Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Citizens Insist on Knowing Something About
the ( Jouncil'a ' Union Depot Plans.
ii of ( tin Orillnnncn mill thn Com-
ltriort | Onlrrcil Another MeetIng -
Ing ; l Mo llrlit Momlny Homo In-
torcntlns nlsamlon.
Tlic adjourned meeting of the council yes
terday nftrrnoon at which nil Interested In
the proved settlement of the pending dif
ferences between the city nnd the Unlor
Pacific1 and Union Depot companies were In *
vltctl to bo present to lake part In the
dlscuHsion of thu ordinance that was drawn
lor thu purpose of settling the vex'
ntloiM questions for all tlmo , drew barelj
a linker's dozen of the rcprcsentutlvi
men of the city. Amongthrno present , aside
from the mayor and council and some of the
other cltofnVlnls , were George II. Bopgs
Thomas Fltrpatrlrk , T. A. Crt-lgli , Ocorgt
V , IJnrlfi1 , .1. M. Thurston , K. W. Nash , Jos
pph II. Harker , Kdwnnl Jlnsowatcr , J. H
Webster. C. II. Brown , Dr. Ilnnuhctt , C. F
Goodman , C. S. Montgomery , John D. How
nndV N. Mason nnd : i score or two of other ;
less well known , who were drawn thitlic
moro hi curiosity than because of nuy par
ttculnr Interest In the proposed settlement
The council went Into commlttco of tin
whole , with Mr. Lowry In tlio chair. Several
oral of the gentlemen sitting In the lobb ;
were Invited to take scats Insldo the rail
nnd then tlio meeting tried to get down t
bushiest by calling for the rciwrt of the cor
fercnt'o eommtttoo that was submittci
October 11. The report outlined the prc
posed basis of settlement and the commit
tee's endorsement of it.
After the rending , the opinion of thoclt
attorney was called for ns to whether or nr
the council could lawfully proceed to do anj
thing nbout the matter while thodlstrlc _
court Injunction touching the case was stl
In force.
Mr. Council said Unit the Injunction di
not affect discussion of the subject , althoug
It would probably prevent the council froi
taking nny action In the way of rcmovln
obstacles that had put a stop to the work.
Avltnl for an Adjournment.
The reading of the ordinance was calk
for , but before It was proceeded with M
Rosewutcr said that ho considered this
very Inopportune time to discuss this vci
important question. The meeting has bee
called for three days before Christmas , at
o'clock in tlio afternoon , when nine-tentl
of thn business men , bankers and profe
fdoiml men. of the city were exceedingly bus
in the rush of trade incident to the eve i
the holidays. Ho did not think that tl
niecllnjr was hardly a representntlvo Bathe
ing , such as should assemble to discuss tl
important matter under consideration , i
such as would have certainly assembled hi
the time been moro fortunately chosen. I
did not , believe that n delay of a few da ;
would niako any difference to the clt.\
disadvantage , and ho was opixised to takii
snap judiment in the matter. Ho advisi
an adjournment until after the holiday
when an evening meeting would probab
bring out a much larger gathering and gi'
better satisfaction. Ho moved an ad jour
ment for one week , and it was seconded 1
Mr. Ororjjo Barker.
Councilman Chnffeo took alarm immec
ntely. fearing that nn adjournment wou
take the whole thing over the ilrst of t
\ rear , after which time ho would have k
his ofllcial title and become plain Mr. Chi
fee , and relinquished all right to vote on t
question when it came up for final action
the council.
"These citizens can adjourn if they wa
to , " he declared , "but I don't see bow th
can adjourn the council. "
"Tho council can do as it sees fit , " said ft
Roseuater. "The incmbera can act withe
consulting the citizens if they so deMro , a.
if they do not want to hno\v the wishes
the people I don't know as anybody will :
blst on being heard. "
iisnsor : : Fuvorod Adjournment.
