Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THK OMAHA DAILY BEE : FllW\r , DECEMBER H3 , 1892 ,
Jk'tlvorcil \ > y cr.TiIor to any part of HIP oily
It.V. . Til TON , MANAOKK.
l nn lwiw Ofllcp . No. 43
Tri vi > ttrivp
> i
TKM-rl0 ! , >
> r jj- ! , , iMItor . No. U.I
.11 if , on .i/.vyw.v.
N. V. riulubtnf ? Co.
Council Ill-iffs IiUiKbr-i' Co. Coal
Tlie oil yarn > ( > ! ( will rloio this
for u two \vo Ot.s' linltiMiy vaciitlon , VCOPUIIIIIK
.lanuavj S ) .
One of the special failures of the conrort
Bt tlio Lulou Chvlstiv.i inlsilon tins evenlns
will be "Tlio Uool : oC r.txiiiK Vlcturcx. "
The rci'i-ljils of the- Christian homo Inst
wok WITH tTW."il. Thl'i ilorru.iscs the doll-
cicm'.y in the liiiiu-ovcmont fmtil to * T.'iS0.1T.
Andrew Hoik-n WIIB tlucil.MV70 in iwllco
court yrsterdnv morning for bronUliiK the
windows of. n .Main sti cot saloon Initt K.itur-
day ,
NrjToUattons nro lioinj , ' made for tic ! sale
of the Sapp furiu of ttif < It.v. The
Vnrtjiccllvc iwrolmhors arc South Omali.i
nuorp' * ttlaxsim h rln uhtitiR a petition
nuioii ( { his friends nskini ! for tils ain'olnt-
inont to the oliico of deputy collector of In-
tcnnil roxoiue.
The couiH U will have a mot-lint ? this aftor-
nooil at ! JoVliir ) { for thu purpose of taking
action with ix'fi I'cuco to tlie liill of Con
tractor M. A. Moore for paving.
Mr Frank Peterson ami Miss Kmmu
\Vinthroll of C'oimc'll HluITs wore niiiiTiotl at
the 1'i.MUlenro of Kcv. II. 11. Harton , WW
Fourth siiTi-t. \Vflnesilay evoniiiK.
Mrs. W. H. M. I'usc.v and Mis , U. II. Pin-
ncy will ciitertnln a larjio jurty of ladles
ne.tVttlncsdny iiftrrnoou frtnn it o'clock to
fiat tliu toslilence of Mis. I'lisoy onVillov
uvuiiue ,
The Salvation army will change liahcad-
qunrtois from lli-.vant Kticct to the .Maivy
building oil iniilille Hronilway , bopmiiiix'
January 1. The llrst Hour \\lll ho iisi-d a i
tlie hnrracks ami the uftlcvrs will resides up-
Olin' lloii ? li and a man named Hull hocame
Involved in a conti-ovursvoxei-a dosr Wednes
day nltflit. as a consequence of whicli IIouili
thrashed Hull , lie was aneateil and in
police court jcsterday moinlnguia
fined Sli > .70.
Pu trick 'J'urne.v died Wednesday of cancer ,
aged ( MeaiM. . . at liis re.'ildence , MO' ) Seventh
Bti-eet. Ho war a nienih.'r of llio Catholic
cliureh. Tlie remains will ho taken to
Spauldlntr. Noli. . for Inn-ial , the exeicises
buliiB eondnetul by Hov. lAitlicr Ucvis.
Marshal Teinpleton has served a three
daj.s' notice on this ofllcials of the motor com
pany to shovel tlio snow from the blilcnof
the track , \N here it was deposited by thu
biiow plow three weeks apo. If thu snow is
not removed a criminal prosecution fol
Chris Sorensen and Frank Miller were
nireslid early yesterday illuming for light
ing. They wore Riven a hearing in police
com t and Sorensen was discharged. Miller ,
whose real name is Clarence llliiliMv. uus
Ecntonccd to serve out u Hue. of $20.7 U In the
city jail.
An entertainment was given last evening
by the pupils of the Western Iowa biiMiiess
college An e\cellent pi-oer.mi was rendered.
consisting of recitations , readings and a de
bate. on the subject of matrimony , iiniMcal
selections hi'imr intci-hpersed. The lectnie
room was lilled to overflowing. Another en
tertainment is to he given on tlio evening of
February M.
Mairiagc licenses yore issued yesterday
to the Julio \\itif ? parties : \V. A. Cotpori-on of
Harrison county and I > illio Parrot of Jones
county ; YV. F. ICcosler and Lenor.i nail of
Lincoln , Neb. : John A. Uells and Nellie M.
Pratt of Omaha ; William ! ' . Uoso of IJ.iw-
thorno and Annie M. Dontnnof Poltawatta-
mio county ; Hnhen Siegfried and Lena An
thony of Civnion.
U. II. Wilson. MIO was sent to the peni
tentiary from this city for a term of eighteen
months for forging the name ol A. Sehluter
to a cheek , has been living in the northern
part of the state hinco being released. Ho
lias been up to his old trick's , word having
Just been received that ho has commenced
serving another sentence in tlio penitentiary
on a similar charge.
Wo are not surprised that people will not
take a now cough remedy , when they know
the value of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup.
The ( irc'Ht Coul Snlu at the Huston Store
Lusts All Vtri'lc.
