"O r > m. for the cvenlntf nnil until fi W p. tn. for the morning or Sundar cdl- No fldtprlifement tnkcn for lets tlinn JlconU for 'AU ' advertisements In thrso eolnmns 1M conl" * word for thu first Insertlim anil I cnnl word for paoli utnpqiiont Insertion , or IIM per Una per rnontli Terms rush In a.lvancp. Initial * , flKiirps , yrabold , PIP neli count as n word. All nrtTcrtl 0' menlsniusl run consecutively Advertise , .tij to- niiestlnc n mimbcrr-rt check , ran liavo tno letters addressed to n numliorcd letter In rirp or I iir. HF.r Answers nn addressed will bo delivered on Iho lircsomallon of tbo chock. WANTED MALE - ( . ' HXAI'I 130. ) TO ttl J UA8UIIE. . B-AtKST. ( .ochcnour , 4SH Lharlci it. . Ornahn , Mai" ' " _ 1) HAIAItV OH roM.MlSHIOS TO AOB.NTS TO J'hnnillo tin' I'ntcnt Chomlenl In * Kraslne 1'oncll. The most ireful anil novel Invontlon nf tlio nap. Krssoa Ink lliorotiKhlr In two spconils Works like manic an loW per conl prolll. Anents maklnu Wror wpck. Wonl o wnnl n cunornl neenl to Inko chnrup of terrllory and aiio < ilntsiiti nsents. A rnro clianc-nto make iniinor. Write Inr terms nnd asniii pie oH'rn la Monroe lirusur Mftf. Co. . A S1' ; . ' ' * < 'r < v"e , Wl . : ! ' _ WANTBII , PIUJDIINTIAIJ IUT. BAOKNTS xooil par. Apply room 30. FrenTcr hlork.oppo r O. > .Q 11 ° ' iWA.NTKI i ) . A (10011 III.ICKIMITH A'P-O CK | .Uninst ho n irood hiir o hi > 9r. Aildross or call ou A. V Htrnnsim. llprtimn , Nnh .M3.IJ ? > ' _ _ _ _ 1V-WK ) MBS Milt trr . OOVKHNMBNT WOIIK l.V l > Arkansss , Teniiossos ml Lunlalnnn Kramer A O'llcarn , l.nbor AKCiiCT.aus Soulli lltli slreel. T ) WANTMI ) IMMKIMATK1.V. SMAUT YOfMj .limnnti ) n-nlston books , ( ionrt references nml Imnilwrlllnit nercs-nrr. Apiily by letlt-r ntatln PX- iicrlonri1 nnil snlnry expected' Mimor Alnniirne- turlmt Co J Cri'leliton blnck. S. litli st. Hi ? J _ 1) . llAIIIIKIt WA.NTKI ) , I'lltST CIj.\S8 SINO1.B , l > > obc-r. Industrious man. Wra. Sulllvnn. Alinn , - | > -Wi : PAV HAI.AIIV WKKKIiV TO ( IOI ( > -l > .iEOiits , Knporlenco uniicccmnry. Applr.M Winner olllco. .M MJJ20 1)WANI'III ) . V A WllOM'.HAI.K CMOOKItV .Ilhouso , n bright , nctlvu olicolor. Ono Hint ran como well rerominonclpil , anil KITU pooil reference. Artdrcm In own linnil wrltlnu to T 23 , euro llco ofllce. M7'M _ ll-WANTKI ) , A KKWUKUAIII.K SOLICITOUS Jiln Nobrmk.i for the Union Ci'titrnl l.lfu Insur- nnco company nf < Inclnnatl. ( loud territory ami llbcrnl conttnctn to thu rlulit nii-n. Address J. M. Kilmlnlnn , htnlu Aucnt , rooun ! > , 4IJ unil 4i llnrr blk , Lincoln , Xot . MJ4I ) J3U _ IJ-VN AN IT.I ) . AOKNT9 ; IVOJTOHO.M I'KIl DAY. JcollputlnK nmnll plcturcii for us to copy nnil on- Inruo. tintlnfni'tlim nunninti'O nml ft H.W ) outtll frco. A. Dunne & Co. , &i lluudo utrcct , Nuwork. . Mull ' & * WANTED FEMALE HELP. - ' ( IBNBllAI. 1IOUSK- work , liaijl Sherman nveiiiin. 131 -YOUNII LAOIKS CAN SOOV ACOU1IIK A tvorklnu knowledge of fliorllmnd nnd type- wrltlnK nt Van EiuitVSU N. V. Llfo. Mau7 -WANTKD A KIHST-CLA3S CdOlv AND ONK who tinilerstiiiulihow to muikct , IDS N.'Jth. 471 - . ) . 'r'lltST-CI.ASS COOK "iNOUIItn C-WA.NThl nml llownril , AII'.IS ' 2T -WA.NTKI.1 , I.AUint ) OU YODNI1 MKN TO tnku IlKlit , plonunnt work nt their own linmos ; f 1.00 tu li. ; ) nor liny can bo quietly made ; work nent by uisll ; no cnavn slntr. Kor particulars nd- ( Ircsslllobii.MfK. Co. , 110x5131 , lloitou , Mnrs. ICs- Ml'Jii 113 * labllsheil 1050. IWANTII : > IMMKDIATKI.V , TWO I-UHSONS rrcclTU lailniotloiu kuep books. J. II. Smith Si ; Bliuely lilooic. 6ai-23' -WANTKII , C1IUU MUST UK HOOD COOK , 111 family or two. Call mornings. Oil Soiitli'-'Stli Btroct. M1-S3 * -WANTKI ) , frTP.OXn Clllli KOU ( IKKIIIIAI. hounuwnrk IIH urconil ncrvant. MrH. C. y. Mont- comury , WJ'iiiiUi .li'tli tt. C2.1 ' . ' 2' C A.T ONt'K : KXPBllIESNCBII COOK AT ICfll Howard st. , 2il Hour , MH22J - ) , OlllL KOU nKNKItAli IIOUMK' C-WANTKI work , without washl ng. IWJ Kurmuii el. 63023 * C-\VANTniTWOllllTtJUT YOUMI LAD1KS Ol' rellncmcnt nnd rcxpcctabllltv to nccoinpnny RCII tlomnti nnd wife In builiiP. : < N to southern nnd west crn cities. Kinploymont very prolltablo nnd re epectnble. reference reriulicd. l.xpuuccs advance * : Address , T2J llco. 621-25 * C-COOI ) ClltL. (10UIVAliK5. . KAMILV OK i 1112 south lUIh ntrect Kti -WANTKI ) . 20 WOMKN OK OIIILS KOU TIK C Clothcnburi ; Overall and Shirt Co. , at Ootbeu , Neb. Call nt Mercer hotel , Saturday next. MMl 21 FOR KENT HOUSES. D -KOU HUNT. NO. 2413 CAIMTOL AYHN1JK modern. 1 lie O. F. Davis Cu. , 15l'j ' Karnaui st. st.UH UH D-N1NK 110OM IIOUHR. MODHIIN CONVE.V. lencos , natcr rent pnld , f2."i.OO per month. J. II Wheeler , room 41T ICarlmcn block. M437 r\-KOU IIKNT , MODKIIN lr > KOOM 11OUS1C , ALI J-'convrnlences , live uiliiutea' walk poatolllco ( trect cars PIIHH the door , Nathan i-helton or U rt bklnner , IU14 Kurnnni si. 120 TKHIIIT'lioOM DKTAClir.l ) 11OUSH , MOD -L/ern ; Pest neighborhood , $20. So Jun rooms uui barn , Park avuntio , fa. O. V. Units , -J-AI Ho. nil street. MM ( U2G ) KOU IIKNT , 13-ltOOM IIUIISI : . 2013 CASS IW.UU. llcetl & Bclby , Hoard of Trade. 770 roil IIKNT , IIOUSUS IN ALL I'AKTB O ! D I city. ; The O , K. DavU company , 1505 Karuaiu Ht 778 r > FLATS , DVVKI.I.INliS , COTTAOKS IN AI.l J-'linrtaof clly. Kilkenny & Co. , Continental blk , 7SU D-IIOIJSK OK II UOOMS.AI.il MODKIIN CO.N vonleiurK , iili-UHnntly locnteil ncnr business cor tor. Apply 1SUU Chlcniw el. , or I. , ri. Hkluiior. nil > 'iirnaiu. 7B'J D-KOII fir.NTu - iiiticic iiousi : . NO. o I'nrunm miict nnil brick bnru. fompleto wit every convonunco , Wiirron 31. llufors , lasi I'm limn it. ; MKi'.l TKOU HUNT. 8-UOO.M roilNHIl KLAT.SKCON : , l-'lloor. rnn/irt / & other ciiiivenlenccs , Clouierbll 701 H. llitli st. , (10. ItlnKwalt llros. . Darker bloc ! : l'.M Jlf. HUNT , T1IIIKK JIANDSUMI3 nnd liulurnlnlicdj all modern In provomenls. It , U. 1'atturson , 425 Unnico bulldlni _ 407 1 KOIl IIKNT , KUUNl.HHHD HOL'SK ; A U jJ room modern house lurulstiod : splendid nulul borliood near motor lino. Apply 1'nrrotte Henti AKQiicy , DoiiKliiH Hlock. SIIOJ30 ( OtitooM iiousi' : , N TIllllTKKST tii'i't. SI 401 Sil' D I-IMIOUM UKHIDKNCK , .MODHH.s' , IIU HOIJT ! lOtli BltCL'C. C. U , KlButlcr , VQI llua bullillncr.JH6U JH6U DNKWTIIOHM CO'lTAOKS , MOIIICltX , I Stnnfiinl circle. Coavrlileut for bilaliit'.ss mo of Umuliii uiiil r'uiillKUmuliu , C. t ) . Kluuttur , 2. llco Unllillntf. MISS TwfoTl uHNTi'THllVKUAl , NICI ? 1IOUHIW NK.A -l/lllinscuin park , iiiuik-rn hiillt , wltli nil convci : vncua. Ui-oruu N. lllcka , IM .Now Vurk Lire. Lire.M5I3 M5I3 SO FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOME E-TOIt UltKT. KI.UCANTIV I'tlll.MSIIKI nU'iilu lu'uleil ruomn , MJ So , Ulh atrm't , MiH : 34 3 ? NU\VI.V KUIINI UUU UD011S roll UK.V . JKmiulro 470 E-W1T11 KUIINAJK 11 BAT , 210 N , 19 ST. IO3-W , ' FURNISHED ROOMS "AinTBOAlli 7"j Till ! TlOLAN. ! t AMI 211 \7 18T11 I 411 KIO BOUTII SJT1I ' 7-KICKI.V V'llUMSIIii : ) , OiTHKAST ; KUO > ruiim HU nlcovu nml buy wlmlow , All nioilo coiivi'iiluiicos. llounti prlvittu fiinillZi ) < Sun at'lh ' Blrt-ct. .M5 < ? -'j' _ 1 IS03 CAl.IKOItNIA ST , Wtt J2 ! G J-FIHHT Kl.OOIt OF CO'ITAUIS , 1IAT1I ' . ' 0 , ' : Ilowunl it. Ml A JJPOFFIfJEi 1 nit ui'.N'ivni : sVouv niticic nun , DIN .191(1 ( 1'nmoniht. 