Councilman Klsnsscr said that ho agrc :
with Mr. Hosowater. Ho' wanted to hii
the matter discussed when there was
large and representative gathering preset
ami ho was satisllcd that if the ordinal :
was railroaded through u stigma would fever
over attach to every member of the couit
so voting.
"Do you pretend to say that this coun
intends to railroad this ordinance througl
demanded the chairman , in a voice that v
intended to bo full of pained surprise and
"No , sir : I do not. " was the reply.
"Then , sir. " said the chairman , frownl
savagely , "you should say so iu your
marks. "
Before Klsasser could proceed Chaf
took a shy at him.
"Who moved at the mectingTucsday ov
ing that wo adjourn until this afternoon
ho asked sharply.
"I did. " was the answer , "but I did It
lioving that wo would have a ropresontat
gathering here. As a matter of fact ,
had u moro representative turnout th
months ago , when the subject was uni
consideration by the committee. "
The city attorney did not seem to th
that his pet scheme was progressing sa
faciorily , and ho obtained recognition to
another tack. He said that ho did not w. .
nn.v snap judgment in the matter , but
subject bad been fully discussed in all
phases mure than n year before , :
after such discussion , had p.issed
a vote of tlio people on an afilrmat
votu. It had gotten into court and 1
drifted along until spring , when the couni
tec met the ofllclals of the railroads , a
after doing considerable work , had arri'
ns nn ainicablo sottlimiont on satisfaol
terms. Hn thought tlmt the people knew
they eared to know about the matter , and
they needed to know in order to discus :
thoroughly nnd intelligently.
Could Well ( io OtcrTu-o Wtk .
' Charles II. Brown said ho did not th
that satisfactory action could bo had w
such a small attendance as was tli
present , and Ho doubted very much if ;
ono know enough nbout the proposed tei
to dlsi-ubs them intelligently unless it w
those who had BCCII the papers and bqen
paged in tlio controversy for some time ,
urged an adjournment of two weeks t
the meeting might not bo held u
several days after Now Year's , Ho did
think that the question ot Injunction she
bo passed over lightly , and said that
legal status should he fully determined
fore tlio council took action , IIH ho belie
that thu injunction was bread enough
cover any attempt on the part of the cuu
to force an unx | > puhirsettlement.
Councilman I'rincu said he knew that
I3lsnt > 8ur'b motion to adjourn until that t
was nmdu in good faith , as he had
thought about thu approach of the liolkl
affecting the attendance until Mr. Kosuwi
ftpoku of it , and he had expected to tlnd
council chamber crowded , He declared t
thu council had no right to act imlcpcudci
in the matter , as every member was > tl
solely to represent the wishes
the people. Ho did not bell
that any councilman was disposed
act contrary to such wishes , and ho favc
nn adjournment to a tlmo when the bush
men and represontativu citizens would
ablu to bo present In suitable numbers
justify the council iu taking action in
cortlancolth the bentluient them
Thomas Vitzpatrieh favored nn ndjoi
ment before taking lliml action , but thoti
that imiHinuch us they were there and ki
so little about the matter It might bo we !
discuss it Informally for a while and adju
tou later date without taking action.
The chairman apparently didn't like
way the thing was going , for ho hu
further discussion on that i > olnt and ordt
the clerk to proceed to read the ordlnanc
Will I'ulilUI , the DorumimU.
Councilman Davis consulted with the
attorney , and then Interrupted the rem
to move that thu ordinance be publlslie
ono issue of Tin ; lieu and World-Hut
that the people might famlllarizu thcmso
with its provisions , and also h uvo a cop
it for reference ut u later meeting ,
Klsiisser amended so as to include
rcjiort of the coiuiuUtoo uud before thu < j
lion could bo put Councilman Spccht had Urn
floor , Ho demanded to know whether or not
the publication would cost anything , nnd on
bellit | nsMircd that U would , declared with
overpowering Impresslvencss that ho would
vote ngAlnia It And ho did , but ho was
alone In his attempt to keep the voters In
the dnrk ns to the contents of the proposed
ordinance that Is fraught with so much
of moment to the future of Omnhn.