Wo say without f oar of contradiction
tluit wo luivo the lurircst line , the neb
biest line iinby far the lowest cusu
Everything included in this sale ,
plush coats , ladies' and misses' and
children's every tfiirinont in the store at
cost price until Saturdav ovonin tit 10
Fotuorlnglinin , Whlloliiw Co. ,
Council UlulVs , la.
Spt-rhll Ten lic-ttll ) Slllr.
Flno nickel plated cooper ten Uottlcs.
$1.25 , solcl everywhere for $2.50 ; will
last u lifolinio ami never tarnish. Cole
& Cole , ! ! Main street.
i'initOb.ti < j'.iit.ttut. triii.
II. l-i Montgomery of Denver is visiting
friends in Council BlulVs.
Miss Madgo Watts of Missouri Valley is in
thocHy , visiting friends.
K. 13 , Mayno returned yesterday from a
business trip to Missouri.
Miss Nollin Wright will spend tlio holidays
with Miss Uonson ofDiibuquo.
H. .1 Clancey leaves today for , . Wisconsin ,
where ho will visit his old homo ,
Mrs. O. II. Uueao has gone to Glenwood to
visit her mot tier , Mrs. Uilliland , who is
dangerously ill.
Gnsslo Louiu has returned from school to
spend the holidays with his parents , Mr
and Mrs. A. Ijoulo.
Mrs. Aniiio Lont/inger of Chicago will
spend the holidays with her parents , Mr
and Mrs. ,1. Lout/.lngcr.
Mrs. C. D. ( iiinin of Lincoln , Nub. ,
has been in the city visiting Miss
Donahoy , returned to her homo yesterdaj
Miss Florence Uhl , who is visiting hoi
cousin , W. V , Sapp and wife , fell Wednesday
evening and Is now buffering from a sovereli
sprained ankle ,
Paul Devol ami Oreer Heed have retnraei
from Corning , where they have been attend
ing college , to spend the holidays with theh
friends and relatives ,
George Hudio leaves tonight for New Vorl
and other castcin citiis and will no absent
dui lug the holidays. The wholesale house
for which ho It. traveling has ordeied him tc
linngup his soap box until the now jeui
comes and get ready to conquer now lord
Prof , .1. J. MacCoiinell of the chair of
pedagogy in the Stale university at lowi
City was In the city yesterday , the guest o
bupeilatendent Sawyer. While hero ho
tmld a visit to the schools and expivhses
himself as highly pleased \\iih ( ho work tha
is being done there ,
C.F. Moore * c Co , , promiiicut druggists o
Isomiorg , Ore , , wy. "Sinco our customers
have become acquainted \\ith the good qua !
Hies of Chambei Iain's Cough Uemedy wo
sell but llttlo of any other kind , Chamber
lain's medicines all glvo good satisfaction,1
For sale by druggists ,
Paul Schneider , thotliuirgibt , has the
newest novelties in celluloid and uluin
inum fc-ooda ( or the holidays No otio
oho carries tlio line , and Ihoy aro'.tho
lliin ; s jou over BIIW.
orjruii stoolc ofC. B. Musi
Co. Will bell thorn oheup. Mar. Hour
, 110 , 114 SUiUmmi btroot.
Mul'liiill pianos iiud Crown organs ,
cusli or instaUmonta.aMtir. Uouriclus ,
HOStutsiuiui street.
The trcnuino Hound Oak stoves , ulso
fine linu of oil lieatoi-j , Colo's , 41 Mtiii
filroot ,
L. P. Judsoti , civil oniuioor1323 B'wuy
Peculiar Situation of the Ooiulomned Mar
ian Murderer , J. K , Oumberlantl.
jcr uMlii ! U-liliMniu I'lfinlrilJUiillty Hut
Hope * to s.ur lilt Nrcl < by n 'I'ooli-
nil-nitty Hrnu n Oroccry
Hlock Mild.
.1. K. Cumberland , the Hntlnn murderer , Is
sentenced to bo hanged February 10 , but It
Is practically settled that ho will not adorn
the fc'.illows Hint day , ' If at all. A q'leer
legal point has been raised in connection
wltli the ease , and the attorneys for the de
fense are straining every nerve in trying to
secure a remission of a part of the scnU'iico
on account of It. Tlio grand jury Indicted
Cumberland on two charges , manslaughter
and murder in tlie first degree , the killing of
old man Robinson resulting , according to the
statement of the defendant , from a quariel.
' 1 he killing of the son hid no such esteuu-
aUngolrcunistance , and this accounts for tlie
two-fold indictment. When Cumberland
was brought Into court he entered a plea of
' guilty as charged In the Indictment. "
, ludgo Decmer , before whom the case was
tried , sentenced him to be oamred at the
time above named.
The case has now been taken to the
supreme court on an appeal , the ground for
which is that he was senteiici-d on an
ambitrnous conviction. Nobody knous , it is
claimed , whether ho meant to plead guilty
to the charge of manslaughter or murder in
the first def rce. and If he meant to plead
guilty to the former it. docs not seem right
o sentence him to be hnnui'd for the latter.
Moriwor , it he meant to plead guilty to
nub. he should be sentenced lor both , and
hen the question would naturally arise as to
vhethcr lie should be hung first and sen-
diced to the penitentiary for life after-
Mirdn , or sent to the penitentiaiy for life and
umg after be is dead. The point is one
hat no one but. a lawyer , probably , would
lave thotipht of. and is considered b.\ many
iors oM'ii to be extremely far fetched ,
ml it is of enough importance so that the
-ase lias been taken to the supreme court on
in appeal. The supreme court will not have
llsposed of U bv the 10th. and in the mcaii-
imo every wire is being pulled to induce the
governor to grant a pardon or else a change
f the sentence to a term in tlicponitentiary.