'riu'liiillilln ltiii n llruiiruof n liiviil lianvranut , cuniilu'n | ulcnuihi'nlliiit llxtnrv wiilor on nil tliu Iloun , was , olc. Apply at llij oil ! of 'flie IH. . Sli _ _ _ 1 U.\K KUDU STOHV IIHIL'K IIUIL.OINU iu KKI J \ lilo. 1IJ7 llurnny Ur t. s ; , KOIUIK.NT , A Visny lll lllAlll | "TlUll.III.N JiultntiUiturn warnlioiin ) , ltli ttubla In coin1 tlon. Tr climu Iront nn < | reir , Aildrow 1C. Cnruilcliuol , i' ro uf McCorrt , llrmly Jl Co , Vl ! " " WANTED TO BENT. I. oxn or unfuriiljliDil , with b ) r.1. In prlTnto f ml bjr ludj vliiifo liunbunil U out of city. ITlco mi Ix ; r uiiallc. T I' . ' , lluo. -Nf ! Mr KJ located. lor ( wu rouiiK Imlloi T II , Hue. STOBAGE. r-BlOlUaK rilUAl' , CI.UA.NVKI.L3 , Llitriiaiu ilitet. MTI > UA < ; K-I IUVK i.ininvAiitr.ouuu ! llnor itoriuta roonit ; bucifle lort > il for TSci munlU. lino. W. UolfcrookId. . I30 , ITO 1'olter * tlock. H WAMTED TO BUY. TVTWANTKI ) IO UUV S.m\K \ V'IfietTcKI J.1 Urn uioilil | > ioi. KimU i. S lb ) ' , 394 HonrJ Trai 78 _ K'-W'ANTI'.n AT ONCB A Hl'AN OK I1OU8I l./A ) or l.KIO. 2ttOgLuT ii orlbfUarl. M FOB SALE-FUlWITUnE. n-FOIl BAl.B. AT A"IIAIUIALS , KfHNITfllH V/of n P room house , honso full ol roomer * . Ad rtronn T 14 llco. -MM' . ) 51 FOR SALE HORSE3WAGONS , ETO A | > rln pjiro | irnion. her o. liarncKS anil buiritTi olfio n nrnrljr ne < r i > ct of cronmrrr tools , consisting nfbnttrr worker , cliurn , Howe scale , true * , etc. , nil will bo nolil ntniuoei nnrrllloj , Addroud. U. 'iT'ctnick , lien ntllce. ' > r CM1 & 13IJI .Ml Bam street , where Roods can ! > seen. MI13J 1)-A l.IdllT IlUUfdIIAM ANlirAlllOKIIt'ACK I horses for s.ilo for M75. Tha carrlngo nlono Is north the urlco. Driiiniiionil CnrrlnKO Co. , isili nnd llnrnnr. .M.SI7-SI FOR BALEMISCELLANEOUS. . - HAI.K 1'IIKAP. A SMIOIlSi : I'OWKH Q-KOlt atilomntloenucne' also ons 13 hone IHIITCT up ilplit I'liitlni ) : both In KDDI ! ri'imlr. Inqulro of Foil nvr rrlntlmt l.'o. , l.Hj ; llownnl street , Omnlia , Neb. 783 - HAl.t ! . ONK S1 II. I * . H.VIIlNi : , OSIS 40 Q-KOll li. p. , tub liollrr , Mltli nnmpaiiil lumtcr. 200 feet Klmttlnu nnil stinilrf imlllot , tools nml npiillnncus. I' Xnlirlnklc. ri'i-olvi-r Omih.i llarliol I'pnen nml .Nnil conipanr , lltli nti'i Mcliulm struct. M357 al Q - bTl'D , I KAltKT , JOO. ADDIIKM3 TU IIco. 407 Q-POIlHAliK ( il.l ) 8TYI.U UIMUIHIT I'lAXl ' , irood orrtor , will Inka folilliiK bed n purl pijr. 1 iv Nortli liitli. room I'J. 4U'--JS > Q -SKCON'IMIANII HAND I'OWKlt T.I.KVATOIl for > nlo IJO-J HonnM. MIS1 JI9 * fVOIt SAM' . O.IK or.lt.MAX I'Of.VTVPK NO. 3 . Wscnlnit nmi'lilnp , tcbnllt nml n * uoud at now1 prlco { J.'i.UUi no cobbler nct-il bo irlthotit ono nt till * 1 -irlco. A I ) . MOI-SI ! , trutnll thuo ttolc , lltli and 'urtmin. ttM 24 MISCELLANEOUS. "n-VoH HKNT , liAltKK 1IAI.I. mil SOOIKTIK ? , -Limoutlngsor Iprturm. Apply nt'JJJ ' Doiljo. 878 .1-1 1 > TO WHOM IT MAY CONCIUIN ; .NOTIC'll 13 -JAlicroby Elvcn tlmt IM A. Koen. who \vn ecu vlcli-il of Illicl In thp dlntrlrt court of DuUKlna county. Nptirni kn. nt the Kcbrtinry , JSW. torin thereof , will on thu3nl Oiiy of .Inmuiry. 13JI , np ply to tliu Kovprnor of this stnto fur ipardon. . CLAIRVOYANTS. C-J kJtrnnco clairvoyant nml lltu roadcr ; lulls your llfu from criullo to iravij : can no consulted on nil altnlrsof life ; has the oalcbrntod Kgypllnn breastplate plato to unlto tlio separated nnd causa iimrrliw with one you lovo. Cnmu ono , coma nil nnd bo con * vlneod of her romarkublu powers , onlce and rosl denco 117 8. llth at. , hours Un. in. to 9 p. m , Strict llfoohart and pnnto of your fitturo wlfo or hus band sent lliroiiich mall for $3.1)0 ) , chart nlone Si.OO. All letters coutnlnhi2 < conn In tiiuipi nrnmtitly M'A'3 ' * answered. JJ \I118. NANNIHV. WAIlltK.V , CliAlltVOVANT , SI118. rellablo bu lnuis medium , Uftli year at Ilu N li'.ih , ISa 8-MU1. ! . Hit. LKONAUt ) , TUB YOU.NO AND k'lfteil dead trnneo medium , hns just nrrlved from tliu west , nnd will itlvc sittings dally to the publlo. I'nAt , present und future forotolil. All tlio o In Iroiiblo should not fall In consult this u'lftuil woman. Mines located , lucky numbers Klvon. All letters containing n lock of hair. * ' > nnil stninps will receive prompt nttcntlon. .My rlmrins for good luck cannot bu cMunled. Independent voices. tilllco liqitm fromU a. m. tot ) p. m. Ill S. 15tli Mruet , up. Btnlra. MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. rii-MMK HTOWn. MnNOTioliAlVKIl 203 JL I'ouKlm block. Cor. H'.tli and DjdKO. rii-MADAMK. SMITH , l : CAl'ITOIi AVKNUB , L llooni t , Ud lloor. Muaiaca , nlcohul nuliihur nnd tivn bnths. Mill ) 23 * m-MMK. CAiiyoN , mi DOUOI.AS STIIBKT , 3 JL Door , room" , mn.-u.tiio , nlcohol , aulphur nnd c.t blllia. Molii ? . ) MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. . . ' N. W r-J. F.flKI-M'NllKCK.UAKJOTISAClIlSll. cor. 15th nnd llnrnuy. Uiirnoy strcut cntrnncu. till MONEY TO LOAN B.EAL ESTATE. \\r-HKAI. KSTATB LOANS , 0 TO 7 1'Bll CKNT , no iidilltlonul clmr os for commission or nttor- liey'a fees.V. . 11. Mulklo , 1'rst National lln.uk bhlK. bU. ! \7 MONKY TO LOAN AT I.OWIMT 1IATKS. The O. If. DavlaCo. , 1503 Fnrimni Blroot. 7U1 ir I.OWK3T 1IATKS. I'lUULlTV TilUST COM- puny. IT' , ! Knrnam nircoi MiBi W ANTHONY LOAN AND1 UU8T CO. , 3S ! N. Y. Life , lends lit low rates for c'mlcj security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha ct' ) * property.TJ3 \ \ 7-CENTUAI. IXJAX & TKUST CO. 1115K 11LDO. 7SB W MOtlTOAtiH LOANS LKStl TUAN 7 1'IiU cent IncludliiR nil charges. ClinrluB . Unliiov , Omaha Nat. bank bldg. 79j W MONET TO LOAN. LAND "TO SKLL , houses 10 rent , licorne W .P. Coatos. 1G14 I'uriinm. M923 W-LOANS ON ( MTV 1'1101'KllTy , B AND 7 I'KII cent. K. K. Uliigur , 151'J 1'nrnam. it'jj3 J3 W 1 ANII2-YKAU LOANS O.V CITV AND FAUM uiortgauos. Heed & Solby , 'JM Hoard of Trndo , \\r-.MON15V TO UMN ON l.Ml'UOVKI ) "CITV i property , low rate. A , C. b'rost. Douglas blk. ; , IH. Yir 7 I'KU CKKT MONKY KKT TO UOHIIOWKKS ' on Oinnhii city property. Nooxtra cJiurnoa ol nuy kind. Why pny lilch rates ? Money In cheap , You can uet full benellt of low ratua from ( ilobc id Trint Co. . Itth nml Iodu. TJO \V-O.MAI1A SAYINUS HANK MAKHS LOANS on real eat ilo nt lowest market rates. Lonni nmilo In tininlt ur litr o ttuins for short or lone thtiO. No rommlMlou IH char od und tlio leant * an notnol.l In tlio tnst , but can always bo found ni tlio bunk un Urn turiioroC 13th and liouclns streets Till TVT" LOANS ON IMl'UOVKl ) ANI > U.MIMI'IIOVKI > i city propcrlr.KUXMnnd upwnnliOitoT percent No delays. W. Fnrnum blnltli , VCo. IJthniiit II nrney , * , 'M \V-C. V. liAllItlbON , 'M N. Y. LI KB. 793 W I'KIVATKMOA'ICY , 1ST AND2O .MOllTGAlII loans , low r.ilos. Alex Mooro. Dee lilclu. Hit \V-1K I'AKTIISH OWNING 1'IIOI'HHTY TIIA'i ' < Is encumbered for nil or part of Its value will todlspOM ! of their Interest , Klvr detcrlptlon am liicniubranee and send their address to T 8. le ! ( olllco. Mlil \\r llNKYTO ( l.OAN-1 ll\\K AIIOL'T fl.OOl to loan on Improved Omahn property , prlvati tnnils , In ono ur uioro loans. Address T Iti , lid o Bleu. 6oi MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 1 j Y--DO YOU WANT MONEl TUB nnisr.iTY LOAN mrAiiA.vrRi ; co. , UOD.M 4 WrrilNKIiL IILOUK. SIV'-i SOUTH ISth CO UN HI I IIAIINKY ST. WK MAKK LOAN. " UN 'IJUNlTUIli : . HOltSUS CAIlltlAliUH , WAUKIlOOril' ! KKCKH'l'd OH I'UU bONALI'HOI'KllTY Ok' ANY KIND. / WILL / ' DOVHLL / TO /YOU ) AU. / ON / 03 F1H9T / FOIl. / / / OUIITKIIM4 WILLMKJ1 ! YOllll AI'I'UOVAL You can pay the money biok at uny tlmo and t any amount you vrisli , n'lil thus roJnoo the coil o carrying ih loan In proportion to amount you pit ] IF YOU IMVO b'll.inao on your furnUuro o otlmrptuional property of any kind , wa will pay I oil for you nndcirry It ni lonj nt you iloilrcv YOU CAN HAVIC YOUIl MONKY IS ONK HOU1 FHOM TI1IO TIMK YOU MAKK AIM'LICATID.S No publicity or reiuorul of properly so tin you uot the usouf both momiy and pruporiy , 1W X -CALL AT TUB Ol'ITlCU OF OMAHA MOUTtiAlIB LOAN CO. : i VOUVVANT JIOXKV , Van can borrow on 1IOUSK1IOM ) KUItNI'J'UUH AND 1'IASOS , IIOUHKHVAiai.S'S \ AM ) CAIIIIUK # . WAIir.lKIUSK IIKRKllTt * . MKIKJ1I AMUSIS OK ANY OTIIKIt jKflJItirV. 