Then ensued a lengthy discussion over ad
Chnffeo Insisted that it must bo for only a
few days , In order that the present council
might dispose of the matter. Ho said that
If It went over to the new council It would
fritter along for months before the situation
would bo fully understood , nnd In the meanwhile -
while work on the union depot would bo at a
standstill , just as it has been for many
month's past.
AVlli Mot Next Monitor.
Councilman Munro likewise thought that
a week was long enough to wait , ns ho
"didn't want to throw any work on the now
council that they wouldn't understand. "
and it was finally decided to meet again
next Monday afternoon at SiM o'clock ,
when it is hoped tlmt there will
bo n large nttcndnhcc ot the lending citizens ,
In order that the matter may bo thoroughly
discussed In all Its phases and a definite con
clusion arrived at as to the wishes of a ma
jority with reference to the proposed settle
ment of the union dext | controversy and its
attendant dlsagicements.
Cntiirrli In tlio llriul
Is undoubtddly n dlseaseof the blood , nnd as
such only n reliable blood purifier can effect
n perfect euro. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the
best blood purifier and It lias cured many
vor.v severe cases of catarrh. It gives an ap-
petlto and builds up the whole system.
Hood's pills act especially upon the liver.
rousing it from toipldlty to its natural
duties , euro constipation and assist diges
_ _
Mupprit for u Time ,
The subcontracting llrm that is doing the
city hall marble work censed operations for
a while yesterday afternoon , or rather their
employes did , for the reason that the ex
pected Btipcndltlmt was to remunerate them
for work already performed , was not forth
coming. The pr.y was a couple of days over
due , and when the men were unable to ob
tain any satisfaction of the foreman they
quit work. It was only for a short tlmo.
however , as lively hustling on thu part of in
terested parties brought about a notification
of a llnaueial nature Irum Kansas City , the
headquarters of the llrm , and the necessary
money was raised without further delay or
trouble , and the men went hack to work ;
that Is , they resumed the motions that they
had been practicing for weeks past , and for
which they seem to dr.iw their pay.
Ignorance of the merits of DoWitt's Little
Karly Risers is a misfortune. These little
pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious
l.M of Vclvrmis Win Will Nccr Irn Itrmr m
tirnncr * from t'licln Snnii
WAsmsnTox , D. 0 , Dec. 23. - [ Special to
THK Hnr. I The following recently granted
pensions nro rciwrted by THE Htn nnd Ux-
nmtncr Bureau ot Claims :
Nebraska ! Original - William E. rbn e ,
Charles II. Anthony , .lames N. Minor.Vnrreu
llarner. Natlinnlol P. | ) lckln rm , John W.
Davis. Anxon \Vlililnx , .Tncoli I'rlsclt. Stunrt
AV. Cnlboun , ( leorge Itoilocker , John I' . Paxton ,
John K. Hewitt , Martin UoUMmlth. fatmicl
Stephens , I vl Itnlicrtson. Wllllnm M. Iliirna.
AdilltlonnJ-Oeorco I' . I.IIWPIIS. imvld M.Cul
lender , Stephen U , Jones , Sninin U. Ilorilen ,
. .lolinVnllon. . Henewnl and Increase IVtcr
Hnlts. Incrcnso-Jnlin 1) . Klllott , William It.
Comstock. Orlelnal widows , etc. .1 nines T.
Marble , fntbcr , Mellwii J. Kobcrsnti , Matt-cllu
A.Snnders , JtMiilnin Kockwcll , Nancy Hilton ,
Nnrclssti ( JolT , Caroline K. Heck.