You need not despair Salvation Oil will
leal ) our burnt arm without a scar , ! ; . " > cts.
CliiKtiinu at the I'ai-pi-t ' "tore.
There are so many hiuulsnmo articles
o bo found at the Council HhtlTs Carpet
company's that combine buauty and
.Uility Hint it is an easy matter to solcct
t Christinas present that will bo useful
is well us beautiful. During- this wintry
woatliorvnat is bettor than an eider
down comfort ? Or laeo curtain * ) , silk
urlains , chenille portiors , silk portion ; ,
Madras curtains , Swiss curtains , China.
kii , Smyrna rnjfs , Surnccn ruys. 13ra-
/iiian riiry , inoquotto rii s , velvet rugs ,
fur ruys of all , utirpot sweepers
and door mat" ?
And all of these j/ooas nro fold at
co t , not only for Chriatmiis , but duriujj
the lioliduy- ' . People out of town , just
\\vite for prices.
Opal rings , Wollmairs , o31 Broadway.
The snow and cold wo ither doas not
dimmish the doniand for acraao In tlio
K loin tract , ii ! miles east of the pjst-
ofilco500 ; acres yet for sale in from one
to ton acre liMds , .suitable for fruit and
garden. Day & lloss , ujjents , Ji'J Pearl
\\ulelic , .
M-cnrat solid fjolil watches , elaborate
engraving , line stem winding , nicldo
movement , $15.00 , tit Robinson Bros.
Driosbtich's is the cjnly place in town
whoio you cnn get genuine homemade
Christmas sandy , pure and made fresh
6 very day. 317 Broadway.
Diamonds , AVollman's 531 Broadway. S.ile.
At the BOSTON STOltU ,
Council Bluffs , In.
Solil the ItriMvntiiiU. .
Sheriff Ila.-.eri sold the Kd M. Brown stock
yesterday afternoon at the store room on
Kroadway , where it has been stored ever
since the night after Ilia failure , when it
was brought to this side of the river. There
were three bidders , the firms of Oironowcg&
Sehoeatgen of this city. Pax-ton ii G.illaglier
of Omaha and C A. Sharp. The ball was
started rolling ba , bid of. ? - > 09 , but it rap
idly ran up to . . .Vj : > . where it stuok , that
being Sharp's last bid. Eli Hrown , a brother
of ICd Urown , was present , but took no part
in tlio bidding , but as soon as tha stoc'c was
knocked down to Sharp ho stepped up to him
ami offered him tflOO for his bargain , which
offer was at oaeo accepted. The price paid
is considered a VCIT good ono In grocers ,
the appraised value of the stock being slbOO ,
If you have piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel
salvo will surely euro you.
Silverware , Wollnwn's.S ; ! ! Broadway.
Don't fail to view the ton head of
cattle at Muscliendof's : raent market ,
bought from Swift it Co. , the iirm that
donated the big ox to tlio Chuutnuqun
last snmmor , arid tcstilied on the wit
ness stand last week that all tboir catllo
were inspected by the United States in
Turkeys , l ic.
Geerio , lUJc ,
Ducks , I'-'ic.
Chickens , Sc , to nil comers , nt Mos-
chondorf's incut market , ! ! ! ! ; { Broadway.
I'urs. l-'urn. 1'iii.s ,
See the line at the Huston Store.
Mulls from Hlo ) to $15.00. The largest
line and the best value in the west.
Council Bluffs , In.
10-carnt solid gold watch , elaborate
engraving , fitom winding , niolo ! movement -
mont , 811.00 , nt Robinson Bros.
Cold spectacles , Wollman's , 5U ; Uw'y *
For wnrmlnir guest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our gus heatiji-s are just
what you want. Look at t hum. Glean ,
convenient cheap. C. B. Gas and Eloo-
trio Light Co.
A line line of holiday goods , juvenile
books , choice perfumery and fancy arti
cles of all kinds nt Doll G , Moi-'gan &
Co. 'a drug store , 71U Lower Broadway.
No doubt tlio most complete stock of
linu holiday novelties is at Davis' , the
leading druggist and parfumur.
See those oil heaters at Swaino's , 737
Broadway , _
Umbrellas , Wo' 1 man's , 534 Broadway
Carl Burhorn. successor to 13. Bur-
horn , has the only now jewelry stock in
city. Many holiday novollios.
Do you smukoV Jluvo you tried T.
D , King ft Co.'s PartugasV It's u
charmer , Just light ono ,
Uourt NoU-x.
The case of Gordon against Kaln , which oc
cupied about three weeks In the district
court this term , was linally completed yester
daj , all thu evidence being taken and one of
the arguments of the attorneys made. The
rest of tlm arguments \vlll bo iiuulo this
morning , and thu catti will then be sub
mitted. At 1U : ! ) p , m , Judge Smith will hear
thu ovldcnco In the contempt case of the
state agaiust Gem-go II. McscUeiidorf , To
morrow morning the Union elevator eases
will bo brought tin for a hearing npon two
motions which will Involve the entire facts
of the controversy. In the afternoon the
court will give the convicted prisoners their
Christmas presents In the shajx ? of sentences
to the slate penitentiary. There will be o
vacation of four weeks at the close of this
25e for n box of Heccham's Pills worth n
guinea. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jewelry , Wollmnn's , 634 Broadway.
llolliliiy Untult ,
Kvorythlnp in the holiday line con-
colvnbloin Iron , wood , bisque , etc. , to
bo found on our counters.