'iVo rrlll Ic'lid you unr uniouiH fro'ii flU.W to II.UUU ON TIIK 1)V VOU ASK KOU IT. without publicity or rciuuvnl of proporlr. toucan pur lliu monor buck Iu mix niuouiiti you wl h. nml ill any time , uiiil uai'h v ) 'ui ut no nmilo will red iico tlio neil of the luuu. ll iiiiuuil er Hint you liuvellie USB of both tlm rropeity un'l llio iiionoy , aua yay for It oulyui Jiinuu'i you luep It. Tiiero will t nu cxpouvo or chnrco kept out of tlm nmoiint wnntuii , but yuu will rtci'lviitho full amount of tliu Innn. Uofuru borrowing oloswlioru cnll nnil BCD in And you will iluj u tri : > ailr lo > our iiilvnntuiiu. OMAHA ilOUTliAGK IXAN CO. II ) Jloom II , frulKliton Mock , 30 Door , y , 114 south IMIi. unit to poslonic. it T1IKOIIK.ST , I.AIl'JK.hT AND OM.V INTOH- I'OHATHII LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. Will romovoon J n. 1 , 16'J3lo WS. liilU St. . Hr HuombDvo tlKiitrget. MI75 , r-MONKV-30. CO , W IAYB. CHKAl' IIATI1 J * and nun liniments , on furniture , i.laiui , ll\ \ lock , eta , wlttioul delay or publicity : ca h c tinnd. Dug Uri-cn , rooui a. llarknr block. 6)1 X WILL LOANilONKVON ANY KIND OC bl curltri trlcllr ooiildDDtl ! > l. A. It. Harris , roe 1 , CoiHIuiMitnl black. bU ( IX > ANKI > CHEAI' AT vouii o\v ika lx > u Co. , 1310 Uoujlai it. O -I'lUTCHAHD.M UOUnLAH BLK. 104 1)01)0 tM , , . „ . . - _ HU8INEBS OHAUOE8. _ V-KOU 8AI.K. UAI.K INTBHBST IN AN KflFAl JItiliet ] and dolmble builatii ; imall c > ult l i quli 4. BUSINESS CHANCES. . . , . OOOD III'SI- - HAI.K Oil K.XCII\N11K. A - Y-KOU tlio rciil ( "lute In Omnhn. Hood rev ron for onlllng , Adjroii T07 .Now Yurk I.lfo , Jmnhs. Neb. .M9li I > ? J V Ht'SINKSS OI'KNISOS. NO OMAItdM TO 1 buyer * . Send ntnsip for ptlntod list. Vnn I'nl- on of Uninlin. 8' JII * VVlUi I'AY Al.tj CAHIt 11)11 STOCKS Ol1 I dry Booili , clotliinu , banMnn.l nhocs , oroccrlos. No cummliiiiloii. Alex , .Moon. ' , 4J1 llco blrttt.M1.10 M1.10 V'Oll S AI.K Oil ItltNT. COLD HTJIIAOK I plant , Address lock box No. Sll , ( Irnnd Island , Nou. - Mi43 ai * VOUOCBIIY STOCKYOIIK ) COt'NTY , * .W ) , 1. lloone rounty , t'M ( , Hurl rnunly , f.m. Dlxon county , flU.O. Colfa * connty , Ka > JU. Yan I'altrn of Omnlin. MiKlzr FOB EXCHANGE. l/-riKAl' OMAIUV UKAIj KSTATfc KOIlMIhK. . , / Jnctiml Tnluntlon. Money to loan. HoiDI3.Om.ihn. 7-1 HAVK VAI.UAIII.K IMl'llOVKI ) AND UV ' liuprovol farm IninU to otciani.'o ! for Soutli Omalift or Omaha property orfnrfnrnn wltliln W miles of Umnlm , llavoonuot the bc.it of nlock nml Krnln fnrms. l.HX ) ucios , half In winter wheat nnd rj o , nml 2'O liondof Him slock , nil clear of iincuni- brnnce , to oci'linnco for rffal oila.'j nnJ mliiht pny omo rnsli illlturaiice for ileilr.ible properlr. Ilu- ccrlbo your property cnrofully , prloj , otc. Atlilrois boxTJ1 * Ouinlm. Noli. M01 IUJ / - - ACIlK'op.KAH I.ANI ) IN ONIt OP /'tho bout winter wheat district * In Knii\a ! to i' < - chunita fur III nr 2J ncrn tract nnnr Onnlin Htr limits. Will pny raili dltloreiico If property Is Kooil. AOdri'si , KlvliiK prlco and location , O SO , lloa OHIC08. _ _ tMl.i * r/ \ ( ) \VN 100 VAUMS IN NI-iUHASK * , KANSAS * JnnDakota. \ . Will neil clie.ip. or i-xJlintiUJ for inurplmiiillu' , horsuj nnd cnttlo. Adilrau bov T1) ) , Krunktort , Ind. MSC.I FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE. ) , < * * } ACIlKrt CI.KAIl liANDFUU HAiiM IIY T11K 2) . Suvcrnl Inriro tracts ; woul.1 maka n llr t rliiKs Investment to hold fur the rlio In price. Mliiht otcliinio : fimiuof It for Inslilo properly In Oiuulia or South Onmlia , or ncro property or n Kooit farm near Oniulitt. If you wish in nYclinnuo < ! ( ] ecrlbo your proiicrty , prlci ! , otc. Address box 7:17. : Miia na 17011 8ALM Oil THADU , J OOOII LOTS IN MT -I I'liminnt nddltlnn wltliln 2 blocki of motor lino. Will tnko irood uprluht piano or will soil niulty Inlets lots very cheap , Address nt our.o d 1 , llco uilic . T"A IIAUOAI.V. A V'KW VKIIY KINK LOTS IN l . nt abarxnln ; only i nilu. wnlk from Unit line or street cur In Omalm. Address K. .1. A Co. . tlnk'im. I. 671 11 KAli KSTATlJi Hnrtalns onlr. My word liunod. W. (1. AlbrlKlit , 681-2-3 New York Llto. 810 _ S NA1' KOH SPECULATION OU KOIl A 11OMK- ( i-roniiicnttniic. ! W3I ClilcaRo street , third enst ol Yntcs' realdonco. lloth lint and cold nnturi clatoni water In kitchen ; das ; cellir under entire bouse ! nat'hnlt pnvumoiit. Trice , fl.WO for two weeks , Owner , .1. I. Cook. MIC Fruuklln street , ovonlniis ! 413''lthstroet So. Omnlin , business hours. Mill 25 * _ I7IXCISLKNT KAll.M OK 4SO ACIIKS IN U\S4 ! CU. IJNub.i brick dvrelllni : , north til.UOU ; need orcluird lilitbly cnltlvntod , MJ per IUTO. C. K. llnrrlnon 17INK SMOOTH KAllM OK 330 AOIll',3 10 MILKS Jl Irom South Omnlin , well Improved : ? r 'j ] > oi ncru If bold BOOM. C.I' ' . Harrison , IM2 N , Y. Life. 6US ! B _ C 4(10.00 ( I11JY3 TWO N1CH LOTS N1IAU AMKS ipiivemio mol on terms easy. This Is nhont hnl thulrvnluc. Wllllnms & Mlttnn , McCactiu build JiiK. opposite poitolllco M5I3 S3 IMl'IIOVKDFAH.M , 1(9) ( ACIlKd IN OKNTUAIi NK J brnfkn , K1.M prr ncro , ? HM cash bnlnnco to nu't ' nlso ono nt flO. Cooperatlvo Lund and Lot Co. , Ill N. ICth street. 519-iJ DKESSMAKING. NliACKMKNTS TO DO DUKS8MAKl.Vi It E fnnilllos solicited. Miss Sturdy , 20JI Ilarney St HOUSES WINTERED. POHSKS FBI ) AND CA11K1) KOIl , $1 MONTH Ulw H U. U , Uans , I' O. box 131 ! , South Omalin. 7DDJ3 LOST. FOST A A I'AIIl OV SIT.Cl'ACLKS. 1'LKASl Jlcavo nt Itoo counting room. 62S TIIK KUAI.TV MAICKKT. INPTUUMENTS placed on record Dccumbe l > i > , IWJU : \Vx\IlIlANTV IICUII3. W S Aurtorson nnd wife to II O llngo- dorn , lot 4 , block 0 , Isl add to ton Hi Oiniiliii $ 1,70 South Unmlia Lund cnnipnny to J K Condon , lut-IIilouk'21Snulh Oinaliii 04 A K Cnmputi anil wlfo lo ! ' B MoJIul- IIMI , lot 8 , MorMi .t Hriuicf'M Plucn. . . 1,50 I ( ' Iliicliulnr lo K S Dtimly , jr , lot 3 , K S Duiidy jt-'tisiilidlv 1,00' ' 13 A Cobl ) and wlfo to T S and A S Kupa , lot 1 , Jackson's Milidlv 70 C .1 ItoboMs to .lohu lllako , lot 1H , block li , Ambler I'lnco J U Mooi'lmad and husband to J A llotliacli , iinillv ! j of lot.'J , block 11 , EiVSinlth's add 3,00 , Arlbiii'Ka.st. to ICato K Ford , lot 15 , block B , in sub of block 30Albrlxlif.s Choice DC A .1 Shepard and \vlfo lo T I' and GV Al'Orumcr , lot 10 , block-I , I'riiyn park 4C J -M Mar.son to Wojclecli , lot 10 , block 10. Hrown park 52 J L Mill's ot al to A W Dudley , lot 0 , block 4 , Ili-htadd to Fowler 1'lacp. . . . 