Iowa ! Orlsliml 1'ranklln llondllllnm
.Shaffer , William 'II. Vender. Charles J. Uond ,
Joseph W. Smith , James 13. Prince , Heuben
Htnnc. Additional Joslnh KdwnriK William
OrmUtoii. Increasp Jnines M. Option , I'red-
erlck Armlmstcr , OJtnrlrs A. Mnllo , William II.
Westbrook , llrtijamln 11. Urlnstcnd , William
J. Wnjruener , Hollln V. Ankony. Kelism
franklin Decta , Jumcs S. Alexander , Jcv-o
Iliiync. HeNsiie and Increase -Wilson S. lloll ,
Oilitlnnl widows , etc. llettlo Olson. Kntu Illl-
bourn , I.oulsn I.ampman.Kiiuna li. Heott.Onth-
i-rlne Uanluls. mot bur , minor of AlbuH.l. Karl ,
Kntlierlnpedra. . Kll 7 T. HnaKland , lil/a- ;
l > etli Heed. Mary Washington , Mary Wooding.
OrlRliiiilHiinlcI Kolirer. Jamcd II. Dryilen ,
i : < lnard llalilncton. KMIiiii ll.iker. Jixcpli N.
II III. William fliret , lienmnti II. Dllley. John
II. Wheeler , John I ) , llaywnod , Wilder Knttm ,
Georgu W. Inpci-soll , William t'onway. Atldl-
tlenal rretlcrlck Wvpant , John II. Jnckhon.
IncrensoMiullMin Aticl. IttlssiiuJohn llar-
Uer , ( leceiisi-d , .lohn W. Dliistnoio , Jolin\\ .
Cook , Tlmolhy McUurdy , Henry /.linmeriiinii.
OilKlnnlvldurs , Dtc.-Allco darker , Mary
roRprty , Hniuh A. I'.hler , Josophlnu Iturns ,
minors of John Itodi'ii.MiiiinsscslIclter.father.
WKeonslii ! Orlelnnl James Whaley , Noah
Ancnst , llnrrlson llieiieman , lluiilanilii 1' .
llaynu.s , Tluimim Heese , Jacol ) li. Koolir , James
Kiigen. Addlllomil Andiew llalvorsun ,
Joseph Chapman , Henry Sickles , John Ncuite-
liauei1. Original willows , t > t v lva Krlcilrlcli ,
MnryO. SniiileM , Dunlul Hiirton , fathei ; Jlar-
thu S. Spoor.
Colorado ; OrlRlnal.William S. Peck. John
T. i-chcriell , deceased. Additional -Morgan
Uiiudo , James T. Davle , James Meageu , In-
cii'ase JoM'ph llnaf. ItdlPUitiMoKee. Original
widows I'miiin K. lioad , Marry L. Sluurell
Orlirlnal Klnh'V Chaiiibeflln , Samuel W. Nccl ,
I.o Itoy Crane , ijovl A , I'oonilis , JamcM Mui1-
tiuiKli , James Magiilre. Addltlemil .lames H.
bhlpper. Orlglmil willow Kiln A. Agnew.
Soulli Dakota : OiUlnal Henry Wytten-
hasli , Daniel M raver , Henry U. Gardner. Ad
ditional tJcoiRc Ij. Hinds , llunry.VatiHchalck.
Cyrus Stout , Simon II. Dunham. Incivaso
lleiuy II. llotcoml ) , Anton Koetzur. Original
widow llainmh llaiim'iian.
Noilb Dakota : Original William A. Mason ,
James 1Itlley. . Additional Kdnaul L'orbln.
IncieiibeAda 1'eleison ,
New MUNICH : Oi'lglnal James M , lliooks ,
Wllllan 11. Sutherland. Oil lnal widow
Mai la del Ko'.urlo Uodtlgii * Mculiui.
Wyomlnii : OrlRlnal Clark S. Devoe.
Montana : Oilglnal Oliver J. Uumel.