KOTiiniiiNoiiAM , WIIITKI..AW feCo. ,
Council Bluffs , In.
Solid Nll\rr.
Solid silver spoons and forks , host
manufacturers , $1.23 per ounce tit Rob
inson Bros.
Diamonds , Wollinnn's , 534 Broadway.
Wanted Cash olTor for ton shares
Citizen's Stnto bank stock. Must be
sold. Address E. H. Sheafo.
Special Christmas cutlery sale on
Cole'sclcun clipper pocket knivesrazors
nnd shears. Cole's , 41 Main street.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. H. A , Cox , No. 4 Main.
Brighter than gas , cheapo1 ; than elec
tric light nnd ns beautiful as a rirouin
those new art lamps at Lund Bros.
Don't forgot the dunce after the can
tata at Hughes' hall tonight.
Watches , Wollman's , 531 Broadway.
tnlvroslltig I\ : < T < -M < M I'lilloucil hy tlio
Auuril nf lloMiir.lry Mriltts. :
The closing exorcises at Crelghton uni
versity for the Christum hollday\ occurred
i csterday afternoon and proved a more In
teresting event. Miny Men-Is of thostu-
lents , were present. The program eotu-
nencod with music by the univeisity or
chestra , after which A. .1. Goa 1011 rendered
a "Christmas Carol. " H. C. McSlnin then
declaimed "The Uoys , " this boltiy followed
by a "Christmas Hymn" by the stuJents1
choir. A recitation by T. I'1. Leo came
next and "A Christinas Holding' ' by A. .1.
Davis and a baritone- solo "Mahogany Tree"
by C. A. Hoffman concluded the entertain
ment. All the students acquitted them
selves well and gracefully , displaying much
talent in their various linos. Mr , Hoffman
responded to all encore with a second solo.
The orchestra was conducted by Hov.
Father Ferdinand Mocllcr , director of music.
Tlie distribution of premiums was made by
lev. Father Hoeffcr , president ; Rev. Father
John Do Sehryock , vice president , and Hev.
Father James Gillick , professor of languages.
The leaders in thu different classes
inarched on the stage in turn and were given ,
medals and badges according to their prog
ress in their studies during the past quarter.
As the wlnncis of the class medals were an
nounced , there was great applause , in which
the defeated aspirants joined heartily.
In the class of rhetoric the class medal
was won by Patrick MclClllip. Other
students receiving honors were James Dalv ,
Albert Kinslcr , John Murphy , Philip Me-
In the class of poetry the class modal was
won by Richard CCuss Honors were re
ceived by Maurice Donegan , Ambrose
( Joaron , Arthur Houscr , John Ilelwis , Law
rence Connolly.
In the cla'-s of htmnnitics the class modal
was won by Thomas ! - < oe. Honors were re
ceived by Charles Stuart , Thomas F. Kelly ,
Thomas Burke , Adrhn Burkard. Thomas
Smith , Thomas McCarthy , Daniel Lee ,
Charles Barry , Walter Powers , Austin
In the first academic class , the medal was
won by Jesse V. Owens. Honors were re
ceived by James Hart , George Murklo.Vil -
11 im Phelan , William BoekholT , John Dolan ,
Peter Gillespio , Michael Hart , Carl Hoffman ,
Fj\ink T.oey , Leo Lowry. Lemuel Mahon ,
Joseph McKillip , Joseph O'llanlon , George
Gleason , Louis Bushman.
In the second academic class the medal
was won by Kcnworthy Muckloy. Honors
were received by Joseph Brennan , William
Leahy , John McDonald , Ed MeShanc , Wil
liam O'llanlon , Harry Furay , Percy Me-
Gough. Thomas Morris , Ernest Powell ,
Thomas McSh.tne , John Finnlan.
In the first division of the third academic
cluss the medal was won by Ferdinand
Ulewo. Honors were received by John Van-
dor Beck , Guy Furay. D.m E. Murphy ,
Joseph Kgan , Edward Hamilton , Edward
Iletick. James Bowes , Joseph Flynn , Timothy
Sullivan. Wilfred Smith.
In fie second division . of the third
academic class the medal was won by Pat
rick Martin. Honors weio received by Bart
Neville , Thomas Barry , John Coszrovc ,
Frank Coylo , William Gannon. Kdw. Hayes ,
Paul Martin , Robert McWilli.ims , Harry
Post , William Tyrroll , Edw. Kennedy In
this class Masters Martin and Neville were
equally proficient in their studies and it was
accessary for them to draw to determine
v > ho should get the class medal.
Hi-union of tlm IieiiHI < l.u-h-s of llio I.ute
Kcrli-s < > T IEe\lv.iH.
The reunion of the converts of the Mills
revival meetings at the Young Men's Chris
tian association rooms last night was an
ideal affair of its kind. Every arrange
ment had been made to entertain all comers ,
and there were many. A committee sta
tioned in the hallway gave a cordial recep
tion to arriving visitors , who were
speedily relieved of their hats and
overcoats nnd made to feel at homo.
The. event of the evening was an
athletic exhibition in the gymnasium by
Messrs. TnfHcld , Meyers , Read. Harmon ,
Vail.Stelnhanser , Brotchio. Boid , Nelson.