0 Otto llannianu and wlfo lo llunlaiiiln I'olien , lot 9 , block 10 , Onmlm'YIuw , lot 17 , block 0 , AlbrlRht'n Oliolco. . . . 1GC , ijurr CLAIM uiii > j. J Tt Cnllaban and wife to Oinalia Villon Di'iiol coiniany ) , part lot 0 , block 1:20 , Omaha OC .T H Kiiiliroo utullo V K L'runtlco , lot 3 , block 317.Oinaba 35.0C II U Hut bank and wlfo to.I W Jli'd- ford , lots llo-1 , block 438 , ( irand- vln\v ; J L I'owli'r and husband loT I' : ind ( } \V A 1' Craiiiur , lot 5 , block 4,1'riiyn park Tutnliiiiioiintof transfers ? 4H.4I III TYPEWRIT ! For Sale , Kent or Exchange. JZ&STiii tliG World WIECEATH STATIONERY CO. , J.'iWi J'nrniiiii tStrcot , Oinnlni , A'ol "Improvement is th < order of the age. " Vie never orpeotort , In our most sanuulno mi menu , such an iueroaso In our B ! BI ai commonci on tlio 1st of Beptomher. Tliu Smith I'romlur Ty | Writer U havliiK uiiormous naim which nro wli nndfar-rcuclilnx. Thesu uro tliu ro | revelvlni ! from our many branch olllci Send for a dosuripllvo cutalo uo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 171H and Fainam Sts. , Oaii'ai ' , Sel ) . K. II. MAYFTF.W Mnnagor. . THE SHORTEST LINE TO CUICAt is via the Chicago , Milwauke & St. Paul Railway , as reprc sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Hea ed Vestibuled Trains leav Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.ai , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. n City Ticket Office , 1501 Fai nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agenc. PLEASE EXAMINE The work of ' ' T Y P E W l T critically &id without pi'ejudice. Jbo the type face clSarly and entirely ? "Oi 'as the pr i nt Q r s t e rfn ! it , are all the typo'"on their feot" ? If th'b ' work of your typewriter is not TJ holly satisfactory , send us a sample of the work , and we will take pleasure in ad vising you by early mail wherein the dif ficulty lies. We will also write you about the 1092 , model of the ; finished in its mechan ism , unequaled in ease of operation and clear ness of work ; in dura bility and simplicity of design ; its adjust ment is easily under stood. It stands se vere use for years , and is recognized ae the St andard by the leading houses in all lines of busi ness ; correspondence solicited.7YCKOFF SEAMAHS & BENEDICT , * * 175 Monroe St. CHICAGO. Mill ! ll.V Itl'CClVcr. Notice Is hereby plvon that , liy virtue of an onlcr innilu liy thu illslrjpv cotirl uf Douglas county , Nobtaska , In the , CHUM ) of Itcnjumln Jloliinbl , philntlirnsaliisl Krod ( . ' . \Voymnller , ( lofcniliint , 1 will .soli otrSalnrdny , December 31 , 18U2 , at public nncllimi lo the highest lilil- ilor for cash the following do-crlbed proiicrly nml li'iisu-luilil Interests , ' to-wll : Ono lot of ohl liiiuhcr , slides and staying ; one lot of hay , Hiilluhlo for Ice packln ; ; purposes ; ono wiijron scales nnd WUKOII bo.nlwH'ii ; certain loasc , dc- hcrlhcil as follows , to-wll : I'ndcr iluto of lo- ) o.i'mbor'1H')1. ) . iiiado liy Thomas Davis to llriianiin ] MehiuUt and Ifi D. Weyimillor , run- nliiB live years from Dcfomhor 1 , 1801 , for : iH tlio water space Inthosw H of tlio nw M In section U , In township 15'ndrth rniiKO 13 , cast. Also a certain lense described as followsto wit : Under ilato of JIarch Ii3180 ! ! , nmdo by I.a- tham Davis to llonjamliv. Jlolmilst , running Ilvo years from December 1 , 1891 , for the two- story frame honso and outbuildings , together with a certain pleco of L'nniml on which said buildings UK ; situated , Wild ground being In tlie .sw M of the nw > { of soetlon 2 , township 15 , ranee 13. Donglaseomity.Nobraska , moi'opar- tlcnlarly described as follows : commencing at n point on the east linonf said 40 acres 450 feet south of .said10 , running.thence west 300 fcet.lhenco . north Uyi ) foot , thence east 300 feet thence south 280 foot to the place of be ginning , containing about ono and one-half acres , moro or lo.ss. The sale of the foregoing to take place at 10 o'clock a , m. on said day at Hie leu houses , .situate on thu promise- , described In said leases and near Out Oil' lake. 1 will also sell certain ollloo stationery and books , formerly used by the Gate City Ice company , said salu to lake place at'Jo'clock p.m. of said day , at the iiflluoof 0. Amlreen , No. 1403 Kill-mini street city of Omaha. Dated Dec. 'JO , 1BU2. , at , Omaha , Nob. JOIINO. t'OKTKIiYOU. llecolvcrof the Gate City Ice Company. John Q. Hergner , Attorney. M Dec. 20 , lit RR1LWKY TIME GRRD Leaves I UHIUACO HUULlMiTO.N X Q. Arrives Ouinhu j Depot 10th nnd Mutton Sts. Oniiilin I.eavoa IIIUItlilNUTON tt MO. ItlYKU. Arrlvnn Depot lUth and Miiaon Hta. Omah 10.10 u m .Denver ICxpresv 4.0.i p m 10.15 a iu . Dcudwood Kxprcss . 4 05 p m 4.M ] im Denver lOxpresx 11.35 a in 4M ) p m Denver Limited 12.iO : a in 0.60 p in Hustings Local ii.37 p n : _ 8.I5 a m . .Lincoln Local ( Kxcnpt Sun ) . 11. HO n m Leaves K. O. ST. .1. it C. II. Arrives Ouinha Depot 10th and Mnson yts. Ouinlm lining I CIHCAUO , It. I. .V I'ACH'IU I From liaat. | Union Depot IQtli < e Marcy bta. I iast. : 10.00 a m , Atlantic Kxpru s I ( l.'O p n 4.49 p in Yestlbulo Kxprcus I.II ) pit ti.Vi p m Nlithc KxpresH I B.fiO n rf t OIHOAliO , II. I. X I'ACIKK' . H West. I Union l ) pot lOtli and Marcy Sta. I lO.'Opini Dunver LlmltiM I : i I p n .SO u inl..KiiH.'ia : I'lty ( Kxi'Hpt Snndnyl. 7.l-i ) p n , Arrlvol I Union lupot 10th anil Murcy 8t . I Dinah a Leaves SIOUX CITV fi I'AI'IKIO lArr'fvtM Omnlin Depot. lOtli anrt .Marcy Sta. I Omaliii T.TU ami t-loux Clly l > tt e nier.IO.'U | p n Leaven I K. K. * MO. VAILI.EY Airlves Ollllllllil Depot ir > th nndYubstor Bts. Omulii .UK ) a m . Deadivood Itxbress . ! : . : > p n U.OO a ui Kx. Sat. ) Wyo. Kxv'.Wx , Mon. ) 5.20 p u O.su p m . Norfolk ( ICx. Hiinday ) . 10.2J n n a.uu p m . Ht. I'aul Kviiruii . iroaves | ClflCAfo& No'li'fHWlfHTUIlN Arrlvot OmaliniU. 1 * . depot , 10th an'it Mnrcy rit . Omalu l/Woml ( Kx.Hun'y ) Carroll 1'iusoiiuur. 'JM p a 1U.IO a m I hlrajo ISxprou' . ( l,0."i p n 4.01 pin Veitluulo UinltuJ O.'JI a n 7.W p in I ICunlurn ny r 2.15 p n U.IU p milKr. Hun. ) Chin. l'uu.Ki. ( Mon. ) U.20 a n MISSOIIIll I'A'fJlKlC. lArrlvoi Depot 15th and Webilor Hti. Omalu 1,10 p m Ib.UI p _ MO p 1.1'IIVUi I OMAHA i ST. . LOUIS. _ JL'lll'iS ' Depot , t-'otincll lllulTa , iTnuisfo ' " l''iii | M.'lAiulV Canon Lull j..IJiy.j5 pi Inavcii CIHCAUO , U. 1. A I'AflKIl ! . 