I have sold and used in my family for sev
eral years Chamberlain's , Colle , Cholera ,
and 13Iarrluwv remedy , and have ftmjid it
one of the most useful and satisfactory rem
edies I over bandied. C. II. Ixswis , druggist ,
Salt Lake City , Utah.
It's hard getting through
with your washing1 and cleaning , if you
don't use Pearhne. And you can use
it , with great gain , upon anything that
you want made clean. In washing
clothes , perhaps you won't believe
that Pearline is harmless. It has
been proved so to millions of women ,
over and over again , but perhaps you\
won't be convinced. Then use it for
something that can't be hurt. Use it for washing dishes , for
instance , and save work. When you come to know it better
and let it wash the clothes , you'll find that it saves the wear
and tear as well as the work.
Peddlers ami some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as"
or " the same as Pearline. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled ,
end if your grocer sends you something in place of Pearline , be
honest- * / ; / / > . ; < * . 338 JAMUS PYLE. New York
Cure For
AH tllsonlcrs of'tho Tliront ami
Lungs is Aycr's - < ftiorry 1'cctornl.
It 1ms no cqunl as1 a'bough-euro.
"When I wni a bdy , I Imil n bronchial
trouble ot such a persistent ntul stub *
born character , that tlio doctor pro *
nouncod It Incurnb6 ! with ordinary
remedies , but recommended mo to try
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I did so , and
ono bottle cured inc. For the- last fifteen
years , I have used thli preparation with
KoodclTcct whenever I take n bad cold ,
and I know ot numbers ot people who
keep It In the houio nil tlio time , , not
considering klt safe to bo without It. "
J. C. Woodson , 1 * . M. , Forest Hlll.W.Vft.
"For moro tliau twenty-five years , B
was n suttoror from lung trouble , nt-
tondcd with coughing so sovcru at times
ns to cause liomorrlingc , the paroxysms
frequently In.itlng tlirec or four hours ,
I was Induced to try Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral , ntul after taking four bottles , was
thoroughly cured.Finnz HolTuiaii ,
Clay Centre , Kans.
La Grippe
"Last spring I was taken down with
la grippe. At times I was completely
prostrated , nnd so dlfllcult was my
breathing tlmt my breast seemed as If
confined In an lion cage. 1 procured n
bottle of Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral , and
no sooner had I began taking It than
relief followed. I could not believe that
the effect would bo so rapid nnd the
euro so complete. " W. II. Williams ,
Cook City , S. Dak. j
Cherry Pectoral
I'rcpnteJ by Dr. J. C. Aycr &Co. , Lowell , Jinan.
Bold by nil Drugglnt1'rlci ) $1 ; six bottles , $5.
Promptto act , sure to curs
fy the blood , ore Kifo nnd effect ual i x
tuu bet medtrinokncmnforblltou *
nc-n. constipation. ( Irsinprla , foul }
breath , beauaehc. bcartburn , Iron cf .
a wllte , luoatnl ut'itrpwdoo , painful
di gestion , iilnniloii. fallow cnmrltic * o
ion , and crory QIMOW resultluprfroci
bleeder n failure by Oiu atonmeh , lircrorln-o
i topirform their proper function * . I'lnmusJ
10 ovi-r eating RrptKnohwdbjtakinrroiioiUtcrJ
uachmonl. Riven 1'rlre by irmll , 1 , fit wufle.ltc. J
1U1V.N1 CllKMICAL CO. , 10fprucoSt..KciT York J.
fco' f .eoOOO 99OM 9 v9v < O - > < tOQOOO4
fco'mC THOMAS I'.SlMlMON.Waslilnuton
mCTHOMAS I ntty'sfBB until I'atB-itoi-
tfilned. Wrltu for luvcnlomUull o
) l- f TOYS TOYS
t ,
: o
Cape Hewinarkets.
For the next two days we
shall sell a lot of 75 new-
markets , in sizes from 8 to 18
IBo years , in very pretty tan mix
eo tures Scotch goods , all wool ,
eou perfect fitting.