Rogers , Ships , Engler and others. The
gymnasium was crowded and the entertain
ment met with marked approval. Down
stairs the visitors were entertained la the
reading rooms and parlors. Quito a number
of prominent business men were present to
assist in making the reunion a success ,
which it proved in every sense ,
lift tor for
Tlio defense began in the Leigh toy case
yesterday morning and the experts for the
prosecution were given something of a set
back , it being conclusively shown that cer
tain signatures , Identified hy them as those
of the prisoner , were made while ho was
absent on his run , The case was closed
after the Introduction of a few witnesses
and the lawyers made their arguments.
It Cures Coldi , Coujhi. Bore Throat , Croup , Influ
enza , \7booplnp Cough , BronchitU and Aitbma ,
A certain cure for Coniumpf'in in flnt ttacet ,
and a lure relief in advanced ( tagei. Vie at once.
You will ice the excellent effect after taking the
first dote. Bold by dealers everywhere. Largo
bottlei 60 cent ! and 41.00.
Funeral Director , Embalmer.
114 Main Street ,
i Council Blulls.
on the Dollar
AI ?
BOUGHT AT Sheriffs
6Oc on the Dollar
Is Being Rapidly Closed
9 S3 Vi
408 and 4O ! Broadway. - Council Bluffs , la.
Weatonjj ,
Catarrli or
Rheumatism ,
Chronic ,
Nervous nr
Dr. Searles & Searles
DR. F. L. SEARUES , Consultlm Physl-
clun. Graduate , of Itusli Medical College ,
Consultation Free.
Tor the Treatment of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases
I'IUS. FISTULA , l'ISUUK , iicrrannenlly cured
without tlio use of knife , llunturo or caustic.
.Ml ulnlailles of n prlvnto or Uellcato nature , of
either sex , iiosltlvcly cured.
( all on or niMreBs , nlth etnnip for Clrculpra , Free
IlooL and Itctlpes , v
] 1S South 15th Ptroot ,
Ollliifllf , .Vc'/J.
t Uo'orto roatolllco.
Every Man whose watch
has been rung out of the bow
( ring ) , by a pickpocket ,
Every Man whose watch
has been damaged by drop
ping out of the bow , and
Every Man of sense who
merely compares the old pullout -
out bow and the new
will exclaim : "Ought to have
been made long ago ! "
Itcan't betwistedoff thecase.
Can only be had with Jas. Boss
Filled and oilier cases stamped
with this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch CasetoVJ
1'hlladelphla. - „
WcJIrnne ] nnU huvo thjtjni oxumliio 1 l > y o ir optlcltn
reo of rhitrun , nnJ , if nu'ossiir .tltto \ritli 1 u pair of
thu bout In thu norlA , If jomloiiot niMil ulii
wo Hill ti'llynu u invla IvH'j you wlut to do. ( JOI.I )
1'lHln , Binuku , bluu or wUttDClHS Cs , for iiroteutlu thu
rji'ii , 1 rom &w u pill r u | > , > >
Max MeygJ ? & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Opticians.
I'limam und 1'lftocntStrcut
Special Sale lit Reduced Prices
During December ,
Fplccs. Oaainii ; , Color , Itccker * . Now Style
Illouka , rtirnacos uiicl UuiiHlimis , Muit KuoUb ,
boitlffi unO eprlna Ilaluncus , llutcliuri' Coats.
{ rocks , Us [ u , u tc.
D. H. McDaneld SL Co. ,
820-822 Main St. , Council Dlulfs , la.
, & * IR. $ M ir-1 JiviwaSBJ : jfc.
Ono ot tlio most successful physicians in
Omuliu today Is Dr. ( \ ( < cu Wo , who for tlio
past two years li is boon doliu more cootl for
biilTerlii iiiiiiiauHy than all other specialists
Intlio country ,
Tlm doctor enn successfully treat you by
mall , anil euro you. as lui has ilouo thousands
of others , with his wonderful ( Jlilnuso ronie-
dlt's. Jo not delay until your dlsuasn Is bc-
yon I all lie ID , but write to him If you cannot
call upon him at once , unil ho will ulvo you his
candid opinion of vour case. Examinations
free , iinU It will cost you nothing to consult
with him. Question blanks sent upon applica
tion. Address
AddressDR. . C. CE WO ,
019S ! N.lClh St. , Omaha
- T1IE1 -
Ladies' ' Perfect
The only perfect vnclnnl
nnd rcc'tnl syrlnno In the
It IK the only Syrlnco ov
er Invented by which vn.-l
nal Injections can bo ad
mlnlntcrod without louk-
Inuand Bolllne the cloth
liiK or nucorHltatliiK the
usu of n voascl , nnd which
can | BO bo used for rectal
Injections or Irrigation.
MnllordiMB solicited.
The Aloe & Pen-fold Co. ,
75i Sfroof ,
I'ltyHlclatiB * prescrlptlona
nccnrntely prepared nt
low prices.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 Hooms nt 12 , M per dny.
tO Hooina nt fl.OO per dny.
SO Itronis with liHth nt $ j 03 per day.
tO llooiua with liutli ut to { I V ) por.dny ,
Alotlvru in l v
vNo ly l'unilslicil Tlir
C. S. ERB , Prop.
FAUN AM ST. , Between ICth nnd 10th
flavin ? iissunied the inauniroinont of the
Merchants llotol , I will make such Improve. ,
menu ami chaiiKcs as will niaKo this housa
ono of the best at which tostopln Onuili.t.