1 Arilvui Traiutcrl Uuloii Depot. Couni'll Illulfn . { Trannfe I'.MlMii' TNliirif KxprcBS . . . ( tU'J u i 10.2U a iu . , AtlnutlaKxprcM. . . S.U p i < .SJ p ui' Yestlhulo l.lmltfil , . ' . ) in I onve 1C. r. , bT. JOK & u li. I Arrlvut 'transfer UnlHU llopot. l.'qiincll lllulTi. | 'fraii fd I0.l > 7 11 in . . , Kaiiiait'lly Hey Knprflln. . . . ! fi'-'i pi 10.15 p m .Uttiima I'lty Kltlit Kxprex. . . I''M ui 10.15 p m l-t. l.uiili lixprex li.VQ h i U'avei fUHi.'AIJli , 1IUIU/N I. QUINCY lArrlvut TraiiBferI ( lalon DupotJJouiiclUlluffi. _ [ Trail life lO.UTi a m . .Clilriifc'ii ICxprcis . p i 10.15 p ui . . . . . . . .i'liicavo Kxprcsn H.V5 u i ; . ( p 111 Crt'ktoo Local 1U.4U n i I.e Vir | Hi I o UiTCTfT 14"A ClFJoT IArrlvoi Tranaferl Union Deuut. C'oiHicll Illufft. ( Transfe 7.IS B ni . . city Accommodation.OOU | ! pi 1. t M p uil..i-t I'nul ICipruai I U4Q ui Ixiavci CHIOAUO & NOUTHWKM'KltNlArrlvoi 'J'mmfcr Uuloii ilppot , Council lllun | Triui ft t.Chlcaiio iCxiiresn. , , , . . , . I 6.lllpi Vunlltiulo l.lmlteil..I a.OO a i Ku.uri ) Klrnr I I.'JU pi ( Ux Sun ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Moil ) 8.15 u i ( Kx Suu ) Cirroll ! ' . . lUx Huu ) 'J.W p i SPECIAL OrtWNANCE NO. 1730. An onllnnnco levylnfi iv opoclM tixx tind M os.i' mcnt on crmin loin nnd real cstnto tn the city of Omnhfx , to cover the full cost of srnd- Inu Uuxtellnr struct from 1.1th street to Slth sircol , Intihtrli't No. \ ' \ Davoniiort Mrerl , from 4nh ! street to Holt Mnc rnlhvny , In district Nallli nnd l.nko street , from 1-il troot to 1Mb Direct , tn district No. l > \ , WliorcM , It having been nnd bolnn lioroby nil- JiiilRi-il , iletcrinlnoa nnd estiUilislicil that the several lots and pieces nf real cstnto herein- nfler referred to hnvo onch been specially bono < lltled to tin- full tunotmt Herein levied nnn ns- ses'oit ixKnlnst cncli of snld lots and pieces of renl estate , respectively , uy reason of the prndliiK of llmt pirt ; of C'asioll.ir street from 1,1th street lo ' . ' 4tli strpetIavoniiort ! street , from 4Mb strnot to Hull I.I no railway ; and 1/ikcslrcot , from 4'Jd to 4.1th street. Therefore for the purpo o of paying the full co t of such Kr.idlii2 ! Holt ortliiliind l > y tliu city ooiincll of tlio city of I'liriha ! fectloii I , 'Hint tlio full cost of grading that part of t'uslciliirstrcel. In the city of Omnhn , from 1.1th t-trcet tovilli street. In isrndlna dl'- trlet4T , < tild : uradlnitbolnx done niulcr eon tract with O. P. W.lll'ims , Rilrt full cost lielng the sum of 8iS.'H.s , bo nnd the sntno U hereby levied nml nsoe siHl. nccordliiR lo micolnl bonellts by ronsonof snm Hrailinjt upon the rollowliu loti nnd real estito ni < hewn liv the unncrnlly recog- uleil nmpnf the city of Olnnlm , llthoitrnplieil nml rubiltltoil uy Mtilr \ Onylonl In IMI | . said i-ost b.'ltiu so levied on ontil lots nml real ostnio , respectively , ns follows , to- wit : M A. l.oliUapox n',5 ' n'i It 10 blk . ' ) Onmpboll's ' Add 0 10 otluiacrKsV , nmt loblkU " U 10 I'uturioiiuli it lubiua " 4'J I' ' I'olerSodonbei-K It llblk ; i " f l 4U I'otor lloll w'i It I a blKil 8721 liars .1 Johtisou o > i It l-'blktl " -721 tinrl A Itoswnlit w'i It 1 1 Uk ; : l 27 HeciLtCamiilielloii It I'J Dlk 3 " 27 'J4 ilo It 1 1 blk II " fil 41) ) Aiftvd Mllliild ii'.H ' ) ftlt 1.1 blkn 1504 I'rniik I ) rilnttfiM ! ft It in bikii " ii1 * * * ! Carl ICiinsuliL'll nil ) ft It 111 blk : i " 1.1 lit Joseph I * .Mnlllamicr ! H ftlt IllbllcJl US SI t'arollno A I.ooinls niS ft It 17 blk U 1ft : w Marv Hooka sllij ft HIT blui ; " ! W IS I'nrollna A I.oomli ns ft It IS blk 3 " 1.1 3J .Mary Itooku "tmi ft U is blk a " ; 18 ltcu < l & Cunibbull It lull ; 4 " r.l 43 do If. blk 4 " M 48 llo liatilk I " M H Jo It 4 blk 4 " SI 48 Mnry A Sninplou'j lt.1 blk 4 " 'M 'M 11 C H Untnciiril w'j ' ltd blk 4 IS Id do i-mtCl ) k4 " 1 Hi IM Patterson ' .ltd blk 4 " ! SK .loll n K Kiiib'.uiu It 7 blk 1 " ! > 4 41) ) do It 8 Ulk 4 " r > 4 41) lleod & Campbell It 0 blk i " CD do ItllilkT " ! U 71 do H3lilk7 " 4a ! K lie It a blk 7 " Ul 48 do It 18 bik 7 " IB 4S do uiu blk ? 4:1 : m Uo It VI ) blk 7 'JI 74 do U 1 blk 8 " 1)4 ) 74 do HVIblkH " 411 1C do HIIuIkH ' : ci 4S do It 18 blk 8 " III 43 do It ID blk 8 " 4 : > Hi Hood & Campbell II 20 blk 8 " 01 71 U S Hoerslt4 bllcl ) Improvement Asan Add $ ! > 52 C V Goodman It.'i blk ! l M ) f > 2 llilKh Murphy I * , ( i blk U Ml Kt L' U llentlryx iiHnmtD Dlk 10 " 1078 imit Wusts'in'5 ' lt.1 llk ) 10 " 10 7S 'elcr Koopmun n" a' ' , } It ,1 blk 10 " ID IS us M Hooss't s'f It 5 blk 10 " Ul 17 T O llonOryx . wOTIt n'i ' n Hltliblk 10 " 5 as las KVnst wtM ft si ! n5 ! It 0 blk 10 & 8S ' 'eter Koopmiiii wMfl r.'S s'5 ' Itflblk 10 " 13 4(1 ( .Tas M lioss wMftN'.s'i ' ItOblk 10 " 1701 Anna Hess ell ) ft It U blk 10 " IB B3 John 11 Levy It 7 blk 10 " 71 HI S i : Ito era It 8 blk 10 " 71 111 lioo Klval n'i n'.j ' 115 blk 11 " 10 7U I'liosi-hvoskas'i n1It 5 bik 11 " 10 71 ! KrancU V IfriuiK s1' It fi blk 11 60 : ci Ueo Klval n'j nH ltd blk 11 " 107 ; ' ThosShveskas'J n'JItfiblkll " 10 7E Kritncls ! < ' I'ranu s'j ' UH blic II " BO XI tiuhool District Oinuliii It 7 Illicit " 71 UI II 8 blk U 7101 Aunu Hlowo It 1 llovcrloy & Itonerssiib blk I'J " 7K US Itovorly & HoKiirs sub lillc 12 " 7 H S li Rogers ita llovorly vt lioyur.s sub blic 12 " 7 1 ! it I liovcrly.t lkia 11 OS John Dale It ftliuvorly > t Hosersaubblk 12 " 14 3i Itl ! lleverly & Ito.-'ors snU blic 12 " 2301 DLThomim nUO ft Itfi blk 12 " 138 ! \VUIenorH3Gftn72ftltfiblIcl2" III M .las McDermott aJO ft nl22 ft It 5 b 12" 2U W Doin luub Ossoet ul n22 ft SCO f t It r > blk 12 10 K E a Ledwlcklhon sll ft It 5 bK ! 12 60 K 11 USoott itO blk 12 - - " 71 0 : Albrlcht Lot & hand Co It 7 blk 12 71 0 John Dale Tr ni ! It 1 blk 13 : ! 8 : t l.ucy USoldon inldL ; it 1 blk 13 " 1011 Nuttlo A Gray si ! It Iblk 13 14 JI' Joseph Obinern It 2 blk U " 711)1 ) S K Hosiers It 3 blk 13 711) ) : Joseuhinc Muck nU ft U 1 blk 13 " 65 5 ; llunna A Kronort 8J7ft Ii8l ft It 4 blic 13 " 291 ! Anthony Jleeslrlek n4'JftsSl ftlt-lblklS " 17 K John Jaros ot ul Hll ft It 4 blk 13 " 18 Anna Larson nlOa ft It 1 blk 14 " 6T > 4 : Cico li Ayrcssll ft Itl blk 11 " Iti a Anna lnr-oii nll.8 ft o45 fllt2blkU " - 3'J ' 2 ; ( Jeo U Ayicss : > l fte4.ft It2 blk U Ob j 11 i.ovy w.o ; tt it 2 bik 14 i'j r , J II Levy o'JO ft it II blk 14 " 112 C D J Soldon wJSftltablkH 4 ! ) 0 do 11 4 blk 14 817 Oistellar St I'resb elinrch It 1 blk IV 80 k Jno M DoiiRhurty U2blk IS " KU E Ivllen II llrownol2'/5 ' ftltiblkl3 : " 403 No'.s ' I' Urnso U f t It 3 blk 13 " 43 n Sl < ; lingers Itl blic 13 " tO S Andrew Klinvltt nl2 ! ftlt S blk 15 UIU , lno J Schmidt sM ftlt. 1 blk 15 " 147 llrld 'ut lloHley It 0 blk IS 7 ! ) : i Win htnrrnWIt It 7 blk 15 " 420 Jacob llety w ? ft nlll ft It 7 blk in 23 I lllchard lumiioy sis ft It7 blk 15 141 Ktluii Callahan It 1 blc li S li Uogera Adtl Hi : : Kllcn C'ullahan ' It 2 blk 0 40 C Thormis Lynch ItU hlkl ) : u fi Miircolt Hen It JO blk li UO C 1' M lUchitrdson It 20 blk 0 -j ( i Aio.x U lltiehuiiiin It 21 blk (1 ( " 81 a HrlUjiot Colomun ni , It 4 blk 8 15 s AiexMcUavlckH'/ blk 8 ins I S IluscallltO blkH 41) ) C S K Honors ItO bllct > 811 ! Uharles Iteynolds It 7 blk 8 81 a " ' U8'lk8 4U C Kd J Dee Itl ) blk 8 aj J Kootl & C'ampboll sl.Ylftof ( > 7a2ftof sw' < of swU sou 21-15-13 w of 21at at niiU u o ( Oastullar st 707 fj Total amount (3,530 8 Section 2. Tlmt the full cost of grndlnc tha partof Davenport Ktreui , In the city of Umu ha , from -tilth Mruot to Holt Ijlno railway. 