S years , formerly $10 , now $7.50.
10 years , formerly $12 , now $ ! ) .
10vo 12 years , formerly $13 , now $1 ( ) .
vo 1 * years , formerly $1/1 , now $11.
vo 1 ( > years , formerly $14.50 , now
CO $11.50.
or IS years , formerly $10 , now $12.
We would also call your attention
i'.V tention to our lower grades ,
lie ut which have also been greatly
its reduced from former prices.
11(1 (
t > y Fur Capes , $5.93.
voml 25 black French coney
id.od it- capes , fine satin rhadamcs lin
od r.V ing , formerly $9 , now $5.98
ill each. Wu have only a limited
It ed quantity. Better be on
hand early.
.Ir. .
rn Fur Miiffs , 98c.
rht ow 25 black Russian hare , nicely
It'll to lined , regular $1.50 grade , the
.ho next two days , 980 each.
rod off The Delineator.
i. The best and most readable Fash >
ion iMagu/.inc published. AVe sug
ity gest it as an appropriate Christinas
hit ; gift. Price , $1 for one year ,
.1.1 .
Ladies' Jackets , $10.
Reefer shape
a lot of 25 ,
back ,
belt ,
Have been
$13,50 and
For the
next two
Ladies' Jackets , $1O.
Russian blouse shape , 50-
inch , all fancy mixtures and
Scotch cheviots. These have
been $15. During the next
two days they go at $10 each.
Alumtions muilo fruu of chnrgu.
Ladies' Reefer Jackets
Imported cheviots , all w'ool ,
fast dye , actual worth $8 ; the
balance of our stock , 35 , we
offer at $5 each.
Ladies' Reefer Jackets
Cheviot diagonal mixtures , a
broken lot we wish to clear out
quickly ; $7.50 has been the
price ; if we have your size you
can buy them now for $5 each.
Ladies' Black Jackets
Ruofor style , intvtorlfil cluy diugonnl ;
these also nro an odd lot of sl/.os ; nil
now stylish garments , which Imvo bold
all season at $15. IMduy and Saturday
wo Bill them at $10 each.
83.5O to $5U.OO Each.
Beaver , Persian , cashmen
Scotch , camels' hair , squar
and long shawls , light an
heavy weight , light , mediut
and dark colors ; also a coir
plete assortment of BLACI
shawls at lowest prices.
Ladies1 Imported Mackintoshes.
A direct importation of th
best made goods , thoroughl
reliable , rain proof , fast colon
odorless and warranted not t
become stiff or hard with ag <
Thcso make useful and upnronria
ChristmnH Gifts.
large pui
chase c
plain err
and decoi
ated apror
just rece'p
ed for th
holiday se
son. W
have the :
at all pric <
from 2501
to $3 eaci
From tl
of Fran i
we g (
t h e s
hand ei
led hai
U in e n t
We ha
too ma
on hai
at the present time and ha
marked them at prices th
brings them down to less thi
the domestic or home mai
The most lovely styb * mid combliiiitl
over seen In OmalniOIIIQ and BCO th
even K you < lo not wlsli to buy. Tlilid Ilin :
\ ( E
An Absolute Clearing Out Sale of
Prices lyO-vrer than in A/idsuinmer.
Now is your opportunity to own an overcoat for less than or
iginal manufacturer's cost.
150 handsome gray Melton Overcoats , quilted
lining and perfect fitting , at $4.75
P | Elegant blue Chinchilla Overcoats , sold all sea-
I son for $8 , at this sale for $5 ,
Absolutely all wool Diagonal Overcoats , last
B ing linings , price all season $10 , now $6,50 ,
> ,
% Worth $12.50. 75 Men's fine blue Eleysian
I Overcoats , wool lining , silk sleeves. Cannot be
f sold outside the Continental for less than $12.