ThoreiiulriMiionts ant wants of .ill p ttro'i
will Lo c.uofullv allondo I to llaln ; mil
contriilly loj.itn.l tha hotel oirjrj [ ) .Mlil : ut
tract'onsto the ti.ivollnf pablLA contlnu
iincoot pitionnzu Is rain out
fully iiblicd. W. A. I'AXl'ON , JR
UMAIU , Hoc. 1 , 1SX' ,
HapK ,
v. sji / os77'o/er. OMAHA ,
i.apital . $1 ( ) ( ) , ( ) ( ) (
Surplus .
.i in _ ti
Olllcorsund Directors llcnry W.Vatoa , prosldont-
H. C. C'uihlnx , vlco prutldanti 0. B. .Miuirirai. W. V
Mornu John d. Colllin , J. N , H , 1'atrlck ; Lewis S.
Kued , fuihlcr.
IlLill UUvAml
W all the train o
comiinnr them In inon QUICKLY aril I'CH.MA.
NK.STI.V CUItKli Knll HTHKNdTII nd tonu
Klri'ii loevfry part of thu liodj. i will eon I ( nu
carnly | 'ic < adl KIIK1 ! 10 nny aulToror tiltiroicrlp. .
tlon tlut cured mo of lliotto trotiblu * . AddrjgJ , it.
I'roirHUI lor tliu Delivery ot Jro tu tlio City
DfOinalm fur the Year 18ICI.
Hn.'ilod blda will bo received at the city
coiiiptrollor'b olllco uu to ! nVIooU p. in. , Ue
eeniuur''ith , Ibu ? , for the delivery ot icn to the
ultv ot Omiihn for the your 16'Jl , Certlllf
ulicokot ( Ifty ( JJO ) dolluri to iicco. pany encl
hid , The rl/ht IB reserved to rulect unv or ul
bids. Til ISO. OsiN [ : ,
, December ITtb , Ibia Comptroller.
"Yon nndiitiful. extravagant sonVo ! tolil you
To co to Plorcc s and get your shoes
And suvo your money. Now , we'll show you
How n couple of pairs ol Plorco's can
Kick. Kick him. inn ! Take that an' tluit
An' that nn' that ! "
Tills poor boy la not the only ono who is
Hoing kicked for not going to S.
A. I'lerco & Co.'s Great Hargnln Shoo Slorc.
Every person who has bought a pair of shoes
At any olhor place during the last two
Weeks is kicking and asking to bo kicked.
The rush for Holiday Slippers continues
and the former low prices re'main until afteil
Christmas 6Oc , 76c , S6c , $1OO , 1.26 , $1.BOV
$2.OO , $2.6O.
Our special low prices on Ladies' Find
Shoes $1.26 , $1.6O , $1.76 , $2.OO , $2.60 , $3OO ;
$3.6O and $4 OO.
Large stock of Ladies' Over Gaiters at 6Oc ,
75c , $1.OO , $1.26 , $1.8O , and Arctics , AlaskasV
Rubbers , Felt and Beaver Goods lower thaii
the lowest.
S. A. "PIE1RGR & OO. , 100 Main St.
More sold than nil others combined , Do not bo deceived by imitators or 't
those claiming to have almost as good a machine. Buy only the SANDWIOH
CORN SHBLLiBR and ho protected by direct guarantee from reliable manufac
turers. You can always depend upon our repairs being hont in stock by all local
dealers. Apply for our agency , Send for catalogues and prices. SANDWIOH
MANUFACTURING CO. , Council BluffIowa. .
"Absolutely iiio Best Made. "
"A Delicious Medicated Con-
IVclioii" for the relief cf Coughs ,
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and
for clcmin the voice. Ior pale by
nil Druggists and Confectioners.
Packed in full two ounce packages ,
Price 0 Cents. If you ntc iinahlc to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets
uoiii your dealer send us G cents in
stamps ami receive a box by mail.
Mode by the manufacturers' the
celebrated Pomona Fruit Jnicc
Council Bluffs , In.
( l tt-orilo.VS-at-liw. ; i'r 10
J tloo lii tlio btato .mil .
fo.leial unurls. I'ooms aoO--b-9 , HlitiKart
block , Council Itlull'j , la.
1 lit onco. btendy work. Vendor i buii. WJ Mnln
iJHMl i\CllANiK-A ; nlc lioiiiaon H. "tli ntrsot
neurtitli uvouue , clear of I'ncumbr.inco , fur liomu
IniiiMulin. Iliinifoin I'lio.i or KUIIIUJJ I'licj nro-
furruil.'lll put lnH,5)JUIIjrjiuj. ; ; liroauililuli ,
Mcljohon , V Co.
Ij'OllKXCII VNISK ( ioucl4 room hniina on Soutli
1 Eth itruiit for Inn I ( Iroonvlilelil i , Nlciioliuu A O > > Kami uii'l cltjr property
liouiilH nnd nun , I'lisoy li Thorn u , Counull
FAIIM inn ) city loins. Munqv lonnuil on ntoa't
mid urnlii , Itcil oJlntu for n.Uo. Divclllni tin j
Inulnoi n'nfils. Miniuy loinuj fur local Invfslurj ,
l.ouii'ut'lowlUijIi ! lt' | rl tlrout.