1 Krudln dlstrlel No. 31 , Hald Kradln belli ilonu under contract with Knight llros. t ISariio , said full uoat belli ; ; the sum of $3H > 7.0. l/o und Iho H'une ' li beieby levied and atisussot uccordliiv to speulul hoiiullts by ronson of sal' ' Kr.ul Ing , iiion the following lots and icul e lute , us MIOWII by tbn cunorully rocdRiilzci map of tliu cltv ol Omnlia , lltlio raihed ) an published by Mulf .V liicyloril in 1M ) | , bald ccb uelnic " " levied on said lotH and roul intuit lespoctlvoly , us follmv.i , lo-wlt ! Niiinuof Uwnur. Addition , Amoiiai J li LanUlluld ul al 11 1 1,1 Ic t DllL'KS 1'lnco DO I H 2 blk I an Klmliall Champion I nv Co It 3 blk 1 " UO do It 1 1)11 ; 1 LO Portsmouth Havings Icuu. HO blkl " 3 ! ) E A lleuson ItflblK 1 L'J do It 7 blk I ' " : m do It 8 blkl 39 do ItO Ulk I ; u . do It 10 blic 1 : jo : do Hll blk j yji do it ibiu i " : iu ; uo Hit blkl 1111 ; do It 14 blk 1 " Us : do It l. > blk 1 ; iu ; Win P McMIUui ) It 10 blk 1 i ; John T Couoloy It 1 blk 5 ICIlby Place f > 2 ! MnrRiirutU Wiulolt2 111 It 5 ai ; Kinliy P Hood It 3 bile 5 I'.M ' ( JarolinoA Itybiiin It 18 blk 5 " jo ( do it in bik n 'M : Win A Sunmlors It 2J blk 5 02 ! Itluhurd J Dolunoy It 21 blk 5 62 : do It 22 bill 0 " 2J : Snuies McMlllen It 2J 1)1 k 5 " ID ( Klla Kailfmunn It 3d blku " II ) I HUOblkS 2a ; 1140 blk D " Ui I Trod Johnson U 1 blk U " vj : Co It2liluii 2ii : uo U 3 title U ill ) Frank K Alc.xundcrlt 18 blk 0 iu i Uo it ill blk i > 20 : do It 20 blk 0 Di i Omaha Koal Kstato k Tr Co It I I ) 7 " 62 i do It 2 blk 7" 2fi ! Mnrttn Wilbur nil It 3Slk7 ) Oi H 1 ! llonoymaii K ItJ bU7 ! " Ol The .Miitniil InviiDl ly'u It 18 blic 7 " 13 i 11II)1U7 ! ) " 201 UVOblkT " 62 i J mosM llrndy It Iblkb tti i U2blliS " ( I : It a hi (8 " 10 i AJ Popplolon It lublktfll'opplolon Park iu do It 11 blk 23 23 do It 12 blk 23 61 do It II blk 21 : w do 111' ' blk 24 tu do It 13 blk 24 30 do .11 U Dlk 24 ft ) do It II blk 21 30 do it 111 blk il 3'j do It 17 blk 2 U'J ' do It IN blk 21 " ; tl ! ilo It III blk 24 W do It 20 blk 24 " SO clu llllb.K2. > it'J do It li ! blk 25 " UO do it 13 blk 25 ao llo It II blU 23 " It'J ' IttNatl IlkChloasolt 15 blk 25 : ig do It IB blk 25 UO A J Popplelnn It 17 blk 25 UO do U18blU25 'j'J Uo HIUblk25 U9 do It 20 blk 25 " : jfl do It 11 blk 2J 0 do It IS blk 20 30 do Itlilblki'a UO do It It blk 20 W W II Herbert It 15 blk M 3D do It IU bik 4 ' 30 A 3 1'opploton U 17 bin S9 " .19 M A U Hoiinnlt ISblkCfl " : 117 J iM IlitchnnnultlOblkSJ " : n U7 A.I Poppletonllffviblksn " IW Iff do U 2 blk 27 " 17 IH , no It a Ink 27 " 2.111 ( lo It 4 blk 27 " 40 IB do Itfi blk 27 " 40 10 do It n blk 27 " Silt do UThlKtt " 17.TJ llo It a blk H " 1" 6rt iiii uibik2s : " ai llo It 4 blk 2S " 4(1 ( M do It 5 blk 2S " 4(1 ( U ) do It Dill KM " Kill Uo it ? blk Ki " 17 ai Total Section 3. That the full cott of Rraillni ; Hint pat t of Lake street. In thoclty of Oiitulin.from 42d Hlrt'Ot to 41th street. In innllna district No. . ' ) ! , said cradlni ; I ml IK donu uuilorcontrnrt with iinini'tvniix Hroi. & IHthnur. said full the sum of fc'J7t.ti. ! : bo nml the saino Is hereby levied ami nsse ert , uccoirtlnit to spcel.il benefits by reiison of smlil cr.idinit. upon Iho followlntf lots and teal estalo , as shown by the Rcneral y rocoKnl/ed man of tin1 city of Uiuiiha. lithographed anil published by Miilr andllAyioru In l" " < ii | , snlil cost bolus : so levied on said toM nnil renl real estate , re- .neotlvoly. as follows , to-wll s lilt Itumi'ltl blklo Clifton Hill $ 'V ' ) 01 do 11.2'ilk 10 ' C 0 01 APTnkeyltllblklO " ' > 1 K Klliiini < lt4 blk in " in 01 0 A llMcUauley It.lblk 13 " ffl 01 do HO title 10 " I" 01 do It 7 blk 10 " r. ' ) UI nmiuelt Illlmo It 8 blk 10 " UH 01 t'luii I Peterson ItOl.lk 10 " u ) 01 1'red V Troll It 10 blk 10 " ( II IU Thorn us foster It llblk 10 " li'J ' 01 ( J A Wleselt I'.Mi.k 111 " > 01 GcoU Beckett It I blk II " in HI Ira A Prlbblo It 2 blk II " 00 ! H Km moil 1 1 n mull llblk 11 " i > J HI A P Tnkiiy etc It I blk 11 " i I'l Kmmett Hume 11 .1 blk It " ID 01 Jnim-s 11 KlIloUltOblKIl " I" 01 A P Tukev ele It 7blk 11 " t 01 Klli McNiimura It 8 blk It " TO 01 Jacob Williams It U blk II " ID 01 HaehelT/ooklt lObllt II " IM 01 Thomas J Heard It 11 hlk 11 " 7020 do It ISbfli U " Hll M do UIU blk U " 2072 Gee IvIlarKcr ot al It 13 hlk I I'rolghloii Holshls BO 01 J O Whlnnory It 11 blk I " IKI ol Ueo I' llaruurutalltl.lblkl " IV ) til dee Dickinson It 10 blk 4 " IU 91 tluoi : lUrkerot al It 17 blk 4 " C. ) 01 It IS blk 4 " ( U 01 Northwestern InvColt 10 blk 4 no Ul Surah V Ponton It 20 blk I " iw 01 GcoKllaruorotallt21 blk 4 " ( W ol do It 22 blk 4 " lOHI John V Hector 112.1 hlk 4 " CO 01 UHHlroiiR 1121 blk 4 " CO 01 U I ) Woolworlh It 14 blk 5 207. do It IS blk fi UOC3 do It III blk A " 70 2S John I. McOacuoltl7bllc5 " ill 01 Oco E Ilarkcrotal HIS blk f > ill ul do It 10 blk fi " ID 01 Andrew P lleunott Ii2) blk & " M 01 11 P Kuliii It si lill ; 5 " r.0 91 James Scott It 2J hlk 5 TO 1)1 ) ilo 1123 blk fi " 0001 JoannaM Ui.vus It 21 blk 5 " 0001 do It 2,1 blk 5 UO 01 Sarah A Irwln U 20 blk 5 Oi ) Ul Total . J2077 35 Section 4. Tlmt a.ild cpsclal tixxos lavloA aforesaid , on said lota respectively , sdmll bo- ccuuo delliuniont as follows : One-tJiithof the totr.l amount so levied on each of said lots shall become delinquent tn tlfly days from the pus- use nml approval of this ordinance , ono-touth- In one year , one-tenth In two years , ono-tonth In three yoar.s , one-tsath In four years , 0110- tenth In Ilvo years , ono-teulh In six yo irs , ono- totith in seven yo.ira , oiio-teuth in ol ht yours , olio-tenth In nluu years after snld levy , anil ba- inp : from the pns < ace and appi'ov.xl ot thU or- dtdnnco. Uncli ot gultl InstAllineuts , oxoept the llrst , shall draw interest at the r.Uu ot li per cent per miiiuux from tha tlma of tlio levy nforCHiild , until tlio suno : shall bccoina di'Ilu- qnent. Intoro.-t at tbo rate of 1 per cent per mouth , payable iu advance , shall ba paid oil cnch dudniincnt Inta11mont. Section fi. That the cnllro amount of tax so levied nml assessed on nny ot said lots mar bo paid by the ownurotanylot , or thooutlro equal pro rataproporllun of said tax on nny oC said lots , may ba paid oy nny person on any p.ut oC ail lots within llfty days from snlil levy , nnd tlmronmm SL : d lots or p irts of lots , shall bo exempt fi'om nny Hen orchargothcro- for. Section 0. That this ordinance shall take of- fertnnd bo In force front nnd after its pir > sago. Passed November aith. IK > 2. JOHN GHOVKS. City Clerk. A G. nnWAKDS. Actlpj President ot City ConncIL Approved Novombcr Ilitli. IfW. Gio. : P. 11KM1P , Mayor. The above tax is now line and payable at the olllco of the city treasurer and will bocotno de linquent and bear interest as soun in suction No. 4 of above ordinance. IlKNMtV I1OI.LN. ( 'ity Treasurer. OKDINANCE NO. UoSl. % An ordlnunco to amend sections 1. 2 and II ol chapter 70 of the complied ordinances ol 1800 , entitled "SUeot sales and exhibitions. " llo It ordained by tlio clly council of the clly of Umah.i . : Section 1 , That section 1 of chapter 70 ol tlio compiled ordinances ot I80J , entitled "tilrent , sales and e.vlilblllons , " bo and the R.IIIIO Is hereby amended GO as to road an fo.