Our price on Friday and Saturday will be $8 ,
Sold all season for $15. Men's Shetland Chin
chilla Overcoats , positively worth $15 , for Q on
Friday and Saturday ,
Fine Kersey and Melton Overcoats , worth $18.00
for $12.00 , and a score of similar values , then
Boys' Overcoats
Children's Overcoats , PRICE :
BP '
ftforttieast Cqrijer of IS ti aijd
Clock oi ) fche
_ _ OAR.DS
On Saturday for the Hoys and Girls , They are Uuiid-
sonic , and absolutely frco while they last ,
Are free to adults. We cheerfully give our new
if \vhon you. are buying gloves , for
ifi driving or street wear , rcmcm
bex that Hutcblnaon'a are the
i beat for -wear. Thu reputation bo .
liao gained In the past UO years for S
making glares
That Never Rip
and that are stylish and service- j
e alilo , Is Huch OB Is enjoyed hy 110
i- other manufacturer. Selected1
ie eklns only are used. If you want
e to know moro uliuut gloves that
n are handsomely juado
isP nd Fit Beautifully
P and your dealer cannot supply you
i. wltUIIutclilnson'sOloves write iu < )
i.i Wm for 1 1 illustrated book about
i * . . Established
gloves. It will Interest you.
1C lished 1MW.
is JOHN C. HUTCHINSON , - Johnstown. N.Y.
ise < * Nrf NX\ /
: e
: t The
e Latest
r- Nothing
. Our Writing-paper nnd Envelopes ; Wedding
s. Invitations ; Reception Cords arc sent ,
re nt reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United States.- Send for samples.
( Ute Cotb'i Library Co. )
136 Wabosli Aye. . Clilccgo.
la tmfcuri > as od iu the
truatiauut of all
UK ,
r , and ( illlllxiam'itiirii
and l > lni > nlursof MEN
18 ycaraoxpcrlenco ,
Wrlto for circulars
and ( lui'ttlidi list fruo.
14th nnd 1'urimm BU. ,
Oiauha , Nub , _
I a in going to
move on Jan. 15 , | SURPRISES )
' 93 , to my0New
Locatior ) OQ the I BETROTHAL I
west side of
16th St. ,
Under the Comrierclal FOR CHILDREN
National BarK >
where you cai ) see tbe most attractive Jewelry Store
In the West , after that date.
HOWEVER , I am yet at
NOVELTIES ; 14th & FarQan ) Sts.
GEMS I berel n ) disposing of my
FHOM THK ORIENT elegant stock , of Jewelry
ft' m ftxmif. ' fam ffrff f ffyffjfyti i f ff iQ tfe most rrjodern and ar
SANTA" CLAUS tistic designs , pirpe Watcrjes ,
Silverware and the richest
stocl of old mine Diamonds
and other rare gems at importers' figures , to
Holiday Custorners , previous to removing to my
IMew Location.
Her vo Socdo , "
the nondorful romcilr
i told with a writ-
trn Bimrnntrr to riiro All ncrvoui Clicaa > . uch ut WrnU Memorr.
] xj nf lUtiln 1'uwi r. lliiddHdie. U'ukufulm-u , Ixiit Jlmiliood. Nlvhtlr ltml -
lun , Herruiunoai. J.mltudc.ulhlralni and loc ( if power of ttiu tiuncruiliu
Organt In ntliorsor cuu u 1 Uir riizcrUuii joutliliil ( Tro' .or nzeeMlrr .
iisuuf tolmcoo. upliiiu or atlmulunti vthlUi noun lend Iu Intlriulty. CoiiMiuip.
lion unfilinuiilty. J'ut upc iu'iluntnearry ( ] In vutt imclml. l | > orpitck *
- . VV'HIi uvorrliruderwn oit'euiiriltcn yu'/iaiitM ( umr
nuol > ;
' J - ' , Circulariruo. AadtttiAervuttctU Cu.Cblcuuii ; , JU.
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , 1515 Dodge Street