GH ACH.S ! ! upper llroitilira/i epo'ili ! | | | plao3 for
plnttltiKi uhaJi > for cus'i ' , or will itxo'iin3 fo , *
laipiounl roJl'lunoo ' pruuartla Uouncll ilhilti
lirocunlilulili. Nlcliolaon A Co.
A.S'I ) KltUlT Innl ; rlctiint an I mo t
l.uiuilirvil . Irnrt III I'otturatta-nlo oiunty : ui
V'nturprliu 1'l.ioj ; II vu or ton aero Ion llr.Mi
aliloUla. Muliolaon , t Co. , li'JI Uromlivay. _
\\TK WANT ton uoroi of IHII I within llvo inlloi of
city. Iiun'l euro | IO\Y rouxti II Is. ( irojn
hlulili , Nlcholvoii \ Co.
ENTKItl'lllSIC I'l.icp. for frails or
iiiburbnn lioiuea , line aero loin , twenty
from motor linu. ( ireoiuhUiMi , Nlcliolton , V Oo.
IS l''AHMS to nxclunuu for liou-o * nnd lou or
itood vacant lota.'I ucrjj of nlujfunlJM laal
for eiilo ut tJI pur ucru. Jolinnton X Van I'ntton.
UUrrPAUM-lmiiruToil , nuilloaiidn half from
tliu poM&MIco , .1 iiLTjt ; & room hums , Ht.ible
Will eic'.iuu o for rosMsrioo in Council Illuili ,
ililuliU. NklriU'j i .V c'o ,
I1.'hi ACItlCSmi ; nilli ! from rlty , "III Hell ut cut If
taken tali ttoelt. lirufinliloliti , Mcholron ft Co
"TO CIIOK'i : lotH In Mnynn uiiilltlon iio'ir t'aiit fnd
< J < jf thu nu ' iMliTslulo LrlUk'u. Will null In Imncnea
or uln ly. ( ituirKe .Mutcalf. Cuunrll llluttH.
MONIrAVn In U. A. Pirlor * , nliliilrjn , 4 n. in !
mliilu , 7JJ ; P. m. SocUU miuoaj nu fourtU
.Monrtuyt. Up. in. MunlcfurnUhiil partial nil clnlii
Aililivm It , A. I'arloriCouncil Hlnirii.orlOJl Kuranu
tt. , Unialu. W. I ! . Clia nbj-5. Initructor ,
G AIUIAOU removed , cuupoola. vo'ilti uul
rldiunuyi clJAiiuI , li. I ) , liurio , ulty UM { .
\\rANTKI ) To buy nnltalilo counter * line ! nhe
J ' Int : for llr t clans dry ccuilt nnd tlothluK roe
' Ja ) A Hum , Council lllull ,
-L oua
Unlt'Ml Stntps AliirnUnl's Sale ,
In thorlroiilt court of tlm United States for
Ihn ( linnet of Nubrnslia :
A'sernon S. I'.itrlok vs. I'rwln Davis Xo. S33
O.I'ubllc notice Is liorliy clvon that In pnrau-
ancoand by virtue ot nn alias order of court
Issued out of above n imcd court In nbovo eri-
tltlcd cause. I , ISnid I ) . Slauulitcr , United
States marshal for llio district of .Nebiaslin ,
\\i\l \ on the oiKlitcontli tiny of January , A. D.j
I8il : , attholioui'of IIMI o'clock In tlie forenoon
of said dny. at thu fiont ( north ) door of the
county court house of Kno\ county , Nebras
ka , In the town ot Mobr.ira , Knocounty. . No-
n , soil nt public unction , as the law di *
reels , to the hlKhcsl and best , bldilurs , all the
richt , titlu and Intoiest of the nfoniMild Krwln
Davis In nnd to the following lands nnd tone-1
incuts , to-w t :
N ' 4 of sc4 , twp.11 , north of ranjo II , west :
and n " 2 u o 'f nnd o 'J a o 'i ' of sco" . und the
s w"i of sec : r > . In twpiil. north : all of r.mco a.
Most of the dlh p in. anil the o ' , ' of seoill in.
twp ! 0 , north of ruiiKO " . west ; mid tlio H ! 4 of
the H w 'i of KUU" . and llio u l ; of the n w4 ! ot
see II , anil thus w ' 4 of thu s w 'j of HUU II , and ]
the n o 'i of sou 1' , nnd the s w 'i of sco 11 inl
twp.II , north of range. 2. west : anil thu 8 c H 6fl
soi1 I ! ! ) . : ind 1 ho w > of sv \ ' .j of sco 111) ) , nnd the u' '
w'Of sue : t > , in twp 'I1 , noith , all of ninno L'.i
west : and the n ' 3 of sco 11) ) . and the s w U oC
BOO 111 , and then w > t ofsceSO , mid the w li of ,
MJH IS , , inil the no U of sec.'II , In twp ill , north !
of runnoH.cst ; nnd the s o 'i of t-uu'i. nnd s w.i
4 of scu I , iin I the n o 'i of mie'nnd the n oU' '
of h w > i. and the \v 'J of s > v 'i of sou' ' , and then - '
n w 1.1 of s o ! i of see ' . ' , and the n ' ,1 of a o U of
seot. ; In Iwn'J.i , noith of rmto.'l : , wust ; nnd the
s > , ' of sco 15. and the n w 'i ' of BOO 2 ; ' , and the n'
'i ' of s w > i. nnd then 'j of n o Uof seu' , in twn
I' , north of rnnjQ.l , west , and thee ' / of see 8.