- lows : Sue , 1 , It la hereby declared unlawful for any person or persons , linns or corporation , to maUo any exhibitions on the streets , alleys or public L-rouims In the city of Omaha , or to seller or offer forsalo upon any streets or ulleys or from house , to honsu or plucu to plane , by sample or otherwise , any compound , novelty or patent article , without Ili'st taking out / llconso , lo bo Issued by tlio clly clerk ami mayor nuon application to the clly clerk nnd payment to the clly treasurer for each poison soongaKcd ihesums following , to-wlt : 1'or oxhlblllns any machine , apparatus , ap pliance or device of whatsoever nature , for the trial or tos ; of skill , btro'ncth or endur ance , each dny , tliu sum of two dollars if-'i. I'or selling or oll'erln fur sale anv com- lionncl. novolly or patent article , each day tliu sum of two dollars iJ.'l. I'or any other oxhlbltlon or sale not special ly rufarrod to by thn onlliianccs of ihoclty , the sum of two dollars ( ill. Provided , thiil the lluonso lioroln iinthorl/od may Uo issued for tlio iiorlod ot ono week fet the sum of ilvo doll irsitS ) . t > L-ctlon2. Thatcvalioii 2 of salil r'haptor7C bo nnd thosatnu ! > lioroby amundo'l HO us tt read us follows : SRC. 2. Itslmll bo unlawful for nny person on private ground adjacent to the. Mrcuts , alleys or public 1:1-011 nils of thoclty of Omaha , to conductor carry on. for profll. nny KIIIUOOI test of skill , by shooting , tlirowing bulls 01 otherwise , or to conduct or carry on for prolll any ridms-Kitllory. mun'y-so-roiind.orswIii''F without lirst taking out u license for a porlo.l of not loss limn OIHI month , to bo lsiied bv the city clerk and mayor , upon iipplleatlon tc tlie cllv clerk , and payment to the city treas urer of the sum nocustnry to cover the period for which Hiii'li license Is applletl for , ul the rate of Ilvo dollars Iti ) per month. Soctlon3. That section 3 of halil chapter 71 bo and Iho saniu Id hcicby amcmluil so as tc rend us follows : Hec.3. It.-.hullbo unlawful for any pcrsoi to keep or maintain any ntan I for Dm Mile ol frull , mcrchiiiidlBO. or other urllo o or thing upon any slnowitlk In tin ; city of Omaha witn < out first obtalnln , ' Ibo consuntof Iliooconpanl of the prenilsuH ailjacenl to which Kalu Mam sliu'l bo located , nnd wlthoutHrsl laMni ; onti license , to bo Issued by the city clerk nm signed by the mayor , upon application to tin city oloil ; and payment lo the city treasure of tliu sum of tuenl v-four ( t'll for the muni nu I yoar. or twolvn if 12) ) for six luontliH ! Provided tout , nil llconscs sli.ill terminal ! cither Jun'i ' ullth , or Docuiubcr 3Kt of oacl Provided further , that thn Branlln * of unj such llcunno Hhnll m > t itulhorl/.i ) or permit tin locution ot any frnlt aland In MIOII maniioi or at biich place IIH In any lunnnor to obstrnc Hhlowalk or to Interfere with free travo Hccilo'n I. That snld sections 1 , 2nndio : said chnplor 70 of the compiled ordltiiinocs o IHli , initltlod "Sirool sales and oxhlhltlnns , a heretofore D.xlstlnu , bo and the ii.imo an lioroby ropaiilod. Socllon IN That .this orillnniiro take nITcc nnd bo In forcufroiu anil aflur Its iLis-iagc. H Iiuccml'Cr 13th. ' 0'J 13th.JOHN 'J ' ( llty Ulurlc. 0a F. P. DAVIS. 0s PiosldiMilUity l.'onncll. s Auuroved Documbur 14th , 4 (1KO P. IIKMIH. 4J J } IIKMIH.Miiyor. . j | I'ltOl'ORALS FOU Scaled pioposalswlll 11 received by . the 1111 . . . I ' ' . . . .1 until 1 : : lo'clock ( ) ) > . in. , .lanniiry f A , for grading Hamilton Htruiu finmintl htri'cl to wtiil city limit * , In thccilyof Omalu In iiccordunco wltli pliiiis nml niici'llicullon nn din In thu olllco of thu lioaid of I'nlill Works. lllds to bu inniln on printed blanks fiirnKhn by the 110:11 : d , and lo bu hcrompaolcil by a coi I filed fhec.k In I hn bom of HilW , payahln to Ih city of Oinalri , iih an nvlihiiicu of go > id fallh , Thu lioaid I'LiicrvK' , Iho rlghl turojci.'l an or oil bldb and to waive ilcfecls. p. w. r ( 'Imlrmnn Hoard of wiblle Works. _ nniaha.nuc. _ a'j. _ . . . 1'1'opTjHiiis lur lliiiili , IliiinkH nml ntiitluimr Inr tlio City nf Onmlin > r tliur r I Hint , Healed bids will bo received at thn olllco c the city comptroller uu to 4 p. m , Decumbi 27lb , 1W. ' . for the furnishing of bookti , hlanl and Btatlonory for tlio city of Omaha lor tli year 180,1 , lllnuks&or such bids will bo fin nbhod by tha corniitrollrr. and only bids u such blniiks will bo cnntlilnrod , A curtlllc chnok ol i0) to uccompiiuy oncli bla , Tli right Is reserved to rejeut uuy or nil blui , TIIEO , 01 < SKN. Oniulitt , Neb. , Deo. ' . ' 1st , 1B')3. ) ( Joniptrollor. d2MUt Ream's Position Hair Growei A ulienonioiial rt'iui'Ujr for fulllnic hair ; idvo uo nnd hmirloiu lirowili. curui dmiJrult nurt UeLIn r-i > nt t > roi , lil JVr II. hauU for micuii'iirlcuf. A dreu , IlliAM-H UCU1CINU CU , tuutU Bead , ii > 4. NOTICE OP TIll'J SITTING OP TUB CITY COUNCIL AS A UOAUt ) OP EQUALIZATION. To thoownflts of the lot * . parU ot loll nnil real estate abutting on or adjacent to thn streets alloys or avenue h roln nninaii or Mtimtoil In nholo or In part nllhln nny ot the districts horeitunceilioiii Yon itntt ouch of yon nro hereby notlflpii tlmt the city council of HIP oily of Omaha will Bit ax n llntril of Toil ideation , nt thnolllcn of the olty elork. In the o ty hull. Omnhn , ! So liniikn. on I'rldnv , tho5M ilnrot Docnmbcr , ISSt ! , from 0 o'clock a. in. toAoVloek n in t for thn nil i IK150 of consider iig nnd oiiunllmJ the proposed levy of special t 'i.\i"t ' nnil nssosMiimtM us shown by'1'ropo'cd Plans of Assessment" now nn Illo In the olllco of s. lil eltv clerk , Him correcting nny errors therein , nml of hcirlng all complaint * that Iho owners of property o to bo ussesjo'J unil tnxoil may nmho ; H'lld special taxes anil assessments proposed tn bo lovlml Dolnir noopss'ity to cover the costof the sou-nil I'liprovoments duly authorised to bo iiiinle nnd nnw complntod , its follow * ! To vtvet the cost of puvliu iitul curbing C.iss street , ftom "M street to "lib street. In street improvement district No 4'tn. six il p\v- : Ing amounting t" tln < sum of JI.K.'KSiX und said onrblng to the sum nf 4111.70. which silil sums. It ! s proposed , liy u report duly adopted by the city council , toassesson the roul otnlooii eiu'ti a'litn of t'ass street , from 8.M to 21th street , according to fool front.wo anil tbn us ual s"allng buck process lo depth toiilloy : no assessment for curbing to bo tnndo west of Slid slrent as the onrh there was laid by prlvato parties. Unto per foot for pnvlnM4tJ.ll : ralo per foot for curbing laKU.'ii. To cover thu cost of p.ivln. lowe avoniip , from Iliuullton stioot to Morcur avonno , In paving district No. I'M , amounting U ) tlio snm of Jiii.sM.n'.1 , which said sum.lt Is proputod.uy a report ilnlv nduptod by the city oouncll. to IIMOM on the real est'ito on oacb shin of l.owo uvuntic. from Hamilton street to Morccr av enue , nceortllni ; to fool frontline anu the usual scaling h ick procuM In doptli to center of block or 1st alley. Ititlo per foot. fl.VKI" . The cost ot privuto approacn , amounting to thosiini of of .JjvOol , to bo assessed to the real estate ii'llolninc. ' . To cover tbo cost of paving Commercial street , from Sherman uvenito toSOtli atrcut. In liavlng district No. u'.VI , aniounttng to thONinu ot JUslliO ; ) , which said sum , II U proposed , by a report duly adoptqjl by the city council , toiissoss uro rain on the ronl es tate on each side of Commercial street , from Sherman avenue to it'th ' slrott , accorillnic to foot trontago and thu Usual xcnUtij : li.tck pro cess Iu depth from slruut liW fuel , not oxoood- Ing thu 1'c.nturof lilook : I'rovlduil , tlmt ; u font ulnill ho deducted on the frontuco of tax lot ' . ' 1 , east of Commercial street. Uato per foot , JUIW1" ; . The co t of prlvaUi roiiilwny.iiiiiouiit * Ing to the sum of $4VU4. lo bo imcsscil to Iho real ustnto adjoining. To cover Iho cost of p.ivlnz and onrblng. ml street from I'oppluton avonno to the sotitli line of lax lot M In street Improvement dis trict No. 47. , amounting to the mini of HIOAIIO. . which H.Ikl sum It U proposed by u roportauly adopted by the clly council to assess on the ronl nMuto pro ratn. on uacli side of 2Jud street from ropplelon avcnno to south linn ot tux lot : W. accordlii'i to foot fronlaco nnd the usual scaling luck pro-inn In depth fnin street itt : feol. Unto per foot , KLKWI. The cost of prlvato rondwuj amonntlnz to the man of f 10V.71) ) to bo ussussod to the real usttvto udjoln- To cover Iho cost of pnvlni ; antl curbing Spencer strout from yiioriiiiiu nvoniie to"4lh nlruol In street Imurovomont district No. 4'l ( , amonnliiig toll.o sum of JH.STO.Ti ) . which until snm It Is proposed by a r op or I duly adopted by thoclty oonticll , to assess pro ruta on Iho real i < ltitu on both sides of Hponccr slroot from Slierinnii avonno lo 21th street , accord ing to foot frontage and the usual soilltr : ; hack process In depth to the ilrst alloy or 13 } feot. Hate per fool. tl.'JGT.'ia , , Tooover thoco.st of puvlng und curbing CtU street from 1'iurcu stiout to Hickory struct. In street linpt'ovumenl district No. 4VU. umotnulnj to the enm of $15.1)13.UT ) , which saltl snm It Is proposed by n report duly adopted by the city council , lo ussoss IIH follows : The cost of prlvato roudwav. amounllut ; to the sum of JlilVHU' . lo ho assessodon tax lot No. il. The ruiniilnlng cost to bo assessed pro rata on thu property on both siils-s of Dili street from I'lurci ) street lo 11 IcUorv Rlreol , accord ing lo Iho toot frontuKO and the usual Bcullug o.iok process to depth of dis trict us ureatnil. That pirt : uf tax lot 'I bctwcun the two prlvato roadways not to ho assessed for curbing as the owner put this curlIn tit Ills own o\pnnso. K-ito per foot for pavliu JJ.271UT ; for curbing VJ.TI.VJ1 To cover tlio cost of paving in alloy In.bloolc I'J , city. In street In.urovonionl district No , 457. amounting lo the sum of $1.41)4.11. ) which said Hum II Is propo.so.l by a report duly ndoptcil by Iho city council to assess pro rala on both stilus of Iho alloy In block 13. accor.lhu lo foot f rontixso and the usual scaling b tek process to thu depth of one lot. Hate pur foo' , t-.Wil. To cover Iho cost ana inspection for laying , permanent side wall- : ) laid bv 1'orJ & Huso amounting to the tutu of fiR'riOl. whlcli aaht snm It 1 < proposed bv n report iluly adopted by the city counsti to UHSUSO on Iho roalostato -iluMI : which said walks are laid , as follows : . ft lot.-i blk 10 Oily 35 81 s'-l-r > lots bin 10 'ill 115 Lot. 0 blk K ) 121 Itt Lot 7 blk TO 47B03 1/otS blk TO 'JW 22 NIK ) ft lot I blk 7.1 4SO ftf S ' / lot I III k 71 247 27 N > i lot 8 blk 1)1 ) 2. > 2 7D Lot s blk IUS 237 2'1 Lot4bIU 17. JIIO lit l.otl blk 7 Jerome Park b5 21) Lot 2 blk 7 US HI ) Lot .11)11:7 II M Lot 10 hllcin West. End Add B7 21 Lot II blk 10 ( U 83 Total S2.8BI 00 To cover the cost of constri'.etlnK a snwor In ewer ill strict No. 10) ) , ammiulliri to tliiiBtim of $1,787.73 , which sum It Is proposed by u ro- porl dulv adoiitod bv Iho city council to as sess on thu lual osliitu along said sewer pro r.iln , accornlng to foot trout IKU and the usual scaling back process. In depth fiouibtrcot ono lot ; provlduu , that corner Iota bavins BOWOF constructed on twosldcs shall lie nsscssud for Uiu longer sldu only. Hale per fool , } l.uU7. : ; ! To cover I ho cent of bow -r , curbing ami 1:11 terlng , and pivlu ; on the bontli one-half ot north ais feet ot east M foot of lot it , Oapltol addition , nmouiitlng to thu sum of $2HL ( > 9 , which said sum , U Is prouosud. by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the south ono-half of I ho north 2J8 foul of east 2H feet ot lol No. .1 C.ipllol addition You RIO further notllloil tlnitsiilil 'Proposed Pluns of Assussucnt" : are now subject to the liispoctlon nnd exanitnatlon of any.yof the ownnrsof sild lots , ptrts of lots or pieces of real estate , or the Inspection or examination of nny other person Interested In salu pro- posml ( isscssmeiits , nt the olllco of said city dork , and that by a icpnrt of a commlttuo of bald council duly adopted , it is proposed that milcHfe for good and Milllclcnl cuusn It may her r Uiurwlso ordered anil determined , that the cost of Bald I in provomenls respectively lo as sessed on thu several lots , purls of lots mid pieces of real uniito us shown by said pro posed plans of usseamiii'iit. Von , und each uf von , are licroby not'.floil lo appear l.cforo salil llonril of KqimlUullon at the tlmo and place above specllled , to mnko any udjiiplatnl , htatumunt , or objection yon desire concerning .iiiv ot said proposed levies and uriNCKsmcuts ot sneclal taxes. JOHN OU.OVKS. Olty Olnrlf. Oniiiliii , Nob. Doccmbor I4lh. IS'J. ' . Ul6il7t NO. An ordinance to amend scctlpn 2 of chniilorSO of the Complied Ordinances ot IbOl ) , entitled "Uuiinors. Ilu It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : Hccllon I. That section 2 of cliapterM of the irpllcd Ordinances of JrtiJ , entitled "Hun- nerd,1 bo and thu same Is hereby amended seas as to road as follows : Hue. 2. Any poron bolns a pronrlotor of any oiihc , boliil , boat , line or oilier business men tioned In tliu pioci'dlnK section may rocolvo u lii'cnsu. to t-mploy a public porter or runner upon Iho iippllcatii.il of said proprietor , und iiiion said proprietor entering Into u bond In thotuimof one thousand iiollam ( JlHH ) , ' wllh good and snllliili'iil sureties lo bu approved | the niavur. condlllonoil for HID imynmnl ot all damage which shall occur by unison ot thu caiuloHsor Impiopor bundling , or larceny , or other Improper disposal of nny goudh or ar ticles Intrusted lo tliu uiro : of said porter or runner In his said capacity ; and furtiinr upon thu payment of ilio following buma for the iiiiiuiclpal year , to-wll : I'or llcunsii to employ a porler or rnnnnr for any public house , hotel , sluumhont , sluiro , om- iilhus , or other line , thlrly dollars ( t-i'J ) for each mnilolpal yuan I'or llcunsu lo employ a ruiiiior for any mnr- caiitllo liousii or linn , lifty Uolluis ( fw ) for * Oiinh mnnli.'tpal yoar. (4 Provldud , lliat all ll''enses Issued under this section khi'.l ) lormlntitu'on cither JnnoIlUlh or December 3lsl of each your ; and Provided further , that no llconuo iluu Issue fcr a less period than blx Ci ) months , j-ei' . 2. That sootlonMof sild : I'l'.nptor SO IIH hnrntororo existing bo unit tlie uamo It hereby . Tlmt thb orrllnanca shall take of. fee tuna buln force from nnd alter Itapamuga , ( Ut.y Clerk , K. P. DAVIH. I'ruuldont ' Ulty Oounqlt. Apnrovod l > ecomlDrlIlh. . IMJ' . ' . dl'.O. 1. Ur-.illn , Muyor. OHDINANUB NO. iWSO. An ordlnnnc'j ilxlnif thn tlmo for the expira tion of llceniics. IlultorJalne'l by the city council of thu olty ' Suction I. That all licenses , except such n am Isiiied for specllled lUyt , shall terminate with thu municipal year , to-wjt : DocomV.or fl 3Ut , unless nuch lli-nnvu Is nuthorr/od to bu isiiiod for u less period tliun ono yinir , when the sumo limy terminate June imh of ouch Huctlon 2. That this ordinance shall take effect ami bo Iu force from ami utlor Iw t > a - l''rosUlont.orty Oouncll . . . Approved l.o0omliejMHh.l .Ml8 Mayor.