In twp III ) , north of nmco- ' , west ; and Ihnv ! J'
of n w 'i , anil th"1 w > } ' of a w ! i of too. . ! , In twn
I" , north of r.ingo' ' . west : and the s ! i of seou.
In t.\\i. | ( ) . noith of rin/o' ' , uest ; unit all of .sco
; r. In Uvplll , north of L' , west ; mill the n
w ' 4 ot see 7 , twp 2' ' . ranso : i. west : mill
llio s'J ' of see. : rj la twp. ; w , north of raii'jo
'I wost. nnd tlie w'.i of boc. ' . ' ! > , nnd the sji of soo. )
'II In twp. ill , IIDI th of ranxo : i went , and tha
s' ' { of sw ' 4 , nnd tlio sV > of so'l of soc. . . and the
n',4 of sec. ' . ' " . and HW'i anil nisM of seo. a. ' , until
the nw > i nnd nw'i nnd so'i of sec , 17 , nil Ih
twp. ill , north of ran o II west ; und the ii ! { of.
mv'i ot see , I , und ne'j ' of see. 4. and nlJufriw ;
' of sec 8. and no'4 of soc. I' . ' , nii'I noH and H *
. of sco. ( I In twp -'J. ' noith of ranco it wosty
and o'/i of HW > 4 mid w'J of so'i of nee. 1) ) . In twp.
'II. north of ranso il wosl , nil bituuled In Knox
county. Ncbinhli.i. i
The sumo havlni been heretofore lovlod
upon by vli tun of a w rl t of attach men t Issued
out of the district court of Kuox county , Ne
braska ,
Said s'tlo Is to Kiitlsfv a jtidumnnt of Haiti
United btiiles circuit comt obtnlncd nt ItH
.lannnry term. IMH , In f.ivor of AlRornoou H ,
I'atricK , und auulimt llmHiild Ki'wln I ) ivls.
I1UA1) ) I ) . SI.AUGll I'KK.
Unltrd Ptatcs ! Marshal. Dlstrlutof Noor.mlcru
JOHN \YmiHTr.ii , Attorney forplulnllir.
cUO-iU-ao 15-13
In coinnlliinco with the Htntiitosof thontnta
of Neb. Insuch cube * niado.ind providednotloo
la hereby Klvpii ihnt Huuled nropus il will Do
received ut the olllco of commlsslonur of pub-
llo lands and bullilIngM until U o'eloolc p , in. ,
thti Hist day of December , IH'.IV , for
the fnrnlehlnx of supplies for the
liiailer endiiu .March ill , 1'U'I , for tlio hoi1-
pUiils for the uiH'ino ut Lincoln , lldstlnen ami
. \oifolk , the IndiiHirlal Kuhnols at K'earnow
and tleneva , tlm instil utu fur the blind ut
Ncbiuslca City , the liiKtltuto for the dunf nndi
iliiinb at OiiKihn , llio liiBtltnlu for the feeble
minded at Itautrlcc , thu soldlois' homo at
Grand Island , the homo for the friendless no
Linen n , and the Indnstiliil home ut Mllford ,
Kulimites c in bo pioctued by upplylnjr to
ilitlm > tltiiilons ,
o bids will be considered unless In by tlio
tlnm hpuollled uhovo.
The Uo.ird icccrvcn the rlKhl to accept o
roloct unv or nil bids.
All bldK must bo inndo In duplicalR ,
A. It. llllMI'IIUnV ,
iiloiHir of 1'iiblle Kunda and llnlldlnga.
I.lncoin , Doc. ' . ' } , Ib'J. ' . d.t'dl'Jt
rrriiiikalH lor HID Deposit of FuniU of
4/lly ol Oimilui.
Hea'e I bids wdl bo received at llio c ,
comptroller's o'lleo ' up to 4 o'clock p , in , . le *
com ! or " 7th , Ib'i4.1 ' , for the best rale of Interest
Jor llio Uhl ) of funds bulonjlin ; to llio city of
( ) inihu : for tlio pet lodx of one yo ir In coinpll-j
unco with section I'M ot ( 'Inirtcr for Metropolis
Ian ( . 'Hies. Aeuitllled chock III the mini o (
one thousand itl.ouj ) dollniH will lie rcniilrctt
from bidders uu u vuar.inlt'U of itood fullli. Al
FO an iillldiivlt of p ild up capital Dlotnc. Thu
rUht ; Is rihiuveil to reject unv or all bids. ij i
Til ICO. < JISiS' : , Comptroller. j
Oinulm , December l"lh , ISO. ; il'J.dlit )
.Vollci- .
Notice IH hereby tjlveii thai Ihe iilinniil mcoN
Inuoflho hlorkholdeih of ( ho Onmlm 1'nloil
Di'pot company will bu held at llio olllco of thu t
I'ldon llepiit cdiniiany , ut tlio hcud < | ituiforty
of the I'nloii I'urlllu Hallway company , In the
city of Omaha , on HID Oth day of Jiinnaryi
IhOil , lit 3 o'clock p. in. , lor the election of ul < |
ircloih und liunsuotlonof any oilier buslntS *
thiit.inuy It-gully rome before IhoineutlnK , '
T. I * . KIMUAU. , I'rcMdcnh
Oinuhu , December 20 , IbUJ , U21U20 > /